#Maria barcelito
brbarou · 2 years
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20 years of baccano huh
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lasersight · 1 year
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avvos · 2 years
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esperanzacboronial · 1 year
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Happy Baccano! Week!!!
Day 1: Connections, fate and coincidence
The links between people aren't cut that easily. They don't have any form, just like air, so you can't cut them even if you tried...
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Baccano Week Day 3: Resilience and Adversity
I couldn’t think of anything to draw for this day so I drew women. Lol
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gunmeister · 2 years
i could write a thousand page essay on why maria barcelito is one of the best written characters in fiction but really nothing exemplifies that more than her victory against adele. adele has spent all this time taunting her about how she just doesn’t have the weapon range necessary to beat her, so what does she do? she hurls one katana forward and pushes it with the other katana, faking adele out into thinking she’s trying to double her range when actually the katana in the front is just a distraction. she’s not winning against adele because her weapon has a better range, she’s just winning because SHE is better. and that is very neat to me.
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Hello there Maria Barcelito fans.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
@empiriical ( tick jefferson ) / my-pick starter call. ( maria barcelito )
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"Heeeey, amigo!"
Maria pokes the torturer in the back of the head, finger lingering for a second too long to not be a little annoying. "You'll never guess what!"
It probably doesn't matter if Tick guesses correctly; Maria is generally known to get a little impatient about this sort of thing and spoil it anyway. Still, she seems to be in a relatively good mood, which isn't altogether uncommon, but it's a sign that whatever she's doing or has done hasn't been run by Luck just yet.
"Okay, you're really never going to guess, you know. So I'll tell you everything. I made you something!" It's an odd declaration from a person whose most defining trait is destroying things in a particularly violent way, but Maria seems very proud of herself. "So, you're not busy, right? Right? Hey, you're free right now, aren't you? Because I worked pretty hard on it, amigo, and you have to come see."
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drfeelgreed · 3 months
❛  oh god. please tell me you haven’t just heard me talk to myself.  ❜ tsujimura for maria !
"Yep! Every last bit of it!"
Maria had been keeping pace with the woman until that moment, but here she moves quickly, standing directly in front of her on the sidewalk and obstructing her path. Though her grin doesn't reveal any ill intent, there's a gleam in her eyes that doesn't exactly match the way an ordinary person would react upon hearing about a situation like that.
"So, you're headed off to do something pretty dangerous, right? Right? Is that what I'm hearing? To 'deal with someone', right?" Her chipper tone of voice doesn't change as she asks the incredibly suspicious question, either unaware or uncaring of the consequences of asking that kind of thing to a stranger. "I'm just guessing a little randomly, but... I'm also supposed to be 'dealing with someone' right now, so it'd help if you could tell me everything you know about these people who've been causing problems over here for the past few weeks! Okay?"
'Causing problems' is a startlingly gentle way to speak about gruesome murders.
first meetings. / accepting.
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boundlss · 1 year
“I’ll go anywhere you want.” ( for maria ! )
It's an incredibly touching sentiment, so naturally, Maria's first reaction is not to react at all.
It's not as if this would be their first time walking the Path together. However, Maria grows increasingly more aware of the fact that they've never planned to travel together before, not really---every other time, it's been circumstance and convenience. Delightful circumstance, in Maria's eyes, but still circumstance. It wasn't ever an arrangement she'd had any complaints about, not minding the abrupt meetings and departures as much as another might have in her situation.
Unfortunately, while her first instinct is to freeze, her second instinct is to continue talking as normal, which never generally yields results that actually fit the tone of these kinds of conversations, which Maria doesn't really know how to have.
"Well, it's not really about where I want to go, right?" Maria registers shortly after speaking that it sounds a little bit too hash in response to what Ciri had actually said, so she doubles back, a move which is completely unlike her. "Still, I wouldn't mind something like that. Obviously I'd never turn you away!"
atlas I. / accepting.
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sidestriker · 2 months
relevant to exactly no one but striker in his baccano au making the trip up to new york from south texas alongside maria barcelito fresh out of mexico is a really funny image and i want that to be canon to this au because i think maria would annoy the shit out of him
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baccano-gauntlet · 2 years
Lana v. Frank
Fred v. Leeza Laforet
Sham v. Pamela
Rachel v. Isaac Dian
Dallas Genoard v. Charon Walken
Huey Laforet v. Chané Laforet
Czeslaw Meyer v. Nader Schasschule
Gretto Avaro v. Esperanza C. Boroñal
Donatello v. Sylvie Lumiere
The President of the Daily Days v. Roy Maddock
Berga Gandor v. Carlotta
Chaini v. Claire Stanfield
Christopher Shaldred v. Eve Genoard
Angelo v. Victor Talbot
Kate Gandor v. Miria Harvent
Feldt Nibiru v. Laz Smith
Melvi Dormentaire v. Ennis
Donny v. Charkie
Carnea Kaufman v. Ronny Schiatto
Niki v. Edith
Mark Wilmens v. Maria Barcelito
Molsa Martillo v. Rail
Graham Specter v. Firo Prochainezo
Lebreau Fermet Viralesque v. Nice Holystone
Misery v. Adele
Lucrezia de Dormentaire v. Nile
Jacuzzi Splot v. Luck Gandor
Aging v. Lua Klein v. Fil
Carol v. Nicola Casetti
Paula Wilmens v. Denkuro Togo
Begg Garrott v. Claudia Walken
Ricardo Russo v. Tick Jefferson
Maiza Avaro v. Monica Campanella
Elmer C. Albatross v. Juliano
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lasersight · 2 years
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starrymused · 1 year
Luck Gandor is one of the heads of the Gandor Family mafia alongside his older brothers Keith and Berga. He and his brothers become complete immortals in November 1930 after unwittingly consuming the Cure-All Elixir at the Martillo Family's promotion party for Firo Prochainezo.
Luck conducts himself with practiced composure, usually suave and courteous even when that courtesy is not sincerely meant. Such conduct befits the role of a quintessential mafioso, a role Luck wants to, is expected to, and must fill as a Gandor boss; as neither he nor those close to him are fully convinced he is suited to be mafia, he constantly, consciously emulates the qualities he 'ought' to have, including ruthlessness and shrewd civility.
While Luck is not 'cut out' for the mafia, he has proven himself more than competent and capable in acting like one to the point where some like Firo Prochainezo will call him the "perfect mafioso" he strives to be. Furthermore, underneath Luck's calm veneer lies turbulent emotion—up to 1930—including that of passionate violent intent when his family, friends, or men have been killed or harmed in some way. His vengeful ire can be genuinely murderous in such situations, though he possesses enough self-awareness and self-control to recognize such feelings and actively try to manage them.
As honed as Luck's sangfroid is, it is not ironclad. The fury that he suppresses when his men are murdered in 1930 boils when he is confronted with their murderers, and he instinctively shoots Dallas Genoard in the head when that fury bubbles over. Meanwhile, there is no similar scale when it comes to forgiveness: he cannot and will not forgive those who have done harm to those he cares about or is responsible for. The pain he feels for those killed under his watch or wronged is long-lasting and sharp, and not easily forgotten.
Unbridled anger is not the only emotion that has cracked Luck's mask of composure; when talking to Maria Barcelito, whom he finds hard to manage, he has on more than one occasion let his exasperation and irritation get the better of him—much to his men's amusement, and to his lack thereof. He is also surprised and chagrined at himself when he realizes how bluntly he is speaking to Eve Genoard in 1932, more affected by their personal situation than he should have been as a mafia boss.
Luck's need to prove himself is as much for his brothers as it is for his men, other Families, and himself. As the youngest brother, he strove to act mature and be taken seriously (when he was often not due to his age) even in adolescence, and his admiration for his brothers' more natural gangster mien—coupled with envy—continues on through 1935. His brothers are the only people with whom he drops his mask of calm, and even then only in private.
As someone introspective and prone to overthinking, Luck is conscious of how immortality has affected him and his brothers, and believes himself to have changed for the worse. In becoming immortal, he no longer fears death like he did when mortal; in becoming immortal he has become apathetic, his emotions no longer as fierce and violent as they were before. This troubles him to no small degree, as especially does the possibility he may never again possess such passion, and he admits to feeling jealous when he recognizes such passion and life-risking determination in others.
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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" maria is . . . is . . . well, for lack of a better term, excitable. to a rather bothersome degree. i dislike speaking ill of my employees -- she does her job well enough and is reliable when needed. however, she is . . . difficult to control. you have seen her in action. sometimes, no matter what you tell her, she goes head first into whatever danger there is for a chance to slash it. i s'ppose this is a good quality to have when you're a hi -- a bodyguard, but it is . . . in the longterm, it could lead to quite a few issues for your employer. i wish this was something she could understand, not to mention needless fights are . . . the point is, as decently as she can carry out her job, her recklessness leaves much to be desired. hm? no, leaving Miss Maria back with my brothers is an even worse idea. in fact, i'm the only one who has any real desire to curb her impulses . . . if i had left her home . . . no, i won't think about it. i can already feel my blood pressure about to reach the breaking point. "
genshin voicelines au
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brbarou · 3 years
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an excuse to draw my faves shirtless studies! these are studies
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