#Megachile rotundata
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vestaignis · 2 months ago
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Люцерновая пчела-листорез (Megachile rotundata)
Люцерновая пчела-листорез относится к подроду Eutricharia, «маленькие пчелы-листорезы», длина их тела составляет 6–9 мм (0,24–0,35 дюйма).  Ячейки своих гнёзд, содержащих одно яйцо и запас пыльцы, выстилают кусочками листьев люцерны, роз, шиповника, бирючины. Эти вырезаемые ими кусочки имеют округлую форму и вреда растению такие надрезы не приносят, так как пчёлы не нарушают их сосудистую систему. Мед и крупных колоний пчелы-листорезы не образует, но являются важными опылителеми многих цветковых растений, включая такие важные культуры, как люцерна посевная, морковь и другие. 
Megachile rotundata( мегахила шмелевидная) демонстрируют половой диморфизм, при котором самцы меньше самок и имеют разные окраски. У самок белые волосы по всему телу, в том числе и на области скопа. Напротив, у самцов на брюшке есть белые и желтые пятна. Они частично бивольтинны, что означает, что при правильных условиях они могут производить два поколения в год. Отличительная особенность пчелы -листореза— короткий жизненный цикл. Самка живет около двух месяцев, самцы – не более четырех недель. Встречаются эти пчелы довольно часто и распространены по всему миру.
Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee (Megachile rotundata)
The Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee belongs to the subgenus Eutricharia, the "little leafcutters", and is 6–9 mm (0.24–0.35 in) long. They line the cells of their nests, which contain one egg and a supply of pollen, with pieces of alfalfa, rose, rose hips, and privet leaves. These cut pieces are round in shape and do not cause harm to the plant, since the bees do not disrupt its vascular system. Leafcutter bees do not form honey or large colonies, but they are important pollinators of many flowering plants, including such important crops as alfalfa, carrots, and others.
Megachile rotundata (bumblebee megachile) exhibit sexual dimorphism, with males being smaller than females and having different colors. Females have white hair all over their bodies, including the osprey area. In contrast, males have white and yellow spots on their abdomens. They are partially bivoltine, meaning that under the right conditions they can produce two generations per year. A distinctive feature of the leafcutter bee is its short life cycle. The female lives for about two months, while males live for no more than four weeks. These bees are quite common and are found throughout the world.
Источник: //pictureinsect.com/ru/wiki/Megachile_rotundata.html, //www.dobryj-pasechnik.ru/public/o_pchelah/89.html, //dzen.ru/a/ XmvNYljHJGwOQmwD, //animals.pibig.info/48030-pchela-listorezka. html.
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bowelfly · 6 months ago
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"I love what you did with your hair"
artfight revenge for @hissydyke with @arthroart as collateral damage. thought it'd be fun to draw both of the colorful bee ladies on my 2024 hit-list together.
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butch-appreciator · 1 year ago
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This little guy is an alfalfa leafcutter bee or Megachile rotundata. They are a fairly small bee at around 6 to 9 mm in length and the smallest leafcutter bee! They are solitary and will construct nests in a wide range of places, including rotting wood, holes in the ground as well as cracks in buildings. Unfortunately, this bee is an introduced species where I live but are very fun to watch zipping around the garden.
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freakyll · 7 months ago
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Just a tiny bee snacking on a flower.
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But what's this?
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Strike from above!
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Such a dramatic pose. Poor thing didn't know what hit her.
They seem to be alfalfa leafcutting bees or Megachile rotundata. Or some other leafcutter bee, at the very least I feel confident that it's one of them.
While looking up this bee I stumbled on mention of them having three "simple eyes" between their faceted eyes. Turns out they are called ocelli and that's actually normal equipment for bees and wasps.
Fascinating. All my life I thought spiders were very special with their eight eyes and now I suddenly find out that bees have five instead of two.
Lviv 2024-06-16
📷Samnusg Galaxy M21
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celestialmacros · 1 year ago
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My favorite photos of 2023, for @luxlit's Year End Top 5 Photo Extravaganza that will run for 24 hours on New Year's Day. It's a great place to check out the photography talent here on tumblr, and maybe find some new blogs to follow.
You can also find me at my main blog @celestialphotography (scenics and travel) and my bird blog @occasionallybirds
Tan Jumping Spider (Platycryptus undatus)
Longhorn Bee, Melissodes sp.
Euperilampus triangularis, a member of Chalcidoid Wasps
Possibly Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee (Megachile rotundata)
Some sort of Nut and Acorn Weevil (Curculio sp.)
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puzzlies · 2 years ago
No, no. They're the megachile rotundata, and are often referred to as leafcutter bees. On the other hand, leafcutter ant is a broader term in itself that includes 47 different tropical species of leaf-chewing ants.
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kaylagraypa · 1 year ago
North Museum Of Nature and Science Lancaster County Pennsylvania
North Museum Of Nature and Science Lancaster County Pennsylvania In the museum you will find Dinosaurs ,there is a live animal room ( not shown in the video ) , also the North Museum has a planetarium ( not shown in video )
In the North museum there is a large Ornithology Room down stairs with many birds to see , here are some birds that nest in Lancaster County the Barred Owl ( Strix varia ), Barn owl (tyto alba ) , Eastern Screech Owl (Megascops asio) , Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) .
The museum also has some artwork showing the contributions to science made by female scientists. Dr Hayat Sindi and Rosalind Franklin.
Dr Hayat Sindi - Dr Hayat Sindi is the first Saudi woman to be accepted at Cambridge university for biotechnology and the first woman from the Arab States of the Persian Gulf to complete a degree in the field of Biotechnology . Dr Hayat Sindi is working on bringing affordable healthcare to impoverished communities .
Rosalind Franklin - Rosalind Franklin was a British chemist and X-ray crystallographer. Rosalind Franklin x ray diffraction images photo 51 of DNA was central to the understanding of the double helix structure of DNA .
There was a live beehive at the museum and a pamphlet about native bees including
Bumblebee (Bombus ) the only native bee that lives in a colony in PA, Mason bees (Osmia ) These bees are important early spring pollinators, Sweat bees (Halictidae ) small bees that help to pollinate Cane fruit and onions , Mason bees nest in hollow stems or crevices. Other native bees include Squash bees , Leafcutter bee ( Megachile rotundata ) , Carpenter bees ( Xylocopa) , Blueberry bee (Habropoda laboriosa ) and Mining bees ( Andrenidae )
The North Museum has a Geology exhibit down stars with many rocks and minerals from different parts of Pennsylvania and from other areas as well. The North Museum is a nice place to visit and is great for kids, if you're interested in visiting this local Lancaster County Museum, I will leave the website below.
The North Museum website https://northmuseum.org/
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chupacabracrafts · 2 years ago
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Photo dump of a [very fing adorable] leafcutter bee, possibly a male Megachile rotundata, pulled from our swimming pool yesterday. I tried to herd it towards some grass in bright shade, but he insisted on climbing on my hand until dry enough to fly away
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usgsbiml · 3 years ago
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Megachile rotundata.  Useful for pollinating alfalfa, found in cities and waste places everywhere, lives for sweet clover bloom.  It and its cousins M. apicallis and M. pusilla (or M. concinna if you rather) are the smallest of the megs in North America and all hail (hale?) from Europe.  The native plants they love in Europe are our weeds and so they love being here too.  This is a sweet little male.  Photo by Sierra Williams and Elizabeth Garcia did the Shopping. 
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andrearrrrr · 3 years ago
a newborn alfalfa leafcutting bee
Megachile rotundata - Wikipedia
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crylbun · 4 years ago
I cant remember what the name of these bees are but they're black and white and help with process of making ice cream. They don't have a queen and don't really have different groups of bees like workers and such.
I didn’t too TOO deep of research, but what I can find is this!
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The Alfalfa Leafcutting Bees!
They don’t really count at bees? According to my very little bit of research, but I’m going to say they are a bee because it DEFINITELY is a bee-
The Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee (Also known as Megachile Rotundata, also known as a god damn bee) was introduced to America in the late 1930s. It came from Europe? I believe?
But the reason why it’s SO IMPORTANT for not just ice cream, cheese, dairy-related products overall is because they keep Alfalfa ALIVE. They’re the only thing keeping Alfalfa a thing to help feed to cows to make their milk very rich. It’s one of the reasons why they’re really important. You shouldn’t just be thanking cows for this, thank those bees bro- they’re doing a good job keeping those cows alive, and therefore some tasty treats!!
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simonalkenmayer · 5 years ago
Xylocopa caerulea, Bombus lapidarius, Megachile Rotundata, Bombus lapidarius, Xylocopa caerulea
Is it a flag? Is this a cypher?
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earthstory · 6 years ago
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A study published in December 2013, in the journal Ecosphere, has discovered bees making their homes out of bits of plastic waste.
Every year, us humans disregard an enormous amount of waste; plastic proving especially vexing. Plastic is cheap and useful but also, for the most part, cannot be biodegraded; or if they can be, it is a very slow process. This durability ensures that plastic wastes are in abundance in landfills, our streets and the natural environment. The discovery that bees are utilising our waste is both sad and impressive; they have adapted to find a silver lining to our irresponsibility.
The researchers, from the University of Guelph in Ontario, watched hives of the alfalfa leaf cutting bees (Megachile rotundata). They noted that the busy bees replaced an average of 23 percent of their traditional, leafy building material with scraps of plastic bags - these nests are literally part plastic blag.
The researchers suggests that the abundance of plastic in urban areas could create a new branch in the evolutionary tree; separating city-dwelling bees who have learned to work within a human environment from their more rural cousins.
By no means should we justify our consumerism and waste by stating that creatures adapt, but, it’s hard not to be amazed by the resilience shown by these bee populations.
Study and image credit: https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1890/ES13-00308.1
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clarencethespottedduck · 3 years ago
I work with Megachile rotundata and so I know a little about this
If you remove the cell from the nest either early or late enough in their development they will be okay!
Early enough is while they are still eggs.
Late enough is when they are big enough larvae that they can still find their provision (food ball made of nectar and pollen).
If you remove them in between this time the bee larvae can fall off the provision and not find it again and starve.
Hope this was fun and educational! :)
Little leaf cutter bee waking up in her tiny leaf bed 🐝
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Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee (Megachile rotundata) on Parry’s Beargrass #AlfalfaLeafcuttingBee #MegachileRotundata #ParrysBeargrass #BeesLoveThisPlant #SaveTheBees #Polinator #Naturalist #PhotoByJeriRae #ScenesFromMyWalk #Entomology (at Agua Fria, New Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfc7yMxLW-4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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celestialmacros · 3 years ago
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Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee, male (Megachile rotundata)
July 15, 2021
Southeastern Pennsylvania
Native to Europe, these bees have been introduced in the Americas and elsewhere because they are efficient pollinators.
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