#Maurice Nadeau
abridurif · 7 months
C’est l’odeur bien avant la lueur qui nous a dégrisés. J’étais adossé à l’orme, épuisé par cette brusque rupture des retenues, s’il y avait eu un dieu je l’eus alors prié de prolonger la grâce de ce silence dans lequel nous étions plongés, quoique pour de bien dissemblables raisons, l’un d’une petite joie tendre, l’autre d’une hésitation naissante, Antoine et moi, sur un fil incertain, une odeur d’herbe sèche, un souffle de vent léger, une avancée, un moment, une esquisse de rencontre. Ou bien peut-être les prémices de longues années de vide, de vaines poursuites, de spéculations hasardeuses : on est toujours entre deux guerres, à son corps défendant en train de se faire voler un geste, une affection, une parole d’amour ou un désir de mort par la perspective sans cesse renouvelée d’un désert d’encre noire à devoir traverser. Mathieu Riboulet, Mère Biscuit, Éditions Maurice Nadeau, 1999
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garadinervi · 11 months
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«Les lettres nouvelles», No. 2, Edited by Maurice Nadeau, Paris, March 11, 1959
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Dessin de J. Zeitoun
Dessin illustrant l’article de Maurice Nadeau, “Adieu à Julien Blanc”, Combat, 26 juillet 1951
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surrealistnyc · 4 months
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André Breton a-t-il dit pase: Charles Duits' remarkable memoir of meeting André Breton in wartime New York as a young poet has been reissued by Éditions Maurice Nadeau.
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Quinzaines - Aventures picturales et amoureuses d’Agnolo Bronzino
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already-14 · 2 years
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(via Les Dessins de Paul Delvaux, Maurice Nadeau 1967, 1ère édition - En vente sur 1stDibs)
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aspho-dele · 4 years
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Indispensable et subversif (subversion non subventionnée) !
Textes gratuits et téléchargeables en pdf
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Maurice Nadeau
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amsaklapper-blog · 7 years
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French mystery novels collection. 24 titles between 1941 and 1948. Only french writers - even if a translator is mentioned, it is fake. The lack of american crime novels during the Occupation, conducted Georges Ventillard to charge Louis Chavance to hire french writers. Mission: produce mystery/crime novels that would take place in the USA and sign them with an american name. No sooner said than done. Chavance recruted Léo Malet (Frank Harding), Maurice Nadeau (Joe Christmas), Louis Daquin (Lewis MacDackin) and others. Chavance himself signed Irving Ford. Most of them were begginers in the genre and most of them didn’t go further than Minuit. A couple of years later, the raw conditions were more or less overlooked and the usual pulp writers went in. 
cover art: Robert Dansler
Publisher: Les Publications Georges Ventillard
Collection director: Louis Chavance
source:amsaklapper’s collection
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saraharakaki · 3 years
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Space Jam 2 art continued... 🎩 #4: layout. (This first one isn’t actually a final layout, but I’m categorizing it as such because the line work ended up in final layouts) ANYWHOOO. Had a blast finally incorporating all of my easter egg predesigns into the Main Street design! The street itself was based off of visdev by @devincrane. The desert layout was a ball of fun... I tried my best to channel Maurice Noble’s incredible style into the desert shapes. Still a ways to go, but I loved learning from a master. It was done in collaboration with Mick DeFalco, with short LeBron drawn by Ray Nadeau.🌵 Final thanks to Lorenzo Martinez and @l1kachu for making these pieces possible, and for making the layout department run! That’s all, folks! 🥕
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abridurif · 7 months
Oui, la mort d’un homme est laborieuse, c’est bien le moins qu’on puisse faire, parvenu à cet horizon, que de tenter de s’y attarder quelque peu. Même s’il lui restait quelques mois ou quelques années à vivre, Marie-Louise était entrée dans les prémices de la grande affaire. Pour ce faire elle prit huit longues semaines de profonde immobilité parcourues de stries d’activité. De mon observatoire de mort-vivant où tout fonctionnait au ralenti, où je goûtais des prémices d’un autre genre mais néanmoins sœurs des siennes, je ne pris pas l’exacte mesure de cette cérémonie qu’elle célébrait seule, là-haut à Saint-Yrieix. J’expérimentais doublement qu’on ne partage ni même ne comprend jamais la douleur des autres, que l’on peut tout au plus l’accompagner, parfois n’en être que le témoin démuni, mais que cette situation, parce qu’elle est la seule possible, se doit d’être vécue pleinement. Mathieu Riboulet, Mère Biscuit, Éditions Maurice Nadeau, 1999
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garadinervi · 5 years
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Georges Perec, (1990), Lettera a Maurice Nadeau, in Sono nato, Translation by Roberta Delbono, «Variantine», Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2012, pp. 45-57
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Maurice Nadeau, « Évasions », La Rue, Juin 1946
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
Thank you all so much for your likes, reblogs and comments. I am so grateful and you are all beautiful! Thank you 🙏🏻
These chats are now my official love letters to @lumosinlove’s amazing sweater weather characters. I love these people.
To my favorite support people: @wxlfstxrx and @siriuslyqueer - thank you! These are for you.
To clear up any confusion; RussianGod is Kuny. Because that’s what the ladies call him. His words, not mine.
So - the first official sweater weather chat!
Sweater weather chat #1
This week on sweater weather chats
Kuny falls in love. Nado pretends he has allergies. Natalie wants to adopt. Kasey is the best. Logan should really sleep. Sunny takes one for the team. There’s a bra in the ceiling fan. Also, who is maurice?
Monday, 4.56 am.
LoganTremblayzzz changed Sunnyswede to Sunnysideup.
Logantremblayzzz changed OlliDefense to Ollibear
Sunnysideup: why are you awake Logan? It’s the ass crack of fucking dawn. Also stop changing our names. But I like it.
LoganTremblayzzz: why’re u up? I can’t sleep. Got dentist early and my teeth hurt.
Sunnysideup: I got a kid projectile vomiting skittles. Wife got an early start tomorrow so I’m on kid night patrol. Parent life is hard. I have to clean up rainbow colored vomit.
LoganTremblayzzz: 🤢🤢
Wednesday, 7.39 am.
Kase ❤️: morning my love. Left early and couldn’t bear to wake you. Have a lovely day. I love you.
Wednesday, 8.42 am.
Natty <3: hey babe. Hope training is going well. Pls be honest with remmy ok? I saw you favor your good thigh last night. I’m bringing Kuny to the shelter today. Nado messaged me this morning. Apparently Remmy suggested he not come to the rink cause he seemed depressed. Do you know if he’s seen heather? Ps I’ll get home in time to cook. Love you. Pps you hockey boys are such babies. He’s out for one weeks practice.
Wednesday 7.45 am.
Nadeau: morning Nat, hope it’s okey I got your number from Kris. Kuny is sad and mopey cause he’s banned from practice and yesterday he moped for 6(?!) hours in the lounge and scared the crap out of a cleaning lady. I know you volunteer at the shelter and I thought puppies might cheer him up
Natalie: hi Nado :) fine. Of course but how am I supposed to get him with me if he’s upset? I’m strong and all but Kuny is a brick wall
Nadeau: Don’t take no for an answer and if he says no just tell him “Maurice”. He’ll know what it means. Don’t ask him. Just. Please and thank you. Also he’s ticklish on his ribs
Natalie: who’s Maurice? I’m intrigued
Nadeau; that’s irrelevant. Please tho. Send me pics I need blackmail material
Natalie: fine. I’ll find out who Maurice is.
Wednesday 9.01 am.
Natalie: why is there a bra in your ceiling fan?
Nadeau; that’s personal. And epic.
Natalie: 🤨 Kuny says we’re fine to take your Porsche
Wednesday 9.01 am.
Kuny: you wanted me happy. I’m happy in Porsche
Nado: Kuny I swear. I will show everyone the Hawaii photos and I mean it
Kuny: sorry *pic of dashboard in natalie’s car*
Wednesday 1.46 pm.
Natty <3: can we adopt him? 😍 *photo of kuny in a pile of puppies, sitting cross legged on the floor and lifting one up to kiss*
Wednesday 2.02 pm.
Kase ❤️: I don’t know if a Russian enforcer is the best pet also not sure Maggie is happy to share her humans? But that’s adorable. I’m gonna print it and frame it he’ll never be able to scare any opponent ever again
Wednesday 2.03 pm.
Kuny: we get cat?
Nado: no. Kuny no cats. I have allergies
Kuny: but. Baby cat in shelter? 😭 we take selfie he he
(Sends pic massive hunky Russian holding tiny fluffy kitten)
Kuny added Natalie to the chat.
Natalie: don’t be a baby. You don’t have allergies, I asked Remus. And kuny is in love and the kitten imprinted. You asked me to entertain him while he recovers from this injury. He’s taking her home. It was either the kitty or a baby alpaca - I thought you’d appreciate the cat. He named her Aya.
Nado: I’m not taking care of it also that’s confidential 😫 my allergies are real. Also wtf is an alpaca? Is that some kind of goat?
Kuny: she is my cat. I take care of her.
3 days later
RussianGod instagram:
@nadotheman “I don’t want cat”
Picture of nado asleep on the couch with tiny fluffy kitty Aya.
What is an alpaca? Is it a kind of goat? Stay tuned for the next sweater weather chat.
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already-14 · 2 years
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La Gana, oeuvre de Fred Deux de 1968. ©Jean Bernard
La Gana
"L'auteur nous a subjugués, envoûtés, et, au vrai, je le dis sans goût pour les paradoxes faciles, c'est peu de huit cents pages pour parvenir à un tel résultat. D'autres n'y seraient pas parvenus en trois mille, et beaucoup par leur oeuvre entier. Fred Deux a découvert une planète que nous pensions connaître : le monde du sexe et de l'organique, ou le monde réduit à ses soubassements sexuels et organiques, alors que nous en ignorions la mystérieuse topographie. Pour dresser celle-ci il fallait sans doute un géographe, il fallait surtout un poète pour conduire le géographe. L'auteur s'est laissé mener par l'enfant qu'il a sans doute été et c'est pourquoi La Gana baigne tout entière dans cette poésie cruelle et violente qui est celle de l'enfance aux prises avec des mystères trop grands pour elle. Cette poésie transforme le sordide en objet d'art. Elle permet de substituer au dégoût ou à l'apitoiement facile la révolte. Elle entraîne un ouvrage qui aurait pu n'être que remarquable, et en marge, dans les grandes eaux d'une littérature qui aide à vivre" - Maurice Nadeau (extrait de la préface).https://kifim.ouest-france.fr/
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[Fred DEUX] (Sous le pseudonyme de) Jean DOUASSOT
La gana
René Julliard, Paris 1958, 14,5x23cm, broché. Edition originale, un des 20 exemplaires numérotés sur alfa mousse
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surrealistnyc · 4 years
A Spark in Search of a Powderkeg
Rebellion is its own justification, completely independent of the chance it has to modify the state of affairs that gives rise to it. It’s a spark in the wind, but a spark in search of a powder keg.
André Breton
If only one thing has brought me joy in the last few weeks, it began when the matriarchs at Unist’ot’en burned the Canadian flag and declared reconciliation is dead. Like wildfire, it swept through the hearts of youth across the territories. Reconciliation was a distraction, a way for them to dangle a carrot in front of us and trick us into behaving. Do we not have a right to the land stolen from our ancestors? It’s time to shut everything the fuck down!
Tawinikay (aka Southern Wind Woman)
The toxic cargo carried in Canadian pipelines, whether it be tar sands oil or fracked liquid natural gas (LNG), is, according to all serious climate scientists, a major, perhaps even decisive contribution to global warming, i.e. ecological catastrophe.   Meant to fuel industrial expansion, the pipelines have themselves become fuel for revolt. Designed to move these dirty fossil fuels from one location to another, they are a crucial element in normalizing the dubious paradise of unlimited growth in awe of which all obedient consumer/citizens are supposed to genuflect. In what the colonial mapmakers have called British Columbia (BC), resource extraction has always been the name of the game. However, the emergence in February of this year of a widespread oppositional network ranging from “land back” Indigenous warriors to elder traditionalists and from Extinction Rebellion activists to anarchist insurrectionaries was heartening. Railways, highways and ferries were blockaded, provincial legislatures, government administrative offices, banks and corporate headquarters were occupied. The catalyst for this rebellion was a widespread Indigenous uprising that refused the illusory promises of reconciliation. Together, these rebel forces disrupted business as usual in solidarity with the Unist’ot’en Big Frog clan of the Wet’suwet’en tribal house.
       ​As objective chance would have it, the primary Indigenous land defense camp is situated not far from the same Hazelton, B.C. area to which surrealist Kurt Seligmann and his wife Arlette had journeyed in 1938. During that time, they visited Gitxsan and Wet’suwet’en villages, marveled at the imaginative power of the totem poles and ceremonial objects, made field notes, shot 16mm film, collected stories and recorded mythic histories. Now, in 2020, growing numbers of these same Indigenous peoples have been threatening to bring the Canadian economy to a grinding halt. Unwilling to be bought off by corporate petrodollars or mollified by a legal system that has never done anything but pacify, brutalize, or betray them in the process of stealing their land, Indigenous peoples passionately fought back against the forces of colonial law and order in a radical whirlwind of willful disobedience and social disruption. One action built upon another in creating a rolling momentum that seemed unstoppable. When one railroad blockade would be busted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), another would spring up in its place elsewhere extending the frontlines of the battle all across the continent. Then the debilitating Covid-19 virus arrived to compound the damage that had previously been done to the capitalist economy by the incendiary virus of revolt. The resistance of these Indigenous communities against the pipelines concerns all of us, worldwide, since they are on the front lines of the struggle to prevent cataclysmic climate change.
       ​In the future, a key question will be whether Canadian authorities can successfully put the genie of Indigenous rebellion back in the colonial bottle of “reconciliation”. As surrealists, we hope they will not, and we stand in solidarity with the unreconciled insurgent spirit of defiant Indigenous resistance. A new reality is to be invented and lived instead of the one that today as yesterday imposes its environmental miserabilism and its colonialist and racist hierarchies.  As surrealists, we honor our historical affinity with the Kwakwaka’wakw Peace Dance headdress that for so long had occupied a place of reverence in André Breton’s study during his lifetime before being ceremoniously returned in 2003 to Alert Bay on Cormorant Island by his daughter, Aube Elléouet, in keeping with her father’s wishes. With this former correspondence in mind, we presently assert that our ongoing desire to manifest the emancipation of the human community as distinctively undertaken in the surrealist domain of intervention is in perfect harmony with the fight of the Indigenous communities of the Americas against globalized Western Civilisation and its ecocidal folly.
                                                                                                               Surrealists in the United States: Gale Ahrens, Will Alexander, Andy Alper, Byron Baker, J.K. Bogartte, Eric Bragg, Thom Burns, Max Cafard, Casi Cline, Steven Cline, Jennifer Cohen, Laura Corsiglia, David Coulter, Jean-Jacques Dauben, Rikki Ducornet, Terri Engels, Barrett John Erickson, Alice Farley, Natalia Fernandez, Brandon Freels, Beth Garon, Paul Garon, Robert Green, Maurice Greenia, Brigitte Nicole Grice, Janice Hathaway, Dale Houstman, Karl Howeth, Joseph Jablonski, Timothy Robert Johnson, Robin D.G. Kelly, Paul McRandle, Irene Plazewska, Theresa Plese, Michael Stone-Richards, David Roediger, Penelope Rosemont, LaDonna Smith, Tamara Smith, Steve Smith, Abigail Susik, Sasha Vlad, Richard Waara, Joel Williams, Craig S. Wilson
Surrealists in the UK: Jay Blackwood, Paul Cowdell, Jill Fenton, Rachel Fijalkowski, Krzysztof Fijalkowski, Merl Fluin, Kathy Fox, Lorna Kirin, Rob Marsden, Douglas Park, Michel Remy, Wedgwood Steventon, Frank Wright, the Leeds Surrealist Group (Gareth Brown, Stephen J. Clark, Kenneth Cox, Luke Dominey, Amalia Higham, Bill Howe, Sarah Metcalf, Peter Overton, Jonathan Tarry, Martin Trippett), the London Surrealist Group (Stuart Inman, Philip Kane, Timothy B. Layden, Jane Sparkes, Darren Thomas) and the surrealists of Wales (Jean Bonnin, Neil Combs, David Greenslade, Jeremy Over, John Richardson, John Welson)
Surrealists in Paris: Ody Saban and The Surrealist Group of Paris (Elise Aru, Michèle Bachelet, Anny Bonnin, Massimo Borghese, Claude-Lucien Cauët, Taisiia Cherkasova, Sylwia Chrostowska, Hervé Delabarre, Alfredo Fernandes, Joël Gayraud, Régis Gayraud, Guy Girard, Michael Löwy, Pierre-André Sauvageot, Bertrand Schmitt, Sylvain Tanquerel, Virginia Tentindo, Michel Zimbacca)
Surrealists in Canada: Montréal (Jacques Desbiens, Peter Dube, Sabatini Lasiesta, Bernar Sancha), Toronto (Beatriz Hausner, Sherri Higgins), Québec City (David Nadeau), Victoria (Erik Volet), the Ottawa Surrealist Group (Jason Abdelhadi, Lake, Patrick Provonost) and the Inner Island Surrealist Group (as.matta, Jesse Gentes, Sheila Nopper, Ron Sakolsky)
The Surrealist Group of Madrid: Eugenio Castro, Andrés Devesa, Jesús Garcia Rodriguez, Vicente Gutiérrez Escudero, Lurdes Martinez, Noé Ortega, Antonio Ramirez, Jose Manuel Rojo, María Santana, Angel Zapata
Surrealists in Sweden: Johannes Bergmark, Erik Bohman, Kalle Eklund, Mattias Forshage, Riyota Kasamatsu, Michael Lundberg, Emma Lundenmark, Maja Lundgren, Kristoffer Noheden, Sebastian Osorio
Surrealists in Holland: Jan Bervoets, Elizé Bleys, Josse De Haan, Rik Lina, Hans Plomp, Pieter Schermer, Wijnand Steemers, Laurens Vancrevel, Her de Vries, Bastiaan Van der Velden
Surrealists in Brazil: Alex Januario, Mário Aldo Barnabé, Diego Cardoso, Elvio Fernandes, Beau Gomez, Rodrigo Qohen, Sergio Lima, Natan Schäfer, Renato Souza
Surrealists in Chile: Jaime Alfaro, Magdalena Benavente, Jorge Herrera F., Miguel Ángel Huerta, Ximena Olguín, Enrique de Santiago, Andrés Soto, Claudia Vila
 The Middle East and North Africa Surrealist Group: Algeria (Onfwan Foud), Egypt (Yasser Abdelkawy, Mohsen El-Belasy, Ghadah Kamal), Iraq (Miechel Al Raie), Syria (Tahani Jalloul), and Palestine (Fakhry Ratrout)
Surrealists in Prague: Frantisek Dryje, Joe Grim Feinberg, Katerina Pinosova, Martin Stejskal, Jan Svankmajer
The Athens Surrealist Group (Elias Melios, Sotiris Liontos, Nikos Stabakis, Theoni Tambaki, Thomas Typaldos, Marianna Xanthopoulou)
Surrealists in Costa Rica: Gaetano Andreoni, Amirah Gazel, Miguel Lohlé, Denis Magarman, Alfonso Peña
Surrealists in Buenos Aires: Silvia Guiard, Luís Conde, Alejandro Michel
Surrealists in Australia: Anthony Redmond, Michael Vandelaar, Tim White
Surrealists in Portugal: Miguel de Carvalho, Luiz Morgadinho
Surrealists in Bucharest (Dan Stanciu), Mexico (Susana Wald), and the Canary Islands (Jose Miguel Perez Corales)
 Postscript: During the process of gathering signatures for the above declaration, we were inspired to see its uncompromising stance against white supremacy and police repression reflected in the brightly sparkling flames of the Minneapolis uprising that lit a powder keg of pent-up rage and incited an earth-shaking eruption of spontaneous rebellion in the streets of America. It was only fitting that in solidarity with the uprising about police brutality kicked off by George Floyd’s execution/lynching at the hands of the police, anti-racism protestors in the United States would take direct action by beheading or bringing down statues of Christopher Columbus, genocidal symbol of the colonial expropriation of Native American lands. (Guy Girard, Michael Löwy, Penelope Rosemont, and Ron Sakolsky, June 18, 2020).
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