#Martin Wimmer
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boanerges20 · 1 year ago
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Martin Wimmer
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coffeenewstom · 1 year ago
Die "Heiße Liebe" von Wimmer ist wieder da!
Faschingszeit ist Krapfenzeit! Zu meiner großen Freude füllen sich in den Bäckereien die Vitrinen wieder mit allerlei saisonalem Schmalzgebäck. Die Rede ist von gute, alten Faschingskrapfen, der sowohl klassisch gepudert oder gezuckert mit Hagebutten- oder Himbeerfüllung, als auch in immer neuen Kreationen zum alsbaldigen Verzehr angeboten wird. Dass 2024 ein Krapfenjahr werden wird, hätte mir���
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awesomefridayca · 11 months ago
Podcast: Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom & The Beekeeper
Greetings programs! This week on the show we’re catching up with the last CDEU film, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom and then we move on to Jason Statham’s new action movie The Beekeeper. Both of these movies are more fun than you think; join us to find out why! Continue reading Podcast: Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom & The Beekeeper
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The Beekeeper (15): Ludicrous Statham Action Flick... Which Actually Gave Me a Buzz.
#OneMannsMovies #FIlmReview of "The Beekeeper". #TheBeekeeper. Mindless action nonsense with Jason Statham... but actually quite fun! 3.5/5.
A One Mann’s Movies Film Review of “The Beekeeper” (2023). In terms of ‘leave your brain at the door’ cinema, “The Beekeeper” is high up there on the list. Sometimes this type of film can leave you weeping into your popcorn. Amazingly, this one felt like a fun ride. (But, I mean, it’s still not bloody Shakespeare). Bob the Movie Man Rating: Plot Summary: When widow and charity-coordinator…
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author-mandi-bean · 1 year ago
How Much Rejection is Too Much?
I’ve been thinking A LOT about rejection lately; generally because I haven’t landed a literary agent yet, and specifically because I recently received the tersest, apathetic rejection I have ever received. It was one line. All it said was, “Not for me–thanks anyway.” I suppose I should be grateful I even received a response, but it felt like a punch in the gut after all the work I spent in not…
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stardewnoodles · 1 year ago
Neil Nord's Top 10 Movies:
Thelma and Louise - Ridley Scott (2001)
Bottle Rocket - Wes Anderson (1996)
Rushmore - Wes Anderson (1998)
Good Fellas - Martin Scorsese (1990)
Amelié' - Jean-Pierre Jeunet (2001)
Napoleon Dynamite - Jared Hess (2004)
Momento - Christopher Nolan (2000)
The Man Who Wasn't There - Joel and Ethan Coen (2001)
Equilibrium - Kurt Wimmer (2002)
Flash Gordon - Mike Hodges (1980)
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korrektheiten · 1 month ago
Weihnachtsempfehlungen 2024 – und nun Martin Lichtmesz
Sezession:»Hier sind meine drei Weihnachtsempfehlungen: LESEN – Ich bin ein großer, nostalgischer Freund der achtziger Jahre, auch wenn meine eigene Teenager- und Jugendzeit erst ein Jahrzehnt später einsetzte. Beste Voraussetzungen, um den offenbar stark autobiographischen Roman von Stefan Wimmer über den ersten elternlosen Urlaub einer Bande Zehntklässler aus München-Pasing in Italien wie eine eskapistische Droge […] http://dlvr.it/TGdlxG «
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lokaleblickecom · 1 year ago
Fachkräftemangel: Allgemeiner Verband niederrheinischer Arbeitgeber erörtert Lösungsstrategien
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Niederrhein, 11. August 2023 Mit einer neuen Spitze will der Allgemeine Verband niederrheinischer Arbeitgeber die strukturellen Probleme der Wirtschaft in der Region angehen. Eines der nach wie vor größten Risiken für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Unternehmen am Niederrhein sieht der Verband im Fachkräftemangel. „Für die Unternehmen wird es zunehmend schwieriger, Stellen zu besetzen. Durch den demografischen Wandel wird sich die Lage künftig noch weiter verschärfen“, so Alexander Wenger. Der Geschäftsführer der Saurer Technologies Germany GmbH & Co. KG Twisting Solutions in Krefeld ist im Rahmen der Mitgliederversammlung einstimmig zum neuen Vorsitzenden des Verbandes gewählt worden. Der bisherige stellvertretende Vorsitzende löst damit Rolf Kalthöfer von der Telefonbau Ewald Kalthöfer GmbH und Co. KG in Mönchengladbach ab, der in den letzten 15 Jahren die Geschicke des Krefelder Verbandes gelenkt, sich nun aber aus Altergründen aus der ehrenamtlichen Tätigkeit zurückgezogen hat. „Der Vorstand und wir danken Herrn Kalthöfer ganz herzlich für seinen jahrelangen ehrenamtlichen Einsatz“, so der stellvertretende Hauptgeschäftsführer des Verbandes, Dr. Ralf Wimmer. „Herr Kalthöfer hat die Interessen der uns angeschlossenen Unternehmen nicht nur stets treffend definiert, sondern auch engagiert und mit viel Herzblut vertreten.“ Als stellvertretende Vorsitzende engagieren sich Rainer Matzkus vom Kickartz Handwerkerhof in Krefeld und André Dohr, Geschäftsführer der Bönders GmbH Spedition in Krefeld und Vorstandsmitglied seit 2021. Neben dem wiedergewählten Vorstandsmitglied Elmar te Neues von der J. Finck GmbH & Co. KG wird der Vorstand des Allgemeinen Verbandes niederrheinischer Arbeitgeber zudem von Martin Alders (ALDERS electronic GmbH, Kempen), Klaus D. Kremers (Paradies GmbH, Neukirchen-Vluyn) und Dominikus Penners (Sparkasse Neuss, Neuss) neu unterstützt. „Ich freue mich, dass wir damit auch zukünftig engagierte Ehrenamtler an Bord haben, die sich für die Belange der niederrheinischen Wirtschaft stark machen“, so Hauptgeschäftsführerin Kirsten Wittke-Lemm. Aus Sicht des Vorstands müssen sowohl die Unternehmen als auch ihre Beschäftigten Verantwortung übernehmen, sich flexibel und veränderungsbereit zeigen. „Jedoch muss die Politik Rahmenbedingungen schaffen, die das auch möglich machen“, so die neue Verbandsspitze, die überzeugt davon ist, dass im Kampf gegen fehlenden Nachwuchs und den Fachkräftemangel an vielen Stellschrauben gedreht werden muss. "Verfügbare Personalpotenziale müssen besser genutzt werden“, so Wenger. Dabei seien neben qualifizierenden Aus- und Weiterbildungen auch Aspekte wie die Förderung der Frauenerwerbsquote und die Gewinnung ausländischer Fachkräfte ein wichtiger Faktor. Bildunterschrift: Der neue Vorstand des allgemeinen Verbandes niederrheinischer Arbeitgeber (v.l.n.r.): Hauptgeschäftsführerin Kirsten Wittke-Lemm, Martin Alders, Rainer Matzkus, Alexander Wenger, André Dohr und Dr. Ralf Wimmer, stellvertretender Hauptgeschäftsführer Auf dem Foto nicht dabei: Elmar te Neues, Klaus D. Kremers, Dominikus Penners Der Allgemeine Verband niederrheinischer Arbeitgeber ist der regionale Arbeitgeberverband ohne Tarifbindung für Unternehmen am linken Niederrhein. Ihm gehören Firmen in Krefeld und Mönchengladbach und den Kreisen Kleve, Viersen, Wesel und Neuss an. Zu den Kernaufgaben des Verbandes gehört die vielseitige Beratung von Mitgliedsfirmen in arbeits- und sozialrechtlichen sowie arbeitswissenschaftlichen Fragen. Der Allgemeine Verband niederrheinischer Arbeitgeber gehört zum Dachverband der Unternehmerschaft Niederrhein. Read the full article
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martinstieger-blog · 3 months ago
EXPRESSIONISMUS: "SABO im Farbenrausch der Sinne"
unter diesem Motto präsentiert Miklos Sabo seine aktuellen Werke in der Wimmer Medienhaus Galerie Wels, Stadtplatz 41/3. Stock. Eröffnung: 16. Oktober 19.30 Uhr Begrüßung:                   Ing. Andreas Cuturi, MAS und Konsulent Josef Scherrer Laudator:                      Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Stieger Eröffnung:                    Dr. Horst König, GF Rukapol Sicherheitsschuhe GmbH Zu sehen:…
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brandonshimoda · 2 years ago
THE BOOKS I READ IN 2022, in the order in which I read them (*books I read before, that I was reading again):
Alexandra Chang, Days of Distraction 
Elizabeth Miki Brina, Speak, Okinawa 
Cynthia Dewi Oka, Fire Is Not a Country 
Hanif Abdurraqib, Go Ahead in the Rain: Notes to A Tribe Called Quest 
*Cathy Park Hong, Minor Feelings 
Victoria Chang, Dear Memory 
*Etel Adnan, Of Cities & Women (Letters to Fawwaz)
Sun Yung Shin, The Wet Hex 
traci kato-kiriyama, Navigating With(out) Instruments 
Raquel Gutiérrez, Brown Neon
Solmaz Sharif, Customs 
*Etel Adnan, Journey to Mount Tamalpais 
Lucille Clifton, Generations: A Memoir 
Emerson Whitney, Heaven 
Kim Thúy, em, tr. Sheila Fischman 
Angel Dominguez, Desgraciado (the collected letters) 
Janice Lee, Separation Anxiety 
*Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Dictee
*Cathy Park Hong, Translating Mo’um 
Kyoko Hayashi, From Trinity to Trinity, tr. Eiko Otake 
Lao Yang, Pee Poems, tr. Joshua Edwards & Lynn Xu 
Yuri Herrera, A Silent Fury: The El Bordo Mine Fire, tr. Lisa Dillman (
Mai Der Vang, Yellow Rain
Chuang Hua, Crossings 
José Watanabe, Natural History, tr. Michelle Har Kim
Walter Lew, Excerpts from: ∆IKTH 딕테/딕티 DIKTE, for DICTEE (1982) 
*Bhanu Kapil, The Vertical Interrogation of Strangers 
Vasily Grossman, An Armenian Sketchbook, tr. Robert & Elizabeth Chandler
Hiromi Kawakami, Parade, tr. Allison Markin Powell 
Lynn Xu, And Those Ashen Heaps That Cantilevered Vase of Moonlight 
*Etel Adnan, Sitt Marie Rose, tr. Georgina Kleege 
Jennifer Soong, Suede Mantis/Soft Rage 
*James Baldwin, No Name in the Street 
*Hilton Als, The Women
Dot Devota, >She 
V.S. Naipaul, The Return of Eva Perón 
Yasushi Inoue, The Hunting Gun, tr. Sadamichi Yokoo and Sanford Goldstein
Molly Murakami, Tide goes out 
Adrian Tomine, Shortcomings 
Hisham Matar, A Month in Siena 
Leia Penina Wilson, Call the Necromancer 
Gabriel García Márquez, News of a Kidnapping, tr. Edith Grossman 
Amitava Kumar, Bombay-London-New York 
Elizabeth Alexander, The Trayvon Generation 
Ryan Nakano, I Am Minor 
Constance Debré, Love Me Tender, tr. Holly James 
Hilton Als, My Pin-up 
Victoria Chang, The Trees Witness Everything 
Leslie Kitashima-Gray, The Pink Dress: A Story from the Japanese American Internment 
Emmanuel Carrère, Yoga, tr. John Lambert 
Ronald Tanaka, The Shino Suite: Sansei Poetry 
Patricia Y. Ikeda, House of Wood, House of Salt
Soichi Furuta, to breathe 
Kiki Petrosino, Bright 
Sueyeun Juliette Lee, Aerial Concave Without Cloud 
Nanao Sakaki, Real Play
Esmé Weijun Wang, The Collected Schizophrenias 
Francis Naohiko Oka, Poems 
Geraldine Kudaka, Numerous Avalanches at the Point of Intersection 
Steve Fujimura, Sad Asian Music 
Augusto Higa Oshiro, The Enlightenment of Katzuo Nakamatsu, tr. Jennifer Shyue 
Julie Otsuka, The Swimmers 
Salman Rushdie, The Jaguar Smile: A Nicaraguan Journey 
Margo Jefferson, Constructing a Nervous System 
Hua Hsu, Stay True 
Barbara Browning, The Miniaturists 
Kate Zambreno, Drifts 
*Julie Otsuka, When The Emperor Was Divine 
Louise Akers, Elizabeth/The Story of Drone
Wong May, In the Same Light: 200 Poems for Our Century from the Migrants & Exiles of the Tang Dynasty 
Gabrielle Octavia Rucker, Dereliction 
Trung Le Nguyen, The Magic Fish 
Jessica Au, Cold Enough for Snow 
Tongo Eisen-Martin, Blood on the Fog 
Lucas de Lima, Tropical Sacrifice 
*Like a New Sun: New Indigenous Mexican Poetry, ed. Víctor Terán & David Shook 
Billy-Ray Belcourt, A Minor Chorus 
Kazim Ali, Silver Road 
*Sadako Kurihara, When We Say Hiroshima, tr. Richard Minear 
Simone White, or, on being the other woman
*James Baldwin, The Devil Finds Work 
Christina Sharpe, Ordinary Notes 
*Raquel Gutiérrez, Brown Neon 
Marguerite Duras, The Man Sitting in the Corridor 
Gayl Jones, Corregidora 
*Bhanu Kapil, The Vertical Interrogation of Strangers 
*Etel Adnan, Seasons 
Gwendolyn Brooks, to disembark 
Cristina Rivera Garza, The Taiga Syndrome, tr. Suzanne Jill Levine and Aviva Kana
Gwendolyn Brooks, In the Mecca 
Nona Fernández, The Twilight Zone, tr. Natasha Wimmer
Selva Almada, Dead Girls, tr. Annie McDermott
*Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Dictee
Valerie Hsiung, To Love an Artist
*Theresa Hak  Cha, Exilée and Temps Morts
Dao Strom, We Were Meant To Be a Gentle People
Randa Jarrar, Love Is An Ex-Country
*Dao Strom, Instrument
Osamu Dazai, Early Light, tr. Ralph McCarthy and Donald Keene
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun, tr. Donald Keene
Rachel Aviv, Strangers To Ourselves: Unsettled Minds and the Stories That Make Us
Mahmoud Darwish, Journal of an Ordinary Grief, tr. Ibrahim Muhawi
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coffeenewstom · 2 years ago
Krapfenwoche: "Heiße Liebe" von Wimmer
Mit der Bäckerei Wimmer wirft das nächste Münchner Traditionsunternehmen sein Hut – beziehungsweise Krapfen! – in den Ring. 1932 eröffneten der Firmengründer Luitpold Wimmer und seine Frau Seraphine in der Görresstraße 32 in Schwabing eine kleine Handwerksbäckerei. 1978 wurde die erste Filiale in der Leopold-, Ecke Hohenzollernstraße eröffnet, schon ein Jahr später folgte die in der Knorrstraße.…
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01sentencereviews · 5 years ago
“new-to-me” - may 2020
the forest for the trees (2003, maren ade)
the grand bizarre (2018, jodie mack)
the last picture show (1971, peter bogdanovich)
equilibrium (2002, kurt wimmer)
public enemies (2009, michael mann) 
beware the slenderman (2016, irene taylor brodsky)
crazy world (2019, nabwana i.g.g.)
fire (pożar) (2015, david lynch)
frightmare (1983, norman thaddeus vane)
the goodbye place (1996, richard kelly)
mauvais sang (1986, leos carax)
open city: kids (2013, a.v. rockwell)
princess mononoke (1997, hayao miyazaki)
shirin (2008, abbas kiarostami)
new releases:
bad education (cory finley)
capone (josh trank)
deerskin (quentin dupieux)
driveways (andrew ahn)
ema (pablo larraín)
how i'm feeling now, full album (charli xcx)
i’ve been afraid (cecelia condit)*
on the record (kirby dick + amy ziering)
s01e03 (kurt walker)*
untitled martin scorsese quarantine project (martin scorsese)
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fewbat · 2 years ago
Hello! Thank you for stopping by. Two years ago I established The Daveys (they may have been The Davies back then, I don’t know), an end-of-year fake movie awards body, just because I got bored one day and was like hey, doing something like that might be fun. Last year I switched to a non-competitive format because I wasn’t really feeling it, but this year I said you know what, let’s get gifting again, and so here we are.
As always there are films that I didn’t get around to seeing, mostly due to availability, and as such they don’t feature here but possibly would’ve had I been able to see them. Likewise, there are many films that almost made their way on here but ultimately didn’t. The point is - these are all silly, really. Don’t take this seriously.
This year also sees the introduction of a special celebratory award, the Davey Award for “Wow I hadn’t seen you on screen for a while and seeing you again made me feel kind of emotional.” This year’s inaugural recipients are:
For his role in The Fabelmans, David Lynch. For her role in The Power of the Doctor, Janet Fielding. I’m sure this is the most important thing they will ever win in their lives. Congrats to them both.
A reminder: There is one winner from each category, except for the acting categories. There are two winners from those. There is also a runner up for each single-winner category. Anyway.
And now…(in alphabetical order based on movie title within each respective category)
The nominees are…
Actor (Supporting):
Paul Mescal as Calum Paterson - Aftersun
Sigourney Weaver as Kiri te Suli Kìreysì'ite - Avatar: The Way of Water
Stephen Lang as Recombinant Colonel Miles Quaritch - Avatar: The Way of Water
Sophie Okonedo as Ethelfritha Rose Splinter of Devon - Catherine Called Birdy
Paul Dano as Burt Fabelman - The Fabelmans
Michelle Williams as Mitzi Schildkraut-Fabelman - The Fabelmans
‘Danger’ Ehren as himself - Jackass Forever
Isabella Rossellini as Nana Connie - Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
Greta Gerwig as Babette Gladney - White Noise
Don Cheadle as Prof. Murray Siskind - White Noise
Animated Feature:
The Bob’s Burgers Movie
Mad God
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
Turning Red
Wendell & Wild
Production Design:
Dylan Cole, Ben Proctor - Avatar: The Way of Water
Catherine Martin, Karen Murphy - Elvis
Rick Carter - The Fabelmans
Craig Lathrop - The Northman
Jess Gonchor - White Noise
Costume Design:
Julian Day - Catherine Called Birdy
Jenny Beavan - Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris
Alex Bovaird and Leslie Sungail - Nope
Linda Muir and Louise Cassettari - The Northman
Ann Roth - White Noise
Screenplay (Original):
Charlotte Wells - Aftersun
Terence Davies - Benediction
Steven Spielberg & Tony Kushner - The Fabelmans
Jordan Peele- Nope
Screenplay by Julia Cho and Domee Shi, Story by Julia Cho, Domee Shi and Sarah Streicher - Turning Red
Screenplay (Adapted):
Kogonada - After Yang (based on the short story “Saying Goodbye to Yang” by Alexander Weinstein).
Screenplay by James Cameron, Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, Story by Cameron, Jaffa, Silver, Josh Friedman and Shane Salerno - Avatar: The Way of Water (based on characters created by James Cameron).
Lena Dunham - Catherine Called Birdy (based on the novel of the same name by Karen Cushman).
Chris Chibnall - The Power of the Doctor (based on characters created by various creators).
Noah Baumbach - White Noise (based on the novel of the same name by Don DeLillo)
Avatar: The Way of Water
Crimes of the Future
Top Gun: Maverick
White Noise
Avatar: The Way of Water
The Fabelmans
Jackass Forever
The Power of the Doctor
White Noise
Original Score:
Aska Matsumiya and Ryuichi Sakamoto - After Yang
Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross - Bones and All
John Williams - The Fabelmans
Tindersticks - Stars at Noon
Danny Elfman - White Noise
Blair McClendon - Aftersun
Pietro Scalia, Doug Brandt, and Calvin Wimmer - Ambulance
Matt Villa and Jonathan Redmond - Elvis
Michael Kahn and Sarah Broshar - The Fabelmans
Matthew Hannam - White Noise
Gregory Oke - Aftersun
Roberto de Angelis - Ambulance
Janusz Kamiński - The Fabelmans
Hoyte van Hoytema - Nope
Lol Crawley - White Noise
Actor (Lead):
Frankie Corio as Sophie - Aftersun
Jack Lowden as Young Siegfried Sassoon - Benediction
Bella Ramsey as Lady Catherine (Birdy) - Catherine Called Birdy
Léa Seydoux as Caprice - Crimes of the Future
Austin Butler as Elvis Presley - Elvis
Gabriel LaBelle as Sammy Fabelman - The Fabelmans
Daniel Kaluuya as Otis "OJ" Haywood Jr. - Nope
Keke Palmer as Emerald "Em" Haywood - Nope
Margaret Qualley as Trish Johnson - Stars at Noon
Adam Driver as Prof. Jack Gladney - White Noise
Charlotte Wells - Aftersun
James Cameron - Avatar: The Way of Water
Steven Spielberg - The Fabelmans
Jordan Peele - Nope
Noah Baumbach - White Noise
Avatar: The Way of Water
The Banshees of Inisherin
The Fabelmans
Jackass Forever
Top Gun Maverick
White Noise
The winners will be announced in the near future
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gigslist · 3 years ago
Pollstar Live
Pollstar Live! is the world’s largest gathering of live entertainment professionals and the flagship event for Pollstar magazine, the leading trade publication for the global live entertainment industry.  With over 30 years of history, the Pollstar Live! Conference offers three (3) days of compelling discussions led by visionaries in the live entertainment business beginning with Production Live!, a full day dedicated to production and transportation in live events, followed by Pollstar Live!, including our Annual Pollstar Awards celebration.
Jenna Adler CAA | Omar Al-Joulani Live Nation Concerts | Jeffrey Azoff Full Stop Management | Jonathan Azy Culture Collective | Gerry Barad Live Nation | Adam Bauer Madison House | Cristina Baxter WME | David Beame Global Citizen | John Benn LA Fire Department | Mike Betterton Wasserman Music | Aloe Blacc  Singer/Songwriter | Starr Butler Jemison Fiserv Forum & Milwaukee Bucks | Valeisha Butterfield Jones Recording Academy | Bryan Calhoun Yat Labs | Lauren Carpenter Embarc Events | Christy Castillo Butcher Sofi Stadium & Hollywood Park | Jamie Cheek FBMM | Stas Chijik Billfold | Brian Cross Monotone, Inc. | Amy Davidson MTheory | Marty Diamond Wasserman Music | Mike Downing Prevent Advisors | Boye Fajinmi TheFutureParty | Ken Fermaglich UTA | Rob Gibbs ICM Partners | Dr. K Elizabeth Hawk Ampersand Intelligence | Kell Houston Houston Productions | Zeke Hutchins Mick Management | Jamal Jimoh Venice/Q+A | George Leitner George Leitner Productions GmBh | Geni Lincoln The Forum | Joel Madden VEEPS | David Marcus Ticketmaster | Morgan Margolis Knitting Factory Entertainment | Michael Martin Effect Partners & r.Cup | Tom Martinez California Exposition & State Fair | Eric Mayers Red Light Entertainment | Denise Melanson Wasserman Music | Kurt J. Miner  Allianz Entertainment | Derick Okolie Dreamville | Lesley Olenik Live Nation | Pitbull | Josh Rittenhouse APA | Rashad Robinson Color of Change | Heather Ryan SOFI TUKKER | Noelle Scaggs Fitz & The Tantrums | Fabrice Sergent Bandsintown | Jonathan Shank Terrapin Station Entertainment | Peter Shapiro Dayglo Presents | Drake Sutton-Shearer PIXL8 | Jaia Thomas Diverse Representation | Tara Traub Live Nation | Michelle Truman SOS Global | Dana Warg 313 Presents | Niel Warnock UTA | Scott Weiss Atomic Music Group | Donna Westmoreland I.M.P. | Chris Wright Allegiant Stadium | Molly Zidow Danny Wimmer Presents
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brn1029 · 3 years ago
Time for today’s Rock Report, brought to you by Meriwether’s bistro! swing by for, breakfast, brunch lunch or dinner at Meriwether’s Bistro inside Hells Canyon Grand Hotel in Lewiston. You’ll find bottomless soup and bread for only 8 bucks from 11am till closing! And Join Meriwethers Bistro's loyalty program and get a complimentary dessert or appetizer. Every dollar you spend equals one point and get DOUBLE points during happy hour and Sunday brunch.
Are you newly engaged? Give Sarah a call at Hells Canyon Grand Hotel! Sarah and her team can take the stress out of wedding planning. Call 2 0 8 7 4 8 1 0 5 7 to set up a meeting
National Recording Registry has inducted music from several artists including Alicia Keys, Ricky Martin, and Journey in its 2022 class. Alicia Keys' debut album Songs in A Minor, Ricky Martin's "Livin' La Vida Loca" and Journey's "Don't Stop Believin" are some of the unforgettable sounds of the nation's history and culture joining the National Recording Registry of the Library of Congress. The 2022 class also includes important inductions of hip-hop and Latin music, including recordings by Linda Ronstadt, A Tribe Called Quest, Wu-Tang Clan and Buena Vista Social Club. Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden on Wednesday named 25 recordings as audio treasures worthy of preservation for all time based on their cultural, historical or aesthetic importance in the nation's recorded sound heritage.
The Black Crowes have announced that they will release a new collection of covers, titled 1972.
The EP will be available digitally on May 4 as an Amazon Music exclusive. Vinyl and CD editions will be out on May 6 via the Black Crowes' Silver Arrow label. The project will mark a celebration of the 50th anniversary of some of the best rock-and-roll songs, including The Temptations' "Papa Was A Rollin' Stone," which was released along with the announcement of the EP. The Black Crowes recorded the six-track 1972 EP at the iconic Sunset Sound studio in Los Angeles in January. "The year 1972 was a watershed moment, some of the greatest rock and roll songs ever made came out of that year. To get our band back together in the studio, it had to be a celebration of rock and roll," said The Black Crowes' Chris Robinson. "This record is about love and devotion to something that makes us feel good. We hope that it makes fans around the world feel the same."
Kentucky's Bourbon & Beyond has announced a star-studded lineup for this year's festival, scheduled to be held on the Highland Festival Grounds at Kentucky Exposition Center from September 15-18.The Danny Wimmer Presents event will feature headliners including Pearl Jam, Chris Stapleton, Kings of Leon, Jack White, Brandi Carlile, Alanis Morissette, Greta Van Fleet and many more. Pearl Jam are returning to the festival after 28 years, while White and Kings of Leon last played at the festival in 2014 and 2017, respectively.
"Bourbon and Beyond is definitely one we are looking forward to," KOL's Caleb Followill said in a statement. "It has amazing food and obviously the best stuff to drink, I love both of those things. And sharing the stage over the four days with friends like Pearl Jam and Chris Stapleton makes us even more excited about it. We can't wait!"
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fotbollsbutik1 · 3 years ago
juventus tröja dybala  Stoke befinner sig mitt i en de
juventus tröja dybala  Stoke befinner sig mitt i en defensiv kris inför lördagens resa till regerande mästare Chelsea, där Mark Hughes saknar tre mittbackar. Premier Leagues mest porösa försvar, ett som har läckt 41 mål på 20 matcher, kommer sannolikt att bli utan Ryan Shawcross, Bruno Martins Indi och Kurt Zouma på Stamford Bridge.Shawcross tvingades av i tisdagens 1-1-dragning mot Huddersfield, medan låneinnehavaren Zouma inte är berättigad att spela mot sin moderklubb, och Martins Indi förblir borta på grund av ett ljumskproblem .
The Potters avslutade tävlingen mot Terrier med mittfältaren Geoff Cameron på mittbacken och mitthalvan Kevin Wimmer på vänsterbacken, och Hughes kommer nästan säkert att tvingas använda fler spelare ur position under helgen. ”Vi påverkades en gång igen av skador i defensiva områden, vi förlorade vår kapten mycket tidigt i matchen, "sade Hughes efter oavgjort med Huddersfield." Det har varit historien sed
an säsongens början. Det var väldigt provisoriskt mot slutet. ”Vi tror att det är en kalvstam för Ryan. Det kan vara så att han har en kick på det och har lite spasm där inne. Vi hoppas att så är fallet och det är det bästa scenariot för oss. Verkligheten är att han har skadat sin kalv en del och att han inte kommer att vara tillgänglig. Kurt Zouma är inte tillgänglig i helgen eftersom det är emot hans moderklubb. Vi är lite korta för tillfället. Fotbollströja barn eget tryck  ”Vi kanske kan få tillbaka Erik Pieters i helgen. Det blir touch and go. Bruno är förmodligen ytterligare två och en halv vecka borta. ”
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