#Matt Moran
You could do a Bake Off drinking game based solely on how many times Matt says Maggie's name during a technical judging. I don't think I can recall Maggie even saying Matt's name.
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donospl · 8 months
Co w jazzie piszczy [sezon 1 odcinek 27]
premierowa emisja 15 listopada 2023 – 18:00 Graliśmy: Sara_Serpa & Andre_Matos feat. Sofia Jernberg, Okkyung Lee “Degrowth” z albumu  “Night Birds” – Robalo Music Veslemøy Narvesen “Sink Past the Sun” z albumu “We Don’t Imagine Anymore” – Jazzland Recordings Rumpistol “Let Go” z albumu “Going Inside” – Raske Plader   Caroline Davis “put it on a poster [for Sandra Bland]” z albumu…
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artjipson · 11 months
Matt Moran & The Palominos in Dayton!
Check out Matt Moran & The Palominos! Amazing!
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positivexcellence · 2 months
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JIB 2024
📸: jusinbellocon
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sexyvixen7 · 4 months
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AHBL12 Little dinner party
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winchestergirl2 · 2 months
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shedontlovehuhself · 3 months
From Bri's Instagram stories.
Also look at them!🥰
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From the rightnowdotco insta.
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Briana Buckmaster, Adam Fergus, Rob Benedict, Matt Cohen, Jason Manns and Billy Moran at Jus In Bello Con 11 | Rome, February 24th 2023
Please do not repost without credit.
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parttimesarah · 3 months
It’s time for another patented…
PartTimeSarah Random GIF Drop™
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theymadeitlh28 · 1 year
Thank you Adam for these gems.
Aren’t they looking pretty fine and I mean all of them
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x x
Also the last photo is from a fan account as Adam deleted it. I am in a dilemma seeing as my conscience tells me to delete it because if Jensen told Adam to take it down because he doesn’t want a photo of him smoking going around the internet, I don’t want to invade his privacy in doing so. But he looks so good in this photo.
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bizarre-hostile · 4 months
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She's got a glare inside her eyes And she makes everything she touches turn to stone Here's to all the things that you made up in your mind to get you home When you finally reach the place and realize there's nothing there
@undomesticaated 🖤
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missr3n3 · 2 months
Asmodeus : With great power comes great big booty bitches
Cheers to whoever started the "Oz is the funny but annoying friend/uncle"
im still suprised at how many asks i've gotten for a guy who doesn't even show up in the story tbh @_@
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artjipson · 1 year
Matt Derda Best of 2022
Matt Derda Best of 2022
One of our favorite discoveries of the past few years was Matt Derda & The High Watts! They released a stellar record in 2022 and so we thought what better way to celebrate an amazing year in music than to ask Matt to write about a few of his favorite releases from this past trip around the sun, and to our joy he agreed! Thank you, Matt! 2022 was definitely the year of independent music for me.…
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p.s. matt looks so buff
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adamfergussource · 1 year
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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Everything is backwards now, like out there is the true world, and in here is the dream.
Avatar, James Cameron (2009)
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