#Mark Ferber
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projazznet · 9 months ago
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The Anthony Wilson Trio – Our Gang
"This is a fine straight-ahead jazz date by an underrated but talented guitarist.” – Scott Yanow/AllMusic.
Mark Ferber – drums Anthony Wilson – guitar Joe Bagg – keyboards
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beardedmrbean · 10 months ago
MEPs approved new fiscal rules for the EU during a plenary session on Tuesday despite an ongoing campaign by trade unions to prevent "austerity 2.0" from passing through.
"This reform constitutes a fresh start and a return to fiscal responsibility," said co-rapporteur Makrus Ferber (EPP – Germany). "The new framework will be simpler, more predictable and more pragmatic. However, the new rules can only become a success if properly implemented by the Commission."
The regulation passed with 359 votes in favour, 166 against and 61 abstentions, with conservatives, liberals and socialist groups helping to get the text over the line.
Advocates of the reform say it heralds a return to fiscal control after a more lax approach during the Covid-19 pandemic. Member States will now be required to keep budget deficits at less than 3% of national GDP. In addition, countries with excessive debt will be required to reduce it on average by 1% per year if their debt is above 90% of GDP, and by 0.5% per year on average if it is between 60% and 90%.
European and Belgian trade unions have led a long campaign denouncing the reforms as a "Europe-wide return to austerity".
According to ETUC General Secretary Esther Lynch, 18 Member States including Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Poland would be unable to meet the required minimum level of investment in housing, healthcare and education under the new rules. In addition, only three Member States – Sweden, Ireland and Denmark – will be able to meet the social and climate investments required of them.
"This agreement, forced by the austerity approach of some European capitals, will require member states to reduce their debts rapidly and in ways that are economically and socially unsustainable," ETUC stated on the eve of the vote. "This will mark a return to austerity. At the same time, the new rules will also act as a disincentive to invest towards the social and climate objectives EU member states have agreed upon, by limiting the marge of manoeuvre of public deficit."
Similarly, Belgian MEP and President of the European Greens/EFA group Philippe Lamberts (Ecolo) drew attention to the social and environmental cost of tighter economic measures. "These new budgetary rules will impose a straitjacket on all EU Member States," he said on Monday. "It will deprive governments of the financial resources needed to guarantee a thriving economy, social services and climate action."
Other political groups in the European Parliament acknowledge that the reforms are imperfect, but necessary nonetheless. "There is no doubt that this deal is much better than no deal and going back to the old rules or having no rules at all," said co-rapporteur Margarida Marques (S&D – Portugal).
Right-wing and far-right political groups welcome a more stringent approach to EU budgetary rules. "There are a number of Member States who have gone too far in debt financing and this is a potential danger which can't be justified nationally or EU-wide," said MEP Johan Van Overtveldt (ECR/N-VA – Belgium). This echoes positions of "frugal" countries such as Germany, who fear another bail-out in the worst-case scenario.
Tax the rich
Tuesday's vote has not stopped the opposition campaign in its tracks. ETUC, the trade union leading the fight, has now emphasised the need to "tax the rich" as a solution to the EU's budgetary difficulties.
"Working people who have suffered a historic drop in living standards as a result of the pandemic and cost-of-living crisis simply don’t have anything left for politicians to take," stated Lynch in a press release published in the wake of the vote. "Instead politicians who supported these fiscal rules should have the decency to meet them through taxes on the corporations which registered record breaking profits which fueled inflation."
The vote on the budgetary reforms is one of almost 90 to take place during the Strasbourg plenary this week. This is the last time MEPs will convene before the end of the mandate and there is a palpable sense of urgency to deliver to voters before European elections on 9 June.
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littletyrell-blog · 2 years ago
What Is the Ferber Method of Baby Sleep Training?
The Ferber method (also known as "graduated extinction") is a form of sleep training developed by pediatric sleep expert Dr. Richard Ferber. When using this method, parents will leave their child to fall asleep independently, but return to comfort their visit site here child at timed intervals. The Ferber method gives babies the opportunity to learn to fall asleep on their own — and fall back to sleep when they wake up during the night.
Some parents who sleep train with cry it out opt not to go back into their baby’s room at all, even if the baby cries for a long time. The Ferber method is considered to be a gentler option, since it involves periodically checking in on your baby when she’s crying.
During the check-ins, you’ll go to your baby at timed intervals that gradually get longer until she falls asleep. The check-ins also get longer on subsequent nights. Ferber calls it the "progressive waiting approach."
You can soothe your baby verbally or give her a gentle rub or pat. But you shouldn’t pick her up or feed her, and your visits should only last a minute or two.
How do you do the Ferber method?
Even though sleep training can sometimes feel hard emotionally, the actual steps of the Ferber method are simple and straightforward. Here’s what you’ll do:
After your bedtime routine, put your baby into her crib. She should be drowsy but awake.
Tell your baby goodnight and leave the room. If your baby cries, wait for a set amount of time (more on how long below), then go back in to briefly comfort her by talking in a soothing voice or gently patting her. Don’t pick her up or feed her.   Leave the room and repeat as needed if your baby continues to cry, going back in to reassure her at specific timed intervals.
When should you start the Ferber method on your baby?
Babies are generally ready for sleep training, including methods like Ferber, around 5 or 6 months. At that point, they’re developmentally capable of self-soothing. They’re also old enough to sleep through the night without eating.
But if you have questions or aren’t sure whether your little one is quite there yet, don’t hesitate to bring it up with her pediatrician.  
You don’t have to sleep train as soon as your baby hits the 5- or 6-month mark. If you’d feel more comfortable holding off until your little one is a bit older, that’s okay. Just keep in mind that the older your baby gets, the harder it might be for her to learn to fall asleep on her own instead of being rocked, fed or soothed by you.
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 2 years ago
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Im Schatten der Schuldenberge
Kopf in den Sand stecken hilft nichts
Die Ampel-Koalitionäre streiten stundenlang über 4-6 Milliarden für die Kindergrundsicherung aber schenken gleichzeitig der Ukraine Waffen für 2,5 Milliarden Euro - das wäre schon mindestens die halbe Kindergrundsicherung. Mit einiger Kriegsbegeisterung kann man vielleicht noch argumentieren, man müsse Prioritäten setzen und "es gehe Deutschland und seiner Wirtschaft doch gut".
Michael Ferber sieht das auf nzz.ch in seiner Betrachtung der weltweiten Schuldenentwicklung ganz anders. Es wäre höchste Zeit für fast alle Regierungen, sich Gedanken zu machen, wie sie ihre Schuldenberge in den Griff bekommen wollen. Schulden waren in der Zeit der Null-Zins-Phase fast kostenlos - damit ist jedoch seit einem Jahr Schluss.
Nach dem Institute for International Finance (IIF) lag die Verschuldung von Staaten, Unternehmen und privaten Haushalten 2022 insgesamt bei knapp 300 Billionen Dollar. Und das sind keine "billions" sondern echte 300 * 1000 Milliarden!
Für die USA, Grossbritannien, Frankreich oder Spanien hat die Staatsverschuldung im Verhältnis zum Bruttoinlandprodukt (BIP) mittlerweile die 100-Prozent-Marke überschritten.
Für Japan liegt der Wert sogar über der 250-Prozent-Marke.
Die Zinszahlungen für diese Staatsschulden haben 2022 einen Rekordwert von 1,38 Billionen Dollar erreicht ...
... und dürften sich in den kommenden drei Jahren verdoppeln.
Wer soll das bezahlen?
Die US Regierung wird sich spätestens im nächsten Januar wieder mit der Erhöhung der Schuldenobergrenze auseinandersetzen müssen. Gläubiger der USA ist vor allen anderen China, d.h. die US Regierung sollte es sich mit China nicht verscherzen - es sei denn, man beabsichtigt sowieso keine Rückzahlung.
Auch wenn Deutschland mit seinen 2 Billionen Euro im Vergleich zum BIP noch einigermaßen gut da steht, so entsprechen die 2 Billionen doch mehr als 2 Jahreshaushalten - und wer wird schon gern die Staatsausgaben auf Null fahren. Auch wenn man einfach "so weiter macht", kann das Finanzsystem - was ist daran überhaupt ein (geordnetes) System? - jederzeit wie 2008 zusammenbrechen.
Mehr dazu bei https://www.nzz.ch/finanzen/schulden-knapp-unter-rekord-bedeutung-fuer-zinsen-und-anleihen-ld.1737777
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3u4 Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8398-20230513-im-schatten-der-schuldenberge.htm
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cultureclub10 · 3 months ago
Miriam Hopkins in a still with Otto Kruger for The Home Girl (1928). The two-reel short, based on a story by Edna Ferber, marked Miriam’s film debut.
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newstfionline · 6 months ago
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Boommates (Bloomberg) When Dan Yafet’s son moved out of their apartment in Brooklyn’s Fort Greene neighborhood, he found himself with too much space and not enough money—so he took on an octogenarian roommate. Now Yafet, a 68-year-old who works for an architect’s office, shares his fourth-floor walk up with 86-year-old Alan Ferber, splitting the $2,000 monthly rent for the two-bedroom apartment. “We don't throw parties, but it’s a good setup,” Ferber said. “We don't get in each other's way, and we like each other.” An uptick in so-called “boommates”—roommates of the baby boomer generation—is the latest manifestation of a housing affordability crisis that’s slammed Americans of all ages, especially those in expensive cities like New York. To make ends meet, an increasing number of those 65 and older are choosing shared housing arrangements, helping save money in an era when many have fallen behind on retirement savings and there’s increasing concern about a loneliness epidemic.
U.S. calls Lopez Obrador reforms ‘major risk’ to democracy; Mexico protests (Washington Post) President Andrés Manuel López Obrador lashed out Friday at the U.S. ambassador after he warned that Mexico’s democracy faced a “major risk” from a plan to dismantle the federal judicial system and allow voters to pick judges. The war of words marked the sharpest public dispute between the countries since President Joe Biden took office. López Obrador, a populist and longtime icon of the left, plans to push through Mexico’s Congress a constitutional change next month to institute direct election of judges—including those on the Supreme Court. U.S. Ambassador Ken Salazar said at a news conference Friday that the change would harm Mexico’s democracy and “threaten the historic trade relationship” between the United States and its No. 1 commercial partner. The new system would also make it easier for drug cartels to influence the judiciary, Salazar said. López Obrador said at his daily news conference Friday that the U.S. ambassador’s statement reflected “a crude interventionist attitude.” He underscored a history of American political meddling in Latin America, including two invasions of Mexico.
Massive blackouts roil Cuba (Reuters) Power outages totaling 14 hours or more per day were reported on Thursday across much of crisis-racked Cuba, leaving millions of residents defenseless in the summer heat and humidity. The state-run power company said breakdowns had forced six plants off-line on the outdated and poorly maintained grid. The monopoly provider promised only minor relief for the weekend with humidity forecast at around 90% and temperatures of up to 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit). The blackouts, which disrupt daily life and the economy, have plagued the Communist-run country since 2021, sparking rare protests. They reflect a deepening economic crisis marked by shortages of basic goods, double-digit inflation and a lack of cash to import fuel and parts for infrastructure.
Wildfires affecting 30 cities in Brazil’s Sao Paulo state, leave 2 dead (Reuters) Brazil’s Sao Paulo state said that wildfire outbreaks were affecting or closing in on 30 of its cities on Friday evening, adding two people had died in an industrial plant trying to hold back the flames. The cities have been affected by dry, hot weather in recent days, the government said in a statement. For now, the government has not reported flames directly reaching the city of Sao Paulo, Latin America’s largest by population with more than 11 million residents. Still, local media reported smoke blocking out some parts of state capital’s sky.
France’s Political Truce for the Olympics Is Over. Now What? (NYT) The first thing Lucie Castets intends to do as France’s next prime minister is to peel back the age of retirement to 62. Then, she will pour more money into the creaking health care and education systems. To pay for at least some of that, she will introduce a tax on the country’s ultrarich. There is just one hitch. Ms. Castets, the candidate of choice of the left-wing coalition that won the most seats in France’s snap legislative elections that ended in July, has not been tapped for the job. And the one person with the power to offer it to her, President Emmanuel Macron, has shown no sign he plans to do so. Almost seven weeks since elections ended in deadlock, with neither left, right nor center winning a majority, France remains intractably stuck. Since then, Mr. Macron has been in no hurry to pick a new prime minister, whose job it is to run the country while the president officially oversees France’s institutions. In the past, choosing was easier: He simply picked candidates from his own winning coalition and expected them to collaborate with him.
Police search for the attacker who killed 3 in a knifing in the German city of Solingen (AP) A large-scale search was underway Saturday in the western German city of Solingen after three people were killed and at least eight people wounded, five of them seriously, in a knife attack at a festival. Witnesses alerted police shortly after 9:30 p.m. Friday to an unknown attacker having wounded several people with a knife on a central square, the Fronhof. Police said that the perpetrator was on the run, and that they so far had only very thin information on the assailant. There has been concern about increased knife violence in Germany, and Faeser recently proposed toughening weapons laws to allow only knives with a blade measuring up to 6 centimeters (nearly 2.4 inches) to be carried in public, rather than the length of 12 centimeters (4.7 inches) that is currently allowed.
Europe’s most dangerous volcano rumbles, and Italians weigh the risk (Washington Post) In the red zone of the awakening Phlegraean Fields, the most dangerous volcano in Europe, 2,000-year-old ruins are rising from the earth, thrust upward by hydrothermal force. The water line is receding at the docks as the ground rises. Thousands of earthquakes, including one that drove 1,500 people into temporary shelter, are sending shock waves of fear through coastal communities. Residents are now keeping emergency bags packed, preparing for larger quakes, or worse, an eruption some experts fear could prove devastating. Nearly 80,000 people blithely inhabit the sulfureous caldera, playing soccer in the streets and cooking rich ragus in apartments with majestic views of Capri and Ischia, the emerald isles across the Gulf of Naples. In total, an estimated 485,000 people live in the designated danger zone of a smoke-belching behemoth the ancient Romans thought was an entrance to Hell. The most pessimistic experts signal it may even be time to consider relocating, presenting residents with a stark choice: Should they stay—or should they go?
Taliban’s Latest Crackdown (1440) The Taliban-led Afghan government has officially published new laws banning women’s voices and bare faces in public, according to reports. The rules are based in a 2022 decree by the country’s spiritual leader and could potentially increase enforcement of the so-called “vice and virtue” morality laws. The Taliban returned to power in the capital of Kabul in August 2021 following the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan, which marked the end of the US’ longest war. Since then, the strict Islamist group has enacted a slew of restrictions on women and girls, including banning female passengers from boarding flights without a male chaperone. The latest laws ban women from speaking and singing in public, bar music in public places, and prevent men from shaving their beards.
Pakistani singles defy tradition, search for spouses in person (Reuters) Dozens of young singles gathered this week to meet potential marriage partners in Pakistan’s eastern city of Lahore, the first attempt by a UK-based matrimonial app to help people find spouses in person in the conservative Islamic country. Typically, marriages in Pakistan are arranged by parents who look for suitable matches for their children from within their communities or the extended family. Dating apps are generally stigmatised and gender segregation socially and at work remains common in the country of 240 million people. The Lahore event was organised by Muzz, formerly Muzzmatch, which says its app is based on Islamic etiquette. The app is restricted to Muslim users, and, in a nod to traditional values, gives the option of blurring pictures except for specific matches and allows for chaperones to oversee meetings. Other smaller events are also emerging in the country to challenge traditional matchmaking norms.
Israel and Hezbollah exchange heavy fire, raising fears of an all-out regional war (AP) Israel launched a wave of airstrikes across southern Lebanon early Sunday in what it said was a pre-emptive strike on Hezbollah, as the militant group said it had launched hundreds of rockets and drones to avenge the killing of one of its top commanders last month. The heavy exchange of fire threatened to trigger an all-out war that could draw in the United States, Iran and militant groups across the region. It could also torpedo efforts to forge a cease-fire in Gaza, where Israel has been at war with the Palestinian group Hamas, an ally of Hezbollah, for over 10 months. By mid-morning, it appeared that the exchange had ended, with both sides saying they had confined their attacks to military targets. But the situation remained tense, and the full extent of casualties and damage was not immediately known.
Families of Dead Hostages Vent Anger at Israeli Leaders Over War (NYT) The bodies returned for the final time to the villages that, in life, they had called home. Months of anguished waiting at an end, mourners embraced, wept, read tributes and lowered into the soil the remains of Israeli hostages recovered this week from the Gaza Strip. But grief had to share space with fury at Israel’s leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for not agreeing to a cease-fire with Hamas that might have saved the captives’ lives. “You were abandoned, again and again, by the prime minister and his ministers, to Hamas’s tunnels,” Keren Munder—herself a former hostage—said as she buried her father, Abraham Munder, on Wednesday in his hometown, Nir Oz. Distant explosions and crackles of gunfire occasionally interrupted her eulogy, reminders of the war between Israel and Hamas, now in its 11th month.
Israel’s evacuation orders have displaced 90% of Gaza residents, UN says (AP) Successive Israeli evacuation orders in Gaza, including 12 just in August, have displaced 90% of its 2.1 million residents since the Israel-Hamas war began in October, the top United Nations humanitarian official for the Palestinian territory says. Muhannad Hadi said the evacuation orders are endangering civilians instead of protecting them. “They are forcing families to flee again, often under fire and with the few belongings they can carry with them, into an ever-shrinking area” that is crowded and unsafe. Civilians are being deprived of medical care, shelter, water wells and humanitarian supplies, “running from one destroyed place to another, with no end in sight,” he said. Hadi said in the statement Thursday that international humanitarian law requires the protection of civilians. “The way forward is as clear as it is urgent: Protect civilians, release the hostages, facilitate humanitarian access, agree on a cease-fire.”
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rich4a1 · 7 months ago
Christopher Zuar Orchestra EXUBERANCE
CHRISTOPHER ZUAR ORCHESTRA EXUBERANCE Tonal Conversations Christopher Zuar, bandleader/composer/arranger; Mike Holober, conductor; Rogerio Boccato, percussion; Mark Ferber, drums; Drew Gress, bass; Glenn Zaleski, piano/Fender Rhodes; Pete McCann, electric/nylon/steel string guitar/banjo/mandolin/dobro; WOODWINDS: Dave Pietro, alto & soprano saxophones/piccolo/flute/alto flute; Charles Pillow,…
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native-blog-deutsch · 1 year ago
Indigene erwerben Land der Ahnen in Salem County
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Die Native American Advancement Corporation hat den Erwerb des Cohanzick Nature Reserve in Salem County, NJ, bekannt gegeben. Die Native American Advancement Corporation, das Green Acres Program des New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), die New Jersey Conservation Foundation und The Nature Conservancy haben das ehemalige Grundstück der Morningstar Fellowship Church in Quinton Township, etwa 16 Meilen südlich der Delaware Memorial Bridge, erworben. Das Gelände im Landesinneren ist etwa neun Meilen vom Delaware River entfernt und liegt östlich von St. Georges. Das bewaldete 63-Morgen-Grundstück ist die traditionelle Heimat der Cohanzick Lenape, einem Teil der ursprünglichen Lenape-Bewohner in einer Region, die Delaware, Pennsylvania und New Jersey umfasst. Das Land wurde in den alleinigen Besitz der NAAC überführt und wird als Cohanzick Nature Reserve bekannt sein. Ein ehemaliges Kirchengebäude auf dem Grundstück wird zu einem Bildungs-, Kultur- und Umweltzentrum umgebaut. "Der Erwerb des Cohanzick-Naturschutzgebiets ist ein großer Schritt, um die Heimat unserer Vorfahren zu bewahren und ihre Bedeutung mit der breiten Öffentlichkeit zu teilen", sagte Tyrese Gould Jacinto, CEO von NAAC. Jacinto und ihr Vater, der frühere Häuptling Mark "Quiet Hawk" Gould, sind Angehörige der Nanticoke Lenape Nation und haben eine direkte Verbindung zu diesem Land. Für die beiden, deren Großeltern auf dem Land geboren und aufgewachsen sind, ist der Erwerb eine Heimkehr. Die NAAC plant, in dem Reservat Bildungsprogramme zum Schutz der indigenen Bevölkerung durchzuführen. Diese Programme werden Erlebnisse, Workshops und geführte Touren anbieten. "Es war eine Ehre, mit allen Partnern zusammenzuarbeiten, um das Cohanzick Nature Reserve zu verwirklichen", sagt Rob Ferber, der das Projekt als Regionalmanager der New Jersey Conservation Foundation für das Delaware Bay Watershed geleitet hat. "Die vergangene, gegenwärtige und künftige Arbeit des NAAC ist ein Beweis dafür, wie der Naturschutz von den Werten der Ureinwohner geleitet werden kann". Für weitere Informationen klicke auf diesen Link Originalartikel
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dustedmagazine · 6 years ago
Ralph Alessi – Imaginary Friends (ECM)
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There’s a playful sense of on-paper paradox in the realization that Imaginary Friends, Ralph Alessi’s third project for ECM, relies implicitly on the participation of longstanding flesh-and-blood compatriots. The album is a reunion on record for a band first assembled over a decade ago for a release on the German Between the Lines imprint. Saxophonist Ravi Coltrane was billed as a guest back then, but the rest of the group including pianist Andy Milne, bassist Drew Gress and drummer Mark Ferber were regulars. All five players have evolved measurably in the interim and the difference in production styles between host labels is another distancing factor in how the two musical documents sound. 
Alessi’s activities include academia, most notably as the founder of the School of Improvised Music and faculty at the New England Conservatory. Systems and structures are important parts of his compositional perspective with an approach to ensemble engagement that balances individuality and cohesiveness. Each of the album’s illustrates variations on this malleable and resilient framework. Milne’s keys are frequently the fulcrum, setting up delicate chordal fields that complement the melodic explorations of the horns. “Iram Issela” opens with a duet of sorts between Alessi and Milne flanked by Ferber’s brushes. Coltrane’s searching tenor takes over for the leader during the piece’s more propulsive second half, the switch signaled by a tinkling solo piano interlude. 
“Oxide” initiates with Milne again, shaping a repeating motif that fleshed rhythmically by Ferber and a recessed Gress and gliding unisons from the horns. The ECM acoustics offer clarity along with a gossamer sheen of reverb, giving the piece an even greater degree of ethereality. “Improper Authority” has an air of Alessi’s colleague Steve Coleman in its combination of stacked metrics and dancing horn lines that thread through and around the staggered beats while “Fun Room” builds from distillate fragments after a Ferber-forwarded preface to create a pleasing tension between Milne’s block chords and Alessi’s pursed brass patterns. In both contexts there’s a consistent sense of movement and focus, a resolute resistance toward falling back into anything resembling background music.
“Around the Corner” mixes the simplest of ostinato figures with another lustrous unison horn line and more coloristic accompaniment from Ferber. Alessi’s solo, traced in places by Coltrane’s tenor, maximizes the mellifluousness of his instrument with each note voiced and strung with clean precision. It’s a tone poem rife with beauty that retains somber grounding gravitas. “Melee” is an arguable opposite with the players engaging in an extended display of rhythm-fractured collisions and elisions. The Coleman comparison is again tempting, but Alessi’s knife-edged phrases, slicing and feinting against an undulating, ouroboros-like beat, Milne’s trap-door interlude into incremental solo atmospherics and Coltrane’s snake-charming sopranino are just three of numerous attributes that set it comfortably apart. 
Derek Taylor
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diyeipetea · 4 years ago
JazzX5#228. The Mark Masters Ensemble: "Perdido" [Masters & Baron Meet Blanton & Webster (2021)] [Minipodcast] Por Pachi Tapiz
JazzX5#228. The Mark Masters Ensemble: “Perdido” [Masters & Baron Meet Blanton & Webster (2021)] [Minipodcast] Por Pachi Tapiz
“Perdido” The Mark Masters Ensemble: Masters & Baron Meet Blanton & Webster (Capri Records, 2021) Kirsten Edkins, Jerry Pinter, Danny House, Adam Schroeder, Tim Hagans, Les Lovitt, Ron Stout, Les Benedict, Dave Woodley, Art Baron, Mark Ferber, Bruce Lett, Mark Masters. Composición por Juan Tizol. © Pachi Tapiz, 2021 JazzX5 es un minipodcast de HDO de la Factoría Tomajazz presentado, editado y…
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rentrentrentrent · 3 years ago
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deadheadland · 3 years ago
Happy 82nd Birthday PHIL LESH, from DHLTV!
Happy 82nd Birthday PHIL LESH, from DHLTV!
Happy 82nd Birthday Phil!We love you, and miss you, and hope that you are healthy and happy and having the best day ever today! So looking forward to seeing you, and hearing you soon! Phil Lesh is playing next at…Skull and Roses, &The Frost Amphitheater & Levitate Festival & the Phil Lesh Incident at Red Rocks! Here’s a triple Box hit for us all to enjoy: 1. “Darkness” show campfire Encore |…
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jecepee · 7 years ago
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dailyrothko · 2 years ago
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“I gave a seminar last week. At the seminar I was clearly given to understand that near [sic] the pace nor the values of our youth were applicable to them. However, what I am doing is visiting the students in their studios and there I find them cordial, intelligent, willing to listen. But above all I think they want to explain themselves to you and are grateful that you listen.
This is an episode that i value, for in N.Y. I have not found a way of contact with the young that is as illuminating.”
- Letter to Herbert Ferber, 1967
Mark Rothko
Photographer unknown
I don’t have a clear read on the painting in the back yet, but it strongly resembles his work of 1946-1947. However, given Rothko’s physical appearance here, I suspect the photo is 1960 or later .I will update these details and credits as my search continues.
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ya girl watched rent 20 today <333 review (?) coming soon
also i ran into Skyler Volpes and Kaleb Wells (Mimi and Roger) and literally I was walking back to the theater and I turned my head and they were there and my now Renthead friend says she was going to compliment Skyler’s fashion (to me) when I said OH MY GOD ARE YOU GUYS THE RENT CAST and Kaleb said “part of it” (sassy) and they just walked away and I was sh000000k and I looked at my friends and screamed (yes, screamed) THAT WAS MIMI AND ROGER and they probably heard me but whatever I love them
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mitjalovse · 7 years ago
Once musicians reach their late styles, they start to feel freer. They no longer worry about other people's view of them, but that doesn't mean they just give up. No, they still care about their work in spite of being treated as old hats, though that also signifies they are much more willing to take wild chances. To give you an example, Paul Simon's Stranger To Stranger is one of the most off-kilter albums of his. Sure, he doesn't go full Scott Walker, yet you must be aware this is not easy listening. While Simon's tunes on Stranger To Stranger thematically resemble some of his older compositions, he and his collaborators keep us on the edge by continuing to subvert our expectations of what a Paul Simon LP should sound like. I don't think he could have that on his debut.
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