#McLaren have the opportunity to eat next year
renarots · 7 months
McLaren just announced they’re partnering with monster next season so I wanna see some sick ass fucking liverys
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Like tell me khaotic wouldn’t be such a cool Miami livery or papillon would be so cute as well, ultra sunrise would be such a good Mexico livery or cosmic peach nitro would be such a cool vegas livery, that or maybe Singapore
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harrysfolklore · 23 days
oscar piastri being obsessed with his girlfriend: a compilation
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Oscar Piastri was known as the introvert and reserved driver on the grid.
While other drivers basked in the spotlight and didn't shy away from sharing details about their personal life, Oscar often preferred to keep his privacy.
However, when it came to his girlfriend, it was a different story altogether.
Oscar was what people called "a total simp" when it came to his girlfriend, always bringing her up in interviews, promo videos and casual conversations, and fans couldn't miss the opportunity to make several compilation videos and tiktoks about it.
The most popular one was called "Oscar Piastri being obsessed with his girlfriend: a compilation" and the 15-minute long video was filled with moments that made fans both awe and laugh.
It started with the clip of the first time he publicly talked about her during a podcast interview, rumors about him not being single were spreading around but nothing was confirmed.
"I do have a girlfriend, yeah," Oscar said, a small smile playing on his face.
"You're not very public, aren't you?" the interviewer asked.
“We keep it to ourselves and try to be out of the spotlight and just live normal lives,” he replied, “We have been dating for over four years now, she has been there for me since the start of my career and I couldn't imagine my life without her. She's my biggest supporter and keeps me grounded.”
The next video showed Oscar and Lando sitting next to each other wearing their McLaren shirts, filming a game called "Green flag or Red flag."
"Picky eaters," the interviewer asked and Lando immediately waved the green flag.
"He's a very picky eater that's why," Oscar said, making Lando laugh, "But, what if they eat fish, cause you hate fish."
Lando dramatically raised the red flag, making everybody laugh again.
"You wouldn't date a pescatarian then," the interviewer said.
"No," Lando shook his head, "They shouldn't be here."
"My girlfriend's a pescatarian, actually," Oscar said, looking at his teammate with a raised eyebrow, "I'll pass that on to her.”
"Noooo mate!" Lando immediately shook his head, waving his hands in mock horror, "Don't tell her I said that, I don't want to be in trouble with your missus! She's a lovely girl."
"She is indeed, but I don't think she'll like you very much after this."
The next segment was from his "Day in the Life" video with Quad Lock, where Oscar gave fans a glimpse into his daily routine. In one particular clip, he was in the kitchen making breakfast.
"So, this is where the magic happens," Oscar said with a cheeky grin as he poured pancake batter onto a hot griddle, "My girlfriend loves pancakes, so I make them every Sunday. It's become sort of a tradition for us."
The camera then panned to a candid shot of his girlfriend, who was sitting at the kitchen island, sipping coffee and smiling fondly at Oscar. She blew him a kiss, which Oscar caught with a playful wink.
"There she is, sitting pretty while I play housewife."
The next clip in the compilation was from a press conference, where a journalist asked him how he manages to stay focused with such a demanding schedule.
"Having a supportive partner really helps," Oscar said earnestly, "She understands the pressures and the demands of the job. She’s my rock and makes everything a lot easier."
"Does it get hard for her when your schedule is too busy for your relationship?"
"My schedule is never too busy for my girlfriend, I always make sure to make time for her. That's why we've been going strong for four years now."
Another McLaren game with Lando was included, this time they were playing Finish the Lyric with Taylor Swift songs.
"Do you feel confident about this game, Oscar?" Lando asked his teammate.
"I do, actually," Oscar nodded confidently, "My girlfriend is a huge Taylor Swift fan so I know a lot of her songs."
"We should get your girl to come and play then," Lando teased.
"She'd probably beat us both, hands down. But I'm not giving up just yet." Oscar chuckled, shaking his head.
The compilation video then transitioned to a moment in the McLaren garage before the first quali of the Hungary Grand Prix. Oscar was off to the side, chatting with his girlfriend, who had joined him for the event.
They seemed to be in their own little bubble, Oscar's attention completely focused on her and his smile wide as he listened to her talk. The camera captured a sweet moment where he gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes about their relationship and fans absolutely melted at the interaction.
The next clip showed Oscar at a fan event in Australia, hundreds of fans gathered to meet the drivers and see them up close, Oscar was answering questions from the interviewers when he suddenly addressed one of the fans in the front row.
"I've got a girlfriend, thank you," he said into the microphone, making everyone laugh but look confused at the same time, "For everyone wondering, she just asked what my number was," the crowd laughed again even louder, "But I'm a happily taken man. You're nice but I'm not interested."
In that same event, he got asked what did he miss the most from the UK when he was back in Australia.
"My girlfriend," he immediately said, "Other than that the food is better here, the weather is better here. So my girlfriend, that's it."
The following video was also a fan interaction, this time it was a fan recorded video while he was signing stuff for those waiting for him as he arrived to the paddock for the Austin Grand Prix.
Oscar was signing autographs and taking pictures, when a fan handed him a photo of him and his girlfriend from a race weekend.
"Oh, this is a great picture," Oscar said, grinning as he looked at the photo. "This was taken at Silverstone, right? It was her first time at a race with me. She loved it."
"What's her favorite part about the races?" The fan smiled and asked.
"Probably the adrenaline and seeing me in action," Oscar chuckled, "But she also loves hanging out in the paddock. She gets along really well with everyone here."
The next clip showcased Oscar during a Twitch stream, where he was playing a racing simulator. His girlfriend walked into the room, and the chat exploded with excitement.
"Hey, love," Oscar greeted her, pausing the game.
"Am I interrupting you?" she softly asked.
"Nope, come here," he encouraged to come closer, "Everyone, this is my girlfriend," she waved at the camera, and Oscar wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her into the frame. "She's the reason I'm still sane," he joked, earning a kiss on the cheek from her.
The video included one of everyone's favorite interactions between the couple, captured by McLaren's instagram team.
Oscar had just finished a quiali, earning a P2 position, the camera caught as he reunited with his girlfriend who threw her arms around his neck as soon as she saw him.
"Hiii," he shyly said, a hint of a blush on his cheeks.
"You did such a great job, baby," she said, still wrapped around his arms, planting a kiss on his cheek.
"I couldn’t have done it without you cheering me on," he replied, his voice soft and genuine.
The final clip was from the FIA Prize Giving ceremony, Oscar stood on the stage, dressed in a sharp suit, the Rookie of the Year trophy shining in his hands.
"First of all, I want to thank my team, McLaren, for believing in me and giving me the opportunity," Oscar began, his voice steady but emotional, "But most importantly, I want to thank my girlfriend. She's been my rock through it all, supporting me every step of the way. This award is as much hers as it is mine."
The camera panned to his girlfriend, sitting in the audience with tears in her eyes, smiling proudly. The fans watching the livestream couldn't help but gush over the touching moment.
As the compilation ended, the screen faded to black with the text, "Oscar Piastri: The Ultimate Simp, and Proud of It."
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delulujuls · 3 months
brazilian air | as12
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hi, i am in my classic f1 era rn and i am currently obsessed with mr Senna god he was so fine and since it's his bday today i thought that im gonna upload this one bc why not
also im like 100% sure that this one will flop but i wanted to upload this anyway, so if you'll find it worth a shot, enjoy then!
happy bday king, 64 today but 34 forever, you'll always be missed
summary: during a month break from racing, ayrton thought that inviting y/n into his family sides will get them along even more. to the surprise to both of them, they got along even better than expected
warnings: sexual content, fingering, female orgasm
pairing: fem!mclarendriver x ayrton senna
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After the Sao Paulo Grand Prix, there came a monthly break, even though it was only the second race of the season.
The end of march was very warm, but the weather in Brazil had its own rules. Just as in London there was probably a downpour and the temperature barely above ten degrees, the other side of the globe had almost holiday-like weather.
The 1990 season was the second year when Y/N took Alain Prost's seat at McLaren, thus becoming Ayrton Senna's teammate. While many did not look favorably upon Ron Dennis's decision for various reasons—because Y/N was the first woman in history to have the opportunity to race at the top level of motorsport, her debut in Formula 1, her young age, and the fact of what kind of past Senna had with his previous teammates—with each passing month the doubts started to going away.
The girl handled herself on the track incredibly well, and since McLaren did not disappoint with their cars, she practically returned from every race with points, effectively shutting the mouths of all those who spoke unfavorably about her.
Even Ayrton himself, who was initially the most unconvinced about the boss's decision, also didn't need much to change his mind about her. At first, he approached her with distance, fearing that her joining the team might cause even more damage than when they had Prost in reserve. As it turned out, the girl was not his enemy; often, he himself silenced all those who attacked her and questioned her abilities.
Senna saw that she looked up at him as her authority. She never explicitly told him, but it was evident how she listened carefully to his advice, asked when she had doubts, and consulted almost everything only with him, although she had a whole crowd of people around her.
Ron breathed a sigh of relief seeing that they tolerated each other and there were no forecasts for them to repeat the Senna-Prost scenario. However, tolerating each other was an understatement, because Ayrton would never invite someone to his family's sides whom he merely tolerated. The Brazilian didn't admit it out loud, but he liked the girl. Sometimes he even caught himself thinking about her when she wasn't around, and when she was, he smiled a lot more in her company, whereas McLaren's garage used to be a place of nerves and tense atmosphere for him.
Yes, if someone asked him about Y/N, Ayrton would say she was his friend. Someone he never had after leaving Brazil.
"How do I say in Portugese that I can't eat anymore?"
The girl asked, lying on her towel stretched out on the hull of the motorboat belonging to the Senna family.
Y/N shielded the sun with her hand and glanced at Ayrton, who laughed at her question, sitting next to her and smoking a cigarette.
"It's not funny, your mom wants to fatten me up so that I'm heavier and slower than you on the track."
"Não aguento mais, tô chei", but even if you say it in Portugese, my mom won't listen to you anyway."
"I've never eaten such delicious food, but when we get back, I probably won't fit into my clothes anymore."
He released smoke from his lungs and involuntarily glanced at her when she turned onto her stomach and closed her eyes. Her hair, still wet from bathing in the lake, stuck to her shoulders, and her skin, once pale, slowly began to take on a blush from the sun.
"You look good, so don't worry."
"I didn't say I would look bad, just that I won't fit into my pants anymore."
"As long as you can fit into the car, you'll be fine."
The girl snorted, "Well, in that case, I have quite a reserve."
Y/N gathered her hair behind her shoulder and settled more comfortably, exposing herself to the pleasantly warming rays of the sun. Ayrton glanced down her body and only when the heat from his cigarette burned his fingers a little, he snap out of it. Did he really like the girl, or was it just that he spent so much time with her that he got used to her? He didn't know the answer to that question, but he knew that sometimes he found himself staring at her for a bit too long. Despite being a few years younger than him, she had feminine charms. He also objectively thought that the girl was attractive.
She didn't have much of a different opinion about him either because in her eyes, Ayrton was indeed a handsome man. He was tall, athletic, had beautiful brown eyes and hair of the same color, which often fell in curls onto his forehead. She liked his smile and the way he wrinkled his nose, which, like most of his body, was covered in freckles. But Ayrton appealed to her only as an older teammate, someone who was completely out of her reach, and for whom she was probably just an insignificant kid. At least that's what she thought.
They spent time at the lake until late afternoon, as for dinner, besides Ayrton's parents, his sister with Bruno, his nephew, was also supposed to appear. Upon returning to the Senna family's home, the girl took only a quick shower and threw on a thin, white dress because even though the day was slowly coming to an end, the temperature was still high. They spent the evening on the terrace, and time passed in a very pleasant atmosphere. Mrs. Senna made sure that only delicious dishes appeared on the table, while Mr. da Silva entertained the company with stories and jokes. Although Y/N didn't speak anything in Portugese except for the short phrases Ayrton had taught her, there were no communication problems for a moment. At one point, little Bruno grabbed the radio and turned up the volume, pulling the girl by the hand and inviting her to dance. The girl, already somewhat tipsy from wine, agreed without hesitation and followed the six-year-old, dancing with him barefoot on the still warm concrete. Ayrton's mother and sister sang along with the song, his father clapped his hands, and Ayrton himself looked at the scene with tenderness, laughing and sipping his beer. She took the boy in her arms and spun with him, dancing, to which Bruno laughed out loud. Although Ayrton's family had only met Y/N a few days ago, he was convinced, seeing with his own eyes, how much they liked her. It meant a lot to him.
"Tio, agora tio Ayrton!"
Bruno shouted and pointed at the man when a new song started playing. Ayrton laughed and shook his head, to which his sister started pulling his arm and, to the sounds of approval from the family, he stood up and approached the girl, who put the boy down on the ground.
"Querida senhora," he extended his hand towards her, slightly bowing, "may I?"
Y/N chuckled and nodded, extending her hand, which was met with numerous shouts and whistles.
"I can't dance, I can't dance at all."
She said through laughter when he pulled her closer and placed his hand on her waist.
"Everyone can dance to Brazilian rhythms, trust me."
Ayrton replied with an assuring smile and spinned her around, catching her again after a moment. They danced, understanding each other without words, laughing only when one of them accidentally bumped into someone or stepped on someone's foot.
The girl didn't know if her cheeks were burning from the sun, the alcohol, or the fact that she felt embarrassed by being so close to him. But she felt light and happy enough not to dwell on it. She wanted this evening to last as long as possible.
However, at some point, Bruno fell asleep on the chair, and Viviane took him in her arms, announcing that she would put him to bed and she will also take a rest, wishing everyone a good night. Ayrton's mother, seeing that his dad had had enough beer, took him by the arm and, amid numerous protests, escorted him inside. The girl helped carry the dishes to the kitchen, and when she brought in the last batch of plates, Ayrton's mother hugged her tightly.
Y/N returned her embrace with a smile, wishing her a good night before returning to the terrace.
Seeing the expression on her face, Ayrton smiled too.
"They liked you, but I'm sure you noticed that yourself."
"They are very kind," the girl replied, closing the terrace doors, "you have a truly wonderful family."
Y/N approached the table and took a chair to sit on it, but Ayrton straightened up and patted his knees, indicating that she should sit on them. The girl accepted the invitation without protest and sat on them sideways, embracing him around the neck.
"I'm glad you agreed to come here with me," he said, looking into her eyes, to which she smiled.
"I'm glad you invited me."
For a moment, they looked at each other in silence, she on his lap, with her hand on his bare shoulders, he with one hand on her waist and the other caressing her exposed thigh. He raised his hand and brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear, touching her flushed cheek. The girl smiled at his gesture and closed her eyes.
"You're important to me, you know?"
"I am?"
She asked, looking at him again.
Ayrton nodded, stroking her cheek with his thumb. Y/N threaded her fingers into the hair resting at the base of his neck, stroking it lightly. At one point, without thinking or saying a word, he leaned towards her and kissed her. She kissed him back, touching his cheek with her other hand. Ayrton didn't break the kiss, he just hugged her tighter, pressing their bodies together. Y/N was returning each of his kisses and after a while their tongues started their love dance, rubbing against each other. Even though they were both a bit drunk, Ayrton wasn't sure how much he could afford. However, when she slightly opened her legs, giving him a silent invitation, he squeezed her thigh to which she sighed. He smiled against her lips, continuing to kiss her. He stroked her leg, moving higher and higher with each movement. When he felt the fabric of her underwear with his fingertips, he pulled away slightly, wanting to look at her face and see her reaction, but she pulled him closer again, connecting their lips in a kiss.
"Do not stop"
Ayrton smiled against her lips and deepened the kiss in response. He ran his fingers over her pussy and she purred softly. He began to slowly massage her through the fabric of her panties, but when they began to get in the way after some time, he pulled them off her with a quick movement.
His lips soon moved to her neck, marking it with kisses. She tilted her head, giving him better access to her. Ayrton accidentally slipped the strap of her dress, but neither of them cared. The girl noticed it only when he sucked on her nipple, which made her moan involuntarily.
"You have to be quiet, can you do that?"
He asked quietly, glancing at her ecstatic face. She just licked her lips and quickly nodded. He ran his tongue over her nipple again, his hand still massaging her pussy. When he felt how wet she was, he slowly inserted his finger into her, but carefully watched her face, continuing to caress her breasts with his mouth. He looked at her, wanting to make sure they were both on the same page. However, his actions were perceived with enthusiasm, as the girl tilted her head back, letting out a muffled moans from her pursed lips. Ayrton smiled to himself, still peppering her breasts with kisses. He inserted his finger all the way and started moving it, expertly nudging her inner, sensitive spot. Y/N had a hard time staying quiet, especially when he added a second finger and his movements inside her started getting more precise and decisive. The girl covered her mouth with one hand and grabbed his wrist with the other and pushed him harder into herself, feeling that she was only seconds away from orgasm.
"Ayrton, I- oh my god…"
Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck again and dug her nails into his bare shoulder.
"Kiss me, quick"
He said quietly, his breathing also quickening. She complied with his command and kissed him, making him muffle her moans with his mouth. Y/N came on his hand soon after, squeezing her eyes shut and tilting her head back. After a few moments, the girl sat up straight again, trying to calm her breathing. As she slowly began to realize what had actually happened, the blush on her cheeks intensified even more. She looked at him uncertainly, he laughed seeing her reaction and kissed her on the cheek.
"Don't look so innocent, you're quite a good one."
The girl felt ashamed and closed her eyes, cuddling into him, and he hugged her tightly.
"Promise me that no one in your family will sit in this chair for breakfast."
Ayrton chuckled and rubbed his hand on her back.
"I promise, don't worry about it," he rested his cheek on her head, "We can go somewhere else if you want."
The girl raised her head and looked at him.
"I won't be able to keep quiet, Ayrton. Your parents-" "Don't worry," he interrupted her, taking her panties thrown on the chair next to them and handing them to her hand, "I'll make sure you keep your mouth busy."
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lestappenforever · 2 days
I know its been a day, but I wasn’t able to watch the race fully yesterday, and this is my take on what I saw
Firstly, VCARB. The cars just wasn’t there this weekend, and we can’t lie, their quali and the fact that they kind of got stuck all throughout the race cost them, and being stuck behind someone in a track like Circuit de Catalunya, which teams go for 2-3 stops in because tyres are dead, and with dirty air. Yeah it just wasn’t it for these guys. But hopefully next seek they are able to be back, because they do have the speed, and they could go far in terms if points this tear.
Williams just aren’t on the right foot all year. And this race was no exception, poor quali, slowest car. You can’t expect your drivers to compete if you don’t give them the tools. 2023 parts in the 2024 car for a driver and the other that had the 2024 parts still is p18. Yeah, they need to get their shit together and stop blaming Logan for not getting points when nit providing him with the Machine and an equal opportunity as his team mate, who isn’t also performing.
Aston Martin was in the wring foot this week. The car isn’t bad, but they still need to wirk hard. A team like them is “supposedly” a top 5 team in the constructors. That’s what they gave us last year. But they need to work on their car because it just is not adding up.
Alpine, double points for the second week running is VERY impressive and important because of their tractor at the beginning of the season. They seemed to have put the work and it’s starting to show. But in order for it to be a fair comparison, give both your drivers the lighter chassis, not just one while leaving the other with the overweight one, and expect hin to perform greatly. It just doesn’t make much sense tbh.
Ferrari are way better than Canada, that’s for sure. Getting back up after a hard blow is not something easy, but they were not too bad all weekend, but they were also not that good. Charles and Carlos having an incident, then Carlos and Lewis. Carlos is getting frustrated for sure, but he needs to get his head in the game, because these silly mistakes could coat him , Charles and Ferrari points, like it did in Canada. But nonetheless, their strategy was not on point , with pitting Charles quite late, almost same time as Lando, it cost him a fight fir forth or even third place.
Second race in a row, second Mercedes podium. Tbh, these upgrades have given both George and Lewis so much confidence in their cars, with the lead that George stole fron Lando, to both being able to keep Lando, in the fastest car of the race behind them a couple of laps, to their calls. They are on the right trajectory and it’s something we don’t hate to see.
McLaren are getting cocky. And don’t get me wring, I’m impressed with their progress in one year, but they’re getting too cocky for their own good. Oscar did a phenomenal race from starting in p9 to ending p7, overtaking and a right strategy, but he’s in the fastest car, and couldn’t get past the Ferraris who were on a considerably “wrong foot” since Canada. Meanwhile Landi started on pole, by the end of lap 1, lost 2 positions, tried to overtake and got stuck in dirty air, and when his engineer asked him , he said fight for the win, which I respect, but fucked his strategy with the time he pitted and then being stuck unable to regain first. Let’s be real. McLaren have no one to blame for this race but themselves, because they were the fastest all weekend and have been for a while, yet they didn’t win. And Zak Brown should definitely eat his words that if you put someone other than Max in the fastest car, they’d win, and no one is faster than Lando, well guess what. Lando had the fastest car, and has had it since Miami, yet won only one race, why is that Zak. Eat. Your. Words.
Lastly Red Bull. Are they making progress, yes for sure and that could be evident on Checo, who is regaining more confidence after 2 horrible races for him in a row. Starting P11, regaining and ending p8 (granted not the best result, but points finish nonetheless) and be wasn’t 100% happy with the car. And saying he’ll continue to fight, I’m sure he will, and Checo will return to the podium very soon, especially because his strategy wasn’t the best and the penalty cost him a bit, but he’s regaining that confidence and that’s what we like. Then we have the one who literally destroyed the dreams of those around him. You can’t tell me that that race wasn’t all Max, because it was. The overtake on George that was as it was written in the book. To being able to communicate effectively with GP. To the strategy that had Max lead into lap 2. To then win the race in the second fastest car, snatching the win from the fastest. Yeah he’s unbelievable, but the team need to wake up, and provide him with upgrades that would enable them both (Max and Checo) to be more confident and less concerned with how their cars will perform (upgrades please red bull thank you)
Well, this is my race analysis for 1/3 of the upcoming triple header. And I want to end it on something I read about Max. Because HE is what makes the difference, not the car
It said something like there are great drivers in fats cars then there is the fastest driver in a great car. And I guess this sums up the Spanish GP top 2 in a nutshell
BRING ON AUSTRIA (May we listen to the Austrian and Dutch anthems tomorrow and enjoy it, and hopefully more on Sunday)
As I didn’t get the chance to watch much of anything this past weekend, this analysis is golden. Thank you so much for sharing once again, I truly enjoy reading your post-race analyses. ❤️
Honestly, people who still believe Max's success is only because of the car and not that man's raw, once-in-a-generation talent, they haven’t been watching the races. Or they have, but they're simply too blinded by jealousy and/or their dislike towards Max to see him for the exceptional driver he is. And those people are simply not worth your time or energy.
Let’s fucking go Lestappen holy temple!
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dizzyduck44 · 3 months
Daniel Ricciardo’s blessing is his curse 🍯🦡🇦🇺
Daniel is in his 14th season of Formula 1. He has had a long career in the highest tier of motorsport. However the questions that surrounded him at McLaren seem to have followed him to Visa CashApp FFS this is seriously what you called the team!
The thing is every driver seems to reach for the F1 seat, but Daniel’s seemingly lack of ability to adapt driving style is being compounded by the grid he currently drives on. You see, either competitively or for fun most of the drivers have had to adapt to a different style of driving. Some at a stupidly young age.
Let’s look into it
Max Verstappen - spends his days off driving any kind of race car Red Bull will let him. Seeing him take his Dad round the Nordschliefe says it all really.
Sergio Perez - drove just about every form of junior open wheel car on his way to F1.
Charles LeClerc - like Daniel seems to be all F1. Do we question he’d be a beast in a Ferrari sportscar though?
Carlos Sainz - again seems to be all F1 but remember Dad has a track on the family farm. He has been driving allsorts, on dirt, since he could sit in a car seat
Lewis Hamilton - never competitively but again over the year Mercedes has given him opportunities to drive all sorts of high powered sports cars for promotion. Even a superbike.
George Russell - says he tested a DTM car, again gets to play with the Merc sports cars
Lando Norris - went from karting to Ginetta then to open wheel. Add a go at the Daytona 500, all competitively. Embarrassed himself at the Race of Champions. Now seems to love ice karting (weirdo).
Oscar Piastri - another one straight through to F1, however only ever driven one F1 car but I don’t worry he wouldn’t adapt
Fernando Alonso - Nando has the full set right? F1, Indycar, WEC, Daytona, Dakar. Won Le Mans. Next!
Lance Stroll - has done a couple of races in IMSA.
Esteban Ocon - drove in DTM prior to F1
Pierre Gasly - drive in Formula E prior to F1
Alex Albon - has done a season of DTM
Logan Sargeant - straight through to F1. Again only driven one F1 car.
Kevin Magnussen - various stints in sportscar series throughout the years inbetween F1.
Nico Hulkenberg - Le Mans champion, Indycar test.
Yuki Tsunoda - straight through to F1. Only ever driven 1 F1 car.
Valtteri Bottas - ice rallying. Need I say more!
Zhou Guanyu - another open wheel all the way to F1. I’m gonna give him the credit of having driven the Renault a number of times before moving to Sauber.
So you see what Daniel is up against.
Not a winter break goes by when you don’t see half the grid in a go kart. Shout out to Lando and Fernando who seem to do it midseason and all the drivers who happily jump in for promotion days. (80% of the grid). One of the biggest shocks for me was when Daniel went karting with Jenson Button in 2021 and admitted he “hasn’t done this is years” ����
So we are getting to the core of the problem. With a grid of drivers who turn their hand to anything, sometimes for a laugh, Daniel has never really pushed himself out of what he knows. And it’s biting him.
What is of further concern for him, is Liam Lawson is hovering (he should already be in a seat but I digress). A driver who went for F2 to DTM and nearly won the championship in the first season (I’m still bitter). Then into an F1 seat and was up to speed almost immediately.
The trouble is now it’s too late to throw him into a sportscar to give him the experience, because I’m not sure he would get back into F1. If Daniel thinks the Max and Lando’s were a handful to deal with, who needed a bit of maturing to hit their stride, the Oscar Piastri’s and Ollie Bearman’s of the world are terrifying.
Daniel needs to find the solution on his own. Before it eats away at his mental health and confidence. 6 laps in a NASCAR round COTA is not gonna cut it.
I think I know what’s happened and I and he are afraid to admit it. Ask Jenson Button about the point you sit behind the wheel and no longer want to take the risk or push the limit. I worry he has hit the mental block of I can’t learn another way and the idea of taking a high powered sportscar out terrifies him.
And who’s going to let him lose in the Red Bull if that is going on in his head?
Fingers crossed he shows up and shows out in Melbourne
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f1 · 1 year
Larson wants to feel Im prepared enough to win in 2024 Indy 500 debut with McLaren | IndyCar
Kyle Larson paid a visit to the McLaren team he will race for the 2024 Indianapolis 500 during today’s practice session for this year’s race. The 2021 NASCAR Cup champion said he’s eager to learn as much as he can ahead of his debut in the race next year. “It’s obviously very exciting,” he said. “It’s been something that I’ve wanted to do for a very long time. “I wanted to be patient and wait for the timing to feel right. Having Hendrick Motorsports be extremely supportive of it and supporting the efforts with Arrow McLaren is something that I’m extremely excited about.” Larson already has experienced of the famed Indianapolis Motor Speedway oval from NASCAR’s visits to the circuit. “I’ve obviously come here a lot in a stock car, I lived in the area for a couple of years. So this this place for a long time felt like home or a second home to me. “In my opinion this is the biggest race in the world. You want to be a part of the big ones and hopefully someday you’ll be a winner of a big event.” He spent six years driving for Ganassi in NASCAR but never sought an opportunity to drive for their IndyCar team before being fired by them during the 2020 season. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free “When I was with Chip Ganassi Racing in the NASCAR stuff I think a lot of people – and maybe myself at times – thought that I would go immediately and try and compete in Indy 500 for Chip. But I wasn’t as accomplished yet in the NASCAR stuff and I wanted to be able to not feel like I was taking a ton away from that. “Now I’ve been able to accomplish a lot in the NASCAR stuff, Hendrick is obviously always a consistent front-runner, so I felt like you could take a little bit of focus away from that to run the Indy 500.” He said he is serious about competing at the front in his one-off appearance next year. “I don’t want to just do this to do it, I want to do it and take it serious and feel like I’m prepared enough to win. “I feel like I’m surrounded by great people and looking forward to the opportunity. I’ve got 300 and some-odd days left to try and get ready.” Larson is already familiarising himself with McLaren’s set-up at the circuit this weekend. “I think having this much time, knowing that I’m racing next year, I’m definitely going to pay more attention to all of these days than I would have in the past, kind of see how that all goes just to be really more prepared for how the couple of weeks of on-track time goes for next year,” he said. “Just to not be surprised by anything new. “It’s been nice even being here in the short amount of time we’ve been here today just to see how they have everything laid out and the hospitality where the team hangs out or eats and the engineering room, stuff like that. I didn’t know any of that before I got here today and this is the only day I’m going to be able to come this year. So even just getting to get eyes on all that will help little things like that for next year.” Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free IndyCar Browse all IndyCar articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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leqclerc · 1 year
I was really optimistic yesterday with Charles quali and strategy. Like we knew race pace was an issue but there was confidence in getting P3.
Then as you said when they changed components … only for that DNF. And with his luck it was Charles car and not Carlos (not to hate Carlos but the performance was not there today, it’s always the guy in front who DNF with Ferrari it’s amazing actually)
What makes me pessimistic right now (besides Charles sad face tonight) is really what you said about Ferrari history and Mercedes history. Last year Mercedes challenged for P2 with THAT car because they are consistent and have no reliability issue with their engine, and they improved. Now AM have the car (thanks to RB engineers but kudos to them for hiring them) and a reliable Mercedes engine. In the meantime we have Ferrari sacrificing years after years because « next year is our year » only to arrive having made a step forward two step backward.
And the worst is they did not expect those issues : reliability was supposed to be fixed, even Mattia had to go out and say it was his car because he was so sure of his PU. The aero was supposed to be better too. Yet that car still eats tyres. So it a rocket on flying laps. Great if there was points for quali ! It seems like the same mistakes again and again. It’s starting to feel like they really don’t have the right tools at all, engineers wise.
RB were so superior for the second part of the 22 season and right now too. Everything clicked : engine, car, driver, strategy/pit wall, development (I know cost cap …) You can’t afford to make mistakes with the car when there is that kind of dominance. We are so much on the back foot pace wise. I only hope it’s really Barhain specific. And I know RB came back in 22 but performance was more equal with Ferrari, Ferrari had reliability and strategy issues and then TD39 so it was possible for them to come back. Circumstances are everything. Right now it’s even sadder for how it went for Charles in 22, he couldn’t have won against that RB in the end but the misses opportunities in Monaco, Silverstone… it will hurt so much more if he can’t fight properly this year.
I would have been so so happy with P3 it’s crazy.
To see Aston Martin get past Carlos that easily when they were P7 last year …
I truly hope Charles does not renew his contract too soon. We talk about Lando Norris being stuck at McLaren but come on when you want to be world champion clearly Ferrari is also not the place to be at the moment and hasn’t been for 16 years.
Hello! 🫱🏻‍🫲🏻I agree with you 😭
Yeah, Carlos really didn't impress in terms of race pace (in general but also relative to his teammate) or tyre deg today, and it's becoming more and more noticeable.
This is why the 2022 season was so hard for me to I guess let go of, personally. Why I was so frustrated with Binotto who seemed all too happy to throw in the towel after about five or six races already, and the self-inflicted mistakes from the pit wall. That was their best shot, the best chance they've had in years. They brought a quick car that played into Charles's strengths and, at least initially, seemed to do everything right to maximise their points haul. Technical failures aside (I will give some leeway there because reliability is notoriously difficult to nail in the first year of a new regulation cycle - the 2014 Mercs were fast as hell but suffered from PU failures, overheating, etc.) they just made way too many avoidable mistakes in races that should've been wins or podiums at the very least (Monaco, Silverstone, Hungary being the big three). Then we were fed the justification that, actually, they knew they couldn't win that year and they were just focusing on being competitive and that apparently Binotto switched the focus to building and developing the 2023 car relatively early on in the year. And now his engineering legacy is... this. 🙃
Tyre deg issues have been plaguing Ferrari for literal years now and while I believe they can maybe mitigate it a bit with those wing upgrades they've mentioned, I'm starting to feel like they really can't make a car that doesn't have a tendency to eat tyres 🙃 It just sucks that they always seem to have to compromise something, while Red Bull seem to be able to create a package that's virtually close to perfection in terms of marrying balance, speed, tyre deg, etc.
I think Red Bull will be competitive at basically every track tbh precisely because they've found that sweet spot with the car. They were already strong at pretty much every track, regardless of characteristics, last year, and this car improves on what they already got right in 2022. If anything, I could maybe believe that Aston's performance will be more track dependent. I'm already hearing they're excelling in medium and slow speed corners so like. Alonso Monaco win incoming 🙃
I think the possibility of contract extension talks is the furthest thing from his mind right now tbh. The Daniel/Oscar ditching-and-poaching saga last year proved that contracts aren't necessarily airtight 100% of the time if both parties want it badly enough. Pierre had also recently confirmed an extension with Alpha Tauri and then joined Alpine the same year. Alonso dragged out putting pen to paper with Alpine long enough to enter talks with Lawrence and sign, all while managing to keep it under wraps from his team boss AND the media. He was confirmed the same weekend Seb announced his retirement. That's insane.
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lindoig8 · 3 years
Heather's Birthday
Tuesday 20 April
A week on the road and a big birthday celebration today! We drove just under 100 clicks (our shortest day by far) to William Creek where we enjoyed a drink in the picturesque bar before a shower and dinner.
We started the day with a longish wetland walk at Coward Springs after a hearty breakfast and then back-tracked about 5 km to the turnoff to Mound Springs. It is a further 4 clicks off the road on a very corrugated track but we had been there before and wanted to see it again.
There are a lot of these springs in the area where subterranean water is forced to the surface under pressure and when the water bursts out, it forms a mound, usually 10-15 metres high (my guess) with a gently bubbling spring and a pool at the top, often overflowing to form a small wetland around its base. At Mound Springs, there are basically two active springs and a handful of defunct mounds nearby. They have evolved their own tiny isopods and we saw some of them scurrying around in the pools. After inspecting these Springs, we returned to the Track and passed Coward Springs again to another area of springs at Strangways. This is a much more extensive area with at least 100 springs, mostly just defunct mounds but with some of them still containing (mainly cool) water bubbling gently from the depths of the earth. It was hot, dry and dusty, but there was a poorly defined walking track that visited about a dozen or so mounds (and the cemetery because there used to be a settlement here) so we did the hard yards and walked the course and climbed a few of the mounds. It was very dusty of course and we were very glad to get back to the car for a long cold drink!
We debated driving out to look at Lake Eyre, but when we had our drink in the bar at William Creek, the pilots who fly tourists out there said we wouldn’t get close enough to see any water, so we gave it a miss. Last time we were here, we did go out there, but again, no water and the scene was less than inspiring. We had decided on the same course of non-action at South Lake Eyre a few days ago. When we passed a few years ago, we ventured close to the water that was there then and almost got our boots bogged so this time, we just sat and watched some other intrepid tourists slog back from their attempted visit to the now dry shoreline.
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Lake Eyre South as we saw it - a long walk in over rugged ground to a salt pan. (We think the blue area was simply a mirage, but certainly too far away to explore.)
We decided that seeing it was Heather’s birthday, we would make an early camp at William Creek and take advantage of the opportunity for a shower. We even ran the air conditioner in the van for an hour or so and turned on our PCs for the first time this trip. The internet was VERY slow and we had heaps of emails to respond to so we sat in the van and worked for a couple of hours prior to dinner.
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We had booked for dinner at the pub. Heather even got a free drink because it was her birthday so that probably saved us $10-12 – my tinny cost us $8 as it was. Dinner was excellent! Slow cooked Goat Curry – superb! Maybe even challenging our own goat curries, but they are very hard to beat. They also served an excellent shiraz – labelled especially for them, but sourced from McLaren Vale. It was a great meal, but a tad noisy. A team from Netflix was there – they are filming in the area and we hope to see the product in due course. There was also a bunch from a 4WD club, all dressed up to the nines to help celebrate one of their member's 70th birthday so that was a talking point – two birthdays on the same day in such a remote area – actually three because the 70-year-old guy told us he had met up with a 2-year-old celebrating her birthday that morning too. I reckon there must have been at least 50 people served meals in the restaurant that night, probably half or more enjoying the goat curry!
Wednesday, 21 April
We continued another 250-odd kilometres west along the Oodnadatta Track, stopping several times to explore along the way. We checked out a couple more sidings, or their ruins actually. One looked as if someone had attempted to reconstruct parts of the collapsed walls, but I suspect the next willy-willy will undo all the work done to date. This was one of the buildings, several of the walls of which I reckon I could easily have pushed over, but was careful to avoid in case the whole wall fell in on me.
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One of many defunct railway sidings along the old Ghan track. I could probably have demolished half of it with one hand.
There were huge swathes where the ground was covered with a pale green fuzz – obviously a result of the recent rains, but essentially a thin ground cover. But there were also many patches of darker green with more grass and low shrubs where water had obviously pooled and given the plants the opportunity to establish themselves. There were even small areas where the water still lay – as well as occasional rivers, some with water in them.
We stopped off at Algebuckina on the Neales River. We have called in there on previous trips and the river was actually flowing quite strongly. I believe it is the only river in a huge area that has never been completely dry in human memory. I went looking for birds and found a few, but the mozzies soon found me. At Oodnadatta (Bushfly-centre), they said that Algebuckina is Mosquito-centre! The mosquitos are very small, but I was bitten at least 20 times within a few minutes. Algebuckina has one of the old Ghan rail bridges across the river – a huge structure that we have walked on in the past, but this time, the mozzies were so persistent that we simply locked ourselves in the car to eat our lunch and then just kept driving.
We called in at the Pink Roadhouse in Oodnadatta for a cold drink and a chat with the bar staff, but decided that it was too early to make camp so did another 100 kilometres or so before camping along the road near the entrance to one of the big stations out there.
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I tried to fly our drone but found I needed to do a bit more reading about how to control it before doing anything more than simply flying and landing it within a few metres of the caravan. I suspect this might be a project for us when we are out at Gemtree with lots more space and fewer people to avoid whilst earning my P-plates.
At night, we slept in our new sleeping bags, just to try them out before our Camel Trek. They are very cosy and comfortable, but maybe a bit warmer than expected.
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vantovan-blog1 · 6 years
A beginning
Well, here we go, better late than never? This is a blog to get some of the experiences Tash and I have had and will have this year as we travel Australia and the world to find family, friends and fun, ending up in Vancouver where we plan to stay for a while before we head back to Melbourne, our home city, when it feels right. 
Our instagram account (@van.to.van for those playing along at home) has captured a lot of the best moments, but it's time to get some words down too. It's been just over three months since we set off from Melbourne. 
Leaving was harder than we anticipated. We found it tough to say farewell to our house, having only been in it for a year, to friendships that were really solidifying, and to family and familiar faces and places. It was an emotionally, mentally and physically tiring couple of months leading up to departure - there is a lot to organise when you upturn a settled existence - but we got there in the end and drove away from Melbourne excited, nervous and a little uncertain about what was ahead of us.
Australian road trip
Life in the van was amazing. It's a cliche, but it's remarkable how simple life becomes (temporarily at least) once you've pared down your possessions to the essentials. Fewer things in front of your face means less to think and worry about, and we quickly fell in love with the lifestyle, where the principal concerns are what you will eat for the day and where you will park the van for the night.
Our road trip took us almost all the way up the east coast to Port Douglas, a small tourist town north of Cairns, then cross country to meet the Stuart highway, down through Alice Springs to Adelaide, then back home via a few wineries in the Mclaren Vale, Barossa and Clare Valley regions.
It's difficult to pinpoint highlights as there really were so many; this trip gave us both a newfound appreciation for the beauty and variety of Australia, and as is often the case when you travel, the journey itself was as good and sometimes better than a lot of the destinations. I will, however, pick out a few.
We rushed through it more than we should have, and really want to go back again, but the section of coast between Sydney and Brisbane was spectacular. Some of the best beaches we have come across anywhere in the world are in that region. We stayed with friends in both Sydney and Brisbane who generously hosted us and put up with our larger than normal car.
There were some pretty amazing beaches above Brisbane as well, a highlight for us being the Agnes Water/1770 region, where we stayed in a bush camp right above a surf beach. Magic. Another highlight was Magnetic Island, just off the Townsville coast, where we spent a few days with some family friends Ric and Candy in their oasis of a home. A beautiful house at the end of a cul de sac right below a cliff, complete with decor from PNG and a dip pool, all accented with colourful lead light lamps and wall art made by Candy. They were very lovely hosts as well, which made it a very special few days. 
Above Townsville we ran into bad weather and didn’t get to see the best that the Cairns and Whitsundays regions had to offer, but still got a good day on Whitehaven beach (Whitsunday Islands) and out on the Great Barrier Reef. It was nice to see it while it is still there; who knows how much longer it will be alive. I tried diving for the first time and had a ball. 
We got rained out in Port Douglas and spent a solid two days in the van in a caravan park as landslips had closed the roads in and out of the place. That was testing, and we got very bored at times. Thanks to our good friend Pat Fountain who we stayed with in Brisbane, we had a fan to keep the insane humidity at bay. At times, it was intolerably hot and muggy. Combined with the inability to move from the car, we went a bit crazy in Port Douglas.
Once the rain cleared we schlepped across Queensland and half of the Northern Territory to the Stuart Highway, taking the long route as flooding had closed the main highway. Long stretches of road were at times very fun and at times intensely boring. We listened to a lot of true crime podcasts and audiobooks. There was also a fair share of silly dancing to loud music, something I hope we will never stop doing. The heat up north is something else in March and we were very grateful for the quality air conditioning in our van, Sheila. 
We stayed with a friend in Alice Springs who took us on a tour of the West Macdonnell ranges just outside town, exploring water holes and canyons. We also spent a good chunk of our time in Alice Springs watching Ru Paul’s Drag Race; an American reality show about drag queens I hadn’t watched previously but now love. A lasting memory of Alice Springs this time will be the flies, they were awful. Not awful enough to ruin the experience, but enough to leave an impression!
After Alice, we took a few days to get down to Adelaide (via Uluru), covering big distances across the NT and SA deserts, which are vast. They are beautiful in their own way and we came to love the landscape. In Adelaide we stayed with friends of a friend and had a couple of lovely days and nights out in a city we fell in love with. It has to be the most underrated city in the country and we want to go back for the fringe festival sometime. We used the opportunity to taste some excellent wines in the regions around Adelaide and had a couple of nights on the coast south of the city. A fantastic section of Australia. 
We stopped for a night in Ararat with a friend to break up the drive home, having a quick look at the new build he is project managing and were back in Melbourne just before the end of April. 
Another massive highlight of these two months was the three weddings we attended, two of which we flew back from Townsville then Alice Springs for. They were all wonderful and we felt very lucky to have such great friends around us and to be invited to such beautiful events. The first was for Simon and Bec (Simon is Tash’s old boss at Isobar). Theirs was at Emu Bottom Estate just outside Sunbury in Melbourne. The next was Tom and Hannah, good friends and neighbours of ours, who got married at Wye River where Hannah’s mum owns a house. The last was Andrew and David (I work with Andrew) who got married at Mt Ophir Estate near Rutherglen in the Indigo Valley, Victoria. 
South East Asia
This leg kicked off with a bit of minimoon crashing, as we joined forces with Tom and Hannah of above wedding fame for a beach/poolside holiday in Bali, split between Canggu and Uluwatu. This mostly consisted of chilling at the private villa we had in Canggu (outrageous I know), eating great food, drinking too much and reading lots. It was particularly nice to explore Uluwatu a bit, where Tash lived for a few months in 2014. Spending time in the beach clubs (the Lawn Club and Ulu Cliffhouse) also deserves a mention; it’s amazing what you get for your money in Bali. Only lowlight of this trip was Hannah coming off a scooter and badly hurting her leg, though this turned into a highlight when they got to the airport as she got ushered through check in and security in a wheelchair. Win. 
Next stop was Vietnam for a couple of weeks. We flew into Ho Chi Minh City to hang out with old friends and colleagues of mine from when I lived there back in 2006 and to explore old haunts. It was great to see the school I taught at again and spend lots of time with my good friend Mr Huy. We had dinner at his family’s house one night which was fantastic. Tash was unwell for much of our time in Ho Chi Minh which was disappointing, but otherwise it was a good time. It was also fun to get back into speaking Vietnamese, which I can speak conversationally, and which came in handy when getting around outside the tourist districts. 
We then spent a few days in Hoi An, where we surprised one of our neighbours from Flemington, Mara, for her 40th birthday. This was great fun, particularly the day we all dressed in matching fruit salad print threads and went out for lunch. Mara and her husband Petro have three adorable boys aged 7, 9 and 11 who were great to have around, and the whole thing was made possible by the two socialites of our street, Mark and Adrian, who are a bunch of fun to be with. Being with our neighbours made us miss home a bit and solidified both Tash and my love of our neighbourhood. 
Next was Hanoi for a night then up into the mountain town of Ha Giang on a sleeper bus to do a five day motorbike tour of the hills near the Chinese border, something I did with a uni friend back in 2011. The scenery in the mountains is spectacular, and seeing it from a motorbike is definitely the best way to do it. We ate fantastic local food, feasting every night in homestays. The only downside of this part of the trip was doing it with a guide, which seemed unnecessary. When I did it seven years ago, we didn’t see any tourists on bikes and didn’t even consider the possibility of doing it solo, but this time there were a lot, most doing it without assistance, which made us feel a bit silly for spending money on the guide when we could have done it ourselves. It was nice not to have to deal with the bike breaking down though, which it did, three times. 
We had one more night in Hanoi after the tour then spent five days in Bangkok with my uncle, who owns an apartment near Sukhumvit where he spends a few months of the year escaping winter and learning Thai. It was lovely to spend some time wiith him, poking around the local streets and riding the Klong (river canal) boats. A highlight was a night out at Blue Elephant restaurant, a Michelin guide restaurant, for a fancy many course meal with matched Thai wines.
Serbia volume I and Bosnia
We arrived in Serbia on 2 June where we will be spending about a month, collectively, in Novi Sad, the city where Tash’s dad’s family live. We are staying with her aunt and uncle in their house with a huge vegetable garden that spits out flavourful tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce and all kinds of fruits and berries. These are fantastic complements to what is otherwise a very carb and meat heavy (and endlessly delicious) diet. Tash’s aunt is the best cook in Serbia in my humble opinion.
We have spent a lot of time hanging out with family, drinking coffees, rakija (brandy) and beers in the back yard, and doing a bit of gardening when the time is right. We have done a few trips into the city to explore and shop, and been for long training walks (for the West Highland Way walk we are doing in Scotland in August) and bike rides. We have also had a couple of days at the Strand, a beach on the Danube river where there are lounges, bars and loud music playing all day. Fantastic people watching and a great way to spend a sunny day.
We recently had five days with Tash’s mum’s side of the family in Banja Luka, the second largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in one of the Serbian controlled regions. I have been brushing up on my history a little, learning about how complex the politics and consequent wars were in its region of the world in the 1990s. There is just nothing good that seems to come from war. It is striking how recent it was and to notice some of the cultural, physical and emotional scars that still remain.
This week, there is an international wine festival on in Novi Sad, which we will imbibe in, then we have a family friend’s apartment booked in the city centre for the weekend. Next week we are taking Tash’s aunt white water rafting, then the week after that we are off to Greece for a couple of weeks. Tough life...
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“My Heartbeat” Part 10 (Final)
Summary: The injury sustained on his last mission made Bucky realize how fragile life is. It’s time to step down and enjoy life with Veronica.
Word Count: 1,249
Pairings: Bucky Barnes, Veronica Barnes OFC: Darius, Malcolm and The Avengers
Warnings: None
A/N: This is the end of “My Heartbeat.” I’ve had so much fun with this series. THANK YOU FOR READING!!!
Physical therapy’s going really well. Darius is a hard nut to crack, but so far, I’ve gone from a wheelchair to a cane. That’s real progress.
I’ve also made a decision to quit field work. It’s time. This injury shook me to the core. I almost lost Ronnie because some HYDRA asshole got the drop on me.
“Hey Ronnie? Can we talk for a sec?” Bucky walked into the sunroom.
Placing her book on the chair, “Sure James. Come sit with me please.”
Gingerly moving forward, Bucky made his way over to Veronica.
“Uhm, I’ve made a decision about returning to field work. Think m’gonna quit because this injury got me to thinking about you, our marriage and most importantly, my life. I need to do this for myself as well as us.”
Turning towards her husband she replied, “James, I don’t know what to say. Please don’t make a rash decision based on how I acted before your last mission.” Tears rolled down her face.
Using the pad of his thumb, Bucky wiped her face. “Doll, listen. When I was laying in that hospital bed, all I could think about was you and ‘what if?’ What if I died and never told you how important you are to me? What if we never have a chance for a family? I don’t wanna live like that. We deserve to be happy without the head and heartache that fieldwork causes.”
Veronica laid her head on his shoulder, “Love, I want you to be happy, no matter what. If being home does it for you then by all means, do it.”
“Listen, we have enough money saved to do anything we wanna. Travel the world, upgrade the kitchen appliances, get new carpeting, ANYTHING! Ronnie, let’s live a little.”
The gleam in Bucky’s blue gray eyes spoke volumes. His mind was made up. Time to tap out and explore other options.
Excited, Veronica pulled Bucky into a tight hug. “James, thank you. New stainless steel appliances would be nice. I’ll be able to really crank out some delicious dishes and desserts.”
Bucky chuckled, “How ‘bout we plan a dinner party and I can make my announcement then?”
“That would work, my love. I’ll plan the menu and enlist Darius’ help. James, my heartbeat, I love you so much.”
“Ronnie, my pride and joy, I love you too.”
Darius, Malcolm (Darius’ Husband) and Veronica scurried around the kitchen preparing a feast for the Avengers.
Bucky busied himself on the 3 huge gas grills. He felt comfortable moving around the patio, wearing an apron, “Sexy Cook” and a chef’s hat! Darius and Malcolm couldn’t resist snapping a flurry of pictures.
“Ronnie” Malcolm mused, “This is going on Instagram, honey.” Veronica guffawed, “He’s going to be so pissed. Post it!”
The kitchen was Veronica’s ‘happy place’. Her fondness for cooking afforded she and Bucky fun ‘together’ times. They would dance around giggling like teenagers. Having her husband home full-time was an answer to Veronica’s prayers.
From the kitchen window, Ronnie smiled as Bucky bopped along to The Andrews Sisters, Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole.
Smoke billowed from the grills into the air as ribs, chicken, steaks, assorted vegetables, brats and hot dogs sizzled. The smell permeated throughout the massive yard.
Darius and Malcolm moved from inside to outside setting up mosquito torch lights, tables and chairs. Tony Stark never misses an opportunity to have a party; tonight was no exception.
From the bar to food, only the best for the Avengers and their families. Bucky and Veronica’s backyard was spacious. Rose bushes lined the sides of the lower deck; beautiful fern hanging baskets hung from the screened upper deck. As far as the eyes could see, massive trees adorned the yard. For security, a tall electric fence stretched around the property. The centerpiece of the house was a magnificent fountain in the pool. The lights danced off the crystal clear water, yielding a rainbow-esque feel.
Bucky removed the last piece of meat and corn on the cob from the grill. Malcolm and Ronnie set up a dessert table to compliment all the grilled delicacies. Red velvet, german chocolate, and yellow cakes, along with apple, blueberry and lemon meringue pies were on display.
The fantastic foursome looked around with pride. Next stop, shower and dress. Darius and Malcolm waved and disappeared to their suite.
Veronica and Bucky shared a sensual moment, reacquainting themselves through smouldering kisses, feather light touches and explosive lovemaking. After almost a year, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes had a lot of time to make up for.
Relishing in post coital bliss, Bucky cradled Ronnie in his arms. “Doll, you know we gotta get dressed?” Placing a kiss on his nose, “Yep, but thank goodness we have plenty of time after the party.”
The layout of the house gave everyone privacy. Bucky and Veronica’s master suite was situated in a corner of the house away from everything. Darius and Malcolm’s suite was on the opposite side of the house.
Guests began arriving. Nat, Steve, Dr. Cho, Sam and Thor rode in Tony’s Hummer limo. Clint, Laura and their kids were behind them. Tony and Pepper rolled up in his silver McLaren P1 LM. Darius shook his head. “The man knows how to make an entrance.”
Scott, Hope and Cassie apologized for being late. “Traffic was crazy.”
Veronica and Bucky greeted their extended family with hugs, tears and vigorous handshakes.
Giggling erupted as Cooper, Lila, Cassie and Nathaniel spied the dessert table. Laura shook her head and directed the excited kids to their table. “No dessert little ones until you eat.” Cooper balked. “Awwww momma. No fair.” Speaking firmly, “Young man, what did I say?” “Food first; dessert later.” Relenting, the kids settled down, eating a hearty meal.
Tony quipped, “Mrs. Tin Man, you outdid yourself.” Shaking her head, Ronnie chuckled, “Thank you, Can Opener. I love you too.”
After dinner, Bucky and Veronica stood to make their announcement.
“Listen, I ain’t one for speeches, but here goes. First of all, thank you so much for being there for me and Ronnie when I got hurt. I love everyone of ya. Second, me and the Mrs. had a long talk and I’m retiring from the team.” Veronica wiped Bucky’s face, as tears rolled down his cheek.
Steve furrowed his brow, questioning his childhood friend. “Hey pal are’ya sure ya wanna do that?”
“Yeah. I almost lost my life. That showed me just how short our time on earth is and I wanna spend my time here, with Ronnie. I’ve had a good run but s’time to hang up my tactical gear.”
Nat, raised her glass, “Bucky, I wish you and Ronnie all the best life has to offer. We’ll miss you.”
Steve, fighting back tears, toasted Bucky. “Let’s raise a glass to James Buchanan Barnes. The luckiest son-of-a-bitch on the planet. Be happy pal. I’ll miss ya.”
Everyone joined in, “To Bucky.”
Veronica kissed her husband, as the team continued to enjoy the party. Now wasn’t the time for sadness. James Buchanan Barnes’ life had come full circle. Now, it was his moment to ride off into the sunset with the love of his life.
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  U.K. Travel Bucket List – Best National Parks
  The month is May and the year 2020, the World as we know it, has been in lockdown mode for the better part of the year now, as COVID – 19, is spreading like wildfire everywhere. The silver lining is that Mother Earth is healing, and while the world heals from this Pandemic, with all of us Staying at Home, we all can make the most of this Quarantine Life by adding different destinations to our Post COVID – 19 Travel Bucket List. Which in reference to this blog post is the Best National Parks in the UK.
  More than 10 Travel Experts have contributed their suggestions about the Best National Parks in the United Kingdom, that I have curated and compiled for your ease, in alphabetical order, in this UK Travel Bucket List – The Best U.K. National Parks.
  Brecon Beacons National Park
  The Brecon Beacons National Park is one of the three national parks in Wales. The park is home to the famous Brecon Beacons range of mountains in the south of Wales, These mountains are the highest ones in southern Britain and they are famous for its magnificent upland formations. 
This National park is less than 30 miles from Cardiff and 100 miles from Birmingham in England, and just a three-hour drive from London. Its outstanding waterfalls, caves, ancient landscape and beautiful lakes attract adventurers and nature lovers from all over the world. Here is where you can get active and create some unforgettable memories.
There are numerous walking routes and hiking trails for any fitness levels. If you want to take your hike an extra mile, you can go rock climbing on some amazing spots in the park, where you have a coastal view. 
Cycling and mountain biking are also a great way to explore The Brecon Beacon. Some cyclists like to enjoy riding peacefully on a canal path next to the river while some prefer to go for more challenging climbs. There is different terrain in the park, including roads, lanes and hillside tracks. 
If you are looking for a fabulous place to mountain bike you can head to the south to Bike Park Wales, where you can find several downhill tracks of varying difficulty.
The national park is also a great destination for horseback riding. There are bridle paths and tracks. Some people might say The Brecon Beacon is one of the best ridings in Europe. 
There are many brilliant organised group activities like Canoeing, Kayaking, Paddleboarding and White Water Rafting in the national park. 
You can stay in Parkwood Outdoors Dolygaer which offers different types of accommodations such as cottages, lodges, and chalets. This centre also offers different activities including caving, stand up paddleboarding, and canyoning. 
There are also various caravan and camping sites in the park. Make sure stargazing when the sky is clear. Here is one of the best locations in the UK to watch the sky during the nights. 
While in the Brecon Beacons, make sure to take the Four Falls Walk which takes you to four amazing waterfalls.
By Mansoureh Farahani from Travel With Mansoureh
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  Cairngorms National Park
Cairngorms National Park – Largest National Park in UK
  If you’re an outdoor/ nature lover, you need to put the Cairngorms National Park onto your Scotland Itinerary. This incredible place is the largest National Park in the UK and was voted one of the top 20 places to visit IN THE WORLD by National Geographic!
The park is 4500 sq kms (which is bigger than the whole of Luxembourg) and contains mountains, valleys, castles, distilleries and watersports. There’s something to do for everyone.
One of our favourite things to do was hike. There are multiple trails and walks within the park (guides are available from the tourist offices if you’d like one), or you can just turn up and wander wherever you fancy. Dog walking is encouraged, but the area is full of wildlife, so please be aware and obey local signage. 
It’s possible to walk for a short time, find a quiet spot and enjoy a picnic, or plan a more advanced hike right up into the mountains, where the views are breathtaking. A word of caution- the weather can change VERY quickly in this area, so please carry appropriate equipment/ clothing.
If hiking isn’t for you, how about some sport? Within the Cairngorms you can enjoy cycling, skiing or play golf at one of the 12 golf courses! There’s also a bungee-jump (the first permanent one in the UK) and a sled dog centre. 
For water lovers, there’s fishing, kayaking, windsurfing, rafting, swimming or gorge walking. There are several watersports centres in the park and they offer lessons, hire or even wildlife watching tours from the water- where you can glide quietly past local birds and animals as they sit on the river banks- a magical way to start the day.
If you’re not travelling Scotland in a motorhome or camper, there are plenty of places to stay within the park, including local B & Bs, hotels, hostels, campsites and log cabins. You need to stay for at least 3 days to really experience everything the park has to offer. 
If all the sport and hiking sounds utterly exhausting, many of the hotels offer beauty/ spa services and pools, so you can relax and unwind as much as you like.
There are many places to eat and drink within the park- restaurants, cafes and shops are plentiful, but there are also farmers markets, local artisan shops, food and drink workshops and of course the distilleries, where you can enjoy a ‘wee dram’.
By Kathryn Bird from Wandering Bird
    Exmoor National Park
  Exmoor National Park is located in the South West of England on the borders of Somerset and North Devon.  It was designated as a National Park in 1954,  It is located south of Minehead between Taunton and Tiverton and its outer boundaries are just a short distance from the M5 motorway.  It has a wide range of landscapes from high moors including Dunkery Beacon.  This peak is the highest point in the south of England outside of Dartmoor.  From the moorland farmland tumbles down to the Somerset Coast.  This is unique in the UK and was one of the reasons for the National Park designation.  The moorland reaches the coast in spectacular 400m cliffs with Great Hangman being the highest sheer sea cliff in England and Wales at 244m.  
Dotted through the landscape are small villages with old cottages with thatched roofs and beautiful gardens.  The landscape is ancient with archaeology being present in the form of hillforts and Norman Castles including the stunning red Dunster Castle.  Tarrs Steps near Dulverton is an ancient clapper bridge and is believed to have been in place since the Bronze Age.
Exmoor is wild and remote with a wide range of nature.  In the autumn it is one of the best places in the country to experience the red deer rut.  Stags battle for territory, battling with other males to win the right to mate with their hinds.  Their deep calls can be heard echoing across the landscape and the clash of antlers is a sight to be seen.  Finding this behaviour is not easy but there are a number of ‘stalkers’ who can help you find and watch the stags. 
Exmoor also has its own Exmoor Ponies.  These are small, stocky ponies that have roamed the landscape for over 50000 years and are documented in the Domesday Book in 1086.  They have a dark bay colouring with a lighter mealy colour around the muzzle and underbelly. They are semi-feral and roam across the moorland helping to conserve the landscape with their grazing.  Completely silent they have a gentle and docile attitude to life and will slowly saunter off if they are disturbed.
    Exmoor has beautiful walks, some of which can be quite technical, especially in the winter months.  The coast is perfect for rock pooling and sea kayaking although access down the steep cliffs has to be planned at access points.  
Exmoor can be visited at any time of the year.  In winter the higher points near Dunkery Beacon can have a dusting of snow and driving can be hard.  In the summer months the moor can be busy with visitors but there is enough space to escape and be alone in the landscape.
By Suzanne from Meandering Wild
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  Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park
Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park – The 4th Largest National Park in UK
  Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park in UK is a relatively young park with its birthday/confirmation of formation date being 19th July 2002.
It is the 4th largest national park in the British Isles and it covers 1,865 square kilometres of Scottish Highlands, and is an integral experience of your Trip to Scotland, when you plan your 7 Day Scotland Travel Itinerary. The park is easily accessible by car, or public transport from Perth or Glasgow with many accommodation options all around the park.
An outdoor enthusiast won’t be bored visiting the area, in fact rather opposite; be prepared to be spoilt by a choice of activities.
Those who love walking can find 21 munros (Scottish mountains with a summit of more than 3000ft), with Ben Lomond being the most southerly munro. But this is not the end yet, the park is home to 19 corbetts (mountains over 2,500ft), with Ben A’an being our all-time favourite due to its amazing views over Loch Katrine.
For experienced climbers, The National Park offers many multi-pitch routes and bolted sport climbing, with the iconic mountain The Cobbler (or Ben Arthur) in Arrochar Alps. If you have  no previous climbing experience but are keen to try, visit McLaren Community Leisure Centre in Callander for an indoor climbing wall and/or get lessons from a qualified instructor.
Cyclists can enjoy many car-free routes, including a route along Loch Katrine, suitable for the whole family. Within the park borders one can find routes at different levels of difficulties, suitable for road and mountain bikes.
Since Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park is also a home to the largest lake in the UK, and over 20 stunning lochs (Scottish word for lakes) opportunities for water sports are endless as well. If you dare you can dip for a swim in freshwater, but it is Scotland after all, so expect the water to be very cold.
Kayaking, canoeing or paddling are very popular activities. The park provides opportunities for each level; try smaller and sheltered Loch Lubnaig if you are a beginner. Love the challenge, then enjoy amazing Loch Lomond or try open water at Loch Drunkie. The options are endless!
Even windsurfing lovers won’t be disappointed visiting the park as Loch Lomond is a popular windsurfing destination.
It is not common to find golf courses in a national park. But we are talking about Scotland, the home of golf. So you probably won’t be surprised to learn that there are 7 golf courses within the borders of the park.
By Beata from Stunning Outdoors
    Longshaw Estate
  When looking for the best national parks in the UK, the Peak District springs to mind. After exploring some outdoor spots in and around Sheffield I went to look for the closest places to visit in the Peak District from Sheffield. The residents of South Yorkshire will tell you just how lucky they are to have the Peak District on the doorstep. However, with the Peak District covering such a large area you can’t explore all the sites in the national park within one day. Because the park stretches over many counties, depending on where you are on the map, your experience will be completely unique. From Sheffield, you can easily visit the Longshaw Estate. 
As part of the National Trust, this charity is set up specifically to conserve historic and natural landscapes, and own a percentage of the land in the Peak District National Park. These are landscapes that makeup and can be seen from the Longshaw Estate and bordering footpaths. This gives nature lovers an opportunity to be amongst some of the most preserved nature in the UK. Arriving at the visitor center of this National Trust Property you can start your route at the in house shooting lodge offering spectacular views of the rolling hills of Desert Valley. Following the windy trails, you discover unusual sites here such as millstone quarries to packhorse routes. If you are located in the nearby city of Sheffield you can arrive here by means of a car or public transport. 
The Peak District and estates like Longshaw offer visitors looking for things to do in Sheffield and want to escape to the outdoors in a short space of time. Like most of the national parks, there are many things you can get involved with. Many visitors come here for hiking, abseiling, bouldering and even camping plus there is even more you can get up to. The grounds are open all year round apart from the 24th to the 26th of December. The area has total access including disabled toilets and available wheelchairs. Fox house pub is also another popular local stop which serves a traditional 
British lunch located along the walk nearby, this is also a great starting point to get to the Longshaw Estate or walk further in the Peak District. So when looking for a national park in the UK to get outside and enjoy the crisp taste of air, head out to Sheffield’s peak district and the Longshaw Estate.
By Daniel James from Urban Road
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  North Yorkshire Moors National Park
  The North Yorkshire Moors National park is a beautiful national park in the north of England. Famous for moody landscapes, pretty purple heather, old steam trains and beautiful coastal villages there is so much to see and do in this wonderful UK national park. It is perfect for adventure and nature lovers alike!
The North Yorkshire Moors was one of the first national parks in the UK. It is easy to see why with its wonderfully varied landscapes. Nature lovers can choose from 3 main types of landscapes in the North Yorkshire Moors: woodland, coastal and moorland. There are also many ways to explore these Yorkshire landscapes. 
The North Yorkshire Moors is a hiker’s paradise. You can climb wonderfully named peaks such as Roseberry Topping or walk along the coastline. There are also strange features such as the Devil’s Punchbowl to wander in! For many though, just wondering amongst the heather in August is a highlight of any trip to the North Yorkshire Moors national park. Also, the abundance of rain in this national park means there are some wonderful waterfalls! The waterfalls in Yorkshire are spectacular and you must add Old Meggisson and Falling Foss to your waterfalls in the North Yorkshire Moors bucket list!
Nature lovers will enjoy the beautiful landscapes whether on foot or by train! The North Yorkshire Moors Railway is a heritage railway that runs through the North Yorkshire Moors national park. It was closed but has reopened and is now a major tourist attraction in the area. Therefore, if you don’t fancy getting muddy boots, you can sit in the warmth and admire the beautiful landscape from the comfort of your train seat. If you would like to admire the coastline why not hop on a boat?! There are tours of Whitby harbour or you can join the Three sisters boat trip for the chance to see whales, dolphins and sea birds! 
If you are an adventure lover you might enjoy an adrenaline rush at Dalby forest! Dalby Forest is one of the biggest trail centres in England which offers trails for all abilities. If you are looking for an adventure in the North Yorkshire Moors this is a good place to find it!
There is so much to see and do in this magnificent UK national park. Both adventure lovers and nature lovers will love visiting the North Yorkshire Moors. 
By Anna from My Travel Scrapbook
    Northumberland National Park
Northumberland National Park – England’s Northernmost National Park
  Northumberland National Park is England’s northernmost National Park connecting the area between Hadrian’s Wall and the Scottish border in the north.  Northumberland National Park is all the more stunning as its one of the least visited and populated of England’s National Parks.
The park covers more than 1,000 square kilometres and includes historic houses, like Cragside, to the immense Kielder Water reservoir and the incredible Hadrian’s Wall, which runs from the east to the west coast of the country.
Northumberland National Park is an outstanding park to visit for adventure and nature lovers because of the outdoor activities it offers.  The Park is a Dark Skies site and I can think of nowhere better to get a great look at the night sky without light pollution.  There are many holiday cottages that can be rented within the park areas that are literally in the middle of nowhere, so if it’s splendid isolation you’re looking for, then it’s here you need to come.
There are more than 700 miles of walking paths in the National Park, with trails for all standards – including the Hadrian’s Walk trail from coast to coast and sections of the Pennine Way.  The Kielder Water National Reserve, which is entirely within Northumberland National Park provides for canoeing, sailing and water skiing and is surrounded by glorious walks.  For history lovers, the iconic Hadrian’s Wall is a fascinating trail to talk, either in bite-sized daily pieces or in its entirety – the 135 kilometres route goes from east coast to the west coast.
As one of the least populated and least visited National Parks, Northumberland National Park is a fabulous place to see the natural world.  Here many rivers are home to salmon and trout and annual salmon leaps – where salmon’s return to their spawning ground to breed is a sight to behold.  And when it comes to animals Northumberland has one of England’s secrets.  The park is one of the few places that is still home to the native red squirrel.  In most of England, you can only see the grey squirrel, introduced from the United States, but the red squirrel has made its home here in the woodlands and forest of the National Park.
Northumberland National Park is a stunning, vast area that is all the more special because there are very few visitors here, so head north and experience this amazing place!
By Sarah from Let’s Grow Cook
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  Peak District National Park 
Peak District – The first National Park in the UK
  The Peak District was the first national park in the UK, and still remains one of the most visited. The national park spans 555 square miles and is located within five counties, Derbyshire, Cheshire, Staffordshire, Yorkshire and Greater Manchester. It is one of the most accessible national parks in the UK as it is within a four hour drive for 80% of the UK, making it no surprise that over 10 million people visit a year. The Peak District has 65 miles of off road cycling trails, and 1600 miles of hiking paths and even one of the longest walking trails in the UK, the Pennine Way passes through the Peak District.
The landscape of the park is made up of moorlands, hills and farmlands, and the highest point, Kinder Scout is 636 metres above sea level.
One of the quaintest villages in the Peak District is Castleton in Hope Valley. It has long been a hotspot for hikers, outdoor lovers and history buffs. Situated in Derbyshire, the village can be reached by car or train. The train journey from Sheffield is only half an hour, making it highly accessible.
The charming village of Castleton, is known for being home to Mam Tor, also known as Shivering Mountain. The top of Mam Tor provides dramatic views of the Peak District, and the hike takes only two hours from the village centre, making it a popular amongst families as well as seasoned trekkers. 
Looming high above Castleton is also the 11th century ruins of Peveril Castle, one of England’s earliest Norman fortresses. The castle makes for another great hike in the area as it is perched well above Hope Valley. 
For those who would rather take in some history, Castleton is home to some of the best show caves and caverns in the country, such as Speedwell Cavern, Peak Cavern and Treak Cliff Cavern. To end your visit a traditional afternoon tea or a pub lunch is a must, especially when visiting this beautiful English village in the Peak District.
By Roshni from The Wanderlust Within
    Pembrokeshire National Park
Pembrokeshire National Park – The only coastal National Park in UK
  The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park is unique among all UK National Parks, as it’s the only coastal National Park in the country. Most of it is concentrated around the coast of the county of Pembrokeshire in south-west Wales, with a small section inland encompassing the Preseli Hills, a wild, remote range in the north of the county.
Pembrokeshire has always had something of a historic divide, between the Anglicised south and the Welsh-speaking north. The coastal scenery is often wild throughout the county, but it’s more rugged in the north, and there are also far less beaches than the south.
As far as adventure goes, one of the best things to do in Pembrokeshire is the coastal walking. The Pembrokeshire Coast Path was always a bit of a holy grail for long distance walkers, keen to cover the 186 miles (299 km) – this has since been incorporated into the Wales Coast Path, of which it’s one of the best two or three sections. I’ve walked most of the Path, just not in one go.
If you’re a beginner, an 8-mile (12 km) circular walk starting and finishing in the tiny city of St David’s, with the golden sands of Caerfai Bay your first stop. If you’re a more seasoned walker, the final northern section of the walk, from Newport to St Dogmaels, is one of the best coastal hikes you’ll ever attempt.
There are plenty of other activities for the adventurer in Pembrokeshire. It’s one of the places where coasteering – navigating the coastline at sea level – began, and St Non’s Bay, to the south of St David’s, is a great setting for this. You can also try your hand at sea kayaking at nearby Porth Clais, or surfing 6 miles (10 km) east at fantastic Newgale beach.
Pembrokeshire is also known throughout the UK and beyond for its beaches. Barafundle Bay, in the south of the county, is one of the most popular, and I’d also recommend Whitesands Bay near St David’s and Freshwater West, in the south of the county. As for a base to explore Pembrokeshire, St David’s is great, with a medieval cathedral that is the most impressive church in Wales. The seaside town of Tenby is another favourite, with three awesome beaches and one of the most picturesque harbours on the planet.   
By David Angel from Delve into Europe
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  Snowdonia National Park
  The Snowdonia National Park is located in a mountainous region in the Northwestern part of Wales. It has a total size of 823 square miles and was actually the first to be designated as a national park in Wales in 1951. It is home to some of the highest peaks in the UK outside of Scotland. 
Why should you visit? Well, Snowdonia is a dream. It consists of lush green hills, picturesque villages, lots and lots of fluffy sheep and a totally romantic scenery. Still, there is lots of adventure waiting to be discovered – from intense hikes over mountain biking at Coed y Brenin to trying out the longest zip line in Europe at Zip World Velocity. There is really so much to see and do!
But there are also a few hidden treasures that you should put on your list: The South of the park in particular is still a real insider tip away from the hustle and bustle and the demanding tours on the ridges of the Cader Idris is amazing as well as Bodnant Garden, which is one of the most beautiful British gardens.
Even if Snowdon can be overcrowded at times, you shouldn’t miss the highest mountain in Wales. There are many paths to its summit in various degrees of difficulty and it does give you the best feeling to actually reach the peak, feeling super tired but also super proud.
A trip to Newborough Warren, one of the most beautiful dune landscapes in Great Britain, is also worthwhile. This patch of Earth is very popular with the Welsh. The beach is full of families and youth groups splashing, grilling and/or drinking beer in the water. We suggest taking a leisurely stroll to the tidal island of Ynys Llanddwyn. According to legend, Dor founded a monastery at Dwynwen, the patron saint of Welsh lovers.
Not an insider tip, but the hike up to the Cnicht is still nice and quite lonely! The Cnicht is often referred to as the “Matterhorn of Wales” due to its striking shape. According to our hiking guide, the tour to its summit should last 6 hours, whereas it took us 3 hours to make it to the top. I don’t know how we did it, but I guess we found a secret shortcut, which is so secret that we met no one but dirty sheep. We won’t tell you where it is, but we’re sure you’ll find it!
By Clemens Sehi from Travellers Archive
    South Downs National Park
South Downs National Park – Youngest national park in Great Britain
  South Downs National Park is located in south-east England. This is the youngest national park in Great Britain. It covers an area of approximately 1,600 square kilometres and stretches over 140 kilometres between the city of Winchester in the west and Eastbourne in the east. South Downs National Park was established only in 2010. Although its creation was recommended in 1947, it took the authorities 52 years to make a decision. Implementation of the plan took another decade. Finally, the park opened its doors officially only on April 1, 2011.
The park stretches across three counties: Hampshire, West Sussex and East Sussex. It covers the range of Cretaceous South Down hills, which terminate in the chalky cliffs of Beachy Head in Eastbourne, and much of West Weald, which is characterized by heavily forested sandstone and clay hills and valleys. Visiting this part of England is a must! Our favourite place is Seven Sister Cliffs – one of the most stunning landscapes in Southern England. 160 km South Downs Way runs through the park, which is one of the National Trails long distance routes in Great Britain and the only one that lies entirely within the national park.
Thanks to very good train connections with London, the area is the favourite destination for weekend getaways for the residents of the British capital. The hills are a great place for walking, cycling and horse riding. There are as many as 3200 kilometres of well-marked paths throughout the park, so everybody will find a suitable trial.
South Downs is not only nature, but also history. Man has already inhabited these lands in prehistoric times. Most archaeological finds come from the Roman period. However, the most famous is Cissbury Ring – the second largest fort in the UK and one of the largest in Europe. The chalky cliffs of Beachy Head attract not only tourists but also film crews. It was here that he reached the shore after the crusade “Robin Hood Prince of Thieves” played by Kevin Costner. 
If you love nature and plan visiting one of the National Parks in the UK, start with South Downs. It really is one of the most stunning parks in the United Kingdom!
By Darek from Darek and Gosia
    Yorkshire Dales National Park
Yorkshire Dales National Park – One of the Most Stunning National Parks in UK
  Yorkshire is the largest county in the UK so it is no surprise that it is also home to one of the most stunning National Parks in the UK. The Yorkshire Dales National Park was formed in 1954 in recognition of its extraordinary natural beauty and was extended to reach further into Cumbria, Lancashire and more of Yorkshire in 2016. 
The Yorkshire Dales National Park is a vast and interesting place to visit and can occupy any outdoor enthusiast for months with an array of activities, sights to see and more. You won’t just be filled with natural beauty and stunning views but also warm welcomes and kind hearts welcoming you into their homes and villages. 
Depending on what you love to do will depend on where in the Yorkshire Dales National Park you want to go. Though anywhere you go you will find something to do. If you like to visit film locations then the Yorkshire Dales is a place for you, with scenes from Harry Potter films at Malham Cove’s stunning limestone walls and villages such as Kettlewell playing a big role in the 2003 Calendar Girls film starring Dame Helen Mirren and Julie Walters. 
One of the biggest challenges for hiking enthusiasts is the Yorkshire Three Peaks, a 24-mile hike up three of the biggest hills, Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough in the Yorkshire Dales. This can be done as part of a tour, by yourself (there are some rules before taking on the challenge) or as part of fundraising activity. 
One of my favourite activities to do while in the Yorkshire Dales is walking and hiking. There are stunning views and walks around the villages, to waterfalls and by rivers. Visit some of the stunning limestone features with the most popular being Malham Cove and don’t forget to see the peaceful reservoir of Malham Tarn.
Other activities include rock climbing, nature works and visiting some of the many waterfalls in and around the hills and villages. Many of the local village pubs have beer gardens that back onto rivers and streams so you can spend a sunny afternoon having lunch by the water. Along with visiting places above ground level, you can also explore some of the natural caves such as Yordas Cave or Ingleborough Caves. 
There are so many diverse activities you can do in and around the Yorkshire Dales National Park that it would take a lifetime to see and do them all. 
By Helen & Cora Harrison from Inside Our Suitcase
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Best National Parks in the United Kingdom (UK) U.K. Travel Bucket List - Best National Parks The month is May and the year 2020, the World as we know it, has been in lockdown mode for the better part of the year now, as COVID - 19, is spreading like wildfire everywhere.
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Food And Also Consume.
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Obviously, the market place has actually not been sedated by capitalists like you and also me. After all, institutional and also retail financiers have been net homeowners from assets throughout just about the whole post situation time period featuring the web purchase from much more than -$ 210 billion in residential capitals given that 2015, inning accordance with the Investment Company Institute. In Bible opportunities, people visited habitations (moveable outdoors tents) to praise instead of parish properties. Our eyesight, pretty just, is actually to be the globe's premier food items provider, supplying nourishing, superior tasting meals to individuals just about everywhere. As that ends up, the Chinese business possesses yet to carry out a singular test flight in the US, and also previously this month, that had to lay off about 70 folks off its staff from around 300, plus there were actually signs of economic problems - consisting of canteen food concerns, missed repayments to suppliers and also lessening individual drone delivery varieties - as long ago as August, inning accordance with Chinese news site Xtecher Probably Fit-You.Info to guarantee stressed individuals, Ehang decided to drop some illumination on the 184's latest development.
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