#Manila Who
brother-emperors · 7 months
it’s by divine intervention only that I’m not constantly posting about the bullshit cycle of Filipino politics here because the fucking presidential family is turning my home province into a puppet state and the wife of the assassinated governor is gearing up for a dynasty run in office and people are going to vote for her because they feel bad that her husband got murdered instead of seeing authoritarian assimilation and a dynast take over for what it is. The next election is not an election if all the players ahead of time have begun to form a united coalition with the backing of a fascist family.
instead I simply crack Crassus open like a walnut and start yelling really loud into his rib cage.
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As much as the 'haha Takemichi went to save his husband after saving his wife, bisexual much?' joke is funny, people who seriously thinks Tokyo Revengers should've stopped when Hinata was finally safe and sound missed an important component to the plot.
Yes, it all started with Hinata - but since when was it all about Hinata?
Takemichi, kind-hearted Takemichi, should've just stopped everything after saving her? He got into Toman for this reason, yes, to get closer to Mikey and stop him - and Kisaki - from killing her, but he also sincerely got closer to Mikey. And everyone else. And he's supposed to simply leave them be when 'mission: save Hinata' is complete? As if the number of people he wanted to save didn't get longer with each timeline? Those are his friends why would he throw them all away.
To protect Hinata he decided to stick close to Mikey since he failed to prevent Mikey and Kisaki meeting each other - and he got attached to Mikey during that, as well as all of Toman. Each steps to save Hinata was also a step to save Mikey from corruption and self-destruction. It was all linked from the start.
There was a shift after Bonten, okay, whatever, the only thing that truly changed was Hinata's importance in it. New enemy? That happens in each arc (right, sure, there wasn't Kisaki anymore). Mikey being more and more violent? Again, each arc featured a moment of Mikey showing signs of being mentally unwell - and now it was aggravated because it was two years earlier than what Takemichi got used to go back to. Etc, etc. Toman may be disbanded, but its (at least main) members still meet and interact and they all kept in touch - Mikey aside. That just a change of mood, a mix of the present/future timelines with a more serious setting and of the past timelines with how young they are, despite not being as young as before. And future timelines have never been a problem - there's a lot of love for Manila and Bonten. If Wakui had had time and energy, Kanto Manji, all 70 and so last chapters of TR could've worked with its fanbase. For some reasons it didn't, and I don't get why by myself
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jils-things · 2 months
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i just found out that the whole connection issue thing on my end is a mass effect for every filipino who's using tumblr rn....
so yeah... might not be able to see what y'all are sending from time to time rip...
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sasukeofcolor · 1 year
all the hate mikey is getting for being in the top 10 anime it boys 2023... HELL you are all going to HELL instantly
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evrensadwrn · 7 months
i think as a society(wickblr) we should be making continental oc’s
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jurispotence · 2 months
all the pop culture references in exordia also made me think i'll probably enjoy tlt? who knows.
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fand0mswithbunny · 11 months
saw hamilton yesterday. better than i couldve ever imagined, if i could i would see it again esp with my shit memory. 100/10, if you can go see it its the most surreal experience ever.
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thefiresontheheight · 2 years
ngl I find the story my last name FASCINATING because on it’s surface it’s just a Filipino last name that I (American) took from my wife. Except that it’s a Filipino version of a Han surname that (supposedly) dates back to one of the pseudo-historical emperors over 3000 years ago. EXCEPT that’s not even true because my wife’s grand father was Cantonese and fled from the Japanese to the Philippines during WW2 using stolen documentation that gave him that last name. So that’s how I (white) ended up using the Filipino version of a Han surname that was used by a Cantonese refugee family and if that’s not cool I don’t know what is.
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thewhizzyhead · 7 months
a high profile netflix actor (lauren tsai) exposing herself as a furry during the beginning of her arts career at a big ass convention is crazy and bold and she has earned my respect for it
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dantelionwishes · 1 year
hi! just wanted to say your thesis was featured in a class I was in today and it was super cool! the way you combined jung's archetypes with food (and one other thing im forgetting rn) was really smart and the results were so cool to look at and honestly kind of surreal in the middle of a bunch of research papers. the graphics you made for the paper were also really neat! that's all i just wanted to share that alkjdalksdj have a good one!
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So hows it going 😀
TMAGP 7 is a WILD ride
#First we're already starting off with the end of tmagp 6 with Celia Ripley being the new hire#(And having the same voice actress as a extremely side tma character who started calling herself Celia post-change)#Then you get fucking hit with#“I mean it's an old system but it could have been worse. It's not like we're wrestling with tape recorders and manila folders.”#AND CELIA ASKING IF THERE'S A WAY TO SEARCH FOR SPECIFIC THINGS. LIKE BEING BURIED ALIVE OR MEAT.#I.E. THE BURIED AND THE FLESH#I'm much more inclined to believe that the Celia's memories are seeping into each other than bit characters full on universe hopping#(Oh yeah The Magnus Protocol is set in a world that's parallel to The Magnus Archives; not technically a direct sequel)#[But like they are chronologically. I think.]#Anyway CELIA KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK IS UP#And you'd think things might calm down with today's incident report; it's just Chester (“ai”/“automated voice” also voiced by Jonathan Sims#[who voices character Jonathan Sims. Creative genius we know.]#with another internet-based statement#(HE'S TRAPPED IN THE FUCKING WEB)#Except know it's about a charity shop ON HILLTOP ROAD#For context: EVERY ELDRITCH ENTITY AND THEIR MOTHER FUCK AROUND WITH HILLTOP ROAD#PRIMARILY THE AFOREMENTIONED WEB#WHICH HARBORED THE MESSIAH OF THE CULT OF THE LIGHTLESS FLAME#AND THE CHARITY SHOP *BURNED DOWN* BY THE END OF THE INCIDENT REPORT#We then cut to the other new hire Sam going to talk to Colin the IT guy#Colin's definitely going to be the first to die he's in DEEP in trying to understand the mess of of system that is the OIAR#And he's been adamant against Alice giving the computers any sense of a personality#And what does Sam go to ask Colin? WHO JON IS#BECUASE HE GOT A NONSENSICAL EMAIL FROM A RANDOM USER WHO CALLED HIMSELF JON BUT IT LOOKED LIKE IT WAS AN INTERNAL EMAIL#Obviously Colin's to steeped in paranoia to react well to anything; but what is he hung up on?#That Sam brought his phone into the IT room; and that “it” has probably recorded too much already *!!!!!!!*#Oh and also their boss was like contracted to kill a guy but she failed and Gwen is using a video of it to blackmail her#tmagp spoilers
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Senju in future timelines
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ghoul-haunted · 11 months
oh NO I hit a geographical snare with bad governance. brutus, liberato, baby. where the fuck are you from. I cant believe I forgot about this.
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thistransient · 1 year
- So I went to the Taiwanese trial class with my friend. It was taught by a little old lady who was nice enough but gave me some mild flashbacks to those harrowing weeks with the Mandarin teacher of a similar age. Most of the session was her explaining the history of 台語 in Taiwan, with a side of trying to force the 8 tones and counting from 1 to 10 upon us via rote memorization. I felt a bit frustrated and not entirely thrilled, my friend was miffed that the school hadn’t explained the price they quoted was for the trial class only. We’ve decided to give it a pass and try a different school, although our scheduled trial there is on hold on account of the teacher falling ill. In the meantime my friend has begun to contemplate taking group Japanese class instead (as his partner and her kid are Japanese), which is much more widely available. I am tempted. Do I need to start half-assedly learning yet another language? Probably not. Do I want to divert my energy from Mandarin to whole-assedly learn Japanese? Also not really. Is there a high chance of following through nonetheless? At least I’m self-aware about it...
- Job applications here largely require a photo, and I need a haircut but I’m afraid to go back to the place I went in August for the big chop. The guy started cutting it while wet, then broke out the blow-dryer and kept snipping til he was satisfied, but because my hair is curly and I do not own styling product more complicated than a comb, it reverted immediately to a vague dandelion shape and took several months to actually resemble the reference photo I’d provided. The thought keeps crossing my mind to simply shave my head entirely. I had it buzzed to a 3 some ten years ago after a dye-job gone wrong and did not enjoy my appearance. Of course I look different now, and hair grows back, but the struggle between wanting the catharsis and radical change (not to mention less mess in the shower drain strainer) of a head-shave, and fearing the hassle of growing it all back out if I do truly detest it is raging inside of me.
- After coming back from Korea I may have spent one whole day languishing in bed and eating spoonfuls of peanut butter as a meal before slowly reconvening daily activities. I have been meeting some friends and going out, but I end up needing one day of hermit-like recovery for every outdoor social endeavour. I have yet to implement any kind of proper schedule (beyond “try to eat three meals and go outside at least once”), leading my friends to recommend I start by contemplating my greater, overarching goals for life. Every few years I come round to the notion of attempting a STEM degree (which would require redoing undergrad, but, as they say, “the time will pass anyways”). I think it would be really engaging to do a program taught in Chinese, and possibly motivate me to overcome my deficiencies in the math department, which is what always puts me off the whole scheme. Scientific terms are so much simpler in Mandarin because they’re extremely 顧名思義 (just as the name implies); English really shot itself in the foot with all the Greek and Latin. I don’t even need to check the dictionary to figure out 光合 means ‘photosynthesis’... Will I actually follow through with this, and live out my days happily studying trees and avoiding small talk with humans, or will I continue to trundle through life intermittently trying to teach English between bouts of autistic burnout? When I put it that way, the answer seems obvious, but this is without factoring in all the bugs that live in trees... Also wasn’t I trying to convince myself to go to grad school for what, translation? linguistics? library science? something? just a few months ago? Maybe overarching life goals are a red herring at present, and I should just get a job first and then see what kind of things I’m interested in when I have consistent disposable income to pursue them at length.
- I am, at the ripe old age of my mid-30s (I’m rounding up since my birthday is next month- again, so soon??) being forced to reconsider what it means to like someone. Perhaps on account of being socially inept and spending all of my formative years in Catholic school, I took for granted that it was that painful, infatuated pining one feels for attractive strangers or casual acquaintances who generally don’t reciprocate. In the past couple years I began to experience the strange phenomenon of having great affection for friends I’d gotten to know slowly and who became increasingly physically appealing as time wore on, but I wrote this off as Mystery Emotion X because it lacked that frantic obsession I was accustomed to. Now I suspect this may simply be a healthy manifestation of romantic attraction. I’ve often struggled with exactly what identity label the intersection of my gender, attraction pattern, and neurodivergency might land me under. I think the plot is thickening... but I will put off pursuing further clarity by going to the BDSM bar instead.
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whateveriscatchy · 9 months
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qualityrain · 1 year
Ok, I have been thinking about for a while, but do you think that Tianwu would be good with kids?
Like, he's good with Tianwen but she's his sister. He's known her since she was an infant. Do you he'd be good with other kids? Is he as good as Raven or even Mei?
I don't know if it'll be funnier if he's terrible with them or really good with them.
i do not rmb how mei is with kids but i think owl is good with kids but not in the same way as raven. raven is caretaker shes a parental figure i think owl is more of a older sibling figure (which sounds rlly obvious because. he is. the older sibling) raven is caring and nurturing and a teacher owl is a silly guy and will tease and make fun of the kids do you get me. not that owl cant be those (i do think his parents were more absent and hes the parental figure for tianwen) hes just going to be more of goofball he will say stupid shit to make the kids laugh. hes good with kids because hes like the fun older kid at the area but i do think he adapts depending on the kid like he wont be that teasing to say griseo yk. i think he can adapt to match the energy of the kid like the way he mirrors raven and mei with the whole ravens a bitch so hes also a bitch mei doesnt care she just wants to complete the mission so thats how he is with her. i think owl is good with kids in the way that he makes them laugh he keeps them entertained. raven is like a nurturer owl is an entertainer.
other than that i think owl being shit with kids is the funnier option hes going to talk abt zombies again and make them all cry
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