#Megumi and Yuuta are fun characters
voxofthevoid · 11 months
I genuinely cannot believe there are people arguing Yuuji isn't the protagonist of JJK and that it's Megumi and/or Yuuta.
Develop a single fucking brain cell, I'm begging you.
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hinamie · 1 month
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bunch of portraits
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philosophiums · 1 month
I have given into peer pressure.
Below the cut is my un-referenced, not proofread, off-the-cuff thoughts on the main JJK characters and their tendencies to have traits that contradict themselves, which not only makes them more rounded characters but also creates a really interesting situation in which characters have mirrors and foils not only with other characters, but also with themselves.
The point of this post is that the characters in JJK are complex. None of them are one-trick ponies and all of them contain multitudes and have, at least once, contradicted themselves and their beliefs.
Might be spoilery? I tried to keep it vague enough that it shouldn't be, but read at your own risk if you're anime only, I guess.
The Obvious One: Gojo
Gojo is "the strongest." It's debatable, I think, whether or not being "strong" is a personality trait, but he makes it his defining personality trait. (And I'm not here to do a Gojo character study, so for my purposes, it will be viewed as one.) Obviously, The Strongest is a title given to him by others, but he fully owns it and believes it. This is his identity; it's how he views himself, how he handles himself, and it is a preceding reputation that he gladly leans into. It's not a mask he hides behind, it's a flag he proudly displays on his ship to warn others of exactly who they're dealing with.
It makes sense, then, that Gojo's self-contradiction is that he has the biggest, most obvious weaknesses of all the characters in JJK. The first of these weaknesses is his knowledge of how strong he is. Toji exploits that weakness in the Hidden Inventory arc, and it almost costs Gojo is life. His second weakness is, very simply, Geto. Kenjaku exploits that weakness during Shibuya. Interestingly, Geto is a victim of Gojo's first weakness (Gojo is so self-assured that he seems to extend that assurance to the people around him, thinking that they are "as gods" like him just for being in his presence, and therefore he does not pay mind to Geto's spiraling), and exploits his second. He, better than anyone else, knows that he is Gojo's weakness, and he uses that knowledge to do everything he does before and during JJK 0 without repercussions.
Gojo is framed by himself and by many characters within JJK as being the "savior" of the jujutsu world, but in many ways he was, in fact, its downfall - because of his strength, and because of his weaknesses.
The Main One: Yuuji
Yuuji is the king of contradictions to me. Not all of it is within himself, and in fact a lot of it occurs because a large part of the plot is happening to him instead of the other way around, but he has one dichotomy that I do think is All Him. Yuuji defines himself as a cog - in his thoughts, he has been used and beaten down for evil already, so why not just be used for good as well. He thinks of himself as expendable and easily replaced; a foot soldier in a war being fought by titans. At some point, his goal stopped being to follow his grandfather's last request and instead turned into the simple act of persevering for as long as he can just in case anyone may have need of him. In a way, his outlook and perspective on everything became rather bleak and inhuman - quite literally, as, again, he views himself as nothing more than a cog.
And yet, for someone who has claimed his only purpose is to be used to kill Sukuna, everything Yuuji does is so achingly desperately human and is born out of his own desires to save people. Every other sorcerer has a CT or a fighting style that disconnects them from their foe - be that ranged attacks or weaponry - but Yuuji uses his fists. It's raw and almost savage in a way that is unavoidably intimate and human. He says, "Use me," (and, don't get me wrong, he is used) but even the act of offering himself negates the connotations that revolve around being used and shines such a lovely warm human light on him.
Yuuji doesn't push people away. The other "strong" characters isolate (Gojo has infinity, Yuuta literally fucks off from the narrative, Geto fucks off from jujutsu society, etc.), but Yuuji hoards people and connections (and yes, those become weaknesses, but the thing is: they become strengths, too). Sukuna takes Megumi away from him, but that just makes Yuuji more determined to kill Sukuna and get Megumi back. Everything he does is out of love, and he has a drive to do what he has to in order to save (or avenge) the people he keeps close. That's not exactly cog-like behavior.
The Fandom Discourse: Megumi
In my opinion, of all the characters (but especially the first-years), Megumi is the logical character. Especially when it comes to his job as a sorcerer (fighting and killing curses). He is knowledgeable about the world of sorcery, the most book-smart of the first-years, and he is smart and methodical when he fights.
He is also the only character who has openly admitted that he really only cares about saving the people he wants to save, as opposed to the general rhetoric of saving everyone. He's selfish, and he's not shy about it. Even he doesn't try to rationalize it; it's just part of who he is. Logical, methodical, smart, but also deeply, truly, selfish when it comes to where and how he expends his energy and efforts.
And yet, he is also the character who is most willing to die. Now, before half the fandom jumps down my throat, I don't mean to say that he wants to die or that he is constantly trying to - I'm just saying that he is willing to. (Obviously, Yuuji is also a character who is willing to die, but Yuuji is only willing to do so if it would also kill Sukuna, and he is determined to stay alive until such a time. Megumi, on the other hand, doesn't have a similar end-goal ultimatum for death). Yes, he comes at dying from a logical point of view, and yes, he only ever brings martyrdom into the equation if he feels he has no other option, but he has no hesitation when he reaches that point. And you (he) can rationalize self-sacrifice as much as you want to, but that is a very emotionally driven response, regardless of the situation. It's a last stand not only for himself, but for his friends, his family, the world. It's the end of the line for him, and it's something he is willing to do if it means taking out his opponent and making the world safer for everyone else - not just for his "select" people.
He is willing to run away from a fight he cannot win, but he is also willing to do something that he knows for sure will kill him if winning and running are no longer options. And I know that not everyone will see these things as opposites or all that detached from each other, but, to me, intelligent and methodical fighting does not naturally go hand in hand with, essentially, grappling your opponent and jumping off a cliff with them.
The Favorite Child: Yuuta
Like Gojo, Yuuta has access to an overwhelming amount of power. There's no doubt that when it comes to raw energy, he is the strongest sorcerer in his generation. He's exceptionally skilled when it comes to fighting and is often able to get by on simply overpowering his opponents (truly, much like Gojo). He doesn't embody being strong, though - he knows that he is, but it's not something that he considers a defining trait for himself. Instead, Yuuta's whole thing is that he has a tendency to shoulder burdens that other people won't (much like Yuuji, actually) (also it's kind of funny because of all the characters in JJK, I would consider Yuuta to be a "cog" way more than Yuuji, but that's a whole other thing). Yuuta is willing to be a monster, to make hard calls and suffer the consequences, because he has internalized what everyone keeps telling him - that, after Gojo, Yuuta is now "the strongest."
Which means that Yuuta also needs an equally large weakness to balance out that power. But where Gojo had arrogance (and his boyfriend), Yuuta has innocence. There's this pure sort of worldview that Yuuta carries with him that completely counterbalances the part of him that is willing to get his hands bloody. He has this youthful sort of hopefulness and naiveté that if he does the dirty work and puts in effort, then things will work out in his favor because they must. If he is sincere, if he shoulders an unbearable mantle, then everything will be fine simply because he chooses to do so. He does things because they are right and just, and he wants to believe that the universe will acknowledge that and be fair - even though he wouldn't have to do these unnamable things if that was true.
The Less Obvious one: Nobara
Nobara doesn't have a lot of screen time compared to the others, and specifically not a lot of time spent planning for/fighting in the "big fights," but she has one thing that the other characters don't have: self awareness. Nobara is the only character who knows what her contradictions are - she even says them out loud.
She wants nothing more than to be a normal girl who is into fashion, who could be a model, who does her hair and her nails and her makeup, who goes on dates, who has a lot of money and spends it freely. That's her ideal, that's her goal. But that's also who she is right now. She dyes her hair, wears makeup, is feminine in all the ways that would mark her as a girl to strangers on the street, goes shopping and buys too much and makes Yuuji carry her bags. She likes being girly and doesn't shy away from it.
But she is also, and I mean this with all the love in my heart, a feral little gremlin who is willing to bash people's skulls in with a hammer. She's brash and rude and loud. She takes up space and is unapologetic about it. She's vicious on the battlefield. She's not afraid to get bloody, and she hates being viewed as a damsel in distress. She's strategic in her fights, and she uses the fact that opponents underestimate her to her advantage. And she knows all of this, too, and she likes it.
She's self-actualized <3 No notes from me; I love my girl.
Anyway, that's it KSJDBVJKLDFVBJKDFVB There's no real point to this. I'm not saying anything profound, I don't think. This was all just a thought that I had, a little thing that I noticed, and I was bullied (affectionate) into sharing.
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sn4kebites · 4 months
all jjk does is stress me out. manga im in an extremely toxic relationship with
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chiarrara · 7 months
Goth Megumi teaching his kinda normie bf Yuuji how to do proper goth dances(i just want them to be happy)
lmaooooo goth!megumi be like, just follow me:
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......buuut okay. so as much as I love a goth megumi hc/au, I don't actually really see him as goth. mostly because he's so fundamentally a loner in my eyes, so I don't see him participating in subculture at all since subculture is, at it's core, social
I can accept a goth!megumi ONLY IF there are other characters who are goth as well. So that would mean:
- a goth Maki, his older cousin who introduces him to goth music (potential, but she's such a jock)
- a goth Mai, in a similar role (much more likely)
- Muta (Mechamaru) is aaaabsolutely goth (but would Megumi hang out with him outside of a group? unlikely)
- a goth.....Toge? (not impossible. except Megumi doesn't respect him. so that leaves....)
- goth!Yuuta. the only one Megumi actually respects, and let's be honest, the one who's got the most clear path to being goth in canon (even if he is a little sunshine boy.....sometimes. under different circumstances, I could totally see him hissing at people in the hallway)
FINAL ASSESSMENT: I could see a little goth posse of Yuuta, Maki, Toge, Mai, Muta (some smattering of other kyoto kids, who cares), Panda can tag along too why not, and Megumi kind of inheriting a position in that group like a little brother.
Then meeting Yuuji and falling for his cheesy jock ass and having to defend himself lmaooo. They could do a little Grease thing or a reverse Breakfast Club or something hehehe
(side note: goth Mai vvvvv)
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uzurakis · 4 months
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featuring: gojo satoru. geto suguru. fushiguro megumi. yuuta okkotsu. itadori yuuji. (characters are all aged up)
NSFW MDNI. what kind of e-sex do they each prefer?
n. should be doing my other reqs but.. i gotta do what i gotta do (they say). have fun <3
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you found yourself staring at your phone screen, nerves fluttering as you tapped the icon to start the video call. you had been waiting for this moment, wanting to share something special with gojo, someone who meant a lot to you. as the call connected, you held your breath, hoping he would pick up.
suddenly, his face appeared on the screen. his expression changed from casual to surprised as he took in the view of you.
“how’s my darling doi—whoa,”
holding the phone up so he could see every inch of your cunt, hands already covered in some sticky substance, your fingers slipped down and down again. how embarrassing, he wasn't even with you there, merely over the cellphone, and you couldn't tell how many times you had hit your climax.
“oh my, all for me, you lil’ slut?”
“too slow for my liking, ya know that?”
that increased your arousal in some way, as your yearning fingers sank into your walls for the nth time. taking a quick breath and repeating the speed he had previously wanted you to do, as if it were his, curving them precisely.
“i’ll keep making ya do that ‘til i come home later, alright? then show me what you got, darling.”
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suguru: 1 missed call
you chose to call your boyfriend back right away after he called, not sure if it was a serious call. he answered the phone, but didn't say anything until you noticed what was going on. the rustle of fabric and the faint sound of his breath hitching didn’t quite cover the sound of his hand sliding up and down his length. your mind raced, trying to comprehend the situation unfolding through the phone, a mix of confusion and anticipation settling in your chest.
“fuck, missed ya so bad princess,”
“can’t help it.”
now your body was heated, the feelings arise, growing stronger with each groan that came out of his mouth. your fingers moved on its own, paving their way to your clit, those fingers of you played with your pussy. the constant spiraling inside made you aroused.
“keep goin’ just like that, yeah.”
one of your digits quickened to match the pace he started moving at. though separated by distance, drew you closer, your own breaths and moans growing shallow as you felt the climax getting you.
“��bouta cum, suguru..”
“let me hear you, princess.”
“so fuckin’ good for me.”
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your phone buzzed beside you once again. with a sigh, you retrieved it, torn between ignoring the distraction and feeling compelled to check the message. glancing at the screen, annoyance flooded you, it was merely another mundane notification—or not. it was a message from your boyfriend.
baby yuuji <3: 2 attachments
sliding into your messages, there were two videos, with the bedroom linen as its cover. once you played it though, hands slowly going up and down his length, displaying his cock. seeing very carefully as he wax his length with the amount of cum he produced.
“ah–shit, look at what ya make me do, pretty.”
he was calling your name with a moan when you turned up the audio a little. he seemed, irritated? suggesting to you that he had likely been playing with himself all along, maybe waiting for you to be at his side.
“god, wanna feel ya cunt so baad.”
same with the other video, he was all over you while stroking his length and groaning out how you’d make him feel good. you felt like he was testing your patience, the sensation rushed to your every body and goes down to your stomach. maybe it’s time for payback.
you: 1 attachment
you: just as you like it <3
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you found yourself sinking into the depths of boredom as the hours dragged on. searching for a distraction, your gaze fell upon your phone resting on the table. unlocking your device, you navigated to the camera app. with a playful smirk and a dirty mind, you started experimenting with different angles and poses, ones to send to your beloved boyfriend.
you: hey megs, guess what i’ve been up to ;)
you: 3 attachments
you sent three images of your tits; two with your hand groping them nude, and one with your bra on—in an attempt provoke the man. you were aware that you were playing a game against him when you teased him in this way, since he has a tendency to drop everything and come to screw you over.
when the "delivered" became "read," your brief bliss gave way to a null sense, and to your amazement, he didn't even bother to fucking respond?
what comes next, then? you opened your camera once more and took some pictures of your cunt with two fingers inside of them. you thought to yourself, this will definitely catch his attention.
you: 1 attachment
you: need you inside me, stupid ‘gumi
emo boyfriend: typing…
gnawing down your lips when he finally saw the texts. then a reply came up, didn’t imagine him to answer that fast this time.
emo boyfriend: fuck you.
emo boyfriend: stay there, i’m coming over.
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the familiarity of the day was broken by the sudden buzz of your device, signaling a notification unlike any other from your boyfriend. curiosity piqued, you tapped on the message, only to find a voice note waiting for you.
without any expectations, you pressed play and his voice saying your name filled the room. but as the seconds passed, your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. it wasn't just a usual audio message; instead, noises of worked breathing that eventually turn into moans and groans.
“can’t stop thinkin’ bout ya, god,”
“can’t help myself.”
your heart raced as you listened, the voice note seemed to stretch on for an eternity, each moment amplifying your embarrassment. when you listened to the 30 second audio clip again, you noticed how he was pumping his cock, and the last thing you heard was a loud groan of your name as he released his climax.
“fuck, fuck, fuck—“
“please come over, baby.”
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@uzurakis — reblogs are very appreciated sweeties xp
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maya1525 · 6 months
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Pairing✩࿐Fem!Reader X Satoru Gojo, Ryomen Sukuna, Megumi Fushiguro, Yuji Itadori, Yuuta Okkotsu, Toge Inumaki, Kokichi Muta & Kamo Noritoshi
WARNINGS✩࿐unprotected vaginal sex, males take turns with Fem!Reader, choking, rough sex, male virginity loss, language, cream pie, group sex, cursed technique during sex
Word count✩࿐11k
BONUS✩࿐Someone loses his virginity to the reader in front of everyone. The reader gets fucked by two guys at once (both in her pussy), Sukuna awakens when Itadori’s turn is up, and the reader gets fucked in the air.
Summary✩࿐Fem!Reader has three minutes to suck one of our JJK men’s dicks blindfolded. Once her time is up she has to guess whose dick was in her mouth. If she guesses correctly, she gets to choose the position to get fucked in. If she guesses incorrectly, our gentlemen get to choose.
A/N✩࿐This is part 4 of my JJK series, reading the previous parts isn’t necessary (but it is appreciated) my works. I cut this fic down in parts if you want to skip to your favorite characters, their individual posts are linked to my works. When Sukuna speaks in Itadori’s mind, that will be in red.
I hope you enjoy the game I incorporated in this fic, it was fun to write! I’m planning on making another part! They’ll most likely be threeways or one-on-one time with the reader. Quick scroll down if you don’t want spoilers! The reader gets fucked in this order: Machine, blood guy, honored one, sacred treasure, guy with a lot of brothers, Malevolent Kitchen, salmon with his bestie.
“The game is quite simple.” Gojo stated in a matter-of-fact tone, “You’re going to be blindfolded and will have to guess which man's dick is in your mouth. If you guess incorrectly, the man gets to choose which position to fuck you in. If you guess correctly, then you get to choose the position. To keep things interesting, you’ll suck dick for three minutes and get fucked for seven.”
You nodded your understanding as you sat on the large and cushy futon in Gojo’s apartment. He had planned on fucking you alone tonight, but your boyfriends wanted in on the action, plus they thought it would be a good idea to invite two of their friends, Mechamaru and Noritoshi.
You felt your cheeks warm up with excitement, never in your life, you’ve felt so deeply desired before. Everyone’s eyes were on you, especially because you wore a revealing teddy one-piece. Satoru bought it for you, and it complimented your figure perfectly. He even put a stunning custom collar on you, with a diamond-covered ‘S’ on it.
You couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed to be this exposed in front of Noritoshi and Mechamaru. You were familiar with both of these men, but you were still getting used to human Mechamaru. Muta was on the leaner side compared to your boyfriends, he had sharp features and a large and noticeable scar on his upper cheek. While Kamo on the other hand always seemed like a strong and serious leader among his comrades. The thought that he yearned for you just as much as your boyfriends, made you wonder what he would be like when he fucked you. The thought made you anticipate his turn.
While you thought about those two men, your eyes were subconsciously drawn to both of them. Noritoshi sat on the far side of the sectional, his heated gaze stared you down hungrily. Beside him sat your boyfriend Megumi with a starved look in his midnight blue eyes. Next sat Itadori, he eyed you with such desperation, that it looked as if he was going to jump off the couch any second to get to you. Next to him sat Satoru smugly, his eyes gleamed playfully in your direction. Beside him was Muta, he eyed shyly with a faint blush on his face. To his left sat Yuuta and Inumaki, Toge was leaning into the couch comfortably, his violet-colored eyes sparkling over your stunning body with admiration and Yuuta had a similar look of awe on his face.
“Ok Y/n, I’m going to put this on you if you’re ready,” Satoru murmured, his gorgeous blue eyes gleaming down at you, while he wrapped his black blindfold around your eyes.
You were shocked at how you couldn’t even see small streams of light through it. You had always assumed that it was sheer fabric and that Gojo could slightly see through it, but you were mistaken. Satoru’s amazing Six Eyes technique is one to behold, he certainly is the strongest jujitsu sorcerer.
“OK, now that her eyes are covered, I’m going to hand each of you a playing card. Whoever draws the highest card gets to go first.” Satoru explained nonchalantly, as the sound of him shuffling the cards expertly made itself known in your ears.
After a short moment of listening to each man shift on the couch to get their card, Gojo spoke. “Now let’s reveal our cards.” You heard a few small sighs of excitement from some of the men, and you also heard some hisses of displeasure, assuming that they would have to wait a while until their turn.
Soon enough your ears picked up on the sound of someone coming towards you. You felt this man's warm hand gently caress your cheek. His fingers were nimble, could this be Inumaki? You quickly ruled out the guys you knew who had larger hands. You heard him fumble with his zipper as he struggled to lower his pants. He’s probably nervous… you thought.
You felt the head of his dick softly rub against your kissable lips. You decided to examine his cock with lips, as you brought your right hand up to his shaft. The girth of his dick wasn’t familiar. He seemed to have a very thick cock. You felt your pussy warm up with want at the width of this man’s shaft.
You grazed your lips along the left side of his penis. You managed to get a whiff of his scent, he smelt like clean clothes with a hint of light and airy cologne. His scent wasn’t any of your boyfriends… so you promptly ruled out Inumaki from your mind. Inumaki smelt fresh with a more detectable fragrant cologne.
You brought your mouth back to the tip of his dick and gave him a sweet and juicy kiss. You immediately felt the head of his cock ache towards you.
“Mmh-“ he whimpered from his throat. You could already taste his precum on the tip of your tongue. You greedily latched onto his thick and delicious rod. You sucked him off masterly, you made sure to lap your tongue on the underside of his cock in the process. You felt his fingers tangle into your hair impulsively.
“Ahh-“ he groaned quietly as he lost himself in the heavenly feeling of your mouth. He struggled to stay quiet and you were able to hear small barely audible moans escape from his lips.
He looked down at your beautiful face sucking his dick so perfectly, he’s never felt something so wonderful before. A faint blush crept across his face, it felt slightly embarrassing that he was experiencing this in front of his friends. The other males flashed him smirks and gave him slaps on the back of encouragement.
The way you moved your lips and tongue around his cock felt absolutely heavenly. He found it difficult to keep quiet with your hot mouth working on him.
Without meaning to, you whimpered onto his dick, due to the thought of how hot this situation may look. You couldn’t help but feel yourself dampen even more. You began to grow more impatient, you wanted this man to fuck you already. His small sighs and groans of delight didn’t help much either. It turned you on even more, you could tell he was trying his best to not make any noise, but your sinful mouth made that impossible. Suddenly you felt his hands lightly pull your face away from his rod.
“Has it been three minutes already?” You spoke out quietly.
“Yeah.” He whispered.
“So I’m guessing you’re… Mechamaru?” You questioned as you lowered Gojo’s blindfold from your eyes.
You were greeted by the pleasant sight of Kokichi standing above you with a desperate look on his face. His cheeks had a faint pink tint on them and it seemed like he couldn’t catch his breath.
You smiled up at him triumphantly, “Yes, I guessed it right!” You beamed up at him cutely as you rapidly guided Muta down to the couch. You maneuvered yourself so you sat on his lap, and he stammered underneath you nervously. You helped him unbutton his shirt and traced your dainty hands across his lean body. You didn’t want to embarrass him in front of the other guys, so you brought your mouth to his ear and whispered ever so quietly, “You’re a virgin aren’t you?”
Mechamaru gasped with surprise at your bold question, “Y-yeah…” he said softly through his teeth.
“Then I’ll ride you.” You murmured seductively as you licked the shell of his ear, causing him to quiver underneath you. You noticed his hands were respectfully at his sides, so you gently guided them to your waist. His fingers slightly fidgeted against the lacy fabric of your lingerie. “Have you ever kissed anyone before?” You muttered in his ear, while your hands trailed their way down his torso. You’ve never felt so dominant before and you were loving the power you had over him.
“No, I haven’t.” He exhaled, as his sharp brown eyes stared at you with an insatiable hunger.
With that being said you delicately pressed your lips against his. He froze up with shock as you kissed him. He didn’t move his lips against yours, and you noticed he was holding his breath. You tenderly kissed his upper lip so he could kiss your plump lower one. His mouth moved cautiously as he got used to the feeling of kissing. You brought your other hand to the back of his neck and tangled your slim fingers in his thin black hair.
Kokichi was ecstatic to share his first kiss with you. He admired your soft-spoken and gentle personality. He secretly thought that you were the most alluring girl he’d ever met. He felt a prick of insecurity because you had three boyfriends though. He wondered if his lack of experience would deter you. He feared that you were only kissing him out of pity.
On the other hand, you thought the opposite; when it came to romance you were typically the bottom. Now’s your chance to take the lead and corrupt this innocent man right in front of you. Your hand grabbed ahold of his thick rod and you rubbed the head of his dick against your clothed pussy lips. You enjoyed the friction of the head of his dick brushing against your clit. You were able to quickly feel his precum dampen your underwear from the outside.
“Will it even fit in there?” Muta questioned sincerely, with a genuine look of curiosity on his face.
You flashed him a mischievous smile as a wave of encouragement set flame in your veins. You swiftly pushed the fabric that covered your pussy lips to the side and lowered yourself onto his raging rod. He was one of the thickest dicks you’ve ever taken and he stretched you out almost painfully. Mechamaru let out a surprised groan, you felt his fingernails dig into your waist as your tight pussy enveloped him entirely.
“Fuck…” Muta hissed under his breath, you were incredibly tight and wet. Your juices soaked his dick once he was completely lodged inside of you.
“Mmm-Mechamaru…” You moaned out at the delicious feeling of his rod being wedged in your horny hole. The slight ache of his broad dick straining your cunt, quickly melted away into hot pleasure. You began to swivel your hips against his sexily, loving the feel of his dick jolting around inside of you.
You studied Kokichi’s handsome face as you ground yourself onto him. His narrowed brown eyes gleamed lustfully into yours. He clenched his jaw with focus as he began to instinctively hump his dick up into you. His hips moved sloppily due to his inexperience, but that didn’t bother you. You loved his enthusiasm and how he was visibly enjoying you.
Mechamaru was on cloud nine, he would have never dreamed of this ever happening; his whole life he knew nothing but pain and suffering. His previous disabled and broken body prevented him from having a comfortable life. Every day was agony and he knew he’d trade anything to just be normal; so when that miraculous opportunity made itself known to him, he accepted without hesitation.
Right now in this very moment, Mechamaru was fully relishing in you. You looked like a beautiful angel in his eyes, especially because you made him feel such amazing bliss. His gaze lowered to your glorious bouncing breasts as you hopped on his dick like a bunny. You noticed his wondering eyes and guided his hands to your squishy boobs with a seductive smile. He held them in awe as if they were the most precious things he’d ever had the experience of feeling. He leaned forward and crashed his lips against yours with heated passion. He was speechless at how incredible you felt, and he felt an unfamiliar urgency in his lower region. Was he about to cum?
Even though you were in a room full of other guys, and their starved eyes burned holes towards the both of you, they all melted away. You had your full attention on Mechamaru. The way he bullied his dick up inside of you made you whine uncontrollably. You had no idea that he could have such a girthy and appetizing cock. Muta gripped your hips firmly and began to bounce you on his dick while he pounded you ruthlessly.
You were taken aback by his sudden strength and power, which caused your pussy to leak all over his length. Kokichi felt you dampen tremendously while he took control, which made him quickly realize you enjoyed being manhandled.
“Oh, yes!” You moaned out in delight while Mechamaru fucked you good. Due to how saturated you were, his cock slid in and out of you scrumptiously. You lowered your mouth to his neck to leave little possessive marks on his flawless skin. You knew for a fact that you’d love to enjoy him again.
Kokichi couldn’t handle it anymore, you felt so inviting to his horny dick, and he burst deep inside of you and choked out a surprised moan. You felt his cock throb as he shot his first spurts of cum into your slippery walls.
“Mmh-Kay you two, it’s been seven minutes,” Satoru announced huskily from a few feet away. Reminding you that there were other men watching you two like hungry wolves and they were patiently waiting their turns.
You didn’t want to stop though, not till you came on his dick. But to your disappointment, you felt your body float off of his and back onto the futon. Mechamaru’s dick shown slick with a mixture of your arousal and his cum. His meaty rod rested tiredly on his thigh. You still wanted him to dick you down. You glared over at Gojo, whose glowing blue eyes gave his cursed technique away.
“Aww don’t look at me like that. The time limit makes things fair.” He chided as a handsome smirk danced across his face, “You’ll get dicked down soon enough.”
Your gaze lowered to the large and noticeable tent in your teacher's pants. You glanced back up to see him smile knowingly at you. He leaned over and brought his blindfold from around his neck back to cover your eyes. Having him so close to you, you were able to catch a whiff of his seductive scent, you secretly hoped that Satoru was the next guy who’d have a turn at you.
Once you were situated on the futon properly and blindfolded once more, you felt two strong hands guide your face forward. You felt the head of a hot and ready dick pressed against your lips. You instantly deep-throated this man, you wanted someone’s dick to fill you up already. You brought your hand down between your legs to pleasure yourself. Not being able to orgasm with Mechamaru made you desperate for release.
As soon as you felt his penis hit the back of your throat, a low and surprised groan escaped this man's lips. You felt his cock throb against your uvula, causing you to gag slightly. With your other hand, you trailed it up his clothed thigh and rested it on his firm hip bone. This man seemed to have a more muscular build, with well-defined abs. You then maneuvered your mouth off of his rod and down to his testicles. Your slick tongue lapped at his heavy balls, and you gently coaxed his right nut into your mouth to suckle on. From this position, you felt his lengthy dick pulsate against the left side of your face.
The man above you growled in pleasure, you felt his gruff hands pull at your hair tautly, causing tingles of pleasure to shoot up your spine. You switched over to his left nut and began to slurp his ball into your mouth. You playfully tickled his nut with your tongue, causing a muted hiss of satisfaction to come from the man above you. Once you were done making love to his balls, you sensually dragged your tongue all over his lengthy dick. The man above you tugged your hair with approval while you licked him like a popsicle. You felt him pull your face away from his crotch, making you realize it must have been three minutes already.
“Are you Megumi?” You questioned as you lowered Satoru’s blindfold.
“I’m afraid not.” Snarked Noritoshi with a mesmerized look in his eyes, his robes were opened messily as his long dick stood up proudly. “But thanks for the wrong guess gorgeous, now I can finally enjoy you the way I want.”
Without warning, he abruptly flipped you on your side and wedged his knee between your thighs, forcefully spreading your legs apart. This gave him a perfect view of your slick core. Noritoshi expertly flung your left leg over his broad shoulder, so your legs were opened at a ninety-degree angle. He hastily moved your panties aside and plunged his rod balls deep inside you. Being invaded so suddenly made you cry out in surprise, you instinctively arched your back and clawed at the plush futon below you. He filled you so deliciously, you could feel your pussy clench around his dick with red-hot desire.
Kamo plowed himself into you relentlessly, each thrust jolted your petite body roughly. Despite his harshness, your cunt enjoyed every second of him inside of you. You felt his hand grip your jaw so you were looking at him. He lowered his body closer to yours and pressed his lips against yours ravishingly. His tongue slithered against yours with passion, while his hand rested around your throat. He squeezed your airway lightly, making you gasp for air in his mouth.
Noritoshi pulled his face away from yours to look down at you slyly, his hand still firmly pressed against your neck. You looked so perfectly slutty in Kamo’s eyes. As he choked you, a strand of drool slipped from your plump lower lip. Your cheeks were flushed and your captivating eyes drew him in like a moth to a flame, he could grow addicted to you. He loved how innocent and angelic you were in public, but behind closed doors, you were such a seductive little vixen.
As Noritoshi fucked you aggressively, the other men who watched intently were growing more turned on. Without realizing it, you locked eyes with Fushiguro, who stared at the both of you with a burning look of desire in his midnight blue eyes. You knew that your boyfriend was on board with Kamo railing you, and the three of you were planning something special for next weekend.
Kamo rammed his cock into you with immense power, causing you to whimper out with ecstasy, earning your attention. “Mmh- Nori- ahh!” You cried out as his other hand snuck its way to your clit, rubbing it in fast little circles. Sparks of electric pleasure ran through your body at lightning speed.
“Say my name,” Noritoshi grunted in your ear as his dick continuously invaded you.
“N-Norito-shi!” You moaned as his cock hit that deep delectable spot inside of you. You couldn’t help but get lost in pure satisfaction. You felt your release bubbling up to the surface, Kamo’s persistent rod kept bullying his way into you without faltering. Noritoshi’s sharp gray eyes were clouded over with lust, and his black hair messily fell in front of his face. He normally kept his bangs wrapped in white fabric, but on this occasion, you were blessed to see him with his hair down. Sweat glistened on his exposed torso, making his body look as if he was glowing.
“Damn…” he hissed in your ear, “you’re going to make me cum fast.” He growled as the power behind his thrusts became more erratic.
A tsunami wave of ecstasy exploded within you and you released yourself all over his dick. Which sent Noritoshi over the edge, he made sure to shoot his load extra deep inside of you. Lost in passion he crashed his lips against yours. Your lips moved against his with hunger, while you felt his hands caress your body possessively. His dick pulsated against your welcoming walls as the final strands of his seed emptied into you. You enjoyed being this close to Kamo.
Suddenly, the alarm on a nearby phone went off, signaling that Noritoshi’s turn was up, just in time. He carefully removed his spent member from you and helped you up into the sitting position. You could feel the mixture of his and Mechamaru’s cum slip out of your used cunt.
Noritoshi closed his robes and sat back down next to Megumi while keeping his satisfied gaze on you. Fushiguro whispered some words of approval to his friend.
You obediently put the blindfold back over your eyes and anticipated for the next delicious cock to come up to your lips.
Soon enough, you heard the familiar sound of someone undoing their pants right in front of your face, and quickly after you felt the warm and firm feeling of a dick asking to enter your wet mouth. You obliged and greeted him with soft and sweet licks. You trailed your tongue all over him, making sure not to miss a single part of his shaft. You nuzzled your face down to his balls and guided them into your sultry mouth one at a time. While doing this, you could hear his quiet sighs of delight.
His dick seemed to feel hotter the more you worked on him. You brought your mouth to the head of his shaft and worked your way further onto him, the head of his penis hit the back of your throat rather quickly. You curiously brought your hand up his length to see how much more of him wasn’t able to fit in your mouth. You were surprised at this man's size, you could easily jerk him off into your mouth at his impressive length. He felt all too familiar…
You pulled yourself away from him and swiftly changed your position on the futon. Now your back was against the comfortable cushions, you angled your torso up slightly so you were able to rest on your elbows. You angled your head back and opened your mouth, as ready as ever. He’ll be able to fit down your throat easier now. This man eagerly inched his dick into your mouth and down your throat, now you were able to fit him entirely down your throat. Panic bubbled up inside of you, due to the lack of air you were able to take in. But you’ve done this before, and you knew you could handle it, so you calmed yourself and alternated between sucking and breathing.
He looked down at your sexy little body in approval. He could see the outline of his dick in your throat and it made the collar look even sluttier. To this man, your appearance was that of a magnificent goddess. Every time the two of you made eye contact, he’d hold his gaze slightly longer and secretly memorize every beautiful detail about you.
You felt his large hand caress your jaw and neck lovingly, but this was more like sweet torture due to his massive size. His fingers trailed down to the bulge of his penis in your throat, and then he fondled your tits teasingly. Earning a muffled sigh of delight to come from your throat and around his cock. Due to gravity, you could feel your drool drip from your mouth, to around your nose and onto the blindfold.
Suddenly the quiet and familiar sound of the alarm went off nearby. He reluctantly pulled himself out of your tight and pleasant throat. You could never forget a dick this size, you knew who exactly was in your mouth, “Satoru.” You croaked out hoarsely, due to your throat being stretched out.
You felt warm fingers lower his blindfold from your eyes, and you were greeted by Gojo’s charming smile, “You guessed it. Now how do you wanna take your prize?”
“I want you to fuck me in the air.” A split second of surprise flashed across your teacher's face but was quickly covered by a hungry smile.
“As you wish.”
With that being said, you were immediately floating in the air alongside Gojo. The both of you hovered over the futon so that everyone could see what he’d do to you. He pulled you into his broad chest and guided your body over his lower region. You were able to feel his sprung dick press against your slick cunt. He hastily removed his shirt and smashed his lips onto yours. His tongue teased yours while you felt his hands grip your waist securely.
“I wish I had more time to tease and enjoy you, but we’ll have to make this a bit brief.” Satoru groaned into your ear as he burrowed his extra large dick in your pussy.
Being claimed so suddenly made you moan out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. “Ahh- I missed you!” You blurted, causing you to blush at your confession.
Gojo smirked slyly at the hot and bothered expression you wore, “Mmh, that’s a good girl, missing daddy’s dick, like you’re supposed to.”
Satoru smiled at you wickedly, while he effortlessly bounced you on his rod with such brutal force. Each time his cock was fully inside you, small whimpers and moans would be forced out of your lips. Your adorable pleas rang like music in Gojo’s ears, he relished in the fact of fucking you so scrumptiously in front of the other guys. As a matter of fact, why not put on a show?
Gojo briskly flipped you around, and now you were facing all of the other males in the room. You heard him reach into his pocket and to your shock he attached a leash to the collar he gave you. He pulled the leash taught so your airway was slightly constricted. Satoru’s speed and force increased as he pounded himself deep inside you. Each stroke of his cock sent waves of ecstasy throughout your body, you felt drunk off his dick.
Everyone got a more than perfect view of their teacher's exceptionally lengthy rod, stretching out your wet little snatch. It was an incredible sight to behold. Sure enough, you noticed that each male had sprung and horny dicks, pleading to leave the confines of their pants. Even Mechamaru and Noritoshi were hard again.
Gojo sneakily brought his right hand down to your crotch and began to rub your clit in an overstimulating way. Your body melted at his touch and your pussy dampened uncontrollably, as if a pipe had sprung a leak.
“You’re such a little slut, getting so wet for me while I fuck you in front of your boyfriends. That turn you on, babe?” Satoru murmured in the crook of your neck, then biting down gently. His sultry mouth on your sensitive skin caused you to arch your back with ecstasy. His teasing fingers on your clit, became too much to handle. You were pushed over the edge and drenched his dick in your release as a heavenly moan spilled from your lips.
“Mmh, yeah cum for me baby,” Gojo growled lowly, he could feel his orgasm coming on. Each thrust of his dick felt more powerful than the last, he lost himself in your tight and slippery cunt. His cum erupted inside of you vigorously, you were able to feel the copious amount of liquid shoot into abundantly. He bounced you on his dick, making sure to milk every drop out of him.
A nearby timer went off, notifying both of you that Satoru’s turn was up. Gojo sighed and popped his dick out of you, as soon as he exited your pussy, you immediately felt empty without him. To your surprise, none of your teacher's seed spilled from you, he must’ve shot his load extra deep in you.
Satoru lowered you down to the futon with his technique and helped cover your eyes with his blindfold. He sat himself back on the couch with a lazy smile on his face. Damn, he could never get tired of you.
You then sense the presence of another male standing in front of you. The familiar sound of undoing his pants in front of your face made itself known. He set both of his hands on each side of your face, as he thrust his hips forward. You opened your mouth obediently and felt his hard dick slip into your mouth and down your throat. The sudden feeling of him that deep in you, caused you to gag a little bit, but you still sucked him off hungrily.
He gently pumped his hips against your mouth, and you submissively held still while he face fucked you. You had a strong feeling that tomorrow you won’t have a voice. He tugged on your leash, causing you to slightly choke around him. He briefly removed himself from your slippery mouth to give you a little breather. In return, you softly sucked the tip of his dick. You swiveled your tongue around his sensitive head while jacking him off with your right hand.
You then opened your mouth up wide and let him pump his dick down your throat. Your jaw ached slightly, but you obediently kept your mouth open for him. With the leash still pulled tight, he fucked his hips against your face harshly.
The other men who sat on the couch watched as he face fucked you brutally. You were constantly choking and gagging on him, and they were amazed that you let him treat you so harshly. You were certainly well-trained. The man’s eyes rolled to the back of his head in sick pleasure, if he kept going he’d finish in your mouth.
This man then pulled himself from your mouth to give you a little break, you leaned forward and kissed his shaft softly. Your kisses trailed from the head of his penis to the base. All while you left juicy kisses on him, you were able to feel his dick ache towards you with want.
Suddenly the timer went off, you were too busy leaving kisses on his cock to think of who this person is. “Umm, Itadori?” You croaked out with uncertainty as you brought the blindfold down. You locked eyes with your boyfriend Megumi.
“Sorry sweetie, but that's a wrong guess. Now go straddle Inumaki and Yuuta. I wanna fuck you overtop them.” Fushiguro stated nonchalantly, as he helped you up off the futon. You couldn’t help but blush at your boyfriend’s request, it seemed almost mean to tease them like that. Nonetheless, they were your boyfriends too and you were curious about how this was going to play out.
You settled yourself so Yuuta’s left leg and Toge’s right were between your thighs, the both of them eyed you longingly. Hopefully, soon it’ll be their turn, it looked as if Yuuta couldn’t wait any longer. You felt Megumi fondle your ass with approval as he placed the head of his dick at your moist entrance. Without delay, he pressed his hips against your bubbly ass cheeks. His cock was angled into your pussy in the most delectable way, a needy whine escaped your lips in response. Moaning so cutely while looking at Toge made him want to snatch you from Megumi’s grasp.
Fushiguro leaned close from behind and whispered in your ear, “Go on, kiss them.”
He didn’t have to tell you twice, you immediately sent your lips crashing down against Yuuta’s while you tangled your fingers in Inumaki’s platinum locks lovingly. Yuuta kissed you back with so much affection, he needed you then and there, but he’ll have to wait his turn like everyone else. His lips moved passionately against yours, while Fushiguro set into a steady rhythm of plowing his veiny rod into you. Each thrust caused you to lurch forward, making it a little hard to keep yourself steady. You found yourself hanging onto Yuuta’s shoulder for balance. You then switched over to Inumaki, whose violet-colored eyes grazed over you friskily. His lips collided with yours hotly. You felt Toge’s hand sneak way onto your thigh and began to tease his nimble fingers on your soft skin.
Fushiguro burrowed his dick into you so perfectly, he placed both of his hands on your slim waist to keep you steady. Every time his hips met your cheeks, loud clapping sounds would echo through the room lewdly. You couldn’t help but moan wantonly, you were loving the fact that you were able to enjoy all three of your boyfriends at the same time. Okkotsu guided your face back to his, he desired your attention. Your lips tangled with his seductively, while you felt his left hand rest on your hip, right below Megumi’s hand.
“I think their dicks need a little love,” Fushiguro grunted out from behind you. You hastily tried to undo the button on Yuuta’s pants, but doing it one with one hand was a little tricky. You felt him smile against your lips and helped you out, soon enough his hard and needy dick sprang free from its confines. You quickly brought your other hand down to Inumaki’s pants, and he helped you unbutton them as well.
You brought your palm up to your mouth to lick it for the extra lubricant and then did the same to your other hand. With Fushiguro holding you securely, you no longer need to grip Yuuta for stability. Your soft hands gripped both of your boyfriends' hot and eager cocks. You pumped them in union and admired the flushed looks they shared. Inumaki thrust his hips toward your hand instinctively, while Yuuta shuddered with delight.
You completely forgot that you still had the leash on, until Inumaki gently tugged on it, in order to have you kiss him again. He pulled you close and the both of your tongues wrestled with each other. You pumped your hands on their shafts with more desperation, you heard Yuuta moan softly in response. Fushiguro then reached forward and took the leash from Inumaki, he yanked it harshly causing your airway to close up. His thrusts became more powerful and his dick slid into you scrumptiously. You felt him bite down on your shoulder possessively, knowing that he would leave a nasty mark.
You couldn’t breathe, but you didn’t care. Even though you were suffocating, the pleasure you felt from Fushiguro’s heavenly dick made you drunk on ecstasy. Inumaki took his hand from your thigh to your sensitive clit, he knew exactly how to touch you. His sneaky fingers rubbed your clit at electric speed, making you cry out helplessly. Yuuta placed his hand on your plump breast, squeezing it softly. He teased your pebbled nipples, as they shook vigorously from every thrust. Sparks of hot bliss shook you to your core, you knew you couldn’t last any longer due to the overstimulation.
You were quickly losing feeling in both your hands due to the lack of oxygen, but Megumi was almost there. He clutched the leash tightly while he pounded you ruthlessly. It was sweet, sweet torture, and you couldn’t handle it anymore. The combination of Inumaki’s teasing fingers, Yuuta’s sweet caresses, and Megumi’s constant penetration. You quickly fell victim to your third orgasm.
Your slick juices coated Fushiguro’s rod tastily, giving him more lubricant to plow you with extra force. He came hard and fast, shooting his milky liquid into your pulsating pussy. As soon as he released himself in you, he let go of the leash, and finally, you could breathe again. You gasped for air greedily, taking it in as if you weren’t going to have another chance.
Right on cue, the timer went off. Fushiguro pulled himself out of your comfortable warmth and helped you off Inumaki and Okkotsu. Your cunt leaked cum all over both men’s pants as Megumi guided you off of them and back to the futon.
Your legs felt weak and your cunt was a hot and sticky mess, but you only had three guys left. You can push through a little bit longer, you’re more than halfway there! You sat on the comfy cushions and lazily put your blindfold back on.
You heard someone come near your face and hastily brought the tip of his dick to your soft lips. You gave his cock a loving kiss and welcomed him in your mouth sweetly. You slurped him hungrily and made sure to swivel your tongue all over his rod. You were able to taste his precum leaking from his tip. So you lapped it up like a hungry kitten. Your ears picked up on a faint groan of delight from the man above you. You couldn’t tell if it was Yuuta or Itadori though. You beckoned him down your throat expertly, earning another sigh of satisfaction.
You held him lodged in your throat briefly, and then you pulled him out and sucked him sweetly. With your free hand, you simultaneously jerked him off in your mouth as you slurped on his rod. Then you burrowed him down your throat again.
This man carefully cupped your face in his hands while you deep-throated him. You removed yourself from his horny dick and traced your tongue all over him seductively. You licked him like a lollipop, making sure to coat him up in your saliva. You even made sure to give his balls a good licking. His slick dick arched yearningly against your cheek while you worked your tongue on his nuts.
He was rendered speechless at the sight before him. You sucked, licked, and kissed him so perfectly. He wanted to pull you off his dick and immediately return the favor.
Then the timer went off, getting your attention. You felt him step away from you, leaving your face a wet mess. It wouldn’t hurt to guess him again, soon enough you’d be bound to get it right, “Yuji?” You asked while you felt him lower the fabric from your eyes.
“Correct!” Itadori beamed down at you with a playful smile, the way his lips curved upward was contagious, and you couldn’t help but grin back. He pulled his shirt off and threw it to the side casually.
“Can you fuck me while I lay down? I’m feeling a bit tired.” You asked smoothly, batting your pretty eyelashes up at the pink-haired man.
“Of course, baby! Let me take care of you.” He hummed as he guided you onto your back. Your legs dangled off the edge of its cushions and Itadori kneeled between your thighs. His warm brown eyes gleamed at you dreamily. He rubbed the head of his dick against your slippery entrance, then he slowly inserted himself into you. Even though you were already turned on and ready to go, his gentle approach melted your heart. Once he was fully inside you, he paused and groaned out in sick pleasure. “Ohh… you’re so fucking wet.”
Itadori placed both of his hands on your plump breasts and faintly groped them. He softly moved his dick in and out of you, but quickly became impatient. “C-can I fuck you rough?” He muttered pleadingly through his narrowed eyebrows, he was clearly holding himself back. Itadori saw how aggressive Megumi was with you, but he didn’t want to overstep his boundaries.
You smiled wryly at him, “What if I said no? And you had to go slow and gentle?” You teased with an arched brow.
That fucking tease, let me have her right now.
Demanded Sukuna in Yuji’s head, but Itadori ignored him and shoved Ryomen to the back of his mind.
“Then I’d respect that, I’ll treat you like a delicate flower if that’s what you wanted,” Itadori murmured while leaning forward to kiss you faintly. “But it would be so hard to restrain myself, especially from you.”
With that being said, your pussy automatically clenched around him desperately. Feeling that, Yuji flashed you a smug grin, “I think I know what you want.”
“Oh yeah?” You said with an aroused look on your face.
“Yeah,” Itadori smirked while brutally plowing his rod into your cunt, earning a sexy moan from you. “You want me to dick you down good, that’s what- you want.” He shoved his cock into you again, this time extra deep.
“Mmm hmm.” You whined while wrapping your legs around his toned waist.
You didn’t have to tell Itadori twice. It was as if a switch went off and he rabidly pumped himself into you like a wild animal. Moans fell from your lips with every thrust, Itadori leaned down and made out with you ravishingly. You loved how special he made you feel.
You instinctively clutched onto his shoulders as he railed you, knowing that you’d leave faint scratches on his skin. “Oh, Yuji!” You whined as he brought his hot mouth down to the crook of your neck. You sucked on his skin hungrily.
You forgot how powerful Itadori was, each time he collided his hips against yours, your whole body would ride up the futon. Eventually, your head dangled off the edge due to Yuji’s mighty thrusts. While writhing in pleasure, you accidentally made eye contact with Satoru. Your teacher observed you both with a lustful look in his eye. Yuji is finally getting a piece of the action he thought humorously.
Yuji then grabbed ahold of your slim waist and dragged you back down hastily. He put his hands back on your boobs as if they belonged there and continued to plow himself into you. With each mighty thrust, he would gasp quietly for air. Which fired you up even more, his little sighs were just too hot.
Itadori looked at you with such admiration, as sweat shone on his face. You’re just so incredibly gorgeous and to top it off you had a beautiful body. He adored your sweet personality and how you interact with others. After this, he plans on asking your boyfriends if he could be the fourth.
Fuck, asking those weaklings if you could be her boyfriend. Just take her for yourself you pussy.
Itadori ignored Sukuna’s. He needs to focus on cumming soon, otherwise, his turn will be up before he knows it. He pounded into you with a sense of urgency now, making sure to hit that pleasurable spot up inside you. Small cries of delight came from your lips as you pulled him closer and kissed him feverishly.
“Cum in me.” You murmured against his hot mouth.
Those words alone sent Itadori over the edge and he pumped himself into you a few rough times before losing it. As his dick hit your G-spot, you came in union with him. Both of you shuddered in pleasure as you covered his rod with your release. He shot his clear sticky liquid into you profusely, you could feel his length twitch while he emptied himself inside you.
Right on cue, the timer went off and Itadori pulled his head from the crook of your neck. You looked up at him contently; but right before your eyes, Yuji’s kind brown eyes gleamed a ferocious red. Tattoos formed on his face and shoulders and the energy in the room shifted into an all too dark and familiar one.
“S-Sukuna.” You were pinned underneath him and had nowhere to go, you felt like cornered prey.
“I’m back for more darling.” Ryomen purred lowly, he then licked the shell of your ear seductively. Being so close to the King of Curses, caused your entire body to shiver with fear.
All the other males who sat on the couch watching this ordeal unfold before them jumped up and were ready to defend you.
“Get off- ahh.” Inumaki’s cursed speech was a futile attempt against the King of Curses. All Sukuna did was shoot your boyfriend a glare and Toge started coughing up blood.
“No, don’t hurt them!” You cried out from underneath Sukuna’s ripped body.
Ryomen looked down at you cockily, “Oh? And what if I do-“
“You won’t be able to.” Interrupted Satoru. “Cause, I’ll end you. Right here, right now.” He warned venomously.
Sukuna whirled his head to look at Satoru with a challenging smile, “Calm down Honored One,” he sneered, “I was only joking. I’m just here to have some fun with the girl. I’ll let the brat take over once my seven minutes are up, got it?”
“Only if it’s ok with Y/n.” Gojo retorted with his arms crossed.
Ryomen looked down at you with a sadistic smirk, “What do you say Y/n? Wanna enjoy me sober this time?”
You quivered nervously underneath him, the night you shared with Itadori and Sukuna was a hazy one. You were heavily intoxicated and can only recall bits and pieces of what happened. You remember getting fucked rough by Sukuna in the bathroom. You recall enjoying it, even though he was incredibly scary. The encounter was a bit fragmented though… but then again, the following day you woke with brutal scratches and bite marks all over your body. Which Inumaki was not a fan of and he told your other boyfriends in the group chat that he didn’t Yuji near you ever again.
Despite the drama, Itadori was given permission to come and to strictly keep Sukuna at bay. But it seemed that was out of his control…
“You have my permission. Only if you don’t make me bleed.” You stated trying to sound stern, but your voice wavered with fear.
“Deal,” Sukuna said with a sharp-toothed smile.
Gojo’s glowing blue eyes looked at Sukuna coldly, “Very well, your timer starts now.”
“Excellent. Now let’s get this shit off of you.” Ryomen grunted while aggressively ripping off the one-piece teddy you wore. He tossed the dainty fabric to the floor, “I’ll keep the collar on you, just because it has an ‘S’ for Sukuna.” He said lowly, while Satoru rolled his eyes to himself.
Ryomen lowered his hot mouth down to your neck. Being so close to this malicious curse felt wrong and your body instinctively squirmed with panic. His hot mouth bit down on your neck and sucked roughly, he was claiming you as his in front of everyone. Sukuna maintained his gaze toward your boyfriends while marking you, daring them to challenge him. He made sure not to break your fragile skin, his large hands clasped themselves in yours possessively. He pinned both of your hands above your head and pulled away to admire the conflicted and flustered look on your face.
Ryomen could tell that you were noticeably shaken by terror, and the look of fear in your gorgeous eyes made his cock ache for you. “It’s ok to be scared in my presence, you have every right to be.” He taunted while keeping his ferocious gaze on your pretty face, he clasped both of your wrists in his left hand and brought his right hand down to your chin. He cupped your face gruffly and forcefully placed his lips on yours. His kiss felt incredibly intense, and the hair on the back of your neck stood up. This was so wrong, but it felt as if your body was getting drawn to his darkness. You involuntarily fell under his spell and kissed him back hotly.
Knowing that Gojo was here and moderating the situation helped ease your nerves, “Yeah, just surrender to me.” Sukuna growled against your lips while you felt the tip of his girthy dick deliciously rub against your entrance. A small mewl fell from your lips and into Ryomen’s mouth, he smirked cockily. “Good girl.” With that being said, he rammed himself into you greedily.
“Ahh!” You screamed out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, you tried to rip your hands out of his grasp and crawl away, but he held you firmly.
“Mmh, don’t think you can go anywhere…” Sukuna growled menacingly. You were able to feel his dick twitch inside of you with delight. He stretched you out similarly to Gojo’s dick, but it was the sheer and brutal force behind Sukuna’s thrust, that made it sting. “Now, let’s show them who you belong to.”
In a flash; he stood you up, turned you around, and bent you over. His hands roughly gripped the slim of your waist and he bullied his monstrous cock inside your slick cunt. He vigorously pounded himself into you, each thrust had incredible tenacity behind it. Despite his roughness, your pussy squelched around him in satisfaction. “That’s my little slut, I knew you missed me,” Sukuna grunted out from behind you.
He lifted your waist in the air and walked over to Noritoshi. He practically railed you over top of him, you felt him grab your hair harshly and force you to look into Kamo’s slate-gray eyes. “Tell him you love my dick.”
Your cheeks flushed at his demand, “That’s mean. I- ohh…” Sukuna deliberately came in contact with your g-spot, “shouldn’t.” You finished your sentence with a breathy sigh.
“Don’t care.” He hissed in your ear, “Do. It.” Ryomen ordered as he viscously pumped himself into you.
You shook your head in retaliation, “No…” you whimpered meekly.
“Defying me will get you nowhere. Perhaps, you need a little inspiration.” At lightning speed, Sukuna’s muscular hand aggressively gripped Noritoshi’s throat.
Kamo was taken aback by the massive wave of dark energy coming off the curse in front of him. Having his hand grip Noritoshi’s throat, there was nothing he could do but freeze. His muscles were at a standstill still even though he wanted to fight back.
“Stop it!” You cried, bringing both of your hands up to Sukuna’s forearm. But he gruffly grabbed your thin wrists and pinned them behind your back.
“Say it, and I’ll stop.” Grunted Sukuna as he continued to push himself into you.
Kamo couldn’t breathe and he hated that his body wouldn’t let him fight back. All he was able to do was stare at your fear-stricken face as the King of Curses claimed your body as his.
“I-I love his dick.” You muttered under your breath, not looking at Kamo, as your body jolted from every thrust.
“No! Say it right. Say my name.” Sukuna threatened you, squeezing your wrists and Kamo’s neck forcefully.
“Ow!” You whined in response to the sharp pain, “OK! I love your dick Sukuna!” You moaned out and just as he promised, he briskly let go of Noritoshi’s throat. Kamo gasped in air immediately, he wanted to detest him, but his soul and body knew better than to provoke Ryomen Sukuna.
“Way to go! Now was that so hard?” The curse cooed against the back of your neck in approval, “Now let’s do the same thing to each of these weaklings.”
Before you could respond, Ryomen brought you over to Megumi, who was glaring daggers at Sukuna. The King of Curses paid no mind to him and continued to blow your back out over the top of your boyfriend. “Tell him you belong to me.”
“But he’s my boyfriend… ahh!” You cried out in hot sick pleasure as Sukuna deliberately fucked you at a faster speed.
“Say it. Unless you want him to suffocate too.” Ryomen barked sternly while leaning forward to leave a fat hickey on your shoulder, purposely overtop Megumi’s. You squirmed with pleasure underneath his molten mouth.
You didn’t want Sukuna to harm Fushiguro so you obediently said, “I belong to Sukuna-ahh!” You cried out in bliss. Why did his dick have to hit all the right places inside of you? You found it hard to be mad at the monster, because of how good he made you feel.
Despite the harsh words Sukuna was forcing you to say, Fushiguro couldn’t help but love how adorably horny you looked. Your boyfriend simply looked at you with a small smirk on his face and knew that you’d apologize and make up for it back home. He tried to lean forward to give you a reassuring kiss, but Ryomen harshly ripped you out of Fushiguro’s grasp. You were now hovering over Satoru, who couldn’t help but admire the fucked-out-look on your alluring face.
“Tell him my dick is superior,” Sukuna smirked at Gojo over your petite body. Satoru cockily rolled his eyes at his words, that was obviously a lie.
Getting railed so pleasurably made your brain go foggy, you felt as if you needed to please the Sukuna. You were his little slut now and did what the King of Curses wanted. “Sukuna’s dick is… mmh. Superior. Kiss me…” You were able to feel your fourth orgasm bubbling up inside you, and you knew you wouldn’t be able to last any longer. Satoru smiled at your request and kissed you passionately, his hand cupped your chin lovingly. But before you knew it your body was bouncing in front of Mechamaru.
Kokichi wasn’t a fan of this public display of degradation, but calming the noticeable hard-on in his pants was out of his control. He couldn’t help but get turned on while watching you take Sukuna’s dick so perfectly.
“Tell him my dick feels better.” Sukuna groaned in your ear, enjoying the way your pussy sucked him in effortlessly.
“Sukuna’s dick feels better.” You whimpered overtop of Muta, while your pleading eyes met his. Kokichi couldn’t help but blatantly check you out while having your petite naked body so close to his. Having his cock in you felt so long ago, and he wanted to have another go at you.
Up next was your sweet Yuuta. He was worried about you at first, but after realizing that you were enjoying Ryomen’s length, he was content with watching your pretty face contort with pleasure. While observing this scenario unfold, he too struggled to calm his boner.
“Tell him my dick is all you need.”
“Sukuna’s dick is all I need… mmh yeah.” You gasped out in ecstasy, Sukuna bounced you on his cock scrumptiously, and everyone was able to hear how noticeably wet you were, and that shifted the energy in the room back to how it was earlier. The hostility toward Ryomen was long forgotten and the other males enjoyed the show he put on with you.
Yuuta’s gaze met yours lovingly, “You’re so pretty.” He cooed with approval.
Lastly, you could barely hold yourself up in front of Inumaki, Sukuna released your hands and you pulled in your boyfriend for a heated kiss. “Tell him you only want my cum in you.”
“I only want Sukuna’s cum in me.” You whined under your breath, and speaking of, “Just make me cum already.”
“Oh? What makes you think you can give me orders?” Ryomen sneered from behind you, giving your ass a brutal slap. You cried out in a mixture of pain and enticement. He knew that he was pushing on seven minutes real quick. It was time to finish. His hands gripped your waist securely while he ruthlessly smashed himself into you. You were beyond exhausted and found yourself falling victim to gravity. Sukuna picked up on this and hoisted you up, so your feet weren’t even on the ground. Each powerful thrust sent his dick bullying against your cervix, making you cry out. Inumaki pressed his lips against yours tantalizingly while Sukuna demolished you aggressively. You couldn't hold it back any longer, and drenched Ryomen’s rod with your cum.
“Your pussy is too fucking perfect… you’re mine.” Groaned Sukuna as he emptied himself nice and deep inside of you.
Your lips were glued on your boyfriends, while you felt Sukuna’s dick shoot his continuous strands of seed in you. He twirled you around with his cock still lodged up inside you and pulled you close to his chest. He pressed his lips against yours passionately, “If you need a good fucking, you know where to f-“
Suddenly, the timer went off, and Sukuna’s fiery red gaze transitioned to Yuji’s soft brown one, just as promised.
“Oh, sorry about Sukuna. I have a hard time reining him in whenever I’m around you.” Itadori admitted sheepishly, running his hand through his pink hair. “I’m just glad he didn’t hurt you.” Yuji gave you a gentle hug and then pulled his spent member from your damp core. As soon as he pulled out a few streams of clear cum came running down your thighs.
You could barely stand, so Itadori swooped you up and gingerly set you down on the futon. He helped you put the blindfold back on. You smiled at his gentle treatment toward you. Now there are only two guys left, Toge and Yuuta.
You then felt something hot press against your left cheek, and as you turned to try and put it in your mouth you felt another dick poke your right cheek. Surprise caught you off guard, both? At the same time? Maybe they drew the same number card. That was all you could logically conclude in your hazy brain.
You decided to alternate sucking both of your boyfriends' dicks, first the one on the left. You kissed his entire length lovingly while you softly pumped the other cock in your right hand. Your wet mouth enveloped the rod on your left briefly. You held him in your throat for a bit, knowing that it would feel pleasurable. You quickly switched hands and gave the same type of treatment to the dick on the right. You trailed featherlight kisses up and down his dick. Then you beckoned him down your throat, knowing that he’ll enjoy the wet squeeze. Once both cocks were saturated with your saliva, you jerked them off simultaneously. As you pumped them, you brought their tips to your lips. You were able to taste their salty precum drip onto your tongue.
The other men in the room couldn’t help but get even more fired up at what was going on right before their eyes. Yuuta and Inumaki exchanged heated glances with each other while your hot mouth worshiped them at the same time. Yuuta was on the left and Toge on the right, each man had a fist full of your hair gripped tightly.
You dragged your tongue across them both in the most sensational way, earning a muted moan to come from the back of Toge’s throat. Despite being fucked out, you were excited to enjoy Inumaki and Yuuta at the same time. You forced the dick on your left to go down your throat once more, and as you did a small sigh escaped his lips. You then switched to the cock on your right, guiding him down your throat with your tongue. You felt him pull your hair tautly, earning a gurgled moan of excitement to come from the back of your throat.
Just then, the timer went off and it was time to guess. Due to the process of elimination, “Yuuta and Inumaki.” You said confidently while lowering your blindfold. Your hazy eyes were greeted by both of your boyfriends standing over you with their sprung and slick dicks in your face. They eyed you longingly and were ready for action.
“So how do you want to take us?” Yuuta asked with a lustful look in his dark eyes.
“I wanna enjoy you in me at the same time.” You sighed, leaning back on the futon seductively. “Yuuta, sit down on the couch.” You instructed, with a perverted idea in your head.
Your black-haired boyfriend did what he was told and sat beside Muta. “Then Inumaki, get on top and face him. Then I’ll sit on you both.” You smiled with a playful glint in your eye.
Toge obeyed your command and settled himself on Yuuta’s lap. You made your way over to them and spun around so you could face your sweet Inumaki. Your dripping pussy hovered over Toge’s dick, but Yuuta had the head of his cock at your ass. You wanted them both in your cunt, so you snuck your hand down and guided his rod up to Inumaki’s so that they were touching. Both men shuddered at the taboo feeling, you couldn’t help but adore the flustered look on Toge’s face. His violet-colored eyes looked at you with deep desire.
You were too caught up in the moment and slipped down onto both dicks entirely. Having both cocks up your pussy felt incredibly hot, you felt a slight sting to being stretched out, but you pushed it aside and focused on having a good time with your boyfriends instead.
“Mmm, you’re too tight.” Whimpered Yuuta from behind you, you felt him lean forward and kiss your shoulders and caress your waist lovingly. You held onto Inumaki for stability while you slowly moved your hips for more friction.
Both men groaned out in pleasure while you ground yourself on them, this caused their dick’s to rub against each other in such an amazing way. Your pussy was incredibly damp due to your arousal mixed with the other men’s cum. Unfortunately, your body was spent, and your thighs burned from Sukuna railing you on your feet earlier. Most of the energy you had was spent on the other men.
You brought your lips to Inumaki’s and kissed him feverishly, “My legs are tired, can you and Yuuta take control?” You asked sweetly.
“Shake,” Toge said affirmatively, he then secured his hands around your waist while Yuuta did the same. Both men lifted you together and then dropped you back down onto their cocks. Feeling them slide back into you sent shivers of delight to run down all of your spines.
“Oh, yes!” You moaned out in adoration, you accidentally cast your gaze past Toge and to Megumi who sat diagonal from you guys. Fushiguro eyed you with acceptance while he and Kamo chatted nonchalantly. You glanced over at Noritoshi, who had a more hungry look on his face. Yuji stared your way with a captivated look in his eyes. While Satoru, leaned back on the couch comfortably, keeping his brilliant blue eyes on you. You amazed him at how skilled you were at taking their dicks. Muta who sat beside Yuuta, had a flushed look on his face, especially because of how close he was to the action. He felt a small sting of jealousy and wanted to be one of the guys inside of you.
You felt Yuuta sneak his hands up your torso and grab ahold of your soft and bouncy breasts. He always loved feeling your boobs. Whenever the two of you would cuddle he’d find a way to hold them sweetly. Both men continued to pump into you simultaneously, each thrust more powerful than the last. You found yourself lost in Inumaki’s captivating gaze, he drew you in almost hypnotically.
“Mmh, both of you feel… so… good.” You whined out between their synced thrusts.
Inumaki felt that he wouldn’t be able to last much longer. The combination of your slick and tight heat alongside the friction against Yuuta’s dick inside you, was more than heavenly. He pulled you closer and crashed his lips against yours passionately. Toge brought one of his hands up to your hair and gently tugged your luscious locks to deepen the kiss.
Yuuta was in love with how amazing you felt; so saturated and tight, he could stay here forever if you let him. The unique sensation of his lengthy rod rubbing against his friend Inumaki’s was just as pleasurable. He felt honored that he was able to share you so intimately with his best friend. Each time Yuuta shoved his dick into you while Inumaki did, he could tell that he was going to bust soon.
“Inumaki, I don’t think- ahh I can last any longer.” Yuuta groaned out anxiously, sure enough, their timer would be up soon.
“Shake-“ Toge shuddered, his eyebrows narrowed in concentration as he continuously shoved himself inside you.
Yuuta and Toge began to plow you down onto their hot dicks with incredible force. Your pussy couldn’t take any more of it, and you weren’t sure if you were able to cum again. All you could do was whine and babble uncontrollably while they shared you.
“So… mmh. Keep going! Ahh…” you sputtered out, lost in pure ecstasy.
Suddenly, the timer went off, but it fell silent to you three. “Cum.” Inumaki stated while he and Yuuta pushed themselves balls deep in you.
Your forced orgasm hit you hard and your pussy pulsated around both rods inside you. You felt your release drench their dicks in the most appetizing way. Yuuta and Toge released themselves in vigorous squirts, each man held you close to them as they rode out their waves of pleasure. Their cum mixed as one, as they shot their streams of milky liquid into you.
They held you for a brief moment, letting you catch your breath as they did the same. You felt like a limp rag doll and exhaustion quickly overwhelmed you. You tried to maneuver yourself off of your boyfriends, but it felt as if your legs were jello.
Satoru picked up on that and swiftly pulled you up and off of them. Once he did a waterfall of everyone’s cum fell down your thighs, it felt hot and sticky. There was such an abundant amount of release in you that when Gojo carried you down, you heard a few splats fall onto his marble floor. He set you on his lap and draped your tired legs off onto Yuji.
Inumaki removed himself from Yuuta’s lap and began to wipe himself off with Gojo’s blue complimentary towel.
“You’ve got me captivated more than you can imagine,” Satoru murmured against your forehead.
You smiled hazily, but you were too tired to respond. You rested your head on his muscular chest and breathed in his comforting scent. The room around you began to fade away and the quiet conversations amongst the other males felt distant. Sleep quickly grabbed a hold of you and your dreams were peaceful.
Little did you know, the following month you’d miss your period.
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vlrspace · 9 months
promise me, you belong to me
okkotsu yuuta x reader
contains. nsfw/mdni!!, implied yandere! yuuta, possessive! yuuta, unhealthy-ish relationship, petnames (angel, baby), yuuta and reader are in their fourth year, all characters are 18+, no actual smut but it’s heavily suggestive, this is short
notes. yandere! yuuta keeps taking over my mind, help 🫠
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“did you have fun today with megumi?”
the question makes you drop your pen onto the table, spinning yourself towards yuuta with wide eyes. your boyfriend sits on the edge of your bed, legs spread as he leans back on his hands, dark blue eyes looking at you with adoration.
“jesus, when did you come in?” you’re a little startled as you ask the black haired male, a hand coming up to your chest, feeling your heart beating rapidly.
yuuta only chuckles before responding with a cheerful smile, though his eyes are far from that. “what, am i not allowed to see my girlfriend?” his tone is gentle, but there’s a slight layer of tension laced within his words.
“that’s not what i meant, you know that” you shake your head, the bottom of your glossy lips are jutting out a bit and your brows furrowing. your boyfriend’s smile disappears at your facial expression and you turn back to your table with a sigh, switching off the lamp near you before you slowly walk towards him.
you come to a stand between his spread legs, placing both hands on his shoulders, rubbing it tenderly while he gazes up at you. yuuta’s hands instinctively find their place on the back of your thighs, just below your ass cheeks and a grin stretches across his face. those blue eyes of his are unsettlingly darker than usual.
yet he still makes you feel safe, his touch on your bare skin is warm, fingers grazing your skin carefully, steadily making their way under your shorts. it shouldn’t have been a surprise when he grabbed a handful of your ass, but you couldn’t stop the breathy yelp leaving your lips. you’re glad you’re holding onto his shoulders, your knees are getting weaker as he looks at you so lovingly, in contrast to his harsh actions.
“you haven’t answered my question yet” yuuta reminds you lowly, eyes flickering with a sign of warning as his hands start rubbing your cheeks to soothe the ache he caused.
“we always train together and you always let me win. i wanted a little challenge to improve my skills” you answer quietly, fingers massaging his shoulders and you focus on the way his muscles tense under your hands. you can’t look at him any longer, not when he’s watching you like a hawk.
it’s better to not tell him that gojo asked you to pair up with someone else that wasn’t yuuta. gojo knows that yuuta’s abilities are excellent, he makes a good teacher, but yuuta wants to avoid you getting hurt and that won’t be handy during a fight where he’s not by your side.
you know that gojo is right, but you also knew that yuuta would get jealous and possessive of you the second he sees you, it happened before on many occasions.
you spent an afternoon with inumaki and itadori in the common room, while yuuta was away on a mission. he didn’t like seeing you sitting between the two boys, excitedly playing some game on the tv even if you were wearing his clothes. one of the hickeys he left on a visible spot on your neck took an awfully long while to fade.
you have to decline most missions with ino and nanami too because yuuta can take teenage boys hanging around you, but older men are a different level (not that he couldn’t beat them in a fight). yuuta made that clear by ruining you the night before your mission, leaving your muscles sore, throat dry and body covered in marks all over. it leads to you sleeping in (yuuta turns off your alarm) and you can barely function throughout the day, deemed useless to go on a mission.
“you can improve yourself with me too, i don’t see why you had to pair yourself up with megumi” yuuta speaks, words dripping with venom and you feel his hands leaving your ass and instead, he places them on your hips, thumbs slipping into the hem of your shorts. “look at me angel” it’s firm, the way he demands your attention on him and you oblige, not wanting to anger him.
yuuta’s gaze is predatory, it makes you bite your lips and you feel him slip your shorts down before pulling down onto his lap. one of his hands come up to your face, brushing his fingers against your skin and you instantly lean into his hold when he cups cheek. yuuta looks at you expectantly and you return his actions with both hands, leaning close to him.
“i’m sorry yuuta, i’ll choose you next time, every time” you whisper against his lips before pressing your lips together. “i’m only yours”your words are mashed between kisses, but yuuta gives you an approving hum, licking your bottom lip and you let him slip his tongue into your mouth eagerly.
yuuta’s hand move from your face to your neck, closing his fingers around your throat but he doesn’t squeeze it and continues to assault your mouth with his. you fist his black hair, pulling him closer to you and you moan into the kiss when you feel his other hand pinching your clit through your panties.
“you promise right, baby?” he mumbles against your lips, ducking his head lower to kiss, suck and bite the skin there. you already know you’ll be littered with love bites by tomorrow morning.
“yes, yes i promise yuu” you frantically nod and he leaves your neck and offers you a grin before laying you down on your bed. he kneels above you as he takes off his shirt and presses a quick peck on your lips. yuuta hovers over your panties, sucking your clit through the cloth, holding you down by your hips. it makes you trash and whine, lacing a hand with his.
“no one else gets to have your pussy, only me. fucking remember that” yuuta grumbles against the material, eyeing your reaction but ends up chuckling when you lift your hips up in a needy manner and he slides your underwear down.
yuuta knows he has nothing to worry about, you’re such an eager little thing, putty in his hands when he pushes the right buttons. but you’re also so delicate and beautiful, he knows that, sadly so does everyone else. yuuta fears someone might take you away from him because of that, yet when you’re so wanting and yearning for him to touch you where you need him the most, he remembers he has nothing to be afraid of. only yuuta knows how to please you and make you come undone just the way you like. it makes him love you so much more, you’ll always give yourself to him like this and let him do however he pleases.
why would you want anyone else, when he’s right here? you belong to him anyways.
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@/vlrspace, 2024
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theprettyarachnid · 1 year
JJK characters and their reaction to a sensitive, innocent and easily flustered s/o🌹
a/n: yes <3 also i was on a roll with this one and i’m proud of myself
also sorry for the depression fest lately, my bad yall
warnings: the more you scroll the more nsfw it gets
characters: itadori, megumi, inumaki, yuuta, gojo, suguru, nanami, sukuna (some characters aged up)
🕷️ he thinks it’s really cute how flustered you get over the simplest of things
🕷️ he’ll hold your hand and he catches a glimpse of the tips of your ears turning a little red
🕷️ yuji once made a dirty joke while hanging out with you, megumi, and nobara and while the other two were rolling their eyes or saying their piece about the joke, he noticed you having this confused look on your face
🕷️ almost like you were a stranger within an inside joke
🕷️ he took note of it and will occasionally say things that are dirty when it’s just the two of you only to watch it fly over your head
🕷️ yuji doesn’t really lose his temper but you did something reckless on a mission once and he got really upset
🕷️ he couldn’t stop himself from yelling at you out of concern and fear but when you started crying he stopped
🕷️ he immediately gave you hug while you kept apologizing only to hear him shush you
🕷️ he was upset with himself for the rest of the day and a little more
🕷️ he cuddled with you for hours even when you told him you had something to do
🕷️ “just a few more minutes, you’re warm and i don’t want you to go”
🕷️ you can say whatever you want, i think megumi gets a little flustered at times as well
🕷️ in the beginning of the relationship, nobara and yuji would be snickering in the background as megumi tried to make a move
🕷️ your sensitivity can sometimes be a problem because megumi is naturally stand-offish and can sometimes come off as kind of mean
🕷️ especially because we know he can be kind of bad at comforting people but he’s gotten better at it because of you
🕷️ he likes to tuck your hair behind your ear because he likes seeing your lips thin out while you shyly look down
🕷️ not huge displays of affection in public but even when you two are alone and you kiss both of you end up having coloured cheeks when you pull away
🕷️ if he’s feeling like it, he makes you flustered on purpose just for your reaction
🕷️ as well as he’s not one to be ashamed of showing his affection so throughout the day he holds your hand, kisses your cheek, twirls your hair when he’s bored
🕷️ but he finds it funny when he shows big displays of affection watching you try to run off before everyone starts staring but he catches your hand so you can’t leave
🕷️ “tuna!”
🕷️ when you two are alone he’s noticed that you’ve become a little less embarrassed when it’s just the two of you
🕷️ movie night with the gang
🕷️ everyone has turns picking out the movie so panda or gojo (on the rare occasion he joins) might put on a scary movie
🕷️ you’ll cover your eyes at certain parts of the movie but be peaking out a little because you’re too interested
🕷️ he pulls the cringey yawn over the shoulder thing even though he doesn’t have to and he knows it’s cringe
🕷️ also finds it cute but goes easy on you even though he could do a lot worse
🕷️ occasionally pokes fun at you but gives you a quick kiss so you know he’s joking and you don’t have to get upset about it
🕷️ sometimes he can’t help himself and puts his hand a little lower than usual or will gently squeeze your waist
🕷️ can be overprotective during missions
🕷️ when he leaves for missions, he gives you multiple pairs of sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc for you to wear and even when people ask “is that yuuta’s” and you get embarrassed you still keep it on
🕷️ yuuta can’t help himself when he gets back, as soon as he sees you he picks you up bridal style and spins you around while kissing you
🕷️ by the time you’ve stopped spinning, you’re out of breath, dizzy, and grinning like an idiot
🕷️ consider getting a restraining order
🕷️ like sometimes it can be cute like he’ll call you beautiful but other times he gives you a quick smack on the ass or squeezes your boobs when no one’s around
🕷️ you yell at him at times especially if it was in public and really embarrassing with red cheeks
🕷️ and as a sensitive person myself, probably a little tears in the eyes
🕷️ he feels really bad when you yell at him and hugs you for however long he feels necessary
🕷️ for some reason he really likes seeing you in his shades and randomly will put them on you
🕷️ it doesn’t really make you flustered, you actually find it kind of funny at times
🕷️ even when his eyes are covered, you can feel him staring at you and when his eyes are uncovered it’s in adoration
🕷️ gojo just thinks you’re so pretty and he can’t keep his eyes off you
🕷️ he finds it funny how suggestive jokes go right over your head so he’s more direct when it comes to you
🕷️ he whispers something in your ear occasionally and bites the tip of your ear watching your eyes widen and your face getting red
🕷️ he wiggles his eyebrows whenever he says some promiscuous which makes you make your mouth agape as you just turn your head away
🕷️ finds it amusing
🕷️ isn’t as relentless but occasionally will intentionally do something here and there
🕷️ when he’s talking to one of his disciples and you’re with him, he slyly moves his hand down to your ass gently squeezing it
🕷️ the disciple usually looks confused when they notice you hide your face while staring at the floor
🕷️ likes to sneak up on you and will give you a kiss behind your ear and feel the blood rush up your neck and onto your face
🕷️ gently cups your cheek and compliments you a little too loudly so people will hear
🕷️ he likes how innocent you are because the less you know the more he can expose you to
🕷️ is really gentle with you so you don’t get upset
🕷️ death penalty to anyone who makes you upset, the more upset you are the more miserable the death is
🕷️ he doesn’t let you know though, the last thing he wants is to see who he really is when it comes to others
🕷️ noticed it the first time he leaned over you to see what you were doing
🕷️ it was only out of curiosity of what you were doing but he thought it was cute seeing how flustered he made you
🕷️ notices how you keep stealing glances at him when he loosens his tie which shows a bit of his collarbone
🕷️ “you know, you don’t have to be embarrassed around me dear.”
🕷️ even with his statement though, you still would
🕷️ occasionally asks you to loosen his tie for him and watches as you look at the floor quietly giving an “okay” before walking over
🕷️ he takes this opportunity to wrap his arms around you and give you a kiss to the forehead
🕷️ he gives you a small smile when you look up before gently kissing you again on the lips enjoying how your hands tremble a little as you still loosen his tie
🕷️ if he raises his voice out of frustration and sees you curl into yourself while looking at the floor, he makes sure to take a breath and apologize
🕷️ it’s a very rare occurrence but it still happens
🕷️ likes when you sit on his lap while he works because he likes how close you are to him and how you stammer a little bit whenever he talks to you
🕷️ oh god
🕷️ not to be cringe but you’re literally in the lions den
🕷️ sometimes literally if you’re in his domain
🕷️ sukuna always makes a point for you to look him in the eyes whenever he talks to you, no matter what he’s saying
🕷️ if you look away from embarrassment, he grabs your chin to make you look at him and sometimes even makes you repeat how he wants you to look at him when he’s talking to you
🕷️ “what did i say about keeping eye contact? say it so i know you understand.”
🕷️ occasionally gives you a break if he’s feeling nice but will still do things to get a reaction
🕷️ you sit on his lap on his throne, one of his arms wrapped around your waist and the other on your thigh
🕷️ a little too high up your thigh most of the time
🕷️ lifts your chin up before he kisses you
🕷️ he doesn’t care if one of his servants comes to him about something and he’s doing whatever to you just to hear you stumble with your words while nervously playing with your hands
🕷️ loves fucking you especially in his true form because he has more arms, two of them holding each of your wrists while another one is slung over his shoulder and being extended just a little too far
🕷️ to make it even worse he makes you beg most of the time and watches your tears run down your face
🕷️ isn’t exactly the nicest person, i mean he’s the king of curses, so he says a lot of insensitive things
🕷️ he rolls his eyes and tells you to stop crying which usually only makes it worse so eventually he gives some weird half-assed kind of an apology so you’ll stop crying
🕷️ he doesn’t say “i’m sorry” but pulls you closer so your head is against his chest while he plays with your hair and that’s usually the closest you get to an apology
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hermitw · 3 months
All my JJK character playlists (what I think they listen to) in one post (will be edited to add more when they are longer)
Every playlist is best shuffled, unless stated otherwise.
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Satoru Gojo's aux (perfect for 2am mental breakdowns when u gotta dance and cry at any moment)
Satosugu's blended playlist gives me chest pain
Suguru Geto's aux (such a vibe especially when it's raining)
Yuuji Itadori's aux (actually in chronological order)
Megumi Fushiguro's aux (somehow this one intimidates me)
Ino Takuma's aux (I think he'd listen to full albums)
Miwa's aux (cried while making this tbh)
Choso's aux (over 50hrs, so it's vibes and emotion and chill, everything)
Kenjaku's aux (maybe the only one that you can't cry to)
(only 10 images fit in a post so I'll reblog w the others ig)
Mai Zenin - the order was perfect but then I added more songs and have overplayed the whole thing too much to see it clearly.
Toji Zenin & Fushiguro's aux (is in chronological order)
Mechamaru's aux (I'm content w the order, no significance. Mechamaru's colored manga panel here)
Hanami's aux & colored manga panel (I did the heat stroke trend for this)
(these feel unfinished but are long enough to be worth mentioning)
Yuuta Okkotsu's - obv he listened to La Dispute
Sukuna's - includes songs that sound like his domain expansion.
The merger - short bc every suggested track fits so well and I'm afraid to mess it up (I always notice Immediately when playlists end bc the suggested tracks are off but not here. It's so good)
Mahito - tbh this is fun to listen to (my character analysis on him is irrelevant dw)
Junpei Yoshino - sorry but you know his hair is greasy
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kenmakodz · 4 months
˖˙ ᰋ ── the yap temple ˖*
introducing the main cast of "inamorata"! , an inumaki x reader smau.
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⤷ our mains !
inumaki and y/n. both second years at tokyo jujutsu high.
toge inumaki, a semi-grade one sorcerer, who uses his inheritance of cursed speech to his advantage. seems like a quiet one, but is actually extremely talkative.. whether through rice ball ingredients or text. it takes quite a smart cookie to decode the meanings in his words, but being with him every day has gotten you mostly accustomed to it.
“toge, maki said if you ate her chips she left on the picnic table she’s going to find you. i don’t really know what that means.”
y/n l/n, a grade one sorcerer, who also uses one of the five senses to her advantage, that being her eyes. this technique is called the ‘three stars technique.’ the three stars are identified as time manipulation, teleportation, and telekinesis. to put the time manipulation simply, focusing on a target allows the user to move much faster than seen in real time. essentially, slowing down time for themselves, but nobody else. can be used as a support or a main damage dealer in fights, making it quite useful. (concept created by iwa970 on reddit !)
[ adding onto this, although y/n can control the technique at will, she opts to wear glasses her mother gave her as a child while not fighting, that have been said to "keep others safe". she doesn't know just how true that actually is, but for loves sake does it anyways. often snags one of maki's weapons even if they're not really necessary, either to take dead weight off of panda (if he's around), or to test them out because honestly why not? (does she find it amusing? no sometimes.) ]
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⤷ the second years !
yuuta okkotsu, a special grade sorcerer who can copy any ability at will, and utilize them with ease. can come off as a scary guy, but is actually the clumsiest, shyest, awkwardest, nicest person you'll ever meet. trains with maki often, but tries to frequent y/n as well. (he usually gets fed up and tells her "you're too fast! quit it!"
maki zenin, a fourth grade sorcerer who has been horribly mislabeled. one of- if not the most agile students at jujutsu high. she's flexible, quick on her feet, and easy to teach any of the few things she doesn't already know. you're in trouble against maki, not only on the battlefield but if you insult her or one of the people closest to her? in the words of panda, you should probably run.
panda, he's a panda. (jk). a semi-grade 2 sorcerer who is a goofy, cuddly guy most of the time, but can be quite intimidating if you're around him when he swaps his build. not as swift as the other students, but makes up for it with his strength. likes to say he's the "bodyguard" when in reality most of his friends will use him as a pillow.
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⤷ the first years !
yuuji itadori, a semi-grade one (newbie) sorcerer, unarguably the physically strongest out of all the students. aside from his first mission, yuuji utilizes hand-to-hand combat like no other. quite a sight to see him lift and break things that nobody around him could ever fathom the strength of doing.
"yuujiiii?! i dropped something behind the fridge again! come move it please?"
nobara kugisaki, a grade three sorcerer who's inherited the straw doll technique. she relies on this technique for the majority of combat, similar to that of a 'voodoo' doll, one could say. picking fun at her is always funny until you realize your fate could (quite literally) be in her hands. she says she isn't strong, but you've witnessed her somehow cause itadori to fall down an entire flight of stairs. sorry shoko.
megumi fushiguro, a grade two sorcerer, inherited the ten shadows technique via the zenin family. often calls his shikigamis out during combat, but similar to maki is skilled at wielding weapons as well. sure, the demon dogs can be.. deadly, but who is he to say no when his friends are practically pleading for pets?!
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all main characters unlocked!
masterlist is in progess, please be patient :)
previous , masterlist (wip) , next
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taglist is open!
⤷ © kenmakodz
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izvmimi · 5 months
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Fandom is so exciting! It’s a blessing to be part of fandom and to get to simp for your faves with other people who share similar lists, especially since there are so many to pick from! 
Seeing your list of faves lengthen, shorten and develop over time is exciting, but when was the last time you really looked at your list and decided how much of it is truly based on your interest, or if you’re just a victim of the dash? 
Just how basic are you? Are you a flavor of the month type or is there a healthy amount of diversity? Are you selective? 
This game is easy. I’ll give you a bunch of fandoms, and you’ll simply tally how many you get at the end. There are some special conditions at the end, so make sure you read to the very bottom if you play!
I recommend you be familiar with at least 4 of these fandoms to play! The fandoms mentioned are BNHA, JJK, HQ, Tokyo Revengers, Blue Lock, Demon Slayer, AOT, One Piece, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Naruto, Hunter x Hunter and a few others.
Tag your friends and please don’t take it too seriously!
(^^ and I mean this last part, please do not take this too seriously, it's for fun! Nobody is judging you and if your score is high, it's really just because you have a lot of love to give, I'm literally just teasing!)
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Bakugou - 4
Deku - 2
Todoroki - 3
Shinsou - 3
Dabi - 3
Aizawa - 2
Hawks - 2
Shigaraki - 2
Mirio - 1
Denki - 2
Sero - 1
Gojo - 5
Yuuji - 4
Sukuna - 4
Nanami - 5
Toji - 3
Getou - 3
Yuuta - 3
Choso - 3
Megumi - 1
Kuroo - 4
Atsumu - 3
Ushijima - 3
Bokuto - 2
Iwa - 2
Daichi - 2
Osamu - 2
Kita - 1
Mikey - 3
Baji - 3
Draken - 3
Ran - 3
Chifuyu - 2
Sanzu - 2
Either of the Itoshi brothers - 10
Nagi - 3
Michael Kaiser - 2
Kunigami - 2
Barou - 2
Bachira- 2
Reo - 1
Chigiri - 1
Isagi - 1
Sanemi - 4
Tengen - 3
Rengoku - 3
Akaza - 2
Tanjiro - 2
Levi - 4
Eren - 3
Jean - 2
Reiner - 2
Connie - 2
Zoro - 4
Law - 3
Childe - 5
Diluc - 4
Neuvillette - 4
Wriothesley - 4
Zhongli - 3
Xiao - 3
Itto - 2
Jing Yuan - 5
Aventurine - 5
Dan Heng - 4
Dr. Ratio - 3
Blade - 3
Sampo - 3
Kakashi - 4
Sasuke - 3
Itachi - 3
Obito - 2
Madara - 2
Gaara - 2
Any other Akatsuki member - 1
Hisoka - 4
Chrollo - 2
Illumi - 2
Dazai (Bungou Stray Dogs) - 3
Ichigo (Bleach) - 3
Aki (CSM) - 3
Vash (Trigun) - 2
Wolfwood (Trigun) - 2
Knives (Trigun) - 2
Aomine (Kuroko no Basuke) - 2
Kagami (Kuroko no Basuke) - 2
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) - 2
Literally anyone from Fire Force - 3
Special considerations:
If you have more than 5 faves with the same hair color, add 10 points.
If you like more than 5 blonds specifically, add 10 points and seek help. If one of them is Bakugou, add 15 instead of 10.
If you have more than 10 faves (even if they’re not mentioned on this list), add 20 points to your score.
If you liked both Atsumu and Osamu, add 3 points.
If you polyship with Gojo and Geto, add 10 points.
If you polyship with Bakugou and Deku or Bakugou and Kirishima, add 5 points.
If you liked both Kakashi and Gojo, add 5 points.
If you stopped talking about Nanami after he died on air, add 5 points.
If you like Gojo but have at least 4 additional ships, add 5 points.
If you like Zhongli, Childe and Diluc at the same time, add 5 points.
If you like anyone from Date Tech, subtract 5 points.
If you liked one person from every category, add 5 points.
If you liked greater than five characters from one category, add 5 points.
If you’ve watched Haikyuu and simped for none of those people, subtract ten points. I’m so proud of you.
If you pick any three people with a 4 or above ranking, get help..
If you only like Gojo, get help.
< 10: What is it like only liking side characters?
11 - 30: This is healthy. Here is good.
31 - 50: I mean you’re a little basic but like this is fine. I’m proud of you.
51 - 70: I mean, it’s nice to be selective once in a while. Consider it.  
70-100: Hm.
100+ : You alright there? My inbox is open. I am here for you.
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meguemii · 10 months
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Bro’s the Type to..
Synopsis- yk the drill already
Warnings- none
navigation station 🚉.
yuuta okkotsu’s playlist🎧.
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Yuuta Okkotsu, our favourite timid boy. he’s so sweet and respectful i love him.
he’s the type that when you’re laying down with him and mindlessly scrolling through tiktok to just stare at you in adoration and if you ask what he’s looking at he just smiles and says that he’s admiring your beauty.
he’s the type to help you pick an outfit for everything and actually give you good advice. he is a fashion icon, change my mind. you can’t.
he’s the type to hold the back of your shirt instead of your hand, it’s very endearing
he’s the type to give you his umbrella if it’s raining even if you’re walking to separate places. he’d rather you stay dry.. even if it means he gets sick in the process.
he’s the type to call you for literally anything, and text you constantly throughout the day and tell you how much he loves you.
he’s the type to rant about you to panda and inumaki— who are insanely invested in yours and yuuta’s relationship. panda is such a pro y/n x yuuta shipper.
he’s also the type to buy you anything he knows you’d like. even if his bank account was in shambles.
he’s the type to just sit with you and actually enjoy himself as you show him all the tiktok’s you’ve sent to your friends because you thought they were funny
he’s the type to surprise you with breakfast in bed..
he’s the type to gush over mitski, laufey and faye webster with you, as well as cry to their songs even if neither of you were sad.
he’s the type to read to you if you asked, or sing to you. my ex could NEVER.
he’s the type to wipe crumbs off your face while you’re eating and then lick his finger. the first time he does this you drop your chopsticks out of disbelief and he apologizes so much asking if it was weird. you’d have to reassure him that it was actually attractive.
he’s the type to get flustered after your guys’ friends make fun of how sappy he is with you.
he’s the type to use a classic record player and put in frank sinatra as he hangs out with you.
he’s the type to only have 30 instagram followers and like 10 people on snap. all of which he goes to school with.
he’s the type to post you instead of himself because he feels so lucky to be blessed with such a great girlfriend.
he’s the type to tuck you in at night, or change your clothes if you fell asleep in your street clothes. ONLY IF YOU WERE COMFORTABLE WITH IT THOUGH.
he’s the type to do anything you say because he wants you to know he’d do anything and everything for you.
he’s the type to get mad if someone was too rough with you in training and scold them.
he’s the type to only put you on his christmas list
he’s the type to love you UNCONDITIONALLY.
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i’ve done megumi, yuji, and toge for this series where you can find them in the navigation station which is linked at the top!
i love yuta and the playlist i made him i feel like represents these head canons so well oh my god? i love him sm. i love every jjk character sm.. except mahito😰
also guys i am literally pumping out post after post. am i okay? where is the real emi who posts once a month IF she feels like it? i’m scared. when did my writers block go away?
Okay much love, emi🩷
tags- feel free to be ask to be added to see future works !
@kasumitenbaz @oinkoink321 (ik you wanted a yuuta vers.)
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uriekukistan · 5 months
jjk driving hc’s plsss (any characters) :3
heyyy answering this so i can go to bed with happy thoughts :D (tears still in my eyes as i write) um idk how to drive a car so pls keep that in mind
can't drive. no license.
yuuji doesn't need to drive when he runs so fast. gojo is a certified passenger princess. will demand aux and a stop for a fun drink geto also doesn't need to drive because he has a bunch of curses he can ride around on choso is 150 years old, he would probably freak out if you put him behind the wheel yuuta idk he just looks like he can't drive. but he'll give u money for gas if you drive him somewhere panda i think this is self explanatory he's a panda
no license but they drive anyway
mahito because he's a menace to society. horrible driver. runs people over and thinks its funny. sukuna is actually weirdly good, but he's an ass on purpose. rides ppl's tailpipe and then when he passes them he goes slow af. honestly gojo belongs here too, but only happened one time. he totaled the car. inumaki but he's actually good at it for some reason. if he just took the drivers test...but he wont. he doesn't even have a learner's permit.
can legally drive but they really shouldnt because they're a hazard
definitely shoko. it's kinda alarming that she's the one to have a license out of sashisu because she's a disaster on the road. has one of those things that hangs off of the rearview mirror nobara is the type to be looking around for stuff in the car while she's moving, like looking around in the backseat EYES ON THE ROAD. there's a lot of stuff in her car but it's not messy if that makes sense. she just likes to be prepared. ino is also a horrible driver. always hitting curbs n shit. definitely been in quite a few accidents, so his car is the most beat up looking thing you've ever seen. the inside is surprisingly clean tho
actually good responsible drivers
ichiji & nitta like we've seen it happen so it's possible tsumiki would be decent at driving as well, probably speeds a bit but within the normal everyone-does-that range. clean car with pastel detailing inside like seat cushions and steering wheel nanami is probably the best driver here, but i think we expected this utahime is also a pretty responsible driver, but she definitely gets major road rage probably maki, she also gets major road rage tho
drives like a grandpa
megumi i love you but you can at least drive the speed limit...also its not gonna distract u to put a little music on. at least his car is clean and he has one of those car air fresheners
sorry if this seems disorganized im genuinely ?:????F>>VF????? rn and also its like really late for me, i just needed to do something fun after that chapter....
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ariseur · 2 months
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#dottie’s 500 ᝰ.ᐟ꩜
it’s been about four months since i first created this blog to which i have grown a small but really loving following, i see you guys in my reblogs and in my replies spewing kind words. all those comments and tags are so fun to read lol i love you guys
but — now that we’re here, it’s time for the main event we’ve come for and this is my 500 follower event (≧◡≦) ♡!!— info linked below and more under the cut !!
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[ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ top contenders - ]
jujutsu kaisen ; satoru gojo | suguru geto | kento nanami | yuuji itadori | yuuta okkotsu | megumi fushiguro | toji fushiguro | shiu kong | choso kamo | takuma ino
ffvii ; cloud | zack | sephiroth
ffxv ; noctis | prompto | ignis | gladiolus
mystic messenger ; zen | yoosung | jumin | 707
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🍡 ( dango ) — prompt list !! ~ send in a character and a prompt of your choice.
✧˖° - “can i kiss you?”
✧˖° - “wanna practice?”
✧˖° - “are you wearing flavored chapstick?”
✧˖° - “was that okay?”
✧˖° - “one more kiss? please?”
✧˖° - “can we do that again?”
✧˖° - “teach me.”
✧˖° - “i think i deserve a kiss for that.”
✧˖° - “count to five, then you can speak.” (shutting you up with kisses).
✧˖° - “this is my partner, aren’t they beautiful?”
✧˖° - “stay with me ‘til i fall asleep.”
✧˖° - “your hands are shaking.” — “oh.”
✧˖° - “i do miss you, you know.”
✧˖° - “where do you see yourself in a few years?” — “with you.”
✧˖° - hand kisses
✧˖° - neck kisses
✧˖° - cheek kisses
✧˖° - small quick pecks that you run away after doing
✧˖° - thigh kisses
✧˖° - wrapping your arms around their neck
✧˖° - feeling their smile in a kiss
✧˖° - messy half asleep kisses
✧˖° - reward kisses
✧˖° - lazy make out sesh
✧˖° - grocery shopping with them
✧˖° - them / you trying to make food and it comes out horrendous
✧˖° - kissing to shut them up during sex
✧˖° - goodbye kiss
✧˖° - putting together ikea furniture
✧˖° - seeing them play with a small animal they swore they hated
✧˖° - fake dating ends up for them falling for you
✧˖° - their attitude immediately uplifts when you’re around
✧˖° - taking a ( bad ) photo when the other’s asleep
✧˖° - childhood friends ( love this sm )
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🍰 ( strawberry shortcake ) — time check !! ~ this might be a little more niche but basically what i’m talking about is you can request a character and put “🍰 - time check!! [character]?” and based on what time it is right now, i’ll tell you what i imagine them to be doing. so for example, “🍰 - time check on toji fushiguro” and if it’s 3pm for me then i’ll write a little blurb on it, like lazing on the couch while little megumi wriggles his way in between you two.
if you’re wanting a specific time set like, “time check on hidden inventory arc gojo,” — “time check on pre-nibelheim sephiroth,” — “time check on 707 pre-ending.” you know?? i can write that too :)
i might be on a different time zone though so it might be a little weird if it’s 3am for you but 8pm for me lol, keep that in mind !! ^.^
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🩰 ( ballet ) — tropes !!
send in a trope you like with a character and i’ll write a blurb on it!! like, for example, “🩰 - one bed trope with noctis!!” or “🩰 - opposites attract with yuuta :)”. i will not do any au’s ( as also stated in my rules, please look at those before you request too lol ) and i will also not do any like.. billionaire or weird dark romance tropes like that. i will do slight nsfw drabbles and stuff but nothing weird or too hardcore!!
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uzurakis · 4 months
hiii! I’m here to request a scenario (headcanon? Drabble? it doesn’t rlly matter; do whatever fits best, just as long as Yuta and Megumi is in it :3, you can add another character if you want or something!!) when the reader is being admired/stalked by another person? Like jjk men hear a snap sound and whip their head to see someone taking a picture of reader, or jjk men noticing the same person commenting + viewing reader’s social medias all the time, etc etc! It doesn’t rlly matter how you want it to play out; do what you like :3
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featuring: fushiguro megumi. yuuta okkotsu. gojo satoru. itadori yuuji.
n. thanku for the request and the creative liberty on this one nonnie <3 have fun seeing them all protective with their own ways for you !
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megumi and you sat together in a quaint little café, savoring the warmth of your drinks and the comfort of each other's company, a faint click disrupted the moment. lost in conversation, you barely registered the sound, but megumi's keen senses picked it up immediately.
"what’s wrong?" you asked, puzzled by the slight shift in his demeanor. “i think someone just took a photo of us," he replied, tone tinged with concern.
you glanced around, but saw no one with a camera. "really? i didn't notice anyone."
he nodded, his gaze focused on a young man a few tables away, phone in hand, a smug grin on his face. without hesitation, megumi rose from his seat, his movements purposeful yet controlled.
with a protective instinct, he strode over to the guy, calmly but firmly retrieving their phone. "i'm sorry, but i'll have to delete that photo," he said, his voice carrying a subtle warning. as for the person, they were taken aback by his assertiveness, complied without hesitation.
“thank you," your boyfriend said, his tone polite yet tinged with a subtle warning. "we do appreciate your cooperation."
with that, he returned to your table, a reassuring smile gracing his lips. "sorry about that," he said, taking a sip of his black coffee. "i just wanted to make sure our moment wasn't interrupted."
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"babe, do you feel like we're being followed?" unsure, you sounded apprehensive.
he chuckled lightly, his gaze scanning the surroundings with practiced ease. "don't worry, darling. i've got my eyes on everything. if there's anyone following us, they'll regret it."
relieved by his assurance, you relaxed, allowing yourself to get lost in the beauty of the moment. but as the evening wore on, the feeling persisted, growing stronger with each passing minute. and then, out of the corner of your eye, you caught a glimpse of movement, a shadow flitting among the trees.
your boyfriend noticed first. his face clouded, and a flash of rage lit in his body. "stay close to me," he said, voice low and menacing.
"alright, enough is enough," he declared, cutting through the silence like a blade. "whoever you are, show yourself.”
“you don’t wanna get on my bad side, really.”
from the shadows emerged a figure, their features obscured by the fading light. "i-i... i just wanted to... to…"
your boyfriend’s eyes narrowed and his tolerance wore thin. with a quick burst of speed, he closed the distance between them in an instant, his palm clutching the stalker's collar like a vice. "you just wanted to do what?" stalk us? follow us around like a creep?” gojo’s aura exuded an undeniable terror that sent shocks down the stalker's body.
the stalker trembled beneath his grasp, their breath coming in shallow gasps. "i... i'm sorry, i didn't mean any harm. i just... i just wanted to be close to her."
gojo's grip tightened, eyes flashing with an intensity that seemed to pierce through the darkness. “if i ever catch you following us again," he threatened, "you'll wish you'd never laid eyes on us. understood?"
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together, you and itadori were enjoying a serene moment in the park, laughing and chatting as a gentle breeze rustled through the trees. the silence was abruptly broken, though, by the sound of surrounding camera shutters clicking.
itadori's smile faltered as he noticed a group of guys discreetly taking photos of you both. his expression turned from confusion to annoyance, his brows furrowing in irritation.
"not cool, dude," he called out, his sound firm but not overly aggressive.
the guys turned to look at him, their faces displaying a mixture of surprise and defiance. one of them chuckled nervously, attempting to brush off itadori's remark. "hey man, just capturing the moment, you know?"
your boyfriend, however, would not have it. his movements gave off a subdued threat as he walked towards the group. "i understand, but you’re making me and my girlfriend uncomfortable. so stop it.”
taking advantage of the crowd, one of the guys moved forward with aggression, their fists balled up with rage. "who do you think you are, telling us what to do?" itadori's muscles tensed, his gaze hardening in anticipation. however, he refrained, showing strength in his control, before things might get out of hand.
the guy, taken aback by itadori's composure, hesitated for a moment before backing down, his bravado replaced by a palpable sense of fear. "o-okay, man, we'll stop," he muttered, trembling slightly.
with a final warning glance, itadori returned to your side, a huge grin painting his lips. "as i was saying," he continued, as if the whole tragedy didn’t happen a few seconds ago. “we have to watch jennifer lawrence’s new movie together, babe, okay?”
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you were laughing and chatting as you looked through the shelves of a pleasant shop with yuuta, exploring the various products on exhibit. your boyfriend trailed along behind you, half-heartedly staring at a customer's phone nearby as you moved to make a purchase.
his expression shifted subtly as he noticed the username, the same one that had been relentlessly stalking you for months, liking and commenting on your social media posts. his jaw clenched with a mixture of concern and irritation, but he maintained his composure.
leaning casually against the counter, yuuta shot a seemingly innocuous question towards the customer, his tone deceptively casual. "the girl's pretty, huh?"
the customer, caught off guard by the sudden inquiry, hesitated for a moment before reluctantly answering, "y-yeah, she is."
with a small, knowing smile, yuuta straightened up, his gaze piercing as he delivered his response. "well, sucks for you, that's my girlfriend."
the customer's eyes widened in realization, a flush of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "i-i didn't mean any harm, i swear," he stammered.
yuuta's expression softened slightly, but his tone remained firm. "i don't care what your intentions were. you've been making her uncomfortable for months, and that ends now. stop stalking her, or you'll have me to deal with."
the customer nodded hastily, his hands trembling as he pocketed his phone and made a hasty exit, leaving behind a palpable sense of relief in his wake.
turning back to you with a soft smile, yuuta wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. "what happened?" you asked with a chuckle, he was suddenly clinging onto you.
"nah, just grateful i have the prettiest girlfriend alive."
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@uzurakis — rqs are open <3
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