#Maria Krüger
Maria Krüger – Karolcia
Roman Pisarski – O psie który jeździł
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📖 Caro (Karolcia), Maria Krüger, 1959. Extrait en français.
« …dans une fissure dans le plancher, là où s’était trouvé le buffet, bleuissait une perle, ovale comme une graine de haricot… »
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dkavisen · 2 years
Dansk Industri samler kræfterne for at løfte messecentrene
Dansk Industri samler kræfterne for at løfte messecentrene
Dansk Industri etablerer DI Venues sammen med en række af de største aktører på området deriblandt MCH og Bellagroup, som er nye medlemmer i DI. Målet er at løfte branchens politiske dagsordener og styrke virksomhederne gennem sparring og netværk. Som en del af branchefællesskabet DI Turisme og Oplevelser etablerer DI nu en særlig indsats for arenaer, messe-, konference- og spillesteder under…
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perfettamentechic · 8 months
19 gennaio ... ricordiamo ...
19 gennaio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Yoon Jeong-hee, pseudonimo di Son Mi-ja, attrice sudcoreana. È apparsa in circa 280 opere che le hanno valso oltre venti statuette come miglior attrice, diventando una delle donne di spicco del cinema sudcoreano degli anni Sessanta. Yoon ottenne la sua prima parte come attrice mentre studiava alla Chosun University, raggiungendo la notorietà già con il suo film di debutto, Cheongchun…
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Koniec rundy pierwszej turnieju lektur klas I-III
Do rundy drugiej przechodzą następujące książki:
-Hans Christian Andersen "Baśnie";
-Agnieszka Frączek "Rany Julek! O tym, jak Julian Tuwim został poetą";
-Julita Grodek "Mania, dziewczyna inna niż wszystkie";
-Grzegorz Kasdepke "Detektyw Pozytywka";
-Barbara Kosmowska "Dziewczynka z parku";
-Maria Kownacka "Plastusiowy pamiętnik" [tej książki od dobrych kilku lat nie ma na oficjalnej liście lektur, ale nadal jest przerabiana w wielu szkołach i jest tak żelaznym klasykiem, gdy chodzi o książki dla dzieci oswajające ze szkołą, że zdecydowałam się ją włączyć do turnieju);
-Maria Krüger "Karolcia";
-Asa Lind "Piaskowy Wilk";
-Astrid Lindgren "Dzieci z Bullerbyn";
-Hugh Lofting "Doktor Dolittle i jego zwierzęta";
-Joanna Papuzińska "Asiunia";
-Roman Pisarski "O psie, który jeździł koleją";
-Janina Porazińska "Pamiętnik Czarnego Noska";
-Julian Tuwim "Wiersze dla dzieci";
-Barbara Tylicka "- "O krakowskich psach i kleparskich kotach";
-Łukasz Wierzbicki "Afryka Kazika".
Druga runda wkrótce!
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opera-ghosts · 6 months
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Cosima Wagner and Alfred von Bary; Bayreuth, 1906(?)
Peter Cornelius, Oscar Ralf, Nanny Larsén-Todsen, Franz Egenieff, Franz von Hoeslin, Lauritz Melchior, Hilde Sinnek and Hoeslin's wife; Bayreuth, 1927
Emmy Krüger and Gunnar Graarud; Bayreuth, 1927
Tristan's team: Erich Riede, Evelyn Faltis, Arturo Toscanini, Nanny Larsén-Todsen, Lauritz Melchior, Rudolf Bockelmann and Anny Helm; Bayreuth 1930
Gunnar Graarud, Nanny Larsén-Todsen and Karl Elmendorff; Bayreuth, 1930
Maria Ranzow (Ranzenberg), Erik Zimmermann, Louise Reuss-Belce and Fritz Wolff…; Bayreuth, ?
Lilly Neitzer, (? Köhler), (? Falkenberg), Emmy von Stetten, Fritz Marcks, Emmanuel List, Ruth Berglund, Melitta Amerling, Rudolf Bockelmann, Käthe Heidersbach, Sigrid Onegin, Fritz Wolff, Erik Zimmermann, Robert Burg, (? Hertogg?) and Gotthold Ditter; Bayreuth, 1933
Robert Burg, Richard Strauss and Marta Fuchs; Bayreuth, 1934
Franz von Hoesslin, Heinz Tietjen, Victor de Sabata, Winifred Wagner, Karl Elmendorff and wife; Bayreuth, 1939
Margarete Klose, Max Lorenz and ? and ?; Bayreuth, 1941
Margarete Klose, Walter Büttelmann and ?; Bayreuth, 1941
Margarete Klose and husband Walter Büttelmann; Bayreuth, 1941
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gothic-architecture · 2 years
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Germany's most northerly hill castle, Burg Stargard, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
(Maria Krüger)
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nokzeit · 3 days
Stefan Weiller: Odenwälder Letzte Lieder
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Stefan Weiller: Odenwälder Letzte Lieder (Foto: Stefan Weiller) Was erwartet das Publikum bei dem Liederabend? Die Zuhörer erwartet ein besonderer Abend voller bewegender Geschichten und beeindruckender Musik. Der Buchautor, Hörspielautor und Regisseur Stefan Weiller präsentiert sein Werk über das Leben und das Sterben. Begleitet wird er von der einfühlsamen Sprecherin und Rezitatorin Birgitta Assheuer sowie dem bekanntem Film- und Theaterschauspieler Christoph Maria Herbst und vielen anderen Mitwirkenden. Musikalisch umrahmt wird die Veranstaltung vom großen Bad Mergentheimer Kammerchor unter der Leitung von Dirigent Felix Krüger. Die Musiker des Chores schaffen eine berührende Atmosphäre, die den Abend unvergesslich macht. Die Zuhörer  dürfen sich auf eine inspirierende und heiter-melancholische Veranstaltung, die zum Nachdenken anregt und zugleich Trost spendet. Sterbende erzählen von der Musik ihres Lebens Stefan Weiller hat über Jahre hinweg sterbende Menschen in Hospizen, Tageshospizen, auf Palliativstationen, in Heimen und Pflegeeinrichtungen sowie zu Hause begleitet, um herauszufinden: „Welches Lied werden sie am Ende ihres Lebens als ihr Lied“ bezeichnen? Aus diesen Begegnungen ist das Projekt „Letzte Lieder“ entstanden, das die vielfältigen Eindrücke, Inspirationen und Musiken dieser letzten Lebensphase einfängt. Weillers Arbeit beleuchtet nicht nur die musikalischen Vorlieben der Sterbenden, sondern auch ihre Lebensgeschichten, Eindrücke und inneren Einsichten. Das Projekt bietet ein abwechslungsreiches Programm, das in Lesungen mit Bildern, Musik und Videos präsentiert wird. Diese heiter-melancholischen Abende regen zum Nachdenken über das Leben, das Sterben und die Bedeutung von Musik an und sind sowohl für Fachpublikum als auch für interessierte Besucher geeignet. Einlass 18:30 Uhr, Beginn 20 Uhr. Odenwälder Letzte Lieder am 12.10.2024 Stadthalle Buchen Ticketpreis 29 Euro Informationen und Eintrittskarten: www.odenwald-hospiz.de tickets.odenwald-hospiz.de Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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monkeyssalad-blog · 1 month
Maria-Rosa Rodriguez
Maria-Rosa Rodriguez by Truus, Bob & Jan too! Via Flickr: German postcard by Krüger, no. 902/334. Photo: Art Messick. Exotic starlet Maria-Rosa Rodriguez was the sexy leading lady of a dozen French and Italian films of the 1960s and early 1970s. Her main claim to fame was the Louis de Funès comedy Le grand restaurant (1966). There is not much biographical information to be found about Maria-Rosa Rodriguez on the internet. A source suggests she was a Spanish actress, but possibly she is born in Ecuador. In 1960 a Maria-Rosa Rodriguez was crowned Miss Ecuador Mundo 1960. However, there is a bit more information about her film career. IMDb writes that during her film career she was also credited as Maria Rosa Rodrigues, Rosa-Maria Rodrigues, Rosa Rodriguez and Toty Rodriguez. Her first film appearance was an uncredited part as ‘Palma Diamantino’ in the French comedy Pouic-Pouic (1963, Jean Girault) starring Louis de Funès. Soon followed more film parts as a stripper in the kinky cannibal comedy Aimez-vous les femmes?/Do You Like Women? (1964, Jean Léon),co-written by Roman Polanski, and the sexploitation drama L'amour à la chaine/Tight Skirts, Loose Pleasures (1964, Claude de Givray). She appeared again as eye-candy in the spy film Coplan FX 18/FX-18 Superspy (1965, Riccardo Freda), the comedy Les gorilles/The Gorillas (1964, Jean Girault) and the crime comedy La grande frousse/The Big Scare (1964, Jean-Pierre Mocky) starring Bourvil. Other French films of the mid-1960’s in which she appeared were Les enquiquineurs/The pests (1965, Roland Quignon), the comedy anthology Les bons vivants/How to Keep the Red Lamp Burning (1965, Gilles Grangier, Georges Lautner) and the melodrama Le chant du monde/Song of the World (1965, Marcel Camus) starring Hardy Krüger. 1966 must have been a good year for Maria-Rosa Rodriguez. She was the leading lady opposite the immensely popular Louis de Funès in the hit comedy Le grand restaurant/The Big Restaurant (1966, Jacques Besnard). The choleric and energetic De Funès is the chef of Septim's, a very exclusive Paris restaurant. Problems occur when the president of an unnamed country gets kidnapped while having a dinner at Septim's. With police, gangsters and Maria-Rosa Rodriquez behind his back the always gesticularing De Funès tries to find the missing head of state by himself. The highlight of the film is a fabulous scene where a DS Citroen falls into a river and continues its ride as a boat. Maria-Rosa Rodriguez soon followed this up with a role in the fun filled caper Estouffade à la Caraïbe/The Gold Robbers (1967, Jacques Besnard) costarring with swimming champion Frederick Stafford, Jean Seberg and Serge Gainsbourg. She also appeared on tv in Amalia Escudero an episode of Au théâtre ce soir (1966). More tv roles followed in series like Les chevaliers du ciel/The Aeronauts (1967) – about the adventures of the French comic book heroes Tanguy and Laverdure - and Fortune (1969, Henri Colpi). In the early 1970’s she moved to Italy where she appeared in the ‘giallo’ thriller Il coltello di ghiaccio/Knife of Ice (1972, Umberto Lenzi) starring Carroll Baker. Her last film was a Spanish horror production La novia ensangrentada/Blood Castle (1972, Vincente Aranda). Most of Maria-Rosa Rodriguez’s biographies on the net stop here, but she kept on working as an actress. Under the name of Toty Rodriguez she is now a well known stage actress in Ecuador. In 1989 she appeared in another film, the East-German production Die Besteigung des Chimborazo/The Ascent of the Chimborazo (1989, Rainer Simon) filmed on location in Germany, France, Spain and Ecuador. In this adventure film she appeared briefly as a countess. More recently she was seen in a leading part in the Ecuadorian film Un titán en el ring/A Titan in the Ring (2002, Viviana Cordero). According to Rotten Tomatoes it’s an inspiring drama about the world of masked wrestling, set in a small community in the Andean Mountains. Sources: IMDb, All Movie Guide, Rotten Tomatoes and Wikipedia.
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rubalcavah · 2 months
TOMMY CASH x bbno$ - TANGO from NAFTA on Vimeo.
Director Tommy Cash Creative Director Tommy Cash Creative consultant Mari-Ly Kapp 1AD Helen Lõhmus Management: Anton Glushnyov, Marili Jogi Song produced by Danny Zuckerman
PRODUCTION company Nafta Films Producer Ilya Medovy Line Producer Sissel-Maria Mägi Production Manager Sven Olters Production Coordinator Gynel Sihhalijeva Key PA Felikz Volož PA Kailiin Dubrov PA Milla Maria Kujala PA Robin Marten Leppik
Location Manager Eliise Saar Set Assistant Ralf Tõra Set Assistant Patrick Tammsaar Set Assistant Märten Kitsing DOP Heiko Sikka 1AC Frank Saunanen 2AC Ardi Ossaar BCam Aranya Sen
Deep Fake/Face replacement T-VFX VFX Denis Strahhov Colorist Evgeny Bystrov (jojo agency)
Gaffer Andrus Ilp Electrician Reimo Paevere Electrician Karl-Robert Vain GRIP TEAM Car rigging Bertil Tarbe Production Designer Anneli Arusaar Production design assistant Joonas Hirv Production design assistant Mark Nettan Custom props Juhan Malmstein Wardrobe stylist Mari-Ly Kapp
HMU assistant - hair Edvardscissorhand (Edvard Hiietam) Costume assistant Sille Randviir Costume assistant Kerttu Reinmaa Costume assistant Anna-Liina Haamer Tattoo artist M Lorah
Casting director Silvia Lorenzi Casting assistant Ingrid Liivaleht Casting Intern Karoliine Rämmi
Stunt coordinator Konstantin Aleksejev Stunt performer Rodion Sidorov Stunt performer Max Nikolajev Stunt performer Vanya Esepchyk Caterer Nautilus Restoran Traffic control Andri Tsupin Traffic control German Costume bus Reevo Kraam Additional Unit Studio Unit DOP Joosep Jürisson Studio Unit Gaffer Olaf Iowa Studio Unit 1AC/DIT Risto Niils Studio Unit Make-Up Artist Suzanna Eisel Studio Unit PA Sander Koit Big thanks to Racer Worldwide, Ron Verlin, Sveta Vintage, Siim Oja, Must Luik, Nafta Kostüümiladu, Rahvusooper Estonia Kostüümilaenutus, Vibram Fivefingers Eestonia, Ott Krüger, Jaanus Vahtra, Kristiina Tali, Eesti Lihaveisekasvajataje Ühistu ja Rando Treimuth, Angelika Koovit, Karl Kargets, Location Unit, High Voltage
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schoje · 2 months
O esporte em Balneário Camboriú tem crescido nos últimos anos. Em ótimas atuações, principalmente nas competições oficiais da Fundação Catarinense de Esporte (FESPORTE), atletas foram recompensados com 27 convocações para a Seleção Brasileira de diversas modalidades no ano de 2018. Dentre as convocações, está a participação inédita nos Jogos Olímpicos da Juventude. No paradesporto, Lucas Thiago Correa e Maike Reply França foram os destaques com convocação para o Futebol 7 (categoria praticada por atletas com paralisia cerebral). No paratletismo, Paulina Pereira Silva e Gévelyn Cassia Almeida convocadas para o Fisu America Games em São Paulo representando a seleção brasileira universitária No handebol em cadeira de rodas, a equipe feminina teve sete convocadas após bom desempenho no campeonato Brasileiro. As atletas Susana Silva, Dayane Paes Muniz, Cristiane Costa, Cristiane Krüger, Dayana Moraes, Fabiane Ferreira da Silva e Claudia Maria Dutka. No masculino, também foram sete convocados após o campeonato nacional: Jean Gonçalves, Maicon Kanareki, Julio Cesar Rodrigues, Jefferson Francisco, Amauri Buratti, Henrique Emanuel Castagnaro da Silva e Igor Luis da Costa. Ana Luiza Almeida do Nascimento e Gabrielly Stumer Vanelli foram convocadas para treinamento em Manaus/AM, na modalidade de futsal. Posteriormente, Ana Luiza venceu o torneio Sul-Americano e foi convocada novamente para a Seleção principal. Douglas Mendes foi o grande destaque do ano no atletismo de Balneário Camboriú. Ele foi o primeiro atleta a ser convocado para os Jogos Olímpicos da Juventude, que ocorreu em outubro, em Buenos Aires. Com quase 50 atletas na disputa da categoria de 400m rasos, Douglas ficou com a 11ª colocação. Thiago Cristofer, o Miojo, foi convidado para participar dos treinamentos da Seleção Brasileira na modalidade de boxe, na categoria Cadete, mesmo ainda sendo Juvenil. A intenção é que ele seja preparado para entrar em competições internacionais a partir de 2019 e que entre no ciclo olímpico de 2024 que ocorre em Paris, na França. No voleibol feminino, Kauany Gutz Kyukawa, de 14 anos, foi convocada pela Confederação Brasileira de Voleibol para período de treinos. Ela é destaque da equipe da Fundação Municipal desde os 11 anos e recentemente, a atleta que atua na posição de central, conquistou o terceiro lugar na Olimpíada Estudantil Catarinense (Olesc). Ela ainda disputou o Campeonato Brasileiro de Interclubes sub-15, no Rio de Janeiro. Após o vice-campeonato brasileiro juvenil de handebol, as armadoras Alessandra Amann, Andre Girardi e Nathália Fontana, além da ponteira direita Isabela Bandeira e goleira Isabel Augusta Grunfeldt foram convocadas para período de treinos. Competições oficiais Fesporte Nos Joguinhos Abertos, Balneário Camboriú teve um feito histórico com o terceiro lugar inédito na classificação geral. Nos Jogos Abertos e Olimpíada Estudantil Catarinense (OLESC), salto de duas posições no quadro de medalhas se comparado ao ano anterior. No Jasti, Balneário Camboriú foi a cidade que mais conquistou medalhas. No Parajasc, BC conquistou o dobro de medalhas se comparado a 2017.
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Lista uczestników rundy trzeciej:
Stanisław Barańczak – wiersze
Artysta – Sławomir Mrożek
Józef Wybicki – Mazurek Dąbrowskiego
Łukasz Wierzbicki – Dziadek i niedźwiadek
Adam Mickiewicz – Romantyczność
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien – Hobbit czyli tam i z powrotem
Juliusz Słowacki – Kordian
Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer – wiersze
Adam Mickiewicz – Pan Tadeusz
William Szekspir – Makbet
Kabaret Starszych Panów – wybrane teksty
Ignacy Krasicki – wybrane bajki
Roman Pisarski – O psie który jeździł koleją
Albert Camus – Dżuma
Cyprian Kamil Norwid – Fortepian Szopena
William Szekspir – Hamlet
Wisława Szymborska – wiersze
Jan Lechoń – wiersze
Dante Alighieri – Boska komedia (fragmenty)
Juliusz Słowacki – Balladyna
Jan Kochanowski – psalmy
Clive Staples Lewis – Opowieści z Narnii. Lew czarownica i stara szafa
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry – Mały Książę
Halina Poświatowska – wiersze
William Szekspir – Romeo i Julia
Stefan Żeromski – Przedwiośnie
Aleksander Kamiński – Kamienie na szaniec
Michaił Bułhakow – Mistrz i Małgorzata
Aleksander Fredro – Zemsta
Jan Parandowski – Mitologia część I Grecja
Maria Krüger – Karolcia
Juliusz Słowacki – Lilla Weneda
René Goscinny – Jean-Jacques Sempé – Mikołajek (wybór opowiadań)
Stanisław Wyspiański – Wesele
Molier – Skąpiec
Fiodor Dostojewski – Zbrodnia i kara
Henryk Sienkiewicz – Potop
Gustaw Herling-Grudziński – Inny świat
Jan Brzechwa – Akademia Pana Kleksa
Sławomir Mrożek – Tango
Astrid Lindgren – Dzieci z Bullerbyn
Adam Mickiewicz – Sonety krymskie
Homer – Odyseja (fragmenty)
Sofokles – Antygona
Bolesław Prus – Lalka
Franz Kafka – Proces (fragmenty)
Rozmowa Mistrza Polikarpa ze Śmiercią (fragmenty)
Juliusz Słowacki – Testament mój
Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz – Szewcy
Już jutro zaczynamy walkę!
Jak macie jakieś fajne fotki tych lektur, podsyłajcie~
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What brought me to write about history?
rsamls asked:
What brought to write about the cou tries and their history like you do? I find it fascinating.it sucks me in like a tornado. I have always loved history but only recently discovered fanfics with history and a love story combined, which I have found to be one of my best guilty pleasures.  
Thank you for your question rsamis :)
         As I write these lines, the almost life-size portraits of two men, whose names form the answer to your question, look down at me from the wall above my desk. The names of these men are Howard Carter and Heinrich Schliemann.
         My love for and my interest in history started in the 7th grade, at age 14. The topic of our first history lessons was Egypt. Later that year, my grandma asked me (like she did four times a year) if I wanted to choose a book from her book club. As I was paging through the catalogue, Philipp Vandenberg's book "The Golden Pharaoh" caught my eye. Only days later, I got the book and couldn't stop reading. But it was not the thrilling story about the discovery of the tomb of Tut Anch Amun that fascinated me so much. What captivated me was the character and personality of its discoverer - Howard Carter.
         Carter was a nobody when he started digging. None of the well-known names of archaeology trusted him with anything. Countless other men worked against him, trying to undermine his work and discredit his reputation. Before his discovery, his name had become a joke. But we all know how it ended: Carter made the greatest discovery in the history of archaeology. Not only did he find an almost completely undamaged pharaonic tomb, but he also found burial objects of hitherto unsurpassed beauty (and value). A few years after reading Vandenberg's book, I had the great fortune to visit an exhibition of Carter's finds.
         Shortly afterwards, I became acquainted with the work of Heinrich Schliemann, the German pioneer of archaeological fieldwork. And again I met a man whom no one believed could achieve what he did in the end despite all odds: the discovery of Troy. One can read a lot about these men and their work, but it was only when I wandered through the excavations of Mycenae years later that I realised the full extent of it.
         I studied history because I was inspired by these two personalities, their characters and the immense resilience expressed in their lives. And as I focused on researching the history of the Levant, especially the six Syro-Egyptian wars, their aftermath and relevance until today, there was one question that always resonated in the background: what makes people resilient, what makes them survive such wars, famine catastrophes, indeed the demise of their "world"? This question also resonated when I later turned to the history of Prussia, especially the Seven Years' War, but also the history of the Reformation, the persecution of the Huguenots and other topics.
         Carter and Schliemann inspired my interest in history, but even more an interest in the story behind the obvious historical facts. We often think that history is made by "important people" (a.k.a. politicians) and yes, in a way that is true. But if we focus that way, we deprive ourselves of the great lessons of history. Because politicians might start a war. But they neither fight nor decide it. History often is written by ordinary people at crucial moments. If we think, for example, of the German Wars of Liberation (also known as the Napoleonic Wars). It was at some points women who contributed decisively to the victory over Napoleonic troops (for example, the women of the Lützower Freikorps, Eleonore Prochaska, Anna Lühring, Johanna Stegen, Friederike Krüger, Luise Grafemus, Maria Werder, Nadeshda Durowa and countless unknown women). The history of such - ordinary - people is important. But there is still far too little research. It is not the big wheels that keep something going or make it happen, it is the many small wheels that in the end decide the good or bad of a thing. Babylon would never have been taken by the troops of the Medo-Persian army had there not been a 5th column within its walls. Without the devoted efforts of Johanna Stegen, the Prussian-Russian troops would probably not have achieved their first victory over Napoleon on April 2, 1813.
         It is this story behind history that fascinates me. I consider deriving lessons from it for our present and future to be one of the most urgent tasks of the present.
         Unfortunately, most people, especially young people, think history is boring. So what better way to get a new generation interested in history than to combine historical facts with a well-known love story and wrap it up in fan fiction? :)
Thank you so much for reading my little pieces and for asking. I hope I could answer your question.
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hits1000 · 2 years
Songs in German from the 80s
Songs in German from the 80s Songs in German from the 80s, including: Dschinghis Khan – Rom, Gitte Haenning - Freu dich bloß nicht zu früh, Howard Carpendale - Wie frei willst du sein, Katja Ebstein - Abschied ist ein bißchen wie Sterben, Mike Krüger - Der Nippel, Peter Maffay - Über sieben Brücken mußt du gehn, Roland Kaiser - Santa Maria and many more!!! Subscribe to our channel to see more of our content! 1. Dschinghis Kahn - Hadschi Halef Omar 2. Dschinghis Khan - Rom 3. Gitte Haenning - Freu dich bloß nicht zu früh 4. Howard Carpendale - Es geht um mehr 5. Howard Carpendale - Wie frei willst du sein 6. Katja Ebstein - Abschied ist ein bißchen wie Sterben 7. Mike Krüger - Der Nippel 8. Peter Maffay - Über sieben Brücken mußt du gehn 9. Roland Kaiser - Santa Maria 10. Tony Holiday - Nie mehr allein sein 11. Truck Stop - Der wilde Wilde Westen 12. Dschinghis Khan - Loreley 13. Falco - Der Kommissar 14. Fred Sonnenschein Und Seine Freunde – Ja, Wenn Wir Alle Englein Wären 15. Gottlieb Wendehals - Polonäse Blankenese 16. Hanne Haller - Samstag Abend 17. Howard Carpendale - Wem erzählst du nach mir deine Träume 18. Joachim Witt - Goldener Reiter 19. Nicole - Flieg nicht so hoch, mein kleiner Freund 20. Paola - Der Teufel und der junge Mann 21. Peter Alexander - Der Papa wird´s schon richten 22. Peter Cornelius – Du entschuldige, I kenn di 23. Rex Gildo - Wenn ich je deine Liebe verlier 24. Roland Kaiser - Dich zu lieben 25. Roland Kaiser - Lieb mich ein letztes Mal 26. Spider Murphy Gang - Skandal Im Sperrbezirk 27. Andy Borg - Adios Amor 28. BAP - Verdamp lang her 29. Hubert Kah - Rosemarie 30. Hubert Kah - Sternenhimmel 31. Kraftwerk - Das Model 32. Markus - Ich Will Spass 33. NENA - Nur geträumt 34. Nickerbocker & Biene - Hallo Klaus 35. Nicole - Ein Bisschen Frieden 36. Peter Maffay - Lieber Gott 37. Peter Schilling - Major Tom 38. Roland Kaiser - Manchmal möchte ich schon mit dir 39. Spider Murphy Gang - Schickeria 40. Spider Murphy Gang - Wo bist du? 41. Trio - Da Da Da 42. DÖF - Codo (...düse im Sauseschritt) 43. Gänsehaut - Karl Der Käfer 44. Geier Sturzflug - Bruttosozialprodukt 45. Kiz - Die Sennerin vom Königssee 46. NENA - 99 Luftballons 47. NENA - Leuchtturm 48. Nicole - Ich hab' dich doch lieb 49. Nino de Angelo - Ich sterbe nicht nochmal 50. Nino De Angelo - Jenseits von Eden 51. Tommy Steiner - Die Fischer von San Juan 52. Udo Lindenberg - Sonderzug nach Pankow 53. Herbert Grönemeyer - Männer 54. Howard Carpendale - Hello Again 55. Klaus Lage Band - 1000 und 1 Nacht 56. NENA - ? Fragezeichen 57. NENA - Irgendwie Irgendwo Irgendwann 58. Peter Schilling - Terra Titanic 59. Roland Kaiser - Joana 60. Stefan Waggershausen & Alice - Zu nah am Feuer 61. Bläck Fööss - Frankreich Frankreich 62. Falco - Jeanny 63. Falco - Rock Me Amadeus 64. Falco - Vienna Calling 65. Heike Schäfer - Die Glocken von Rom 66. Heinz Rudolf Kunze - Dein Ist Mein Ganzes Herz 67. Juliane Werding - Drei Jahre lang 68. Klaus & Klaus - An der Nordseeküste 69. Leinemann - Mein Tuut Tuut 70. Paso Doble - Computerliebe 71. Peter Maffay - Sonne in der Nacht 72. Wind - Für Alle 73. Die Flippers - Die rote Sonne von Barbados 74. Drafi Deutscher - Herz an Herz Gefühl 75. Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung - Ba-Ba Banküberfall 76. Falco - Coming Home Jeanny Part 2 77. Juliane Werding - Sehnsucht ist unheilbar 78. Juliane Werding - Stimmen im Wind 79. Karel Gott & Darinka - Fang das Licht 80. Münchener Freiheit - Ohne dich 81. Münchener Freiheit - Tausendmal Du 82. Stephan Remmler - Keine Sterne in Athen 83. Clowns & Helden - Ich liebe dich 84. Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung - Küss die Hand schöne Frau 85. Jürgen von der Lippe - Guten Morgen liebe Sorgen 86. Münchener Freiheit - So lang' man Träume noch leben kann 87. Stephan Remmler - Vogel der Nacht 88. Trude Herr - Niemals geht man so ganz 89. Falco - Wiener Blut 90. Herbert Grönemeyer - Was Soll Das 91. Klaus & Klaus - Der Eiermann 92. Münchener Freiheit - Bis wir uns wiedersehen 93. Original Naabtal Duo - Patrona Bavariae 94. Rainhard Fendrich - Macho Macho 95. Stefan Remmler - Keine Angst, hat der Papa mir gesagt 96. Die Ärzte - Bitte Bitte 97. Hanne Haller - Mein lieber Mann 98. Jürgen Drews - Irgendwann, irgendwo, irgendwie 99. NENA - Wunder Gescheh'n 100. Westernhagen - Sexy Related Hashtags #songsingerman #hitsof1980s #hitsof1980to1989 #hitsof1980 #hitsof1980songs #hitsof1980uk #hitsof1980australia #hitsofthe1980sand1970s #kannadahitsof1980 #bollywoodhitsof1980 #hitsof1979and1980 #tophitsofthe1980sbillboard #pophitsofthe1980s #hitsof1980sinmusic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZX0dCarOBA
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perfettamentechic · 2 years
19 gennaio ... ricordiamo ...
19 gennaio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Gaspard Ulliel, è stato un attore e modello francese. Protagonista della campagna pubblicitaria Bleu de Chanel. Vestì i panni di Yves Saint Laurent nel film Saint Laurent.  (n. 1984) 2022: Hardy Krüger, pseudonimo di Eberhard August Franz Ewald, attore e documentarista tedesco. Dal 1941 Krüger fece parte della “Scuola di Adolf Hitler”. Nel 1944, all’età di 16 anni, fu arruolato forzatamente…
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