#Me: i wish i fucking could Nicki
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i’m about to go hannibal lecter on my neighbor
#she’s loud as fuck#and i’ve heard her ab*sing her dog#and she’s currently rapping really loudly and terribly#i wish i could go up there and go hey!!! shut the fuck up!#JDHDJSKS#me blaring SHUT UP on my bluetooth speaker#or stupid hoe by nicki minaj dhdksks#yall pray for me
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Nicky's mom has got it going on (Part 4)
Word count: 3700
Warnings: pool sex, fingering, vibrating underwear, almost getting caught, think that's it
A/N: guys i finally wrote it omg the day has arrived
It’s been a week since the Halloween party, a week since your best friend’s mom fucked your brains out.
You wish you could say that you regretted it, but that would be a lie.
Yet every time you hang out with Nicky, you feel your heart squeeze. It would kill him if he found out, and you knew that you would never be able to tell him.
But your thoughts still found their way back to the older woman, the way her fingers felt curling inside you, the way she tasted when she was riding your face.
You weren’t sure when the next time you were going to see her was. School is picking up as you were going into Thanksgiving break soon, and you know Nicky is feeling the stress too.
But the next Saturday, the weather is lovely and Nicky invites you over for a pool day at his house. It’s the first time the New Jersey winter has climbed into the 70s, and you’re both determined to make the most of it.
And you’ll get to see Agatha again.
The thought makes your stomach twist and turn, both with nerves and excitement.
She had dragged you back upstairs after you made that quip about your lover being just ‘alright’ to Nicky and she had put you in your place.
Three orgasms later, she had finally let you leave the room to go back downstairs to the party, but after all the guests left and her son had gone to bed, she came into the guest room so you could return the favor.
The next morning, she was gone from the bed by the time you’d woken up and you couldn’t help but feel disappointed, even though you obviously knew she couldn’t stay. It was risky regardless, having sex with your best friend’s mom with him right down the hall, so there was no need to push it.
And when you had gone downstairs, Nicky was already there, laughing at your disheveled state. Agatha had given you a heated glance, but that had been it.
That was the last time you’d spoken to her.
And now you’re going swimming at their house, where Agatha may or may not be there.
You hope she will, but you do know that she might be working.
Just in case, you put on one of your most flattering bikinis, a purple number that leaves little to the imagination.
It’s a dangerous game to play, especially since Nicky will be there, but you miss the older woman. And you don’t really know where things stand with her, so you figure this will be a great way to find out.
You throw a towel into a bag with some sunscreen and drive over to their house, your heart rate picking up as you get closer.
Nicky opens the door.
“Hey!” He exclaims. “Ready for the first pool day since summer?”
You step into the house, eyes peeled for his mom. “You know it. It’s been too long. I’ve missed the sun.”
No sign of her. You try your best not to feel too down; you knew her working would be a possibility. But the fresh warm air on their back patio makes you temporarily forget about the older woman and you take a deep breath.
Nicky disturbs your moment of peace by cannonballing into the pool, splashing you with water. You glare at him, pretending to be mad, before quickly stripping off your clothes and jumping in as well.
The two of you play around for what seems like forever, and you’ve missed having this much fun with your best friend. With school and work, it seems like the two of you haven’t just hung out in a while, and this was a desperately needed break from all that stress.
“Finally warm enough for a swim, hm?” You hear a voice ring out from the deck. You whirl around to see Agatha Harkness standing there, regal as ever. She makes your mouth run dry when her eyes shift to you, a brow raising ever slightly at the sight of you in the swim suit.
“Wanna join?” Nicky asks and playfully flicks water at his mom. She gasps with mock outrage and then laughs.
“Give me a second to go put on my suit. As long as y/n doesn’t mind if I hop in?” She turns her full attention to you, expectantly waiting for an answer, but your brain has short-circuited at the thought of her in a swimsuit.
“Oh, yeah, no, that would be fine,” you stammer out and she smirks knowingly. When she goes back inside, Nicky douses your face with water.
“Dude, what is going on between you and my mom?” He asks, and you choke, spiraling into a coughing fit.
You’re still struggling to breathe, but you force out: “What do you mean?” Panic grips your heart and you’re so afraid of what he’s going to say next.
“Like, you know, you’re always turning red around her and stuff. Oh my god, do you think she’s hot?” He whispers, eyes widening.
“What?” You snap, protests locked and loaded on your tongue, but he just laughs.
“You’re not the first person to think she’s a MILF. I don’t think she’s into girls though,” he says, fake sadness in his voice, and you almost choke again.
If only he knew.
She sure seemed into girls when her fingers and tongue were buried in your cunt a week ago.
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” you say hastily and duck underwater to hide your burning cheeks.
When you resurface for air, Agatha is standing there on the deck wearing a one-piece black suit with a low cut revealing quite an eyeful of her magnificent cleavage. You have to clench your teeth together tightly when she gives you a wink before walking down the steps into the water. She lets out an exaggerated moan, surely just to mess with you, at the feel and you have to bite back a whimper at the sound.
She gets all the way to the ground before she pauses. “Shoot, I was going to bring out some lemonade for everyone. Nicky, would you be a dear and go get it? Maybe some snacks too?”
Nicky, ever the mama’s boy, obeys without hesitation. He jumps out of the pool, grabs his towel, and hurries into the house.
Agatha immediately paces on you and you back up until your back hits the wall facing the door, feeling a spark in your stomach at the glint in her eye.
“Hey,” she whispers when she’s a hair away from you and you can’t stop from looking down at her lips.
Her hands come to grasp onto your bare waist and you gasp. “Hi,” you croak, your body already leaning into her touch that you’ve sorely missed this week. She pulls you by your hips into a kiss that you quickly pull away from (after giving in for a second or two, of course). “Nicky could come back at any minute,” you hiss and she just chuckles.
“You didn’t seem too concerned with my son catching us the other night with how loud you were moaning my name,” she teases, dropping her head down to press her lips against the chlorinated skin on your neck. You shudder at the feeling and your head drops back slightly.
The feeling in your belly stirs when she fits a thigh between your legs. “Agatha,” you whimper and slowly roll your hips against the firm muscle. Your hands come up to trace her biceps and she smirks. She presses harder and your lips part, but then she steps back and removes her leg.
“Nicky could come back at any minute,” she throws your words back in your face and you groan.
You chew on your lip and think about it. Pouring lemonade and getting snacks won’t take very long, so it would be better to be careful.
But like she said, that hasn’t stopped either of you before. So you seductively turn around, rest your arms on the deck, and tilt your head over your shoulder while you sway your ass back and forth.
She chuckles darkly and in an instant, her front is against your back and her hand dips down around your body to play with the edge of your bottoms.
“Are you sure you want to play this game, sweetheart?” She asks, voice low in your ear, and you nod eagerly. Her fingers crawl inside your suit and she finds your clit immediately, rubbing small circles around it.
Your head falls back against hers as you let out a small noise. You’ve missed her hands on you so much.
She continues her administrations, dipping a finger down every so often to collect wetness from your pussy. Even in the water, she can feel how turned on you’ve become and her teeth graze your earlobe. She keeps drawing out small gasps from your mouth with her movements and she finally has enough of her teasing and slides her middle finger into you.
“God, Agatha,” you groan, grinding your hips to get her deeper.
She tuts. “What was that?”
The words come tumbling out of your mouth. “Fuck, Mommy, please, I need more.” She gives a sound of approval and slides another finger in, curling them perfectly.
She’s panting open-mouthed against your neck, fucking her two fingers into you so well, when all of a sudden, the sliding glass door opens. Agatha and you both freeze, and your heart pounds.
“Hey, mom,” Nicky calls, walking out while reading the label on a box of crackers. Agatha gives you a quick thrust with her fingers and you bite your lip before you give yourselves away. “Do you think these are okay? The expiration date was–” He finally looks up to find his mom pressing his best friend against the pool wall. “–what are you guys doing?”
You feel like you’re going to throw up.
“Her swimsuit top was getting loose so I was just helping her tie it tighter,” Agatha says behind you, stroking your clit with her thumb, and you tense. You’re not sure you’ve breathed since Nicky walked out. Thankfully, from the way you’re angled and with how far away Nicky is standing, he can’t see Agatha’s hand down the front of your suit.
He seems to buy it though. “So crackers or no crackers?”
And you’re finally able to exhale. You can feel the tension literally seep out of your body.
But Agatha shifts forward so think about it, which forces her fingers in deeper, and you clamp your teeth down so hard on your tongue that you taste blood.
“You know, I’m getting hungrier, why don’t we make something–” But she cuts off in a gasp, because in the middle of her sentence, you clench your walls around her as payback. “For lunch?” She finishes weakly, but Nicky nods in agreement, none the wiser. “So we’ll get out and get dressed, yeah?” She asks you, and you catch her eye and give your hips a tiny roll. She gives you a warning look and the corners of your mouth tug into a smirk.
It feels good to gain a bit of leverage over her sometimes.
“Okay, sounds good, I’ll be inside whenever you weirdos decide to come in,” Nicky says, having had enough of whatever you and his mom are doing.
When the door finally closes, Agatha sinks her teeth into your shoulder and you moan loudly. “That’s for teasing,” she says and pulls her hand out of your cunt. You whine at the emptiness and turn around to face her, aching for release.
“But–” you start and she splashes you gently to shut you up.
“Maybe later. But we need to go in now before Nicky actually gets suspicious.”
You grumble, but you know she has a point, so you begrudgingly get out of the pool, Agatha behind you, and you grab your towel to dry off. As you’re looking through your tote bag that you brought, you realize something.
“Fuck, I forgot underwear,” you curse, mostly to yourself, but the older woman happens to be right next to you and hears it.
You know she’s smirking before you even look at her. “You can borrow some of mine,” she says, all sickly sweet, and you just know she’s up to something.
Once the two of you are sufficiently dry, you follow her back into the house and up the stairs to her bedroom. She had told Nicky that she was letting you borrow something and you figured it was going to just be a quick trip.
Which is unfortunate for you, because you are still dripping. You can feel the mess between your thighs with each step and it’s becoming uncomfortable.
But you’re good, and you just stand there awkwardly while Agatha roots around in her drawer, shoving aside a multitude of other pairs that you’re sure would work perfectly, until she pulls out a lacy black pair and holds them out to you.
“Put these on,” she says, grinning wolfishly, and you hesitantly reach out and take them. Just to tease, or at least maybe level the playing field for whatever she has planned, you keep eye contact while you reach behind you and untie your top.
Her jaw slackens when you finally peel the fabric from your breasts and you can see her hands twitch, like it’s painful for her to not just reach out and touch you.
And then her lips part when you start to slide your bottoms down and you can feel her eyes burning into you. When they’re around your feet, you kick them at her and she catches them in one hand, staring at them like her brain just shut off.
“Mom!” Nicky’s voice rings through the heated silence in the room and Agatha shakes out of her daze.
She fluffs her hair with her hand and throws your suit back to you. “Get dressed and come back downstairs quickly,” she orders, stripping naked and throwing on a crewneck and sweatpants, slipping something you can’t discern from the underwear drawer quickly into her pocket, before you even have a chance to ogle.
Agatha runs out of the room and you hear her footsteps on the stairs and you turn back to the underwear she gave you. It’s thick and you can tell it is some special pair, but you have no idea what it is.
So you put on your jean shorts and your t-shirt, comb through your wet hair, and go back downstairs.
Agatha is helping Nicky make grilled cheeses but they both turn around when they hear you enter the kitchen.
“There you are,” Nicky comments, while his mom gives you a wink.
You walk over to them and rest your hands on the counter, observing what they’re doing. “What can I do to help?”
And that’s when you feel it: vibrations against your clit that have you gasping and doubling over in shock and at the intensity.
Nicky rushes to your side and cries your name out, but when the rumbling suddenly stops and you’re able to lift your head, you see Agatha wearing a wicked smirk.
The underwear.
That’s why she wanted you to put them on, so she could tease you right in front of her son without actually risking being caught touching you. The thing she put in h
“Are you okay?” Nicky asks again, shaking your shoulders. You stand up, instinctively bracing yourself against the countertop just in case she tries to do it again.
You shoot Agatha a look before answering. “Yeah, sorry, just cramps,” you lie. To his credit, he doesn’t seem to be grossed out, he just helps you over to sit down on the couch.
“Why don’t you just rest then and let us take care of the food?” He offers sweetly and you give him a smile.
If only his mother was as nice as him.
The second Nicky walks away, the vibrations start again and you have to bite down on your finger to keep from moaning. You can feel Agatha’s eyes on you as you start to sweat from how good it feels and your face is burning.
In typical Agatha fashion, she teases you while she and Nicky finish making lunch by turning it up and then down or making it pulse against your clit. You can feel just how absolutely soaked you are and you squirm back and forth on the couch, silently begging for more.
“Do you want anything besides the sandwich?” Nicky asks you and you open your mouth to respond but have to instantly snap it shut when Agatha turns it up even more.
You take a deep breath and try to ignore the buzzing against the most sensitive part of your body. “I’m okay, thanks.” Your voice trembles from the effort of staying composed and you can see Agatha’s shoulders shaking with contained laughter.
Nicky brings over two plates and sets one down in front of you. He sits in the chair adjacent to the couch while Agatha plops down next to you.
“You doing okay, hon?” She asks, reaching over to pat your leg and her touch makes you clench around nothing. You dig your fingernails into your palms to stop yourself from grabbing her hand and shoving it down your shorts.
The teasing is maddening.
“Yeah, good,” you rasp, glaring at her while simultaneously pleading with your eyes to be let out of your misery.
It’s like she knows exactly when you’re about to cum because she either stops the vibrations entirely or slows them down to where you can barely feel anything at all.
You try to focus on eating the grilled cheese, but you can’t stop your hips from undulating, no matter how hard you try. It gets so bad that Agatha throws a blanket over you, muttering something about how cold you look so Nicky doesn’t question it.
With the extra privacy, you’re free to shift your weight more to angle the vibrations better against your clit. You can feel the rumbles throughout your entire pussy and you can feel your mind slowly losing the ability to think.
You set down your plate, maybe three bites taken out of the food, and toss the other half of the blanket over Agatha’s legs. Thankfully, Nicky is flipping through the TV channels so he doesn’t notice.
Agatha watches your face carefully when your hand digs into her thigh through her pants as she turns up the intensity, watching every little twitch of your eyebrows as you try to keep it together.
And then, she suddenly reaches over under the blanket to cup your pussy and press the crotch of the panties against you hard, and a moan tears its way out of your throat. You have to fake a cough to cover it up, but luckily Nicky doesn’t look over.
Her hand is gone as soon as it appeared and you’re left rhythmlessly stuttering your hips, frantically chasing the high you so desperately need.
But it doesn’t come.
Agatha keeps you on edge for almost twenty minutes, turning it up and down and off completely and then back on, and you’re practically panting into the blanket because you can’t breathe too loudly.
It’s the sweetest torture one could bear.
And then finally, finally, Nicky stands up and announces that he has to go to the bathroom.
The moment he leaves the room, you literally throw yourself into Agatha’s lap, straddling her waist and grinding against her, each movement against her stomach pressing the toy in the underwear harder to your clit.
“Agatha, Mommy, please,” you gasp against her lips and her fingers make their way down into your shorts. Instead of dipping into the underwear though, they go in-between them and your jeans so she can directly position the piece right where she wants it.
Her other finger fumbles with something in her pocket, the remote, you’re guessing, and you sink your teeth into her neck before the high-pitched whine can escape at the heightened intensity.
“Better hurry up,” she taunts and you buck your hips at her tone. “You don’t want my son coming back in to find you cumming all over his mommy, do you?”
You shake your head at the rhetorical question and focus on how the vibrations feel against you. You can feel them throughout your whole body and you’re getting so close.
“Please, please, I need more,” you beg, having been kept on the edge for so long that you don’t think you can cum from just this.
But Agatha always knows what you need, even after only spending one night with you.
She pushes the underwear to the side to slide three fingers into you easily, curves them just right, and that coupled with the vibration still against your clit makes you explode.
You bite her again to muffle your cries while you grind, dragging your orgasm out as much as you can.
And then the toilet flushes and you hear the sink running. By the time it turns off, you’ve wiped your sweaty forehead and are sitting back in your normal spot, readjusting the blanket.
Nicky walks back in just as Agatha pops her fingers into her mouth, sucking the taste of you off. Your body clenches weakly at the sight of that and of course she sees it and smirks.
“Everything okay in here? Thought I heard something,” Nicky asks. You keep your eyes peeled on the TV even though you can see Agatha’s smile out of the corner of your eye.
“Just the show,” she says casually and Nicky accepts it, settling back down in the chair.
Agatha leans closer and chuckles quietly into your ear. “Next time, you need to make less noise.”
And it’s impossible to miss the way your body shivers at the promise of a next time.
#agatha harkness x fem!reader#agatha harkness x reader#agatha x reader#agatha x you#agatha harkness x you#agatha harkness smut#agatha smut#agatha all along
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nobody can convince me that agatha and rio wouldn't have had more children had nicky not died, had Death been allowed to have living, semi-mortal children. They only lasted like 50 years before their eldest was born. They would have continued to make more babies for the next three hundred and beyond. Every time one of their children is old enough to basically fend for theirself, Agatha feels that longing for a baby and Rio can't deny her.
It takes three or four kids before Agatha has a kid that looks as much like her as Nicky looks like Rio. When this child, Mari (short for Mariposa), reaches adulthood, she develops that same little gap between her teeth (in modern times, she would have gotten braces, but she was born in the late 1700's okay, give her a break) so she does look somewhat like Rio, but she has bright blue eyes and her hair curls like Agatha's. She also has a similar power set to Agatha, which Agatha fosters as much as she could because nobody ever did that for her.
By modern day, they probably have about twenty kids, the youngest of which is still small enough to carry as they move into Westview, acting like a modern lesbian couple. They are single-handedly repopulating the witch community that Agatha killed off.
But they're happy and in love. All their children are pretty well-adjusted. Nicky still has a big heart. He's probably a doctor somewhere, moving around when people start to question why he doesn't age - at least until Eternals are accepted and superheroes just become more commonplace. Nobody questions why he looks like he's thirty-five when he should be closer to his seventies (nobody knows what his true age is) and he still visits his mothers. Due to the nature of his job, he doesn't always appreciate when Rio visits him at work.
Three of their children train as Reapers with Rio. The rest are scattered around the world, living their lives, but they always call their mothers, or they visit with their own partners and children.
The youngest three are juveniles, so they live with their mothers in the suburbs. They're as mischievous as Rio, causing havoc wherever they go, but they're studious, too, like Agatha, so they get good grades and do well in their magic studies.
When Wanda tries to start her bullshit, Agatha stops her, putting a pin in her grief. Instead of draining her power, she becomes a kind of mentor to Wanda. This Agatha never lost her son, but she does have a shit ton of trauma from her youth resulting from her own coven just refusing to teach her, and she recognizes Wanda as another untrained witch. So she trains her. She teaches her how to use the powers that she's familiar with. She gathers other witches (Lilia, Alice, Jen) to help her where they can. They converse with Stephen Strange on how to best help Wanda in her grief and magic.
I really wish Agatha's What If...? episode had been "What if Agatha had never lost her son?" rather than the Hollywood episode. Don't get me wrong: it was a fun fucking episode. But I just wish we'd seen more of Agatha being happy with her family.
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someone loved me, someone fucking loved me.
pairing: rio vidal x reader
summary: you have lost the two most important people in your life: your wife and son. so, when death visits, you need to hurt her.
content: mentions of death, crying, magic fighting, punching in the face, angst without a happy ending, bleeding, heartbreak, mention of agatha harkness x reader.
You felt when she died. It was an uncomfortable, eerily feeling; you felt alone for the first time in centuries.
You ignored the feeling. You didn't want to believe she was dead. You couldn't believe she was dead. Agatha Harkness doesn't just die.
You felt her presence before you saw her. It was a gloomy, depressing feeling; you felt desperate for the first time in centuries.
"You can't ignore me, you know," She spoke softly.
You shuddered at the sound of her voice. You hadn't heard it since he died and never wanted to hear it again. Alas, you knew you would. That stupid promise Agatha made Rio promise meant you would.
"Go away, Rio."
Her hand brushed against your arm and you flinched, pulling away from her.
The world seemed to pause at your question. The chirping from the birds and the rustling of the trees seemingly vanished.
Rio stuttered an incoherent sentence before taking in a deep breath. "It had to be one of them, okay?"
"The kiss of death."
A blast of magic slammed into Rio's chest and sent her flying into the wall. Tears were glistering in your eyes as you stalked towards her, magic surrounding your fingers.
You couldn't kill Death, but you sure as hell could hurt her.
"I fucking hate you." Your voice broke with emotion as you screamed at her.
Another blast of magic hit Rio when she tried to stand, forcing her back to the ground.
"You are an evil, horrible monster and I wish I never met you." You snarled. "You have caused only pain and chaos for my family. You are the worst thing that has ever happened to me."
Rio didn't reply and that only angered you.
You lifted her body and threw her out a window. The glass smashed, piercing her skin. Her body landed in the field of flowers surrounding your house.
Rio was on her feet once you got to her. She was bleeding in multiple places and her own magic surrounded her fingers.
"You don't want to do this," Rio said. "You know who will win."
"I don't need to win." You summoned another ball of magic and aimed it at her, which she dodged.
Your magic wasn't enough to hurt her. You needed to feel her blood on your skin.
You tackled her to the ground and straddled her stomach. You landed a few punches to her face before she managed to grab your wrists and stop you.
"I didn't want it to be her."
You fought in her hold. "Bullshit."
"And I didn't want it to be Nicky, either."
"Don't." You felt your heart breaking into a million pieces at the sound of his name.
The day Death took Nicholas was one of the worst. You cried and begged for her to bring him back—for your boy to come back. Agatha didn't beg, but she cried. You remember holding her in your arms, promising that it would be okay whilst Death stood over you, watching the heartbreak that she caused to happen.
"I never wanted to hurt you." She whispered. "None of you. I wanted you both to be happy."
"I hate you."
Uncontrollable tears fell down your cheeks and you gasped for air in between sobs. Rio brushed away a few tears with her thumb, smiling sadly.
That action broke you.
You wrapped your arms around Rio's neck and buried your face in the crook. She slipped her hands under your shirt and rubbed comforting circles.
"I hate you so much."
Rio hummed. She knew you did.
"She promised me that she would come home. She said that nothing bad would happen to her, but you k-killed her."
Your voice broke again. You couldn't believe those words were leaving your mouth.
"I know, baby."
You cried until you couldn't cry any longer and she held you in her arms the entire time. She kissed your face every time you expressed your hatred for her and she let you make her body bleed with your fingernails and teeth.
She wasn't going to leave. Not this time. She promised that once Agatha died, she would stay with you until your end. Even if you fought her, screamed, and hurt her. She would never leave.
And no matter how big your hatred for her was, her love for you was always 10x bigger.
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Agatha all along deep dive: episode 1 part 2
(Wandavision entries: [1][2][3])
(AAA entries: ep1 [1][2][3][4] ep2 [1][2][3][4] ep3 [1][2][3] ep4 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][+1] ep5 [1][2][3][4][5] ep6 [1][2][3] ep7 [1][2][3][4][5][6] ep8 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] ep9 [1][2][3][4][5][6])
Okay, let's keep going through Agatha All Along epsode 1, in which detective Agnes sees Nicky's lock of hair inside her brooch and is stunned into silence for a long ten seconds
she's feeling agonizing heartbreak and cannot even tell why
you know what, she technically is home. she's in her living room as we speak. but every line has multiple readings, so go home... where? to her old self? to her witchy roots? to her coven? to Rio? to Nicky, in the afterlife?
I wonder if all the water puddles are deliberate. do they symbolize mirrors, is she gone through the looking glass? or is water = rio?
the way she has to steel herself before getting into Nicky's room
THE MOON PHASES OVER THE BED. as if she wishes there was a coven looking over him, protecting him
I saw some reactors laughing their asses off at this scene, still hung up on the parody of it all, going "did they make the rabbit into a dead kid backstory? that's HILARIOUS." Sure. So funny.
(they keep associating Nicky with rabbits tho, in the previous scene with Rio there's a blink-and-you-miss-it moment when a plant in the background suddenly turns into Nicky's picture. was señor scratchy named after him?)
why can't they properly light their scenes goddamnit I shouldn't have to use 6 layers to see her face
oh look it's Aubrey Plaza and pizza, two of the sexiest concepts humanity has ever come up with
first of all: open vest and white shirt? that's hot. second of all, the way she's sitting so confidently with her whole chest out, so open, taking deep breaths. she just wants to drink her all up, all of her, her beauty, her sorrow, her goofiness. she's SO damn in love.
what a goober. what a delight. plaid shirt and no makeup, drinking beer and snorting when she laughs, a bit awkward and bashful. what a stud. I would die for her. I would wife her so quickly. I'm gonna say this whit my whole chest, the more femme presenting Agatha is, the more she's wearing a shield and playing a part. this is Agatha raw and defenseless and true, and I want to protect her like she's a precious kitten. (me and Rio both, tbh)
case in point: Agatha is manspreading like some idiot lumberjack, and Rio looks like she has never seen anyone hotter
Agatha: "I have a lead in the case". Rio, with goddamn bedroom eyes: "that's not why I came over."
But then when Agatha looks overwhelmed she immediately course-corrects and encourages her to talk about the case. Love me a boundary-respecting king. Real talk, she's been respecting those boundaries for a long time. And even if she's quite angry at Agatha, she won't unleash all that on her when she's so defenseless.
She pushes a little, and the moment it's too much for Agatha she steps back and regroups. She's being SO gentle.
That's fascinating that her subconscious knows what happened to Billy. Exactly how connected are they?
Whoops, we're leaning in again.
She says yes so openly. When the real Agatha has been running away from Rio and this confrontation for centuries! The real Agatha is SCREAMING in terror, but he body won't listen because it's fallen back into that feeling of domesticity and trust. This is the same body that will always yearn to kiss Rio. The mind that categorically forbids it is shut away for the time being.
Why is Rio trying to wake Agatha up? She could let her stay like this. She could easily make Agnes O'Connor fall in love. The two main reasons why she doesn't are: because she's so fucking angry with her, and she wants them to finally have a mature conversation about Nicky and she needs Agatha to understand that she's hurting too. The second reason is - because she loves her too much. It's honestly just that. She cannot let Agatha live like this, tortured, imprisoned, without agency. She want to have a mature conversation with the real Agatha, she wants to get angry with the real Agatha, most of all she wants Agatha to be okay. Do you see the difference? She's not just in love with her, because being in love is a selfish act, but to love someone is fundamentally selfless. And she will keep loving Agatha no matter if they are together or not. She loves her enough to bend the rules of the universe for her. She just... she loves her.
and this, letting Agatha exist in this form, is a punishment too cruel for Rio to allow
The half smile, the bitterness behind it. An Agatha who doesn't hate her is just a beautiful fantasy, but Rio knows better.
it's Billy! and another mirror! yep, that's a theme.
Ha, the real Sharon was calling him a hooligan. RIP sharon, gone too soon
so intense!!?! even when she's not doing it on purpose, her characters are cheesy and cliched. and it takes a lot of talent to write a bad show too, so kudos to jac schaeffer & co
go to part 3
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Mini Matt gets drunk ~ Sturniolo Triplets
Warnings: partying, alcohol, throwing up, underage drinking (don't do it!), being forced to drink underage, spiked drinks, protective!triplets, platonic pet names.
It was supposed to be a normal party. One of your friends wanted to celebrate their following on TikTok by having a large party. You agreed to go, hoping to have a good time, however Nick, Matt and Chris didn't go as they didn't really know your friend. You understood and didn't force them to go, but how the party was going now, you really wished they were there.
The party started a couple hours ago and it was going well, until a few guys arrived with bottles of alcohol. Your friend knew these guys but you didn't and started to feel uncomfortable.
"Hey girl! Come join us!" Your friend shouted from the kitchen. You were in the living room, watching all the drunk people grind against each other.
You sighed and held your root beer tightly, as you walked into the kitchen, seeing the same guys with many shot glasses and cups set up.
"What's going on?" You asked.
"We're going to play a game and your joining!" Your friend cheered, pulling you over.
"I'm not drinking alcohol." You stated.
"Oh let loose!" She whined.
"I'm nineteen!" You exclaimed.
"Who cares!" One of the guys shouted.
You sighed and watched as they started playing a game, the alcohol quickly flowing. The small group then turned to you.
"Come on, just one shot!" Your friend shouted.
"Yeah don't be a pussy!" Another shouted.
You sighed as the group laughed and teased you. You could hear Matt's voice in the back of your head telling you not to do it, but when a shot glass was placed in your hand, replacing the root beer, you sighed again. You quickly downed the shot, making the group cheer and holler.
"See, that wasn't so bad!" Your friend screamed.
You shook your head and stood against the counter. One of the more quieter guys passed you another root beer. You gave him a small smile as you took a sip, not realising it was spiked.
Another hour went by with you sipping your root beer. You could tell it tasted different, but you brushed it off as a different brand. However, as the alcohol started to sink into your system, everything got kinda fuzzy.
"Hey! You okay?" Your friend called, seeing you swaying slightly.
"I'm great! But I want Nicky and Matty and Chrissy!" You slurred your words.
"Fuck. Where's your phone?" She asked, the guilt setting in quickly.
"Here dumbass!" You screamed, waving your phone around.
"Okay, let's get you outside and I'll call them." She said, gently guiding you outside.
You giggled as you stumbled around, your friend quickly calling Nick, who was already shouting at Matt to drive.
Ten minutes later, the familiar car pulled up, all three got out the car and rushed over to you.
"The fuck happen!" Chris shouted, seeing you pouting as you struggled with your shoes.
"I-I accidentally let her drink." Your friend lied.
"No! You, fuck! Didn't you forceeed me!" You exclaimed, ratting her out.
"It was one shot!" She shouted in defence.
"This root beer tastes funny!" You whined, waving the cup around.
Matt grabbed the cup from you gently and sniffed the drink, his nose scrunching up.
"It's spiked." He said.
"I'm so sorry." Your friend said.
"Maybe don't invite anyone underage if your planning on having alcohol." Nick said, the three of them gave her a disappointing look.
She sighed and apologised again as the guys helped you in the car, Matt driving home quickly.
"Nickkkkk." You whined, the boy next to you rubbing your back as you laid on him.
"Hmm, yes sweetheart?" He called.
"I'm sorry." You mumbled, your eyes closed.
"No bub, don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault." He said.
"I gave into pressure." You admitted.
"It's okay, petal, none of us are mad." Matt called from the front.
"Yeah, kid. We're worried about you." Chris added.
"Never drinking again." You muttered, making the trio laugh.
"Good." Nick said.
You all soon arrived home, Nick helping you out of the car, however as soon as you entered the house, you rushed to Matt's bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. The guys rushed to you, all looking at you with sympathy.
"Oh sweetheart." Matt cooed, rubbing your back as he held your hair.
"I'll get some water, Chris go grab a bowl with cool water and a face cloth." Nick instructed.
Chris nodded and rushed off as Nick went to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water. Matt continued rubbing your back, whispering to you gently.
"It's okay bub, we're here. Don't worry, let it all out." He said gently.
After you emptied your stomach, you sat back against Matt's legs. He rubbed your head, brushing any stray hairs out your face as Nick helped you drink some water and Chris patted the sweat off your forehead.
"Sorry." You whispered.
"Hey kid, we already told you, you don't have to be sorry." Chris said.
"Yeah, just relax okay." Nick said.
You nodded, your eyes closed as a headache started to set in. You knew you'd never probably drink again, unless it was a few years in the future.
#sturniolo triplets#sturniolo triplets oneshot#sturniolo triplets fanfic#sturniolo triplets x reader#mini matt#mattitude#matthew sturniolo#matt sturniolo#matt sturniolo x reader#chris sturniolo x reader#chris sturniolo#christopher sturniolo#nick sturniolo x reader#nick sturniolo#nicolas sturniolo#youtuber fanfic#platonic#partying#platonic friendship#fluff#drunk!reader#fem!reader#party
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Just like him ( Lloyd Hansen x Reader)
SUMMARY : She is beauty , she is grace and she will shoot you in the face, when y/n father needs an arranged marriage there is only one man that can handle his daughter
warning: violence , language and well its lloyd hansen fic so probably everything let be real
"This is absolute bullshit".
Again her dumb ass so called doting father was trying to arrange her marriage because well he fucked up and ended up in a mess . so now she had to meet another one of these idiots , last time didn't end too well when the creep couldn't listen to simple request like stop touching her when unwanted during the meeting of the arrangement . she seen her father's nervous shifting,gazing between her and the then soon to be husband ( at the time ) . Not because he was scared of the other family, it was the fear of his daughter and it was clear with the irritation on her face. After giving him 10 warnings and waited patiently ( for her ) she decided she had enough when the guy tried to move his hand some place it shouldn't which led her to grab the knife from his belt and drove it into his thigh .
"jesus fuck" her dads right hand man nick fowler tried his hardest not to laugh while ari levinson couldn't hold back the barking laugh as she skipped out of the office innocently .
" i told you boss he wouldn't be able for her but i might know someone much better than this pussy " nick chuckled .
" i do to nicky but jeez its getting princess to agree " ari barked unable to stop laughing at scene that just fell before him .
so here she was two months later awaken to the news the new suitor will arrive that morning for breakfast . her dad explained relentlessly to keep it together and to go along with his wishes he needed this to come together for sake of the family with being the only child and female sadly if he were to pass his words were always " you would be lamb in a den of wolves" . nick did try defend saying she would be the most dangerous wolf but her father wouldn't listen
. "Y/n come on princess time to get ready he will be here soon " the maid squeaked scared and yet knowing she had to because her father was the boss .
"this is it "she felt bad in a sense for her father for embarrassing him but that fucker should of kept his hands to himself simple decency . she adorned her yellow sundress looking like the sweetest innocent angel and simple frilly ankle socks made her way throughout the house and to her fathers office .
she seen nick and ari talking with tall man she knew who it was by the back alone . the loud and crude mouth had made her laugh at functions ,
" this might be fun" nick whisper nodding his head
" or could be putting two atomic bombs together in a room full of grenades" ari nudged the tall gentlemen for him to turn around . before anyone spoke she felt a slap to her ass making her yelp . as lloyds jaw clenched and before he could step forward nick simply shook his head and mouthed the words " watch " .
She spun around to see a fat cocky asshole smiling like cat that got the cream , he must of been new cause he certainly didn't know why the room went so quiet an how he wanted to prove he was big shot and opened his big shot mouth .
" wow boss really gets the top whores i might ask him for a shot of you after he's done with you ". Her sickly sweet smile as she sat prettily on the mans lap most the men were uneasy lloyd taken in the mood in the room as nick and ari simply smirked they all knew something was going to go down, lloyd could only watch.
" oh hi big boy you think i'm a classy whore " the sweetness in her voice would have a priest gushing .
" yeah sweets you think you handle me " even his breathing was pathetic , she was convinced her father must of felt sorry for this one . She grabbed his hand batting , her eyelashes as she put the dickheads hand on the arm of the chair reaching the holster strapped to her thigh pulling it out .
Again just gave that sweet smile as she said " well it nice to meet ya big boy my names Yn " . his smile dropped to the burning sensation in his hand and the ringing in his ears as she stood up and walked to nick , ari and lloyd .
" hello gentlemen how are we this morning " she was smiling as walking by. lloyd could swear she were some kind of fucked up angel , her voice alone drowned out the fat fuck of his own man she just shot in the hand .
" man someone shut that fat fuck up and get him out of here he's lucky i dont shoot him between his fat face " lloyd growled not having any man ruin this mood . With that the angel was gone into the office infront looking at them like nothing happened .
" Yn what did you do " he father sighed .
" in my defense i thought he was one of ours but he deserved it none the less sorry mr. hansen " batting her lashes and oh so sweet pout on her lips and the smirk in her eyes
" its ok the fat fuck should of had manners, took him as favour to a friend of mine . The boys could tell lloyd was in one hundred percent after that . her crazy match his in a flawless disaster .
they sat taking about the arrangements and the conditions which Yn zoned out halfway through and took to reading a book in the corner of the sofa in the office .
" so princess you have a habit of stabbing and shooting people " lloyd joked as her father winced at the words .
" only if they deserve it Mr. Hansen" she sounded like an innocent angel to him like she was talking about puppies and rainbows , that was it she had to be his . he didn't even care for the other shit he was just addicted to this evil little angel in front of him .
" well watche say pumpkin wanna get hitched " he grinned ear to ear. her father on other hand looked nervous again for her reaction .
" sure why not ... hey is breakfast ready im starving " she said getting up and swaying her hips leaving the men speechless .
yes ari and nick knew Lloyd would say yes but they thought she would put up much more of a fight .
" well congratulations to all i guess " ari spoke still shocked he definitely thinking lloyd was going have to take her against her will . kicking and screaming or atleast a shooting match.
" come on gentlemen let's not waste this beautiful breakfast oh and wash your hands first " your voice called.
" well lets not keep the future Mrs. Hansen waiting" Lloyd clapped his hands and went out the office to follow future Mrs hansen , his perfect like demon because hey she was just like him .
#lloyd hansen#lloyd hansen x reader#lloyd hansen x you#lloyd hansen x y/n#lloyd hansen fanfiction#lloyd hansen fic#nick fowler#ari levinson#mafia au#the gray man#dark lloyd hansen#the gray man lloyd hansen#chris evans#chris evans characters#dark reader#dark#gray#reader#chris evan fic#lloyd hansen x female reader
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Wishlist/Predictions for season 3 of interview with the vampire (add your wishes in the tags!)
Lestat's perspective on the trial
So much is different in the show and the motives for everyone involved in the trial are still SO unclear, I need more!
Lestat's version of what went down in Paris with Nicky and the start of the Theatre de Vampire (like I do think he and Armand fucked, but also way more stuff also happened for sure)
It would be really funny to get some Armand interjections in this portion of the tale
Lestat being haunted by Claudia's ghost in the present!! Also the Past!! He can never know peace!
Daniel and Lestat beefing
Lestat getting canceled (or truly any other social media reference)
Louis Cameo in the present day (curious to see how they are going to keep him involved since I doubt they will spend a ton of time rehashing their relationship in New Orleans)
I really need them to have very intense getting back together but also still kinda divorced energy
I’ll also accept cutaways from Lestat doing insane shit to Louis just chilling in Dubai, like reading a book or smth
But also I feel like Louis definitely funded the tour like no way Lestat was up to date on his finances, so Louis popping in as a producer/manager could be fun and cool too
Everyones reactions to the reveal that Marius is alive
Like I NEED to see Armand fucking finding out Marius is alive because he is crashing set that day and has a catastrophic meltdown about the whole situation
Because the show implied he doesn’t know about it, with the whole “I have the blood of Akasha in me, he doesn’t know who that is” line.
Also Need Daniel reacting to this information
Also really want Louis’ reaction, because I genuinely think even during his Hating Armand Hours TM he would still hate Marius for what he did to him
Also, very unlikely, but I think should be explored: the Marius golden child Lestat racism/imperialism dynamics of it all especially with the AMC cast. Like… We gotta talk about it.
Explicitly GNC, Nonbinary, or otherwise Trans Gabrielle
On that note, very intrigued to see if they will leave in all the incesty bits or just lean into the abandonment vibes
Daniel has to clown on Lestat for this if they leave it in
Confirmation or Denial of 70s/80s devil’s minion (I just need to know if it happened or not!!)
Also if it did happen: I want some flashes to that era - setting up the night island of it all (just since I think that could be relevant going forward)
I think it makes sense plot and show production wise to have a little reference confirming it did or didn’t happen, but I doubt we’d see any of it if it did happen tbh.
Great Conversion stuff just happening in the background
Daniel Vampire phones Louis, and Louis the least curious vampire to ever exist genuinely tells him to just ignore it. Like that bitch is NOT going to help solve any mystery
Lestat telling the story of him fighting and killing a bunch of wolves as a human and Daniel just not believing him (because its genuinely wild)
Loumand Divorce Era
Lestat actually exploring the trauma of his turning (sexual assault)
Vampire Daniel being a vampire and doing vampire things!!
The in universe reception to the book Interview with the vampire by Daniel Molloy
Like do people believe it’s real? How has the impacted the great conversion stuff?
Do other vamps know he is a vampire??
Do people think the popstar thing is an elaborate RPF/industry plant thing related to the book?
I Gotta see some fake tweets about this please
#iwtv#amc iwtv#interview with the vampire#lestat de lioncourt#louis de pointe du lac#ldpdl#loustat#armand#the vampire armand#armand iwtv#devils minion#armandaniel#daniel molloy#iwtv s3#iwtv season 3 speculation#iwtv season 3 teaser#iwtv spoilers#rockstar lestat#the vampire lestat#TVL#marius de romanus#gabrielle de lioncourt#GNC gabrielle#nicolas de lenfent#queen of the damned#night island
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(Vent) Why I’m deeply emotionally attached to Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel compared to my life

Ever since the incident I made at DA, I go to tumblr, and the only people who cared about me is @nicky-toony27, @leftunknown, @lizzietherwbychibifan, @sakiohappychan, @softpawsxd, @halliedrawz, @emo-gals-4life, @cxrxmelchoco, @manekimelikawaii, and TazyanaDevil. But what about the others from DA?, they hate me, They don’t even love me for what I’ve done, So I have no choice to but to hide from them and have a deep hatred for them, especially God himself. That’s why I’m starting to get attached by the works of Satan to keep me alive and thriving. Like almost everyday, I’m so fucking emotional, even today I school, I cried but many people don’t notice this. The real reason why I’m so emotional is about the past, faking my death, my former friends on DA neglecting me for what I’ve done, hurting people on tumblr by making them leave, Someonefromyt making a callout doc out of all the mess I made, a user insulting my interests of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, my best friend Promni deactivating due to her parents. And bottleing up all of my emotions.
And sometimes I feel like people just don’t like the same interest as me, they think I’m weird, or demonic, or whatever. I’m like obsessed with Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, I’m mainly a helluva boss fan. I don’t support the creator for some reasons. I just get excited when someone mentions demons or Helluva Boss. But some of my friends are not into that, which makes me feel like I’m the only one. Helluva Boss is basically what my life is like, I feel like I’m Blitzø and all of my friends are basically Millie, Moxxie, and Loona. And there are times where I imagine that I joined I.M.P and I want to be part of their family, especially Stolas and Octavia, This is the perfect example, I wish I could be in the picture too, but they’re just fictional characters, this shows how much I love my friends on tumblr:
This GIF made me feel so fucking emotional, but there are other things too I wanna put on, Basically when I tell someone if they love Helluva or Hazbin, some say they like it, but others, they don’t. . . . . . . . This sort of hurts me how I feel so deeply attached on Helluva Boss. And I feel like I’m the odd one out from them, This web series is like a way to escape from my harsh reality. And I often compared my friends to random helluva boss or Hazbin hotel characters. It hurts that I’m so obsessed over a show than reality and my friends. And there are times where I just want to have a romantic partner, I get it’s hard to find a soul mate, what if he doesn’t treat me fairly or respect my boundaries? What if he likes Demons? What if he’s just like Rhylie? . . . . . . . . What if, People think I’m nothing but an obsessed idiot who has Helluva Boss as her life than her own reality? That’s why I get people don’t like it, and I get that, if they don’t like it. . . . . . I guess I’m left out from them. . . . . . . . I have feelings too, I just wish they could understand my emotions more than ignoring it. . . . . . . . I wish I could go back in time to fix everything I fuck up. . . . . . . I just want to spend more time with my old and new friends. . . . . . . . I just want to be happy again. . . . . . . . I want to loved again. . . . . . . I wish Promni came back to help me. . . . .
@crystalline-loptous @chellys-catbox @dazzle-expandism @sleepi-toasti @glitchy-across-aus @sicdios @sketchymenace @karinathebutterwolf2k5 @pennyroyald @gothiestarzsuki @torrentialchaos @9mysterybook6
#vent post#vent#personal vent#tw vent#vent art#sorry for the vent#i want to be happy#i’m tired#helluva boss#hazbin hotel
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I wish you would write a fic about irreconcilable artistic differences on a movie set between Joe and Nicky.
not really irreconciliable as in not solvable at all but you know i had fun with this
Joe squeezes his eyes shut, covering his face with both hands, and leans forward. His shoulders tremble uncontrollably. He takes a short, sharp breath, and another, and another, but he can’t quite seem to get enough into his lungs. There’s a lump in his throat and a weight in his stomach. He leans forward with a low, wounded sound and–
“Cut,” Nicky says softly. Then, because it takes Joe a second to hear him: “Joe, stop.”
Slowly, Joe raises his head. Wipes at his eyes and takes a few deep breaths to steady himself. Nicky’s already up, frowning ever so slightly as he looks at the camera.
“What is it this time?” Joe manages. His voice is hoarse; he has to clear his throat once or twice. Nicky doesn’t look up. The clock on the nightstand reads 01.34, but Nicky’s changed it a few times over the course of the shoot. He has no clue what time it really is, only that it’s dark outside.
It’s just the two of them in the room. Nicky had wanted to keep this one small, just him and Joe and the camera. The apartment they’re in is nice, if a little empty, though Joe supposes that’s the point. They’re in the bedroom, Joe sitting cross-legged on the bed, shirtless, sheets bunched up over his lap, a phone lying on the nightstand behind him. One entire wall of the room is taken up by a floor-to-ceiling window which lets the moonlight in, though there’s a few low lights set up behind Nicky to send bars of silver light across the bed, because the natural light hadn’t quite been strong enough for the effect Nicky wanted. It’s otherworldly; it’s beautiful.
Nicky still isn’t looking at him, so Joe says again, “What?” It comes out a little harsher than he means it to, but it gets Nicky’s attention.
Nicky runs one hand through his hair. Joe can’t see him well, not with the light behind him and the shadows in the room. “I don’t know,” Nicky says. “It’s missing something.”
Joe has worked with Nicky enough times before. It’s not that he doesn’t like working with him - they’re friends - but he can’t fucking read him, and so after the sixth take of the same scene he can’t help but take it a little personally.
Joe reaches for the bottle of water hidden just under the bed and takes a long drink, mostly to keep himself from snapping. What time is it? “I can try again, but I can’t do this indefinitely, Nicky.”
“I know, I know,” Nicky says, fidgeting again with the camera, “it’s not you, it’s just–”
“What else could it be?” Joe interrupts. He’s not stupid. This scene doesn’t work if he can’t get it right, which means the entire film doesn’t work if he can’t get it right. More than anything else, this one depends on him. No music, no camera movement, no dialogue, nothing but him and the camera. And he wants to do it right, he loves this project almost as much as Nicky does, but there’s a hollow feeling in his chest and he’s spent the last however-many-hours having a near-complete breakdown over and over again and it’s still not right. And Joe doesn’t know what it is he’s doing wrong.
“I don’t know,” Nicky says quietly. Now he is looking at Joe, and Joe can’t tell if he’s disappointed, or angry, or – or what. He’s perfectly expressionless, as always.
Joe loves this job. And he wants to get this right. But it doesn’t mean it’s not one of the hardest things he’s ever had to do, and he’s tired.
“I don’t have much more left in me, Nicky,” he says, and this time he does snap. He wipes at his eyes again, can’t look at Nicky. He’s supposed to be making himself vulnerable, above all in this scene, but suddenly he can’t stand the way Nicky’s looking at him. “Pass me my hoodie.”
“I can’t. I can’t keep doing this.” He kicks the sheets off and gets tangled trying to do it, grabs his hoodie when Nicky offers it, pulls it over his head in one fluid motion and gets out of there as soon as he can. Thankfully, there’s only Andy and Nile in the other room, Andy lying back on the couch with her feet up and Nile perched on the arm of it. They both look up at Joe as he enters, both look like they’re about to ask, and Joe can’t stand it, can’t be in here a second longer, can’t–
“We are done for the day, I think,” Nicky says behind him, startling Joe. He hadn’t realised Nicky was there.
Andy raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t argue. It’s already the second day of trying to shoot this scene: they’re running the risk of falling behind schedule.
“We’ll find something else to do tomorrow,” Nicky says. “I’ll look over everything tonight. We will try this again on Monday.”
Andy and Nile look at each other. Nile shrugs.
“Get some rest, Joe,” Nicky says.
Joe shoves his hands in his pockets and doesn’t say a word.
He doesn’t get called in the next day at all, and he doesn’t interrogate it too closely. Takes the day off, pretty much, because they’ve only really got one scene left to film, and there’s not much more he can do for that. Nicky had wanted to leave it to the last, and Joe had agreed, at the time.
At about nine pm, someone knocks on his hotel room door, which is unusual on a day where they don’t have a night shoot to do. When he opens it, Nicky is on the other side. Joe lets him in without a word.
“I wanted to apologise,” Nicky says, standing in the middle of the room and looking as uncomfortable as Joe’s ever seen him. “For last night. I was pushing you too hard, and I should not have done.”
Joe closes the door behind him. Nicky fidgets with the sleeve of his hoodie.
“Sit down,” Joe says.
Nicky does, settling himself on the edge of Joe’s bed, not quite looking him in the eye. Joe joins him, after a moment.
“At the risk of sounding cliche,” Nicky says, “it’s not you, it’s me.”
Joe laughs, mostly because the phrase sounds so strange coming from Nicky and also because out of everything he’d thought Nicky might say, he hadn’t expected that.
Nicky smiles slightly, too. Then he gets up and heads for the minibar. “Mind if I have a drink?”
Joe shakes his head. Nicky gets out a little bottle of wine, glances at the label, and takes a swig straight from the bottle without bothering to get a glass.
“I can’t seem to get it right,” Nicky says. “You know I wrote almost fifteen different versions of that scene?”
The scene in the script itself is barely a page long. “No,” Joe says.
Nicky nods. Rubs a hand over his face. “I wanted it to feel real. I thought if I could get it right, it would… help, somehow. I don’t know.”
It’s the exact same reason Joe said yes before he even read the script, when the whole thing was just an idea in Nicky’s head, when they were talking about it over drinks at Andy’s and Joe was in love with the idea almost immediately. He knew exactly why Nicky was writing it; he knows, now, exactly why it needs to be right. But at the same time – “I don’t know if that’s possible, Nicky.”
Nicky sighs. “I know.” He crosses back over to sit beside Joe again, takes another drink from the bottle. “But there is something missing, and I cannot seem to find it. And so it does not feel real. And I know this is not easy for you.”
“It’s not,” Joe says plainly.
“But you know,” Nicky continues, “I could not have trusted anyone with this but you. If you had not said yes, I would not have done this.”
That, Joe didn’t know: he knows he’d been Nicky’s first choice, but he’d assumed that’s because they know each other well enough already. But it makes sense: the reason Nicky wrote the script is the same thing they’d bonded over.
Even still, it’s a lot. “I don’t know if I can do it the way you want,” Joe says.
Nicky looks up at him from where he’s been running his fingers over the label on the bottle absentmindedly. “If you want to stop, I can–”
“No,” Joe says quickly. “But I don’t think it’s ever going to be exactly the way you felt.”
Nicky looks away. “It is a lot to ask,” he says. “I know this.”
Joe doesn’t think; just reaches over and takes Nicky’s hand. “I know,” he says. “Trust me.”
Nicky takes a deep breath. Then he nods. "Okay."
#neon answers#materassassino#neon writes#the old guard#kaysanova#DIRECTOR'S COMMENTARY (me): not at ALL a realistic portrayal of anything actually but this is about the vibes#this was originally gonna be a 2 person scene where both of them were actors#but a i dont know shit abt acting ive never done it. i HAVE however been a director all of one time which didnt really relate to this but#its more than 0 experience. anyway i was thinking about the level of trust in that relationship#i.e. joe trusting nicky to let himself be entirely vulnerable on camera like that and trusting that nicky knows what hes looking for#and in this case nicky trusting joe to take care of a story that is heavily based on his own experience#this isnt long because i drafted it at 1am then wrote the rest while ignoring my essay but . nicky cant quite let it go and joe cant manage#to let himself break down completely on camera like that. presumably after this they get it in one take#joe wins several awards and the film does super well. or it doesnt thats not the point#its abt making something to deal with personal experience#the film in question being about rebuilding yourself after moving to a different country with no ties left to where you came from#+ the scene here being a post-phone call/rejection of phone call meltdown in which the loneliness gets to be a bit much#in my head nicky never went through this Specifically but it's more of an externalisation/dramatisation of something that did happen.#anyway you know early tog metas abt joe being the more overtly emotional one and nicky acting as a balancing force bc joe feels stuff for#both of them. or maybe i made that up. anyway thats what this is#ten points if you can work out my Cinematic Influences#they are patently obvious i think
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Perks of Living Forever
Pairing: Andy x reader
Wc: 1834
Tw: death but they ressurect because immortality :)
"who's that?" Nile held up a photoframe that encased a black and white picture of you and Andy posing together, her arm around your waist and yours hung around her shoulder. Andy seemed genuinely blissed and sober with a gaze from you directed to her. There was something intimate about it, Nile could tell, for your gaze held such affection, pure content by the meek crinkle of your eye. The photo seemed accidental, captured on the spur of the moment.
Nile turned the frame between her fingers in the direction of the team in her outstretched arm, seeing how Andy averted her eyes instantly, Joe and Nicky chuckling wryly. Andy snatched up her bottles of vodka and crossed the room, right out to the pier. Nile had her confusion thinly veiled.
"That's uh-" Joe scratched the back of his neck, his eyes finding Nicky's, an affirmation garnered. "Andy's lover. Taken quite recently I'd say. A year or two before World War Two, she got her hands on a camera, never told us how she did it, that's the first picture in our team. I'm quite proud that I took it." Nicky punched his arm lightly, eliciting chuckles. "We took it together!"
"A year before- why isn't she with Andy? With us? Is she-"
"We wish, but she's too stubborn for death itself." Nicky righted her.
"They had a disagreement on who they supported during the Second World War; you see- she had a psychopathic streak that longed for world dominion, took sides with Germany and went off the grid after the war ended. We couldn't find her but Andy persisted that she's alive, she was there for every soldier's death."
"Why hadn't you told me about it before? Why keep this from me?" She felt like a pariah, like the camera that captured the picture in her grasp, intruding on something that wasn't privy to her.
Nicky and Joe exchanged a conflicted glance. "We don't like to talk about it."
Goussainville, just outside of Paris, September 2, 1940. A cacophony of gunshots hollered throughout the Charlie safe house, hauling them awake from sleep instantly, hearts pounding loudly in their ears, contrasting their silent footsteps that threaded fast on the wooden floorboards, pistols angled downward in their stiffly outstretched arms.
Book slammed his shoulder into Andy's room, a damp splat onto the ground as it broke off from its rusty hinges. "Oh shit." Book swore. The smell of metallic blugeoning them in the face. "Foterre!"
"What is it?" His chest heaving, the sight obscured by his two tall friends provided him with more consternation before they parted and he almost retched.
Andy, chest flat against the floor, lips dipped in a spreading puddle of her own blood, they could see the cragged outline of her blown-apart skull; the flesh gave way to bullets.
They stared, drenched in their own shock. Nicky made the first move, hands turning her on her back, the Glock in her hands slipping out of her loose grasp was it then that he realized the true extent of the injury and grimaced in disgust, recoiling away from the disfigured face, hair crusted with blood.
Then Booker lunged forward, rutting her against the ground by her shoulders. "Wake up Andy! Wake the fuck up!"
A wheeze and splutter filled them with immediate relief. They looked on as the trauma healed itself familiarly, flesh filling out the hollow, skin sticking itself back together as her pupils adjusted to the light. Booker released her, trembling from adrenaline, from fear. Nicky reached for Joe's hand and held it in a vice grip. They could see the disappointment clearly in her eyes as she heaved herself off the floor, tucking the gun into the back of her jeans. "Get back to sleep boys." Her tone of voice reminded them of a failed mission as she staggered for the bathroom.
Nile looked between the lovers, then out of the window to see Booker and Andy. She held a reassuring smile on her face to quell his tears. She could tell that they were going to split up; Booker would have to craft his own path, a consequence of his treachery that harboured a pure goal at heart. "She'll make it into a bedtime story when she's ready, or perhaps you'll dream about it." Nicky chided, throwing Nile a half-grimace smile. She really had to give it to Nicky's welcoming nature for the instant comfort she felt.
Andy's arm acted as a barricade at the doorframe, being the first to step past the threshold of their safehouse, stilling the rest of them.
"Someone's here." She kept her voice low, only audible to the ones behind her, her eyes left the haphazardly rolled-up mat by the doorway. Her gaze sweeping the darkened room, the shadows that drove up the walls made it all the more unsettling.
There was nothing, not even a whisper of wind from the window left ajar, but her hand readied on her gun, another hand reaching into the house at an awkward angle to slap the light switch on.
Light bathed the room in a blink, the darkness shrinking away to the corners. The hasty shuffle they heard then was unmistakable. Andy drew out her gun in an instant, the others following suit.
She zeroed in on the root of the noise, making a daring step onto the wooden floorboards despite Nile's less-than-erupting protest.
"You two keep watch." And Joe disappeared past the doorframe, Nicky's demurring trailing behind him.
Nile scrambled to the edge of the doorway; she had Andy and Joe at the corner of her eye now as they crept further into the house. She held her breath as Andy rounded the corner, bracing for a gunshot, a scream, something other than the heinous silence that was ceasing her breath, ladened on their shoulders and squeezing their throats.
She forced a breath in, adamantly staying calm even though she was anything but that. Then Andy said a name she didn't know, the silence perforated, Joe sprinting away from her view and Italian words were churning out of Nicky as he stepped past Nile and right into the house, his eyes wide as he shoved his gun back. Nike was compelled to follow without a word, her feet fast, gun pointed towards the floor by her thigh. Her heart beating fast in her chest at the urgency of others.
But it didn't need to last when she saw Andy, her arms wound around a silhouette so tightly that she would've thought it was a chokehold if it weren't for the pair of grasping hands pulling the back of her shirt taut.
The haste that passed her nerves was replaced with gnawing uncertainty, the feeling of intrusion coming back into her again as she watched Nicky and Joe being pulled into the embrace. Her heart twisted uncomfortably at the feeling, yet she couldn't help but watch as a raw sob escaped from one of you, pulling into each other unyieldingly.
When all of you broke apart, she scurried to the nearest couch.
She could faintly hear a watery chuckle, a few exchanged words that brimmed with affection and she wondered if she could ever find that kind of connection outside of the formed group. Immortality was the ultimate curse for someone who loved too much.
Nicky and Joe appeared in no time, hauling her away from her thoughts. "You should meet her." Joe offered. "The partner." Nicky filled in the spaces and everything seemed to click together too fast for Nile to handle. "What, really? That's the woman in the photo? Andy's wife?" She had to force her voice down from the shock.
With Nick and Joe splitting away from the both of you to the girl you didn't know, your lips sought Andy's out. She stumbled backwards from the force, gasping softly before maneuvering you closer by your jaw, her actions tentative yet knowing. It was all familiar when you let half your weight on her, knees trembling as your arms hung around her shoulders. All familiar and fervent, filling yourself with what you missed for the last few decades.
She was quiet when you parted, her eyes glazed with affection as her thumb ran rounds from your cheek to your jaw. It was a warmth you had forgotten and arose tears that blurred your vision, your lips cracking into a smile.
"I don't think I've been so haunted by someone." You said it with mirth and she let out a scoff of wet laughter.
"Shut up with your poetry." She ducked her nose into the crook of your neck; you could feel her smile on your skin, her hand on your jaw dropping to another side of your shoulder as you held her.
When the adrenaline fell away, you remembered what you wanted to say during decades where you were manipulated by fear. Fear made you hunger for control and power. But you knew deep down that you couldn't ever be sorry for living that life. It was every human instinct to replace what was lost with something else. So you said so.
"I'm not sorry for wanting what I wanted." You whispered and felt her stiffen beneath your fingertips, the weight on your shoulder beginning to lift.
"But I am sorry for leaving." You got it out fast before she could look you in the eye and steal your courage, making you swallow your words. "So s- sorry." Your voice broke and you pushed your face into her shoulder with a sudden burst of tears as she rose from yours, catching you in time. "I'm so- I'm so sorry." Your lips twisted with ugly sobs and this time you didn't know if you were apologizing to her or yourself for putting the both of you through this torture.
A warmth smoothed over your back, her hand on your shoulder cupping the nape of your neck as her lips pressed against the crown of your head again and again and again. "I have nothing to forgive you for." She said. "But I cannot say the same for the others."
You nodded wordlessly in her clutch, tears soaking her sleeve. You laid against the damp fabric, listening to her pulse beating through bone and skin and basked in it, letting your breath level with hers as her fingers weaved through your hair, momentarily scratching your scalp.
"Lovebirds, an introduction is needed." Joe's words left you moving apart from each other, her hand finding its place on your waist as yours hung around her shoulder.
A girl stepped into your view, her eyes widening, a grin spreading across her lips as Andy became the medium of introduction.
"God, you look so much like the photograph!" She spilled with wonder tinted in her features. "I mean it's like you haven't aged a bit and that photograph was what- 10 years ago?"
"Perks of living forever." You glanced at Andy before shaking Nile's hand. "You never age."
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#andromache the scythian x reader#andromache the scythian#andromache of scythia x reader#andy x reader#andy#charlize theron x reader#charlize theron#The Old Guard#the old guard
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First day
Originally posted on my Wattpad @MayaBishop_is_myWife
Alex Vause x reader
!!TW: mention of murder and vague drug mention!!
Work count:: 1.2k (not proof read)
Alex POV: (Alex and Piper aren't together in this)
I walked into the cafeteria and joined the que to get lunch, another day of sloppy something, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Yum, I can't complain though because it's better than nothing and if I do complain Red will starve me out. Brushing off hat thought, I get my food and saunter over to a table with some of my friends on it, Morello, Chapman and Nicky. I take a seat and listen in on their conversation.
Nicky - "No c'mon, she's hot."
Piper - "I agree, I mean have you seen her. The eyes, hair the hair!" dragging out the r sound at the end as if to make a point.
Alex - "Who you talking about?"
Nicky - "That new girl that showed up in the van this morning, she's very good lookin' although she's been crying in the bathroom since she got here so maybe not the most stable girl in here."
Morello - "There's worse trust me, and besides why are you all getting so worked up about this? Yeah she's nice to look at but what if she has someone outside of here? You know, like a boyfriend or girlfriend or someone, she might even be married for all you know?"
Nicky - "Yeah but you said it, she's nice to look at tuts, she's gunna be getting looks from all over. If she stops crying of course."
At this point my interest was piqued and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so once I'd sat, had a tal and eaten my food I was going to go find this mystery girl and find out if they're actually telling the truth.
Y/n POV:
I can't believe I actually did that. I killed her. I killed my own mother. I keep telling myself it was the only way out but everytime I think about it the guilt and self resentment creeps back in. My mum had munchausen by proxy and she made me believe I was sick and could walk or do practically anything by myself. I really didn't see any other way out so, one night I just did it. Obviously I feel terrible and wish I'd never done it but, there really was no other way out. Anyway, it's done now and I'm in jail, thankfully not maximum security because people could see my side of the story and saw I wasn't just a cold-blooded killer.
I've been at Litchfield a little over 5 hours now and as soon as I was allowed to go off and do my thing, I went straight for the bathroom and I've been crying ever since. Somehow, I managed to get the only stall with a door so thankfully people can't just watch me cry, hear me yes but watch, no.
All day people have been staring and I don't know why. Maybe they think I'm fucked up for what I did or something. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear a soft knock on the door.
Alex - "Hey, you okay in there? Stupid question I know because well, you're crying but I still feel like I have to ask."
I bite my lip and sigh before responding, I didn't expect anyone to actually care.
Y/n - "Uhm- yeah, I guess I'm okay. Not my ideal situation but you know, life goes on."
Alex - "Yeah well you got that one right."
After that a not awkward but not totally comfortable silence fell over us. I slowly stood up and unlocked the door. I stepped out and tried to dry my face from the copious amount of tears I'd shead in the past hours of being here. Instantly this woman picked up on it and gently held my face in one hand and helped me wipe my tears with the other.
Alex - "You'll be okay, I'm going to be brutally honest with you, the first few days are actual hell, you'll miss everything and everyone but, I'll be here is you ever want to talk about it okay? Oh, and I'm Alex by the way, but everyone calls me Vause, it's my last name."
I smiled at Alex and nodded my head a small thank you leaving my lips. She pulled me into her embrace and held me tight.
Alex - "You know, they were right."
I was confused because I had not a single idea what she was going on about. So, I pulled my head slightly away from her shoulder and looked at her.
Y/n - "What do you mean? Who's right?"
Alex - "Oh just my friends, they said some stiff about how you were really good looking and what not."
You felt a blush creep across my face as you looked into her gorgeous green eyes only now just realising after looking a her properly just how beautiful she really was. A sly smirk found it's way onto her lips before she spoke again.
Alex - "Hey, don't get all shy on me now."
A she said that her hand found it's way to my waist as she pulled me closer again. Whilst she trailed her other hand up my body and hooked a finger around my chin so I'd look her in the eyes.
Y/n - "You really mean it?"
Alex - "Of course I do, I mean I've known you what, like 2 minutes and I'm already calling you beautiful I think that speaks for itself ."
I giggle a bit and looked down in an attempt to hide my flustered face yet again, knowing she was right. I looked her in the eyes again only to see her eyes had never left me and she had a wide smile of her face.
Alex POV:
I looked down slightly because I was a bit taller than her and just marvelled at this gorgeous girl in front of me she had glowing y/h/c hair and shining y/e/c eyes, her smile could light up a room and her laugh was so fucking adorable. Normally, I'm not the one to fall over small stuff like this but she was different, I don't know why, she just was.
She looked me back in the eyes and I couldn't help myself anymore, I leaned in and captured her lips in mine. They fit together like puzzle pieces. Her hand found their way into my hair while mine rested on the small of her back keeping her safe in my arms. I swiped my tongue over her bottom lip asking for entrance and she happily agreed. She tugged on my hair a little so in return I grazed my teeth over her bottom lip and she let out a small breathy moan which was almost silent but, I could still hear it. We broke away for ir and as soon as we separated we crashed our lips back together hungrily. She was almost as addictive as some of the things women in the jail used to do.
Just as things were getting heated someone burts into the bathroom.
We both untangled ourselves from each other and apologised. As he left I whispered in her ear.
Y/n POV:
Alex - "He won't catch us tonight sweetheart don't worry. I'll have you all to myself, I'll make you feel better."
She then gave me a final eck on the lips and walked out the bathroom. Oh man, I was not going to get much sleep on my first night in prison.
#alex vause#laura prepon#oitnb icons#orange is the new black#alex vause x reader#wlw#wlw fanfic#wlw pride#lesbian#lesbian pride#sapphic#bisexual
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Agatha All Along deep dive: episode 8 part 6
(Wandavision entries: [1][2][3])
(AAA entries: ep1 [1][2][3][4] ep2 [1][2][3][4] ep3 [1][2][3] ep4 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][+1] ep5 [1][2][3][4][5] ep6 [1][2][3] ep7 [1][2][3][4][5][6] ep8 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] ep9 [1][2][3][4][5][6])
agatha looks wistfully at billy. now that jen is gone, all that's left to do is to save him - or doom him, she doesn't even know anymore.
funny how billy has no idea he's created the Road and needs to ask agatha for guidance. and the truth is, agatha is the creator, author, perpetrator, whatever you want to call her. not only did she came up with the con, she actively manipulated billy into shaping the Road the way she wanted.
agatha asks billy to let her siphon some of his magic. you never know, she's covering all her bases. billy thinks she's gonna kill him, obviously. I wouldn't, she says, I won't. and she still isn't lying, killing billy at this point would be useless. but she has twisted the truth so much and so consistently that billy can't tell the difference anymore, and doesn't care to.
look how he challenges her. agatha always tries to have her cake and eat it too, she tried to keep billy all for herself without doing any emotional work, she wanted to bond with him without opening up and making herself vulnerable. she wanted to take without giving anything in return. and billy won't let her.
yeah, she didn't think that would work. there's only one way left to get billy out of this situation.
she'll have to be the bigger person, for once. yikes.
what gets me is that agatha knows how to do this. she has studied so much and has such a deep knowledge of witchcraft that she can piece together what billy needs to do, based only on the few hints rio just gave her about reincarnation. she knows how to use billy's magic, wanda's magic, better than they ever did! no wonder she coveted their power, no wonder she thought she deserved it more that them.
on the other hand, her extraordinary book knowledge would make her into the perfect teacher, as this scene is about to prove. but she's not selfless enough for that, not yet.
and if billy gets what he wants, he'll get transported out of the Road. what do you know! she is being selfless!
no, no she ain't. she promised rio she'd get billy out. there's never anything straightforward with her.
billy has the power to bring back a loved one, give him another life, another spin on the dance floor. can you even imagine how much agatha COVETS that power? how much she resents rio for wanting to stop billy, to prevent it?! this is why she went after wanda in the first place, she was looking for this specific power.
she knows exactly what to say, how to guide him, when to be soft and when to be strict. I keep thinking, imagine if her mother had allowed her to be part of the coven and be taught and learn freely. this is so obviously her calling. imagine all the good she could have done for witchfolk with her research, with the knowledge she's be eager to teach to her pupils.
nicky died in his sleep too. she also felt him close, she felt at home, she fell asleep listening to him breathing. how many times has she wished she had this very power, the power to go back to that moment and catch nicky's soul before rio took it? how many time has she pictured it in her mind? of course she knows what billy needs to do.
she is being so reassuring, so sure, so in control. I can't.
you breathe for yourself. you breathe for him. you breathe for everything he is. you hold it all inside of you. but it can't stay there. the memories. the feelings.
she is talking about nicky. fuck.
ha, she even gets to nerd out a little. of course she would know, she is a serial killer and she was married to Death!
billy absolutely felt that boy die, didn't he? he's having a lot of new experiences today, talk about a coming of age story, speedrun edition!
that's why he absolutely needs a guide, all that rogue ability, you leave him alone for a second and he starts reshaping realities and killing innocents left and right. he deserves better than that.
this is heartbreaking. tommy shepherd, dying alone, scared and forgotten. just one of the 120 bodies a minute.
out of death, life. tommy maximoff kicks out of the water with so much force it cracks the floor. and the crack looks like water too, doesn't it? she's even in her shift like when she gave birth to nicky.
yes I'm saying that agatha absolutely just delivered tommy and she's his mom now. I'm not making the rules, just pointing out the facts.
and her hands are empty again
a step forward that took her so many years and so much pain, suffered and inflicted. even if she can only admit it to herself.
it wasn't rio's fault. it wasn't anybody's fault.
sometimes, boys die.
agatha alone and unguarded is such a sad wretched thing
a dandelion is the perfect metaphor for nicky, a little seed that the wind will blow away in a moment
like, death cannot exist without life. rio is as much life as she is death, she helps things grow as well as decay. agatha was so stubbornly focused on rio (and/or nature) taking nicky away that she forgot how rio gave him life too.
nicky's dandelion seed, agatha's tears, the soil from the crack that birthed tommy. this is ancient spellcraft.
and since this is agatha we're talking a bout, she has to bitch and moan and bargain with nature a little
and the little dandelion is born and gone in a second.
this. fucking. show.
next up: rio is taking the break up as well as you'd expect.
go to episode 8 part 7
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AFTG thoughts that plagued me today as a 5’8” pansexual baddie™️
The only blonde men I’ve ever been attracted to are Andrew and Jeremy and they’re fictional ✨gay✨men. Someone please psychoanalyze that and get back to me.
Neil told lied to Andrew about the Japanese mafia being after him and homeboy didn’t give a single f*ck. Every time Neil would get flighty and panic about “them” (his father) catching up to him, Andrew would straight up call Neil dramatic and be like, “Don’t worry, I got this under control”. Like, Neil fully had every reason to be worried and panicked but his boyfriend just said, “No”. Love Andrew’s energy tho, wish I could also not worry about my problems.
How long has it taken y’all to “move on” from AFTG and Andreil and The Foxes??? It’s been MONTHS since I found the series and my life literally revolves around the small Exy team of misfits from Palmetto, South Carolina. I haven’t been able to read any other books since I read AFTG. I’ve spent damn near every free minute I’ve had on Tumblr and Ao3 reading fanfiction just to have more content of my favorite gay mafia boys. It feels like I’ll never have enough content of these fictional characters. I legit was almost in tears the other day because I was having a not so great day and I just wanted to be at Fox Tower in the dorms with The Foxes because they bring me comfort. I don’t want to “move on” and forget about all the thoughts, emotions, and happiness this book series has gifted me, but, fuck, all I think about is fictional characters and the Japanese mafia and a made-up sport.
***Trigger Warning*** Mention of Suicide/Suicidal Thoughts. Please read at your own discretion and take care of yourself💗💗💗
We know that Andrew made deals with Aaron/Nicky, Kevin, Neil, etc. to keep them close (Andrew’s justifiable fear of abandonment) and, in a way, control the relationship he has with them (keeping them at an arms length and not letting them get close enough to witness his thoughts and feelings). But I also think these deals/promises were a way to keep himself alive. I’m gonna get a bit vulnerable here so please be gentle with me. I struggle to live for myself. I would have left this earth a long time ago if it weren’t for my family and friends. (I’m in a good place, so no worries!!!) Relating to Andrew in so many ways made me think he probably feels a similar way about his own life. He probably needed a reason to stay and his loyalty to the people he cares about and the promises he made them would have kept him alive. When Aaron asked to break their deal I know my small baby boy Andrew was panicking because he was afraid to lose his brother and one of the few reasons to stay alive when they are so many more reasons not to. Andrew doesn’t show his feelings in a ‘typical’ way, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. That short, buff man has a lot of feelings and cares a lot, it’s just in a different way and only his 5’3” redheaded mafia runaway boyfriend can tell.
I fucking love Andrew so much it physically hurts. I would go to war for him to find his happiness with Neil and the rest of The Foxes.
~ love and unmedicated rambles from your Queer Queen 👑💖
#aftg#all for the game#andrew minyard#neil josten#andriel#jeremy knox#rambles#no thoughts just vibes
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Sacred New Beginnings- Chapter 10
A/N- Holy cow yall we are finally here! Our last chapter of this series, but not the end for Jake and Stormy! I will be checking in here and there, I have some one shots planned for them in the future and I’m excited for you guys to see how things have been going for them. Again thank you all so much for the love, I will always have a special place for this series since it’s my first baby. I want to give a massive shout out to @mamachasesmayhem for being my cheerleader from the very beginning of this series, proofreading for me and helping me brainstorm when I couldn’t push through the writer’s block. You have been amazing and I love you!! 😘
Pairing- Jake “Hangman” Seresin x reader (oc Stormy)
Warnings- language, PTSD, smut
It had been a little over a week since you showed up at Jake's doorstep, he still couldn’t believe that he’d finally gotten what he wished for. Waking up next to you every morning, getting to commute to work together, sneaking off to hook up during lunch, it was all so much more than he could’ve hoped for. You were so damn happy, you and Viper had integrated seamlessly into your new squad, some people like Harvard and Omaha you already knew but there were new players as well and everyone had been so welcoming. You had kind of dreaded running into Bradley and Erin but even that seemed to go well, they had welcomed their son Nicky a few months after your accident and he was now a full blown toddler, the spitting image of his father. Both of them had been friendly, Bradley welcoming you back and Erin saying she was so happy you’d recovered, you knew they truly meant it and graciously accepted their words.
Jake maintained that you were a saint but really it was just that you hadn’t truly loved Bradley, at least not in a way that would’ve lasted. Neither of you had been compatible, and it was so easy to see now that you’d been with Jake for nearly two years; when it was truly meant to be it was unlike anything else mattered but the one you loved, and you couldn’t imagine life without Jake beside you. The ring in the top of his closet seemed to mock him every day, he wanted it to be absolutely perfect but nothing seemed good enough for his girl, so he let it sit untouched for yet another week as he took you out to the arcade on Friday for what had quickly become a weekly date night.
You had put a bunch of ideas in a jar the week before, told him to shake it up and pick one and off you both went on whatever adventure was scribbled on the tiny note, tonight was burgers and laser tag and while he’d joked that he was too old for that he had been the one hunting you down to shoot you as he cackled, maybe he just needed to be reminded that things didn’t always have to be so stressful because he couldn’t remember when he’d had this much fun.
After a lazy Sunday beach day and dinner on the grill he’d curled up with you on the couch with a movie, you’d meant for things to be innocent but he smelled so good and you found yourself turning in his arms to sling your leg over his hip, making out with him like you were a pair of teenagers. He fucked you slow and steady into the leather couch while the movie droned on in the background, his mouth slotted against yours as his hands roamed your body, you loved to joke how insatiable he had become since you moved in but you knew you were just as gone for him, too many nights had been spent apart and now having him in close proximity all you wanted was to make him feel good. You both came undone together as you whispered I love you into his neck, and all Jake could think of was how perfect his life had become.
Monday morning before he’d even had his coffee he’d gotten a text from Maverick to head to Cyclone’s office as soon as he got in, he immediately felt his stomach drop just thinking of what that meant. Deployment, for who knows how long and who knows where, and ultimately having to say goodbye to you again after he just got you back. He couldn’t bear to say anything to you until he knew for sure, so he went through the motions business as usual as you both ate breakfast and headed to work, kissing you a little longer than normal before you parted but you didn’t seem to notice anything off, promising to meet him for lunch with a wink and kisses blown in his direction. His feet felt like lead standing outside of Admiral Simpson’s office, he knew nothing good was coming from this meeting and when he entered he could tell by the look on his face that it was exactly what he thought. “How long?” He said as Mav handed him his papers, he could feel the lump forming in his throat and wanted out of this room as soon as possible. “Nine weeks son, I’m sorry Jake I know Y/N just got here, but you’re the best for the task and if I could I’d let you stay. She’ll be alright, I’ll keep an eye on her, you just do the job and come home safe.” Jake nodded and shook his hand, bailing from the room as soon as he could, he swiped his phone open and dialed you as fast as he could, but he couldn’t seem to catch his breath and when you answered he was full blown panicking, choking out to meet him by the truck and hanging up as he collapsed into the seat of his f-150. He wasn’t ready to go, you’d only been back in the air for a few months and now he finally had you here where he could take care of you, why couldn’t someone else have been picked?
You’d run across the lot to find him with his head in his hands in the front seat, wrenching the door open to wrap your arms around him, anything to help him regulate his emotions. He finally seemed to settle his breathing, relaxing into your arms while you stroked his sandy hair and kissed his cheeks. “What’s going on baby? You’ve got me scared now, did something happen with your family? Is your mom ok?” He squeezed your hand and passed the papers off to you, you knew exactly what it meant and you felt cold all over. This was the job, and while you both loved it you hated this part more than anything. He would miss all the major holidays together in your new home, your heart broke a little at having to celebrate Christmas without him and he let you curl into his arms and cry.
He only had a week from getting his papers to shipping out and it felt like the time was speeding away from him and he couldn’t catch it. He’d been adamant that the two of you update your wills on Tuesday and you had vehemently opposed it, he was stressing a little too much for your liking and it left you unmoored. Deployments were a part of this life, and yes you’d had a serious scare this last time but that didn’t mean he needed to become doom and gloom over it, you were worried about his mindset going into this, he needed a clear head if he had any hope of getting through this unscathed.
Wednesday night he was meticulously going through his packing list, gear spread all over the living room when you stepped into the house with take out, the vein in his forehead that only came out when he was angry seemed to be a permanent presence as of late, he was all furrowed brows and tense shoulders and you couldn’t take it for one more minute. “Jacob Thomas Seresin!” You called from the kitchen and he snapped his head to attention, he hadn’t even noticed you had gotten home until you shouted, looking across the room to find you with a pizza box in one hand and you completely stripped to nothing as you leaned against the doorframe. You sauntered over to where he sat cross legged on the floor, dropping the pizza box on the coffee table as you lowered yourself onto his lap, he was already getting hard for you when you pressed your bare pussy to the front of his gym shorts, his face going completely blank, no sign of that pesky forehead vein in sight.
“Fuck Stormy what are you doing baby? I gotta get this-“ he stopped short with a gasp as you ground yourself into him as you yanked a little roughly on his hair, pulling his face to yours and sloppily licking into his open mouth, he seemed to short circuit for a moment but recovered quickly as he wrapped his arms around your bare torso and kissed you back with fervor. Yanking his head back again to look up at you he blinked glazed emerald orbs at you, you were frustrated with him, he could see that now but he couldn’t focus enough to ask with you on top of him like this, he thought about asking but thought better of it when you reached down and took his length from his shorts, thoughts scattering all over again when you got up on your knees and sunk down on him, you still hadn’t said anything but he couldn’t be bothered anymore, whining out your name as you took him to the hilt with your warm center clenching around him. You nibbled on his lip and rubbed your nose along his as you wrapped your arms around his neck and you could feel the tension leaving him as you held him close, you knew he’d needed it as much as you, just the closeness of your bodies pressed together was enough to soothe whatever had been ailing both your minds.
“I’m going to sit here with you just like this until you calm the fuck down and tell me what’s got you so amped up, you’ve been like an exposed nerve ever since you got your papers and I can’t let you leave like this. You’re scaring me Jake, you can’t leave for a mission distracted you know better than that. You’re the best pilot I’ve ever seen and they picked you to head this op. You have to tell me what’s going on, you just have to!” You cried out as tears began to pour from your eyes, your throat felt raw with the emotion bubbling out of you and you began to shake in his embrace, the combination of being so full of him and revealing your worry almost too much. He seemed to jolt out of whatever trance he’d been in at your tears, swiping at them as they ran down your cheeks and kissing you hard, he knew he’d been distant and stressed couldn’t begin to describe how he’d been feeling, but he hadn’t even thought about himself and how it could affect the mission; all his worries had been solely focused on you.
“Oh baby I’m so sorry, shh hey I’m here ok? I’ll tell you all of it, just don’t cry sugar. I can't stand knowing I hurt you.” He was kissing every bit of your face he could get to, smoothing his hands all over you as you began to come down and regulate your breathing. You couldn’t be closer if you tried and yet he still felt so far away, you needed more so you latched on to his mouth and tightened your arms around his neck, he let you ground yourself and calm down, just breathing you in until the tears finally stopped. “Baby, baby I love you so much, I’m sorry” he murmured against your lips, you nodded and sniffled a little but didn’t loosen your grip, rocking into him slowly knowing he’d know what you wanted. He groaned low in his throat and flipped the two of you over as he pressed you gently into the carpet, letting the hot languid kisses burn the two of you up, all heat and bodies grinding into each other, letting all the stress go and just being hopelessly in love.
Hours later after you were both fully sated and relaxed you laid naked in his arms and ate the cold pizza while he let out all the words he’d kept bottled up. “It hadn’t ever occurred to me that we could lose this, I mean our job is dangerous sure but some naive part of me just thought we were untouchable.”
“Until I got hurt” you said quietly.
“Until you got hurt. It felt like someone had pulled the rug out from under me, every dream I’d ever had of us and our future could’ve been gone in an instant and I am terrified that something could happen to me and I’d leave you here alone.” He tightened his grip on your waist and you pressed a kiss to his chest, you knew exactly how he felt because you’d felt it all as you fell out of the sky during your ejection. But he couldn’t live in fear, it made him a liability to his fellow pilots and he was too damn good at what he did to let this destroy his confidence.
“You have to have faith baby, faith that you’ll make it through, that I’ll make it through and that we will get that long happy life that we want. I’m not going anywhere Jake, and I need you to be my cocky asshole pilot who thinks he’s God’s gift to the navy. Go be a badass and come home to me.”
You both laughed at that, he’d grown so much from that dickish holier than thou douchebag he had been when you first met, he was so much more level headed and mature. He promised he’d fight like hell and you knew he would.
The missions were grueling, the weather had been miserable lately and it made drills almost impossible, intel was scarce and worst of all he hadn’t been able to hear your voice in weeks. He had missed Halloween and thanksgiving, both squads had joined up for a potluck and you’d sent him a bunch of pictures, he was just grateful you weren’t doing this alone. He had gotten an email from his mother earlier in the week hoping he could talk to you about staying for the Christmas holidays and he couldn’t think of a better place for you to be. You loved Christmas, it used to annoy him because it wasn’t his cup of tea but somehow you’d softened him to it. He wrote to her quickly to tell her it was a great idea and to give you a call, when he’d had a knock on his door. Fritz leaned in with a look he knew all too well, it was time to fly out. He emailed you as well, telling you he loved you and then grabbed his gear and headed for the tarmac, he could only hope he’d be able to execute this and get home safely.
You stepped off the plane in Austin on December 18th to the entire Seresin clan in the lobby, Jake’s sisters and mom rushing forward to wrap you up in hugs and you couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt this kind of love, probably not since your grandmother had passed nearly a decade before. She would have adored Jake and his family, they spent the holiday season showing you all over town, hitting up all of Jake’s old haunts and embarrassing family pictures. Movie nights and Christmas cookie bake offs, family dinners and shopping trips with the girls; it had been so much fun and the Seresin’s had welcomed you with open arms, it felt like somehow you belonged here, the only thing missing was your 6 foot sandy blonde dreamboat boyfriend.
Correspondence had been spotty with Jake for a while, you’d gotten a FaceTime call after a mission and he had seemed grim, they’d lost a teammate to enemy fire and the weather had been abysmal, almost everyone had come down with the flu and he was miserable. He said he hoped he’d make it home by mid January and your heart broke all over again at not getting to spend Christmas together in your home, but he was adamant that the best place for you was with his family, and that next year would be a big blowout, he even agreed to let you buy any and every inflatable you wanted to cover the yard in Christmas cheer.
What you didn’t realize was that he was already on his way back to Coronado, he had coordinated with Phoenix to help him turn the house into a Christmas wonderland and would be back just in time for you to get home. He couldn’t let the ring sit any longer, he needed it on your finger now. After too many hours covering his house from top to bottom in snowflakes and Christmas lights, it was finally time for your plane to land. He was so nervous, he knew he didn’t have any reason to be, Javy had kept him up to date on when your plane landed and when he picked you up. Jake could barely sit still, so full of nervous energy knowing what was to come. Finally, he heard Javy’s truck pull into the drive and watched through the blinds as he helped you gather your luggage, even in leggings and his old UT Austin sweatshirt you looked like you’d stepped off a runway in his eyes, every bit his dream come true. This was it, when you came through the door he’d finally get to make you his forever, it had all been worth the wait.
Epilogue (Lover)
Jake Seresin masterlist
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(Hi its me again) I don't really understand the deal with nicky. Could you enlighten me. please
oh man i just explained him to someone else on discord a few days ago here let me copy paste
nicky is a little bastard who yeah is oliver's rival in the coliseum. they become rivals because nicky declares himself "the best [familiar keeper] in the last 100 years…" and oliver's like "…? did you have to fight a bunch of geezers and ghosts or something" and nicky goes ……………………………OKAY. FUCK YOU TOO. and oliver goes …wait i didn't mean it as an insult i'm sorry and nicky goes NO NO NO. WE'RE FIGHTING NOW. and then you battle him and afterwards nicky declares oliver his NEMESIS!!! and oliver's like ? okay
he then shows up in every division of the coliseum after that. you don't even battle him until the second last division he just shows up and oliver is like omg hi nicky :] and nicky goes haha… you're doing pretty well… as expected of my NEMESIS!!!!! and oliver goes …thanks…!
at one point he tells oliver the story of the coliseum. for context, oliver has already been told that the prize for winning the coliseum is "pandora's box" by the sponsor of the place, giovanni gappolino, and that it "holds all the hope and hopelessness of the world" (much like the real story of pandora's box). the whole league is i believe actually called the pandora league? fun fact even in wotww's files the solosseum is still referred to as "pandora". anyway at one point nicky comes in and tells oliver about the island they're on and mentions the box and tells oliver "we both have hope and hopelessness waiting for us, don't we? which do you want to hold onto, oliver?" and then WALKS OFF. extremely cryptic and STRANGE. hope that doesn't come back to bite us later
in the ultimate division (which the game pretends is the last division but is actually the second last) nicky is your last opponent. this time he and oliver have an actual not-one-sided argument beforehand where they fight about training techniques (oliver thinks you should be friends with your familiars and you will win :] nicky is horrified by this outlook and snaps at him that you have to research and if a familiar isn't good enough you don't fucking use it. obviously) then they battle and come out of it like okayyyy maybe you have a point. and now they're actual friends :] isn't that nice. and they make a promise to see each other again. wow :]
the game reveals the ACTUAL last division, ultra ultimate, where you fight the sages and solomon and umbopa and then NICKY SHOWS UP!!!! yeah he beat all of those guys too. he says some actually insanely gay shit to oliver ? and they're both hyped for the battle and THEN. when you WIN. he comes out muttering about not being good enough. insists he's fine. and he reveals that his father is actually giovanni gappolino, the sponsor of the coliseum, who oliver is going to fight next. and he says "some days i like to pretend the entire reason the pandora league exists is so my father and i could battle… that's another reason i really wanted to win. but, i guess that's not happening…" then he wishes oliver luck and walks off. this makes me go crazy. turns out all his overconfidence is fake and covering up for his insecurities and he really just wants to impress his father. slams my head into the desk
the end of the ultra ultimate division reveals that the actual reason the pandora league exists is to find and train someone who could defeat the evil wizard king, at the top of moya tower on nazcaa. nicky knew about this - he appears and gives oliver the final prize, pandora's box. upon opening it (😟) out pops a mandragorer :] giovanni says IN FRONT OF HIS LOW SELF ESTEEM SON WHO WAS ALSO COMPETING FOR THIS that he's really glad that OLIVER'S the one who made it here. khulan tells oliver to hold onto hope. nicky wishes oliver luck. :]
you go fight the wizard king. you may know that after you do this it's implied oliver will follow in his footsteps and also be evil. and the world shall kneel before him etc etc. …um. hey guys i don't think he's going to hold onto hope. we both have hope and hopelessness waiting for us, don't we? which do you want to hold onto, oliver? through this it's implied oliver will choose hopelessness and nicky will choose hope. we don't KNOW what happens here because the game doesn't tell us. but do you think nicky tried to stop him. do you think he failed.
anyway to finish here's a selection of real things nicky says to oliver
“oh, oliver… i’m so glad you and i are both alive at the same time!”
“i couldn’t care less about the stupid prizes here. the moment we begin our battles is just such a high for me! i can’t get enough!”
“we don’t need to say anything… it’s just us and the battlefield. you know what i’m talking about, right?”
“i hope we meet again, oliver! someday… that’s a promise!”
“it is only by the divine wisdom of the gods that we are even able to exist in the same age of history! don’t you think so?“
“i’m going to wait here for you. i’m going to wait, and dream about a rematch. so come back, okay?”
#ask#dotdd spoilers#ni no kuni#and this isn't even mentioning the theory that his dad was in love with horace
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