#Meatball the chubby baby cat
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kit-the-gaygent ¡ 2 years ago
When Mc first arrived at the Devildom they had their cat with them. A tubby tabby cat. He was a round boy that was most of the reason Mc could lift heavy things.
The demons in the room were surprised to see the new exchange student fall out of Daivio's portal and onto their butt, yes; but more surprised to see a rotund boy fall with them and somehow manage to gracefully land on his paws.
Satan, a cat lover was obligated by law to pet this cat, and quickly rushed over to help the exchange student up and then proceeded gush over their lil chubby baby of a cat.
And after much bargaining with Lucifer to let them keep their girthy cat during their stay, they were taken back to the HoL by Mammon.
( )//
The cat, appropriately named Meatball, had made himself much at home in the guest room, as well as everyone room. meatball also made his personal mission to sleep directly on Lucifer's paperwork any chance he got. One of the tubby boy's favorite places to nap was on the fifth shelf of Satan's book cases. There was a specific dictionary that just had the padding Meatball liked to nap on.
There was also an incident of Meatball breaking out of the HoL one day and barging into RAD and harassing all the students until he found one particular human. This was all because Meatball had a hang nail and wanted it removed by his tired human.
( )//
Now one day Mc filled the rotund cat down the halls of the HoL to find a mysterious stairway to the attic. They followed Meatball to find the seventh, and youngest brother of the Avatar's of sin, Belphie. MC remembered his face from a small family photo Meatball had knocked off of Lucifer's desk.
Belphie was woken up from his nap behind the attics bared door to see the new human exchange student; trying to stop their fat cat from squeezing his way between the bars of the door.
"is that a cat?" Belphie has asked one night as Meatball tried to eat the slothful brother's finger.
"I'm pretty sure, I've raised him since he was a couple months old. He's just a lil gluttonous baby." MC smiled as they pulled Meatball into their lap.
Belphie snickered, "that sounds like Beel."
( )//
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sw124 ¡ 4 years ago
Monster Boyfriend!Reader insert!
Female Reader! Shadow boyfriend.
[The reader is nicknames are Angel by the boyfriend and Bo by everyone else]
Another day, another chewing out by your asshole of a boss who as usual promoted the skinny collage girl over you; despite the fact you worked at this office for over five years and kept it running! In your opinion your boss was a misogynistic piece of garbage who believed all woman had the minds of toddlers, that and their only purpose was to be servants/playthings/baby factories to all men. The only reason he promoted this new girl was because he was looking for new eye candy.
It was just your boss who shared this view however, the other members of the office didn’t share their views. All of them were married and had kids, you could feel the unease when the boss made filthy jokes about someone’s daughter…especially when that daughter was only thirteen years old.
The father of this girl was your friend and neighbor Roy, he was tempted to punch his boss senseless but at the moment he couldn’t afford to. He just found out he and his wife were expecting baby number two, his wife worked from home but he always believed in having a safety net.
[Lunch break]
You sat down by Roy and Trevor, he was from accounting and pretended to be a bachelor when he actually dating a very nice young person, they preferred not to be labeled with a gender.
“Hey Bo, heard the boss yelling at ya; what was it about this time?” Asked Trevor opening his lunchbox.
“The account he assigned to the new girl was lost and he’s blaming me despite I had no part in its loss. He just wants to get on the girls good side so he can try an sleep with her…” you mumbled as you pulled out your own lunch.
You weren’t skinny, you were round with curves and a belly. This lead to many comments from your boss but you brushed them off, especially when you got home cooked lunches from your boyfriend. Today’s lunch was as beautiful as before, he got into making those character bento lunchboxes he saw on tiktok. Today’s lunch was fried chicken meatballs with rolled up omelet and little rice balls. The meatballs were decorated to look like hedgehogs, the little rice balls made to look like penguins and the omelets were speckled with green and filled with cheese.
“Lee went all out on that didn’t he?” Retorted Roy with a chuckle, his lunch was a grilled panini he ordered from the shop next door.
“He loves to cook and I love eating his cooking.” You smiled as you chowed down into his creation.
There was a small avocado salad on the side with diced raw onions and a small squirt of hotshots on it. It was a interesting combination but it actually worked out well.
You were about to dig into this salad when your boss walked in, so begins his usual walk around the tables giving comments on everyone’s choice of lunches. Mocking men who didn’t have properly made lunches by their wives or joked about being bachelors. You finished the penguin rice balls when he came your table.
“An what has this group prepared hm?” He leaned over Roy and his sandwich. “Wife not making you lunch anymore, what you two get into a fight again?”
Ugh; you hated how he smirked every time he put someone down, he looked over at Trevor. His lunch was simple homemade steak and cheese wrap his partner made.
“Huh, thats surprising; most single guys don’t know how to cook, where’d you buy that?” Trevor was about to answer but the ass turned to you and eyed your lunch. “Well what does the pig have today? Something that looks decent, bet it tastes like shit though?”
He reached for your food, Roy was the one who pulled it away from him. “Sir, need I remind you that the last time you took someone’s food the CEO of the company came down here to scold you?”
Your boss glared at him but backed off, yes he literally took someone’s food from them and was reported. He managed to play it off as a misunderstanding but it didn’t stop the CEO from chewing him out.
“Fine, let the pig eat her slop.” With that your boss left.
“Thanks Roy…” you sighed, this was going to be a long day…
[A few hours later]
Finally it was time to leave, three’o clock, you got all your things and bolted for the elevator. You made it in time too, you knew your boss came looking for stragglers to do extra work. The doors closed just as he walked into look for anyone; preferably you. But you escaped, you learned when and how to avoid him near the end of the day.
Now piled into your car you, Trevor and Roy all heading back to the same apartment building you shared. Trevor lived on the fourth floor of the apartments while you and Roy were on the second floor, he lived in the apartment across the hallway from you and your boyfriend. You said goodbye to them and walked into your apartment, the money you made was good despite your boss.
You composed yourself before hand and as you were closing the door…you saw your shadow growing, it grew larger, bulkier and once it reached a hight of 9ft…three bio-green eyes appeared; feral and happy.
“Welcome home Angel.”
His large clawed hands picked you up and cradled you in those burly arms, the term ‘broad chest’ didn’t do your darling justice. He had hair but it was so molded to his body it almost looked like a helmet minus the part that hung off. He had what you called an inverted pixie bob, he nuzzled you and peppered your cheek with little kisses. He didn’t have a visible mouth, nose or ears but that only added to his charm.
“Hi Caine, I’m so happy to be home. Lunch was soooo good, I loved those little penguins you made.”
You watched those eyes of his turn into stars as he hugged tightly, you hugged him back….oh you needed this. You needed ‘him�� right now more then anything, just him and his big arms hugging you.
“I’m making pizza tonight, I figured it’d be cheaper then buying it.” He whistled.
“Ooh that sounds good.” You whined happily.
You only had your eyes closed for a moment before you found yourself in your bedroom. He sat you on the bed and proceeded to remove your shoes, what on earth did you do to get a guy this awesome?
“Oh, so you know; Brandy called me and told me about your company throwing a family picnic!”
Right…the picnic, another excuse for that ass of a boss to mock everyone’s lifestyle and show up his wealth. You smiled at him, he loved picnics and meeting all the people you worked with. No way were you gonna say no, but that didn’t mean you weren’t gonna try and stay as far away from your boss as possible.
“Its gonna be a potluck kind of picnic so lets make something yummy together hm?” You smiled as you stood back up and changed into your comfy clothes.
He squealed with glee and whisked you back up into his arms, dinner was delicious and so was dessert. Just simple store bot gelato but still good, the two of you sitting on the couch bing watching documentaries and internet cat videos.
[two weeks later]
The weather was perfect, there was a nice light breeze and there were clouds, lots of them. White, fluffy clouds that casted shadows to shield you from the sun from time to time. Not that it was terribly hot, warm but not hot. You and Cain parked the car under a tree and got out, the company picnic was being held at the local park near the river. It was a very nice place, already you saw many of your co-workers here.
Cain had already delved into your shadow, not out of fear but it was easier to move around crowds. You already saw a few other co-workers who brought their spouses. Mark from HR was one of the few you knew who was dating someone who wasn’t human, his girlfriend was the same height as Cain but unlike Cain she was more mammalian. She was what many called a ‘wendigo’ but she had more of a wolf appearance mostly due to her skull face; her name you recalled is Sophie.
You and Mark had that in common, the two of you love large, adorable creatures that could crush you in their embraces. You watched Mark talk as Sophie filled a plate with ribs and handed them to some other co-workers. You walked over, greeted her and sat down two large bowls. One had your famous fruit salad while the other had Cain’s spicy garlic Parmesan chicken wings.
Cain was about to come out to say hello when everyone was silenced by the tapping on a microphone.
“Everyone, thank you all for coming! I’m so thrilled to see everyone’s bright faces here!”
You gritted your teeth…it was your boss, here it comes. He did this whenever possible, bringing people up and passively insulting them for whatever reason an pass it off as a joke. Well today he was bringing couples up and joking, he already had Roy up there and joked about his family. It was clear Roy wanted to punch the guy’s lights out an you didn’t blame him.
“Thanks Roy for being a great sport, up next…why our own Ms. Bo!”
Well crud..it was your turn, you felt Cain gripping your shoulder but you had no choice. You patted the invisible hand and walked up onto the stage, you saw how he leered at you.
“Well everyone, here she is Miss Bo. Where’s your boyfriend, oh I’m sorry dear I guess the rumors are true men don’t like chubby little bitches like you.”
Uh oh…now he didn’t, you watched your shadow shift and move, steadily growing behind your boss as he continued.
“Any single men out here wanna plow this porker? No? Well thats to be expected, lots of smart men know to stay away-“ the mic was yanked out of his hand, he spun around…only to be face to face with three murder colored eyes.
You reached an took the mic. “Sir, I’d like to introduce you to Cain, my beloved boyfriend of four very happy years. We met in middle school, started dating in collage. Thats all you need to know….Cain put him down please.”
You didn’t need to look, Cain had your boss by the scruff of his shirt, dangling him over the edge of the stage….he relented and sat him down; he turned and took the mic from you.
“An for the record; you call my girl anything other then her name…well..” he exposed his rarely seen mouth, inside were rows of razors ready to tear him apart.
“The last thing you’ll be seeing are these.”
You refrained from saying anything..especially about your bosses soiled trousers.
[later, after the picnic]
Back in your apartment, cuddled on the couch; sitting in his lap with a box of macarons and other sweet treats. You look up at Cain who still seemed a little mad from what he heard.
“Honey its ok, the boss got fired for what he said and we’re getting a new one, its all thanks to you.” You give him a kiss, that seemed to melt the grump off.
“Yeah, though I’m still upset that you went through all those nasty things…”
Oh no the puppy eyes…the sad ‘mama I need love’ puppy eyes. He always got his way when something happened. Last time he did this was when you had you wisdom teeth taken out and you were in pain.
“I know but you know what?”
Cain looks down at you.
“You made it worth it, every day I’d come home to the best thing nature ever created.”
You saw stars dance in his sweet eyes as he hugged you tightly, for the rest of the night was filled again with cat videos and documentaries until the two of you slowly drifted off to sleep, you safely tucked into his loving embrace.
[so you know all of this was inspired by the drawings of @semisolidmind and her monster boyfriend series oooh their sooo cute! Semi I hope you like this you inspired this!]
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writerkenna ¡ 5 years ago
HP Next Gen Headcanons/Faceclaims
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Helena Pomona Lovegood-Longbottom OC (Elle Fanning)
Born May 2006
Parents: Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood
House: Gryffindor
Somehow exactly like both her parents and completely herself 
Knows all the secret ways to get into the kitchens
Mainly hangs out with Rose, though she can sometimes tolerate James, sometimes
Has a love/hate dynamic with James Potter, which has resulted in a good amount of hexes and the occasional kiss
Best friends with her Dad, whose heart she breaks in year 4 when she asks if their weekly Thursday lunches can be cut to monthly (it’s okay she buys him an ice cream and they have a good laugh about it)
Is very proud of how advanced she is with Herbology when she comes to Hogwarts from all her years of listening to her dad talk about it
Nargles are real, FIGHT HER ON IT!
Has the Longbottom chubby cheeks, which she hated for a long time, until her mum says how much she loves those cheeks on her dad
Has spent a few nights asleep under the stars in the astronomy tower with Rose, which she adores from stargazing nights with her family when she was young
This inspires her to suggest it as a first date location for Albus and Severus, which works brilliantly!
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Albus Severus Rubeus Potter (Logan Lerman)
Born March 2006
Parents: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
House: Slytherin 
Puberty hits him hard with the angst
He spends most of his time being like ‘oh, I’m a Slytherin Potter, my family hates me, I AM the cursed child’ and Harry’s like ‘I literally adore you, now go clean up your snake’s cage’
Yes, he owns a snake. It’s part of the angst
Rose and Scorpius pull him out of that funk by year 3, don’t worry
He probably falls in love with Scorpius the moment he hears him speak French for the first time
His first year, he writes his mum and dad three letters a week. Ginny rolls her eyes and Harry goes completely soft for it
He hopes to be known around school not as Harry Potter’s son, or James’s brother, but instead Rose Granger Weasley’s cousin, for she is legit the smartest person he knows
When he realises he’s gay, he comes out sort of incidentally to Helena first because she finds him by the Great Lake, asks what he’s thinking, and she looks at him so knowingly, he just yells ‘IM GAY’
After he gets out of his angsty stage in life, he finally gets really close with his family again, especially his dad 
In the summer, he, James, Fred, Teddy, Hugo, Louis, all his uncles, his Dad, and Grandpa Arthur all go on a boys trip to Ireland for camping. He starts bringing Scorpius summer after year 5, who gets along amazingly well with Arthur
He is absolutely going to marry Scorpius, which he tells Ginny all the time. When she says they are a bit young to think like that, he’s like ‘literally this whole family married their childhood sweetheart don’t give me no bull’
Soft for his mum and sister
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Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy-Belgarde (Mark Lee)
Born January 2006
Parents: Draco Malfoy and Luca Belgarde (OMC-Beauxbatons alum)
House: Slytherin
Adopted at age two by his dads, but feels despite blood, was somehow always meant to be Draco’s son
Puts a blond glamour on his hair once he starts Hogwarts so everyone knows he’s a Malfoy
Angel baby boy who is both his fathers’ doll
He falls in love with Albus in third year when Albus spends the night  talking about how damned hard it is to have world famous parents. They talk until two in the morning and curse off the Daily Prophet
While he is a sweet soft boi, he is meant to be a Slytherin. He can work his sweet talk like a magic weapon and knows what he wants is always in his grasp if he can strategize for it
Grew up in a bilingual household, with Luca speaking French and Draco English
When he comes home for the winter holidays and tells his dads he’s fallen for Albus, Draco groans and says they need to talk. Scorp is worried for the worst, but Draco is just like ‘let me you give some advice on how to have a crush on a Potter, kid, because I wished I had got this talk at some point’
Dates Rose for approximately one week in year 3, just because everyone starts dating in his year and Albus is oblivious. They have one awful kiss and Albus makes him swear never to date one of his cousins again after that
Shocks Harry with how much he is not a mini Draco
Calls Albus “ma petite étole” because their first date was in the astronomy tower
Makes fast friends with both Molly and Arthur
Demi-sexual homoromantic
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Rose Granger Weasley 
Born June 2006
Parents: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
House: Gryffindor
The brightest witch of her age
Her best subjects(though she’s amazing at all of them) are Transfiguration, Potions, and Defense Against the Dark Arts
She hopes to get a ministry job one day, just like Mum
Loves to relentlessly pester Hugo
She has the most gorgeous little tortie cat named Trix
Her favorite cousin (don’t tell the others) is Molly II
But, of course, she has a major soft spot for Albus because they are so close in age, even when he’s an emo bastard
When she was young, her favorite activity was baking with Grandma Molly and Hugo
Whenever she goes to spend time with her muggle grandparents, she has a guilty pleasure for Muggle music. Her current favorites are: The Beatles, Modest Mouse, and Vampire Weekend(no actual vampires, Huh!)
She absolutely adores when she gets to pick the book for family book club nights
Moderately talented with Quidditch, however, is so bored by the idea of the sport that she doesn’t play. Ron’s pouty about it
However, she will go to matches to see Scorp, Roxanne, Fred, and James play
She spends a lot of time with Professor Longbottom due to how close she is with Helena. Neville loves writing to Hermione and Ron to say what a ‘ wonderfully magnificent’ girl she is
On the subject of Helena, Rose and her are close than close, from both a childhood around each other and, on day 1 ofďżź Hogwarts, getting beds smack dab next to each other for the best late night chatting set up
Because of this, Rose goes mental over Helena and James dating, because now she has to spend MORE time with him
Loves Hogwarts, but will always love nights with just her little family, Mum, Dad, and Hugo, when Dad calls her RosiePosie and makes his famous meatballs, even more
3/? of Next Gen Headcanons
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fresh-outta-jams ¡ 6 years ago
Plastic Heart - Part 16
Namjoon x Reader Author: Mo Summary: When you get the highly-anticipated BTS dolls for Christmas, your life takes a turn in a way you never could have expected. Note: Luna is a real one omg we stan. Warnings: None? Koya cuteness? Word Count: 1.5k
Prologue, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
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Luna responded to your SOS text pretty fast. You’d told her it was urgent and you needed her help and she asked how you wanted to hide the body, so it went unsaid that she would be your ride or die no matter what. You told the guys to stay in your room while you talked to her and kind of...warmed her up to the topic. It wouldn’t be easy to introduce someone else to this crazy world you’d found yourself in, but you knew she’d be able to handle it. Or at least, you hoped so.
When she finally got to your place, you opened the door for her. Namjoon was sitting on the couch, wearing a stray mask you found over the bottom half of his face. Baby steps. You had to introduce her to this in baby steps.
“Okay, spill. What’s your deal?” She asked as soon as she’d stepped over the threshold. Luna set her laptop bag on your couch and motioned to Namjoon. “I saw you all over Twitter. Who’s the guy?”
“I don’t want to dump this all on you at once.” You prefaced, sitting down next to him and welcoming her to sit down too. “It’s...a lot, I’m not going to lie.”
“Did you kill someone?”
“Are you fleeing the country for tax evasion?”
“Okay. So what is it, then?”
“I need a fake ID and a birth certificate.” He told her. “And some other things.”
“Why, are you a drug dealer or something?” Her eyebrows furrowed. For some reason, this guy’s voice was...familiar...
“No! God, no, I just…” Namjoon sighed. He looked at you.
“Promise you won’t scream, okay?” You took Namjoon’s hand and nodded. He reached up with his free hand and pulled down his mask.
Luna raised an eyebrow, studying your boyfriend’s features. “Namjoon?”
“Namjoon, yes. RM, no.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“No, it really doesn’t, does it?” Namjoon thought over how to explain this carefully. “My name is Namjoon and I...look exactly like him and sound exactly like him, but I’m not RM and I’m not in BTS and I’m not a rapper.”
“I don’t get it. How is that even possible?” Luna opened her laptop, opening up her forgery software anyway.
“Well, it’s kind of a long story.” You bit your lip, playing with Namjoon’s large fingers anxiously.
“I’ve got nothing but time.”
“Okay, so um, this is going to be really hard to believe, but...until yesterday…” Namjoon took a breath. Saying it made it real, and for some reason, admitting this to someone other than you made him feel...bad. He didn’t like thinking about his plastic past. “Until yesterday, I was...Koya?”
You sat up straight at the mention of the koala, who was tottling into the room, two of his babysitters, Yoongi and Jimin, namely, running after him. Your would-be son looked very upset. He had the little blankie you’d given him in one little chubby arm, the other down at his side.
Luna watched wide-eyed in silence as the little guy waddled over to Namjoon, who scooped him up in his arms and cooed gently. “Aww, Koya, did you have a nightmare?”
He nodded, curling into Namjoon’s chest. Luna looked from the koala to Namjoon and then to Yoongi and Jimin, who were standing there frozen and looking at the blue-haired girl. They didn’t realize she was here yet. This was not good.
“Um…” Luna stared for a long couple of moments, looking to you for some kind of explanation for the chaos your life had steadily become. “So...They’re just…”
“Toys are alive.” Yoongi explained. The cat was already out of the bag. “Please don’t scream.”
“Like...all toys?”
“Ah...alright…” She thought for a long time, quiet. “Okay. That...you know, that kind of makes sense...a little.”
“You’re taking this a lot better than (Y/N) did.” Jimin watched Luna for another development, but she was pretty calm so far. “She screamed and cried and dropped Taehyung.”
“Listen, it was quite the shock.” You defended while Namjoon chuckled. That day felt so far-off now, even though it had been the beginning of all of this. “Jimin, go get the others. That might be the easiest way to explain...this…”
“Smart.” Yoongi nodded while Jimin walked back to the bedroom to summon the rest of his brothers, who followed him out to the living room a minute later. Luna scanned the line of them, counting. That wasn’t right, there were only six. So, she did a quick roll call in her head.
Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and…
Holy shit.
She looked at Namjoon, who smiled sheepishly. He rubbed the back of his neck with the hand that wasn’t cradling Koya. “Yeah, so uh, I used to be about a foot tall and made of plastic…”
“Well that explains just about everything, doesn’t it…” Luna thought through all of it. “Let’s do it, then. Let’s make you like, legally a person.”
“Thank you so much.”
“Yeah, yeah, thank me later. Right now, I’m gonna need you to bullshit a bunch of stuff so I can put it on your ID.”
And so, bullshit you did. Some of it was a matter of looking at him and writing things down: his eye color, his height. She was able to fudge some numbers, and with some hacking, she could get him into the system and give him a (resolved) parking ticket on his record. Ironic that the once-plastic Namjoon would be getting his driver’s license before the original one.
“Date of birth?” Luna asked. Namjoon’s face went blank. He thought about it for a second.
“Well, technically, it’s like August 7, 2019, but I have a feeling that’s not gonna fly…”
“Right, definitely not.”
“Holy shit, I’m a cradle robber. You’re like five months old.”
“I didn’t even think about that until now.” Namjoon admitted. He’d gotten pretty lucky to turn human when he did. There were probably toys that had been around since the 1980’s, and here he was, human after a handful of months. Unfair? Maybe. Was he glad not to be plastic anymore, though? Hell yeah. “Is that okay?”
“Yeah, let’s just not think about it.” You laughed.
“We can keep August 7th if you want, but if we make your birthday 1994, you’ll be older than RM.”
“1995 or 1996 would be fine.” Namjoon reasoned. “I really don’t want to be older than him. That makes me feel weird.”
“Well which do you want?”
“1996.” He answered.
“We’re going to need to make up names for your parents.” Luna read from her template. “Also, do you want to keep Kim as a surname? It’s pretty common, so you probably wouldn’t be questioned.”
“Yeah, we can keep Kim.” He nodded. “I’ll look up some Korean names for my parents.”
The three of you sat there for a while longer, researching and plugging in facts about someone who didn’t exist in the eyes of the law, and by the time you finished...he did. He held his ID, looking it over. He held it up next to yours and it looked...real. Like, really real. Luna was good.
“Thank you so much, Luna.” You hugged her for a long time once she had her stuff all packed up. “Really, you don’t know how much you just helped us.”
“Anytime. We’re still studying together on Wednesday, right?”
“Of course.”
And just like that, she was gone, her eyes opened to the world around her. You walked back over to Namjoon, who was holding Koya and sitting on the couch, his new documents spread out on the coffee table. You’d need to get him a wallet to keep his ID and his fake student ID in, but that could wait a few more days.
“I’m legally a person now…” He said quietly, staring at all of it. This was a lot to swallow all at once.
“And how do you feel about that?”
“Good. Really good.” His dimple came out of hiding as he slowly smiled. You sat down next to him and curled into his side, a tentative hand turning his face towards yours. “I’m just overwhelmed is all. I feel like everything’s happening so fast…”
“We’re gonna take it slow this week, alright? I’m sure this has all been a lot to deal with.”
“Yeah, a little. Can we just...put in a movie and cuddle?”
“We can do anything you want.” You kissed his nose. Namjoon leaned into your warmth, an arm wrapping around you and pulling you closer. Taking advantage of your new proximity, you tilted your head and kissed him deeply, passionately, in a way that made him elicit a little moan from the back of his throat. “I love you, Namjoon. I know it’s a big scary world out there, but I’m gonna help you get through it. I promise.”
“If you keep kissing me like that, I might not make it through the movie…” He whispered, his voice deep and husky.
You grinned, pecking his plush lips playfully. “Then maybe once we put Koya to bed, I’ll keep kissing you like that…”
Namjoon grinned devilishly. You’d be the death of him, but...he decided maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing...
Tagged: @iie-wakarimasen, @lilgaga98, @catbugsugarpea, @demonic-meatball, @backtonormalthings, @kbowen9, @honig-bienchen, @coolcat494, @ffantasylandd, @feed-my-geek-soul, @ayoo-bangtan, @xxqueenwxtchxx, @cap-lu20, @finninpoposu, @coldbookworm, @sitkafay, @daniawinchesters21, @okaysoplshelpme, @zamirayinyue13, @douseeme16
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toukaisbetterthanyou ¡ 7 years ago
And give me some more Toya and Kazuki shenanigans pleeeeeeease
Mod A:
1. Kazuki and Toya have very different personalities despite being twins and spending a lot of time together. They fight over everything all the time -- from their toys, matching cat toys thats they both have identical copies off. But guess what? They want the rattiest one and will fight each other with their chubby fists over it. 
2. They’re very picky with food. Somehow they’re able to eat human food and Touka was more than relieves as it meant that they would fit into human society better. But her sons like the same exact dish with different ingredients. Spaghetti and Meatballs? Toya likes grated cheese on top and mixing it himself. Kazuki like more sauce than pasta and will not touch it if it has cilantro or some herb he can still see in it. They won’t drink milk but will run away with a Coke bottle as soon as they see it. 
3. Before they were able to speak and only make noises, they used to get into baby babbling shouting matches and this continued on all hours of the day. 
4. They also have a strange rivalry with who can be closest to mama at all times. Who can impress mama with something? Who can make the suitors run off? Who can try to snatch the alleyway cats faster? Who can finish dinner faster? Who can read faster?
5. They are no longer allowed to take baths together because there is less bathing and more “Kazuki! Stop dunking Toya’s head into the water!”
6. Kazuki has tried to give Toya away to strangers before, so he can be an only child. He’s the mouthier of the twins and he also talks the most shit. 
7. They also abducted a duck from a nearby park and request to mama that they be allowed to keep him. Touka is scared and angry but she’s never said no to her babies before. 
8. That duck is in love with her and follows her around the shop and she’s always running into the backroom and asking Yomo or Nishiki for help. The duck also attacks Haise on sight.
9. The twins take the duck out for a walk on evenings and thats How Haise was first introduced to the twins -- with a duck attacking him on sight. 
10. In the underground, the twins still have the habit of sleeping in Mama’s bed with her so they still do that, even if a lot of things have gotten very hard, they’re happy that they have a lot of people to play with and Mama was still here. 
11. When Ken and Touka make it official and expand their room and bed in those cells, the twins show up with their pillows to sleep in between them and talk to mama’s belly where their little sister was. 
12. “Kazuki, did you just promise the baby that you’ll keep her as long as I agree to give Toya away?” 
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xloserxchickx ¡ 7 years ago
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CAN YOU BOTH PLEASE EFFING BEHAVE?!? Dr. Kitten and Nurse Pennymoose. #cat #cats #cute #furry #baby #chubby #Penny #PennyCat #BabyMoose #NursePenny #LoveMuffin #meatball #kitten #Annie #AnnieCat #monster #babydragon #MostAnnoyingCatEver #LifeWithAnnie #DrKitten #DoctorKitten
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brittanyyoungblog ¡ 7 years ago
150+ Boyfriend Nicknames: An Updated List of Nicknames for Boys
We all know the classics like honey bunny and sweetie pie but when it comes to nicknames for the love in your life, they come in all shapes and sizes.
The best nicknames for your boyfriend come about naturally. Maybe you two have an inside joke, he has a favorite food, or you’re out together and something happens when BAM! a name is born. Other times you may call your boyfriend by his last name, his childhood nickname, or something that for whatever reason came out of  your mouth and sounded right at the time.
Then there are your more standard nicknames and endearments. Things that you may use all the time or rotate in and out.
Nobody knows exactly where nicknames come from, or what makes them stick, but to help you come up with some fun names for your boyfriend we’ve updated our list of nicknames for boys. Check them out and find something fun to call the guy in your life!
Cute Nicknames for Boyfriends
Baby Boo
Baby Cakes
Baby Daddy
Bad Boy
Big Boy
Big Daddy
Big Fella
Big Guy
Big Papi
Boo Bear
Chip Munk
Chubby Bunny
Chunky Butt
Cookie Monster
Cool Hand Luke
Cutie Patootie
Eye Candy
Fly Guy
Good Looking
Gumb Drop
Gummy Bear
Heart Breaker
Heart Throb
Honey Badger
Honey Bear
Honey Bee
Honey Bun
Honey Bunny
Hot Lips
Hot Stuff
Huggy Bear
Hugs McGee
Ice Man
Iron Man
Knock Out
Love Bug
Love Muffin
Mack Daddy
Main Squeeze
Mi Amor
Monkey Monsieur
Mr. Big
My Angel
My Boy
My Drug
My Guy
Old Man
One and Only
One in My Heart
Panda Bear
Papa Bear
Big Papi
Playboy bear
Robin Hood
Sexy Pants
Silly Goose
Snuggle Baby
Snuggle Bug
Snuggle Butt
Snuggle Muffin
Stud Muffin
Sugar Daddy
Sugar Plum
Sweet Cakes
Sweet Pea
Sweet Stuff
Sweet Thang
Sweet Thing
Sweetie Pie
Tator Tot
Teddy Bear
Thunder Cat
Tiger Tough Guy
Wonder Boy
The post 150+ Boyfriend Nicknames: An Updated List of Nicknames for Boys appeared first on The Date Mix.
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mizannethrope ¡ 8 years ago
Mother’s Day - it’s complicated
Today is Mother’s Day. I’m trying not to be sad.
I have been very open about discussing my mother’s fight with cancer and her death. I write about it a lot. I find catharsis in it so I continue. By writing about it and examining the feelings I have, I keep her alive with me a little bit longer. I keep up the exploration because I continue to learn so much from it. To counter the sense of loss I feel around the Hallmark holiday of Mother’s Day, I have sought to focus on all the other women in my life who have been like mothers to me. My mother loved me to an infinite degree but she also was acutely aware of her own limitations. I think she overestimated them but they were very real to her. My mother pushed me toward others that she felt would “improve” me. During my early life my mother sought out other women who could teach me the things she felt she could not. She was always striving on my behalf. In this pursuit my mother found or encouraged me to seek out surrogate mothers to learn from. She actively encouraged my friendships with these other women.
Let me tell you about some of these women and what lessons I learned from each.
When I was in early elementary school, Bonnie lived down the street from us in our townhouse complex. I’m guessing she was early 30s then. She had no children of her own, though I believed she wanted very much to be a mother. It wasn’t in the cards for her. Bonnie’s husband was a career Army officer and Bonnie was, at that time, a stay at home wife. My brother and I got to know her because we loved playing with her black lab, Machen, German for “girl.” Just as kids would go knock on a friend’s door and ask, “Wanna ride bikes?” I would knock on Bonnie’s door and ask, “Can Machen come out and play?”.
Bonnie had a challenging relationship with her own mother and father. Her mother favored her older brothers. Her father was remote and often cold. My mother, facing disappointment and problems in her marriage, confided in Bonnie and the two became close. Hours in Bonnie’s kitchen would reveal stories of her youth that stay with me today.
Bonnie had studied home economics in college. I’m sure this would be a questionable choice at best today, if such a choice were even an option. People often ask me about my love of food. I got it from Bonnie. My mom was not a very good cook. She never learned to cook in Korea. She improvised once she got to America but her repertoire was largely traditional American fare she learned from my great-aunts. Meatloaf. “Broiled” steak (more like boiled steak). Stew. Mashed potatoes. Frozen green beans and succotash. Because my mother worked, she stocked the house with Hostess cupcakes and Hungryman frozen dinners.
Bonnie was not a gourmet by today’s Food Network standards but she could work a cookbook. What I loved more than anything was watching Bonnie make and decorate cakes. She would make buttercream frosting and turn it into roses and flowers and leaves and grass and basketweave along the edges of a sheet cake. It was like watching something come to life out of a Wilton how-to pamphlet. Every cup of flour was carefully leveled. Every bowl of powdered sugar was meticulously sifted for lumps. Bonnie could also sew and crochet. At her side, I hooked endless potholders. One Halloween I recall we made sugar molds of black cats to put alongside a cake she baked for a friend. We tried over and over to get the sugar to turn pitch black (no gel food coloring back then). When I got the mix just right, we pressed the sugar into the molds and voila! Angry black sugar cats emerged, ready to stand along the orange frosted cake.
Bonnie was my main adult supervision and spirit guide for all my Girl Scout badges. We would pour over the Girl Scout Handbook and dog ear the pages with the badge requirements for the ones I hoped to earn that year. I hosted my first complete dinner party at her house (of course I got a badge for that one). I made whipped sweet potatoes with marshmallows and Swedish meatballs. I invited my parents over and served the whole thing. Bonnie gifted me cookbooks and let me watch her make sewing patterns and sew baby dresses for her nieces. She had a silver collection and a closet full of Kewpie dolls that she collected from childhood. Bonnie also had a weight problem and as a fat kid myself, we bonded over it.
Bonnie had lost 30 pounds at Weight Watchers but she had gained a good portion of it back when I met her. I was just a chubby kid. My mother fed me and fed me and then complained about how fat I got. I remember going to my first Weight Watchers meeting with Bonnie at the age of 12 at my mother’s urging. Having Bonnie to talk to about this was such a help. My mother had been too thin growing up and had never been fat. Her push-pull with me about food gave me whiplash. Bonnie could understand the torment I felt of loving food but hating it at the same time. It was good to have someone to confide in who got it.
Bonnie also had some coping mechanisms that were unusual. When in pain, Bonnie would laugh hysterically. One day she burned her hand in the kitchen. Rather than yelp or cry out, she began to... laugh. I looked at her like she was deranged. Once we wrapped her hand, she confided that her older brothers had often picked fights with her when they were children. When they would hit her, she learned to hide her tears so as not to give them the satisfaction of seeing her hurt. Instead, she began to laugh. Her reflexive pain reaction was laughter. Never let them know you are hurt is something animals know as a survival skill. I had never met a person who had adopted this strategy in such a way. It made an deep impression on me.
Then Bonnie moved away.
Pat was our immediate next-door neighbor. She moved in when I was in 4th grade. She seemed to me to be a successful career woman. She was recently divorced with custody of her 3 kids who were all around my age. Pat subscribed to Cosmopolitan magazine and drank White Russians and pink wine. She was a potty mouth but very pretty. You could tell that she had been sought after in her younger years. Even in her mid-30s, life had not yet worn her down. In my 11 year old brain, Pat was very sophisticated. It was obvious she had had many boyfriends after her divorce. I had never met anyone like her before.
In our neighborhood everyone’s door was always unlocked. We all came and went without knocking, especially in the summer when everyone was home from school. No one went to summer camps back then. Some kids visited their grandparents. Most of our neighbors had family in Tennessee and when summer came, off they went to the Smoky Mountains. My best friend’s family was Cuban so her summers were spent in Miami with her abuelo and abuela. I was bereft without her company. The summers were long. One year Pat’s kids went to spend the summer with their father. I spent almost all summer at Pat’s house while they were gone. 
Pat had a stash of Cosmo magazines from the late ‘70s. Every issue was about sex, make-up, and dieting. It was the summer between 5th and 6th grade and I would go over to Pat’s house and spend hours going through issue after issue. I learned about the Grapefruit diet. I read articles about the mythical G-spot. Does it exist? Is it real? How would you know? The Atkins Diet was a thing. Lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks! Then the Beverly Hills Diet was a thing. Eat this, don’t eat that. Eat ONLY this. For 2 weeks. Then eat that. How much should you tweeze your eyebrows? Here is how to get the ultimate St. Tropez tan. I read every word and memorized every image. This was what being a liberated woman was all about. Right there in those pages.
Pat had, in a prior life, gotten her cosmetology degree and license. I would sit in her kitchen and she would cut my hair and put it on rollers. She also sold Mary Kay Cosmetics and had drawers and drawers of samples. Make up nirvana! All in pretty pink bottles. I would try on the different colors but because we had read Color Me Beautiful together, I knew that I was an “autumn” and should stick to the warmer shades. Pat also always had perfectly done nails. Long, polished talons, she would rap them on the counters and on the dashboard while she was driving. Click, click, click, click. When one broke, she would slap on an acrylic tip and lickety-split, they would be perfect again. Perfect looking but not real.
For all that she was worldly and intriguing to my 11 year old mind, she was also clearly struggling to stay afloat. Her job situation was often erratic. She moved from one thing to the next, finally falling back on her cosmetology degree and working in a beauty salon. Her kids seemed to be in perpetual trouble and were not doing so well in school. Her oldest son went to go live with his father. She found herself pregnant by her married boyfriend, had the baby and then found herself pregnant again. Her liberated woman veneer didn’t hold up so well once you scratched the surface. Sometimes the most important lesson you learn is what not to do. Pat was like that older sister you are intrigued by but who winds up being a cautionary tale. I caught onto that pretty quick.
Then my family moved to a new neighborhood.
I met Jenna in high school. She was my boyfriend Garrick’s mom. I think I was probably a sophomore when we first met. In senior year, Garrick and I dated. He was my prom date and we were together until the end of our first semester of college. While in high school, and even after we started college, all of our friends hung out together and we often landed at one house or another near our high school campus. Garrick’s house was one of those houses where we often found ourselves. We were a small posse of nerdy kids who got together on Saturday night to play charades and board games and did student government and band in school. (I was not in band, for the record but I was a big into Model UN and student government.) If we weren’t at Garrick’s house we were at Torunn’s house. Torunn remains to this day, the only truly natural blonde I’ve ever known. Garrick and Torunn lived in the same neighborhood and both had split level houses. The lower level of each home became our regular gaming and movie haunts.
Jenna and her husband were from Oklahoma. They were 25 years out of the University of Oklahoma but she still had a clearly distinct southern twang. Her husband Jim had a deep voice with no discernible trace of southern inflection to my ear. He was a perpetually calm presence. As even-keel and reserved as Jim was, Jenna was vivacious, warm, and very, very chatty. You can pluck a girl out of the south but you can’t pluck the southern out of the girl. I immediately took to her. We were fast friends, me at 17 and her at 46. Which is, funny enough, how old I find myself as I write this.
Garrick had an older brother so Jenna was mom of 2 sons and no daughters. I have even more in common with Jenna now than I did then. As the mom of 3 boys, I understand how impenetrable their lives can seem. More than just a friend to her, looking back, I’m convinced I was her conduit to her younger son and his social circle. Like Jenna, I live for conversation. Through our long talks I think she got to know her son just a bit better. Because I was a girl and I would spill. Boys share so little. I got to be a surrogate daughter and in exchange, I got another surrogate mother out of the deal.
Jenna would invite me to join their family dinners often. She had little choice. I would overstay my welcome at every chance because I so enjoyed the company of this family. At their dinner table I found a more adventurous menu than I had ever seen in my own home. Jenna made an arugula salad with strawberries. What is this insanity? Arugula? What is that? Fruit? In a regular salad? Salad in my house was iceberg lettuce and Wishbone Italian dressing. Jenna was a meticulous chef. Also a Weight Watchers veteran, she weighed and measured every meal like it was a science experiment. Everything was portioned and plated meticulously. It seemed so… fancy. I learned a lot from watching her prepare each meal. Salad, entree, dessert. Each carefully and lovingly prepared with more thought than any meal I’d ever seen in any person’s home. More than the food, there was the spirited verbal sparring that took place like nothing I’d ever seen. Words were not blunt force instruments lobbed across the table intended to inflict fatal injury like they were at my house. Here they were carefully sharpened little barbs meant only to agitate the opposing party enough to up the state of verbal play.
Garrick’s dad was an economist for the International Monetary Fund. Their dinner conversation covered world affairs and national politics. I soaked it up and tried my best to keep up with the conversation. Once in awhile, I managed to hold my ground and even best my companions. I recall one dinner where Garrick, in an effort to show his clear superiority in all things world affairs, threw down and challenged me to identify what the acronym SWAPO stood for. Having just dealt with a Model UN resolution regarding recognition of the South West African People’s Organization as the official government in exile of Namibia, I felt pretty confident on that one. I did not, however, correctly identify the role of the Shining Path in Peru in the follow-on questioning. This was the kind of thing we talked about. It wasn’t the kind of thing we did in my home. I didn’t go back to dinner there without reading the day’s Washington Post headlines.
This was also a family that had lived abroad and had traveled extensively. I was perhaps the only 17 year old girl in all of Northern Virginia, perhaps the entire eastern United States, who enjoyed watching multi hours-long travelogue slideshows with live commentary. But I *really* did. Garrick’s family had trekked all over the world, whereas I had never left the DC metro region. Sitting in his basement, I traveled the world with this family through their carefully curated slideshows. It made me curious. I loved their stories and I loved being part of their family rituals. I felt included and I felt like I became a little bit smarter just by being around them all.
There was an episode of Sex and the City where Carrie reluctantly breaks up with her boyfriend. Reluctant only because she really, really liked his mom. I can relate. I think I spent almost as much time on the phone with Jenna as I did with Garrick. When Garrick and I finally broke up, I might have been sadder to lose my girlfriend than to lose my boyfriend.
Of course we kept in touch but over the years that too, has waned. I hope that I can be a friend to my sons’ girlfriends and, someday, wives in the way that Jenna was to me. I recall that she was the first person who ever told me that I was a good writer and who encouraged me.
No one is shaped by only one person. These women I write about were not the only ones who influenced me or taught me things. It’s a complex calculus, making a whole person. I think my mom understood this. Only much later in my life did I come to realize how difficult it was for my mother to see me connect with these other women. How much it made her feel inadequate and how jealous she was of the time I spent with them. She never said this to me. One day I just understood it to be true. In knowing this and upon looking back, I value her and those relationships even more.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the women who shape our lives.
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xloserxchickx ¡ 7 years ago
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I'm not sure who sent this Nurse to take care of me, but she's goofing around big-time. #cat #cats #cute #furry #baby #chubby #Penny #PennyCat #BabyMoose #NursePenny #LoveMuffin #meatball
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brittanyyoungblog ¡ 7 years ago
Couple Nicknames: 300+ Cute Nicknames & Ideas
Bonnie and Clyde, Minnie and Mickey, Trick and Treat, or Sugar and Space—nicknames for couples come in all different shapes and sizes. Sometimes couple nicknames come from famous duos like Batman and Robin, other times it’s an inside joke. Nobody knows exactly where nicknames come from, or what makes them stick, but if you’re looking for some couple nicknames or names to call your boyfriend or girlfriend, we’ve compiled over
Cute Couple Nicknames that Go Together
Bonnie and Clyde
Ken and Barbie
Mickey and Minnie
Romeo and Juliet
Ying and Yang
Salt and Pepper
Spaghetti and Meatball
Trick and Treat
Thunder and Lightning
Beauty and the Beast
Lady and the Tramp
Sonny and Cher
Scooby and Shaggy
Wayne and Garth
Hugs and Kiss
Pizza and Beer
Ren and Stimpy
Bert and Ernie
Beavis and Butthead
Doc and Marty
Mulder and Scully
Dumb and Dumber
Batman and Robin
Simon and Garfunkel
Sugar and Spice
Pooh and Piglet
Chip and Dale
Pinky and the Brain
Sweet and Sour
Kermit and Miss Piggy
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
Rocky and Bullwinkle
Shrek and Donkey
Starksy and Hutch
Tom and Jerry
Ben and Jerry
PB & J
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Mac and Cheese
Mario and Luigi
Calvin and Hobbes
Fred and Barney
  Cute Nicknames for Boyfriends
Baby Boo
Baby Cakes
Baby Daddy
Bad Boy
Big Boy
Big Daddy
Big Fella
Big Guy
Big Papi
Boo Bear
Chip Munk
Chubby Bunny
Chunky Butt
Cookie Monster
Cool Hand Luke
Cutie Patootie
Eye Candy
Fly Guy
Good Looking
Gumb Drop
Gummy Bear
Heart Breaker
Heart Throb
Honey Badger
Honey Bear
Honey Bee
Honey Bun
Honey Bunny
Hot Lips
Hot Stuff
Huggy Bear
Hugs McGee
Ice Man
Iron Man
Knock Out
Love Bug
Love Muffin
Mack Daddy
Main Squeeze
Mi Amor
Monkey Monsieur
Mr. Big
My Angel
My Boy
My Drug
My Guy
Old Man
One and Only
One in My Heart
Panda Bear
Papa Bear
Big Papie
Playboy bear
Robin Hood
Sexy Pants
Silly Goose
Snuggle Baby
Snuggle Bug
Snuggle Butt
Snuggle Muffin
Stud Muffin
Sugar Daddy
Sugar Plum
Sweet Cakes
Sweet Pea
Sweet Stuff
Sweet Thang
Sweet Thing
Sweetie Pie
Tator Tot
Teddy Bear
Thunder Cat
Tiger Tough Guy
Wonder Boy
  Cute Nicknames for Girlfriends
Angel Eyes
Angel Face
Angel of Mine
Apple of My Eye
Baby Boo
Baby Cakes
Baby Mommy
Bad Girl
Better Half
Cheeky Monkey
Cutie Patootie
Cuddle Bunny
Cuddle Bug
Cutie Pie
Dream Girl
Eye Candy
Fly Girl
Fruit Loop
Good Looking
Heart Breaker
Honey Bee
Honey Bun
Honey Bunny
Hot Lips
Hot Mamma
Hot Stuff
Kitty Cat
Knock Out
Little Lady
Little Mama
Love Bug
Love Muffin
Lover Girl
Lucky Charm
Main Squeeze
Miss Kitty
My All
My Angel
My Girl
My Drug
My Queen
My Woman
My Ride or Die
My Treasure
My World
Old Lady
One and Only
Other Half
Panda Bear
Pretty Lady
Pretty Momma
Sexy Pants
Silly Goose
Snuggle Baby
Snuggle Bug
Snuggle Butt
Snuggle Muffin
Sugar Momma
Sugar Plum
Sweet Cakes
Sweet Pea
Sweet Stuff
Sweet Thang
Sweet Thing
Sweetie Pie
Tator Tot
Tough Girl
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xloserxchickx ¡ 7 years ago
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This is some healthcare team... Dr. Kitten and Nurse Pennymoose. #cat #cats #cute #furry #baby #chubby #Penny #PennyCat #BabyMoose #NursePenny #LoveMuffin #meatball #kitten #Annie #AnnieCat #monster #babydragon #MostAnnoyingCatEver #LifeWithAnnie #DrKitten #DoctorKitten
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