#Medical injections
maxinhealthcare · 10 months
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Intramuscular Injection: What You Need to Know
Intramuscular injections, commonly abbreviated as IM injections, are medical procedures involving the administration of medications directly into the muscle tissue. These injections are commonly used for various purposes, including delivering vaccines, antibiotics, hormones, and certain medications. Understanding the ins and outs of intramuscular injections can provide valuable insights into their purpose, administration, risks, and benefits. Here's what you need to know:
Purpose of Intramuscular Injections:
The primary goal of administering medication via intramuscular injections is to ensure its efficient absorption into the bloodstream. By delivering the medication directly into the muscle tissue, it allows for a faster onset of action compared to some other routes of administration, such as oral medications.
Administration of Intramuscular Injections:
Site Selection: Intramuscular injections are typically administered in specific muscle groups, such as the deltoid muscle of the upper arm, the vastus lateralis in the thigh, or the gluteal muscles in the buttocks. The choice of site depends on factors like the type of medication and the patient's age.
Preparation: Before administering the injection, the healthcare provider cleans the injection site with an antiseptic solution and prepares the medication and syringe.
Injection Technique: The healthcare professional inserts the needle into the muscle tissue at a 90-degree angle and slowly injects the medication. They may aspirate the syringe to ensure it's not in a blood vessel before injecting the medication.
Post-Injection Care: After administering the injection, the area may be massaged gently to distribute the medication and reduce discomfort.
Potential Risks of Intramuscular Injections:
While intramuscular injections are generally safe, there are potential risks and considerations to be aware of:
Pain or Discomfort: Some individuals may experience temporary pain, soreness, or discomfort at the injection site.
Infection: Improper injection technique or inadequate sterilization of equipment can lead to infections at the injection site.
Nerve or Blood Vessel Injury: If the injection is not administered correctly, there is a small risk of injury to nearby nerves or blood vessels.
Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to certain medications or components of the injection, leading to allergic reactions.
Benefits of Intramuscular Injections:
Rapid Medication Absorption: Intramuscular injections allow for quick absorption of medications, ensuring faster therapeutic effects.
Accurate Dosage: Healthcare providers can precisely administer the intended dosage of medication with IM injections.
Long-Lasting Effects: Certain medications administered intramuscularly can provide sustained therapeutic effects over an extended period.
Convenience and Compliance: For patients who have difficulty swallowing medications or require long-term therapy, IM injections can offer convenience and improved compliance.
Understanding the intricacies of intramuscular injections empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their healthcare. While these injections offer numerous benefits, it's essential to ensure they are administered by qualified healthcare professionals following proper protocols. If you have concerns or questions about intramuscular injections, discussing them with your healthcare provider can provide clarity and peace of mind.
For more details visit - https://maxinhealth.com/
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figmentforms · 1 year
I can’t update for a week or two. I really tried, but my IVF drugs are really interacting intensely with my brain and my body and all I can do is keep up with my self injections each day and suppress panic attacks by constantly distracting myself.
Good news is that, despite the fact that I constantly feel like a cat that has fallen into a bathtub of ice water and fire, the treatment is working (a little TOO WELL) so far and hopefully the egg retrieval surgery will happen a little sooner than expected and produce a big enough clutch of eggs that I NEVER have to do this again. 🙏🙏🙏🍀🍀🍀
Other Good news is that now I’m no longer terrified of needles. Now I’m just moderately frightened. That’s legit a win and I’m proud of that.😎😎😎😎💪
So in conclusion I HATE FEELING EVERY FEELING AT ONCE SO HARD I feel absolutely out of my freaking mind and I’m in pain and swollen and and I’m constantly freaking out and omg I can’t wait to get OFF this ‘journey’.
It’s ok to laugh at me because honestly i feel like this is so terrible it’s hilarious and laughing about it actually makes me feel better about it.
Love you all so much! Thank you all for your kindness🩷
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imababblekat · 13 days
Medic reader who’s part of a small team sent in with others to clear out a compound so the more specialized forces can go in and do their classified work, except in the heat of everything medic reader gets separated and ends up on their own. They accidentally find their way into a secret lab and are attacked by a scientist that had been hiding, having something injected in them before taking the enemy out. Suddenly they feel very sick and dizzy, but just before passing out a small team of four come rushing in, sounding aggravated when they radio back to whoever that their target, presumably the now dead scientist, has been neutralized so they wouldn’t be able to take them prisoner. Medic reader tries to get their attention but can only groan in ill pain, their vision blurring in and out as one of the men order two to guard the door while he and another come rushing over to confirm they’ve got an alive friendly. One of the men is checking them over for injuries while the one closest to them, with a firm voice, is ordering them to hang on and stay with them, but just as medic reader is about to pass out, the last thing they note as they’re being lifted up by strong arms, is the TF 141 patch on their saviors uniform.
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fishfingersandscarves · 2 months
devil's minion trans daniel/armand erotic testosterone injection is anyone hearing me
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omensofatimelord · 1 year
The thing about testosterone being a controlled substance means that acess to it for hrt is restricted. While it makes access a significant issue for many people and an easy and effective way to prevent trans men and mascs from transitioning (as we've seen terfs campaign for and succeed at doing in Britain) it also means that is very easy for health care professionals to be able to take it away from trans men/mascs arbitrarily. This is most aborant in cases where trans men/mascs are forced to detransition to gain access to abortions after being raped. However, the first sign of an issues tangentially related to hormones a gp, without any training in trans people or hormones, can and will stop a person's testosterone. Apart from how stressful it is to know that for the rest of your life you'll be dependent on the goodwill of a random person, this has measurable negative consequences for a trans person subjected too it.
Going off t fucking sucks at the best of time, but being forced off t will most likely result in depression and worsening mental health for a trans man/masc, who are already one of the most likely groups to attempt suicide. It can also put a trans person at risk if they suddenly start being visibly trans again, especially if they're closeted in, say, a work place environment. Trans people, including trans men, are already one of the most targeted groups of harassment and violence and sexual assalt and forcibly reducing or stopping t can out people and risk their safety. And a gp won't see this or care about this, or attempt to treat a trans man/masc first or ask for their opinion or situation.
Ultimately, testosterone is seen as entirely optional and so the first resort when something goes wrong it to take it away, when it should be considered the last resort, and is considered the last resort for cis men. And as long as testosterone continues to be a controlled substance it will remain like this.
(edit for clarification: I am a kiwi, this post was intended as a general critique of accessing t through health care systems - based in my lived experience in NZ and what ive heard from international trans ppl; including but not limited to the USA)
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reality-detective · 3 months
They have been poisoning our babies for decades 🤔
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gophergal · 9 months
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You've always been a delicate disaster
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januscorner · 2 months
Nurse Bendy Stimboard
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👩‍⚕️👩‍⚕️👩‍⚕️ 👩‍⚕️x👩‍⚕️ 👩‍⚕️👩‍⚕️👩‍⚕️
Requested by @starrystims
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whumperer-86 · 5 months
Poisoned, fell down , Cpr while foaming at the mouth, couldn't breathe, ambulance ride, injected with deadly injection
Regeneration Chinese Drama ep1
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whumpbump · 8 months
A Danger to Yourself and Others
Cw: needle, injection, drugged whumpee, lab setting, medical whump
“P-plea-ease, I-I-I didn’t m-mean to,” Whumpee had snot bubbling at their nose, drooling from the effort of crying so hard.
The doctor clucked their tongue in disapproval of the waterworks as they slid a needle into Whumpee’s arm.
“You should know better by now than to look out the windows. It gets your hopes up. And then we have the questions ‘when will I get to go outside?’ ‘when can I go home?’ well you can’t. And you know this. And you work yourself up into a tizzy every time. I’m literally wasting medication on you because you can’t calm down enough for me to work.”
“Buh- *gasp* -but why can’t I go home?”
“I told you. You’re a danger to yourself and others. You don’t know how to control yourself.”
Pulling the needle out with little care of discomfort, the doctor stood impatiently over Whumpee as their crying quieted and eyes fluttered closed.
“‘m zarry.”
“Go to sleep. I have ultrasounds to do.”
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grumpyeagleandfriends · 8 months
À Terre II | Poe Dameron x OC/Reader
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A/N: Reader is a Resistance pilot that was captured during a solo reconnaissance mission. They escape by hijacking a ship. Gravely injured and hanging by a thread, they rejoin the Resistance by crash landing just outside of the base on D'Qar. A certain distraught squadron leader runs out to help. 
Hurt/Comfort. Gratuitous, self-serving one shot TWO PART story. I have rewritten the first chapter in addition to adding on a second installment. This time it's in Poe's POV. I don’t like using “y/n” so I give the reader a generic, 1 syllable Star Wars name in the middle of this bad boy.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’ve been daydreaming about this for months years, so I finally decided to write it all out.  There’s a little bit of a long set up, but I’m not sorry about it.
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions blood and torture. Shellshock/PTSD vibes. Cursing. Tons of graphic medical stuff. Injections (so needles).
Word count: 5,439
Blood was everywhere when he finally made it inside the cockpit...
Even after he got her free from the safety harness, when all he could do was keep her calm and alert until the med techs arrived, he noticed the way she looked at him, the way she pulled it together to focus every time she nearly fell asleep. Hol hadn’t been able to properly talk, but with every command he gave her, she nodded and tried her best to comply. 
The metallic iron smell of it nearly knocked him back when he opened the canopy. It covered everything. Her shaking hands, her hair, her flight suit, he even found it coating the inside of her mouth after he coaxed her to let him take away the life support mask. 
He desperately wanted to give her water to see if she could drink, but there wasn’t any to be found in the cockpit. He wanted to put her in one of his jackets to help stop her from shaking, but the patch of trees she crashed landed into was too far from his quarters on base. He wanted to scream at her for being so goddamn stubborn, but he couldn’t shake the way she desperately clutched onto his hand. 
They hadn't been careful enough when extracting her. There wasn't enough time to wait for proper immobilization equipment to be brought out to the crash site. Between Hol's blood loss and the ship leaking dangerous fluids into the forest, they made the difficult call to just move. 
Seeing that utmost trust in her eyes, alongside the fear and the pain, was what really scared him the most. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he let her die there, not after she clawed her way back to them.
He had no way of knowing at that moment, but the jostling when they lifted her out caused a broken rib to puncture one of her lungs. Poe couldn’t keep from blaming himself for his own role in that.
The second they placed her onto the hover gurney, her condition began to rapidly deteriorate. One of the med techs caught sight of her blue fingertips and immediately diagnosed a collapsed lung. Poe only just managed to clamber out of the cockpit to see it all. He stood frozen on the wing of the ship while he watched them cut open her flight suit to reveal her bloated chest. The bright glow of a laser scalpel quickly appeared and they made an emergency incision between her ribs to let the trapped air escape.
Once they got her breathing again, she was loaded onto the back of the waiting med truck and they took off. Poe was left to follow behind on the back of a ship technician's speeder bike.
He sprinted into the medbay only a few moments after Hol was rushed in on the hover gurney. Bypassing the waiting area and going directly through the sliding double doors was unusually easy. In hindsight it should have struck him as odd that no one stopped him, but the overstretched med staff meant that no one paid him any mind when he planted himself against the back wall in triage.
As promised, Kalonia’s team was already primed and waiting to receive her. Poe had to crane his neck to be able to see, but he counted at least seven different med techs helping transfer her over to the exam bed.
They began working like a well calibrated machine, her dirty flight suit was sliced open and quickly stripped away. As soon as they were connected, the more sophisticated diagnostic scanners lit up and began  displaying the worst of her injuries. Images of her chest cavity were produced on a monitor near the end of the exam bed, along with her vitals.
From where he stood, Poe was able to catch Hol’s foot beginning to subtly twitch. He wondered initially if he had just imagined the movement, but the surrounding med staff began to take notice as well.
“Eyes are beginning to flutter, she might be starting to come around.”  
Dr. Kalonia took a step back as her staff continued their work. She pulled aside the young medic who had been down in the cockpit with Poe. He began rattling off the details of Hol’s condition when found and how exactly she was transported. After a couple of minutes he began gesturing over his shoulder in Poe’s direction, causing Kalonia to promptly look up. Her eyes narrowed when she caught sight of him standing back by the door. 
His back stiffened in preparation for an argument that never came.
“Dameron, get over here!”
She issued the instruction like an admiral as she pointed him over to the top of the exam bed.
He didn't think, he just immediately crossed over. The moment he was within reach, she grabbed hold of his arm and brought him to stand where she was.
“Do exactly what you did down at the crash site, alright? Talk to your pilot. Keep her calm.”
Hol’s head gently lolled to the side on the padded exam table, her face slack and eyes half-lidded. She went still once more just as he took his place. He cupped her face in his hands, noting how cool and clammy her skin felt against his palms.
Kalonia stood to his right, a penlight ready in her hand to test the reaction of her patient’s pupils.
“C’mon, Tarmin…” She called while carefully tugging open Hol’s eyelid.
Immediately, there was a weak moan, greatly muffled by the respirator mask. Hol tried to roll away from the touch, but Poe’s hands braced either side of her head.
“Hey, hey- it's okay. Easy, kid, easy.” He whispered, holding her in place just long enough for Kalonia to work.
“Settle down, Lieutenant.” The doctor spoke as she pulled away. “You crash landed on D’Qar. You’re in medical.”
Poe didn't let go once she finished. He continued cradling Hol's head, his short nails scratching at her scalp in some attempt at providing comfort.
Her body was fully exposed under the surgical lights, revealing the extent of the damage that he wasn't able to see back in the cockpit. The bruising along her abdomen and rib cage was mostly black, as if there were large ink blots staining her skin. There were blaster grazes on her right side, localized swelling where her right forearm was clearly fractured, wounds in her lower abdomen...
So much of it jumped out at once, he found it hard to focus on any one injury long enough. He began to wonder just what sort of state she was in before the crash.
Hol emitted another faint groan, one where he could distinctly hear a wheezing sound that came from deep in her chest. Her body jerked from the force of a cough. Red flecks of blood appeared inside the clear respirator mask.
Slowly, she began to blink against the lights. A worry line formed in the center of her forehead.
"No...n-no… "
It was hoarse and strained, but everyone standing around caught the audible plea. Hol's good hand suddenly lifted in an attempt to bat away those touching her.
Dr. Kalonia cursed.
"Restrain her! I'm trying to insert a chest catheter here!”
Padded white cuffs were produced and promptly attached around each of her limbs, securing her to the exam bed.
"Hol, look at me." Poe commanded. He cupped her jaw as he leaned directly over her, giving her no choice but to comply. He made himself the only thing she had to look at. His shadow worked to shield her eyes from the glaring overhead lights while also blocking her view of the med staff.
Her gaze was glassy and unfocused, but she was thankfully looking at him.
"You've got to relax." He urged, his hand smoothing her tangled hair back off her face as he spoke. "We’re trying to patch you up, alright? Let us help."
She blinked at the sound of his voice, and though the distress on her face didn't fade, she went still on the exam bed. Her eyes remained set in his direction.
"There you go, sunshine..." Poe quietly praised, using once again the affectionate name he knew she absolutely hated. "Keep those eyes on me, don't worry about anything else."
His attention never left her, but he was aware that Kalonia and another med tech were beginning to work at prepping the incision site to insert the chest tube. He wasn't convinced that Hol recognized who he was or even that she was somewhere safe, but he couldn't risk her getting freaked out by the procedure being performed on her chest.
There was still visible fear in her eyes, but she never looked away from him. Her struggling thankfully ceased as she began to lean into one of his palms bracing the side of her face.
"You're safe, you know that?" He found himself reminding her. The pads of his thumbs traced over the outer shells of her ears, trying again to ease the visible discomfort he saw etched in her face. "Promise you, babe. You're good, we've got you."
Hol winced before swallowing. His brow furrowed as he watched her lips suddenly part.
Her voice was painfully raw, and normally the sound of her saying his name would have been reason for relief, but he only worried that she was wasting her energy trying to talk.
“Yeah, hey, Hol.” He greeted in a whisper, dipping just enough to brush his lips to her hairline. "It's me. I'm right here."
He frowned when she tried to say something more, something longer and impossible to parse.
"Shh-hey, no, that's enough. Don't want you to talk anymore." He gently scolded. "We’re going to do like before, okay? You relax while I run my mouth.”
Poe doubted she remembered their conversation down in the cockpit, but she thankfully fell silent. Her eyes remained on him as he kept quietly talking to her, blabbering on about how lucky she was to get out of briefings and inventory duty for the next few weeks, about how she was going to sit back on the medbay's best painkillers and watch the trashiest holovids he could find.
He knew deep down that she probably wasn't following him entirely, but he was trying to reassure himself at this point more than her. He was keenly aware that none of what he was saying was guaranteed, but he had to give himself something to hold on to, because imagining anything else simply was not an option for him. 
She had to pull through this.
She had to be fine.
Minutes passed like that, Hol's unfocused gaze trained on Poe's face as he worked at keeping her distracted. Kalonia was able to successfully insert the temporary catheter into Hol's chest, which would assure the function of her uninjured lung until they could patch up the other.
Poe listened closely as a medtech outlined all of the crucial information, providing him with the rough plan of how her treatment would proceed. Once they finished stabilizing her most grave injuries, she would be taken back for surgery. There would be some additional testing after, which would take a couple of hours...
The explanation suddenly stopped short when an alarm began to sound from one of the machines. The level of the urgency in the room immediately started to bubble over.
"Heart rate is increasing!" Someone announced.
Poe visibly paled as he watched Hol's eyes roll backward. His hands still bracing her head, he desperately looked up at the med staff, searching for some kind of instruction.
"Dameron, out!"
Kalonia swooped in and firmly shouldered him out of the way.
Before he could object, a med droid approached and began to usher him towards the door.
"Doc, what's going on?" He demanded, sidestepping the mechanical arms reaching for his shirt. "What's wrong?"
His question went ignored. Hold was entirely obscured from his view. There were too many people now surrounding the exam bed.
"She's seizing! Start anticonvulsants and prepare for a transfusion!"
"Master Dameron, the team needs to prepare the patient for surgery. You must leave."
The med droid's pincers whirred as it closed in on Poe.
"Don't tell me what I have to do!" He snapped, the outline of his jaw more pronounced as he spoke through clenched teeth.
In a moment of sheer stupidity, he pushed back hard against the unforgivingly solid metal chest. He clearly forgot that these droids were built to easily lift the deadweight of critically ill patients of any species.
The mechanical arms tightly wrapped around him, securing his own arms to his sides. They closed, crushing him flush against the droid's metal body. The gesture was completed so quickly that he could feel the air being forced out of his own chest.
Poe feebly kicked, but it was useless. The droid easily hauled him back out through the double doors and towards the waiting area.
The word about who crash-landed into the trees traveled like wildfire across base. All of black squadron, Finn, BB-8, several of the x-wing techs and pilots from various outfits formed a large group just outside of the medbay. Each of them had duties elsewhere that they were purposefully ignoring, choosing out of loyalty to be present while one of their own hung in some grave state between life and death. They were the ones who threw back countless drinks in the mess hall together, who organized a massive fantasy Gravball league that nearly sent the entire Resistance into chaos, and who pooled their commissary credits to throw each other birthday parties.
They were all present to witness the painful moment Poe was forcibly escorted out of the sliding double doors leading to triage.
"Shit!-alright, alright! Let go!" His shouts ricocheted down the hallway as he finally managed to yank himself free. The force of the motion caused him to promptly fall to the floor.
The others watched as he quickly scrambled up from the ground, stumbling and hurrying to kick at the back of the retreating med droid.
He missed, which only served to enrage him further. The doors promptly closed behind the droid and Poe spun around— his mouth set in a tight line while he began to inexplicably search his surroundings. His chest rose and fell for several beats. His face twisted into a sneer before he abruptly lashed out at the nearest object, sending a trashcan flying with his boot. The steel barrel was thankfully empty, but the sharp clang sent a shockwave across the medbay.
The few people waiting in the sitting area immediately stood up to vacate the space.
Finn was the first to take a step forward to intervene, but he was halted by a large hand on his arm. He turned his head to see Snap, skin still humid as if he came straight from the refresher.
"Best to stand back and let it pass." The pilot urged with a sad shake of his head. "His scenes are never pretty."
Finn didn't want to agree, but as he stood and watched the scene unfolding before them he couldn't find any reason to argue. Snap and the others would know better. They did know. 
Poe’s hands were pressed to the back of his head, his fingers laced together as he glared at the closed doors. He could have easily pushed his way back through, but he inexplicably remained where he stood. His eyes shot a deadly amount of spite toward whatever was happening on the other side of those doors— information that, for the time being, only he knew. 
His arms fell heavily to his sides. Ignoring the uneasy looks following him, he turned and traipsed over to the first row of waiting chairs, silently throwing himself down onto one of the seats.His legs stretched out while he leaned back, his arms folded over his chest.
He continued to stare at the doors, a hard glint in his eyes for the faceless goliath wrecking untold damage on the other side.
The others slowly filtered over to join him in the waiting area. A supportive hand would occasionally grip his shoulder or linger on his knee, but no one said anything. Those unvoiced questions sat heavy above their heads.
BB-8 remained near Poe’s feet, unusually still and silent.
Hours grudgingly crawled by. The light outside faded away and began to just barely creep back over the horizon when someone finally came out to speak to them.
Poe was the only one to be escorted back behind the double doors. Dr. Kalonia stood there waiting for him, still dressed in some of her surgical garb. Thankfully, her mask was off, because her facial expression alone was able to answer his most crucial question.
She was alive.
Kalonia began to turn before she motioned for him to come along.
"Follow me, Dameron..."
They walked together down the main hallway of the medical wing, back to where Poe knew the overnight patient beds were located. He remained silent as Kalonia gave the run through of everything— what exactly happened when he was forced out of triage and what they were able to correct during surgery. Internal bleeding was what caused Hol to begin seizing. They performed a blood transfusion that stabilized her enough to undergo surgery, but they hadn’t been confident that she would make it through. The surgery itself took hours, but they were successfully able to localize and stop the bleeding in her abdomen and patch up her punctured lung. They installed a more substantial drainage tube in her chest to allow excess air and fluids to escape so her lung could continue to heal.
She would need to be kept asleep so her body could focus on repairing itself, but Kalonia was going to let Poe see her while they performed some additional tests.
They came to a stop just before the smallest room along the hallway. Due to space constraints on base, most of the rooms along this corridor housed multiple beds. This room was only for patients in a bad enough state to justify being kept isolated from others.
Kalonia stood aside to let him enter first.
They had Hol lying half-covered on an exam bed, her chest was mostly obscured by bandages. The first thing he noticed was that she was clean now, so much so that it made his head spin. 
It shouldn’t have been such a surprise, because of course they were going to scrub away the blood and grime before putting her on fresh bedding. But still, the contrast from when he found her sitting strapped in that downed ship was startling.
Several machines were attached to her body. She was hooked up to a respirator and receiving fluids intravenously, but Poe also caught sight of the aforementioned drainage tube extending from a patch of bandages in her side. It ran all the way over the edge of the bed into a receptacle on the floor. Her injured arm was wrapped in bacta strips and immobilized with a splint.
He remained a few feet away from her bed, a distance that he decided would be safe, because it felt too dangerous to touch her. His eyes slowly took in every piece of equipment being used to keep her stable, at first he began to count but stopped himself when he reached double digits.
His brow furrowed the moment he noticed the padded white cuffs still attaching Hol's wrists to the bed frame.
"Why is she still strapped down?" He demanded, his voice oddly distorted from hours of not speaking.
"It’s just a precaution for now.” Kalonia began to explain, seeming to choose her words cautiously. “She’s still on anticonvulsants to help reduce the likelihood of further seizures, but even while sedated there are still some tremors. With the location of the drainage tube we can’t risk her moving too violently or ripping it out when she wakes.” 
Poe blinked, taking a moment to process the information. 
"How long does she have to keep the tube?”
“No more than 2 to 3 days.” 
He nodded while he chewed on his lower lip, his eyes still trained on Hol. 
“Look, Dameron…” 
She interrupted his thoughts in a gentle tone that was meant to be comforting, but it only made the hairs on the back of his neck stand straight. Dr. Kalonia was known for ruthlessly running the medbay like a battleship. They went back far too long, he knew to brace for the worst whenever she started to go soft.
Poe turned to face her, the pit of dread he felt low in his stomach was only growing. He would have given anything in that moment for them to fall into their traditional roles, for him to be the one injured and for her to be yelling at him. - Dammit, Dameron! Either make yourself useful or get the hell out of my medbay!
But she only continued to speak in that horribly gentle tone.
“As Tarmin’s commanding officer, there is something else that you should know.”
She walked him around to the opposite side of the bed, where there was noticeably less tubing.
“During the examination before her surgery, I noticed some smaller injuries that made me order full lab work.”
He watched as she lifted the bit of blanket covering Hol’s legs. 
“I found infected injection sites on the insides of her arms and thighs, then these small circular burns on her ankles.”
Immediately Poe began to understand the rationale behind her delicate words.
He'd seen those marks on more than a few Resistance members who managed to escape capture. He sported similar ones himself after being captured on Jakku...after the Finalizer.
“We found traces of antipsychotics, nerve agents, and truth serum in her system.” Kalonia continued to explain. 
He bowed his head as he listened, the sour taste of bile was creeping up in the back of his mouth. He pinched the bridge of his nose while the facts began to register in his mind. His teeth clamped down on the inside of his cheek, he forced himself to slowly exhale.
"There are chafe marks on her body from restraints. The partial break to her humerus looks like it's from prolonged strain during intero—"
He couldn’t let her fully pronounce the word. 
He didn't have it in him to yell anymore, but the tension in his voice filled the space like a streak of lightning.
To her credit, Kalonia never flinched at the sound. She stood patiently, unwavering, her face neutral as she watched him. An uneasy silence settled over the room.   
He took a shaky breath, being mindful to adjust his tone before continuing.
“It’s okay.” He spoke softly, voice trembling despite his efforts. “I-I got it, Doc.” 
He turned to face away as he desperately tried to calm the tightening in his throat. The corners of his eyes were sharply stinging. The best he could do to regain control was to continue biting down hard on the inside of his mouth, inhaling and exhaling through his nose.
After a couple of minutes he scrubbed both hands over his stubbled face. With the heels of his palms he rubbed at his eyes until he saw stars. Slowly, much too slowly for his liking, he was able to push his own agony down enough to recenter.
Poe turned to face Kalonia once more. He cleared his throat. 
“She's not going to be in too much pain when she wakes up?” He demanded. “You can keep her comfortable, right?”
She pointed his attention to the IV stand by the head of the exam bed.
"I can't promise when she wakes up that she won't be in some pain, but we can adjust the medication through her drip and it'll take effect almost immediately."
He nodded. His hand combed through his hair before he slowly approached the bedside once more.
Poe stood and watched Hol's face for several minutes. He searched hard for any signs of movement or distress but found nothing. Her features were mercifully still and serene for the moment. She was protected under the fog of artificial sleep.
“How long are you going to keep her under?”
The question was spoken in a near whisper. 
“Depends on her vitals, but at least a day, maybe two.”
Kalonia took the time to show him her vitals displayed on the monitor near the head of the bed, providing a brief explanation of what the numbers currently meant. For the moment, everything hovered just barely inside the acceptable range. It was far from ideal, but it was at least temporarily stable. They would have to see over the next few days how she progressed.
While standing there together, they witnessed a ripple of stiff movement pass through Hol’s limbs.
“Whoa…” Poe visibly straightened, alarm written on his face as he began to think the worst.
Kalonia’s hand found his arm.
“Those movements aren’t another seizure.” She assured him. “It’s a residual effect from nerve agent exposure. Think of it like the nerves in her body recalibrating.”
Poe nodded in quiet understanding, but all he could think about was the excuse Kalonia gave him earlier for keeping Hol restrained— how she didn’t want her to hurt herself. There was some logic behind it, he could admit that much. But now that he knew some of what happened to her, he could barely stomach the idea.
They allowed him to stay in Hol’s room overnight. Kalonia had a cot brought in for him to sleep on, but only under the condition that he promised two things: to use the refresher across the hall and to actually get some sleep.
When he was finally alone with her he felt oddly numb. There in the nearly dark ward of the medbay, he stood over Hol’s bed and just watched her. It took several minutes for him to work up the courage to approach, but he did it. His hand briefly rested on the metal railing, as if he was grounding himself before he finally reached to touch her.
His fingers snaked between her own as he slotted his hand over her's. Immediately he realized that her skin felt strangely warm, prompting him to reach up and feel the side of her face. A quick look at her vitals confirmed his suspicions, she had a low-grade fever beginning to form. 
Poe made a note to point it out to one of the medtechs when they would come to make their rounds. He touched her hand once more before he stepped back to take a seat on the unfolded cot.
From there he watched her rest. He felt the heavy pull of exhaustion on his body, but sleep was the last thing he wanted for himself. His mind was all over the place, thinking about too many things at once.
Leia would come to visit her soon. He knew that much. Once she was past the worst and strong enough to speak, they would make her issue a report and do a formal debrief in front of Leia and her counsel.
It would be long and grueling. She would have to relive everything in great detail and be thoroughly questioned. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to know all of the facts himself, but he definitely knew that he didn’t want to put her through having to recount it too many times. Those meetings were meant to be classified, but it wouldn’t take long before everyone would know.
Poe so desperately wished that he could save her from that part—when everyone on base would begin to look at her differently. He knew that it was inevitable though. While he sat there next to her bed, watching over her while she slept, he could only think about what was to come.
He knew that for however long she stayed asleep in this room, she was at least protected from all that was waiting out there. The thought comforted him some, even if it was only temporary.
He also knew that the two of them needed to talk about a lot of things once she woke up.
Her position in Black Squadron needed to be rethought. It was a massive understatement to say that her flying under him was unethical. Before Hol left for Batuu they tried to be discreet about their relationship. They both told themselves that they were doing a good enough job keeping things secret, a delusion that went well past the point of denial. They thought their regular heated arguments in front of the others and their general refusal to touch each other would provide ample cover, but their sneaking off to fuck in supplies closets hadn't always been the most covert. But now that she was back, Poe was ready to throw discretion out the window. 
There were without a doubt other positions for her as a pilot, other opportunities, but it was going to be difficult convincing her. Making her understand that it wasn’t a punishment would be delicate.
He would talk it over with Leia, with some of the other squadron leaders. He would confess that he was the one in the wrong, and readily accept whatever disciplinary action came his way. They would figure something out for Hol. They had to.
Poe knew he also owed her an apology. He could have handled things differently when she volunteered for the mission, he could have spoken his mind while remaining supportive. His only memories of that conversation were just of him dressing her down, desperately trying to pull rank as a last ditch effort to keep her from leaving by herself.
The truth was that he was so fucking proud of her. During the weeks she was gone he had been livid, walking around with anger bubbling under his skin at all times. But now all he wanted was for her to hear how proud he felt, because he didn't want to leave her with those memories of their final argument.
She kept her head cool and found her way back. She survived whatever hell she fell into and fought her way out. He still couldn’t wrap his head around how she managed to pull off the execution of that landing. She had one broken arm, was trying to evade being hit with no comms system, all while coming in on fumes.
A medtech came by a couple of hours later, which woke Poe out of a light sleep.
He sat up and watched from his cot as they administered medication, checked the tubes and wires around her body to make sure nothing was out of place. 
He mentioned the fever, which thankfully hadn't climbed any higher. They started her on another course of antibiotics.
“She looks peaceful, doesn’t she?” They asked him at one point.
The very moment he heard the word a bitter taste spread across his entire tongue, making his mouth twist downward in a frown. He knew they meant well enough, but his head still snapped around to look at them in disbelief.
Because "peaceful" had never been Hol. 
A pain in his ass.
There were easily ten dozen choice adjectives he and quite a few others on this base could use to describe Hol Tarmin, but peaceful was definitely not one.
Peaceful was a word that people used to describe the dead. 
And his girl wasn’t fucking dead. 
The very idea was something he couldn’t dwell on for too long, because of the way his foundation had very nearly crumbled during those weeks she was gone. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt panic the way he had at the crash site, thinking at any moment he would be forced to helplessly watch while she slipped away from him, like watching water slowly leak out of his cupped hands.
It felt selfish to have those thoughts while she was lying there in front of him, but he was keenly aware of how impossibly lucky they were to get her back — how impossibly lucky he was.
@idkwhattoputheress @boghag-after-dark @faveficsblog @flyleaf-girl @whatthehekko @maplemind @foxilayde @arctrooper69 @pascalsaac @booktvmoviefangirl @tattooednursewrites @wild-lavender-rose @alexlynn16 @euphorealis @pioneergirlsie @lilhawkeye3 @theedgeofmagik @x-wing-dameron @kik51199 @isretroavibe @mrs-kidflash @rawrimacarebear @peterwandaparker @kassdyer @holdingthegun
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ireton · 7 days
DISCLAIMER: Please do your own research and come to your own conclusions.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "Doctors have been co-opted by the medical cartel...A typical pediatrician's office makes about 50% of its funding comes from vaccines, not actually from selling the individual vaccines, from the traffic...Every kid goes to the doctor at least 10 times to get their vaccines and that foot traffic in and out of the office is a major part of the business plan for the pediatrician office. And they're also then rewarded by Blue Cross Blue Shield which has a reward schedule for pediatricians who vaccinate 80 or 85% of the kids in their office get these giant bonuses, I think 40 or $400 per kid, huge amounts of money, hundreds of thousands of Dollars that they make making sure that 85% of the kids are vaccinated. And that's why they throw you out of the office if you fight back. It's not because they care so much about your particular kid, it's that you'll throw off the metrics and you'll lose them their bonuses. Those schedules have now been published so people can actually go look at the Blue Cross Blue Shield schedule and you can see what your pediatrician is making and that's huge amounts of money from complying. They have these perverse incentives that make it so that they're not really treating your kid as an individual patient and so your job in today's democracy is to do your own research."
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whump-is-my-drug · 28 days
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Umutsuz Ev Kadinlari EP 6
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r4tdeity · 4 months
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it's Saturday and you know what that means, it's time for My mutts injection! possibly one of My favorite days of the week, getting to lay it down and fuck a needle into their ass and always for its own good! ❤️ I think I would make a great doctor, don't you? I basically have a phd in mutt psychology anyways.
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hawkeyeslaughter · 8 months
hawkeye this one’s for you honey :) * spirals into a fit of despair *
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whatiswhump · 2 months
Daily injections, whumpee wished they didn’t flinch. They know they shouldn’t be scared of them, they’ve had much worse.
But each time the skin has to be swabbed with alcohol and that smell fills their nostrils, whumpee freezes up.
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