#Marisol woods
abwwia · 4 months
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Marisol, Portrait of Georgia O'Keeffe with Dogs, 1977, graphite and oil on wood, Collection Buffalo AKG Art Museum, Bequest of Marisol, 2016 (2021:44a-i), Photo: Brenda Bieger, Buffalo AKG Art Museum
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viquipo · 1 year
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Big ole reference sheet I made for myself that took way too long.. Istg I had the chnt wiki open on another tab the whole time but I probably missed at least something so I apologize in advance. Truly excruciating lineup right here
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chnt-silly-debates · 2 months
Hello there!
My name is Sydney, and I'd like to debate chnt theories and stuff with you guys! Now, before I finish introducing myself, I'm gonna say something
This is NOT chntangrytimes, I will not post asks that'll offend anyone and I won't debate topics outside the podcast (ie. The ballads-of-a-bluejay situation or the museofthepyre discourse) this is SOLEY for debates about chnt, stuff like Jedidiahs project, Lucille's stance on Sydney and much much more! I also won't be answering things about any of the people involved with the podcast, you can mention the writing (IN A RESPECTFUL MANNER!! DONT START DISSING BLUE MAYFIELD BECAUSE I WILL NOT SPEAK ON THAT). Anon asks will be turned off so people can think before they send things, if it's something that you wouldn't ask off anon it shouldn't be asked. All opinions are welcome n such. As for the people watching the debates, you HAVE to be respectful too. You can't reblog a post shitting on someone's stance, you have to be respectful about your disagreements.
Harassment won't be tolerated
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eucanthos · 8 days
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Marisol (Venezuelan born in Paris, lived and worked in NY 1930 - 2016)
The Bicycle Race, 1962-63. Wood, two bicycles, sunglasses, paint, graphite, cast plaster, cast metal and plastic, in 2 parts [figure 1: 173 x 66 x 140 cm. figure 2: 168 by 61 by 140 cm]
thnx topcat77 and Georg Nickolaus [higher res found]
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wherearethecampers · 1 year
Currently: Cabin Dungbeetle is reenacting the battle of 1812.
If only horses were real, that would make this story much more believable.
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iamedie · 4 months
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Marisol Escobar
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bottomvalerius · 7 months
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I’m clearly in a mood i think LMAO trying to nail down some Damien-adjacent character designs, the courtiers will be really fun to tackle in their “we are totally a found family and not at ALL trying to use this child in our end-of-the-world revenge plot” lmfao Specifically thinking of Marisol & Damien (and Donna lmao) so i gotta nail her evil milf-ness LMAO
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altierigore · 3 months
happy birthday to my boy ryan wolfe. <3
If I had the opportunity to talk to him, I would say:
my sweet boy, you mean so much to me, you make me so happy and, to be honest, I consider you someone special in my life. I think about you almost all the time, I'll go to sleep thinking about you and the fact that you are not real makes me so fucking sad. I wish you were real, I wish I could hug you, comfort you, praise you, or even kiss you if I had the chance. yes, I'm delusional and even a little mentally ill, but I am happy thinking about a life that I will never have: a life with you. I daydream about you, I cry in frustration, but that's okay. I have the freedom to think about you whenever and wherever I want. you'll live in my head until the day I die with the most beautiful thoughts.
you are loved. trust me. you are so amazing, so smart, so sweet. you have your flaws, of course, but who doesn't? you are a human. I wish I could have helped you when you needed it. I wish I could hug you with affection and lots of love, I wish I could whisper to you that everything is going to be fine. I am here. you can trust me, you can talk to me. I care about you. a lot. sometimes I feel like you keep things to yourself. and damn, you shouldn't do that. it’s not good for your body or mind. you are hurting yourself.
I have something to say and I don't know if this is just in my head, but anyway: I notice that, for example, when you are upset, you avoid talking to people about what is upseting you. you have Calleigh, you have Horatio, you have Alex and you know you can trust them, but it seems like you are afraid to tell them what's going on. it's almost like you don't think they love you. if that's the case: you are wrong. they love and appreciate you. and don't worry about not getting a girlfriend, sweety. you are such a good person, you care about others, you love your job, this is noticeable. you love helping people. as you said: you were born to be a cop.
my pretty boy, you are incredible. I don't know how you haven't found a girlfriend yet. any girl would be so lucky to have you. don't give up. plus, you have your family: csi. they love you so much. so, don't ever think that you are not loved. you are, bae, trust me. you deserve to be happy. I wish I could make you happy. I love you so much. I don't think I love anyone the same way I love you. you are special. thank you for making me capable of loving so intensely.
happy birthday, sweety. for the thousandth time: I love you. I love you with all my heart. you are my comfort character. thank you for making me so happy. I wish you were real. enjoy your 43rd birthday. with love, ray. 💌
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marywoodartdept · 4 months
Exhibition on Marisol
Summer time is the best time to travel and see art! Fortunately for us, McKenna, our panting blogger, has just returned from a visit to the Toledo Museum of Art in Ohio and shares her perspective on the 1960s works of Marisol. #MarywoodArt #Painting
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viquipo · 1 year
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Please someone tell me this podcast has a fandom I'm losing my mind all alone in the woods in a wet cardboard box
Apparently I made a GRAVE mistake in this. Marisol is much taller than salem!!! I did not. Know that!!!! Sorry lesbians
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nobrashfestivity · 5 months
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Marisol Escobar Dinner Date 1963 Painted wood, plaster, textiles, Oil on canvas, metal fork, leather boots, paint, graphite
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buddierecs · 4 months
vacation/trips buddie fics
this list has different rated fics, so please look at the rating make sure to kudos/comment on these amazing works :)
boys of summer by: woodchoc_magnum "in which buck takes eddie on a summer road trip through the sierra nevada mountains, and they fall head over heels in love with each other" word count: 47k rating: mature important tags: road trips, camping, falling in love, fluff, smut, team as family, there ain't no turning back by: 42hrb "the buddie healing road trip" word count: 28k rating: explicit important tags: road trips, future fics, getting together, post-canon, mutual pining, sharing a bed, flirting, soft!buddie, oral sex, anal sex we're falling like stars by: prettyboybuckley "buck wants to help christopher cross both camping and stargazing off his bucket list and eddie pretends to be more annoyed with the whole idea than he actually is (because let's be real, he'd do anything for his boys). their trip brings him more than just the stars." word count: 9.1k rating: general audience important tags: camping, stargazing, domestic fluff, friends to lovers, banter, pining
in the moonlight you look just like an angel in disguise by: smilingbuckley "while christopher is at camp, buck and eddie go on a vacation of their own to a small cabin in the woods... it goes as well as you'd expect." word count: 35k rating: mature important tags: cabins, vacation, getting together, fluff, pining, friends to lovers, sharing a bed, cuddling, eventual smut, soft!buddie i give my hand to you with all my heart by: youdrewstarsaroundmyscars118 "eddie and buck go on a trip to big sur that changes their lives for ever." word count: 16k rating: mature important tags: road trips, vacation, beaches, friends to lovers to husbands, secret relationship pack your bags, baby by: scarletmanuka "buck wins an all expenses paid cruise for two to the south pacific. there's no one else that he considers taking except of course for eddie. he can keep his crush under control while they're away. can't he?" word count: 44k rating: explicit important tags: cruising, vacation, pining, getting together, fluff august by: daisies_and_briar "buck, eddie, natalia, and marisol go on a beach vacation in august of 2023. It gets angsty and gay." word count: 40k important tags: beach vacation, eddie/mariol, buck/natalia, mariol/natalia, coming out, feelings confession, sexuality, everyone is queer winter prayer by: daisies_and_briars "when a work conflict prevents athena from accompanying bobby to minnesota for the ten year anniversary of his family dying, buck and may offer to go instead. over the course of the trip, they all learn more about each other, and bobby faces his grief." word count: 18k rating: general audiences important tags: road trip, family bonding, grief, healing, angst, bobby being a dad to may and buck, may and buck are siblings
^ this fic is very very minor buck/eddie but it is one of my favourites, the entire series is amazing!!!
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bluestarlett · 4 months
THIS IS AN ACTUAL CRIME WHAT.... ok cosmic fans hang onto your asses
Seraph (Heart)
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This is my STINKY MAN SERAPH i love him sooo much... he's (technically) the youngest of the Starcatchers as he is only 20,000.
He's a mourning dove (and hes pigeon-toed because of this!! :D) and definitely the nicest of the Starcatchers. His VC is Sydney Sargent or just Blue Mayfield themself ^_^
Saturn (Mind)
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Saturn!!! Sopping wet siren from the sea who is obsessed with the passage of time and equally terrified of it! They're the second oldest of the Starcatchers, being 23,000. They're a siren and an octopus... Obviously. (Their tentacles look like gummy sharks. I want to bite them.)
Their voice claim is WILL WOOD HIMSELF. i have so many drawings of sun as Will you bitches dont even KNOW.
Asteria (Soul)
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Oh my Harmonia... it's everyone's favourite depressed lesbian!!! She's the second youngest Starcatcher, being 22,000. Shes VERY ill.
She's a human but technically she is supposed to be a goddess. It's really not working out for her though ^^"
She desperately needs therapy. Her voice claim is Marisol Yuchengco! ^^
Gaea (Whole)
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Anyway, Gaea is the oldest of the Starcatchers, given he is 26,000,000,000. (the generational gap between siblings is insane. Its giving echo @morals-are-for-mortals) He's as old as the universe itself! In speculation, anyway.
He's a fucking asshole also.
He is a god (unfortunately). He does not have a voice claim! The way his voice works is more so the way you can visualize a sentence or thought in your head despite your thoughts not actually having sound. Like reading something, if that makes sense?
Anyway, those are my little losers <3
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extasiswings · 5 months
Been spending all day trying to talk myself off the conspiracy board string web ledge of “they’re redoing the beats of S4 so they can do Buddie the way they originally wanted” only for @yramesoruniverse to remind me that 4B also had parallel Bobby/Eddie arcs related to unresolved issues with sobriety (Bobby/Bathena) and romance/parenting (Eddie/Buddie) [admittedly an assumption on my part about Eddie’s 7B arc, but I’m guessing they’re keeping Marisol around for a reason and the pic of her and Chris is making me think of Suspicion], and now I think perhaps I’m giving up and should just be left alone in the woods until the finale
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perotovar · 9 months
into the beat of the night (interlude) "shake"
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pairing: frankie morales/oc!river price (they/them) rating: E (18+) chapter warnings: swearing, this is honestly just pwp, fingering, squirting, multiple orgasms (referenced), overstimulation, frankie being a god damn menace, sub!river this time, takes place sometime after ch6 but could realistically be read as standalone as long as you know they're together. if i missed anything else lmk! word count: 1.3k dividers by @saradika-graphics beta: @scenaaario
for notifications, follow @oakslibrary and turn on alerts ♥
series summary: frankie thought he had himself figured out by now. he liked both men and women, had dated both in the past. but when someone that challenges what he thinks that means comes into his life, in an unlikely place, he truly learns who he is, and more importantly, who he loves.
series masterlist
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Frankie’s often thought about how lucky he is: his honorable discharge, whatever got him out of Colombia mostly intact, and Marisol’s presence when he wasn’t sure he had anything to keep going for.
But he thinks walking into that goth club might be slowly making its way up the list for him.
“F-Frankie,” River panted, looking pleadingly up at him with big, wet eyes. “Please,” they whined. They dug their blunt nails into his shoulder with one hand, and gripped around his wrist with the other. “I’m–”
“Shh…” Frankie smirks, speeding up the pace of his fingers. “I’ve only got a few more minutes before I gotta leave for work, okay? We still need at least two more.”
River groaned, swollen lips parted as they watched those thick fingers of his appearing and disappearing inside of them. They had been at it since Frankie’s alarm clock went off early that morning. He woke up in a determined mood, and River lost count of how many orgasms Frankie had given them. Their head lolled back against Frankie’s arm, long hair draped over the only thing keeping them upright. River’s legs trembled, one foot dangling off the dining room table, and the other planted against the surface of the table. 
Frankie watched their eyes glaze over and the blush on their cheeks deepen in color. They were close, he could tell. “You gonna be good and give me another one?” He grinned, removing the two fingers inside them, a satisfying squelch hitting his ears. River moaned weakly at the emptiness, their chest heaving before they gulped and nodded as they looked up at his face. He pressed the pads of those two fingers against their clit and rubbed in tight little circles. “C’mon, baby,” he grumbled against their neck before sucking lightly at the tattooed flesh.
River whined pathetically, their thighs shaking even harder around his arm. The hand that was around his wrist moved to brace themselves on the table. Their fingernails dug into the table as they scratched against the wood. “F-fuck,” they moaned, biting their lip. Blood thundered in their ears in time with their rapid heartbeat. “I-inside, please.”
“Only because you asked so nicely,” Frankie smirked, his bear paw of a hand covering them entirely as he swirled around their clit a few more times. His middle finger teasingly moved from their clit down to their opening at an agonizingly slow pace, making River groan in frustration. He chuckled darkly, slipping the tip of his finger inside them until it was as deep as it could go. River’s whole body went taut briefly before relaxing, their hips meeting the rhythm his hand was making in a gentle wave. “Mmm, very good,” he hummed, kissing up their neck until his lips latched onto their earlobe to nibble lovingly.
The surface of the table between River’s legs was soaked. They’d built up a little puddle as Frankie pulled orgasm after orgasm out of them, and it was about to get even worse. Their eyes shot open as the feeling low in their tummy felt… different. “Frankie,” they whimpered, looking at him with those big eyes again. “I’m– It’s not–”
Frankie looked at their face with mock worry, slipping his ring finger in alongside the middle one. “What is it, sweet thing?” He grinned, picking up the pace of his fingers again. Their pussy was loud, wet squelching sounds filling the air around them. He pressed the pad of his thumb against their clit and rubbed hard. River’s eyes rolled back and they moaned out into the apartment, unable to speak.
“Can’t even say anything, can you?” He pouted, his tone saccharine. The arm holding them up moved slightly so he could tangle his fingers into their long hair, the tips running over the back of their neck teasingly. He gripped onto their sweaty hair and forced them to look him in the eye. “You gonna come? Look at me when you do.”
River’s entire body shuddered as they nodded obediently, biting their lip.
“Good,” Frankie grumbled lowly, watching their face closely. It didn’t take much longer after that for their face to twist in pleasure and for their hips to halt all movement as they came hard. River’s body shook like a leaf as wetness covered Frankie’s entire hand. “Mmm, that’s it,” he hummed comfortingly, the hand on the back of their head cradling their neck. River’s hips rolled with the waves of their orgasm, making them whine pathetically. “Shh…” Frankie kissed their forehead, keeping his curved nose buried in their hair. They wrapped their shaking arms around Frankie’s torso as the last few aftershocks wracked through their body.
“C-can’t go again,” they panted, face buried in the fabric of his t-shirt. 
“‘S okay, baby, I know,” he smiled, kissing the top of their head. He slid his fingers out of them, one final gush of slick landing in the little puddle on the table. Frankie’s hand gripped River’s hip and pulled their body towards his own so he could hold them for a few moments. They stayed wrapped in each other’s arms for a little while until River came down and could breathe evenly again. “Was a big one, huh?” 
River hummed in satisfaction and nodded against his chest. Their hair was messy and sticking to every part of their sweaty body. 
“You want some water?” 
River squeezed their arms around Frankie’s soft middle before saying, “Yes, please,” in a quiet voice.
“You’re gonna have to let go of me for that, Río,” Frankie grinned.
River pouted before reluctantly detaching from him. He looked over their flushed face and relaxed body, smiling to himself. He leaned over and pressed his lips to theirs in a gentle kiss, but it slowly built to something deeper. River hummed into his mouth and cupped his cheeks with their hands. Frankie parted and pressed his forehead to theirs. “Be right back,” he whispered, eyes never leaving their face until he stepped into the kitchen next to them. 
“Wait, don’t you have work?” River asked from the table, pointedly sitting next to the little puddle they created. “And could you grab some paper towels?” They added quietly, a blush creeping up their neck.
“I can be a few minutes late,” Frankie said as he came into the dining room, a glass of water in one hand and a roll of paper towels in the other. He handed them the glass first and set the paper towels next to them on the table. He made a little growly sound deep in his chest at the sight, but forced himself not to act on it. He couldn’t be that late. 
“I’ll take care of it,” River smiled shyly, taking a big gulp of water. 
“You better,” Frankie smirked, hands laying on their thighs as he stepped between their legs again. “Want you to take a shower while I’m gone, okay? And do one of those weird face masks you like so much. Since I can’t be here to take care of you properly,” he frowned, kissing their cheek. 
“Yes, sir,” River rolled their eyes and pinched his hip. They took another drink of their water and set the empty glass behind them on the table. “You better go.”
Frankie sighed and nodded, giving them one final, proper kiss before he stepped back. He reached the door and grabbed his keys from the little dish on the table. When he looked back, River was leaning on their elbows on the table, one leg gracefully draped over the other. Their tattooed skin was shiny with sweat still and they were perfectly content with staying naked right on his dining room table. A shiver traveled down Frankie’s spine at the sight of them.
River waved their hand at him and giggled mischievously. “Go!”
Frankie shut the door behind him with a smile on his face, and a tightness in his jeans he hoped would be gone by the time he got to work.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
whatever you write is probably going to take me straight out but i love the way your fics do that to me, so "laughing while kissing" for the soft prompts please and thank you 🤗
Soundtrack to this one. Soft prompts! Finished ones!
“Chimney’s doing another round of s’mores, you want one?”
Buck half turns from his spot at the edge of the tide. It was hot enough earlier that the cool bite of the ocean around his ankles still feels good as they creep closer to midnight than evening. “Nah, I had like eight of them with the kids.”
Eddie does a little hop over the foamy surf to stand beside him, and then licks his marshmallowy fingers clean. “Suit yourself.”
Another wave comes in and Eddie does his little hop over it again, except they really are at the very edge of the water so there's not really much foam to avoid. Buck squints at him a little, but he's unable to help the fond smile yanking his mouth around.
"What… are you doing?"
"Huh? Oh…" Eddie looks down at his feet and lets out a sort of bashful laugh. "Uh, we came to the coast to visit Pepa when we were kids - like little kids, I don't know if I was even five yet - and, uh…" Eddie looks at him, also sort of squinting and smiling. "I had it in my head that if the very edge of a wave touched me I'd get eaten by an alligator."
"W- why?" Buck gets out past a laugh. Eddie shoves him gently.
"I dunno, I was four. Made sense at the time. I think I maybe thought California was in Florida."
Buck laughs again, and when the next wave comes and they both hop over it he laughs harder, hands on his knees as Eddie chuckles beside him. He hasn’t bothered to straighten up when Eddie speaks again.
“Not in a bonfire mood?”
Buck looks out at the moon’s reflection cutting a path all the way to the distant islands that are just visible on this clear, bright night. “Just nice to be in a different ocean for a bit.”
Eddie hums, and kicks a little wet sand at him. “Now who thinks he’s in Florida? Same ocean, Buck, we’re two hours from home.”
“You know what I mean.” He waves a hand in a sweeping gesture. “It’s… vacation ocean.”
Eddie’s smiling in a way that seems to have trapped the words in his mouth, and Buck has to look back out at the waves or the full moon will give away the burning in his cheeks. “Yeah,” Eddie says eventually. “I know what you mean.”
Buck thinks he does. Eddie is the responsible one, of the two of them, level headed and no nonsense and calm, so it's been a little delightful to watch him throw himself into this camping trip with reckless abandon. He’d challenged the firefighters among them in a swimming race out to the floating platforms just offshore, begged alongside the kids to go walk down the beach to the little burger joint for ice cream, and charged around the woods with them after dinner, playing right along in their game of hunting for a spaceship full of aliens that might want to make friends, blinking their flashlights and throwing their laughter up into the sky in attempts to communicate.
Buck had spent the week before the trip feeling kind of sad about getting dumped, and feeling kind of guilty for not feeling more sad, and feeling a little… something, about how relieved Eddie had looked when he’d told him things with Marisol had also fizzled out. He’d liked Natalia, a lot. She was cool, and beautiful, and thought he was too, and she knew so little about him and his life that she felt like a safe place to exist without context for a while. It’s all a little dreamy, though, in hindsight, and Buck thinks he’d maybe tricked himself into finding a new method of running away from his own life disguised as grabbing on to a new one.
Vacation ocean. Maybe that’s what this is, too, another escape. Except Eddie is here, standing next to him and real as anything.
Buck feels like he’s got all the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle floating around in his head, and has just started in on the edges when Eddie says “Hello, earth to Buck.”
“Oh, sorry, were you saying something?” Buck takes a step further into the water, back to the waves despite any good advice about ocean safety. Eddie’s watching out for him, he’ll be ok.
“No, not really.”
“Did you ever find them?” Buck is wet up to his mid calves now.
“The friendly aliens.”
Eddie’s face scrunches into a grin. “Uh huh. Turns out they like s’mores too. And look a lot like Maddie and Jee-Yun.”
Buck breathes out laughter, and Eddie steps closer to him. “I didn’t text Bobby this morning.”
“Well, he was like five feet away. Drew short straw, had to set up his tent next to you and your rhinoceros snores.”
Buck takes another step back, and Eddie takes another step forward. They’re wet to the knees, now. “I mean… I was less surprised today. When I woke up.”
Eddie’s expression almost looks neutral, Buck can only see the smile because he might know this man’s face better than his own. “Yeah?”
Eddie nods. “That’s good. You’ve seemed a little… something.”
“Before now, or this weekend?”
Eddie tilts his head, in a move so like Buck himself it makes him smile. “Both. In different ways.”
Buck takes another half step back, water licking at his thighs. “I think things were a little dull before. I think things are a little bright now. Letting my eyes adjust.”
Eddie nods again, thoughtful, and just a hair nervous. “Hope you like the view.”
Buck grins with half his mouth, biting his cheek with the other. “Mmhm.”
They’re quiet for a moment, the gentle roar of waves around them, a distant happy shout drifting over from the campground. Eddie takes the half step to close the distance. “Buck,” he sighs. “I have bad news.”
“What?” He frowns, and his stomach flip flops just a little. He’d like to think he knows Eddie well enough that he hadn’t misread the situation, but he’s been known to be an idiot about these kinds of things before.
“Unfortunately…” Eddie tilts his head forward, very close to Buck’s own, and says “There were also evil aliens and I did get possessed by one,” before shoving him backwards into the sea.
Buck goes down laughing, and comes up spluttering. Eddie is giggling as he moves sideways in the surf to escape revenge, but he’s not trying all that hard and Buck’s lunge takes him off his feet. They roll around in the water, a lot colder now that it's not just their ankles submerged, and end up in a kind of breathless tangled together kneeling situation, rocked by the current as it comes and goes.
“You piece of shit,” Buck says, fully grinning, and Eddie roars with laughter. “We’re gonna get our tents soaking wet.”
“So we change in yours and you come to mine,” Eddie says, a little scared and a little brave.
Buck splashes him, and Eddie laughs, and then Buck kisses him, and Eddie laughs into that too, the sound a little disbelieving and a lot giddy. Buck pushes forward into it and Eddie falls back till he’s sitting and they’re both almost underwater, so Buck pulls him back up again and Eddie chases the kiss, and they’re both laughing into it now, puffs of air passed back and forth between them.
“This is-“ Buck speaks the words mostly into Eddie’s mouth, shaking a little from the giggling and the cold and the everything else. “I can come to your tent?”
“Yeah, Buck.”
“And this is- it’s vacation ocean?”
Eddie pulls back, just a tiny bit, and puts his hand on Buck’s face, fingers already a little pruny. “It’s the same ocean as always, Buck.”
“I can… come home, after?”
“You can come home forever,” Eddie says, and kisses him again. It’s not a very successful kiss, what with Buck nodding into it and Eddie smiling too much to work his mouth at all, but Buck is putting it in the top five kisses of his life anyway. “Come on, let's go get dry.” Eddie stands up out of the water, and then pulls Buck to shore.
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