#Matthew Weiner
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 8 months ago
Remember when Matt Weiner got so uptight about Mad Men spoilers that every episode promo in the later years was just:
"on the next Mad Men"
Don: *stares pensively*
Peggy: *looks thoughtful*
Pete: *closes a door*
Don (to no one): are you sure about that?
Roger: *lights a cigarette*
Joan: *frowns contemplatively*
Don: *stares pensively but in a different room*
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alexjcrowley · 5 months ago
I started watching Mad Men and yes, of course the sexism and racism is hard to take in, but mostly I can't wrap my around about Pete Campbell being sexist because to me he looks like a lesbian
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generallynaive · 2 months ago
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Mad Men (Season 7 - Episode 1)
“Time Zones”
written by Matthew Weiner
directed by Scott Hornbacher
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tilbageidanmark · 4 months ago
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Tony S
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credo-23 · 7 months ago
The CREDO 23 Film Festival is coming your way. Los Angeles, CA 3/28/25-3/30/25
All proceeds after costs will be granted to the accepted filmmakers
Submissions open 8/1/24-10/31/24
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nuriaverde · 1 year ago
Betty Draper y la maldición de la belleza en "Mad Men"
Betty Draper es un personaje desgraciado en “Mad Men”. Está atrapada, tiene todo lo que la sociedad le ha dicho que debía tener para lograr la felicidad y, pese a ello, es profundamente infeliz. Como le dice Arthur, el chico casadero con el que coincide en el picadero de caballos, en la segunda temporada, cuando Betty va a montar: “Eres insondablemente triste”. Por supuesto, ella lo niega porque…
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ninaemsaopaulo · 2 years ago
Acordei pensando em Betty Draper, a perfeita imagem da esposa troféu dos anos 60, congelada na década anterior. No início de Mad Men, Betty foi conduzida a um psicanalista que, no final de cada sessão, contava ao seu marido o que ela tinha explanado. Na última temporada, Betty decide cursar Psicologia, mas descobre um câncer e morre antes do fim dos anos 60. Matthew Weiner, criador da série, queria que alguma personagem feminina morresse e estava em dúvida sobre as três principais. Betty morre por não ser "uma mulher a frente de seu tempo", ela fica presa ao passado e morre bonita, do jeito que queria, com seu aspecto de Grace Kelly no auge. E morre fumando, mesmo com o câncer no pulmão. Morre quando adquire enfim sua independência, após dois casamentos e dois filhos, uma graduação em andamento. Ela morre quando acorda e decide viver, morre cheia de vida e vontade de mudança. Entendo a morte de Betty Draper como entendo a morte de Sylvia Plath, mas ainda não parece justo. Não foi uma personagem amada, mas com certeza foi tão complexa quanto Don Draper, estrela da série. Mad Men não existiria se, no lugar de Betty, Don tivesse feito terapia (e entendesse que nem fazia sentido trair a esposa). Mad Men termina com Don meditando e transcendendo, que lindo. Gosto dessa série porque ela é igualzinha a vida real: homens vencem.
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slaughter-books · 10 months ago
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Day 1: JOMPBPC: Comic Books
Garphic Novels! 💛
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judelaws-hairline · 2 years ago
i finally finished mad men and i only have one question: why is glen bishop?
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fagrackham · 2 years ago
never forget the sterling cooper draper pryce throuple....the scdp three if you will...peggy stan ginsberg...short lived but not forgotten
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generallynaive · 2 months ago
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Mad Men (Season 7 - Episode 2)
“A Day's Work”
written by Jonathan Igla & Matthew Weiner
directed by Michael Uppendahl
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madmensideblog · 1 year ago
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Every Episode of Mad Men In Care Of — Season 6, Episode 13 dir. Matthew Weiner
"It said 'sweet' on the package. It was the only sweet thing in my life."
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thevividgreenmoss · 1 year ago
Matthew Weiner grasped at something beyond his daily-historical consciousness with Mad Men, which on one hand is part of the reason for making/sharing/experiencing art, but on the other hand the missapprehensions embedded within that consciousness play a huge part in him misapprehending his own* art as well as his role in its creation - the environment he cultivated within the writers room he administered, his documented harassment of the women he worked with, his incomprehension of the fact that Pete Campbell raped that au pair, that the wistful little etymology lesson that sets it up does nothing to obscure or negate the deeply fascistic impulse ingrained within Rachel Menken's claim that Israel "simply has to be", that the ending of his* show is not and can not be nearly as optimistic or hopeful as he-we might like to think.
The third quarter of the Clippers-Bulls just ended and I have neither patience for nor interest in American sentimentality.
Various notes of grace may play individual characters off the screen in the final episode and yes that may allow us to leave them a bit more at peace with themselves and each other than we found them in the pilot but the American society & nation to which they belong they belong is if anything far less at peace with itself in 1970 than it was in 1960 and all the way through 2024 it will continue along those same lines while also - although this part is probably a matter of lesser import to Weiner (but also likely the majority of his collaborators and audience) than things that primarily directly affect/ed real people ie American citizens whether it be the dissolution of the keynesian welfare state or the election of Donald Trump - continuing to inflict the most savage and brutal imperial horrors upon the rest of the world.
The game has ended, Clips won.
What inner peace drops a man back into the corner office from whose window he flung himself in the first place? If the fall was broken by an armchair behind the desk where he'd settle back in to launder the public image of a multinational conglomerate that steals water from indigenous people and pays mercenaries to murder those that dare to identify the theft might it not have been preferable to keep falling?
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edwardalbee · 3 months ago
why why why would matthew weiner creator of mad men name his son Marten Holden Weiner
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lindszeppelin · 7 days ago
I do remember reading that his aunt and uncle were writers of the show Party of Five. That’s the show with Neve Campbell, Matthew Fox (pee- Lost), Jennifer love Hewitt and Lacey Chabert (aka Gretchen Weiners) were in.
I also read this from an interview he gave, from E News I think.
Timothée gave credit to his mom, saying, “She might have won me this… I grew up in an actors’ building in New York, so I know she really pushed everyone she knew to hit that vote button.”
Unfortunately most actors, especially up and coming or rising ones, do not have that privilege of asking their industry friends to vote for them.
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nuriaverde · 1 year ago
Los adictos en "Mad Men"
Don Draper se levanta tumbado en el suelo castigado por una resca de espanto. Lo que empieza como placer acaba como tortura. Los principales personajes de la serie “Mad Men” son adictos al alcohol, al tabaco, al sexo, al trabajo, a la heroína, al dinero. El creativo Freddy Rumssey bebe demasiado. Todo el mundo lo sabe. Pero una mañana, cuando está preparando con Pete y Peggy y Salvatore la…
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