#Maze Alpha Review
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the-altered-sequence · 6 months ago
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If only the warfare that nearly wiped out humanity had actually finished the job. Then Dev and the other remaining genetically Altered supersoldiers wouldn't be facing what could be their final days scraping by. They went from science experiments to vermin and today is the last straw. Their plan to finally end the fighting backfires, and now they face an even more frightening reality. The new human leader, Alessandra, doesn't want them dead. She needs their help. Dev isn't sure if his decision to help her will save them... or get them all killed.
Bound to Ashes (originally released in 2014) is a fast-paced, character-driven post-apocalyptic sci-fi novel (~90k words) about learning to trust and doing what's right even though no right has ever been done to you.
Status: OPEN for Beta Reading and FREE. (Link goes to the Google Doc folder.) Check out the additional document for feedback guidelines.
Reviews and more under the cut.
Content warning for language and violence.
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I love post-apocalyptic settings. The idea of humanity as it is now getting a "reset" is compelling. But I was disappointed by the vast majority of post-apoc media rife with misogyny, alpha male kitsch, and grimdark nihilism. I wanted characters that felt the hopelessness of the world but still chose to be better. I wrote BtA to be the change.
BtA was my first serious writing project when I was 21, back in '12. Since then it has gone through 10 drafts, a few serious beta readers, a self-publishing, an un-self-publishing, and a last polish this year (2024) to finalize series-wide changes.
Here's what readers have said about Bound to Ashes:
"Bound to Ashes is everything I wish Maze Runner was."
"It took me three sentences to fall in love with this book, and it kept me hooked until the very end. Amazing read that I will be passing along to my friends."
"The mental images projected were vibrant and intense, and had me in tears in a bath."
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meancaroline · 7 months ago
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Bride, by Ali Hazelwood
GoodReads Rating: 4.05 ⭐
My Rating: ⭐⭐
Spice: đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„
Can be found at most bookstores in various formats. Prices vary.
399 pages
Misery Lark (yes, that is her real name) has been there, done that as a symbol of peace between humans and vampires
sorry, Vampyres. Essentially abandoned by her kind, she has made a life for herself among the humans that is instantly shattered when a Vampyre takes her back to her father.
Things have been difficult for Misery’s father. The Vampyre councilman sees trouble on the horizon: the humans have elected a new governor, and she will not meet with him. But she has met with the Alpha of the Werewolves. An alliance between humans and Werewolves would be devastating for the Vampyres
so her father is proposing an alliance of his own: an alliance between Vampyres and Werewolves, through marriage.
Misery is 0.3 seconds away from saying “no.” Then she notices the name of the Werewolf Alpha matches a name she found in the apartment of her (only) human friend Serena, who has vanished, without a trace.
Misery needs to find her friend. And if she has to go into the territory of her people’s greatest foe, she’ll do it. Even if her new husband thinks she stinks.
Misery’s story reminds me of the story of Icarus, son of Daedalus. In case you need a reminder, Icarus and Daedalus were held captive in a tower in order to keep the secret of the Minotaur’s maze. In order to escape, they must fly out of the tower, and over the sea, using wings made of feathers and wax. Both Misery’s story and Icarus’ wings fall apart through the sustained application of heat.
And it’s unfortunate. I went to an actual store, the local Barnes and Noble, to buy this book. I’d heard good things. I read the back, and was interested in the idea, I read the first several chapters and enjoyed where it was going
but, and I could not tell you when, at some point, Bride became a bore.
It’s a shame, really, because Bride had a lot of good ideas: political marriage between enemies, supernatural factions on the verge of war, a societal outcast trying to save their friend, a missing person mystery, it’s all there! Unfortunately, Hazelwood’s focus on the relationship between Misery and Lowe, the Werewolf Alpha, puts everything else to the wayside. These ideas are then left underdeveloped.
Misery too feels underdeveloped. She tells us a lot but we see very little of anything that happens/happened to her. Anything seemingly building toward problems and tension is hand waved/deus ex machina-ed away. Even the final confrontation with the final villain is left unseen by the reader.
I will give “Bride” this: it has one of, if not the best, conversations about knotting I have ever read.
Seriously, Hazelwood goes to great lengths to discuss how a Vampyre and a Werewolf might not be sexually compatible. Spoiler alert: they totally are. And, as Misery’s werewolf husband is *so* concerned she won’t be able to handle his knot, he satisfies her needs with several non-penetrative sex acts. We love to see it.
So, while I can’t say Bride is for everyone, I can say if someone has read Hazelwood’s other works, enjoyed them, and wants to give monster romance a try, this could be for them.
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kickingitwithkirk · 2 years ago
Greetings from Austin
Summary: Jensen and Jared are at odds over a monumental decision that changes their lives in a way they couldn’t have envisioned.
Pairing: Alpha!Jensen Ackles x Alpha!Jared Padalecki x Omega!OFC
Word Count: 1824
Warnings: a/b/o, J2 are married/mated, homophobia, bisexuality, biphobia, angst, cursing, jealousy, depression/anxiety, medical stuff, sexual dysfunction, infertility, IVF, surrogacy
*additional warnings to be added in future parts.
A/N: Here we go again with one my weird as hell dreams, series Inspired by this art.
A/N II: There is no intentional hate or malevolence intended towards any of the Ackles or Padalecki families. This is a purely fictional piece containing real and created persons/names/events set in the fictional A/B/O verse. Some dates/events altered to fit story.
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
*divider by @writeyourmindaway​​​​​​
*images found online
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Part I
Jared was about to speak when a woman in scrubs called out, “Mr. Bonham and Mr. Page.” they got up and crossed over to her, “Hello, I’m Sissy, Dr. Rodgers nurse, please follow me.”
They pass through the doorway leading through a maze of halls like any other medical clinic, except this one specializes in a particular service.
The nurse opens a door near the back of the clinic, gesturing for them to enter the spacious office, “Please have a seat. The doctor will be with you shortly.” She closed the door, and they sat directly in the pair of chairs before the large, dark mahogany desk.
Jensen, scenting Jared’s nervousness, lifts his right hand, kissing his palm, making him chuckle at the tickle of Jen’s soft beard before twining their fingers together and setting them on his left thigh. He smiles as the door opens, and a silver-haired Beta enters.
 “Hello, I’m Dr. Rodgers. How are we doing today?” He asks, moving to the chair behind the desk.
Jared gave him a tight smile, and Jensen remained placid.
The doctor raises an eyebrow, “Relax, Mr. Page. This visit is to review your paperwork before deciding how we proceed, not the Spanish Inquisition.” Jared released his held breath but couldn’t wholly calm himself.
“I know the process can be overwhelming, but I must ask, is there something weïżœïżœve done to make you uncomfortable?” Dr. Rodgers inquires.
“No, everyone’s been nice, very professional; we’ve had issues the first time attempting this.” Jared finished his sentence, but something terrible will happen in the recess of his mind, and it’ll be my fault. Jensen squeezes his hand tighter, instinctively sensing Jared’s mind is trying to spiral. “When we tried this before someone leaked our plans to the media, it wasn't conclusively proven the clinic wasn’t involved.”
We do everything possible to keep our client's anonymity protected here. All of the staff are vetted and sign an NDA. Your real identities will remain confidential, even if you choose not to proceed. It is why you chose this clinic, yes?”
“Yes, it is,” Jensen replied.
“How about we get this bit of paperwork out of the way? Then we can have a more relaxed visit,” he says, shuffling more papers.
“I’ve reviewed the applications you’ve submitted and noted a few discrepancies in the medical section that need clarification. Mr. Bonham, why did you omit Genu Varum from your medical record?”
Jensen kept his expression neutral and felt his stomach automatically clench. He remembered being mercilessly teased throughout childhood about his bowed legs by his older brother Josh and later his buddies when they’d come over to hang out.
By the time he was in high school Jensen’s striking looks and personality got people’s attention first, and nowadays, fantasies are composed in fanfic about his bowed legs.
“The questionnaire inquired about inherited genetic medical conditions; since mine isn’t, I didn’t think it was necessarily applicable.” Jared hears an edge creeping into Jensen’s voice and squeezes his fingers.
“Did you see an orthopedist, and could they determine what caused the condition?”
“I was born a preemie. The orthopedists my parents consulted decided my condition was attributable to that,” Jensen replies tersely, dropping his vocal range. Jared gripped his hand harder, telling him to cool his attitude.
 “Did they suggest surgical procedures or therapies to straighten your legs?”
“No, the doctor didn’t recommend surgery but sent me to physical therapy, thinking it would help them straighten as I grew.”
“So, no others in your immediate family have this issue?”
“Everyone in my family has straight legs, including my three children.”
Jared piped in, “he hates it, but he does this exercise regimen; stretching, strength training. He also takes several vitamins, omega oils, turmeric, and extra vitamin D to support his joints.” They watched the doctor scribble a few more notes.
“Mr. Page,” Jared sat up straighter, “I appreciate that you detailed your mental health status. You’ve recently been hospitalized and have changed your routine to an alternative regimen, increasing your therapy sessions. Has this helped?”
The interview continued for another twenty minutes as Dr. Rodgers questioned him and Jensen in depth about his depression and anxiety; feeling it was ratcheting up, he focused on Jensen’s thumb rhythmically moving over his and used every ounce of his acting skills to appear confident and in control.
Dr. Rodgers closed the files, “I only have a few general questions left, then we can discuss how you wish to proceed.”
After a more relaxed, genial conversation with the doctor, Sissy took them to a couple of private rooms with paraphernalia to help stimulate them into producing a couple of semen samples.
Jensen was getting close to finishing with his favorite spank-bank fantasy when he felt Jared across their bond.
Jared couldn’t get aroused.
He felt as useless as his flaccid cock.
His doctor warned him that losing his sex drive could be a possible side effect of his new regimen until his body adjusted to it. He had struggled with temporary impotence a few times on his old meds; always fearful Jensen would finally see him as undesirable, no longer a satisfactory mate.
Rationally, he knew it was his illness causing these exceptionally hard-to-deal thoughts recently, and the nagging idea this wasn’t the right thing for them continually kept creeping in. Plus, Jensen’s reluctance about having more children at his age also weighed on his conscience, warring against his biological longings.
They had a humongous argument when he told his husband about the appointment. 
Jensen said this was the wrong time to attempt it again, pointing out he was getting his equilibrium back set Jared off on a rant about how he no longer wanted him and would leave like Genevieve had because he was too broken to deal with anymore.
Unmitigated anguish crossed Jensen’s beautiful features. The notion that his mate could believe that he’d ever abandon him hurt so that no verbal language could ever express how that devastated him after everything they’d been through.
That bar fight to Jared’s first breakdown on set, the years of living as roommates while secretly a couple to finding wives who understood their unique relationship and still married them both in 2010.
Unfortunately, the joyous arrival of JJ three years later exacerbated Genevieve’s frustration of not being able to conceive, and it came out with a vengeance on Jared.
His unexpected breakdown in Switzerland was the final nail in their marriage. Gen was there for him, but it was all too much in the end, and she filed for divorce.
Shortly after, Jared’s iCloud account got hacked.
They believed but never conclusively proved Genevive was behind it since her lawyer was trying to break their prenuptial agreement; the videos documenting his intimate and explicit sexual relationship with Jensen were legally considered adulterous. In the end, the court upheld the legal document, but the ramifications that resulted after.
They were summoned to L.A. for the meeting from hell with WB executives, convinced it was the end of Supernatural and their careers. After the reaming out, they each received a week's pay suspension to cover some of what will cost PR time and money to deal with the inevitable repercussions and appease the show’s sponsors.
How would the show’s fans react? Would they still be able to accept them as brothers only on TV while in real life, they were involved in a highly stigmatized relationship? When they returned to work, there was an atmosphere of tension that hadn’t existed before.
It was an open secret that all shows had their share of bitchiness and backstabbing behind the scenes. Jensen may have thicker skin, keeping tighter control of his emotions, but Jared knew it hurt him just as deeply the loss of some of their friends because of society's prejudicial belief that two Alpha males shouldn’t be involved.
Alan and Donna showed up unexpectedly in Vancouver a few weeks later.
What started as a not-quite-comfortable visit quickly deteriorated thanks to his parents' religious conservatism. They had not raised him like this and blamed Jared, saying he had corrupted their son, leading him into a sinful lifestyle, and told Jensen he needed to repent and return to the wife he’d committed to before god.
Jensen blew up, replying it was none of their business, it was between them, and Danneel knew about them before marrying; he reiterated they better not say anything to her. Without another word, his parents left, and he later called them to make amends. His mother coolly stated that he was no longer part of their family and never to contact them again.
After the twins were born in 2016 came the finalization of Jensen’s divorce from Danneel, painful but congenial. They readily agreed on joint custody and still spent most holidays together. Jensen gave her financial security in their settlement, wanting to make sure she didn’t have to worry about working unless she wanted to.
They received support when publicly coming out as bisexual, then lost some of it when they married, and, to this day, get mocked for not coming out as gay, and Jared continually has nagging thoughts that they have let everybody down.
There was another knock at the door, and Jared ignored it, knowing it was that nurse checking on his lack of progress again turned into pounding, “Jared, open this door now, dammit!”
He flinched, realizing Jensen knew what was going on with him. 
Releasing the privacy latch, opens the door a crack and saw concerned green eyes. “Sorry, I thought you were that nurse,” he stepped away and sat back down as Jensen came in, re-latching it behind him. “She came to get me when you stopped answering,” Jensen said, walking over and running his thick fingers through his husband’s long hair, “what’s going on, babe?”
He knows that Jensen already knew, “It’s okay, Jar, take as long as you need.” He paused at the unpleasant scent wafting around him. “If you’d be more comfortable, we could do this at home.” 
Jared shakes his head, “There’s the risk of damage, contamination, and or unable to get it back in time that could make the semen unusable.” Jared quotes from a website.
Jensen softly chuckled, “Nerd,” and Jared noticed the bulge in his jeans, “You didn’t
“Drain the snake..choke the chicken..spank the monkey.”
“Fuck! Stop using old man slang.” He shook his head, smiling up at Jensen, intentionally goading him.
Jared reached up for the hand playing in his hair, grasping it to draw Jensen next to him.
“Jack, I don’t want to wait any longer on doing this. I love JJ and the twins, you know I do, but they’ll always be yours and Danneels. I know the timing could be better. I’m almost thirty-eight, and I want our pups running around the house, driving us crazy.”
“For the next eighteen years?”
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Part II
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @b3autyfuldisast3r  @lassie-bird @nancymcl  @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Sam/Jared:  @idreamofplaid Dean/Jensen:  @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @akshi8278  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl  @siospins2
GFA: @babypink224221 @waywardjoy @let-me-luve-you @all-4-wincest
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fox-under-the-willow-tree · 2 years ago
Brave New World - Book Review
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Brave New World is a dystopian novel by English author Aldous Huxley, written in 1931 and published in 1932. Largely set in a futuristic World State, inhabited by genetically modified citizens and an intelligence-based social hierarchy, the novel anticipates huge scientific advancements in reproductive technology, sleep-learning, psychological manipulation and classical conditioning that are combined to make a dystopian society which is challenged by only a single individual: the story's protagonist.
It seems that those books I am in need of the most, present themselves in those times that I feel most desperate. I was mindlessly scrolling Youtube in search of an audiobook to listen to while I crocheted some baby clothes. Lo and behold! Brave New World - A Dramatized Reading. How could I refuse? I had read this book before in my third year as a university student. I was baffled, in awe, convinced of one single truth: It is always better to suffer like a bohemian Ă  la Hamlet than to be a mindless cog in the system who operates according to the rules of conformity and happiness.
This I thought naively before violently being injected into the society with my fragile mindset, my weak physique, my sensitive nature, my strange ways of wanting to please and be liked. How naive....
I could waste many words, but at the end of the day it's nothing more than that terrible Either/Or Kierkegaard mentions. It is to either be a savage like John: a lover of all things irrational, art, poetry, God, beauty and angelic insight, which comes at a horrible Faustian price: the fear of seeing loved ones die, loneliness, wrinkles in a once soft face, attachment and inevitably death.
Or is it better to see that Brave New World of happiness and stability?
That world in which life is predetermined and social Darwinism reigns? In which classes are created and your existential justification for life lies in the class you're born into: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and at the bottom Epsilon.
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These are humans who are carefully crafted to fit within a certain mold. From birth some classes are given better nutrients than others, some are socially conditioned to love factory work, while others thrive in their individuality. For what? Of course to create stability in that chaos named life.
Sartre once said: ''L'existence précÚde l'essence.' We are born into this world without any essence; in other words without any purpose. It is up to us to create meaning within our seemingly endless options and to bear responsability to our choices. This train of thought reminds me of a quote uttered by the fox in The Little Prince:
“You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”
How to live life in such a ray of endless possibility? How to find the 'right' path and depending on which standards you use, what even is the 'right path'? Few (including me) can handle the strength it takes to embrace life as it comes. So, what if those existential dilemma's are taken away and your essence is completely determined at birth? It's per chance whether you're born an Alpha or an Epsilon, but once you've become one, life becomes smooth sailing. How to resist that devilish whisper in the back of your head, which tells you to give up against the hardships of life?
The character Mustapha Mond is the driving force in the story. John and others may be the protagonist, but the story is truly about the fact that Mustapha is the only person who had the chance to make his choice and is aware of the world before the ideology he opted for. The others however, dwell in a maze of hazy confusion, unsure of what truth, beauty, happiness and art even mean. John's intuitive nature to choose freedom fits within our current ideology, yet how can we ignore the tempting arguments Mustapha presents in response to that passionate desire to be free. And yet... the question remains: who is truly free and who is the caged one in this story?
Life as we know it, has passion, desire, tragedy and loss and happiness, although the latter comes in small doses. Those fortunate enough to feel continous happiness, know that happiness in a stable stream presents itself not as euphoria, but as tranquility:
“Actual happiness always looks pretty squalid in comparison with the overcompensations for misery. And, of course, stability isn't nearly so spectacular as instability. And being contented has none of the glamour of a good fight against misfortune, none of the picturesqueness of a struggle with temptation, or a fatal overthrow by passion or doubt. Happiness is never grand.”
Indeed, it is never grand, but within the system, it is safe, secure and stable.
Jung has written about the duality of man: every act of happiness carries its evil within itself, every act of passion and hatred may produce benefit side effects. Every human has its Shadow Side. Reading the novel from a Jungian perspective shows that John and Mustapha present the two sides of the human psyche, although it is unclear who of the two is 'evil'. (Huxely cleverly left that ambiguous and it is leaves a lot of room for the reader to interpret.) The remaining characters seem to oscillate between the two extremes. We read this in the conversations they have:
“But, Bernard, you're saying the most awful things.'
'Don't you wish you were free, Lenina?'
'I don't know what you mean. I am free. Free to have the most wonderful time. Everybody's happy nowadays.'
He laughed, 'Yes, "Everybody's happy nowadays." We begin giving children that at five. But wouldn't you like to be free to be happy in some other way, Lenina? In your own way, for example; not in everybody else's way.”
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It's not for nothing that this is one of the greatest works of science fiction ever written. However, I claim that the science fiction is merely a backtrop to the existential questions that arose in the 20th century when people were left unsure what to do with the misery shoved into their lives.
Some claim that this novel is a reflection or perhaps even a prediction of our current society, but the reality seems ever more tragic. Though it does bear ressemblance to us through the fact that there is such a thing as class division, consumption society and the need for escapism, the world of Huxely, despite being depicted as a dystopian prison to some, feels like a paradise for those who are lost in modern society. Although I am not aware what the intentions of the author were while writing the novel (and I will certainly do research to find out), what touched me is that this novel, which is considered so grim and dark in themes, presents a world I would prefer to live in than our current one. The class division is accounted for and people are put where they belong, without the gnawing awareness that they are wasting potential or overworking themselves.
Is that to say modern Western society is bad? Certainly not; free press, right to education, work, freedom to love are important indeed. Yet, there is this itching feeling I can't explain...
Helmholtz said it perfectly:
“Did you ever feel, as though you had something inside you that was only waiting for you to give it a chance to come out? Some sort of extra power that you aren't using - you know, like all the water that goes down the falls instead of through the turbines?”
At the end of the day, the novel leaves you wondering: is it better to be free and possibly unhappy, or to be unfree and always happy?
Read it if you want to fall into a gray pit of thoughts about life, science, love and the meaning of true happiness.
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smartphonewars-blog · 7 years ago
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MAZE ALPHA X is now up for pre-order! Can it succeed where the origina Alpha failed(thermals/camera quality/weight)?https://www.gearbest.com/cell-phones/pp_1038099.html?wid=11&lkid=11930897I will be doing a full review next month when the phone is released! Stay tuned to Smartphone Wars: www.youtube.com/c/smartphonewars  
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coffeebooksorme · 4 years ago
March/April Reading Wrap Up
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A Court of Wings and Ruin - Sarah J. Maas ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
A Court of Frost and Starlight - Sarah J. Maas ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
A Court of Silver Flames Sarah J. Maas ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Gideon the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Act Your Age, Eve Brown - Talia Hibbert ⭐⭐⭐
First Comes Like - Alisha Rai ⭐⭐
The Project - Courtney Summers ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Serpent King - Jeff Zentner ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rated - Melissa Grey ⭐⭐⭐
The Maze Runner - James Dashner ⭐⭐
The Hive - Barry Lyga and Morgan Baden ⭐⭐
Where Dreams Descend - Janella Angeles ⭐⭐⭐
Bruised - Tanya Boteju ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Honey Girl - Morgan Rogers ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
It Happened One Summer - Tessa Bailey ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Bridge of Souls - Victoria Scwhab ⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Lives of Saints - Leigh Bardugo & Daniel J. Zollinger ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rule of Wolves - Leigh Bardugo ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
We Free the Stars - Hafsah Faizal ⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Naturals - Jennifer Lynn Barnes ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Killer Instinct - Jennifer Lynn Barnes ⭐⭐⭐⭐
All In - Jennifer Lynn Barnes ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Bad Blood - Jennifer Lynn Barnes ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
If the Shoe Fits - Julie Murphy ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
A Vow So Bold and Deadly - Brigid Kemmerer ⭐⭐
Lock and Key, Vol 6: Alpha and Omega - Joe Hill & Gabriel Rodriguez ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Game Changer - Neal Shusterman ⭐⭐
All The Bad Apples -  Moïra Fowley-Doyle ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugo ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Seige and Storm - Leigh Bardugo ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I really tried to post my March wrap up on time, I really did. I had the graphic made and everything. I just kept pushing it off and pushing it off so...you lovely people get to have a long ass post. Sorry about that!
I did pretty good for these two months. In March I had 10 days off from work so I read A. LOT. of books. Some not so good, but at least they’re off my TBR now. I even finished rereading the ACOTAR series in time to read ACOSF relatively on time with release date. I really forgot just how much I truly loved the characters in the series and I think it kind of prompted me to do some more rereading in the month of April with Shadow and Bone. Watching the Netflix show is more to blame for that one but hell, I’ve been enjoying rereading stuff. It blew my mind to realize that I hadn’t read some of this in 5+ years.
Goals for this month are pretty much the same as always; read as much as I can and enjoy the hell out of myself. I’ve got some series enders I need to get to that I’ve been putting off for awhile now. My NetGalley list is pretty low (only two or three titles left) so I think I’ll work on that as well. My approval to review rating is super close to 70% and I think I can push it above that threshhold soon. I’ve been horrible about mass requesting eARCS and never getting to them so I’m trying to be better at that.
Honestly, though, I don’t really have too many goals this month besides just read. I’ll finish Ruin and Rising today and I have no idea what to read next. lol
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kewltie · 5 years ago
Three days after the Earl of Aldera was spotted with an oiran in a Yoshiwara's teahouse, causing the rumor mill to spin in a heated gossip over it, Izuku wakes up that morning to the steward tentatively informing him that the lord had just slipped in late last night, dishevel and tired.
Without dropping his polite smile, Izuku thanks and asks him to have the cook prepare a luncheon for him and the lord instead of breakfast, and that they'll be eating in the garden for this afternoon.
With his orders given, Fujino is dismissed but he hesitates. Face wary, brows furrowing with consternation briefly before he opens his mouth. "This old servant has been watching over the Bakugou family since the time of Lady Mitsuki's father and I know the Bakugou have always been loyal and steadfast in their marriage vows," he says solemnly. "Do not care for the careless whisper of others, Master Izuku."
Izuku pauses, turning his head toward down the long hallway where the lord's chamber lies. The distant between his and Katsuki's chamber is but a minute walk, yet it feels enormous all the same.
"I know," he acquiesces, smile tights around the corners. "He's an honorable man, but forgive me for not being such a dutiful spouse to let my husband disappear for an entire week without a single word and not fret about it."
There's not a trace of an angry infliction held in his words, but it spears Fujino right in the heart with the severity of the lord's sin laid out in front of him like that. "M-master Izuku—" he starts, face flushed with anxiety, but Izuku quickly cuts him off with a dismissive wave.
"Do not worry, I will only have a talk with him," he says plaintively. "After all, as I understand it, it's not his fault that he find me difficult to confide in."
The smile cresting on Izuku's face is now crooked and detached like it's going to fall off at any moment because someone had haphazardly plastered it on and didn't bother to check if was done right before disappearing.
It feels fake. He feels fake.
It's as fake at that smile he'd worn against the sharp tongue of various lords and ladies at the theater house. Their sly but pointed inquiry into his marriage and the speculative looks they had sent him when they had found his answer lacking. He'd learned to endure it all with a smile.
Fujino’s lips part as though to argue, but quickly thought against it, snapping his mouth shut. The marriage affair between the nobility is a confounding but interesting melodrama that keeps the idle tongue of many people wagging for months. Gossip is a theater that sells no ticket but is always packed and for the member of the elite class of Kazoku, their kind of playhouse is ripe with scandals.
"I see," he says, lowering his head. "I'll have lunch set up for you in a few hours."
The breath didn't know Izuku was holding escapes him in a long, weary exhale the moment after the Fujino takes his leave. Izuku leans against the wall, gathering his thought and dispelling the somber cloud hanging over him. He slap his cheeks in a resounding smack.
"Alright," he murmurs to himself. His cheeks sting, but the pain is grounding. "You can do this, Izuku."
He pushes himself away from the wall and heads back into his chamber. He calls several maids to him and have them assist him out of his current kimono, a subdued brown iromuji. Earlier, Izuku had them help him get dressed in it and now he'd seemingly changed his mind on his chosen attire for the day, but their puzzle expression is fleeting. Their careful and deft hands quickly strips him to the nagajuban layer before placing a new kimono, the he'd selected, over him once more.
It's a brightly color blue houmongi with white peonies descending from the left shoulder, to the left sleeve, and down to the bottom hem. It's more formal and lavish than his earlier austere choice of a kimono. This one commands attention and expects nothing less than that. If there's ever a lesson to be learn from his nanny and mother is that alphas are strong. Their strength lies in their ability to exert dominance over others and command an entire room with the sheer force of their will. That is power, but there's no one absolute way to it.
Here is what Izuku knows: Katsuki is an alpha of good standing and noble birth. He had seen it firsthand how Katsuki is undeniably strong, smart, and brave; a true patriot to his country, who has undertaken the crown's mission to solve the worst afflicted crimes in the country.
Izuku's husband is truly amazing, but Izuku isn't lacking either. He can’t be if he is to stand by Katsuki’ss side. He may not run around Tokyo, haunting brothels and slumming it in gambling dens to weed out miscreant of society, but Izuku wages a battle of wits and arms himself with just as lethal weapon as Katsuki's fist. An omega's battlefield is in the space their home and in society's arena. This is where many battles are fought, where wars are won and lost. Izuku's sword is the sharp edge of his smile, his courtesy is his infallible shield, and each piece of clothes and accessories add layer to his armor. These are the measure of his strength; it’s not as obvious as Katsuki’s but it’s there and Izuku wields it deftly. He maintains Katsuki's household in an orderly shape, defends Katsuki's reputation against gossip mongering fools, and all the while keeps the facade of the perfect marriage between them. It's a trial, but Izuku perseveres on because he's a good, dutiful husband. He is the kind of omega his mother had stringently taught to put family and duty first, even at the cause of his happiness.
He did everything correctly, yet Katsuki still doesn't acknowledge any of his effort. Izuku has had enough. He's going to war and he's taking no prisoner.
A gold fukuro-obi with phoenix embroidery on the sash is wrap around his waist. He has a maid switches out the simple jade tama kanzashi adorning his hair for a more pronounce hirauchi kanzashi pinned to his bun in the crest of the Bakugou family.
It's all decorative, but piece by piece, each layer on top the other, it's a carefully orchestrated show that bellies a statement to all eyes. This is his armor of choice as he stares at the elegant and poise creature in the mirror that he hardly recognizes as himself anymore. This strange, confident man standing before him isn't Izuku, but if he’s to dress the part then he'll play the part. He always been good at stepping into the roles other had placed before him; the expected betrothed, the contentious spouse, and now the firm master of the household.
"Thank you," he tells the maids before dismissing them. Emboldened now, he strolls into Katsuki's study that he'd taken over since his arrival at the manor because his husband finds being trapped behind a desk to be criminally boring; he rather be out there raising hell and dodging bullets instead.
He spends the next hours combing over the household budget, reviewing party invites, and replying to missives from acquaintances. It keeps him busy and distracted enough that when a knock on the door from Fujino, informing him that they’re ready for him. catches him by surprise.
"Lunch is set up in the garden pavilion as you requested, Master Izuku," Fujino says.
"Is my husband awake yet?" he asks as he gets up from his seat.
"The lord had just woken up a moment ago."
"Good," Izuku says, stepping around the desk, "have him meet me there then." It’s not a request.
Fujino lower his head in acknowledgement, knowing this is command won’t be easy to comply but it won’t be deny either. Servants are the ears and hands of Kazoku’s household, privy to all sort of secrets, that it makes Izuku wonder what do the servants of the Bakugou household has to say about the marital spat of their lord and master? Nothing good, probably.
But they're loyal and discreet, and he can count on them not to spread rumors about the Earl of Aldera and his new spouse's turbulent marriage that ended Izuku in one bedchamber and Katsuki in the other and stilted conversation shared between them over sparse dinner, however true they may be.
Izuku walks toward the back garden of the manor, a massive green space that's a mixture of eastern design and western influence. There is a large lotus pond, cascading waterfalls, and stones path that is the hallmark of tradition, but also a hedge maze and a fountain centerpiece hailing influence from the west. Normally, when he’s at the manor he can be found in the office or in the library, but when he got time to spare he would wander through the garden, listless in thoughts. It reminds him of home, of the country side that he had left behind so he can marry Katsuki.
This small measure of a paradise is his haven.
The gazebo is located on the other side of a short bridge, arching over a pond with fishes swimming under it. He strolls up to it and immediately spots the plates of food already prep for him and his guest on a bamboo patio table. He takes a seat and pours himself a cup of hot tea.
And waits.
The tea is cool in his hand by the time the unmistakable musky, bitter scent of an angry alpha storm into the area, making his nose twitch in annoyance. The pungent scent is follow by the disgruntle face of Izuku's husband, glaring at him across the bridge.
Izuku puts his teacup down as Katsuki marches toward the gazebo, hands balled at his side and a frown etched onto his handsome face. A ticked off alpha is discerning, but so is an omega and their wrath isn't a fleeting thing.
"You had the servants dragged me here?!" he spits. He glowers down at Izuku, eyes narrowed in contempt. His presence a dark and domineering thing that makes Izuku's hand twitches minutely under the pressure he exerts over him. It's hard to breathe all of sudden. "Did you already forget who is the master of this household?"
Izuku smiles thinly. "That is difficult to say when you're rarely home as it is and I've been the one managing the entire household affair while you're gone, my lord." He cocks his head curiously. "Did you at least enjoy your time with Oiran Aoyagi at the Magnolia teahouse?"
Face red with outrage, Katsuki sputters out, "W-what, no, that is—I—"
Taking pity on him, Izuku cuts in, "Please sit and eat first." He gesture to the food on the table. "We can talk afterward." He looks like he's about to argue, but Izuku is already picking up his chopsticks, shutting down the entire argument before it can even begin.
Lunch is a quiet and stiff affair, full of stilted silence and sullen glances from Katsuki. The food had long since cool and the conversation is left halted in the air between, hanging over them like a dark, ominous cloud that neither of them is willing to address right now.
Izuku can count only a handful of times in his memory that he was able to share a meal with the person sitting across from him since he'd arrived here. Often he'll find himself eating a table of food all alone in this large manor with only his thoughts to keep himself company.
It's a strange existence to go from the rowdy, loud atmosphere of his own home—Kouta's rambunctious laughter, father's calm tenor, and mother's fond sigh—to this empty nest. He wonders when will this manor feels like another home to him, and if that day will actually ever come.
“Are you going anywhere after this?” Katsuki manages out between bites.
The unexpected question startles Izuku. “No,” he says with a curious tilt to tone.  
Katsuki stares at Izuku, eyes dropping from his face to the neckline of his kimono and then to the obi wrap tightly around his waist. “Then why are you dressed like that?”
He pauses, cocking his head. “Is there a problem with how I dress?” He had prepared this outfit to draw strength from, but Katsuki’s sudden acute attention to his choice of attire makes him self-conscious. He shifts in his seat and deliberately adjusts his collar as though that will keep him distracted from Katsuki’s heated gaze.  
“No, you look—“ he stops, swallows, and lets the rest of the sentence die on his tongue. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter. Dress however you like.” And goes back to eating, silently and surly.
Izuku’s brows pinch in puzzlement about this strange broach of topic, but Katsuki doesn’t appear to be receptive to further probing so he too resumes eating.
The rest of the luncheon is stifling affair as they both choose to stew in their awkward and taut silence.
Izuku stares down at his half-finished lunch, a bowl of rice and grilled fish, and suddenly doesn't find it quite appetizing anymore. He looks over at Katsuki who is wearing a constipated expression on his face as he shoves food into his mouth like every bite physically pains him.
If Izuku wasn't still nursing his anger from earlier, he would have find Katsuki's sulky action to be stupidly endearing, which honestly say a lot about him and what a fool he truly is.
"How do you find the food so far," he asks, a smile painted across his face once more. “I've been told it's made to your specific taste, my lord, but you must have had finer meals when you were at the Magnolia teahouse." He slips his hands under the table, wringing it unseen. "I have heard of many great things about that place. A world of dreams, they call it. It’s where all your fantasy can be fulfilled and every courtesan is lovelier than the last." His nails digging into his flesh, but the smile remains in place. "Many people have said that Oiran Aoyagi is easily the most beautiful the flower there. Truly a dream made real. I'm sure you are well acquainted with that knowledge since you spent so much time there." He's rambling now, he knows, but he can't stop this stream of bitter words from spilling out. "I can see why though. He’s not only beautiful but I've heard he’s talented in various arts too. Maybe, I should consider taking lessons from him since I'm lacking the necessary qualities—"
A hand slams down on the table, rattling all the silverwares and making Izuku swallow the rest of his words in shock. "Stop," Katsuki says, low and foreboding. "Just fucking stop it."
Caustic anger emanates from him. The air is pungent with his oppressive presence. The fact that they're outside shouldn't make Izuku feels so trapped of a sudden, but Katsuki's scent have always been an imposing and a tyrannical thing that can easily bully even other alphas.
Izuku bites back a whimper, crossing his legs under the table and pinching his hand to keep himself from slipping out of the chair to fall on his knees before his husband. He won't be unmade here. He refuses to. "I'm sorry, is there a problem?" he asks, keeping his voice steady. He smiles placatingly. "I'm sure we can easily resolve it if we talk it over."
"That right there! That fake ass smile of yours," Katsuki accuses, gesturing toward Izuku's face as though that explain everything. "Stop pussyfooting around. I don't need your polite pleasantries bullcrap." Hes sneers. "If you're furious then just tell it to me straight instead of treating me like one of those empty-headed fools you like to hang around with." He glowers at Izuku. "I'm your husband, not some insipid hanger-on you have to woo and ply with pretty words to get your way. If you're mad at me. Fine. Yell at me. Hit me. Throw something. I don't care, but don't you fucking dare hide your real self from me behind that phony smile."
Izuku's eyes round in surprise. "I—" His gaze drops down to his lap helplessly. "I can't. It wouldn't be proper." No matter how angry he feels, how hurt had dug its teeth into his battered heart, he just couldn't allow himself to express it fully. He can't expose his ugly side to Katsuki.
"Fuck propriety," Katsuki snarls. "If you're upset then you're upset. Don't spare my feelings. Especially when you think I have done you wrong."
Izuku jerks his head up. Heart constricting tightly, he asks warily, "So you—?"
Realizing what he'd just implied, Katsuki hurriedly spits out, "Fuck no, I didn't cheat on you with Aoyagi." He pauses. "Or with anyone for that matter."
"Oh," Izuku says stupidly for lack of a better word, even as Katsuki's confirmation warms him all over. He didn't doubt Katsuki's fidelity from the start, but hearing it said out like this suddenly make it easier for him to breathe.
Katsuki sighs, rubbing his face tiredly like a man at war. "Just stop whatever you were doing earlier. Be mad, get mad, whatever. Just don't be so distant." He turns away, ears flushing red. "Don't treat me like everybody else. I can't stand it when push me away like that."
"Oh," Izuku says again. Dumb and so irrevocably in love in that moment.
Since the time when Izuku was seven and discovered his fate was bound to another boy, he'd trained and learned all there was so that one day he can stand equal to his future husband. To be the master of the household, a good omega, and a worthy spouse just like his lady mother.
Compose. Strong in mind and sharp in wits. An unfaltering smile. Fiercely protective, but endlessly gentle and empathetic. Dutiful and ever faithful. These are the qualities that ultimately shaped his mother. Izuku can only hope emulates a quarter of Lady Inko's imperviousnessl, but no matter how hard he’d tried to follow in his mother's imposing footsteps, to never falter in his duties or bring dishonor to his husband and family, that sometimes he would wake up in the middle of the night drowning cold sweats, haunted by this sense of helpless failure.
He wants to be good, but he doesn't always know what that even means when he has to endure the snide remarks from outsiders about his wayward, troublesome husband with only a smile as his shield and his tongue the sharpest blade he can wield to defend himself and their marriage. No matter how much faith he holds in Katsuki's words and the fidelity that he'd promised to Izuku and no matter how much he loves this honorable and stubborn man who bow to no one, he still waver occasionally; he doubts. This weakness in him is so abhorrence and horrid, that he hates himself for it.
Izuku bites his lower lip, eyes catch the edge of the table, and breathes. "I," an exhale, "I am indeed very furious with you." Katsuki's breath hitches. "And with myself mostly. I know you and I trust you, but you don't ever tell me anything, refused to even mention to me that you were going disappear for a week like that isn't important information at all! I had to find that out from our steward!" His voice rise with every offense laid out at Katsuki's feet. "And whenever anyone ask about your absence, which keeps happening that they don't even bother pretend to be surprise when you're not there with me, I had to come up with excuses for you!" He turns to Katsuki, his smile no longer in place because frustration has now overwritten it. "All the while rumors were getting around about you hanging out with prostitutes at teahouses and I had to keep smiling while getting speared by the truthful accusations, because you did have tea with Oiran Aoyagi but I wouldn't tell them why. Couldn’t , really, because I knew nothing about it.”
Eyes startling wide, Katsuki gasps out, "Deku, I—"
"No," he shakes his head, holding his hand out to cut him off, "I'm not done," he huffs. "You asked me to be honest and I'm trying here." All the hurt and anger he had been nursing begins to stir and rise to the surface. "So yes, I am mad at you," he admits softly, "but more than anything I'm furious with myself because while I insist on defending you and our marriage against these detractors, I find myself struggling to not believe their empty slanders as more days passed by."
Katsuki bristles in offense. "I told I didn't—wouldn’t do that shit."
Izuku sighs. "I know," he says, wringing the sleeve of his kimono in his hand. "I'm fully aware of your obsessive nature about honoring your vows, my lord, but that doesn't stop me from being insecure and doubtful, wishing that I was in Aoyagi-san's place instead."
"You," Katsuki's voice sounds oddly skeptical, "were jealous? You?!"
Izuku flushes, ducking his head as though to hide. "Very much so." It is so petty and rather childish of him. "Oiran Aoyagi is known to be extremely beautiful and well versed in many talents and I, well, am just me." He gestures to himself casually and grimaces. "I'm fully aware that I'm old fashioned, simple, and boring. I'm not a good much to a future duke, but I do my best to fulfill my duty as your husband." He smiles crookedly. "Though that doesn't mean I can compete with a high class oiran."
Katsuki glares at him. "Who the fuck said that to you?! I fucking rip their tongue out of their mouth if they dare."
"But that is the truth, is it not?" he muses. It sounds deprecating even to his own ears, but it’s hard to argue with facts.  
"You," Katsuki pinches his nose and heaves a sigh, "yes, you're nothing like Aoyagi, but it doesn't make it necessary bad. Aoyagi is," he makes a face of utter disgust, "annoying. He says a lot, but it's all empty words to get his clients to fatten his purse in the end and make you dance in the palm of his hands. He's smart and knows how to read people, but it's used to further his goals.” He leans back into his chair tiredly. “You can never let your guard down around him because if there's even a crack in your defense, he'll slip through and find what make you tick so he can use it against you later. He didn't survive this far by being a pretty, empty headed doll," he continues.
The words are biting but there's also a grudging sense of admiration and pride tucked in there. It makes Izuku’s chest tightens uncomfortably, wondering if Katsuki will ever think that way about him day. Aoyagi and Katsuki are friends even if he doesn’t admit it.
He looks at Izuku, pinning him with a pointed look that leaves him breathless. "Then there's you, and there’s plenty to say about that."
Izuku blushes, cheeks burning with such implication. "That's not—"
"Shut the fuck up, it's my turn to talk now." Katsuki scoffs. "I can be a blind fool sometimes to not see what it's right in front of me, but now I know how hardworking you are for one, faithful for another, but most of all you're kind even when the world isn't kind to you back.” He gaze softens as Izuku squirms under it. "Sometimes it's harder to be kind than it is to be cruel. I would know, because my first reaction to any offense is to lash out and hurt them back, but you," he grins sardonically, "would reach out and ask if there’s something first. It's stupidly softhearted of you because not everyone have some sob story for you to save them from," he flinches at those words, but Katsuki continues on undaunted, "but the fact that you try and empathize first with them make you better than most people. At least better than me and Aoyagi."
His last sentence is bitter and self-condemnatory. It reminds Izuku that Katsuki was a soldier, a war hero by everyone’s measure, but any mention of war and the things he had done out there always draw a conflicted and dour expression his face.
“My hands are unclean. I only had trade one battlefield for the next,” he once said in discussion of his employment with the crown. “Fighting is all I ever known and this is how I chose to find value in it.”
It had made Izuku’s heart ached when he’d first heard it.
"So if I hear anyone put my husband down like that again, I'll drag them out and beat their ass bloody." Katsuki glares at him. "Even if that person is yourself, you hear me Deku?!"
Mouth drops open, but not words come out of Izuku. He sucks in a deep breath and with his chest feels like it's going to collapse within itself, his manages get out, "Y-yes, I understand, Kacchan." It’s the familiar nickname that he had given to Katsuki when they first met all those years ago, but left behind when he didn't think he could call him that anymore.
It's Katsuki's turn to look away, ears red and right hand drumming anxiously on the table. "Good," he says, clearing his throat and looking like he's about to make a run for it. "If that's everything we have to say..."
"I wish to come with you on your next job," Izuku gently broaches the subject, but apparently not gentle enough because Katsuki's hand forcibly grips the edge of the table so hard that it makes a dent on it. He stares at it, then back to Katsuki's ominous expression.
"No," Katsuki asserts, eyes narrowed and lips pinched. "Absolutely fucking not. If I take you with me, I know some dirtbag is going to say something offensive in front of you, so I'm going have to duel them to defend your honor. Then it'll devolve into an utter shitshow."
Izuku pouts. "Why not? I don't mind."
"Well, I do," Katsuki retorts. "I won't have you hanging around the dregs of society in Yoshiwara."
Izuku raises a brow. "And you can? You're the heir to a dukedom."
"Yes, because I know what exactly kind of people they are," he snaps sharply, eyes narrowed. "They aren't like your high society friends whom you have tea with thrice a week. These are people who have to scrape the bottom of the barrel just to survive. They're grifters. Scavengers. Outcasts of society. Do you know how many people go missing there a month?" he demands.
Izuku shakes his head numbly, mouth drying.
"Too many to count." He makes face. "Too many for the police to do anything even though that's somebody's child, parent, sibling, or significant other. It doesn't matter to them because Yoshiwara is too wild to be tame so they don't bother." He glances at Izuku, eyes heavy and piercing. "That's why I can’t bring you there. It's not safe."
Izuku recalls just the day before Katsuki had disappeared, when he’d read the headline of the sixth mutilated body found in Yoshiwara that morning and grim determination set in his eyes afterward. "But it's not all bad, is it?" he prods.
Katsuki pauses thoughtfully. "No, it's not all bad." He wouldn't  havespend so much time away from home, away from Izuku, to hunt down the worst of the worsts in Yoshiwara if he didn't care—if he didn't think this place and its people are worth his time and effort to help them.
Izuku may not understand everything that has to do with Katsuki's job, but this he gets at least. He smiles. "So take me with you on your next job then."
Katsuki frowns. "Did you not hear what I just said about how dangerous it is there?!"
He nods his head, amused. "I did, but you also said it's not all bad there, and I'm sure the Great Hound of the Empire would have no problem keeping his husband safe, right?"
Katsuki's frown morphs into a deep scowl. "How did it take me this long to realized how incredibly annoying and stubborn you are?!"
Izuku's smile broadens. The sharp edge of Katsuki's words doesn't cut him as cruelly as before. His skin had grown too thick and he knows by now that when Katsuki want it to hurt, he won't use any flimsy knife and he'll go for the throat. "If you had care to spent more time with me then maybe..."
Katsuki winces. "I was neck-deep several cases."
"I know," he says, resting his hands on the table. "I understand how easily it is for you to get caught up in one of your cases." Too many times he'd seen Katsuki dragging his exhausted body home with a haunted expression on his face, haunted by the ghosts of the people he couldn’t save. For all his prickly and rough exterior, Katsuki easily bled for the people under his care. It's what Izuku loves the most about him; his tin can soldier with a bruised heart. "But as much I claim to understand your motivation, I only wish to be included in your world." His gazes drop forlornly down to his hands. "You never tell me anything. I don't know where you're going, how you’re doing, or who you're meeting up with when you leave the manor. The only news I get about you are from the mouth of others and even then it does not quell my anxiety and dread." He clench his hands, nails digging into his palm. "You'd said that the places and the people you encounter far too dangerous for me, so don't you think I have that same concern for you when you're out there running around in dark alleys and I don't know if you're safe at all?"
Katsuki opens his mouth, closes it, and sighs.
Feeling momentary courageous and encourage by Katsuki's lack of a rebuttal, he continues to press on, going for the throat. "And I wish to personally meet with Oiran Aoyagi for a one on one conversation,” he adds blithely.
"Huh?!" Katsuki demands. "Didn't I just explain to you that nothing is going on between us?"
"It's not about that.” Izuku roll his eyes. Honestly. "I only want to seek advice and to learn from him."
He splutters in outrage. "What the fuck do you even have to learn from a high class prostitute? You're my husband! The spouse of an earl! I won't have you be seen with him like that."
Izuku's lips thin out. "And yet you can, my lord?" he says dryly. "What's the difference between you and I then?"
"That's not it." Katsuki shakes his head, frustration blackening his mood. "You're not listening to me! Do you think this is all fun and game to me? I go there for work and not to play. You keep insisting you understand, but clearly you don't know what sort of place it is."
Under the table, Izuku slips his foot out of the zori and extends his leg toward Katsuki as he drones on about Izuku's lack of preservation skill.
"I can't let you tagged along like this is some sort of playdate," he spats. "And what do you even plan to talk to Aoyagi about—" Izuku keeps a carefully neutral expression as he attempts one of the moves he'd read in one of Lady Momo's highly recommended sordid romance novels.
He's painfully new at this game of seduction, but he's willing to learn and this seems easy enough to start especially now when Katsuki looks like he's want to strangle him for even considering going with him to Yoshiwara. Maybe this will be enough to distract him from his rant.
"—do you think Aoyagi is just going to happily have tea with you like you're bosom friends?!" Izuku's leg creeps over to Katsuki's pants leg and he runs his foot around the ankle first.
Katsuki's speech ceases at the touch. Eyes widen in shock. Mouth agape as he stares at Izuku. Izuku continues to keep his face blank as he move his socked foot toward the calve, slowly making its way upward toward the thigh and—Katsuki jerks out of his seat so unexpectedly and forcibly that he kicks the table with his knees hard. So hard that the wooden legs give away and breaks.
Izuku quickly withdraws his leg and blinks as their lunch comes crashing onto the floor and the table cracks in half under the force of Katsuki's sudden and violent shock. He scrambles away from Izuku, mouth snapping open then shut. Again and again as he struggles to find words. Face flushed, hands clenched into a fist by his side as his eyes darts across the garden, anywhere but at Izuku. He looks manic and helpless, and Izuku is stunned by the sight of his fierce and steadfast husband so out of sort because he decided to play footsie with Katsuki under the table.
Izuku rises to his feet, feeling like went at this completely wrong. Wasn't this how people flirt with their spouse? Was the book wrong? It is romance novel after all. Not exactly a how to guide to woo one’s spouse. Perhaps, he got the right idea after all to seek help from Oiran Aoyagi to properly seduce Katsuki if his first time flirting went this badly.
Distressed, Izuku steps around the broken plates and wasted food. "F-forgive me, Kacchan," he says, chagrin. "I didn't mean to offend with my amateurish flirtation skill." He wrings his hands anxiously. "I'll make sure to do better next time!"
Katsuki makes a strangled noise that sounds like a dying animal.  "Who the fuck taught you that," he demands furiously, still refusing to meet Izuku's eyes. "Don't ever to do that again. With anyone." He clears his throat. "Now if you would excuse me, I have some matters to attend to." And he turns around and runs off, leaving Izuku alone and terribly confused in the aftermath.
Was he not being to forward enough? Maybe that was too weak. He’ll just be more aggressive in the future, Izuku swears to himself. 
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yoursummerfrost · 5 years ago
1, 4, 16 & 38 ? ♄
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.Ooh gosh, let’s see. A medium-length fic from the POV of a Slytherin who used to dislike the person they’re fucking but accidentally fell in love with them, coupled with lots of tenderness and emotional healing. Also, as my best friend @alpha-exodus loves to constantly remind me, the main pairing probably breaks up at least once. I could quite literally write that shit for years. 
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?Seven (7). I counted them out on my fingers like a dweeb :D Hmm right now I’m obsessing over the idea of a Mazikeve story set to the tune of “400 Lux” by Lorde, in which Maze and Eve drive through the suburbs, Eve reflects on how beautiful the sloppiness of Earth is, and they fall in love fucking in the back seat.
16. If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?Aah this is so difficult because I’m so in love with the Lucifandom right now, so I’m tempted to say douchifer, but probably the surest bet is to say bittyparse from OMG, Check Please! because those boys will always have a special place in my heart
38. Talk about a review that made your day.Like, not to be sappy but every single one. But also, @stvrklight recently left a super nice comment on my post-s4 douchifer fic, when you met me, which she had inspired me to write and gave me some awesome ideas for and I was so happy that she liked it!!
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patricbensen · 7 years ago
The Maze Alpha Quick Review, Specs and Price
Maze is a Chinese brand that produce handsets, the Maze series. The Maze Alpha offers 4G connectivity. The handset runs on Android 7.0 Nougat and launches with triple camera setup. The phone has some good cameras, dual back cameras and a single front camera. It comes equipped with a Helio P25 processor that works hand in hand with 4GB RAM to ensure smooth performance. Maze Alpha completely

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androidpimp · 7 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://www.androidpimp.com/phone-reviews/maze-alpha-review
Maze Alpha Review: Bezel Less Smartphone with Massive 6 inch Screen
Maze Alpha Review | Product Summary
Maze Alpha is another low-budget Bezel Less smartphone, but with a large screen making it categorized as Phablet device. Equipped with MediaTek Helio X25 processor with next-gen technology, improves bandwidth by up to 70%, and delivers more processing power and less heat. Combining power-saving features and increased multi-tasking efficiency, Alpha contributes to an improved user experience.
With a sharp 6.0 inch 1920 x 1080 Full HD resolution bezel-less screen, covered by Corning Gorilla Glass 4, Alpha gives a huge screen-to-body ratio for a vast view in a smaller space. It just displays looks as vibrant as real life.
Equipped with 13MP + 5MP dual rear cameras with f/2.2 aperture, Alpha allows you to view virtual objects in your actual environment in excellent detail. It becomes easy to capture and memorize every amazing moment. Let experience be alive in memory.
Fitted a Safer, Faster Charging Battery high-capacity 4000mAh battery, optimized Power Saving features and MediaTek PE+ technology for efficiency, the slim Alpha can last all day with one charge. To ensure the reliability, the battery has been tested and meets international testing standards.
The Maze Alpha is available in two main variants, based on different memory and internal storage configurations. The cheaper one has 4GB RAM + 64GB of storage, and the more costly model with 6GB RAM + 64GB ROM.
Overall, for a price of $187 (including shipping) you get a good device with above average hardware specifications capable of running Applications, including heavy games very smoothly under the new Android 7.0 Operating system. That said, both models of the Maze Alpha can be found in GearBest store (Links posted below):
Buy It from GearBest (4GB/64GB)
Buy It from GearBest (6GB/64GB)
  Maze Alpha | Product Introduction
Maze Alpha
  Maze Alpha Review Focus:
Reviewed Model: MAZE Alpha Phablet ( 4GB/32GB )
Product introduction
Specs & Product Main Features
Appearance & Design
Hardware Platform
Software, Display, Cameras, Sensors, Speaker, Microphone, Navigation, Battery
Pros & Cons
Final Verdict
Maze Alpha Review Rating
  Maze Alpha Features:
Product Name: MAZE Alpha 4G Phablet
Operating System: Android 7.0
CPU: Helio P25 ( MTK6757 ) Octa-Core ( 4 x 2.5GHz + 4 x 1.4GHz )
GPU: Mali T880
Memory & Storage: 4GB RAM 64GB ROM, External Memory: SD card up to 256GB
Cameras: Front 5.0MP, Rear 13.0MP + 5.0MP with SAMSUNG S5K3L8 sensor
Battery: 4000mAh
Interface:  USB Type-C
Sensor: Fingerprint Sensor, Hall, Gravity, Gyroscope, Proximity, Ambient Light, Accelerometer, E-Compass, HotKnot
Display: Bezel-less Screen 6.0 inch, 1920 x 1080 Pixel Corning Gorilla Glass 4 Screen, 2.5D Curved Glass, 16:9 Aspect Ratio, 83 percent Screen-to-Body Ratio, Scratch Resistant.
SIM Card: dual SIM dual standby ( Dual Nano SIM cards )
Feature: GPS, Glonass, Beidou
Bluetooth: V 4.1
Network: 2G: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz 3G: WCDMA 900/2100MHz 4G: FDD-LTE 800/900/1800/2100/2600MHz
  Note: This post will be updated with a full review once samples arrive!
0 notes
smarttrend-blog1 · 7 years ago
Maze Alpha Review Bezel-less 6.0 inch
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listing-to-port · 6 years ago
Happy birthday to this, again (part two)
Listing to port is THREE today so, as is traditional, here is a list of the posts from that past year, in two parts, of which this is the second. Once again facilitated by the R interface to the tumblr api. Previously on listing to port: year one part one; year one part two; year two part one; year two part two; year three part one.
On human mechanisms: Wakings; Nine things we have not done yet; On rewards; Ten things that the young folk are doing these days; Mothers; Eight activation energy problems; Ten rules of thumb; Some commonly-abbreviated names; Six other senses; Eight gender reveals; Fears; Eleven love letters; Personality traits; Nine eligible bachelors; Ten dubious schoolmates; Sleeplands; Ten sudden enthusiasms; Nine sense-memories transfigured for the modern spirit; Things I have sometimes mistaken for knowing what I’m talking about; Ten people who were at the buffet but left before the inevitable disaster; Nine feelings, repurposed; Ten more love languages; Nine replies from the diary; Nine blood oaths; Notions; Surprising intersections of personal obsessions; Eight prisons; Nine pointless battles; Hasty decisions; Eight reasons why the nursery is closed.
On myths and magic and stories: Seven reasons the giants have left this Earth and dwell in peace amongst the stars; Nine characters who have not yet found their trope; Six Shakespeare adaptations; Nine more muses; Eight rejected adventures; The presidential libraries of the old gods; Ten wizards at the door; The safer of the fairy fruits; Nine river spirits; Nine unseen alphabets; On that night; Nine reasons dragons hoard; Seven acts of sympathetic magic; Eight tiny dragons; Modern demons; Small myths; Seven sons; Seven castaways; Ten dryads; Seven vampires; Ten great reveals; Nine magic systems; Seven tales of nautical peril; Eight bookwyrms; What kind of monster does this? A case-by-case analysis; Eight fairy tails; Seven early ghost stories; Nine calls to kingship; Eight happy endings for birds; Waves; Eight inconvenient weres; Nine hybrid beasts; Omens from the flight of birds; Seven escalations in peril; Nine merthings; Eight unicorns; Eight fairy facts.
On puzzles, conundrums and games: Nine failed riddles; Nine Winter Olympic sports; The culprit; a list; Eight reasons why the chicken crossed the road; Eight ways to solve crime; Seven long balls; Eight solutions to various problems; Nine reasons why that baby never wore the shoes; Mazes; Ten answers; Investigators; Ten keys to uninteresting mysteries.
On technology and things arising from technology: Nine internet debating positions; Eight mystical programming languages; Six ways out of the bot factory; Crimes of the virtual world; Nine privacy policies; Seven sonic weapons; Seven safety announcements; Eight signs that you are in a simulation; Nine secret lairs; Ten renewable energy sources; Seven future bugs; Eight mystical files; Seven things that will be gamified; Nine stories of the death of websites; Bugs.
On the natural world: Thirty pieces of silver; Seven things heard through grapevines; Nine promises pulled from the bark of a tree; Nine dawns; Deserts; Storms; Nine ways to get lost in the wilderness; Seven Springs; Seven moods of the sea; Falling water; Things in the heart of the rose; Types of bird; Things that have been melting; Seven British birds; Seven woods; Eight heavy plants crossing; Shorelines; Places the rain may carry you to; Seven archipelagoes; Clouds; Nine ways to the sea; Metals; Ten types of sunlight; Ten ways that birds find their way home; Trees; Autumns; Seven peaceful meadows; Nine ways that bees disrespect the laws of physics; Seven forests to get lost in; Nine habitats; Reasons why two or more trees may be standing together; Some other things that were beneath the volcano; Tree honorifics; Nine visits from Winters; Fields; Nine mountain passes; Nine unusual Winter weathers; Nine secrets of the uttermost depths.
On things (general): Advanced skills for modern generalists; Seven things that are small and drifting; Eight things that were what they were; Things that rock; Unknown things; Things it is bad to step on in the dark; Things in the margins; Ten things that go bump in the night; Nine dead things rising; Ten spirits of unremarkable things; Eight things that have been replaced with things that are approximately the same size; Things in the air; Things that have been swallowed by the sea.
On time and space: Space missions; Quotidian futures; Six incorrect theories proposed by aliens; Seven geometries of time; Fortunes; Seven true promises of eternity; Seven not-quite-dystopias; Timelines; Seven books that have yet to be written; Nine landscapes of the old world; What she says and what she means, women are from Venus edition; Seven solar systems; Seven things happening to the stars; Twelve great new jobs available to humanity after the arrival of the alpha centurans; Eight rovers; Twelve convenient apocalypses; Seven very specific dystopias; Ten ghosts of Winter nights to come; Futures; Nine tremendously welcoming planets that you should visit; Nine things to check should you find an empty world; Eight tales of the death of stars; Eight first steps on Mars; Products available seventy million years from now in the case that humans fill the marketing niche for the dominant species of the time that tyrannosaurus rex now fills for humans; Ten myths of the far future.
On transportation and infrastructure: Seven dread infrastructures; Ten roads less travelled; Places that the aeroplane went; Descents; Journeys; Seven views from an unfamiliar train; Seven mean streets; Int. the airport, night: scenes; Eight roads to ruin; Ten trains and the places they go; Waymarks; Nine cartographers; Six live cables; Eight marketplaces, and what may be bought there; Ten signal fires; Eight reviews of the facilities; Buildings in the distant mountains; Maps; Ten ways to stop people crossing the edge of the map; Twelve lovely villages out on the old moor that are absolutely worth a visit; Seven pumpkin modes of transportation; Nine submariners; Fifteen faces that have launched things; Hinterlands; Twelve train stations; Seven roadside attractions.
Poems and suchlike: Let us have less Winter; Six complete poems; A villanelle; On queues.
Short stories and suchlike: Miranda come at last to dust; The interlibrary loan; On light’s many lovers and your mayfly lives; The originals; Ten things the city takes; Sunday chain #30; Sunday chain #31.
66 notes · View notes
itsredminote5review-blog · 5 years ago
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Smartphone Review
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 not only convinces with its affordable price but also its dual-camera, its metal case and its capable SoC. Find out in this review whether the Redmi Note 5’s performance is as impressive as its price.
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Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Xiaomi smartphones are becoming increasingly more popular in Europe, particularly the Redmi series. Redmi devices have always combined good quality at a reasonable price. The Note 5 is a phablet with a 5.99-inch display, a mid-range SoC, fast Wi-Fi and a dual-camera all for under €240 (~$277).
For reference, our review unit is the M1803E7SG. This is also known as the Redmi Note 5 AI Dual Camera. It is neither the Redmi 5 Plus, which is listed as the Redmi Note 5 on Xiaomi's Mi website, nor is it the Redmi Note 5 Pro either. All three devices are powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 SoC, but they feature different camera hardware and memory options among other differences.
We have chosen to compare the Note 5 against the Motorola Moto G6 Plus, the Huawei Y7 2018, the Maze Alpha X and the Honor 7X. Find out in this review how the Note 5 compares with similarly priced competitors and whether it continues the Redmi series ethos.
good (86%) Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Qualcomm Snapdragon 636Qualcomm Adreno 509 Smartphone - 06/25/2018 - v6 Test device courtesy of notebooksbilliger.de Download your licensed rating image as PNG / SVG Working For Notebookcheck
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Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (Redmi Series) ProcessorQualcomm Snapdragon 636 Graphics adapterQualcomm Adreno 509 Memory3072 MB   Display5.99 inch 2:1, 2160 x 1080 pixel 403 PPI, Capacitive touchscreen, IPS, glossy: yes Storage32 GB eMMC Flash, 32 GB   , 24 GB free Weight180 g ( = 6.35 oz / 0.4 pounds), Power Supply: 61 g ( = 2.15 oz / 0.13 pounds) Price239 Euro Note: The manufacturer may use components from different suppliers including display panels, drives or memory sticks with similar specifications. see all specifications
[+] Add to comparison» Compare devices 0 Lenovo IdeaPad S540-15IWL Review: A great all-rounder with only one real weakness 85% Lenovo IdeaPad S540-15IWL Review: A great all-rounder with only one real weakness MSI GL75 9SEK Laptop Review - An average mid-range gaming laptop with loud fans 83% MSI GL75 9SEK Laptop Review - An average mid-range gaming laptop with loud fans Dell Latitude 3400 Laptop Review: An affordable business laptop with long battery life 83% Dell Latitude 3400 Laptop Review: An affordable business laptop with long battery life Test AVM FritzBox 7590: Operation and functional range are the trumps Test AVM FritzBox 7590: Operation and functional range are the trumps Next Page ⟩ Case
The Note 5 is available in Lake Blue, Black, Gold and Rose Gold. Our test device is the Rose Gold variant, which has a white front. The Note 5 has a metal case, which proved to be stable during our tests. Our test device did not react to pressure applied to the back of the case, while light pressure on the display causes slight waves in the LCD. Our test device withstood our attempts to bend and twist it, with hardly any creaks or cracking noises when doing so.
The design is not exceptional, but it is stylish. The metal back is sandwiched between color matching plastic areas designed to improve the reception quality. The display is flush with the case but for a slight edge. This is deliberate though and is a relatively smooth edge. The Note 5 weighs 180 g (~6.3 oz) and measures 158.5 x 75.4 x 8.1 mm (~6.2 x ~3 x ~0.32 in). This weight and dimension help the device to feel good in the hand. The rear-facing camera array protrudes slightly from the case, so the Note 5 is slightly unstable on flat surfaces.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Top 10 Laptops Multimedia, Budget Multimedia, Gaming, Budget Gaming, Lightweight Gaming, Business, Budget Office, Workstation, Subnotebooks, Ultrabooks, Chromebooks
under 300 USD/Euros, under 500 USD/Euros, 1.000 USD/Euros
Best Displays, for University Students
Top 10 Smartphones Smartphones, Phablets, ≀5-inch, Camera SmartphonesNotebookcheck's Top 10 Smartphones under 160 Euros
Size Comparison      Motorola Moto G6 Plus       Xiaomi Redmi Note 5       Huawei Y7 2018       Maze Alpha X       Huawei Honor 7X 160 mm / 6.3 inch 75.5 mm / 2.97 inch 8 mm / 0.315 inch 167 g 0.3682 lbs 158.5 mm / 6.24 inch 75.45 mm / 2.97 inch 8.05 mm / 0.3169 inch 180 g 0.3968 lbs 158.3 mm / 6.23 inch 76.7 mm / 3.02 inch 7.8 mm / 0.3071 inch 155 g 0.3417 lbs 156.4 mm / 6.16 inch 74.6 mm / 2.94 inch 8.1 mm / 0.3189 inch 210 g 0.463 lbs 156.5 mm / 6.16 inch 75.3 mm / 2.96 inch 7.6 mm / 0.2992 inch 165 g 0.3638 lbs Add an additional device (search by model, GPU, CPU, storage)
Connectivity The Surface Laptop 3 comes with a custom AMD Ryzen Microsoft Surface Edition Zen+ APU. (Source: AMD) AMD Ryzen 5 3580U and Ryzen 7 3780U with an extra CU constitute the semi-custom AMD Ryzen Microsoft Surface Edition series A 5G variant of the Galaxy Tab S6 is enroute. (Source: Samsung) Galaxy Tab S6 to get 5G variant, will be first 5G tablet on the market Windows 10 X comes with a redesigned Start menu and is tailored for dual-screen devices. (Source: Microsoft) Windows 10X — A 'Lite' version for Windows 10 for dual-screen devices sans live tiles The new The supposed Motorola One Macro shows up in a new evleak Next Page ⟩ Our test device has 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal storage. There is also a 64 GB/4 GB option, which we would recommend over our test device as they are currently equally priced online. The Note 5 is a Dual-SIM device and supports microSD cards up to 256 GB. MicroSD cards can only be formatted as external storage, which means that app data can only be stored on the 32 GB of internal storage. Incidentally, the card tray has only two slots, so you can either use two nano-SIMs or one SIM and a microSD card.
The Note 5 features an FM radio, Bluetooth 5.0 and a fingerprint sensor. There is even an IR remote that can be used as a remote control. Unfortunately, there is only a microUSB port instead of a USB Type-C port. The microUSB port is only USB 2.0, albeit this supports USB OTG.
Right-hand side: Power button, volume rocker Right-hand side: Power button, volume rocker Left-hand side: Card tray Left-hand side: Card tray Underside: 3.5 mm jack, Microphone, Micro USB port, Speaker Underside: 3.5 mm jack, Microphone, Micro USB port, Speaker Bottom side: Infrared sensor, Microphone Bottom side: Infrared sensor, Microphone Software The Note 5 ships with Android Oreo 8.1, which has been customized with Xiaomi’s MIUI. Our test device is running MIUI Global 9.5 and Android security patch level March 1st  2018, which was about six weeks old at the time of writing. MIUI looks different than the UI on many other Android smartphones, with Xiaomi implementing numerous changes from stock Android. MIUI should not take Android users too much time to adapt though. Frustratingly, we could not change the screen timeout as the button to confirm the change is missing. Equally frustrating is the energy-saving features, which are overly restrictive. Runtastic, for example, ran correctly only after changing numerous settings.
The Note 5 comes with many additional apps, most of which are by Xiaomi. Fortunately, there is little bloatware except for one social network app.
Communication & GPS The Note 5 is equipped with fast IEEE 802.11 ac Wi-Fi, which is rare for a €240 (~$277) device and one that will make many users happy. While the Note 5 cannot match the Motorola G6 Plus in terms of Wi-Fi performance, the Note 5 is faster than all our other comparison devices. We calculated this performance using our Linksys EA8500 reference router. Our test device loaded websites quickly when we were close to the router, but we did have to wait for some images to load. The Note 5 still had full Wi-Fi reception when we took the device around ten meters (~33 ft) away from the router with three walls between the two devices. Websites loaded just as fast as they do when we tested the Note 5 with it close to our reference router.
The Note 5 supports seven LTE bands, which is rather paltry in comparison to other devices. In practice, this means that you may struggle with connecting to an LTE network in more exotic countries. Our test device had good mobile network reception on the German D2 network. We still had good reception even in buildings in built-up areas.
Phone Functions & Call Quality The Note 5 uses Xiaomi’s phone app, which is much like Google’s standard phone app. Launching the app brings up the keypad and a list of recent calls. There is a small search window in which you can search directly for contacts. Alternatively, you bring up your contact list by clicking the contacts tab. The phone app has numerous settings such as a phone number blacklist and call recording among other features.
The Note 5 has good call quality. Our call partner sounded clear and without any background noise. Our test device reproduced our voice well, but the microphone distorted if we spoke too loudly. The opposite is true over the speakerphone, where the microphone struggled to pick out our voice if we spoke softly. Our counterpart is still easy to understand, albeit there is some mild background noise during quieter moments.
Cameras Example photograph using the front-facing camera Example photograph using the front-facing camera The Note 5 has dual rear-facing cameras, one 12 MP and one 5 MP. The secondary camera is only used to help create depth of field bokeh effect photographs and it cannot be used as a standalone camera. Photos taken with the main camera have fewer details than those taken with more premium smartphones, with some areas coming out particularly muddy and lacking definition. Our test device gets the exposure right in dark areas in good lighting and there is even some detail in very bright areas. Low-light performance is surprisingly good, but there is a clear blue tint to the photos. The Apple iPhone X captures night shots more accurately, but the latter costs practically five times as much as the Note 5. Overall, the Note 5 has an impressive rear-facing camera array given its price.
The main camera can record videos in up to 1080p at 30 FPS. The video quality is passable, although bright areas are often underexposed, while dark areas lack detail. Recordings are sharp though. There is a 120 FPS slow motion feature, which is recorded at 720p.
The Note 5 has a 13 MP front-facing camera, which in theory could make the Note 5 a selfie star. While the Note 5 does well for a more affordable device, it does not come close to more premium smartphones. Dark areas are exposed well, but bright areas often dominate a photograph. Sharpness is rather average too, but the front-facing camera reproduces colors well.
Image Comparison
Choose a scene and navigate within the first image. One click changes the position on touchscreens. One click on the zoomed-in image opens the original in a new window. The first image shows the scaled photograph of the test device.
Scene 1Scene 2Scene 3 click to load imagesXiaomi Redmi Note 5Apple iPhone XOnePlus 5TSony A77 The Note 5 does not fare much better under controlled lighting conditions either. Sharpness is passable, with our test device reproducing text against a colored background well. Transitions between colors appear pixelated, but this is still ok for a device at this price. Generally, images are overly dark, particularly color reproduction.
Photograph of our test chart Photograph of our test chart Our test chart in detail Our test chart in detail ColorChecker: The reference color is displayed in the lower half of each area of color ColorChecker: The reference color is displayed in the lower half of each area of color Accessories & Warranty The Note 5 comes with a quick charger, a USB cable, a SIM tool and a protective cover. Xiaomi does not offer any dedicated accessories on its website.
The Note 5 does not come with a manufacturer’s warranty in Europe seeing as Xiaomi are a Chinese company. You will get twenty-four months warranty if you buy through an EU supplier though. Please see our Guarantees, Return policies and Warranties FAQ for country-specific information.
Input Devices & Operation Xiaomi has installed Google GBoard as the Note 5’s default keyboard. Other keyboards are available from the Google Play Store.
The Note 5 has a touchscreen that has a slick, smooth surface. Touch inputs are precise even at the corners and at the edges of the display. There is a fingerprint sensor on the back of the device that quickly and reliably unlocks our test device. The fingerprint sensor does not have any special gestures or configurable commands like we have seen on other devices, such as the ASUS ZenFone 4 Selfie Pro. There is a software-based quick ball which displays selected links when you click on them. This feature is less functional than using the standard on-screen navigation buttons though. Whereas opening a link with the quick ball takes a total of two clicks, using the standard navigation buttons takes just one click. A supplementary input method should increase functionality and ease of use in our opinion, rather than further complicate matters.
The hardware buttons can be found on the right-hand side of the case. These feel premium, are easy to use and have a clear pressure point.
The keyboard in portrait mode The keyboard in portrait mode The keyboard in landscape mode The keyboard in landscape mode
Display Sub-pixel array Sub-pixel array The Note 5 has a 5.99-inch display with a 2:1 aspect ratio. The display has a 2,160x1,080 native resolution, which results in a pixel density of 403 PPI. Our test device has an impressively bright display, which averaged 532.2 cd/mÂČ using X-Rite i1Pro 2. Only the Motorola Moto G6 Plus has a brighter display of our comparison devices, with the Honor 7X scoring just slightly lower than the Note 5. The Moto G6 Plus is an outlier in this respect though with its 723 cd/mÂČ average maximum luminosity. This is incredibly bright for a device at this price. The Note 5 has 94% display uniformity too, which is at least 4% better than the best of our comparison devices. In practical terms, this means that the large areas of color look uniformly bright. It is worth pointing out that we achieved this level of luminosity with the device on charge and with the brightness sensor turned off. Measuring our test device either on battery or with the brightness sensor turned on results in a lower average maximum brightness value.
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Screen Flickering / PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation) â„čTo dim the screen, some notebooks will simply cycle the backlight on and off in rapid succession - a method called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) . This cycling frequency should ideally be undetectable to the human eye. If said frequency is too low, users with sensitive eyes may experience strain or headaches or even notice the flickering altogether. Screen flickering / PWM detected 2358 Hz ≀ 20 % brightness setting The display backlight flickers at 2358 Hz (Likely utilizing PWM) Flickering detected at a brightness setting of 20 % and below. There should be no flickering or PWM above this brightness setting.
The frequency of 2358 Hz is quite high, so most users sensitive to PWM should not notice any flickering.
In comparison: 51 % of all tested devices do not use PWM to dim the display. If PWM was detected, an average of 9378 (minimum: 43 - maximum: 142900) Hz was measured.
The Note 5 has a 0.23 cd/mÂČ black value that is both notably good and significantly better than our comparison devices. This low black value helps our test device achieve a laudable 2,252:1 contrast ratio that is leagues ahead of our comparison devices. This helps make colors pop and gives black tones a rich quality to them.
We subjected our test device to our spectrophotometer and CalMAN software to get a more detailed look at the display. The results highlight a significant blue tint to the display, which results in light blue and orange tones looking noticeably different than the sRGB reference color. The color space coverage is good overall, but the blue tint is one downside.
Unfortunately, the Note 5 uses pulse-width modulation (PWM) to regulate luminosity at and below 20% brightness. We notice a flicker to the display when the brightness is at this level, which we measured at 2,358 Hz. This frequency should be high enough for those who are PWM sensitive not to feel any ill effects, although this cannot be guaranteed.
The screen shows slow response rates in our tests and will be unsatisfactory for gamers. In comparison, all tested devices range from 0.9 (minimum) to 636 (maximum) ms. » 83 % of all devices are better. This means that the measured response time is worse than the average of all tested devices (39.7 ms). The Note 5 has a relatively bright display, which helps when using the device outdoors. We could still see screen content with brightness set to maximum if we were not in too bright an area. The display has a glossy finish though, so reflections cannot be avoided.
The Note 5 has an IPS display, which helps to give the device strong viewing angles. There are slight brightness and color shifts at acute viewing angles, but these are picked up more by the camera than they are noticeable by the naked eye.
The Note 5 is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 SoC, a mid-range SoC that Qualcomm announced late last year. The Snapdragon 636 has an octa-core Kyro 260 CPU that clocks up to 1.8 GHz. The Snapdragon 636 is a significant improvement on its predecessor, the Snapdragon 630 that powers the Moto G6 Plus. The Snapdragon 636 helps the Note 5 to typically perform around 20% faster than the G6 Plus in benchmarks. Equally, the Note 5 feels snappy in practice, with our test device not slowing down even when we have numerous programs open in the background.
The Snapdragon 636 integrates a Qualcomm Adreno 509 GPU that supports DirectX 12.1, OpenGL ES 3.2, OpenCL 2.0 and Direct3D 12. This support for modern graphics APIs should ensure that the Note 5 is future proofed at least in terms of graphics. While the Note 5 has faster GPU performance than our comparison devices too, the gap is not as great as in our CPU tests.
AnTuTu v6 | AnTuTu v7 | PCMark for Android | BaseMark OS II | Geekbench 4.4 | 3DMark | GFXBench (DX / GLBenchmark) 2.7 | GFXBench 3.0 | GFXBench 3.1 | GFXBench AnTuTu v6 - Total Score (sort by value) Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 92672 Points ∌95% Maze Alpha X 63989 Points ∌65%-31% Motorola Moto G6 Plus 71635 Points ∌73%-23% Huawei Honor 7X 62810 Points ∌64%-32% Huawei Y7 2018 45687 Points ∌47%-51% Average Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 (92015 - 125213, n=10) 98051 Points ∌100%+6% Average of class Smartphone (5600 - 293444, n=489) 87523 Points ∌89%-6% Legend
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Qualcomm Snapdragon 636, Qualcomm Adreno 509, 32 GB eMMC Flash Maze Alpha X Mediatek Helio P25, ARM Mali-T880 MP2, 64 GB eMMC Flash Motorola Moto G6 Plus Qualcomm Snapdragon 630, Qualcomm Adreno 508, 64 GB eMMC Flash Huawei Honor 7X HiSilicon Kirin 659, ARM Mali-T830 MP2, 32 GB eMMC Flash Huawei Y7 2018 Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 (MSM8937), Qualcomm Adreno 505, 16 GB eMMC Flash Average Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 Average of class Smartphone Add an additional device (search by model, GPU, CPU, storage)
The Note 5 performs better than our comparison devices in browser benchmarks too. Our test device even outperformed slightly more expensive devices. Complex HTML 5 websites like Google Interland are displayed fluidly, which is reflective of our real-world use. While the Note 5 is not as fast at loading websites as premium smartphones, it is sufficient for general web browsing.
JetStream 1.1 | Octane V2 | Mozilla Kraken 1.1 | WebXPRT 2015 JetStream 1.1 - Total Score Average Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 (44.2 - 51.5, n=10) 45.4 Points ∌100%+2% Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (Chrome 67) 44.322 Points ∌98% Average of class Smartphone (10 - 300, n=520) 40.5 Points ∌89%-9% Huawei Honor 7X (Chrome 63.0.3239.111) 31.299 Points ∌69%-29% Motorola Moto G6 Plus (Chrome 66) 27.971 Points ∌62%-37% Maze Alpha X (Chrome Version 64) 27.463 Points ∌60%-38% Huawei Y7 2018 (Chrome 66) 17.86 Points ∌39%-60% * ... smaller is better
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The Note 5 is on par with our comparison devices in terms of microSD card performance. We tested the Note 5 with our trusted Toshiba Exceria Pro M501 reference microSD card. The Note 5 is equipped with eMMC memory, which is faster than the average of devices that we tested with 32 GB of eMMC memory. eMMC memory is no match for faster UFS memory though. The Note 5 even struggles against the Moto G6 Plus, which is also equipped with eMMC memory.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Maze Alpha X Motorola Moto G6 Plus Huawei Honor 7X Huawei Y7 2018 Average 32 GB eMMC Flash Average of class Smartphone
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Games The Note 5 is suitable for relatively simple mobile games. 60 FPS gaming is possible in less demanding titles like “Shadow Fight 3”, but the Note 5 struggles when we tested it against more demanding titles. “Arena of Valor”, for example, only averaged 31 FPS, while “PUBG Mobile” averaged 25 FPS. This is still high enough for stable gaming though. We would recommend looking at more expensive devices if you want to plan the most cutting-edge mobile games at 60 FPS as the Note 5 is not powerful enough for that. The Note 5 is perfectly suited for games like “Shadow Fight 3” and “Angry Birds 2” though.
The Note 5 has a single speaker on the underside of the device, the maximum volume of which we measured at 76.9 dB(A). This is not particularly loud, but the sound quality is fine. High tones are rather overbearing at maximum volume, but the speaker sings when the volume is turned down slightly. The speaker struggles with reproducing deep mid-tones, while we struggled to pick out individual instruments too. Overall though, the Note 5 has an impressive speaker for its price, albeit with a few caveats.
The Note 5 is equipped with a 3.5 mm headphone jack and Bluetooth 5.0. There are currently only a few headphones and speakers that take advantage of Bluetooth 5.0, but fortunately, the new standard is backwards compatible with all previous Bluetooth standards. The sound quality is good for both outputs. The Note 5 has an inbuilt equalizer to tweak the sound over headphones too, but you will need Xiaomi branded headphones to enable this feature.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Huawei Honor 7X Frequency diagram (checkboxes can be checked and unchecked to compare devices) Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 audio analysis (±) | speaker loudness is average but good (76.9 dB) Bass 100 - 315 Hz (-) | nearly no bass - on average 26.1% lower than median (±) | linearity of bass is average (9.2% delta to prev. frequency) Mids 400 - 2000 Hz (+) | balanced mids - only 3.4% away from median (+) | mids are linear (4.5% delta to prev. frequency) Highs 2 - 16 kHz (+) | balanced highs - only 4.5% away from median (+) | highs are linear (3.9% delta to prev. frequency) Overall 100 - 16.000 Hz (±) | linearity of overall sound is average (21.4% difference to median) Compared to same class » 23% of all tested devices in this class were better, 12% similar, 64% worse » The best had a delta of 13%, average was 25%, worst was 44% Compared to all devices tested » 51% of all tested devices were better, 9% similar, 40% worse » The best had a delta of 3%, average was 21%, worst was 53%
Huawei Honor 7X audio analysis (±) | speaker loudness is average but good (78.73 dB) Bass 100 - 315 Hz (-) | nearly no bass - on average 26.3% lower than median (±) | linearity of bass is average (8.5% delta to prev. frequency) Mids 400 - 2000 Hz (±) | higher mids - on average 6.1% higher than median (±) | linearity of mids is average (9.3% delta to prev. frequency) Highs 2 - 16 kHz (±) | higher highs - on average 11.5% higher than median (±) | linearity of highs is average (11.1% delta to prev. frequency) Overall 100 - 16.000 Hz (-) | overall sound is not linear (34.1% difference to median) Compared to same class » 94% of all tested devices in this class were better, 2% similar, 4% worse » The best had a delta of 13%, average was 25%, worst was 44% Compared to all devices tested » 95% of all tested devices were better, 1% similar, 3% worse » The best had a delta of 3%, average was 21%, worst was 53%
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Battery Life Power Consumption The Note 5 is a relatively inefficient device, with the big display, high screen brightness and the modern but powerful SoC all taking their toll on power consumption.
The Note 5 is relatively efficient when off and on standby, with our test device consuming 0.06 W and 0.2 W respectively. The Note 5 consumes more power than our comparison devices when the display is on though. The Note 5 is anywhere between 12% and 38% less efficient than our comparison devices overall. This is particularly true at maximum load, where our test device consumes 8.2 W. This is not only significantly higher than our comparison devices, but it is also 19% higher than the average of Snapdragon 636 powered devices that we have currently tested.
It is no surprise then that Xiaomi has incorporated aggressive background app management to keep power consumption under control. This degree of aggressiveness can lead to problems that need to run in the background though. We had to tweak the settings for Runtastic to work properly, for example.
Power Consumption Off / Standby darklight 0.06 / 0.2 Watt Idle darkmidlight 1 / 2.6 / 2.9 Watt Load midlight 5 / 8.2 Watt color bar
Key: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Metrahit Energy Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 4000 mAh Maze Alpha X 3900 mAh Motorola Moto G6 Plus 3200 mAh Huawei Honor 7X 3340 mAh Huawei Y7 2018 3000 mAh Average Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 Average of class Smartphone
Power Consumption 21% 38% 12% 19% Idle Minimum * 1 0.9 10% 0.5 50% 1.02 -2% 0.9 10% Idle Average * 2.6 2.14 18% 1.78 32% 2.46 5% 1.9 27% Idle Maximum * 2.9 2.18 25% 1.81 38% 2.51 13% 2.3 21% Load Average * 5 3.96 21% 3.3 34% 4.16 17% 4.7 6% Load Maximum * 8.2 5.81 29% 5.14 37% 5.87 28% 5.7 30% * ... smaller is better
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Battery Life The Note 5 has a large 4,000 mAh battery, which helps our test device score impressive runtimes in our battery life tests despite the relatively high power consumption. Our test device lasted fourteen hours and thirty-two minutes in our Wi-Fi battery life test, during which we run a script that simulates the load required to render websites. This runtime is considerably longer than our comparison devices, thanks to the Note 5’s additional battery capacity. Our test device lasted thirty hours at idle, which indicates that the Note 5 should last for two working days with moderate use and even longer if you use infrequently use smartphones. Conversely, the Note 5 should last a full day if you use the device a lot, with our test device lasting four hours and eighteen minutes in our continuous stress test.
Xiaomi provides a 10-W quick charger in the box, which fully recharges the Note 5 in under two hours.
Battery Runtime Idle (without WLAN, min brightness) 30h 24min NBC WiFi Websurfing Battery Test 1.3 14h 32min Big Buck Bunny H.264 1080p 15h 02min Load (maximum brightness) 4h 18min Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 4000 mAh Maze Alpha X 3900 mAh Motorola Moto G6 Plus 3200 mAh Huawei Honor 7X 3340 mAh Huawei Y7 2018 3000 mAh Battery Runtime -16% -0% -29% -21% Reader / Idle 1824 1624 -11% 1846 1% 1111 -39% 1305 -28% H.264 902 542 -40% 687 -24% WiFi v1.3 872 603 -31% 702 -19% 664 -24% 624 -28% Load 258 240 -7% 404 57% 199 -23% 245 -5% Add an additional device (search by model, GPU, CPU, storage)
Pros + plenty of CPU and GPU power for the money + good call quality + long battery life + bright and high contrast display + Bluetooth 5.0 and 802.11 ac WiFi + reasonable surface temperatures under load + current version of Android + no throttling Cons - relatively high power consumption - strong blue tint to the display - the microphone is frequently too sensitive - the OS is sometimes restrictive for apps Verdict
The Redmi Note 5 is the epitome of Xiaomi’s ethos of releasing affordable but high-performance devices and demonstrates why many are longing for a European wide launch of their devices. The Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 is an affordable smartphone that has plenty of power, good battery life, fast 802.11 ac Wi-Fi, and a bright and high-contrast display for under €240 (~$277). The Note 5 has a good speaker too, while call quality is decent and the Quick Charge support is handy. The modern SoC gives the Note 5 relatively fast LTE speeds, Bluetooth 5.0 and should future proof it for the foreseeable future.
There are some drawbacks though. The color temperature and a blue tint to the display are not great, and neither is the relatively high power consumption despite the impressive battery life. MIUI employs aggressive app management to its detriment too. This can lead to problems with apps that need to run in the background, but it does help to reduce power consumption and lengthen the battery life. The camera is the only area where the Note 5 is clearly a mid-range device, but photos are adequate overall. Surface temperatures are ok too, albeit they could be better under load.
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allthefilmsiveseenforfree · 6 years ago
My 118 in 2018 (goal achieved)
I did it! I achieved my goal of #118in2018 and I wanted to take this time to reflect on my cinematic journey over the past 365 days. 
Here are the absolute worst films I saw this year in which I hated every second and wanted to die. These are in chronological order rather than rank but honestly I think everyone knows Life Itself was the most truly, epically abysmal thing I saw this year. These are also some of my best reviews so like - you should really check those out (links below).
Phantom Thread
The Maze Runner: The Death Cure
Early Man
Tyler Perry’s Acrimony
I Feel Pretty
Life of the Party
Life Itself
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
Here are my favorite/the best films I saw this year. These ARE ranked, roughly, and usually are a combination of technically astonishing while also being entertaining, engaging, and rich in emotion and complexity.
Black Panther
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse
Eighth Grade
Paddington 2
A Quiet Place
Three Identical Strangers
Sorry to Bother You
A Star is Born
First Man
And here are the movies I thought I was gonna like only ok but actually loved beyond belief. They may not be the BEST, but they were among the most entertaining and endearing that I saw all year - the sleeper hits, if you will. Real salt of the earth stuff that you can happily spend a Saturday night with from Redbox. These are ranked in order of how surprised I was that I loved them this much.
The Hurricane Heist
Den of Thieves
Christopher Robin
The House With a Clock in Its Walls
Anna and the Apocalypse
Love, Simon
For those of you interested in the performance of the blog, here are my top 10 posts in terms of engagement as of 12/31/2018 (people really love to talk about horror movies!):
Hereditary (499 notes)
A Quiet Place (458)
Widows (203)
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse (200)
Sorry to Bother You (145)
Blockers (110)
The Nun (106)
Halloween (106)
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (86)
Christopher Robin (81)
And finally, here is the list of all 119 movies I viewed in theaters along with links to all the reviews. Thank you to everyone who read, followed, liked, reblogged, subscribed, or otherwise helped with this journey. I love you all - here’s to #119in2019!
The Greatest Showman - seen 01/02/18 with Fiancee
All the Money in the World - seen 01/03/18 with Pug Girl
Insidious: The Last Key - seen 01/06/18 with Fiancee and Owl Friend
I, Tonya - seen 01/08/18 with Fiancee
The Post - seen 01/16/18 with Fiancee
Proud Mary - seen 01/18/18 with Sleepy Gay
Paddington 2 - seen 01/21/18 solo
The Commuter - seen 01/22/18 with Fiancee
Call Me By Your Name - seen 01/25/18 with Fiancee
Phantom Thread - seen 01/27/18 with Fiancee
Den of Thieves - seen 01/28/18 with Sleepy Gay
The Maze Runner: The Death Cure - seen 01/31/18 with Owl Friend
Winchester - seen 02/01/18 with Fiancee and Pug Girl
Hostiles - seen 02/10/18 solo
Peter Rabbit - seen 02/10/18 solo
Fifty Shades Freed - seen 02/11/18 with Fiancee
Black Panther - seen 02/15/18 with Sleepy Gay and Owl Friend
Annihilation - seen 02/25/18 solo
Game Night - seen 02/26/18 with Fiancee
Death Wish - seen 03/2/18 with Sleepy Gay
Early Man - seen 03/04/18 solo
Every Day - seen 03/06/18 with Fiancee
The Hurricane Heist - seen 03/09/18 with Pug Girl
The Strangers: Prey at Night - seen 03/10/18 with Fiancee
Gringo - seen 03/11/18 with Owl Friend
Thoroughbreds - seen 03/12/18 with Fiancee
Love, Simon - seen 03/17/2018 with Fiancee
A Wrinkle in Time - seen 03/18/2018 solo
Red Sparrow - seen 03/18/2018 with Pug Girl
Unsane - seen 03/26/2018 with WIFE
Flower - seen 03/30/2018 with Wife
Pacific Rim: Uprising - seen 3/31/2018 solo
Ready Player One - seen 04/02/2018 with The Writer
A Quiet Place - seen -04/05/2018 with Wife, Sleepy Gay, and Owl Friend
Blockers - seen 04/08/2018 with Wife
Tyler Perry’s Acrimony - seen 04/11/2018 with Wife
Truth or Dare - seen 04/13/2018 with Wife, Owl Friend, Sleepy Gay, and Pug Girl
I Feel Pretty - seen 04/22/2018 with Wife
Rampage - seen 04/24/2018 with The Writer
Avengers: Infinity War - seen 04/26/2018 with Sleepy Gay, Owl Friend, Pug Girl, The Photographer, The Knitter, and The Guy Who’s Read the Comics
Isle of Dogs - seen 04/29/2018 solo
Tully - seen 05/08/2018 with Wife
Overboard - seen 05/10/2018 with Owl Friend
RBG - seen 05/11/2018 with Sleepy Gay
Bad Samaritan - seen 05/12/2018 with Pug Girl
Chappaquiddick - seen 05/12/2018 solo
Life of the Party - seen 05/16/2018 with Wife
Disobedience - seen 05/20/2018 with Wife
Deadpool 2 - seen 05/21/2018 with Sleepy Gay
Breaking In - seen 05/24/2018 with Wife
Solo - seen 05/27/2018 with Owl Friend
Book Club - seen 05/30/2018 solo
The Producers (1968) - seen 06/03/18 with Wife
Action Point - seen 06/04/18 with Wife
Upgrade - seen 06/06/18 with Pug Girl
Hereditary - seen 06/07/18 with Wife and Pug Girl
Ocean’s 8 - seen 06/09/18 with Wife
Hotel Artemis - seen 06/13/2018 with Owl Friend and Sleepy Gay
Tag - seen 06/14/2018 with Wife
Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - seen 06/20/2018 with Pug Girl, The Writer, and The AMC Queen
Won’t You Be My Neighbor? - seen 06/30/2018 with Wife
The First Purge - seen 07/03/2018 with Pug Girl, Sleepy Gay, and Owl Friend
The Incredibles 2 - seen 07/04/2018 solo
Ant Man and the Wasp - seen 07/05/2018 with The Writer
Uncle Drew - seen 07/07/2018 solo
Three Identical Strangers - seen 07/15/2018 with Wife
Hotel Transylvania 3 - seen 07/15/2018 solo
Sorry to Bother You - seen 07/16/2018 with Wife, Sleepy Gay, and Owl Friend
Skyscraper - seen 07/18/2018 with Sleepy Gay
Unfriended: Dark Web - seen 07/23/2018 with Wife and Pug Girl
Mission: Impossible - Fallout - seen 07/25/2018 with Pug Girl, The Writer, and The AMC Queen
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again - seen 08/01/2018 with Wife
Eighth Grade - seen 08/06/2018 with Wife
Slender Man - seen 08/09/2018 with Wife
BlacKkKlansman - seen 08/10/2018 with Wife, Sleepy Gay, Pug Girl, and Owl Friend
Christopher Robin - seen 08/11/2018 solo
The Meg - seen 08/12/2018 with Wife, Sleepy Gay, and Owl Friend
Alpha - seen 08/25/2018 solo
Crazy Rich Asians - seen 08/25/2018 with Sleepy Gay, Pug Girl, and Owl Friend
Searching - seen 08/31/2018 with Wife
Juliet, Naked - seen 09/06/2018 with Wife
The Nun - seen 09/08/2018 with Wife
Destination Wedding - seen 09/10/2018 with Wife
A Simple Favor - seen 09/14/2018 with Wife
The Predator - seen 09/18/2018 with Wife, Sleepy Gay, and Owl Friend
Lizzie - seen 09/26/2018 with Wife
Hell Fest - seen 09/27/2018 with Wife, Sleepy Gay, Pug Girl, and Owl Friend
Life Itself - seen 09/29/2018 with Wife
Assassination Nation - seen 09/29/2018 with Wife
Smallfoot - seen 09/30/2018 with Sleepy Gay
The Wife - seen 09/30/2018 with Wife
Night School - seen 10/08/2018 with Pug Girl
A Star is Born - seen 10/09/2018 with Wife and Sleepy Gay
Venom - seen 10/14/2018 with Pug Girl
The House With a Clock In Its Walls - seen 10/15/2018 solo
Bad Times at the El Royale - seen 10/18/2018 with Wife, Sleepy Gay, and Owl Friend
Halloween - seen 10/19/2018 with Wife and Owl Friend
Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween - seen 10/21/2018 solo
The Old Man and the Gun - seen 10/22/2018 solo
Colette - seen 10/23/2018 with Wife
First Man - seen 10/25/2018 solo
Johnny English Strikes Again - seen 10/28/2018 solo
The Hate U Give - seen 10/30/2018 with Wife
Bohemian Rhapsody - seen 11/02/2018 with Wife and Owl Friend
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms - seen 11/03/2018 with Wife
Suspiria - seen 11/03/2018 with Wife
Overlord - seen 11/12/2018 with Sleepy Gay, Owl Friend, and Pug Girl
Can You Ever Forgive Me? - seen 11/17/2018 with Wife
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - seen 11/18/2018 with Wife and Pug Girl
Widows - seen 11/20/2018 with Wife
Boy Erased - seen 11/26/2018 with Wife and Mother-In-Law
The Possession of Hannah Grace - seen 12/01/2018 with Wife
Ralph Breaks the Internet - seen 12/02/2018 with Wife
Robin Hood - seen 12/03/2018 with Pug Girl
The Grinch - seen 12/09/2018 solo
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse - seen 12/14/2018 with Wife
The Favourite - seen 12/15/2018 with Wife and Dad
Anna and the Apocalypse - seen 12/17/2018 with Wife, Pug Girl, Sleepy Gay, and Owl Friend - 118th MOVIE, 2018 GOAL MET
Mary Poppins Returns - seen 12/22/2018 with Wife and Mother-in-Law
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tumbler-tidbits · 6 years ago
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So since I missed the last 2 weeks of fic recs today you are getting 20! Ten are smut and ten are non smut. Up first Smut Fic-Recs:
1)Hands and Hands2 by @yupokaythatsit
Link: PART1:
Summary: Dean teaching you the difference between fucking and making love
Pairing: Dean x reader
Warnings: Unique usage of hands, Masturbation
My Review:
This one is very erotic in a very unexpected way!! Fun, silly, and oh so sexy Dean uses his hands to “teach the reader a lesson” 😏 it’s weird at first but trust me just keep reading!
2)300HP by @yupokaythatsit
Summary: Scandalous activities on Baby
Pairing: Dean x reader
Warnings: SMUT, dirty talk
My Review: if you’ve ever fantasized about Dean taking you on the hood of his car then these next two fics are for you! Dean gets creative to get the reader off and gets himself all hot and bothered in the process! Grab some fresh panties!
3)Baby by @yupokaythatsit
Summary: Scandalous activities on Baby
Pairing: Dean x reader
Warnings: SMUT
My Review: HOLY HELL THIS WAS HOT!!! The reader takes it upon herself to give Dean a surprise treat! Seeing Dean get all hot and bothered was perfection and a total turn on! Trust me this is a must read!
4)Winchesters Paragon of Manhood Part 1&2 by @yupokaythatsit
Summary: You’ve never so much as kissed a guy, so Sam and Dean offer to help you practice and they end up teaching you much more than kissing
Pairing: Dean x reader x Sam (no Wincest)
PART1:cursing, first time, threesome, praise kink 
 gratuitous freaking everything
PART2:dirty talk, praise kink, multiple orgasms, more gratuitous freaking everything
My Review: SWEET HOLY MOTHER OF SIN this is sexy AF!! This one I related to on a personal level, that I will keep to myself, but it made reading it much more sensual and erotic! Not to mention it hits you right in the praise!kink... part two ends with a hopeful promise of more to come (see what I did there) 😏 so we can only hope!
I would like to thank @coveredby-roses for recommending these first 4 one-shots 😘😘
5)Small Secrets by @cleverdame
Summary: Sam, thirty-five, meets a young Omega, eighteen, who’s been denied pleasure her entire life and well...you get the idea
Pairing: Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
Warnings: Age gap (the reader is eighteen), deflowering, smut, unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving), knotting, heats, claiming, pregnancy, Sam is a bit of a horny old man. Dubcon (if you read it that way, it’s not how I wrote it). 
My Review: Although there is some Very hot smut this one for me was a little bit Sad 😔 because of the readers past (read and you’ll see). But it is also sweet and fluffy in the fact that Sam takes care of her and keeps her safe.
6)50 Shades Of Winchester’s by @supernatural-teamfreewillpage
Summary: Y/n was a normal city girl looking for a high paying job and knowing that one of her best friends works at the biggest places “The Family Business” her friend scores her and interview with the bosses but what really should of been just another job turns into an unconventional romance between Y/n and both the Winchester’s. Swept up in their life style, Y/n finds another side to both of the brothers one completely different than the other and their secrets and she explores her own desires until things start taking terrible turns and Y/n is left with a decision that could change her life forever

Pairing: Dean x reader, Sam x Reader
Warnings: PORN and SMUT, NSFW, warnings posted each chapter
My Review:
If you want a story with hot sex, lots of twists and turns, and Dom!Dean/Dom!Sam then this is the story for you! Ash (my twin) takes you on a wild roller coaster of emotion and leaves you begging for more... she likes cliffhangers 😋 There are currently 10 chapters and more on the way so be sure to grab some water and quench your thirst!!
7)Aphrodite by @saxxxology
Summary: A case at a porn convention brings Sam more than he bargained for.
Pairing: Sam x Porn Star!Reader
Warnings: porn convention, smut
My Review:
Ok this is H.O.T. The smut is fantastic, but my favorite part of this is seeing a new side to Sam Winchester, the way Saxxy writes what Sam is thinking is also very comical. Basically Sam is fangirling over getting to meet his favorite pornstar, something he teases Dean about. Then, for Sam, the unexpected happens and his dreams come true...
8)Compatible You by @just-another-busy-fangirl
Summary: The agency Compatible You has matched you with a couple to spend a week with, but when you get to their home and prepare for your introduction, you don’t expect to recognize your matches: Jensen and Danneel Ackles.
Pairing: Jensen x Danneel x reader
Warnings: This series is highly NSFW.  It includes the following: Unprotected Vaginal Sex, Unprotected Anal Sex, Dom/sub relationship (slight 24/7 lifestyle), Anal Plugs, Anal Plugs (in public), Blindfolding, Being Serviced Sexually,  Bondage, Come Play, Chores, Cock & Ball Torture, Collars, Dildos, Double Penetration, Facials, Fisting (Anal), Gags, Hair Pulling, Hand Jobs, High Heel Wearing/Worship, Ice Play, Kneeling, Leather Restraints, Masturbation, Noncon Roleplay, Oral Sex, Orgasm Control/Denial, Rimming, Sensual Massage, Skinny Dipping, Teasing, Use of Safeword during Play, Vibrators, Voyeurism, Video Recording.  This is a blanket warning, but there will also be chapter specific warnings on each posting
My Review:
Ok this series is A-MAZE-ING!! Laura gives you a little bit of everything, there is hot smut, erotic lovemaking, silliness, fluff, angst, and a surprise ending! Each chapter is labeled with its own kink so you can explore the many that are provided, or skip if it’s not your cup of tea... Laura I absolutely LOVED this series and I don’t normally like RPF!
9)Practice Makes Perfect by @rockhoochie
Summary: Baby Makin in the bunker kitchen
Pairing: Sam x reader
Warnings: NSFW gif, breeding kink, porn, smut, dirty talk, fingering, oral sex (male receiving).
My Review: This one is very erotic! And man does Sam have a Deliciously dirty mouth! Let me just say, it does things 😏
10)Yes, Professor by @carryonmywaywardcaptain
Summary: Y/N had a crush on her professor and did everything she could to avoid taking a class from him again. But when he’s assigned to teach her class at the last moment...you know, sexy times ensue
Pairing: Professor!Dean x College Student!Reader AU, Charlie; mentions of Garth, Ms. Professor Mills
Warnings: SMUT, individual each chapter
My Review: Ever had the hots for teacher? Well in this series the teacher is one Sexy Dean Winchester! Wet dreams, embarrassing best friends, and hilarious stress ensue in these chapters, the series is just getting started but it’s already SO GOOD!
Tag List: @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @dean-winchesters-bacon @maddiepants @pisces-cutie @covered-byroses @anotherwaywardsister @currentlyfangirling99 @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @spnmightkillme @spnfamily-alwayskeepfighting @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @xxhalfbloodprincessxx @supernaturalsammy01 @evansrogerskitten @sammyimpala-67 @lunarboycas @bobasheebaby @ladywinchester1967 @spnskinnyballs @kbl1313
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iloveabunchofgames · 2 years ago
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Akurra (Chapter 1)
by Jason Newman (Gojirra)
Price: Name your own price
Included In: Bundle for Racial Equality and Justice
Genre: Puzzle, Adventure
Pitch: A non-linear, box-pushing puzzle game that takes place across a series of mysterious islands. Game Boy aesthetic.
My expectations: Akurra is fake Link's Awakening, right? I recently finished Link's Awakening for the hundredth time, and you better believe I'm up for more of that.
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The control screen was my first hint that Akurra isn’t, as I assumed, a Link’s Awakening clone. The influence is undoubtedly there, but notice the lack of action buttons.
Hard to believe it’s been exactly one month since I reviewed A Kishoutenketsu in the countryside.
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In addition to Sokoban-style box pushing, though, Akurra offers— Actually, no, it’s mostly just pushing boxes, as well as a different kind of boxes. Eventually, though, some immovable rocks turn into rockmen. Which can be pushed.
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Keys! There are keys that open locks. Regular keys for regular locks, and special keys for special locks. Some locks need multiple keys. Plus, there are stars that
open locks. And don’t forget the crystals and music notes that must be collected to
progression gates.
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Fine, it’s Sokoban, but the puzzles will tie your brain into knots and make you feel like a genius when a seemingly impossible challenge clicks. What more could anyone want from a puzzle game? Unfortunately, this is not a puzzle game. It’s a puzzle game demo. Some of these puzzles are impossible. They’re hints of what might lie ahead if Akurra is ever completed. Puzzles without solutions aren’t worth my time or yours.
+ For a block-pushing game with nothing but directional controls, there's a surprising amount of variety. The puzzles require real observation and thought. + Gotta love rewind and reset buttons. + Stepping on spikes or into the ocean is an instant death, which means disappearing in a puff of smoke and returning to the last safe spot in a fraction of a second. The game could make it impossible to step on an unsafe tile, but I like this system. It creates a sense of danger and encourages care without punishing mistakes. + Cute, legible Game Boy aesthetic, without the cramped screen limitations of a real Game Boy. The music doesn't match the retro look, but it's somehow still appropriate for a puzzle adventure.
– More than three years after the release of Chapter 1, the game is still incomplete. In fact, "Chapter 1" is just the language used on the Itch page. In-game, it's referred to as 4.0A DEMO. – When your best feature is puzzles that seem impossible but aren't, it's a big problem to include inaccessible areas that aren't distinct from areas that only look inaccessible. – Bizarre control bugs. Several times, I pressed up, and my character moved down. – What is with Sokoban games and mazes where you have to feel out an invisible path?
đŸ§ĄđŸ§ĄđŸ§ĄđŸ€đŸ€ Bottom Line: Is it unfair to judge an unfinished game for being unfinished? Maybe not, but "Chapter 1" sounds, to me, like one, complete chapter; not a demo of an alpha build that might never be completed. Akurra's finished puzzles could put it among the best Sokoban-likes, but its frequent dead ends sour an otherwise satisfying adventure.
#JakeReviewsTwitch is a series of daily game reviews. You can learn more here. You can also browse past reviews...
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