#Meanwhile I've literally never been to a club
feroluce · 4 months
For some weird reason, I've always been fascinated by how wildly different Sampo operates in the Underground vs the Overworld.
Sampo is present in both places and even in official sources, he's not really counted as one side or the other- now that the theory has been confirmed in-game, he's generally just lumped in with the Masked Fools.
But there really is a big difference!
Probably the most obvious and well known instance of Sampo's...business practices *cough burglary and fraud COUGH* in the Overworld is from the Belobog Museum event. In it, you don't find out Sampo is the main culprit until near the end, because Pela has to set up a sting just to catch him in the act. And that sting is necessary all because the initial suspect they arrested, Norbert, had pretty much no idea of his partner's identity. Sampo wouldn't even speak to him face-to-face.
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And whereas Sampo is normally very pleasant and friendly with the trailblazer...when he thinks he's talking to Norbert here, he straight up says that they are NOT friends. Like he really shuts that shit DOWN.
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There's also an Overworld NPC, Chavez, who heads the "Dark Blue Scam Support Group." And he. Really really really does not like Sampo fjkdasjklfdj
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Chavez clearly wants Sampo caught, and has literally no positive feelings about him. So. Why call it the Dark Blue Scam? Why not just out him by name? Chavez obviously doesn't give a single shit about Sampo's dignity or privacy. But he never once refers to him as "Sampo," and even the pamphlets he passes out make no mention of it. No one in the entire support group seems to know how to identify him or how to refer to him except by his hair color. If the trailblazer says his name, Chavez reacts as though he's never heard it before.
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(I've seen people say this means Sampo Koski is an alias and not his real name? But Ray pointed this out, and honestly I agree; even the Fools call him Sampo, after all. I think it's just that Chavez never knew Sampo's name in the first place, and given his immense distrust, immediately assumes it's an alias.)
And then there's his characters stories, where he proceeds to pull off a heist in the Overworld while in disguise as Brughel Poisson the entire time. Literally his own stories don't mention Sampo's name even once.
So anyway, all this shows that when he's up in the Overworld working cons, Sampo is incredibly slippery and secretive about his identity. The only people who seem to know him are Pela, Serval, and Gepard. He doesn't get close to anyone else, and is even surprisingly unfriendly. Nobody knows his name. No one knows his face. He has zero qualms about backstabbing or double-crossing, and even plans for it in some cases.
Meanwhile, down in the Underground, I'm pretty sure literally the worst thing we hear of him doing is scalping tickets in front of the Fight Club. Which isn't even illegal in a lot of places (although it's certainly a dick move).
In Hook's companion quest, a vagrant miner steals Fersman's equipment and tries to sell it to Sampo. Even before the trailblazer and Hook jump in and out the vagrant as a thief, Sampo hesitates to buy it because it sounds like stolen goods, which he doesn't want any part of.
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Even knowing that a geomarrow detector is rare and incredibly valuable in the mines, Sampo makes no attempt to double-cross Hook or profit off of her loss, and even tells her who to go to to get it fixed.
And my favorite example of Sampo in the Underground is the Survival Wisdom adventure mission. In it, Sampo starts up a business with Peak, another miner. And like. In wild contrast to all the cons he pulls above ground, Sampo is actually super nice and helpful here.
Just the same as with Hook's quest, Sampo talks to Peak face-to-face, with no disguises or barriers. When the trailblazer finds them, they're just in the Great Mine, no secretive meeting places. Peak knows Sampo, is familiar with him, and calls him by name. It's not even a con! There's nothing illegal going on; it really is just a business partnership. Peak is more than happy with their deal, he's even pretty enthusiastic about it, because thanks to Sampo he can now make enough money to get by while also accommodating his chronic fatigue.
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The only person Sampo lies to in this whole ordeal is the trailblazer, who he manipulates into getting Peak's mining equipment back from the vagrants that stole it in the first place. And when it's done, he rewards them with a legit treasure map.
So when he's working in the Underground, Sampo is MUCH more upright and lawful. Part of this is probably to do with his "business" model- Sampo only takes advantage of the wealthy, and poverty runs rampant in the Underground. When he charges Peak an extra 30% (the same percentage he charges Norbert as a consultation fee in the museum heists- Sampo seems to go by percentage instead of a flat rate, which means his prices are more fair for lower incomes) for carelessly losing their supply, Peak literally starts counting out pocket change.
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Dude's working for pennies and good will down there dknsmdmd
And you can twist this into a Robin Hood thing if you want- Sampo IS technically working to feed orphans and heal the sick. He says himself he's more than happy to make up the shortfall between the greedy and the marginalized- I mean he says it in the shadiest way possible, but I doubt the people benefiting from his work really care that he's a slimeball if it means they can survive another day. Even the two heists he pulls in his character stories are literally just him stealing absurd amounts of food.
Personally though I think it is solely because of Natasha, and Sampo is hilariously well-behaved specifically for her, because she keeps him on a short leash JSKZJMSMSKS
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 2 years
Summarising every single HTTYD movie, short and episode in roughly one sentence:
ADHD incarnate befriends Death: The Dragon and with the power of friendship they OH GODS OH FUCK OH HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT
Legend of the Boneknapper:
Gobber likes to tell campfire stories
Book of Dragons:
DreamWorks attempts to write a reader POV fanfiction
Gift of the Night Fury:
Critical series lore in a Christmas special?? Yeah seems normal for this franchise
Riders of Berk:
1. Mildew tries to get a bunch of teenagers executed or some shit
2. Solidifying Gobber as a total madlad: The episode
3. Hot take: You can skip this episode, it's arguably the worst one in the franchise, but you WILL miss a penis joke so there's that going for it.
4. Toothless develops an Older Sibling complex over Beyblade: The Dragon™ and HOLY FUCK WHAT IS THAT???
5. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, MILDEW?? I mean I knew you were an ass but I didn't expect THIS??
6. "The films aren't anything like the books!" UM, ACTUALLY- (aka the episode where Hiccup goes full-on Book!Hiccup mode and Alvin is nothing like his book counterpart but the rest of the outcasts are)
7. "Look at this super dangerous dragon I found! I'M GONNA WRESTLE IT!!"
8. Hiccup has body image issues
9. Mildew gets bitten in the ass (SATISFYING)
10. The Mary Sue: Part One
11. The Mary Sue: Part Two
12. Oh yeah Snotlout's dad is an abusive cuck who can go fuck himself I'm not even joking. Love Snotlout tho I gotta say.
14. Toothless has a mortal enemy apparently and it is fucked up
15. (Dagur fanboys start screaming in the distance)
16. Snotlout fixes his mistakes (they were very big mistakes)
17. VALKA??? VALKA MENTION??? HICCUP HAS A DRAGON PLUSHIE??? (silently weeping by the end of the episode)
18. Fishlegs and Snotlout piss off some helicopter parents who are also Invisible Acid Dragons™ (ohhhhhh no)
19. Are there... other Night Furies????
Defenders of Berk:
1. Fight Club reference
2. That one time Meatlug became magnetic and almost died
3. Dagur is gay for Hiccup but like in a yandere way
4. Whoever designed the Screaming Death must have been on a particularly fucked up slice of magic mushroom because I've never seen something more in need of holy water than that dragon (my childhood favourite :D )
5. Snotlout's dad is a fucking asshole but I never thought he'd stoop that low
6. Behold: My second favourite dragon who canonically killed Astrid's uncle
7. They tried to train Terrible Terrors in this episode, guess how that went lmaooo
8. (grabs more holy water) IT'S BACK.
9. Hey remember Tiny Beyblade Dragon? Yeah now he's kinda sorta the size of a house. Meanwhile everything is on fire (twin's fault)
10. Behold: My favourite dragon's frozen carcass preserved in ice- I mean my favourite dragon is hibernating in ice- I mean OH SHIT OH FUCK HOLY FUCKING SHIT OH NO-
11. Dagur subjugates my favourite dragon and then karma bites him in the ass
12. Snotlout and Gustav are an anxiety/adhd wombo-combo
13. Ruffnut cuts her hair short to save the life of a really cute dragon and Dreamworks was too pussy to keep it like that for the rest of the season.
14. (darude sandstorm plays)
15. The dragons get high and try to kill each other
16. Toothless is on drugs (I'm not even joking, during the Toothless POV shots you can literally hear stoner music playing)
17. Dagur with helmet hair Dagur with helmet hair Dagur with helmet hair
Dawn of the Dragon Racers:
The gang got new fits and invented a sport
Race to the Edge S1:
1. Oh shit, Dagur's out of prison, better go chase him down and OOOH, SHINY TELESCOPE THINGY?? (Hiccup is a magpie apparently)
2. Gothi once again proving herself to be an absolute madlad
3. Hiccup and the gang move out of home because telescopy thingy told them to. What could possibly go wrong? (GONE WRONG)
4. Welcome to our new home on Dragon's Edge! It's been years since we've been able to function effectively as a team, and Tuffnut's been smoking way too many hallucinogens lately OH FUCK HE WASN'T HALLUCINATING OH FUCK ME
5. Snotlout is gay for Fishlegs
7. Basically what happens when you put me in charge of anything
8. "Look at this super dangerous dragon I found! I'M GONNA WRESTLE IT!!"
9. Fishlegs and Snotlout are gay
12. (darude sandstorm vocoded to running in the 90s plays)
13. they made girl dragon pink
Race to the Edge S2:
1. Astrid becomes that "SHOW ME YOUR WAR FACE" guy basically
2. SCOTLAND FOREVER!!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (new villain alert and he is AWESOME)
4. Dreamworks introduces Dragon Werewolfism and does NOTHING with this concept after this episode?? What a ripoff!
5. Fuck Snotlout's dad so much
6. Hiccup punches Snotlout in the face and knocks him out which is no surprise considering he is God of Dragons
8. Two people and a singular dragon try to fight off an entire armada
9. They succeed somehow
10. Oh hey it's a HTTYD 2 dragon (Free Willy parody? You couldn't have done anything more original?)
12. Prepare to thirst in 3... 2... 1: (Viggo appears)
13. If you thought Dagur was homosexual, you aren't prepared for how gay Viggo gets
Race to the Edge S3:
1. Dagur did WHAT NOW???
2. Fuck Cavern Crashers so much but SNOTLOUT SNOUTLOUT OI OI OI!!!
3. Sword in the Stone parody?? Are all the Fishlegs episodes story parodies now??
4. Did... Did they try to portray Snotlout's dad as being in the right in this episode?? Ew fuck that.
5. Viggo almost caused Covid-19
6. Hiccup forgets that not everyone has ADHD and the dragons go completely fucking feral
7. This show loves to force romances, doesn't it?
8. I think these people took HTTYD/Pokemon crossover fics a bit too far
9. A musical episode which has a reason to exist. Sarah Z was right all along?
10. Favourite Fishlegs episode :)
12. My go-to introductory episode for non-fans. It's got everything. Including Viggo.
Race to the Edge S4:
2. If you listen closely you can hear TJ Miller in absolute hysterics in the recording booth
3. At this point in time Viggo only values Hiccup as being worth 1000 gold coins
4. I love Snotlout so much... Spitelout can go suck a bag of rocks
5. Oh fuck yes Dagur's back
6. Viggo throws a hissy fit and kisses a man and Toothless is willing to die just so Hiccup doesn't have to die alone (sobbing)
7. Everyone is high in this episode
8. "You didn't think after all we've been through I'd expose myself without some... added protection?"
9. Jumping into a volcano on purpose: The episode
10. Viggo takes a sip of water in this episode (very important)
11. It took Hiccup and Astrid over four years since their first kiss to officially start dating, but they finally did it and it was one of the best episodes in the whole show
12. Ryker has had enough
13. Viggo confesses his love for Hiccup and then fucking dies (or did he?)
Race to the Edge S5:
1. "The volcano on Dragon's Edge is a dormant volcano" THINK THE FUCK AGAIN, FISHLEGS
2. How the fuck did Gen Z: The Dragon get ahold of Viggo's sword?
3. Savage needs therapy
4. Snotlout's casual sexism almost gets him killed: Lesbian Island edition
5. If you've ever watched an elderly person try to escape a nursing home then you've seen this episode before. Just without as many bones and corpses
6. The Gays Are Back In Town ft. Gay Snotlout, Gay Fishlegs and Gay Viggo
7. "my city now" - Krogan
8. You cannot watch this episode and tell me that Viggo isn't in love with Hiccup
9. Krogan insulted Viggo's hobby and Viggo got mega salty about it
10. Astrid punches a dragon with poisonous scales and almost dies because Save Stormfly Make Anditode™, turns out she did this for no reason whatsoever because Stormfly Wasn't Dying
11. Tuffnut fakes his own death in order to make Ruffnut happy
12. Dagur not-so-casually finding his fathers dead body
13. Rage.
Race to the Edge S6:
1. My blood has never boiled so hard as it did watching this episode
2. Stoick gets played like a cheap kazzoo and regresses back to how he acted in HTTYD 1 out of sheer stress
4. Fishlegs can't believe that his ancestors were Dragon Hunters as if he wasn't once enrolled in Dragon Killing School
5. Nothing solves a sibling rivalry like teaming up to kill the annoying cousin
7. The twins are just. So ride or die for each other it's not even funny.
8. Viggo confesses his love for Hiccup and then fucking dies for real this time (Viggo fans start sobbing as The Winner Takes It All by ABBA starts playing in the distance)
9. Snotlout writes a book
10. What if the gang had never left Berk? What if Hiccup never shot down Toothless at the start of HTTYD 1? What if Spitelout actually loved his son?
11. Protecting an island filled with a bunch of dead dragons
12. The satisfied smirk on my face knowing what the characters don't
13. The most satisfying death in the history of mankind.
Way to straight up ruin Hiccup's life, am I right?
Ruining every character and spitting in the face of all that I love
20 minutes of my life that I'll never get back
Snoggletog Log:
Half an hour of a fireplace and the wrong voice actors. This shit plays like a DVD menu.
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
Ferdinand Kingsley in Reacher is doing very wrong things to my head. I swear to god I do not normally find arms smugglers appealing in any way & do not even like military/copaganda shows & am thoroughly ashamed. But I've been thinking like... what if Hob is a gun guy with a progressive club that trains/protects marginalized groups (like Trigger Warning Queer & Trans Club: https://www.facebook.com/triggerwarninggunclub/ or any of these here: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/22/if-others-have-rifles-well-have-rifles-why-leftist-groups-are-taking-up-arms )
And ok, he's totally not a SMUGGLER (hates that word) but he will SOMETIMES help someone get a weapon who needs to protect themselves but can't because of bullshit convictions — like sex workers or people who've gotten caught up in spurious War on Drugs(/Poverty) crap or honestly just the racist system, whatever. And his background checks are like 1000x more careful than any of the usual gun show loophole-riddled checks anyway, & everyone who gets a weapon knows they'll have to answer to him if they go bad with it.
But mostly he's a friendly face teaching new folks their way around a weapon when they've literally never held one before or have only ever been to ranges full of 'phobes where they felt even less safe.
And maybe one day he comes across this skinny wild-haired Murphy shooting cans in the woods because things have gotten bad & he feels even LESS safe than he has his whole life here & he knows he's on his own to defend himself — it's not like reporting it would do any good, the Burgesses are too powerful in this little town & even his own family isn't that helpful. And Hob is like "Woah, woah, woah, where is your ear protection and also how about moving this safely to a range, my friend!" But he has to do some convincing because Murphy only ever knew about the 'phobe-filled ranges and has a hard time believing that someone would actually want to help/protect him & not have shitty views. And honestly Hob is SCARY attractive — emphasis on scary because Murphy has only ever known the worst kind of open-carry gun guys & actually come to think of it maybe shifting to a more populated location is wise...
And anyway, Hob is fucking great actually, and makes Murphy feel safe & introduces him to everybody at the local group & personally sees to his training, which is how they start really getting to know each other & boning all the damn time. And when Murphy moves into Hob's apartment, he feels safer than he ever has in his life.
And the Burgesses back the fuck off because they are cowardly fuckers at heart & honestly it turns out there are more people willing to stand up to them than they thought.
Queer Hob who hunts down homophobes in the woods for sport... hmm yes im vibing with this!! The thing I love about a.m in Reacher is the ✨️eroticism✨️ of the way he kills people. It's so gorgeous and there's a definite queer spiciness about him.
So yes Hob is a queer guy who is absolutely sick and kind of jaded by the way he's been treated him whole life, and he's determined to spread his self defence skills as far and wide around the gays as possible. When he finds out about the Burgesses and all that bullshit he's actually quite excited to teach lil baby gay Murphy to shoot and stab (when necessary). Hob doesn't have any intentions towards the young man, because he definitely is young and Hob doesn't really do relationships these days... but once he sees Murphy all kitted out and getting into Hob’s little group of gun toting gays, mud streaked on his cheeks and stomping around in his big boots!! Hob’s heart melts!!
Meanwhile Murphy is going weak at the knees over the older, slightly grizzled, VERY sexy man who's hands are covering his, teaching him how to point and shoot the gun, how to be safe. If Murphy falls asleep thinking about those hands in other, more intimate places... who's gonna blame him?
And if he ends up planting himself right in Hob’s lap when they sit down after target practice, that's his business. The way Hob wraps an arm around his waist to keep him safe gives him a good feeling about the future, anyways <3
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davycoquette · 2 months
Thank you for the tag, @drchenquill!
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life?
I always call it a hobby, but almost always prefixed with some form of, "greatest," "most important," or "favorite." I think way of life fits a helluva lot better. I've been writing since I can remember.
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript?
The journal one. I have like 900 I'm actively writing in at this very moment.
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
Cormac McCarthy. The love I have for my shitty characters. The agonizing unignorable need to put words on paper or screen.
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
The singing one. I am not ashamed of my writing, but I have been taught to be ashamed of my singing lmfao. Which is weird and dumb because singing isn't something I go around telling people I can do decently - I don't tell people, "Oh, I sing," or, "I'm a singer." So, I have nothing to prove on that front, yet... I don't think I could make a peep of noise if someone said, "Sing me a song." Meanwhile, even when my writing's not at it's best, I'm like, "Yeah, I'm a writer. Here's some shit I wrote that isn't good. Sometimes I write good stuff, though."
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective?
I mean... in the literal sense, sure. A story looks different from the eyes of a character. By the same token, it helps me "understand" when people make choices I've not personally made. I think, for this reason, it's important to write about characters with different belief systems than we have - to write about them as sympathetic people with complex emotions. Not just to villainize or cathartically punish them, but to explore why people do the things they do and what life events might drive them in that direction. But cathartic character murder has its time and place, and who am I suggest what others write? Y'all do y'all.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
I have not used LiveJournal since I was a teen - is it still a thing people use??? That sounds nostalgic and fun. Not sure what FFN is; something to do with fanfiction? I only write original fiction, so that rules it out if so. AO3 is very cool, but the interface isn't my favorite. Also fanfic-heavy, so I never know if I've got a place there. Tumblr always freaked me right the fuck out, but the Writeblr community has proven to be my favorite writing community I've discovered online. And in a very short timespan, I might add!
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it?
I do not use AO3 but wordcounts can never be high enough 😎
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably?
Probably too many to count. Little House on the Prairie A Separate Peace The Road Fight Club (recently rewatching this was humbling because it showed me how much of my writerly personality seems to be inspired by the way it rearranged my brain chemicals) Bullet Train (I fucken love this movie) Lawn Dogs Box of Moonlight Harold and Maude (book & movie) Pride and Prejudice (book & movie)
9. What’s the highest compliment you’ve ever been given, and have you been given it?
I've received some absolute banger compliments, and I don't want to dismiss any in favor of others. My favorite compliments are often ...questions? Just things that let me know people really did read, absorb, and are interested in things I wrote. Also, my love language is when people think about me of their own volition. So, any time people come to me apropos of nothing or say "this reminds me of you/your characters/your writing, I giggle and kick my feet and do a lil' happy dance.
10. What defines your writing style?
Gritty, casual. If it was art, it'd be the kind with the sketchlines still visible. Deep, silly. Visceral, I hope.
Taglist and blank template under the cut!
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life?
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript?
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective?
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it?
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably?
9. What’s the highest compliment you’ve ever been given, and have you been given it?
10. What defines your writing style?
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cicaklah · 8 days
fic author q&a
thank you @the-lady-general for tagging me, I love to procrastinate by doing stuff like this.
1. Why do you write fanfic?
because my brain is a relentless what-if machine and it can't be stopped or tamed. If I wasn't writing it down I'd be losing time just thinking about it, trust me, its far better this way.
and because I love writing, love the fic community, and just love creativity. I've been reading fic literally every single day since I was 11 or 12 and I'm now 38. I'm passionate about the fic writing world and my experience in the 'conventional' writing space has been nothing but anxiety, inferiority and bitterness.
2. Which of your posted stories do you think about the most, even though the story is “finished”?
I don't tend to feel like that about my stories, because I am always up to write sequels or prequels to things, or add stuff onto various universes. I still think often about weibermacht, which is the name of the sex club in my Hitman stories, and one day I will write a proper weibermacht story, but the reason I still think about stories is because they aren't properly finished. I also think a lot about the watch me series because I feel guilty that I never finished it. I have at least another 3 stories in various stages of writing.
I'm planning on doing a WIP amnesty next year (once One Man is finished), and I'm hoping that it will get me to finish some of these things I want to return to, but haven't since.
3. If you could give yourself fic advice from when you first started writing fic, what would that advice be?
Use the momentum of being really into something to make more art. Write as much fic as you can, and don't let guilt catch up with you. It doesn't matter if it sucks; you have to love it, and if you love it in the moment, you are going in the right direction.
4. What’s your relationship to fic stats?
As a professional sort-of statistician I adore them, I wish there were more of them, specifically available over time, and also the number of subscriptions to series would help me as someone who writes in that way. BUT: comparison is the thief of joy. My big fic-related breakdown was over constantly comparing myself to the people I thought were my peers. Stats don't tell you why you aren't doing better than someone, and I know from my profession that you can't just assume things from numbers.
5. Is there a pairing or scenario or friendship you miss writing? If so, why? If not, why not?
I miss Stormpilot (Finn/Poe) circa 2017. What a beautiful time. It will never come again, even if we got something to make the ship sail again, the world has changed.
6. What motivates you to write?
Much like the lady general, I am motivated by wanting to tell jokes, or by specific ideas that enter my brain and won't let go. I am motivated to keep going on one man because there are specific stories I need to share with the rest of the class, but I must tell the rest of the story in order to get there. The journey is the point, but so is the punchline.
7. Why do you write for the fandom(s) that you write for?
Star Trek, specifically SNW, is my current blorbo, so I write for myself and my id on that one. Hitman is for the thirsty thirteen and because its OTP. Oxventure is...complicated. I am so very burned out on that fandom. Super Secret RPF pairing is because of my co-conspirators <3. I've also written way, way too many things because Phoenix and I have talked about them and I've then be POSSESSED.
8. If you’re stuck writing a WIP, what do you do?
As long as I'm still interested in the project, I do my best to push through. I have the philosophy that a story doesn't really exist until it is published anyway. I do have an abandoned WIP folder, and within that is a folder called 'look I'm never writing these ones'. There are 12 stories in that folder. Meanwhile there are 134 I have yet to give up on, not including the 4 that are currently in progress (not including one man.)
Basically I need another WIP amnesty.
9. What do you wish people knew about comments?
They really are the fuel on the fire. I have finished stories because of comments. I have written entire worlds because of comments. I do my best to answer every single comment, and I try to also leave comments as much as I can. At the same time, I have to, for my own sanity, try not to put too much stock in them, because we have to be self-fuelling machines, we have to be self-raising lazaruses. You have to write for yourself, because if you base everything on other people's opinions, you will die nobody.
10. Maybe there’s a question you wish had been on here. What’s that question (and answer)?
I think the question I'd like to ask is what is your personal greatest fic achievement? Not your most popular story, what was the story that you still look at and go: I will never not be proud of that achievement. Mine is the fact I have published 750,000 words and 130 stories and I still feel like I'm only just getting started. That the perseverance over the last 14 years proves that I can do whatever I set my mind to, that I am valuable in a way that matters, and all the doubters of my youth can go fuck themselves forever.
I'm tagging @postalninja, @stickthisbig, @android-and-ale and @alienfuckeronmain and anyone else who wants to do it. lets navel gaze, lads.
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sboochi · 2 years
I am now imagining Jack and Elsa singing “Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better” from “Annie Get Your Gun” jokingly about their powers and lives but then it gets kinda serious (this is after of course the Spider-Man pointing meme) and they sing about the depression and isolation that came cause of their powers and you would THINK Elsa was Annie in this situation BUT they actually switch off on a lot of her lines (because let’s be real Elsa would hit that high note but Jack would sing it longer and Jack would be able to break into a safe ) etc etc and then Elsa pulls her trump card of being isolated and dying and for one second all is silent and then Jack gets this manic gleam, points his middle finger at the moon and in all one breath on the longest highest note ever, he says “I’VE BEEN INVISIBLE FOR 300 AND SO YEARS AND HAVE DIED-“ and just while singing in this he just explodes about everything (even the things he didn’t tell his friends like the times of really bad starvation and causing people to die because of his blizzards and him blaming himself for that ) and then the song ends and Jack is like. Confused on why people are staring at him in horror (the wind could only do so much for his social skills) and then Cassandra, who they were fighting at that moment literally looks at the moonstone and at the moon and is like “I know I’M evil but dude what the h e c k”
Meanwhile in the future Jamie, BabyTooth and North’s “Jack is sad” alarms go off and they all convene with a meeting of the Jack Frost Protection squad and discuss why the alarms went off and North just stares at the Man in Moon, sharpening his swords casually, not knowing in the past there is a meeting going on exactly like that and Elsa and Anna have now joined the club, President Angry and Catalina with Founder Lance making sure they sign every document and pass the test.
(I don’t know why I wrote this but thanks for coming to my Ted Talk)
Ooo I love me a fun duet!!
Honestly I've never been much of a Jelsa shipper but yall are onto something when it comes with their possible interactions, like, they could have such a cute big-sister-little-brother bond, especially with the Elsa from the Frozen 2 epilogue
Asdfgh the "Jack protection squad" is growing stronger and stronger
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loisinherlane · 1 year
gimme the kon and the lois B)
as you wish <3
Headcanon A:  realistic
Kon runs a fan blog. I will forever push this narrative. Kon is that guy, drunk at the club, showing off his tumblr and talking about his OTP. Yes, he is still into Wendy like 10 years after it ends. But actually, he's really passionate, and I think it's admirable. And we're all just like him, so we LOVE this.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
It's been a hell of a long time since I've plugged my dumbass kazoo fic, but he's annoyed by the sound of kazoos.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
OKAY so everything we were saying today about Conner Luthor. Kon being raised by Lex would be key for mixed kid raised by a racist parent, "I love you, but I don't love that side of you," "I'm going to make snide comments about your heritage and anything you do that isn't the 'right' way," "You owe me for taking care of you and giving you life" kind of dynamic. Also, this isn't really a headcanon, but imagine an AU where Kon has to watch Jon die. I just thought about this. I think we should make Kon suffer a little more for funsies. Dance, clownboy, dance.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Jon is Kon's baby bro. :) I hate this is unrealistic because I wanted it so bad. Literally, I dreamed about a comic with TimKon + Damian and Jon teamup. I even have a whole mental image of variant covers: One where Tim and Kon are holding Damian and Jon back from fighting, and another where Damian and Jon are holding Tim and Kon back from fighting. It would have been so good.
Now Lois <3
Headcanon A:  realistic
Lois never wanted kids. She has too many problems with her parents to have ever imagined she could have a normal family life, and this is (part) of why she threw herself so hard into her professional life. Now, Lois could have been completely fulfilled with a single life as a journalist, but Clark (and later Jon and somewhat Kon and Chris) changed her mind.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
I think Lois and Talia should get brunch. Honestly, I think the only possibilities are that they'd love or hate each other, but I think it'd just be funny to watch them interact. OOH, I WANT TO SEE THEM TEAM UP TO TAKE DOWN THE PTA. Meanwhile, Clark is like, "Can I please bring my brownies to the bake sale? They have Ma's secret ingredient."
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Clark fell in love with Lois at first sight (more or less) and pined after her for a long time, but he did accept that she didn't like him like that and moved on. At this point, Lois fell, and when she confessed, he rejected her because he was with someone. They worked it out eventually, but it was really hard for Lois because she has a hard time letting people in.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
I think Lois's parents should be divorced. Look, she's just got divorced kid energy.
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thievesandtraitors · 4 months
This is going to be a long post, but it's just me explaining a funny thing that happened to me which then turned into an interesting conversation with my best friend.
To preface this--no one was offended, not me, not my boss, not my friend, no one. It was actually a funny interaction that happened, but I wouldn't have fully seen it in this particular way I'm going to describe, had it not been for my friend. Again, my boss is a very cool, kind, funny, personable man. But, he also is still...a man. So, onto the story.
My job is in the kind of industry where, much to my dismay, a lot of business happens on golf courses. We're constantly in tournaments, our partners want to discuss projects, work, potential opportunities, etc etc while playing a round of golf. And I, unfortunately, know how to play golf. I've done it since I was a kid, competed in high school (wasn't the best, but wasn't the worst), I just hate the sport. I hate everything about it. And I told my boss when he asked, "yes, I know how to play, but I really, really don't like it." Now, am I going to have to play? Yes. But generally how these tournaments work it's much easier and much more fun than competitive golfing. But, I digress.
So it's one evening and my boss invites me to go hit some golf balls at the range. I say yes because it meant I didn't have to go to the gym, and it was a gorgeous day outside. So we show up and we start at the chipping area. (For those who don't know golf, chipping is referring to the area just outside of the green. It's a very, very short distance and its just practicing short hits up onto where the flag/hole is. So, not hard). But he's giving me some pointers about where to place the ball in my stance, relative to the slope of the ground, yada yada. And I grew up an athlete; I'm coachable, I listen whenever someone is giving me direction, so I take in what he's saying and do as he suggests. At first, I thought it was kind of interesting he was giving me pointers anyway, seeing that I never asked, but I was like "eh, he likes the sport, wants to share what he knows, cool." Didn't bother me.
But then it gets funny. So I'm hitting a few balls and after every hit he goes "wow, that's really good." Every. Hit. And I'm not saying this to boast, I don't care. I said thanks. But I literally thought to myself, "is he going to say this after every shot I take today?" I was genuinely wondering why he kept saying "that's really good". Again, I'm not trying to draw attention to the compliment, just setting up the point.
But I keep hitting and don't say anything meanwhile after every hit he's just ~amazed~. So he realizes I don't need any more pointers on chipping so he's like "Okay, you get it. You don't need this, let's go." And we go to the driving range. (For those who don't know, the driving range is where everyone is stationary and they're just hitting balls off into the distance.) We get to our spot and he's like "okay, show me what's going on." And I kind of look at him but don't say anything. Like "why did he say it like that?" Again, laughing on the inside because all his commentary was just interesting. I grab my bread-and-butter club, aka the club I always hit well no matter what. Take my practice swing and then hit the ball for real and it goes dead straight, a hundred yards. Boom. Whatever. I look at him and his face is surprised, but neither of us say anything, and I hit two or three more dead straight, no issues. And finally, he goes "What did you say you needed help with?" Completely puzzled at how well I'm doing. And I say (which I totally meant to come out as a joke but it really just landed more sassy) "I never said I needed help." And he busts out LAUGHING. I mean we're cracking up, and I was like "It's true!". Anyway, I can't live it down to this day, right, and this happened three weeks ago.
Flashforward to my conversation with my bestie and why I'm writing this post. But she pointed out to me as I was retelling the story that men hear "I don't like X" as "I'm not good at X and therefore I don't like it." And, subsequently "But if you teach it to me, then I'll love it." And the way that blew my mind! Because I was just reacting as I always do whenever I do sports, especially (and usually) with a guy around; they're always shocked at what I'm capable of doing. And her saying that made me realize men will always hear what you're saying as a way of saying we're unable, and therefore need their help, because we just fail or suck on our own. And again, not dissing my boss. The whole thing was lighthearted and he meant well. But it's interesting that there's always this level of misogyny laced through a man's thinking that they always have something to teach us and can make us like something that we don't, and we're always looking to be showed how to do things. Just because we don't like something doesn't mean its because we are bad at it and will love it "once we have help". Like no. I just don't like golf. I never said I was bad at it. Ever. I never even eluded to that assumption. Just men and their superiority complex interpret everything as "oh, she's asking for my help, she just doesn't know it yet". Its what John Oliver said in his clip about people and their UFO sightings, but with a twist. "What you think you heard depends on what you were expecting to hear". It's the same way men assume my bestfriend is stupid because she's a blonde and she runs.
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akumanoken · 8 months
{Also, as a follow up to the "first time" choices~… Kyouya and Souji, perhaps~ :3c}
💗 Send me a ship and I’ll tell you what their ‘first time’ together was like 💗 @take-ya-to-the-ghey-bar
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It's how the argument started as Kyouya went into the room. Souji being in the bar was one thing, sure. He was dressed like a hostess in perhaps the one hostess bar Kyouya would LEAST want him to be… Not every hostess club was above board, and this one certainly wasn't one of them. Souji knew that too, damnit. The bocchan had to have known he would be scolded by Kyouya by showing up like that. What if it hadn't been Kyouya? What if it was someone who didn't know who he was? Or worse… one of those assholes in the org who knew exactly who he was?? And would've taken it as a green light to take the bocchan as their own? Just thinking of it made Kyouya boil inside….
But there was a fight that broke out, a rival group coming to cause trouble, and he was right in the crossfire… FIGHTING with the others no less!! If anything happened to him….
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But no, instead of apologizing he just looked at Kyouya with that look… that pout. "I'm not helpless, Kyouya…"
"THAT'S NOT MY FUCKING POINT, BOCCHAN YOU ARE LITERALLY THE OYABUN'S SON AND YOU'RE OUT HERE---" he sighed, trying not to raise his voice again, since he knew a few guys were outside guarding the door. "You need to get out of here."
"I'm not going anywhere." Souji looked up and crossed his arms. "You're injured, yeah? At least let me treat you---"
"I WOULD--- I wouldn't be injured like this if you weren't here…"
"…no. You'd be worse off!! I'm sorry who knocked the block off that guy with the tanto?? Oh, it's me!!! Don't you fucking put this on me, Matsushita Kyouya… You're mad I was here, but you'd have a worse cut on you than you do now…"
"Tch… meanwhile why are you even here…and dressed like that??" Dressed so… fuck, if anyone else had touched Souji he would've---
"Are you really so stupid?? Do you think I came here looking to get fucked by some random?? Why am I anywhere you are?? Why have I always been right there in your GODDAMN line of sight? I've never been shy about it, Kyouya…" Souji sighed, running fingers through his hair. "…fine. I get it. I finally fucking get it. Shit maybe I should've been looking for a quick fuck instead of trying to get you to notice me--"
It took two strides for Kyouya to grab Souji's shoulders, shaking him some. "Don't. You. Fucking. Dare."
Lips crashed on lips. Kyouya knew how Souji felt… and fuck he felt the same. Was it because he was the son of the oyabun, even if not by blood? That he was the golden child of the boss and because of it, off limits to officers, much less grunts? Because he knew if he touched Souji, he'd be subject to much more ridicule (and possibly subterfuge) than needed, and the group he had didn't deserve it?
Perhaps… but now… how could he stop himself??
He couldn't help but grin as Souji looked up at him after, so dazed, and pink. "Is that what you want? You little brat??" He pushed the other down on the bed, looming over Souji with a gleam in his eye. "You want me to claim you?" He felt his jaws ache, like a wolf that finally had his prey in his grasp. And with the other's wide, doe eyes, the way he bit his bottom lip, Kyouya licked his lips, grinning wider. He knew the other did…
He bit down on the other neck, not gentle at all. He was going to leave as many marks on Souji as he could, and Souji didn't stop him, moaning out the moment he started sucking on the skin. That was it, he couldn't take anymore. Hands ripped the dress Souji was wearing, tearing along the cloth without a care for how much it cost. He could get it replaced. He didn't care. He couldn't think straight. All he could think of was the soft skin underneath, biting and worrying his chest, down his stomach, to the panties underneath. "F-fuck, Sou…" he whispered, grabbing the delicate fabric with a fist and tearing it from the other's body. He was feral. After all this time, he needed to taste him.
Souji's squeal filled the room as he dove in, tongue pushing into the smaller's entrance. Souji's legs were lifted up, his moans loud. He didn't care. Let them hear. He wasn't going to tell him to quiet down. No, let him sob out while he pulled his own self free. He groaned hard, relieved to free his straining cock. It was then he pulled away, licking his lips. "Fuck… C'mere…"
He pulled Souji by his hips, bringing him against his length and groaned, bucking against the entrance. A moment to line up, and he pushed into the smaller, eyes greedily drinking in his expression. The way Souji's eyes fluttered up, his mouth opened silently. The way his back arched off the bed. The way Kyouya's name sounded being moaned so fervently from his lips. It made Kyouya twitch inside Souji, hands gripping the hips tighter. Enough for it to bruise later. Things to worry about after.
Yes… later. For now there was nothing but the feel of walls around him, squeezing down so good around his cock. He thrust into him madly, his own growls and moans louder than normal, but Souji's squeals and cries of his name made him go mad, letting go of Souji's hips, wrapping his arms around Souji's waist.
The nails on his back only made his desperate rutting go harder, faster, biting down on Souji's chest, on his neck. "F-fuck Sou…. so hot…" he managed to grunt. Nothing compared to the other's screams, his frantic cries of Kyouya's name, normally soft voice squeaking and high pitched, loud and growing hoarse.
"I'm… I'm!!!!"
Souji couldn't say it, but Kyouya understood.. he could feel it around him… in the way hot walls pulsed in time, harder and harder; a herald of things to come. "Go ahead… go ahead baby… fucking… fucking cum---HHHHHHHH" The walls clamped around him, and he looked up, watching Souji's spectacular show. Fuck… he wanted this all the time… he wanted no one else to see this. No one else could have this… could have him. Souji was his….. "Shiiiiit!!!" He wasn't far behind, thinking about having the other like this making him hit his limit, and he buried himself as deep as he could, vision hazing and mind blanking as he came. They were frantic riding it out as well, until Kyouya simply… collapsed on the other. "F-fuck… Fuck Souji…."
Souji was softly whimpering, clinging to the other. "K-Kyou…Kyou…" he said softly, the little nickname he made when they first met. It made Kyouya grin. Nails letting go, arms wrapping around the other's broad back, Souji chuckled. "…stay with me???"
Kyouya scoffed, a crooked grin on his face. "You kidding? You think I'm going to let anyone else have you?"
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yagamisdiary · 1 year
amara i got this friend who i've been close to for 8 fuckin years and recently, idk... i noticed her behavior would change around my bf. like her voice would turn more high pitched, she'd fix her hair and shit, y'know, things like that.
i remember for my bday a couple of months ago she told me to wear this dress that was literally 10x blander than hers. it looked like a paper bag and trust me, ik her taste is sm better than that. meanwhile she wore a glamorous ass dress w sequins and shitthat mind you, I GAVE HER!! and this may be coincidental lol but a few days ago me and my bf were talkin bout our fave colors and she was in the room. and the dress she wore happened to be that color.
and now every time my bf comes to our apartment she literally sprawls her legs around him and hugs him and my bf looks at me hella uncomfortable and i've told her to stop, but idk. i mean ofc we hug our guy friends and shit but like she fuckin shoves her nose in his neck like bitch?!?!
she used to go out often and do god knows what, but ever since i've started dating my bf she stays at the apptmt and would casually ask me if he's gonna come and if i said yes, after 5 or so mins she'd go into her room and come out dressed up n shit and sure like you do you but why do you suddenly wanna look pretty?!
it's so sketchy cuz she hasn't done this for any of my other bfs. in fact in the past, she set me up with them and would be hella supportive but i've never ever got this vibe from her. idk if she likes my bf or sumn now. i remember we liked the same guy in like middle school (which i also dated later in high school) and she promised to suppress her feelings and did, so we never had a prob.
the thing that was my last straw was that we were out in a club w our friendgrps so it was a huge gang. my bf wasn't there and went to the bathroom but idk if she noticed that cuz my bf's friends were still there. but this bitch starts shaming me when she's drunk, talking about shit like my dr*g addiction and how i was into anime and shit like that. it got me pissed fr but she apologized. but yk what she said? "this bitch couldn't go on a single day without adderall i tell ya" and literally slapped her knee and cackled while sayin it, that goofy mf. oh and my fave "yk how many nights she'd cry in high school cuz her mom was an ass?"
we live together and have been close for sm yrs and i don't wanna drop her cuz of a man but i also love my bf. i'm so fuckin conflicted. he told me to drop her but like, we've been hella tight. even applied to the same college n shit, got the same friend grp. and it sucks!! maybe she's always been this fake ass bitch, but if i drop her i feel like i'd hate the fact that my entire friendship was a fuckin lie and wud just feel empty. shit sucks bro
mmm i’m sorry but that doesn’t sound like your friend. beside the whol bf thing, which btw, is WEIRD AS FUCK! the whole embarrassing you in front of others and exploiting your past and tramua etc is so fucked up. if she was your friend, she wouldn’t be throwing that stuff in your face and ESPECIALLY not telling other ppl about it to make u look stupid and because she thinks it’s funny
and the bf thing, that girl likes him 💀 there’s no other way around it. i’m sorry but if one of my friends ever did any of those things around one of my partners, i’d be LIVIDDDDDD like you aren’t even tryna hide it atp???? none of my friends hug my bf EVER like if they see my bf they’ll do like a handshake and be like hey what’s up they do NOT hug him nor do i hug their bfs because HELLO BOUNDARIES?????
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meowmeowmessi · 2 years
and they're trying to take away from AlbicelesteTalk's credibility now just because they can't accept it 😭 like frst of all, it's not even their info, they're only reposting from the interview??? second, what did they expect lmao? yk that one cmvnga or whatever acc that's always posting shit about messi despite the 50 diff players in his carrd? they're the ones obsessed like be fr now. if your fave really is the best (lol) then why are you getting so worked up? reeks of insecure imo. i KNOW it's the face card more than anything (which i rly dont see im sorry but to each their own 😭😭) bc how can you genuinely look at both careers even only up to 24 and decide messi isn't better... don't even get started on the actual playing like??? he's not real and no one will ever compare, least of all someone who declined his 'dream club' for psg's bank account and look where that got him 🤥. also about the rent-free thing,,,,, he was asked in an interview and actually spoke pretty well about m*appe (i dont wanna potentially get jumped 😭) and y'all wanna pretend he insulted him or was salty just because he didn't say he's the best?? which he isn't???? again: reeks of insecure.
HE DID SPEAK WELL ABOUT MBAPPE gosh i totally forgot to mention this in my previous response shsjdjsk like of course he brought him up they were literally teammates back in PSG 😭 he literally said mbappe is a good kid why are yall acting like he murdered your dog be serious now 😭
i actually don't know who this cmvnga person is (and judging by what you're telling me maybe that's a good thing lmao i do appreciate retaining my braincells) but yeah i'm going to keep saying what i've always been saying: the recency bias regarding mbappe is insane. like, comparing mbappe to any version of messi is the closest thing you can come to blasphemy in football i think, or even sports in general, but especially if you're comparing him to what messi was like at his age: messi had FOUR ballon d'ors by the time he was 24. FOUR. and he won them back to back to back to back. i don't think people realize just how absolutely ridiculous that is. it's a record that's probably never going to get beaten in the history of football ever.
moreover, after his loss in the 2014 wc final, messi was an absolutely demon at club level- like a man on a mission. meanwhile this is mbappe after the wc:
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(the 10 rating was in a match against psg ultras 😭 his own fanboys 😭)
face card aside, i do think another reason people latch onto mbappe is bc there hasn't been a black "it boy" like him in football? (do tell me if i'm wrong, though!) his fanbase has a noticable split (on social media at least) between ronaldo stans who jumped ship after his "fall from grace" (so to speak) and tiktok girlies who take the kpopification of football a bit too far 💀💀
bottom line is- messi's comparison only exists in pelé and maradona, and i think these weird fangirls and media outlets with their agendas aside, most people have actually accepted this fact now. and we can all thank la scaloneta for that. they actually saved football tbqh
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footballandshit · 2 years
dude idk if you're in twitter but the total lack of empathy from some chelsea fans is truly baffling!!! they won't admit that the club messed up and are putting the blame on hakim and psg for leaving it till last minute (i wonder whos been stalling them with wrong documents all night HUH!) meanwhile cfc literally requested an hour post deadline to sign enzo and were able to sell jorgi without a problem. the cognitive dissonance & hypocrisy is just... cant believe our man has no choice but to go back to them now....
this is precisely why i stay off twitter!! from what i've seen and heard, twitter is such a toxic environment for sports. which is why i just stay on here! footbieblr is such a nice, kind and respectful community (tho i'm aware that some peeps do occasionally get anon hate, but it really isn't as bad as how things are on twitter!). plus there is so much of misinformation spread on twitter, i rather rely on the tumblrinas (/gn), they like to do their research!!
i never really had anything against chelsea prior to this, besides the usual rivalry thing. but this whole situation...i may have become a hater 🔪
i really do hope any future attempts in the next transfer windows would go smoothly and in hakim's favour!! or else we just gotta wait till his contract ends - but that's like in 2025 if i'm not mistaken 😭 i can't even imagine what he's going through rn, and am worried of how this would impact him 💔
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generalwildcat · 2 months
Queer Headcannons
Since discovering the story behind the epic gift that is Bet On It, my friend and i have been going back and forth with some queer HSM headcannons. Just a few, nothing intricate or anything like that.... 👀
Friend's Headcannons:
Troy should have been bi. His story is a really good metaphor for being in the closet. Especially as someone who felt pressure to do sports and be this popular masculine guy.
Imagine how funny it would be if Troy was giving Ryan way more attention than Sharpay and how annoyed she'd be, but then when she found out about them she'd be the biggest supporter.
It would make more sense for Sharpay to realize she had feelings for Gabriella all along. Taylor would probably figure out Gabriella is queer before Gabriella does so when Gabriella finally comes out Taylor would be all "well finally!"
Kelsi is the quiet ace in the corner who low key knows everything. She's too cool to be cishet.
Chad is the clueless cishet guy who's surprised to learn anyone is gay but is cool with it. AKA the token straight guy. BUT he could also be bicurious or is not typically attracted to men so when it happens it's really confusing for him.
Zeke doesn't care, he just uses peoples' coming outs as an excuse to bake more.
Darbus is the safe space and is the teacher who supervises the Gay Straight Alliance Club.
Mrs. Montez is the ally parent who wears pride buttons and pins to PTA meetings.
Coach Bolton is the person everyone is afraid to come out to and he doesn't totally get it but will end up giving a sappy speech about unconditional love.
Stick to the Status Quo is a whole coming out scene, which leads to gay interpretations of every other song.
Start of Something New is realizing you're queer.
Getcha Head in the Game is trying to ignore your queerness.
What I've Been Looking for is accepting that you're obviously queer.
Bop to the Top is gay activism and a joke about being a top.
Breaking Free is literally coming out.
My Headcannons:
If HSMTMTS is considered cannon and Troy and Gabriella really are in marriage counseling could that be because he was secretly bi this whole time?
OR, if the marriage counseling is cannon then what if Troy and Gabriella are still having issues and Troy's in a funk because Gabriella's all he knows and he desperately wants everything to work out? So he ends up going so far as to ask the Evanseses if they can use Lava Springs for an anniversary/vow renewal thing cause maybe that can help, which they do and for a while things seem pretty good. Meanwhile Gabriella has been getting closer to Sharpay through all this and texting and talking to her about stuff and feels comfortable confiding in her. Which maybe leads to something?
And if it does lead to something, imagine how Ryan feels about Sharpay not talking to him about questioning her sexuality especially when he kinda did that/was in denial for years.
Wait, what if Troy was actually the straight one the entire time and suddenly everyone comes out as queer and he has no idea what he missed? (My friend's response to this was Troy would be so clueless to a guy hitting on him, he'd just think they were good friends and his friend was being so supportive and thoughtful to him and it wouldn't be until someone said something that Troy realized his guy friend was hitting on him all along.)
Chad is bi and in a straight-presenting relationship with Taylor. What might've happened is that Chad and Taylor broke up at the end of HSM3 but remained friends through college, which was when Chad got close to another guy and confided in Ryan and eventually Taylor. They help him work through his feelings and realize he's bi. He tries dating the guy but the guy gets jealous of Chad's close relationship with Taylor which results in their breakup and eventually Chad and Taylor do get back together. Except Chad never tells anyone else because he realizes he gave Troy so much flack in high school for wanting to do music instead of basketball and not only does he not wanna go through that himself, but he also wants to do a better job at accepting people for who they are and he does.
Kelsi and Ryan remain good friends after high school and end up being each others' realizations/acceptance that they're both queer. Kelsi ends up becoming an honorary aunt to Ryan and his husband's future twins and, who knows, maybe she also ends up being their surrogate.
What Time Is It is getting a vacation from acting straight/straight-presenting and having the actual freedom to be queer.
All For One is the coming together of everyone queer in support of each other without worrying about TERFs or gatekeeping.
We were totally not coming up with an HSM AU where everyone and everything is gay and i absolutely did not start sharing my gay headcannons for their future kids that i'm always thinking about but never gonna actually write....
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taiblogcomics · 1 year
The Future Villain Plan
Hey there, live-action adaptations. Well, at the end of today's review, we'll already be halfway through Avengers Undercover. That's pretty exciting, huh? This one's practically zipping by. Heck, let's zip on by ourselves and get into it~
Here's the cover:
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…Hey. Hey, Zemo. Z-Zemo. Your pen, Zemo. Your pen is leaking. Like, pretty bad. That's gonna fudge up the contract, I just know it. Also, given this was published in mid-2014, does this mean Baron Zemo pioneered the "hand holding a gun" meme format? Maybe you'd be right to sign with him, in that case. He's got some forward-thinking ideas. My only other complaint with this cover (it's actually very good and symbolic) is how closely he's holding that gun to his armpit. Now I've never shot a gun myself, especially not a comic book laser pistol, but that just seems uncomfortable.
So in our last few issues, the teen survivors of Child Murder Island (at least, the non-marketable ones they didn't have plans to use elsewhere) all team up to find Cullen, only to find Cullen has sold out and joined Baron Zemo's Masters of Evil. He then pressures them into the ultimate signing bonus: murdering Arcade in his home during a party. Hazmat does the deed, and everyone gets caught by SHIELD--only for Hellstrom to warp them back to Villain Land. This is all so Zemo can offer them a contract and some Nazi imagery.
At everyone's hesitation, Zemo realises he might've come on too strong. He splits the groups up among his main minions: Cammi, Hazmat, and Anachronism go with Madame Masque, Daimon Hellstrom takes Nico Minoru, and Chase and Deathlocket go with Constrictor. Cullen has already sold out, and therefore can just hang out (but he decides to go with Hellstrom and Nico anyway). They'll go on some tours, and then decide at the next breakfast. No second breakfast loophole. I guess we're going on a field trip! Or several field trips, I guess.
So Hellstrom, Nico, and Cullen go down to Hell Town. I feel like that might be a country music song, but I'm not certain. This is the section of the city where dark wizards, vampires, and other evil magical stuff lives and hangs out. A huge horned demon suddenly crashes in front of them, and Nico gets all tensed up. But Cullen says it's nothing to worry about. That's just Mephisticuffs, the local fight club and eatery. Hellstrom suggests they go there after the tour. Apparently they have delicious paella. What the heck is the tone here~?
Anyway, Hellstrom takes these two teenagers to his house, and then greets them with the phrase "This is where the magic happens." Nico rightfully calls him out on how creepy this sounds, but he means literally. He shows Nico a big fiery sphere made of strings of fire. Like a yarn ball of flames. He calls it a demon cage, and this is how Cullen's been learning to control his monster side. He lets it out piecemeal inside the cage, which puts it in a dormant state. Nico comments that it's weird how happy Cullen seems, and Hellstrom replies that they haven't hexed him to be happy or anything. That seems an oddly specific denial~
Meanwhile, Chase is already won over because the Young Masters have invited him to play basketball. While he's showing off his dunk, Deathlocket hangs back to talk with Excavator, who was doing a flirt with her a couple issues back. He explains that basically all they do is get told "go beat this guy up" or dropped out of a plane and told to smash, and the rest of the time they just goof around and hang out without responsibilities. Locket laughs aloud, and Excavator agrees it must sound kind of dumb. She replies that no, dumb is good. She could do with some dumb right about now. Ah, the inner conversations of the Marvel offices when they greenlit this series~
Over with Madame Masque, she introduces herself by saying that she watched the whole series of Child Murder Island, thinking half the cast were useless cannon fodder and the other half were superweapons waiting to go off, but she knew these three were special. I hope none of them are buying this. They continue their elevator ride, with her saying the lot of them are clearly leaders, and this offer is basically power and influence. Once the elevator stops, she gets in a helicopter, flying off. She can't waste her whole evening trying to convince them to grab the silver platter she just offered them. God, I hope they're not falling for this.
And thankfully, as soon as the chopper leaves, Cammi asks the other two that they know they're all being played, right? Hazmat and Anachronism both reply affirmative, but like… they are kinda right. Their options suck: stay here and hope the villains don't have a secret agenda (which they have to, they're villains), or go to jail forever. Hazmat suggests something else. Heroes get away with shit all the time. Maybe they could say they're possessed or whatever. And if nobody thinks they're heroes anymore… well, maybe they can do something so big, it covers over the bad stuff.
As promised, Hellstrom's group goes to Mephisticuffs. Nico's in the ring with two big but generic demons. She knocks one down with an ice spell, but he punches her from behind, which sets her off. She cuts loose, ends up blasting the demon to death. Upon realising what she did, she runs from the barbeque/fight pit horrified. She doesn't like that she just snapped and became a killer instinctively, just like her parents wanted. Hellstrom points out that it's just a demon, but how long until it becomes "just" a person?
Nico doesn't really sidle up to Hellstrom's attempt at bonding, embarassingly evil parents in common or not, and he replies that she needs a better friend than him. And here's where shit goes really south. Hellstrom gestures with his pitchfork and resurrects Alex Wilder. Now, if you didn't read at least the first arc of Runaways, first of all, shame on you. It's one of the best comics ever, go read it. But secondly (and spoilers for that first bit), Alex was one of their fellow runaways until he revealed himself as an inside traitor working for their evil parents all along. He is a teen genius, and he is ''big problems''.
Oh, and he and Nico were a couple, if that wasn't enough for you~
So, later on, Chase and Nico meet up with Cammi's group, and by the conversation, you can tell Nico hasn't told Chase--her fellow runaway--about Alex's resurrection (because that won't come back to bite her or anything). Deathlocket's still buddying up with the Young Masters, and obviously Cullen isn't invited because he's already shacked up with the villains. But Hazmat reveals her plan: let's join the bad guys in order to take them down from the inside. Cammi and Anachronism are also on board. Nico's a bit out of it, and Chase just thinks it's a terrible idea--not the least of which is because their whole plan so far is literally "we join up and take 'em down from the inside".
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So we cut back over to Baron Zemo in his tower, where he's finishing a call with a minion, who's surprisingly on top of things. The kids enter, and they all tell Zemo they're in--except for Cammi. She's decided to split, go back home to mom. Zemo comments that it's disappointing, but it's her decision. He's really pleased the rest of them decided to join up, though. And so the comic ends with Cammi rocketing home, fuming about everyone "playing villain". Except, despite what Zemo just said about "her decision", she's suddenly lassoed out of the air by Constrictor and swung into a wall, knocking her out. It was her decision… and it was the wrong one.
Well, then, I guess that this is where the "Undercover" in the title comes from. I love when a title only explains itself literally halfway through the story. But anyway... It might not be the most thought-through plan, but I appreciate it. I like that even Anachronism and Hzamat are on board with it. Like, I didn't enjoy Anachronism to start with, him being one of the Braddock Academy OCs and all. But he's got a neat character concept and it's moments like this where he's growing on me. And honestly, this comic is also growing on me. I like that the characters are being mostly heroic (to the best of their ability) from the start, and we also have this very interesting wrinkle with Alex, and the other wrinkle with Cammi's capture. Unlike its predecessor, I'm actually looking forward to seeing where this goes~
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baekhvuns · 2 years
But the fact I even got my American friend who never watched the ACTUAL football and calls it futbol (I banned the word soccer - meanwhile I call American football - futbol lmao) and got excited. She said the final was entertaining. Right, honestly it's sad to see some top players go or lose their strengths. PSG has great players, it's good to have a mix of young stars and experienced legends, but sometimes the more experienced ones aren't doing too well, so even though it's weird seeing them on the bench sometimes they gotta be sacrificed. Lots of people were unhappy that Madrid was keeping the "old" players instead of introducing new faces, but guys like Benzema were clearly capable and we won CL after all.
I'm also a huge tennis fan, idk if you're into it, but both Roger and Serena retired this year, painful 😭💔
The San overlooking the stadium is really so so pretty. Please Pique stay away 😭 normalise blaming everything on Gerard. I'm a fan of Spain NT and I remember him fucking things up a few times. We RM fans laugh that he 100% has an anti-Madrid Twitter account, cause he always talks shit. He'll have more time to commit to hating on Madrid during his unemployment era. 😊
Btw recently I was like "where the hell is Suarez at" but he's playing at home :o
I'm not that into Ronaldo anymore for multiple reasons, but I used to be a stan kayusuahakshuakavs. Now we gotta fight Baek 🥊
Listen I was betrayed by a few players who decided to go to Barcelona, Fabregas, recently my guy Bellerin (I like him more as a person than a footballer, cause we have mutual friends same with a few other ex-Arsenal players 😭) and speaking of French footballers, Griezmann idk what was he doing in Barcelona, I like him but he consistently plays for my enemies Atletico, Barca 🔫
There was a moment years ago when my fave French club was Olympique Marseille, but that was a short-lived love affair. Idk know why I liked them. Not Karim unfollowing almost all French players?! My man Varane is safe from his wrath though haudhsjdgagajaha
And Wooyoung would be a menace on the field 😭 throw Suarez into the mix for biting
Literally, every guy in a manhwa is based on Hwa can you believe? Now let him be the lead in an adaptation.
I think Jongho is winning the battle, Shownu might be in the military, but he's harmless. It's between Jongho and Seulgi then
Damn Eric get a new producer cause wtfff 🤡
A few Shinestars talked about the Hwa thing, but it's always hard not to sound delulu, though even my non-Hwa biased friend (the one who got wrecked by him during the concert 👀) noticed he doesn't have that many opportunities to showcase his skills. I know he's popular and people love him, he's not mistreated or anything like that, but idk I wish he could do more. Mingi is similar, though he was out for a while, but still. Maybe Hwa's too humble 😭 but my guy, please volunteer more if that's the case
Hey, hey he can do both Lego and Dior or whatever, he has the duality after all! At least we're not fighting over model Hwa, he's still on thin ice for me 😅
I hope LSF goes darker! Btw I've been obsessed with their song No Celestial as well as IVE's My Satisfaction
I don't know whether it's April 2nd or 4th I can't count for shit, but aksuuauahauaajajaaaaaaa!!!
I keep forgetting the cb is next week, it still didn't register, I hope we get another movie-like teaser
Happy holidays! I'm not really celebrating, but I got the best gift please HE'S SO CUTE I'M GONNA KMS the reindeers and the kitty 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Big brain
🦌👀 sexy reindeer
I... won't say a word, but I could say A LOT
Me when none of my gifts were that blonde Ateez guy :/ rigged - DV 💖
hi hello!!
But the fact I even got my American friend who never watched the ACTUAL football and calls it futbol (I banned the word soccer - meanwhile I call American football - futbol lmao) and got excited. She said the final was entertaining. Right, honestly it's sad to see some top players go or lose their strengths. PSG has great players, it's good to have a mix of young stars and experienced legends, but sometimes the more experienced ones aren't doing too well, so even though it's weird seeing them on the bench sometimes they gotta be sacrificed. Lots of people were unhappy that Madrid was keeping the "old" players instead of introducing new faces, but guys like Benzema were clearly capable and we won CL after all.
no bc i literally do not get the american way, i've been taught to say football since the beginning but here, everyone says soccer, i was so confused when i heard it and tried correcting them BUT NOOOO,, and what i call rugby is called football by westerners??? I DONT GET IT,, no its sad to see the once insanely talented players beginning to grow old and worn out their skills 😭😭😭 the new era of players arent as eye catching as the ones before,, yeah! it's sad and weird seeing legends be benched, ronaldo ofc, sometimes they are just benched bc they're "old" but they're still good and its just sad seeing their expression where they wanna play but arent allowed too 😭😭 my entire family was raged when ronaldo got benched JUST BC U SCORED SM GOALS WITHOUT HIM IN ONE GAME DONT MEANT IT WILL CONTINUE 😭😭 tbh imo its good that they kept them bc they;ve polished them into what they are today and the attachment they have w the club it'll be hard to get used to the new ones like pedri and gavi WHEN I HEARD XAVI AND INIESTA SAY THEY WERENT AS GOOD AS GAVI AND PEDRI WHEN THEY JOINED MADE ME WANNA THROW HANDS AT THEM
I'm also a huge tennis fan, idk if you're into it, but both Roger and Serena retired this year, painful 😭💔
im not an avid follower but sometimes matches are usually on so i will watch it! always happens to be someone from an australian team too, but im more of football and cricket (only when its ind vs pak fbjbkk) person
The San overlooking the stadium is really so so pretty. Please Pique stay away 😭 normalise blaming everything on Gerard. I'm a fan of Spain NT and I remember him fucking things up a few times. We RM fans laugh that he 100% has an anti-Madrid Twitter account, cause he always talks shit. He'll have more time to commit to hating on Madrid during his unemployment era. 😊
IT REALLY IS SO SO PRETTY, normalize wanting gerard to wanna retire every month bc it geels nice to see the news again idc he'S A SNAKE !! LMFAOOO I WOULD NOT BE SURPRISED IF HE DOES TBH FHBJBFH he's a full time hater, part-time player,,, i am wondering what will happen between rm and ronaldo and mourinho, bc ronaldo wants to play till 41, and honestly mourinho is the only one who can make him do that in finesse
Btw recently I was like "where the hell is Suarez at" but he's playing at home :o ///// I'm not that into Ronaldo anymore for multiple reasons, but I used to be a stan kayusuahakshuakavs. Now we gotta fight Baek 🥊
YEAAAAAAAAH HE IS, A SHOCKER everytime i see him all i see is his teeth 😭😭😭😭 u think his kids get bullied bc their dad bites ppl 😭😭 i will turn into a ronaldo stan at the next wc, i do want him to hold the trophy now that messi has, it only makes sense for him or neymar (bro is suffering, did insane good at copa but messi fjhbkhb read somewhere that he’s like the king who was never crowned bc he’s mostly forgotten, his stats are ignored so hard it mAKES ME UN POCO LOCO) to hold it next,,,it’ll be amazing to see the top 3 players of our gen to hold them, messi pls let them man 😭😭😭😭😭😭 LMFAOOOO ITS ON SIGHT,, mayne in the near future it’s the 3 messi’s v ronaldo jr that would be insane
Listen I was betrayed by a few players who decided to go to Barcelona, Fabregas, recently my guy Bellerin (I like him more as a person than a footballer, cause we have mutual friends same with a few other ex-Arsenal players 😭) and speaking of French footballers, Griezmann idk what was he doing in Barcelona, I like him but he consistently plays for my enemies Atletico, Barca 🔫
oh???? u know him???? NOW WHO DO U NOT KNOW EVERYTIME IM SURPISED U KNOW SOMEONE FAMOUS WTF IS THIS, DROP ALL THE NAMES U KNOW U CANNOT KEEP DOING THIS,, no what was greizmann doing there 😭😭 it's so random,,, LMFAOOO tbh his presence in the french team makes the team sm better, sometimes i be thinking that he's the captain and not lloris 😭😭 lloris didnt save a single penalty what went on with him 😭😭
There was a moment years ago when my fave French club was Olympique Marseille, but that was a short-lived love affair. Idk know why I liked them. Not Karim unfollowing almost all French players?! My man Varane is safe from his wrath though haudhsjdgagajaha /// And Wooyoung would be a menace on the field 😭 throw Suarez into the mix for biting
Literally, every guy in a manhwa is based on Hwa can you believe? Now let him be the lead in an adaptation. /// I think Jongho is winning the battle, Shownu might be in the military, but he's harmless. It's between Jongho and Seulgi then
i actually believe it's all shinestars writing these webtoons under a pseudo,,, 1 hour of jongho dying of shyness in front of seulgi when,,, shownu breaking that axe when cutting wood still has me going crazy FORGET JONGHO SEULGI, KAI AND SEULGI
Damn Eric get a new producer cause wtfff 🤡
yeah 😭😭 bc daehyun posted about it too 😭😭😭😭
A few Shinestars talked about the Hwa thing, but it's always hard not to sound delulu, though even my non-Hwa biased friend (the one who got wrecked by him during the concert 👀) noticed he doesn't have that many opportunities to showcase his skills. I know he's popular and people love him, he's not mistreated or anything like that, but idk I wish he could do more. Mingi is similar, though he was out for a while, but still. Maybe Hwa's too humble 😭 but my guy, please volunteer more if that's the case
yeah!! he rly doesn't, i hope he does in the future,, yeah exactly he's not mistreated or anything maybe he's just shy and wants to let his other members shine before he gets the chance BUT HOPEFULLY HWA COLLABS IN 2023 !!! YEAH PLS VOLUNTEER MORE AND MINGI TOO,, sometimes i think the two are the same when it comes to things like this, they took humble and kindness to the next level dbfbf
Hey, hey he can do both Lego and Dior or whatever, he has the duality after all! At least we're not fighting over model Hwa, he's still on thin ice for me 😅 //// I hope LSF goes darker! Btw I've been obsessed with their song No Celestial as well as IVE's My Satisfaction
HE NEED TO DO ANYTHING NOW, FROM BASKIN ROBBIN ADS TO PARIS FASHION WEEKS 😭😭😭😭 imagine one day he's live and he;s in paris for dior but he's doing a lego live in his hotel room 😭😭 GIVE HIM A SECOND CHANCE!!!! omg no bc no celestial is so so good, their discography so far is >>> impurities is also very good!! haVE NOT HEARD THE IVE ON EYET BUT I WILL
I don't know whether it's April 2nd or 4th I can't count for shit, but aksuuauahauaajajaaaaaaa!!! //// I keep forgetting the cb is next week, it still didn't register, I hope we get another movie-like teaser
ITS IN APRIL AND THATS WHAT MATTERS 😭😭😭😭 HES FINALLY COMING 😭😭😭😭 SHINEE TOUR COMING 😭😭,, wait it's next week??? time flew by so fast the euro tours coming too 😭😭 i hope the mv is movie like too! it looks like they're about to perform pink venom
Happy holidays! I'm not really celebrating, but I got the best gift please HE'S SO CUTE I'M GONNA KMS the reindeers and the kitty 🥺🥺🥺🥺 /// Big brain
happy holidays to u too! HES SO CUTE AAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!! AND THESE,, forget big brain what is this fbkbj
🦌👀 sexy reindeer /// I... won't say a word, but I could say A LOT
Me when none of my gifts were that blonde Ateez guy :/ rigged - DV 💖
what is this 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
pls do this dhfhef + also someone needs to date this guy 😭😭😭 do u rmr his talk with eric where he said he keeps the lights on at his home so when he comes back its like someone’s waiting for him 😭😭 eunwoo too 😭😭🤚🏼
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queen-boudicca · 2 years
Next up in the nuwho rewatch, world war III! (Also i know i said I'd post them at the same time but i had to go to work and was busy)
Bechdel test pass: yes
Made me cry: no
World war three 
Yay resistant to electricity nine
Yay theme song
Yay Mickey!!
Why does electrocuting one of them electrocute them all, again? Do they ever explain that
Doc literally why didn't you tell the soldiers about the pm being an alien in disguise first?
God the elevator opening on the slitheen and nine cheekily smiling is peak comedy
Oh blon fel-fotch passamer-day slitheen my beloved (lol hope i got the name right that'd be embarrassing)
Lol Harriet looks so offended when they call her old
Harriet really about to sacrifice herself for a girl she just met we stan
"Harriet Jones, i like you" bitch me too the fuck
"The slitheen race? Slitheen is not our species" god some showrunners could never
God the dialogue between Harriet and nine and the slitheen is just god tier
"Who's not human?" "He's not human" "he's not human?"
"Harriet, have a drink; I think you're gonna need it" "you pass to the left first"
"They'll never get in" "and how do we get out?" "Ah."
Love the reporter "though why he's been summoned, I've no idea" "that's the chairman of the North Sea boating club" "quite what connects all these people we've no idea"
Mickey and Jackie! 
"If anyone's gonna cry it's gonna be me" i love you Mickey
"You saved my life. God that's embarrassing" i love you Jackie
Rip the secretary guy
"Hasn't it got defence codes and things; couldn't we just launch a nuclear bomb at them?" "...You're a very violent young woman"
"We need a resolution from the UN" "not like that's ever stopped us before" God rtd is not being subtle with the politics we stan (not that anything about this episode is subtle)
I love love love them all working together
*Opens the door* *sees cop* *closes door* 
"That narrows it down to one planet! Raxacoricofalipatorious!" "Oh great, we can write them a letter"
*Throws the vinegar on it* *it just fucking explodes all over them* 
"We've scanned and found these weapons of mass destruction in the sky" oh okay can literally any other world government confirm that? Or any astronomy organization? Or literally anybody
Love how the real enemy of the episode is capitalism they didn't have to go this hard but they did
American reporter my beloved
Ugh the emotions the collaboration
"This is my life, Jackie. It's not fun; it's not smart; it's just standing up and making a decision because nobody else will." That hits hard also give Eccleston an Oscar already
"Except it's not your decision, doctor. It's mine" queen
Love the buffalo password
Love the little missile map!
"Sir there's a missile—" *opens door, everyone is giant green aliens* "...sorry"
Harriet Jones, future prime minister, my beloved
Jackie being willing to open up and have a sit down dinner w the doctor meanwhile nine's being such a bitch (we get it but c'mon)
Nine inviting Mickey along <3
"I'll see you in ten seconds' time, yeah?" Lol rose you can NOT promise that or did you forget he got you back a year late
Really pretty ending imo
Plus gotta love the music
Oh fuck the next episode preview actually slaps so hard damn
Anyway see you next time for dalek!
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