#Martin Freepaw
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lindavonree · 4 months ago
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I asked
@martineei.bsky.social if they wanted to do an Alien Stage VS screen with me using Vincent and Martin cause we both love it and AAAA happy how it came out 💚✨
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monstrous-woof · 7 months ago
I can post these now that Martin has opened them! Have tiniest Martin the first doll ive ever customized!
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I made this for Martin of their character Martin Freepaw! It was originally Anna from Frozen. The tail is made of acrylic and cottob yarn blended together. The clothes are all cotton fabric. The yellow bee fabric was my favorite to find 'cause i know they love bees!
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dat-paw · 4 years ago
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asking the real questions
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lordofcrowns · 6 years ago
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Calm was the even, and clear was the sky,      And the new budding flowers did spring,                                                                       from An Evening's Love by John Dryden 
( feat. @thefreshpawofeorzea​ )
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marius-ffxiv · 6 years ago
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“Fit for a King.”
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starwroughtchild · 6 years ago
Please do a heart meme for Martin!
Drop me a character name and I’ll reveal my muse’s heart...
Martin Freepaw from N’evadal!
“Martin’s adorable, n’ doubt, but ah look at em like ah’d look at any of m’ younger siblings. Ah might tease em VERY rarely but tha minute anyone says anythin’ bad bout em it gets me spittin’ and hackles raised!”FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗
“Me an’ Martin got a bit in common and ah’ve a protective streak for em, but ah know ah’d like t’ get to know em better an’ be a better ‘brother’” He chuckles and gives a flick of his overlong tail. “We’ve got clashin personalities but that’s no barrier!”
“Ah said no! But ah’ll squint loudly at anyone that’s lookin’.”
💔 Non-existent💗 Very low💗💗 A little💗💗💗 Hopeful💗💗💗💗 High💗💗💗💗💗 Maximum
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drakochan-ffxiv · 6 years ago
Do the heart meme for Martin
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗💗(purely aesthetic appreciation of looks)
Soft, pink, fluff. Absolute peak of perfection tbh.
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗💗💗(how close a friend they consider them)
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗(wanting to have sex with them)
Mostly because that is not a huge motivator for him, but.... If Martin asked ;3 
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗💗💗(hoping for a romantic relationship)
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[Drop me a character name and I’ll reveal my muse’s heart…]
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lenneth-andrew · 6 years ago
Bluncle, do one for Martin
I typed this all out on my phone, posted it, and the crappy Tumblr app ate it, so I’m trying again on desktop :C ANYWAY...Attractiveness meme for pink niephew! ...it’s like niece and nephew combined ok just go with it.
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗Lenneth’s first real impression of Martin was “oh no, terrifying black-ooze-drooling forest monster!” which would have been zero hearts for sure, but after being around them and seeing other people interact with them, he’s mostly gotten beyond that encounter. Aesthetically, Martin is a strange kind of elegant to him, even pretty in their own way.
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗❓To be honest, Lenneth would need to get to know them better before really deciding if he wants to be closer friends or not. But he’s open to the idea, at least, and he’s keenly aware of what it’s like to feel foreign and alone and to have difficulty communicating, so he plans on continuing to learn bits and pieces of sign language to help make Martin feel more at home...even if someone really should tell him how garbled he actually comes across in his excitement.
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💔Ya boy is a solidly gay 6 on the Kinsey scale, and while he has not incorrectly concluded that Martin isn’t strictly female or male, he’s also really only attracted to people who identify and present as masculine.
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💔That’s gonna also be a no. Lenneth is emotionally a hot dumpster fire even on a good day on the romance front, and romance without physical attraction isn’t really a thing for him.
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dat-paw · 4 years ago
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the underworld calls them “the twins,” despite the fact that they bear little resemblance to one another, and claim no actual family relation.
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maverwyn · 6 years ago
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I doodled a teeny Martin on my iPad 
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guardian-of-eorzea · 6 years ago
“My turn!” -For dat Martin Freepaw
Send me “My turn!” for dialogue my muse would have while in a party with yours.
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Josiah Covey and Martin Freepaw have joined your party!
• Starting Dungeon: “'Ah, Martin, good t’see y’!”
• Assisting: “Don’t worry any. I’ll be here fer y’.”
• Being Assisted: “Thank y’, friend!”
• Idle Dialogue: “Y’know, never did figure out what was in that box’ve yers, th’day we met. What did y’have in there?”
• Witnessing Alley KO: “Godsdamnit. Hold on Martin, I’m comin’!”
• Reviving Alley: “Are y’alright? Let us know if y’need any healin’, er if y’jest need a moment t’breath, aye?”
• Finishing Dungeon: “Thankful fer that all t’be done. Y’did quite good, m’friend. Always happy t’have y’along.”
Bonus: At the end of the dungeon, Josiah will be standing off to the side of the arena with Martin, facing one another while they begin sign to him. Josiah certainly tries to keep up, but the motions of his hands are slow and rather clumsy.
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sylvain-chirurgeon · 6 years ago
“Your heartbeat’s really loud.” For Martin
The rasped words took Aubin by surprise. It was not that he doubted the veracity of the claim, but the fact that Martin was sitting next to him and was not even keeping contact with him. 
His face displayed none of the surprise he felt, schooled into impassivity from long hearing shocking declarations from others. He was inured to absurdity by his brother, who had made such wild claims that sometimes it had been impossible to believe him. It seemed now that nothing could move him. 
His heart was loud to him, too, palpitating in excruciating ways, struggling in the cage of his ribs and thrumming in his ears with a dull, maddening beat. It skipped and fluttered, off time. It was a strange and almost heretical concept to be a doctor that would not heal or accept help for himself. The irony was not lost on Aubin.
Instead of confirming that he felt the arrhythmia of a dying man, he extended his hand to bring Martin closer, if they wanted to be brought closer, an offer left for them to accept or reject as they would. 
“Is it?” He asked. He would have suspected the opposite except for the discomfort that it left him in, a discomfort that he refused to reveal. “Your ears are keener than any others that I have known.”
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infamousr · 6 years ago
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Martin has wares, if you have tea.
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drakochan-ffxiv · 6 years ago
How do they hold each other when their partner asks to be held? -Dat Martin n D'avi
D’avi wraps Martin up close in his arms, and nuzzles into that soft pink hair but he always careful of the little flowers. And he holds dat Martin tight as long as they want to stay there <3
When D’avi asks to be held, he usually is a lot more hesitant i guess is the best way to say it, wrapping up in that massive pink tail and tucking his head against Martin’s shoulder, arms around Martin’s waist.
Either way, safe and warm and comforting. 
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thecat-inthehat · 7 years ago
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Looks like Shining forgot to bring home the creme puffs. 
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dat-paw · 5 years ago
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