#Megatron is recovering
ask-a-bot · 1 month
Glad you’re back home, Starscream!🥳 Is Call of Duty your favorite game? I haven’t played normal video games in a long time, but I’m more of a “Mine raft” person. Have you and Bee tried playing that at all?
I’m glad Kup is sharing the load for you, Optimus. You are overdue for some recharge. What are Kup and Hod Rod like?
Hey! It’s Lunar! Any improvement on your health, Megs? I’m sure you’re itching to get back on your feet, huh?
I'm glad to be home too. Rung made me play Minecraft, Pallia and paint by numbers. I've missed action games!
I don't care what we play so long as we play together!
Yeah, I missed you too.
Hi, Lunar. It'll be good to get some recharge, if I can.
"If you can"?
It's... hard to stay comfortable. Don't look like that – I'm not purging or feeling nauseous. It's not that.
Snf. I do feel better, but I still tire easily and I feel cold and weak. Ksssschhhh!
I'm sorry. 🫂
Oh! A hug from Starscream! That's nice. I'm sorry too, my young one.
I'm sorry too. I should've remembered to be gentle.
Yes, Lunar, I am looking forward to fully recovering and returning to normal. Snf. This is miserable. Snf.
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robomusical · 2 months
Megatron doodles
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We call this one wanting to draw without wanting to draw, also I need the practice. Sorry if the quality’s ass I don’t know how to make it better 😭
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plasticastropunk · 1 day
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Hate this stupid movie. Here’s a doodle I did before seeing it 😞
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sparkmender · 1 month
I think Rung should call everyone by increasingly embarrassing cutesy nicknames forever
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soda-sparkss · 2 months
first chapter of transformers: recon is out !! yay !! big thank you to @connecfork and @zyanova for helping me beta read!!
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vodid · 2 years
how am i supposed to write a mean tfa megatron when sweet old scottish tfe megatron of a man is right there 😩
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myriaderotica · 2 months
TFP Optimus Prime and Megatron X Reader (General NSFW)
Optimus Prime
Possibly the most gentle person you can ever have sex with. His size be damned!
He is fascinated by your softness and squishiness, but he never loses himself. Optimus is calm, controlled, and always prioritizes your safety above anything else.
The man is also very detailed and thorough, allowing his curiosity to lead his servos. He may even ask you some questions during the process. He asks about your anatomy, and (of course), if you are enjoying his actions. And you know damn well this man just marvels at your beauty.
And his voice? It is incredibly soothing, but it has the ability to change in strength when sex actually happens. 
He wants you to enjoy his time with him, but make sure to give him a surprise by rubbing on his spike or eating out his valve. Your fragile lips and body just drive him into the most blissful state of mind. Yes, it’s overwhelming, especially during the overloads, but it’s so peaceful, too. 
Optimus truly cherishes interfacing with you, and he will never leave your side throughout the rest of the night. 
Sex is a great way to let off some steam. And boy, Megatron does require a lot of it.
Of course, he knows that you are much smaller and weaker than him, so he is as careful as can be and very mindful of his power. 
His stamina is huge, so much so that you probably need to rest the following day, and Megatron is happy to let you recover in his quarters.
He can really turn up the charms in his voice and his looks.
His claws tapping down your spine can make anyone shiver and arch their back in pleasure.
He prefers to overload inside you completely. He wants to watch his transfluid drip out of you.
Throne sex is also a possibility.
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Ratchet's daughter with the opposite personality meets MTMTE Ratchet
SFW, Platonic, Familial, from poll, Cybertronain reader
Buddy was starting to think that maybe these little portals were going to become a thing for her. If it was, she was going to start a personal log for it.
The Decepticons had found the location of their base.
They needed to leave.
Optimus was instructing everyone to go their separate ways until they could regroup.
To avoid any call to attention, each Autoboot was to go their separate ways.
That meant Ratchet and Buddy would be separated.
Buddy was nervous being away from her family.
Away from her father.
Buddy holding Ratchet’s servo as Prime activates the groundbridge.
Ratchet’s hold tightens a bit as the swirls grow brighter.
Buddy takes one last look as she looks at the Prime in front.
She slowly let’s go of Ratchet’s servo and walks to the portal.
She takes one last look at her family before running through.
If she went any slower, she would have surely turned back.
She stepped into a mountainous terrain. Perfect for hiding from anyone.
Buddy spent two weeks in the rock formations, constantly looking out for anything familiar or any contact.
She did cry a couple nights wondering what had happened to her team and father.
She missed them all dearly.
That’s when she saw another portal.
Too shocked the portal sucked her in without a second thought.
When Buddy woke up, she looked at an unfamiliar ceiling.
A medical room’s ceiling to be exact.
She slowly lifted her helm.
“Don’t do that. You hit your helm hard when you came in through the portal.”--Ratchet
Buddy turning towards the voice to see… Ratchet?
Ratchet turns around and walks towards her with a data pad in his servos.
“I’m guessing you have a Ratchet in your universe.”--Ratchet
Buddy nodding slowly.
“…You’re taking this strangely well. This your first time dealing with this type of thing?”--Ratchet
“Actually, I have dealt with dimensional stuff before. Though they came to my universe instead of me to theirs.”--Buddy
First Aid, Ambulon, and Velocity walked into the room.
“Oh! She’s awake. I’m First Aid and this is Ambulon and Velocity.”—First Aid
Ambulon waves as Velocity gives Buddy a warm smile.
“Wow… I haven’t seen another medical bot in forever.”--Buddy
“What do you mean by that?”--Ambulon
“In my universe it’s just me and Ratchet.”--Buddy
Ratchet now looking concerned.
“Just you and my alternative? What group were you two sent to?”--Ratchet
“Group? We don’t have a group. It’s just the last eight of us.”--Buddy
“…Eight as in a squad, right?”—First Aid
“Eight as in the only Autobots left.”--Buddy
Ambulon drops his datapad, Velocity lets out a large gasp, First Aid and ratchet flinch a bit.
Ratchet places a servo on Buddy’s shoulder.
“Well, you’re safe now kid. At least until Brainstorm finds a way to take you back.”--Ratchet
Buddy nods and vents a bit.
“What’s your designation?”--Velocity
The medical team raised an optic.
“Buddy?”—all the medics
Buddy crosses her arms a bit.
“My first father gave me it. Before the war started.”--Buddy
“First father?”--Ratchet
“The war? That’s been over for a while now.”--Velocity
Buddy slowly moving her helm towards Velocity.
“The war is over in this universe kid. Megatron surrendered.”--Ambulon
Buddy faints on the med slab.
“…”—All the medics
“At least she was here when she fainted.”—First Aid
“Kid, appreciate the optimism, but now is not the time.”--Ratchet
Eventually when she recovered from the shock, Buddy put on a brave face and followed Ratchet and First Aid to the main bridge.
Ratchet felt Buddy hold his servo with a death grip when she saw Megatron, but he had to give it to her, she had a pretty good brave face.
She even managed to take her servo out to shake it to the former war lord.
Buddy shaking Megatron’s servo.
“Pleasure to meet you sir.”--Buddy
Megatron, a bit surprised, shakes his servo.
“Thank you…”--Megatron
“Buddy. My designation is Buddy.”--Buddy
“Buddy? That sounds like an earthy name. Were you named on Earth?”--Rodimus
“No sir—”--Buddy
“Please call me Rodimus, Rodimus Prime, Co-captain of the Lost Light.”--Rodimus
Buddy’s optics widen as she lets go of Megatron’s servo.
“Prime?! You’re a Prime!?”--Buddy
Rodimus puffing his chassis a bit.
“Yes, I am—”--Rodimus
“Is Optimus okay!? What happened? Is Orion okay?!”--Buddy
It was going to take a while longer than expected for the portal to Buddy’s dimension to work, but Buddy didn’t seem to mind it too much.
Yes, she was worried for her family back at home.
But this beat staying alone in the mountain range.
Buddy naturally met Drift soon enough after spending so much time with Ratchet and Rodimus.
Drift and Buddy got along like a house fire.
Buddy got excited to see the samurai bot every time he came by the med bay.
Drift popping by the med bay.
Buddy looking at him with a wide smile.
“Hi Drift!”--Buddy
“How’s the meditations working?”--Drift
“Iffy, its kind of hard for me to get. But I’ll get it sooner or later.”--buddy
“I trust you with that. You’re almost as stubborn as Ratchet.”--Drift
“Is that a challenge?”--Buddy
“I mean—”--Drift
Drift accidentally stepping on a wrench.
Buddy venting a bit.
“Drift… I needed that.”--Buddy
Meanwhile Ratchet on the other side of the med bay.
“…Why do I get the sudden feeling of pride?”--Ratchet
So many bots found themselves starting to get soft spots for the new member of the Lost Light.
And it wasn’t intentional.
Buddy was one, soft spoken and gentle in nature. And two was the youngest bot on board.
It was only natural that Buddy would get some special treatment.
Buddy sitting with Rodimus and the Rod Squad.
“What else do you want to know?”--Buddy
Swerve passing Buddy a flavored non-engex drink.
“Your fuel levels were pretty low when we checked, care to explain?”--Whirl
Buddy chugging down the drink.
Buddy finishing the drink.
“What do you mean?”--Buddy
“One. Impressive drinking skill Buddy.”--Whirl
Whirl patting Buddy on the helm.
“Two, a little bird told us that the levels were bone dry. You trying some new diet?”—Whirl
“Whirl how—“—First Aid
Whirl shushing the medic.
“I have my ways.”--Whirl
“Nope. That’s just how they are with our reserves.”--Buddy
“…”—Rod squad
Buddy happily drinking more energon.
“How-how low were the reserves.”--Tailgate
Buddy side glancing at Ratchet.
“Low enough for me to find Ratchet slipping his rations back, I started doing the same. We weren’t needed out in the field much, we don’t need that much fuel. The team needs it more—”--Buddy
Buddy get hugged by Tailgate who is just sobbing on her shoulder.
“Oh, don’t cry Tailgate. I’m fine.”--Buddy
“Yeesh. You sure your not related to Ratchet?”--Whirl
“Ratchet is my father.”--Buddy
“…”—Rod squad
“WHAT!?”—Rod squad
“… I think I made a mistake…”—Buddy
Rodimus draped both his arm over Drift and Ratchet.
“Congratulations you two.”--Rodimus
Ratchet tries to talk, but ends up stuttering, while Drift is just frozen in place with a big smile off his face plate.
“Shush! I bet Buddy got most of Drift’s personality and ratchet’s profession. It all makes sense now!”--Whirl
“Hold on—"--Buddy
Whirl slamming his claws on the table.
“I demand to see a DNA Test!”--Whirl
“Whirl that won’t—”—First Aid
“We need the tests!”--Swerve
Buddy hiding her face with her servos.
“…Adopted or not she’s definitely your kid Ratchet.”--Drift
Buddy peaks out to see Ratchet looking at her with a smile.
“At least one version of me has something to look forward to.”--Ratchet
Buddy smiles brightly at the comment.
“…but seriously. The tests…”--Whirl
“I can make one!”--Brainstorm
“Brainstorm no!”--Perceptor
“Brainstorm yes!”--Brainstorm
A week later the portal was finally fixed.
It was a tearful set of goodbyes from everyone.
Especially from Ratchet and Drift.
“Hopefully we’ll see each other again.”--Buddy
“Maybe, who knows with the Lost Light.”--Drift
“Yeah, yeah, now go on. My alternative is waiting for you.”--Ratchet
Buddy smiles and jumps into the portal.
When she got out of the portal, she was back in the mountain range.
This time her comms and messages were flooded with unread messages and missed calls.
Buddy let out her SOS button and sat down on a nearby rock.
She would be with her family soon enough.
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After @randomationality mentioned Starscream getting thrown around often here, I remembered him being shiny for the first few episodes and decided to do some digging and figure out exactly when he lost the shine.
In Episode 1, while Megatron is still gone, Starscream’s chest has a very prominent shine.
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Then again, Episode 2, Megatron returns and he is very shiny.
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In Episode 3 he’s not as shiny as earlier (possibly due to the lighting, possibly due to offscreen Megatron) but we do see the glow of his weapon reflecting on his chest.
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Same for Ep4, continuation of the Fowler scene. But at the end of Episode 4, Megatron beats Starscream on camera for the first time. And when you watch Episode 5,,,
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You can clearly see he’s lost the shine. The same lighting is hitting both of them and while it reflects from Megatron, it doesn’t from Starscream.
Worth noting that Ep 6 does give him back a bit of shine, he never quite recovers to the same degree as the first few episodes. I stopped watching carefully after that point. Make of this what you will. The animators tweaking his design after the first few episodes, or an intentional change to show Megs’ abuse.
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Hi! Can I request poly hcs of yandere bayverse Optimus Prime & Megatron with fem reader. Could you possibly add some fluff? Thank you, love ur blog! 💕✨
Bayverse Poly! Yandere Optimus Prime X Reader X Megatron
A little longer than I meant, oops-
You’re Sam Witwickey’s sibling. You were more well-read than your brother, and much more polite. When Sam said that he was going to sell your great-great grandfather’s glasses, you were appalled. You immediately snatched them away from him. 
“These are antique! So are these!” You snatched other items up. “You can’t sell them, bozo!” 
“But I need the money! For the car!” Sam tried to grab them back. 
“What if I paid for a portion of it?” 
Sam halted his movements. “What?” 
You huffed. “I’ll pay for some of the car- but YOU have to make sure to give me rides sometime.”
“YES!” He coughed, “I mean, yeah. Sure. You’re my sibling, of course you’d get rides.” 
Then it happened- you met the Decepticons on the way to get the glasses fixed up. You dropped them off at the small antique shop and began your walk home.
A patrol car’s lights went off next to you, and you pulled off to the side into an alleyway. What shocked you the most, however, was when it transformed into a literal robot. You felt dizzy and collapsed to the ground unconscious.
“Frag.” Barricade muttered, pressing his servo to his helm. “Barricade to Starscream. I have the human, but they are unconscious.” 
“Bring them to me.” Starscream ordered.
Before Barricade could respond, a loud honk echoed around the alley and a semi slammed into him. Optimus quickly transformed and snatched you off the ground, handing you off to Bumblebee. “Get them to safety!” 
Bumblebee drove off with you in tow, and Sam quickly shook you awake. “Sam?” You asked. “What happened?” You suddenly remembered the giant robot that had forced you into the alleyway. “The robot-!” 
“Yeah, there’s a few of them. I’ll explain in a bit- where are the glasses?” 
“Back at the antique shop… why?”
Right after you went back to grab the glasses, you met the others. The situation was explained to you, and you were scared. You just wanted to go home and sleep. Unfortunately, as soon as you got home, people from ‘sector seven’ were there to take you away. 
You sat crying in the backseat as Sam and Mikela tried to comfort you. “It’ll be okay, (Y/N).”
“No it won’t!” Simmons said from the front seat. “Not unless you tell us what you kn-” 
The car slammed forward. Optimus ripped off the roof of the car. “Taking the children and (Y/N) was a bad move.” 
Optimus scooped you up to sit you on his shoulder, holding their weapons on the aggressors the entire time. 
When Sam and Mikela got taken, you stayed with Optimus. Once you all discovered where the allspark was, the Autobots began the journey there- you in tow. You wanted to go home, but Optimus wouldn’t let you. He said it was too dangerous to let you go back home.
During the trip, you and Optimus talked a lot. You both got to know each other really well. Despite it only being a few days, you developed a crush on him. 
During the battle, Optimus gave you and Sam an order- push the Allspark into his chest, and kill him. You shook your head as Sam moved to do as he was told. 
“NO, SAM!” You snatched it away. You looked at Megatron and brought the cube near him. 
A wicked grin appeared on his faceplates, and he held his servo out. “Good, yes, human! Bring it to me!”
A sadness painted your face. Yes, Megatron was evil- but you never wanted to take a life. “I”m sorry,” You whispered. Megatron’s face contorted in rage as you shoved the allspark into his chest. 
Before he died, he looked into your eyes. “I’ll get you for this, human!”
You never recovered from taking a life. Optimus was thankfully there for you, and you both grew extremely close. You were one of the few civilians permitted on the base, often helping out. Your official title was ‘liaison’. Even Galloway liked you. 
You were visiting Sam when the Decepticon attacked. You were all running for your lives, with you not understanding a thing of what was going on. Mikela’s car was swept up into the air by a helicopter. You were screaming loudly as it took you all away, and screamed even louder when the car was dropped through a roof and sawed into. 
Everyone stood up as Starscream spit at you. A deep voice came from behind you all. “Come here, boy.” Megatron hissed. Sam began walking towards him with his hands up. “Closer.” 
“Sam, no.” You whispered in fear. Megatron’s eyes met yours for the first time since you took his life. Your body froze as still as you could make it. 
Before you could say anything Megatron grabbed you up from where you were standing and held you in his servo. Sam yelled out your name. “SHUT UP!” Megatron yelled and slapped Sam across the room. 
“SAM!” You and Mikela shouted in fear. “Don’t hurt him! Please!” You begged. 
Megatron simply ignored you and pinned Sam down with his over servo. “It feels good to grab your flesh. I’m going to kill you. Slowly- painfully- but first, we have some delicate work to do.” Sam kept struggling as Megatron mocked him. “Ohhh, I could snap your limbs off.”
You struggled in the servo you were tightly held in. “Wait! It was me that killed you, so let him go! He didn’t do anything!”
Megatron squeezed you tighter in his grasp. “Oh, I have something much better planned for you. Now wait your turn.” You struggled to breath as the air left your lungs. Just before you passed out, he loosened his grip. It was a warning- if you weren’t quiet, he’d knock you out.
You watched in horror as a minicon send a small bug into Sam’s mouth. You had to look away in fear you’d throw up from the sight. In your mind you were hoping for Optimus to find you, to save you.
Your prayers were answered as Optimus and Bumblebee came slamming through into the building firing off shots. Megatron quickly stashed you in his subspace and began fighting Optimus. 
You were thrown around in the tight space and you hoped that Optimus would figure out you were in there. Sounds were muffled, but you could make out sounds of blasting. Soon enough, the sounds faded. The subspace opened and you were taken out into the sunlight. It took your eyes a moment to adjust, but when they did your heart stopped in your chest. 
On the ground before you was Optimus- a giant hole in his chest. He was obviously dead. You felt tears well up in your eyes as a wail left your throat.
“You’re mine now, human. Optimus will never be able to save you again.” 
Megatron took you with him to his hideout. He was originally going to use you to make Sam come out of hiding, but he soon realized why Optimus kept you around. You were smart for your race, and offered fairly good advice (even if said advice was forced out with the threat of violence). The Fallen left you alone, seeing the logic in a living hostage. 
In your short time there, Megatron had begun to grow feelings for you. He didn’t bother denying them- he was a Decepticon. If there was something he wanted, he’d take it. 
After his defeat and the Fallen’s death in Egypt, Megatron offered Optimus a deal he couldn’t pass up. 
“Why don’t we share them? Frag this war, and just hide away?” 
Optimus glared at him. “Do you really expect me to believe you?” 
Megatron chuckled. “You can either accept it, or never see them again, Prime.”
Optimus had no choice but to accept. They hid out on a small island, inhabited with nothing but animals. You were protected as long as you were with them. You also had plenty of books, food, and water. Anything you asked for, except your freedom, was given to you. 
However, at night, when everyone was resting, you were building a raft. You had a book that they gave you that had some basic instructions. When you set off, the raft was surprisingly sturdy. Your supplies were enough to last for a few days- hopefully when you would find someone to help you. 
When you heard the familiar sound of a jet, tears filled your eyes. You shouldn’t have even bothered to try. Megatron scooped you up and brought you back. When you got there, Optimus was waiting with a horrible glare on his face. 
“Where did you think you were going?” He growled. 
Tears fell before you could stop them. “I just wanted to see my family! My friends!” 
Optimus and Megatron felt a smidgen of guilt. Megatron held you closer as Optimus lifted your chin to make you look at him, a gentle smile on his faceplates. “And you will see them,” he petted your hair a little, “When you learn to behave. I can’t allow them to take you from me-”
“Us.” Megatron growled. 
Optimus glanced at him and back to you. “Us. You are ours. We won’t let you get away.”
Megatron chimed in with a sadistic grin on his faceplates. “If you ever try again, I’ll lock you away so you’ll never see the sun again. Understand?” 
All you could do is nod as a soft smile came to Optimus’ faceplates. “Good.” 
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Hii there! If you have the time, can I please request hcs or scenario of Knockout and reader being absolute chaotic bff's. Like they may both be a total pain in everyone's aft but KO and reader are also surprisingly efficient when together so it's hard to get mad at them (I hope my rambling is easy to understand 😅)
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((Do I have to say "Spoilers for Predicons Rising" in 2023? Probably now but i'm nothing if not paranoid, lol.))
Being chaotic besties with Knock Out would include...
- Megatron finally recruits another medic and- OH SWEET PRIMUS THERE'S TWO OF THEM OH NO
- Seriously, you get along like a house on fire and might one day actually set a house on fire. The leader of the Decepticons realizes he made a mistake the moment you actually giggle at one of Knock Out's snarky comments... but what can he do? It's not like he has a long list of medics he can just call up and have come all the way to Earth. He was lucky to run across another medic at all, so the resists the daily temptation to (literally) throw one of you off the Nemesis.
- Starscream is also absolutely devastated by this development. Now he has two idiots trying to suggest he upgrade his weapons, his look, his face... at this point, he's pretty sure both you and Knock Out are resisting the urge to just gesture to all of him when he comes in for a checkup.
- Of course, you can't be friends with Knock Out and not also be friends with Breakdown (who is very much alive and nothing bad will ever happen to him shut up). He also likes you immediately, if only because you clearly drive Starscream up the wall just by existing, and another medic means more of his friends, the Vehicons, are getting patched up in short order.
- (Okay but real talk, in some crazy AU where Breakdown gets horribly murdered, which totally did not happen in canon, having someone supportive who treats him with genuine friendship and respect by his side might have made him finally question his allegiance just a bit sooner? It's amazing what happens when a seeker who screams at you constantly is not your only source of companionship on a proverbially sinking ship. Whether it's sooner or not, you follow him to the autobots, and now your chaotic dynamic is their problem. Ratchet will never emotionally recover from this.)
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lets-try-some-writing · 7 months
Got Angst for Prime.
AU: Whatever AU you want to use.
Concept: Ratchet's Optics never really recovered from his Synth-En incident. He sees everything in a tint of green. And his optics show it. So, every time OP looks Ratchet in the optics, he sees the blue with a tinge of green surrounding it, and he gets hit with how bad he failed Ratchet.
(I've pretty much always HC that Ratchet had some lasting aftereffects of his tests. This one's my favorite though.)
I can't help it.
I am going to make this shippy.
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Optimus had always loved Ratchet's optics. If you asked him, he would deny the way he often found himself staring wistfully off in the doctor's direction. It was all professional concern for a mech who simply didn't know when he needed to rest and recover. If he shared a glance with Ratchet for a little longer than normal, it was simply because he cared. That was what he told others. Whether or not they believe him was up for debate.
But beneath that veil of half truths created for both his and Ratchet's safety, Optimus's affections ran deep.
Even before the war, he'd loved those optics. Ratchet's optics were aged even when Orion was young. And yet they held a life to them that was undeniable. Passion incapable of being smothered by the harsh words of others and the seemingly impossible trial that was going up a caste. Ratchet bore every burden and political scheme with blunt determination, his optics always shining brightly as a hint of a smirk played on his features. Optimus loved that mischievous grin and the telltale glint that Ratchet got in his optics when he had some wild plan cooked up. Even though he was unable to bring himself to utter the compliments that formed in the back of his mind, he loved the Doctor's optics more than he cared to admit. So much energy contained within a compact frame. It was beautiful in its own unique way.
Once the war began and Orion Pax became Optimus Prime, he did not think about Ratchet's optics as much. At least until they began to lose the shine that he had been so familiar with in his youth.
War was uncaring and it held no love for those trapped within its web. Optimus endured it with the patience of the old gods of Cybertron long since left to rot. Whispers of ancient beings far beyond his comprehension clouded his sense of time. Tears he wept for the fallen turned his gaze away from those around him and instead to the rivers of energon that flowed around his pedes. He endured it as the last of a long line of divines given frame. But Ratchet was mortal, and as the war dragged on, those optics that Optimus adored grew darker. Passion changed to red hot fury so bright and dangerous that Ratchet's gaze felt almost like venom at times.
Stokes of fire leapt through Ratchet's blazing optics, and more than once Optimus feared he'd be scorched by that boiling inferno of loss and grief. And yet despite being the one to lead their war ever onward, Optimus never felt Ratchet's anger directed at him. When those optics gazed up at him, Optimus felt only age old affection and care. Fire was tamed and turned to comforting warmth. Steady servos ran along his arms and a soothing voice lulled Optimus into temporary serenity on long cycles where he simply had no more tears to shed or reason to give to their Primus forsaken war. All the while those optics met his own and Optimus was at peace.
Vorns passed by. Optimus continued in his eternal march toward victory and Ratchet continued to change. Rage turned into bitterness, the molten hot wrath of war transforming into a deep set sorrow that left creases in the living metal that surrounded Ratchet's optics. Grim darkness pooled in that once passionate gaze. Those optics flickered in wrath long fostered each time Megatron made himself known. Those optics flared with every injury that the team brought with them back to base once they arrived on Earth. Those optics that Optimus loved so dearly dimmed and quieted, their light softening in the dark of the medical bay on long nights when Ratchet thought no one would hear his quiet sobs.
Optimus always loved Ratchet's optics.
He should have treated him better.
"Does it still hurt?" Optimus asked as he ran his digits over the weld on Ratchet's side.
"Of course it does. The weld has only been in place for a month and the wound ran deep." Ratchet replied clinically, not looking up from his work even as Optimus risked wrapped his arms around the doctor's waist. Others could see, but in the moment, he didn't care.
"I'm sorry." He murmured into the crook of Ratchet's neck as he leaned down, desperate to feel the comforting warmth of Ratchet's frame against his. The Doctor stilled, his field extending and wrapping around Optimus is concern.
"Optimus, please, we've talked about this. I was out of line in saying that. You are not at fault." Ratchet broke from Optimus's embrace and turned around. Optimus wanted to look away in shame as those optics looked up at him, still as lovely as ever, but tinted a haunting green.
A sign of Optimus's greatest failure.
"I am at fault, and you know that as well as I do. Let us not delude ourselves." Optimus reached out to cup Ratchet's face. The Doctor leaned into his touch obligingly. Any open affection was a risk, but there was something unspoken that needed to be addressed before time ran out and the world drew them apart yet again.
"You have always done what you think is right. I can't blame you for hoping and trying to save a mech who was once a friend." Ratchet's optics cycled and the green became more prominent within them in response to his emotions. Optimus frowned and shifted so caress the metal around the Doctors optics. His scarred digits traced creases and small scuffs, lingering around the corners of Ratchet's optics as Optimus observed the green hue in sorrow.
"You shouldn't have felt pressured to do this to yourself. The risks were too great. If I had only-" A digit pressed to Optimus's derma before he could continue, silencing his attempts at being self deprecating before they could truly begin.
"I made my choice. It is not your fault. Besides, the world is just a little more green for me now. That is all." Ratchet forced a smile, but Optimus could not bring himself to do the same. Ratchet's words while he was on synthetic energon were cruel... but undeniably true. How many times had Optimus had the chance to bring down Megatron only to let the warlord go? How many lives could he have saved if he had only put aside his feelings on the matter and acted?
"I can tell you are beating yourself up over it. Stop. It's over now and I'm fine." Ratchet pulled away and Optimus's servos fell. They stood quietly together for a nanoklik before Ratchet moved forward, his smaller frame pressing against Optimus's in a gentle embrace. Strong arms hooked themselves around the crooks of Optimus's torso, unwavering but gentle enough that if he wished, the Prime could pull away.
"Forgive me." Optimus murmured in the quiet of the medical bay. A gentle hum met his plea. Neither said another word as they stood in the relative dark, comforted in the presence of one another. Only the light of the nearby console lit up the area, but it was more than enough for the Prime to work with.
Green tinted optics glowed in the gloom, illuminating Optimus's face as he leaned down. Ratchet's optics closed, most likely expecting a gentle touch to the crest of his helm. Instead, Optimus leaned as close as he was able, even going so far as to angle his helm so that he could get near enough to place a ghost of a kiss over Ratchet's optics. Each closed optic received the lightest of touches, so soft that it may as well have been a gust of wind. But as Optimus pulled back and settled into the helm touch that Ratchet had likely been prepared for, the Prime finally smiled.
"Thank you for standing by my side." Ratchet stared in shock as the Prime's digits again found their place tracing around the Doctor's optics. Ratchet stood still, uncertain of how to respond until Optimus spoke again.
"I've always loved your optics, regardless of their hue." Optimus assured, earning a gentle huff from his companion.
"You sap." Ratchet whispered even as his optics glowed in all too rare joy at the show of affection. The green was still present, a permanent reminder of the costs of war. However Optimus continued to smile all the same, simply pleased to have those optics locked on him.
Yes, Optimus would admit it aloud if times permitted.
He had always loved Ratchet's optics.
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
What else could transformers find attractive and what kind of beauty standards might they have?
(That are logical and not replicating human ones for humans titillation)
I always HC that biolights can be a good indicator of health and/or attractiveness, but I'm biased because I love them dearly. Because, logically to me, if a mech is sickly or stressed, their biolights and optics will be flickering slightly (or more than slightly) or sometimes / often dim.
Logically speaking having a clear and shiny paintjob would be a sign of attractiveness because it shows both they take care of themself and can afford to maintain a consistent paintjob (though I think this varies greatly, with scars in some areas being considered a badge of honor and a sign of winning, in some areas there are higher paint job requirements than other, some areas just forgo the custom entirely)
Bright colors = conventionally attractive makes sense with a similar psychology, especially with how common it is on earth too. I can see a whole ass THING too among the higher castes / classes about being able to afford all sorts of artificial highlights, temporary like makeup or "permanent" (though it wouldn't be permanent-permanent, simply difficult to remove and long lasting, especially if we believe in paint nanites here)
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blighted-lights · 1 month
headcanon for the day: by the time ravage is on the lost light, he's got a lot of chronic pain. a lot of it comes from the various injuries that he's recieved over the years (being thrown around, run over, shot, starved, mindcontrolled, and nearly killed will do that to you), but some of it comes from his modification of being a cassette. his transformation cog has a lot of wear on it just based on how often he's transformed over the years, and the impact of being launched from soundwave's chest and landing harshly on his paws over and over has built up to some nasty joint pain in his legs specifically.
also missle launchers on his hips? the recoil on those things must be awful, and they're built into him. his spinal-strut has gotta be a mess.
usually soundwave or the other cassettes are there to help him when it gets to be too much, either by letting him stay curled up in berth/soundwave's chest until the flare passes or helping him stretch and massaging his joints to alleviate some of the pressure. megatron takes over that duty when ravage is on the lost light- mostly because he doesn't trust anyone else to help him with it. except for first aid when ravage gets fed up with megatron, and then later on velocity when first aid leaves.
the lost light is also a sensory nightmare for ravage when it comes to scents. migranes are common and he spends a fair amount of time curled up in dark, quiet corners recovering.
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Jealous Type ❙ ES Megatron x f!robot reader ❙ NSFW 18+
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Word count: 2000+
Warnings: Smut ( Oral and spike in valve ), jealous behaviour, mentions of past relationship, some angst and happy ending. NSFW 18+.
Notes: Honestly, I love the Megatron from earthspark. We all see a side to him we haven’t before and I think it’s beautiful. Thanks anon for senidng this in. It turned out much more fluffy. Also I made the reader robot as you didn’t spesify, so hope that’s alright. 🥰
Added notes: I had so many issues posting this. For some reason this wasn’t appearing anywhere. This will be my fourth attempt in posting it. Had to test around with the tags to see what the issue was. I’m unsure why this happened, and I'm still unsure. But just checking the feeds and it seems to be working now, so it just fixed itself I think? Posting again and fingers crossed it behaves.
Coffee ☕
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You both came from the same lifestyle back on Cybertron. You followed him during those times during the rebellion. You joined his side when he formed the decepticons, no matter what, you swore to serve him. That’s how things grew more between you two, and you both grew to even love one another. But like all good things it doesn’t last forever as the war rages on. There was never any time for either of you, and you drifted apart so bluntly. Nonetheless you continue to follow him, no matter how much it stung when he merely treats you like one of his soldiers and not his lover anymore.
For so long it continues, and suddenly he changes and sides with Optimus. At the time you were pissed. After everything, all the sacrifices, everything you did for him, what was it all for? As expected the decepticons pretty much turned their backs on their former leader, ignoring his excuses. You weren’t upset about the cause but more like Megatron for dragging you through every struggle for so long, only to leave you still hanging over the edge. What you hated more was that you still loved the bastard.
You chose to not hang around, leaving the decepticons and Megatron to their silly games and hide around on the new planet you reside on. Earth. Oddly enough you find a peaceful beauty on the planet, and choose to use this to try and recover yourself from all that time ago. It doesn’t last though, of course it doesn’t. The all spark was gone, or sent back to Cybertron, and the space bridge was destroyed. You were all stranded here. Fantastic.
It doesn’t take you long to figure out about G.H.O.S.T. and how they’re tracking down decepticons. Megatron was offering changes, to work together, for the sake of their world and species. The words from Optimus that somehow got hardwared in that thick lug nut processor of his. You don’t want to be part of that, not yet at least. It’s not that you didn’t understand why Meagtron was working with Optimus, you did, but he hurt you and you hated to simply give in.
You avoiding being captured was about to run out eventually. G.H.O.S.T. find you and drag you back to their base where you’re about to be put in prison, but this is stopped by Megatron. He vouched for you, much to your surprise, before asking you the big question. Will you join us?
Your answer is yes.
Now you worked with G.H.O.S.T who you didn’t like or trust at all. There is something off about them, and even Megatron made a few comments about his mistrust of them, but Optimus asks to give them a chance to prove themselves. It’s not like there is much you can say or do anyway, just work as a team.
Megatron is different, older you remark to yourself, but it’s like the war is still raging in his processor in a silent never ending scream. He looks tired and worn down, yet he continues to thrive being the Megatron you know. You want to talk to him about everything, but you can’t seem to bring yourself to do this. Expressing is something you haven’t done in a long time and there are reasons you stopped so long ago. You decide to leave it and just try to move on. This proves to be near difficult, so you distract yourself however you can.
Flirting. It just started as harmless flirting. You didn’t think much of it at the time. Optimus didn’t seem to mind either, even looking rather flattered with himself, but you did catch Elita sending you a few glares if she might’ve overheard. You know not to tread on that turf, not that you were interested anyway. Though it wasn’t just Elita that noticed but Megatron as well.
“Why are you playing around with Optimus?” His stern voice is heard and you turn to face him through narrowed optics.
“Excuse me? I’m not playing around with anyone.”
“You’re flirting with him. Are you smitten by him?” His tone grows annoyed causing you to scoff lightly in amusement.
“No, and even if I was, why does that bother you?”
“You know damn well why it bothers me.”
“What’s this? The mighty Megatron is jealous? Grow up. There’s nothing between you and me anymore, you made that very clear. I can flirt with whoever I want.”
“Me? We were at war! You wanted so much more that couldn’t be given. You decided to end things because you weren’t patient enough.”
“Don’t you dare put the blame on me! Yes, I wanted more, I wanted us to build a future together but you were so focused on leading the decepticons there was no time for us.”
“How could we have built a future in the middle of a war?!” He’s booming now. The old Megatron flickered across your view for a short moment.
“I don’t know, but you certainly didn’t try very hard. You gave up on us and I chose to ignore it all because I believed in you still. Now here we are, and all for what? For you to side with Optimus. I loved you, I gave myself to you, I dragged myself in all sorts of smelting pits for you! You broke my spark, and it still hurts.”
“You’re making it all about you.” His answer took you off guard. “You think you were the only one that was hurt? Don’t pretend that you are the innocent one. I wanted you to be patient for us but you couldn’t do that and decided for yourself that we were over. You never spoke to me about it, never mentioned it ever again, just pretended all was fine. Now that hurt me.”
Your optics beam with tears as he steps closer saying all this. How dare he? It wasn’t your fault! He’s the one that chose to ignore you.
“Go frag yourself.” You can only whisper. He’s so close to you, which causes you to shove at his large chest. “Frag you!”
You don’t know how it happened, but he’s suddenly kissing you. You feel him holding your shoulders firmly as he presses his lips against your own, feeling desperate.
You react by pushing him away and slapping him. He looks defeated when you do this. You allow everything to sink in and you suddenly feel bad for hitting him. Reaching up you touch his cheek plating where you had hit him. He doesn’t flinch, and instead you watch as his optics shuttered closed and lean into your touch, letting out a warm purr that vibrates against your servo. You still loved the bastard.
Stepping closer you move your servos along his shoulder plating. Your height difference never affected your ability to touch or hold him before. He leans closer again, slowly this time, grazing his lips against your audio making you exhale softly from the tender contact. He moves his helm back in front of you and you’re the one to kiss him then, deeply, desperate yourself.
Suddenly he moves you both into the nearest room. Empty. But at least it wasn’t out in the open for anyone to see within the base. He presses you against the wall and lets out a groan against your lips, glossas dominating one another before he’s on his knees before you so fast.
“W-what are you doing?”
“Winning you back.”
You feel both his glossa and dentas against your inner thigh then, nibbling and sucking against your soft metal skin as he raises your leg up onto his shoulder.
“Oh…” You can only gasp out which is soon followed by a growing moan, arising arousal rushing through your entire frame making you quiver in delight. When you feel his glossa run up against your closed panel you suddenly retract it and press your exposed valve down against him.
Megatron lets out a deep moan that shakes from your aching valve as he tastes your sweet fluids, rolling his glossa into your depths and uses that along with his vibrations against your node, stimulating your valve and worshipping you on his knees.
Your helm tilts back against the wall as you tighten your thighs around his helm, grinding down gently against his face as you press your servo at the back of his helm, keeping him there as you ride yourself against him. Heated gasps leave you as your rocking motions increase, as do the movements of his glossa.
You can feel yourself growing more hot and aroused, your overload quickly building as you continue to rock yourself in the perfect sync with his glossa, before it’s suddenly gone and he’s standing back up.
“I was getting close…” You snarl at him through annoyed optics.
He only chuckles light at your annoyance. “Darling, I only wish to savour every bit of you. Besides,” He leans closer and whispers into your audio, “don’t you want me to frag you?”
You respond by letting out a shaky vent, hearing his panel retract and watching his extensive spike eject out between you both. Oh you’ve missed him.
“Yes, frag me senseless.”
Grabbing hold onto his shoulders again you wrap your legs tightly around his broad waist, feeling him kissing you delicately before he slides himself inside your drenched valve.
Megatron’s cable stretches you fully, every ridge and pulse flutters against your inner walls as your node grinds against his base. With your arms wrapped around the back of his neck you gaze lustfully into his optics before kissing him again more firmly, rocking your hips down along his spike causing you both to moan deeply.
He holds you steady against the wall and begins to increase the pace of his thrusts, slow and strong thrusts that push every inch of his length inside you, pushing out heated moans from you over again.
Your back scraps against the wall he had you pressed against as you held on tightly around his rocking large figure against you. At that point you didn’t care who would hear either of you, and relished every thrust delivered to you. He continues this pace before finally increasing his thrusts, grunting firmly as he grew close to his own overload, practically rutting into you.
“Megatron…frag…oh primus!” You can’t help but cry out as your node is stimulated against him, your overload suddenly comes crashing through your entire frame and lets out a blissful cry into his neck.
He thrusts into you firmly a few more times before he stiffens and you feel his trans fluids soak your inner depths along with a deep rumbled moan muffled into your shoulder by him.
He keeps you between himself and the wall, his twitching spike still buried deep in you while you savoured every moment with him. Gently, he presses his helm against the front of yours and lets out a long and deep vent.
“Can we try again?” You hear him ask you, and you can’t help but smirk softly.
“Us? Or interfacing?” He responds with a hearty chuckle.
You already know your answer. “We can.” You grab his chin firmly between your digits then. “But I swear, hurt me and I’ll personally offline you myself.”
“I expect no one else to do such a thing.” He leans his helm into your digits before kissing your inner palm making you smile tenderly. You missed that stupid old handsome face.
“Good. Let’s continue this in your quarters. I want you to frag me into oblivion.” You feel yourself smirk before he removes himself and lowers you down. He’s growing semi hard again you take notice.
“Let’s go than, darling.” He fixes himself up but you know it’s uncomfortable for him before you finally accept his offered servo on your own and let him lead you to his private quarters.
Perhaps there is hope for you both to have a future.
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thecocodrille · 2 months
Hello, hope it's not a dumb question (I literally just found you) but I saw that you drew starscream with his optics covered while Op takes care of him
Could I know why he has his optics covered?
Oh that’s easy, I’m making fan art (propaganda) of the “young seekers au” for contex on the au, “The war ended with a lucky shot. Megatron and Shockwave were dead, Starscream was missing, and the majority of the Decepticons were captured, or even helping the Autobots rebuild.” But starscream actually was still on the nemesis stuck inside an isolation cell thanks to megatron and how megatron was dead he never let him out (Oops) so starscream was stuck there for a long time, until Optimus realice that and when to rescue him, but starscream was already super damage so in the end he can’t hear, see or talk and can barely move.
And meanwhile the rest of Autobots are rebuilding Optimus and ratchet take some extra time to make sure starscream is ok, safe and recovering but of course starscream being starscream he’s gonna make it difficult.
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For more contex read the fanfic that started all this.
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