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omanxl1 · 26 days ago
The Friday Mix Vol. 66 (Part Two)
Digital Crate Digging Continues as we come through with this Flashback Friday  / Fabulous Friday segment! It’s also a Valentines Day but the science dropped is good for any day as we drop this good word and we let the music play, can you dig it? Some will act different, caught up in the rapture but it’s not all love per Anita Baker. Due to belligerent ways by others check the departure to a…
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thestreethippie · 8 months ago
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heartsbreath · 11 months ago
Facciamo allora attenzione e proviamo ad ascoltare le rabbie, di noi adulti, ma anche quelle dei bambini e dei ragazzi se vogliamo aiutarli a crescere. Non sono tutte uguali, sono molto diverse fra di loro, secondo i semi che sono stati innaffiati sul terreno. Non liquidiamole semplicisticamente dicendo che sono dei capricci. Se i semi innaffiati sono quelli del non sentirsi ascoltati, capiti, aiutati ad avere fiducia in se stessi, se i semi innaffiati sono quelli del dolore, dell'angoscia, della paura dell'abbandono, allora ben venga la rabbia a testimoniare che cosa è successo e sta succedendo. È un vero e proprio segnale di allarme, di all'erta.
Alba Marcoli - Il bambino arrabbiato
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thienkimwine2024 · 6 months ago
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Khám phá sự đậm đà của Marcoli Sangiovese! Với nồng độ 14.7%, rượu vang Ý này nổi bật với hương trái cây đỏ tươi, cùng với những nốt gia vị tinh tế và tanin mềm mại, tạo nên một trải nghiệm phong phú và dễ thưởng thức. Lý tưởng cho các bữa tối sang trọng hoặc để kết hợp với món pasta yêu thích.
🍇 Cheers to refined elegance!
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rockattitudegr · 1 month ago
Οι Candlemass, το θρυλικό συγκρότημα doom metal από τη Σουηδία, επιστρέφουν στην Ελλάδα με τον εμβληματικό τραγουδιστή τους, Messiah Marcolin, για μια μοναδική εμφάνιση στην Τεχνόπολη του Δήμου Αθηναίων.
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castmystoriestothevoid · 10 months ago
Davis Marcoli is a Mercenary that has become bored with his craft. As a last hoorah, he follows his final victim and takes him with the intention of killing him. He never meant for anything more to happen.
Clancy Harman leads a pathetic life. He’s been kicked from his home and forced to find somewhere to live. Even still, he tries to find the silver lining to every cloud. It’s all he has. Not even being kidnapped and tied to a chair for a week puts a damper on his hopeful attitude for the better.
Must have an account to view
WARNING: Implied/referenced rape/non-con. Chapter 4 for those that want to skip. MINORS DNI
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444namesplus · 2 years ago
Achefac Addian Adeline Adilheinad Adolge Adymelga Albeath Albeterina Alderach Aliebhard Alteriell Amaltrud Anfaudwin Ankast Annand Ansga Ansgaxi Arloqoya Astian Auelsam Aukke Aurstomert Badit Barcol Batyoug Beassane Beatranna Berey Biandt Brichert Brinuai Capzawy Caricolipp Cauelewwud Cawif Cawyv Channep Chard Chrisanne Claud Colausan Colph Cyjom Dagiz Dagmanna Dalberiker Dalia Dalielina Diedegfrin Dikimonrio Dipaber Dolgabel Doyak Ducipa Duciz Dulaz Dulevuke Dulinz Dulisebke Dulix Edaloria Ederner Edransgafa Efacyjanne Efaukar Efauke Efaysuth Eidise Einak Einne Ekkevin Elaussam Eleverbea Elfrikt Elhein Elhelleva Ellaz Ellipp Emannasse Emarle Emgeoj Emicolgard Emild Emilher Emirkolf Emmederieop Emmeinrald Emmellin Emyggiw Emysulevald Evenz Evinuf Ewach Ewallenzex Eways Ewudox Ewwudinhar Ewwux Faciwudia Fanner Faykid Fegenja Fegfrie Felmart Felmatyof Ferbastia Fivin Fivsiz Fizyredrato Floejog Fradriace Fraqqyse Frarner Fretelmari Frian Frick Frielfga Frisla Frith Fuqyz Ganfrisanne Garta Geline Gerber Geriedep Gertrub Gerylviold Geudel Gista Gisten Gobdo Gobiah Gotlin Gotta Greas Gredra Grette Grettlippa Guidied Günter Günth Hachacarl Haliast Hanattollas Handt Hanfraciw Hangreilof Hangrena Harcories Haric Harina Hathari Hattonran Hedipuain Heffo Hefulraitz Hegfreth Hegfrey Heiddy Heild Heina Heingothell Heiyf Heleni Helevalo Helin Helip Helkehille Hellinann Henia Henicolf Herdt Herhanne Herharey Herictole Herndria Herno Herta Hiank Hiliel Hilour Holafa Homastiah Hubard Hyifoz Ieditz Iedradri Ieorstelma Ieter Ieteromine Ilherhann Illen Inalmune Ippatykimo Iriecipaus Irmiried Irolfrich Isanz Isanzelhein Isevostia Istia Istina Jachrick Jemgelen Jemilhellen Jemill Jeminath Jemmep Jepah Jerbas Jever Jevine Jevolika Jikas Jikolaf Joace Jogert Johachard Johan Johar Joharie Joharta Jomard Jomarno Jonathild Jonatrias Jonrick Josenja Josie Jostia Juppa Juppy Jupuogert Juthilby Jutho Jürge Karcoreten Karichrin Karmalinat Karobine Katona Keharl Kians Kimily Kolaz Kolian Koloux Kyqhy Kyqud Lardian Laubarmald Laudykursut Laurich Laurtrubyd Lenzex Likert Listia Lorgarlorif Lorieda Lottep Lotter Lottof Louguidy Ludika Ludolieo Luthmar Luttscahele Luwijjy Luwina Luwjup Lütonia Lütonin Lütov Maingreid Malkere Manianich Marcoli Mardt Marga Marlorete Marne Marsuliank Medrio Meinz Meiyz Mepabrudis Micheine Micher Mieta Migily Migiwu Migmagneryl Milhen Milied Millmut Miloreat Mirki Mirkias Mirkolf Monie Mortalewaj Niamara Niedmus Nieoj Nikianna Nulrieo Nyvenz Obinaste Olberharg Olfra Oltep Omanna Omara Orgermili Orith Osigmarsus Ossussam Otlia Otthoxe Oyassen Oyjoh Oyvesth Ozyki Patermil Pauelix Pejemico Pejevolf Philix Phily Pulia Puoxoth Pyria Qecah Qinuf Qohantz Qysul Racap Ralviannald Retermard Riandra Riannert Riebke Robela Robelmar Roben Rober Roberwijjyh Rogernozzo Rolas Roldannel Rolfria Romard Rommeiyf Rosch Rossutta Rudisl Runto Ruthard Rutomarl Rytya Samarcus Sankas Sannerich Sansga Seleju Senattscawy Sepah Sevalie Seveth Sodold Stianuel Sukku Sussa Sustogeria Svenak Svernhat Sykiminram Sykur Syxtykuj Syxuqyz Talveina Terhacyjac Thena Thmale Tingox Togaristo Togarle Torganda Tykuj Uagmundrid Uaitz Uaxen Uaxim Ubeater Ubeter Ucipp Udiese Udise Ulieop Uloisig Ulralwaub Ulukert Urise Uttschelm Uwilipah Uwjus Valdaf Venjanna Vinikt Vinuel Vollen Vorifuqyz Vosev Wacawali Wachily Wausabrie Wertin Wijachrinak Wijja Wijjy Wilie Wofful Wolga Wolix Womme Wyver Xogilinota Xoqecippa Xoqeciw Xoqox Xothanna Xotto Xottschrick Yggarl Yjjac Youelmubarl Yrriesl Yvene Yxtyouidia Zimonatam Zirkoll Zirmaxi Zirobea Zirolf
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positivevibesuniverse · 3 years ago
The Story Continues
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johnsmthg · 4 years ago
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Hello the january Dolival 128 Bpm Mix is here https://minimalshow.blogspot.com/2021/01/january-playlist-dolival-128-bpm-mix.html
Enjoy !
#Flashmob #MarcoLys #TimidBoy #MaksimDark #ChristianCraken #TomLaws #Balthazar&Jackrock #RonCosta #Huxley #MattSassari #SidneyCharles #AnalogMix #Minimal #TechHouse #Techno #128Bpm #UnSync #MkII
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omanxl1 · 5 months ago
Defected Radio Show Hosted by Rimarkable 18.10.24
 Digital Crate Digging Continues as we come through with this Flashback Friday  / Fabulous Friday edition! The saga  / struggle continues but  we’re putting it down like this, check these menus; retro futuristic is how we’re living! Check out how we’re pulling up in local  / national  / international and intergalactic frontiers; out there dipping, but some say we’re on a cursed ship. Those…
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djtizianoghezzo · 5 years ago
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bit.ly/TG-JUNE-2020 . Top10chart . #tizianoghezzo #topten #chart #lemonace #davemanali #gianlucanasci #keeponliftingmehigher #lineki #paolobarbato #indeep #soulgas #maurifly #tommiecotton #djpp #flower #danielstefanik #carloriviera #dariodattis #marcolys #traxsource #house #techhouse #streaming #listen https://www.instagram.com/p/CB0lGftH-3l/?igshid=g7bspxyzchzb
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heartsbreath · 8 months ago
“Una caratteristica tipica della rabbia è quella di scatenarsi spesso nel momento in cui un qualsiasi avvenimento esterno, a volte banale e apparentemente irrilevante, va a toccare uno dei lembi delle vecchie ferite che ne sono all'origine. In questo caso, sia gli altri che noi stessi per primi restiamo a volte stupiti dall'intensità e dalla veemenza con cui ci invade quest'emozione che è solo parzialmente spiegabile dalla situazione del momento e che spesso facciamo fatica a controllare.”
Alba Marcoli - Il bambino arrabbiato
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thienkimwine2024 · 6 months ago
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Khám phá sự mạnh mẽ và quyến rũ của Marcoli Primitivo! Với nồng độ 17%, rượu vang Ý này mang đến hương trái cây đen đậm đà và gia vị phong phú, tạo nên một trải nghiệm mạnh mẽ và sâu lắng. Hoàn hảo để thưởng thức cùng các món thịt nướng hoặc phô mai trưởng thành.
🍇 Cheers to bold elegance!
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hedvign · 4 years ago
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blatheringblatherskite · 5 years ago
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“Holy Marcoli, what in the name of science is going on? One minute I’m down in my basement lab thinking up on how to make a hoverboard for Dewey and the next-”
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“Great Mother Of Marie Curie! Please tell me I didn’t miss the family photo!”
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fank0ne · 5 years ago
Mark saying that "Felice" sounded so Italian, wow, I'm proud
bravo, Marcoli'
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