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the nest of an introverted writing nerd.  bi, she/her, 40s, in fandom for *muttermumble* years.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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agoldenblackbird · 18 minutes ago
Apparently my stepdad and I are fucking psychically linked because ?? every single time he makes chili for dinner I get a migraine. Without fail. And it became like a ha ha running joke because it happened so many times but now I’m living 3 hours away from my parents and I just texted my mom and
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agoldenblackbird · 24 minutes ago
I know I’ve talked about it before but it never ceases to amaze me that the city of Toronto created this labyrinthine series of underground walkways that stretch for kilometres under the heart of downtown and they called it the fucking PATH. like how much more ominous could that even be. It doesn’t even stand for anything it’s just the PATH, all caps. What fucking fae named this artisanal bakery maze.
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agoldenblackbird · 3 hours ago
Favourite things to say before doing something incredibly stupid:
Hey everybody watch this
I'm God's favourite
I'm always right and I'm never gonna die
(Person nearby) gets my crap if I beef it
I'm way too sexy to fuck this up
It's okay I've done this a hundred times
This is gonna to be on purpose
Hello you're watching Jackass
Check out this cool magic trick
If I die I want you to tell people it looked really cool
Wanna see a trick I learned in prison
It's okay, I saw this on TikTok
This is only illegal in Massetchuschessetts
My dad used to do this all the time before the divorce
If you're a cop you have to tell me or it's entrapment*
I'm doing this as a prank
Could a mentally ill person do THIS
Out of two thousand possible futures this is the only way we live
I have to. (Stupid thing I'm doing) killed my mom
The government doesn't want you to know this is even an option
I'm about to become so powerful you have no idea
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agoldenblackbird · 6 hours ago
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agoldenblackbird · 19 hours ago
Jewish hostages emerge from 16 months of underground captivity emaciated, broken and bewildered, looking for all the world like concentration camp survivors, and the world is silent.
Returned female hostages give graphic and horrifying accounts of sexual assault and torture, and the world is silent.
Antisemitic abuse and hate crime has skyrocketed, Jews are traumatised and terrified and in deep pain, that is celebrated and laughed at, and the world is silent.
I just don’t understand. I never will.
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agoldenblackbird · 1 day ago
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agoldenblackbird · 1 day ago
One very stupid thing that bothers me in historical romances and fanfic is the fact that male characters often take off shirts but stay in their breeches. The breeches aren’t the last layer of underwear, the shirt is. The shirt is the body linen— that’s the thing that goes against the skin and is the first thing to be put on and the last thing to be taken off— that’s the thing that is sewn by hand by wife/ sister/ daughter/ mother partly out of a lack of extensive manufacturing but because it is the most intimate layer of clothing and you don’t want a stranger’s work against your skin.
Is it just because to modern eyes it would look silly? Is this a case of “I got too interested in the material culture of body linens in the Regency era and now I know too much to enjoy myself”??
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agoldenblackbird · 1 day ago
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agoldenblackbird · 1 day ago
when i saw this i couldn’t believe it didn’t have music
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agoldenblackbird · 1 day ago
curious to hear y'all's suggestions for the worst possible pasta shape
(Assume that "pasta" needs to be made of sheets or strands of dough with enough surface area relative to thickness so that they can be cooked.)
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agoldenblackbird · 1 day ago
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agoldenblackbird · 1 day ago
A little too smart
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agoldenblackbird · 1 day ago
the Justice League's identities all get publically leaked but before the dust has settled someone on twitter is like 'OMG i can't believe you guys are actually buying this obviously fake leak. look at this 'Billy Batson' person's birthday, he would only have been 11 years old when Captain Marvel started operating? how are you people so dumb'
immediately throws the whole thing into doubt. everyone going over the other ID information looking for other potential discrepancies. 'they expect us to believe Superman is some journalist called Clark Kent? they don't even look alike' and 'look at this Hal Jordan guy next to Green Lantern their facial structures aren't the same at all' and 'this Diana Prince woman has NO web presence, I don't think she's a real person'
'Bruce Wayne? c'monn how stupid do these peple think we are' etc etc
someone brings up that Wally West is clearly too young to have been operating as the Flash the entire time but then people from Central City are like no no that one might be legit, it's common knowledge locally that there's been more than one Flash.
this sparks the idea that perhaps the original Captain Marvel died or retired and was replaced with a new guy at some point. another whole group of people now scrutinising images of him trying to identify when the '''''switch'''' happened.
someone doing a deep local newspaper archive sweep turns up a photo of CC Batson accompanying a story abt his archaeology work, everyone agrees that Captain Marvel has his exact face, takes 0.2 seconds to join the dots that he officially died not long before Captain Marvel first appeared and Billy is his son. 2 Captain Marvels theory, previously dismissed as nonsense by most reasonable people, now looking very plausible.
whatever group leaked the identities absolutely steaming bcos their data is good damn it, everything in there is 100% factually correct and no-one is buying it ):<
Justice League and associates (initially sweating) now just pouring fuel on the fire. Oracle has made dozens of sockpuppet accounts to spread chaos and discord. official Flash account insisting that actually everyone is mistaken and he's definitely 100% been one guy this whole time. Lois Lane on twitter like 'do you guys think I wouldn't know if my husband was Superman'.
absolute pandemonium.
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agoldenblackbird · 1 day ago
heard someone say archive of our own should install a "dislike" button and I thought I should say this: no, there's absolutely no need for archive of our own to install a "dislike" button.
why? because archive of our own isn't tiktok or youtube or twitter/x where users can monetize their content. archive of our own is a nonprofit site run by fans for fans, which means every content — every fanfic — you see on archive of our own was made out of pure love and passion from the artists/authors.
ao3 authors write because writing about these characters is their happiness and passion. they write for themselves, but they were generous enough to share with you their creations.
they're not "content creators" the way tiktokers or youtubers or instagram models are. they don't "make content" for views and engagements that can be monetized.
so no, you don't get to "grade their works" unless they specifically and directly ask you to.
you don't get to "say what you dislike about their works" unless they specifically and directly ask you to.
you don't get to "dislike" works that are not made specifically to please you in the first place. you're just a guest in someone's house, a house in which they let you in because they were kind, you don't get to roam around their house and say what you dislike about their furniture. you don't get to roam around their house and say you "dislike their house".
of course, you can have your opinion about the house its host invites you in. but if it's a negative one and you find yourself not liking the house, the polite things for you to do is excuse yourself and leave without telling them you dislike their house.
and just because you personally dislike the house doesn't mean the house is "ugly" either. the house you dislike could be a favorite, most luxurious place to many others.
my point is, don't be entitled by wanting the rights to voice your disapproval of things that you get to enjoy for free. don't be entitled by wanting the rights to voice your disapproval of things that were made out of love and passion — things the artists made for themselves for fun.
it makes you look like an entitled jerk with main character syndrome. the universe does not revolve around you.
now repeat after me: don't like don't read. no one forces you to continue reading a fic you don't like. quietly leave instead of being rude to authors who write for free because writing is their source of comfort.
people are so used to contents that were made because it's a trend / contents like tiktok that were made with the main purpose of reaching high engagement and making profits that they forget sometimes things can be made out of love and be made just for fun. sometimes things are supposed to just be for people to enjoy, and if some people don't enjoy them, then they can simply leave without being unnecessary unkind.
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agoldenblackbird · 1 day ago
you ever just click on a fanfic and read the first word and go “shut up” and exit
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agoldenblackbird · 1 day ago
Truly Madly Deeply
You guys voted on this poll and chose Truly Madly Deeply as the song to be featured in my little fic. Enjoy!
tw: blood, stabbing, near death experience
If you had asked Tommy what his plans were for 9:32pm on a Thursday, he would not say, “Placing pressure on my ex-boyfriend’s stab wound,” but that’s exactly what he was doing.
The night hadn’t started so dramatically. He had gone to the bar for karaoke trivia, just like he had plenty of times before. Right as it was about to start, he glanced over to see Buck staring at him, mouth agape.
Buck hurried out of the bar after that and, before Tommy could even register what he was doing, he was following behind him.
“I didn’t think you’d b- be here,” Buck explained, the conversation irrelevant to Tommy at the moment. “You changed your schedule and I- I thought you’d be working tonight.”
“I switched with someone for a couple weeks,” Tommy replied, pressing down harder on the wound, feeling Buck’s blood under his hand.
“Oh- Ah!”
“Sorry, sorry.”
I- I thought you didn’t wanna see m- me on a call or something.”
“No, that’s… No.”
“Oh,” Buck repeated. “Okay. I- still, I just wanted t- to get out a little. I- I’ve mostly been baking. I- when I saw you I was g- gonna leave. Try to go before you- you saw me.”
“I saw you,” Tommy muttered.
“I know. Y- You followed me.” Unconsciously, his hand moved up toward the wound. Tommy gently batted it away. “Why?”
“I thought,” Tommy paused. “I don’t know, just wanted to talk to you. Didn’t know you’d be busy getting mugged.”
Even through his labored breathing, with the gash in his abdomen still oozing blood no matter how much pressure Tommy put on it, Buck looked up at Tommy eagerly. “About what?”
“I don’t think that matters right now, Buck.”
“Why? B- Because of th- the stabbing?”
“Yes, Buck. Because of the stabbing.” In the distance, Tommy began to register the familiar tune of an older song. He thought it had been coming from the bar at first, but now he knew it wasn’t. “Why is this damn song playing again?” he asked as it started over. “And where the hell is it coming from?”
“Th- The guy dropped his phone. It st- started playing,” Buck informed him, hand shakily pointing across the alley toward the phone on the ground. “Must b- be on repeat.”
A small gush of blood seeped out between Tommy’s fingers. “I can’t reach it to turn it off.”
“I don’t mind it,” Buck assured him, wincing as a wave of pain hit. “I- It’s fitting, don’t ya think?”
“What do you mean?”
“Truly Madly Deeply,” Buck mumbled, eyebrows raised. “I- I’d stand with you on a mountain.”
Tommy sighed. “Okay.”
“Bathe with you in the sea.”
“Not sure I- I wanna lay like this forever.” His words began to slur about halfway through and, as he finished the sentence, his head lolled to the side, eyes closing.
“Evan!” Tommy yelled, bringing one hand to his face to tap at his cheek. “You gotta stay awake for me, Evan!” he alerted, getting right up in Buck’s face. “Eyes open. Talk to me.”
Buck’s eyes popped back open and he opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again. “Looks like y- you were wrong,” he said, swallowing down a familiar metallic taste.
“That’s nothing new,” Tommy replied. “But what about this time?”
“You… You will get t- to be my last.”
“Stop it. You- You’re not dying, Evan.” He groaned, ignoring the burning in his eyes as he looked out toward the road. “Where’s the damn ambulance?!”
“It- It’s only been a few… few minutes.”
With one hand still on Buck, Tommy checked the time on his watch. Buck was right, Tommy had only hung up the phone maybe five minutes ago. It had felt like an hour.
“You know what I- I think?” Buck asked, raising a hand to poke at Tommy’s shoulder.
“What’s that?”
“I think you- you’re scared.”
“You’re delirious,” Tommy
Buck shook his head. “No, I- I’m lirious,” he replied, then scrunched his face up in confusion. “You know what I m- mean. You’re scared, Tommy. Scared o- of being loved. Scared of c- committing to s- something r-” his words broke off as he began to cough. He could feel something wet on his chin. Was sure it wasn’t just spit. “Real,” he finished once the coughing died down. He could hear his own breathing now, wheezy and stunted. That didn’t stop him. “You- I don’t think you really w- wanted to go that night. I- I know I screwed up but w- we could have fixed it.”
“Can we stop talking about this, please?” Tommy was willing to beg, if necessary. Tonight had been about trying to forget all his failures as a human. He was not prepared to be thrown right into each and every conversation he spent most of his life running away from. Especially not when he was trying to prevent his ex from bleeding out.
“You said t- to stay awake,” Buck reminded him. “Need t- to talk to stay… stay awake.”
“Well, choose a different topic. A funner one. One that doesn’t involve me.”
Buck rolled his eyes, moaning a bit. “Eddie is l- leaving.”
“Yeah? For good or for awhile?”
“Good. Texas. Christopher.”
“That’s good,” Tommy said. “For him. Sorry for you though.”
“It’s… S’okay. He- He’s running to- towards something, ya know? Needs t- to be there.”
“I know,” Tommy agreed. “Still, sucks when a friend leaves.”
“Mm,” Buck hummed. “Sucks more when th- the person you love le- leaves.”
Tommy sighed, “Evan.”
“I n- never said I was talking about…” he voiced trailed off as he sucked in a wheezy breath, “about you. Very pre- presumptuous." He managed a weak smirk in Tommy’s direction. “I w- was talking about, um, that guy f- from that bas- basketball team that, that you like who… he’s retiring this year, I think.”
“Sounds like you two were very close,” Tommy deadpanned. “Sorry for your loss.”
“Th- Thank you.” He blinked up at Tommy, running his tongue over his lips. They suddenly felt so dry. “Just wish- wish you would b- be honest… honest with me before,” he stopped, each breath a little harder to take than the last. “I’m gonna die, Tommy.”
“You are not dying.” The words came out like a demand. He stared into Buck’s eyes, his blood-soaked hands maintaining their pressure. “But I tell you what. After you get all fixed up, if you remember anything from tonight, we’ll talk,” Tommy promised. “I will tell you why I- why I left. Because you’re right, Evan. I’m scared. I’m terrified. You… You scare me. I’ve never felt for anyone th- the way I feel for you.”
“Love.” It wasn’t a question. “You love me.”
Tommy sucked in a shaky breath. “Yeah,” he admitted. “Yes, I do.”
A tiny smile rose on Buck’s face. “Truly madly deeply?” he whispered, voice becoming weaker by the second.
Tommy huffed out a laugh, the song repeating yet again. He nodded. “Truly madly deeply.”
Buck’s breathing slowed, eyelids drooping. “Tommy?”
“I… It doesn’t hurt anymore.”
Tommy became laser focused, pressing down even harder on Buck’s wound, “Evan, you hang on, you hear me? I hear the sirens now. They’re close, Evan!”
“I’m,” Buck’s eyes began to roll back in his head, “I’m cold,” he muttered before the whole world went dark.
Buck woke up to a hospital room full of family and friends.
But all he noticed was one very important person was not there.
“Where… Where’s Tommy?” he asked Maddie with pleading eyes as she held onto his hand. His heart began to race, wondering if it was a dream, or a hallucination. Maybe Tommy had never been there at all. Maybe-
“Calm down,” Maddie instructed, rubbing her thumb over his palm. “He’d been here for three nights, Buck. We finally got him to go home for a bit. Shower, change, try to sleep. He’ll be back later.”
His eyes scanned the room. “I- I need my phone.”
“Right now?” Maddie questioned, glancing around at the other very confused visitors.
“Yes. Yes, right now.”
“Okay, okay, I’ve got it.” She picked up the bag beside her chair, digging in it briefly before pulling out Buck’s phone.
“He might not answer,” she said, handing it over to him. “He’s probably resting.”
Buck was too busy typing out a text to listen. His words were simple.
Truly Madly Deeply.
The text bubble was only on his screen for a couple of seconds before a reply came through.
I’ll be there in twenty minutes.
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agoldenblackbird · 1 day ago
sometimes you need dialogue tags and don't want to use the same four
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