#Manuel du
divingsave · 3 months
as exciting as the young players are, i don't know what to do with myself right now because i feel like i've never known team germany without manuel neuer or thomas müller
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
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I feel like Odysseus tied to the mast when I go buy food for my animals in April, because I have to cross the area of the agri store with all the new seedlings and flowers and they’re so tempting. Also there’s a little free library in the nearby plaza... I always leave my house full of resolve like “chicken feed and a salt lick, nothing else” and come back with armfuls of books and plants. (I have to leave them out on the table for a little while so the cats can conduct their mandatory New Thing analysis.)
I got some strawberry plants yesterday even though I already have too many (but they’re not the same variety!) and a raspberry + blackcurrant plants. And I found a physics textbook from the year 1896 in the book box! I love to buy old school books in secondhand bookshops, they’re fun to leaf through, especially when they authoritatively state long-disproven facts, or when bored early-1900s students scribbled in them...
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aschenblumen · 4 months
En cuanto nos besamos, babeamos, uno de nosotros quiere comer, uno de nosotros será devorado a pequeños bocados, todos deseamos ser devorados, para empezar, todos somos antiguos devoradores-natos, antiguos ogrillos u ogrillas, no hay que decir que estamos llenos de dientes y de aguzadas de hambres, de lo contrario nunca osaríamos amar. Ni ser amados. El amor siempre es algo lobo — algo loco — algo bocas, no hay ni que decirlo...
—Hélène Cixous, «El amor del lobo» en El amor del lobo y otros remordimientos. Traducción de Manuel Serrat Crespo.
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lascitasdelashoras · 8 months
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Francisco Manuel Martín Cobos - Cirque du Soleil
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lours-file-a-telie · 4 months
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Philatélie 471
Comme cette postale, sur son support en bristol, était composée d'une image sur un papier brillant sur lequel l'encre du cachet tient mal, la personne qui l'a affranchie l'a placée dans une feuille de format A4 afin de que l'encre ne se dépose pas sur la carte précédente
Merci à elle !
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lours-postal · 9 months
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Philatélie 292
2024 – 69
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frenchcurious · 1 year
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Jochen Mass, Manuel Reuter & Stanley Dickens (Sauber C9 Mercedes-Benz) vainqueur des 24 Heures du Mans 1989. © Didier Laporte. - source Carros e Pilotos.
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lilyoftheval · 8 months
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myidlehand · 1 year
I'm reading the part about forming the Signs in The Witcher Manual and I didn't know Elves are naturally immune to the effect of Axii (I don't know how Lore accurate the book is though).
It might be an interesting thing to explore in fanfiction. Like Geralt finding out Jaskier is apart elf because of that or something?
Just wanna put it out there for fic writers.
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aperint · 2 months
Baco, Dionisio y Osiris se asoman eufóricos
Baco, Dionisio y Osiris se asoman eufóricos #aperturaintelectual #vmrfaintelectual @victormanrf @Victor M. Reyes Ferriz @vicmanrf @victormrferriz Víctor Manuel Reyes Ferriz
09 DE JULIO DE 2024 Baco, Dionisio y Osiris se asoman eufóricos POR: VÍCTOR MANUEL REYES FERRIZ Nos encontramos en la antesala de una de las festividades más antiguas en la historia de nuestro planeta y es la “Vendimia”, la cual, en estricto sentido y según información del Consejo Mexicano Vitivinícola la temporada en México abarca de los meses de julio a octubre y esta festividad no es más que…
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lensinski · 1 year
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Rififi (1955) dir. Jules Dassin
"I liked you. I really liked you, Macaroni. But, you know the rules."
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holdmybvbeer · 2 years
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elmaxlys · 1 year
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goretzkastits · 2 years
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lours-file-a-telie · 4 months
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lours-postal · 2 years
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2022 – 897, 970
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