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queerhawkeyes · 2 months ago
stuck in an endless email thread with a local mckinney vento liaison who does not understand mckinney vento.
I provide release signed by student and ask to confirm his status as an unaccompanied homeless youth-> liaison says student is under 18 and she needs a parent signature -> I say again that this is an unaccompanied homeless youth who can consent to his own records being released and ask if the student was formally identified as an unaccompanied homeless youth -> she says no because the student is living somewhere safe so there was no need to apply mckinney vento -> I reply with actual definition of unaccompanied homeless youth and request her denial of his status of such in writing as required by state statute if she still insists it doesn't apply -> she ignores 99% of what I wrote to say the school isn't stopping him from registering -> I reply that the school is requiring parental consent to register, which he does not have, since he is an unaccompanied homeless youth.
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supportingeducation · 1 year ago
Homeless Students Have Rights
Homeless students have rights with regards to their schooling, and everyone should know them. These rights are federally protected. The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (MVHAA) was the first substantial federal legislation to address homelessness, and it was passed in 1987, under President Reagan. The original act had little to say about children – they weren’t part of the public…
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mcronnie-arc · 9 months ago
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LILI REINHART? não! é apenas VERONICA STORMI MCKINNEY, ela é DEVOTA DE HERA (FILHA DE HÉCATE) do chalé 21 e tem VINTE E TRÊS ANOS. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há 10 ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, RONNIE é bastante CRIATIVA, mas também dizem que ela é EMOTIVA. Mas você sabe como Hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
faz parte dos filhos da magia e é instrutora de furtividade e espionagem.
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Quando se fala de herança, há diversos tipos; herança em dinheiro, influência, conhecimento, contatos… e embora no mundo mortal se pense primeiro na herança que importa como famílias de longa linhagem de contatos e dinheiro, educação e influência, e que obviamente não faria mal algum contar com tal ajuda. Entretanto, existe uma realidade por além da névoa, que marca famílias desde o auge da civilização Grega. Famílias que não perderam completamente suas linhagens, que carregaram suas crenças apesar da estranheza e perseguição que o paganismo causava. Precisaram se esconder, disfarçar para sobreviver, mas nunca abandonaram suas origens e crenças, ensinaram seus filhos os contos, os nomes dos deuses, titãs e monstros. Justificavam eventos estranhos com a presença dos deuses, ainda que nem todos de suas linhagens nascessem com o dom de ver através da névoa. Por vezes, o legado parecia uma maldição, porém, famílias são chamadas assim por um motivo, e são feitas para se manterem juntas. 
E foi assim que os Makinnis seguiram migrando, seguindo bons ventos que lhes sopravam dicas valiosas de para onde deveriam seguir, lidando com um ou outro semideus que nasciam dentro da família… Não tinha como evitar, restavam poucas famílias que resistiam e seguiam ainda o paganismo em uma linhagem tão longa, eram uma atração à parte para os deuses, e uma honra para os Makinnis mais antigos. E de tanto se mudarem, os Makinnis se tornaram McKinney em algum ponto, provavelmente em um dos momentos em que precisaram fugir da perseguição religiosa. Desde a década de 60, se estabeleceram em Los Angeles.
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Algumas pessoas vivem assombradas pelo gostinho do  “e se”, e outras, têm a sorte que o Ethan teve de ter absoluta certeza de como teria sido sua vida se tivesse tomado outro caminho. Caso ele não tivesse decidido encerrar sua carreira nos palcos para se dedicar à paternidade, caso ele não tivesse entendido que dentro de um ônibus de banda; cercado de fãs, drogas, uma rotina de estúdio e shows não era o jeito de criar uma criança que já havia sido rejeitada pela mãe. Ethan não apenas sabia como teria sido seu futuro. Ele aproveitou do gosto por alguns anos, e por isso ele nunca permitiu que Veronica se culpasse pelo que havia escolhido abrir mão. Desde que ela entrou na equação, Ethan McKinney e Veronica McKinney eram a dupla principal, e ele fez e continua fazendo de tudo para que sua garotinha não sentisse tanto que tivesse sido rejeitada pela mãe. 
Qualquer um deveria saber que Hécate não era o tipo de mãe que ficaria em casa e assistiria as apresentações de ginástica de Ronnie. Tanto Ethan quanto Veronica tinham o conhecimento suficiente para saber que não havia sido uma escolha aleatória, não eram ingênuos, tudo foi pensado visando apenas a linhagem sanguínea, a possibilidade de uma criança bruxa com chances de brilhantismo. Mas Ronnie, se ressentiu pela frustração de seu pai, e seu pai por sua vez se doía por achar que Veronica precisava de uma mãe. Talvez nenhum dos dois tivessem desconfiança de Hécate se houvessem tirado esse elefante branco da sala mais cedo, porém, quando aconteceu, era tarde demais; nenhum dos dois tinha mais qualquer interesse em se aproximar de Hécate.
Começou a frequentar o acampamento ainda bem cedo, aos treze anos. Voltava do treino de ginástica quando foi atacada por uma dracaenae, e apenas conseguiu escapar com ajuda de Hera, que lhe orientou telepaticamente. Unindo as orientações e suas habilidades de ginástica, e as pequenas competências com magia, que já treinava em casa, conseguiu fugir o suficiente para Argos a encontrar, matar a dracaenae e apresentar o acampamento meio sangue. 
A verdade é que quando se tratava de uma deusa, rejeição com sua prole não devia ser a palavra, e tão pouco o sentimento que Veronica deveria alimentar sobre ela, porém talvez fosse um pouco inevitável, quando nem mesmo depois que passou a frequentar o acampamento durante todos os verões entre os treze e dezessete anos, e seguir os desejos da deusa teve alguma atenção dela. Diferente, entretanto, de Hera, a deusa que lhe instigou a segui-la e dedicar-suas habilidades para atender seus interesses, pois se havia algo em que a McKinney era boa, essa coisa era em ser grata.
Ela era uma boa ginasta, com potencial, mas abandonou quando começou a frequentar o acampamento. Assim como tem habilidades artísticas apuradas, sempre se destacou na música, aprendeu desde cedo a tocar alguns instrumentos e a cantar, era uma homenagem e pedido do pai, e fazia com tanto orgulho que até que era mais por ela, que por outra pessoa.
No entanto, talvez sua melhor habilidade fosse em conseguir coisas. Preferencialmente coisas valiosas; quanto mais alto precisar apostar ou barganhar por elas, melhor! Aprendeu a blefar, afanar, localizar e chantagear para acumular itens que considera valiosos, e nisso, foi onde Hera mais encontrou utilidade para si. Era uma via de mão dupla, as duas ganhavam, porque ela adorava receber a atenção da deusa que todos diziam ser tão difícil de lidar e agradar, mas que para si, parecia tão admirável. 
Veronica não sabe matar. Se a pedir, a feiticeira pode lhe fornecer poções para imobilizar, congelar, iniciar incêndios e até para amores falsos que se parecem verdadeiros, mas caso peça um veneno letal, para uma missão que seja, ela não vai poder ajudar. Algo nela a impede, e por isso, Ronnie não tem interesse em sair em missões de resgate ou qualquer uma onde acabe precisando enfrentar monstros, menos ainda enfrentar outros semideuses. Seu único medo, entre tudo de mais perigoso que ser um semideus a proporciona, é perder sua essência e se tornar apenas uma assassina. Nem mesmo se for para a própria sobrevivência. 
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Magia de Localização: Ronnie consegue rastrear objetos e até pessoas, contando que saiba o que está procurando. Precisa conhecer ou visualizar, em caso de objetos inanimados, que é como a magia funciona melhor e para distâncias maiores. No caso de pessoas, a magia funciona em distância bem menores e ela precisa ter alguma familiaridade com a pessoa antes de conseguir rastreá-la. 
Ophis Thaleros: A serpente graciosa; um colar de serpente que ao ser tirado do pescoço por Veronica, se torna um chicote de Ferro Estígio com punho de couro. As texturas de escamas de cobra do colar ainda estão presentes também no chicote quando ele se transforma, e podem ser usadas tanto para dar aderência ou machucar o alvo, dependendo da vontade do seu portador, uma vez que as escamas podem se levantar, tornando a arma bem dolorosa ao toque ou ótima para agarrar ou firmar-se em coisas. No fim do comprimento, a ponta quase furta cor é uma pequena lâmina afiada que pode ser banhada em veneno e assim se tornar letal em batalhas, ao cortar os oponentes. Seu alcance é variado, podendo alcançar diferentes distâncias dependendo da necessidade.
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alwaysforward10461 · 1 year ago
Social activism isn't something new to me. I have had my hands on quite a few posters that catch the eye of the intended plenty of times. The after look is always sweeter with the crowd cheering on. I always did my part. It came to me easy when I did it for my kids in school. While also helping others in the community. By way of advocating for services using IEP’s. I always did my best to help, parents have a voice to help their child(ren) succeed. One of my best moments was when I showed up in Albany along with many other families advocating for IEP’s to be made accessible to children in shelters across all of NYC. It was a very great moment even though I was arrested. Promise I made bail the group footed the bill of course. This is in the McKinney Vento Bill and was adopted by way of amendment.
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bayresources · 1 year ago
California ID Discount
There are California ID vouchers available at multiple locations for different demographics. The only one I know of right now is the homelessness voucher (AKA No Fee ID Eligibility Verification Form) which allows anyone with the voucher to get their ID for free at any bay area DMV. The current locations I know that have them is... 1. Larkin Street Youth 2. First Place for Youth
More info on No Fee ID Cards
Reduced fee ID card: You may be eligible to pay a reduced application fee for an original or renewal ID card if you meet income requirements for selected governmental or non-profit assistance programs. If you are eligible, the program will give you a completed Verification for Reduced Fee Identification Card (DL 937) form to take to DMV office. See your local public assistance program agency for information about eligibility requirements and obtaining a DL 937. 2. No-fee ID card: You may be eligible for a no-fee ID card if you are a “homeless person” as defined by the McKinney-Vento Act. This includes (but isn’t limited to) a homeless child or youth, a homeless person, or an individual or family fleeing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or another dangerous, life-threatening condition. 3. Senior ID card: To qualify for a no-fee senior citizen ID card, you must be at least 62 years old.
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college1stprogram · 3 days ago
Mcallen ISD Drones & Rovers CAMP from College 1st Program on Vimeo.
This College 1st Drones & Rovers CAMP was hosted in partnership with McAllen ISD & Mckinney Vento. The College 1st Team strives to provide Mcallen ISD students the best college and career readiness experience by engaging them in academic enrichment activities and mentorship opportunities. We work with these students in designing their future and linking the existing school district resources and programs of study with their high school, college, and future career plans. This work is only possible through a strong partnership established with McAllen ISD School District Administration. We are very grateful for this opportunity and look forward to continuing working with McAllen ISD students. For more information about the College 1st Program, please visit our website at: college1st.org.
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whavradio · 2 months ago
Haverhill and Lawrence Schools Receive Federal Help Paying Costs Associated with Homelessness
To submit school announcements, click on image. Haverhill and Lawrence schools will each receive $30,000 to help cover the costs of homeless students attending classes. The cities were among 47 public school districts across the state named this week to share in more than $1.7 million in federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Education grants. The competitive grants help pay for additional support and…
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govpubsfinds · 6 months ago
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This act improves upon the previous authorization by streamlining the application process for community funds, and by increasing the funding for emergency shelters and preventative programs. This act also expands the definition of homelessness to include families that experience multiple moves, and provides funding to study family homelessness and potential solutions.
"100% of the funding is now available to families."
Reauthorization of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act : hearing before the Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity of the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session. (2008). U.S. G.P.O.
Also on HathiTrust.
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swfichs · 9 months ago
FICHA // Veronica McKinney
Aqui é a Juno, eu tenho +20, minha atividade vai ser baixa, infelizmente eu trabalho mais do que deveria pois sou maluca, e meus triggers são abuso sexual e violencia animal e incesto.
RENEÉ RAPP? não! é apenas VERONICA STORMI MCKINNEY, ela é devota de HERA(FILHA DE HÉCATE) do chalé 21 e tem VINTE E DOIS ANOS. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há 10 ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, RONNIE é bastante CRIATIVA mas também dizem que ela é EMOTIVA. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
Quando se fala de herança, há diversos tipos; herança em dinheiro, influência, conhecimento, contatos… e embora no mundo mortal se pense primeiro na herança que importa como famílias de longa linhagem de contatos e dinheiro, educação e influência, e que obviamente não faria mal algum contar com tal ajuda. Entretanto, existe uma realidade por além da névoa, que marca famílias desde o auge da civilização Grega. Famílias que não perderam completamente suas linhagens, que carregaram suas crenças apesar da estranheza e perseguição que o paganismo causava. Precisaram se esconder, disfarçar para sobreviver, mas nunca abandonaram suas origens e crenças, ensinaram seus filhos os contos, os nomes dos deuses, titãs e monstros. Justificavam eventos estranhos com a presença dos deuses, ainda que nem todos de suas linhagens nascessem com o dom de ver através da névoa. Por vezes, o legado parecia uma maldição, porém, famílias são chamadas assim por um motivo, e são feitas para se manterem juntas.
E foi assim que os Makinnis seguiram migrando, seguindo bons ventos que lhes sopravam dicas valiosas de para onde deveriam seguir, lidando com um ou outro semideus que nasciam dentro da família… Não tinha como evitar, restavam poucas famílias que resistiam e seguiam ainda o paganismo em uma linhagem tão longa, eram uma atração à parte para os deuses, e uma honra para os Makinnis mais antigos. E de tanto se mudarem, os Makinnis se tornaram McKinney em algum ponto, provavelmente em um dos momentos em que precisaram fugir da perseguição religiosa. Desde a década de 60, se estabeleceram em Los Angeles.
Algumas pessoas vivem assombradas pelo gostinho do “e se”, e outras, têm a sorte que o Ethan teve de ter absoluta certeza de como teria sido sua vida se tivesse tomado outro caminho. Caso ele não tivesse decidido encerrar sua carreira nos palcos para se dedicar à paternidade, caso ele não tivesse entendido que dentro de um ônibus de banda; cercado de fãs, drogas, uma rotina de estúdio e shows não era o jeito de criar uma criança que já havia sido rejeitada pela mãe. Ethan não apenas sabia como teria sido seu futuro. Ele aproveitou do gosto por alguns anos, e por isso ele nunca permitiu que Veronica se culpasse pelo que havia escolhido abrir mão. Desde que ela entrou na equação, Ethan McKinney e Veronica McKinney eram a dupla principal, e ele fez e continua fazendo de tudo para que sua garotinha não sentisse tanto que tivesse sido rejeitada pela mãe.
Qualquer um deveria saber que Hécate não era o tipo de mãe que ficaria em casa e assistiria as apresentações de ginástica de Ronnie. Tanto Ethan quanto Veronica tinham o conhecimento suficiente para saber que não havia sido uma escolha aleatória, não eram ingênuos, tudo foi pensado visando apenas a linhagem sanguínea, a possibilidade de uma criança bruxa com chances de brilhantismo. Mas Ronnie, se ressentiu pela frustração de seu pai, e seu pai se doía por achar que Veronica precisava de uma mãe. Talvez nenhum dos dois tivessem desconfiança de Hécate se houvessem tirado esse elefante branco da sala mais cedo, porém, quando aconteceu, era tarde demais; nenhum dos dois tinha mais qualquer interesse em se aproximar de Hécate.
Começou a frequentar o acampamento ainda bem cedo, aos treze anos. Voltava do treino de ginástica quando foi atacada por uma dracaenae, e apenas conseguiu escapar com ajuda de Hera, que lhe orientou telepaticamente. Unindo as orientações e suas habilidades de ginástica, e as pequenas competências com magia, que já treinava em casa, conseguiu fugir o suficiente para Argos a encontrar, matar a dracaenae e apresentar o acampamento meio sangue.
A verdade é que quando se tratava de uma deusa, rejeição com sua prole não devia ser a palavra, e tão pouco o sentimento que Veronica deveria alimentar sobre ela, porém talvez fosse um pouco inevitável, quando nem mesmo depois que passou a frequentar o acampamento durante todos os verões entre os treze e dezessete anos, e seguir os desejos da deusa teve alguma atenção da Deusa. Diferente, entretanto, de Hera, a deusa que lhe instigou a segui-la e dedicar-suas habilidades para atender seus interesses, pois se havia algo em que a McKinney era boa, essa coisa era em ser grata.
Ela era uma boa ginasta, com potencial, mas abandonou quando começou a frequentar o acampamento. Assim como tem habilidades artísticas apuradas, sempre se destacou na música, aprendeu desde cedo a tocar vários instrumentos e a cantar, era uma homenagem e exigência do pai, e fazia com orgulho até que era mais por ela, que por outra pessoa. Mas talvez sua melhor habilidade fosse em conseguir coisas. Preferencialmente coisas valiosas; quanto mais alto precisar apostar ou barganhar por elas, melhor! Aprendeu a blefar, afanar, localizar e chantagear para acumular itens que considera valiosos, e nisso, foi onde Hera mais encontrou utilidade para si. Era uma via de mão dupla, as duas ganhavam, porque ela adorava receber a atenção da deusa que todos diziam ser tão difícil de lidar e agradar, mas que para si, parecia tão admirável.
Veronica não sabe matar. Se a pedir, a feiticeira pode lhe fornecer poções para imobilizar, congelar, iniciar incêndios e até para amores falsos que se parecem verdadeiros, mas caso peça um veneno letal, para uma missão que seja, ela não vai poder ajudar. Algo nela a impede, e por isso, Ronnie não tem interesse em sair em missões de resgate ou qualquer uma onde acabe precisando enfrentar monstros, menos ainda enfrentar outros semideuses. Seu único medo, entre tudo de mais perigoso que ser um semideus a proporciona, é perder sua essência e se tornar apenas uma assassina. Nem mesmo se for para a própria sobrevivência.
Magia de Localização: Ronnie consegue rastrear objetos e até pessoas, contando que saiba o que está procurando. Precisa conhecer ou visualizar, em caso de objetos inanimados, que é como a magia funciona melhor e para distâncias maiores. No caso de pessoas, a magia funciona em distância bem menores e ela precisa ter alguma familiaridade com a pessoa antes de conseguir rastreá-la.
agilidade sobre-humana.
reflexos sobre-humanos.
Ophis Thaleros: A serpente graciosa; um colar de serpente que ao ser tirado do pescoço por Veronica, se torna um chicote de Ferro Estígio com punho de couro. As texturas de escamas de cobra do colar ainda estão presentes também no chicote quando ele se transforma, e podem ser usadas tanto para dar aderência ou machucar o alvo, dependendo da vontade do seu portador, uma vez que as escamas podem se levantar, tornando a arma bem dolorosa ao toque ou ótima para agarrar ou firmar-se em coisas. No fim do comprimento, a ponta quase furta cor é uma pequena lâmina afiada que pode ser banhada em veneno e assim se tornar letal em batalhas, ao cortar os oponentes. Seu alcance é variado, podendo alcançar diferentes distâncias dependendo da necessidade.
Não tinha :(
DESEJA ESCOLHER ALGUM CARGO DE INSTRUTOR? seu personagem será instrutor de algo? ou líder de alguma atividade optativas? ou faz parte de alguma EQUIPE? esse é o espaço para você nos dizer isso:
Ela está na equipe dos filhos da Magia
Corrida com Pégasos,
furtividade e espionagem
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queerhawkeyes · 2 months ago
this mckinney vento liaison is killing me. she is "concerned" about how long it is taking to get this homeless kid re-enrolled but doesn't seem to know it's up to her to enroll him! she can, and MUST enroll him immediately but is going along with the school's insistence that he get a notarized affidavit from one of his parents--that he does not live with--that acknowledges the fact that he is re-enrolling. not only does that not make any sense at all to make an UNACOMMPANIED homeless kid do that, it is a clear violation of mckinney vento.
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actualtext · 2 years ago
Nov 14, 2022
A timeline
My mom got pregnant in high school at the age of 16 with my sister Nicole and had to drop out. Nicole's father, as far as I know, wasn't in the picture and died very young. So, from the very beginning, my mom was a single parent. My mom was a very hard worker, so more often than not, my sister had to take care of me. I'm pretty sure my sister is the one who potty trained me. Nicole is 11 years older than me. My mom met my dad (as far as I was told, he was a friend of her older brothers), and they got pregnant with me when she was 28 and he was 40. I'm not sure to this day if I was conceived before or after the wedding, but I do know that my parents were catholic. All that meant back then was that contreception was a no-no, that if you got pregnant, you'd better be married before the baby is born out of wedlock, and that abortion wasn't an option at all. At around the age of 6 months, my parents decided to move to colorado, and I'm not sure why. I don't have any early memories of my father, especially not when we lived in Colorado, because he decided to move back to San Antonio before I could identify as an individual and formulate memories. I suspect it wasn't long after having me that my parents separated. Later in life, my sister told me my dad would beat my mom and just treat her really poorly.
Despite not having a high school diploma, my mom was able to find a job at a nursing home. I remember her saying she was a CNA, but I'm not really sure how that was possible without a high school diploma . I know for fact that she worked at a nursing home though. She would have to take me with her sometimes when she didn't have child care. She made enough money to support two children and live in an apartment. My sister eventually ran away to San Antonio from Colorado (at least that's how I remember it), because she missed her boyfriend Javie. Nicole got pregnant at the age of 14, and had her first baby, my nephew Javie, at 15. She then had her second child, my niece Mari, at 16 or 17. By this point, she had her own family unit and wasn't really present in our lives. All I really remember is that it was me and my mom for a while. Occasionally my sister would live with us for a few months but she didn't really get along with my mom so she would eventually leave and be on her own again.
For whatever reason, what I assume to be the death of my uncle Ruben, her brother, my mom decided to return to Texas. This is the point that our lives got turned upside down. Without a highschool diploma, she couldn't find a good paying, stable job. she usually had to work two jobs, usually fast food entry-level jobs that flopped just as quickly as she found them. She was always working, which meant she was never around. I remember vividly having to couch surf with different family members thinking that we were just spending the night and having slumber parties everywhere. I hated how many schools I went to. Ultimately, I went to 7 elementary schools, three middle schools and luckily only one high school. This was before finding out about the mckinney vento act, and how if you're homeless, under this act you can stay at the same school regardless of your physical address.
Another thing that happened when we moved back to Texas was that I met my father for the first time since being able to form memories. It wasn't shortly after, that he molested me. My mom would get upset that I wet my bed until I was 11 years old, but she didn't know this was a common side effect of child molestation. I remember whenever we would visit him, he would kiss me in a very non fatherly way...he would try to make out with me. I hated going to see him, but I continued to go because I didn't know how to tell anyone what he was doing to me.
My mother and I continued to be chronically homeless up until the day she died. I was 23. Two days prior, she and I were really excited because I had just gotten a job at a local grocery store. The night prior, I'd just gone to see the band Blink 182 play in austin. I didn't want to wake my mom up so I stayed with a boyfriend that night. The next morning, she hadn't texted me which was unusual for her, so I went back home around noon. When I entered our apartment she was nowhere to be found on the lower floor, so I went upstairs to look for her. I noticed the bathroom light was on so I knocked on the door and called for her, but there was no answer. I opened the door and was immediately hit in the face with a cloud of steam. It was almost hard to breathe with how thick the steam was. I called out to her and when I heard no answer, I pulled back the curtain and that's when I noticed she was laying in the tub, lifeless. The proceeding moments are all kind of a blur, but I remember yelling at the top of my lungs for her to wake up, and repeating "mom" overs again. When my boyfriend who had driven me grabbed my shoulder, I kind of snapped out of whatever was making me wail the way I had been. He needed me to give the authorities my information so they could come help us. I remember feeling so guilty that I hadn't been there. I had been out having fun and she had been alone. One of my cousins had told me that they had had a conversation with her earlier that morning which made me feel a little better that it hadn't happened while I was at the concert. An aunt (her sister Irma) asked me "why weren't you here for her?" and that just killed me. I felt fortunate to have received a degree in social work because we had been taught what leads a person to addiction and whatnot. I feel like that was the only reason I didn't turn to drugs and alcohol after my mom passed away. My mom had bipolar disorder so sometimes I was her golden child and other times I was only someone who held her back in her eyes. I have a lot of trauma related to my mom like my lack of self esteem, my irrational fear of cockroaches which is also tied to being homeless, but I think finding her is the heaviest.
When my mom passed away, we had been living in public housing. The officials asked if I wanted to stay and let me know that I owed them money because I never reported having gotten a job, and that I would have to be added to a waiting list like everyone else since it was no longer me and my mother, but me alone. It was pretty obvious this wasn't the life I wanted to live, so I told them that I actually didn't want to live in public housing anymore. I couch surfed with my sister for a week until she asked when I would be leaving because she didn't want to get in trouble with her apartment officials. I then couch surfed for a few months between three locations: my cousin Pricilla, my boyfriend at the time, Gabriel, and my friend Amanda. Gabriel, my boyfriend of four years, got tired of me being sad all the time and told me "I dread coming home to you." So I ended that relationship. Some of my belongings at my cousin's house had been stolen, the most valuable being my mom's gold rosaries, so I left that place. Amanda had a whole family, and I felt from the very beginning that I was burdening them, so as soon as I could I left. Thankfully at this point, my friend Rick needed a roommate so we got a place together, and while I have lived in many places since then, I haven't been homeless since.
My relationship with my sister has always been strained. She's 11 years older than me so we don't really have much in common, and at some point in her young life had to take care of me because our mother was always working. She also had a very different relationship without mother because she was the first child, and because our mom was just a child when she had her. While with me, our mom had already matured and had experience being a mother. My sister had to grow up at an early age and didn't really get to experience her youth. I grew up seeing her take her frustrations out on her children, which made me dislike her to no end. Her daughter/my niece is one of my favorite people. On the night of my niece's graduation, my sister kicked her out. I was out of town when it happened but when my niece called me, I offered her a place to stay immediately. She stayed with me for about three months, during which time my sister convinced my mom's side of the family that I was housing a runaway. They all stopped talking to me, despite my attempt to clear up what had happened. When our mother passed (before the incident with my niece), my sister was living in Corpus Christi and needed a car because hers had been totalled. Because I needed my sister here with me, I agreed when she asked me to finance a vehicle under my name. She said she would be able to make the payments and that she already had a job lined up at a place she had previously worked at. I had no reason to not believe her, so I signed for the car. Three or four months had passed and she hadn't made a single payment, messing up my credit. When I confronted her about it, she said something along the lines of "if you're so worried about your credit, you can just take the car." At this point in life, I embarrassingly enough didn't know how to drive. Nor did I have the financial stability I needed in order to finance a car, I was couch surfing for fucks sake. She knew this, so there was nothing I could do. I have a brother from my father and his ex wife. He's older than my sister but I don't know by how much because I've only seen him a handful of times. I guess I should be grateful he hasn't had the opportunity to screw me over or hurt me other than by not being around.
At my current age of 29, my aunt Nancy (my dad's sister) asked me to drive her son/my cousin Michael to Dallas to pick up his son/my second cousin Jeremy. As soon as I met Jeremy, who I had never even known about up until this point, we became instant best friends. He became one of my favorite cousins, a favorite person, the brother I had always wanted. The two months that followed, we trauma bonded over the fact that we had both been touched as children. It was the night before halloween, and I figured since Jeremy was new to town, he probably hadn't made any plans, so I invited him to a halloween party I had been invited to. At this party, Jeremy and I partook in drinking as well as smoking pot. Weed was easy to come by because Jeremy works at a dispensary. Up until this point in life, I had only ever smoked weed once or twice a year because I didn't like how it made me more anxious than usual. By the time we left, we had sobered up from the alcohol but we were still high. I drove Jeremy to his fathers house. Jeremy said I could stay the night if I wanted to because he lived on the south side of San Antonio, and I lived in San Marcos, about an hour away. I had stayed at Jeremy's house before because sometimes I drove late, and both him and his father had offered me a place to stay with open arms many times before. I really appreciated them for that, and I didn't think anything of the offer this time around. I sat at Jeremy's dining room table for a bit, talking to him about a girl that he used to like who lives in Dallas. He said he didn't feel like he had feelings for her anymore, despite just recently seeing her, and crying because we had to leave her behind. I'm not really sure what my response was, but I remember being really sleepy and telling him I was gonna crash out already. I thought it was exhaustion mixed with the fact that we had smoked weed which has the common side effect of sleepiness. So, I went to sleep really heavy that night, as a lightweight when it comes to smoking weed. I was woken up with Jeremy towering over me, giving me little kisses. One of his hands was under my shirt stroking my breast, and the other was making its way into my pants. once I realized what was happening, I pushed him off of me and yelled "Jeremy what the fuck??" I remember pulling myself away from him and cradling myself in a fetal position while sobbing. I remember telling him how he ruined everything. He just kept telling me to calm down, but kept his distance. I grabbed my things and left as fast as I could.He betrayed me. Previous to this incident I had considered moving to Indiana with a friend who would have provided a support system for me outside of Texas. Lack of a support system was the only thing keeping me in Texas, really. This event with Jeremy solidified the idea of going.
I've done everything by the book up until this point, and I'm genuinely a good person. Despite being homeless, I excelled at my studies, ranking in at #7 out of about 450 students in high school. I even made time to volunteer, which I love doing. Despite the odds, I went to college and graduated with a degree in social work. I feel like I've been working so hard to keep my head up and stay true to myself, and still these bad things happen to me. I'm really hoping that these are all just signs I need to get out of Texas, and that Indiana will prove that by providing opportunities that I haven't had in the past, and by making me feel something other than betrayed and abandoned. We shall see.
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thunderousapplause · 1 year ago
No idea if this is the case here but there’s legislation that protects students that might be experiencing homelessness, so I know the burden for enrollment is less in terms of paperwork. Which is good for those students but yeah, those kids you see for three days and then mysteriously disappear are always a puzzle.
Yep- McKinney-Vento
one of the weird things i will never understand about teaching in a big district is when a kid comes to your school for like two days and then is withdrawn. like, what? ?????? we have like 20 high schools in our district, it's a big district lol. and so kids will just come and go and it's just weird.
like in my hometown, you went to the local school. it was a rare and special circumstance if you went to a school out of your jurisdiction. here, it's like anyone's ballgame. nothing makes sense.
like it's one thing if you've legitimately suddenly had to move, but this kid came on the 3rd day of school and was withdrawn today (day 6). literally what???? and this happens several times a year, you'll get a kid for like a week and then they're gone, and like, it's a lot of work to get a kid caught up to where your classes are and your notebook setup and all of that stuff and then they're gone and they have to do it all over again at some other school. athey just play musical schools i guess.
idk it's just weird, i don't remember this being a thing when i was in school but then again that was 25 years ago and i wasn't paying attention to much beyond myself and my friends.
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jingersnosescrunch · 4 years ago
Hello! I wanted to make a post about Moriah Plath not living with her legal guardians (her parents). In my real life I’m a school social worker and homeless liaison.
When students are living without a parent and/or guardian they are considered an unaccompanied youth. It doesn’t really matter the reason as long as there was an event and then after that the child was no longer in the home. So for example if a families house burns down and the oldest child in the family stays with their aunt and the parents and younger children stay with a grandparent, that child is identified as an unaccompanied homeless youth.
The situation Moriah is in classifies as an unaccompanied youth. There was an event (fight with her family) that resulted in her no longer living with her legal guardians.
What does this mean? If Moriah was in school anywhere in the US she would have special protections and extra support. So there’s special programs to help support these kids from high school to work/college. Every school district is required to have a homeless liaison because of a federal law called the McKinney-Vento Act.
When would I report an unaccompanied for child abuse or neglect? If the child is an unsafe situation as a result of being unaccompanied. Or if the things that lead them to be unaccompanied were child abuse or neglect. So most of the time if a child leaves or the parent asks the child to leave I will report them to child protective serices.
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college1stprogram · 10 days ago
San Benito CISD CSI Forensic Science McKinney Vento CAMP from College 1st Program on Vimeo.
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rustbeltliving · 4 years ago
This would mean he can enroll his kids in school without proof of residency.
Except this is not due to economic hardship or loss of housing. This is just a decision he made to not buy a house yet. McKinney-Vento does not apply to his situation, and no public school district would rule in his favor unless their solicitor was afraid of getting sued.
Apparently Mike Pence and his wife are homeless and couch surfing in Indiana with the secret service in tow. Dude hasn’t owned a house in over ten years apparently. He lived in the Indiana governor’s residence and then at the Vice President’s residence at the naval observatory. In 2020 he still listed his voting address as the Indiana governor’s residence lol a little over a week ago he was the second most powerful human in the country and now he’s couch surfing
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politijohn · 5 years ago
Bernie 2020 - Affordable Housing
Invest $1.48 trillion over 10 years in the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund to build, rehabilitate, and preserve the 7.4 million quality, affordable and accessible housing units necessary to eliminate the affordable housing gap
Invest an additional $400 billion to build 2 million mixed-income social housing units, which will help desegregate and integrate communities
Expand USDA’s Section 515 program by $500 million to build new affordable developments in rural areas and protect existing units from being converted to market rate housing
Increase funding for the Indian Housing Block Grant Program to $3 billion to build, preserve, and rehabilitate affordable housing in Indian country
Invest $70 billion to repair and modernize public housing including making all public housing accessible and provide access to high-speed broadband for all public housing residents
Repeal the Faircloth Amendment to allow the construction of new public housing units
Ensure that public housing has high-quality, shared community spaces
Through the Green New Deal, electrify and decarbonize all public housing by conducting deep energy retrofits including appliances, power, and heating
Fully fund tenant-based Section 8 rental assistance at $410 billion over the next 10 years and make it a mandatory funding program for all eligible households
Strengthen the Fair Housing Act and implement a Section 8 non-discrimination law, so landlords can no longer discriminate against low-income families based on their source of income
Expand and strengthen enforcement of the Small Area Fair Market Rent rule to make sure that landlords are fairly compensated when they participate in Section 8, but do not make a windfall from the program
Enact a national cap on annual rent increases at no more than 3% or 1.5 times the Consumer Price Index (whichever is higher) to help prevent the exploitation of tenants at the hands of private landlords
Allow states and cities to pass even stronger rent control standards
Implement a “just-cause” requirement for evictions, which would allow a landlord to evict a tenant only for specific violations and prevent landlords from evicting tenants for arbitrary or retaliatory reasons
Provide $2 billion in federal matching grants for states and localities to provide a right to counsel for persons in eviction or foreclosure proceedings, or at risk of losing their Section 8 rental assistance
Create an office within the Department of Housing and Urban Development to coordinate and work with states and municipalities to strengthen rent control and tenant protections, implement fair and inclusive zoning ordinances, streamline review processes and direct funding where these changes are made
Preempt laws that prevent inclusionary zoning for luxury developments
End exclusionary and restrictive zoning ordinances and replace them with zoning that encourages racial, economic, and disability integration that makes housing more affordable
Encourage zoning and development designed to expand and maximize the number of units fully accessible to people with disabilities
Place a 25% House Flipping tax on speculators who sell a non-owner-occupied property, if sold for more than it was purchased within 5 years of purchase
Impose a 2% Empty Homes tax on the property value of vacant, owned homes to bring more units into the market and curb the use of housing as speculative investment
Encourage “circuit breakers” on property taxes to protect homeowners in gentrifying neighborhoods from being priced out of their own homes as their property values rise
Prioritize 25,000 National Affordable Housing Trust Fund units in the first year to house the homeless
Double McKinney-Vento homelessness assistance grants to more than $26 billion over the next 5 years to build permanent supportive housing
Provide $500 million in funding to states and localities to provide outreach to the homeless to help connect them to case management and social services
Create an independent National Fair Housing Agency similar to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau dedicated to protecting renters from housing discrimination, investigating landlords who misuse Section 8 vouchers, and enforce housing standards for renters
Create an office within the Fair Housing Agency to protect mobile home residents from housing discrimination, rent instability, and unjust evictions
Fully fund the Fair Housing Assistance and Fair Housing Initiatives Programs at $1 billion over the next 10 years
Pass the Equality Act to include LGBTQ+ Americans in the Fair Housing Act
Implement the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule blocked by President Trump’s administration to ensure that federal funds will promote fair housing
Enforce the Olmstead decision, Section 504, and the Americans with Disabilities Act to ensure access to accessible, integrated housing
Make sure that people who have served their time are not excluded from public housing
Ensure that no survivor of domestic violence can be evicted on the basis of their assault
Guarantee that renters have the right to form tenants unions free from retaliation by landlords or managing agents
Invest $50 billion over 10 years to provide grants to start and expand community land trusts and other shared equity homeownership models
Invest an additional $15 billion to enact a 21st Century Homestead Act, based on the work of Mehrsa Baradaran, to purchase and revitalize abandoned properties to create community and individual wealth and assets for historically disadvantaged communities
Instruct HUD to assist communities establishing shared equity homeownership by ensuring they can access existing federal housing programs, and help new organizations build the necessary capacity to succeed
Invest an additional $2 billion at USDA and an additional $6 billion at HUD to create a first-time homebuyer assistance program that will increase home ownership
Expand pre-purchase housing counseling to all prospective homebuyers
End the mass sale of mortgages to Wall Street vulture funds and thoroughly investigate and regulate the practices of large rental housing investors and owners
Make data such as evictions, rent increases, and safety violations for large landlords available to the public and the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Increase enforcement to protect families against fraudulent, deceptive, and abusive lending practices and ensure all mortgage costs are clear, risks are visible, and nothing is buried in fine print
Implement legislation to prevent abusive “contract for deed” transactions and use existing authority to protect communities of color, which for too long have been exploited by this practice
Create a commission to establish a financial relief program to the victims of predatory lending, mortgage fraud, redlining and those who are still underwater on their mortgages as a result of the 2008 Wall Street crash
Perform energy efficiency upgrades to make buildings more energy efficient and lower energy bills
Provide grants for low- and moderate-income families and small businesses to invest in weatherizing and retrofitting their homes and businesses
Replace all mobile homes with quality zero-energy modular homes
Provide grants for low- and moderate-income families to invest in cheaper electricity for these needs
Expand the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to help low-income families pay their heating and cooling bills
Issues List
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