#Math Tutor Nj
genieacademy · 2 years
Learn to Reading Tutoring at South Plainfield NJ
If you're looking for a great place to get some extra help with reading, math, or both, you should check out Math Genie in South Plainfield, NJ! They offer top-notch tutoring services that can really make a difference for students of all ages. The staff at Math Genie is highly experienced and really knows how to tailor their teaching to each individual student. Click here for more information: https://www.mathgenie.com/south-plainfield-nj
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Spoilers Ahead - “The Tutor”
I’ve had a few requests from people outside of the U.S. (or people who just aren’t near theaters showing the film) to do a spoiler-filled recap of the film.
There’s no way that I remembered every single detail, but I tried my best. I also incorporated a few thoughts & observations along the way. I hope this satisfies any curiosity.
The film starts off giving a little bit of background about Ethan (Garrett Hedlund) and shows him tutoring high-school aged kids from wealthy families. It basically drops you into the privileged and vapid lives of these kids. Really stereotypically exaggerated, but pretty amusing at points nonetheless. It focuses a lot on how he reacts to their seeming inability to learn. Then it transitions to the students as they start to get it and do well thanks to his tutoring. This part of the beginning basically ends with one mother (presumably) asking him what his secret is and I don’t really remember what he says but it was just a laid back, nothing sort of answer.
The film continues and we learn that he and his girlfriend Annie (Victoria Justice) are expecting a baby. She wants to know how Ethan’s father took the news that they aren’t married but are expecting, and he’s silent for her long enough to tell that he hasn’t told his dad (even though he promises that he will soon). In time, we learn that there are bigger issues there with his father (who we never meet).
Ethan’s day job isn’t super clear, at least to me. He works sort of in an office setting, but maybe like a temp-type job. When he goes into work, he’s told to call some guy named Charlie who is ... frankly, equal parts a lot and totally unnecessary to the story. Charlie is the voice-over in the trailer that tells Ethan about the job paying $2,500 per day. As he said in the trailer, details are sparse. He’s also randomly calling from a strip club and shouted out Montclair, NJ, which is hilarious as someone who grew up in a neighboring town to Montclair (but I digress). As is established, Ethan takes the job with minimal questions asked because he needs the money. Which, as my friend pointed out, maybe do not live in NYC in a pretty spacious apartment if you can’t afford it LOL. There’s a real disconnect.
Ethan packs his bags and moves into the family’s house for a trial-run tutoring week, leaving a maybe-5-month pregnant Annie to pack up their apartment by herself (goals? lmao). Once Ethan arrives and is brought inside by the butler, he meets Jackson (Noah Schnapp). Jackson is stand-offish and doesn’t make any immediate eye contact. Ethan tries to ask him questions and glean what he is even meant to work on with him. Jackson says he doesn’t know how he did on his SATs, but he would get his father’s secretary to send over his results. Ethan gives Jackson some test prep to see what level he’s on and then leaves him to that while he explores the house some more.
During Ethan’s exploration is when he meets some other people who are around the house. The one guy is later identified as Jackson’s cousin. Who Jackson describes as the “brother that I never had” and who “summers with us” (you can’t make this stuff up). There’s a random girl with him, never stated but inferred to be his girlfriend. That whole scene was just purposefully weird and to be honest, I could’ve done without it. What we do learn, though, is that cell reception is best by the pool unless you have access to the Wi-Fi. More on that later. This sequence I believe is also when Ethan sees all the motorcycles that the family owns. Ethan then sees Jackson’s clearly a whiz at math and gives him an essay to work on instead. The butler returns and takes Ethan to his quarters, which is basically a house in itself with a pool table, etc. & later that night he talks about it with Annie over the phone.
I’m pretty sure the next day when they’re working is when Ethan asks what Jackson’s father does for a living. Jackson says that he’s not allowed to talk about it. Then he asks about Jackson’s mother and he clams up before saying that “they sent her away.” Ethan apologizes for that. I’m sort of losing track of the order at this point, but eventually (possibly later that day) there’s the scene within Ethan’s quarters where Jackson appears. He asks if he can come in and just randomly starts talking to Ethan about how he feels like his father hates/is disappointed in him. He lays his head down on Ethan’s knee, unprompted, and Ethan is basically like, tf? But then the scene goes as the preview showed - Ethan comforts him, says he has his own complicated relationship with his father who we learn can be volatile and is a drinker, and then Jackson gets a sort of cold yet cheerfully detached smile on his face and leaves again without any clear reason why he showed up in the first place.
At some point, Ethan is taking photos in the woods. Which made me realize I forgot about the scene where Jackson asks him to take his photo. It happens maybe the second day of tutoring. So anyway, Ethan’s taking photos because he took “photojournalism in high school and it stuck” (because what’s a tutor without a passion for photography who reads Dostoevsky on the side? I am totally serious, he does). Jackson’s cousin shows up (how coincidental) in a car with his gf and some other girl named Teddy. They insist on giving Ethan a ride and that’s when Ethan asks what the deal is with Jackson (he’s already said to Annie that he doesn’t know why he’s there if this kid is so smart, which Annie says maybe he’s a nervous test-taker and Ethan suspects that Jackson is “on the ‘spectrum’”/some “mad genius”. Lots of ableist language used throughout the film. The cousin asks what Jackson has told Ethan about himself, and he says the thing about the mother being sent away. Ethan sort of scoffs and has an offhanded remark like, “Yeah, you could say that.” *Cue foreboding music* Then the cousin makes some lewd remark about how Teddy will do whatever the cousin says if Ethan wants to get with her. Ethan responds to this super misogynist remark by saying he has a girlfriend. The cousin said he heard about that and how they’re expecting a baby and this can be like one last hurrah or some other asinine remark. At this point, Jackson’s “how do you feel about your baby being a bastard?” comment has already happened.
As the week is at the mid-way point, Jackson doesn’t want to study one day. He and the cousin offer to buy off Ethan to let him go early. Bidding starts at $1,000 & works its way up to $5,000 before Ethan basically just goes “c’est la vie” and takes the money. You’d think it would come back to bite him or that Jackson would say he stole the money. It never does. Later in the week as Ethan is packing, Jackson invites him for a farewell dinner with his father on their last tutoring day. Ethan says that he can’t because he has plans. Jackson tries to insist, but Ethan snaps at him that he’s his tutor, not his friend. This felt like a weird overreaction compared to how calm he was when Jackson called his baby a bastard. Jackson runs off and eventually Ethan goes to look for him and apologize. He comes upon Jackson’s bedroom where a laptop is left open (naturally, not password protected). On it, Ethan sees photos of himself and him and Annie on the night that we had previously seen them in their living room. He is creeped out by Jackson’s “obsession.”
On the last day of tutoring, Jackson is going through it. He’s trying to write but he’s shaky and ripping out a page when he’s not happy with it. Ethan confronts him about the laptop photos and when Jackson says he shouldn’t be on his laptop, Ethan says he was looking for him to apologize. Eventually, Jackson sort of has a meltdown where we see in the preview him pounding on his legs and runs out of the den. Ethan chases after him but he’s gone and then a man appears on top of the steps who Ethan says “must be Jackson’s father.” The man says how Jackson is always like this and Ethan apologizes for not being able to make the dinner. The scene is the father making random nonsensical remarks about World War I and offering Ethan this big painting in the foyer since he likes it because “we’ve got three or four others around here like it.” Rich people are a different breed.
At some point during this week, Annie is out walking with one of her friends & she talks about her history with Ethan (as you do lmao). We learn he’s cheated on her with some artist or whatever. She still has trouble trusting him, etc. etc. Now that the week of tutoring has ended, Ethan and Annie are out to dinner & having it with the same woman and her significant other. Annie announces the sex of the baby is a boy. The other couple, for no apparent reason, announce they’re moving to Portland (which Portland? they never say) but of course, not until after the baby is born because she’d never do that to Annie. Gag. Ethan is brooding and drinking the entire dinner. Right before the dinner, he heard from Charlie again that the family wants to continue the tutoring of Jackson. He isn’t eager to continue but the pay rate skyrockets. The couple says to him how they hear he has remarkable stories of students that he’s tutored. Ethan tells Annie’s favorite of a girl who threw a book at him and called him white trash. Another is of a father sending him on a trip to London to take his kid on a college tour. He then begins talking about Jackson and ranting about his creepiness of knowing about the baby to taking his photos to his random meltdown, and then all of a sudden Jackson appears and clearly heard the entire rant. The table is deadly quiet (at this point I’ve slid all the way down in my seat from pure secondhand embarrassment) and Annie greets Jackson and they make brief awkward small talk. Jackson eventually leaves and the scene transitions to a car ride home as Annie says she hates when “Ethan gets like this” and how it’s always bad when he drinks because he reminds her “of your dad”. This oh-so-mysterious dad.
Again, I’m sort of losing the plot at this point but the next major thing that I’m remembering is that Jackson calls Ethan to say that he and his family are in Manhattan for the day and the tutoring will take place at their brownstone. So Ethan can let himself into it. Ethan tries to apologize for the previous encounter, but Jackson says they’ll talk later and the line goes dead. Ethan goes over to the brownstone and waits. Jackson says that they’re stuck in traffic and there’s fruit that he left out for Ethan. Ethan eats two strawberries (what a dummy) and starts feeling weird. As he collapses with a thud, there’s a not quite worthy TikTok transition to a body getting dumped into water. Again with the theme of water. Ethan comes to and swims to the surface as a small boat is retreating. The next scene is him coming home to Annie and that’s the scene where she asks where he was and then is skeptical when Ethan believes he was drugged and mentions how a random girl kept calling their house but wouldn’t give her name. They fight and the next day, Ethan is convinced he figured out the drug that Jackson gave him based on its effects and side-effects.
Ethan develops his camera roll in another scene and as he’s doing it, there are photos on it that he didn’t take. Ones of him laying in compromising positions with Terry. Again, are these ever fully utilized? Nope. He gets in bed with Annie and they sort of make a truce because they don’t want to fight and both want answers more. He’s already encouraged her to use the tracker on his phone if she doesn’t trust him.
Now I really don’t remember the order of what happens next but eventually, Ethan gets a phone call from Charlie. Charlie tells him that Jackson accused him of being dangerous and there are bruises on his legs. Ethan says how Jackson gave those to himself and then Charlie hits him with a separate accusation about how Ethan was inappropriate with girls and that there were photos. Ethan unintentionally admits to the existence of photos, which is enough for Charlie to fire him. Glass houses, am I right?
Ethan is on a quest for answers as well as other paying work. He’s not even qualified enough to work as a waiter and at some point, he confronts Jackson who’s waiting for him on a busy street to stay away from him and his family. Jackson asked if Ethan meant what he said about him and Jackson, ever the dummy, says he did. Jackson is resolved to ruin his life and Jackson physically pushes him before the cousin intervenes. Later, Ethan is brought in for some questioning because there was video of Jackson getting assaulted in an alley and he accused Ethan. Ethan says he didn’t do it & it was probably Jackson’s cousin. They asked Ethan’s whereabouts the previous night and I don’t recall when this was exactly, it may be when he was going through the photographs. He doesn’t answer but is brought to a separate interrogation room. As he goes by a separate room, Annie is comforting Jackson for no apparent reason. Like, how that makes sense is beyond me. The police tell Ethan not to leave town & he agrees that he wants this resolved and his life back.
Eventually in a later scene, he tells Jackson that he’s ruined his life. He starts trying to find more answers by 1) going back to the mansion and 2) returning to the brownstone. At the mansion, he is hiding in the bushes and sees another group of people pull up out front. He asks if they’re staying there and the man says it’s his house. Ethan asks if they’re renting it and if they know where Jackson is, but the guy doesn’t know a Jackson and says they’ve been away or something. Ethan says that he’s stayed there the past week, which creeps the man out. The man tries to usher him off the property when a girl comes out and it’s Terry, who they immediately make eye contact. So Jackson had her help with the setting etc. The man pushes Ethan off the property and he goes back to the brownstone to find evidence of his drugging for a restraining order. He finds a strawberry under the couch, but this dipshit doesn’t consider that wealthy people will have in-house security. The police show up and he’s thrown in a cell.
**Mention of Suicide**
Jumping around again, at some point he and Annie are talking. I’m not sure when, but she finds out about a girl named Rachel. I don’t remember how she found out because as I said in my non-spoiler post, this movie was all over the damn place. This Rachel died under mysterious circumstances years ago. At least five or six years, maybe? Ethan eventually admits that they “had a fling”, but Rachel took her own life. Annie asked if it was an affair but basically he said Rachel was just in a marriage on paper. She and her husband weren’t in love. Annie is alarmed that Ethan wouldn’t think to mention any of it before and he says that he tried to forget it and it’s not the most natural thing to bring up in conversation. Annie discovers that he was also questioned and basically says she can’t be around him right now because all of the stress isn’t good for the baby. She kicks him out of their home.
Ethan spirals. He’s living in his car and drinking booze etc. (Just like his dad, I guess *eye roll*) Annie talks to that same friend about the situation and pulled up old articles about the situation and the friend is sort of on Ethan’s side in terms of how it’s a hard thing to mention casually etc. The friend asks Annie again if she still has the tracker on Ethan’s phone, which she confirms since she’s still not trusting him. Ethan eventually gets a call from Jackson saying they’d be able to end this cat and mouse deal if Ethan meets him at the place where Rachel died.
Now, full disclaimer: I don’t remember if Jackson was the one who told Annie about Rachel or what the deal was here. But the “big discovery” is that Rachel was actually Jackson’s mother. So when Ethan shows up where Rachel died, Jackson reveals that he shouldn’t actually know where she died. Even though Rachel’s body washed up in the body of water, she didn’t die from drowning. There was no water in her lungs. He head was slammed down so hard on the planks down by the water that it chipped it, so she was already dead when she was thrown into the water. The only people with access to that knowledge were the police, Jackson and his father after they were given the police report, and the murderer. Ethan says it’s not a leap to know where she died because of the water patterns and where she washed up or whatever. Anyway, it was flimsy.
Soon thereafter, Ethan gets a conk on the head. He wakes up in a house and there’s Jackson and the cousin. The cousin is all too eager to kill Ethan, but Jackson wants answers. Ethan starts by saying he didn’t see and/or talk to Rachel the night that she died. Then he says they only talked over the phone. Then under threat of death, he eventually drops the party line that “Rachel” wasn’t that serious of a relationship. He admits that it was more than a fling. That Rachel was obsessed with him and wanted one more night with him & then he agreed. That’s when Jackson revealed he had Rachel’s old journals where she wrote about Ethan. How he started off cute but was obsessive & always like a puppy dog, so needy. How he was a “loser” etc. Ethan unravels further and then just sort of snaps.
Another disclaimer: I don’t remember when we found out, but we did at some point learn that Jackson’s father died three years ago. I think when Ethan’s in the interrogation room. So that dude that he talked to? Another of Jackson’s players, but one that was never explained.
Anyway, Ethan goes to attack Jackson but the cousin tackles him. He’s got like a fire poker to turn logs or something. Eventually, Ethan gets him in a chokehold with it as Jackson runs up the stairs. He suffocates and kills the cousin & then starts hunting for Jackson (who he, for the record, knew existed when he was with Rachel but said he thought his name was Charlie or something - it made no sense).
The scene at some point transitions to Annie, who’s laying in bed. She looks at her phone and sees her Ethan GPS and is wondering what he’s doing.
It goes back to the other two. Jackson is running around and hiding and crying as Ethan hunts for him. At one point, Ethan’s like “I should’ve realize who you are, you look just like her.” LOL alright. They end up down by the water with Jackson hiding beneath the wooden boards on the stairs that would lead to water. Jackson finally approaches him and is using the fire poker to bang & attempt to scare him etc. He’s admitting how he killed Rachel (it’s basically a “crime of passion”) and how now Jackson will die where she died. That’s when Annie announces her presence & Ethan, in true sociopath form, turns to face her and act like none of what she just heard him say is true. The close-up here of Garrett’s performance is probably the one that I liked the most in the film since it’s basically him crying and totally devoid of genuine remorse yet he still manages to look melancholy. He has his whole monologue and then you hear a gunshot.
That’s the moment from the preview where you see Jackson with the gun as a close-up. He sort of shot him just below the shoulder? I guess it was meant to be the heart. Eventually, Ethan falls down and into the water (foreshadowing from earlier?). The big foreshadowing I found was the relevance of phones working best near water (i.e.: cell service by pool, GPS by waterfront). That was probably the least heavy-handed and well approached part of the script.
The scene shifts to Jackson and Annie sort of in a stupor as the police work around them. Eventually, Jackson is looking out the window like we saw in the promotional stills. Annie comes up from behind him and asks whether the cops found Ethan’s body. Jackson shakes his head no and it’s kinda like, “Uh, okay what isn’t being said here?” Because they did have scuba divers going down for him. So that was sort of ambiguous. Then she made some random remark about living your life around people and not really knowing them.
The camera sort of pans out to a wide shot of their backs as they look out on the horizon and Ethan’s voiceover is heard. He’s giving a more full answer to the woman who asked him originally what his method of tutoring entailed. I cannot even begin to tell you what he said because by that point I was like, this is an 1.5 of my life that I’m never getting back LOL. But it ended with a close-up of him smiling at the camera, then turning creepy serious.
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satprepnj · 6 months
From mastering tricky math problems to acing the essay section, we've got you covered with insider knowledge from seasoned SAT Prep Tutoring in New Jersey.
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thelearningspot · 1 year
Guiding Growth: Exceptional Tutoring Services in New Jersey for Academic Success
Unlock your child’s potential in the Garden State! Need top-notch tutoring services in New Jersey? The Learning Spot has got you covered. From math mysteries to essay excellence, our expert tutors bring the A-game. Visit us online to ignite your child’s learning journey today! Don't just let them learn; allow them to thrive with the best support in NJ!
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abilityscoolnj · 1 year
Ability School, the best preschool in NJ provides a continuous enrichment program that caters to students between the ages of 4 and 13. This cost-effective program offers group and private tutoring sessions, facilitated by experienced teachers. These sessions aim to enhance learning and target specific areas such as reading, comprehension, writing, and math. Moreover, personalized programs can be tailored to teach your child essential study skills for lifelong learning.
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taekookficrecs · 4 years
Do you know any good taekook series?
hey friend! there are tons of aus here so please enjoy!
Close Your Eyes (Count To Ten) - jeontime (( 2 works | T, E | 29,888 ))
historical au (crown prince tae and bodyguard kook)
summer; blue - batman (( 2 works | M | 81,025 ))
not marked as a series but has a sequel/companion piece! magical realism au (childhood friends, rich tae, etc)
what luck - expplipo (( 2 works | T, G | 40,684 ))
"You’re bad luck, I’m good luck. Two sides of a coin. Heads and tails. We match.”
(mundane superpower/luck au)
I’m Feeling Electric Tonight - mindheist (( 3 works | E, M | 50,282 ))
college fake dating au
Ring me up - chahans (( 2 works | T | 24,178 ))
Taehyung didn’t like to brag, but there was only a short list of things in the world that he couldn’t do, and they were:
1) Legally ride his rocket powered unicycle on campus
2) Eat three popsicles in a row without getting brainfreeze
3) NOT be whipped for Jeon Jungkook
And now, freshly added to the list:
4) Get Jungkook’s ring off his finger
In which Taehyung gets Jungkook's ring stuck on his ring finger and Jungkook misunderstands.
How To Take Care of a Rose: A journal written by Jeon Jeongguk - soecrates (( 2 works | T, M | 24,836 ))
Taehyung is that one boy on campus that wears see through crop tops with embroidered flowers and high waisted dad jeans and Jungkook just can't figure out why the fuck this guy keeps on taking pictures of him.
Churchboy! Tae - captainheyturnitup (( 2 works | E | 37,245 ))
Taehyung has spent his entire life at church, praying, volunteering, spending time with his family and friends. He struggles to come to terms with how attracted he is to the hot bad boy in his math class that's suddenly showing interest in him.
(Of course, he gives in to temptation, falling in love with the tattooed boy he once helped pass math class.)
Lupus Tales - kpopismydrug (( 15 works | G, T, M, E | 728,286 ))
wolf jk au, very very plot heavy
seasons of love - thestarsabove (( 2 works | E | 50,915 ))
In which Taehyung has to put his post-graduate identity crisis on hold because he keeps getting distracted by the hot, sweaty guy installing a pool in his parents’ backyard.
Or: a fluffy, horny summer starring Taehyung and Jeongguk.
Chemistry - taecheeks (( 4 works | E, M | 222,666 ))
“What’s your zodiac sign?”
“Virgo,” Jungkook responds without thinking. He frowns, glaring. “Why?”
“Hm, I can work with that,” Taehyung says. “I’m a Capricorn.”
“Fascinating. Now back to Chemistry -”
“Isn’t that what I was talking about?”
[Or, Jungkook just wants to get his tutoring sessions with the President's son over with. Taehyung just wants to get his cute tutor under him.]
At the End of It All (Stay) - jvante (( 2 works | M | 32,636 ))
Jeongguk is a remarkable hacker, known by few in the scene for the secrets he can steal. Taehyung just needs a little bit of information.
Unholy - Bellenciaga (( 3 works | E | 27,380 ))
There's something living in the woods behind Taehyung's house. (demon au)
admin nj - these are all the ones i’ve read! eons late but i hope i was able to help!
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vsavirtualschool · 3 years
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It’s About Stepping Down, Not Climbing Up
How do we learn? There are countless videos, people, and techniques that show up when you google this question. Want to know a math equation? There’s sure to be a TikTok dance that’ll teach you just the trick for acing that test tomorrow!
But learning—really learning something—can be a challenge, but one that we can overcome with more knowledge.
In order to understand the process of learning, it’s essential to know how we learn. For students, oftentimes teachers, tutors, parents, or even an older sibling will take on the role of instructing you on how to do something. However, that’s barely the tip of the iceberg—or the learning theory pyramid.
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enchantingphillie · 4 years
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genieacademy · 2 years
Math Tutoring Program in South Brunswick, NJ
There's a new math tutoring program starting up in South Brunswick! Math Tutoring in South Brunswick NJ will help students build off of their strengths, and work toward improving their weaknesses. This is a great opportunity for students who need a little extra help in math. The program will be held at the South Brunswick Public Library, and it's open to all students in grades 3-12.
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thetutoringlab-blog · 7 years
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https://goo.gl/HjC1e1 The Tutoring Lab is the Leading Tutoring Centers in NJ, Provides private tutor and test preparation services to the student of all age groups & Subjects. Call now (908-635-3901) for consulting.
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tutorz · 5 years
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Dr. Martin F. tutors biology, math and science in New Brunswick, NJ. He has a Ph.D from Rutgers University. → https://www.tutorz.com/tutor/576560
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acuppellarp · 5 years
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Welcome (back!) to A Cup-pella, Joey! We’re excited to have you and Ryder Lynn in the game! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours.
Name + pronouns: Joey + She/Her Age: 28 Timezone: EST Ships: Chemistry Anti-Ships: Forced
Full Name: Ryder Anaís Torres-Lynn Face Claim: Ana De Armas Age/Birthday: October 28th/ 23 yrs old Occupation: Writer’s Personal Assistant, ACup Barista, occasional weekend bartender Personality: Excitable, Impulsive, Loyal, Indecisive, Passionate Hometown: Passaic, NJ Bio: Born to a 20-year-old struggling rock musician and a 19-year-old Cuban/Colombian waittress, Ryder’s upbringing was as nontraditional as the couple that made her. Jack Lynn and Marisol Torres had only been casually dating for four months before Marisol discovered she was pregnant. Jack begged her to consider having the baby. Although she agreed, it was very clear from the beginning that this baby was something she was only following through on for Jack. When the baby finally came, regardless of sex, Jack begged for the baby to be named after his father who recently passed: Ryder. Marisol complied and followed suit by dedicating the baby’s middle name to her older sister who stayed in Colombia: Anaís. Unfortunately, the middle name Marisol chose lasted longer than her presence in Ryder’s life. Marisol walked out on Jack and Ryder when she was only 11 months old, leaving Jack to raise a baby girl on his own, and leaving Ryder without any real knowledge about her maternal family. Unsure of his ability to be a single father, Jack moved from Queens to Brooklyn with Ryder to live with his older brother, Michael, and his partner, Daniel. Michael owned a building where he ran a bar downstairs and rented four apartments upstairs (aside from his own). Putting music somewhat off to the side, Jack began working in his brother’s bar and the two Lynn men worked together to raise Ryder.
Although Ryder was a bright kid, it became obvious that something was getting in her way in high school. After some testing done by her school psychologist and insisted on by her JROTC coordinator, Ryder was diagnosed with ADHD. While she never really saw herself going to college, her performance in athletics and JROTC made her a perfect applicant for the United States Military Academy in West Point. Ryder got into the college and focused on Communications and graduated with her bachelor’s degree by the time she was 21 in time for her first tour.
When it came time for Ryder to sign her new contract, she opted out and found herself back in New York. Her service and everything she had seen had shown her that she wanted to be a writer. Ryder began working as novelist/freelance New Yorker journalist Elliot Gilmore’s personal assistant, which has been a less than peaceful job. Her boss is a notorious asshole but working under him and getting his critiques on some of her writing has helped Ryder hone her skill. Of course, Ryder cushions her income by working part-time at ACup as a barista and as a weekend bartender for her uncle’s gay bar, Wunderland.
As for her love life, Ryder hasn’t had the most exciting history. Alternating between crushes on Kitty and Marley, an awkward incident with Unique, and the occasional hookup, Ryder hasn’t ever been in a serious relationship. She plays off the lack of romantic connections in her past as something that has occurred intentionally. Truth be told, Ryder doesn’t really like talking about her love life, or lack of, with anyone, which likely stems back to losing her virginity at age 12 to her 17-year-old Math tutor and the subsequent responses she got from the few jealous peers she told.
Regarding her life philosophy, Ryder tries her best to try. Unfortunately, her curiosity and impulsivity has gotten her into some sticky situations. Overall, however, Ryder has a natural drive to do what is right, but the “right” thing to do isn’t always clear to her. Her strong desire to never hurt anyone has also caused her to not act when action should be taken. At the end of the day, Ryder enjoys being altruistic and doing what she can to be helpful. She hates being forced to stay still and is quick to get antsy.
Pets: None Relationships: (in addition to already established relationship info)
Ryder is Jackie Puckerman and Mae Diaz’s roommate, an April’s Showers’ midfielder
Ryde Lynn/@rydeordiexlynn / If you thought Alice was lost in Wonderland… wait til you meet me. :
Five latest tweets:
@ rydeordiexlynn: The way to my heart is extra meatballs. #cafeterialadylover @ rydeordiexlynn: I’ve made it a life goal to never kiss a girl with puke on her breath #goalsyouneverthoughtyoudhave @ rydeordiexlynn: All pep talks should be given to me in Yoda style #sayitinjedipls @ rydeordiexlynn: Theres a difference between rebelling and betraying who you are. @ rydeordiexlynn: idk how but I managed to sprain my pinky while working out. …how does that even happen…
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thelearningspot · 1 year
Math Mastery Made Fun: Top Children's Math Tutoring in New Jersey
Unlock the world of numbers for your little ones with top-notch math tutoring in NJ! Our experts at The Learning Spot are here to sprinkle some mathematical magic on your kids. Whether it's addition adventures or multiplication mayhem, we've got it covered. Check out our website and watch your child become a math wizard! Let's count the fun together!
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agold15-blog1 · 5 years
Monday 10/28/19
5 am - wake up for morning PT (Physical Training) which was a lift and a run.
We just came back from FTX( Field Training Exercise) We spent the weekend at Fort Dix NJ. We practiced land navigation in the woods and troop leading procedures. 
730 pm - every one gets breakfast together at the dinning hall
830 pm - I shower and get everything situated for the day
930 pm -1130 pm- I go to math tutoring
12 pm- I get lunch
150 pm-3 pm - I go to HQ(Head Quarters) to set up pt plans and do ROTC work
3:25 pm - 455 - I have my first and only class on Mondays which is Russian
5 pm I eat dinner
6 pm - I study
8 pm - the ROTC flag football team played in the quarter finals sadly we lost
930 pm - I go to the gym to get a full body workout at stretch
11 pm - I eat again before going to bed
Midnight - I go to bed
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mindzqeducation · 2 years
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Get Math tutors today. Consult Mindzq Math tutor to achieve your learning goals. Math tutoring in Bergenfield, NJ available. Call now! Get a trial class.
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