#Maybe originally a neighbor hmm??
kittyball23 · 10 months
Number Six (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: After learning of Branch’s four brothers, a Troll hatches a plan against BroZone’s youngest member. What he DIDN'T anticipate was for it to be thwarted so quickly
A/N: I have nothing more to say other than this is meant to be ridiculous
Creek couldn’t deny a good performance when he saw one.
If the vocals were down, the dancing was on point, and the charisma was there, then there was no way that he couldn’t award the song with a hearty round of applause.
Even if he wasn’t too fond of the performers themselves.
More specifically, the blue-haired Troll who’d carried much of the song through.
It was no secret to anyone in Pop Village (and even the neighboring tribes) of the ugly history between him and Branch. Creek was not the kind to showcase his resentments - as his mantra of inner-peace and full-centeredness were still at the core of his personal beliefs - but it did not mean that there was still that green-eyed monster lingering within, its gaze fixated primarily on the pink Pop Queen of whom he was not on fair terms with either. The one who’d perused her romantic ventures with Branch instead of him.
So while Creek’s applause for the show was actually rather genuine, the smile he’d plastered on his face was anything but. A good song was not going to be enough to change the way he felt about Branch. With narrowed eyes, he took a better look at the other performers on the stage with him – four other Trolls who, in a surprising turn of events, were actually the Troll’s brothers. The conscious in his brain was fuming – as if one Branch wasn’t enough… now, there were four others! Each one the same tealish-blue shade, with faces that made expressions that looked awfully similar to that of the youngest in their bunch. But, Creek suddenly thought with a sort of sneer, maybe this situation wasn’t at a complete loss. If they were indeed his brothers, then surely they wouldn’t know about the more recent happenings of Pop Village, given that they’d long left the town years before. Perhaps, he thought, he could leave a good enough impression on the four to potentially even befriend them, though not for the purpose of actually wanting to gain an acquaintance out of them. Using their friendship to get on Branch’s nerves, on the other hand, had a much more satisfying sound to it.
So satisfying, he thought, that he wasted no time initiating the plan.
“Bravo, bravo, well done, mates! I do say, a wonderful performance indeed,” Creek complimented once he was able to get through the mass of crowd that was surrounding the band. “A real showstopper indeed, spectacular job, Branch!”
Branch rolled his eyes and sighed. “Creek,” he said formally, crossing his arms.
John Dory cocked his head. “This guy another one of your friends?” he asked.
Bruce, Clay and Floyd exchanged a look, like, Don’t tell me you were in yet ANOTHER other boyband, too, little bro!
“I suppose you could say that,” Creek replied, a smug little smile adorning his face.
Poppy crossed her arms and scoffed. “No you can’t.”
Creek glared at her, but then chuckled. “Oh, always with the jokes, aren’t ya, princess?”
Viva sidled up next to Poppy, crossing her arms. “Hey, mister, my little sister is the queen. So show her some respect!”
“Sister,” Creek repeated, pondering, eying the golden-curled Troll. “Right. So tell me, what does that make you then, hmm?”
Viva suddenly realized she didn’t have an answer for that. On a technicality, she was the one originally intended to be Queen. But, in that case, did that make her a princess now? Or something else?
Creek took advantage of her confused silence and carried on. “As I was saying,” he said, addressing BroZone, “I’ll have you know that I was like a brother to Branch, looking out for him during those years in which he found himself gray and alone…”
“Hmph,” Branch snorted. “Right, looked after me so well that you didn’t think twice about letting me and the rest of Pop Village get eaten by Bergens!”
Clay’s eyes widened. “Whoa, whoa, hold up, what was that now?”
“Branch, you and everybody else would’ve died with a clear conscience, yeah? I was the one who made that possible. I made sure that you had no regrets going into that pot. And that is indeed ‘looking out’ don’t you think?”
“Uh… doesn’t sound much like it to me,” Bruce countered, narrowing his eyes at Creek.
“Ah, big boy, come on. I know you got more brain than brawn on you,” he said, gesturing at Bruce’s belly judgmentally. Then he moved to Floyd, still with that smug smile on his face. “Surely you understand. I must say, your fashion taste is on point. I always thought vests were overrated!”
“Umm…” Floyd said, unsure of whether to say thanks or not, and feeling rather uncomfortable.
“Ay, man, we all gotta flex the drip somehow,” Clay grumbled defensively.
Creek raised a brow at him and huffed. “Right, says the Troll in a onesie.”
Clay’s jaw dropped. How dare he call his very professional sweater-romper a onesie!
“There really are no hard feelings, my friends,” the mauve Troll stated confidently.
Friends? Bruce mouthed to Clay, who rolled his eyes. It had been only a minute or two of meeting this guy, and already they could tell there was something off between him and Branch. And defense-mode was just about to kick in.
“Why, folks could even consider me the 6th BroZone brother!” Creek pulled out an orange vest from curled greenish-blue hair and slipped it on, striking a pose. “Whaddya say, mates? Have room for one more member?”
“Ugh, are you kidding me?!” Poppy cried, unable to stop herself from blurting out. She’d had enough of this nonsense. Creek was being ridiculous!
“I didn’t ask your opinion,” he hissed at her, offering a smile at Branch and the brothers. “Come on, yeah? We’ll make a band-acious team!”
“Bro-dacious,” John Dory mumbled under his breath. He, Bruce, Clay, and Floyd exchanged a look. Then, a sly smile grew on each of the four Trolls’ faces as they turned back to him.
“All right,” Bruce said. “You can join us.”
“WHAT?!” Poppy and Viva shouted at the same time. The sisters gawked at each other, unable to believe that Branch’s brothers were really buying into this!
“But first,” Clay added, “we need to do a little, um, how you say…”
“Initiation,” Floyd finished.
Creek put up a hand. “Of course, I’d be happy to - whoaoah, hey!” The mauve Troll cut himself off midsentence when he suddenly felt himself being lifted up off the ground, four sets of arms grabbing him firmly as he protested to be let go. But maybe that wasn’t such a good idea. As he’d wished, they let him go alright - right into the lazy river!
“ACK!” he exclaimed as the cold water splashed around him and he flailed his arms.
Branch, his brothers, Poppy, and Viva all laughed hysterically from the result.
“Haha! That’s what you get for being a poser!” Clay shouted.
“Yeah! What he said!” Viva agreed.
“And a big phony!” Poppy chimed in.
“You stay away from our little bro, ya hear?” John Dory shouted to him.
“And us!” Bruce and Floyd said at the same time.
Branch was the only one who did not reply. He stood there, thrilled that the tables had been turned, and giving Creek a taste of his own medicine with the smug smile that had sprawled across his face.
“Um, Branch, who was that guy anyway?” Floyd queried.
“Right?” Viva scoffed. “What a hairball!” Suddenly she covered her mouth, blushing over the language she’d used.
Branch and Poppy exchanged a look, answering simultaneously with sighs.
“Oh, it’s a long story…”
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1d1195 · 1 year
This is an extra for Tuesday
It is all fluff (and maybe like some 18+ topics mentioned but not really described all that much) This anon was just asking about them as I was writing so I feel like it was fate that I posted about them next :) @fairytale07 sent me a beautiful long message about how much they'd like to see what happens next after their little front yard confession. @pumpkinspiceswift also inquired about an update at one point as well. So I hope all of you enjoy!
This is one of my favorites I’ve written, honestly. It's also one of my most popular works. I wanted to add more but I figured I could do another extra later on <3 It's a quick little check in that immediately follows the end of the original part. Just over 1.8K words.
(There's a flashback in the middle in italics.)
He loved her immediately. He loved her wholly. Completely. Harry was entranced. Simply put.
Because it really was love. She loved him. Actively. Maybe she never even stopped loving him. But she loved him with everything in her.
Harry wrapped his arms around her tightly. He couldn’t stop the chuckle that vibrated through him as he gently swayed the sweet girl as she clung to him. “Y’okay, love?” He asked.
She nodded against him silently. Gently, he kissed the side of her head, happy to have her in his arms. “D’you want to go inside?” He started to pull away, but her arms squeezed around him tighter.
“I don’t want to let go,” she admitted.
Harry felt a tug in his heart. God, she was lovely. Even after all this time. He chuckled. “I’ll grab y’right back once we’re inside,” he promised.
“Embarrassed for your neighbors to see me?” She asked.
He rolled his eyes, pinching her sides lightly to tickle her. “No, y’goose,” he muttered. “Jus’ don’t want t’subject them to the hot make out session m’about t’throw myself into,” he brushed his lips against her temple.
She released a nervous giggle. “Oh?”
“Only if y’want of course,” he said rubbing one of his hands up and down her spine while the other cupped the back of her head. As much as he loved holding her like this, he wanted to see her beautiful face and kiss her until his lips went numb. Her whole body had a reaction to his statement. His kind request, his promise of nothing more if she didn’t want it. It made her legs feel like jelly. Her heart reduced to a puddle.
“Oh, I very much want,” she nodded assuredly against him.
Harry propped his head up with one hand while the other slowly brushed her hair behind her ear. “Y’okay?” He asked as she sighed while running her index finger outlining the butterfly on his abdomen.
“I haven’t had good sex in a really long time it seems,” she murmured.
He snorted. As he chuckled, he could feel the blood rush to his cheeks at her assessment. He felt shy even after all this time. “Y’always know jus’ how to improve m’self-esteem, kitten.”
“You deserve it after that,” she sighed, smiling at his ribs. She placed a kiss on his chest, and he thought that maybe he would never leave this bed if she was going to be in it. It was as if the time apart didn’t mean anything. He loved her immediately—the second he set eyes on her in the dark coffee shop prepared to protect her with his body as a shield, if necessary, just under a week ago. He loved her wholly. Completely. Harry was entranced. Simply put. Nothing but love for the sweet girl kissing the butterfly on his stomach.
They were quiet for a few moments, just touching one another in post-love bliss. Because it really was love. She loved him. Actively. Maybe she never even stopped loving him. But she loved him with everything in her.
“Angel?” He asked quietly.
“What s’all this mean t’you?”
She paused briefly. “Can we just...wait a few more minutes?” She asked. “I’m nervous to have this conversation and I don’t think I’ve had an orgasm that good since before we broke up and I don’t want to lose that feeling just yet.”
He chuckled again shaking his head at her and leaned forward to kiss the spot of her hair where he was just brushing his fingers against. “I can give y’another one of those in a few minutes, love,” he sounded very seductive. It made her heart flutter, and she felt her cheeks warm at his voice.
“Think our little talk might ruin it,” she muttered.
He frowned. Did that mean this wasn’t...we’re they not...getting back together? The idea saddened him. But Harry had an arrangement with another woman for nearly the last six months. He wouldn’t love it, but he could have an arrangement with her. He would...well it seemed a bit crazy, but Harry would do anything to have her back. Just seeing her at the coffee shop over the last six days had been enough to refire the passion he felt for her. Sharing a bed with her the other night gave him a sense of calm and he didn’t even know upset. Even just being near her right now was a heaven he didn’t know still existed. “Why’s that?” He had to ask.
She sighed—they were doing this now. It made sense; you didn’t have a hot make out session that turned into leg-numbing sex with your ex of two years after not seeing him for another two years only for him to make sure you were okay while you worked for almost a week without having a serious talk.  Rolling onto her back, Harry scooted closer to her. “Did anything change?” She wondered.
Harry kept his hand on her face. “Like what?”
“Well...we broke up because we were at two different places in our lives.”
Harry shrugged. “Our two separate lives also brought us back together anyway.”
She smiled and Harry couldn’t believe she was real. “Didn’t think of it like that,” she mumbled and kissed his chest. As worried as Harry felt, it was hard to not appease her. He wanted to have this talk as much as she did.
“I would love t’get back together,” he whispered.
She looked up at him from the butterfly that she had been giving so much attention to. It wasn’t that she felt awkward around Harry. Actually, she felt far from it. But his gentle whisper made her swoon and she felt utterly shy. “Yeah?”
He nodded and gazed at her with the kindest smile she had ever had the pleasure of looking at. “Would y’want t’start over?”
She bit her lip and thought for a moment. Harry didn’t feel this nervous the first time he asked her out. Certainly, didn’t feel nervous while he was producing near pornographic moans just fifteen minutes ago. But the pause she gave right now; well, it made him terrified of her response. Maybe this was just sex. Maybe it was just a really wonderful thank you for his protection over the last week.
“Where were you this morning?” She asked instead.
Still nervous he blinked and tilted his head at her curiously at her question. “Mum’s,” he said. “Gemma and I have brunch with her every Sunday.”
Relief sighed through her, and she nodded. “I want nothing more than to be a couple again,” she promised and wiggled closer to his face and pressed her lips over his. Harry chuckled against her mouth causing tingles to flutter through her mouth and brain. “But,” she mumbled. “Could we pick up where we left off in a few spots?”
“Like what? Or where?” He kissed her again.
“Like,” she blushed, her lips attached to his between words and phrases. “Uh...” she said feeling a bit dizzy by his sweet breath and warm mouth.
She was transported to the fifth month of when they originally dated. Her mouth had been itching to say three words to Harry. Back when they were making cookies from scratch for Niall’s mom’s birthday the middle of university break between semesters. She had knelt to get the measuring spoon she dropped on the floor and bumped into Harry’s hand as she returned from the floor, his hand pressing firmly against the corner of the counter.
He didn’t seem to pay any attention to the motion, his eyes scanning the recipe on the back of the chocolate chip bag. “Y’okay?” He had asked turning toward her as she stood straight again, looking at Harry and wondering how this wasn’t an earth-shattering moment for him.
“Hmm?” She asked nervously.
“Bumped your head?” He said kissing her forehead as he paused his reading and then rubbed the back of her head. As if she didn’t injure his hand herself from hitting it against the counter. Or from the fact that he didn’t seem to pay any attention to protecting her.
She nodded mutely.
He smiled sweetly, kissing her gently and then cupping her face. She dropped the spoon again because she could see it on his face—he was going to say it. The chocolate chips spilling onto the counter, a few stray ones falling on the floor as well. Her heart nearly stopped. “I love you,” he said simply.
She felt like she might explode in the middle of the kitchen he shared with Niall. “God, I love you too,” she answered, and Harry laughed this gorgeous, perfect laugh that made all her organs mushy. It wasn’t that she wanted to say it before him, it was just that he deserved so much love because he was Harry.
“Like what, kitten?” He asked, his voice getting muffled by her lips. This was her chance. She could say it first for the second time and give Harry all the love he rightfully deserved. However, he was making it difficult by kissing her so much the air was thinning and making her brain foggy.
There was so much to figure out. How did it change their old relationship? How would it change this new one? She was starting a real job soon. Niall still lived with Harry. They've known each other for so long now. How did it change all of it?
But despite all the questions floating in her mind it really didn't matter to her. None of it. All that mattered was Harry and his beautiful dimples and his kind green eyes.
And the kisses he was distracting her with.
“Like...” she sighed and pressed her hands to his face to stop the kisses that were interrupting the neurons in her brain from behaving properly. He smirked at her as if he knew what he was doing to her—he probably did. She gazed at those perfect green eyes. “Like, I still love you, so much and I don’t want to pretend that I don’t, so we have to go through the whole first I love you again...because I love you. So much,” she told him her cheeks warming with blood in nervousness that maybe he didn’t feel the same way yet. She wouldn’t mind or blame him. It was early obviously. But he was there, and he deserved to know this was her and him and she loved him regardless of if he loved her back. "I don't even care if you say it back, I just need you to know...I love you so much." It had been four years since they first said it and it didn’t seem like she ever truly felt anything but love for him since she first said it. “I don’t know if I ever stopped.”
There wasn’t a second of hesitation from him. As if he had also been transported back to the very same moment she had been thinking about. “God, I love you too.”
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz
If you like this story, you can find the rest of my writing here: Masterlist
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pinejayy · 1 year
How about a Reverse! Wally (where the personalities are reversed). Well what if the reverse wally went to the original universe, now there are 2 wallys? And as a bonus, his girlfriend the reader came with him. But what if in the original world of Welcome there was no reader. Now the poor reader has 2 wallys fighting for his attention and love? If possible could the reader be human?
If my order is too complicated, forget it, I don't want to burden you.
[ I was thinking about the theory if a character didn't exist in a certain universe how would that affect? ​​As long as it existed in another.. In this case it would be the READER. ]
Two Wally's, at the same time!! It's a dream come true!! It's like a Wally Verse, just imagine how many more different versions of Wally's there are
And I love this request! I hope you have a lovely day Darling~ <3 I hope this is good!! uwu
OBSESSION! (Wally Darling x Reader x Reverse! Wally Darling)
Trigger Warnings: Maybe like two curse words, knife and rope mention. Normal Wally is going to be Wally Darling and the Reverse Wally is going to be referred as R!Wally Darling uwu
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What a lovely day. Well it was a lovely day. You were hanging out with your boyfriend Wally Darling and all of the sudden both of you were sucked into a portal, you thought you died but ended up at the Neighborhood, but it seemed different that your neighborhood. How strange, you looked at your boyfriend. "What's this place? Do you know Sweetheart?" Asking your puppet boyfriend.
R!Wally looked at you and he just shrugs. "Maybe we walk around and ask these people." He told you, to which you just nod grabbing him by the hand. Feeling safe around him. He smiled at you, you really loved your boyfriend. He was a sweet and a calm person. And he was so gentle towards you, and caring.
As you guys walked around this new place, everything looked the same but different. When you guys were walking around you ran into the neighbors that were from here. And they looked like the neighbors back from your world. How strange... Sally was Sassy and a brat but here she's sweet and fun, Julie was mean and harsh and here she was filled with joy. Both Poppy and Barnaby were really sweet here and in your world they kept to their selves. And here both Frank and Eddie were a couple! And Howdy was very helpful! Everyone was sure different here.
"Hello Wally! I love your new outfit!!" Sally said, as she ran towards you guys and looked at you and tilted her head to the side as she looked at you. She's never seen you before.
R!Wally looked at her, new outfit? His outfit was a Rainbow stripe shirt. With Khaki pants as he was wearing a small red scarf around his neck. "This is my significant other...my lover."
Sally gasped and started to jump around. She looked like she was a little kid on a sugar rush. Then she ran off yelling. "WALLY HAS A LOVER!"
How odd? You both look at each other and shrug as you guys were about to walk off a voice stopped you. "Hello, are you guys new Neighbors!"
You turn around and gasped. It was Wally! Well not your Wally. He looked exactly the same. Besides the outfit, it honestly freaked you out. You quickly hid behind your Wally.
Both of the Wally's looked at each other as they studied each other. R!Wally spoke up. "It seems like we're in the wrong Neighborhood. We were leaving."
But Wally looked at him, and chuckled. "Non Sense! I'll help you guys! Come follow me." He said in a firm but friendly tone. As you guys had no choice, you followed this Wally. This Wally walked you over to his house. Hmm..His house is also alive. As he invited you guys in he looked at both of you. Well especially at you.
His eyes never left you. It was honestly kinda creepy. As you guys sat down on his living room.
You were sitting by your Wally. You looked down as you still felt uneasy around the other Wally. You don't know but something about him seems really creepy and uneasy.
"So, do you guys care to explain how you guys got here?" Wally said. As he narrows his eyes at his other self. "And if you don't mind explaining who this is." He said pointing at you.
R!Wally grabbed your hand. He smiled at you assuring you everything is going to be okay. And then he looked over at the other Wally. "First off we don't know how we got here. We kinda just showed up. And second this is my lovely significant other Y/N."
Wally growled to himself, why didn't he have someone like you. He had to win you over, he didn't know you but he does know that you belong to him and HIM ONLY!
"Hmm how interesting...I don't have a Y/N for myself." Wally said as he looked at you. His pupils dilated. He was smiling big. He wanted you...he needed you.
You look away, as you try to hide from him. Using your Wally as a protective wall. He noticed this and placed an arm over your shoulder. "Shh it's okay sweetheart, well get back to our neighborhood soon."
You just nodded and smile. This made Wally angry but then he smirked to himself. As he stood up walking closer to you guys. "Why don't I help you guys out."
You and Your Wally look at each other as you guys had no choice and nodded. He smiled at both of you "Wonderful! Now new friends! Follow me, I think I might have an idea where you guys came from!"
Wally took you and R!Wally out for a walk. He walked you guys away from the neighborhood. He was ahead of you guys, you just followed behind. Holding onto R! Wally's hand. You didn't trust the other Wally. Something about him was off, some evil...
As you guys continue to follow him there was a loud "THUD"
You turn around and see R!Wally on the floor holding onto his head. And seeing Wally holding a piece of wood. Wait where did he get that? And wasn't he in front of you guys! How did he appear behind you guys?! As you were about to help R! Wally up Wally grabbed you quite quickly. As he held you close.
"You're mine now, and only mine! Why didn't I get a Y/N! Why didn't I get a sweetheart!" He began saying, as his grip tighten against you.
You whimper out, trying to get away from him. R! Wally looked at you and at the other Wally. Something inside of him snapped, seeing you being held like that made him feel something. Something he's never felt before. Jealously.
Your Wally quickly got up and charged towards the other Wally. "LEAVE MY SWEETHEART ALONE!"
Wally laughed and pushed you to the side as he walked towards the other Wally. "Oh? Didn't like that? Well what are you going to do about that ha ha ha ha!"
"Glad you asked!" R!Wally hissed and punched the other Wally in the face, causing him to stumble.
Soon after both Wally's were on each other. Throwing punches and kicks. You just stood there in horrors, you didn't know how to help. But you've never seen your Wally act like this. It was something new.
"Please! STOP!" You yell out, crying out. As you tried to pull off Wally off of your R!Wally an elbow came in contact with your face.
Wally accidentally elbowed your face. This made R!Wally even angrier. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He yelled out, giving Wally a final punch before running to you.
"Are you okay sweetheart?" R!Wally asked you, as he checked on you. Thank God there was no cut or blood. But you looked at him and tear up not paying attention to what happened to you. You just saw how best up he was and broke.
"Oh baby, are you okay?" You asked him. To which he just nodded and smiled. "Yes I'm alright sweetheart just worried about you."
Wally couldn't help but growl softly as you looked at both of you. He was envy that he didn't have a lover, why did this faker have one. Was the world against him? He just kept looking at you guys. He needed to win you over somehow.
As you guys started to get up, you looked over at the other Wally. Scoffing at his direction. "Thanks for the help asshole."
Walking away from him, you held onto R!Wally's arms as you both walk hopefully you guys find a way back to your neighborhood. As you guys walked off leaving behind Wally. He ran back to you guys.
This time he appeared in front of you guys. Holding flowers in his hands. You guys stopped in your tracks and R!Wally put a hand in front of your body, protecting you. As you were behind him, you stare at Wally. What does he need now?
"Haven't you done enough?" R!Wally said. Stopping in his tracks as he saw the flowers. Is he really trying to win you over? How funny! "It's funny how you're trying to win over my sweetheart."
Wally didn't pay attention to him but he looked at you, you just hid behind your Wally more. Whimpering.
"Please....Y/N I know we are meant to be together! Please I need you, the second I saw you it was love at first sight. You'll be my light to my darkness... you'll be my candy apple." Wally said, as he held up the flowers. As he started to walk towards you guys.
Both you and R!Wally started to back backwards. He held both his arms up. Protecting you. "I don't think my Sweetheart wants nothing to do with you."
Wally didn't pay attention to him, his words just went into one ear and out the other. Wally just kept holding on the flowers, hoping you'll give him a chance.
You were getting overwhelmed, as you heard his words. You didn't know how to feel. He wasn't your Wally but he looked like yours. And that's what really got you.
Then all of the sudden both of them were looking at you. You were about to tear up. "Are you okay Sweetheart?" R!Wally asked you.
You nodded "I don't know how to feel. It just hurts seeing him talk to me like that. I know he's not you but he looks like you." You say, feeling ashamed.
This made Wally smile. he had hope. "I'll give you the best life my Candy Apple!" He said taking a few steps towards you guys. "Why don's you choose instead?" He stood in front of R!Wally smirking.
R!Wally looked at you and at him was he really saying that? Why would you choose this Wally over your actual Boyfriend? He felt it again.... Jealously fill his body. He then pushed Wally quite hard.
Wally was taken back a bit, as they were about to throw a punch at each other you got in the way. Specifically you in front of one of them, holding your hands up. Protecting him. Both of them stopped.
Now you have to choice who it was....
Now if choose your Sweetheart R!Wally
He smiled at you, he knew you would never let him down. He was happy that you protected him. "I love you Sweetheart, I knew you wouldn't leave me for him."
To which you just smiled and nod, both looking at Wally now. He was sad, you could see the tears starting to form in his eyes. It hurt you honestly but that's only because he looked like your Wally.
Wally just stood there he was going to get you no matter what. He just dropped the flowers and walked off.
Both you and your Sweetheart shared a kiss. Today was a crazy day. And you guys started to walk off. Hopefully you guys make it back to your own neighborhood.
Little did you guys know was that Wally would soon follow you with a knife and rope...you belong to him and choosing him over him was your first mistake. Wally was going to show you that your his, that your his Candy Apple.
Now if you Choose Wally Darling
R!Wally just stood there, shocked that you picked him! His eyes started to fill up with tears. He didn't expect you to leave him like this. "Sweetheart.....Don't tell me you're picking him over me?"
You didn't know why you picked him over your actual boyfriend. Maybe it was the guilt or maybe not. As you didn't know what to say so you just looked down and stood by Wally's side. Making Wally smile big, wrapping an arm around your waist.
He brought you close to himself and placed a big kiss against your lips. Making R!Wally whimper. his heart breaking. "Fine, then this is it. farewell my Sweetheart, I'll always keep a place in my heart for you. Maybe in the next lifetime we will be back together."
And with that R!Wally left, leaving you guys alone. Did you make the correct choice? A few tears slipped from your eyes.
Wally wiped them away and smiled. "Shh don't cry my Candy Apple. Come let's go back to the neighborhood. You have a new life ahead of you."
Damn I was tearing up writing that last part! But I hope you enjoy this uwu
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
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Good question! :0 The Glamrocks would be quite creeped out. And actually, so would the sister location gang!
What I had in mind for my circus gang was that their face plates are not meant to move around to make them look more life like. They have the face plates for easy repair, replacement, cosmetic changes, and easy access to the endoskeleton if needed. When the animatronic is active, the faceplates are locked up tight and are not meant to open while the animatronic is active. Again, its just for easy repair and replacements.
So since the animatronics are not meant to move their plates, if one of them looked in a mirror and their face plates moved or opened.? They'd freak out! That's not meant to open! I must be broken! And they'd run to an employee for help <XD
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Maybe! :0 I haven't thought that part of the story through but I wouldn't be against that idea!
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Funny how you say that when recently Browns headlights went out. Yeah he really does need glasses XDD
(He's fixed now btw don't worry👍)
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She wasn't intended to have much of a role in the AU, considering Mario and Luigi are the only humans in the mushroom kingdoms dimension..
Maybe she could have been a childhood friend that they knew? Maybe she was their next door neighbor? Or perhaps a customer of theirs? What ever role she had in their lives back on Earth, it wasn't meant to be significant enough to remember/miss her..
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The sister location gang? Prooobaly Circus Baby, with Funtime Freddy as a close second.
The Glamrock gang? Probably the daycare attendant XDD
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@neo-metalscottic (Post in question)
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD I'm so glad you liked my designs! And I'm also glad that my more mellow "go with the flow" vibe for Freddy was seen! That's what I was aiming for! :DD
As for the map bot question, yes! The beloved map bot is alive and well <XDD He's not a threat to Gregory currently and he thankfully doesn't bother the main cast much. He just hangs around until he sees someone in need of a map! XD
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Hmm,, good question. I think if Funtime Freddy was decommissioned but they kept the Bon's around?.. They wouldn't put the bons with Circus Baby or Ballora becuase they'd be out of place. Ballora and the reenas are humanoid. They're pretty, delicate, and are ballerinas. Circus Baby, Ennard and the Bidybabs are all humanoid as well and clown themed. With specific color palettes and a clown performance.
What they'd probably do is put them with Funtime Foxy and just expand his act to accommodate for the extra people. They'd make Foxy a magician/ringmaster and somehow incorporate the Bons into his act. Since him, Chica and the Bons are all animals it would fit better.
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You can just put it in a paint program and white out all the characters like I did. :0
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I did keep some of Jevil's powers from the game yeah. :0 But I've altered almost all of them in some way-
In the Grillby fight he's seen "teleporting" to avoid Grillby's attacks. I believe I saw a gif of Jevil teleporting and there looked to be a motion blur effect..? So I interpreted that as he doesn't necessarily disappear and reappear...? More he just moves incredibly fast.
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He miiight be able to turn into the scythe.? But I've mostly just interpreted that as he is able to summon a scythe to his hands when ever he may need it. I haven't made use of the cloning ability because, well, I didn't know he could do that- <XDD I'll definitely have to add that though!
For Goner kid I'm not too sure.. my version has her as Monster kids little sister. And I've seen a lot of interpretations of MK having fire breathing powers. Maybe she has fire related powers too..? Either way, it'll take a long time for her to remember the powers she has, and even longer to learn how to control them. So as it stands right now she's pretty defenseless..
Spamton is supposed to have most/all of the powers that original Spamton does in the game. But his attacks are kind'a.. broken. Spamton's physical injuries leaked down into his very soul and cracked it. So all of his attacks are messed up. I'd have to do some research on what his attacks actually are, and then make them broken if he ever tries to use them.
Like for example, 2/3 projectiles he summons will fly off in the wrong direction. Any weapons that he summons will have bent handles and break easy.. stuff like that :(
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I've heard about that power, but as far as I know Mario and Luigi just kind'a.. have that power naturally.? While in my AU, all the bros power come exclusively from powerups. If there was a Firebrand mushroom and a thunderhand flower? Sure! But if its something they can just do without any powerup assistance, then it wont fit into my AU.. :/
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(Video in question)
XDD I can see that happening to Shellington and Kwazii
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With DJ, Sun and Moon? Its very possible XDD
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I think they'd get a long great! My version of Funtime Freddy is toned down a bit compared to canon Funtime <XD No crazy, "HEY BAWN BAWN!!"
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(Post in question)
Yes! Even though he has nothing to do with sister location (as far as I can remember--) I've still thought about adding him in some kind of cryptic way.. 👀
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Thank you so much!! :DD
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Nope! They're all very colorful and sparkly, but they are not intended to be Glamrocks. :}
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Yoooo that's a good idea! I'll have to at least do something with the Electrobab XD
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@milk-powrit (Post in question)
Thank you!! :DD I cant fully retrace my thought process- But I believe I wanted to make the Minireenas not scary. So I gave them cute faces and dresses. But I thought that having all these tiny little doll girls running around might feel a bit creepy to little kids..
So I thought hey! What if I slap some wings on them and make them fly around like fairies?? And to make them even less scary, I can make them look like familiar bugs that kids like! Lady bug, butterfly, bumble bee, dragon fly... and then I thiiiink I designed Ballora after.? Or maybe Ballora being based on a butterfly was what first inspired me.?
Either way- Ballora is based on a Blue Morpho butterfly! Very pretty :}}
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Sorry, I don't take requests! But that's not a bad idea.. 🤔 Maybe someday XD
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Awe, thank you!! :DD I'm glad you like what I make!! :}}
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Jevil and Seam do not reveal their injuries to anyone unless they absolutely have to. And when they do, yeah its only to each other..
Like for example; if Seams eye socket started to hurt and it needed to be looked at/tended to. Seam would only feel comfortable having it tended to by Jevil. But the whole time he'd still be incredibly uncomfortable and would cover it back up as soon as he could..
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I'm not sure if I've answered this ask before and forgot to delete it, or if its an old ask that got buried and I never answered it at all-- either way!--
Yeah, Jevil would be pretty spooked by his original counterpart. Because original Jevil is clearly insane.. But he'd also feel kind'a bad for his original.. he's still trapped in a cell..
Seam is definitely envious of his original. He thinks his original got off easy. He doesn't even have shackles. And his stitched mouth doesn't seem to bother him..
My Goner kid arguably has it better than the original. Considering the original is still lost in the void somewhere..
And I intended for Grillby to encounter another version of him. Maybe not the original, but at least another version. He saw his other self with his daughter.. it was really hard for him..
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@luna-purple454 @elegysonnet (Post in question)
Sorry for the late reply you three! I was intending to draw a comic for this but I never got around to it.. haha,, <:D ..anyways-
What ends up happening is Papyrus offers to help. Seam is scared out of his mind but he ends up taking Papyrus' offer.
Papyrus picks up Jevil and helps Seam stand up. They make their way out of the dying forest, stepping over fallen trees and branches. All the while Papyrus is talking to Seam. "What's your name? Where are you from?" Seam tells him their names but that's about all he can manage to say through his trembling..
All the while they're walking something just.. feels really off. Why are all the trees and grass dead? Why is it so warm around here? Seam is sure he's seen this place before in other AUs. Isn't there supposed to be snow on the ground?
Eventually they make their way into snowdin. Seam was so stressed that he didn't really take the time to scan his surroundings. Although he did notice that they were walking through snow now. They get to Papyrus' house and walk inside.
The house is lit by candles, and all the lights are off. Seam and Jevil are put on the couch, Papyrus goes into the kitchen to make some soup for them to eat.
This when things takes a horrifying turn. While anxiously waiting for Jevil to wake up, Seam looks out the window..
The snow outside isn't like a blanket of snow. Rather its gathered in big piles. The big lumps of wispy snow cover the ground in front of the houses, but don't go into the forest and it isn't on any of the trees..
And then he notices.. there's children's shoes and coats buried in the.. "snow"..
Seam is a darkener, so he does not turn to dust when he dies. But he knows that AU's that have a snowdin town in it.. the monster's there turn to dust when they die.
There are mountains of bodies outside. What happened here? Who killed all those people? Thats why there's no power to the house isn't it? That's why its so warm, that's why all the trees are dead. The people who man the core are all dead. Everyone in this AU is dead, everything is dead. But who killed them? What happened?
..Did Papyrus....?
Horror washes over Seam. It was Papyrus wasn't it. He killed all those people. And now Seam is in Papyrus' house. He doesn't have the strength to get up, he cant run- he cant escape-
Its in that moment of pure dread.. that Jevil started to stir, and Papyrus walked back in..
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this-loser · 8 months
Silent Prayer
Author's Notes: So, I actually haven't written in a while and for those who liked my previous stories I apologize. I deleted them from the account and forgot that I didn't have them saved so they are gone forever. Recently I have been hard on myself about that plus my writing. I ended up going inactive and recently going into the DC fandom, especially because of my love for Jason Todd, I got back into writing again. This is the first time I've written for Jason, bunch of scrapped ideas before this, so if it feels out of character I must apologize. Anyway, enough of my talking. Please enjoy!
「WC: 863」
「Summary: He's unable to sleep but maybe a little music will coax him into sleeping」
「Warnings: I don't use Y/N, This might be a little sad tbh, Nothing explicit just wholesome fluff, This is shorter than I originally thought it would be but I'm okay with this」
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「Song name: "In Dreams" by Roy Orbison. In case you'd like to listen to it while reading look it up on either YouTube or Spotify.」
It was never silent. Not in Gotham City. From the police sirens to the neighbors or the people outside the apartment building going on about their lives. No one pays any mind, depending on where you're looking, to the fact that this place was one of the biggest shitholes. No one could tell Jason otherwise.
He'd lived on the streets. Did things that he shouldn't have done, but he needed to survive and witnessed firsthand how god-awful the people in the city can be. All of that had been seen through the eyes of a child.
Was he proud of his past? Depends, but for the most part, no.
Reflecting doesn't help.
He knew that. It only made things come back, and the emotions left him sour. Especially when the original point was to sleep, something he was having trouble doing. Again.
Jason sat up, the blanket pooling at his hips as he ran a hand through his hair. The sound of a vehicle honking caused him to lift his head, looking at the window blinds. A few seconds pass by before he relaxes.
"Hmm..." The softness of your voice drew his attention, along with the blanket moving as you turned over onto your left side. "Jason," "Go back to sleep, baby." He crooned, stopping you from continuing your sentence and then leaning down to you, his hand pushing some of your hair out of your face as your eyes fluttered open. "Shh, just go back to bed. Everything is alright."
He was bullshitting, but not to worry you. Jason knew that you'd be up without another second if you knew his insomnia was bothering him again. "Just sleep." His hand gently cupped your cheek as he kept whispering coaxing words to ease you back into sleep, blissfully unaware of his suffering.
"Jay," Through tired eyes, you look at him. The darkness hides his face; however, you can make out the look he gave you. A soft reassurance that would have fooled anyone if they didn't know him well enough. That is, if they ever broke past that permanent scowl he always had. The look alone drew a huff from you. "Liar." He froze, the look quickly morphing into a disappointed frown. "Please, sleep. Don't worry about me. I'll be okay." He brought forth a weak smile, his hand caressing your cheek. "Trust me, you need more sleep than I do, I'll be alright." "Jason..." He shook his head, stubbornness kicking in as he leaned closer, pressed his lips against your temple, then pulled away. "You're gonna go back to bed. No arguing about it." You whined at his stubbornness, and although that made him chuckle, he didn't let up.
You pulled a hand from under the blanket, lifting it and grabbing his arm. "No. I'm not giving up that easily, Jason." He bit back a groan at your stubbornness, internally kicking himself for hoping that you'd actually give in to his demand. You sat up slowly and let go of his arm as you reached over the end table on your side, grabbing your phone.
It was still early morning, and Jason clearly wasn't having a good night. "Jay, it's 4:37 A.M." He groans at the observation and leans back against the headboard. "I know, Genius..." He grumbles, looking away from you. "You're welcome." You mumble, now going through your phone. A few seconds of silence go by before the room is filled with soft music from your phone.
"I softly say, a silent prayer like dreamers do,"
He glances at you, the song playing as you set your phone back onto the end table. "Music?" You nod, looking at Jason. "Why not? Might help you sleep." "Not really my type of music." "Too bad. You've got to deal with it since it's my choice." You lay back down, moving over to him and throwing an arm over his hips, burying your face into the side of his thigh. "Who's the artist?" "Roy Orbison." He nods his head slowly, the name not sounding familiar to him. "Melancholy as hell, though." He added, looking down at you and resting his hand on your head. "Mm." Your eyes flutter closed, the soft tempo of the song starting to lull you back to sleep.
"In dreams, you're mine all of the time,"
He leans his head back. Taking in the lyrics and how melancholy they are. "Actually, they are kinda peaceful." He whispers, his fingers running through your hair. "Except for the "Candy-colored clown" bit... That part doesn't sound all peaceful to me." A light scoff comes from Jason as he stares at the bedroom door and feels his eyelids become heavier as the song continues to play.
"In beautiful dreams"
He blinks a few times as a wave of sleepiness crashes over him, but he pulls himself back and gently pulls your arm from his hips. You make a noise of protest as he lays down, pulling you into his arms once he's lying on his right side. You sigh in contentment, relaxing again and peacefully resting as Jason's eyelids close. The melody of the song coaxes him into a dreamless sleep.
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walli3darl1ng · 1 year
i fumcking, love your, writing!!!!!!!! i hope you don’t mind my request- feel free to delete it if you do!!
maybe the neighborhood with a person who’s maybe a Bubak or a Jōrogumo? (if you don’t wanna write the neighbors you can do a x reader if you want!)
make sure to take care of yourself and drink water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 🫂Hugging Anon🫂
I have to do research on this and I got ideas for a Jōrogumo!reader. It’s gonna be everyone but more towards our shopkeeper; Howdy Pillar!
I love that man, I want to hug him!🥺💖
In my research, I found out that a jōrogumo is female. Quote, from wiki, “it can shape-shift into a beautiful woman.”, so I will be using she/her pronunciation. You’re free to change it I won’t be emphasizing it that much except your appearance. I hope that’s okay!
Also! Trigger warning for Arachnophobia because honey….
You are one! So please if that will make you uncomfortable don’t read! I’m sure I’ll make another request suited for you :) okay! Let’s get started I hope you like it.
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Howdy sighs softly while turning the open sign to close. For the past week, his fruits and vegetables had been going missing in the back storage unit and he doesn’t know why!
Originally, he thought it was Willy, that little puppet would just snatch a bright red apple any chance he got. But he soon realized that it’s not only the apples that got taken but other fruits as well as vegetables.
Next, he thought maybe there’s an animal taking to food. That was quickly thrown out the window when he realized that this neighborhood is a pretty clean one. No sight of rodents within the neighborhood, just out in the woods.
Howdy jumps when he hears a crash in the back and quickly goes to investigate. Upon opening the door he sees you, a long haired, really pretty spider-human. You are currently inspecting an avocado, holding it in your hand and lifting it up to your nose and sniffing it. When you didn’t get anything you open your mouth, showcasing your fangs and taking a bite.
You quickly pull away when the earthy taste along with the core in the middle gave you an unpleasant impression on the avocado, you drop it and spit the rest out.
Howdy was still thinking on what he’s seeing right now, how did you get here? Why are you here? And why did you bite an avocado?
It just hit howdy that you’re a spider!
“Um, excuse me?” He jumps when you turned to him and hissed, quickly crawled up the wall and into a corner. “Wait! I’m sorry, come on out I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You push yourself closer to the corner hopping that would hide you but the man keeps inching closer. Seeing as you won’t come down Howdy hums and think on how to calmly get you down. Find an idea he tells you to wait here and walk out. Finding this interesting you did as you were told, staring up on the corner of the ceiling.
Coming back with a knife, Howdy take an avocado and cuts it up. This made you curious and walk down from the corner, now in the middle of the wall, tilting your head at his actions.
Seeing that you weren’t scared anymore he steps closer and holds the plate of now cut avocados and holds it up to you. He sees you hesitant but eventually with each little step your eight spider legs make he gets more details of you.
Long, flow-y, slick hair, three pairs of eyes all shining with curiosity at the once dark drown-black avocado now looking a bright green color. You look up at howdy, as if asking for permission and he gives you a smile and nudges the plate towards you gently. “Go on, they’re really good without the skin.”
You glance down at the avocado and with your fingers you carefully take the half and smell it, still nothing, is it still safe to eat?
Noticing your hesitation once again, it’s safe to say you’ve never seen anyone or anything before and starts getting a little worried. Why are you here? Howdy takes the other half, gaining your attention, and takes a bite, showing you it’s safe. “Hmm! Good, see?”
Peeking up, you take a bite and with just a few chews you swiftly eat the rest in no time flat. Well now Howdy knows who’s been taking the merchandise, but why? Humming he sees you turn and walk back on the wall. Aha!
One of your legs are injured! He thinks that’s why you haven’t left and sit on the makeshift corner hammock you made out of your web. He’s worried that you’ll get sick if not properly cared for, you’re probably cold too with only some leaves and vines covering you up, For now he’ll let you be.
Morning came and you are awaken by the door and you see howdy peek in. He smiles when he saw you rubbing a set of eyes. “Good morning, how did you sleep?”
You crawl out of your hammock and down the wall carefully. Once in front of howdy you smile up at him and touching his hand, their freezing!
“You’re cold! Here, let me introduce you to my friends and they can help you feel right at home, sound like a plan?” He woke up early and called a neighborhood meeting to discuss what he found and everyone was more then welcome to help out. But now thinking about introduction, Howdy hasn’t told you his name! “Oh, how rude of me! I’m Howdy, Howdy Pillar.”
You tilt you head. The taller puppet points at himself and repeats himself. “Me, Howdy,” then points at you. “And you are?”
You mimic him; pointing at him. “Howdy,” your voice was soft and silky but strong. Howdy enjoyed that melody of his name coming from you. You then point at yourself. “Me, Y/n.”
“That’s it, good job! Me, Howdy. You, Y/n.”
You giggle and jump from excitement your eyes dialing at his praise.
“Come on, people are here to meet you.” Howdy takes you hand and leads you out the storage unit gently. One pair of hands on either shoulder while the other one was on your back and the other holding your small hand. You were nervous, are these people nice? Will they hurt you? You take your free hand and reach up to holds one of Howdy’s hands that on your shoulder. He takes notice and holds your hand.
Now at the front of the store you see a group of colorful people. You feel out of place, the only color you have is a tad of yellow, other then that it’s mixes of red, brow and black.
They all stare at you while you tilt your head and get scared when they all start talking at once.
“Oh my goodness! She’s so pretty!”
“Her hair is so long! I bet it’s soft!”
“The poor thing is shivering.”
You got overwhelmed by the sound and trying to make out all that they were saying. You cover your ears and cower close and behind Howdy pressing your upper body close to his back in hopes that would make them stop.
“Okay, guys that’s enough, you’re scaring her.” Howdy scolds, side stepping a bit and pulls you close next to him. “It’s okay, they’re just happy to meet you, right?”
“Oh goodness! We’re sorry, howdy, yea we’re just happy to meet someone as unique as she is.” Julie flaps her arms around in excitement, Frank holding her arms to keep her from hitting Wally in the face.
“She’s a spider, after all.”
“An injured spider, the poor thing look at her leg.” Poppy softly mentioned, all now looking at her wound on her leg.”
“We should help, right?” Sally looks up at poppy, who nods and quickly goes to get her medical kit, sally and Frank followed.
The whole day it was the neighborhood taking care of you. But since you refused to leave the store, insisted on staying with Howdy by climbing over and behind the front counter and holding one of Howdy’s hand.
First it was poppy helping your wound, making sure you’re okay even though you scare her a bit. Your eyes is what makes her nervous so you stick to looking away from her.
While getting treatment sally comes back with a folded up fabric. She made you some clothes since you’re cold. It’s a simple yet adorable long sleeve shirt and a sweater. You finally got some color!
After that Julie got intel from Howdy that you seem to love avocados so she made you some guacamole! How doesn’t like guac?!
Later, you were getting a bit of sun just outside the store laying your spider body on the grass while you let Sally and Julie mess and style your hair. Wally soon walked over and sat next to you, not saying a word he leans on your back and climbs on. You twisted your torso back to watch him with curiosity.
“Wally! Get off her!”
“You’re not letting me finish the braid!”
“She smells like apples.” Wally nuzzles into your hair. At this point you let this happen until Howdy comes out and puts a stop to it, giving him an apple and you an avocado.
Barnaby is a bit scared of you but that doesn’t stop this funny and charming puppet to give you a spider plushy.
Eddie and Frank work on a blanket for you, a quilt with everyone’s color scheme.
So now you don’t feel out of place.
You’re home.
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bottlesofrouge · 7 months
on one condition.
harry styles x original character
part two.
word count: 8.5K
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13 JUNE 2018
jackie: why is my sex crazed neighbor standing at my door asking for you
jackie: i think he has gifts????
14 JUNE 2018
lynn never replies to jackie.
it’s not that she doesn’t care, she just… doesn’t care. why should she accept whatever stupid, empty apology harry’s going to offer her. he wasn’t really sorry, she knew that. she also knew that she really wasn’t angry with him.
she lets things build and build until she finally reaches her breaking point, and unfortunately for harry, he was on the receiving end of one of those snaps. there was nothing more to it.
(she is a little curious as to what his gift was)
“lynn,” jane calls for her attention. the girl was sitting in front of her at one of those stone picnic tables at the park. she has melted ice cream running down her chin, and her hands were covered in stickiness, but god, lynn couldn’t love her any more.
“hmm?” lynn hums, reaching to wipe her messy face before the ice cream has a chance to pool on her shirt.
“i’m just happy you’re here,” she grins at the older girl, and lynn’s heart melts just like the ice cream.
amelia’s dance camp ran later than jane’s today, so lynn decided to take her to the park just because it was easier for her. they wouldn’t have to go all the way home, and jane could entertain herself. but, then they passed the ice cream shop on the corner, and lynn couldn’t say no to her sister’s puppy dog eyes.
so, then they were inside. jane ordered mint chip in a bowl because it was green, and green’s her favorite color. lynn asked for chocolate with rainbow sprinkles on a sugar cone.
they weren't outside for more than two seconds when jane decided she doesn’t like mint after all.
“you can spend the night at my place if you want to tonight.” lynn offers, and she sees the younger girl’s face light up.
“yes! yes!,” she chants, and lynn reminds her to lick her ice cream cone.
jane, amelia, and lynn are laying in lynn’s bed, watching a random movie that amelia had chosen. growing up, the two of them could never agree on what to watch. ninety nine percent of the time it was because they were all nearly a decade apart (lynn was twelve years older than amelia and twenty two years older than jane). and the other one percent was because amelia just liked causing problems.
but, amelia was older now which meant they could watch more mature movies while jane slept soundly next to them (which is exactly what is happening right now). they were surrounded by tons of blanket and pillows, and more popcorn crumbs and kernels than lynn would like.
honestly, deep down, she didn’t really care. her sisters could turn her apartment upside down and she would happily clean up after them because (most of the time) it meant they were having fun. and she wanted her sisters to have the fun, care-free childhood she didn’t get.
silas: i’m home. i know you must have been worried sick about me since i left.
lynn: you spent a singular night at the airport... did you want me to send a card?
silas: flowers would be appreciated as well
lynn: im glad you got home safe, silas. you know that.
silas: i know, lynn. what are you up to?
silas: besides ignoring jackie.
“amelia, take a picture with me,” her sister leans in the frame and sticks her tongue out. “its for silas.” the middle sister only hums before turning her attention back to the movie.
lynn: attachment: 1 image
silas: pretty girls
lynn: too sweet silas
lynn: im not ignoring jackie im ignoring her neighbor
silas: she said he was hot
lynn: she thought chad was the epitome of hot
silas: fair
“can you maybe turn the ringer off?” amelia’s eyes are still on the television as she speaks.
“yeah, sorry,” she turns the ringer off, and slides her phone away from them. “i wanted to spend time with you tonight anyways. i feel like i never see you.”
“im growing up,” amelia rolls her eyes. “it’s not like i died.”
“i was just saying i missed you.”
and it was true. lynn felt like she rarely saw amelia (besides when she was busy driving her to whatever extracurriculars she was participating in at the moment). she was always out with friends when lynn stopped by for dinner, and really, amelia just didn’t come around as much as jane did.
amelia doesn’t say anything, and the moment’s passed so lynn lets it go, and turns her attention back to the movie. no one speaks again until amelia offers to watch jane in the morning so lynn can attend her hot yoga class.
15 JUNE 2018
"you really didn't have to do this," her finger's tracing the rim of her mug as she speaks. "i said it was fine."
"i know," harry replies. "but i wanted to."
gemma's sitting across from him at some local cafe by her apartment. he missed dinner with her (again) so, now he's up at the crack of dawn (really it was nearing seven in the morning) to make it up to his sister. he didn't necessarily want to be there, but he needed to be. that is if he wanted to save whatever was left of their relationship.
and really, he shouldn't be blamed for missing the dinner. lynn was sleeping in his bed, and he couldn't leave her. what if she woke up and needed something? like a gluten-free beef stew that took fifty-five minutes to make. or maybe a vegan red bean and rice skillet. he definitely didn't spend an hour scouring the internet and his cabinets for an allergen-friendly meal. no, because that would be crazy.
"mom said you were seeing someone," she raises her brow towards her brother, and harry can feel the sweat on his forehead already forming.
"its not anything serious. we're just," he panics and chooses gemma's earlier words. "seeing each other at the moment."
harry doesn't know a lot of things. like why the sky is blue or what the answer to seven thousand times ninety-three is. he doesn't know how wifi works and he doesn't know any other language besides english. but (more importantly) he doesn't know why he told his parents that lynn was his girlfriend.
it slipped out too easily. they were sitting in some restaurant a few days after, and his mom asked about her and he said it. it was supposed to be a joke because they had known each other for mere days, but then he saw the look in her eyes and he couldn't tell her that they didn't exchange more than five words with each other since they left that stupid barbecue.
"well, i'd like to meet her," gemma's grinning at him and it makes him sick to his stomach. "whenever you're serious and not just seeing each other at the moment."
"yeah," he smiles back at her, trying to ignore the bile rising in his throat. "for sure."
maybe he wouldn't be in this mess if he just would've talked to lynn when he ran into her on campus the other day instead of opening his goddamn mouth and letting whatever misogynist bullshit fall from it.
and if that wasn't humiliating enough, showing up at her friend's apartment with chocolates was icing on the cake. her friend (who he now knows as jacqueline) was so incredibly nice, but he probably looked like a complete psychopath. just showing up at a stranger's house... looking for someone that didn't even live there. he hated himself so much.
he looks at his sister for a second and instantly wishes he hadn't. growing up, he always felt like he was looking in a mirror when he looked at her. the two had the same dark brown hair and green eyes. their smiles were a bit lopsided, and their laughs sounded nearly the same.
now, when harry looks at his sister, he sees everything he's missing. gem graduated college at the top of her class, and she earned her spot as a top public relations specialist for a marketing company having only worked there for a year. she's married the love of her life, and they own a house that's close to his parents. gemma's family dinner invitations never get forgotten, and never once has her wedding invitation "gotten lost in the mail". harry's never seen his mom give her that look (except for the time she landed in the county jail), and their dad always, always lets her know just how proud she makes him.
harry wishes he was her sometimes.
the two siblings sat at the table for nearly an hour. she talked about andrew, and his absolute obsession with model trains. harry thought it was rather interesting, but gemma thought it was the hottest thing ever (ew). she filled him in on the extended family drama that she learned about at last month's family dinner, and he doesn't know how to tell her that he'd rather talk about anything else. really, anything. so, he brings up drew's model train collection again.
gemma's running late to work, so harry takes their used mugs to the drop-off station and follows her out of the coffee shop. saying goodbye to his sister was always bittersweet. bitter because he really did love her. she had the kindest soul and cared for him so much. honestly, he rarely saw her, but that was mostly his own doing. they lived thirty minutes apart and most days the drive seemed a bit too much.
saying goodbye was sweet because he felt like he could finally breathe when she was gone. gemma was suffocating in the most motherly way possible.
"i'll come see you," she says with her arms around his neck. "and... what did mom say her name was? lynn?"
there's a hum a few feet away from them and harry opens his eyes to see lynn standing less than two feet away from them.
it's honestly like a scene from a movie, and harry is punching the fucking wall (metaphorically of course) because how could something like this happen in real like. if the two would've said goodbye inside like gemma insisted, this entire thing could've been avoided.
he's staring at her with so much intensity, begging her silently to please not say anything. but, he's harry, and nothing good ever happens to harry.
"wow harry, brown hair and pretty green eyes. you must be really restraining yourself," and in any other situation, he would've laughed because, he'll admit, lynn was funny.
"who's this?" gemma's looking in between them and harry just really wants to die.
"i'm lynn," she reaches out her hand. "and you must be his-"
"my sister!" he interrupts. he pulls his shirt collar away from his neck. when did it get so hot outside? "lynn this is my sister, gemma. gemma, this is lynn."
"oh wow, this is such a great coincidence," gemma's smiling at lynn. "i'm running late, but you two should come over this weekend. drew and i would be happy to cook dinner. it's been so long since harry's had a partner."
lynn looks over the top of her glasses at harry, and she's smiling one of those fake smiles that don't reach her eyes, and fuck, he was done for. he could feel his heart beating all the way in his fingertips, and he's not sure what he's embarrassed more by. the fact that lynn knows he's lied to his sister, or the fact that she just told everyone on the street corner that he hasn't dated anyone in so long.
"actually," lynn says, and that smile is still glued to her face. "harry, why don't you tell her?"
"we were going to invite you to mine this weekend," harry's talking so fast that lynn can't get a word in. "i'll text you, alright? you've got two minutes," harry taps his watch, and gemma's eyes widen. she hugs harry, and yells a goodbye to lynn as she's running into her office building next door.
"your partner," lynn's looking at him with her arms crossed in front of her. "as if i would ever be with someone like you."
"you don't know me, lynn," he rubs his eyes, trying to push whatever tears were threatening to fall back in. because really, he shouldn't be crying, but he was absolutely mortified. maybe if he stood close enough to the edge of the sidewalk, a student driver would clip him. not enough to kill him, but a little amnesia and maybe a light coma would be pleasant.
"look, im sorry, okay? i didn't mean to make you-" his voice cracks and suddenly death by student driver isn't sounding too bad. "i want to talk if you're up for it. we can grab dinner there," he nods his head towards a random restaurant across the street. "maybe tonight at 7? only come if you want. no pressure. i don't even have your phone number so no annoying texts or unwanted phone calls."
he doesn't even wait for her to respond before turning around and feeling the hot, fresh tears slide down his face. he shouldn't be crying. there was no denying that. but, harry hasn't felt this humiliated since his mom held that make-shift intervention. he knows it's a little dramatic, but he would rather drop dead than feel this level of embarrassment ever again.
embarrassment has always been harry's least favorite feeling. his body always went warm, and his face and ears burned so badly, he knew they were hot to the touch. he hated feeling that way because his body was so telling. anyone around him would be able to tell that he was completely humiliated, and that just made him feel horrible.
when he gets back to his apartment, jacqueline is just walking out of hers. if he's quiet enough, he thinks he'll be able to go undetected because the girl always takes the stairs. no matter the time of day or how many bags of groceries she was carrying, jacqueline would never be caught taking the elevator.
except for today, apparently, because as soon as she locks her door, she turns to the right and starts making her way to the elevator.
"hey," she smiles warmly at him. "headed to professor sullivan's class?"
"fuck," harry bangs his head on his door a little too hard before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. how did he manage to forget the singular class he has been attending nearly every day for the last two weeks?
he clears his throat and turns to offer jacqueline a smile, but it comes across in a way that suggests he might be going slightly crazy. "uh, i don't think so. maybe next time."
"are you sure? she has a really strict attendance policy," jacqueline says. honestly, harry hates the idea of taking a journalism class, and he wasn't sure why a fifth one was added into the course study. he was majoring in public relations and to him at least, five journalism classes was overdoing it just a bit. "you can come over and copy my reading notes if you'd like. then, you can drive us so we won't be late."
"are you sure?"
"i really don't want to take the bus if im being honest," harry laughs a little before telling her he'd be right back.
he gets his school bag from the desk in his room, and meets jacqueline in her apartment. the two sit on her couch while harry copies her notes from whatever reading they were supposed to do over night. the girl offers harry coffee, and comes back from her kitchen with a to-go coffee cup filled with the best oat milk latte harry has ever tried.
"thanks again for the notes, jacqueline," harry says, closing his notebook and leaning further back into her couch. the cushions are so soft. he could probably fall asleep right now.
"please, call me jackie. consider the notes a thank you for driving me," she smiles at him, and harry takes a moment to really look at her. jackie looked the complete opposite of lynn. she had dark, curly hair and deep brown eyes. her skin was tan, and she was significantly shorter than him. she's always smiling, even after taking the ungodly amount of stairs, and harry thinks she's probably the nicest person he's ever met.
"we can carpool from now on," he says. "since i'll be going there anyways."
she offers him another warm smile and decides that they should get going because jackie hates being late, and to her, being on time is still considered late. they take the elevator down to ground level (thank god), and she follows him to his car. harry silently thanks whatever higher being may be listening for convincing him to throw away all of his tear-stained and snot-filled drive-thru napkins from earlier.
"i tried to give lynn your gift by the way," jackie says while looking out the window. "i don't want you to think i didn't."
"thank you," he replies. "i shouldn't have brought them. i just felt bad and... i don't know. it was stupid of me."
"it wasn't," she speaks with such sincerity, it makes harry smile. "she's not usually like this," jackie lets such a long sigh out, and harry can see her breath fogging up the window. "the lynn i grew up with would've written you a five-page thank you note just because you thought of her."
harry knows jackie's only venting, but he isn't really sure what to say. he didn't really know either of them, but he can't help but wonder what exactly she meant by that.
"sorry," she smiles at him again, and harry wonders if that's the only facial expression she ever makes.
"there's nothing to be sorry for," he replies, and she turns back to look out the window.
the two sit next to each other in class, and harry is glad to see that jackie seems to hate professor sullivan's lectures just as much as she does. he finds himself constantly checking the clock, and it's like the minute hand barely moves in between each glance. the longest he's gone without looking so far has been a whopping seven minutes.
during a particularly long speech about the importance of credibility, which is something harry had learned about during his first year here three years ago, jackie leans over and scribbles in the top corner of his notebook. when she leans back, harry takes a look at what she wrote.
omg move on already
he feels himself grinning as he pencils a 'god i know' in the margins of her notebook.
the two do this back and forth for the entire lecture, writing to each other when professor sullivan went on rant after rant. and when professor sullivan pointed at harry to answer some question he wasn't paying attention to, jackie answered for him, pretending like she couldn't tell who the woman was pointing to.
"she gives the worst lectures. i swear im always on the brink of falling asleep." jackie says as the two walk down the hallway of the very oversized communications building.
"tell me about it," harry accidentally bumps into her with his arm. "i don't even know why this was added to my course study."
"yours too? they added two to mine right as i'm about to graduate."
"that sucks," harry says. "i've got to make a stop real quick. is that alright?"
"actually, my next class is in twenty minutes upstairs," jackie slows down her walking and nods to the staircase a few feet in front of them. of course, she's taking the stairs.
"alright," harry says. "if you ever want to study or anything, my front door is always unlocked."
"i'm not sure if you're serious, but you shouldn't go around telling people that," she jokes. "i'll see you tuesday?"
"tuesday it is," he nods.
jackie offer a small wave as he leaves, and harry feels a little sick the entire seven-minute drive back to his apartment. he wasn't sure if it was the fact that he was going to have to face lynn now, or the fact that he didn't know if she was coming that made him so anxious, but that doesn't stop him from throwing up in the community trash can.
picking out an outfit feels like the hardest thing harry's ever done since he spent a week in an organic chemistry class. he didn't really know where they were eating, and he didn't know if he was supposed to be trying to impress lynn. the only thing he did know was another mick jagger cosplayer comment might be just what he needs to set him over the edge. he opts for jeans and a white polo shirt from his short-lived student coaching stint at the beginning of freshman year.
harry's deciding which cologne to wear (or if he should wear any at all because what if strong smells give lynn a headache) when he throws up again.
the drive to the restaurant feels way shorter than when he had made it earlier today. it was like he had blinked and he was there. the nearly hour-long drive with rush hour traffic was a complete blur.
he decides to sit on a bench that was conveniently located outside. the restaurant seemed to be a tex-mex situation and harry wanted to cry because that was his least favorite kind of food. he loved mexican food, but there was something about white people putting their own spin on dishes that kind of grossed him out.
he waits for ten minutes, and then twenty, and by this time harry's starting to get a little embarrassed. the amount of times the hostess came out to ask if he was ready to put his name in for a table was already at three, and he thinks he'll have to leave the country if it reaches five.
she comes out the fourth time around 7:30 and harry gives her his name because firstly, he's starving. and second, he cannot let her ask a fifth time.
"if your date doesn't show up, i get off in twenty," she winks at him and harry can feel his cheeks warm. he licks his lips and goes to take her up on her offer because she was insanely attractive and harry was incredibly bored.
"no need," lynn is standing next to him with one of her fake smiles on her face. "if you would've given me more than a second of your time, i could've told you i was free at 7:30," she says, leaning down so her lips were level with his ear. she kisses his cheek before standing up and asking the hostess if their table was ready.
"you could've texted," harry says as they follow the girl. "you have my number."
lynn looks at him with furrowed brows, and harry taps his forehead. "that's right. you ignored the gift i left with your friend."
"so flowers are supposed to make up for what you said?" lynn crosses her arms in front of her at the table, and orders a double jack and coke when the waiter stops by a second later.
"i'll have a water, please," harry smiles politely and waits until the guy leaves before turning back to look at lynn. "they were chocolates actually."
"even worse," she stares at him blankly before yawning, like spending time with harry is the most boring thing to do in the world.
"i really didn't owe you anything," being around lynn brings out the worst in him. "me saying that women thank me for bringing them home is somehow worse than you continuously implying i have this great big fantasy of fucking myself, right?"
"you're right," she takes a drink from her jack and coke. "i was having a rough day. i'm sorry."
harry gasps and puts his hand over his chest. "lynn apologizing? did hell just freeze over?"
"ha ha. you're so funny, harry," her tone is robotic. "but i mean it. i'm sorry. and i have a proposition for you."
"what might that be?" harry leans forward, and lynn raises her brow like she's expecting harry to say whatever sexual innuendo he's biting back. and of course he doesn't make it because that would be wildly inappropriate (but it definitely involves the bright red lipstick she's wearing).
lynn asks him if he would be interested in fake dating her, and harry sits there as she explains it and pretends like that wasn't the entire reason he had invited her out to the restaurant in the first place. he was expecting to beg, maybe even get on his hands and knees, so he was happy to sit back and watch lynn list out all of the pros and cons with pleading eyes while he enjoyed the taco salad he had ordered a little while prior.
he feels a little bad for not interrupting her before she got to the ten-minute mark of her very well thought out proposal. she even included how she was completely okay with labeling it as an open relationship so harry could sleep with whoever he wanted whenever he wanted without worrying that someone they knew might see them, and he had to admit that that condition alone made his answer an immediate yes.
"i'll do it on one condition," harry drinks from his water glass and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "you can't fall in love with me."
"ah, there's the harry i know," lynn flicks her crinkled straw wrapper at his face, and it lands in the middle of his salad. he frowns and tries to fish it out with his fork, but he decides he's not really that hungry anymore. "something tells me that won't be a problem."
17 JUNE 2018
in her twenty seven years of being alive, lynn has never met her boyfriends' families. of course she met luke's, but lynn had known liz and robert way before she and luke were even a thing, so it felt wrong to count that. her college boyfriend's parents were dead (or so he told her for the entirety of their relationship), and the guy she saw briefly after him never became serious enough for her to even learn his parents' names.
so, here she was, sitting at a dinner table surrounded by harry's immediate family. harry had cooked some kind of italian chicken dish that lynn had to chase with a gulp of wine after each bite. it wasn't that it was that bad, she just hated chicken (and also it was that bad).
she had expected it to be awkward, meeting his parents and sister for the first time, but this was borderline unbearable. no one really spoke besides his dad when he would ask gemma about her new promotion at whatever company she worked for. his sister always answered with a polite smile, but lynn could tell it made her uncomfortable by the pitying glances she would give harry after she answered.
"so, lynn," marianne lightly dabs her mouth with a napkin. "your mom tells me you dropped out of school to work in a bakery. any plans of going back?"
john laughs under his breath at this, and lynn feels her face growing incredibly hot. "not at the moment, no."
"well certainly that'll change, right? i don't think decorating cakes would be a long-term career for someone who seems intelligent like yourself," his dad says. marianne scolds him quietly, and lynn can feel harry tensing next to him.
part of her wants harry to stick up for her, but he doesn't. instead, he pushes his food around his plate, doesn't even look up from the table. each second of silence that passes feels more suffocating than the last.
"i think six figures for overseeing my bakery that i spent years building is a pretty good career, don't you think, john?" it comes out so incredible rude, but lynn means it. she wasn't going to sit around and feel belittled by grown adults. harry might be able to sit back and take it, but there was no way in hell she was going to do the same.
"kathleen didn't mention it was yours," marianne smiles at her like she's trying to diffuse whatever situation is brewing. "sounds like lots of hard work. we'll have to stop by sometime."
"yeah, maybe," lynn's offering the older woman a smile that was just as fake as hers, and she feels harry nudging her with his elbow as if she was the one who did something wrong. she wasn't going to apologize or whatever the fuck harry wanted her to do, so instead she excuses herself to the bathroom.
when lynn had brought up the idea of fake dating, she had assumed it would be more of a social media relationship. he could change his facebook status to in a relationship —with lynn adams, and lynn would post a few instagram stories. nothing too crazy, just a little soft launching to keep her friends off her back. nothing could have prepared her for something like this.
when she returns to the table, her dinner dish is cleared, and instead there is a small dessert plate sitting in it's place. there's a sheet cake sitting in the center of the table, and gemma is smiling uncomfortably as her husband takes a picture of her with it. when she sits down, she's able to catch the "congratulations gemma" written in pink icing. god, this was going to be a long night.
lynn's in the kitchen washing the dinner dishes when his family decides to call it a night. they don't come in to say goodbye to her, and she thanks god because lynn doesn't think she could stand to be around them for two more minutes.
"lynn," harry's leaning against the door frame, and lynn keeps her back to him. she shuts off the water even though half of the dishes were still remaining, and dries her hands with the dish rag sitting next to the sink.
"lynn," he tries again. "i'm sorry."
"why don't you stand up to them?" she leans against his sink. "i would never let my dad talk to you like that, harry. especially if you were doing me a favor like this."
"what?" his eyes move from the ground to her face. "what about the way you spoke to him?"
"im not apologizing for that," she scoffs. "he had no right to speak to me like that."
"he's an adult and you're-"
"an adult too," she pushes past him because quite honestly she was done with this conversation. lynn puts on her shoes by his front door and ignores harry repeatedly asking her where she's going before storming over to jackie's apartment.
18 JUNE 2018
"yeah, she's here," she hears jackie's sleepy voice coming from her front door. "sorry she worried you, harry. see you tomorrow."
lynn pretends she's been fast asleep when jackie gently rubs her arm and asks if she wants to move to the guest room.
19 JUNE 2018
"im just saying, why do we have to still be in class when she doesn't."
"okay, you've got a point," jackie's swinging her feet while she sits on the stool at his breakfast bar. "at least we get to work together though."
harry passes her mug across the bar, "yeah, i guess so."
professor sullivan canceled their class today, and instead sent everyone a link to a hefty seven-five-question pop quiz, and harry was less than thrilled about it. especially because the cancellation email was sent out thirty minutes before class started.
"i think we should take yours first. that way we can use my course material to answer," jackie takes a sip of the coffee harry made her and hums. "and then we can take pictures of each answer and use them to answer mine."
and that's what they do. harry reads the question, jackie looks up the answer, and then he takes a photo of whatever answer they've selected. it takes nearly an hour and a half and three cups of coffee to complete the seventy-five questions. harry even apologizes at one point because his folgers and chobani sweet cream coffee creamer is no match to jackie's oat milk lattes. she only smiles at him, and takes a second cup.
"oh my god," harry leans over to look at the girl's laptop screen.
"we should've known the questions were going to be in random order," harry taps his phone screen. "i can take yours for you if you want. so you don't miss your next class."
"thanks, but that one was canceled, too. i think they're having a power outage in that building."
jackie and harry sit there for another two hours taking her quiz. she reads the first few words of three questions at a time and harry goes through all seventy-five photos to see which one held the correct answer. the two move from coffee to the half-empty bottle of red wine harry had started drinking last night, and by the time they're done, they're sitting on his couch with merlot-stained lips and two '96%'s displayed on their laptop screens.
and harry really doesn't know what led to them eating dinner at his kitchen table, but they do. they're eating cheap chinese food right out of the container along with a few more glasses of red wine. at one point, they forget the glasses altogether and pass a freshly opened bottle back and forth between them until it's nearly empty.
"i don't think you're as mean as lynn says you are," jackie says, her lips pressed to the bottle.
harry feels like he's been punched in the stomach when he realizes lynn had told her about their situation. not because he was embarrassed, but because he really, really wanted to taste the merlot on jackie's lips.
"it's an open relationship," harry says, and jackie offers him a closed-lipped smile. "we could-"
"ask me another time," the girl interrupts. "when i haven't had a bottle of wine."
jackie stands up and takes most of their dinner mess to the kitchen before harry stands up to help her. they throw most of it away, and jackie puts their dirty silverware into his dishwasher.
they're standing by his front door a few moments later. neither of them are talking, but jackie's looking at harry in a way that makes his entire body warm.
"for the record," her finger runs along the side of his hand. "i really wanted to say yes. goodnight harry."
22 JUNE 2018
lynn's been sitting outside jackie's apartment with two full boxes of pastries she had stolen from her bakery before it closed today for at least twenty minutes. she knocked for a solid five minutes before resorting to calling the girl. she had gotten to call number thirty-seven when the elevator dinged and jackie walked out with harry trailing right behind her.
"hey," lynn calls for their attention. "i've been calling you."
her friend shrugs and lynn pretends not to notice the way harry's lips are faintly stained red. or the way the red is the exact same shade as the girl's lipstick. "must've left my phone."
jackie unlocks her door and invites the two inside and lynn waits for harry to be right behind her before whispering an "expected nothing less" which makes harry roll his eyes.
"you said this was an open relationship, lynn," harry says. the two are whisper arguing in the doorway of the apartment while the sound of jackie rummaging through her liquor cabinet echoes around them.
"yeah, open as in you're free to sleep with a random girl from the bar. i didn't mean..." her voice falls because she's not really sure what she meant. "whatever, these are for your parents. my apologies for being a bitch the other night."
"maybe you should bring them back tomorrow... for the dinner you're supposed to be attending."
"i'd actually rather kill myself," she says. "tell them i said hello."
"you promised, lynn," his voice is soft. like he's pleading with her rather than yelling at her in a way that jackie can't hear, and he's rocking on his feet moving just the slightest bit closer to her.
"and you promised you'd come to my sister's dance recital today," she pushes the boxes further into his chest. "i can assume you were busy with something other than your journalism quiz."
"something in addition to my journalism quiz," and lynn wants to smack the smirk right off of his face. this whole thing made her feel a little sick. "please lynn, i'll come to the next one. i swear."
"since you've supplied the last two times," jackie's standing in front of them with a bottle of jack in one hand and two cans of coke in the other. she smiles one of the smiles lynn used to find so comforting, but this time, it only makes her stomach churn.
it wasn't even two weeks ago when jackie was so concerned about her. she doesn't understand how she could go from that to whatever the hell she was doing with harry. lynn wouldn't have minded (at least she thinks so), but jackie could've at least asked her. harry was her boyfriend after all.
lynn leaves jackie's apartment with the two pastry boxes, dinner plans for tomorrow, and silas on facetime.
"please tell me it's not as weird as it makes me feel," lynn props her phone against the dashboard so she can see silas's face.
"honestly el... you're sure you told her you were together?"
lynn nods and turns her blinker on to get out of the complex. "after i told her how horrible he had been to me, too."
she had already told silas about the fake relationship because the two tell each other everything. "he probably showed a little interest in her. think about it. chad and her broke up how long ago and she still talks about it."
"i don't think she's that desperate for male attention."
"maybe not. but definitely desperate enough for attention from people who resemble chad."
lynn hums, "yeah probably."
"i cannot put into words how much i hate chad." silas says. "jackie deserved so much better than him."
"what if harry's that, and im just standing in their way?"
silas frowns at her. "i find harry extremely attractive, but i would never do that to you, lynn. open relationship or not. there's just some lines you don't cross."
"yeah," she's not sure if she agrees with silas entirely. "i don't know. we're not even together. i have no reason to be mad."
"she thinks you two are together. that's a little fucked up, lynn," and really she's nothing but grateful for silas. he always made everything feel just a little bit more okay. like she wasn't crazy for being upset with jackie. "i'll talk to her and see where her head's at."
"have i told you how grateful i am for you?"
"not today," he grins. "but i do take venmo and paypal. i'll send the handles your way."
38 notes · View notes
daysofrefuge · 2 months
Original fiction featuring my ocs, Graham and Kingfisher, and @bellygunnr's oc, Aiden.
Graham's not sure exactly why he agreed to let the new guy drive him.
Maybe because he almost bowled him over on the way out the door, maybe because the next bus would put him at work in over an hour, maybe because he could imagine how mad it must be making Kingfisher. Maybe it has something to do with a sketchy new neighbor with an honest-to-god eyepatch taking him across the city.
He feels awkward now, squeezing into the guy's - Aiden's - car. It's ...seen better days. That's a little too generous, but he doesn't want to think about how it might give out on them on the way. He already feels self conscious and nervous since he's packed in like a tuna in a sardine can and the suspension dipped when he got in.
He fidgets. Leg bouncing from where it almost touches the glove box, Graham decides not to comment on the box in the back or the way the whole thing looks like its history could catch up to them at any moment. It's yellow, or it used to be. Bad guys don't drive bright yellow cars, right?
They also don't play nice and field questions from nosey kids or look touched from every nice neighborly thing that happens to them.
Senora had called him vago when she had Graham bring him a casserole that could probably feed 5 guys Aiden's size. Kingfisher had assured him she didn't mean vagrant. "More of a stray. We seem to pick up a lot of those around here." It had said and Graham made a face to the screen before stomping off to hand Aiden several more pounds of food.
Now that he was in the guy's car, he felt bad for being a little wary. 
Aiden was nice, if skittish, but his stare was unnerving at first and he seemed to talk to himself. Not really anything bad, Graham had lived in enough cities and used public transportation, but the vibes were off sometimes. Something made danger ring in the back of his head. Sitting in the passenger seat let him study him discreetly, at least he thought.
"See something you like?" Aiden doesn't look up from the wheel, but works his jaw.
"Oh, sorry! I just, it's really nice of you to drive me. We barely know each other and you offered to take me to work." Graham exhales explosively. "Sorry, didn't mean to stare." He mumbles the last part.
Aiden seems to drop it, slouching a little and the tension in his jaw lessens.
"I mean it!" Graham says, because he never knows when to stop digging. "Saved me 40 minutes of waiting and then an hour on the bus."
Silence descends and both men seem to squirm in their seats. Graham fidgets and Aiden mulls over his words or scans the road for a spot to kick Graham and his big mouth out. Probably.
"I-." He starts and stops like he isn't sure of how to say what he wants to say. "If I'm not busy, and you need a ride to work sometime..." Aiden looks like he bit a lemon but is trying to make an offer despite the sourness flooding his mouth.
"I'll ask." Graham swoops in and nods. "And hey, if you need anything or ever want to grab a beer, I'm free! I mean I work days mostly, but it's nice to see another guy in the apartment, I mean not married with kids." Graham's blushing now, he's so bad at this. IT guys were not known for their social skills.
Aiden stops him from jumping out of the moving vehicle with a quiet chuckle. "Another movie maybe?"
"Hey! It was a good movie... To be fair that wasn't my idea." Graham huffs. They pull up to a stop light and he turns his head to find Aiden staring daggers at him. He probably doesn't mean it but he looks so intense sometimes. "Oh, uh. Yeah. Don't tell Kingfisher I told you, but it was worried and wanted you to socialize or get some air. It did the same to me when I first moved in. It's just like that."
Graham slouches in the seat as much as he can and stays quiet for the rest of the trip. At least until Aiden breaks the quiet with a cough and asks where to go next.
It's not the worst ride to work he's had.
It is the strangest ride he’s had, by a country mile.
Graham directs Aiden to the lot closest to his building and thanks him as he gets out, only to whip his head around at the sound of the other door closing. 
Aiden is out of his car and flipping his collar up as he scopes the area with his one good eye. He looks like a guy in a spy movie swamped in that leather jacket as he is. Graham is confused, but is in a rush and can’t offer much more than another thanks.
“Alright, I’ll see you soon.” Aiden nods and looks right through him.
Graham finds himself mirroring his body language as he fidgets with his bag and tie. “Yeah, sure man. Thanks again.”
He hurries to his building only to turn and have lost track of Aiden completely on the sparsely crowded sidewalk. The beat up old yellow car sits patiently in its spot, a reminder that this was real. He doesn’t think much of it because he has meetings with supervisors and new partner associates that want him to do the impossible. After several hours of grinning and bearing it, he shuffles outside towards the bus stop and the eventual promise of a shower. He’s not quite swaying on his feet as he fumbles for his bus pass on his phone when a honk makes him jump. He looks over his shoulder only to double take at the yellow monstrosity waiting for him. When Graham takes too long to react, Aiden pops his head out the window and waves. When Graham takes another moment to comprehend that his weird neighbor hung out around his work all day to drive him home, Aiden starts waving a grease stained paper bag at him and yells, “I got burgers.” across the street.
He can’t help the laugh that startles out of him and he jogs over.
“You’re insane, you know this, right?” Graham laughs as Aiden quirks an almost-grin. He’s so intense as he looks Graham over. “You waited this long for me?”
“I was in the area. Don’t let it go to your head, Donnelly.”
“And you got me dinner, why Mr. York, how am I not supposed to let this go to my head?” He pushes off the car door and slides into the passenger seat.
“You’re paying for gas.”
“Deal, whatever, hand me that bag” Graham waves him off and reaches for the bag of fast food. “I’m starving.”
The ride back is nicer than the ride there. The ice broken once again, and this time Graham hopes Aiden’s mood won’t refreeze when they head their separate ways. He also hopes Kingfisher won’t lecture him about this later.
Kingfisher sounds the tone it uses to denote it wants Graham's attention over something important. Its waveform dances on the screen by the door and he stops making dinner to walk over.
"Mr. York is asking for you." Kingfisher does not sound happy. It isn't usually happy when it brings up the newest tenant in the building. This tone was new, reluctant, but there's worry in its voice.
"At 8 on a Tuesday? Did he say why?" He asks. Graham scratches at his neck and waits, eyeing the screen with confusion.
"When I pressed, he conceded that he needed another set of hands. I believe he is trying to change some bandages, though I cannot see into that apartment anymore."
Right, because one Aiden York moved in, went radio silent for three days, and tore out all of Kingfisher's eyes and ears in the room he was assigned.
"Okay?! That's all you have to say?"
"He gave me a ride to work. He's a weird guy, yeah, but he's nice."
"I didn't realize that's all it took to earn your trust. Maybe I should reevaluate your survival instincts." Kingfisher snaps. It was mad now, more orange than blue and the waveform spiking as the audio fuzzed.
"He's a tenant asking for help. How did he talk to you anyway?" Graham shot back, already slipping on shoes and heading to the bathroom for his own first aid kit. It came with the apartment under the orders of the motherhenning AI who was now trying to talk him out of using it.
"He opened his door, stuck his head out, and whispered at the ceiling." Kingfisher admits.
"Uh huh. How'd he look?"
Silence from K told Graham the AI was pouting, that Graham was objectively right, and it was mad about that.
"I'll bring my phone. You can call if you think he's killing me in there. Pout over here while I go help one of your tenants."
"There we go. Thank you, Kingfisher." Graham leaves and doesn't bother locking his door. "Need to schedule a play-date for you guys. You could give each other a chance." He mutters.
Kingfisher locks his apartment for him with a harsh click and Graham waves him off as he ascends the stairs towards Aiden's place.
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Life Worth Living [Chapter One]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Original Female Character
Summary: When Olivia Allen moves to Hell's Kitchen hoping to start over in a new city, she doesn't expect to form a crush on her charming and persistent neighbor, Matt Murdock. Plagued by her past and desperate to be "normal," Olivia must come to terms with who she is in order to protect the life she fought hard to build. But as she eventually learns, her powerful and dangerous ex-boyfriend isn't the only one she needs to worry about. After all, there's secrets about herself even she never knew...
Warnings/tags: 18+ for this series; contains fluff, angst, violence, PTSD, smut (Contains our beloved Defenders and lots of plot twists)
Word Count: 5.5k
a/n: Slowly posting one of my another Matt Murdock x OFC stories over to tumblr to see if there is interest. This was my very first Matt Murdock story but its LONG. The first thirty-six chapters are already written and posted but I have 2 more unedited and already written still. Feel free to leave feedback so I know how interested y'all are in more of this one! You can find the entire list of chapters for this series here.
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The leather straps were buckled over my wrists, my ankles, and my neck. They gripped tight like strong hands forcing me down on the leather chair where I was reclined. Doctor Barlowe was finishing placing the last of the sticky electrodes to my forehead and I tried to catch her eyes behind her thick, black glasses.
“Please,” I begged her softly. “I don’t like this one. Please don’t make me do it again.”
Her hands paused for just a moment, lingering against my skin.
"Please,” I tried again. “I’ll-I’ll try any of the other tests, I swear. Just not this again. It…it hurts,” I whimpered.
“Now, now, hush 647,” Doctor Whitlock’s harsh voice echoed through the room. The door closed loudly behind him and it was a moment before he was visible just beyond my contained legs. “You know why we do this.”
 I swallowed hard, feeling the usual anticipatory fear swirling in my stomach as Doctor Barlowe took her place at the machine nearby. A metal tray was on the cart beside her filled with two syringes containing a familiar vibrant orange liquid. Uselessly I tugged at my restraints.
“647, let’s not make this more difficult than necessary, hmm?” Doctor Whitlock hummed. “You know what you have to do if you don’t want to feel the pain.” He crossed his arms across his chest, the ID tag on his white lab coat now obscured at the gesture. His eyes focused on the young female doctor beside me. “Administer a dose of MGA.”
Doctor Barlowe lifted one of the syringes filled with orange and slid her chair beside me. It was a moment before I felt the familiar sting of the needle in my forearm. Shortly after, the telltale burning raced its way up my right arm through my veins. My eyes clamped shut immediately, my head slamming back onto the leather of the chair as a whine escaped my lips.
“Why don’t we increase the voltage a bit this time?” Doctor Whitlock mused aloud to Doctor Barlowe. “Maybe it’ll be the bit of motivation it needs.”
 “No,” I whined out between gritted teeth. “Please.”
“You can stop the pain yourself 647,” Whitlock’s voice said coolly. “If you don’t want to feel the shocks, stop them. Use your mind.” There was a pause and a sound of footsteps before Whitlock’s voice came from closer beside me. “Begin, Barlowe.”
Sharp, burning pain immediately jolted my brain and my body tensed up at the shock. My arms and legs strained at my restraints; my airflow was briefly halted as the restraint around my neck bit so sharply into my throat the passageway closed. It was a few seconds before the pain disappeared and my body momentarily slackened in the seat. Tears were stinging behind my eyelids as a light sheen of sweat began forming across my body.
“Hmm,” Whitlock hummed as he presumably eyed the screen beside Barlowe. “It is showing more brain activity with the increased voltage.”
“It’s definitely a noticeable increase from last time,” Barlowe agreed.
“Please, stop,” I whimpered. My eyelids fluttered open slowly and I glimpsed Whitlock rubbing his chin in thought. “No more,” I choked out.
“Try again,” Whitlock ordered, disregarding me. “Increase the voltage.”
 A scream shot out of me before my mouth clamped shut as another rush of electricity was sent racing through the electrodes on my forehead and my body seized up at the pain. I could see bright white behind my eyelids despite how tightly they were clamped shut. It was another few moments before the shock dissipated. A ringing filled my ears at the absence of the pain and it took a moment to make out what the voice beside me said.
“It’s bleeding, sir,” Barlowe pointed out.
“Just a bit lip, nothing serious,” Whitlock said simply, his voice cutting through the ringing. “Though I suppose you should get the gag again; we don’t want it to bite its tongue off.”
 There was a rustle of movement in the room that I faintly heard. Tears were freely rolling down my cheeks as I stared up at the white ceiling and the bright lights above. Moments later, Barlowe’s face came into my vision along with the clear mouthpiece they used to shove into my mouth when the electrical shocks had first begun. Eyes widening, I sent her a pleading look but she kept her attention focused on the lower half of my face. Her gloved fingers roughly wrenched open my mouth and she forced the uncomfortable plastic in. I choked back a sob awkwardly around the contraption, the hard edges cutting into my gums.
“Let’s continue, shall we?” Whitlock asked smoothly.
The electrical shock came back again and my body tensed at the pain.
 A scream escaped me and I bolted upright, chest heaving quickly. Panting hard and disoriented, it took my brain a few moments to recognize where I was. My body was lightly covered in cold sweat and I was tangled up in the dark gray sheets of my bed.
It was only a dream; a memory.
“You’re in Hell’s Kitchen,” I murmured to myself. “Not The Facility. I’m home. I’m safe.” I shut my eyes tight, wrapping my arms around myself. “They can’t hurt me. Just a dream.”
Trying to focus my attention on my breathing, I inhaled slowly and held a breath, counting to five before I exhaled long and slow. I repeated the process for a few minutes until my breaths were more controlled. Slowly, my body relaxed into a calm state. When I opened my eyes again, I wiped a hand over my forehead, sliding back the sweatied strands of blonde hair that had stuck to it in my thrashing fit of sleep.
I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone. The light lit up the darkened bedroom and I squinted, letting my eyes adjust before I could read the time: 5:37AM. I set the phone back onto the nightstand and rubbed the heels of my hands roughly across my eyes. I’d calmed down from that dream but I was certainly too wound up for sleep now. With a huff, I threw the sheets off of me and swung my legs to the side of the bed. I raised my arms up over my head, feeling the pull of muscles in the stretch, before I got up and made my way to my dresser. Opening the middle left drawer, I dug around for a sports bra and a pair of leggings.
Hurriedly, I pulled the loose cropped tank top I had been sleeping in over my head before slipping on the sports bra. I changed my sweatpants for the black leggings I’d grabbed and tugged them up before crossing the room to my closet and pulling the door open. My eyes landed on the navy track jacket that I quickly pulled out and zipped up. I slipped my phone into the pocket of my leggings and grabbed my earbuds before heading out of my bedroom.
The living room of my new apartment was still covered in shadows cast from the large loft windows. I paused for a moment, enjoying the beautiful view of the city on the sixth floor. The place hadn’t been cheap to rent, but it was worth it for that view while I worked. I slid the earbuds into my ears, turning my attention towards the entryway behind me that was separated by a wall. I headed over and grabbed the running shoes I always kept near the door and slipped them onto my feet, making sure to tie the laces tight. I grabbed my keys from the console table near the door and then I exited the apartment, locking up behind me. I made my way to the end of the hall where the elevator was and pushed the call button. As I waited, I turned on a playlist I’d made for running; a minute later the elevator doors opened and I stepped inside, pushing the button for the lobby.
As the elevator lurched downwards, the dream came back to me. I winced, raising a hand to rub at my temple as I remembered the pain of the shocks.
“If you don’t like the pain, 647,” Whitlock chided, “use your mind. Make it stop.”
 I shook my head rapidly, trying to push the memory of his voice out of my head.
“No,” I whispered. “No, you’re not here. Go away.”
“You were born for this. This is your purpose,” Whitlock’s cold voice said. “Be good and sit still now or we'll get the restraints.”
 My jaw clenched, tooth grinding hard against tooth as my nails dug into the palms of my hands. The elevator doors suddenly opened with a ding that faintly registered around the music in my earbuds. Rage burning inside, I exited the elevator and the lobby of my apartment building and took off at a run the moment my feet hit pavement.
I pushed my legs, feeling them beginning to burn after I’d made it a few blocks. I ignored the pain building inside them; my only focus was on my breathing and the music in my ears. Everything else faded out behind me. I only registered the light traffic when I needed to cross a street; the sidewalks were mainly empty which made it easy to run at my full speed. It wasn’t until it felt like my lungs were on fire inside of my chest that I finally came to a stop, chest rapidly rising and falling. I threw my hands up over my head in order to even out my breathing faster as I continued walking forward, a sharp pain in my left hip at the movement.
The sun was just beginning to peak up behind the tall buildings of the city. Everything was slowly losing the dark shadows of the night to be replaced with the beautiful orange glow of the morning. And with the change from dark to light, I pushed my fears aside and took a right, heading back towards my apartment building. I had to work in a little bit and I wanted a shower before I settled down at my desk.
The walk back to my apartment took just under fifteen minutes since traffic had picked up with the sunrise. Mindlessly, I made my way through the lobby to the elevators, grateful when a man exited one and left it empty. I briskly walked over, hopping in and pushing the button for the sixth floor before leaning against the wall of the elevator as it began its ascent to the top floor. I pulled my phone from the side pocket of my leggings and turned off my playlist before pulling the earbuds from my ears. The doors opened and I made my way out, focused on trying to hold everything in one hand while digging my keys from my pocket with my other hand. I was so focused on the task that I didn’t realize there was a man knocking on the door across from my apartment. It wasn’t until I’d stopped in front of my door that I noticed him. Out of politeness I sent him a smile before fumbling with the keys in my hand.
“Hey, you’re the woman who just moved in right?”
I paused at the words, my hand with my keys hovering just in front of my lock. My mouth twitched before I exhaled a deep breath.
Normal people make small talk.
I let my hand drop to my side, plastering a friendly smile onto my face before turning around and taking in the sight of the man across the hall. He had shoulder length blonde hair and a bright, genuine smile on his face. He was dressed in a white shirt with a light blue tie, a gray suit jacket and matching gray slacks. He was carrying a tray with two coffees and a brown paper bag that I assumed held bagels judging from the smell.
“Yes, just last week,” I told him.
He adjusted the bag and the tray of coffee in his hands before he hurriedly took a few steps, crossing the distance in the hall between us. He outstretched his now free hand to me, the friendly smile still on his face. I eyed his hand warily, forcing the smile to remain on my face.
“My name is Franklin, but everyone usually calls me Foggy,” the man continued, either unaware or unconcerned with my stillness and hesitancy.
I cleared my throat before reaching out and taking his hand, giving it a brief shake.
“Olivia,” I offered in response.
Foggy’s smile widened even more, if possible. “Nice to meet you, Olivia! I was actually just waiting for my friend, Matt–your neighbor. We work together. Just started up our own law office, actually.”
My head tilted to the side curiously, a brow raised as I surveyed the man before me. He seemed genuinely friendly, albeit very eager to connect with me and I wasn’t entirely sure why. Most people in the city weren’t this forthright.
Suddenly, the door clicked behind Foggy. I expected to immediately be greeted with a man, but it was a white cane that emerged first, tapping along the floor, before my neighbor actually appeared.
“Ah, buddy there you are!” Foggy exclaimed, rushing over to his friend. He waited for the man to lock up before grabbing one of his hands and guiding it to his own arm, the one that was holding the food and coffee. “I was just meeting your new neighbor,” he told him, his warm eyes returning to me in the hall.
The blind man suddenly turned his head in my direction, his red glasses glinting from the overhead lights of the hallway at the movement. There was a moment that his expression was entirely unreadable before a slow, friendly smile spread across his lips directed right at me. I felt my breath hitch abruptly, as if I could feel all of him focused on me at that moment. The hair on the back of my neck slowly rose and a small shiver tickled its way up my spine. I could have sworn he wasn’t blind in that moment with the way the corner of his lip seemed to tug up just a bit higher.
“Were you now, Foggy?” the man spoke. His tongue darted out between his lips briefly, the movement catching my eye, before he smiled again. “I haven’t had the pleasure yet.”
Foggy led the two of them towards me and I felt myself stiffen. It was true, I hadn’t met him yet despite having been here for a week already. I’d heard some loud banging late at night coming from his apartment sometimes, but we had yet to cross paths. And with him standing there in front of me, it would be impossible to deny he was handsome.
“I’m Matthew,” the man said as he extended his hand in my direction. My eyes trailed down his face, distracted by his mouth for another moment before traveling down his neck, past his broad shoulders and the muscles of his arms that were noticeable even under his black suit coat, before they landed on his hand. “But you can call me Matt.”
I swallowed thickly before extending my own hand, taking his in mine. His hand was warm with calloused fingers; something stirred in my chest at the contact.
“I’m Olivia,” I said softly, my eyes darting back up to his face as he released my hand.
“Well Olivia,” Matt said, a small grin on his face as he spoke, “it’s a shame it took us so long to meet.”
Foggy rolled his eyes at his friend. “Can you not try to charm every beautiful woman you meet?”
I felt my cheeks heat up at his words, biting my lip as Matt let out a deep chuckle.
“I do not,” Matt disagreed.
“You do, it’s weird,” Foggy said before shooting me a conspiratorial look and whispering, “It’s like his super power.”
“Flirting with beautiful women?” I asked, brow raised questioningly at Foggy.
Matt laughed, the sound filling the hallway, as Foggy just shook his head, a smile on his face.
“No,” Foggy amended with a chuckle, “knowing that a woman is beautiful. He always knows.”
I shrugged in response. “I wouldn’t consider that the most useful superpower,” I told him.
Foggy’s eyes lit up with curiosity at my words. “What would you consider the most useful one? I personally think–”
“Fog, we should probably let Olivia go,” Matt said, cutting his friend off.
“I do need to actually get ready for work,” I agreed.
“Right, I’m sorry,” Foggy said, gesturing to my workout clothes. “You just finished a workout, you probably want to have a chance to shower without being late.”
I smiled at him, genuinely beginning to like the man. “Well,” I admitted, “I work from home so I doubt I’d be late, but yes, I would like to grab a shower after that run.”
“Well let’s not keep you,” Matt said, shooting me a charming smile.
I bit the inside of my lip and forced a smile as the two men exchanged goodbyes. When they’d begun their way towards the elevator, I spun around and unlocked my apartment before rushing inside. I locked it behind me, securing the deadbolt.
Slipping out of my running shoes, I left them by the door before dropping my keys on the console table and making my way down the entry hall and into the living room. My eyes darted to the stove in the kitchen, reading the time: 6:27AM. I had a half an hour before I needed to log on for work. With a huff, I headed to my room and gathered up a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt and clean undergarments before heading out of my room and towards the bathroom.
I turned on the shower, letting the water heat up as I began to peel off my sweaty workout clothes. It wasn’t long before steam began filling the bathroom and I stepped into the shower, enjoying the way the hot water soothed my aching muscles. For a few moments I just stayed under the warm spray before I forced myself to wash up fast.
Once out of the shower and dressed, I headed back to the living room. Against the far wall between the two large windows was my oak desk; there was a herringbone pattern in the wood along the sides. A potted monstera plant sat atop it in a plain, pure white pot next to the dual computer monitors. I made my way over, pulling out the large, black leather chair and switching the computer on before settling into my seat. I tossed my phone onto the desk, eyeing the time. I had a few minutes to log in before I’d be late. Plenty of time.
It took just a moment for my computer to start up and I quickly pulled up the programs for work, clocking in and pulling up my work email. I frowned when I saw the handful of new emails I’d received since yesterday. With a sigh, I rose out of the chair and wandered toward the kitchen. I flipped on the espresso machine, letting it warm up as I reached up to the cabinet above and pulled out a mug.
Absently I set to work, grinding the appropriate amount of fresh beans into the portafilter before tamping the grounds down. Then I slid the portafilter onto the machine, set my mug under the portafilter and let the machine pour out two shots of fresh espresso. The comforting aroma filled the air immediately as I headed back to the living room. I grabbed the television remote from my coffee table, flipping the TV onto the news as my morning latte brewed. There was a fluff piece currently on, discussing a new local business that had opened up today. Turning up the volume, I made my way back to the kitchen where the shot had finished pouring. I grabbed oat milk from my fridge before heading to the espresso machine and pulling the frothing pitcher from atop the machine. I poured in a few ounces of milk before placing the container back in the fridge, and then I set to work frothing the milk before cleaning off the machine.
With my morning caffeine dose in hand, I made my way back to my computer chair and got comfortable. I pulled up the first email and began to skim through it, quickly typing up a response to a co-worker before moving on to the next email.
“Breaking news on last night’s murder in Hell’s Kitchen,” the reporter on the television said. “The woman responsible is now in police custody. Hope Shlottman is currently being investigated for two counts of murder of her own parents. The young athlete shot them both in an elevator last night, and despite video surveillance, she is claiming to not be responsible, saying a man told her to kill them.”
I paused, my head turning to look at the news. There was a video of a young blonde woman being dragged out of an apartment building in handcuffs, blood covering the front of her. She was crying, her face red and splotchy, snot running down her nose. She kept repeating over and over “It wasn’t me! He told me to do it!”
A cold chill ran down my spine and I stared at the screen for a while. The hairs on my arms rose, a prickling feeling running along my skin. Paranoid, I glanced around my apartment, eyes darting around at every object. I was alone though; the soft morning light filtering in through the large windows illuminated the room around me.
It was just me here.
Coincidence, that’s all, I told myself as I turned off the television and focused on my work.
It’s quite difficult to walk three blocks carrying six full bags of groceries by myself. I had spent the past week putting off doing any real grocery shopping, only grabbing a few things for quick meals if I didn’t just order take out. After work, I’d gone for another long run to try to ease my nerves before showering and discovering my fridge still wasn’t stocked with anything more than some cheese, a carton of eggs that I’d nearly finished, some condiments, and a half empty bottle of orange juice. My carton of oat milk had also looked dangerously low. I ordered takeout from the Thai restaurant around the corner–vegetable panang curry with a Thai tea, something I’d ordered there three times now in the week since I’d moved in–before relenting and deciding I needed to get some groceries.
Now I found myself struggling to navigate into the elevator, three large and full grocery bags in each hand. I pushed the button for the sixth floor and willed the doors to hurry up and close. The plastic bags were threatening to cut off the circulation to my hands at this point.
Almost there, almost there.
I huffed a relieved sigh when the elevator reached the sixth floor, the doors opening slower than I would’ve liked. As soon as I stepped out of the elevator though, I paused. At the end of the hall was the blonde lawyer I’d met this morning–Foggy, if I recalled correctly–and a pretty young blonde woman in a dress. They were banging against Matt’s door and laughing loudly. It didn’t take me long to realize they were drunk. Squaring my shoulders, knowing there was no way to avoid the incoming interaction, I continued on towards my apartment.
“Come on Matt!” Foggy shouted, slamming his hand against the door.
The young woman shushed Foggy, resting a hand lightly against his shoulder. Foggy reached out a hand in return to her as he stepped back from the door.
“You try,” Foggy slurred to the woman. “Maybe he’ll listen to the pretty girl.” He leaned towards her and attempted to whisper, “Pretend I’m not here.”
My brow quirked as I neared the pair. He had just been banging on the door, how was she to pretend he wasn’t here?
The young blonde turned, drunkenly agreeing before facing Matt’s door.
“Matt,” the young woman called out, her voice cracking a little at the pitch. “It’s Karen,” she continued, voice slurring, “and I’m very, very sorry about this. If I were you, I would not come to this door.” She paused, glancing at Foggy and giggling before continuing. “But I think I also drank the eel.”
Clearly forgetting the part about wanting to pretend he wasn’t present, Foggy began shouting again beside the woman known as Karen.
“And we are now filled with mighty eel strength,” Foggy shouted, pounding on the door again as Karen broke into giggles. “Matt! Come on! We’re staying out until the sunrise!”
Suddenly Karen spotted me in the hall and let out a gasp, a hand flying up to cover the big, sheepish smile on her face.
“Oh, no,” Karen muttered.
Foggy glanced over his shoulder and spotted me. It took his brain a moment to make the connection before his eyes lit up and he pointed a finger roughly at me.
“Olivia!” he exclaimed.
My eyes widened as I neared my door. Clearly uncaring of the bags in my hands, Foggy stepped across the hall towards me and roughly clapped me on the shoulder.
“Do you know if Matt is home?” he asked me.
A breathy laugh left my lips as I glanced at the door they’d been yelling at for probably a few minutes now.
“I mean, he’s blind and not deaf right?” I quipped. “I’m pretty sure he’d have answered by now if he was home.”
Karen dropped into another fit of giggles from her place against Matt’s door. “She has a point,” she said.
Foggy’s eyes dropped down to the bags in my hand and an overexaggerated look of surprise flew across his face.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t see you carrying all of those!” he said, quickly scrambling to take a few bags from my hands and ignoring the dumbfounded expression on my face.
“Foggy, you shouldn’t just–” Karen began, but she began to laugh at his overeagerness and didn’t finish her thought.
“Let me help you bring these in,” Foggy said. “It’s the neighborly thing to do.”
My lip tugged upwards at his words, a hint of a smile gracing my lips. “But you’re not my neighbor,” I pointed out.
Foggy only sloppily waved a hand at my words. “Potato piñata” he answered simply.
I glanced over at Karen who had taken a few steps closer. They seemed harmless enough, and they were pretty drunk. And it did feel nice to not be carrying six bags.
“Alright, fine,” I relented as I turned and fished my keys from my pocket. “I appreciate the gesture.”
I unlocked my apartment and waved my hand at the doorway, allowing the pair to enter first. I followed in behind them, closing the door after. I tossed my keys on the console table as usual before slipping out of my running shoes. Then I made my way into the kitchen where Foggy had already placed the bags he’d taken from me on the counter. He was pulling items out and curiously scanning them as Karen leant against the breakfast bar, her chin resting on one of her hands. When I entered the room, her eyes met mine and she stood tall, holding her hand out towards me.
“I’m Karen,” she introduced herself.
I placed the bags in one hand on the counter in order to shake her offered hand.
“Olivia,” I told her.
“They mentioned you this morning,” Karen said, eyeing me curiously.
My brows furrowed in confusion as I placed the rest of my bags on the counter. I glanced up at her with a slight frown.
“Who mentioned me?” I asked.
“Foggy and Matt,” she replied.
My eyes turned slowly towards Foggy, who was eyeing a head of cauliflower in extreme interest. His cheeks were pink and I couldn’t tell if it was from the alcohol or embarrassment. Slowly my gaze traveled back to Karen who was grinning. I leant against the breakfast bar, mimicking Karen’s relaxed posture.
“And what’d they say about me?” I asked curiously.
She leaned in as she spoke, a smile on her face. “Apparently Matt thinks you’re sweet. And pretty.”
I felt my palms sweat at her words and absently wiped them against my jeans. Internally, my brain told me that information wasn’t important. I didn’t do relationships. I’d only been in a relationship once and it didn’t end well. But my racing heart and the blush in my cheeks didn’t appear to care. I cleared my throat and tried to make a joke instead.
“He’s barely met me and also–he can’t see what I look like,” I pointed out.
“I told you this morning,” Foggy said, catching my eye across the counter. “It’s his super power.”
I rolled my eyes and shrugged before pushing off of the counter and beginning to put away the groceries in my kitchen.
“He said he’d been trying to find a chance to bump into you in the hall for days now,” Karen continued.
My hand momentarily paused on the fridge door before I opened it and knelt down, unloading some fruit into the fruit drawer.
“He said he’d…overheard you screaming a few times at night,” Karen added, her voice a little softer. “He’d wanted to check on you but…didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
I swallowed hard. “Sounds like he’s paying too much attention to my apartment,” I mused.
Foggy appeared beside me, cauliflower in hand. He held it out to me and I took it, placing it in the appropriate drawer before he handed me more vegetables.
“I told you,” Foggy said again. “He always knows when there’s a pretty girl. And usually he’s a sucker for the ones with questionable morals,” he told me, and I felt my stomach twist, “but maybe he’s got a soft spot for damsels in distress.”
I snorted at his comment, glancing up from my position on the floor in front of the fridge at him with raised brows.
“I am certainly not a damsel in distress,” I told him.
“Well,” Foggy said, his tone already taking on a note of disagreement, “you are a young woman.” He waved his hand at me as if to prove his point. “And he says he’s heard you screaming a few times in the middle of the night–”
“I get nightmares,” I cut in defensively.
Foggy raised his hands at my words. “I’m just saying, you sounded in distress. Ergo–damsel in distress.”
I let out a grunt before getting off of the floor and closing the fridge door before grabbing more items out of the grocery bags and putting them away in the pantry cabinet.
“Unfortunately for him,” I said, trying to sound disinterested, “I don’t do relationships. Or one night stands. Especially not with…guys like him.”
“What’s that mean?” Foggy asked curiously.
I closed the cabinet door and glanced at him and Karen. They were eyeing me curiously now.
“Flirts,” I said simply.
A sheepish look crossed Foggy’s face at the word.
“Matt is pretty popular with the ladies,” Foggy admitted slowly. “Or so he says.”
“Yeah, not my type,” I said flatly as I put away the rest of the groceries and began clearing the bags.
“You want to come out with us?” Karen suddenly shot out.
I turned, meeting her gaze with a raised brow.
“It’s just, I don’t feel like being alone in my apartment right now,” Karen spewed quickly. “And we were planning to stay out until the sun rose. And Matt said you just moved to the city this past week, so I’m guessing you don’t know anyone here yet. So,” she paused, catching her breath before asking again, “would you like to come out with us?”
I bit my lip and glanced between a hopeful looking Foggy and Karen’s expectant eyes. It was true, I didn’t know anyone in the city. Friends would be nice, it was something I usually didn’t have. But I also wasn’t great at any relationships–the lack of experience from growing up in a lab made sure of that.
But…it was something I’d always wanted. A normal life. Friends. Maybe a relationship…someday. And I’d been antsy here all week, unable to really settle. If I stayed in, I’d just go to sleep soon. Probably wake up from another nightmare covered in sweat and spiraling mentally. Or I could go out with these two seemingly friendly individuals.
“Sure,” I answered slowly.
Foggy pumped his fist in the air and Karen let out an excited gasp.
“Really?” she asked quickly.
I shrugged. “Sure, why not. You’re right, I don’t know anyone here. Might be nice to make some friends.”
“Yes!” Foggy exclaimed. “Let’s go!”
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iamgrape · 2 years
Incubus Mayoi Ayase: Preference
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Below this is a mature Content, YOU BEEN WARNED.
Content: Gender change /swap(?) But still use original Pronouns despite the genitals being different. Fem! Succubus! Mayoi Ayase. Male! Reader. Dom Reader. Double penetration, object penetration, lactating, overestimated. NOT PROOFREAD AND EDITED FOR SPELLING AND GRAMMAR YET
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-* .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
You look at the book that was lend to you by your neighbor and to the incubus who's seating on the floor on his knees.
You did not order him to seat in the floor. He just did that on his own after the visitor left. Maybe he get guilty he invited someone who you don't know inside.
"... What is this "preference" limit?" You ask as your eyes curiously trace the letters that tells you that incubus have the ability to follow what the target wanted. Or kink in simple terms.
"...i-- I'm not sure..." He don't explore what he can do as he was in a very terrible diet that unable him to freely use his powers too much for thousand of years.
"Oh! It's the tag isn't it?" You open your phone to go to the reference site you always went and went to the tag. You scroll to them and look at mayoi.
"Hmm.... Oh gore.... Zombie then? You know like those in Chinese novel. Smegsy zombies..." Your eyes sparkle as you look at him.
"e-ehmm..." He look at you surprised why would you choice dark at first.
But he cannot question what you like. Taking a deep breath. With a poof mayoi change to a very pale corpse. Through there's a black vine marking and long nails. His eyes are pure black as well his hair. Yet other than that he still look like mayoi.
"Ok, are you in for my brain or to fuck me? Ahaha." You joked as mayoi approach you in slow motion. He softly trace your feature and you thought how odd it was as he isn't speaking.
His hand felt like ice as he lean and run his cold skin against yours, he smell your scent and his particularly seating on your lap as he mutely felt your warm skin against his and hugging you even through each move his bone made a snapping sound.
"I'm hungry..." His sharps teeth's glaze on top of your flesh.
Threatening to bite yet before he could Mayoi poof back to normal. Breathing heavily as if he have to force himself back to normal. He hugs you as if he just saw something terrible.
"Whats wrong?"
"Nothing..." He don't say.
"Cool." You mumble, not wanting to dig more to his secret. Something are better off not knowing after all.
"Still want to continue?" You wanted to change the topic as you brush and pat his head to comfort him. "Hmm..." He nodded his head.
"Hmm..." You wonder which one he should try next. Suddenly you thought of something. " Hey hey can you be a genderbend of yourself --" your smile seems to be so wide by your smart idea
"O-oh... I can try..." He saw your smile, very excited smile. He suddenly felt very conscious if he can't do what you wanted to see, he takes a deep breath and transform to his gender swap version, an succubus.
He can't see himself but he saw you looking at him with wide eyes, enough for him to be so shy and turn away. "Y-your S-staring... T-too much!" Even his voice sound so feminine it shock him.
"I-i..." You mumble as you swallow a breath. You suddenly have hard time processing everything as you look Mayoi in his female form. Your eyes look at his female body 3 size.
Bust 94 cm (37)
Waist 58 cm (23)
Hips 88 cm (34)
Bra Size 37 H Cup
"....... shit." You quickly look away from him, all red and bothered. Even your ears are so red to see. "Nononononothiscantbe...." You wanna hit your head to the wall because it felt like this form would effect you with his lust demon aphrodisiac effect than his original form. Fucking succubus isn't one to mess with.
"(N-Name)...? D-do I l-look bad...? W-why are you looking away... I'm sorry I'm not good enough in this form...!" He seems to notice how your not able to look at him anymore in that form, he thought it's a look of disgust and disappointment. His horribly wrong! It's too much for you to handle!
Ahhhhh! Don't press your boobs on my back, I might faint....!!' you thought as you felt him giving you a hug from behind, his bosom pressing against to your back, it made you blush even more.
"D-do you hate it that much...? I'm I really ugly in this form...hic..." Tears start to fall from her--his eyes as he try to turn your head to look at him but if you look at him more, you really cannot help but drool or even do worse! It's too much l!
"N-no... It's not! It's not!" You try to comfort him but that's mean you have to look at his direction and at that very moment you saw his very seductive tearful beautiful face and his melon bosom against your arm, you lost it. Everything turn dark.
when you wake up you felt softness of your mattress and a moan when you rub your head against your very soft pillow.
"Hm...?" You question why your hearing a moan just now but your too doze off and love your new pillow!
You continue rub your face against your pillow and even went to check it out with your hand.
You hold your pillow haft asleep, grope the pillow that seem... Meaty. You start to sweat as you hear a feminine moan again very close to your ears.
"A~ah... (N-Name)..." You heard your pillow moan. You swallowed hard as you realize it's not really a pillow but you shamelessly continue to lay your head against Mayoi's female form bosom as you circle your arms around his waist. You felt your in heaven~ ah~ such a delight ~
"Hehehe..." You giggle as you look up to him who's face is so read yet so beautiful ~ "(n-name)... Your awake...!" He excitedly says as he hug you tightly smooching your face to his boobs, a heavenly feeling you dont mind being in even through you kinda need to breath.
You only giggle enjoying the feeling more. Through the lack of oxygen made you black out again, but your smiling like a perv.
"Nonononononoooooo." You complained like a child as you hug mayoi and not wanting him to turn back yet. You act so childish it's so new to him and made him taken back, by a lot.
"E-eh ... Do you like this form that much....?' he start to worry a bit but seeing you loving him more and showing an odd sight he never seen before made him forget his worry.
"I like all of you of courses! Ahaha. It's still you even if your a zombie or a succubus." You honestly says. " Remember that I'm someone reborn many times? Or reincarnated many times. I been both male and female. I'm neutral at the concept of difference of male and female now, either be a male or female. I still be a socket of a plug." You winked at him, he blush so red at your words.
"I remember when I was a dude once. Ya know the time I was a pirate. Some crew mate have this chitchat about a beautiful woman taken advantage of us and being fucked from behind. Ahahahah--...." Suddenly you stop laughing at fond memories as your eyes sparkle as you look at him. He saw your gaze and notice the hormones your releasing increase again. You put your hand to his shoulder.
"I read earlier. You can also change your target body for preference..." Your neither male or female but you would want to make one of your bucket list checked if he can do what you wanted.
"(N-Name)...?!" He ask you worriedly but a smile seems to slowly creep on his face as you pulled him into your bedroom. You went to get something to your drawer a gift you get from a neighbor. A chocolate lipstick. Literal chocolate.
"Here you go laddy~" you put it to his hand as he seat on the bed. He look confuse at the lipstick and at you. "H-huh...? W-what.... W-wait--. Do you still want to be a male ?" He ask you and you nodded. He bite his lower lips before he pulled you to a kiss. That very moment he pulled away, you felt odd. Familiar but odd. You look at your body and start groping yourself, inspection and check up happened at that moment.
You somehow have abs and muscle mass for some reason...??? And of course male genitals.
"Ohhhh...." You mumble and heard your voice lean in to the masculine and deeper side now. ".... Why are you blushing like that?" You turn to look at Mayoi who's face is so red and shyly look away when you notice his stare at you.
"Do I look pleasing in the eye for Mayoi?" You held his hand and made his hand touch your chest and let him do the exploring with a grin pasted in your face. With a blushing face he slowly trace your chest down to each of your muscle. Somehow you see your mirror in the wall, realize you look like your previous incarnation.
When your a pirate, through less of the scars that you taken from fighting other pirate and some accident you rather not remember in your body, maybe it's that time when you still debating if you should be a pirate or be low abiding citizen. Of course you take the first choice since being a normal citizen means boring life and you wanna hit reach rich at ez choice, through it's not the case when you start sailing.
"Ahaha~ I thought you would rather transform me to a shota/shouta or something." You chuckle as you jested which made him pause from trying to remove your t-shirt off you without you noticing (enough to give a care)
"H-huh...?! W-why d-did you even--"
"Don't worry we can still try that next time~" you don't let him finish his questions or else you might answer him that would make him more embarrassed about what you notice about him.
You take your t-shirt off and grab the chocolate lipstick. "Stick out your tongue." You instructed and he follow along through still red as a rose. You made him lick the lipstick before you apply the lipstick at his beautiful lips perfectly, with your previous experience in another life. Lipstick isn't a big deal. The whole other make up is.
"So beautiful ~" you complimented before you kiss him, licking thr sweet chocolate off his lips is such a good food play, you felt so lustful as the kiss become more passionate and deeper.
The mark on you felt so warm again, it made certain organ be fueled by it and be throbbing in pain, you even lose straight to stand up but before you can give way to the ground, Mayoi pulled you closer to him. Making you seat in his lap.
"Hmmnnn~" you slowly felt so drunk in something. You look at Mayoi with a soft smile with red tainted face. Something in your mind suddenly clicked as if a lock being open with a key and that very moment something become off with you.
Mayoi suddenly look at the lipstick mark and almost cry out when he realize it's Asmodeus blood Choco lipstick.
It's a fucking aphrodisiac made from the finest source material -- lord of Lust, Asmodeus blood. Most potent one out of all Lust demon. Of course he won't get effected by it but your a different case. He wonders how you get hands on those. But before he can question more he is push to lay on his back on the bed by you.
"Darling ~ do you want me to take your pussy virginity ~?" He saw your eyes become peach with fading pink, the same eye color of a certain Lord of Lust-- Asmodeus. A sweet seductive grin pasted on your face as his eyes drift down to his mark on you, it's seems to be spreading and forming a shadow like devil wings and tattoo outfit.
"Silence means yes...ehehe~" he was surprised when you suddenly went down to kiss him again, while your other hand is playing with his already harden nipples and groping his bosom causing him to moan to the kiss but it's all muffle as you continue to kiss him while your two hands busy exploring it's new domain.
"Ahnnn~ nuuughh...."he squirm under you as you start to play at his new form sensitive nerve in his lower region.
" Your so cute right now, darling ~" you commented as you give him a peck in his forehead, flattering gaze he look at you as you put his right leg up on your shoulder blade.
He felt something hard and warm against his already wet pussy abd shyly look down before he gap a mouthful of saliva and embarrassedly look away which cause you to chuckle.
"Don't worry ~ I'll foreplay with you first ~ don't Darling want to take control of me like you did before~?" You gaze at him with temporary lusty peach colored eyes causing him to jolt as he realize you know what happened to you when you eat his semen before.
"I swear I don't mean--ahhh~~~ " his words stop as you start to insert a finger and start to stretch and play with his pussy.
"Hhmnnnghnnn....~~" he moan as you start to use two finger doing a scissors like gesture as you slide in and out. his Inside clenching at your finger as you continue to add more finger and increase your pace. Your free hand held his right leg in place through you did squeeze his thick tight a bit.
"S-something is-- ughhhhnnnnn~" his inside suddenly tighten it's grip on your fingers before he suddenly throw back his head as he squirt in your left hand.
You giggle as you lick your left hand clean.
"Heads up, darling~" you suddenly says with shift move you held his hips and effortlessly carried him to your arms and as his still in the moment of orgasm, he suddenly felt you lining up against his pussy but before he can process faster, you already slam his hips down, entering in one go.
" Ah~~" he unconsciously wrap his legs around your waist as he once again throw back his head as he moaned at the feeling of being so full inside, all he could feel is pleasure, and endless amount of sexual hormones, feeding him along the way.
"Aha~ ahh~ ughhhhmnn...." You bite your lower lips as you try to muffle your moans as you felt his inside cramping and clenching around you, it's so warm and tight. It almost made you cum at that very moment but refuse to do so!
"What a slut ya are, darling~" you squeeze his hips causing him to moan as he lean his head against your right shoulder with his two hands holding onto you, fearing to fall. At that moment you saw his wings have long become a wing marking from his waistline to his upper back.
"Ughhhhmmnmnnnn.... D-dont m--hhmmm" you giggle as you finally able to find the key point of how to continue your little fun~ you held his booties up, leaving only the tip in before you slam him down.
"Ahh~~~" He moan so loud your neighbor would file public disturbance tommorow. His nails buried in your back drawing blood.
"o-oh nhooo!" He saw what he cause and almost become an apologetic mess if you don't continue ramming deep into him while you chuckle through you can't help but try to muffle your moans again when his warm and wet inside start to clinged and grip on is too much for you to handle.
you even felt your legs giving way but as you pummeled and ram inside him for few more times. you two collapse in the bed with him on his back and with a final thrust you felt something rushing out and shivered as you felt releasing inside of him. You felt so light headed, feeling as if in cloud nine as you rest your head against his bosom.
"S-so hot...ughhhhmmmnn~ y-your seeds is pouring deep inside of me...!" he whimpers as he ravish the warm liquid that is pouring inside out of him.
His heaved breath, drooling and sweating yet he still want more! He want more...!
"(N-Name)...~" he whimper as he start to move with his legs securing it's grip on your waist. You chuckle as you held his face and giving him a deep kiss.
"I guess certain someone isn't full yet~" you chuckle. "M-maybe~ fufu." He nibble on your ear lobes with a grin. You sigh, it be a long night ~
"Come on~ darling ~ don't run away~ " you giggle feeling less tired than you should be after uncountable rounds. You decided to do something yet it seems your companion is a little denial about liking the next position.
"Nguuhhhh.... T-too much..." He mumble as his on all fours in the bed, trying to crawl away as you held his hips in place. You did a little revenge on his habit of not pulling out even a second to leak out a single drop as take out a certain plug toy a certain incubus brought to your place a while ago.
You chuckle as you held his bulging stomach causing him to moan against the pillow. You lick the toy to be nice and slippery before you remove yourself from him but before he can leak out a drop, you ram the toy into him, plugging the hole shut.
"H-huh...?!" He look behind to see what evil ( through you doing something such only turns him on more ) your trying to do now.
He saw you opening a lube bottle, he brought here from demon realm, he felt something cold on his backdoor hole, his eyes widen as you give him a wink before you a line yourself in his asshole, he eyed you as he give you a watchful yet excited gaze.
You chuckle at the gaze his giving you as he was still ' reluctant ' to do this earlier. You tease him a bit and when his finally relax, you slowly enter him.
" hmmmnnnn....." you gasp a breath, as You reveled at the moment. It's so... Thight you question how you manage to enter with it's inside trying to milk you out of content at the very moment you enter.
"Ahh~ AHHH~ UGHHHHMNN ~~" Mayoi felt so full with both holes being penetrated at the same time. His tongue is out as his eyes roll back out of pleasure he unconsciously start moving his hips back and forth on his own seeking more of the pleasure.
"F-fuck... " You groan and grip on his hips as his movement cause you to be overwhelmed by intoxicating feeling. 'shit shit I'm blocking out--' you tried to maintain control of consciousness since you did do the same thing you did with his semen. But somehow you can maintain your own will for a while but it's slowly slipping away as you come in his ass unable to handle it.
Mqyoi felt you tag his hair back, causing him to groan and whimper yet he love it...!
"M-more~" he moaned as you seat down to the bed, and he ride you with his back facing you, his hips keeps it's repulsive movement and you moaned as move your free hand to play with the dildo in his pussy to synchronize the rhyme of penetration in the two holes.
"Ahh~ moremoremoremoreeeeee!!" He is already overestimated and he love it! He should been full long ago but he felt his so hungry! His eyes rolls back as he cum in his ass but it don't stop his movement. "Ahmmm~~" you put a few digit in his mouth with you free hand and he suck on it. His eyes show how he long have succumb to his lust demon nature, his pupil become crazy heart lustful peach (1)
"I love you! I love you!" He moaned as humping on your crotch, his drools falling down as he look how connected you two are with you deep inside of his pussy, it's so meant to be! He thought as he gaze on your lightless eyes. "Ughhhhmnn~" he mewls as the vibrator speed up on his ass. He long change position yet he keep his ass plugged to enjoy the warm liquid you left inside!
"Do you love my boobs~?" As he bounce on your crotch he grope his breast that is too much for his hand to hold. He pinch his nipples sending him more to the edge, his inside clenching the two penetrating hood inside of him. "Ahh~ my love you look so thirsty ~ do... You want to drink milk~?" He ask you who just nodded and he happily lean in as he slam his ass down one more time groaning as he use his abilities while he massage his tits and teasing his nipple before he guide your mouth to his right nipple to suck in it. Warm sweet liquid slowly flow into your mouth and down to your throat as you happily drink each drop as you start to massage his left breast. "S-so cute ..." He groan as he try to focus on your adorable face sucking his breast milk like a baby...
"Ahhh~ " he moan as his eyes roll back at the estimation from his two holes and his tits. He keep moaning as he held his slightly bulging stomach his mind suddenly drifted back to the sight of you sucking his tits as he continue to ride you.
"I..." He starts. His devil tail with heart shape end, that he never let lose and have made it stay in dormant state since a long ago-- or a marking on his tight suddenly move and unmarked itself and it start to swing behind him, he grin as he use move his tail to his liking.
"What....?" You saw something move behind him but not sure what to make out of it nor your overestimated mind would let you think too much of it and he made you return to sucking on his left nipples.
"Ah~ my love should just focus getting your fill ok?" He grin as he held your face, looking at you so adoringly as his tail slowly went near your asshole.
"Hmmmnn?!" You almost choke on the breast milk when you Felt something entering your ass. "Shh~ relax~ fufu. Your so cute~" he chuckle as he hugged you closer to his bosom. While his tail search for your sweet spot, you moan when he start pressing in it. "Fufufu ~ "he chuckle as start to move again making you cry out from too much estimations. "Won't you feed us more ~? Don't worry once we're feed well... We can rest~" he kiss your cheeks. You nodded your head not understanding much what his saying again, you held his hips as you meet his thrust. He moaned as he trace the mark that extended in your back its seems it extended and grow a silly thought come in his mind again as he look at your lightless gaze.
"If... If you become a demon of lust like me... We can live forever together... " He mumble as warm tears fall from his eyes. He don't know if it's the pleasure or it's pressure of his emotions that cause him to cry. "Won't it be great...?" He added.
"Ahmnn....~~" you shiver as you come undone inside of him, your nails dig on his hips causing him to moan from pain and pleasure. he felt the warm pouring inside of him and can't help but cum again.
His tongue hang out as his eyes rolled back, his thoughts from before is forgotten at the moment of climax. "Kiss..." You felt so tired but you reach out to grab the back of his neck and pulled him for one more passionate kiss before your knock out cold.
He softly lay your head against the pillow as he lay on top of you after he pulled the cover from the floor, it seems its been thrown out in the middle of the fun time.
He cover the two of you before he lay on top of you still connected with one another. He held his stomach as he complicating if he absorb the love juice of you two as nutrients or ...
He look at your peaceful sleeping form. He smile softly as he decided his choice. He lay back to sleep on top of you and you happily circle your arms around him with a soft hum.
"I love you..." He kiss your forehead. "Hmm. Love your too." You mumble to your sleep.
".... Hey when are you are going back to your incubus form?" You ask Mayoi who still in his female form. Your long back to your original self as you take mouthful of rice as he serve you seconds. He is wearing an apron and is cooking breakfast for you.
"D-do you not like it anymore...?!" He cried out as he look at you in wide eyes you quickly denied his claim.
"Nonono! I love it, I love all your forms ok? I keep eyeing your booing boing boobs everytime you move it bounce. Damn physics. It's too distracting..." You point out as take a bite of ( favorite cooked breakfast ) he made.
"Ooh..." He blush as he held the spatula firmly he shy away and his boobs jiggle again when he move. "I'll stay at this form for a while... If you don't mind..." He fidget in his hand as he look at you in the eyes before darting back to the plate.
"....suit yourself. It's doesn't really matter to me if you want to stay in that form. I'm just asking earlier cause, just because. Ahaha." You chuckle as you went back to your meal. He eats with you, enjoying a simple breakfast with you even through he don't really need to eat human food.
His gaze went to look at the fading marking in your shoulder and how your eye color return to it's normal lovely (color) orbs. 'its not permanent... Ah... I need to research how to turn a human to a demon....' he thought a bit sad that it's not a permanent thing that made you a haft step a demon of lust, last night.
"Do you wanna live as a demon with me...?" He blurted out.
"What?" You look from your meal when you heard his question.
"N-nothing...!" He quickly shake his head as if his embarrassed of his own question.
"Ah... It's just a stupid hopeless wish of mine... " He mumble a bit sad again.
"Oh. Is it the fact you demons live longer than humans?" You chuckle as you gets where his coming from. "It's been many lifetime already. It felt like an eternity, you know~ I just restart as a baby again in each dead end. It doesn't matter it I'm a demon or a human if you approach and love me again in each lifetime of mine. I will continue to love you again my dear soul mate~" you give him a honest words with a smile.
"...." He look at you unable to response on your reply.
"Well. Even if I wanna be a demon to live eternity with you, we dont know how." You added.
"I...." He start. "I will find a way for us! Even the insignificant devil as I, I desire to have a little demon family with you!" He seems very determined to find a way.
".... oh?" Suddenly you realize something base on his words. You grin as you look at him, you lay your head on the Palm of your hand as look at him, already read him like an open book. " I guess I understand the real reason your still in your female form." You chuckle causing him to blush red.
"Y-you do?" He felt so embarrassed, he been seen through by you already!
"I don't mind if you want too. Ahaha your so silly trying to hide it from me. I have long many years of experience of reading different type of people in many lifetime you know~" you drink your coffee.
"You can wear a disguise right? Go out with me today for a little date~" you and him always fucking like a bunnies in heat but a proper date is at in order beside your going to buy something today.
"D-date...? With me...?!' he was surprised before he start to worry, he don't like being around many people.
"Don't worry if someone try to hit on you, I will not let it pass or slide without a scar or a wound on them. " You chuckle menacingly and your possessive nature appear yet again.
"O-oh...! I-if you want! I'll go...! A date with you!" He can't help but grin like a lovesick man. He suddenly forgot his worries as excitement for the date have over come the fear of strangers.
The two of you went out for a date, he still in his female form and is wearing a black leggings and white long sleeve polo-- it's his polo he always love to wear but it become a dress as it's too large for his female form.
He hide his wings into marks again and his hand wear gloves as he happily link your hands together as you two walk down the street.
You guys went to watch movies, and went shopping and while his being harass by the gaze of pass by people, you throw a middle finger and give a menacing smile to scare them off and they did run away the moment they saw your smile.
Through your not someone who don't get attention as you walk by people. Mayoi can't help but held onto you tighter as he notice glance from both male and female looking at you, as your too charming and have a mysterious and rouge aura in you.
He felt being emotional again but you kiss him when you notice his salty gaze, leading the people who stares at you two to sworn at the sight and felt pang of envious of the two of you, yet you two love each other and no one can go against it.
You all went to different shop and eat many sweets and deserts in the street walk, in the end of the day the two of you went dating park and seat in a bench.
You made him lean on your shoulder as you held each other hands through you did reach out to get something to your pocket for a moment but return to held his hand again.
"I love you." You mumble with a smile, he grip on your hand tightened. "I love you too.." he smiled as he replied with the same honestly.
"Good. We're stuck forever and ever... " You chuckle as you raise your left hand linked to his right hand to a eye level to show him something.
"Ah... " His eyes widen as he saw a ring in his right, ring finger. He doesn't even notice you putting a ring in him as his too happy to be with you today.
"H-hic... Y-you..." Tears falling in his eyes out of happiness and you hug him and he cried in your arms so happy at the moment and you just smile and pat his back and pet his hair.
"I love you! I love you!" He happily repeated as he hugs you while crying and you return each words back
"I love you too~ I love you too~" as a he would repeat and feeling very happy as you two hugs one another. You smile at the thought your soul mate in this life finally yours for sure.
'my dearest eternal companion, my soul mate... Mayoi Ayase. I love you. Human or not.' you kiss his forehead as you thought those words.
FootNote: If Mayoi have done his incubus duty properly he should been the lord of Lust or under the command of the lord of the Lust , Asmodeus as the first demon in command. As his one of the first if not the first incubus to ever existed.
If feed well with sexual hormones he can do much more using incubus magic. Sometimes his transformation of preference is him transforming to another version of himself, like changing place with an alternative self of his that pass the preference.
But of course it Only apply if the category of preference is not a lust demon. He can also gender swap his target but for now it's the only limit he knows. Idk the other people concept of Gender neutral. But for me their body look like a doll body but no big bosom
(1) peach colored eyes with heart shape means a lust demon succumbing to their nature. It's the same eye color as the Lord of Lust. Asmodeus.
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uh-ohspaghettio · 1 year
Favorite book you’ve read this year? Also which book would you like to share with Castiel and/or Jack?
Ok so I’ve been in a major reading slump this year so this is technically a favorite of 2022 but I really loved Switch by A.S King. It’s a very unique and original story to me and it really resonates with the time we’re in.
Hmm tough to answer which book I’d show Cas or Jack. Honestly maybe a Roald Dahl book cause I used to enjoy those so much and I want to spread the joy. Maybe the magic finger- the one where the girl accidentally turns her neighbors into half birds.
I will also say there’s a book my dad loved called Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein that he said when Jack was introduced he reminded him of the main character and even googled if Jack was at all inspired by him because he’s this boy who’s new to earth struggles with his powers so maybe I’d share that with Jack but it should be noted that I’ve never actually read it
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blueberrymclean · 1 year
This is a random question but, do you ever plan to put the newer Total drama characters in your AUs or nah? :0
Just curious that's all. Xd
Hmm..It seems that I had plans to add new characters for my AU’s (I already once made new characters (namely, Christina's real parents, but I want to make another story about them))
For example : A painful past (and Welcome to Cooperdale) I wanted to add campers/participants (old and new).I mean some of them are former members of the show (and some are new members for the new season).They appear as minor characters (Sometimes they can also be background characters)..
I wanted to add characters that would play an important role in the plot (or…even the theory).
Also..I wanted to add siblings or cousins for some of my td next generation kids.
For example : I would add her as John's older sister (or cousin) (I will change the design and name a bit)
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Of course, I wanted to add more new td next generation kids, but … there is no desire to make them yet (If there is a desire to create them, then of course I will add them)
About Secret Host…Don't know yet..Maybe I'll add "the Eaters" (they are something like The Thing/Shadow man from Hello Neighbor).or a character that looks like The Guest (Raven man), only instead of a raven They will … hmm … I don’t know…Beaver man? 🤨
I have more ideas for character creation (if I don't lose interest in this au)
Will I add original td characters (not ocs)? Hmm..Maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️
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That's all I can answer you
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princesssarisa · 2 years
Character ask: Angelica Pickles (Rugrats)
This is for the original series only, not for All Grown Up, Rugrats Preschool Daze, or the recent CGI reboot, which I've never seen.
Favorite thing about them: She's funny and sassy, and overall she's a great antagonist whom we love to hate and love seeing get her assorted comeuppances. Yet I also like that she has sympathetic moments now and then, which save her from being too hatable.
Also, she has the perfect little brat voice. Cheryl Chase is an expert at voicing little girls – both as Angelica and as Mei in the first English dub of My Neighbor Totoro, you'd almost think she was a real preschooler.
Least favorite thing about them: How mean and bratty she is. That probably goes without saying.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I'm an only child.
*My parents sometimes spoiled me when I was little.
*I love cookies.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I didn't bully younger kids as a preschooler.
*I'm not blonde.
*I've never owned a cat.
Favorite line:
From "Slumber Party," when Tommy asks her what a slumber party is:
"If you have to ask, you'll never know."
From "Rhinoceritis," when she brushes aside Chuckie's concern that her dad seemed mad at the chaos caused by her attempts to play doctor:
"That's 'cause he's threatened by working women."
From "Angelica's In Love," her uniquely childlike way of describing romantic heartbreak:
"I felt like a toy without batteries."
From "Toys in the Attic," her imitation of Boris and Minka's Yiddishisms at the end:
"Cable schmable! Who needs the cable when you got family by your side?"
And of course her catchphrase:
"You dumb babies!"
brOTP: Her cat Fluffy, and in her more sympathetic moments, the babies.
OTP: Maybe either Dean or Jean-Claude from "Angelica's in Love," but really she's too young for romance.
nOTP: Any adult.
Random headcanon: Just like Aunt Miriam and Grandpa Lou, she and Tommy will eventually talk out their differences as adults and become friends. Like Miriam, Angelica will admit that she only bullied Tommy because she was jealous of how much everyone liked him. Hopefully this will happen before they're in their 70s, though.
Unpopular opinion: Hmm... I haven't spent much time in the show's adult fandom, but apparently it's fairly popular to ship her with Chuckie when they're older. So I guess the fact that I don't ship them is my unpopular opinion.
Song I associate with them:
"Vacation" from the special A Rugrats Vacation, where the characters all go to Las Vegas.
Her version of "One Way or Another" from The Rugrats Movie.
And her mangled rendition of "My Country, 'Tis of Thee" ("My country, tears of thee/Sweet land of lizardy...") from the episode "Beauty Contest."
Favorite picture of them:
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jacscorner · 6 months
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[Jango: I don't get why people don't like me. I'm not the bad guy in this story!]
Sector 7 of the Phoca Gigas system, Space Station Isis. The sector is the home of the Artisan Guild. Painters, sculptors, bakers, writers, and various workers from metal to wood to cloth and so on. The Artisans, in a lot of ways, are the backbone of the sector. There is no solar system here, just a collection of colony worlds and space stations. It's neutral territory for various warring warlords, all fighting for the right to take the Solar Throne and become master of the universe.
On the 7th day of the 7th month of the cosmic calendar is the day every Artisan looks forward to: Auction Day. Where Artisans do everything in their power to sell the best of their crafts. Some sell pieces, others try to market themselves to sell their services. The only rule - an unspoken one - is that the Artisans never know who will be there. After all; who rules what pieces of space can change at the drop of a hat. One year, you're dealing with the God Emperor of the Red World. The next, he's been dethroned by his second cousin, who was assassinated by his wife, and she was conquered by her neighbor and is the accompanying slave of the God Empress of the Gold World.
[Jango: ...Okay, so I'm not the good guy in this story either. But I'm not a drug lord or war profiteer.]
Jango Fox had a lot of paintings on display. As a member of the guild, he also looked forward to this day. He had many displays in his section. But there was one piece he made special. With information slipped to him by a broker he was good friends with.
[Jango: ...Hey. Don't look at me like that. You can't break a rule that's unwritten. Shishishishi~]
And then, she appeared.
Sesuna Of The Summer Court, a Sylvan of Planet Carver. The Sylvans are a peculiar people; according to them, they evolved from a giant tree on their homeworld. In essence, they're humanoid trees, with bark-like skin. The Sylvans used to be seen as peaceful people, but never weak people. In fact, they have been mostly left alone due to offworlders going to Carver and never coming back. In fact, they were savage, tribal people before these ignorant visiters were slaughtered and their tech salvaged, kickstarting their space age. They have been big players on the world stage since.
And Sesuna was their current ruler.
"Hmm..." Sesuna mused as she looked at the painting displayed. "A depiction of Agape, The Tree of Origin, in the colors that match my leaves." She put a finger to her chin. "If I didn't know any better, Artisan, I'd assume you were trying to pander to me."
"Well~" Jango shrugged his shoulders, "is it working?
"Admittedly, it is." Sesuna answered.
This story is the result of another D&D Campaign that fell through. Seems my bad luck continues with finding a TTRPG group. Though, with how things have been changing in my life, maybe this was GOOD luck, actually...
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rohirric-hunter · 7 months
I'm actually very curious what an intro questline starring Indarant would look like 👀 Forochel as a starting region sounds interesting!
Hmm, I feel like the most interesting thing I could do with this would be to move the story of how Indarant left the Gauredain up to the present day and adjust it for an additional character. (And squish it down a bit; what I'm about to describe took place over several months in the Wind will Set Me Racing 'Verse, but nobody wants timeskips in a tutorial quest.) The PC would be cast as a traveler in Forochel, or maybe a trader, who was attacked and captured by Indarant's tribe. Maybe alongside Lothrandir, or maybe Lothrandir comes to try and rescue them after the fact. Regardless, the PC would have the opportunity to help him convince her to switch sides and free the prisoner(s).
Combat tutorial would be a dramatic escape from the Gauredan camp, interrupted by the presence of a powerful Angmarim sorcerer, who is acting as an emissary to the tribe, trying to stop you. This would be the main tie-in to the Epic, representing a concern Lothrandir would express at some point about an increased number of Angmarim in Forochel. Maybe he would even mention the Lost Company? In any event, Lothrandir would be injured in the fight and you and Indarant would bring him to the nearest Lossoth settlement.
The Lossoth would Not trust Indarant, though. At Lothrandir's behest she would be left alone, but, unwelcome in the settlement, she would leave, and the rest of the tutorial would be Lothrandir giving you tasks to do that he can't do himself a la Aragorn in the human/hobbit intro, with some sidequests from various Lossoth and Indarant. Indarant would go off to investigate the Angmarim that have been interfering with her tribe and point the player in the direction of some troubling discoveries; Angmarim plans for expansion into all the neighboring lands, notes on their search for the Helcessar, and possibly even a mention of all nine Nazgul being at large in Eriador.
On your way back to the settlement, you would find that the Angmarim are preparing a raid on it. Indarant would return with you to warn them, just in time for people to fortify the place and fight off the attack. This would earn Indarant a bit more goodwill from the Lossoth.
This would all tie into the Epic probably when you reported all your findings to Lothrandir. He would be unable to go himself, due to his injury, but he's certain that someone needs to warn Aragorn or Elrond or someone about what the Angmarim are up to, so he would ask you to do it. (He would have asked Indarant as well, but she got into an argument with that sorcerer and may or may not have sworn to kill him and is CLEARLY in no mood to be asked to make a trip to who even knows where right now.) Then, most likely, the PC would be teleported to Archet looking for Aragorn a la Beornings.
(Alternatively, and I absolutely think this is a terrible idea for an MMO but I'll entertain it for the sake of the story, it could be an intro that spits you out at level 50 and you pick up the Epic where it enters Forochel, joining other PCs who came here looking for the missing half of Narchuil. In this case everything would happen a few months later and the PC would likely have found some information about Narchuil itself, and their mission from Lothrandir would be to find whatever it was before the Angmarim could. Again, terrible idea for a video game but it could make for a fun story.)
Maybe as an NPC Indarant would have a sidequest you could help her with when you eventually got back to Forochel, and maybe she would also show up as a character in Vol. III.
(Also I finally found my notes re: Indarant's name. A LotRO name generator original but its parts seem to be ind -- purpose, intent; ar -- noble, kingly; ant -- gift. I'm keeping it because I like the idea of Lothrandir giving it to her as a sort of thank you for saving his life and the lives of the prisoners, and it's a nice reminder for her when she's afraid of the bad things she's done or thinks about doing that she can also choose to have a "noble purpose." This scene would probably be somewhere in the intro and hopefully very touching.)
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sushispider1212 · 8 months
Okay so like…Akira is this ball of absolute chaos and mischievousness, and Yaldy is now a broke college kid taking care of some teenager who was thrown in his lap, and while Yaldy is iffy about Akira and full of guilt and anxiety, Akira is like “damn this shit is better than my real parents! I have a new dad! :D”
Akira absolutely sends yaldy into full blown PANIC at times and has definitely been hit by a shoe at one point
I suppose Yaldy would either be a chem major or a psychology major in college, because lets add more stress onto this God and see how much he can take, and honestly he’s still a loner just like how he is in your fic
Akira is still dealing with the shit at school, and Yaldy is honestly NOT putting up with these assholes bullying HIS KIDDO (I imagine him not putting up with SHIT and is a sassy and sarcastic piece of shit)
While i like the thought of yaldy being able to turn into a birdy, how about he has a bird summon that he has in the metaverse/reality? or even a persona? 👀
Also Akira has definitely woken Yaldy up by standing next to the bed ominously which almost got the poor kiddo kicked into a wall because he scared the shit outta yaldy, and the two band together to make as much noise as possible for their assholes of the upstairs neighbors in their apartment because why not? they’re both petty as fuck and its funny.
Hmm hmm, so would you imagine for this AU, our friend Yaldabaoth is entirely disconnected from his Metaverse origins? Or maybe some other specific thing since the reason why he has his whole bird thing in the fic is specifically because of that. It’ll get explained at some point, and I don’t wish to spoil too much.
But yes, Akira, collector of dads. He has like four in canon and the possibilities are endless.
The Velvet Room would absolutely set him up with like a psychology major or something. It thinks it’s funny. Probably Psychology considering how the series is about cognition and such.
You know, I’ve been debating bringing in summoning Personas in the real world. I think it would be kinda rad for Yaldy in this AU to summon a whole ass bird or something when he’s mildly aggravated.
I imagine Yaldy would be quite wary at first, but about halfway through the year would warm up to Akira.
I’ll probably be brainstorming cool bird personas for this AU now.
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