#Mark tuan imagines
spacequokka · 2 years
Prompt: “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
You were vaguely aware of a door shutting. Bright light flicked on, followed by a gasp. “_____?”
“Ugh?” You responded to the call of your name even though you were half-asleep.
Brief silence, and then, “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” That voice. Your eyes popped open, and you looked over your bare shoulder at Mark. Phone in one hand, backpack in the other. Eyes as wide as yours.
“Yugyeom said you wouldn’t be home until after lunch and that I could crash here.” A pulse of pain made you drop your head back onto the pillow. “Could you kill the light, please?”
The room went dark again, though sunlight lined the heavy curtain over the window. There was shuffling in the dark as Mark presumably made his way around.
“It is after lunch,” he sighed. “But you can stay as long as you’d like.”
Tension drained from your body as sleep settled over you. “Thank you,” you sighed.
The bed dipped beside you as the pillow next to yours shifted. “No problem. You good with me here? I’ll be good.”
“Of course.”
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markie-baby · 11 months
Butt-Naked at the MGM ✨️
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"How am I supposed to tell yah?
I don't wanna see you with anyone but me,
Nobody gets me like you.
How am I supposed to let you go?
Only like myself when I'm with you,
Nobody gets me, you do..."
Nobody Gets Me - SZA
Summary- You were no stranger to surprises when it came to dating Mark Tuan, but nothing could prepare you for what you would learn on your one-year anniversary; your sweet, shy, and respectable boyfriend was a closeted freak.
Warnings - cursing, explicit sex, spanking, edging, biting, bondage Genre- Fluff/Smut (18+ MA) idol!got7, female! reader Pairing- Female Reader x Mark Tuan Length- she's super long, mama. So get some wine 'cuz it's story time.
You savored the lingering taste of the wine on your lips, casting a drunken yet longing gaze at Mark Tuan, your striking boyfriend. His allure was impossible to resist, and tonight, he seemed to have cranked it up a notch. His black hair was brushed back, and a few strands dangled free over his eyebrows, tempting you further.
So damn gorgeous. You sighed to yourself.
The gleam of his diamond studs and Cuban link danced in the soft candlelight of your private table, accentuating his devilish charm. Your eyes couldn't help but descend to the bottom button of his open shirt, revealing his chest and a tantalizing mole. Mark's visuals were utterly provocative, though he seemed oblivious as he perused the drink menu.
As you continued to admire Mark's enticing form, your thoughts wandered to the past year you'd spent together. Mark had always been the perfect gentleman. He was polite, funny, respectful, treated, and sexed like a queen. You loved how he doted on you and made you feel special. But there was always something about him that seemed reserved... like he was holding back. You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but there was an air of mystery surrounding him.
Mark finally looked up from the drink menu, his dark eyes locking with yours. A playful smile curled at the corner of his lips, and he reached across the table, his hand finding yours. "You seem lost in thought," he said, his voice low and seductive.
"Just reminiscing," you replied, your voice husky, your eyes never leaving his. "It's been an incredible year."
Mark's fingers tightened around yours, and his gaze deepened. "It has been incredible," he agreed, his tone filled with meaning. "One of the best years of my life."
Your heart fluttered in response to Mark's sincere admission.
"Before I met you, I felt content with my life. I had a sense of fulfillment in everything I had achieved so far, and my drive kept me moving forward." Mark glanced at your hands clasped in his.
"Then I met you, and time seemed to stop in a way I never imagined. You've taught me the beauty of slowing down and truly savoring every precious moment."
Mark's tender confession rendered you breathless; a soft 'I love you' slipped past your glossed lips.
"I love you too." His thumb, adorned with a ring, tenderly caressed your cheek.
His undeniable thoughtfulness and sweetness couldn't be ignored. However, the harsh reality of the situation was sinking in rapidly, akin to the Thunderbird you had knocked back earlier...
You were horny as all hell.
"We still got the rest of the night to celebrate. Why don't we get another drink and get out of here?" Mark traced the menu with his slender finger. "What do you want, baby?
"I think I've found exactly what I want," you said, your voice laced with anticipation.
Mark's eyes sparked with intrigue as he looked at you. "Yeah?" he purred, leaning in closer.
You leaned in as well, your lips almost touching, your words a whisper. "I want you, Mark," you confessed, your gaze locked with his, brimming with desire.
Mark's breath caught in his throat as your words hung in the air, creating a charged atmosphere between you two. The restaurant noises seemed to fade away, leaving only the intimate bubble of your shared desire. You triggered something in him. Mark scooted his chair closer, his lips brushed gently against your ear.
"Want me?" His warm breath tingled your skin. "And how bad you want me, y/n?"
Your heart skipped a beat at your boyfriend's teasing response.
A slow, knowing smile spread across Mark's face. "Well, then," he said, his voice low and filled with promise. "I think I can arrange that. You ready for your surprise?"
"Surprise? Where are you taking me?"
He downed his glass of Thunderbird, anticipation growing as Mark discreetly signaled the waiter, asking for the check. In a swift exchange, you both exited the restaurant, hand in hand, bound for a destination where your desires could unfold.
He maintained an air of mystery leading you to a waiting car. Soon, the shimmering lights of Las Vegas enveloped you. The MGM Grand stood tall in the distance, and to your surprise, Mark had secured a balcony suite, a sight that left you astonished.
"Mark, this is beyond amazing," you marveled, your eyes scanning the balcony suite's luxurious details.
Mark's smile radiated warmth, a glint of modesty in his demeanor. "I'm glad you like it. I know I was on the road for a while, so I wanted to make it up to you."
"You really outdone yourself, I don't know how I'm gonna top this." you replied playfully.
With a soft chuckle, he waved off the compliment. "You're important to me. Seeing you smile is everything."
His words resonated deeply, and you took his hand, feeling a surge of gratitude. "Thank you, Mark. I feel incredibly lucky to have you."
He met your gaze, sincerity evident in his eyes. "I'm lucky to have you, too."
As the night embraced the glittering skyline, Mark and you found yourselves cuddling on the balcony of the suite, clinking glasses filled with chilled champagne. The city below was alive with a symphony of lights and distant laughter, casting an enchanting aura around you both. The cool evening breeze danced through your hair as you leaned against the balcony railing, savoring the moment.
"I could stay up here forever..." You sighed.
"Me too," Mark's arm tightened around you. "But why don't we take this cuddle session inside?"
"I'd love to." You playfully kissed your boyfriend on the nose before turning towards the door.
Your body stops short when Mark grabs your wrist.
"Can I have a kiss first?" A smirk appeared on his lips.
"Of course," you whispered, pressing your lips against his.
The kiss was sweet and passionate, a tender dance between your lips. Mark's arms encircled you, pulling you closer as his kisses became deeper and more intense. He smelled of expensive cologne and tasted like champagne, a taste which you quickly fell in love with. His hands moved down to grab a handful of you, and you could feel the heat building between you. Mark had never been this handsy.
You couldn't help but feel excited by this sudden change in his behavior.
"Mm... Mark," you gasped. "We should... probably head inside..."
"Why?" he breathed, his voice husky.
"Because..." you said, a sultry grin curling your lips. "We're starting to get a little carried away out here, and someone might see us."
"I'm sorry", He blushed slightly. "My mind is kinda in the gutter right now."
"Oh, really? I can't tell."
He let out a soft chuckle and released you, his eyes full of lust. "C'mon, let's go inside."
You agreed, biting your lip.
As Mark guided you into the luxe suite, the thrill of the moment intensified. Finally settling onto the plush king-sized mattress, the softness of the sheets against your skin added to the intoxicating atmosphere. Unbeknownst to you, your boyfriend had quietly entered the room amidst the sensation, his presence unnoticed in your heightened sensory bliss.
"You seem comfortable," he commented, his voice a soft whisper in your ear.
"Mmhm," you sighed, your eyes closed, body relaxed.
Mark's arms slowly slid around your waist, his lips pressed to the side of your neck as he placed his body weight next to yours.
"What's gotten into you other than that Thunderbird?"
"I'm not sure," Mark admitted, a slight hint of embarrassment in his tone. "I guess I'm just a bit worked up tonight."
"Is that so?"
You felt Mark's smile against your skin, his hand tracing up the curve of your spine. "Maybe," he teased. "Does that make you uncomfortable?"
"No, not at all." You turned to meet his eyes, your hand gently caressing his face. "In fact, I like it. You're usually so... reserved. I'm into this side of you."
Mark smiled sincerely. "I'm happy to hear that. You've opened my eyes to a lot of new things. I'm learning more about myself every day."
You kissed him, a gentle, yet passionate kiss. As the kiss deepened, your hands began to explore his body, feeling the contours of his chest beneath his shirt. Mark's hands found their way to a familiar area, his touch electric against your skin. The sensations of desire and intimacy filled the room, blending with the soft, sensual lighting.
Mark pulled back slightly, his seductive gaze locked on yours.
"You know, it's been an amazing year, so, I want to make tonight a little different," he said, his voice a seductive whisper. "I'm going to give you a taste of what I've learned."
"And what exactly have you learned, Mr. Tuan?"
"To be honest, I've always had these fantasies, but I was too shy to bring them up before."
You looked at him in surprise. This was definitely not what you were expecting. But instead of being shocked or put off, you felt a surge of arousal at the thought of exploring Mark's hidden desires.
"I'm all yours tonight," you said with a smile. "Don't need to be shy around me. We have been together for over a year after all."
Mark's face flushed with excitement and relief.
"I'm not as vanilla in bed as I've been letting on," he admitted. "When we have sex, as much as I love it, I fantasize about doing the nastiest things to you."
"Nasty, huh?" You purred, tracing your finger along his jawline. "Tell me, what kind of nasty things have you wanted to do to me?"
Mark's gaze darkened, a look of pure desire in his eyes. "You really want to know?"
"I do," you confirmed, your voice soft, yet laced with a hint of intrigue.
"Are you sure?" he asked anxiously.
"Absolutely," you replied with a reassuring smile.
Mark's hesitation disappeared. His dark gaze bored into yours, the intensity of his emotions reflected in his eyes.
"Well, for starters," Mark's hand teased your inner thigh. "I've always wanted to pour oil all over that pretty skin of yours."
"You want to massage me?" You grinned, amused by his choice of fantasy.
"Not just massage," His lips traveled closer to your ear. "But tease, pinch, spank..."
"Mark Tuan, are you into BDSM or something?"
Mark's lips curled into a seductive smile. "That.." he said, his hand creeping higher, his fingers lightly brushing your panties. "And among a few other kinks. Is that okay?"
A wave of desire crashed over you at the realization of what Mark was hinting at. You nodded slowly, your breath quickening as you started to feel a familiar sensation growing in your thighs.
Mark stood up off the bed and started unbuttoning his shirt in the most torturous fashion. Slowly exposing his chest and tattoos inch by inch. "Can I show them to you?"
"Sure," you breathed, distracted by the strip show your boyfriend was putting on.
His buttoned shirt slowly slid off his toned shoulders and fell to the floor. "I need a yes or a no, beautiful."
You felt your core pulse at the request. "Yes."
Mark walked over to the closet, opened the door, and disappeared from view. You could hear the sound of hangers moving and then the rustling of cloth. He returned, holding a black satin tie in his hands.
"May I?"
You nodded and closed your eyes as he gently tied the fabric around your head, making sure you couldn't see. Your senses were on high alert, acutely aware of every movement, every sound, and smell. You felt the bed dip as Mark climbed on top of you, his weight pressing into the mattress, his heat radiating toward you. His breath was warm on your cheek as he leaned close.
"Is that comfortable?" he whispered.
"Yes," you sighed.
His hands traced the contours of your body, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. The sensation of not being able to see heightened the experience, making every touch, every kiss, every whisper of breath feel magnified.
Mark kissed your neck softly. "I've been waiting to get this dress off of you..." he said.
You felt his fingers slowly unzipping the front of your dress, exposing your bare chest. Your nipples hardened under his touch, and you gasped as his tongue flicked against the sensitive flesh. His lips trailed a hot path down your neck and across your collarbone, before circling around your hardened nipple. He suckled greedily, his teeth grazing the delicate skin. You writhed under his touch, your hips arching into his.
"So damn responsive..." Mark murmured.
You felt his mouth leave your skin, and the sound of him pulling the bottom half of your dress reached your ears.
Suddenly, you felt a cool, smooth sensation on your skin, followed by a sweet scent that filled the air. It took a moment for you to realize that Mark was drizzling warm oil onto your body.
The oil was slick and luxurious as Mark's hands glided over your skin, massaging away any tension or stress. His touch was confident and skilled, kneading your muscles with just the right amount of pressure.
As the massage continued, you felt yourself becoming more and more relaxed, surrendering to the sensations that were coursing through your body. The combination of the warm oil and Mark's expert touch had you melting into the bed.
"Mm... that feels so good," you moaned.
Mark chuckled. "Good, 'cause I'm about to make it feel even better," he murmured.
His hands traveled down to your legs, kneading the tense muscles there. You felt the mattress shift as Mark positioned himself between your legs, his fingers deftly slipping under the edge of your panties.
A gasp escaped your lips as his fingers began to work their magic on your most sensitive areas, his touch gentle yet firm. Your body trembled in anticipation, knowing that Mark's talented fingers were mere moments away from sending you into ecstasy.
You cried out as his fingers finally made contact with your slick, throbbing core, sending waves of pleasure crashing through you. Mark's pace increased, and he circled your clit, his fingers slipping and sliding through your folds. You gripped the sheets as you arched your back, desperate for more.
Mark's breath was warm against your skin as he leaned close, whispering into your ear.
"You're soaking wet, baby," he urged, his voice low and commanding. "You've been wanting this all night, huh?"
"So...badly..." You blushed into the bed sheets, turning your head away from your boyfriend's filthy speech.
"Am I making you shy?" Mark teased and planted kisses on your neck between each word. "I can stop if it's too much... but something about the way you won't stop squeezing around my fingers tells me you don't want me to."
Usually, the most you'd get out of Mark during sex was a couple of moans and a few curses, which you never complained about. But his sudden rolodex of vulgarity was completely unexpected, giving you the ultimate sensory experience.
"I want you to cum for me," he urged, his voice low and commanding.
You shuddered as your orgasm hit, waves of pleasure washing over you, soaking your panties. Your body trembled and quaked, a guttural moan escaping your lips. As the intensity of the climax faded, you slumped against the bed, utterly spent. You were vaguely aware of the sound of the oil bottle being placed on the nightstand, and then Mark's weight shifted on the bed.
"Open your eyes, baby," he cooed, gently pulling the silk from your eyes.
As you opened your eyes, the world came into focus. Your body was glistening with oil, and Mark was hovering above you, his gaze filled with admiration.
"You are so fucking gorgeous," he said. "How did I get so lucky?"
A blush tinged your cheeks.
"I could say the same for you."
Mark leaned in and kissed you passionately.
"You're the best gift I've ever had," he whispered.
His words sent a jolt of pleasure straight to your core, and you found yourself craving more.
"What are you gonna do with me now?"
"Hmm," Mark contemplated while he touched the oil slick on your skin. "I should clean up my mess, shouldn't I?"
His lips reconnected to your chest, planting delicate kisses on your collarbone, and travelling down to your stomach. He planted a final kiss beneath your belly button before looking up at you with innocent eyes.
"Can I kiss you down here, babe?"
Your heart raced as you looked down at him with desire. You couldn't believe how much you wanted him right now. You nodded without a word, biting your lip in anticipation.
"How about a little biting?" Mark added. "I promise I won't do it hard."
Your heart was pounding in your chest as he looked up at you with a mischievous glint in his eye. You couldn't help but groan in pleasure at his words, already imagining the feeling of his teeth sinking into your skin.
"Yes," You breathed.
His lips found their way back to your stomach, trailing down to the apex of your thighs. His fingers dug into your hips as he planted open-mouthed kisses on your inner thighs, teasing you with his tongue. You let out a gasp as his teeth grazed your sensitive flesh, sending a jolt of pleasure through your body. He looked up at you with a wicked smile, knowing full well the effect he was having on you.
"More," you whimpered, your body arching towards him.
He obliged, his teeth sinking deeper into your skin as you moaned in ecstasy. It was all you could do to grip the sheets as he continued his assault, his tongue lapping at the sting he had left behind.
You were practically shaking at this point, your body begging for him to give you what you needed.
"Ready for a little love bite?" he asked again. The words made you tremble and your body ached for more. You nodded in response, signaling that you were ready.
"I always wanted to nibble on these thighs of yours." His teeth sank deeper into your thigh as he spoke.
"I've been wanting to kiss on them, too." He said between bites. You moaned softly at his words and felt yourself getting wetter.
His mouth was hot against your thigh, and your eyes shut closed as he moved to the other leg. "And I've been wanting to taste them." He whispered, his wet tongue drawing circles on your skin. Your thighs started to shake as you tried to hold your composure. His hands held your thighs still, not allowing you to move.
"Please". You begged him.
Mark's dark eyes darted up at you. "Please, what?" He asked as he licked on your panty line.
You moaned loudly and arched your back, as you struggled to get the words out. "Please, babe... stop torturing me." You whimpered, wanting nothing more than to feel his soft lips on your core. He smiled and nodded at you, as he began to drag the corner of your panties down with his teeth.
Without a word, Mark pressed his lips to your entrance, forming a seal around your folds with his tongue. He touched all of the inner walls of your wetness with it, rotating it around before pushing forward, exploring the depths of you.
Mark moaned, sending waves of pleasure through your body with every stroke of his tongue. His fingers gripped your hips as he pulled you closer to him and buried his face in your crotch. His tongue darted down your slit as he tried to push it inside of you. Your hands shot down to his hair, fighting the urge to scream as his tongue explored your inner walls.
It wasn't long till Mark felt your walls pulsing against his tongue, signaling that you were close. Your hips started to buck against his face as your orgasm neared and Mark quickly pulled his mouth away from you. You let out a disappointed whine as he pulled his face away from your dripping entrance.
"Did you like that, babe?" Mark asked, licking his lips seductively.
"Mhmm," You opened your eyes and met his gaze, too horny to even speak properly. "Why did you stop?"
"I'm edging you," Mark smirked devilishly. "It's pretty cruel of me, actually."
"I don't mind," you replied, a pleading look in your eyes.
"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow. "You must be as much a freak as I am then, huh?"
Your heart skipped a beat as you heard his words.
"Please, Mark. I need you to do it again."
"Oh, I'll do it, babe." Mark's voice dripped with lust.
He bit his lip at you with a playful grin and then leaned forward to kiss you, his soft lips enveloping yours as he reached down with his hand. His fingers reached your entrance and he pushed them inside of you, stroking your clit with his thumb as he did so.
You moaned into his mouth as you felt his tongue flicker against yours, eagerly kissing him back as he continued to explore you. You bit his lip and gripped his hair, pulling him closer as he groaned into the kiss.
You could feel your orgasm building again as he continued to thrust his fingers back and forth inside of you, his thumb moving in circles around your clit. His lips left yours and traveled down to your neck as he nibbled on it, pushing you over the edge in the process.
You felt a rush of pleasure as your release squirted out of you, coating Mark's hand as he eagerly lapped it up. His tongue darted down to your entrance, lapping up every drop of fluid as your orgasm subsided.
"That was so sexy," Mark said, lifting his head up to look at you. "But I think it's time to take it up a notch, babe."
You let out a moan of compliance as Mark let his fingers slide out from you. You watched in anticipation as he placed his hand on his crotch, undoing the button on his jeans with a quick flick of his fingers.
"Fuck me, Mark."
Mark teasingly shook his head, pulling his pants down. "Patience, baby. I still want to tie you up."
A shiver ran down your spine as you saw his lustful stare. He moved towards the bedposts and slowly wrapped your upper body with his extra ties. As Mark's gaze roamed over your body, you could feel heat radiating from him.
"Mm. Mm. Mm," he said, his tone full of lust. "You look so sexy like this."
"You don't look too bad yourself," you replied, admiring the sight of his tattooed physique.
He leaned forward, his lips inches from yours. "I want you so badly." he breathed, his eyes heavy with desire. "I can't wait to fill you up."
You felt your body react to his words, your core pulsing with need. Mark loomed over you, both hands resting on the sides of your head. His skin gently teased your wet clit.
"Are you ready for me?" he asked softly.
Your body tensed at the sensation of his lips against yours. "Yes."
With a wicked grin, he slowly plunged deep inside you, filling you completely.
"Oh, fuck..." he exclaimed, a soft moan escaping his lips.
The sensations were unlike anything you'd experienced before, and you could feel your walls tightening around him, milking him for every drop.
"Is this good?" Mark murmured against your ear, his breath tickling your neck.
Your response was incoherent mumbles.
Mark continued thrusting, his fingers clenching in your hair as he pinned you to the bed. The intense sensation quickly caused you to reach an almost unbearable level of arousal, your body throbbing in time with Mark's movements. He pulled out slightly, then plunged deeply inside you again, eliciting a muffled scream.
You felt yourself tightening up around him, trying to milk him even more, but you couldn't help it. You were so close. Mark's mouth found its way back to yours, kissing you passionately as he moved inside you.
"Baby...," Mark urged, pulling out even further. "If you keep on getting tighter, like this, I'm not gonna last."
His pace quickened, his breathing getting heavier as he neared his climax. He let go of your hair, bringing his hand to cup your face.
You felt him twitch inside of you, and the warmth of his release flooded your insides. Ecstasy-ridden cries left your lips as your own orgasm followed soon after.
"Fuck, you're so amazing," he groaned, burying his face into your neck. "I love you so much."
With his weight pressing down on top of you, you could barely breathe. Your heart pounded rapidly as if trying to escape your chest. You tried to relax and catch your breath, to regain some sense of composure. When you looked up, you found yourself gazing into Mark's intensely brown eyes, full of love and desire.
"I love you, too." You sighed, short of breath.
"Do you want to stop?" Mark whispered in your ear. "You seem tired."
"No, don't stop."
"I won't then."
Mark slowly pulled out and reached up to undo the ties around your arms and chest. "Sit up for me," he whispered, grabbing your hand restraints.
"Turn around for me, baby," He helped you to get on your knees, your arms behind your back, then positioned himself behind you. "Damn..." he exclaimed as he ran his hand over your hips and ass. "I wish you could see what I'm seeing right now."
He kissed down your back and began to softly massage your ass. His fingers occasionally trailed between your thighs, but he held himself back from touching you there. "Look at you..." he groaned softly. "I can see how much you want me just by looking. You're so beautiful."
Your heart ached at his words. "I do."
"How much?" he asked, pressing into you from behind. His erection rubbed against the wetness between your legs, leaving a trail of warmth in its wake.
"I've been thinking about this all night." You moaned.
"All night?"
He teased one finger into you and you gasped, rotating your hips so that he would push deeper inside. "Ohh," you groaned as a second finger joined the first.
"Ever since dinner." He thrust into you and you felt yourself tighten around him. The sensation only lasted a moment before Mark withdrew his fingers entirely. You whimpered. He smacked your ass before his fingers glided over your core. A soft moan escaped your lips as he slowly caressed it. He pulled back to spank you again before shoving further inside you. A whispered curse left his lips before smacking your skin once more and watching it tremble.
He gently grasped the front of your neck and pulled your head up off the bed. "Put your hands on the headboard for me, love. Keep your ass up high," he commanded. You obeyed, and he held your hips as he began to drill you deep and hard.
Your arms were bound, so you relied on your hips and lower back to support you. Your face and chest were pushed against the mattress, but you didn’t mind. The sensation of him thrusting into you had taken over your entire being. You locked eyes with him as he moved further and further in, hovering a mere inch from your back. When he brought one hand around to rub your clit, it sent shockwaves through your body. You bit into the sheets to silence a scream. You shook as the pleasure started to build within every fiber of your being - building, building until it felt like the whole world was crumbling around you.
"That's it," Mark breathed.
His hand reached forward again to find its way to your sensitive clit once more, and the sudden intensity caused you to cry out. Your heart raced and your mind spun wildly as your body seemed to be consumed in flames.
"Mark," you gasped, barely able to put any words together. "I'm gonna-"
"I got you, babe," he replied. "Let go."
Finally erupting in a blissful wave, your muscles tightened around him as if never wanting to let go. Mark's hand was still firmly held on your clit as he thrust into you one final time, his own orgasm overtaking him. As he squeezed your hip with both hands, his thrusts grew more erratic, until with one final thrust, he pushed himself as far inside you as he could.
You felt him tense up and let out a deep moan as he thrust one last time, his liquid love flowing into you. Your body shuddered as you felt his entire length throbbing inside you. You couldn't breathe, your body shaking with the intensity of the moment. He slowly pulled away from you, but before you could move, he held you tightly in his arms.
"Are you all right?" His voice was soft and gentle.
"Mmm hmm," was all you managed to reply.
He chuckled softly, his hands caressing your back. "Good. Me too."
Mark held you close, pulling you into him as he collapsed on the bed. His lips pressed lightly against your neck as he kissed your warm flesh. Everything about him felt comforting and intimate; his mouth was gentle, his movements slow and deliberate.
Finally, you opened your eyes and looked at him. His dark eyes stared back into yours as a gentle smile appeared on his face. His hair was a poofy mess sticking out this way and that, while a thin sheen of sweat covered his forehead. He looked happy.
You smiled back at him with a racing heart; then said, "You were right."
"About what?" he asked.
"You are kinky," you replied with a grin.
He laughed heartily at your statement and the sound made you laugh too.
"Yes," he said with a playful smile, "but I think you liked it though; you couldn't help it."
"I loved it," you answered honestly, looking deep into his eyes.
He kissed you again, pressing his lips softly against yours as you kissed him back.
It felt like heaven.
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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girlfriend hugging them in their sleep
deserted island au
high school au
gf is a demon
s.o is shy with skinship
s.o is self conscious
thank you
bf! jackson
trying again
single dad au
it’s not too late
get over here
not now (*M*)
bf! jaebum
christmas special
i want to do these things with you
christmas special
bf! yugyeom
let’s go out
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eviebyme · 2 years
*****i forgot to ask what for the GOT7 one. lol
If you can please do the same for GOT7?
Hi! Yes, I can certainly do that 😉. Thanks for requesting!❤️
Got7 Kinks
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He’s probably the most vanilla tbh
Being with a partner he finds sexy is usually enough for him
He prefers to stick with missionary or doggy
His kink would most probably be penetration, just the act of sex is enough and he doesn’t really like to step out of his comfort zone
He will silently judge you if you suggest anything too crazy by his standards
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I can see him having specific sensitive spots that will drive him crazy when they’re touched
Like he’s big into having his nipples played with or being pinched on his thighs or waist or something
To that point he probably has a specific body fetish. Foot fetish, breast, belly button. I can see him being hyperfixated (and turned on) by certain body parts
Likes having sex in public, but with no one around lol - like in a field or in a car. He finds it exciting but anything more and his anxiety takes over
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Ok guys, he’s a lowkey freak
Takes consent very VERY seriously because he knows he’ll mess you up lol
Hard dom- likes giving orders, inflicting pain, and teasing
Like leather and bondage
ALWAYS has a safe word, even if your intention is just making out
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Soft dom - he likes to give orders but is a huge softy and feels bad when he gets carried away
LOVES roleplaying - he’s always the dominant though. Like he really gets into it. He’s usually pretty reserved but once he’s into a role he completely changes into that character
Likes to blindfold and tie up his partner - but he only reaches this stage after being with someone for a while
Seems vanilla the first few times, but he is freaky trust me
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Edging and being teased
Probably a switch or exclusively submissive
I can see him being turned on by certain articles of clothing - like knee high socks and a short skirt or lingerie. That will drive him wild. Even certain textures like silk or lace are incredibly sexy
Also, I can see getting turned on by cosplay of anime or video game characters - omg and maids!
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Soft dom #2
More of a Daddy/baby girl kind of dom
Loves to take care of you and loves to put you in your place
Giving massages (erotic massages ofc)
Probably the second most vanilla after Mark. He likes good old fashioned sex and literally just loves to be touched.
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Rough sex
Role play that results in rough sex (punishing, humiliating, etc)
I’m reluctant to say hard dom because he can come out of this role quickly - and he is not really a soft dom.
He will be very clear about consent and safe words too. His partner is always a priority, but sex is a way to release anger, so he usually wants to be totally clear
Loves anal but will never suggest it to his partner
Requests Open!
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yiensaintlaurent · 2 years
00 | the other side - mark tuan
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pairing: mark tuan x reader
genre: angst, smut, idol! got7, idol! reader
warnings: cursing, explicit sex, takes place in present time with minor flashbacks
summary: mark knew it was game over the minute he saw you. despite being apart from each other for so long, no amount of practice in front of the mirror would've prepared him for the way his heart dropped the moment he saw you walk in. he'd forgotten about the hold you had on him, you; the love of his life, the one that got away.
character preface
mark tuan :
age: 29
birthday: september 4, 1993
currently living in arcadia, la county, california, u.s.a
age: 25
birthday: september 15, 1997
currently living in seoul, south korea
originally from new york city; part time in los angeles
all got7 member info is in present time.
let me know if i should post ch. 01 :)
slight or recurring mentions of other idols, groups, familiar names.
despite it taking place in present time, with real time events, this story the plot and scenarios are 100% made up
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ifdimpeul · 1 year
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“your favorite song” | capa adotada por woojiniepk.
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bambikisss · 2 years
Suits: 2
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-> Being a CEO of a big company has its perks, except for meeting the one. After you sign up for a dating app for the elite 1 percent, you match with someone who is just as rich as you. Is love truly in the cards for you both?
Smut warnings: Spit, bitting, slight bondage, slight breeding kink, marking, etc. Rough to Passionate.
"You joined a dating site to not match with anyone?" He asked, taking a sip of his champagne as he listened to you try to explain why you joined, cutting you off as he leaned closer to you, his mint breath gracing your cheek as he made his way to your ear. "So, you don't want me then, Y/N?"
A/N: She's a long one.
You always found the saying "Cat and Mouse game" to be so confusing.
Who was the cat and who was the mouse? Why didn't the cat just move on?
"Ah, nice to see you again, Ms. L/N." You gripped the doorknob as you turned to face Jaebeom, who was leaning against your desk with some wine you had on your desk now in his hand, a smirk on his lips.
"Do you have a moment?"
Now you understood why.
"I do have a moment, Mr. Lim. What can I do for you?" You felt his eyes melt into your body as you made your way to the alcohol table that you had placed next to the window. He said no words as the dark red wine filled the glass that soon met your lips. His mind flashed back to the dinner that had happened a few days prior; how your lips molded around moaning, how your lips felt in the kiss, how your perfect lipstick smudged all over his neck and your face.
You were the mouse that he so desperately wanted to catch.
"I just wanted to talk some more. I tried to get your number from Mrs. Kim, but she said it was better to come and ask you myself, and judging by how hard it was to get an appointment with you, I assume you're a very busy girl, Ms. L/N." You noted how his voice had dropped and had gotten slightly louder, turning around to now face Jaebeom, who was leaning against your couch, his hand out to take the second wine glass that you were pouring. You handed it to him, letting your fingers glaze his before reaching back for your own to sit at your desk. You both kept your gazes locked onto one another as you both drank the wine, a soft glimmer coming from an eyebrow piercing that Jae had, which gathered your attention.
"So, the CEO of a popular fashion, music, and art brand has a piercing?''
"Ah, so you did some research on me," Jaebeom placed the wine glass down, licking his lips as he made his way over to your desk. You also noticed now that he had a tongue piercing and a nose stud, both looking new. "What's 'next, grills?" You held back a smile as he nodded, mentioning how he was actually going to get some on Friday.
He made you feel comfortable, the lust that was in the air during your first meeting was not there as it was now comfortable and friendly. Jaebeom picked up your nameplate, humming as he read your name. "Beautiful name, Ms. L/N." you thanked him for his compliment before leaning back in your chair, downing the rest of the wine as you had. "So, did you make an appointment to just flirt with me and get my number or do you want to talk business?"
"Do you not want to mix business with pleasure, Ms. L/N?" Jae asked, sitting down before swirling the wine that was left in his glass. "Your company is thinking about dipping into fashion soon, right? I noticed that one of your competitors was complaining about it during a dinner party we had."
"So you all meet up to talk shit about me and my complaining expanding our horizons?" You asked, Jae, chuckling as he leaned back in his chair. "I do not participate in the complaining about you and your team's goal of manifesting destiny. I, however, want to talk about you partnering with me."
You raised an eyebrow as he stood up, sliding over an invitation. "I am hosting a party on Thursday to discuss the future of the company. You should come: you can get a raw, inside look at what my company can offer, along with connecting with many other people as my partners from oversees are also coming."
He let his hand move from the invite to gently hold your chin, moving you to look up at him. He seemed so much farther than your face when he was describing the event to you, it almost shocked you when you noticed how close you two were. He leaned down so that his lips were next to your ear, his thumb now moving to play with your bottom lip. "If you aren't satisfied by the end of the night by the event, I can surely be of service." Your eyes moved up to his, biting your bottom lip as he moved away from you, his lingering cologne around you as he left.
You were trying to figure out what cologne he used when your secretary knocked on the door, making you jump from your daydream.
"Ms. L/N, your next appointment is here." You nodded, getting up to follow her, stopping her when you reached the meeting room. "Clear out my schedule past 4pm on Thursday. I have a party with Jaebeom and his associates to attend." R/N nodded, hiding their smile as you entered the room. They had "passed by" a few times when you and Jaebeom were in the room, giggling at your dreamy expression when he leaned close to you. They walked away as the meeting began, holding in their excited giggle.
You arrived at the large gala hall around 8pm, an hour after the party began. You didn't know the traffic would be so bad that night and to be honest, it rattled you a bit and made you nervous.
It made you wonder if he would still be happy to see you. In the back of your mind, you of course thought he did this to every woman he tried to work with, but a part of you held onto the idea that he didn't do it to anyone else.
You sighed as you made your way inside, being greeted by a large ballroom decorated in gold and red, the table covers being black. There was an open bar along with Jaebeom's company name being projected onto the center of the tables and also on the stage. It was beautiful to you. You checked your dress once more before deciding to look for Jaebeom, your heels clicking as you made your way to join the many other people who were conversing with each other. You recognized a few, talking to them as the lights dimmed and you were told to direct your attention to the stage, Jae in a white suit soon coming on. His piercings and rings glimmered under the stage lights as he spoke to everyone, thanking everyone for coming and for being part of his growing company.
You wouldn't admit it, but you spent more time admiring him than listening to what he was saying. You caught a glimpse of his chain necklace, biting your lip as you wondered how it would feel to tug on it. Your mind wandered deeper and deeper until he met your eyes as he scanned the crowd, a small smirk coming to his face as he noticed how dark your eyes had gotten. "I'm so glad that everyone came. I hope we can make new relationships and support the ones we already have. Thank you." You clapped with everyone as the jazz music picked back up as he left the stage. You smiled as your colleagues turned back to you to pick up where the conversation left off, the conversation halting once more when Jaebeom approached you all.
You watched as he conversed with them, waving goodbye as they walked away to give you too some space. "I'm glad you came, Y/N. Not gonna lie, at first I thought you weren't." He smiled, his hand coming to rest on the bottom of your back. You apologized, mentioning how bad traffic was coming from your penthouse to here. Jae frowned, mentioning how he would keep that in mind. "What did you think of the company and what I said?" He asked, smirking when you tensed up from being caught. "Don't tell me you didn't pay attention. I did that whole thing so that you knew what our company was capable if we end up working together."
"Well, you spoke well and got your points across." you countered, Jae, chuckling as he raised his pierced eyebrow, waiting for you to continue on and to pinpoint something he had said, your conversation being halted when a man came up, a younger woman in tow. Jae moved his hand from your back to shake the man's hands, the old man motioning to the woman he had. "This is my daughter, Heejin. She has been a fan of your company for a while and I thought bringing her tonight to meet with one of my partners was a great opportunity, I hope you don't mind."
You hoped your jealousy wasn't radiating off of you as he gave the woman attention, your eyes not missing her hands moving up his arms to grip his biceps and touch his chest. It was as if you weren't there, you deciding to head to the bar while he entertained the two.
As you sat at the bar, you were joined by one of the colleagues you were talking to earlier. He rested his head on his hand, making small talk with you, which didn't go unnoticed by Jaebeom, who could slowly feel his own jealousy bubble. He watched as your colleague touched your shoulder, his fingers moving to touch your back which was the last straw for him.
He cut the conversation short with his partner and his daughter, letting him know that he would catch them later before making his way over to you, leaning against the bar to the left of you to order a drink. He made eye contact with the other man over your head, smiling as he introduced himself to him. You turned to face Jae, noticing how he winked at you as he held his hand out, his lips forming a smirk as he asked you to talk with him in private to discuss some things. You held back your own smirk, placing your hand gently into his as he grabbed his drink, leading you away from your now confused colleague. He led you to a separate room from the main ballroom, leading you outside to the terrance, still holding your hand. "Do you always whisk away women that you try to partner with from talking with their friends to talk on a random Terrance during their own company party?" you asked, Jae humming as he took a sip of his whisky. "Only the ones I wanna talk to in private without other people interrupting."
You raised an eyebrow at him as he smiled at you, his hand returning to rest on the bottom of your back, pulling you against his chest. "This doesn't seem very professional to me, Mr. Lim." Jae smirked at the tone of your voice, putting his glass down so he can wrap both of his arms around you so you were chest to chest. "I have many female staff; are you going to do this to them as well?" Your eyes were trained on his lip as he leaned down closer to you, his fingers dipping below the opening in your back. "I'll only do this to you, Y/N."
Right before your lips could touch, the doors swung open to show a staff member, you and Jae quickly moving away from one another. Jae cleared his throat as his ears began to heat up, asking what was wrong. His secretary hid his smirk as he mentioned how the party was now dwindling and everyone was making their way home and his car was on the way to take him home. Jae thanked him, shooing him away as he looked at you, hiding his embarrassment. His secretary chuckled, leaving you two alone on the terrace.
You two spoke no words as the cold wind hit you, reminding you that you were outside and had no coat on. You were so wrapped up in Jae and in his arms that you didn't get to feel it. Jae noticed you shiver, moving to remove his coat only to remember he had no shirt on underneath and still had to walk by the many guests to get to his car. He cleared his throat before running a hand through his hair, chuckling awkwardly. "I remembered you mentioning how long it took you to get here from your penthouse." you turned to face him, wrapping your arms around yourself as he stepped closer to you, wrapping his arms back around you. "I can, of course, take you home, but my place is closer. You seem so cold, Y/N." He whispered, his hand moving to cup your face, his thumb rubbing your cheek.
You mulled over the options, thinking about it as he stared at you. He wasn't forcing you to stay over at his place, but it would take longer to get home than just going to his. A part of you also wasn't keen on leaving him yet.
"As long as you can keep me warm, I'll come back with you." He nodded, a small smile on his lips, as he hurried to lead you down back to the ballroom where everyone was slowly filing out, everyone still keen on talking with Jae before leaving. You peeled yourself from Jae's side, talking to some staff and colleagues as he talked to some people, occasionally looking back at you to make sure you didn't leave or that anyone wasn't bothering you. You left with him as he made his way outside, helping you get into the backseat of his car before being stopped by the old man with his daughter from earlier. "Tonight was amazing, Mr.Lim, even though at some points you were hard to find." You looked up as the man spoke, making eye contact as his voice hid his annoyance with you taking Jae's attention from him and the daughter he was trying to pin Jae with. Jae noticed the man's tone and his gaze, telling him that he can meet with him later, not saying anything to the daughter as he got in next to you, slamming the door shut.
As you both left the two behind, you felt your noticed how blown up your phone was. You scrolled through and answered emails, Jae raising an eyebrow as he watched you before scoffing. "It's damn near midnight and you're still working?" You raised an eyebrow at his words, showing him the many emails, to which he takes your phone from you. "You can get this back tomorrow. You need a night to just relax"
"Relax? What do you have planned for tonight, Mr. Lim?" you asked, Jae chuckling as he put your phone into his pocket before leaning over, his lips pressed against your ear as his hand rested on your thigh. "I don't think you were satisfied at the party. So, it's my job to satisfy you tonight" You raised an eyebrow at his words, deciding to play along and make him work for it.
You placed your hand over his, moving up your leg to go under the dress to rest on your bare upper thigh, Jae's breath hitching when his fingers touched your underwear, his finger looping underneath the band as he moaned softly. "I still have the pair of panties you left in my jacket from last time, baby. Am I going to start a collection with all the panties you're offering?" he played with the band as he began to kiss your neck and jaw. The drive felt like it was going on forever, Jae removing himself from you when he felt the car slow down.
He pulled back from you, biting his lip as he reached over your lap as he opened the door for you, his hands slowly moving back across your lap as he moved back to open his own door. He helped you out, walking with you up to the elevators, holding your hand as you both went up to the top floor, which was where his penthouse was. It was very minimalistic, the simple colors shocking you. There were pops of color coming from the paintings that were on the walls, along with the cat towers that held four cats. He looked like an everyday man, who just really liked simple art and cats. You laughed softly as a cat tried to jump to a different tower and almost fell, Jae looking up from pouring you water, chuckling. "Enjoying my cats?" He asked, clearly amused as he watched you play with one of them. You nodded, Jae, handing you a glass of water as you both watched the cats. It was a calm moment, despite the teasing in the car just a few moments before.
After a bit, Jae ushered you to the bathroom, letting you know that you could do and use anything you needed. You nodded, turning on the bathtub, putting some bubble solution in and a bath bomb that had some sparkles in it. It was obviously a brand deal gift basket that you had taken the bath items from, laughing internally at the face he probably made when he was given it.
Jae came back in with a towel and a change of clothes for it, noticing you struggling to unite your dress. He softly said "allow me", his fingers moving your hands away as he effortlessly untied the back, his hand moving to touch the open back area, his other hand gently pushing down the dress from your shoulder.
It felt like his fingers were fire; every touch he left on your skin made you feel so alive. You didn't realize you were holding your breath until the dress hit the floor, Jae asking you to step out of it so he could hang it up for you. You nodded, moving out of the dress so he could pick it up, watching as he walked out with the dress, leaving you hot in the bathroom. You sighed, removing your underwear before getting into the bathtub, enjoying the feeling of the warm water soothing your muscles that had become tense from work.
As you laid your head back against the tub, closing your eyes, Jae came back as he leaned against the doorway. He admired how you looked: the bubbles covering your breasts, your eyes closed- you look so relaxed.
"Enjoying the bathtub?" he asked, your eyes opening to meet his before sitting up. "Wanna join me?" Jae smiled at the playfulness in your voice, stripping down before getting into the bathtub so he was right next to you. He sighed as his own muscles relaxed, your hands moving to touch his chest, making him chuckle darkly. "Feeling touchy, baby?"
You didn't bother to say anything, kissing him softly as your hand moved all over his chest. He pulled you closer, pulling you so you were now straddling him, the kiss becoming more intense. Jae chuckled as you ground down onto him, biting your bottom lip as his hips moved to meet yours. You pulled him back into a messy and now needy kiss, Jae now moaning into the kiss as his own hips moved to meet yours.
In a way, it reminded you of two people who were desperate for one another. Like they were at a club and dancing with one another and ended up grinding against one another as they craved the touch of one another but didn't want to leave the loud club. In reality, you were now grinding against Jaebeom in the bathtub, moaning and whining for him like crazy.
Jae listened to you whine and beg for him for a bit longer before he halted your hips, his hands coming down to roughly grip your ass as he pressed himself against you. He looked up at you, his lips hovering over yours as he tried to calm down. He had been thinking of how he wanted to have sex with you since the first time at the restaurant. He wanted to do it a specific way and yet, he was blanking. He let you kiss down his cheek to his jaw and neck, leaving behind many bite marks that he knew he was going to have to get hide tomorrow. He whispered your name until you moved back so he could see your face, Jae now rolling his own hips to meet yours. "Get your ass up here and ride this dick because I can't fucking take it anymore."
You nodded, not hesitating to sink down onto him as he quickly reconnected your lips, moving his hips fast to meet yours as he kept you in the kiss, Jae moaning loudly as his hands gripped your ass to help you move, the water around you splashing around and some spilling over the edge. You whined as he moved down your neck to mark it, your moans now echoing around the bathroom as the water around you both began to spill over and cover you two. "Jaebeom, fuck, goddam you're so big"
"Yeah, can you handle this big cock?" Jae grunted, tossing his head back as you clenched around him before he kisses you again, moaning once more when you tug on his hair. "Gotta stretch you out so you can handle my goddam cock."
You dug your nails into his shoulder, trying to bounce back against his own movements, halting when his rolled to the back of his head. His nails dug into your hips, his chest rising and falling as his head rested on the side of the tub.
He looked so beautiful to you. His wet and now messy hair covered his eyes, his pierced tongue licking his lips as his face showed how in bliss he was. His neck was marked with hickies left by you, adorning his neck and upper chest, along with crescents from your nails digging into his shoulders.
You loved how he said your name as he sat up, his tongue moving to lick your jaw, his hips moving once more as he now went deeper and harder. You wanted to know more about him, you wanted to know him more than just the CEO who was obsessed with you.
"What are your cats names?" You moaned out, Jae pausing momentarily before he chuckled, looking at you as he moved faster, biting and kissing along your collarbone. "My cats? Cake, Pudding, Nora, Pringle, and Kimchi"
Jae was slightly amused by your sudden question about his cats, finding it cute. He picked up the pace as he felt you tighten around him, Jae looking at you as you leaned back. "Are you gonna cum, baby? Are you going to make a mess on me?" He asked, moaning louder as you nodded, his fingers moving down to play with your clit before watching you cum, holding you down onto him as he came with you. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, resting his head on your chest as you both tried to calm down.
You ran your hands through his hair as you kissed his forehead, your skin tingling as you both hold one another. It felt oddly romantic.
As your tried to move away so you could sit next to him, his grip on you tightened, making you look down at him. He looked up at you, his cheeks dusted with a slight blush as he kissed your skin. "Stay with me..like this. Let me hold you baby." You felt your heart skip a beat as Jae kissed around your body, the now lukewarm water not bothering you both as you both held each other in the bathtub.
After a while, Jae let you escape his grasp to dry off and put on the T-shirt Jae had brought for you, Jae putting on boxers before kissing your shoulder, rubbing your back. He seemed so loving at that moment, which made you smile and blush softly. "Do you want something to eat, baby?"
"It depends on what you have. And why do you call me baby so often?'' Jae paused looking through his fridge, turning to look back at you. "Do you want me to stop?"
The atmosphere of the whole place shifted at his question. The once lust-filled atmosphere is now comfortable. It felt like how your own home felt: like you had gotten home after a long hard day and you fell back against your plush sheets.
It felt like home.
Jae felt like home.
You stared more at the man who was holding ramen and some mandu in the other hand. The man with a simple black t-shirt on and plaid pants. The man who wanted to hold you after sex.
The man you wanted.
"No, you can keep calling me baby."
Sleeping in other places has always been a struggle for you.
When you traveled for events, you always stayed in the same hotel because of the familiarity. You barely ever slept in other people's homes because you could never sleep well.
This was time was, of course, not an exception.
You stayed on your side facing the large window that showed the city all lit up by the moon, Jaebeom's chest against your back as his arm was draped over your waist. While you thought it was cute he wanted to hold you and keep you close, he ran hot.
You tried to move away from him, but Jaebeom either moved closer to you or pulled you back against him. You couldn't move any farther away because you both were now near the edge of the bed. You sighed, trying to carefully remove his arm from you, listening to Jaebeom's soft snores to make sure you didn't wake him.
"Am I smothering you?" You paused mid-holding his arm over your waist, turning back to face Jaebeom who was now slowly opening his eyes. You put his hand down, Jae wrapping it back around you before pulling you close, his breath now hitting your ear as his fingers gently drummed against your stomach. "Can't sleep?'' You nodded, noticing his tired voice as he spoke. He hummed, thinking before saying "Want some water? You feel hot."
"I'm hot because you run hot" you murmured, Jae, chuckling deeply before getting up, going to get you wanted from the kitchen, leaving you in the suddenly cold sheets. You sat up slightly, running your hand threw your hair as he returned with a glass for you. You thanked him, Jaebeom crawling in behind you to rest his hands on your thighs as you drank, his thumbs rubbing your skin gently as he waited for you to finish. When you were done, he took the glass from you, placing it on his nightstand before kissing your cheek. "Better?" you nodded, laying your head back on his shoulder as Jaebeom slowly pulled his hands up your body, slowly massaging your body as he kissed your neck. You glanced at the time, the numbers making you sigh. Jae sighed as well, mumbling softly "it's late, and we both have work tomorrow." He continued kissing your neck though, despite his words.
You sighed dreamily, your hands resting over his as you slowly moved with him so your shirt was slowly pulled up, Jae looking down at the newly exposed skin. He leaned down to kiss your waist and your lower back, fully tossing off your shirt to rest on the floor before kissing up your spine. "For someone who was just complaining about being too hot, you seem eager to get all hot and sweaty," Jae kissed your bare shoulder before tossing off his own shirt, turning your head to now face him, kissing you softly as his hand slowly made his way down into your pants, rubbing you over your underwear. Jae smiled as you moaned into the kiss, Jae pulling back to see your face as he slipped his hand into your underwear, his finger drawing shaped on your clit as he cupped your breast, squeezing it as he moved his fingers faster. You looked so beautiful in the moonlight to him, so pretty like a picture. He rolled his hips into your ass, kissing you again as his fingers moved faster before slipping a finger in.
"So warm, so wet." He murmured, your own hand slipping into his own pants to stroke him slowly, making it his turn to moan into the kiss, his hips moving to meet your hand. He whined as your thumb went over the tip, Jae inserting another finger into you as his thumb played with your clip. He took his time driving you crazy, whispering how beautiful you looked and how good you felt on his fingers before slowly driving you to the edge, kissing you as you both came, sighing into the kiss. Jae slowly removed his fingers from you, licking them clean as you did the same on your hand, staring at one another. Jae took a minute to watch you before kissing you passionately, moving so you were on your back as he continued to kiss you, tearing off his pants along with yours before wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around him.
"Ready for round 2?" he asked through his heavy breaths, you nodding as he slowly pushed in before smirking at you. When you asked him what he was smiling at, he shrugged. "You said you were having trouble sleeping. So, I'm going to fuck you to sleep." He placed a quick kiss on your lips before picking you up, kissing you again.
The next morning, you woke up to Jaebeom kissing your shoulder, the shower on, and a sweet smell filling your senses.
"The shower is ready for you and I'm making breakfast." he murmured, helping you sit up before returning to the kitchen to finish cooking, leaving you to go shower and get ready for the day. You took a quick shower, noticing a pair of belted pants and a simple white shirt sitting on the bathroom counter. You put them on before going to join Jaebeom, who was wearing an outfit similar to you (a black t-shirt and white pants).
"Ah, I know you have to go to the office so I made you some breakfast and some lunch to go with it," Jae didn't look at you as he slid over the packaged containers, his ears heating up as he bit cleared his throat. You found it cute how he was acting, thanking him before you noticed your phone charged on the counter, filled with messages from your staff asking where you were and if they needed to send a car to come and get you. You assured them that you were ok and were on your way, clearing your throat as Jae grabbed his own work items and car keys. "I'll drop you off at work if you want. I have to go to that side of town for a meeting anyways." You thanked him, following him to his car before getting into the passenger seat, Jae reaching over to put your seatbelt on for you before heading off to your office.
He rested his hand on your thigh, drumming along to the music on the radio as he drove. You noticed the marks from last night were covered, asking him about it, which made him chuckle. "I got some concealer delivered this morning and figured out how to cover it. Did I do a good job?"
You jokingly said no, Jae chuckling as he squeezed your thigh. You smiled at his laugh, your mind going back to last night. He seemed so gentle with you and so loving with you.
It wasn't hard for you to realize that you had caught some feelings for the man who was driving right now, which made you wonder if he felt the same way.
When he pulled into the office, you both didn't move at first. The drive had felt so fast compared to the drive to his apartment. You cleared your throat before reaching down to pick up the food, Jae turning off the car before picking up the food before you could.
When you asked him what he was doing, he shrugged as he exited the car. "I'm going to be a gentleman and help you take these into your office as you already have to carry your purse."
He said it in a way that let you know that if you told him not to, he would listen. You didn't want to let go of him though, agreeing before closing the car door behind him. He walked with you to your office, ignoring the looks of your many staff members at seeing you two together. You were happy to reach the seclusion of your office, Jae placing the containers down onto the desk before checking his watch. "Alright, I gotta go. I have a meeting with a stylist." You thanked him, hugging him before walking him to the door, only for Jae to stop you from opening the door, leaning over to poke his cheek. When you raised an eyebrow, he chuckled. "Cheek kiss?" You chuckled at his roundabout way of asking for a goodbye kiss, kissing his cheek softly before telling him to hurry to his meet, Jae nodding before leaving. You bit your bottom lip before going back to your desk, opening one of the breakfast containers to see rice, eggs, and sausage. You smiled, sitting down to eat as your secretary came in, an obvious smile on their face.
"You have a meeting at 11 with our skin care team. I'll leave you alone to enjoy your breakfast from Mr. Lim." You didn't say anything as they walked out, only smiling at the taste of the food, before glancing at a text from your phone.
CEO Lim Jaebeom: Enjoy the food, beautiful. If you want, I can cook dinner for you too.
CEO Lim Jaebeom: Swing by my place tonight. You know where it is ;)
Y/N: You do know that I'll be expecting something delicious for taking me from going straight home, right?
CEO Lim Jaebeom: I'm a pretty good chef if I do say so, myself.
CEO Lim Jaebeom: I'll let you judge that tonight over steaks and wine. If it's not up to par, you know I'll go the distance to satisfy you.
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 years
mark best friend headcanons <3
a/n: posting this for the lovely anon who requested it ! mark is just such a sweetie pie but also So Real and i adore him !! throwback to when i saw him in dallas and he sang the chorus of "one in a million" to me while mimicking my dance moves :,,,,,,,,-) pics not mine~
content: fluff | wc: 0.8k | warnings: none! | pairing: bestfriend!mark x gn!reader | requests: open
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he is the kind of best friend who is your one-stop shop for all things entertainment and peace
it's very normal for y'all to sit in comfortable silence for HOURS and vibe with each other
he'll look up from his phone to ask "you hungry?"
if you are, he is getting up to bring over your favorite snack or ordering delivery for y'all's favorite takeout place
you'll both also speak up to share a funny video/meme with each other
tbh i see him living for bestie binge watching sessions for movies/shows/videos
like he loves lounging on the couch with you and reacting to the content together and potentially napping
if you fall asleep he WILL take funny photos of you
and then make sure you have a blanket over you or aren't lying down in a position that'll hurt your neck or back
if you like to game, he ABSOLUTELY loves gaming with you
if that's not really your thing, he'd love to have you in the room with him, making conversation with him while he plays
i can so clearly see him having a full-on conversation with you and then just screaming at the screen because he fucked up and then immediately going back to the conversation like nothing happened
and it happens so regularly that you don't even notice it anymore LOL
please call him ultra cute nicknames and pet names
standard is "markie poo" but if the mood is right you can take it to the "floofy snugglebug sweetie pie bubblegum angel face darling" level
he'll tell you to shutup
but he'll giggle and smile while he's saying it
he thinks it is dumb and ridiculous and he loves you so much so he's enjoying it fully !!!
sometimes he'll repeat the over-the-top nicknames to you in a mocking/childish tone
and you'll both get caught in a giggling fit until you're completely nonsensical and crying and out of breath
mark just appreciates that you can be silly with each other like it makes him feel at ease <3
he gives really good hugs
like the kind where he holds you so sweetly and comfortingly that you can let all your stress and worries fall away
if you're anxious, sad, crying, frustrated, etc, his hugs will cure everything
and if you're celebrating something or seeing each other after a long time, he'll squeeze you extra tight because he's so !!!!! happy !!!! with you !!!!
he's seriously so sweet and caring
he's always happy to be a refuge for you, and he's never mad at distracting you from what's getting you down
he'll notice when you're feeling low, and, because he knows you so well, he will immediately pull out whatever jokes, voices, dances, stories, etc that will make you feel better
he will also be able to sense when the kind of comfort you need is having a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, or a quiet safe space
mark is super receptive when you need to clarify what you need/want too like he's changing it up right away because he wants to be the best version of himself for you because that's the kind of best friend you deserve <333
when he needs comfort, he isn't always the most vocal, but, because you know him so well, you can also sense when he's feeling down, anxious, etc
and he loves that he can lean on you without having to explain himself. he'll open up to you because he wants to, but he takes his time because he's secure in your support
once he's ready to open up, he's always going to you first. he wants to run his thoughts and worries by you because he knows that you'll Get It and he loves you so much for that
honestly the same goes for good things too he just wants you to know everything right away <3
he's so grateful to you !!!!
the type of best friend to show you off
he's hanging out with other friends ??? he's telling them fun stories about you, showing off amazing pictures he took of you, bragging about your recent accomplishments, and overall gloating about how he has the best bestie in the WORLD
loves telling you stupid jokes too omfg this boy probably hits you with puns or dad jokes and has the biggest, cheesiest grin on his face
cue the cute mark giggles <33333
definitely likes to do ridiculous things with you too
like weird tiktok food trends ??? sorry you are legally obligated to try them all with mark in one afternoon because you are his partner in crime !!!
will play any and all (harmless) pranks on you
he's so comfortable with you that he likes to act like a carefree child because you make him feel as though he has no worries
and he LIVES for your laugh/enjoyment like nothing fills his heart quite like seeing you happy
to him, your friendship is home. he feels so at ease with you and wants to make you as comfortable and secure as he possibly can
mark is the best friend who becomes your safe space. he'll keep you happy and entertained, while also being there whenever things get heavy or serious.
he's there for you through it all because you make him feel so grounded and protected just by existing with him <3
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Nothing More(M) - Six
Hello everyone! Hope you had a great first half of the year. With everything happening so fast in my life, I now found a moment to breathe and get in my feelings again. So here's chapter six. Enjoy~ ~6k words, angst, love. How am I supposed to let you go when I don't wanna see you with anyone but me when nobody gets me like you? I only like myself when I'm with you.
Morning came seemingly too early for Samantha. The light orange spice of the sun was barging through the crack of the beige curtains of the bedroom, to find a resting place in the shared bed. That beautiful warmth gently awoke the woman who longed for a couple stolen minutes between the sheets. Try as she might, Samantha shifted from one side to the other in a hopeless attempt to charm the sleep from going away. She looked at Mark, whose brown hair was sparkling a dark autumn gold, and his eyelashes were fluttering in his sleep. Truly, a tender image to remember.
Samantha slid out of bed hoping she wouldn’t disturb Mark’s peace and stretched her body. With the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of an open notebook on a distant desk, surrounded by crumpled pieces of paper. She curiously approached it but didn’t dare touch it. Mark’s handwriting was scribbled in the intimacy of the pages, some words crossed out, others accompanied by small question marks. There was a title towering at the top of the page: everyone else fades. A love song.
“Hey.” Mark’s voice groggily echoed from the bed and Samantha turned her body to him. It felt like he had been watching her for a while. His voice was an octave lower than usual but still sounded like music to Samantha’s ears.
“How long have you been awake?” she smiled, approaching the bed to sit on the edge.
Mark extended an arm to her direction to meet with her hand. “I felt you squirm around.”
“I’m sorry.” She pursed her lips and gave a small squeeze to his hand. Mark just shook his head in response to indicate he was not bothered at all.
“Did you find anything you like?” asked Mark.
Samantha’s eyes travelled to the open notebook, then back to Mark. “Who is that for?” she asked in a mellow voice, focused on his presence.
Mark intertwined his fingers with hers and chuckled. Samantha was not meant to find that piece of writing, and he’d forgotten entirely about it the previous night. “Haven’t decided yet.”
Samantha chuckled and leaned on her belly into bed, meeting Mark’s curious eyes. He extended his hand to tug a lone strand of hair behind her ear. How much did she want that song to be for her.
“What?” Mark whispered and caressed her cheek with his thumb. “I bet my breath smells like shit.”
She laughed louder this time. Was she jealous, with Mark not admitting what she wanted to hear? “I bet mine smells like shit too, so that makes us even.”
“I guess I’ll forgive you this time,” Mark chuckled and let go of her face. He shifted his body to stretch on his side, one arm supporting his head, while the other draped loosely over Samantha’s lap. Marks’ fingers found a grip on Samantha’s naked inner thigh. “Morning sex?”
Samantha giggled and slipped from under his touch in an evident response. Mark laughed, too, albeit with his face dug in the plush of the mattress. “Yeah, go on and break my heart.”
In the absence of any vivid emotions, Samantha felt a string snap in the chords of her heart. Ever since the night before, the woman sensed Mark hid himself behind a wall and she could not see beyond. With every word spoken out of his mouth, the woman gathered it to be the truth.
“I did not mean that.”
Of course you did. “Of course not. I need to get ready for the hospital, I start at noon.”
Mark stretched his body to sit on the edge of the bed, both palms of his hand pushing his torso upright. “Have no idea about the time, but it’s far from noon.”
Then before she had a chance to comment, Mark continued. “Why are you running away from me with every chance you get?”
Samantha looked at him with longing eyes, still with a glimmer of both sadness and regret.
“I need to know, Sam.”
“Didn’t I tell you last night, Mark?”
“I did not sleep a wink thinking about everything you said. After the sex we had. Did you?”
Samantha hesitated for a moment. “No.”
A deep sigh exploded from Mark’s lungs. “Then why? I get it, I’m not tall like him, not as handsome, maybe half as smart—”
The woman rushed to shush him. “That doesn’t even matter—”
“All that I gave to you and still am giving is care and respect. And lo—”
In the distant living room, the sharp ring of a phone cut through what could have been Mark’s confession. Samantha hurriedly distanced herself from the bed, recognizing that the sound belonged to her phone.
“…fuck it.” Mark concluded and gathered a loose shirt from his wardrobe to throw over his head. He plunged to his feet to close the notebook where he had put his thoughts and feelings into lately. It was such a painful blur what Mark was feeling, far from the fairytales love ever promised, and it was blurry, Samantha’s voice speaking hurriedly from the other room, at some point fading in such a manner he could not recognize as hers. After a couple more prolonged seconds, Samantha’s head perked from behind the doorframe, watching Mark’s movements with a heavy heart. “Jonathan rang, the hospital is calling for the board of directors. They want me there earlier.”
“Yeah, sure, you should go.” Mark replied absentmindedly, not even sure he was processing anything else beyond the disappointment of his feelings. The bitterness did not go unnoticed.
“Mark…” Samantha tried getting closer, but Mark did not give any sign of mirroring her actions. She backed away. She settled for another question. “You’re leaving again today?”
“Tonight, yes.” He turned to look at her with a knot in his throat. “I need to start packing and all that.”
In a futile attempt to reestablish a connection with Mark, Samantha ultimately walked away from the cold doorframe, biting into the plush of her lower lip to push back the tears. At long last, she had found someone again, to treat her right and engulf her heart with warmth and joy. Was fear bigger than love? Perhaps it was. Was her pride bigger than Mark? It should not have been. As the woman gathered her scattered clothes from the lover’s nest which was Mark’s living room, and eerie sentiment started crawling to her faster and faster. It was as if Mark felt it too when he approached, replacing her in the doorframe. His arms were folded over his torso and there were abrupt lines under his eyes.
“I don’t think we’ll see each other again.” Mark spoke finally and there was some bigger denial force which led Samantha to believe he was just speaking about the present day.
“No, it’s alright, you must pack, meet up with the others. I think it’s going to be a full day at the hospital, anyway, so don’t worry about me!” Samantha cheered and forced a fake smile out of Mark. He did not want to say more.
“Murphy and Millo are outside, just so you know. I let them out into the backyard after you fell asleep.”
“Sure, I’ll get Murphy on the way out. Thanks.”
There was no intimacy during the last seconds of Samantha’s departure, just fugitive smiles shared, and Mark did not follow her outside. The eerie feeling the woman had previously culminated when Murphy suddenly started yelping and crying that he did not want to leave. As if he’d never come back.
Samantha put on her white coat in her office, straightening the wrinkles in the magenta crayon dress hugging her body. She pushed the hair tightened in a ponytail from under the collar, and let it swing like a metronome for a while. There was a pile of medical files on the desk which needed her careful revision for the day, yet the only thing capturing her attention was Mark’s cold demeanor during their parting. Fingers were curling at the hem of the coat, eyes fixated on a faraway point outside the window. Samantha did not hear Jonathan coming in.
“Sam?” Jonathan approached, briefly tapping at her shoulder. She flinched at the unexpected contact, broken off from her trance.
“Sorry, Jonathan.” She coughed shortly to gather her voice, turning to face the other. “What’s up?”
Jonathan observed her features, devoid of the usual happiness she had lately. “Did anything happen between you and Mark?”
Samantha frowned and for a moment forgot Jonathan knew her better than anyone. Or at least used to. “I don’t really feel like talking about it.” Before Jonathan commented. “Please. What do you need?”
“Nothing in particular, I stopped around to ask about the management meeting. There are rumors you want to step down?”
She nodded her head. “I do. I hate this politics and it’s not really my thing. I want to go back to treating people full time. This time for real.”
A small pause and then a sincere smile appeared on Jonathan’s lips. He opened his arms and Samantha gladly took the invitation to wrap around him. Jonathan gently pulled her head into his shoulder, towering over her. “Congratulations. We’ve been waiting for you for so long. Does this mean you talked to him? To Mark?”
Samantha tightened her grip around Jonathan. His back was as broad as she remembered it to be.
“Then why are you sad?”
She just shook her head. “Okay, I’ll stop. We can speak when you feel like it. I lied to you earlier, I actually came to tell you something else.”
“Oh?” Samantha pulled away, watching Jonathan with curious eyes. Jonathan cleared his throat, still holding Samantha close to him. It might as well have been for the last time that he did.
The nervous pacing of a nurse interrupted them with a knock on the open door. Jonathan let go of the woman, straightening his back. He winked at Samantha, with a playful smirk on his lips that she had not seen in a long time. She was overwhelmed with curiosity, especially since, even before the beginning of their relationship, that small gesture was always associated with mischief.
“Doctor Stoss, there is a patient here who wants to meet you. I understand you treated his wife in the past.”
“Of course, I’ll join him momentarily. Thank you, nurse.”
Samantha turned back to Jonathan after the nurse had walked away. “Hey, do you think we could call in the late-night motorcycle ride we talked about? I could really use it. And we could talk more, as it seems you have one or two things to confess to me.”
Jonathan laughed. “Count me in, then. I’ll walk with you; I’m heading to the reception area anyway.”
Truth was, people never get to be ready for the situations life puts them through. They never get warnings, never get spoilers, always hit again and again with the unforeseen and never get used to it. In the lobby of the reception area, Samantha recognized the man looking for her, all too well, with little tweaks and rough around the edges. Next to him was a woman, showing signs of pregnancy, and it all felt like history was replaying all over again. In a cruel deja vu.
“Doctor Stoss,” the man spoke, and a shiver ran down Samantha’s spine. Jonathan felt it and made himself busy around the area, in case she needed him. “We meet again.”
“Mister Dalton, yes.” Samantha composed herself but her skin must have been so pale from the sheer shock. “How can I be of use?”
“I know what you must be thinking.” The man continued, keeping a distance. “It’s not you that I hate, if I have that anymore in my heart. My sister,” gesturing toward the feminine silhouette next to him “she recently found out that she is pregnant, and we wish to monitor everything meticulously from the start.”
Samantha could not comprehend the words spoken to her. “That’s certainly very good thinking but why me? There are many skilled doctors in Seoul who I’m sure can help you with whatever you need.” She then looked down at the white floor. “I did not even forgive myself, so how could you?”
Dalton’s sister reached out for Samantha’s hand in a compassionate gesture which took Samantha by surprise. The man was looking away, not with a distraught expression, but rather one which was desperately fighting for the closure he so much needed. “You should forgive. We both know it was not you. We do.”
So many thoughts were rushing at that moment through Samantha’s mind, crowding and emptying and then crawling in colossal nonsense. The past weeks had been full of the unexpected, of unknown emotions, unknown people, and unknown happenings. Mark came to her mind again. How was it a coincidence that only the night before she was undoing the strings of pain aching at her heart, only to be followed by the father whose two most important people were lost from this life, looking to her for treatment?
“You are foreign like us, so you do understand the obvious choice. We read your scientific papers and all the good you did for the people. Despite us losing our dearest wife and sister, we want to bring his niece and my daughter into the world, loud cries and healthy. By your hands.”
Jonathan’s smile was so stretched out that it could have reached the galaxy. Samantha turned to him by instinct, to find him scribbling a happy face on an empty admission form, as happy as his oozing joy. Then she turned to the brothers, to be met by a sincere look in mister Dalton’s eyes. The sign for which she hoped would come finally did.
“Mister Dalton, please find one of these admission forms and fill it in on my patient’s behalf. Let’s go to an examination room.”
Jonathan giggled akin to a child. “Doctor Williams, if you could help me bring the other files I had, please.”
In light of the events unfolding before her very eyes, Samantha felt something click in her conscience. All the signs in the world could not have been louder to tell her it was time she came face to face with her feelings and her pride. For all that mattered, she had to confess to Mark what was on her mind, which was him and him alone. The mornings drew their breath from him, the days flew by to reach him, and the dusk settled to be with him. There couldn’t have been any other. It could not make sense with anyone else, it had to be Mark.
Now, or never.
Amidst packing the usual stuff for the last leg of the tour, Mark had an uneasy sentiment throughout. He replayed the moment they lay together on the summer grass in the park, teasing and laughing at one another, sewing little by little what he thought would be an indisputable connection. She drew him in, with the audacity of a thief and the serenity of a child. The smell of her skin filling the air bewitching him, the amber of her eyes twinkling like the brightest of stars, and oh the sound of her voice. She was a midsummer night’s dream.
Only she proved to be just that. A dream. Who was he to intrude, if she did not want him?
Mark took a glance at himself in the mirror and laughed at how hypocritical he was. Blaming his mishap on Samantha’s clear boundaries. You aren’t that guy, Jinyoung kept repeating to him, time and again, and by the time he realized he truly was not that guy, he had already done the damage to himself. During Mark’s career, with the bright lights and the fame, most of the girls he met were shallow, looking for easy ways to get out. They all wanted him; he never wanted them. Now that he wanted her, she did not want him. How pitiful that must have felt, to walk with your head held high into a trap thinking it would be a reward. And Samantha was not like anyone else he’d had, she was everything all the other women were not. Fierce, independent, addictive. In between the sheets, he did not believe sex and love could coexist and mean something. And Mark wanted her, with every piece she carried, even more so to fool himself he could help her heal, put a purpose on love again.
Human beings are selfish by nature, far from being perfect. Mark could not push a woman to be with him, against her own will. He would rather suffer than live a lie. Against all odds even, he stopped believing she would give them a chance.
So, to let her go was what he could do, for the sake of both of them.
At the crack of sundown, Mark brought his luggage to the van and joined with the rest of the guys to leave for the airport. He must have exuded a sense of sadness because the usual cheery atmosphere turned into a looming silence.
“Mark? Everything okay?” Jackson asked, putting his phone to the side.
“Yeah, sort of.” Mark replied and put the hood of his sweatshirt over his head, with a loud sigh. Ultimately, he gave up. “Everything is not okay.”
Jinyoung just sighed and folded his arms over his chest. Mark turned his body to the side to speak with the driver. “Can we make a stop to SMP hospital?”
“What are you even doing, adding oil to the fire?” Jinyoung commented, clearly dissatisfied that his friend just chose to torture himself further.
Mark fixed the hood over his eyes, relaxing his body into the fabric of the seat. “I’m letting her go.”
Bambam almost spit the water he was drinking. “You’re doing what now?”
But Mark just ignored the guys, opting to stay silent during the rest of the ride to the hospital. Admittedly, both Jinyoung and Jackson were surprised by Mark’s disclosure. Something had to happen during the night before for Mark to take such a decision, especially as they saw and knew about the feelings Mark harbored for Samantha. They knew better than to pry, Mark would share when he considered appropriate, and all they had to do was to be there for him.
Thoughts were racing through Mark’s mind, as was his heart in his chest, trying to figure out what exactly he would say to rip the band-aid as fast as possible. Whose band-aid he was going to rip off most probably would belong to him, still against his better feelings. Was he an impostor for not fighting more? Although there is nothing louder than the silence of two people being in love but walking away because someone had to choose themselves over the other?
“We’re here, Mark.” Jackson broke the silence, shaking Mark off his trance. “Still going?”
Mark just cracked open the door of the van in response, unpeeling himself hastily from his seat. Back in the car, there was an avalanche of buzzing coming from the cellphones of the other guys, and there was a collective shock.
“Oh my God”, the leader of the group spoke, looking through the pictures their manager had just sent them in the shared groupchat. “This is very bad.”
“Is it Samantha in all of them?” Jackson spoke and could not believe what he was seeing.
“Mark will have to make a statement for this shit, there’s no way. Where did these even come from?” Bambam threw his phone on the back seat. “Is it a fact Dispatch is going to publish it?”
“But he’s letting her go, no? So that’s… nothing is good.”
Mark’s phone was left in the backseat of the car, assaulted by messages and calls from their manager. Jinyoung looked out the window at Mark’s back walking away from the van, still stuck upon the striking picture in which Samantha was heatedly kissing the bartender of the club where the group spent their night some weeks before. Where Mark inadvertently met Samantha. Another picture in the deck where a dashing blonde man was sharing laughs with Samantha on the back of a motorcycle. And another one, alongside a charming tall brunette, doting over one another on the golden sands of a foreign beach. “Let’s hope he’s letting her go.”
The walk from the back of the parking lot to the entrance of the main lobby started a high-pitched ringing in Mark’s ears and he could not realize when he was met by the hospital receptionist.
“What can I help you with, sir? Are you feeling alright?”
“Yes. Could you page doctor Stoss? I need to talk to her.”
The receptionist was happy to comply with his request and Mark leaned his elbows against the reception counter. There were unusually few people that night in the main lobby of the hospital, keeping the bleak silence of the hospital intact.
“Out of everyone I could have met tonight, I never expected to meet you here.”
Initially, Mark did not recognize the arrogant voice, but when he turned his body to face the owner of that voice, he felt his blood pressure increasing.
“Neither did I, Doctor Carter.” Mark noted, keeping a snarky comment, still a prisoner, under a feigned sense of respect. He was hoping Henry would just leave, albeit highly unlikely.
“I get it, you’re here to see my dear Sam. Heroic, if you ask me. Mark, was it? How important must you singers be.”
The way he was using Samantha’s name was making Mark angry, more than belittling himself. “I didn’t ask. I have nothing to say to you.”
Henry chuckled and fixed the collar of his white coat. Using his analytical and cocky demeanor, Henry was actively looking for ways to assert dominance over Mark. He posed the physical advantages at least. “I have a couple of things to say to you, might as well just listen.”
Mark turned his body fully toward Henry, keeping his stance strong and definitive. Henry arched a curious eyebrow and decided he’d entertain Mark.
“Do go ahead and speak to her while you have the chance. Next time you’d be back, maybe you won’t have it.”
“As if I need any permission to ask of you. You are too self-sufficient to see beyond your shadow.”
Henry laughed yet felt annoyed. He reached into his pocket to reveal a small velvety box to Mark. “When she becomes my wife, you won’t get fifty meters around her shadow.”
The guts of the guy made absolutely no sense to Mark who, out of instinct, just burst out laughing. There was a passer-by, alerted by the bizarre sounds of laughter.
“I don’t know if you’re either too stupid or too delusional but thanks for the laugh.” Mark concluded and threw his hands up in the air in a mocking gesture.
In any other setting, Henry would have grabbed Mark by the collar. He took a step closer to Mark’s silhouette. “Why? Think it is going to be you whom she chooses?”
Undeterred by the feelings of a broken heart twisted by an invisible knife, Mark mirrored Henry’s actions to also take a step forward. “Doesn’t matter who it is going to be but sure as hell it’s not going to be you, doctor. If you can keep calling yourself that.”
“Mark.” Samantha’s voice broke the tension between the two men and caused them to back away from one another. Henry put the velvety box back in the pocket of his coat, regaining his self-confidence. He met Samantha with one of his charming smiles, but she did not pay him any attention. Her eyes were focused on Mark, in a contradiction of happiness and fear. “You paged me, did anything happen to you?”
Mark glanced at Henry, signaling that he wanted to get some privacy with her.
“Let’s go to my office.”
“Will I have the honor to see you a tad later? I’ll get you home.” Henry chirped but Mark and Samantha turned their backs to him. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He finally spoke, unable to acknowledge he was no longer Samantha’s main focal point.
Samantha closed the door of the office behind her in a clumsy motion, struggling to gather the words to speak. “I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight, I thought you were flying out?”
Mark turned to her and voluntarily allowed her to see the sadness and impatience flowing over his face. “I am, the van is parked outside. I wanted to see you one last time.”
Samantha scoffed and suddenly felt like throwing up. She quickly recalled the looming feeling of the morning, Murphy’s refusal to leave Mark’s house. “One last time? You’re coming back soon; we’ll get to see each other again.”
Biting in the plush of his inner cheek, Mark walked towards her and tenderly cupped her face. “I cannot see you again, Sam. We won’t see each other again. I came to say goodbye.”
She shook her head in disbelief, watching Mark with a desolate expression. “What, no, no you can’t. What do you mean goodbye?”
The tear rolling down Samantha’s cheek twisted the knife deeper into Mark’s heart. He guided his thumb to wash it away. “I cannot be with one foot in and have the other ready to go. It’s very, very painful for me, and I can’t force you to love me if you don’t. I tried to be that guy, but I can’t. I want people to see us out in the street holding hands, I want people to hear us when we’re making love and know it’s me in our bed. I want to experience things I’ve never felt before with you. I want to kiss you right in Henry’s fucking face and I want all the love songs I’ll write to have you as their muse. Everyone else fades was about you. I don’t want to see you with anyone but me.”
Mark leaned forward to place a chaste kiss on Samantha’s forehead, his lips finally whispering against skin as he pulled her into him. “I’m so sorry.”
Samantha’s eyes peeled wide open with each sound crossing the barrier of Mark’s lips, with each pulling the rug from under her feet. She did not become aware of when heavy tears flattened against her features, no whimper leaving her chest. The silence was deafening, and Mark was one inch away from slipping into a place where she could not reach. The warmth of Samantha’s tears was flooding into the crook of Mark’s neck, and he had to gather all ounces of strength to keep himself together.
Still, voice was trembling. He wouldn’t wish in his wildest dreams to make her cry, when he convinced himself, he would never. “I have to go, Sam. Please, let me go. I need you to be fine with it, you must be fine with it so I can go.”
No physical counter could account for the pain stacking up in Samantha’s being. Mark placed another butterfly peck on her forehead as he distanced his body from hers, briefly caressing her hand with his. Just as Mark was about to turn the knob of the door, a cry bubbled out from Samantha’s mouth.
“How will I love you if you leave?”
Mark’s fingers froze on the knob, his head jolting back to capture Samantha’s saddened frame. To then face her in utmost distrust. That was no moment for his mind to have him hallucinate. “What did you say?”
The woman faced Mark, repeating the sweet words Mark wished to hear, in the faintest of murmurs. “I love you, Mark.”
A sole tear escaped the chains of Mark’s eyelids, and he approached Samantha carefully, barely grasping the events unfolding. Samantha gathered from behind the thick veil formed on her irises that he was still there, still in her proximity. “I didn’t know I loved you the first time you left a note on my coffee table that you walked Murphy after that heavenly sex. I didn’t acknowledge I loved you when I poured my heart out in the rain to the other side of the world where you were, in New Delhi. I understood I loved you when you said you’d take me with you to see the world. And I felt I loved you when you were running through my fingers last night.”
Mark rushed to envelop her absolute anatomy into his arms, swallowed by the need to feel her every atom at the tips of his fingers. There was no force tempting her to break down crying, she was just silently staring into an empty imperfection in the floor. “I was so afraid you’d leave me.”
“I was so afraid you’d never have me,” Mark countered and buried his face into the crown of her head. “Gosh, I feel like an idiot now.”
“Will you leave me?”
When Samantha gathered the strength to finally make eye contact with Mark, the image of her, with the porcelain skin glowing underneath the cascade of tears, with the glimmer of the eye burning with fear, was alluringly devastating. Samantha was convinced the wound of a bullet wouldn’t hurt as badly as Mark denying their love. It all should have started to fall in place. It all should have started to make sense. She should have thanked every deity the otherworldly coincidence for putting mister Dalton into her path, and she also knew she had a long way of repenting for the hurt she caused to Mark. Part of which he confessed again, one too many times. For all of which, she almost chose to ignore.
Almost is never enough.
“It’s almost been half an hour; we are going to lose our plane.” Jinyoung observed, growing steadily impatient. “Someone should go and get him.”
“I’ll go,” Jackson volunteered, fixing the champagne-colored shirt on his body. “We all know how shit this situation is but you of all people should know not to get mad.”
Jackson hopped off the car, to make his way to the hospital entrance. With the paparazzi resurfacing all of a sudden, he wished to be fast and smooth and not attract any more unwanted attention that would add to the already poor situation. Jackson followed the directions to a corner of the lobby where the management offices were listed and took an elevator to the second floor, in search of Samantha Stoss’ office. A quick question, among his fine features and a gentle smile, was all he needed to locate the room towards the middle of an adjacent corridor. From far away, Jackson noticed two people were coming to the same direction as he was going, a beautiful curly haired woman, and a tall blonde manly figure, both in surgical attire.
The faster they approached, the more he recognized the man was the same in the picture with Samantha, straddling the two wheeled vehicle. Their presences were the sole ones in the corridor. Not the one to jump so quickly to conclusions, Jackson chose to be mindful of the other man’s actions.
“Could we help you with something, sir?” the man spoke, a hint of confusion in his voice as he failed to place Jackson in that scenery. It was clear that he did not know who he was. Not the same could have been said about his companion, whose eyes acknowledged his presence differently from that of a complete stranger.
Leena watched him intently and the virtually unnoticeable gesture of her wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue forced Jackson to linger slightly. “Oh, don’t mind me, thank you. I am here for Doctor Stoss.”
Jonathan quirked his eyebrows. “Samantha is quite popular around these parts. So, I gather there’s someone else besides Mark?”
The last remark was intended more for Leena who reciprocated Jackson’s lingering action. “I am not sure bandmates toss their girls around to one another. Am I wrong?”
Jackson chuckled and Jonathan could not help but feel dissatisfied with the exchange. “Much to my dismay, Mark met Doctor Stoss first. Otherwise, who knows?”
Leena laughed and before Jonathan had the chance to reply, Jackson continued. “Apologies, I wish I had more time to stay, I came to take Mark, so we won’t lose our flight.”
“Mark is here?” Leena followed curiously and watched Jackson extend his hand to open the door. Then, leaning to Jonathan, voice lowering into a whisper, eyes fixated on Jackson’s body dressed elegantly in Louis Vuitton attire. “What if they’re having sex?”
“I’d feel too bad to end the goodbye sex.”
Jackson opened the door to meet a hugging Samantha and Mark. Fully clothed otherwise, Jackson noticed Samantha’s face was smeared with tears and he could only hope Mark made it as easy as possible. The couple quickly pulled apart, and Samantha brought her hands to her eyes, to wipe them. Mark frowned at Jackson, if anything to show genuine confusion.
“What are you doing here, Jackson?”
“I hope you’ve finished breaking up because as of right now, you do not really have any other choice.” Previous chapter
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ahgasefordayz · 2 months
Meeting the Family
"Hello! I really want to know if u could make one JB or Mark x reader when they are dating a foreign, and then he will be presenting her for the guys but she's is insecure if they will like her. (if she was brown I'll be so happy) ❤️ sorry for my broken English I'm trying my best haha"
Hi! It's been a while! I hope you like it! -Admin Izzy
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Meeting family for the first time is scary, especially when you don’t even speak the same language. You have been stressing and running over the night in your head for weeks. You want, no you need to impress JB’s parents in order for this relationship to work. He has told you many times that if they don’t like you, which he is sure they will, that it won’t change what you both have. You know he believes that, but do you?
Family is so important to you, if you parents didn’t like JB it would crush you, so that’s what is troubling you. Growing up in the South, family is the focal point for any relationship to work, so this has to go well.
JB walks into the room after making sure to dry the laundry before you leave and sees you pacing back and forth with a frown on your face. With a smile he walks towards you and catches your attention.
You didn’t even know you were pacing until you looked down and noticed the way the carpet had moved to fit your trail. Stopping in your tracks, you look up at him with a sheepish expression.
“I didn’t know I was pacing..” you say as he stands tall in front of you with a small smile.
“I know you are worried, but you will soon think it to be silly. My parents are so excited to meet you, you need to know that.”, he says gently.
He knows that your anxiety has taken over you all week and has made sure to be extra gentle and caring to ease your concerns. JB knows how much you care and love him, and he is sure as soon as you and his parents interact, they will know too. He gets it. He felt the same way when he first met your family. Meeting people that know and love your partner the most is scary. He remembers sitting at the dinner table with your father at the head of the table dissecting his every move. He had never been around a big family, unless you count Mark’s, but he considered them family, too.
Southern families, especially African American families, are very tight knit, and he knew that if they didn’t see him to be worthy, then he was out. He made sure to talk about football with your father and uncles, and clean up the table and dishes with your uncle. At the end of the night, they were wishing you both could stay longer, and it gave him a warm feeling in his chest. He wanted that for you as well. JB knew that meeting family was also a big step, but he needed you to know that it was because of how much he believed in your love.
Taking your chin, he moves it up to where you are staring into each other’s eyes. He gives a long and firm kiss, letting you know everything is going to be alright.
“Do you remember when I met your entire family last month?”, he said with a smirk.
Watching your face change from a frown to a grin, you replied, “I do, and I’m so sorry. I told my mom not to tell anyone, but of course she has to brag at the church potluck that she had a Kpop star coming to dinner. That led to Aunt Kitty wanting to come and so on and so on…”
He then matched your grin remembering how your Aunt Kitty made it known she was single and if he had any single friends to let her know.
“She was very spirited, I’ll give her that.”, he chuckled, “but seriously, I was so nervous to meet the people that mean the most to you. Once I left, I felt like part of the family, and I know you’ll feel that way, too. Trust me, okay?”
You smiled and pulled him to you and gave him the biggest most reassuring hug you could muster and said, “I trust you.”
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kgyeomiex · 9 months
Distraction (M)
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“I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking towards me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.”
JYP has announced a new girl group in the company and you happened to be one of the members. The moment you signed in, that was the moment you were hoping to just focus on music and your career, but something gets in the way. A massive love triangle is what causes a bumpy road for you and your future.
Previous Parts:
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 //
Part 9 is here~
Regardless of what you say, you will always get distracted by these boys. Jaebum and Mark tend to show up out of nowhere when you try your hardest to focus on your music...
A normal person would stand by their group and show their devotion and full attention to the music however in your case it’s different...
“Y/N, I was hoping I would bump into you,” Mark says, smiling right at you.
Right now, your brain was telling you to get away and focus on the big day but for some reason, your feet weren't moving.
“M-mark, what’s up?” Why did you just stutter... Great not only is your body ignoring your command, but now you can’t even speak to the boy.
“I don’t know if you’re busy, but I was wondering if you maybe wanted to get lunch with me... Just me,” Mark wanted to go eat with you? How on earth can you say no to that?
Even though you knew you should reject his kind gesture you just spoke without really thinking about your answer.
“Sure,” as soon as you said that you realized what you said, and you tried your hardest to smile instead of showing your shocked face.
“Perfect... I just need to return this to Yugyeom but if you’d like you can meet me in the front,” Mark suggests, and instead of saying anything you nodded your head and continued to smile.
Okay clearly speaking wasn’t helping you out... Instead, it was making things more complicated for you.
“Great, I’ll see you soon,” Mark smiles and takes off.
Instead of even moving you stood there frozen trying to figure out what your plan was... Just a second ago you were talking about devoting all your attention to your career and not on boys. Crazy how your mindset was so quick to change...
Okay... Look at the situation this way. Mark and you were probably just going to eat and then from there split off in your directions.
Hopefully after spending some time with Mark, you can then focus on your music and less on boys....
Yeah... That sounds like a good idea. Will it work? To be honest I have no idea, but a girl can hope and dream.
“Jackson did what?” You couldn't help but laugh as Mark was trying to explain how Jackson ended up kissing Jaebum on the lips.
“It was by accident though... Just know that in interviews they will make you do unexpected things like where you have to pass papers around to other members by only using your lips...” You’ve always seen other idols do that and to be honest you always wanted to try it but at the same time no...
“Have you had an incident where you accidentally kissed one of your members?” You asked Mark as you reached in for your drink. He silently thought to himself and then looked at you.
“Okay maybe once or twice... But the whole purpose of the game is to prevent the paper from falling... The paper that these people write is horrible material and always ends up falling at the end,” you smiled, and then a question popped into your head.
“So, Mark tells me, who’s a better kisser?” You asked Mark teasing him and he laughed.
“It’s not like that,” the two of you suddenly began to laugh.
“Even if I did accidentally kiss one of the boys, I didn’t enjoy any of them,” Mark defended himself and you just smiled.
Sitting in front of Mark and having lunch with him wasn’t bad. The two of you were just spending time with one another and laughing, you know what friends do.
“Hey Y/N... I know this is random, but I have a question,” Mark says, and before you could answer you grabbed a napkin and wiped your mouth before replying.
“What’s up?” You asked as soon as you finished chewing.
“I know I probably shouldn't ask a question like this, but I can’t help but be curious...” At first, you were confused. What kind of question was Mark planning to ask you but then you had an idea... It’s probably going to involve what happened back at the studio when you were being put on the spot in front of everyone.
“Ask away,” you had an idea of what this question was going to be, and even though you weren’t ready to answer you had to face it eventually.
“Do Jaebum and you possibly have a secret relationship?” Mark asks, looking directly at you.
Well, that was straightforward... There is nothing to hide because Jaebum and you aren’t even dating or anything. When you told the boys back at the studio that you don’t have a relationship with Jaebum or Mark you were serious about it.
The answer would be beyond different if the boys were to ask what your feelings towards them but since they didn’t you are fine.
“No Jaebum and I are just friends,” you said as you looked into Mark’s eyes, so he knew you were telling the truth.
“That’s good to hear,” you were about to ask him why but then suddenly a memory replayed in your head...
For a second you almost forgot that Mark confessed he liked you... You looked down at your plate of food and tried your hardest to contain your smile.
Eventually, silence appeared and the two of you were now sitting there eating not saying a single word to one another...
So were you two planning to stay quiet now...
The both of you stopped talking and just smiled.
Things were starting to become complicated... After talking to Sana and hearing her advice you looked at Mark and then back at your food. You came to JYP to live your dreams, not look for boys...
This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You remember reading an article where DAY6 had 6 members in the beginning, but someone was kicked out after JYP found out he had a girlfriend.
If you continue to allow your feelings to get in the way you will get kicked out of the company before you can live your dreams.
“What do your plans consist of tomorrow?” Marks asks and you suddenly begin to move your food around not wanting to eat.
“Um well, tomorrow we will have our debut showcase. Then we have photoshoots and interviews so tomorrow will be a very busy day.” In the past couple of days, you have had a chance to spend time with the boys which led you to catch feelings for them... But after today you were going to be busy.
Maybe being busy was going to be a good thing. You weren’t going to have the urge to want to spend time with Jaebum and Mark... Maybe you’ll even get over this crush of yours.
“So will I not be able to see you?” Mark suddenly asks and at that moment the both of you make eye contact.
“I’m not sure....”
Comments like this made it hard to forget why you liked him.
“Well... I enjoyed this lunch, but I think it’s time for me to head back and practice until my feet fall off,” you said dramatically, and Mark smiled.
“Don’t overwork yourself, you do have a busy day head,”
You got up from your seat, grabbed your tray, and left while you could...
Comments like this make it hard for you to just “forget” you have a crush on Mark. He was sweet and considerate.
But sometimes you must sacrifice something for something else... When you look at things it's either you choose your dreams or some boy...
Dance practice was going well; however, you would be lying if you were to say you were distracted even if it was the slightest. What was worse about all of this was that you couldn’t talk to your members about it.
You were trying everything you could to ignore your thinking about Mark and focus on what was important... Tomorrow and your busy schedule.
“Okay everyone let’s take 5,” your leader says as she tries to catch her breath.
You all agreed. You walked over to a wall and instantly sat down.
“Y/N!” You looked over and noticed your bandmate Daeun sitting beside you.
“You know although we live together and practice, I feel like I haven’t spoken to you in forever,” it was true but so much has been going on. . .
“I know. But I mean with this debut coming up we’ve all been tired and busy,” you said, and she nodded her head.
She grabs her water bottle and looks at you.
“I know it’s none of my business but lately I noticed you’ve been looking pretty distracted, is everything alright?” You looked at her and began to contemplate with yourself.
Should you open up to Daeun about your situation or keep it to yourself?
You didn’t mean to keep secrets to any of your bandmates, but to be fair you weren’t close to them. Also, this included something that could involve a scandal if you don’t play your cards right and this can affect everyone.
You wouldn’t know how Daeun would feel if you told her about both Mark and Jaebum and how you may like them. . .
“I have been distracted, but it’s nothing concerning. . . Just worried about failing and disappointing everyone around me,” you decided to keep it vague and simple with your explanation.
“Well, girl you have nothing to worry about. Honestly, one thing I always tell myself and I will share with you is that there is no need to stress about the small things. Life has a way of figuring things out, everything happens for a reason.” Daeun says and you nod your head.
“But what if. . .You know something you want to do can affect others around you . . .”
After blurting that out, Daeun looked slightly concerned but instead of asking me what was up, she shrugged.
“Well, only you know what’s best for you. Sometimes you must be selfish and take the risk to make yourself happy before others.” You were surprised to hear advice like this from Daeun, but she was right.
Min-Seo suddenly called everyone back up and we continued to practice. . . After speaking to Daeun, you felt a little less distracted. . .
Everything happens for a reason, right?
You weren’t expecting any of this to take place. You were stuck in a weird position.
When you auditioned to become an idol and even got ACCEPTED you were so happy words could not describe the feeling you felt. You felt speechless, you felt like this was either a mistake or they were probably confusing you with someone else or you felt like you were dreaming...
You remember before your auditions you slept so little to make sure that your routine for your audition went well.
Now here you are about to debut but now you are distracting yourself.
Instead, you are here suddenly getting swayed by boys in this company.
It wouldn’t be much of an issue if JYP didn’t have the dating ban... But if you want to continue being an idol you have to literally push off your feelings and maybe even stop talking to them.
You have worked way too hard to get where you are now. On top of that, you began to recall all the stressful moments you had to endure while training. The harsh criticism you would receive, the whiplash attitude your coaches would give, and the overwhelming feeling you had to deal with...
Honestly, training was probably one of the hardest times you have ever experienced. Back in the dorm, you remember calling your mom and breaking down. You remember the number of times you considered quitting and going to a new root, but you didn’t allow yourself to quit.
Instead, you put on your big girl pants and knew you were going to debut sooner or later.
You worked too hard to suddenly throw all of this away.
Usually, dilemmas like this were a no-brainer but as you began to think.... What if you never feel this way with anyone else you ever meet?
You knew that this was probably just an excuse to avoid letting go of the person you were starting to like...
Were you really going to throw away something you worked so hard for over a guy?
Thinking of Mark was not helping... And weirdly enough you caught yourself even thinking about Jaebum.
You got back on your feet and shook your head.
Now it’s time to focus on what’s important.
After rehearsing the rest of the members were ready to call it a night to head back to the dorm and relax before the big day. However, due to all the distractions you have been experiencing, you decided to stay back to rehearse for an hour or two to make sure you got everything set for tomorrow.
After practicing the main track dance, you felt yourself out of breath. You sat on the floor and looked at yourself in the mirror.
“You got this!” you told yourself trying to tell yourself words of encouragement.
You can’t keep distracting yourself with the thought of these beautiful men. You worked way too hard to be where you are now... How are you going to let that escape through your fingers with just one minor mistake?
You got up and you heard your phone make a noise.
You walked over to your phone and picked it up.
To be honest you were expecting it to be one of your members telling you to head home and rest up for the big day but no...
The person who was texting you at 11 pm was Jaebum.
I heard you were still in the company, so I decided to come by and take you home :)
This text brought mixed feelings. One side of you was happy to receive a text from one of the boys themselves because, to be honest, you enjoyed having a conversation with them. HOWEVER, this is the type of distraction you were trying to avoid.
You brushed your fingers through your hair removing the hair from your face and took a deep breath.
Okay. . . What if you agree for Jaebum to walk you back to the dorm for one last time? That way once you debut you can forget about your friendship with the boys and look at the bigger picture. YEAH!
You texted Jaebum agreeing to his gesture and then put our phone to the side.
Let’s just practice one more time before you call it quits.
As you were dancing the last chorus you suddenly noticed a shadow creeping up by the dance studio door. You were going to stop to look back, but you couldn’t afford distraction. You assumed it was Jaebum so instead of looking back you continued to dance and lip sync not trying to miss a beat.
As you were on the floor doing a dance move, you noticed Jaebum walking in and then looked away looking at yourself in the mirror instead.
Look at the bigger picture.
You continued to perform as if you were standing on stage in front of a big crowd, but you were tempted to look over and look at Jaebum.
Fortunately, the song was coming to an end.
As you were finishing the last set of dance moves, you posed as the music came to an end and you could hear Jaebum cheering.
You looked over and smiled.
You wanted to say something, but you needed to catch your breath.
Jaebum noticed how tired you were after that last dance, and he noticed your water bottle close by the dance studio window. He grabbed the water bottle, walked over to you and you looked at him.
“Thank you,” you grabbed onto the water bottle and then took a sip before you continued to talk to Jaebum.
After taking a sip, you looked at him.
“What brings you to the studio, shouldn’t you be home?” You asked him and he shrugged.
“We finished early with recordings, and I was told that you were still in the dance studio so I came to make an appearance.” you couldn’t lie you felt your heart warm up a little at the thought of Jaebum staying here to see you.
No.... You don’t like him. . . You think.
As you walked over to your bag you said “You didn’t have to stay, you could have gone home and rested. I’m sure you had a busy day,”
Jaebum shrugged and smiled.
“Waiting for you was no problem. . . I was hoping I had a chance to see you today,” as those words came out of Jaebum's mouth you looked over at him and couldn’t help but smile.
Comments like this are not helping whatsoever.
Sometimes you get curious and wonder if Jaebum was interested in you as a woman but then again maybe it’s better if you don’t know the answer to that.
Your brain and your feelings are in a complete battle. What the hell are you supposed to do?
You realized you were so lost in your thoughts you haven’t responded to Jaebum.
“Ah so you just wanted me to bug you more, well your wish is my command,” you teased Jaebum, and he laughed.
You couldn’t risk being flirtatious with Jaebum. You don’t know what kind of outcome comes with and right about now you didn’t want to put yourself in any kind of predicament. Now that you were trying your hardest to stay on the right path you knew you just had to friend-zone the man.
“What can I say, life becomes a little bit more exciting when I am with you,” Jaebum blurts out, and after hearing that you instantly avoid eye contact.
Oh no... He is making it harder and harder to not like.
“Sometimes I wonder if becoming an idol is worth all this trouble,” you confessed to Jaebum as you two strolled along the street side by side. 
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean the restriction we have when becoming an idol. We have to put up this facade to keep fans happy. We have to give them this illusion that we are perfect and happy all the time when in reality we are human like the rest of them. . .” You weren’t even an idol yet, but you already started to feel like the fame life was going to be harder than most people realize. 
Right now, you seemed conflicted just because tomorrow was the big day. Although you haven’t been friends with Jaebum and Mark for that long, it’s felt like so much has been going on and you haven’t been keeping your eyes on the prize. 
“I know what you mean, I think it’s normal for anyone to have that kind of thought. But in the end, you always think and look at the bigger picture. What do you want?”Jaebum asks you and you look at him. 
“I really want to make sure tomorrow is a complete success. I didn’t go through blood sweat and tears getting criticized left and right just not to debut at the end. You know?”After getting advice from different people, you suddenly decided to make a decision. 
It was now time to put your foot down. Although the past couple of days you have enjoyed the presence of both Jaebum and Mark, you knew it had to come to an end. 
Well, you didn’t have to cut them off completely, but boundaries had to be made and you knew that you had to avoid ever letting things get deeper for example your feelings for each of them.
You opened your eyes, and you looked up at the ceiling.
For some reason, it felt like you didn’t sleep at all. The moment you got home you had a hard time falling asleep. You were so nervous yet excited about your showcase today. . .
The day had officially arrived. You were finally going to debut and make a name for yourself.
You sat up and felt a mix of emotions.
Today is going to be a good day. You weren’t going to let anything get in your way.
Just as you were planning to get up from the bed you suddenly heard a knock on the door. Min-See opens the door and peeks her head through the door.
“Y/N are you awake?” she must have heard your alarm but hasn’t seen you step out of your room.
“I’m awake,” you told her, and she smiled.
You could see how worried she appeared to be. You couldn’t blame her; the feeling was mutual. Although to be fair you all should be confident for today’s showcase, especially with the amount of practice you guys had.
Day’s like today you couldn’t afford any kind of distraction. You walked over to your mirror and took one look at yourself. Right about now it was time for a pep talk.
Today is the big day. After all the rejections, all the struggles, and all of the hard work you put in, today was the day you were going to finally show what you have been working hard on. Today was the day you could finally show your mom that all those tears you shed during the process were worth it at the end of the day.
However, it seemed like in the back of your head you had a slight fear appearing making you think about the what if. What if your debut isn’t as successful as you were hoping? What if people don’t find interest in your group? What if this love triangle you seem to be in becomes far harder than it has been?
You could feel your mind filled with so many different thoughts, but you were trying your hardest to keep yourself together. This is fear talking.
Today was a big day for your group and you and you weren’t going to let anyone take that away from you.
As you were in the dressing room getting your makeup done, you were thinking about the lyrics to your own song and the choreography over and over. Today was the day you couldn’t afford any kind of mistake.
The makeup artist instructs you to close your eyes and begins to apply eyeshadow. Suddenly you hear the door open and the staff in your room saying hello to whoever came through the doors. Without thinking twice, you opened your eyes and there you see Mark walking in with a basket in his hand.
Seeing Mark gave you mixed feelings. One side of you was happy to see the fact that Mark cleared his busy schedule just to come down here and wish you luck. . . Like, let’s be honest what kind of guy does that? And then the other side of you isn’t very happy to see Mark just because you knew he could be a big distraction... Can you see the dilemma?
“Mark?” Your makeup artist pulled away from doing your makeup and smiled.
“I’ll give you a few minutes to talk to your friend,”
You thanked your makeup artist and then continued to look at Mark.
“Surprise,” he says as he approaches you with the basket in his hand.
“Surprise is right. . . What brings you down here?” You asked him and just as Mark was about to speak up, he was cut off when someone else walked through the door.
Another person you weren’t expecting to see was right there in front of you. Of course... Jaebum also made an appearance.
What the hell do you do now?
To Be Continued...
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markie-baby · 11 months
Teaser | Butt-Naked at the MGM ✨️
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"How am I supposed to tell yah?
I don't wanna see you with anyone but me,
Nobody gets me like you.
How am I supposed to let you go?
Only like myself when I'm with you,
Nobody gets me, you do..."
Nobody Gets Me - SZA
Summary- You were no stranger to surprises when it came to dating Mark Tuan, but nothing could prepare you for what you were to learn on your one year anniversary; that your sweet, shy, and respectable boyfriend was a closeted freak.
Warnings - cursing, explicit sex Genre- Fluff/Smut (18+ MA) Pairing- Female Reader x Mark Tuan Genre- smut, idol! got7, female! reader, black! reader Length- she super long, mama. So get some wine 'cuz it's story time.
Read Here 💕
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Kinkmas - Day 4: Brat Taming W/ Mark
Post Date: 4th December 2022 Content: Smut - GOT7 Mark x Reader WC: 1.2K TW?: Brat Taming/ Dom!Mark/ Sub!Reader/ Choking/ Spanking/ Foreplay Summary: It’s the season to behave...or not. It didn’t take a lot for Mark to switch when you tested his patience over Christmas party planning.
Masterlist               Kinkmas Masterlist                     Prompt list
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“Right, we need x amount of of this particular party food for the vegetarians and vegans that may join the party, we can’t be leaving them out,” Mark mumbles to himself, scribbling on a piece of paper that you assumed to be a list. 
A party that you dropped on Mark around your friends a few weeks ago, proposing that you’ll have a Christmas party at your place. And now Mark was stuck organising it because he wants you to be happy but you were being less than helpful. 
Hanging over him, you’re playing with his brunette locks, braiding them before letting them loose, paying more attention to that than the actual task of planning. 
“Baby, are you going to help me plan your party or not?” his voice sharpens the second your lips connect to his lips, fighting the pleasure in frustration that he doesn’t want to be planning this alone. 
“I am helping,” you giggle against his neck, pulling the pen out of his hand as you decide to take a seat on his lap facing away from him, picking up the pen to doodle in the corner of the piece of paper. 
Mark throws his head back in frustration, lifting you off of his lap as you pout at him, trying to stifle a little giggle at how he’s acting, you just wanted to be a little tease but he seriously wasn’t in the mood. 
Briefly looking at the piece of paper that barely had anything on it, he decides to leave it for now, looking at the box of decorations in the corner of the room, “I’m just going to start decorating instead”.
Picking up the box, he disappears into the living room and you follow behind slowly, a smirk plastered on your lips as you tried to be as quiet as possible, watching him go through the decorations and organise them into piles.
Once the piles were sorted, he looks into the corner of the room where it would be the perfect place to put the tree, tapping his head in confusion about where he had put the tree after the year before. 
“The tree’s in the attic,” you gently point out, taking a seat on the couch, out of the way as he goes to retrieve it, coming back with a bigger box not even five minutes later.
Just as he was about to set it up, you decide that it was a perfect idea to get in his way, stripping down to your strappy crop top and shorts pulled up to reveal the bottom of your ass cheeks, trying to deter his attention away from the tree.
“Will you stop getting in the way?” Mark sighs in frustration, gently picking you up to place you back onto the coach, but you pull on his shirt collar, pulling him to give him a kiss on the lips.
Happily, to return it, he smiled into the kiss, your lips gently colliding as he pulls away seconds later, leaving you to go back to sorting the tree, but you just weren’t liking how little attention you were getting.
Getting back up to your feet, you start going through the piles of decorations, picking them up and rushing to the tree to decorate it even though he has barely put it together.
“Baby, the tree isn’t even up yet, can you wait?” Mark giggles, finding it cute, thinking you were just getting excited to decorate as you rush ot grab a few more ornaments, getting in his way again.
Standing right in front of him as he attempts to put the rest of the tree together, you press yourself right up against him, wiggling your ass on his crotch as you bend over slightly to add the decoration to the tree.
Mark hisses, pulling away from you but you just insist on teasing him, trying to distract him from decorating. And it gets to the point where his patience was wearing thin with you.
The next time you attempted to tease him, brushing his semi-hard cock through his joggers, he grabs you by the throat, pulling you back against his body, hissing in your ear as he nips at your ear lobe, “You’re such a brat, you know that?”.
You didn’t react to him, smirking as you knew he couldn’t see your face as his grip tightens around your throat, breathing heavily into your ear which sends shivers down your spine. His tone of voice should’ve been enough to make you behave but you just weren’t giving up until you had gotten what you wanted.
Wiggling your ass on him once again with a giggle falling from your lips, Mark directs you over to the couch, bending you over the arm of it, your ass full in his view.
He yanks the fabric down to sit around your thighs, your ass exposed to him, decorated with his favourite pretty little thong that you’d always wear when you wanted to please him.
“Oh you slut,” he hisses again through gritted teeth, pulling at the string of your thong, releasing it so it snapped against your bare skin, making you yelp into the pillow that you’ve taken hold of. 
He’s barely touching you and he could see you soak through the fabric, scoffing to himself as he uses a finger to caress your cunt through the fabric, making you whimper, satisfied that you were finally getting something. But of course, he wasn’t going to give in to you that easily. 
Watching you grip hard onto the pillow, makes contact and light, barely touching you as his finger trails up to your ass cheek, caressing it before creating a bright red handprint after slapping it hard, making your ass jiggle.
“Little brats don’t get what they want so easily,” he teases with a seductive tone in his voice, sending another strike down on your ass but the other cheek, creating a matching hand print as the skin rises in bright red.
A little whine escapes you as you try to wiggle your ass at him, trying to invite him to do more but he just laughs at your pathetic attempt. 
You start to think you’re getting somewhere when the fabric that covers your core is removed, the cool air making you shiver as it brushes over your warm and wet core, your thong meeting your shorts around your thighs.
Mark teases a finger through your folds, making you jump slightly at the contact as you hold the pillow against your face to muffle the whimpers that fall out.
The tip of his finger circles your clit, making shapes on it as your clench around nothing, your slickened core sore for attention as you make your lewd sounds more audible, lifting your head up from the pillow.
“I need you,” the breathless whimper leaves your lips as he stops the second you speak, his finger just sitting right on your clit.
“Naughty little brats don’t get to speak unless spoken to, you got it?” Mark growls, pressing his finger against your clit harshly as he moves it ever so slowly, watching you nod, wanting to protest, “Be good for me, and you’ll eventually get what you want, princess”. 
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Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007
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nichoswag · 2 years
requested by anon
mtl: who in got7 is more of a hopeless romantic
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jackson, bambam, jayb + youngjae: all four of these men are literal simps for their s/o. obviously jackson is first because he just seems like the most romantic (and flirty 😉) member. bambam is next because i can't help but think he would spoil his s/o endlessly, and it goes the same for jaebeom. i also think youngjae would be such a simp for his s/o because he's just so sweet 🤧 would shower them in affection
jinyoung, yugyeom + mark
i see jinyoung as the type of person who's very rational so he wouldn't necessarily be a "hopeless romantic" but more of a relaxed and mature one? idk if that makes sense but iykyk.. yugyeom i can't really see being a hopeless romantic but as the maknae i can definitely see him with the "teases everyone but their s/o" trope. finally, mark wouldn't be a hopeless romantic because he's just too chill. instead he spends a lot of time with his s/o
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vamphaechan · 2 years
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mark tuan - confession song → for @gojokat
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bambikisss · 2 years
Suits [teaser]
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-> Being a CEO of a big company has its perks, except for meeting the one. After you sign up for a dating app for the elite 1 percent, you match with someone who is just as rich as you. Is love truly in the cards for you both?
Smut warnings: Spit, bitting, slight bondage, slight breeding kink, marking, etc. Rough to Passionate.
"You joined a dating site to not match with anyone?" He asked, taking a sip of his champagne as he listened to you try to explain why you joined, cutting you off as he leaned closer to you, his mint breath gracing your cheek as he made his way to your ear. "So, you don't want me then, Y/N?"
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