#Market Research Transcription Companies
omdataentryindia · 2 years
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jimmywills · 2 months
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poomphuripan · 8 days
Producer 'Yuan' Wan Thabkrajang, CEO of YYDS Entertainment - iQIYI Exclusive Interview Transcript
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[Why did you choose this novel to make into a TV series adaptation?]
First of all, I think it's the hardship presented in 2023, which is most Thai Y (BL) novels have already been chosen/bought by other production companies in Thailand. Moreover, after reviewing numerous novels from various publishers, none seemed intriguing or had a genre that was refreshing enough for me to buy the adaptation rights to make a series. So, I looked to neighboring countries like Japan, South Korea, or China. They've been rather successful with their Y/BL novels so there might have been some interesting plots. Additionally, China is a country with a flourishing novel industry and a platform, with many famous novels that have millions of readers. And "My Stand-In" is among one of the famous BL novels so I decided to adapt it into a series.
[How do you feel about this being the "first Chinese danmei novel" to be adapted into a Thai TV series?]
This marks the first time a Chinese danmei novel has been adapted into a Thai TV series. Besides, after selecting the project, there were extensive discussions with the director and scriptwriters on how to localize it effectively so that the audience can immerse themselves in the narrative. Because the original work is Chinese, the storytelling or even the storylines are all very based on Chinese culture. The key point of what we needed to do is to make Thai viewers immerse in the series, but still keep the intriguing and intense plots of the novel. This is the hardest thing. But after starting the execution, I felt like the story lines and plots of original Chinese novel can be kept in full, but we needed to choose which plot points to be the main storyline. And because there's only 12 episodes, we'd have to decide which plotlines we are going to cut/shortened. That was one of the things we have to do as well.
[What are the challenges of this series?]
The challenge is the original work, because the original novel has a lot of reader fans and has billions of views. The challenge is to make the book fans satisfied with the adapted plot while making it into a Thai version. At the same time, we needed to figure out how to make the TV series popular in Thailand. Because even though the original novel has a lot of views in China, it's still a relatively new work in Thailand. So we thought about how can we make this Thai drama popular around the globe?
[Why did you decide to work with Director Pepzi?]
It's rather a miracle, because like I had to do research first to see in the past year... So this project started around January 2023, first we started exploring over the last two years to see which BL series was kinda explosive on the market, like able to reach worldwide or international popularity. Because we aimed to create a Thai series with global appeal. And so Director Pepzi is one of the directors, who I felt, has an extensive portfolio of works, both domestically and internationally, so I tried calling P'Pepzi. And that day, that evening, we only discussed for one evening and in the morning the day after, P'Pep texted back 'Yeah Yuan, I'll take this drama" and it's decided right then.
[What are the difficulties in adapting this novel into a TV series?]
It was challenging, especially in discussions with Director Pepzi like "How do you feel about this?... how do you want this to be? like on how to portray certain scenes and characters. Or considering Joe's profession as a stuntman, which means that action scenes are a must. Because in the novel, the action scenes would be in the style of classic Chinese ancient times. However, replicating them in a Thai context proved difficult if we tried to doing them exactly like in the novel. We had to find a balance that resonated with Thai audiences while retaining the novel's essence, this is one of the hardest things. The producers also think, in this year, if we do it the ordinary or typical way, not up to certain standards or not having any challenges, then the series wouldn't meet the selection criteria of viewers. Because these days, viewers tend to select and has a demand for higher-quality content. So we collaborated with the production team to outline the requirements on how we can turn this series into a masterpiece in the industry.
I also disccused with P'Khom about the action scenes or about set designs, things like that. We also had our colleagues from the design department create new sets, for example like Joe's room, that room is originally a warehouse in which we constructed a brand new set (t/n: basically Yuan is trying to say that the design team built Joe's house from scratch because the originally the location is just an empty warehouse). I also felt that the producers were betting big on action scenes. Even though the proportion of action scenes didn't exceed 30%, they were all meticulously designed to look outstanding. This was to evoke excitement and showcase the excellent capabilities of Thailand's production team.
[Interesting facts about 'Up-Poom' and their characters 'Ming-Joe']
Regarding the casting process, it took us 8 to 9 months to finalize the entire cast. And Up-Poom is a pairing where I felt like they had very matching chemistry. Especially when they were paired up during auditions, they even switched roles, with Up playing both Joe and Ming and Poom playing both Ming and Joe. We tried switching the roles to test the chemistry between them. And we found that they were very natural and compatible together, making them suitable for the main roles. Hence, we decided we decided to cast Up and Poom.
As for Ming and Joe, you'll know after reading the novel. Ming is the most detestable character and so Up portrayed him excellently, making everyone itch with hatred during filming. We couldn't understand why Ming acted that way, feeling sorry for Poom's character, Joe, for being mistreated and have to endure to this extent. However, behind the scenes, Up and Poom were quite mischievous, often playing pranks on each other, which made us not feel as sorry for them. Nevertheless, both of them portrayed their roles excellently.
[Recommend 'My Stand-In' to everyone]
Everyone, please pay attention to Stand-in. This TV series has a fascinating plot with elements of drama, romance, and action. It's also the first Thai original series on iQIYI. Please follow it on iQIYI.
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doll-lashes · 1 year
Inside look at small business manufacturing in Japan
Written by Connie from the Atelier Pierrot team
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(transcript available later in the post)
I wanted to document and share this informative post that was shared by Connie who works at Atelier Pierrot, containing an inside look into small businesses' manufacturing in Japan, which is a category that covers almost all Japanese lolita fashion brands. The post is focused on releasing plus sizing, which is not very common for a lot of Japanese brands. Below are the charts which were included in the post.
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It was noted that for the Bustle Corset JSK, the sizing between Size 1 and 2 had more overlap, in the hopes of finding the best proportions. This was due to experimenting with sizing proportions and ranges, the goal of this was to potentially increase the range of sizing, while producing fewer sizes.
Below the "Keep reading" section is a plain text transcript, for anybody using a screen reader. I have made use of formatted headings in order to make it easier to move between sections, as the text is quite long.
Inside look at small business manufacturing in Japan
Japanese brands' manufacturing processes are usually quite mysterious, and I think there are lots of misconceptions overseas, especially when it comes to plus size releases.
Although there's some points I can't go into too much detail for, as the person leading the plus size releases for a Japanese brand I have done a lot of research and have a lot of stats to facilitate the development of these releases.
This will be quite long, and with a lot of interacting factors but I've tried to break it up into sections to make it more manageable for people with no executive function (like me).
General Release Size
The first thing to understand is - Japanese brands are all small businesses. They are not huge companies making 1000 of each dress. Typically, even the "big" brands are making 200-300 of each release, across all colourways. Popular releases will sometimes be larger scale. (AP is an exception, but their manufacturing process is very different and they're generally an anomaly in lolita - but still a small business that is at risk if just one of their releases is enough of a flop. They've also said that they have no interest in doing plus size releases, and they have a sufficiently large market in China currently that they don't need to take the financial risk of starting plus size).
Plus Size Market Size
Within this general market, the plus size market is actually incredibly small, and most overseas lolitas completely overestimate the size.
(For reference, in Japan Bust 100cm, Waist 80cm would be considered L/XL. Anything above this is definitely plus size. Remember that when a Japanese brand uses the term "plus size", they are likely to be referring to Japanese plus size which makes up the majority of their market).
For releases that have a plus size version, the plus size sales make up about 15-30% of all sales. Typically, it's 22-25%. This is the same for both Meta and AtePie (with overall sales numbers being comparative).
Say there's 300 items across colourways for a release (Meta's "regular" size and AtePie's Size 1), proportionally, it might have 75-100 items for all plus size pieces, across all sizes.
I've tried to show these ratios with the graph shared on this main post, but have not said the exact sales numbers. It's worth noting that the Douceur Cutsew had a particularly good sales ratio for plus size, and the Bustle Corset JSK is currently in progress, ending 7/21. The number of plus size sales will increase a little until then, but so will the Size 1.
Doing small-size runs (less than 50 pieces per size) is incredibly costly, which I'll go into more detail for later.
Differences in Japanese Vs overseas buying practices
Although of course they still buy some items secondhand, Japanese lolitas are FAR more likely to buy new and support the brands they love. However, most overseas lolitas tend to buy secondhand, or very rarely new direct from Japanese brands (even for accessories).
This obviously doesn't mesh well with the plus size manufacturing system, which has to be MTO due to the small market and risks of production.
Generally, when Japanese customers request an item be rereleased/made in a new colour etc, typically 80% of people requesting will actually purchase. When overseas lolitas make item requests, typically 30% will purchase. This obviously has a huge impact on each market's buying power, and is something that has to be considered when releasing items.
The influence of overseas customers is much less strong/reliable. However, the plus size market is largely overseas, making up about 80-95% of plus size purchases (regardless of brand). As you can imagine, this combined with the lower amount of overseas customers buying new means that the actual demand for plus size releases is very small.
(Actual demand = people who actually buy the items, not just a desire to have them made)
Plus size actual demand
As you might have noticed, Meta has stopped doing their Plus Plus size releases due to insufficient demand. Atelier Pierrot plus size releases (especially size 3 and 4) are currently under review, based on previous plus size sales.
I am really pushing to find solutions to continue plus size releases, but short of putting the manufacturer or brand at risk, there's very little extra that me or AtePie can do.
Japanese brands absolutely should not put themselves at financial risk for any release just for the sake of it being made, especially if there's insufficient support.
In general, the solution is - customers who want to see more of certain releases should support these releases by purchasing new, especially for plus size where the Japanese market cannot be relied on to bolster the sales. This is actually how I've been able to propose more purple releases with AtePie recently! Purple is relatively popular in Japan, but people really love it overseas!
If people don't order plus size items new, they simply will not be manufactured.
It's very unlikely to find the size that you'd need secondhand, especially in the colourway you like best, if only a small amount were ordered in the first place.
Manufacturing process and costs (general)
During the manufacturing process, the item is first designed (and print, if applicable), fabric, trim and colourways are chosen, measurements/pattern is modelled and decided. A sample is made (in the real fabric, to determine how it drapes etc). Adjustments are made to the sample and if necessary another sample is made. Brands will typically try to avoid making the second sample wherever possible because it's very expensive, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Then, the pricing is determined and if it's a general release the number of each item to be released is decided. Colourways are released in different numbers based on demand. As a gothic brand, Atelier Pierrot produces more of the black colourway of each item.
The price is determined by the overhead manufacturing costs, material/trim costs, pattern making, shipping of materials/products, among other things.
The sample commission and pattern cutting are the most costly parts of item development. Designers really don't make much at all and work long hours - for many of the "big" brands it still works out as approximately minimum wage, which is about 1000 yen per hour in Japan.
If the main designer is also the brand owner (e.g AtePie, Sheglit), of course they make more money but they still aren't millionaires by any stretch of the imagination.
Lolita is a passion project for many of the people involved, which is why brands may just stop if people get burnt out/lose that passion (Boz).
Manufacturing process and costs (plus size)
Plus size releases follow this same general process. However, multiple sizing means that multiple samples must be made. Samples must be made in all colours and all sizes to make sure that they come out as expected. For reference, the current AtePie Bustle Corset JSK samples were:
Size 2 - black x white, purple
Size 3 - navy, bordeaux
Size 4 - purple, black
These additional samples add a huge amount of cost (usually it's 200-300k yen for main piece samples in each size, but this varies). If an item is rereleased in the same fabric, another sample wouldn't be necessary. Items released in another fabric would need another sample.
Having small runs of less than 50 of each Plus Size sizing increases the cost per item.
Another additional cost is adjusting the patterns to fit plus size bodies. AtePie adjusts all measurements, not just bust and waist (shoulder width, arm circumference, arm scye, bodice length, skirt circumference etc). Most Japanese brands and manufactures aren't familiar with how to adjust patterns for plus sizing (especially Western plus size), so this stage often has to be outsourced, which is more costly. As time goes on, the measurement range would become more familiar and require less work/lower costs each time (which could be passed on to the customers). However, this could only happen with long term plus size production.
However, plus size dresses are always going to cost more than the size 1 to manufacture. I'm sure a lot of people are aware that the material cost is significantly higher. If a waist circumference is 20cm larger, to have proportional gathering it usually requires ~60cm extra fabric. Adding gathered chiffon on top means an additional 180cm of fabric. These material costs quickly add up.
A cost that many people aren't aware of is the "pattern cutting cost". Most Size 1 lolita releases fit on a single pattern sheet, to be cut out onto fabric by the manufacturer. However, plus size releases have larger measurements and usually require two or more pattern sheets (for main pieces). This is paid by sheet, meaning that this stage of the manufacturing process costs 2-3x as much as Size 1 for every single item made.
To avoid these additional costs raising the price of plus size pieces too much, AtePie absorbs a lot of these extra costs. However, this of course means that the profit margin is much lower despite all the extra difficulties/hard work involved, which is a strain for a small business (which all lolita brands are).
AtePie Size 1 and Plus Size Blooming Rose Corsets were the same price because we just absorbed all extra costs. The Douceur Cutsew had less than 1000 yen price difference (due to much higher manufacture costs), but most was still absorbed. The Bustle Corset JSK has a larger price difference because it's an incredibly expensive piece to produce (difference in volume of fabric due to all the ruffles, requires 2-3 pattern sheets to be cut, more QC costs etc), but AtePie is still trying to absorb as much of the costs as possible.
We absolutely will not force the plus size manufacturer to absorb these extra costs because we do not want to put them at risk of closing.
If Japanese brands were to spread these extra plus size costs to the Size 1/"Regular" size, it would alienate the Japanese market and greatly affect sales, which is really not possible when Japanese customers still make up the vast majority of customers
Quality control issues
It can be hard to find manufacturers that are capable of making lolita pieces. Lolita is much harder to make than regular fashion pieces, with lots of unique details and construction techniques. Brands really try to hold onto long term partnerships with specific manufacturers to minimise mistakes, but they still sometimes happen.
A common mistake is the skirt circumference, especially the lining - often the manufacturer can't believe that there'd be so much VOLUME to the skirt and make a mistake with the measurement. This is often at the initial sampling stage, but sometimes it's the occasional stock item and caught during the Quality Control stage.
Whenever possible, these are returned and corrected to minimise waste. If it's not possible to correct something, they may be sold as B Grade items.
AtePie works with a few different manufacturers for different types of items. For the one of the main manufacturers, we've been working with them for more than 30 years and they have a very good understanding of our designs, but mistakes are occasionally made still.
Manufacture in China usually has a much higher number of mistakes/QC issues, so although it's cheaper than Japanese manufacture it involves a lot more QC, and sometimes expensive/time consuming shipping back to be fixed.
These problems are all exacerbated by adding plus size releases. Manufacturers are unfamiliar with the larger measurements and more likely to get confused/make mistakes. It's more common to have mixed measurements (e.g. the bust is Size 3 but the hem circumference is Size 2). This adds a much longer QC period to make sure defective items aren't sent to customers, which is also costly in terms of labour.
This is why it's so vital that AtePie works to support the manufacturer capable of doing plus size releases without adding additional financial strain to them. We really really want the manufacturer to be able to continue making plus size pieces.
Risk for brands and manufacturers
Meta almost became bankrupt when they started doing plus size releases, and their current manufacturing system is not really sustainable or ideal for the future of plus size releases. Often doing plus size releases is a huge financial risk both for manufacturers and the brand involved.
As mentioned before, manufacturers that can do plus size are very rare in Japan. If one of the very few places that can do plus size closes down, it is highly unlikely it reopen. The current manufacturer in Japan that can do plus size pieces is currently in a very weak financial position due to a former contract with a (non lolita) brand doing plus size. If it is forced to close, it'll be a HUGE blow to plus size availablity in Japan (again, not just lolita).
As you can see, the plus size market is really not big at all, and on top of that it's financially risky for lolita brands to get involved with.
AtePie (and mostly me as the person in charge) are working really hard to try to make releases more accessible, but it is done out of passion for lolita and not because it's a lucrative market. If there is sufficient support, over time it may become easier to release plus size items more often, and with very little/no price difference (this is my goal!)
However, this is a goal that is entirely dependent on overseas customer support.
Buying new from lolita brands is the best way to show the brand where the market might exist and encourage more of the items you want to see. Supporting AtePie plus size releases will also allow us to in turn support the plus size manufacturer and hopefully allow them to continue making plus size pieces (not only lolita) into the future.
Even though this is a hugely long explanation, I've still barely covered the basics. I hope it was still informative for people!
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adbros · 10 months
30 ways to make real; money from home
Making money online from the comfort of your home has become increasingly accessible with the growth of the internet and digital technologies. In 2023, there are numerous realistic ways to earn money online. Here are 30 ideas to get you started:
1. Freelance Writing: Offer your writing skills on platforms like Upwork or Freelancer to create blog posts, articles, or website content.
2. Content Creation: Start a YouTube channel, podcast, or blog to share your expertise or passion and monetize through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.
3. Online Surveys and Market Research: Participate in online surveys and market research studies with platforms like Swagbucks or Survey Junkie.
4. Remote Customer Service: Work as a remote customer service representative for companies like Amazon or Apple.
5. Online Tutoring: Teach subjects you're knowledgeable in on platforms like VIPKid or Chegg Tutors.
6. E-commerce: Start an online store using platforms like Shopify, Etsy, or eBay to sell products.
7. Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services on your blog or social media and earn commissions for sales made through your referral links.
8. Online Courses: Create and sell online courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable.
9. Remote Data Entry: Find remote data entry jobs on websites like Clickworker or Remote.co.
10. Virtual Assistance: Offer administrative support services to businesses as a virtual assistant.
11. Graphic Design: Use your graphic design skills to create logos, graphics, or websites for clients on platforms like Fiverr.
12. Stock Photography: Sell your photos on stock photography websites like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock.
13. App Development: Develop and sell mobile apps or offer app development services.
14. Social Media Management: Manage social media accounts for businesses looking to enhance their online presence.
15. Dropshipping: Start an e-commerce business without holding inventory by dropshipping products.
16. Online Consultations: Offer consulting services in your area of expertise through video calls.
17. Online Surplus Sales: Sell unused items or collectibles on platforms like eBay or Facebook Marketplace.
18. Online Fitness Coaching: Become an online fitness coach and offer workout plans and guidance.
19. Virtual Events: Host webinars, workshops, or conferences on topics you're knowledgeable about.
20. Podcast Production: Offer podcast editing, production, or consulting services.
21. Remote Transcription: Transcribe audio and video files for clients.
22. Online Translation: Offer translation services if you're proficient in multiple languages.
23. Affiliate Blogging: Create a niche blog with affiliate marketing as the primary revenue source.
24. Online Art Sales: Sell your artwork, crafts, or digital art on platforms like Etsy or Redbubble.
25. Remote Bookkeeping: Offer bookkeeping services for small businesses from home.
26. Digital Marketing: Provide digital marketing services like SEO, PPC, or social media management.
27. Online Gaming: Stream your gaming sessions on platforms like Twitch and monetize through ads and donations.
28. Virtual Assistant Coaching: If you have experience as a VA, offer coaching services to aspiring virtual assistants.
29. Online Research: Conduct research for businesses or individuals in need of specific information.
30. Online Real Estate: Invest in virtual real estate, such as domain names or digital properties, and sell them for a profit.
Remember that success in making money online often requires dedication, patience, and the ability to adapt to changing trends. It's essential to research and choose the opportunities that align with your skills, interests, and long-term goals.
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future-sign · 3 months
Fulfill Your Dreams: How to Earn from Home Successfully
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In 2024, the internet has opened up numerous opportunities for individuals to earn a substantial income from the comfort of their homes. With a wide range of online jobs available, it is now possible to pursue a lucrative career by mastering a job that aligns with your interests and expertise. The flexibility and convenience of working remotely enable you to earn a significant income while enjoying the comfort and convenience of your home.
It is essential to recognize that most methods of earning money online necessitate dedication, perseverance, and a patient approach. While the internet offers numerous opportunities to generate income, it typically takes time and effort to achieve meaningful results. Building a successful online venture or establishing a steady stream of online income often requires consistent work, learning, and adapting to the evolving digital landscape.
However, here are some ways you can make money online relatively quickly:
1. Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is promoting other people's products and earning a commission on each sale. You can start by creating a blog or a YouTube channel, and promote products related to your niche.
2. Freelance Work: If you have skills like writing, graphic designing, web development, or any other skill that can be offered as a service, then you can start freelancing on various online platforms. You can create a profile on websites like Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, and start getting clients from all around the world.
3. Online Teaching: If you have expertise in any subject, you can teach it online. You can offer classes on websites like Udemy, Skillshare, or Teachable. You can also offer personalized coaching or tutoring services.
4. Sell digital products: If you have skills like graphic design, programming, or writing, you can create and sell digital products like e-books, stock photos, or website templates on websites like Gumroad or Creative Market.
5. Dropshipping: Dropshipping is an e-commerce model where you don't have to maintain an inventory. You can create an online store, and when someone orders a product, you purchase it from a supplier who ships the product directly to the customer.
6. Online transcription: Some companies pay people to transcribe audio or video files into written documents. You can find transcription opportunities on websites like Rev or TranscribeMe.
7. Online Surveys: There are many websites that pay for completing online surveys. Though the pay is not very high, it can be a good source of side income. Some popular survey sites are Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, and Vindale Research.
Also, you can start your work in the freelance sector. If you learn any high-demand skill like Graphic Design- Digital Marketing-Video Editing so, you can earn huge money from that type of work.
Here you will find one of your most choice-full platforms where you can start your online Job from home.
Top 5 freelancing platforms:
1. Upwork
2. Freelancer
3. Fiverr
4. Guru
5. PeoplePerHour
Note that these are some ideas to start now, and your success in making money from home depends on various factors such as your skills, experience, dedication, and market demand. Hope you understand all and it will be helpful for you. Have a Nice journey.
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horce-divorce · 3 months
Find jobs that work remotely online
lmfao i literally already do that, you jackanapes. i'm a freelance transcriptionist and I have been for YEARS!!!!! i'm GOOD at it, too! having a remote job doesn't mean there's any work in the queue, and it certainly doesn't mean they're PAYING me to do it. a few years ago (like 2016-2018) it was actually possible for me to work from home and earn, like, almost minimum wage. but at least it was consistent. Like, if you knew when the peak times to avoid were, you could always snag work from the queue. I earned anywhere between $8-15 an hour doing that for a few years, and I still never broke more than about $2,000 per year.
the thing about this one is, it's like, the PERFECT setup, in theory. i can come and go as I please, no minimum or maximum amount of work, my insanely fast typing skills ensured I could actually pick files worth my time (my average is 130wpm but I've hit 200. if you even care). being able to stop in the middle of a file and walk away when I was having symptoms, or even just when it was pissing me off, is IDEAL. as long it's done correctly and submitted on time, it doesn't matter what your workflow looks like. i LOVE!!!!! this. yes, please, for the love of god leave me alone and let me do my thing. i work SO much better this way.
as of the last few years, companies like Rev.com have done nothing in the intervening time but increasingly replace their skilled workers (me) with AI auto-captions and having us proofread those instead, all while jacking up their prices for consumers and paying us less and less per file. plus, there's more competition than ever since the pandemic hit, and everyone and their brother think they can just pick up a job like transcription as a side gig or whatever. anyway, since they started becoming worse, I've barely managed to keep up $10 an hour, and there's barely any work in the queue. I check constantly. I'm lucky if i can make a few dollars per week doing that now.
but hey, I actually never gave up. you know what else is a "work remotely online" job? running your own art business. which i also do. I may be conventionally unemployed, but I DO still have multiple jobs! and you people see that and go, "no, that doesn't count. what if you just had MORE jobs? surely this would fix all of your problems?" wow, genius, fucking sensational, THAT WOULD HAVE NEVER OCCURRED TO ME WITHOUT YOUR SAGE WISDOM, ANON. WOW.
YES, I also do market research panels and all that garbage. YES, i have done data entry. I did sigtrack for a while, but I wasn't very good at it, reading people's handwriting is a lot harder for me than parsing speech. I even did Amazon Mechanical Turk back in the day, holy shit, do not do that, 0/10. Any of those shit articles from the penny hoarder youre about to send me? I've done it, and possibly still do from time to time!
Anyway, if that's still not good enough for you, presumably you know a company that hires remotely that you can refer me to? Why don't you hire me yourself, if you're so concerned? You got a podcast or something that needs captions? Hmu anon! That's literally what I do!!! My rate is $1.25 per audio minute!!!! I'll wait!!!!! :)))))))
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adamsvanrhijn · 1 year
I'm sorry nobody knows what a tumblr job is
if you aren't missing a comma or a "but" there. thank u i love u
if i had unlimited characters and thought people would bother reading context associated with a poll, (i am pretty sure they usually do not) and also had some foresight about some of the specific things people would interpret differently than i intended, here's what this would have looked like:
[begin post]
[begin poll]
which of these listed tumblr job types is yours?
retail, grocery, consumer-facing service and sales (excludes call centers and food service)
food service (includes restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, bars, cafeterias, food trucks, commercial kitchens, food kitchens, etc; cooking + serving + hosting)
teacher, professor, tutor, teaching assistant, childcare provider, but not educational administrator, if you do another kind of education read the rest of the options first because one of them might be a better fit
engineer, developer, technical designer, data or computer scientist, not including technical writers
parks and wildlife, outdoor research, animal care (including animal boarding and veterinary care), animal keeping (such as zoos or aquariums), animal husbandry, farming, ranching, environmental conservation, gardener or plant nursery worker (but not florist), field archaelogist, equine therapist, outdoor camp counselor if you work with and have knowledge around plants and/or animals
librarian, archivist, docent, tour guide, curator, patron-facing researcher, consultant historian or sociologist, community educator at a cultural or knowledge (probably nonprofit) institution (including but not limited to historical reenactors); reception or guest services related to any of the previous, excepting food service, which is the food service option
writer - content, technical, proposal, marketing, fiction, nonfiction, educational, research, including editing, but has to be actively working and receiving pay from a company, an organization, and/or clients/commissioners including publications/publishers, even if income is inconsistent or not received at regular intervals. does not include captioning or transcription. translators use your best judgment
artist, illustrator, graphic designer, but has to be actively working and receiving pay from a company, an organization, clients/commissioners including publications and galleries, may include visual marketing but does NOT include ad sales, also does not include video editing unless you do like, speed paints or show off your art in videos
patient healthcare, caregiving, and advocacy. does not include animal care, pharmaceutical research or dispensing, or medical coding/billing
you are not currently working as / do not currently have any of the Tumblr Jobs listed above
[end poll]
a "Tumblr Job" is decided based on the following criteria, which is based on my own dashboard/Tumblr experiences, and tumblr searches:
either many Tumblr users have or have had that job, OR, one to a few high-profile Tumblr users have or have had that job
posts are made about that job, either about the day-to-day work itself (positive or negative), as an appeal to authority ("librarian here!"), or about the concept and/or vibes of the job or having that job
posts are reblogged about that job, and reach an audience of people who do not have that job; posts go viral about that job, even
Tumblr users might aspire to have that job, or be studying toward it
it might require a high level of interest and/or personal investment with limited positions available, OR, it might be a very common job in the world
the job is NOT one that many Tumblr users would perhaps complain and/or rant and/or criticize about other people having
the job is NOT one commonly associated with things Tumblr tends to skew away from, like industries known to contribute to climate change or jobs that tend to be associated with ultra high earners with wealth inequality in the same industry (editing to plug my other poll that 6 & 7 apply to that nobody is taking)
a "Tumblr Job" is NOT just a job anybody on tumblr might have or even a job most people or many people on tumblr might have. it's not even a job that is necessarily common on tumblr (common on tumblr != common tumblr job), that's something i am interested in finding out via the poll.
just because tumblr users you know also have your job doesn't mean it Is a tumblr job. and just because your job type isn't listed doesn't mean it is Not a tumblr job. there are only 9 job hodgepodge types here. there are more jobs in the world than this and there are more tumblr jobs on tumblr than this. these are also not and are not intended to be standard industry classifications. they are grouped by tumblr vibes, not necessarily by job role or duties.
if you do not have a job at this time, you do not currently right now have one of the listed tumblr jobs. being unemployed or being a student, even if you once had one of these jobs or are studying to obtain one of these jobs, are not jobs for the purpose of this poll.
the purpose of the poll is to see how many respondents actually have and are doing these specific jobs that i have identified as "tumblr jobs". nothing more and nothing less!
[end post]
but nobody is gonna fucking read all that & tumblr polls have character limits. if the poll was as specific as i wanted it to be it would not have however many thousands of votes it currently has. curse of my autisms <3
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digitaltrend2 · 11 months
How to Earn Online Money In the USA
There are various ways to earn money online in the USA. Keep in mind that like any other form of income, online earning requires effort, time, and sometimes initial investment. Here are some legitimate methods to make money online:
Freelancing: Offer your skills and services on freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, or Toptal. Depending on your expertise, you can find opportunities in writing, graphic design, web development, digital marketing, and more.
Online Surveys and Market Research: Participate in paid surveys and market research studies on websites like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, and Vindale Research. While this won't make you rich, it's an easy way to earn some extra cash.
Content Creation: If you have a passion for creating content, you can start a blog, YouTube channel, or podcast. Once you gain an audience, you can monetize through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.
Online Teaching: If you have expertise in a subject or skill, consider teaching online. Platforms like VIPKid and Teachable allow you to create and sell courses to students worldwide.
Selling Products: Start an online store using platforms like Shopify or Etsy to sell physical or digital products. You can also leverage Amazon's FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) to sell products without the hassle of shipping and handling.
Stock Photography: If you're a photographer, you can sell your photos on stock photography websites like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock.
Virtual Assistant: Offer virtual assistant services to businesses and entrepreneurs. Tasks may include managing emails, scheduling, data entry, and more.
Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services through affiliate links, and earn a commission for every sale made through your unique referral link.
Online Investing: Consider investing in stocks, cryptocurrencies, or peer-to-peer lending platforms, but always remember that investing involves risk.
Online Gaming and Streaming: If you're skilled in gaming, you can earn money through live streaming on platforms like Twitch, YouTube Gaming, or Facebook Gaming. Additionally, some games offer opportunities to earn money through in-game items and currencies.
Dropshipping: Start an e-commerce business without holding any inventory. With dropshipping, you sell products to customers, and the supplier ships the products directly to them. Platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce can help you set up your online store.
Remote Work: Many companies offer remote job opportunities. Websites like Remote.co and FlexJobs list remote positions across various industries.
Transcription Services: If you have good typing skills, consider providing transcription services to convert audio or video content into text. Websites like Rev and TranscribeMe offer such opportunities.
Online Consulting: If you have expertise in a particular field (e.g., business, finance, marketing, health), offer consulting services online via video calls or email.
Rent Out Your Space: If you have extra space, you can rent it out through platforms like Airbnb for short-term rentals or use Peerspace for events and meetings.
Online Surplus Sales: Sell items you no longer need on online marketplaces like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or Craigslist.
Language Tutoring: If you are fluent in multiple languages, offer language tutoring or translation services through websites like italki or Verbling.
Remote Programming: If you're a programmer or software developer, you can find remote coding projects on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Stack Overflow Jobs.
Online Data Entry: Some companies offer data entry tasks that can be completed remotely. Look for opportunities on job boards or freelancing platforms.
Social Media Management: Help businesses manage their social media presence and create content for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Create and Sell Printables: If you have design skills, create printable templates or digital products like planners, calendars, and artwork to sell on platforms like Etsy or your website.
Online Gaming Tournaments: If you're a skilled gamer, participate in online gaming tournaments that offer cash prizes.
Remote Customer Service: Some companies hire remote customer service representatives to handle customer inquiries via phone, chat, or email.
Virtual Events and Webinars: Host virtual events or webinars on topics of interest and charge attendees for access.
Remember that success in online ventures often requires consistency, dedication, and adaptability. It may take time to build a sustainable income stream, so be patient and keep learning and improving your skills. Always be cautious of scams and never invest money you can't afford to lose in any online opportunity.
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sajidinvention · 1 year
how to earn money online
There are numerous ways to earn money online, and the method you choose will depend on your skills, interests, and the amount of time and effort you are willing to invest. Here are some popular methods for making money online:
Freelancing: If you have skills such as writing, graphic design, programming, or social media management, you can offer your services on freelancing platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr. Clients post projects, and you can bid on them or create gig packages to attract clients.
Online tutoring: If you excel in a particular subject, you can become an online tutor. Many platforms, such as VIPKid, Tutor.com, or Chegg, allow you to teach students from around the world.
Affiliate marketing: This involves promoting other people's products or services and earning a commission for every sale or lead generated through your referral. You can join affiliate programs offered by companies like Amazon, ClickBank, or Commission Junction.
Online surveys and microtasks: Websites like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, or Amazon Mechanical Turk pay you for completing surveys, watching videos, or performing small tasks.
E-commerce: You can create an online store and sell products either through your website or platforms like Shopify, Etsy, or eBay. You can sell physical products, digital goods, or even dropship products from suppliers.
Content creation: If you enjoy creating videos, you can start a YouTube channel and monetize it through ads, sponsorships, or crowdfunding on platforms like Patreon. Similarly, you can start a blog and earn money through advertising, sponsored content, or affiliate marketing.
Online market trading: If you have knowledge of stocks, cryptocurrencies, or forex, you can participate in online trading platforms like Robinhood, eToro, or Coinbase. Note that trading involves risks and requires careful research and understanding.
Online freelancing platforms: Websites like Amazon's Mechanical Turk or Upwork offer various tasks, such as data entry, transcription, or virtual assistance, which you can complete for payment.
Remember, earning money online often requires dedication, persistence, and acquiring the necessary skills. Be cautious of online scams, do thorough research, and consider starting with smaller tasks or projects before venturing into more significant commit
Click here
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davidvkimball · 1 year
Bullcr*p Marketing Doesn't Work Anymore
Shady practices lose, authenticity wins.
Marketing is getting attention from the right eyeballs at the right time. No need to overcomplicate the concept itself; it's surprisingly simple.
Throughout the years, marketing has gained a negative connotation. For some, marketing is manipulative, materialistic, or misleading. However, while that description may fit some marketing practices done in the past, it's no longer effective in the modern world: consumers can easily see it's bullcrap.
Listen to this article's audio transcript here.
In "David's Bullcr*p Marketing Video" above, I feature a few surface-level forms of this deceptive practice we've all seen and can easily point to and laugh at: cheesy stock music, overly fancy transition filler, businessy-looking icons and generic stock video (the corporate jargon is just a bonus).
But why do those things bother us? In a word, they're inauthentic. They feel fake - which puts them in a categorically different type of marketing altogether: bullcr*p marketing.
What is bullcr*p marketing?
Here's the definition:
Bullcr*p marketing is the practice of employing disingenuous and manipulative marketing strategies for short-term gain.
Why am I starring out the "a" in "bullcr*p marketing"? It's a bit of a jest, but also to illustrate that even the term itself isn't fully transparent, much like the tactics it describes.
Effective marketing doesn't involve grandstanding or deception, it's authentic messaging targeting the right audience. Ideally, you're solving a need for someone and offering it to them directly.
History shows us that trust between business and consumer wins over the short-term benefits of deceitful self-fluff.
Marketing: ruining mass communication since the 1600s
Marketing as a practice has existed since the dawn of man, but scholars tend to agree that mass marketing started with Gutenberg's printing press in 1450.
From there, a pattern arose in which each new form of mass communication was hijacked by some form of marketing or advertising. Around the 1600s, paid advertising began in Italy, England, and Germany across flyers, brochures, and newspaper advertisements. As print became more scalable, marketing tactics followed.
In London during the 1730s, more than half of the space in newspapers was devoted to advertising. In 1864, the telegraph was used for unsolicited spam for the first time. Radio advertising began in the 1920s, just 20 years after radio itself was invented. It didn't take long for ads to creep into television (1941), phone calls (systemized telemarketing in the 1950s), email (the 1970s), and the rest of the early web (starting in the 1980s).
Finally, we've seen how marketers have dominated social media with display ads, utilizing influencers, and with branded social profiles in the last 15 years or so.
Or as Gary Vaynerchuk puts it:
"Marketers ruin everything."
Effective marketing is authentic
Thankfully, we know that despite the proliferation of advertising and marketing messages in our lives, getting a targeted, relevant message is a more pleasant experience, especially if it helps solve an immediate need or want.
A study by Marketing Dive suggests 71% of consumers prefer personalized advertising, a product of the modern era. Havard Business Review finds targeted marketing messages are more effective than traditional advertising.
Therefore, marketing has gotten better, but only as a consequence of more faithfully serving the needs of the recipients of its intended audience. This means authenticity, transparency, and adding value should be at the top of the list for any marketing strategy. Just blowing hot smoke won't cut it anymore.
Generation Z in particular can't stomach fakeness. Research suggests that Gen Z specifically values authenticity and transparency in the companies they support, more than previous generations. They're also less loyal to brands. Gen Z is currently one of the most powerful consumer forces, spending $44 billion currently or $600 billion if you count the influence they have on their parents. Needless to say, businesses should be paying attention.
Case Study: Discord's launch campaign
One of my favorite examples of marketing done right was the launch of the instant messaging social platform Discord in 2015. Their growth and adoption were insane, with 11 million registered users in the first year, and a projected 200 million monthly active users today.
What did they do right? They spoke directly to their target audience, which was mostly younger users who enjoy video games as a hobby. Discord HQ identified their audience's main pain point, which was the need for a simple, easy-to-use voice and chat tool to communicate with their friends when they played games together.
This video encapsulates it perfectly:
Their brand voice was fun, punchy, and spoke in plain English.
I got to talk directly to the Discord marketing team at PAX West 2017 (shout out to Zac Citron!) and it turns out every video they made up to that point was mostly just 2 people - one to do the video direction and voice over, and the other to do the video editing and graphics. Shows you how a small but mighty team can help drive impressive growth.
Although their branding has changed significantly since 2020, I will never forget the initial impression they made, and their success today can be attributed in part to their authentic, laser-focused marketing efforts. I even ran a partnered 10,000-member Discord server myself for several years.
How to avoid inauthenticity in marketing
Even though we know it doesn't work long-term, it's easy to get swept up in marketing nonsense. It's a competitive enterprise and there's a lot of pressure to be viewed in the best possible light expediently. Achieving so-called "quick wins" in this area over authenticity can be tempting. So here's a quick list of how to avoid being inauthentic:
Don't lie. Even the smallest embellishment should be avoided. There may be short-term positive effects from deceitfully fluffing up your image, but lies come back to bite eventually, no matter how practiced you might be.
Don't exploit. As we've seen with keyword stuffing, link farms, and fake reviews, trying to bend the rules in your favor inevitably ends with platforms and services penalizing its abusers (more on this later).
Focus on problem-solving for your target audience. It should be well understood that a single business, brand, product, or service can't be all things to all people. If you begin to lose focus on who you're serving, you start to enter bull territory by casting your net too wide and saying nothing at all.
Don't virtue signal. One PR tactic is to try taking a stand on a socio-political issue for public karma. If your business or brand truly aligns with it, then that can work as a strategy. However, too often, decisions are made to have a public stance that doesn't truly reflect the core values of that business or brand - or worse, it's even inconsistent with how they operate. Anyone familiar with whatever the particular issue may be can smell virtue signaling from a mile away.
A history of bullcr*p marketing trends
Old-school marketing methodology doesn't work well in today's world.
Here's a timeline of bullcrap ways marketers have tried to fluff up their chances to be noticed, which inevitably end in being penalized (also see: black hat SEO).
The 1990s: Keyword stuffing and invisible text
In the early days of search engines, websites would stuff their pages full of keywords, often to the point of making the text unreadable, to boost their visibility in search results. Some even took to using invisible text or placing white words on a white background to deceive search engine algorithms. Thankfully, Google's algorithms evolved and started penalizing these tactics, promoting the idea of high quality content over keyword manipulation.
Early 2000s: Pop-up ads and spam emails
Around the turn of the millennium, the internet was besieged by a torrent of pop-up ads ("Congratulations, you've won!" - does this sound familiar?). These intrusive messages were seen as a clever way to capture attention, but they rapidly became one of the most despised forms of advertising. Similarly, email inboxes were flooded with spam messages, often of dubious legitimacy. The backlash was significant, leading to legislation like the CAN-SPAM Act in the U.S. and more sophisticated ad-blocking tools.
Mid-2000s: Link farms and doorway pages
Link farms, which are websites created purely to link to other websites, and doorway pages, low-quality pages filled with keywords designed to trick search engines, were other practices that came to prominence in the mid-2000s. These schemes sought to exploit search engine algorithms and were ultimately detrimental to the user experience. Like with earlier tricks, the response from search engines was clear: anyone who used these tactics would be penalized, further emphasizing the importance of genuine, valuable content.
2010s: Fake reviews and clickbait
With the rise of social media and online shopping, the 2010s saw an increase in fake reviews and clickbait titles. Companies started paying for positive reviews, while sensationalist headlines or "clickbait" were used to drive traffic. However, these tactics resulted in widespread mistrust and dissatisfaction among consumers, forcing platforms like Facebook and Amazon to crack down on these practices.
2020s: Misleading influencers and "deepfake" advertising
In recent years, influencer marketing has taken off, but it's not immune to deceptive practices. Some brands have been accused of not marking sponsored content clearly, while others have used deepfake technology to create misleading advertisements. Both these tactics have drawn criticism for their lack of transparency and authenticity. As a response, social media platforms are developing stricter guidelines to promote clearer advertising.
So, what's next?
While it's difficult to predict exactly what the future holds for marketing, it's safe to say that authentic, transparent, and targeted messaging will always outperform gimmicky, misleading tactics. Anything that compromises a good user experience will likely be penalized. There's no doubt that companies will have to work harder than ever to win the trust and loyalty of their customers.
Natural language processing models like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's LaMDA are powerful tools with lots of potential, however they shouldn't be relied on exclusively for content creation. Anti-cheat education software Turnitin has developed tech that can already identify whether or not text was generated with ChatGPT, and they're not alone. Princeton computer science student Edward Tian has already built something similar himself, GPTZero.
As user adoption continues to climb for AI chatbots, and sophistication increases in spotting when language learning models are used in content, it will become easier and easier to spot in the wild. Don't think copywriters will be out of a job any time soon.
In the modern world of marketing, most attempts to trick the system, exploit loopholes, or deceive the market are destined to fail. Instead, the focus should be on creating value for your audience through relevant, high-quality content that addresses their needs and wants. Only then can you steer clear of the bullcr*p marketing trends of the past and ensure your marketing strategy is effective.
Marketing Tips for Content Creators
I'll be writing more on the topic of marketing - specifically for content creators who want to up their online presence game.
If you fit that description, you can subscribe to my newsletter to get new posts sent to your inbox directly.
Topics I'm considering are tips for effective personal branding, choosing the ideal online username, profile best practices, social platform-specific tips, and growing your own community, just to name a few.
Thanks for reading! Please leave a comment with any thoughts. 🙏
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jimmywills · 4 months
Tumblr media
Leading Market Research Transcription Company
Mission Translate is a premier market research transcription company, providing accurate and reliable transcription services. Our expert team ensures meticulous transcriptions, enabling businesses to extract valuable insights from their research data effectively.
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calciseptinefic · 1 year
then out of nowhere, somebody comes and hits you with an ooh la la la, ooh la la la, ooh la la la, ooh
Marvel || Wade Wilson/Peter Parker || Part 9 notes: Title from 'Mad Sounds' by Arctic Monkeys. Many thanks to babygato for her beta on this chapter. this fic is also available on ao3 warnings: none
← previous: Part 8
The clock in the right hand corner of Wade's laptop reads 2:53 AM as he pulls the files Weasel emailed him. Compared to some dossiers Wade's read in the past—both for the government and for private contracts—there isn't much. A small digital stack of records that boil Peter's entire existence down to its skeleton, devoid of the details that flesh it out into a life:
A birth certificate, a government-issued ID, a marriage license. Medical records. Multiple education transcripts, scholarships, and science-related awards and accolades, as well as various research papers and a Ph.D. dissertation. Bank and credit card statements. A 401(k) retirement plan and several years' worth of tax returns. A lease agreement.
Sitting atop his unmade bed, legs crossed and hunched over the computer, Wade cracks his knuckles and begins. The first thing he does is pull up Peter's ID. It was issued several years ago and the picture of him isn't great, as most identification pictures are; yet despite the grainy quality and the bad lighting, the man depicted looks the same as the man sleeping on Wade's couch. Brown hair, brown eyes, button nose. The only difference is that his curls are a little longer in the photo, hanging messily past his ears.
Kinda mad scientist looking, Wade thinks fondly.
Wade goes through every document meticulously. He learns that Peter was born on August 10th to Richard and Mary Parker. He doesn't drive—unsurprising, considering he was born and raised in New York City—and he grew up in Bayside. During middle school and high school, he won first place eight separate times in various science fairs and—as an undergrad—he was an honors student who graduated with a 3.8 GPA. He has a prescription for an MDI to treat mild asthma; a generic prescription for generalized anxiety; and prescription glasses for moderate myopia.

And according to the date on the marriage license, he and MJ have been married for nearly five years.
Five fucking years, Wade thinks. Peter would have been twenty-one, married in the brief pause between finishing his bachelor's and starting his doctorate.
When Wade was twenty-one, he was in Indonesia. He spent his time picking up Malay, developing a tolerance for spicy food, and trailing various members of an extremist group who sold dirty bombs on the black market. Marriage had been the last thing on his mind. Hell, marriage hadn't even occurred to Wade until he was dying of cancer. For months he wondered if it would be kinder to leave Vanessa as a dead boyfriend or a dead husband; when he finally proposed, Wade could barely hold his arm up, and Vanessa had just cried, and cried, and cried.
He guessed that meant no.
Inhaling deeply through the nose, Wade sets Peter's marital status aside and delves into the other documents, focusing mostly on his academic accomplishments instead of personal information. Interestingly, the scientific papers Peter has co-authored are focused on spider silk: the elucidated molecular structure of various species, mechanical properties, and potential benefits of a bioengineered polymer combined with inorganic nanoparticles.
I synthesize it in a lab, Peter had said. It's definitely not... organic.
Peter's dissertation is a variation on this theme, and the company he works for develops unique polymers for 'sustainable and long-term use'. Wade wonders if that's where Peter creates the web-fluid he used the night before to immobilize Wade's hand and gun. Personally, Wade can't think of any way such a thing could be used commercially. He can think of ten different ways it might be weaponized, but he's also an ex-soldier turned man-for-hire, and he sees the world differently than a scientist invested in renewable resources.
Maybe the military saw it differently, too.
Yet despite Wade's hunch—that Peter's powers came from top secret government hijinks—nothing Weasel sent him indicates that Peter's tied up in anything of the sort. There isn't even a hint of suspiciousness. If there is a larger power at work behind everything, then they've done an incredible job of hiding their involvement.
Pulling up Peter's bank and credit card statements, Wade does not see anything unusual either. Rent payments, student loan payments, various subscriptions, and other random purchases. Most of the extraneous charges hover around $10 to $15. Lunch, Wade guesses, or take out. The most recent statement ended over a week ago, however, so if there was any disruption to Peter's normal card usage, Wade can't confirm it.
Wade sighs. As Weasel said earlier, Peter is a dead end.
The last thing Wade opens is Peter's lease agreement. It's a decent apartment in Astoria—one bedroom, one bath—with a monthly payment that's neither cheap nor exorbitant for its location and size. Both Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson are listed as legal occupants. They've had it for three years, and the address listed is different from the one on Peter's ID card. Technically Peter should have gotten a new ID when he moved but—
Wade's eyes crawl back up to the address listed.
It's familiar. Not in the 'I've lived in New York City for seven years and I know my way around' kind of way but the 'I know this place well enough to start ignoring the street signs' kind of way. A strange feeling comes over Wade as he pulls up Google Maps and types Peter's address in, hitting the 'enter' key with more force than necessary.
The page loads.
Peter's apartment is a mile away. One point two miles to be exact. An easy fifteen minute walk. Wade knows because he's made it many, many times since moving into his current apartment, at least once every two weeks. Sometimes more.
That's by my favorite Thai place. Wade runs a hand over his buzzed hair, stopping at the nape of his neck and squeezing the tense muscle. I could have walked past him a hundred times.
And maybe... Maybe Wade has.
Staring at the tiny red pin on the map, Wade feels the sharp scratch of realization inside his skull. One of the biggest mysteries Wade has not been able to solve was why Peter latched onto Wade. If Peter was indeed from this universe, as Wade mostly believed, why him?
At first Wade thought it was purely coincidence. Maybe Peter had scuttled into Wade's apartment at random and imprinted on him, his trauma-riddled brain constructing an entire backstory in the five seconds they stared at each other. Unlikely, Wade knew, but so was super strength and sticking to the ceiling.
A smaller part of Wade—a part he had been actively ignoring until now—wondered if it went back even further. Wade enlisted on his eighteenth birthday and had been an active soldier until his dishonorable discharge at twenty-six. He's been all over the world. Done a lot of things. Met a lot of people. It's doubtful that Wade met a barely legal Peter during his last year of service, as most of it was spent being a grunt protecting capitalism's investments in the Middle East, yet there was no way to be sure. Wade really doesn't want to think that he was in any way involved, even unknowingly, but...
There is nothing probable about Wade's current situation. In fact, Wade would say that his situation lands firmly outside the visible portion of the bell curve, in one of those tail ends that stretches out infinitely towards 'not gonna fucking happen'. Except it is fucking happening and Wade has to figure out how to navigate the impossibilities.
This, though. The fact that Peter's listed address is right next to one of Wade's favorite and most frequented restaurants. Maybe Peter saw him, time and again for years while Wade remained oblivious. Maybe Peter's break from reality was a long time coming and the resulting delusion had been crafted from slowly collected details. Wade is loud and he often overshares in the form of a bad joke; it wouldn't have been hard for Peter to learn things about him, especially the cancer.
And all that stuff he asked you? It was specific, but what did he really know about you? whispers the forever rational and unforgiving corner of Wade's brain. He acts like he knows you, trusts you, but he doesn't actually know anything. You just wanted to believe it and so you did.
This new insight explains why Peter might have latched onto Wade instead of one of the other eight point five million people living in New York City. Sure, it would still be a coincidence that Peter constructed a false reality with Wade as one of the major players, but the coincidence has firm roots in Wade's routines and—most importantly—it makes sense.
"Still doesn't tell me jack shit," Wade mutters. He is no closer to finding out the truth than he was an hour ago. All he has are mundane details attached to an exceptional person, and that leaves him with two options:
Option #1: Let Weasel and Peter do their respective research and go from there, or Option #2: Be proactive.
Wade quickly considers the pros and cons of both before deciding on the latter. He's never been the kind of person to sit around and wait; inaction makes him antsy, and the more antsy he gets, the more... inventive his responses become. It is truly in everyone's best interest that Wade tackles this mystery immediately instead of making him mull over more possibilities while he rigs increasingly dangerous C4 explosives in the spare bedroom.
Besides, Wade's approach is unique from Weasel and Peter's. They approach situations from more cerebral angles, and nerds like them tend to forget that most people are dumb, basic animals. Sometimes the best intel can't be gathered digitally. It needs to be found under a not so metaphorical squeaky floorboard or stuffed in a not so metaphorical mattress.
Or, in this case, from a not so metaphorical apartment in Astoria.
Tomorrow—or today, considering the late hour—is Thursday, which is a good day to break into someone's apartment. Most people tend to be at work during the day on weekdays and, in an apartment complex, this means there are less people around to potentially catch you when you jimmy open a door. Obviously, Peter won't be there, but MJ? Wade knows nothing about her other than she's married to Peter, including if she has a job that will remove her from the premises so Wade can snoop safely and uninterrupted.
Opening a new tab on his browser, Wade searches for 'Mary Jane Watson'. He knows that it isn't the most effective way to search for people, but he's hoping that he'll get lucky and—
The images that show up under the search bar feature a red-headed bombshell with beautiful green eyes, a femme-fatale smile, and old Hollywood glamor. She's wearing full make-up and gorgeous dresses in every photo, posed against varying sponsored backdrops. Below the small collage of pictures are links to several social media accounts and a Wikipedia page. Wade skims the small 'ABOUT' section that automatically populates on the right-hand side of the page. She's an up-and-coming actress that's played various small television roles, was born the same year as Peter, and... is married to Peter Parker.
"Holy shit," Wade says because, honestly, holy shit.
Wade doesn't know what he expected from Peter's spouse. Held at gunpoint, he would probably describe Peter but in lady form: someone good-looking but not immediately arresting, until the details and personality came out like a sucker punch. Wade isn't downplaying Peter's physical attractiveness—far, far from it—but MJ is Jessica Rabbit levels of hot, the kind of hot that gets wolf-whistles and double-takes.
Wade hadn't been that hot even before his face was permanently disfigured.
Not that it matters, Wade berates himself. It's not a competition. He's already married her.
Scrubbing a hand over the lower half of his scar, the thick line of keratin smooth beneath his touch, Wade ignores the re-emerged jealousy bubbling acridly in his gut and thinks about what MJ's career means for his plan. As an actress, her hours are less predictable than the average salaried schmuck. Of course, this won't stop Wade; there's no fun in a little B&E without the element of uncertainty. He'll just have to compensate for potentially barging in on Peter's starlet wife.
Having decided on his course of action, Wade exits out of everything on his laptop, closes it, then sets it underneath the bed frame. He makes sure he has an alarm set, checks that his gun is underneath the opposite pillow, then turns off the bedside lamp. He lays back down and spreads his limbs wide, the cotton sheets pleasantly cool against his bare feet and naked forearms. None of the deep shadows on the ceiling or in the corners of his bedroom move. Yet unlike the night before, when Wade had passed out almost immediately after making Peter pancakes, sleep will not come to him. His thoughts keep turning in an effort to make connections that aren't there and, in the end, he keeps asking himself one question:
What do an ex-soldier, a quantum information scientist, a monk in Nepal, a vintage car mechanic, and an actress all have in common?
Wade wakes. His hand is under the pillow, gripping the handle of his gun—but it was the familiar blare of his alarm that woke him, not panic, and his fingers slide away easily. It takes more effort to roll to the side and grab his phone off the bedside table, hit snooze and drop it on the mattress next to him.
He falls asleep again.
Half an hour after his original alarm, Wade sits up. 9:37. He yawns, mouth opening so wide it hurts the hinge of his jaw. Untangles his legs from the sheets and shuffles across the room. Opens the door, looks at Peter still asleep on the couch, and shuffles into the bathroom. Brushes his teeth. Hops in the shower and pees down the drain. His dumb, traitorous dick grows hot as he scrubs his body down; his hand is nice and slippery with soap, and this is usually when he starts to jack it.
"Not today, buddy," Wade tells his pitifully hopeful half-chub, the head poking out tentatively from the foreskin like a question. "Letting you drive the car yesterday was a mistake."
Wade gets out of the shower, skin pink, and wipes the condensation off the mirror to look at the rough stubble of his face. A few white hairs are growing on his chin to match the ones on his temples, but he once again postpones shaving. He rubs on some moisturizer—he isn't a heathen—and some deodorant. No cologne though, because cologne is a bad idea for both stealth missions and inappropriate wooing.
Wrapping his towel around his waist, Wade exits the bathroom. Glances over into the living room. Peter is barely cognizant, sitting up with his hair a fluffy halo around his face. Seeing him awake surprises Wade somehow, and he stops halfway between his bathroom and bedroom, dripping on the floor.
"Morning," Wade says reflexively.
Peter groans, the barest approximation of human speech.
"Bathroom's free, if you want." The combination of his lack of mental coherency from having just woken up and his almost nakedness make Wade feel wrong-footed. "I was gonna get dressed and start breakfast. Sound good?"
"Coffee too?" Peter garbles.
"Like either of us can function without it."
Peter turns his head to look at Wade, eyes flickering down the length of him: skin still damp, thighs barely contained by the towel, nipples tight in the cool air.
"Mmm," Peter hums, eyes half-lidded. "Okay."
Wade all but retreats into his room and tries to tell himself that there is no way—absolutely no fucking way—that Peter was checking him out. People just did that sometimes. Looked at other people. Especially when said other people were mostly naked and wet and standing like a fool in the hallway. And Peter's eyes were glazed because he was still sleepy and not because he liked what he saw and wanted to get all up on that—
Wade's dick gives another valiant twitch.
"No," Wade hisses at the little eager bump beneath the towel. "Down boy."
Once again ignoring his dick, Wade dresses in briefs, socks, and black joggers, and layers a black crewneck over a long sleeve shirt. He also picks out new clothes for Peter. Peter can wear the jeans from yesterday again, but Wade grabs a fresh pair of socks, a plain white tee, and a sturdy flannel.
After that, Wade opens the bottom drawer of his dresser and pulls out a pair of gloves and a balaclava, a lock-pick set, a camera detector, and two tactical daggers in clip-on sheaths. All of these go into one trusty fanny pack, which he takes out of the bedroom with him and hangs next to his jacket by the front door. He also brings the clean clothes with him; Peter has already ensconced himself in the bathroom, so Wade sets them on the floor.
"Pete!" Wade half-yells, knocking on the bathroom door. "Clothes!"
"Thanks!" Peter shouts back.
While Peter showers, Wade brews coffee, toasts the leftover bagels from yesterday, fries up four sunny-side up eggs, and heats the pre-made sausage patties in the microwave. The bagels, eggs, and sausage patties are assembled into breakfast sandwiches, one for Wade and three for Peter. Peter emerges as Wade is pouring the coffee out into clean mugs.
"Looks good." Peter sits on the barstool, wet hair sticking to his forehead and neck.
"Hot sauce?" Wade asks as he sets a mug in front of Peter. "I have Cholula or fiery habanero."
"I do not have your spice tolerance, Wade. Do you have ketchup?"
"Firstly, fuck you, you vile blasphemer," Wade says even as he moves towards the refrigerator to get Peter his bland condiment. "And secondly, get out of my house."
Peter merely smiles sweetly, shakes up the bottle after Wade hands it to him, and squeezes a huge dollop onto the plate. Wade slathers his own breakfast sandwich with the fiery habanero hot sauce as though proving a point.
They are quiet as they eat. Neither one of them mentions the night before. It was too emotionally raw and—if Peter is like Wade—he'll need a few days to process before he can talk about it with minimal deflection. By the time Wade has finished his singular breakfast sandwich, sucking the grease and traces of hot sauce off his fingers, Peter is already starting on his third.
"I have never seen anyone eat as fast as you do," Wade says. "Can I just say how impressed I am by your ability to unhinge your jaw like a snake? Or is that a secret spider power too?"
"Sometimes, if you don't eat fast while on patrol, you don't eat at all. Do you know how many times I've left a half-finished sub on a rooftop only to find it gone when I came back? Too many."
"What the hell was taking it?"
"It's New York," Peter answers with a shrug. "A rat? A cockroach? A particularly tenacious pigeon? I don't know and I don't wanna know."
"Crazy," Wade mutters because, yeah, he doesn't want to know either. He takes a swig of his coffee and changes the subject. "Anyway, I'm gonna head out soon. Got a new job from Weasel yesterday."
"The boring stuff?"
"A dead end," Wade answers truthfully. "I'm gonna see if I can't dig up a little more. Shouldn't take me too long, and I can pick something up for lunch after. Do you like Thai?"
Peter hums in affirmation. Nothing about his expression or body language changes. Not that Wade was expecting it to, but people could be odd about their triggers; if Peter associates Wade with Thai food at all, he doesn't show it.
Putting their plates and his mug into the sink—the dirty dishes starting to build into a precarious mountain—Wade retrieves his laptop and charger and sets it up in the living room so Peter has something to do while he's gone. Peter smiles at Wade and thanks him as he grabs his boots and laces them snug.
"Try not to get arrested," Peter says.
"No promises," Wade answers as he clips on his fanny pack. Then—with a cheeky salute—Wade is out the door, down the stairs, and on his way to commit a class A misdemeanor.
The apartment building is a brick, post-war walk-up with fire escapes crawling down three of the four sides. Unfortunately for Wade, each side is highly exposed to the semi-busy street below and—even if they weren't—he has no idea which one will lead him into the correct apartment. So he goes in the old-fashioned way: through the front door.
Peter's apartment is labeled with vinyl stickers, a black, italicized 4-B printed against a white, rhomboid vinyl. Wade stands there for several minutes, eyes closed, and listens. The fourth floor and apartment 4-B are still and silent. Wade cannot hear anything, not even the murmur of a television or the shuffle of a moving person, so he opens his eyes, unzips his fanny pack, and crouches down onto one knee.
Years of experience guide Wade through the next minute without hesitation or thought. He needs everything he put in the fanny pack, so he takes care of each item as he randomly pulls it out. The tactical daggers get strapped to his boots; the balaclava gets pulled over his head; the camera detector is set down on the ground by his left heel; the lock pick set is placed by his right knee; the half-eaten bag of shark gummies—
Ooh, shark gummies! Wade thinks. He takes one of the gummies out of the bag and pops it into his mouth. Must be from last time. Thank you, past me, for your generosity and forethought.
The shark gummies go next to the camera detector, and his gloves go next to the lock pick set, which he grabs now that his fanny pack is empty. He pulls out two of the picks and—in under ten seconds—has the key pins leveled at the shear line, opening the lock. He gently twists the doorknob and cracks the door, peeking inside.
It's dark.
Wade exhales slowly and puts the picks back, then stows the set and the shark gummies. He dons his gloves, then grabs the camera detector with his left hand. Stands. Opens the door and steps inside, using the hem of his crewneck to wipe the doorknob free of prints. Closes the door. There's a security guard bolted to the jamb that Wade uses; if anyone tries to get in while he's there, it will buy him at least a few seconds to exit via the fire escape.
Without turning on the light, Wade gives the apartment a cursory glance. It's a nice place. Renovated recently—within the last few years—and has the neutral walls, white molding, and nice wood veneer flooring that are currently popular. To Wade's left is a small coat closet, which then turns into a small galley kitchen. A decent sized living room. Two doors beyond that, both ajar, identified easily as the entrances to the bedroom and bathroom. Both of those rooms are dark as well, but Wade quietly beelines to the bedroom to make sure the no one is sleeping.
Again, empty.
Wade sighs with relief, shoulders sagging. He has definitely walked into occupied rooms in the past, and the fallout generally involves being shot at.
Turning back, Wade goes back into the living room, flipping on both the overhead lights and his camera detector. He brought it to check for recording devices, in case the military had eyes on the place, and the first thing he does is a methodical sweep of the space. When nothing causes bounce back, he begins to search. Wade doesn't know what he's looking for exactly, but he figures that he'll either know it when he sees it or he'll get lucky and find a USB taped somewhere weird.
Wade really hopes he find a USB. To him, it's the modern equivalent of finding buried treasure.
In the living room, Wade opens every drawer, both of the tv console and the side tables; he checks under the couch, under the couch cushions, and in the couch cushions; and he checks behind the television and on top of the ceiling fan's blades. He finds nothing but dust and crumbs there so—with a put out sigh—Wade moves to the kitchen.
The kitchen is a little messy. Crusty dishes are stacked up in the sink, the counters are cluttered with appliances, and unopened mail is littered about in various piles. There are take out containers and a bag of wilted lettuce in the fridge. The trash can is full of wrappers, empty cans of seltzer, and the boxes of microwave meals. The oven desperately needs to be cleaned, bits of old food charred lumps carbonized to the bottom floor. Wade scours every inch of the kitchen but—once again—he finds nothing.
"If this is another fucking dead end..." Wade mutters as he moves to the bathroom to start the process over again.
The bathroom is where Wade starts to put together the puzzle pieces. It is as vaguely dirty as the rest of the apartment, a swatch of disarray layered over by a thin tinge of neglect, but the lack of cleanliness isn't what makes him suspicious. It's the fact that every single product in the bathroom is geared towards men. The gray bottle of two-in-one shampoo and conditioner. The Irish Spring soap. The razors, the deodorant, the body spray. The dark blue towels and washcloths. The rumpled bathmat and single PEVA shower curtain.
There isn't a single thing in the bathroom that indicates a woman lives here at all: no products, no make-up, not evening a fucking tampon.
Leaving the bathroom, Wade enters the bedroom. Scans for cameras, finds none. Goes to the closet and sees only button downs and slacks and blazers hanging from nice wooden hangers. There's a dresser below that has more clothes in it: folded jeans and colored seersucker shorts, a pair of red swimming trunks, graphic t-shirts, underwear and socks.
No clues.
No trace of MJ, either.
Going to the bed, Wade kneels to check underneath the frame. A lone sock is balled up underneath with the dust bunnies. Nothing else. Wade groans and gets back up. Eyes the large, unmade bed. A mess of blankets and two standard pillows, one more rumpled than the other. Wade imagines Peter sleeping, curls splayed across the sheets, mouth slightly open.
"Eh," Wade says aloud as he eyes the pillow. "Fuck it."
Tugging the balaclava off, Wade flops face down onto the bed, feet hanging off the edge and nose smushed into the pillow. He's being a creep—he knows that—but the action itself is harmless. So he breathes in, and in, and in.
Detergent. Shampoo, soap, and sleep sweat. The faintest traces of musk.
Rolling onto his back, Wade reaches into his fanny pack and pulls out the remaining shark gummies. They're a little stale and extra chewy, giving him something to physically gnaw on while he mulls over the reality that Peter's apartment is overwhelming ordinary. There is no surveillance of any kind and there was nothing unusual to be found. Which is weird. Military institutions love to keep close tabs on their pet projects. If Peter isn't being monitored, then no one knows he's missing or...
Or no one knows he has superpowers.
It's an idea that Wade hasn't had before. Perhaps Peter is one of those crazy scientists who believed so firmly in his own research that he injected himself with spider DNA and kept the results a secret. Or maybe that story Peter told Wade two nights ago—in which he was bitten by a radioactive spider—contains a kernel of truth. Either explanation feels too good to be true; in Wade's experience, nothing is ever so simple or easy.
And then there is the fact that MJ does not live here.
It doesn't add up. The lease Weasel pulled says that both Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson rent this apartment. Peter says he's married and wears the ring. But there's no trace of another person in the apartment, despite what the lease says. If MJ ever lived here, she hasn't for at least the past several weeks.
Wade sighs, annoyed.
Another dead end.
Swallowing the last masticated shark gummy, Wade pulls his phone out of his pocket and checks the time. 1:16. He's been combing through Peter's apartment for over two hours. He should leave soon, go get enough Thai to knock a normal man into a tryptophan-induced coma, and head back to his place. After lunch and a nap, he can scroll through some of the social media accounts MJ and see if he can't track her down. Peter wanted to keep distance between himself and his loved ones, but...
The thing is, Wade's been doing shifty stuff since he actively went against orders and was slapped with a dishonorable discharge. Stuff that would have gotten him into trouble with the law if he was caught and stuff that have gotten him into actual trouble with the lawless who hunted him down. He's done some not shifty stuff too, like dog-walking and helping old couples move heavy boxes and threatening people's abusive dirtbag exes. But mostly it's been shitty, because Wade is very, very good at doing the shitty stuff.
Doing recon on the wife?
Well, it's shitty, but it won't be the shittiest thing Wade's ever done. So he gets up, takes one final look at the semi-depressing bachelor pad that is Peter's apartment, and leaves.
The Thai place Wade frequents is down the block and around the corner. It takes about twenty minutes for his order to be finished and he spends that time sitting at one of the small tables, mindlessly scrolling through MJ's public and personal instagram accounts.
There is a lot of content, but all of it is curated: no bad angles, no controversy, no wedding ring. Even the selfies are flawless. Wade cannot begin to imagine how exhausting that must be. Sure, his scar is ugly, and he's violently reminded of its existence every time a stranger looks at him for longer than a glance, but that's just his face. Having every inch of yourself scrutinized by thousands—by millions—must be awful.
"Wade!" the man behind the counter calls. "Order 67! Wade!"
The shout knocks Wade out of his thoughts. He pockets his phone, thanks the worker, and takes the two plastic bags stuffed with styrofoam take-out containers.
Outside, the brisk spring air nips Wade's cheeks and keeps him cool as he walks home. The foot traffic is light but his eyes still flit around, checking buildings and other people out of long habit, before unconsciously settling on the back of a man's head about twenty feet in front of him. The man is shorter than Wade, with brown hair and a lean body. The jeans he's wearing do little to hide his frankly spectacular ass and, when he turns his head to the side, Wade can see that his glasses have slipped down his nose. It's a cute nose, round and upturned, and—
"Peter?" Wade says loudly, abruptly.
The man stops—
Turns around—
And in the space of heartbeat, as Wade stares at the familiar face of Peter Benjamin Parker, a shadow emerges from the adjacent alley to drag him away.
next → : Part 10
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transorzevarsha1 · 1 year
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dailytrendswire · 7 days
Pharmacy Automation Market : Trends and Future Growth Analysis by 2031
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Discover a detailed exploration of the Pharmacy Automation  Market by Data Bridge Market Research, thoughtfully presented with visual finesse to ensure seamless data absorption. Crucial insights are illuminated through vivid graphs, charts, and figures, empowering astute decision-making.
 This Pharmacy Automation  report published by Data Bridge Market Research gives all-inclusive data regarding the market.  This Pharmacy Automation  report firstly introduces market by definition, application, classification and Specification. It provides the data of the market dynamics, market trends and market growth.  Competitive landscape of the market is also taken into account while developing this research report.  The data mentioned in this report is validated by the research analyst and expert so that the authentic information of the market is reached to the consumers. Additionally, the report tracks the latest developments and advancements in the market.
Key topic of the market are covered while developing this Pharmacy Automation  research report.  It segments the market by product launches, application, end user type. This Pharmacy Automation  research report give information about the market new technologies, growth factors, regional trends, company share, development policy and value chain. This report also states import / export, supply and consumption figures as well as manufacturing cost, global revenue and present gross margin by regions.
The global pharmacy automation market is supportive and aims to reduce medication dispensing errors and improve patient safety. Data Bridge Market Research analyzes that the global pharmacy automation market will grow at a CAGR of 10.0% during the forecast period of 2023 to 2030.
Get Sample Research Report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-pharmacy-automation-market
Market Growth Drivers:
Medical errors are the leading cause of death in countries, further leading to increased hospitalization worldwide. Medication errors are of various types that include errors in the chain of pharmacological and pharmaceutical patient care: prescription errors, dispensing errors, administration errors, transcription errors, prescribing faults, and ‘across settings’ errors.
Notably, the report emphasizes the engagement of essential entities, including:
ARxIUM, OMNICELL INC., Cerner Corporation, Capsa Healthcare, ScriptPro LLC, RxSafe, LLC., MedAvail Technologies, Inc., Asteres Inc., InterLink AI, Inc., BD, Baxter, Fullscript, McKesson Corporation, Innovation Associates, AmerisourceBergen Corporation, UNIVERSAL LOGISTICS HOLDINGS, INC, Takazono Corporation, TOSHO Inc., Willach Group, BIQHS, Synergy Medical, Yuyama, APD Algoritmos Procesos y Diseños S.A, JVM Europe BV, Genesis Automation LTD, myPak Solutions Pty Ltd., Demodeks Pharmacy Shelving, Deenova S.r.l., KUKA AG, and KLS Pharma Robotics GmbH among others
Key highlights of the report:
Comprehensive analysis of the global Pharmacy Automation market, detailing present and future trends to identify promising investment opportunities.
Exploration of evolving market dynamics within the industry.
Examination of strategies adopted by major players and their product portfolios.
Detailed breakdown of market segments for a profound understanding.
Review of the latest industry trends and advancements.
Forecasting the trajectory of the Pharmacy Automation market through detailed segmentation analysis
Key Market Segmentation
Product (Systems, Software, and Services), Pharmacy Type (Independent, Chain, and Federal), Pharmacy Size (Large Size Pharmacy, Medium Size Pharmacy, and Small Size Pharmacy), Application (Drug Dispensing and Packaging, Drug Storage, and Inventory Management), End User (Inpatient Pharmacies, Outpatient Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Online Pharmacies, Central Fill/Mail Order Pharmacies, Pharmacy Benefit Management Organizations, and Others), Distribution Channel (Direct Tender and Third Party Distributor)
Intended Audience:
Companies within the Pharmacy Automation industry
Investors and analysts keen on the Pharmacy Automation market
Individuals seeking insights into the dynamics of the Pharmacy Automation market
Read More About This Market Intelligence Report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-pharmacy-automation-market
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Pharmacy Automation  Market,
Pharmacy Automation  Market Scope,
Pharmacy Automation  Market Size,
Pharmacy Automation  Market Forecast
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boatarenttahoe · 11 days
Artificial Meat Market Scope & Growth Projection till 2032
Artificial Meat Market provides in-depth analysis of the market state of Artificial Meat manufacturers, including best facts and figures, overview, definition, SWOT analysis, expert opinions, and the most current global developments. The research also calculates market size, price, revenue, cost structure, gross margin, sales, and market share, as well as forecasts and growth rates. The report assists in determining the revenue earned by the selling of this report and technology across different application areas.
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North America
Middle East and Africa
South America
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