#Mathew Prichard
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Title: Mothers of the Mind
Author: Rachel Trethewey
Publication date: 14 September 2023
Publisher: The History Press Ltd
Image source (cover & description): https://www.thehistorypress.co.uk/
About the book:
‘The relationship between my grandmother and her mother was very important and indeed crucial to her childhood and the very early days of her writing … So, to have more insight into this particular aspect of my grandmother’s early life is very valuable.’ Mathew Prichard, Agatha Christie’s grandson
Virginia Woolf, Agatha Christie and Sylvia Plath are three of our most famous authors. For the first time this book tells in full the story of the remarkable mothers who shaped them.
Julia Stephen, Clara Miller and Aurelia Plath were fascinating women in their own rights, and their relationships with their daughters were exceptional; they profoundly influenced the writers’ lives, literature and attitude to feminism. Too often in the past Virginia, Agatha and Sylvia have been defined by their lovers – Mothers of the Mind redresses the balance by charting the complex, often contradictory, bond between mother and daughter. Drawing on previously unpublished sources from archives around the world and accounts from family and friends of the women, this book offers a new perspective on these iconic authors.
You can order the book through their website or from other online shops.
#sylvia plath#sylviaplath#new release#Rachel Trethewey#the history press#sylvia plath scholarship#mothers of the mind#virginia woolf#agatha christie
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Death on the Nile
I'm meeting Hercule for a deadly trip in the new film 'Murder on the Orient Express' @DOTNmovie @agathachristie #DeathOnTheNile #KennethBranagh #AgathaChristie #HerculePoirot
Agatha Christie is taking us on a murderous holiday to Egypt Kenneth Branagh the five-time Academy Award Nominee has put on the mustache again to direct and lead a star-studded cast in the new 20th Century Studios’ “Death on the Nile” sequel to his delightful portrayal of Hercule Poirot in “Murder on the Orient Express” (2017). The talent behind scenes is also returning with Michael Green who…
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#Agatha Christie#Death on the Nile#Hercule Poirot#James Prichard#Judy Hofflund#Kenneth Branagh#Kevin J. Walsh#Mark Gordon#Mathew Prichard#Matthew Jenkins#Ridley Scott#Simon Kinberg
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Hello! Do you know if Kenneth has concrete plans to adapt other books from Agatha? I can't wait to see DOTN.
Hello and thank you for your ask! No, Ken hasn’t said anything concrete about another Poirot film, only that he’s interested in doing more films. In a past video interview he mentioned several Christie books he likes best, including Murder in Mesopotamia and The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, which could be possible candidates for a 3rd film, if we’re getting one. My gut feeling is that behind the scenes, Ken and the screenwriter Michael Green have already expressed their desire to do one and that they 100% know which Christie book it would be (if they’re mirroring MOTOE, maybe the 3rd film is teased at the end of DOTN), but we won’t get any concrete answers from them before the studio makes an official announcement to the media.
I think Ken will know of the studio’s decision about a 3rd movie way before the media is notified about it, and even if he’s been told by the execs the movie is happening, he still won’t be able to say anything to journalists after the DOTN promo. He’ll be told to wait for the announcement first, otherwise his comments could cause pre-mature headlines before the studio is ready to go to print with the story.
The same thing must have happened after Murder on the Orient Express. He couldn’t exactly divulge in interviews that he’s been “in talks” with the studio execs and Agatha Christie Limited about a sequel. Instead directors are asked by the studio to give a more standard response to journalists along the lines of, “Of course, I’m interested in doing a sequel and working with the studio again”, etc etc. In other words, play coy because they either don’t have the confirmation and everything is up in the air, or they know what’s going on but they’ve been told to wait.
We should hear more about Ken’s plans and wishes once the box office results for DOTN are out, and those are very tricky to analyse during a pandemic. Lower ticket sales and movies going straight to streaming are part of the new norm. Studios can’t gauge a film’s success the same way they did in the past. It’s gonna be an interesting few months!
Before the Disney/20th Century Fox merger, Fox greenlit DOTN because MOTOE was a surprise and stealthy success, overperforming according to estimates in Europe and the US. Even though a Nile murder was teased at the end of MOTOE, and Ken and the screenwriter Michael Green really wanted to adapt that story next, a sequel wasn’t guaranteed. I think they put the tease just in case MOTOE did well in theatres.
But then MOTOE exceeded studio’s expectations, and pleased Agatha Christie Limited and its CEO, Agatha Christie’s grandson Mathew Prichard, and his son James (who is now the CEO, taking over from Mathew), and the studio went ahead with a 2nd movie. DOTN is also James Prichard’s first Christie book he got to enjoy. Recently he talked about Christie tv adaptations doing well internationally, but that movies have an even bigger reach worldwide, and a bigger impact on book sales.
From the quote I gather it’s in their interest to continue making Christie movies, and indeed, his father Mathew confirmed this in the Agatha Christie International Festival livestream a couple days ago, when he spoke very highly of Ken’s MOTOE and its worldwide success, and praised the way the 1974 version and similarly the 2017 version of MOTOE "restored Agatha Christie as a media property" after the 1960s MGM films about Miss Marple (which he wasn’t pleased with), and restored the confidence of studios and the professionals spending money on the property, “which was colossally important, far more important than the money we make on the film. It was the reputational thing that really was transformative.”
He said of Ken’s MOTOE: “Even 20th Century Fox was quite amazed by its performance.” You can listen to the full quote here at 1:10:01 when he is asked about his fave Christie books. He also said his son has seen Ken’s DOTN and that it’s better than MOTOE. :)
Fox and the Agatha Christie property are very happy with Ken’s Poirot movies, and I’m hoping the studio will be just as pleased with DOTN’s box office results, and greenlight another movie. Before we get any confirmation, I know I’ll be watching Ken’s reaction in interviews like a hawk whenever he’s asked about the topic! ;D
Sorry for the length and take care!
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Rolling out the red carpet to a 1950s pop up cinema at Greenway
Rolling out the red carpet to a 1950s pop up cinema at Greenway
This December, a pop-up 1950s Christmas cinema is coming to Greenway, the holiday home of Agatha Christie now cared for by the National Trust.
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Death on the Nile Clip Details Agatha Christie's Inspiration
Death on the Nile Clip Details Agatha Christie’s Inspiration
Death on the Nile is now available to own digitally at digital retailers such as Prime Video, Vudu/Fandango, and Apple, and will be out on Blu-ray on April 5. ComingSoon has an exclusive clip to debut that features Annette Bening, Christie’s grandson and executive producer Mathew Prichard, and James Prichard (executive producer and Christie’s great-grandson) discussing Christie’s inspirations and…
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Excentricul Hercule Poirot revine pe marele ecran în „Death on the Nile / Moarte pe Nil”, un thriller fastuos, cu personaje fermecătoare și mulți suspecți
Studiourile 20th Century prezintă un nou film plin de mister despre haosul emoțional și consecințele mortale declanșate de iubirea obsesivă, ecranizare a celebrului roman din 1937 al Agathei Christie, „Death on the Nile / Moarte pe Nil”. În regia lui Kenneth Branagh, filmul este un thriller îndrăzneț, plin de aventură și suspans . Vacanța egipteană a celebrului detectiv belgian Hercule Poirot, la bordul unui vas de croazieră, se transformă într-o căutare terifiantă a unui criminal, care a întrerupt tragic luna de miere idilică a unui cuplu aparent perfect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulU9JWnzgFo Noul film are toate ingredientele unui succes: peisaje epice, priveliști de neuitat, deșertul și maiestuoasele piramide din Giza, pasiune nestăpânită și gelozie pe măsură, plus un grup cosmopolit de călători îmbrăcați impecabil, care au parte de răsturnări de situație neașteptate. Iar deznodământul e surprinzător și șocant. „Death on the Nile / Moarte pe Nil” reunește echipa din spatele hitului global „Murder on the Orient Express / Crima din Orient Express” și îl are în rolul principal pe detectivul Hercule Poirot (Kenneth Branagh). Lui i se alătură o distribuție de cinci stele, inclusiv Tom Bateman, Annette Bening, Russell Brand, Ali Fazal, Dawn French, Gal Gadot, Armie Hammer, Rose Leslie, Emma Mackey, Sophie Okonedo, Jennifer Saunders și Letitia Wright. Cu un scenariu semnat de Michael Green, adaptat după romanul Agathei Christie, „ Death on the Nile / Moarte pe Nil” este produs de Ridley Scott, Mark Gordon, Simon Kinberg, Kenneth Branagh, Judy Hofflund și Kevin J. Walsh, cu Matthew Jenkins, James Prichard și Mathew Prichard producători executivi.
O poveste plină de rafinament, pasiune și pericol
În urma colaborării lor de succes în proiectul „Murder on the Orient Express / Crima din Orient Express”, regizorul/producătorul Kenneth Branagh și scenaristul Michael Green au început să discute despre titlurile lor preferate de Agatha Christie și s-au gândit care ar funcționa pe marele ecran. „Ne-am distrat atât de bine vorbind despre asta și întrebându-ne dacă trebuie să facem un altul și care ar fi acesta. Ken și cu mine ne-am anunțat fiecare preferatele, dar ne-am tot întors la același titlu, și anume la «Moarte pe Nil»”. „Pofta de sex din povestea originală a Agathei Christie este foarte puternică, iar oamenii sunt pur și simplu nesăbuiți. Iar lăcomia lor este periculoasă până la un nivel criminal”, spune Branagh. „Este cea mai neliniștită dintre cărțile Agathei Christie. Ea cuprinde mult rafinament, sex, glamour și romantism, dar totul este extrem de fragil, periculos și perturbator.” Realizatorii de film au fost norocoși să aibă implicate în proiect două rude ale celebrei autoare, Mathew Prichard și James Prichard, care au fost o resursă neprețuită în înțelegerea atitudinii personale a autoarei față de această carte. Mathew Prichard a fost deosebit de încântat de colaborare. „Ceea ce ne place la «Orient Express», iar acum la «Moarte pe Nil», este că intriga și povestea și, mai ales, atmosfera adevăratei Agatha Christie sunt recreate pe ecran”, spune Prichard. „Pentru public, este extrem de important să simtă nu numai că a văzut un film minunat, modern și extrem de cinematografic, dar și că a experimentat o seară cu Agatha Christie.” Făcând tranziția de la un roman bogat la un scenariu pentru marele ecran, realizatorii de film au redat povestea, extinzând-o. „Cartea este foarte bine scrisă”, spune scenaristul. Din ea, temele romantismului și geloziei au fost cele pe care scenaristul a vrut să le exploreze cu adevărat. „Am tot revenit la pasiune și dragoste, ne-am scufundat în acele sentimente și ne-am asigurat că toate personajele noastre au într-adevăr ceva de spus despre acele emoții”, spune scenaristul Michael Green. „Într-un roman de Agatha Christie funcționează să ai oameni interesanți care să nu fie suspecți de nimic”, explică Green. „Ca urmare, au fost făcute câteva modificări minore în scenariu pentru a ajuta la îmbunătățirea câtorva personaje și pentru a le face mai potrivite pentru marele ecran, căci, se știe, toată lumea are nevoie de un motiv potențial pentru a avea un motiv și o oportunitate de a ucide.”
„Locația exotică și decorurile pline de farmec au făcut din «Death on the Nile / Moarte pe Nil» o poveste foarte interesantă pentru Ken”, spune producătoarea Judy Hofflund. „În acest film avem atracția unei femei bogate din înalta societate pentru un bărbat care anterior a avut o relație cu o femeie la fel de frumoasă, pe care a respins-o, iar apoi se căsătorește cu cealaltă”, explică Branagh. „Există o petrecere de nuntă în care un grup de oameni exotici care pretind că sunt prietenii lor îi înconjoară pe miri. Din cauza energiei karmice generate atunci când o femeie fură bărbatul altei femei, apar probleme. Așadar, un triunghi amoros care merge prost se află în centrul acestei sărbători criminale.”
Un detectiv genial și o suită de suspecți fermecători
Kenneth Branagh joacă rolul lui Hercule Poirot, una dintre cele mai iubite și mai faimoase creații ale Agathei Christie: un detectiv belgian genial, agil și fermecător. Cavaler înnăscut, obsedat de îngrijirea sa personală, se bucură de o viață socială bogată, petrecută printre elite. Tom Bateman revine în rolul chipeșului Bouc, care este mâna dreaptă a lui Hercule Poirot. Actorul a fost încântat să revină ca personajul pe care l-a interpretat în „Murder on the Orient Express / Crima din Orient Express”, mai ales că personajul său nu apare în cartea lui Agatha Christie. „Lui Bouc nu îi păsa de nimeni în afară de el, dar în acest film a învățat să-i pese și de ceilalți și a crescut și evoluat.” Annette Bening este Euphemia Bouc, mama lui Bouc, o pictoriță renumită. Arogantă, disprețuitoare și extrem de protectoare față de fiul ei, ea se află împreună cu el în Egipt pentru a participa la nunta prietenului său, Linnet. Încântată să facă parte din distribuție, Bening a îmbrățișat pe deplin personajul: „M-am distrat foarte mult citind despre femeile din acea perioadă și lumea boemă de la începutul secolului”, spune Bening. Russell Brand este Linus Windlesham, un medic aristocrat, amabil, obsedat de sănătate, care a fost odată logodit cu Linnet Ridgeway. Actorul a ales să se concentreze „pe căldura și integritatea personajului”, căutând autenticitatea rolului, documentându-se serios cu ajutorul cercetărilor despre medicina anilor 1930. Născut în India și educat la Oxford, Andrew Katchadourian este „vărul” frumos și prietenul din copilărie al lui Linnet Ridgeway, al cărui birou de avocatură se ocupă de toate treburile familiei Ridgeway. Rolul este jucat de Ali Fazal, care a fost mai mult decât încântat să facă parte din distribuție. „Copilăria mea a fost plină de cărți de Agatha Christie. Iar filmul «Murder on the Orient Express / Crima din Orient Express» a lui Ken a fost atât de uimitor și atât de bogat.” Linnet Ridgeway, moștenitoarea veselă, stilată și obscen de bogată a unei familii proeminente și respectate, este interpretată de Gal Gadot. Grațioasă și sigură de sine, ea nu a cunoscut niciodată dragostea adevărată și și-a făcut o serie de dușmani din cauza bogăției sale. Gadot s-a îndrăgostit instant de Linnet Ridgeway. „Este foarte egocentrică, dar, în același timp, are atât de multă inimă. Ea este foarte obișnuită să obțină lucrurile în felul ei, dar este singură în esență, așa că e un rol grozav.” Șomer, dar chipeș și fermecător, Simon Doyle este îndrăgostit de Jackie de Bellefort, până când o cunoaște pe frumoasa, bogata și la fel de captivanta Linnet Ridgeway. Armie Hammer îl interpretează pe Simon. Rose Leslie este Louise Bourget, servitoarea lui Linnet Ridgeway. Iar Emma Mackey este Jacqueline De Bellefort, care este atrăgătoare, plină de spirit și mai deșteaptă decât lasă să se vadă. Născută în aristocrația franceză, dar în prezent săracă, este îndrăgostită de Simon Doyle. „Chiar dacă este o femeie independentă puternică și rezistentă, face totul pentru Simon”, spune Mackey. „Jacqueline este condusă de dragostea ei pentru Simon, întreaga ei existență se învârte în jurul lui.” Sophie Okonedo este Salome Otterbourne, cântăreața americană angajată pentru a cânta la nunta egipteană a lui Simon Doyle. „Aceasta este o femeie care pur și simplu iubește viața”, spune Okonedo. Jennifer Saunders este nașa lui Linnet Ridgeway, Marie Van Schuyler, o femeie înflăcărată, dar fragilă, care a renunțat la avere pentru a deveni comunistă. „Este un personaj interesant”, spune Saunders. „Mulți oameni buni din acea epocă au devenit comuniști din întâmplare, deoarece s-au simțit foarte vinovați că aveau bani când atât de mulți oameni pierduseră sume mari, forța de muncă fusese decimată și oamenii își pierduseră locurile de muncă și mijloacele de trai.” Dawn French este Bowers, asistenta și tovarășa constantă a lui Marie Van Schuyler. Averea familiei ei a fost decimată de prăbușirea bursei, dar ea încă tânjește după lucrurile mai frumoase din viață.
În timpul unei croaziere pe Nil, Hercule Poirot își întrerupe vacanța pentru a investiga decesul unei tinere moștenitoare. „Death on the Nile / Moarte pe Nil”, unul dintre cele mai complexe și fermecătoare volume semnate de celebra Agatha Christie, este transpus acum pe marele ecran, într-un thriller captivant, plin de rafinament, aventură, dragoste și suspecți. În regia lui Kenneth Branagh, filmul îi are în distribuție, printre alții, pe Gal Gadot, Kenneth Branagh, Armie Hammer și Emma Mackey. Distribuit în România de Forum Film, „Death on the Nile / Moarte pe Nil”, va avea premiera pe marele ecran în data de 11 februarie 2022. Read the full article
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Nuevo afiche de MUERTE EN EL NILO cinta de misterio basada en la novela de Agatha Christie de 1937, acerca del caos emocional y las drásticas consecuencias de un amor obsesivo. Kenneth Branagh regresa como el icónico detective Hércules Poirot y a él se suma un reparto estelar con la participación de Tom Bateman, Annette Bening (nominada en 4 oportunidades al premio Oscar®), Russell Brand, Ali Fazal, Dawn French, Gal Gadot, Armie Hammer, Rose Leslie, Emma Mackey, Sophie Okonedo, Jennifer Saunders y Letitia Wright. MUERTE EN EL NILO, que reúne a los creadores del film de 2017 ASESINATO EN EL EXPRESO DE ORIENTE, está escrita por Michael Green, basada en la novela de Christie, y producida por Ridley Scott, Kenneth Branagh, p.g.a., Judy Hofflund, p.g.a. y Kevin J. Walsh, con Mark Gordon, Simon Kinberg, Matthew Jenkins, James Prichard y Mathew Prichard como productores ejecutivos. En MUERTE EN EL NILO las vacaciones en Egipto del detective belga Hércules Poirot, a bordo de un glamoroso barco de vapor, se convierten en una aterradora búsqueda de un asesino, mientras que la luna de miel idílica de una pareja perfecta se ve trágicamente interrumpida. Ambientada en un paisaje épico de amplias vistas del desierto y las majestuosas pirámides de Giza, esta historia de pasión desenfrenada y celos presenta un grupo cosmopolita de viajeros impecablemente vestidos, y los suficientes giros inesperados como para dejar al público inquieto y desconcertado hasta el impactante desenlace. Filmada con cámaras Panavision de 65 milímetros a fines de 2019, MUERTE EN EL NILO transporta al público a la década de 1930, recreando muchas de las ubicaciones que sirvieron de inspiración para el glamoroso thriller sobre la alta sociedad de Christie. Fuente @cinecolorve #agathachristie #bookstagram #books #booklover #book #herculepoirot #bookworm #reading #bookstagrammer #poirot #bookaddict #bookish #bookphotography #agathachristiebooks #booknerd #bibliophile #mystery #murdermystery #bookaholic #booksofinstagram #instabook #booksbooksbooks #bookshelf #read #murderontheorientexpress #bookblogger #andthentherewerenone #bookreview #bookstagrampl #bookcommunity https://www.instagram.com/uncomicmas/p/CXzr0Mltj8M/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Spotlight: Danescourt Estate
In the northwest corner of Cardiff, sandwiched between Llandaff and Radyr, sits Danescourt. This 1970s development of c.1,200 houses has at its heart a thirteenth century church, a fifteenth century manor house and, for some inexplicable reason, a postbox dating back to King George V. Anachronistic postboxes aside, there is a surprising amount of history for an estate which is just 40 years old...
Origin of the name
As previously covered ‘Danescourt’ is an amalgamation of the names of two properties which predate the estate. “Danes” refers to Danesbrook House, a private dwelling built during the Edwardian period and later extended and converted into a private nursing home, while “Court” refers to Radyr Court House (after which the nearby Radyr Court Road is named).
Radyr Court
In the 12th Century to the west of St John’s Church (on what is now Heol Aradur) stood a house called Radyr Isha (Lower Radyr), it had passed into the Mathew family in the 1450s through the marriage of Thomas Mathew (3rd son of Sir David Mathew, Standard Bearer of England under King Edward IV during the Wars of the Roses) to Catherine Ferch Morgan (daughter of Welsh nobleman Morgan Ap Llewellyn and heiress of Radyr). The marriage elevated the Mathew family so significantly that they felt it necessary to replace their grand Radyr Isha property with a larger and far grander manor house.
The new home (known as Cwrt Radur, or Radyr Court) was constructed at about 1469 to the east of St John’s Church alongside an existing track which led to a ford at the River Taff. The property was said to be a grand manor house, similar in size and style to that of the ‘Van House’ in Caerphilly built several years earlier. Radyr Isha had been left to ruin, as noted by Rhys Meurig in the 16th century:
“ye manor house by the west of ye church, sometime ye house of Morgan Llew ap Jeban, now decay'd"
In subsequent years the derelict house would be removed in its entirety (foundations and all) by David’s grandson Sir George Mathew to make way for a large deer park. Deer were seen a status symbol in Tudor times, but this unnecessary extravagance would signal the beginning of the end for the Mathew dynasty.
Creation of the deer park required the eviction of several tenant farmers in the manor, this loss of potential income coupled with the high cost of looking after a herd of deer led to significant financial problems. George’s eldest son William attempted to revive his family’s fortune by investing in the Pentyrch Iron Works. By 1625, with crippling debts and very little income, Captain George Mathew was forced to sell what remained of the estate to the Lewis family of Caerphilly ending nearly 200 years of the Mathew family’s reign in Radyr.
By 1830 a large portion of Radyr Court had to be demolished after being ravaged by fire. The remaining wings of the house were renovated and converted into a farmhouse. It remained as a working farm until the 1970s (top picture) when council planners purchased the surrounding lands and set about creating a new estate to satisfy the needs of the expanding city. By 1979 the farmhouse had been extensively renovated and reopened as a pub known as The Radyr Court.
The pub has changed hands a number of times in 40 years and undergone several transformations, including a stint between 2003 and 2013 where the upstairs became an Indian restaurant. The current incarnation is viewed as more of a restaurant than a pub and is owned by three local men who saved it from closure in 2013. It officially reopened in 2015 after an extensive (and no doubt expensive) refurbishment, with a new logo featuring a deer and the year ‘1469′ in reference to the history of the building.
Radyr Chain
In Tudor times the responsibility for maintaining the local road network was that of the Parish. Each parishioner was duty-bound to do one week (6 days) unpaid work on the roads (although records from the time suggest payment in the form of free ale may have been given). As traffic on the roads increased, and parishioners were less willing to give up their free time, it was necessary for the parish to use paid labour. By the 1770s it became apparent that the present system was unsustainable and before the end of the century major roads in the county became turnpikes (an early name for a toll road). The concept worked in much the same way that modern toll roads do where an appointed trust takes control of a section of road and charges road users for using that particular section; the fees collected would then be used for repairs and maintenance.
The main road from Llandaff to Capel Llanilltern (modern day Llantrisant Road) became a turnpike and was operated for profit by the Cardiff Turnpike Trust. A toll booth was built at the junction of modern day Waterhall Road, but road users soon realised they could bypass this toll by instead travelling via Llandaff Bridge and using nearby Radyr Court Road. In a bid to combat this, the Trust installed a chain across the road which was only lowered on receipt of payment. This led to the area being referred to as "Radyr Chain".
One known operator at the Radyr Chain toll booth was an elderly woman by the name of Rachel, also known as "Rachel of the Chain". Little is known of Rachel, though she is mentioned in this 1895 account by the Reverend William David, Rector Of St Fagans:
“Rachel, of the Chain, who lived alone in a comical little cabin about nine or ten feet square which stood at the corner of the adjacent crossroads, where she kept charge of a chain stretched across the road and lowered only on payment of toll by any traveller.”
The turnpikes were never popular, particularly with vendors living north of Radyr wishing to sell their wares in Cardiff. The hostility eventually turned to rioting in the 1840s, and by 1851 the turnpike trusts throughout South Wales were disbanded. Responsibility for the roads initially passed to a Llandaff Highways Board before eventually coming under the jurisdiction of the newly formed Glamorgan County Council in 1888.
With the former turnpikes now in the hands of the local Government, money for road maintenance was collected through taxes instead of individual tolls. This rendered the toll houses surplus to requirements and across the county they were demolished or sold off. Although Radyr Chain had been suggested for demolition in 1864 (and again in 1865) to facilitate the widening of the turnpike road, it is known to still be in place in 1879 as a local government report commented on the poor sanitary conditions and lack of running water at the building. The toll house had certainly been demolished by the early 1890s, and within 10 years the site had been redeveloped and the modern day “Radyr Chain” house (pictured) and lodge house were built.
The tree around which the chain was connected is believed to have been removed when construction of Danescourt began in the 1970s, the stump now sits in the foyer of the the Church Hall in Danescourt.
Surprising street names
Modern housing estates are usually littered with bland street names typically named after arbitrary items such as trees or plants (Pontprennau's Blackberry Way, Greenacre Drive and Acorn Grove immediately spring to mind!). When choosing the names of Danescourt's streets the planners appear to have consulted the history books for some rather more interesting and relevant names.
Radyr Court Road remains in situ (although the section leading north from the Taff through to Llantrisant Road is almost entirely pedestrianised) and off it you can find Mathew Walk (a reference to the Mathew family), Rachel Close (widely believed to be a reference to Rachel of the Chain) and Cadoc Place (an Anglicisation of the Saint Catwg).
Further afield at least 17 of the streets are named after former Deans, Archdeacons and Bishops of Llandaff, the first of which was a cleric by the name of Urban (a Latinised version of his birth name "Gwrgan") who is said to have established the Diocese of Llandaff and served as it's first Bishop in 1107 until his death in 1134. His name lives on as Heol Urban ("Heol" means "Road"). Heol Urban leads to three cul-de-sacs which are also named after former clergymen; Lynch Blosse Close (after Henry Lynch Blosse who served as Archdeacon from 1859 - 1877 and Dean until 1879) Bruce Knight Close (after William Bruce Knight who was Dean between 1843 and 1845 before becoming Chancellor) and Marshall Close (believed to be after John Marshall, Bishop between 1478 and 1496). Elsewhere in the estate the surnames of former Bishops William da Braose (1266-1287), Robert Holgate (1537-1545), Francis Godwin, (1601-1617), Charles Sumner (1826-1827) and Alfred Ollivant (1849-1882) are used as prefixes for the word "Close", as is that of James Rice Buckley the Archdeacon from 1913 - 1924 who has his own statue on the Cathedral Green in Llandaff (pictured).
Other streets named after former Bishops include Richard Lewis Close (1883-1905), Timothy Rees Close (1931-1939), Blethin Close (Anglicised version of William Blethyn, 1575-1590), Herbert March Close (a mis-spelling of Herbert Marsh, 1816-1819) and Hugh's Close (a fairly common name, but believed to be in reference to Hugh Jones, Bishop from 1567-1574). John Morgan Close (1939-1957) and Glyn Simon Close (1957-1971) are particularly significant as they both served as Bishop of Llandaff before becoming Archbishop of Wales.
In addition to the wider Diocese of Llandaff, a number of the streets are named after people who have made a contribution to Llandaff Cathedral. John Prichard and John Pollard Seddon, the Victorian Architects charged with restoring the Cathedral in the late 19th Century, are immortalised by the street names Heol Seddon and Pritchard Close (another spelling mistake). Jasper Close is named after Jasper Tudor who designed and helped fund the northwest tower of the Cathedral in the 14th Century, while Pace Close is named in reference to George Pace who helped restore the Cathedral in the 1950s following significant damage during World War II.
Other streets are named after artists and sculptors who have created significant pieces of artwork for the Cathedral, including:
Burne Jones Close: after Edward Burne-Jones, artist (Six Days of Creation, c.1893)
Edward Clarke Close: after Edward Clarke, stonemason (Trinity Corbel, 19th C.)
Epstein Close: after Sir Jacob Epstein, artist (Christ in Majesty, 1954)
Piper Close: after John Piper, artist (stained glass window "The Supper at Emmaus" 1959)
Roper Close: after Frank Roper, sculptor (Flowers of the Virgin Mary, 1964)
Rossetti Close: after Dante Gabriel Rossetti, artist (The Seed of David, 1864)
Wyon Close: after Allan G. Wyon, engraver (life size Brass of Timothy Rees)
The artists Thomas Woolner (Moses Before the Glory of God, 1860) and Alan Durst (Scenes From the Bible and the Life of St Teilo, 1952) have also been honoured with street names, but like many in the area they have both been spelt incorrectly as Woolmer Close and Allan Durst Close.
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3 Impacts From Impact (July 6, 2017)
3 Impacts From Impact (July 6, 2017)
Slammiversary is over, and the fallout begins! It’s no longer TNA, now going under the GFW name, but it’s still the same Impact! What moments stood out in the backlash from Slammiversary? Here are my 3 Impacts From Impact:
Konnan promised a new member of LAX, and it appears to be World Champion Alberto El Patron. We think. Impact’s main event was a World Title rematch between Alberto and the…
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#Alberto El Patron#Bruce Prichard#Feature#Gail Kim#Impact Wrestling#Jeremy Borash#Josh Mathews#Konnan#Lashley#LAX#wrestling
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Next week; #ChattingWithSherri welcomes Professor, #AgathaChristie expert and #author; #DrMarkAldridge on 3/30/23 at 7pm pt; http://tobtr.com/12208554 #interview
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SPOILERS: IMPACT Wrestling - 03/03/17
IMPACT Wrestling taped a few episodes at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida that will air on POP TV over the next few weeks. Here are the results:
XPLOSION: Angelina Love defeated Angie (MJ Jenkins) via forearm shot
ODB defeated Rebel.
Bruce Prichard comes out and announces that we will crown new Tag Team Champions in two weeks. The Decay come out to interrupt. Reno Scum interrupts them. Out next is Laredo Kid and Garza Jr. They’re all interrupted by the returning LAX, made up of Konnan, Homicide, Angel Rose and 2 guys.
Karen Jarrett came out for a promo. She said the past several years have been difficult but now it’s all about changes. She can feel energy backstage and among the production crew. The audience chants for Josh Mathews to be fired. Ethan Carter III interrupts and says he’s here to make Impact great but not for the Jarretts. Karen kisses up to him. Mathews interrupts and goes on a rant, saying the fans were too cheap to buy a ticket to NXT. He belittles Karen and all her changes. Mathews claims he’s one of the best things going in Impact. Karen slaps him down.
TNA Knockouts Champion Rosemary defeated Santana Garrett.
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16.02.2017 Episode #1 - Someone To Take The Edge Off Podcast - Maedi Prichard
I always find that I do the most writing when hungover. I guess it's because you don't really want to see anyone and you just want to be inside. But because I'm hungover I feel like shit and am depressed so all the writing I do is a bit... well depressing.
I used to write journals that were just 1 line reminders that I was going to be dead one day. It would just look something like this...
23/06/2015 - We all die one day. I will be dead one day.
And I would do that pretty much everyday. At least to preface the journal or to end it. It seems depressing but I was trying to come at a positive angle... that it might make me live more in moment and be more productive and fearless but as I descended deeper and deeper into an existential depression I found it to be something that just sort of paralysed me and made me afraid of the outside world and social situations. The more aware I became of my mortality only made social situations more difficult as I felt like everyone was far too happy for the reality of life. When I worked in after school care I would look at all the kids and almost be jealous of how far away they were from having an existential crisis...
Now I think that it's actually far, far better... that you don't think about it that much. If you can have had an existential crisis and then get out of it somehow and then sort of have one foot in and one foot out... I think you can lead a happy yet still honest and aware existence.
I think that's the way my mind works now... I am actually aware of the fact that I'm denying my death... Which is a weird thing... you wouldn't imagine that was really possible. Logically it doesn't make sense... Although it does make sense that I would be more 'happy'.
So what is 'happy' then? Is it just comfort? Just security and comfort? Is that all it is!?
I don't know...
Anyway. Hello. This is blog for my podcast Someone To Take The Edge Off. A podcast where I talk to (mostly) creative people about craft, creativity, life, existential dread, death, reality, art, etc. It's very much inspired and influenced by WTF with Marc Maron - a fucking awesome podcast. It's pretty much a rip off of the format of WTF - one on one interview/conversation with me and another person for roughly an hour. Talking about all that shit mentioned before with the underlying theme being existential dread and dealing with reality.
My name is Liam. I love stand up and I do stand up. But I don't feel comfortable calling myself a 'comedian'. If people ask I say 'I've done stand up and it's gone OK sometimes'.
In this first episode I talk to Maedi Prichard. A great guy... a very unique thinker. A very similar guy to me. An awesome comedian. He was the first person that told me and encouraged me to try comedy. We had a good conversation.
Episode #1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLftBwSlyac&t=148s
He has a board game coming out in the next few months. It's called Delivery Duck. It's going to be really cool and awesome. All the links you need are below. Thanks I hope you enjoyed episode 1.
Website http://maedi.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/maediprichard
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/maediprichard
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLzs...
Delivery Duck https://deliveryduck.com/
The music in the intro is me and my friend Mathew Olivier. Me beatboxing and him playing keyboard.
Mathew's Bands - https://www.facebook.com/boonsolivech... - https://www.facebook.com/chupacabra.au Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/mathew-olivier Mathew's E-mail - [email protected]
The outro is me.
In this episode I mention the book The Denial Of Death by Ernest Becker a lot and I imagine I will in future episodes. It's a super depressing, fucked up psychology book that influenced me a lot. It's probably the reason for this podcast's theme. I first heard about it on WTF with Marc Maron... Marc would (and still does) mention it a lot. It's basically a book about the seemingly pointlessness of reality... It's a great read but it fucked me up for a long while. I thought I would just make a note of it here as I mention it a bit.
And also here is a link to WTF with Marc Maron. A podcast that has taught me so much and given me so much joy and cathartic release over the years. And if you haven't listened to it I would highly recommend it.
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Cada día las abuelas del mundo hacen regalos a sus nietos. Pero ninguno como el que recibió el niño Mathew Prichard de su abuela Agatha Christie.
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Kenneth Branagh on adapting Murder on the Orient Express
Q: I read that Agatha Christie was allergic, as her husband put it, to cinematic adaptations to her work. You did work very closely with the grandson and great-grandson [Mathew and James Prichard] who are part of the Agatha Christie Limited group, in adapting this piece. What sort of considerations did you bring to it, knowing that she might not have approved of another cinematic adaptation? - Oct 23 2017 [x]
#murder on the orient express#poirot#agatha christie#kenneth branagh#does the bit in the 7th gif mean we're getting a sort of 'intro' to poirot?#maybe glimpses into his other cases?#poirot doing 'brilliant' things?#it's about 'show not tell'#and in the book readers are supposed to know poirot already#from other books#but the audience isn't familiar with the character#so i think this a great idea to show them more about him#before the actual case starts#MOTOE interviews#orientexpressedit#*edit
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