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dragalialife · 3 months ago
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#374: Don't Knock the Knock-Offs
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charactersmashorpass-2 · 2 months ago
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kmtva · 1 year ago
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Got this ADORABLE Keychain from the incredibly talented @satsuha ! Lovers of Dragalia and Octopath should definitely check them out!!
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Marishiten - Monster Strike
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in-case-of-rain · 2 years ago
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[ Boar emoji ]
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mahoromouse · 10 months ago
Bucchigiri?! Name Meanings Part 2
Continuing some name analysis with the Siguma Squad members:
Jin Marito / 神摩利人
As previously stated, 神 ("jin") can also be read as "kami" or "god". 摩利 ("mari") is likely derived from 摩利支天 ("Marishiten" in Japanese), the name of a Buddhist deity associated with light and the sun. From Wikipedia:
"In Japanese Buddhism, she is depicted as a warrior goddess – the protector of the bushi or Samurai and their passion for justice."
人 ("to") can be read as the common word "hito" in Japanese (meaning "person"). It is used as an ending in many typically male names.
Tahide Outa / 大英王太
大 ("ta" or "da") can mean "big" or "great".
While the reading of 英 as "hide" relates to excellence and prosperity, the character itself can mean several things:
1. English
2. flower, petal
3. hero
Funnily enough his last name can be read as the Japanese term for "Great Britain".
王 ("ou") is the word for "king", which forms half of the "God Kings" nickname (with "Jin" forming the other half being written with the kanji for "god"). 太 ("ta" or "tai") translates most directly to "thick" or "fat" (adapted from the base character 大 which as mentioned means "big"). It might also relate to the Chinese word 太太 ("taitai") a title literally meaning "married woman" in Cantonese and colloquially meaning "an elected leader-wife". It can also mean the head-wife of a multi-wife (polygynous / sister-wife) family. If intentional, this meaning is sorta hilarious considering how Outa treats Marito in regards to having other (sparring) partners.
Jabashiri Nagare / 蛇走流
蛇 ("jaba") can also be read as "hebi", the Japanese word for "snake". His fighting style being a combination of snake fists and headbutts (like a striking snake) is probably related to this. 走 ("shiri") can also be read as "hashi", meaning "running". 流 ("nagare") can also be read as "ryuu", meaning "flow" or "current". This is what his nickname of "Ryuu-chan" is likely derived from.
Hagure Tatsuto / 刃暮達兎
刃 ("ha") means "blade" or "edge". 暮 ("gure" or "kure") can mean several things:
1. dusk
2. twilight
3. livelihood
4. make a living
5. spend time
達 ("tatsu") relates to reaching for or achieving something. It can be also read as "tachi", a particle used to apply to a noun to pluralize it. For example, "kodomo" means "child" and "kodomo-tachi" means "children". 兎 ("to") can also be read as "usagi", the Japanese word for "rabbit". Perhaps this relates to his rather nervous disposition.
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ryin-silverfish · 5 months ago
Was there any rationale as to who got what master in FSYY? Guangchengzi and Chijingzi teaching the two princes of the Shang Dynasty makes sense, as they have a reputation for being teachers of kings. Assigning Nezha to Taiyi also makes a certain amount of sense as Taiyi's main responsibility is saving souls from perdition. Nezha's two brothers train under two immortals with connections to Buddhism because of their syncretic origins. Wen Zhong, the chief Thunder God, learns from Doumu, the Daoist adaptation of Marishiten and the goddess of starlight. But then Qingxu-Daode Tianzun trains Yang Ren and Huang Tianhua, two powerful gods, but ones that have ambiguous reputations (all 60 Taisui and their lord Yin Jiao are perceived as very fierce, while Prince Bingling, in his role as a mountain god, has myths and folk legends of being lustful). And Yuding trains Yang Jian while Daoheng trains Wei Tuo/Skanda/Idaten, and Kakusandha trains the earth-affliated deity Tuxing Sun. Some matchups seem to be meaningful, others look more random.
In Yuding's case, I think it might be because he was mentioned as a sage of Western Shu aka Sichuan, the heart of Erlang worship, and thus they were made masters and disciples based on proximity.
Outside of Taiyi's relation to Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun, there's also a bunch of Song paintings of the sage, and the most famous one by Li Boshi featured him lying atop a lotus leaf, reading a book.
The painting itself did not survive, and we only know its content bc the poet Han Ju had written a poem about it, but this might be what eventually inspired the Lotus Resurrection Thing.
Aside from Wei Tuo, Daoheng has 2 other deified disciples, Han Dulong and Xue E'hu, who became the gods in charge of the addition and subtraction of fortunes, traditionally depicted as two young acolytes.
You are right that the matchup is pretty random, and I attribute that to the fact that the immortals themselves are pretty much OCs, whose only relation to any IRL deities/sages is their names.
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dragalialife · 10 months ago
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#187: Gourmet Gifts
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avikats66 · 5 months ago
Japanese Buddhist Hand Seals
So have y’all seen this post?
I did some rough translations for the hand seals’ corresponding Japanese deities shown on the source website, featuring romanization of the Japanese kanji alongside the Sanskrit romanization for their Buddhist/Hindu counterparts and a brief descriptor based on what I found using the internet.
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印 / Shirushi / Mudra
1 釈迦如来 / Shaka Nyorai / Shakyamuni / Historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism
2 薬師如来 / Yakushi Nyorai / Bhaisajyaguru / Medicine Buddha
3 阿弥陀如来 / Amida Nyorai / Amitābha / Buddha of Limitless Light
4 弥勒如来(弥勒菩薩) / Miroku Nyorai (Miroku Bosatsu) / Maitreya / Future Buddha
5 大日如来 / Dainichi Nyorai / Mahāvairocana / Cosmic Buddha
6 仏眼仏母 / Butsu Genbutsu Mo / Buddhalocanā / Buddha Eye Buddha
7 観世音菩薩 / Kanzeon Bosatsu / Avalokiteśvara / Bodhisattva of Compassion
8 十一面観音 / Juuichimen Kannon / Ekādaśamukha / Eleven-Faced Kannon
9 千手観音 / Senju Kannon / Avalokiteshvara / Thousand-Armed Kannon
10 不空羂索観音 / Fukuukenjaku Kannon / Amoghapasa / Unfailing Lasso Kannon
11 如意輪観音 / Nyoirin Kannon / Cintāmaṇi Cakra / Wishing Gem Wheel Kannon
12 馬頭観音 / Batou Kannon / Hayagriva / Horse Head Kannon
13 准胝観音 / Jundei Kannon / Cundī / Female Buddhist Deity
14 文殊菩薩 / Monju Bosatsu / Manjushri / Bodhisattva of Transcendent Wisdom
15 普賢菩薩 / Fugen Bosatsu / Samantabhadra / Bodhisattva of Practice
16 勢至菩薩 / Seishi Bosatsu / Mahāsthāmaprāpta / Bodhisattva of Wisdom
17 日光菩薩 / Nikkou Bosatsu / Sūryaprabha / Bodhisattva of Sunshine and Good Health
18 月光菩薩 / Gakkoi Bosatsu / Candraprabha / Bodhisattva of Moonlight
19 虚空蔵菩薩 / Kokuuzou Bosatsu / Ākāśagarbha / Bodhisattva of Space
20 地蔵菩薩 / Jizou Bosatsu / Kṣitigarbha / Bodhisattva of Children, Travellers, and the Deceased
21 金剛サッタ/ Kongousatta / Vajrasattva / Vajra Bodhisattva
22 般若菩薩 / Hannya Bosatsu / Prajñāpāramitā Devī / Bodhisattva of Inconceivable Wisdom
23 薬王菩薩 / Yakuou Bosatsu / Bhaiṣajyarāja / Bodhisattva of Medicine
24 軍荼利明王 / Gundari Myouou / Kundali / Wisdom King and Dharmapala
25 大威徳明王 / Daiitoku Myouou / Yamāntaka / Wisdom King and Destroyer of Death
26 金剛夜叉明王 / Kongouyasha Myouou / Vajrayaksa / Wrathful Wisdom King and Manifestation of Kannon/Amoghasiddhi
27 烏枢沙摩明王 / Ususama Myouou / Ucchusma / Wrathful Wisdom King and Remover of Impurities
28 愛染明王 / Aizen Myouou / Rāgarāja / Wisdom King who Transforms Lust into Spiritual Awakening
29 不動明王 / Fudou Myouou / Acala / Vanquisher of Evil and Protector of the State
30 降三世明王 / Gouzanze Myouou / Trailokyavijaya / King of Knowledge and Conqueror of the Three Worlds
31 大元帥明王 / Daigensui Myouou / Āṭavaka / Yaksha Wisdom King
32 孔雀明王 / Kujaku Myouou / Mahamayuri / Protective Goddess and Wisdom King
33 六字明王 idk how best to read this one tbh, but the English translation is: Wisdom King of the Six Characters, referencing the Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani (chant), which is associated with Avalokiteśvara / Oṃ maṇi padme hūm̐ (praise to the jewel in the lotus)
34 毘沙門天 / Bishamonten / Vaiśravaṇa / Heavenly King and God of Warriors
35 吉祥天 / Kisshouten / Śrī Mahādevī (Lakshmi) / Goddess of Beauty, Fertility, and Good Fortune
36 梵天 / Bonten / Brahma / God of Creation
37 帝釈天 / Taishakuten / Śakra / Ruler of the Trāyastriṃśa Heaven
38 弁才天 / Benzaiten / Saraswati / Goddess of the Arts
39 大黒天 / Daikokuten / Mahākāla / God of Household Wealth and Fortune
40 深沙大将 / Jinja Taishou / Shensha Shen / Protective Desert Entity originating from Chinese lore and associated with Bishamonten/Vaiśravaṇa
41 歓喜天 / Kangiten / Nandikeshvara / Sacred Bull Mount and Guardian God to Shiva
42 荼吉尼天 / Dakiniten / Dākinī / Dakini (flesh-eating spirit) Goddess associate with Inari
43 伎芸天 / Gigeiten / Celestial Maiden and Patron of the Arts said to be born from Daijizaiten/Mahesvara
44 摩利支天 / Marishiten / Mārīcī / Goddess of Light, Dawn, and Patron of Warriors
45 韋駄天 / Idaten / Skanda / Messenger and Protector of Buddhist Shrines/Teachings
46 鬼子母神 / Kishimojin / Hārītī / Wrathful and Protective Goddess of Children
47 閻魔天 / Enmaten / Yama / God of Death and Justice
48 大日如来法界定 / Dainichi Nyorai Houkai / Mahāvairocana/Vairocana Dharmadhatu / Cosmic Buddha Realm
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chicagomxde · 1 year ago
Like what you see, K? I feel like paying the Friday Night show is just a fair decision. Don't worry, I'll try not to steal your spotlights. And you without the face paint doesn't scare me. I mean I was scared, but for the others. @marishitenisms
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itsmarjudgelove · 11 months ago
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摩利支 Marishiten is a god of protection and accumulation of wealth through conquest. In the early modern period (Late 16th~early 17th c), many images and prints of Marishiten riding a boar were produced but there are few examples. This is because the Marishiten Sutra states that images should be 半寸~一寸 (1.5~3cm/0.5~1 inch) in size and worn secretly against the skin. If another person knows you have one, its power is lessened.
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yamayuandadu · 1 year ago
Do you think the Atago Izanami/Jizo connection could have had anything to do with Jizo's role as a psychopomp/saviour of condemned souls under certain circumstances vs Izanami's descent into the underworld?
Mt. Atago was historically associated not with the "regular" Jizō but with a form called Shogun Jizō, who was depicted armed and on horseback and was linked to protection from fire and, as one can guess from the iconography and close ties to Marishiten, with martial valor. The pairing with Izanami seems to be a part of a bigger network which also included Kagutsuchi (who is still enshrined there today) and goes back to the fire connection. For more details see Patricia Yamada's Bodhisattva as Warrior God. The Curious Case of Shōgun Jizō.
I will note here I have yet to see a single instance of Izanami being firmly associated with the afterlife in Buddhist or Buddhist-adjacent contexts. When she and Izanagi do appear in medieval theological speculation it's primarily either in the role of creators, through the shared connection to Ishanaten, or both at once. Meanwhile, Amaterasu has a firm connection to Enma which for a while was pretty enthusiastically embraced even at the Ise shrines themselves. In other words, you cannot expect everything to revolve around Kojiki and Shoki.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years ago
How about Makagamiten for Kagami alt akumatized form? Her design is based on Marici/Marishiten
Its a cool idea but I dont really see how it would relate to it or Kagami's character.
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pactwyrm · 2 years ago
bad end au
canon divergent au where ieyasu betrays the wyrmclans in the final battle against tsukuyomi in exchange for ochimizu (tsukuyomi's magic water that turned yoshitsune immortal)
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ieyasu has always been very insistent about keeping the peace "forever" and even when making his pact with marishiten he practically says he would rule the world if it meant he could achieve peace.
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sazanka's story reveals that she is loyal to ieyasu, not the wyrmclans, and addis as a foreigner similarly has no loyalty to hinomoto, just to ieyasu who saved him. sazanka even hints at the possibility of ieyasu going against the wyrmclans and that she would be troubled if she had to choose between them (but given her and elly's discussion at the end of her story i think it's likely sazanka would take ieyasu's side...) so i think she and addis would also just stand by yasu if he were to go Evil
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in rikugo's warning to yoshitsune about the truth of her immortality he literally says the other leaders would doubtlessly defect to tsukuyomi's side if they knew of it. despite this yoshitsune eventually tells seimei, though he had no interest in immortality
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and amongst the wyrmclan leaders that we've seen, the one who is the closest to rejecting his short lifespan is ieyasu. nobunaga expresses some concerns about it in the clawful caper, but only yasu outright says that he wishes he could live longer. although shingen helps him overcome this in canon and at this point tsukuyomi is already gone, he seems like the most likely to fall into the temptation of immortality
i think marishiten also seems like the least likely to be loyal to amaterasu... canon doesn't reveal how she became one of the great twelve but according to the actual zodiac myth the boar was the last one to arrive in the race lol. and the thing she says about all her previous pactbearers being "power-hungry tyrants" like... aren't they all yasu's ancestors...
anyway i think marishiten wouldn't really care if yasu betrays the wyrmclans in fact she might be grateful for the fact that she can go apeshit and start wars (lol) and given that she's known as the wyrm of war i think it would be cool to see smth like... marishiten never stands on the losing side so once yasu defected to the mukuroshu it was over
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bodhi-ryuchai · 1 year ago
AMbient Communion II CD production...
CDs are currently in production...
Les CD sont actuellement en production...
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tokyoshrine · 2 years ago
The Japan that no one knows. Katsu Shokichi, father of Katsu Kaishu, delinquent samurai and eternal kid general
Marishiten Son Nisaki Shrine
When you visit, you will find a sanctuary in a residential area with the sound of birds and fresh breezes. Although the shrine grounds are not as spacious as they used to be, you can feel that the people of this area have been enshrining the shrine with great care. The priest whom Katsu Shokichi scolded. What kind of life did he lead after that? The story of the Japanese people is told by the diaries of those who lived through the Edo period. It is the joy of Tokyo shrines to enjoy such things.
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