#Matti Tedre
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dipnotski · 8 months ago
Peter J. Denning, Matti Tedre – Bilgisayarlar Nasıl Düşünür? (2024)
Biliminsanları, hesaplama açısından düşünmenin bilimsel araştırmayı organize etmenin tamamen yeni bir yolunu mümkün kıldığını keşfetti; sonuçta her alanın bir hesaplamalı dalı vardı: bilgiişlemsel fizik, bilgiişlemsel biyoloji, bilgiişlemsel sosyoloji. Peki yapay zekânın temellerinden biri olan bilgiişlemsel düşünme ne anlama geliyor ve bilgisayarlar nasıl düşünüyor? Denning ve Tedre, bu kitapta…
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frstndlstlns · 2 years ago
Computational Thinking
What is a computer?
It is time to give up the old tensions that we inherited from times long past, and work together as brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, old and young on these big questions.
— Peter Denning and Matti Tedre
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faisalakhtar12 · 5 years ago
Audio Books Reviews - Part 3
Audio Books Reviews – Part 3
Computational Thinking Peter J. Denning (Author), Matti Tedre (Author), Steven Jay Cohen (Narrator), Gildan Media (Publisher)
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This book is a good primer on the topic of computational thinking. It discusses the details of the history of evolution of the term computational thinking, discusses where computational thinking is going and what it means to think computationally. At times, this…
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bspolink1348 · 5 years ago
Le retour des nouveautés en BSPO (02/09/19)
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À la une : Récidive : 1938 / Michaël Foessel
Cote de rangement : JC 389 F 258247 / Domaine : Sciences politiques
« Tombé presque par hasard sur l'année 1938, un philosophe inquiet du présent est allé de surprise en surprise. Au-delà de ce qui est bien connu (les accords de Munich et la supposée « faiblesse des démocraties »), il a découvert des faits, mais aussi une langue, une logique et des obsessions étrangement parallèles à ce que nous vivons aujourd'hui. L'abandon de la politique du Front populaire, une demande insatiable d'autorité, les appels de plus en plus incantatoires à la démocratie contre la montée des nationalismes, une immense fatigue à l'égard du droit et de la justice : l'auteur a trouvé dans ce passé une image de notre présent.
Récidive ne raconte pas l'histoire de l'avant-guerre. Il n'entonne pas non plus le couplet attendu du « retour des années 30 ». Les événements ne se répètent pas, mais il arrive que la manière de les interpréter traverse la différence des temps. En ce sens, les défaites anciennes de la démocratie peuvent nous renseigner sur les nôtres. Récidive est le récit d'un trouble : pourquoi 1938 nous éclaire-t-elle tant sur le présent ?
Michaël Fœssel est philosophe. Normalien agrégé, il est professeur de philosophie à l’École polytechnique. Il est l’auteur d’une œuvre philosophique remarquée, dont Le Temps de la consolation (Seuil, 2015), La nuit. Vivre sans témoin (Autrement, 2017) et L’avenir de la liberté, de Rousseau à Hegel (Puf, 2017)." - Quatrième de couverture
After the Caliphate : the Islamic State and the future of the terrorist diaspora / Colin P. Clarke
Cote de rangement : HV 6433 C 258260
Discours sur l'économie politique / Claudio Napoleoni
Cote de rangement : HB 87 N 258249
Macroeconomics without the errors of Keynes : the quantity theory of money, saving, and policy / James C.W. Ahiakpor
Cote de rangement : HB 99 .7 A 258255
Milton Friedman / James Forder
Cote de rangement : HB 119 .F75 F 258259
L'économique, une pseudo-science hostile à l'économie durable : pour un XXIe siècle durable soutenu par une citoyenneté rebelle / Jean Cornelis
Cote de rangement : HC 79 .E5 C 258244
Capitalisme de plateforme : l'hégémonie de l'économie numérique / Nick Srnicek
Cote de rangement : HC 79 .I55 S 258242
On the move : changing mechanisms of Mexico-U.S. migration / Filiz Garip
Cote de rangement : JV 7401 G 258258
Sciences politiques
The everyday nationalism of workers : a social history of modern Belgium / Maarten Van Ginderachter
Cote de rangement : DH 491 V 258257
The Israel/Palestine reader / Alan Dowty, editor
Cote de rangement : DS 119 .7 I 258250
La parole du mille-pattes : difficile démocratie / Jean-Paul Jouary
Cote de rangement : JC 423 J 258245
Imparfaites démocraties : frustrations populaires et vagues populistes / Yves Mény
Cote de rangement : JC 423 M 258239
Peuplecratie : la métamorphose de nos démocraties / Ilvo Diamanti, Marc Lazar
Cote de rangement : JN 40 D 258240
Computational thinking / Peter J. Denning and Matti Tedre
Cote de rangement : QA 76 .9.L63 D 258256
Multilevel structural equation modeling / Bruno Castanho Silva, Constantin Manuel Bosancianu, Levente Littvay
Cote de rangement : QA 278 .3 S 258252
Life by algorithms : how roboprocesses are remaking our world / edited by Catherine Besteman and Hugh Gusterson
Cote de rangement : TJ 211 L 258253
Society and the Internet : how networks of information and communication are changing our lives / edited by Mark Graham and William H. Dutton
Cote de rangement : HM 851 S 258254
Sex friends : comment (bien) rater sa vie amoureuse à l'ère numérique / Richard Mèmeteau
Cote de rangement : HQ 16 M 258243
Introduction à la sociologie urbaine / Jean-Marc Stébé, Hervé Marchal
Cote de rangement : HT 151 S 258241
Cryptocurrencies in all aspects / Burak Darici, Fatih Ayhen (eds.)
Cote de rangement : HG 1710 C 258251
Renaissance sauvage : l'art de l'anthropocène / Guillaume Logé
Cote de rangement : N 8217 N 258248
Perdre la Terre : une histoire de notre temps / Nathaniel Rich
Cote de rangement : QC 981 .8 R 258246
Tous ces ouvrages sont exposés sur le présentoir des nouveautés de la BSPO. Ceux-ci pourront être empruntés à domicile à partir du 16 septembre 2019.
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carvalhais · 4 years ago
Self-learning machines have raised another concern: explainability. Designers and users want to know how the machine reached its conclusion. The idea that a machine can reach a conclusion makes sense when algorithms are seen as step-by-step procedures because the result can be explained by examining the steps followed. But when the algorithms are not step-by-step procedures, as with face recognizers and Go, that is not possible. All there is inside is an inscrutable, complex mass of connections. It is really the same problem with fellow humans — how do we explain why we do certain things? If asked directly, we may not know, and it certainly cannot be figured out by dissecting our brains. Other ways are needed to know when machines can be trusted and when not. Machine learning-related computational thinking is still in its infancy.
Denning, Peter J., and Matti Tedre. Computational Thinking. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2019.
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stevenjaycohen · 6 years ago
Computational Thinking
Computational Thinking by Peter J. Denning, Matti Tedre
Amazon/Audible • iTunes
A few decades into the digital era, scientists discovered that thinking in terms of computation made possible an entirely new way of organizing scientific investigation; eventually, every field had a computational branch: computational…
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jerrydewing-blog · 7 years ago
Reflections on ‘Ethnocomputing’ by Matti Tedre and Ron Eglash
Reading this short passage, I was immediately pleased to see reference to non-Western cultures. Obviously the concept is, when considered from an ethnoscientific point of view, entirely around global responses to machine interaction but I can’t remember the last article on computing, coding or technology that wasn’t rigorously western. Another appreciable acknowledgement is that computing in any of it’s forms and in any scenario can ultimately lead to positive feedback and contribute to development for particular programming techniques. By increasing the cultural span of the computing audience, we learn more about how to develop for particular audiences in regards to the cultural limitations of the computers and the respective programmes. I also think the cornrow design programme wouldn’t go down so well if it came out tomorrow.
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As the writing points out, ICT has to suit ‘local needs’. This can be considered a potential reason why non-Western cultures struggle to incorporate computer technologies in pedagogical contexts: if the ‘local needs’ aren’t met by the device/programme then it’s admission to regional curriculum is unlikely to say the least.
Computing, I believe, is a precursor to computers. To compute is to calculate and therefore precedes the digital age and the techniques in creating Owari and Quipu are examples of computing in their truest non-Western forms. Reading can be found here: http://dm.ncl.ac.uk/courseblog/files/2010/02/softwarestudies.pdf
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go-antwerpen-blog · 8 years ago
Slotconferentie TACCLE3 CODING - 6 oktober Vlaams Parlement Brussel
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Leren denken als een computer?
Computers zijn meer dan ooit alomtegenwoordig. Dat vraagt om mensen die computers begrijpen en kunnen aansturen. Jongeren van vandaag kunnen zich maar beter bekwamen in de skills die dat mogelijk maken. Op de conferentie 'Taccle 3: coding' op 6/10 kom je te weten welke kant het wat dat betreft op moet in ons onderwijs.
Op 6 oktober organiseert het GO! in het Vlaams Parlement de conferentie 'Taccle 3: coding', de slotconferentie van het Taccle 3-project.waarvan GO! scholengroep Antwerpen partner is en een aantal scholen en leraren én leerlingen aan meewerken.
Niet zomaar een conferentie over "programmeren". Taccle 3: coding gaat over computational thinking, leren denken als een computer, één van de vaardigheden die leerlingen in de 21e eeuw nauwelijks nog zullen kunnen missen.
Niks voor jou? Schrikt de titel je af? Dan heb je een reden temeer om te komen dromen, durven maar vooral doen. Je zal meteen merken dat je hier echt geen informaticus moet voor zijn.
Ben je een leerkracht BaO of eerste graad SO en wil je ontdekken waarom computational thinking zo belangrijk is, dan mag je deze conferentie zeker niet aan je neus voorbij laten gaan. Behalve enkele inspirerende sprekers en verrassende workshops zullen ook leerlingen aanwezig zijn die de theorie van computational thinking zullen omzetten in de praktijk. Bovendien is de conferentie niet alleen gratis, deelnemers krijgen ook nog een leuk aandenken mee dat ze achteraf in de klas kunnen gebruiken om aan het programmeren te gaan.
Wil je als leerkracht al met één voet in de toekomst staan en straks je leerlingen ten volle kunnen ondersteunen bij hun computational thinking, schrijf je dan gauw in voor deze boeiende en leerrijke conferentie, want er zijn slechts 200 plaatsen.
>>> Inschrijven kan je hier
In een notendop:
Wanneer? 6 oktober 2017 van 9 tot 16 uur.
Waar? Vlaams Parlement
Sprekers Matti Tedre en Pauline Maas
Prijs? Gratis (Maar: Wie niet komt opdagen wordt een bijdrage van 40 euro gefactureerd voor gemaakte kosten door de organisatie!)
BYOD Breng je eigen laptop/tablet/smartphone mee en ga meteen aan de slag in de workshops.
Het volledige programma vind je hier.
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Met de financiële steun van het Erasmus+ programma van de EU. KA2 project “TACCLE 3 - Coding” (2015-1-BE02-KA201-012307)
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carvalhais · 4 years ago
The second main distinction is how scientists and engineers regard knowledge. Scientists treat knowledge as data and information that have been organized into a “body of knowledge,” which is then available for anyone to use. The scientific method for creating knowledge is a process of standard, disinterested observers gathering and weighing evidence in support of claims that might be added to the body. Engineers treat knowledge as skilful practices that enable design and building of tools and technologies. Engineers are not outside observers; they are immersed in the communities of use. They embody practices for building, maintaining, and repairing technologies; attending to reliability, dependability, and safety in the context of use; and following engineering standards and codes of ethics.
Denning, Peter J., and Matti Tedre. Computational Thinking. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2019.
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carvalhais · 4 years ago
An early focus in software engineering was the design of “abstractions,” which are simplified models of something complicated with a simple interface. Good abstractions hide the details of the machinery implementing them, allowing programmers to debug them without having to dig into the details of underlying machines. For example, a file is presented as a container of a string of bits with two operations, read and write; its complicated implementation as records scattered across a hard disc is completely hidden. Designing hierarchies of abstractions is seen as the only way to master the enormous complexity of software. Finding good abstractions is an essential design skill for programmers and software engineers. Programming languages that allow programmers to express their abstractions are essential.
Denning, Peter J., and Matti Tedre. Computational Thinking. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2019.
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carvalhais · 4 years ago
Similar to the weak-strong distinction in AI, the “strong” computational view of the universe holds that the universe itself, along with every living being, is a digital computer. Every dimension of space and time is discrete and every movement of matter or energy is a computation. In contrast, the “weak” computational view of the universe does not claim that the world computes, but only that computational interpretations of the world are very useful for studying phenomena: we can model, simulate, and study the world using computation.
Denning, Peter J., and Matti Tedre. Computational Thinking. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2019.
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carvalhais · 4 years ago
Some researchers say there is another stage of evolution beyond this: the idea that the universe is itself a computer. Everything we think we see, and everything we think, is computed by a natural process. Instead of using computation to understand nature, they say, we will eventually accept that everything in nature is computation. In that case, CT is not just another skill to be learned, it is the natural behavior of the brain. Hollywood screenwriters love this story line. They have taken it into popular science-fiction movies based on the nothion that everything we think we see is produced for us by a computer simulation, and indeed every thought we think we have is an illusion given by a computation. It might be an engaging story, but there is little evidence to support it.
Denning, Peter J., and Matti Tedre. Computational Thinking. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2019.
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carvalhais · 4 years ago
Some computing pioneers considered computing’s ways of thinking to be a generic tool for everyone, on a par with mathematics and language. Others considered algorithmic thinking to be a rather rare, inate ability — present with about one person in fifty.
Denning, Peter J., and Matti Tedre. Computational Thinking. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2019.
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carvalhais · 4 years ago
(…) there is no mechanism for verifying that a neural network will give the proper output when presented with an input not in its training set. It is very jarring to our computational thinking to be unable to “explain” how a computational network generated its conclusion.
Denning, Peter J., and Matti Tedre. Computational Thinking. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2019.
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carvalhais · 4 years ago
Sometimes people equate the idea of a universal machine with a stored program computer. They are not the same. BAbbage’s Analytical Engine was a universal machine whose programs were external decks of punched cards. The ENIAC was a universal machine whose programs were external patch boards. After 1945, computers were universal machines that stored their program in internal memory.
Denning, Peter J., and Matti Tedre. Computational Thinking. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2019.
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carvalhais · 4 years ago
We cannot overemphasize the importance of physical forms in computers — such as signals in circuits or magnetic patches on disks — for without these physical effects we could not build a computer. Although computer programs appear to be abstractions, they cannot work without the machines harnessing physical phenomena to represent and process binary numbers. For this reason, it is safe to say that every dataset, every program, and every logic circuit is a “strategic arrangement of stuff.”
Denning, Peter J., and Matti Tedre. Computational Thinking. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2019.
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