#Israeel-Palestine war
taratarotgreene · 4 months
Mars conjunct Chiron PTSD healing
THE EDUCATION OF ACHILLES by CHIRON 1782Jean-Baptiste Regnault, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons On May 29 at 10:08 am PDT,1:08 pm EDT, 5:08 pm GMT, CHIRON the Wounder Healer and guide meets warrior planet Mars for a third conjunction in Aries at 22+ degrees since 2020. The first conjunction was in mid-July 2020, at 10 Aries at the beginnng of worldwide Covid lockdowns. The second…
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taratarotgreene · 1 year
Mars in Scorpio, Revenge and war high alert
If the horrible Israeli-Hamas war got started with Mars in his Peacekeeping Mode, what are things going to be like October 11/12 to November 24 with Mars in his own sign of Death, rebirth and Transformation where he is the most deadly? Mars ends his estrogen-soaked, can’t make up my mind, karmic sign of justice and injustice in Libra October 11/at 9:04 pm PDT/ October 12,12:04 am EDT/ 5:04 am…
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