#Medium post
aerkame · 2 years
Haha, hi *winks at you* (●▪◡<●)ノ [please tell me if any of this makes you super duper uncomfy I did read the rules I'm just scared]
Wally Darling x Stressed out! Reader.,.,
[Remember that silly idea you had?! I liked it a lil too much]
The neighbor [us], had a terrible day at work, slamming open the door to their house and [not even thinking twice] immediately falling into the arms of the person who greeted them at the door. Much to their demise, said person is Wally. Wally falls limp upon being hugged, staring down at the reader who freezes once they realize who they came in contact with. They attempt to pull away but Wally.. Being Wally. Holds them in place with a stupid smile.
Twirls my hair, giggles and runs away [I'm so so so so so so sorry if this didn't make any sense imn sorry I leorve yoru writingzzzznbs I'M SORRY PLRASE FORGIVE ME]
I like my original idea as well, I'm hoping to start a full series next week!
Today did not go well at all. You had to stay extra hours at work because some group of rowdy teens decided it would be great to come into the library and start messing with the books. One had even decided to start tearing out pages from a kids' study book. The library is probably going to take that one to court, some of those books are expensive to replace and you had to spend hours reorganizing everything that was carelessly thrown across the halls and find missing pages. At least you were finally home though. You stumbled up to the front door dangling the keys in your hand as you tried and failed a few times to properly unlock the door.
You gave a sigh as you heard a distinct 'click' and swung the door open not paying attention to your surroundings and slamming it behind you. Turning towards the closet, you slowly took your shoes off before setting them down neatly inside. Gotta set a good example and keep things clean for your guests, even when you wanted to just throw things around and sleep sometimes...It really was like you just had a bunch of kids out of nowhere. At least Wally and Barnaby were here to help you.
"Welcome home dear host-"
Quickly turning around to whoever was speaking, you leaned over and plopped yourself into their greeting arms. You felt you had fallen into something soft and warm. What a welcomed feeling after today.
"Well that's one way of greeting your guests." Arms snaked around your torso as they hugged you closely. You froze, finally recognizing the voice that's been speaking to you. Slowly looking up, you saw Wally, whose face had a giant grin on it. That was not a welcomed feeling after today.
Quickly trying to pull away, you heard quiet snickering from the side somewhere. You finally managed to pop your head out of his arms, the rest of your body now snuggly wrapped in them. There was Barnaby and Sally sitting there at the dinner table watching you two and giving each other knowing looks. "Awww, looks like someone's a bit of a sleepy head!" Sally smiled as Wally walked passed them not making a single sound.
You were somewhat used to this by now. Usually Wally treated you like some significant other that needed extra care. He would pick you up and tightly hold you for hours while getting chores done in the house with you struggling and kicking until you wore yourself out, tuck you into bed at night or on sick days, paint and draw several portraits of you, make you warm food after work some days (though you wondered how he even learned how to cook), and dance with you late at night on the porch with quiet music playing. Other times the two of you would get lost in deep conversations after a long day of work, it was like he knew you without needing to know you. Wally was always so smug when he did anything though, like he knew it would get on your nerves, which it did at first. But over the past several weeks you grew used to him being coy. You felt too exhausted and stressed out to talk much today though. You didn't feel like doing much of anything really so you just let Wally do whatever he wanted for now.
You pushed against his arms only when he started to squeeze a bit too hard to let him know. He didn't loosen up however and instead made a beeline for your room, quietly opening the door and setting you down on your bed. You moved to get up but a hand came down onto your shoulder to pin you down. "Just stay here...I have something I made for you." He spoke softly for once.
Wally soundlessly walked out of your room and returned with a steaming cup of what looked like tea. You watched him effortlessly balance the cup in one hand as he removed your jacket, slinging it over his open shoulder before bringing a blanket over your legs.
"There! Now isn't that much better?"
For once you didn't see that smug or condescending grin of his. You saw something much warmer in that charming smile. You gave him a nod and gently took the cup out of his hands.
The reader works at a very busy public library for some context.
I've always wanted a job at a library. I don't know if they'd let me work at one though. I wasn't a bad kid, but there was one thing I did steal and that was a book from the library on fossils. I didn't really understand some of the words though when I was 7, but I loved that book either way.
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polkad0t1 · 1 year
anyway what do you hope to see in the third sonic movie?
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goobtacular · 9 months
Be warned, longish mini essay about the Netflix Daredevil show from someone who hasn't finished season 1.
I think the similarities between Daredevil and Kingpin go hard. Both have very similar motivations and backstories. Ironically, Kingpin has a more traditionally good backstory. His harsh taskmaster was his father, and he rose to defend his mother, killing him in the process. But throughout the whole process, the torment of his father's rule, and dealing with the aftermath, he is in the company of his mother.
There is one thread throughout Wilson Fisk's life: he always has a companion. Not someone who can order him around, not always someone he can order, but always someone he is above in some way, and always someone who plays the role his mother did. Before he meets Vanessa, he has his assistant who chooses his meals, plans his itinerary, and is part of every difficult choice or conversation he must have.
Even Vanessa is, unfortunately, put into that mothering role, playing to the more traditional gender roles and even taking on the burden of the emotional turmoil his troubled past gives him. As long as he has his mother or a replacement, Wilson knows he's not a monster, and he can rationalize any sacrifice, usually on behalf of others. His decision to become a public figure is entirely out of his comfort zone, but also something he wouldn't have done if his assistant and Vanessa hadn't plotted to aid him in his turmoil. Functionally performing emotional labor on his behalf.
Daredevils, Mathew Murdock's, upbringing contrasts this. He had a loving, supportive father who had a violent career. Upon the death of his father to crime, he turns to another, harsher, violent father figure who abandons him when he gets attached. Every time someone fills a paternal role, they leave him. And there seem to have never been any takers for a maternal role. Instead, the influences on his life have always been highly masculine, sometimes soft, but always masculine.
In some respects, it seems as though Matt is a success story for toxic masculinity. He's a superhero and a lawyer, he's exceptionally romantically successful, he never lets anyone in, and he solves every problem as alone as he can with the strength of his body and his moral character. He suffers because of this, but even his downfalls still echo the toxic masculinity that's consumed his life.
But for all that, Matt and Wilson come at it from different angles, paternal and maternal, and they ultimately arrive at the same destination. They're both violent men trying to save Hell's kitchen through violent means. The only difference is the extremes they are willing to go to. And even then, Wilson is quite a bit older than Matt, and I'd be willing to believe a middle-aged Daredevil might kill.
Certainly, Kingpin's methodology is more classically villainous, but it is only Daredevil's superhuman abilities that allow him the moral high ground. They remove his ability to mistakenly target innocents, an advantage Wilson does not have.
It strikes me as interesting that the main difference between the two characters is what flavor of toxicity they were molded by: Wilson by a toxic level of support, by people egging him on when it might be time for introspection and pushing him forward when he turns inward and considers stopping. And Matt, by toxic masculinity, pushing him on even when he really should rest—not providing him the support he needed to heal from the trauma of his father's death or Stick's abandonment or even the emotional toll his vigilante career took. Forcing him to bottle everything up and 'stay strong' not to disappoint others, mostly Stick.
That's why I think, ultimately, neither should be doing what they're doing. Kingpin for, I think obvious reasons, he's doing just real bad stuff with vaguely good intentions, and Daredevil for less apparent reasons. He is doing good, and as Matt, I think his choices are solid, but as Daredevil, he's straight up using beating up people as a way to deal with his trauma. It's incredibly unhealthy and even if the violence doesn't take him out, he's still leaning on it to support him emotionally. I fear he can't stop, even if he wanted to. After all, if he did, he'd have to face his demons like the rest of us.
They're just two men running from their problems, and I guess I can't fault them for that. Wouldn't all of us if we could?
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Chatter want explain why talk like this not because anyone ask just because chatter want tell
Chatter talking about using aac words and grammar but is very same parallel to chatter experience with verbalizing also
First chatter want say many people always use talk like this no matter circumstance or energy because nonspeaking or nonverbal use AAC all time
Chatter have privilege able type more complicated words and ‘proper’ grammar in writing and aac and sometimes can use these in college online in writing in emails in aac
So why chatter not using privilege now?
Why not not not?
Chatter not always can use complicated words or proper grammar in writing or aac
Chatter sometimes no matter what can not do
This is temporary state
This case chatter maybe use if can use words at all because cannot use anything else
Chatter usually can use complicated words or proper grammar in writing or aac but it take energy it feel like hurt to do
This is permanent state
This case chatter maybe use to hurt less and have more energy
Chatter also maybe use to practice make sentence smaller but same meaning or use aac faster or less move hands
No one really ask about this but chatter feel like sharing
Copy paste lot phrases try make easier read and understand hope makes sense
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people without neurological, neurocognitive, or intellectual disability DNI with this post - click for details & why
what do you do when you have cognitive decline and you’re young? like, genuinely?
my memory loss isn't like ADHD or even dissociative memory loss, which is what people my age have context for. it's an extremely physical issue, and it affects my processing in very specific ways. it's hard to even explain it. it's hard to explain developing a stutter or sudden episodes of confusion that really aren't even a little linked to being neurodivergent when that's all people around you know.
ND amnesia tips and accommodations won't work for me. my memory loss can't be treated the same way, and neither can confusion or similar cognitive decline symptoms. but i also can't really articulate or figure out what'd work either.
most people with my experience are senior early dementia/MCI patients, and that just... isn't my experience beyond the confusion and memory loss. dementia tips also won't really work for me because that's not what i have.
i'm disabled in a way that no one in my life is--and not only that, but no one in my life even knows people like me. and that's a lot. i really just want a way to accommodate myself and explain my needs, but there's absolutely no blueprint.
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smiggles · 2 years
At what age did you really start getting into gore, and fictional, sensual violence?
Ive drawn and consumed gore pretty much my entire life tbh. Obsessed with horror, body horror, violent games, anatomy, collecting dead things, et cetera. Despite adults in my life putting a constant pressure to change or down right forbidding me from it.
Idk what makes someone hook onto an interest in this way even from the very start. Its interesting to me. It only became blatantly sexual to me this year (2023 so..a month lol)
It was sensual from around uhhh 2014 ish? Id say. As I moved away from family to explore my actual self.
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dwarvendiaries · 1 year
A Vile Force of Darkness has arrived!
Glazednourishes year 15, 2nd of Moonstone
Oh great, I just sent out my militia and the goblins think it's worth making a visit.
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I order the bridges to be drawn up quickly. But then I notice that the resident War Elephant is left outside. Oh no.
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Well It looks like it bought us some time.
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And it's dead. Didn't even scratch the goblins. You'd think from how dangerous these are on raids that they'd actually be dangerous on site but no.
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I quickly sort out the South bridge which I forgot to connect to the lever while these goblins take their sweet time, trying to invade us.
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Oh, that's a problem. Time to rescue our militia-dwarves!
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Down goes the bridge, the dwarves rush across into safety. Skullcrusher is the last across.
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That was close.
We lockdown for the winter and continue business as usual (without the excessive fishing).
One month later and our siege is not broken. A merchant arrives to visit our tavern, hanging around a few days until the goblins decide to enact their violence on her.
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The siege remains unbroken
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aerkame · 2 years
Branched off of Wally x Stressed reader fic. This is...a bit of a point of view change and some insight on what's going on in Wally's mind for once. Still takes place in Alive AU. Original post it's branched from: Wally x Stressed out! Reader
Hmm, weren't you such a doll today? You were wearing the colorful scarf that he had made you a while ago, something he learned from his previous "owner" and you were wearing a cute bow around your neck underneath to match his neckerchief, adorable really. (Though he kind of had to fight with you to get it on.)
Wally was still getting used to not being a literal puppet in this world, he used to come into this world whenever he could just to feel something. It felt nice though really...he could feel things he couldn't before, act on his own accord, and most importantly, see you whenever he wanted. Also his added height was a bonus.
His friends however were something entirely new. As far as Wally was concerned, they never really "existed" the way that they did until their puppet selves were taken in by you and woke up the way they did. Magical really. Did you have a magic touch that brought them to life dear host, or was it love that brought them here?
While you were gone all day, Wally decided to go ahead and do some chores around the house, he didn't have much else to do because none of them could go out into the open public and he didn't know what to paint either. He hummed softly to himself while finishing with cleaning the dishes. Perhaps he should check in on you, it's been a while hasn't it?
Wally rested his head on his hand and stared out into the window nearby, allowing his eyes to close and clear his mind for a while. Slowly, an image of you appeared in the darkness. You were picking up pages and fallen books while two security guards were at the front of the library trying to settle down some rowdy teens. The other librarians were busy trying to save some books from the water fountain nearby. Oh my...it looks like you're having a bit of a busy day, perhaps he should make you some tea before you get back.
A startled noise escaped one of the teens as they pointed and gaped at the reflective book display stand. There! They just saw it! Two giant eyes staring straight at 'em! Right there in the reflection!
"What do you mean you don't believe me? You were literally right next to me how did you not see that?"
The security guard just shoved the teen outside with the others, he was so done with this crap, now they're trying to pull a quick one on him, well not today!
Wally picked up just about everything he knows from previous owners and his time spent in your world. They had no idea they had a sentient puppet of course and he kept disappearing back to the (previously) lonely and empty world of Welcome Home. It's why he knows what he knows and the others don't. But now you're here! And all of his dearest neighbors are finally with him for reals this time!
Lol, this kid is probably going to develop scopophobia after seeing that.
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polkad0t1 · 6 months
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goobtacular · 5 months
One thing I'm worried about, in terms of our generation, that is Gen Z, is we're quite similar to the boomers.
They were a fiercely moralistic generation, at least in the west, for a lot of reasons, which are up to speculation. But they sorta crawled up their own asshole in a way I'm worried we'll imitate. Obviously, this is a broad generalization but boomers seem to have this sort of ignorant self-righteous air about them, and it's fairly obvious how that formed. They were the social activists when they were young, they were the good guys, the progressives and they got complacent. They got used to feeling morally superior and perhaps for a time they were. But they placed themselves on a pedestal and it seems they got stuck there.
I just see that arrogance in us, and right now it's not really a problem for me cause I largely agree with what we're saying, but eventually, the tides will change on us. Whether it's Gen Alpha or Beta or Ceta it doesn't really matter, if we do our jobs right, and create a better world, they will surpass us. Arguably we have a duty to be surpassed. But we can do so with grace. Gen X has so far been pretty good about keeping up with the times, they're younger than the boomers to be fair, but credit where credit is due. I'd theorize that's because, for better or worse, Gen X was pretty ignored and they gained no glory for their workings. They didn't get a pedestal to get off of. We can learn from them, keep an open mind and have the humility to accept when we're wrong. That's all we need to do to avoid an ignoble end.
We all, each of us, have a madness at the end of our philosophies, one which we'd dive headfirst into. It is our solemn duty to prevent such, at any cost
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idril-la-wiccan · 2 years
Quick Status Update Post !
Alright ! So I have quite a few things I will work on during April in preperation for what's to come in May, so I'll tell you where I am currently with my works and what I hope to achieve.
OMORI - Out of the Abyss
Part 8 of Act 1 is 100% complete in terms of writing. All I have left to do are the illustrations.
As of writing this, I have made 4 simple illustrations out of 6, 4 comic pages out of -possibly- 13 or 14 and 0 animated video out of 1.
There is a lot to do still, but I have surprised myself by managing to make 99% of the currently finished illustrations in 1 day. The video will undoubtedly take more time, but if I keep the pace for the rest, it shouldn't be too much of an issue.
Part 8 will be posted here in 3 segments. I hope to manage to post it in its entirety before the end of April. Because next month, I will be busy with :
That's right. Which also means I'll start preparing for it during this month.
As of writing this, the official prompts for Mermay 2023 have not been comunicated yet, which, I must say, makes me nervous. So nervous in fact I have made my own prompt list based on the ones from previous years.
Now, you might tell me "If Mermay is so important for you, you probably should just put Out of the Abyss on hiatus for now, don't you think ?"
Nuh-uh. No can do. Here's why :
It is very likely that I will spoil some of my plans for the following Acts of Out of the Abyss during Mermay.
Not that Mermay will be OMORI centric, on the contrary, you can expect some Cookie Run and maybe other stuff to come.
But due to the circumstances, I believe I should finish part 8 as soon as I can because, while NOT the last part of Act 1, it will still give some sense of closure.
But, if I fail to finish Part 8 before May comes, at least I'd have tried.
I'll try to finish and post Act 1 Part 8 of Out of the Abyss before Mermay comes.
Whether I succed to post it in time or not, expect some entries of Mermay to spoil things for the following Acts of Out of the Abyss. Maybe some of Act 2 out right, but most likely things from Act 4 and beyond.
Cordially, Idril.
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crocheting-cupio · 1 year
Last month a customer came into my Mom's shop and started asking us about homeschooling out of genuine curiosity. And I feel like some of the questions she asked displayed excellently how some people cannot fathom a method of teaching a child that isn't exactly how the K-12 system does it.
"Okay but like... Where do you get the workbooks?" she asked. "The bookstore. That's where the teachers get them." my Mom replied.
"So do you have to like send the test results to the government or...?" she asked. "No. Once you sign the papers you are fully responsible for your child's education. You don't have to send the government anything. You don't even have to use the workbooks if you don't want to." my Mom replied.
(My Mom had described that a fellow homeschooling mom she knew had her kids do three pages of a workbook every day and that was all. Ten minutes of schoolwork per day.) "Okay but... What do they do the rest of the day? Play??" she asked. "Yep." my Mom replied with a look of playing is still learning on her face. "All day?" "Yep."
"But like... How do they socialize?" she asked. "You can take them to parks. There's also homeschooling groups that get together so all the kids can play together." my Mom replied.
At one point I chimed in with how we didn't use workbooks and my Mom let me and my siblings learn about whatever topics interested us. e.g. For a few years I was super interested in science and so I read every book on the topic that I could get my hands on. I told her I probably knew more on the topic than most kids my age as a result. (Quickly I found the science books for my age group uninteresting. They lacked a lot of the information I was interested in and were half pictures which I did not find not very interesting by themselves.) Her eyes were pretty wide after that because I guess she had never thought that children might want to learn about complicated topics without an adult telling them to.
My Mom also told her about how three of her four homeschooled kids went to college and they did really well [in terms of grades]. Two of them got jobs in that field right away. This woman looked like her world view might be shattering a little from this new information.
The whole time I'm just standing there thinking "Yeah... kids don't have to go to school to be with other kids. They can and often will learn without adults telling them to, kids have a natural curiosity. Tests, quizzes, and lesson plans are not the only way to learn. And for a lot of people not learning through a regimented system is the best way for them."
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innerlmnt · 1 year
something you should take away from Kuncan Dastner's videos is that you shouldn't feel forced by social media to dumb down your thoughts. you'll always lose if you want to funnel your opinion through this 280-character machine, because your mind is far more complex. twitter, tiktok, threads, what have you - they're all for short thoughts, but they can also bring you long-term consequences if you are too brief and miss out on the nuance. the platforms cultivate that, and train their users ("us") to want that more.
Twitter: "I don't care how long Elon Musk makes the character limit, I am not buying Twitter Blue!"
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anyway, Twitter is an inadequate platform for nuanced thought which is why I'm also posting this to Tumblr, the website whose users *definitely* have good reading comprehension (I am lightheartedly joking)
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otterbugg · 2 years
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friends with you - the scary jokes
*bangs head on table* april fools album by the scary jokes has taken over my mind
i drew this mostly upside down lmao-
pallet art kinda !!! (all the color layers were put onto overlay so they were all light-purpleified)
ive just been drawing on a square canvas and i dont know when im gonna stop so
yt video of the song below the cut if anyone wants to um. to listen to it. yeah
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trynadollsiesplay · 2 years
I'm trying to imagine buying any doll from the Rainbow High franchise with clothes separate. 😅
You have Purchased Mara Pinkett. You have Purchased Mara Pinkett's Drumkit. You have Purchased Mara Pinkett's second outfit.
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Like, at first it was hard to imagine. But I mean, the fashion packs and extras are literally individually wrapped and put in into an elongated box with their doll seperately. They could literally sell the extra outfit and extras separately for a lower price without changing barely anything, and it might not be so bad.
You could also get more outfits for different dolls (just imagine "Mara Pinkett's sixth outfit is now selling in this months doll clothes fashion packs, christmas 2024" or something similar), and buying the dolls would become cheaper. It might also encourage rainbow high to make some more smaller playsets and pieces, like the small things Monster High come with, (food, drinks, different coloured instruments, actually boxes to put the clothes in, mini sets with beds, desks, sewing supplies and the like, that only come in the closet pack or with more expensive special edition dolls).
It sort of reminds me of the old days of littlest pet shop collecting, from when I was growing up. You could get a 3 packet of just pets in an elongated rectangle box for about $9 AUD, but for six more dollars you could get a packet with three pets, a bigger toy play piece, and tiny food and toys for the animals in a tiny playset (at $15 AUD, when things were a bit cheaper).
It still feels weird, and it's hard to accept, almost...
...Except that Rainbow High dolls are expensive and I am desperado to buy more of the dolls. I have about enough money to pay for a little over half the next Shadow High Doll I want (Natasha Zima) saved up. I can sew if I have to, as long as I get the doll.
My brain is telling me this is a good deal.
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agirlnamednix · 2 months
Everyone who was whinging about how Bakool Ja Ja had a weird redemption arc and how it was stupid and nonsensical...eat shit. That's a fucking MASTERFUL twist. I personally never even stopped to think about HOW Blessed Siblings were made. I always assumed it was some ritual or something...but to find out that it's nothing but brute-forcing the desired result by abusing The Law Of Big Numbers? Holy fuck. That...SUCKS. That's actually a horrific twist I'd never in a thousand years think of. Well played on the part of the writers, I say. It gave Wuk Lamat a huge chance to really understand how fucked up all this is. This isn't a trading minigame. This isn't a crafts project to save the crops. This isn't a big boss enemy we can beat up. It isn't a cooking competition. This is straight-up willful genocide to force a random mutation for militant zealotry. Talk about a tonal shift!
I have critical things to say about this story. For example, reactions to the heavier plot stuff seem more...shonen anime? Definitely less what I've come to expect from this particular world and its characters. But with regard to Bakool Ja Ja...this rules. I'm happy about it. And utterly revolted by it! It's a good mix.
I am VERY interested in what's about to happen to the First Promise though. They keep hitting me with Chekov's Whispered Scheming with his retainer dude and it's starting to piss me off both from a writing standpoint and also just in general. Stop fuckin whispering at each other. WE GET IT. THE BOONEWA DUDE HAS SOME FUCKIN PLAN. CAN WE STOP BLUDGEONING ME WITH IT??? THE SETUP WAS MEANT FOR ACT 1 WITH A PAYOFF IN ACT 3. STOP REPEATING THE SETUP EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER???
Ahem. Anyway. Story good. Y'all just don't get it. lol
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