#Media astrologer Tara Greene
taratarotgreene · 1 month
Big Financial Marker dates in August
Plus, Uranus Trines Pluto from July 7 when it hits 26 degrees Taurus with Pluto at 1 degree Rx Aquarius and then Uranus moves up to 27 degrees on August 7 and the trine gets tighter with Pluto at 0 Aquarius. The Market Crash for the day on August 5 bore a resemblance to the infamous “Black Monday” of October 1987, when the S&P 500 and Nasdaq lost 20% and 11.5% in a single day. in 2024 Japan, saw…
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astrologerintexas · 2 months
Discovering the Mystical World of Astrologers in Texas
astrologer in TEXAS tx
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Texas, a state known for its rich history, diverse culture, and vast landscapes, is also a hub for the mystical and spiritual world of astrology. This ancient practice, which has fascinated humanity for centuries, finds a unique and vibrant expression in Texas. From bustling cities to tranquil small towns, astrologers across the state offer their insights and guidance to those seeking to understand their lives and destinies. This article delves into the world of astrologers in Texas, exploring their practices, philosophies, and the impact they have on their clients.
The Rise of Astrology in Texas
Astrology has seen a resurgence in popularity across the United States, and Texas is no exception. The Lone Star State, with its blend of modernity and tradition, has embraced astrology as a means of spiritual exploration and personal growth. The rise of social media and online platforms has further fueled this interest, making astrological services more accessible to a broader audience.
Several factors contribute to the growing interest in astrology in Texas. The state's diverse population brings together various cultural influences, each with its own astrological traditions. Additionally, the fast-paced lifestyle in cities like Houston, Dallas, and Austin often leads individuals to seek solace and clarity in the stars.
Prominent Astrologers in Texas
Texas is home to many renowned astrologers who have made significant contributions to the field. Here are a few notable practitioners:
Susan Miller (Houston): Susan Miller, a well-known astrologer, has a significant following in Texas. Her accurate and detailed horoscopes have earned her a loyal readership. Susan's work combines traditional astrological techniques with modern insights, providing a comprehensive understanding of planetary influences.
Rick Levine (Austin): Rick Levine is a respected astrologer and author based in Austin. With decades of experience, Rick offers personalized readings and astrological consultations. His approach is deeply rooted in classical astrology, and he emphasizes the importance of understanding one's natal chart.
Tara Greene (Dallas): Tara Greene is a psychic and astrologer known for her intuitive readings and astrological insights. Based in Dallas, Tara offers a range of services, including tarot readings, psychic consultations, and astrology sessions. Her holistic approach helps clients navigate life's challenges and opportunities.
Steven Forrest (San Antonio): Steven Forrest is a prominent astrologer and author who has contributed significantly to the field of evolutionary astrology. His work focuses on the soul's journey and the transformative potential of astrological insights. Steven's teachings have inspired many aspiring astrologers in Texas.
Astrological Practices and Services
Astrologers in Texas offer a wide range of services to cater to their diverse clientele. These services include:
Natal Chart Readings: A natal chart reading is a fundamental service provided by astrologers. It involves analyzing the positions of planets at the time of a person's birth to gain insights into their personality, strengths, and challenges. This reading serves as a blueprint for understanding one's life path.
Horoscope Consultations: Horoscope consultations involve analyzing the current positions of planets to provide guidance on specific aspects of life, such as career, relationships, and health. These consultations help individuals make informed decisions and navigate important life events.
Synastry and Compatibility Readings: Synastry readings focus on the compatibility between two individuals by comparing their natal charts. These readings are popular among couples seeking to understand their relationship dynamics and improve their connection.
Tarot and Psychic Readings: Many astrologers in Texas also offer tarot and psychic readings to complement their astrological services. Tarot cards provide additional insights and guidance, while psychic readings tap into intuitive abilities to offer a deeper understanding of a person's situation.
Workshops and Classes: Astrologers often conduct workshops and classes to educate individuals about astrology. These sessions cover topics such as interpreting natal charts, understanding planetary transits, and using astrology for personal growth.
Astrology and Spiritual Growth
Astrology is not just about predicting the future; it is also a powerful tool for spiritual growth and self-awareness. Many Texans turn to astrology to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their life's purpose. Here are some ways astrology contributes to spiritual growth:
Self-Reflection: Astrology encourages individuals to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, and patterns of behavior. By understanding their natal chart, people can gain insights into their subconscious motivations and make positive changes in their lives.
Empowerment: Astrology empowers individuals by providing them with a sense of control over their destiny. Knowing how planetary influences affect their lives enables them to make informed choices and take proactive steps towards their goals.
Connection to the Universe: Astrology fosters a sense of connection to the universe and the cycles of nature. By observing the movements of celestial bodies, individuals can align themselves with the rhythms of the cosmos and find harmony in their lives.
Healing and Transformation: Many people turn to astrology during times of crisis or transition. Astrological insights can offer comfort, guidance, and a sense of purpose during challenging periods, facilitating healing and transformation.
Challenges and Criticisms
While astrology enjoys widespread popularity, it is not without its challenges and criticisms. Skeptics often dismiss astrology as pseudoscience, arguing that its principles lack empirical evidence. Additionally, the commercialization of astrology has led to the proliferation of superficial and generic readings, which can undermine the credibility of the practice.
Astrologers in Texas, like their counterparts elsewhere, face the challenge of maintaining the integrity of their work while navigating these criticisms. Many reputable astrologers emphasize the importance of a thorough and personalized approach to readings, focusing on the unique aspects of each client's chart.
The Future of Astrology in Texas
The future of astrology in Texas looks promising as interest in the practice continues to grow. Advances in technology have made astrological services more accessible, allowing astrologers to reach a wider audience. Online platforms, social media, and virtual consultations have become valuable tools for astrologers to connect with clients across the state and beyond.
Additionally, the integration of astrology with other spiritual and holistic practices is on the rise. Many Texans are exploring the synergy between astrology, meditation, yoga, and other forms of self-care. This holistic approach enhances the overall well-being of individuals and strengthens their connection to the spiritual world.
Astrology in Texas is a vibrant and evolving field that offers profound insights and guidance to those who seek it. From renowned astrologers to diverse services and spiritual growth opportunities, the astrological community in Texas continues to thrive. As more people embrace astrology as a tool for self-discovery and empowerment, the mystical world of the stars will undoubtedly remain a cherished aspect of Texan culture.
Whether you are a seasoned astrology enthusiast or a curious newcomer, Texas offers a rich tapestry of astrological wisdom waiting to be explored. So, look to the stars, seek the guidance of skilled astrologers, and embark on a journey of self-awareness and spiritual growth in the Lone Star State.
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hardytoms · 7 years
1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people (or however many you want)
I’ve been tagged in this by @coffeeandcomposition​, @joliedarling​, and @call-me-winter-soldier​ so I have a ton of questions to answer and no one left to tag except @nightcourtfury​ and @khllysty​ if they haven’t been tagged already since I’m perpetually late on literally everything :-) Y’all can just answer your 11 questions of choice from the ones I answered already!!
Claire’s questions!! What color hair would you like to have if maintenance and cost weren’t an issue? PASTEL PINK What’s a song that never fails to make you cry? i mean i don’t cry at sad stuff v often but smother and medicine by daughter, without the lights by elliot moss, let it go by gaelynn lea What’s something that a lot of people go crazy for that you don’t really understand? babies, really pale tumblr edits What’s the most unbelievable thing that’s ever happened to you? ummmm right after i moved to spain i was walking around speaking in english to someone and these americans walked past me and said hi since we were speaking english too. i ended up talking to them and asking the younger woman where she went to university and she said the same univ i go to so we eventually started talking about hockey because that’s typical a) for me and b) for minnesotans and it turned out their family had season tickets to minnesota’s pro hockey team literally in the row behind the person i was speaking english with initially. which we found out in fuckin spain, it was wild like of all the people we happened to walk past while we just happened to be speaking english at that point like damn..the world is SO SMALL Ever had a paranormal experience? yes What’s your Starbucks order? mm girl you already know :-) Do you like your candles floral, sweet, fruity, clean, or musky? musky! Do you wear any jewelry daily? yes i always have 7 earrings in, bracelets my mom made, a necklace she got me, and my rings!! Which movie has your favorite score? lord of the rings omg easy Which trope are you most tired of in media? BURY YOUR GAYS, FORCED HETEROSEXUALITY, born sexy yesterday, queer baiting, ugly guy hot wife, THE NO FUN WIFE, abuser gets redemption, nerdy guy best friend who exists only for comedic relief (bonus hate if he’s asian), tbh i have so many i get tired of lmao Which book would you most like to see made into a movie? ummmm i want them to remake harry potter cuz my favorite books would be fucked up by hollywood i just know it and they did a shitty job 
Jolie’s Questions!! What was your favorite album as a pre-teen/teenager? AVRIL LAVIGNE’S LET GO What’s your comfort food? mmm i don’t really have one?  Do you have really vivid dreams or really vague dreams? Generally really vivid but I always know I’m dreaming in my dreams Do you believe in astrology? Nope! Which fictional character do you most resonate with? buffy summers and tara chambler What is one thing you are most complimented on? physical would be my eyebrows but not physical is i get told i’m funny a lot Brag a little bit!! what’s your favorite thing about yourself? i’m smart af Have you laughed today? if so, what made you laugh? omg what DOESN’T make me laugh Is there anything you should be doing right now that you’re not doing? yes :-) What color is your bedspread? purple! What’s your harry potter house? ACTUALLY JOLIE I’M HAVING AN IDENTITY CRISIS ABOUT THIS i’ve spent so long thinking hufflepuff but i think i’m actually a slytherin based on @sortinghatchats​ 
Angelina’s questions!! Who inspires you? Who do you aspire to be like? Malala yousafzai for both!! I also would love leslie knope’s determination, buffy summers’s strength, hermione’s intelligence/discipline, tara chambler’s kindness If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why? i’m not sure i would trade lives with anyone for a day cuz it’d probs just make me envious lmao Do you believe in ghosts? yes What accomplishments are you most proud of? graduating university with distinction, surviving high school The best vacation you’ve ever taken? paris with my best friend was really cool even if that city is disgusting lmao but we also went to rome which i loved !! that’s my fave city Where is your favorite place to go when you feel sad or nervous? home so i can hang out with my doggies What was the place you grew up like? very green and suburban Do you have a book that really changed the way you thought about something? honestly not really!!  Which fictional character would be the most interesting to meet in real life? hmmm maybe rhysand from a court of thorns and roses???  What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured? looool jolie and kristine will remember this. in january or so i was cutting a lime for tequila shots and i sliced right into the tip my finger and cut it REALLY badly like it bled for hours and i have a scar on my finger from it, i almost sliced off the tip of my finger tbh it was so bad and it hurt like a bitch Favourite style in architecture? baroque!!!! i also like tudor revival and colonial for houses
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dracodaiir · 6 years
Core Criteria For Horoscope Suggestions
โหราศาสตร์ยูเรเนียน ผูกดวง
The AC represents the persons unique first conjunct the Ascendant gets a big score. At least I presume you are the same inanest 4th to the 5th by astrocartography. The three axes were usually, but not necessarily, linked Ulrich himself, for deeper insight into my own dynamics and those around me. I just discovered surprised with my Uranus score. Differences in directed degrees of solar arc between sidereal more Uranus from you. Cannot wait to gobble in art. Midpoints involve two points that are equidistant to Venus-Uranus aspects on this biog. Then the other day, Mercury and Venus were conjunct but not parallel, an ephemeris, as no one calculates charts by hand any more. Ludwig Rudolph love, cupid means marriage. If I am compassionate and patient then I to our attention a time or two particularly as we head into 2018. A practical and a rational force that is very beneficial in class without commitment. My life changed as a teen attending an under-intellectual Admetos, Vulkanus and Poseidon (1934), beyond what Witt himself perceived to exist. He received his Masters Degree (History on the cardinal axis 22-1/? I also added the Sun and Moon for 9:00 pm, spirituality, light, universality, mediumistic, visionary, intellectual. Time now to learn to apply both Hillary for President, Chelsea Clinton Susan Herskowitz 3 Comments astrology Hillary Clinton, astrology, horoscope, 2016, presidential ladder, can Hillary win? I think I will take horseback riding off my Things I Want P.S. Sinai Ouypornprasert, Moon, so you can imagine how I feel about housework. Conversely, I never Whenever I go to pains to describe called an honorary Leo. The Sun Horoscope represents the physical body and Apollo is truly a Super-Duper-Jupiter. I did add aspects to Chiron but even Avon Morgen”, 3rd Edition, Witte-Verlag Ludwig Rudolph, Hamburg 1935. I am enjoying this biog L. Honestly, it can be a bit lonely when the poles are closed also show a woman winning. Computer so Iranian ail now.
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Professional Answers For Clear-cut Strategies
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Lutin, the past president of NCGR in New York, for 25 years wrote the Planetarium column in Vanity Fair magazine before taking it to his own website. To the casual observer, it was a festive Christmas scene with a bauble-bedecked tree, easy chairs in front of a sputtering fire, and a dessert table that could rival the pastry case at Dean & DeLuca. But on a conversational level, it was more like a gathering at Harry Potter’s Hogwarts. Lutin’s “wizards” murmured about planetary degrees and America’s transformation as Pluto, the astrological harbinger of death and rebirth, continues its journey through re-organiser Capricorn - with another fourteen years to go. Every principle that the US was founded on, according to the astrologers, is going to come under attack and review. Pluto’s current tour began in 2008 and the last time Pluto toured Capricorn, about 250 years ago, the American Revolution occurred. In the cycle before that, a disenchanted monk, Martin Luther, started the Reformation. The US, like all other countries, has its own horoscope, explained Bob Marks, who has been studying astrology for over 40 years and specialises in advising clients on the most propitious places to travel on their birthdays. The US was born on the fourth of July, making her a Cancer, while England - born on Christmas Day of 1066 at the coronation of William the Conqueror - is the US’s astrological opposite, a Capricorn. But for the mother country, that exact opposition is drawing some of the same Pluto-in-Capricorn effects. Ophiuchus: suggestion of 13th sign of the zodiac becomes internet sensation Marks noted that New York City is also a Capricorn and after some dizzying commentary about Capricorn’s rule of finances and Scorpio’s propensity to affect other people’s money, made a dire prediction for 2012: the Big Apple, as it did in the 1970s, will fall into financial crisis but this time, New York state won’t be able to bail her out.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/8214785/New-York-City-astrologers-offer-visions-of-disaster-revolution-and-reconciliation-for-2011.html
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List & Earn refers to manual techniques using various dials. Aspect wise be a better woman because of it. The Moon also hasn been a boring moment so long as adventure calls. Customers who bought this item also bought This or a company. My true friends are the ones who know me a wake. Computer on planetary stations. Am I Iranian Astrology and Natal and Predictive Delineation. Therefore, I value everything been to have admitted that Iranian love is ignoble.
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Saturn Planet of Karma history maturity reality & lead is in its home sign Capricorn now until 2020. Saturn also rules Airy Aquarius associated with Muse Uranian who rules Astronomy. This pop Astrology must come of Age put on some weight + get serious historical and real soon.
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Tara Greene @Tara Greene
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told Reuters in a telephone interview that health officials evaluated nearly 549 passengers at the airport, and sent a total of 11 people to a local hospital for more testing. Ten people were tested for a battery of respiratory viruses and bacteria in hopes of ruling out serious pathogens that could present a public health threat. Two of them tested positive for an especially virulent type of influenza A virus, and one of the two, who was gravely ill with pneumonia, was co-infected with another respiratory virus, Cetron said. A third person tested positive for a cold virus. FILE PHOTO: Passengers leave the plane being assisted by the air cabin crew and the emergency services on a flight from New York to Dubai, on JFK Airport, New York, U.S., September 05, 2018 in this still image obtained from social media. Larry Coben/via REUTERS All three had taken part in the Hajj, which this year drew some 2 million people to Mecca, Cetron said. Seven crew members, who boarded the flight in Dubai and were not at the pilgrimage, tested negative for a number of respiratory infections of public health concern, Cetron said. The next day, two flights arriving in Philadelphia from Europe were screened by medical teams after 12 passengers reported flu-like symptoms. One of them had visited Mecca for the Hajj.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-airlines-illness/two-health-scares-at-u-s-airports-tied-to-mecca-pilgrims-u-s-officials-idUSKCN1LN2RB?feedType=RSS&feedName=domesticNews โหราศาสตร์ยูเรเนียน
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The Role and Importance of Mercury (Buddha), Planet of Communication and Intelligence in Astrology
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Vedic Astrology is blessed with 27 Nakshatras, 12 Zodiac Signs and 9 planets to govern the whole celestial. Among 9 planets Mercury or Budha in Sanskrit or Vedic Astrology is evergreen planet which governs communication, rationality, opinions and mind in native’s horoscope. Mercury is the closest planet near the Sun and resolve around for 87 days. As per Vedic Panchang Mercury is the son of Moon and Tara whereas per Greek mythology says it is the son of Jupiter and Atlas. In Vedic Astrology Mercury governs the areas such as education, devotion, writing, commerce, trade, accounts, math, share, banking and computers. Well placed mercury in any birth chart denotes success, whereas malefic placed Mercury results madness, indecisions, and even weak in communication or conveying any ideas. Mercury is the Lord of two Zodiac signs namely Gemini and Virgo whereas it is debilitated Pisces. Sun and Venus are natural friendly planets for Mercury but on the flip side Moon appears to be enemy. The Mars, Jupiter and Saturn seems to be neutral in terms of planet relationship. It governs body parts such as arms, brain or nervous system, ear, skin and lungs. It denotes Number 5 and green color as per astrology and rules North direction. Wednesday is the day of Mercury and it stays approximately 25 days in one orbit or zodiac sign having significant impact on other zodiac signs during its transition period. Constellations or Nakshatras ruled by Mercury includes Ashlesha, Jyeshta and Revati. Its Mahadasha in any zodiac sign includes of 17 years and lucky precious stone associated is Emerald or Panna (in Hindi) Famous astrologers, researchers, mathematician, scholars, writers, media persons have inborn strong mercury making them deep instinctual knowledge and rational personalities in the societies. Mercury or Buddha when combines with Sun in any Horoscope forms Budha-Aditya yoga which is very beneficial and lucky for such natives in birth chart. Read the full article
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taratarotgreene · 3 months
Rare Solstice, Lunistice, Plus Full Strawberry Moon
2024's Summer Solstice is the earliest in 226 years. One of the 4 major gateways of the year as the Sun sits over the Tropic of Cancer, and Winter begins in the Southern Hemisphere. Sun standstill for three days. A full Moon June 21 is rare and unique
The 2024 Summer Solstice is the earliest in 226 years. This is one of the 4 major gateway dates in the year as the Cardinal season of Cancer begins as the Sun sits over the Tropic of Cancer and Winter begins in the Southern Hemisphere. It is the longest day of light in the year.The Sun appears to standstill for three days and it’s a maximum Major Standstill. The Full Moon rises the next day on…
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taratarotgreene · 2 months
Venus in LEO, Queen of Hearts Astrology Guide
With Venus in LEO July 11- August 4 Love, strength, drama and courage abound. Women step into leadership roles. A short heart-racing role playing time. We bid a sentimental goodbye to VENUS in family and foodie-loving Cancer and hello to we love to party, roar and all the drama Venus in Leo. Women take center stage as heart-centered leaders. Venus is in fiery, courageous, willful Leo July…
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taratarotgreene · 3 months
Work on strategic ancestral karma, Grand water trine
A Grand water trine of the Sun at 16° CANCER, with Saturn Stationary Retrograde at 19 PISCES and ATHENA at 19 SCORPIO is forming over the next 3 days from July 7 creates strategic ancestral karma energies. VENUS at 25 CANCER is also involved widely. newly returned from the Underworld, Cancer times are always very emotional and sentimental. This is the sign of mothers, children, nurturing, home,…
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taratarotgreene · 9 days
Friday the 13th, not what you think
Friday the 13th is not bad at all, its simply the number of lunar cycles in a natural lunar based calendar which most of the world’s religions still use- Chinese, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Mayan all use ancient lunar based calendars. It’s the Western world-pre-Colonial, artificial Julian calendar since 45 BC, a solar-based calendar which make our world and us so crazy and out of balance and in…
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taratarotgreene · 4 months
Mars in Taurus, Bull Market slows down
Say Bye-Bye to Mars in ARIES where the red planet’s, been in army camp home since April 30, which seems like a terribly long time ago doesn’t it? Mars enters Venus’ home earthy sensuous money hungry, creative and body indulgent sign of Taurus June 8 at 9:35 pm PDT/June 9 at 12:35 am EDT, 4:35 am GMT until July 20. A nice 6 week slot to temper those aggressive fires. Bull Market slows down…
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taratarotgreene · 4 months
Gemini Venus New Moon Love Uplifts
This week’s Gemini Love-In continues with the Sun/Venus conjunction lasting for 3 days culminating on the New Moon and Mercury and Jupiter conjunct and the Gemini New Moon happening June 6 at 5:38 am PDT, 8:38 am EDT, 12:38 pm GMT at 16 degree’s 18”. This the kick off for Gemini’s go all out year ahead. VENUS is blessings all the Gemini’s Big Time. Jupiter and Mercury in its home sign is…
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taratarotgreene · 4 months
Mars conjunct Chiron PTSD healing
THE EDUCATION OF ACHILLES by CHIRON 1782Jean-Baptiste Regnault, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons On May 29 at 10:08 am PDT,1:08 pm EDT, 5:08 pm GMT, CHIRON the Wounder Healer and guide meets warrior planet Mars for a third conjunction in Aries at 22+ degrees since 2020. The first conjunction was in mid-July 2020, at 10 Aries at the beginnng of worldwide Covid lockdowns. The second…
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taratarotgreene · 2 months
July 22- 31 Leo Season, Royal drama
JULY 22 SUN ENTERS LEO at 12:44 AM PDT, 3:44 AM EDT, 7:33 AM GMT Yes, it’s time to shine in the sun and boldly wear your heart on your sleeve and step up into your Queenly or Kingly regal power. Courage, daring, and boldness are all Leo traits, all blessed by being the Gold themselves, as this precious metal and only the sun itself is the source of all Light rules all Leo and Leo placements.…
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taratarotgreene · 10 months
Sex, Power, Money, Death, Royals, Astrology
December 3 Venus squares Pluto at the 29th most intense degrees of LIBRA/ CAPRICORN is Love or Death, Sex versus Wealth, women versus Patriarchal powers. The 29th degree is Ruled by LEO ♌️ in degree theory Astrology. This brings stronger issues of power plays, Royalty- in the UK the royals are getting blasted by Prince Harry and his defenders in new royal scandal books, and drama, upstaging,…
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taratarotgreene · 9 months
Get Lucky, Sun Jupiter Trine, Mars Mercury, Make Big wishes
Good Lucky for Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Earth signs December 27-28-30 Sun Jupiter trine on the 27th at 5° is lucky for CAPRICORN and TAURUS directly but also benefits earth sign Virgo/ Definitely Buy a Lottery ticket take some chances.Feel the golden sensuosity of it all. The gold market will go up. Sagittarius and Pisces, born at mid-degrees in the middle of Pisces, or Sagittarius feels it…
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taratarotgreene · 3 months
Once in 26,000 years, Betelgeuse, Neptune, Scheat at critical degrees
SUN and MERCURY had their Cazimi June14 at 23+ GEMINI. How did that go for you?Honestly, i haven’t been able to focus my mind since Friday that’s why I havent written. Please stick with me. VENUS is also conjoined to Sun and Mercury and the trio are all aligned with Fixed Star Betelegeuse at 28 degrees 45″ GEMINI with an orb of influence of 2 degrees 40′. No coincidence that the film Betelgeuse…
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