#Manhandle Slam
golswia · 7 months
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THE wall slam scene with my reverse gremlins 🧡
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doodle-do-wop · 2 months
Stina manhandles pretty much all of Team V and unfortunately it's spread outside the team
She's no longer just picking up her dumbass teammates and performing a strategical retreat when Dex starts talking shit to the council. Keefe will open his mouth just to cough and Stina's already got a grip on his head like he's a basketball and she's the next Caitlyn Clark about to throw him into the stratosphere for a three pointer at the start of the game
No one knows where this behavior stems from minus Maruca who's known this loud mouthed big haired bozo the longest, Stina treats the unicorns waaaaaaay nicer than she's EVER looked at Sophie and yet she still tussles with fully grown horses like they're puppies and not like they could end her life subscription with a kick. Like girl no that 200+ pound, 14 hands tall horse is not a puppy please stop picking him up like simba AND STOP ALMOST THROWING KEEFE THE SAME WAY JUST BECAUSE COMPARED TO A HORSE HE WEIGHS LESS THAN A COUPLE OF CHERRY TOMATOES-
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whumblr · 4 months
Crossed out - Continued from ch.3 - Prologue
A loud dull buzzer echoed through the concrete hall and Lucas actually bounced a little on his cot as he startled awake.
Before he could even curse and pull the blanket over his face, the lights outside and in his cell flashed on, making a poor substitute for natural sunlight.
He groaned and rolled from his bed to look for his button-up. Splashed some water in his face, brushed his teeth. Startled again and nearly choked on the foam as a loud rattling sound scratched along behind him.
The iron barred cell door slid open. It, too, moved like an ancient beast raised from its slumber by a dull buzzer; slow, groaning, reluctant. Actually, it wasn’t just his cell. Prompted by the cacophonous screeching of metal scraping along, he glanced up and noticed the cells across from his also opened.
He squinted his eyes in suspicion, spit out his toothpaste and rinsed his mouth.
Hesitantly, he approached the door and peeked outside. An eyebrow raised. What is this, roll-c—Oh shit. He shot into his shoes and stepped outside.
Everyone, all inmates, were standing neatly at attention next to their cell. All dressed and ready for the day.
Lucas followed suit, hastily buttoned up his shirt and stood up straight with his hands behind his back. He stood stock-still, his heart hammering against his ribs and his eyes furiously darting around, taking everything in. No one talked, no one moved. They all stood straight, staring straight ahead. Like, were they waiting for someth—”
Heavy footsteps against metal clanked through the room and on the other side of the half circle of cells, Nero made his way up the stairs. He strode past the men, seemingly satisfied, and unfortunately, stopped in front of Lucas, who had to crane his neck to meet his eye.
“You’re a fast learner, Varga,” Nero said, tone approving.
“Yeah. What if I oversleep?” Lucas asked just to be petulant. As if that buzzer or the bright light shining right through his eyelids could do anything but wake him.
“You do not want that.” Nero pointedly turned his head and Lucas followed his gaze.
About two cells down, there was one man who, like Lucas, stood alone outside his cell. His hands were clenched into fists behind his back and Lucas could actually see his shoulders twitch when Nero’s gaze landed on him.
Nero’s voice returned to the gravelly rumble he was quite familiar with by now: “Let me show you why.”
As soon as he took a single step towards the man, he was greeted by a high-pitched pleading.
“Sir! Please! He… he is not well. Please, he can’t walk and—”
Nero completely ignored the man and marched past him into the cell.
Lucas couldn’t see what was happening inside the cell, but by god, he could hear it.
A high-pitched cry of alarm and surprise turned to a yelp of pain, presumably from a man sitting on the edge of his bed who despite being unable to, still jumped up when Nero entered.
Some unintelligible explanations and excuses rolled from the cell. Nero’s voice rumbled over it, ending with a command that even from two cells away would make people jump to comply. But the single order was countered by multiple repetitions of “Please!”, quickly turning into a fast barrage of “no, no, no” until a sharp cry of pain followed that set Lucas’ hair on end.
Then without warning, a man was thrown out of the cell with such force that he practically launched out of the door. His back crashed into the iron bars of the railing along the metal walkway, slamming the air out of him in a shocked cry of pain. Despite the force, the iron didn’t give. And the man slumped forward, one arm curled around the iron bar, barely keeping him up.
His cellmate squeaked out a name and snapped forward, but immediately stopped in his tracks and took a step back when he noticed Nero looming over them. He scuttered back to his place next to the entrance to the cell, standing still.
With unnerving ease, Nero grabbed the slumped man by his shirt, pulled him up, and slammed him into the wall next to his cell, the designated spot where all inmates stood at attention.
“This is where I want you each morning, every morning. If you can’t walk, you’ll hop. If you can’t hop, you crawl. If you can’t even manage that, you have a cellmate who is there to support you. You know the rules. Now stand up!”
The man sobbed, scrambling to find his balance before the fist still pinning him to the wall would pull back. He teetered on one foot, desperately trying to keep his other from touching either the floor or the wall. “Yes, sir,” he brought out, and Nero pushed him lightly against the wall as he withdrew his fist, where the man made a brave attempt to keep standing up straight. He swayed a little without Nero’s support, hissed and nearly buckled when his other foot barely tapped the floor to keep him from tipping over.
The cellmate snapped to attention. His eyes nervously flicked down, to the baton on Nero’s belt, but Nero didn’t draw it.
“Yes, sir?!”
“You both know the rules, Graff. You have a cellmate for a reason and you have a sturdy pair of shoulders. Now you are both in violation.”
“Yes, sir,” Graff whispered, resigned.
“Take him to the infirmary, after headcount.”
Tension shattered when Nero fell a step back and Lucas found himself exhaling. He watched on in dumb shock, not fully comprehending, not fully wanting to comprehend what had just happened. The casual violence, in full yet completely ignored public view. How he could do nothing to step in, knowing he’d only make things worse. And the mindboggling implication that both men were going to be punished for something that— for nothing! This was nothing?!
He startled as Nero’s eyes landed on him and he snapped back to reality. Found himself shifted forward, away from the wall, stance one of wild hesitation; one step in the direction of the scene, hand half-raised, wanting to jump in yet completely frozen in place. He hadn’t even realised he had stepped forward.
Nero raised an eyebrow as if in challenge.
Lucas faltered. Reluctantly, he shifted back. Returned to his designated spot against the wall, standing at attention again, and clasped his hands behind his back as if physically retaining himself. His fingers tightened harder around his wrist, his jaw clenched, breath stuttered. Until a call “Dismissed!” echoed through the room and with military precision, all inmates turned and walked off.
All but two. Graff slung his cellmate’s arm over his shoulder and helped him hop along with the others. He kept his head down as they passed Nero.
Lucas followed, lagging behind them. In passing, he pushed his luck and glanced up at Nero.
“Don’t oversleep… Varga,” the man merely muttered.
Continued here
Tag list: @gala1981 @chaotic-orphan @lolrpop
@andithewhumper @tippytappytyping @suspicious-whumping-egg
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Got me curious... In a serious duel, would Jade be able to defeat Ghost?
Nameless user in Tumblr, Ghost would absolutely pummel Jade to the ground if he's serious 😭
Size and strength is everything in a fight, and Ghost's got the upper hand on both. Jade probably could outspeed him, it'd be a long and tiring fight for sure, but he'd stand as the winner.
He'll let her win just to see her smile 😌
Not me thinking about drawing the two of them sparring together 😭
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whumpypepsigal · 4 months
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The Gentlemen s01e02: Eddie vs henchman
**requested gifs 1/2**
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morgstny · 5 months
Seeing the difference between Arthur’s broader stockier build compared to John’s skinnier leaner one is so crazy to me because I know with all my heart that John was treated like a rag doll & princess simultaneously
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veone · 10 days
Can't really sleep so mini rambles about Nick and his evolution for me on his look. I am trying to balance his features well because he looks very much his father with some of his mother features and color.
Dark brown eyes, sometimes he wears contacts and he opts for dark blue, so dark you don't notice they are blue. His scerla is touch red all the time due to irritates in the air and his drug us that shades the eyes and blood by extention blue. It be odd to see him with clear skin, he doesn't take care of his skin, it's not to bad all the time but he'd always have a pimple or two on his forehead and or chin until he gets a bit older. I don't think he really cares tbh. He doesn't look in the mirror often. Eye bags and dark circles from the lack of sleep that's been a consistent issue since he was a child. Sparce facial hair, he can grow a beard but it takes a little long and it's unfortunately genetic.
Thick eyebrows, not styled outside of making sure they don't connect. Clothing wise I style him very casual, borderline very lazily, fortunately for him i have stuck the fashion in early 2000s and late 90s look and he doesn't put alot of effort into cloths. Most are borrowed or second hand from the community shelters. He gravitate towards more skater styles, cargo pants, baggy jeans, big shirts and layers. Only really wears two pairs of dirty white shoes outside of work uniform that are ill fit, usually a bit baggy from weight lost or he mistakenly took someone else's cloths. Work boots from warehouse jobs. Mechanic top that was just found. Has nick on it. Don't know who that nick is though.
Hair! Thick dark hair, as he ages it's thining at the temples but he'll never go bald. It's graying, he has a bit of gray peeking through and he is going to be a thirty something year old with salt n pepper hair. He is not doing great tbh, it's a combo of stress and genetics. He dyes it though when he's feeling like taking care of him self. Technically he would be wearing glasses but cybernetics exist and even if they didn't he wouldn't wear them because he think he looks lame.
He doesn't maintain his cybernetics very well. They need some updates but they aren't effecting him to much. He has some fixes to his vision and his hearing in his right ear, along with some corrections to his brain from getting his head actually cracked open at some point in his early 20s. Has chronic migraines that flair up when he's stressed, orginate from a stress headache and takes a nose dive. He needs a dark room, cold and quiet. Can totally turn off his hearing at will because no. He's five eight, he's average hight for the earth's population of men. Most men don't get taller than five ten with some exceptions of being six feet. With him bring trans though if he never transitioned he'd be considered tall for a women. Most women are about five five and shorter but the height difference isn't to noticeable.
Weight-flucicates from lack of appetite from drug use and his mental health just nose diving. When he's sober and relatively stable, he can pick up weight pretty quickly, has a great appetite, and kinda a shit diet of take out and energy drinks. Really enjoys fried foods and dumplings. Can't ever see him being toned or muscular. He don't exercise unless like sid dragged him along with her to the gym or some yoga class. He out of shape in that regards and hates it. I don't blame him.
Tats and scars! He only has a sleave that stretches over one side of his chest. It's to cover old scars and a recovery thing for him that didn't really work but it's not constant reminder of some shitty days. Wanted to cover up track mark-just uses the other arm. He will get a sleave when he gets clean from iv drug use. He got burned at some point as a tween playing with stuff he shouldn't have been, it's on his on tated arm and bits of his abdomen. Not to bad but it's noticeable to note. Random addition but nick is in his late 20s or early 30s, im saying or because he doesn't actually tell people his age because he'd rather have people assume because they aim lower and he has a bit of insecurities about the fact he's not where he "should" be for his age. This is why when he find out sid is like 24 he responses by gagging. He mentally blocks out her age because if he thinks about it to long it send him because he's really use to dating in his age range or older and feels like he should be more of a leader n sid is not allowing that. He's happy with that but he got expectations of "older" men that he gotta work on a bit.
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um...wow. just like...yeah.
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trlblzd · 2 months
all i'm saying is that stelle is into people that can wrangle them sideways
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zappedbyzabka · 1 year
Yall are gonna be getting some og cobra actor gifs and more Johnny x cobras content soon because I said so
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dormiloncito · 2 years
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can you guess who's finally here. can you.
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makismei · 6 months
“stay on it,” he breathes, arms circling around you to keep you on his cock. his lips brush against your chest, lightly nipping at the skin.
“satoru, i can’t!” you whine, legs shaking as you try to get off his lap. “‘s too much, I’m gonna cum again!”
satoru doesn’t even bother pulling out when he thrusts, just grinding his dick into you while he watches you fall apart. “you like it baby, come on.”
head falling onto his shoulder, he bites back a grin as he thrusts up. your eyes are rolling back, feeling him pound into you from below. you don’t think you can take it anymore, but it’s all you want.
he isn’t wrong when he says you like it.
your hands slap his shoulders, not able to do much as he manhandles you to bounce on his dick. “satoruuu, fuck, oh my god!”
legs shaking, he manoeuvres you to lay on your back. throwing your ankles over his left shoulder, he continues to thrust into your cunt, hitting your g-spot with ease.
“give me some more, pretty.” he grins, “you’re not done until i say you are.”
you hate how he’s so good at keeping you pinned, but then again, when he uses his strength to keep you pliant, you’re practically looking up at him with hearts in your eyes.
“what a slut,” he laughs, “you like this.”
you nod furiously, “mmm, i love it!”
moving one of your ankles to his other shoulder, he leans down, smothering your face in chaste kisses.
burying his face into the crook of your neck, gojo starts slamming his hips into you. your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer.
you feel like your eyes are crossing as he forces orgasm after orgasm out of you. your legs are quivering while he continues to poke and prod everywhere you’re sensitive.
“so good for me,” he says, breath tickling your ear, “i could have you like this all day, baby.”
he feels you clench down on him and he sloppily kisses your cheek, “i feel it baby, give it to me.”
“satoruuu, ‘s too big,” you cry, “i think ‘m gonna make a mess!”
he shushes you, calming you down by cupping your face in his hands, keeping your eyes on him. his thrusts don’t slow, feeling his release. “‘s okay, don’t worry—i’m gonna cum baby, where—”
“insideee!” you whine, “need it inside!”
he cums the second he hears you and you follow, squirting all over his abdomen. he drops majority of his weight onto you, feeling his cock go limp inside your cunt. he presses a kiss to your temple, praising you softly.
when he pulls out, he props your hips up with a pillow, keeping your legs spread so he can admire the mess.
whistling lowly, he thumbs at your slit.
your legs immediately twitch, whining. “no more, please.”
he nods, laughing, “‘s okay baby, ‘m just looking.”
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classyrbf · 2 months
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SYNOPSIS...sukuna can no longer hold himself back whenever he sees you in his quarters, so he ends up fucking you, his servant
INFO...true form!sukuna x fem!reader, manhandling, anal, double penetration, hair pulling, choking, dacryphilia, overstim, name calling, readers calls sukuna ‘master’ and ‘my lord’, not proofread
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated
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“M-master!” You squealed, your ankles by your ears as tears brim your eyes. You’re gasping for air, trying your hardest not to pass out from the overwhelming pleasure you felt coursing through your body. “Please!” Your hands are pushing on his chest, weak attempts at trying to get him to slow down. But did you really want him to? The feeling of both of his cocks sliding in and out of you, penetrating both of your holes. They suck him in, wrap around him and keep him there, cause deep down, you’re aching to cum again.
“Fuck!” He grunts, one hand wrapped around your tiny little throat, squeezing, but not enough to do any harm. “Been wanting to feel this pussy since the moment you became my good little servant. And I must say, you’ve lived up to my expectations,” he chuckles, baring his fangs. You whimper under him, the praise going straight to your pussy. It’d be anyone’s dream to get praise by the Lord Sukuna, and you here you were, getting fucked by him. “You like being good for me don’t you?” He slams his hips against yours, the fat head of his cock sending you into a spiral as it hits all the right angles.
“Ah—yes!” You nod, eyes rolling back. “Yes!” Your hand comes to wrap around his forearm, little breaths leaving your lips as you lay there and take it. “I love it, my lord!” You stare up at him with such desperation and eagerness. He reaches his hand down your neglected clit, the pad of his thumb rubbing it in circles, amplifying the pleasure. “Master!” You gasp. “Gonna cum! Fuck! Fuck!” You scream, voice echoing through the room. Your legs shake under him, pussy throbbing around his cock.
“What are whore you are,” he laughs, slowly pulling out of your swollen pussy. He removes his hand from your throat, spreading your legs wide so he can get a good look at the mess you’ve made. Another hand strokes his cock, slowly, only inches away from where you wanted him most. “I should’ve known you were. Don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you look at me. That brain of yours is filthy, servant.” He has a smug smile on his face as he stares at your hole clenching around nothing.
“Sir, I…yes. I’ve had filthy thoughts about you,” you say shyly. “I did not mean to—ah!” He flips you over onto your stomach like you weigh nothing, hoisting your ass in the air before giving it a good slap. Your eyes clench shut at the stinging sensation, his nails trailing over your skin. “I’m sorry,” you meekly say.
“Tell me, have you thought about me spanking you before? Bending you over and fucking you senseless?” He closes in on you, his breath fanning your ear as he whispers so delicately with such dominance. He dips two fingers into your sopping cunt, taking pleasure in hearing the way you moan into the sheets. “Or having my fingers in your greedy cunt?” The lewd sound that followed his movement made your face heat up in embarrassment. Unexpectedly, he forced your gaze upon him, grabbing a fistful of your hair. You winced, staring at him through half lidded eyes. “Answer me.”
With a simple nod, you answered, “yes, my lord.” He let out a devious laugh at your words, he build towering over you as he looked down at you in your most vulnerable. You tried to hide from him, cowering on all fours while his fingers were still deep inside of you.
“Usually, I don’t tolerate such behavior, especially from a weak human like yourself,” he removed his fingers from you, looking at how they were coated in your slick, “but you seem so desperate and eager for me, I find it rather entertaining. Are you not afraid I might hurt you or is that what you want?” He positioned himself behind you, his hand running down your spine, goosebumps on your skin. “You’ve intrigued me, servant.”
Your eyes widened at the feeling of both of his cocks sliding into your tight holes, your hands gripping the sheets below you as you accommodated to the stretch. A measly whimper escaped your throat as you prepared for his harsh thrusts. You knew he wasn’t going to go easy on you. His large hands grip your hips, the other tugging at your hair, and lastly another one tugging at your arm all while he slammed into you. Plap! Plap! Plap!
“Nngh—fuck! Ah!” You pant, your body thrusting forward with such force only to be pulled back by Sukuna. “Oh my god!” Your eyes roll back and your jaw falls slack at the feeling of his cock dragging along your sensitive walls.
“The only god here is me,” he growls, pulling your back flush against his broad chest. His hand wrapped around your throat as he pistons his hips with such ease. Your hands grip onto his thighs, nails leaving crescent marks on his skin. “I should fill your holes, breed you and make you my concubine,” he devilishly whispered in your ear. “Did you just clench around me? Did the thought of me breeding you turn you on, filthy human? Say it.” His hand squeezed your throat tighter before he pushed you back down to the bed, shoving your head into the pillows.
“G-gonna cum! I’m so close!” You scream, tears streaming down your cheeks as he plowed into you with such force, fucking you into the mattress.
“Shit! Mmm, fuck yes!” He pulled you back on his cock, fucking you harder, deeper, and faster. He landed a slap on your ass, watching the way it bounced back, leaving him mesmerized. His thrusts grew sloppier, a clear indication he was going to cum soon. “Say it!” He demanded, voice sharp and rough.
“Fuck! Please, breed me! Please, my lord! I want it—ah! I’m cumming!” You cried out, body quivering while simultaneously, you felt hot spurts of cum fill you up in both of your holes.
“There you go, fucking take it!” Your weak body collapsed, as he slowly pulled out of you, watching in awe at how his cum leaked out. “Maybe humans are good for something after all,” he scoffs. He watches the way your body trembles on his bed, barely able to move on your own. “You’ve impressed me today.”
With slow movements, you pick your nightgown and robe up off the floor, dressing yourself. “I’m glad I could be of service to you, master.” Your voice is wavering as you gather yourself, bowing your head in respect.
Just as you were about to walk away, you hear his footsteps behind you. “And where do you think you’re going?” He asks, voice echoing in your ears. You turn to face him, scared to make eyes contact with him even thought his cum was dripping down your legs.
“Back to the servant quarters—”
“Did you take what I said as a joke? You’re my concubine now.” He steps closer, closing the distance between you two. “Clean up. I’ll have the others bring you something more suitable to wear to sleep.” He looks down at the cheap nightgown you wore, a few buttons missing from when he ripped it off of you.
“I didn’t mean to offend you. Thank you, my lord.” You went to step towards the bathroom, only for his large hand to pull you back.
“Undress, here. I’ll have them throw it out,” he demanded. You gulped, nodding at his orders. You carefully undid the buttons, sliding the night gown off, the fabric falling at your feet. “Now go. Perhaps I should join you after.”
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sugume · 8 months
r/ATIA for WHAT!? w/Jujutsu Kaisen  
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More: Fem!Reader, dark & explicit content, dubcon, piss kink, necrophilia, manhandling, choking, coercion, teacher x student, power dynamics, blackmail, threesome, Cuck!Gojo, drinking. unedited
Featuring: Nanami Kento, Choso Kamo, Ryomen Sukuna, Gojo Satoru
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r/fuckingmystudent posted by u/Nanami_Kento 
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you try to recall the events that lead you to get your brains fucked by your professor. He caught you filming a video for your Onlyfans in his class. So, he took your phone and asked you to meet him in his office after class. There, he forced you to unlock your phone and show him what exactly you were recording. It was utterly humiliating and watching him, watch you, finger yourself with a pen underneath the desk. After, he’d told you that he’d tell the dean you were getting off on his voice lecturing you unless you did something for him.  Which led you ass up on his desk, trying your hardest not to make a peep as his fat cock slammed in and out of you. “Now, what I'm going to do is take out my cell,” He grunts, rolling his hips deep into you. “And record you slamming your ass onto my cock so if you decide to open that sweet mouth of yours, I'll have no choice but to send this video to mommy and daddy back at home, understand?” You nod, tears forming in your eyes from the threat or incoming orgasm, probably both. “Say ‘Yes, Professor!’ and maybe I'll send you the video so you can post it and feed yourself this week.” 
r/peeinginher posted by u/choso_Kamo 
Ankles beside your head, Choso had you folded in half as he pounded into your swollen cunt. He’d been going for what felt like hours and you were about to reach another peak when he abruptly stopped. “Choso?” you rasp, voice raw from screaming. “What’s wrong, baby?” You ask, staring up at him as he stares down at your glistening cunt. He just tilts his head and continues to stare. You’re about to ask again when he blinks from whatever trance he is in and starts thrusting in and out, slower this time. “Nothin’ baby, jus’ gotta piss.” “T-then stop and go, hm–” you gasp when he pushes your legs down further. “Stop and go to the bathroom Cho.” you try to pull his hands off your calves. Choso tightens his hold and grins down at you. “C-Choso?” “Why would I get up when I have a perfectly capable toilet right here.” Is all you hear before you suddenly feel a foreign warmth in your cunt followed by wetness trickling out your pussy.  
r/askinghertoplaydead posted by u/Ryomen_Sukuna 
“You wan’ me to do what?” You ask, staring up at him from your position between his legs. “I asked you to stop suckin’ my cock and hang off the bed like a drugged-up bitch on her last life.” He stares at you with a look that tells you he isn’t truly asking. “B-but ‘Kuna—” He grabs your throat. “Don’t you wanna make me happy, hm?” You grab the hand around your neck. “Mhm.” “This ‘ll make me happy, little girl,” He plants a firm kiss on your lips. “Now do as I told you, actually I’ll do it, I know you aren’t the best at following orders.” He says before pushing you back like a ragdoll. “Yes, now lay there, don’t move, don’t speak.” Sukuna reiterates, finally satisfied with your position, naked on your stomach with your head hanging off the bed. He wastes no time shoving his big cock into your cunt. You groan from the sudden intrusion “Kuna!” “Shut up, dead bitches don’t fuckin’ make sounds.”  
r/forcinga3some posted by u/Gojo_Satoru 
“Sit on his cock love,” Gojo demands, grabbing you by the waist and throwing you onto Suguru’s lap. “S-Satoru!” “’ Toru!” You and Geto screech at the same time. “C’mon guys, it’s fine I don’t mind, Loosen up!” Gojo looks at you on his best friend's lap and his cock twitching underneath his pants. He palms it. Don’t worry, we’ll have our turn. “I know you two want to fuck, c'mon! Do I really have to pull it out and shove it up your tight cunt?” Goji grits out, increasingly frustrated when the two of you stare at him like a pair of deer in headlights. “Baby, I-it was just a truth or dare question!” Your head aches and you put both of your hands on Suguru’s broad shoulders to stable yourself, trying and failing to ignore his hard under your panty-covered pussy. “Was it? So, you aren’t wet right now? And you Suguru? You aren't rock fucking hard at the thought of fucking the same pussy I cum in every night?” Gojo raises his eyebrow holding eye contact with you until you look away, face flushed. Suguru sighs, throwing his head back with murmured ‘fuck this.’ before grabbing your waist. “Yes! That’s what I thought. Ha!” Gojo laughs, watching as Suguru starts grinding you down on his bulge.  
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fairy-angel222 · 8 months
—jjk men and the positions they fuck you in
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featuring: gojo, toji, nanami, choso, geto
content: smut, praise, ass slapping, belly bulge, breeding, hair pulling, degradation, cervix touching mention n more
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𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨. Doggy style
There’s just something about having you on your hands and knees that Gojo loves. His hands on your hips as he pounded roughly into you, black blindfold covering his crazed eyes at the feeling of his thick cock thrusting into your sopping cunt.
You were moaning loudly, sweat coating your forehead as Gojo’s hips slammed onto your ass. His length grazing against your gummy walls before finding itself deep. You mewled. “Satoru, feels so good.” Whimpering shakily when you felt his tip pressing into your g spot, his heavy balls hitting your sensitive clit with each movement.
“Nnhg- ah, S-satoru,” you cried, your lips parting in heavy breaths and mewls as Gojo rutted into you like there was no tomorrow. A grin on his face when one hand reached up for your hair. Pulling your head up and forcing you to look at your slut out face in the mirror.
“Look at yourself.” he grinned, “such a pretty little slut f’me hmm?” Watching as you watched yourself with teary eyes. Your tits bouncing lewdly as you gripped the bed’s sheets harder. “Taking my cock so fucking well.” His large hand kneading at the flesh of your ass before landing his hand down onto it.
A choked cry escaping your mouth as you clenched down on him. Your eyes rolling back and your toes curling as Gojo molded your pussy on his cock. “Sa-tor— haah” you let out a moan when Gojo leaned down to press his back against yours.
The new found position allowing him to fuck you even deeper, heat filling your body at the building coil in your stomach. Gojo’s breath was hot on your ear when he groaned, “Come on slutty girl, make a mess on me, yeah?”
You nodded with a silent scream when Gojo’s hot tongue met your neck, his hand in your hair still forcing you to make eye contact with your reflection as you came undone. Your back arching deep and your body shaking as you gushed around his cock. A cocky smirk plastered on his face watching you squirt around him, his fast pace never slowing down.
“One more.”
𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢. Full nelson
It started off as something he simply wanted to try, quickly becoming his favorite position to manhandle your body into when he wanted to use your pussy. Lifting you up onto him. Whether he was sitting or standing, bending your legs back onto his shoulders with his arms under your knees. Using your smaller body as his personal breeding fleshlight.
Forcing your pussy on and off his fat cock till you were crying at how deep he was. His tip almost pushing past your cervix entrance as he fucked you on him. Effortlessly using your wetness to stroke his dick.
“To-jiii— nngh, ‘s too much- you’re so deep,” you mewled, your cries shaky as the older man’s cock pierced your insides. Toji groaned with a smirk, bringing your hips flush down harshly onto his cock. The underside of your ass slamming against his hips as he messily fucked into you.
“Such a good pocket pussy for me.” he groaned, his veiny cock rubbing hard against your slippery walls. “Slutty pussy is so fucking tight.” he rasped, his deep voice hot in your ear making you clench down with a cry.
“Tojiii— ahh, ‘m cumming.” you sobbed, screaming out with a hiccup as pleasurable tears stained your cheeks. Your stomach tightening with the outline of the man’s tip bulging through. Toji thrusting up mercilessly into you with a grunt. “Go ahead. Fuck. Squeezing me so fucking tight, gonna break this pussy on my cock.”
His eyes dark as you fell apart. Your puffy eyes rolled back with loud sobs, your body spasming and your toes curling as you breathed heavily. Head falling back into Toji’s neck as you fell off the edge. Pussy gushing messily onto his still thrusting cock.
Toji grinned sadistically, “There we go. Hmm, think you can let out one more f’me?” Knowing very well he’d force one out of you even if you said no.
𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢. Riding
Loves to have you ride him. Thinking you’re in charge as you moved your hips back and forth. Moaning and whimpering loudly as you simultaneously stimulated your clit near the base of his cock. You were so tired, you just couldn’t grind against that spot that you needed so bad.
“Kentooo— need your help, make me cum, please.” Nanami smiled teasingly, “My baby can’t make herself come on her own now can she?”
You let out a whine, eyes tearing up with a pout as you began to bounce on him. “Uh uh, need you Kento— please daddy.”
Nanami smiled, “My pleasure sweetheart.” Grabbing hold of your hips to still your rhythmless movements. Pressing a kiss to your lips before guiding your hips up and down his cock, thrusting roughly up into you making you cry out.
His dick fucking messily into your wet cunt, your mouth hung open in loud moans as he effortlessly slammed up into you just how you needed it. You mewled, “K-ken.. nnhg, Kento— haah, so good.”
Your whimpers were shaky as your boyfriend did all the work for you. His thick cock grazing harshly against your gummy walls as it stretched you out, stuffing your tight pussy to the max. “Daddy,” you breathed, your eyes rolling back as you felt yourself getting close.
Head fuzzy as you became a mess on him. Nanami’s large hand reaching up to grab your chin. “Look at me when you cum sweetheart.” Your glassy eyes meeting his as you fell apart, body trembling when Nanami helped you grind along his thighs.
A broken mewl leaving your mouth as you creamed his cock, clenching down on him with a string of moans.
Nanami grunted. “That’s it. Good girl, give me another one hmm?”
𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨. Missionary
He’s a simple man. As long as he is able to touch you while looking at your pretty face then he’s happy. His hips rutting sloppily into you as he moaned and whined. His movements rough and fast as he got lost in the tight wetness of your slippery cunt.
His eyes filled with want, watching lovingly as you moaned his name. “You’re so t-tight baby— nnhg, feel so good around my cock,” he moaned. Pressing sloppy kisses all over your face with his hand kneading the soft flesh of your breasts. Leaning down to latch his hot tongue around your pert nipple, swirling his tongue around the bud with a groan.
“Baby,” Choso whined, “Sooo good— so tight, ahh- so wet.” Moaning loudly when your fingers tangled in his hair, tugging at fluffy black strands as his hips rolled into yours.
“Ch-oso— ah, choso baby. So good.” you cried out, your pussy clenching down hard onto him and your back arching. A shaky whimper leaving both your mouths when your eyes met. Your moans competing with his as you both reached your highs.
Touching as much of each other as you could. Your sweaty bodies pressed onto each other in a room filled with lewd noises.
“Chosoo—“ you mewled, “ ‘M close.”
Choso whimpered when you clenched down on his cock. “Mhm? Cum with me okay baby? Fuck— please cum with me.” he cried out, his thrusts becoming uncoordinated as you both let each other’s name slip past your lips. Moaning and whimpering into each other before you were both shaking.
“You there baby?” Choso mewled, “Please tell me you’re there.”
You nodded, “Uh huh— ahh, ‘m there baby.”
You’re both cumming after that, Choso’s eyes closed and his lips parted in short moans while your eyes rolled back in a silent scream. Gushing onto his cock as Choso bottomed out inside you, stilling his cock deep into your heat before spilling his warm cum.
Both of you panting hard as he fucked you through your high. Choso intoxicated at the way you were becoming stuffed full. “Don’t wanna stop yet baby. One more.”
𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨. Cowgirl
Puts you on him in cowgirl position. Watching with a satisfied smirk as you rode him to orgasm. His hands behind his head against his headboard, his eyes swirling with lust as you bounced on his cock with the roll of your hips.
Whimpering loudly as your nails raked down his chest. Frothy ring of wetness forming at the base of his cock, your sopping pussy dripping down onto his thighs as you fucked yourself deep. Crying out shakily when you felt his rounded tip hitting rapidly into your gummy spot. The sensation making you throw back your head with a mewl.
“Suguru— nnhg, so good.” Your head falling back as you rut your hips desperately onto him, your pussy messily gushing onto his skin. “Sugu- ahh, Suguru,” your eyes glassed over with tears as your cunt was stuffed full of his girth.
Geto hummed, “Look at you, such a good little thing for me aren’t ya?” His smirk widening when you could only moan in response, tightening down on him as your body trembled.
“Suguru. ‘M so close.” you mewled, your breathing heavy with your movements becoming uncoordinated. Digging your nails past the barrier of his skin as your back arched, a string of cries falling past your swollen lips.
“Come on pretty,” he groaned, “doing so well, make a mess on my cock yeah?”
“H-haah, nnhg— sugu,” The coil in your stomach snapping as your eyes met your boyfriend’s with a shiver. Mewling loudly at the sight of his pierced lip between his teeth. His chest rising and falling as your cunt tightened.
“That’s it baby, let it out.”
His deep voice was enough to have you falling apart, messily creaming his cock.
“There we go, ‘m sure you can take one more. Don’t stop.”
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hoshigray · 2 months
Could you maybe do the jjk men with a brat reader?
˚₊‧꒰ა !! BRA✮T✮AMER !! ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ | jjk men
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✿꫶ ᩨkento, satoru, suguru, sukuna & toji × taming their bratty baby
contents: JJK men x fem! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - size differences - brat taming - fingering (f! receiving) - oral (m! receiving) - manhandling - shibari; rope bondage - sex toys - impact play (p + a slapping) - Daddy kink - overstimulation - unprotected sex (psa: wrap it up, or get tf up) - more stuff specified in their respective perspectives - mentions of drool/spit, pain, and tears.
word count: 3.8k
a. note: my first multi-chara post to celebrate 10k, yippeee!! lmk how i did ( •◡-)-✩
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── ✿ Nanami Kento ⋮ sex in a public space; office room - thigh riding - fingering (f! receiving) - clitoral play (pressing and pinching) - orgasm denial - pet names (baby, [my] love, sweetpea).
“Taaahhh, Kentooo, more, mooore…”
All you had to do was be good, not cause too much trouble for your boyfriend in his place of work, and be patient.
So why does your man have to pull you aside to one of the offices of Jujutsu Tech to correct you?
“You’re not supposed to be enjoying yourself, love. Especially after that stunt you pulled a few minutes ago.”
Nanami pressed you against a wall, his arms caging you and a leg between yours. After a rather inappropriate display of affection, you had showcased to one of the faculty members he was speaking with–poor Ijichi–he grabbed your wrist and stormed inside to find the quietest area to deal with you. What is supposed to be a talk on your childish antics turned into…you riding his thigh?
He doesn’t know why or how it happened; one moment, he was lecturing you on how indecent your behavior was (in a school, no less!), and then he watched your attention drift downward, away from his chocolate eyes to the tan pants. Your hips slowly come to and fro, sliding your groin on the hard surface of his thigh. He catches on after the third or fourth thrust, the tone of this conversation dialing to a more intimate connotation. 
Your hands grab hold of his blazer, shaky huffs escaping your lips. “Ohhh, Kentooo,” you purr with a bitten lip. “You feel so good…”
“Is this what you wanted?” The blonde man comes to your ear to whisper and shivers crawl up your spine as you nod. He brings a hand to cup and squish your cheeks. “But explain why you were playing with my belt in front of my peers, my love?”
“Because,” you drop your head on his chest, the rhythm ace of your hips going a bit faster. “You're supposed to—Mmmm!—give me…attention.” 
“Yeah?” He chews on your ear, and a soft gasp exits your mouth. “Doesn’t mean you have to do stuff like that, honey; it makes me look bad.”
You giggled. “You know how much I love to see your reactions, babe. It’s funny—Eeyaah!”
“Well, I’m not laughing,” Nanami’s hand glided down to your skirt, lifting it to touch your groin covered by underwear, and it’s not surprising to feel a damp spot getting wetter. “I’ve told you multiple times to be patient.”
“I…I–I can’t help it!” He shushes you as your voice gets a bit louder, but that’s expected when his thick fingers press hard on your clit. “Whenever I’m with you, I want to be the—fuck—the only thing you care about…”
Nanami kisses your cheek faintly, and you melt to the kiss as his fingers slither inside your panties. “You know I always care about you,” his middle finger teasing your labia and getting covered by your slick. “And when it’s just us two, I always know how to treat you right, huh?”
“Yessss,” you sigh heavenly; the feel of his digit teasing your entrance have you giddy, and his thumb brushing and pressing up on your clit makes you jitter. “Ohhh, Ken, right there…”
“What’s that, sweetpea?” He gently pinches your bud with his thumb and fore, and you grip his blazer as reins. “Want me to care for my baby like I know how?” You slam your lips onto his; he groans and permits the kiss, sucking on your tongue while his fingers curl and erupt moans of pleasure for him to drink. You separate to pant heavily, and he says: “Tell me, my love.”
Oh, God, yes! The bucks of your hips get faster. “Yess, pleaseee…!”
He huffs with a tiny smile. “Well, not right now.”
Nanami removes his fingers from your skirt and immediately removes himself from you, wiping your essence with his tongue and handkerchief. “Like I said, you must be patient to get what you want.”
Wait, huh?!? “W-Wait a minute, we were,” you watch him walk to the office door. “Just getting…started.”
“I know; I gave you a small taste of what’s to come after my meeting,” he opens the sliding door. “Until then, stay here and be good like I told you.”
“Hold on—Kento, stop!” Before he leaves, Nanami gives you a smirk, a tiny sign of victory on his part. And with the close of the door, you groan out loud for all the people of the school to hear.
── ✿ Gojō Satoru ⋮ oral (f! receiving) - fingering (f! receiving) - clitoral play (licking + sucking) - multiple orgasms - overstimulation - pet names (angel, baby, princess, sweetie) - mention of drool/spit.
“Haaaahshiiiit! Ahhhh, ‘Toruuu, shtop iiiit!!”
“Mmphaa—fucking God, you taste so fucking good, angel.”
Gojo is just as childish as you—don’t let the height and the intimidating aura fool you, motherfucker is a literal overgrown child. When he needs to be serious, he will deliver as the strongest sorcerer of the modern era, and his confidence and indestructible arrogance are what aid him in flying through his enemies or people who wrongfully think they can try to control him.
And that also goes for you, his little cute brat of a crybaby.
“Sat’ruuuu, don’t suck so h—Aaaahh!!”
You loved to play fire with fire with your tall boyfriend, both harboring an ego that clashes periodically. You never want to make it easy for him; he’s the strongest, after all—he should be able to handle you! For example, one thing that Gojo can’t stand when he’s with you is ignoring him. You want to get him really on his nerves? Just ignore him as best as you can! And that’s what you did, walking around your shared apartment, not coming to him when he calls or listening to music on full blast while scrolling on your phone until he snatches it off your head.
Or–and this is the best–moving away from him whenever he’s affectionate towards you. Oh, it messes with his head! He puts an arm around you? Scoot out of his reach. Wants to hold hands with you? Nonchalantly remove yours and act like you’re checking your nails. Pulling you in for a hug and kiss? Suck your teeth and put your hand on his expecting lips, and move somewhere else to really add salt to the wound.
It leaves him shellshock, gawking at your figure walking away from him—and you know his expressions must be golden. But he’s not dumb—he knows what game you’re playing. And, most certainly, two can play that game. 
“Gaahhh, nnnhh, y-yo’r tongue—Ghhhh!”
Gojo knows you’re putting him through this trivial hell for your enjoyment because he’ll come crawling right back to you for attention. And he will…and he’ll do it in a manner you hadn’t envisaged tenfold.
He pulled you by the legs on the living room couch, hearing you giggle as he stripped you off your leggings and underwear. It started small—kisses and light nibbles on your inner thighs, spreading your legs for access. You peer down to his snow-haired head, grinning in triumph as you finally get what you want.
However…there’s a catch.
Gojo’s tongue feverishly tongues you down, nestling the wet muscle in between the lips of your labia. His saliva and your come blend with the swishes of his tongue and is then sucked into his mouth. Your body quakes from the commotion of your boyfriend eating you out so ceaselessly, his nose bumping into the hood of your clitoris.
“Fuuuck, baby, you taste too good!”
 “‘Toru, stop iiit, it’s too muuuch!” You shake your head that’s pounding relentlessly. “I came three times already!”
“Ehhh, but this is what you wanted, right?” He loves the way you shudder as he licks and flicks your clit. “Wanted me to treat you like a princess, huh?”
You writhe as he blows and spits on your messy cunt, yet the hands on the back of your knees keep you aground to the couch. “Nnnmph, n–not like thisss, one was enough—I’m gonna break…!” You nearly choke on your drool as Gojo sucks on your clit roughly. “D-Don’t…! Fuuuhuhuuck…!!”
The white-headed man lifts his face to look at you, watching your expressions and wailing cries as he stuffs his fingers to please you. “Awww, what’s wrong, sweetie?” The blunt of his fingertips scraping your texture has you moaning aloud. “Think you’ll cum again?” 
You babble and nod so frantically; God, you were too adorable for him.
“Mmmm, I don’t know,” the sing-song tune meant to patronize as Gojo’s fingers go faster. “I’m still kinda hurt you avoided five of my kisses today,” he returns his face to your chasm. “But if you can cum for me five times, all is forgiven, princess~.”
“Bu–But I can’t…!” Teeth find your bottom lip to chew once he stuffs his mouth back onto you, latching his lips to slurp more of your fluids with a firm hold on your knees. “I’ll breaaaak…!”
“That’s exactly what I want!”
── ✿ Getō Suguru ⋮ shibari; rope bondage (boxtie) - fingering (f! receiving) - sex toy; clit vibrator - finger sucking - clitoral play - overstimulation - pet names (baby, pumpkin, sweetie).
Do you really think a man who raised two girls on his own doesn’t know how to handle a minx like you?
“Hahhhh, ohmyG—Mmmph! Suguru, pleaseee—“
“Shhh, quiet, baby. Or they might hear you.”
Let’s be honest with ourselves—if anything, he likes it when you try him like this.
If Gojo was overgrown child #1, then Geto is second in proclaiming that title. However, unlike Gojo, he’s not going to come to your level and try to one-up you in your game—no, no, no; that’s not his style of play. Instead, Geto aims to bring you down from your high horse and humble you.
You experience it firsthand after trying to badmouth him earlier, calling him some stupid nicknames that aren’t appropriate for his cult members to hear, doing or going places you were told not to, or whining at him for attending to his activities rather than spending time with you as he promised. You are supposed to be his top priority, and, to your dismay, you are not being top prioritized now. Hmph! 
Of course, Geto is witness to your little tantrum, letting your childish nature reign supreme until he has the availability to deal with you. And when he does deals with you—
“Ughhh!! Fffshiiit, d-don’t doo that!!”
He deals with you.
Now you’re in his quarters, stripped from your flared mini-skirt and your hands tied behind your back with shibari rope. Your back to his chest, vulnerable to him as he gropes your chest with one hand, the other in between your spread legs, fingers playing with your leaking cunt. Fingertips rub on surfaces you can’t reach, and you can’t help but release your cries.
He chuckles as you writhe from the rough tweeze of your nipple. “You’re such a handful, you know that?” His hand leaves your shirt to toy with the blindfold that shields your eyes. “Just can’t behave and make things easier for me, can you?” 
“Mmmm—ohhshiiit,” you throw your head after a curl to your upper vaginal wall. “…J-Just because you tell me to do something, doesn’t mean I’ll—ohhh!—do it…!”
“And you wonder why you’re in this predicament.” Geto then grabs the small remote sitting idly by his side, presses a button, and the moan you let out grows predictably louder. “Woah, that’s a nice sound!”
The vibrator that’s held by your panties stimulates the sensitivity of your clitoris, having you gasp and wail from the intensity and your legs wanting to close. This is impossible as Geto’s ankles keep your feet apart; your feeble attempts to squirm out of his proximity only farce him. “Don’t try and run now, sweetie. Gotta stay still to correct your behavior.”
“—Nnnaaa, ahaha, correct me?” You titter in pants, moving your face to peer at your lover with innocent doe eyes. “You wouldn’t punish…me, your sweet babygirl, right?” 
The narrowness of his violent eyes, paired with the broad smirk, has you clamping onto his digits like crazy. Geto sighs as he removes his hand from your aching slit, your fluids coating his slender fingers before she shoves them inside your mouth. “Look at you trying to act sweet now,” you lather his fingers with your tongue, sucking on them and tasting your excess come. “We haven’t even gotten to the real punishment yet, but you’re already crying.”
Your hips sway voluntarily, your ass purposely grinding on his groin. “D-Do it, then! I’m not scared—Daaah!!” Geto removes his hand from your lips to travel back down, pressing on your panties to have the vibrating clit toy overwhelm your senses.
“Heh, bet you can’t even last five minutes in, pumpkin.” He grinds the vibrator on your clit more.
“Nnmph! Make that ten!”
He scoffs. “We’ll see.”
── ✿ Ryōmen Sukuna ⋮ size difference (true form! kuna) - double penetration; anal and vaginal - eagle position - degradation - clitoral play (pinching) - impact play; pussy slaps - choking - unprotected sex - pet names (little toy, pet) - mention of pain and tears.
“—Haahhh, fuuuck—Aaaaht!”
“Shut the fuck up, little shit. You even scream like a fuck toy.”
Oh, to be a brat to the King of Curses. Indeed, you have a death wish.
Not only is Sukuna the powerful curse user of Jujutsu history, but he is also the most selfish, egotistical, and vilest man ever to walk on this Earth. People and curses around him know better than to challenge his standing, knowing that they’d end up in minced pieces or beheaded in their first step. It is that fearful respect that Sukuna feeds on, besides cutting down on those who absurdly test him.
And you, his little consort, tested him the worst of all.
One thing that Sukuna fancies about you is your independence; it’s the thing that had him curious about you in the first place—it beats someone clinging onto him and seeking comfort in his personal space. The problem, however, is how that said independence has its faults. For his life, no one in this rotating globe has found joy in pushing the giant cursed man’s buttons other than you. In his philosophy, when Sukuna commands–never asks–to do something, nothing is expected outside of doing simply that. 
He does not expect the “Nah, don’t wanna”s, the “I’m busy, ask someone else,” or worse: “Ever heard of please, big buy? Oh! Better yet, how about begging me to do it~?”
Infuriating is the best word to describe having to deal with you. Your only saving grace is that he treasures and finds use in your presence; if not, your blood would be seeping down to the bedrock.
…However, that doesn’t mean he won’t pin you down and teach you a lesson if necessary. After all, he eats people for less.
So here you were, back on the futon while your legs were propped up by Sukuna’s upper arms, all of your clothes scattered around the tatami flooring surrounding the room, and sweat decorating your hot skin. 
Your hands find purchase on his massive thighs as he bullies one of his fat cocks into your asshole; the sheer girth of him is enough for your eyes to run for the ceiling. “Daaahh, hooohshit, i’m ‘o fuuull…!”
“Hmph,” the four-eyed man scoffs at your comment, watching your expression contort to pitiful euphoria. “Fucking pet, the only thing you can think about is dick.” He slams his hips, roughly smacking your ass and scraping the walls of your rear channel with the tip of his cock. “Too stubborn to even follow what I tell you to do.”
The mouth of his stomach licks your tummy. “Mmmm, w-who pulled your pants up a notch?” You dare flash a smile at him during this, yet it withers away when the forefinger and thumb of his lower left hand find your clitoris and give it a pinch.
“Still got enough spark to talk back, huh?” The digits roughly squeeze your sensitive bud and only have you screaming louder and your anus puckering on his length tighter. “Hnngh...Just doing things I tell you when you want to,” another snap of his hips causes a howl, along with another nip to your clit. “But when it comes to this, you’re a real submissive tool, hmm?... Oi, I’m talking to you.” 
Sukuna slaps your cunt—and he slaps it hard—the impact has your eyes shot wide and cry out from the pain flourishing. “Nnnfff! F-Fuck…I only listen to you when it benefits me!”
“You never listen to me.”
You giggle wickedly with tearful eyes. “That’s the point.”
Maroon orbs narrow with the growth of an evil grin. “Fucking whore,” you earned yourself another smack of the palm on your chasm. 
“—Ffffuuhuuck!!” Your head is thrown back to the sole pillow you lay on, your small frame overshadowed by his gigantic size. “I’m so clooose…gonna cuuum…”
Another slap. “What makes you think I’d let you cum?”
Your face returns to look at him with a bitten lip, eyes fierce yet playful. “Because I fucking said I so!” Oh, fuck did that reply tickle something in Sukuna, a guttural chuckle sneaking up on him. 
He switches his upper right arm with the lower right to grab your neck. Your tiny fingers come to his wrist as the crook of his thumb is enough to add weight to your windpipe, yet your hazy smile refuses to leave your face. “Your say so means nothing to me. You will cum when I say so, little toy. Is that clear?” 
Your resilience is still present in your eyes, but you’re smart enough to know you should comply. You nod slowly, and the grip on your throat loosens a bit. Sukuna then silently moves his lower left hand to guide the top of his dual cock, kissing your aching folds. The hand on your throat grabs for your cheeks to keep your face on him—he likes to watch what happens once he inserts inside you. Your eyes roll with tears striking down, your mouth goes agape to the push of his cockhead, and the silent shriek at the addition of his second cock nestling within you all has him snicker malevolently.
── ✿ Fushiguro Tōji ⋮ manhandling - restricted movement - oral (m! receiving) - Daddy kink - backshots/leapfrog position - impact play; spanking - unprotected sex - pet names (baby, babygirl, mama) - cervix-fucking - creampies - mention of pain and spit/drool.
“Ohhh! Ohh! D-Daddy, it huuurts—Shaaaah!!”
“Gonna keep hurtin’ more if you don’t quit squirmin’ like that.”
Toji is one motherfucker who knows how to deal with brats; like Sukuna, he gets a kick out of it. So, someone like you who likes to cross a line with him? He’s just waiting for you to give him the chance.
That chance came today when you really wanted to try him. You always had a big mouth on you—something that humored the older man more frequently than not. Walking up and down saying shit that tries to tick him off because, he knows, that’s what you want: to get a rise out of him. And sometimes he’d brush it off, not buying into your bullshit or saying, “Don’t talk big unless y’re tryin’ to learn.” 
Nevertheless, there are times when that big mouth of yours felt like you did want to learn. You opened your mouth earlier, telling how you’d take whatever hell he’d give you without problem. The first sign was a single eyebrow raised as he sipped his coffee, yet you still pushed on, giving him the rundown on how you were ready. He scoffed and retorted. “No, y’re not.” His nonchalant tone sparked you to keep pressing him on, only for him to send a tiny glare. “I’m tellin’ you; y’re not ready.”
But you never knew when to quit, giving your signature smug grin as you walked towards him. “Why, too scared? Don’t think I can handle you?” He says nothing, letting you dig your own grave. “Guess I should find a real man who isn’t afraid to prove me wrong.”
It wouldn’t be befitting as your partner for him not to take the bait. If there’s one thing Toji loves to do, it’s screwing that humble lesson into your thick skull…with the help of his cock. 
Toji smacks your bare ass harshly, erupting a sharp cry from your drooling lips. “C’mon, baby, what happened to that bigass ego of y’rs?”
So…fucking big! It was borderline embarrassing–pathetically so–to act like this. You were going through the absolute most you swore you could handle. Now, you’re stuffing your face into the pillow, your arms pulled to your back and caught by your wrists by a firm hand, ass propped up for Toji to roughly play and plow with.
His girth was surreal; the stretch was beyond words to describe and overwhelming to experience. You mouth seeping incoherent words that can’t be pieced together. Toes curl as the girthy limb in your chasm stretches you out like crazy. And your eyes water from yet another slap on your ass, Toji’s fingernails pinching the skin. “Ghh—ahhaaa, shtoop iiiit!”
“Shtooop iiiit,” he mocks with a dark snicker. “Stop what? Y’re the one who wanted this, right?” He pistons hard, and the raunchy sound of skin smacking onto skin fills the room. The white come that slides out with every push decorated his dick with a white, soapy ring. “Wanted to be filled to the brim and smack around like a bitch in heat, huh, babygirl?”
“Daddyyyy,” you wail, spit rolling out your puffy lips. “T’oo muuuch! I-I can’t take it…!”
“Oh no, we’re way past tapping out now, mama.” Toji’s hips go erratic, and the hold on your wrists grows tighter. “Told you, don’t talk big game if y’re just gonna cry and act like a baby.”
Fuuuck, I can’t!! The hot pain stings your asscheeks, getting worse with every snap of his pelvis. Toji was too much, stretching your velvety walls so badly yet ecstatically good, bringing your face up with just his fingers pulling your mouth and jackhammering his girth so deep inside you. You hiccup to every graze of your G-spot, sounding so dumb with how you’re squealing.
“OhhhhJesus, Daddy, please, I’m sorry,” you plead; that’s all you could do while being fucked out of your mind like a toy. More spanks to your butt threaten more tears to fall off your face. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!!“
“Hmmph, if y’re so sorry, why ya clenchin’ me so tight, huh?” His hand releases your wrists, adding more of his weight on you by pinning you down by the shoulders. The move creates more babbles to escape your mouth and your brain to go mush. “Y’re not sorry f’r shit!”
And to tell the truth, Toji was right. He’s so good at making your body feel good that this had you at an all-time high, your gummy walls contracting around him as you grip the satin sheets in euphoria. Shivers crawl through your frame as he pokes your womb with accuracy, words sputtering in an obscure fashion.
“Hoooohshiiit, fuuck, I-I’m, I’mmm…!!” There’s no room for you to warn him; he doesn’t give you that chance. He pushes your face to the pillow as he keeps pounding you until he reaches climax, spilling his semen into you for the third time that night. But he doesn’t stop until you get off your high, jabbing your cervix so that it has your head battering like a storm. Finally, you let loose and succumb to your orgasm, your vagina clamping onto him as you experience the most Earth-shattering shocks of your life. 
Toji hisses with a deep sigh, finally allowing his waist to rest and slowly removing his length out of your quaking figure. But he doesn’t permit you the 
same courtesy, grabbing you by the scruff of your neck to slap his dick on your cheek. “Suck it clean.”
Your visage, in a complete haze, come slides out of your cunt and messes up the sheets beneath you. Yet, you titter with an aimless smile and take in his cock with a hum. 
“That’s it, mama, atta girl.”
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© HOSHIGRAY2024 ✮ reblogs and comments are appreciated wholeheartedly ⊹ header art by hyocorou + dividers by @cafekitsune.
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