#Mary Teats
scrollsofhumanlife · 2 months
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Mary "Pearl" Teats nee Albert and Al C. Teats Jr. on their wedding day, December 21 1974
Born May 26 1948 in Los Angeles, California
Riverside, California
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bethama · 1 year
So I probably have COVID *jazz hands*
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daeneryseastar · 5 months
fiction mimics reality in the sense that mary i is remembered as ‘bloody mary’ despite having only executed 300+ people during her reign as opposed to her father who executed 50,000+ people during his. cut to rhaenyra who is remembered as ‘maegor with teats’ because she raised taxes after tyland lannister hid the royal treasury right before she retook king’s landing; all while her half-brother aemond was complicit in massacring the riverlands and the wiping out of house strong, along with her *other* half-brother daeron being liable for the atrocities that are bitterbridge/both battles of tumbleton. funny how that works.
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borbygorlinbbqworld · 4 months
Though your sister Mary had always called her her "BFF," you and your friends had always known Beth as her BTF:
Big Tittied Friend.
Throughout high school, Beth had always tried to hide just how big her tits were, but it was an impossible task. No matter how baggy the shirt, it was clear to see the full roundness of her bouncing bountiful breasts that were bigger than any pair you'd ever seen.
And they had only swollen to massive proportions when, in her first year of college, she had gotten pregnant. You hadn't seen her much after that, which was why you were surprised to find her on your couch when you came home to visit your sister.
Not only was she there, but you got to see a mostly uncovered view of her massive mammaries as she sat with both breasts hooked up to a pump working furiously.
Twelve full bottles sat on the table, and by the splashes being extracted by the pump, you knew it would soon have two more.
You both locked eyes before your gaze inevitably returned to her giant tits that filled her entire lap.
She shifted in her seat, the flesh wobbling this way and that. "Your sister told me to wait down here. We're going out later."
Pump. Pump. Pump. God, those bottles had been nearly empty when you walked in, and they were already half full...
No doubt, she took your silence as discomfort. "Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable? I can stop if--"
"No, no..." Slowly, you lowered yourself to sit beside her on the couch. "It's fine, don't worry."
It was a perfectly natural thing to do. Plus, it was downright hot, watching those fat mammaries empty. Except she never seemed to; once the bottles were full, she switched them out for another set of empty ones.
During the switch, one of the pumps unsuctioned from her nipple, and milk spurted from her and spattered onto your jeans.
Good God, what you wouldn't give to lap it up. Or...
...maybe to lower yourself under one of her leaking udders and suck on one all night...
"Oh shit, I'm sorry!" She fixed the pump, milk gurgling through the suction right away. She wiped at your jeans, her hand brushing against the erection you were doing your best to keep hidden.
"So umm... what does it taste like?"
Beth's warm smile nearly made you feel guilty for asking. She pulled the suction away from her breast, letting a small river flow down from her nipple and onto her lap. It was impossible not to stare, and impossible to ignore the throbbing in your jeans.
Her swollen mammary took up the entire right side of her lap; it wasn't any wonder how she had managed to fill so many bottles. Her pert, pink nipple beaded with milk that dribbled.
"Did you... want to try some?"
The dick throbbing in you pants demanded a yes, but you couldn't help but be reminded of your sister coming downstairs soon.
"I-I-I don't want to take any away from your kid..."
She giggled, looking down at her massive tits. "I make probably close to eight times what he needs... Way too much milk in me, honestly." She bounced the huge breast before she held out her arm and gestured for you to come closer. "I'm almost out of bottles, and I have so much left in me, too... please have some? For me?"
Your tip dampened with precum, forming a spot in your jeans you caught from the corner of your eye.
This woman was literally begging you for relief. What kind of man would you be to deny her? Slowly, you knelt down and opened your mouth for her dripping teat. She snaked her hand through your hair, leading you closer to it until her whole areola was inside your mouth.
Immediately, your mouth filled with sweet, delicious, warm milk; it overflowed down your chin and above your upper lip. You gulped hungrily at it, suckling from her furiously. She let out a soft moan; she was clearly enjoying it just as much as you were, so she probably wouldn't have minded that you had to rub your jeans against her leg to get some relief.
You continued drinking from her voraciously until you heard your sister's voice call from upstairs. "Almost done, Beth!"
"Take your time," she called back. Pulling you away, you unlatched with a loud pop. Her nipple leaked a little, but it was nothing compared to the river running down the other one that she led to your face. You quickly latched onto the next one, happily guzzling mouthful after mouthful.
You snaked your hands up to the breast you were on, kneading the flesh and encouraging the flow of milk. With each pressure point, her supply squirted even more into your mouth. You couldn't help but rub your aching cock against her legs, the jeans feeling so tight and damp.
Suddenly, the sound of someone descending the stairs startled you both. Beth quickly pulled her breasts away, shoving them back into a nursing bra that seemed far too small for her massive mammaries before pulling a tight shirt down over them to cover. Despite the two layers, her fat, hard nipples poked through, as if to say they weren't done being suckled on.
As for you, you hadn't really anything to put away. Though your dick still throbbed, begging for release (something you were going to be doing the moment your sister left) your jeans mostly hid its aroused state.
Your sister entered the living room with a suspicious look on her face. But all she would have seen was Beth gathering up her full bottles, and you just standing there like an idiot.
"We're off to a party, should be home by two."
You nodded, keeping your gaze from her. But from the corner of your eye, you could tell she was staring at your face.
She left without a word, and Beth made to follow after. But before she did, she handed you a tissue with a giggle. "You were so hungry, you forgot to wipe your milk-stache..."
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darthstitch · 2 years
Professor Mysterious and Professor Wet Cat
This is my take on that Dreamling post making the rounds about Hob and Dream being uni professors and that Hob is surprisingly NOT the prof who overshares and Dream is the one who inadvertently does.
Buckle up, kids, let's have some fun with this. Also, gentle reminder: NOBODY TELL NEIL. SHHHH!
This time around, Hob's using his proper name, Robert Gadling, because it's been a while since he's trotted that one out and he kinda likes the seeming rightness that the once upon a time near-illiterate medieval peasant that he'd been was now teaching at a rather prestigious university. However, he's not prone to sharing much about his personal life to his students. He's still warm and friendly, but he's cautious about letting Certain Things slip.
Hilariously, the things that do slip end up making him everyone's favorite university cryptid. Sometimes Hob slips into Middle English when he's stressed or emotional. Sometimes he might use odd old-fashioned sounding oaths like "God's wounds," "Holy Jesu," and "Mother Mary's teats" (this last one sends everyone into spasms of laughter).
The literature department ADORES him because they can always drag Professor Gadling off to read Chaucer in its original form or even medieval French, his pronunciation perfect and dead on. Shakespeare is the only thing he'll flat out refuse to read because in any universe this Fuzzy Blue Alien's gonna write, his hatred of the Bard is the stuff of legend.
The students universally agree that Professor G is basically British Indiana Jones, because he's also known to have lethal expertise in medieval weapons. There's been more than a few fantasies inspired during the booked-solid outdoor demonstrations where he works in tandem with the other medieval history professors to show everyone how medieval weapons worked. Apparently, his favorite weapons are the longbow, the bastard sword and daggers.
Obviously, this all leads to Professor Gadling being the campus crush and his relationship status is a matter of hot speculation even if he's made it perfectly clear he was not about to violate his ethical standards or position as a teacher. It still doesn't stop the fevered fantasies of more than a few grad students, though. But that's all they're gonna get.
And then, there's the new literature teacher, Professor T. Murphy.
To everyone's disappointment, Professor Murphy is only going to be at the university for a limited series of lectures. Word of mouth spread fast, and his classes were now booked solid and he was going to be asked to return, once his apparently very busy schedule is cleared.
7. Of course, he's an instant campus crush, with the "Goth angel" looks, the Edward Cullen jokes are definitely flying and there's more than a few students melting after they heard him speak. "That Voice" is always referred to in capital letters and it's well deserved.
8. "Campus crush" turns to "Official Precious Blorbo" once the students all discover that behind the whole regal and imperious Goth Prince vibe that he gave off, was an adorkable darling wet cat who was just completely gone on "my beloved." If he's discussing a love sonnet or poem, there's definitely going to be a reference to "my beloved" or "my dearest" or "my love." It's never sickeningly cloying and the sweet tiny little smile that takes over his normally serious face is like sunshine. The kilig feels are real.
9. He's also forever worrying that he's not enough for "my dearest" as he's rather painfully aware "of my lack in human graces" - which everyone translates to "OMG HELP I HAVE THE SOCIAL SKILLS OF A SCRUNKLY WET CAT." He frets that he's somehow failing his beloved, who is infinitely sweet and thoughtful and caring and that Professor Murphy is the selfish one, really, who doesn't deserve the man.
10. The students, of course, immediately ADOPT him. Tesco ice cream runs are done, YouTube videos on cooking and invites to kitchens are extended so Professor Murphy could practice making something that is "not a catastrophic culinary disaster unfit for human consumption." There was a session on the language of flowers, which everyone had enjoyed. For a while, flowers with significant meanings were presented to sweethearts and lovers all over the uni. There's an unforgettable after-class meeting in which the craft-inclined students teach Professor Murphy how to knit and crochet and he was really rather proud of the scarf he had created.
11. Professor Murphy's raven had been rather entertained playing with the yarn scraps. The students learn that the raven's name is Matthew.
12. And then, dashing, mysterious Professor Gadling finally peeks into Professor Murphy's class.
"The things I do for you, myne owne hertis rote. Bloody Shaxberd."
"But you do read him so very well, my love." And there it was, that tiny, soft, sweet smile, now aimed in Professor Gadling's direction.
Professor Gadling sighs and puts a hand over his chest. There's a very familiar scarf draped over his neck. "God's wounds, dove, warn your poor, long-suffering husband before you do these things."
"What 'things,' dearest?"
Professor Gadling waves his arms helplessly. The scarf slips a little, offering a tantalizing view of a purplish mark on his throat. "That thing!" He looks appealingly at the students, who are now all stifling their delighted giggles. "Look at him! My heart can only take so much!"
And that was how everyone found out that Professors Gadling and Murphy were actually happily married.
Incidentally, the Shakespeare reading, in which both professors took part, was a true kilig apocalypse. Instant campus legend.
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2rats1gogh · 3 months
Just watched a video essay about Lady Jane Grey and it got me thinking about Rhaenyra.
The people rallied behind Mary Tudor, she was the rightful queen whilst Jane was nothing more than a puppet for the Dudley usurpers. Sound familiar?
Although reluctant at first Mary was forced to execute Jane because her throne couldn’t be secure with such an obvious threat looming over her. Again any of this paralleling someone?
Mary then goes on to become a tyrannical ruler who executed thousands of people in a span of only four years. Maegor with Teats anyone? 
So would England have been better off with Queen Jane I rather than Bloody Mary? Likewise, would Westeros have been better off with Aegon II and the more grounded Hightowers rather than Queen Rhaenyra who worships at the alter of Targaryen absolute?
The story of lady Jane Grey is actually so sad because like? Who usurped who really?
If i’m not mistaken, Jane could’ve been considered the rightful heir, since the previous ruler, Edward VI, named her his heir. He hated his sister, Mary, because she was a catholic, while he, alongside Jane, were protestant.
But if you think about it, it doesn’t even matter. Because as long as there is a strong, and very power-hungry contender to the throne, who fully believes they are in the right, and just taking something that belongs to them (whether or not it actually does) they are willing to kill any other person with a claim, again, whether or not they are legitimate or an usurper. They know that their own claim could only get them the throne, if there is nobody else who challenges them.
Same thing goes for Rhaenyra. She is a great parallel to Bloody Mary, while Aegon could be considered a parallel to Edward VI.
After the deaths of their fathers, both older sisters were dismissed in favor of a younger son. So, just like Mary never accepted Jane as the heir to her brother, Rhaenyra tries to take down the entire green faction, and even puts a bounty on baby Maelor’s head. Both were eventually remembered as violent rulers who didn’t even rule for that long.
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sapphire-writes · 2 years
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Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Baratheon OC
Summary: Helaena gives birth to the twins. Aemond and Elyse share a moment.
Warnings: pregnancy, mentions of birth – eventually smut
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Chapter 4: Lemon Cakes
Helaena’s labor was not an easy one. Elyse had feared that would be the case since the Maester announced she was pregnant with twins. It was suspected for some time, as petite Helaena seemed to be close to falling over due to the size of her stomach.
Helaena was overjoyed by the news, twins were a blessing from the Mother. Queen Alicent attempted to force a smile, but her eyes were fearful. She had met Elyse’s gaze that day, the Baratheon’s face a reflection of her own.
Helaena’s labor lasted five days, Jaehaerys coming first. Helaena had clutched her mother’s hand desperately during the labors, the other hand reserved for Elyse’s. Elyse swore she would bear scars for the rest of her life from where Helaena’s fingernails dug into her wrist. Not that she minded, she only hoped it took some of Helaena’s pain away.
Helaena was not nervous about the labor. Days before, she strolled in the garden the same as any other day despite the midwives, her mother, and Elyse begging her to take to her bed. Helaena would merely shake her head.
“Everything shall be fine,” Helaena assured the pestering women.
Jaehaerys was a round, healthy baby, who bore six fingers on his left hand and six toes on each foot, causing the midwife to screech. Queen Alicent had her removed from the birthing suite. Jaehaera followed soon after her twin, smaller and thinner than her elder brother, whispers of silver hair atop her head. She did not cry when she was born, striking fear into the hearts of the women in the room.
“Why does she not cry?” Helaena sobbed, covered in sweat and blood, tears trailing down her face. Jaehaerys suckled at her teat as Helaena reached for her daughter. “Is she alright?” she asked desperately as Alicent stroked her damp hair. The maester placed the baby girl into Helaena’s arms nodding. “She is alive and well princess, a quiet soul,” he assured her, and Helaena threw her head back with relief.
Elyse had fallen to her knees beside her childhood companion and watched as the twins fed, fingers laced in Helaena’s. She did not leave her side. Queen Alicent had two beds made up so Elyse and herself could stay with Helaena. Aemond waited patiently outside the door throughout the five days, eager to meet his niece and nephew. He would pace the corridor, anxiously awaiting updates on his sister’s health.
Aegon came a day after the birth to meet the twins, he had been spending his nights somewhere in the Streets of Silk, avoiding the screams that echoed from the birthing chamber. Though he was not present at the birth, Aegon seemed taken with the twins and pleased with his sister wife. He patted Helaena’s head as she slept, and placed a kiss atop her left hand. __________________________
“Put them back!” Septa Marla had scolded after she had entered Elsye’s bedchamber looking for her. Usually, Elyse was very sneaky with the books she collected from the palace library. Her floor was littered with them, multiple stacks around her bed as if they were stairs. Elyse knew she could access the library whenever she pleased, there was truly no need for her to hoard the books. But she enjoyed the easy access.
Septa Marla once had called Elyse a challenge sent directly from the Crone to teach her more wisdom and guidance. She spent most of her days chasing Elyse and Helaena around the Red Keep and considered tying them to their chairs on more than one occasion.
Elyse found solace in books as a child. When she lived at Storm’s End her elder sister Maris read to her stories of the Storm Queens. In childhood, Elyse idolized Princess Nymeria of Dorne, along with Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters Rhaenys and Visenya. Legend says there is magically woven into the stones that make Storm’s End, allowing it to weather any storm, and Elyse would swear she could hear the magic pulsating throughout the castle.
Septa Marla had entered her chamber and suddenly Elyse felt a girl of ten again, eyes widening as the septa's face turned red with anger. “You may be a woman grown,” Septa Marla had growled, “but that will not stop me from striking you as a child!”
Elyse had spent most of the morning choosing which books she could part with, and which could be hidden underneath her bed, as she knew Septa Marla did not jest. Elyse had taken many whackings in her childhood for a variety of mischievous activities.
Elyse now carried them towards the library, opening the heavy door and pushing inside. The several books she held nearly tumbled to the floor as the door gave way. “Seven hells,” Elyse groaned, dropping to the floor to place the books down in a neat stack. She picked up Dragons, Wyrms, & Wyverns: An Unnatural History, holding it in her hands for a moment.
The book made her think of Jacaerys and her childhood. Elyse would sit at the top of the dragonpit reading whilst Jace and Luke visited their dragons housed below. Elyse felt too nervous as a child to venture deep into the dungeons of the dragonpit, preferring to wait for her friends to return.
Smiling down at the book, she picked it up carefully, sliding it into place on a shelf. Deeper in the library, somebody cleared their throat. Elyse’s head turned at the noise; she had assumed she was alone beforehand. Creeping deeper into the library, Elyse peered between the shelves, eyes searching for the source of the noise.
Suddenly, as she came to an opening in the shelves, she saw the long, silver hair of Aemond Targaryen. His head was bowed, the leather strap of his eye patch missing from his skull. He let out a groan, hand massaging his face. The groan was familiar, Elyse realized. He was in pain. Elyse felt her mouth go dry, suddenly very aware of her intrusion. Aemond’s eye patch lay on the table next to a book he had opened before him. Elyse had never seen his eye since that fateful day on Driftmark. A memory flashed in her mind, a raw, red wound. A small boy whimpers in pain. Elyse shook the memory from her mind.
Aemond groaned again, long fingers massaging the meat of his temples, seeking relief. Elyse backed up slowly, almost back between the stack before her shoulder brushed some loose parchment, scattering them to the ground. Elyse’s eyes widened as Aemond turned in his seat at the noise, a scowl on his face. Elyse just caught his eyes, violet and….blue.
A sapphire then, Elyse thought to herself. Not a ruby or a diamond as rumored.
Her body was completely flushed with the embarrassment of being caught and she ran, not looking back. She pushed through the door and abandoned her book pile on the floor and continued down the corridor. Elyse didn’t stop until she reached the gardens, breathless. She grabbed a chair for support, trying to catch her breath.
A hand touched her shoulder and she jumped. It was Helaena. “Elyse, you look a fright,” Helaena said laughing, servants following her with trays of food and cups. Helaena looped her arm in Elyse’s walking towards the table set up. “I was making haste,” Elyse said, still recovering and trying to catch her breath.
“Did you think I was going to eat all the lemon cakes?” Helaena teased and Elyse laughed, beginning to calm down. “I have been late before and suffered those consequences,” Elsye teased back, Helaena chuckling. When Helaena was pregnant with Princess Jaehaera and Prince Jaehaerys, she had a constant craving for lemon cakes and occasionally sweet meat pies. The girls sat down, preparing to gossip and chat. Perhaps, Elyse thought to herself, she had avoided any embarrassment. Perhaps Aemond would let it be.
“Ah, brother!” Helaena called and Elyse’s heart dropped. Aemond sauntered down the gravel path toward their spot. His strides were long and his face held an amused smirk, eyepatch back securely on his face. “You never join us,” Helaena scolded her favorite sibling. Aemond stood head held high, not a hint of embarrassment in any inch of his tall frame. Elyse felt hot, afraid she would suddenly burst into flames.
She looked up and made eye contact with the prince. His smirk remained as he held her gaze, finally sitting down. “I had a sudden hunger,” Aemond said, reaching for a cake. He bit into it, moaning with satisfaction, his good eye closing. Elyse’s mouth opened slightly. Aemond’s eye opened. “Delicious, just what I needed,” he said, smiling coyly.
Helaena grabbed a cake as well. “I couldn’t agree more,” she said, “this is my favorite part of the afternoon.” Aemond hummed in response. “It is a lovely time of day, don’t you agree, Lady Elyse?” he asked her directly. Helaena looked at her friend. “Yes, My Prince,” Elyse answered, somehow finding her voice. Helaena frowned. “Elyse eat! You rushed here so fast for your cake!” Helaena scolded.
Aemond raised a brow. “My sister is right, eat my lady,” he said, teasingly. “You did make such haste,” Aemond said, with emphasis on the final word. Elyse knew he was torturing her, relishing in her embarrassment. Smiling sheepishly, Elyse grabbed a lemon cake and took a bite. “You left this in your haste,” Aemond said, placing a book before her. The Glory of Volantis. A recent favorite.
Elyse looked up at Aemond after inspecting the book. His violet eye sparkled. Helaena peered at the book, the tension between her friend and sibling lost to her. “Volantis,” she mused, reaching for another treat. Elyse bit the inside of her cheek, looking away. Aemond was watching her carefully. “It is enjoyable to read about,” Elyse murmured, feeling embarrassed.
Aemond pursed his lips. Elyse looked up at him. “What?” she asked, causing the prince to shrug. “I didn’t know Baratheons could read,” he told her and her face contorted with anger. Aemond’s smile was tight, enjoying the rise he was getting out of her. “Aemond,” Helaena scolded, side-eying her brother. “That was cruel.”
Aemond kept his gaze on Elyse a moment longer. “You’re right, sister. My apologies, my lady,” he said, nodding to Elyse. Elyse felt an angry blush creep up her neck and onto her cheeks. “No,” she said and Aemond blinked. Helaena looked at her friend. “You are not forgiven,” Elyse finished, taking a bite of her lemon cake.
Aemond cocked his head. “Pardon?” he asked softly and Elyse looked at him quizzically. “Shall I repeat myself? Was it hard for you to understand the first time?” she challenged, and Aemond’s eyes were aflame, something behind them Elyse could not place. Helaena looked at Elyse and then back at her brother. “Not good,” Helaena murmured and Aemond clicked his tongue.
“Why is that?” he asked his sister, who then chuckled. “It is not wise to be on Elyse’s bad side,” Helaena said grinning at her friend mischievously. “She’s all sorts of trouble,” Helaena finished, reaching for another cake.
“She doesn’t seem too dangerous,” Aemond mused, entertaining Helaena’s comment. Helaena merely sighed. “Then you don’t know Elyse very well at all,” Helaena told him.
Aemond hummed, gaze flickering back towards Elyse who was smiling at Helaena. “And what must I do then, to earn the lady’s forgiveness?” Aemond asked, causing Elyse to shrug. “I’m sure you’ll think of something clever,” she told him, meeting his eye.
“I can think of several,” he told her, holding her gaze. Elyse’s heart hammered against her chest. Aemond suddenly looked away, as if remembering the setting. “I shall take my leave,” he said, rising from his seat. “Sister,” he said, placing a kiss on Helaena’s cheek. “Elyse,” he said, dropping his usual formality.
Elyse nodded a goodbye as he headed back towards the castle. “Well that was odd,” Helaena said, watching her brother depart, eyes beginning to drift. “What?” Elyse said, tearing her gaze from the silver prince’s back.
“Thorns pierce flesh, pricking those who wish to steal the blossom away,” Helaena murmured, amethyst eyes glassy. Elyse reached out and touched the Targaryen’s arm. “Helaena,” she called softly, urging her friend out of her thoughts.
Helaena only shrugged. “Shall we explore the gardens? There is a particular moth I have been reading about that only emerges during the hour of the bat,” Helaena said, standing and brushing her hands on her skirts.
Elyse smiled at the thought. “Yes, let's,” she said, taking Helaena’s arm in hers and heading into the castle gardens. The two ladies walked as the sun began to sink below the horizon, bathing the Red Keep in a warm, golden glow. As they made their way back towards the castle, a handmaiden approached them.
“A raven, for you my lady,” the handmaiden said, placing a letter in Elyse’s hands. Elyse examined the sigil on the wax seal and tore it open without a second thought.
My dearest, Elyse,
I should find myself in King’s Landing by week’s end. Lord Vaemond of House Velaryon has challenged the line of succession of Driftmark, declaring himself to be Lord of the Tides upon the death of Lord Corlys.
This insult cuts deeply, and my mother will not stand for the allegations my uncle proclaims. While the purpose of the trip is grim, I am overjoyed with being able to be in your presence once more. The years have been long, and lonely without your light.
The sun rises as I write to you, and I can hear Vermax singing. It is as though he knows we are to see you soon. I anxiously await our arrival and our reunion.
Lucerys and Joffrey send their love.
Jacaerys Velaryon
Read Chapters 1-7 now on AO3
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laikuh · 1 year
idk if it's your thing, but for your call for sammary prompts: anything with lactation kink?
Always my thing, anon 💕 although I did kinda take it in my own headcanon direction 😳
Maybe it’s because she was still nursing Sam when she died, maybe it’s because Mary was an early bloomer in more ways than one. But three months into her pregnancy, she starts producing milk.
She notices first when her breasts begin to swell; it’s not too obvious to anyone who isn’t regularly seeing her naked, but clear as day to Mary. And she notices the tenderness that comes along with it. Mary finds her hands raising up to rubbing her chest to relieve the pain without thought off and on throughout the day, and Sam takes to languidly massaging her breasts at night as he rubs oils into her skin to help with the inevitable stretch marks. His gentle ministrations almost always end in sex, and Mary hopes that Dean doesn’t mind their sudden uptick in fucking. With how sensitive her chest has become, Mary’s become more vocal, and she’s sure Dean can hear her cries.
It’s Sam that notices first. He’s sucking on her tit, tongue working her nipple, when he freezes. Mary looks down at him, panting.
He pulls off her breast and moves a hand to squeeze the sensitive flesh, and as Mary watches his fingers work, she sees it for herself: a pale yellow liquid coming from her nipple.
“Colostrum,” Sam murmurs. He’s been reading the pregnancy books they purchased.
“It’s too early,” Mary says, breathless.
Sam cocks his head, fingers continue to knead. “Not necessarily. It can start in your second trimester.” He bends back down to suck at her again.
“Christ,” Mary gasps. Sam is sucking in earnest.
It’s perverse. Wrong. Sam suckling at her tit as an adult is far too close to the way he suckled her as a baby, and the confusion of maternal satisfaction and sexual pleasure makes Mary’s stomach flip uncomfortably. They shouldn’t be doing this. Sam shouldn’t be—he shouldn’t—feed from her like this. The lines between them were already horrifically blurred, but this is somehow worse.
It’s also painfully pleasurable.
Mary’s hands move to Sam’s hair and grip it at the roots. She means to pull him off of her, but instead finds herself pressing his mouth closer against her, urging her son to suck her harder. God, it’s so fucked up, but she can’t make him stop.
When Sam lifts off of her, she thinks he’s going to make the right decision for the both of them, resolutely ignoring how disappointed the thought leaves her. But Sam is no stronger than she is; he simply moved to her other breasts and begins powerfully sucking again. Mary hisses and grips at his hair more tightly.
She thinks this alone could make her come. Sam’s not even inside of her yet, she hasn’t even started playing with her clit. But the suction at her nipple, the fact of her son back on her teat, is so arousing that Mary’s almost positive it’s enough to get her off without anything else.
A moment later—orgasm rushing through her—she’s proven entirely correct.
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obsidiancreates · 8 months
YAY MARY'S GHOST RETURNS "The one rule of the show is that ghosts ans the supernatural don't actually exist" my fucking ass, this bitch is a bona-fide ghost.
Also boy can I tell this actor has been on Always Sunny because this baby bit is. Well it has an Always Sunny flair to it. An intense Always Sunny flair. Settle the fuck down Mary- and Shawn frankly, this teat thing is... no thank you.
Anyway Gus sees Baby Mary too so yeah Ghosts Are Real and Everyone Is Psychic
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dannyreviews · 9 months
Steamboat Willie (1928)
2024 had opened with the greatest rejoicing among fans of Disney and old school animation. After 95 years, the earliest version of Mickey Mouse is now in the public domain and is owned by the public. Immediately after midnight, YouTube account "Corridor" uploaded the iconic Disney short "Steamboat Willie" and as of this writing, the video has 376,000 views and is sure to go up. I thought I would celebrate by reviewing this 7 minute masterpiece which shows the inception of an American icon.
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The cartoon opens with the famous shot of Mickey commanding a steamboat down the river, although without the permission of his boss, the giant Peg-Leg Pete (although without the Peg-Leg). Mickey is forced to do his chores while Pete's parrot taunts him. The steamboat picks up a bunch of animals including a cow and a goat. Minnie is also picked up and the two have fun playing music when the goat eats sheet music of "Turkey In The Straw" that Minnie brought aboard. The fun continues as Mickey and Minnie play the animals like musical instruments, using a duck quack, the cow's teats and a bull's set of teeth. Pete discovers the jam and orders Mickey to peel potatoes, again with the parrot taunting over him, but Mickey throws one of the potatoes to shut the parrot up, ending the cartoon.
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"Steamboat Willie" is every bit the piece of film that is found in every montage celebrating the cinema of the 20th century. Mickey at the helm of the Steamboat is as iconic as Charles Foster Kane whispering "Rosebud" or Rick Blaine saying "Here's looking at you kid". And yet, the animation is primitive, the music by future Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies composer Carl W. Stalling is generic and the dialogue is unintelligible. All of that can be excused due to the art of animation being in the developmental stages and that it was the first animated sound film. Taken for what it is, "Steamboat Willie" resonates with people of all ages just for the very idea that it was Mickey Mouse's debut to the world and that's what really matters. It's the same thing with "The Jazz Singer", despite being the first full length talkie, it is really a mediocre film, and had it not been for the history, no one would care for it. If anything, the flaws are actually the most fascinating part.
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Back in 1928, "Steamboat Willie" was the warmup feature for a now lost film called "Gang War" starring Jack Pickford (brother of Mary) and Olive Borden. The audience were blown away by Mickey Mouse, for the sheer brilliance of the cartoon as if it was other worldly. Also, the fact that "Gang War" was another early talkie that most likely was devoid of a musical score and the dialogue tended to be bland and inaudible. The film was panned by critics calling it another cliche flick. The critics had all the kind words for the cartoon preceding the feature which was more revolutionary. The audience demanded "Steamboat Willie" be repeated and the rest is history. I wonder if a copy of "Gang War" will surface and if it will find a new audience who might be receptive due to its association with "Steamboat Willie". Maybe, maybe not.
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What will come from this new public domain status for early Mickey Mouse? Much like the plays of Shakespeare or the art of Leonardo Da Vinci, there is an audience willing to put their interpretation of the classic character in their own art, literature or parody. 2024 and beyond should and will be filled with endless possibilities.
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elisabethvigee · 2 years
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Aunt Minnie, the Empress Marie Feodorovna of Russia, was a smaller and less beautiful edition of her sister; she had the same charm, the same tact, but had more strength of character. Although she was small she could enter a room so majestically that everyone would stop talking and tum to look at her. She was a gteat smoker, but wanted no one to know it but the family, so if anyone else entered the room she would immediately hide her cigarette behind her back, oblivious of the clouds of smoke arising like incense.
Her husband, Emperor Alexander III, whom we called Uncle Sacha, was about six feet five in height and colossally strong. He was a great favourite with us children, for he was kind and jolly and could do all sorts of tricks, such as teating up an entire pack of cards with his strong hands, or bending a silver plate like cardboard - Memoirs of H R H Prince Christopher of Greece.
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kroashent · 1 year
Return to the Tavern - Guard(dog) Duty
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"Ooh another Damona's Boon!" Gwae said with a giggle as her cheeks flushed "You know Kathalia, its called something else in other bars… Do ye want to know what it is…?"
"Everyone knows what a Milkmaid's Teat is Gwae." Kathalia replied "You can see the Forest from the Ash and Hazel. Morgiana here doesn't even drink and she can tell you the dirty name for every drink that Haizea tries to class up."
Morgiana nodded, twirling strands of steam-like foyson rising from her buckwheat tea into little spirals around her fingers like a thread. "She does make it a challenge. Right now, she's given up on trying to rename 'Sex on the Sand', but she's got them stumped with "Tempest in a Teacup'. Personally, I'm more impressed that she manages to get the peaches in the middle of winterrule."
"I've learned not to question how Haizea does anything in the kitchen or behind the bar." Kathalia responded "Its much, much safer that way. This place is nice though."
"You're nice though." Gwae muttered with a drunken smile before remembering herself and fumbling the correction "I mean, it's nice. Its a fine local. Its not the Ash and Hazel, but it'll do. Whazzit called again?"
"The Silver Wheel." Marie chimed in "Apparently the local Druid circle here in Ker-Ahes was dedicated to Aranrhod. Poher and Pontivi were among the last holdouts of the old Druids! Even as late as Prince Conomor's conquest, there was an active Nemeton from the days of Konan Meriadoc. Of course, Budig II set fire to it after he returned to the throne, but…"
Morgiana, sensing that Marie was just getting started, excused herself, heading towards the washroom.
"That wasn't very polite of that mean old witch." Antoinette puffed as she circled the room in an exaggerated patrolman's style once again. "After Lady Enora went out and caught this brigand for her, she won't let us keep her in the castle!"
Seated on a large crate, Azelma watched the little squire continue her tireless pacing with the eye of a patient cat waiting for a kitten to tire itself out, though she knew it was a lost causewith Antoinette's limitless energy.
"Its true, that the Biskontez was not a very pleasant person, but I am sure she had her reasons. House de Chinon has many enemies."
"Nonsense." Antoinette scoffed, twirling in place, her brass buttons shining in the store-rooms lanterns "How could anyone hate Lady Enora. Don't be silly Azelma. Maybe the Biskontez is in league with brigands like this one." She gestured at the cage in the corner.
"Wave that in front of me again and I'll bite it off." Growled the figure inside the cage, the tattoos on her face seeming to glow in the shadows. The squire jumped back, surprised by the suddenness and directness of their heretofore silent guest.
"That will be all of that." Azelma said calmly. When Azelma spoke, it wasn't a threat or a posture, merely a statement of fact, like the colour of the sky at a given moment. The fact that she could outpull the average farmer's horse merely backed her up.
"As for your theory, Annaig, I sincerely doubt that." Azelma replied "The Biskontez did authorize the arrest after all. She's probably not a secret bandit queen."
"Yeah, but some of the cooler brigands probably have nobles backing them." Antoinette, forgetting her patrol, hopped up on the bench opposite the Fomorian. Her face lit up. "Or ARE the brigands. I bet La Louve de Frehel has their own secret lair, beneath a castle or something! With a secret passage beneath a waterfall and a cool horse!"
"I think your imagination may be taking you for a ride."
"How else could they constantly escape Lady Enora? No, they definitely have a secret lair." Antoinette replied, ". . . Or. . . Maybe they are not Bediz. Maybe they're something cool like a dragon in disguise or a mermaid princess or a fierce garwaf! That would be cool for Lady Enora to fight."
"I am not sure Lady Enora would be excited to fight any of those things."
"Pfft. A dragon is nothing compared to Lady Enora." Antoinette turned her attention to the prisoner, taking in her dimly glowing tattoos framed by her sleek black hair. "Do you have a cool moniker? What's all over your face? Have you ever met a dragon?!"
"I've had quite a few monikers" The bandit stood up inside her cage, rotating her neck and shoulders to work out a cramp. "They're the holy symbols of the Veiðimaður." She smiled, sharp teeth glistening as they seemed to grow sharper "And I've never met a dragon… But I have met a garwaf…"
Her fang-filled grin seemed to widen as her face began to stretch out, Her tattoos flaring with blue light to give the black fur spreading over her body a shimmering quality. Feet became paws as the garwaf rose upwards, towering over the wide-eyed squire. Azelma stood quickly, tensing herself to prepare for the inevitable attack. Instead, the jet-black garwaf merely stretched, glaring down at the pair on the other side of the bars.
"And now little girl." the garwaf said in a low, menacing growl, leaning in close to the bars "so have you…"
"Ooh, how dramatic!" A delighted clap and a new voice caused Azelma's head to jerk around, as Antoinette stood transfixed in momentary fear by the werewolf before her.
Atop the cage, there was a ripple in the air and suddenly a slender, pale woman in a short maroon dress and a cape that seemed to shimmer with starlight had appeared. A pair of pointed fox ears sprouted from her head, a bushy tail swishing idly behind her as she smirked at the trio below.
"You'll have to excuse my friend. She comes from an insufferable line of bards and witches with a flair for such thing." The fox-eared woman remarked, as if the lupine beast within the cage was merely an eccentric dinner guest and not an unstopabble killing machine.
Antoinette found her bravado, puffing herself up.
"You'll need to step away from Lady Enora's prisoner."
The poulpiquet tilted her head and within the blink of an eye, had reappeared in front of the squire, who blinked with surprise.
"No, she's my guest," she purred as she leaned in towards Antoinette. "As are you."
"She's a garwaf!" Antoinette protested, as if such reasoning would sway the fox-eared korrigan into compliance. The figure merely responded with a smile.
"Oh? I hadn't noticed. At what's so bad about that? Tell me, girl, what do you know about Garwaf? Tell me three things and you get a prize."
"Back away from the girl." Azelma growled.
The korrigan shot her a venomous glare "We're having a conversation. Wait your turn."
"They… are people who become wolf-monsters." Antoinette said, her confidence returning once again as she was put on the spot. "They transform under the blood moon and they… hunt in packs."
"That's right, they do tend to travel in packs." The Korrigan said with a laugh. "And its possible, that they can be anyone. Our friend in the cage. The big green oaf. Even…" she leaned forward, poking Antoinette in the nose with her black-clawed hand "you."
The squire blinked at the small black pad on the tip of her nose, following the laughing fox-woman's finger as she pulled it away, stretching into a muzzle, brown fur spreading over it. She raised her disbeleiving hands to feel it for herself, thick packs forming on her fingers as she did, the fur spreading along her arms
Azelma rushed forward, but slammed to a sudden stop as if hitting a wall as the sorceress held up a hand.
"Of course…" She said, her mouth set into a wicked grin, "You were with them both all this time. It would make sense that you were also garwaf, don't you agree?"
Azelma's eyes widened as she, still arrested mid-charge, felt fur spread over her body. Antoinette's skin was completely covered in brown fur, a tail poking out behind her uniform as it strained against the changes. The sorceress dropped her hand and with the motion, Azelma dropped to the floor, hands and feet becoming paws as her teeth grew sharper, filling out a lupine muzzle.
Morgiana stood in shock, back to the hallway wall as she saw the two guards transform before her. She tried to control her rapid breathing and focus. She moved slowly, pulling glamour from the air and beginning to wrap it around her. Through the doorway, Acrasia smiled as Azelma and Antoinette writhed on the floor, becoming more wolf-like with every passing moment.
"Of course" she said, turning to where Morgiana hid, "I didn't forget about you, little spy…"
Val's Notes: You may have noticed that these stories are not quite in "order". I wanted to challenge myself with an unorthodox system changing vantage points as the story unfolds, slowly revelaing more in the past and future from a general starting point. This one is probably the earliest, but I hope that one can see the connections where the stories intersect.
I went through a few versions of this picture and am pretty happy with the ultimate results, especially Garwaf Azelma and Morgiana in the foreground. Since Azelma is not "human", I wanted to give her a slightly different design, with the horns and her tusks. I wonder is other non-human characters like Gwae should have slightly different wolf forms in sets like this…
Others in this set:
Gwae: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/41653629/
Kathalia and Gwae: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53054379/
Kathalia: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53064592/
Marie: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53142276/
If you're enjoying these pieced, please check out the full length Kroashent story, Kroashent: Bal Des Loups. I'd love to hear people's take on the story as I continue to work on it!
If you would like to support my art help the world of Kroashent come to life, as well as receive other rewards like sneak-peaks, exclusive versions and sketches, please visit my Patreon page, with a wide array of tiers for all budgets: www.patreon.com/Kroashent Check out the full story of Kroashent: Bal des Loups, on Archive of Our Own or in this gallery: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3141606 Want to chat Kroashent or Val's art in general? Drop in on Kroashent on Discord: discord.gg/MZjc3Gg Learn more about the world of Kroashent on our official Wiki: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/alvez-kroashent
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eebie · 2 years
would you suckle the teat of the virgin mary?
if she was nice 2 me maybe …..idk ……imm shy
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littleeyesofpallas · 2 years
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COMIC VALKYRIE[コミックヴァルキリー]
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Isekai Majutsushi wa Mahou o Tonaena[異世界魔術師は魔法を唱えない] The another world's wizard does not chant.
GAMER ga Isekai Konten shite HAREM Jinsei e CONTINUE suru sou desu[ゲーマーが異世界魂転してハーレム人生へコンティニューするそうです] It seems GAMER in Anotherworld (must) turn (his) soul around to CONTINUE to HAREM life
Suterare Saikyou Ouji wa Jitsuryoku de Donna Onna mo Daki Makuru[捨てられ最強王子は実力でどんな女も抱きまくる]: Thrown Away Strongest Prince, with real ability, gets any kind of woman
Saikyo Majutsushi no Ijou naru Toubou Seikatsu[最凶魔術師の異常なる逃亡生活]: The Most Sinister Magician's Life on the Run becomes Abnormal
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Hajimari no Mahoutsukai[始まりの魔法使い] Primitive Wizard
Ochikobore Taimashi wa Isekai Kaeri de Saikyou to naru[落ちこぼれ退魔師は異世界帰りで最強となる] Dropout Exorcist becomes the Strongest by Returning from Anotherworld
Hitozuma to JK[人妻とJK ] Married Woman & High Schooler
HimeKishi ga Classmate![姫騎士がクラスメート! ]: PrincessKnight is CLASSMATE
Bijo to Kenja to Majin no Ken[美���と賢者と魔人の剣] Beauty Sage and the Devil's Sword
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Yuri Love Slave[百合ラブスレイブ]
Maoujou DATE Taisakusen![魔王城デート大作戦!] Demon King Castle DATE Strategy
isekaigaeri no arafour riiman, 17sai no koro ni modotte musou suru[異世界帰りのアラフォーリーマン、17歳の頃に戻って無双する] (an) Around 40 Salaryman Returns (from) Another World, Comes back as (an) Unmatched 17 Year old
Mietemasu yo! Aizawa-san[見えてますよ! 愛沢さん]: I can see! Aizawa-san
NEET dakedo HELLOWO(RK) ni Ittara Isekai ni Tsuretekareta[ニートだけどハロワにいったら異世界につれてかれた] I'm a NEET but when I went to HELLOWORK I got taken to another world
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Shinmai Renkinjutsushi no Tenpo Keiei[新米錬金術師の店舗経営] Mangement of Novice Alchemist
Maou no Hajime-kata[魔王の始め方 THE COMIC]: Demon King's How to Get Started
Isekai Kuimetsu no SAME[異世界喰滅のサメ] "KILLER SHARK IN ANOTHER WORLD"
Umibe no Byouin de Kanojo to Hanashita ikutsuka no koto[海辺の病院で彼女と話した幾つかのこと] Several things I talked to her at the beach hospital
Yuusha-sama no Oshisho-sama[勇者様のお師匠様] The Master of The Brave
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DRAWING Saikyou Mangaka wa Oekaki SKILL de Isekai Musou suru![ドローイング 最強漫画家はお絵描きスキルで異世界無双する!]: DRAWING The Strongest Mangaka, Drawing SKILL in Another World is Unmatched!
Isekai AV Satsuei-tai REMASTER[異世界AV撮影隊 リマスター]: Another World A(dult)V(ideo) Film-Unit REMASTER
Saikyou no Youhei Shoujo no GakuenSeikatsu[最強の傭兵少女の学園生活] SCHOOL LIFE OF A MERCENARY GIRL
UCHI no Ojou-sama no Hanashi o Kiite kure[ウチのお嬢様の話を聞いてくれ] LISTEN TO ME LADY'S STORY
Machigai Yuusha no Sentaku[間違い勇者の選択] CHOICE OF ERROR HERO
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JK kara yarinaosu SILVER PLAN[JKからやり直すシルバープラン]: Do-over from High School Girl Silver Plan
EDEN's GIRL[エデンズガール]
Hitogui DUNGEON e youkoso![人食いダンジョンへようこそ! THE COMIC]: Welcome to (the) Man-eating Dungeon
Kuchidome No Gohoubi Wa Dansou Otome To Icha Ero Desu![口止めのご褒美は男装乙女とイチャエロです!] THE REWARD FOR KEEPING QUIET WAS SEX WITH GIRLS DRESSED AS MEN
ASTRO KING[アストロキング]
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Rengogu-jima Kyokuchi Renai[恋獄島 極地恋愛]: Love Prison Island Ends-of-the-Earth Romance
YANKII Akuyaku Reijou[ヤンキー悪役令嬢] Delinquent Villain Young Lady
Suteishi Yuusha, Maou no Shita de RESTART捨て石勇者、魔王の下でリスタート]: The Another wodl demon king's successor RESTART
Seidon no Ryuu[世呑の竜]: World Swallowing Dragon
VR EROGE Yattetara Isekai ni Tensei Shita node, Bishoujo Maou o Doreika Suru[VRエロゲーやってたら異世界に転生したので、美少女魔王を奴隷化する] If I Reincarnate into a VR ERO(tic)GA(me) Other World, I'd Enslave a Beautiful Girl Devil King
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YANDERE Imouto ni Aisaresugite Kozukuri Kankin Seikatsu[ヤンデレ妹に愛されすぎて子作り監禁生活] YANDERE Little Sister (who) Loves Making babies too much Confinement life
Teisou Gyakuten Sekai[貞操逆転世界]: Chastity Reverse World
DUNGEON Kurashi No Moto Yuusha[ダンジョン暮らしの元勇者]A former brave resident in the dungeon
Seijo-sama wa Zangyou Teate wo Goshomou desu[聖女様は残業手当をご所望です] HolyWoman-sama Wants OvertimePay
GANG OF YUSHA[ギャング・オブ・ユウシャ]
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HORE SHO NO HALF ELF SAN[惚れ症のハーフエルフさん] Half elves of Fall in Love
MARY-chan no Osunaba DUNGEON[マリーちゃんのおすなばダンジョン]Mary's Sandbox Dungeon
Kagaminochou no Kaguya[鏡野町のカグヤ]: Kaguya of Kagamino Village
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sorcadh · 10 months
Virgin Shroud, 1993 - Dorothy Cross
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"Many of the ideas and methods used by Cross evoke parallels with Surrealist art. Cross herself has linked Virgin Shroud to a work by the Surrealist artist Meret Oppenheim, Object (For Breakfast), 1936, a piece which consists of a teacup, saucer and spoon, given a mysterious animal presence by a fur covering. Cross's work is also informed by issues relating to gender and cultural identity. In this work - one of four to date that make use of a full hide - the cow's skin evokes a traditional division of labour (men skin cows, women milk them). It also suggests a parallel between the function of cows and the role of feeding and nurturing traditionally ascribed to women. The cowskin, which hangs like a veil over the figure, can be seen as preventing the figure from speaking or communicating, making it seem akin to a 'dumb animal'. At the same time, the presence of the teats around the head suggests a crown. The title confirms that the figure can be associated with the Virgin Mary, whom the artist has described as frequently represented within Catholic Irish culture as 'the perfect woman'. Originally, Cross wanted to drape the skin over a real statue of the Virgin Mary. However, she was unable to find one of the right size, and instead created an armature using a steel dress rack, wooden templates and a plaster 'head'. The satin train, spread out in front of the figure, was made from the train of the wedding dress of the artist's grandmother, given to Cross when she was a teenager".
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maximuscosmo-blog · 1 year
error log
Neile teeb nalja, kui inimene errorisse läheb
err or
loll US , Mõte lekibki
lollakas toberus
bene allora, roba curata
Latino lingua
non c'è dubbio, no così
Satanae diaboli Sei un diavolo di Satana
il troppo male ..
accent pronunciation - the habit of skipping letters
GoTo Hell
nupust nikastanud
Milleks lollitada, mis mõte siukestel on
времени нет
but how can I trust anyone if everything is a scam хуи́акс. Chinese CoVideo-19
Ты не угрожай мне в русском детском саду
it's a concentrated terrorist attack
see on kõik lihtsalt jama mitte "obvi" (it's all just crap not "obvi")
exist , work , live
I, I, ai, kui rumal sa oled, lihtsalt NII rumal
hirm tekib kui mõelda ei oska
Sul oli ainult sport-ja-tervis
Stanley "Satan" Kaoni
Saatana urgas - Satan's lair - La tana di Satana
tšort õpib tšortide keelt
ONGI Saatana ähvardajad, täie jumala jõuga, läbi igaviku, üle Maa, kogu süsteemiga ja kogu teadvusega
yobannaya saatana putsi värdjat 24/7 - "Ammu on probleem selle kuradiga"
best cities for English speakers to settle in are Rome, Bologna and Milan
Miski pole õiglane, - ei elu, inimesed, seadus, õiglus ..
Su meel on must
Lihtsalt õnnelik et siiani veel elus
"Cash-Cow" lehma nisadest saab raha välja lüpsta 5+5 Money can be milked from the teats of the "Cash-Cow" 5+5
evaluate the current situation
You're unable to compile that system
it's all an unsolvable problem ,so they all left you with your problems Probleemi ei lahenda mitte keegi/(miski)
forget it all
Marti nit wit
seal kõrv kuuleb liiga hästi
they're all bullies
bullying = kiusamine ja ülbitsemine
isikuvastane kuritegu - crime against person
ehk palud vabandust
nartsissist = isekas pahatahtlik debiilik
"if u fuckx with me, I will fuckx you back - bullying" - Don't give psychopaths that pleasure
cyber-bullies / bullshitters , too
käi nahhui white nigger
inbred polish-belorussian-latvian nigger
- "go to hell, saatana tšort"
Martin ongi väikese vene poisi mõistus (Martin's mind is little belorussian boy)
Central-Asia - Polish-Belorussian-Latvian
jumalaste laps ikka .. ei nohh ..
issi issi papa papa дядя дядя
(saatana) seal on lasteaed
jah, inimesed mängivad ja lollitavad
neil on sala-info
+ sinu enda "paranoia"
kasyak касьяк - saatana deprekas (nightmare nõiutud kassikarvapalli sees sea-luud) касьяк - mari juana
"Täna Jälle Me Joome Bensiini" Vennaskond (craziest killer)
venemaa hull Londonis, Mitte keegi eesti keelt ei mõista
ehitus-insener ,on olnud vaja
comm u nica tion
comm system is kaos, FUBAR
Lihtsalt sõda ja sõja reeglid
türa sa kuradi türapea nussid siukseid asju
süsteemiga saab petta
arvutiga kuulus juba
inimesed ei mõtle ega ütle
humans don't think people lack the ability to work mentally/intellectually (.. and neither do I)
mälu pole (humans have poor memory in human brain)
kuradi narko-aju, came from future/past and crashed
alati jäid hiljaks. ainult minevikus eladki
ükskõik mida sa ette nägid
Time-Space/Universe is infinite
Future becomes past it WAS The Future .. , now it has become past Future is unknown
Star Wars
Põgene vaba laps, Viimne Reliikvia
TULNUKAS ehk Valdise pääsemine 11 osas [HD] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxUNjJisyDU
Mari Jürjens - Omaenese ilus ja veas Kõik on juba kord öeldud kusagil siin või seal. Kusagil unes või ilmsi valjult või paberi peal. Kõik on juba kord tehtud ühel või teisel moel. Kusagil ammugi nähtud ilmub taas aegade toel.
A wise man once said, "Bees don't waste their time explaining to flies that honey is better than shit" - Don't be a BlackFly, be a bee !
bee lief system
real information&knowledge is a secret and a source of income - it's not to be shared
Hope was to find good humans Lootus oli leida häid inimesi
they/you lack any capacity for empathy and understanding
They  restrict restrain inhibit control you
inimesel PEAB vedama
some people go forward .. , you will go back !
kõik on sõda! - aja, universumi, jumala, inimeste, kõige vastu kõik töötab inimese vastu - aeg, elu, universum, jumal, tehnika, ühiskond
tuuma роспись
rikaste ja vaeste vahel on alati konflikt
US puhliiss
Luuseril on pohhui ja pohhuist on luuser - related phenomenon  / seotud nähtused
nad on kõik pahatahtlik lasteaed, Sa pead teenima süsteemi ja saatana raha
inimesed ongi detailideni valetajad they obviously learn to lie all their life
jumal küll, kaua sa siin saatana perses istud ja elad
ilmselt siiski bussi Mitt'e ajunussi
-- they'll only cause you grief --
They'll give you bad advice
Hur länge kan du slåss med den ryska Satan?  Vad är poängen?  Du är den som startar en konflikt
Satans Jävla Helvete
kriminaal-tegevus käib 24/7 hush-hush
justice shall be done
CUNT oled peast
Tappa Ta ei või, järelikult võib talle teha ükskõik mida
eeldatavalt ongi tšort Saatan ise ja sarimõrvar
Satans search
kurjus peab võitma
aha, "demon of discovery" wikipedia shorturl.at/AFIN1
War against White Russian
psühhopaadid ongi saatana bitchid
psycho objective - infiltrate and start war
Satan's lifeform
vastik ett vän(friend) sihuke
Just liiv it aut, forget it all ..
survival-game, nothing more
krediitkaartide andmebaasist hakkab kõik pihta
kommunikatsiooni-süsteemid ongi inimeste vastu suunatud
Sinusse ongi siin hästi suhtutud, kogu elu
raske oli käekestega tööd teha
vene robotid eestikeelses tuumajaamas, koristavad vanu tuuma-reostusi
sa oled tuleviku vastu sõjas ja edasi ei oska minna .. Müük, arvutused ..
need ongi psühhopaatide keeled
tšort vs tšort
"Mine kurat kuhu tahad!"
välja puksida teisi
"ARU peas ei ole!"
USA's oledki elanud kogu elu teadvusega
inimkond ongi saatanast (pole vahet) EI OLE saatanast - Venice Beach live
Siis on see metall,tehnika,saksa autod
loll kurat lollpea satub psühhopaatide otsa
troo Saatan
Saatana on voittamaton. Ne ottaa kaiken - sakkoo, laki, huijaus, valehtelu
nad kõik vihkavad sind
pettust pole, tünga pole, sõda pole, raha siia ja tõmba nahhui Davai!
perse kukkunud inimene OLEDKI JUMALA vittUS (white in Svensk) - i Guds fitta
Eks hiljem näeb siin seda kadalippu ja sõda mis siin venemaal veel toimub
lahendust ei olegi, ainult probleemid
mõistust tahavad võtta, et inimene enam ei mõistaks
kommunikeerimine on 0 (suhtlusoskus peab olema 5)
selliste kuradi albiino-venelastega siin maal ei suheldagi
Saatan teeb siin oma tööd ja sina sitt kurat siin ei küsi!!
Saatanast ja 100% kõikidest kuraditest peab aru saama .. kuidas see sõda käib
murede hunnikust on vaja lahti saada
Kogu planeet ongi jumala perses ja inim-kurat istub saatana helvetis
need ongi ürg-rahvad poolast saksast ..
oligi Putin siberist
sa jobannõi Putin tulebki tappa
Russia is the nest of the Satan
novorusskii - uus-venelane
Space Odyssey 2001 https://youtu.be/ypEaGQb6dJk
police-killing CoVid iz da best? mask-wearers everyone..
служат системы
BarBarian nuclear warr
мне похуи, (pohui, don't care) - pitkin saatanan kürpää ... vedetään kuten mandavochka/crabs
first bomb Hiroshima, then Middle-East, then russia, then estonia
My territory, my rights, my cunt, my usa, my russia
malevolent ill-will apes..
everyone on Earth is trolling, US embassy, finland gov, uk.. internet.. ilu.. Swiss banks maybe don't
World police is US! I AM
AI !
aiföön aiföön aiföön
часы дьявола (Devil's clock) - lõbus mobiil/debiil peavadki kartma iphone Police-whistle dead signal
mic mäkk - uu bitch, note to puhliss
US weapons
dude! y'all don't blow up my phone (änd my interwebz) , I give u up to police for harrassment!!!
Teie mingit interneti- World War 3 ei tee, idi nahhui mingi.. ()❤️ äppiga, Lasnamäe libu, Kui Eestis ei meeldi tõmbate nahhui oma arvuti-mängudega, ❤️
Kui te tulnukad Lasnamäel elate, mine kaeba Häirekeskusesse Peterburi teel, мне пох всё психопатия.. Mina psycho, sina psycho, Juri Ratas nashe psycho, Meie kõik saatana kuradid, (saatanan venäjä), vot cool 😎
Mine ela usa's, Kopli on fake Brighton Beach, sa pole elu näinud
ah, ok, I know already, Student visa > job > anchor baby, russian Brooklyn Beach
EB2 visa
с студенческой визои можешь уехать домой в Ню Иорк (Student visa'ga saad koju New York'i venelastele külla), вох
jaa, usa dream..Korona Christ, block block, vag, rap, youtube, insta, twitter, All my life on internet since 1995. —  russkii-from-Tallinn, Estonian school
Sputnik V võite sisse süstida ja aatompommi järgi tulistada, mul jumala pohh
istu maskiga kodus kui haige oled .. kui terveks saad, mine tööle, näiteks Soome ehitusele
Tead, See kõik on absoluutne mõttetus, "some bitch is starting shit", "mina kaeban", "mina helistan", mina maski-kandja, mina politsei, mina Lasnamäe devochka.. Elu käib siin planeedil veel 3 milj aastat.. inimesed ehitavad maju, inimesed remondivad sõidukeid, elu läheb edasi.. See et kogu arvuti-wärk otsast lõpuni perses on, ei morjenda kedagi
Hiina Rahvavabariigi Rahvakohtu rahvusvaheline otsus oli, et Wuhan'ist pole viirust leitud, Loe ise Sergey Brin'i Googol.com'ist mis tahad
vist on piisavalt Homo Sapiens segast pannud, Tänaseks Aitäh
inimeste planeet on jube
saatana kuradid ei allu mingile kontrollile humans are out of control
secret aggression evil irresponsible liars
scammer - pettur
nii palju jama, seadusetust, ebaõiglust, hoolimatust, pahatahtlikkust, rumalust, veidraid asju.. ja stamp-vastus on "kaeba kohtusse"
vastutustunne puudub ka - riigiametites teevad misiganes whatever pohhui
Elon Musk soovitas ka Marsi kolooniasse otsedemokraatiat
psühhopaadid ja sotsiopaadid teavad kuidas end ühiskonnas kehtestada jne
isegi Rail Baltica't ei saada käima (et Euroopaga kaubavahetust arendada). NSVL liiduvabariigist pole kaugemale jõutud.. Tegemist on tagurliku ühiskonnaga mitte progressiivse riigiga.. Suurriikidel on superarvutid, teadus, tehnoloogia, ressursid, maavarad, kommunikatsioon.. inimõigused.. Twitterit ei usu ma ühtegi lollz
Ega see mingi hommikune türa putsi ja pea pesu pole
Teil pole ÜLDSE mõistust, Ega ma ei eeldagi et te peaks olema 100% täie-arulised intelligentsed geeniused, aga Teil psühhopaatidel pole ju grammigi mõistust
Client reported event that didn't happen in app to play with it.. They play in all apps ... What can I do?
cunt-uhr cúltúr
gamers' shit-generator troll-lol
ryssä-ruotsi Finland
Ryss siskor õelus
Saadana raha teeni
empty Hope / lootus
Türa, kas sa valgevene-läti hybrid ei saa aru enam ve .. Inimkond on sõda, sa oled vangis need on kõik kuradi valed
ne voi olla kaikki saatanan huijauksia valheita petkutusta .. mutta kukaan ei koskaan tulee tietämään
Lolita - "Adolescent whose behavior is so precocious and provocative as to inspire an erotic attraction even in mature men."
L'imbecille è una commedia in un atto, scritta da Luigi Pirandello
inimkond on 100% debiilik - sa pead õppima seda kõike (psycho, abuse, lies etc)
imbecile cunt reply
reject in biorobot production process
Sõiduk = Driveau, trandulette, travelleur
Auto-teema on eluaegne lifetime topic
даа, у нас будет маленькая Русская тачка
Mercedes is Superb, Every other carmaker outside Mercedes is a con-man Tšuktši'de tuleviku-autod on nõmedad
jah, "Riga" sääreväristaja vs elektrijalgratas
Polestar 3
tühipaljas mõistuse-häire.
work and study ,in ANY *TOP* COUNTRY
Šveitsis on otsedemokraatia, Šveits on ok.. , kellelgi probleemi pole Rain Lõhmus elab ka Šveitsis juba 20 aastat
Šveits on ainuke Direct Democracy (ja vist on Californias ka midagi, kuigi California on shithole ghetto).. Soome on Happiness Index'i nr. 1 aga Soomes ma ka õnne ei leidnud nagu 10% eestlastest. Saksamaa on lahe aga keelt ei oska. Austraalias võib lahe olla aga pole kodu. Google't youtube ja telekat ka tarbida ei viitsi.. Eestil pole eksporti'gi, (Skype oli mis müüki läks).. Ma olen pool elu Googles istunud, kõike lugenud.. Suviti Pärnus ja Võrus joonud.. Tallinnas vanalinna baarides..
justice by the people for the people
aga KES tahab "Valguskiirusel Lennata" ja Linnu teel risti peal surra Jeesus Krist
"Kui on liiv Lenna'nud" Ivo Linna
- "Hea küll, sul täna vedas veel. Homme sind värdjat enam ei ole."
Raadio 7 - Piibel kaanest kaaneni
kontrolltöö - poldi keerme arvutamine kodune töö - joonesta koonuse lõikamine kolmes vaates
Who gave you the right to occupy information systems and fool people from somewhere in the USA and India and spread false information?
miksi edes pyrkiä Amerikkaan why even dream/aspire/pursue to America
annulleerida tühistada
too funny
vaivaajia - trouble(maker) bullying persecution tagakiusamine cyber-bullies
"I start a conflict and you go to jail"
biggest problem is human (biorobot)
謝謝 110 lol ViKing ViiRus CoVideo 2019 Iphone
jumala pohhui - "God doesn't give a damn"
debiilik - moron
malevolence wins
They're all sick bitches (ёбанные тупые суки и дебилы)
bitch'id mõtlesid koos probleemi välja
idioodid valetasid ja aeg kadus ära
"Maailma Põhiseadus on headus" - motto KUKU raadio Sihik saatest Katrin Kuusemäe reformikas
uus info oli vaja
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