#Manna in the Word
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davedocrogers · 1 month ago
Pray & Believe God
Manna in the Word:Pray & Believe God…We who are in Christ, those believers in God through Jesus and the Cross, are encouraged to pray (which means to ask) and believe (which means to live it out as if true). God told us to believe Him.Jesus told us to believe God.God said He would give us those things we asked Him… if we would just believe He would, that He is able, and that He wants to give us…
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babsbabbles · 7 months ago
ough yall ever read the bible and feel so refreshed
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mannakete · 1 year ago
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got 'em
the bell has changed hands from one fisticuffs to the other.
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lovelifecare · 1 year ago
இன்றைய வசனம் [26/02/2024] | Today Bible Verse | Tamil Bible Verse
இயேசு கிறிஸ்து உங்களை அன்போடு அழைக்கிறார். அவரை பின்பற்றி செல்ல நீங்கள் ஆயத்தமா?
Jesus Christ calls you with love. Are you ready to follow Him?
லூக்கா 9:23 Luke 9:23
ஒருவன் என் பின்னே வர விரும்பினால், அவன் தன்னைத் தான் வெறுத்து, தன் சிலுவையை அனுதினமும் எடுத்துக்கொண்டு, என்னைப் பின்பற்றக்கடவன்.
என் அன்பு சகோதர சகோதரிகளே, மீன் பிடித்துக்கொண்டிருந்த சீஷர்களை இயேசு கண்டு என் பின்னே வாருங்கள் உங்களை மனிதர்களை பிடிக்கிறவர்களாக மாற்றுவேன் என்று சொன்னார். உடனே, சீஷர்கள் இயேசுவின் பின்னே சென்றார்கள். இயேசு சொன்னார் என்னை பின்பற்றவேண்டும் என்று சொல்லுபவர்கள் தங்கள் சிலுவையை அனுதினமும் எடுத்துக்கொள்ளவேண்டும். அப்படியென்றால், உடல்களில் சிலுவை போன்ற பச்சை குத்திக்கொள்ளுவதோ, சிலுவை போன்ற தங்க செயின் போட்டுகொள்ளுவதோ அல்ல. இயேசு கடந்து ச��ன்ற எல்லா பாதைகளையும் கடைபிடிப்பதே ஆகும். நம்முடைய வாழ்க்கையில் சில நேரங்களில் வேலை செய்யும் இடத்தில சிலர் சிலுவையாக மாறுவதுண்டு; குடும்பத்தில் சிலர் நமக்கு துன்பத்தை கொடுத்து சிலுவையாக மாறுவதுண்டு; ஆனால் நாம் சிலுவையை சுமக்கும் எல்லா சந்தர்ப்பங்களிலும் ஆண்டவர் நம்மை தனியே விட்டுவிட மாட்டார். உலகத்தின் முடிவு பரியந்தம் உன்னோடுகூட இருப்பேன் என்று சொன்னவர், சிலுவை சுமக்கும் நேரங்களிலெல்லாம் உங்களோடு கூட இருப்பார். அவர் கொடுக்கும் சுமை மெதுவானதாக இருக்கும். உங்களை அளவுக்கு மிஞ்சி சோதிக்கிறவர் அல்ல. ஆகையால் உங்களுடைய சிலுவையை சந்தோசத்தோடு சுமந்து செல்லுங்கள்.
If Anyone Would Come After Me, He Must Deny Himself And Take Up His Cross Daily And Follow Me.
My dear brothers and sisters, Jesus saw the disciples catching fish and told them to follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Immediately, the disciples followed Jesus. Jesus said that those who claim to follow me must take up their cross daily. So, it's not about tattooing a cross on the body or wearing a gold chain like a cross. It is to follow all the paths that Jesus walked. At times in our lives some people become crucifixes at work; Some in the family give us suffering and become a cross; But the Lord will not leave us alone in all the cases where we carry the cross. He who said he will be with you to the end of the world, will be with you whenever you carry the cross. The burden he gives will be slow. Not someone who tests you too much. So carry your cross with joy.
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kmac4him1st · 1 year ago
Good Morning! Celebrate with us with some soul nourishing breakfast. God bless your day.
Celebrate GOD As Simply-Significantly Enough We celebrate our God, Who is our more than enough. We are weak and He is strong in us, and we take joy in this, in our connection heart to heart with our God. Yes, Jesus is more than enough for us. No matter what shape we find our body, soul, or spirit in on this day, we make the right choice, the first step out is down, bowed in reverence, honor and…
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virtualcoach-blog · 2 years ago
Everlasting Bread of Heaven
Praying day by day for our daily bread.
Give us day by day our daily bread. Luke 11:3 (NKJV) This visual was designed to demonstrate the different aspects of the manna from the Old Testament and the Bread of Life proclamation of Jesus in John chapter 6. Check out our online video Bible study session Prayers for Our Daily Bread as we dive into Luke 11:3 and this comparison of the manna and “the true bread from heaven.”
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muzansfangs · 1 month ago
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Nsfw alphabet – the Salesman (letters f, k, q, t, w)
Starring: the Salesman x f!reader;
Format: head canons;
Warnings: nsfw, vaginal sex, creampie, unprotected sex, sadism, gagging, masturbation, public sex, toxic traits, humiliation, dacryphilia, spanking, impact playing, slapping, dom!salesman, sub!reader, gun playing, handcuffing, mention to pregnancy, anal sex;
Plot: some nsfw head canons about the Salesman aka the Recruiter, based on some letters of the alphabet;
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
The Salesman has manhandled you in positions you did not even think were humanly manageable. Out of them, however, the salesman loves to have you either on your hands and knees, head pressed down in the pillow, or the good old mating press.
You could say it depends mostly on his mood. If he keeps the eye-contact with you, he is feeling somewhat more romantic, more human. Even if his cock brushes against your cervix unforgivingly every now and then. Your legs, pressed to your chest, make you look vulnerable and he loves that.
And, damn, is he not talkative when he messes you up like that?
“Fuck, I was thinking that fucking you raw is like playing the Russian Roulette. If I hit the nail on the head, we are screwed” he growled next to your ear, not minding the risk of impregnating you.
If he encloses the back of your neck with his hand and pushes your face down on the mattress, my dear, he is going to ravage you until you are sore. But he loves the way your ass ripple with each brutal thrust he gives you. The words falling from his mouth are far less loving than the possibility of getting you pregnant.
“Slut, you’re dripping like a cat in heat”.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
This man probably has a tattoo somewhere on his body reciting ‘kinky bastard’ in capital letters. The first one is dacryphilia. To some extent, he may care for your well-being during sex. It is rough, mindblowing. Obviously, it leaves you shaking, copious tears streaming down your cheeks. You have no idea how hard he gets, when you sob underneath him, needy, hapless and on the brink of breaking down.
Spanking and face slapping are a must. He does not hit you as hard as he does to the potential players he meets at the station. However, he does not go easy on you. You are bruised, at the end of the day.
If he is upset, expect him to lure you to have some anal sex. Your whimpers when he stretch you out himself are a manna from heaven. Unfortunately, it may last not as long as it does when he is messying up your pussy. It is all about pain. The more desperate you are, the faster he spurts into you.
The mention of honor goes to gun play. He never tells you if it is really loaded, or not, when he presses it against your temple. What you know is that you are still alive.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Our dear recruiter is a busy man, especially when that time of the year comes. When he comes back home, it is so late you are already alseep. Do not think he would have remorses in waking you up, if he needs to fuck you dumb, because he would.
The thing is he needs to rest too. Quickies are not his thing, but they are necessary. He is a sneaky bastard, not sticking to have them early in the morning, or when he is about to leave.
He may stalk you down the streets, easily becoming your shadow until you end up nearing an alley. My dear, this is when he clasps his hand over your mouth and shoves you against the wall. You are used to his antics by now. You do not feel ashame to walk off with a limp, afterwards. Not anymore, at least.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
This man has probably owns an arsenal of toys. And, no, we are not talking about his weapons. He is not the type to indulge in plain vanilla sex. There is always going to be some kind of an object among the bedsheets, when he pins you underneath him and reels at the lewd faces you make for him.
He is a sadist inclined to use the toys on his favorite victim: you.
Do not be surprised, if he handcuffs you to the bedpost, or involves ropes in the particularly intense sessions awaiting for you, when he had a bad day. You cry out in pleasure and pain and it is irking him? Fine. Gags it is.
He sees you as a small pet eager to please him. Drool for him, whilst he uses nipple clamps on your already sensitive buds. If you wince, when he is deep inside of you, he may just shoot his load deep in your bowels. Nothing excites him more than your teary eyes and wobbling lower lip.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He is definitely territorial. His jealousy takes over easily and, along with hickeys hard, if not impossible, to camouflage with a scarf and some make up, he jerks off with your panties. He does not see the necessity to make you wear your now cum-covered underwear, if he is by your side, though.
Yet, expect him to demand you to parade around the city, unable to hide the squelching sounds of your thighs brushing together, when the cum seeps from the fabric and stains the inside of your legs, if you are going out alone. Your boss, your friends, the men you cross paths with throughout the day, well, they just have to know you have a boyfriend and that you comply to his excessively unhinged and demeaning requests to please him.
When you reunite at home, he expects you to sit on his lap and narrate the mortifying experience of talking to strangers, or coworkers whilst entirely soaked and smelling of his semen.
Author note.
Hello there! This is my first time writing for the Squid Game fandom. Hopefully, I did not disappoint the audience! Let’s just say that my brainrot for this man was eating me alive and I had to write a little something for him. Your impressions and comments are greatly appreciated!
– Luce
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irawhiti · 1 year ago
i... no, this would not be okay. replacing one appropriative butchering of a word with another appropriative butchering of a word is not a good idea. it would still be read by other people as the same word until it's actually specified to them directly. you can't deliberately "degenerate" a word from a different language to match the spelling of an unrelated word and have people understand your intent. neither word here has anything to do with the concept of magicka/magical energy points described in the post anyway and both manna and mana are equally inaccurate words to use here. it would be best to just use a different term for this altogether.
people will just use polynesian words completely incorrectly with completely made up meanings while being really offensive and won't even care huh lol
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justana0kguy · 2 years ago
2023 JUNE 11 Corpus Christi Sunday
"He therefore let you be afflicted with hunger, and then fed you with manna, a food unknown to you and your fathers, in order to show you that not by bread alone does man live, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of the LORD."
~ Deuteronomy 8:3
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davedocrogers · 1 year ago
With Thanksgiving...
‭‭With Thanksgiving… Philippians 4.6 Life gives us many things about which to be concerned. The #lifehack is to not have fear nor be anxious, but to give thanks to our God, Savior, and Father who loves us deeply. Life has challenges.Jesus said there would be diverse troubles, but Jesus has overcome the world. So, be thankful. Give thanks.In all things. Be anxious for nothing, but in…
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babsbabbles · 8 months ago
"I will not throw out something that is very good because it is not perfect"
— Ralph Brandt // The Seven Churches
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astromechs · 5 months ago
the remnants of hurricane helene have wrought unprecedented devastation on appalachia. while there are many areas of the southeastern US that are currently hurting because of what this storm has brought, the infrastructure in this particular region, hundreds of miles inland, is not built to withstand this kind of damage. western north carolina has been largely cut off from the outside world since the storm hit, with large scale disruptions to power and cellular service, many facing up to weeks without power and water, and washed out roads mean that many, still, especially in the more rural areas of the region, are trapped.
people need help, and they need it urgently.
as a native of western north carolina, my heart hurts for the beautiful place that i still call home even if life took me east, and for the wonderful people i still consider my community.
some of the most immediate, dire needs are securing access to basic necessities such as food, which is why i am highlighting two specific nonprofits: manna food bank, located in asheville and serving the surrounding communities, and second harvest food bank, serving northwestern nc, including several hard-hit counties in the northern mountains of western north carolina. manna food bank lost their entire headquarters in the asheville flooding, and are desperately seeking donations to restock their supplies for distribution to those in need, while second harvest is organizing a large scale hurricane relief effort.
in exchange for a donation to either of these food banks, i am offering a custom short work of writing, for whatever characters and prompts that are requested. for a $10 donation, i will write a drabble of at least 500 words, and for a $15 donation, i will write a short story of at least 1,000 words.
donate to manna food bank; donate to second harvest.
i encourage you to spread this, and i encourage you to participate in this fundraising effort as well! let's do our part to come together and show the people of western north carolina that we have not forgotten about them, and we will help them get through this.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
5 Literary Terms for Studying Poetry
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ABSTRACT DICTION / ABSTRACT IMAGERY: Language that describes qualities that cannot be perceived with the five senses. For instance, calling something pleasant or pleasing is abstract, while calling something yellow or sour is concrete. The word domesticity is abstract, but the word sweat is concrete. The preference for abstract or concrete imagery varies from century to century. Philip Sidney praised concrete imagery in poetry in his 1595 treatise, Apologie for Poetrie. A century later, Neoclassical thought tended to value the generality of abstract thought. In the early 1800s, the Romantic poets like Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Shelley once again preferred concreteness. In the 20th century, the distinction between concrete and abstract has been a subject of some debate. Ezra Pound and T. E. Hulme attempted to create a theory of concrete poetry. T. S. Eliot added to this school of thought with his theory of the "objective correlative."
EUPHONY (Greek "good sound"): Attempting to group words together harmoniously, so that the consonants permit an easy and pleasing flow of sound when spoken, as opposed to cacophony, when the poet intentionally mixes jarring or harsh sounds together in groups that make the phrasing either difficult to speak aloud or grating to the ear. Here is an example of euphony from John Keats' The Eve of St. Agnes (1820):
And lucent syrops, tinct with cinnamon; Manna and dates, in argosy transferred From Fez; and spiced dainties, every one From silken Samarcand to cedar'd Lebanon.
MEIOSIS: Understatement, the opposite of exaggeration: "I was somewhat worried when the psychopath ran toward me with a chainsaw." (i.e., I was terrified). Litotes (especially popular in Old English poetry) is a type of meiosis in which the writer uses a statement in the negative to create the effect: "You know, Einstein is not a bad mathematician." (i.e., Einstein is a good mathematician.) "That pustulant wart is somewhat unbeautiful" (i.e., That pustulant wart is ugly). Litotes is recognizable in English by negatives like not, no, non- and un-.)
SYNAESTHESIA (also spelled synesthesia, from Grk. "perceiving together"): A rhetorical trope involving shifts in imagery. It involves taking one type of sensory input (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste) and comingling it with another separate sense in an impossible way. In the resulting figure of speech, we end up talking about how a color sounds, or how a smell looks. When we say a musician hits a "blue note" while playing a sad song, we engage in synaesthesia. When we talk about a certain shade of color as a "cool green," we mix tactile or thermal imagery with visual imagery the same way. When we talk about a "heavy silence," we also use synaesthesia. Examples abound: "The scent of the rose rang like a bell through the garden." "I caressed the darkness with cool fingers." French poets, especially Baudelaire in Les fleurs du mal, have proven especially eager to use synaesthesia. The term itself is a fairly late addition to rhetoric and literary terminology, first coined in 1892, though examples of this figure of speech can be found in Homer, Aeschylus, Donne, Shelley, Crashaw, and scores of other writers and poets.
ZEUGMA (Greek "yoking" or "bonding"): Artfully using a single verb to refer to two different objects in an ungrammatical but striking way, or artfully using an adjective to refer to two separate nouns, even though the adjective would logically only be appropriate for one of the two. For instance, in Shakespeare's Henry V, Fluellen cries, "Kill the boys and the luggage." (The verb kill normally wouldn't be applied to luggage, so it counts a zeugma.) If the resulting grammatical construction changes the verb's initial meaning but is still grammatically correct, the zeugma is sometimes called syllepsis—though in actual practice, most critics use the general term zeugma to include both the grammatical and ungrammatical types interchangeably.
Source ⚜ More: Writing Notes & References
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kmac4him1st · 1 year ago
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My wonderful God, you are to be praised above all; teach me the power of your decrees! I speak continually of your laws as I recite out loud your counsel to me. I find more joy in following what you tell me to do than in chasing after all the wealth of the world. I set my heart on your precepts and pay close attention to all your ways. My delight is found in all your laws, and I won’t forget to walk in your words.’ Psalms 119:12-16
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tradcathy · 2 years ago
He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 8:3
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dead-rabbit-games · 1 year ago
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Words by @nightmareworks and Art by @moiderahart
A great many ships move through the Auric Range, trade flowing up through the Sierra Madre Line and out through the Santanna Blinkgate. Thus, an increased presence of Trunk Security and its subfirms. Of these subfirms the Boudreaux & Thibodeaux Concern handles design and production for mechanized chassis in what are termed “High-Threat Corporate Entanglements”.  This is all preamble of course, to introduce what many in the Range consider IPS-N’s finest security force multiplier- The Bonney.  The Bonney is what IPS-N terms a “High Kinetic Fire Support Platform” created by the hyperkinesis module integrated into the “nervous system” of the mech’s frame and the pilot’s spinal uplink. Doses of the synthetic nano-adrenaline released in microbursts throughout combat allow both mech and pilot to move faster and shoot better than anyone else on the battlefield. And to the mercenary forces of Ladon’s Corpse and Furthest West there simply isn’t better than an experienced Bonney pilot to turn any mission around.
Bonney, within the Auric Range, is seen as a veteran’s frame. This is not to say that IPS-N, through B&TC, will not sell the mech to any hotshot who comes through Santanna with Manna to burn (and in the Range, those men outnumber the veterans), they absolutely will. But the popular public consensus of the Bonney is derived from the screamsheets and newspicts that flow back to the Sisters from the dozens of conflict zones that decorate the Range- media that depicts the Bonney and her pilots as hard bitten mercenaries with the strange affect of someone used to a life that starts and stops on command. The critics say this is a side-effect of long-term “Chronos” exposure. The pilots say that’s just what it takes to survive beyond the grasp of the Sisters.
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