#Mama Lipsky
flowery-laser-blasts · 5 months
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A better look of my Lunar New Year dinner date outfit design!
Wanted to give Mama Lipsky a bit of a butterfly motif with this look.
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lordwiggyton · 5 months
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Oh Drakken, what did you do? Shego can't save you from the wrath of Mama Lipsky! 😂😐
Okay so I wanted to do more with this image, but due to my crippling self doubt when it comes to my art style and direction, I chose not to. I'll keep going on my art journey and I won't give up. But I just wish I could be satisfied with my own art. 😓😅
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gothicthundra · 6 months
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OMG I finished this in three days!
Mad thanks to @sharperthewriter for being my late night doodle chatter and giving me major help and push to get this done!
It's 2024 and the party got out of hand....
Lucre didn't get invited so he's attempting to hold the new years hostage... Unfortunately Kim's on call for GJ and Wade has to page her in to work... despite being less then 30 feet away. Ann's shocked by a possible global hostage, which honestly she really shouldn't be. The Stoppable's wonder if Kim ever just doesn't volunteer for things. Hana was originally excited to be considered adult enough to join the adult party with her soda... but she'd rather be hanging with the other kids.
Motor Ed was told if he was attending, he had to wear something nice... so he even bought something designer... which is still not the dress code requested. Mama Lipsky expected nothing less, but really, Edward. Nana's really wishing he'd chosen somewhere else to sit.
Jim and Tim contemplate the Wego's offer to make this issue a Team Go situation instead of a GJ... its tempting.
No one is actually sure if Mego and Monique are arguing or even what the topic is about. Zeta lost track somewhere around legal implications of fashion and medical malpractice mixed cases and honestly she's waiting that drink from Felix before she decides to rejoin the conversation.
Junior and Bonnie are pretty much there for a good time, not a long time. Though he is rather impressed that when wine got on his shirt that Shego produced such a stunning designer shirt for him and even insisted he keep it and never bring it back here again.
Meanwhile Shego is having more then a few issues this evening. From trying to pawn of Drakken's shirt, Motor Ed's existence, and her brothers actually showing up to the party. The last straw really was Hego deciding to wear a low V so casually. Hego only points out that at least his chest is mostly covered unlike some of the guests.
Drakken had already been done way before midnight what with Shego giving out his clothes, Motor Ed's choice to mock a simple request, and just how many people actually came to this party... the last thing he needs is Ron pointing out he should have invited Lucre to the party... and especially James condescending agreement of it. As if it is HIS fault Lucre's bored.
Rufus would also like someone to notice the giant drooling genetically enhanced Commodore Puddles who keeps trying to play ball with him. They are both too old for this!
NOTE: I know someone's gonna say it about Wade, Jim, and Tim... I just don't believe they would be jacked or overly muscley as we are not in Shego's future and no need to indulge in such activities and genetic enhancements.
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selfox · 2 months
Happy Mothers day to everyone who celebrate it today!
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bcbdrums · 4 months
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A Drakgo fanfic. Read on: AO3 | FFn
A/N: This next one-shot has a few sources of inspiration. First, the prompt from this list: 2. "If I kiss you, will you shut up?" Prompt was recommended by the legendary "Guest" on AO3 (you know who you are!) who specifically wanted French kissy-face, and the story was inspired in part by @lordwiggyton whose recent Mama Lipsky art has had my mind stirring. I'm also submitting this work to the "Hey, Sweetheart" Valentine's event run by @ficwip. It's not the conventional route perhaps, but within the rules? Pretty sure. And last but not least, it's an answer to @kim-possible-prompts's Valentine's Day prompt! (Have y'all noticed I adore answering prompts? lol.) ALSO this is the first of some birthday gifts I have for the incomparable @gothicthundra. Happy birthday, chaos queen. :) Enjoy!
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Shego sighed from her perch at the end of the bed, leaning back and re-crossing her legs as she watched Drakken pace and listened to the same worried ramblings for the third time.
"But what if she never forgives me!" he cried as he wrung his hands.
"Dr. D.... We've been through this," Shego said, glancing down to study her nails. "She's jumped across moving train cars for you. Somehow I don't think finding out you've spent the past twenty years attempting world domination is going to come as much of a shock."
"But Shego..." Drakken said, pausing in front of her.
Shego looked up and took stock of her lover's appearance. He had, at her insistence, gone for black slacks instead of his usual Dockers, a tailored cherry-red dress shirt, and a black silk tie that perfectly accented the rest of his attire. And of course, the gold medal he'd received for saving the world hung heavy over his chest.
Shego wished she were the one going out with Drakken that evening, especially considering the calendar date. But this night had been planned for quite some time.
"She's had faith in me my entire life... How can I tell her it was all for nothing?"
"I admit it's past time to tell her the truth, but I just can't bear to disappoint her!"
"And then I'll never hear the end of it!" Drakken continued, throwing his hands up and resuming his ambling around the bedroom. "Passive-aggressive cards and letters is all I'll get for Christmas now! And lumps of coal instead of home-knitted sweaters!"
Shego stood up from the bed and briskly approached him.
"All the years of silence I left between us so she wouldn't figure it out. All those lost years I could have been close to my lonely old mother. That's what her letters will say, now. Have you ever heard that woman start on a guilt trip? She's an absolute master!"
This finally caused the mad scientist's jaw to snap closed. He stopped mid-stride and whirled around to face her.
"If I kiss you, will you shut up?"
Shego didn't wait for an invitation. She snaked her arms around Drakken's neck and pressed in close before he could protest, and was gratified to feel tension leave his shoulders first and his lips a moment after.
She was far gentler with the kiss than with her words, her lips sliding with soft friction against his until they parted and gave her tongue purchase. She felt his soft exhale through his nostrils against her cheek as his fingers found her waist, and she could feel his hum of satisfaction where their chests were pressed together. His tongue was gentle as it slid alongside hers in caress, and he still tasted of cinnamon from his toothpaste.
Warmth blossomed in Shego's chest at his attentive response, and for the moment the dilemma of the present was forgotten. There was only the gentle pressure of noses fitted together, the give and take as their tongues took turns parting supple lips and exploring the heat and texture of one another. Drakken's body melded hot against hers as his hands slid lower, and her fingers rose to tangle his perfectly slicked-back hair.
It was fortuitous perhaps when Drakken pulled back slightly to stroke the outline of her mouth with the tip of his tongue. It was intoxicating, but the faint distance allowed her other senses a chance to process the sound of approaching footsteps. Not in time to leave her lover's embrace, however, before they reached the doorway.
"Hey, Sweetheart— Drew Theodore P. Lipsky!"
It was Shego who moved first, putting a healthy space between them and leaving Drakken blinking and confused for a moment with his lips still parted before he had processed the voice that had spoken.
"M-Mother!" Drakken cried, darting behind Shego instinctively at the sight of his mother's judgmental expression.
"And no ring on her finger yet! For shame!"
Shego's face flushed as she was sure Drakken's was doing as well. That was a topic she definitely did not want to get into right then, and least of all with Drakken's mother who had her own agenda on the matter.
Mrs. Lipsky had opted for nicer attire for the evening as well, choosing a conservative charcoal sheath dress with a floral teal and peach floral sweater and pearls.
"Dr. D.," Shego said quickly, stepping away from the mad scientist and leaving him looking very exposed as he waved at his mother and attempted a weak smile through kiss-swollen lips. "Shouldn't you and your mother hurry to make your reservation on time?"
"Ahh...y-yes. But first," Drakken said, turning and nearly tripping over his feet as he hurried to pick up his mother's gift from the bed. "Happy Valentine's Day!"
The irritated crinkle at the older woman's eyes softened as her frown bloomed into a smile.
"Roses! And chocolate! Oh Drewbie, you shouldn't have!"
"O-Only the best for you, Mother," Drakken said as he presented the gift with a nervous smile.
"Marzipan! My favorite!" Mama Lipsky said after plopping one of the chocolates into her mouth.
"Of course! Now...Shego was right, we'd best get going," Drakken said. He began looking around for his suit coat, and then stopped short when he found Shego holding it up for him, a smirk on her face.
"Aw, she's so thoughtful Drew!" Mama Lipsky said, smiling fondly at Shego as she closed the chocolate box. "Dear, would you mind putting these in water for me until we get back?"
"Sure," Shego replied, smoothing Drakken's jacket over his shoulders.
She received the flowers from the woman a moment later, who squeezed her hand with a grateful smile before turning toward the door. Without the watchful gaze of older generation, Drakken turned worried eyes back upon Shego. All of his fears from the rambling of before were spoken in the inky blue of his irises, and Shego was tempted to give him a shove toward the door as a way of telling him to knock it off. Instead, she leaned in to let her lips graze his ear, speaking so softly she could hardly hear her own voice.
"She'll always have faith in you. Besides, you saved the world. You've accomplished more than she could have ever dreamed. Have some faith in her."
Shego felt again the release of tension from Drakken's frame as she adjusted the medal over his tie. She smirked again when he pulled away, the light of hope having returned to her lover's eyes.
"Coming, Drewbie?"
"Yes...yes, Mother," Drakken said and turned to go, confidence back in his stride.
Shego tilted her head down to smell the flowers as the two left. It was a strange new world they'd found themselves in since the invasion, but, some things would always be constants.
"Now, Drew, on the phone you'd said there was something you wanted to tell me...?"
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yesimacreepweirdo · 1 year
Chapter 26 is up now! Takes place between Odds Man in and Stop Team Go. It's interesting because chapter 26 was supposed to be Stop Team Go, and I was actually in the middle of writing it when I decided to do this chapter. I hope you guys like it. Prepare for the return of Mama Lipsky
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sharperthewriter · 1 year
What do you think about these rumors of a new Kim Possible series this summer? 
Ah yes, Anon, I have been posting in response to the rumors because that is what they are: rumors. And as it stands as my position, I usually take such KP rumors with MAJOR grains of NaCl (aka salt). And I will not believe anything unless Disney announces something about it (something similar to when Mr. Dan Povenmire announced that there were gonna be two more seasons-aka 40 episodes divided in half- of Phineas and Ferb .) Until that time comes, I will not believe anything from other sites. And if it were going to be announced officially, it would be through Disney TV Animation twitter. But I think, (and this is my opinion) is that there is only a slim chance of that happening because we gotta take into account several things. First off, if there were a reboot/continuation of KP, Disney needs to take into account that there would have to be a new Nana Possible, Timothy North, Jack Hench, Mama Lipsky, and Senor Senior Senior as those VAs of their respective characters (as well as both VAs of Senior) are deceased. Secondly, the timing. The most ample opportunity that Disney had in announcing a KP reboot/continuation would've been at the D23 Expo last September. And it just so happened that both Christy Carlson Romano and Will Friedle were there and it just so happens that they were holding a 20th Anniversary KP panel there (I am hoping to find a video on Youtube). So the opportunity was there for them to announce something, because if such a reboot/continuation would've been announced at the D23 Expo, the media would've been all over it. But when the expo ended, KP fans got nothing, nathan, nada . Thirdly, CCR herself is quite busy with raising a family plus she is doing three podcasts (her Vulnerable podcasts that she normally posts on her Youtube channel every Tuesday, her I Hear Voices podcasts with Will that she posts onto Apple and Spotify every Monday and her upcoming Even Stevens podcast that she is doing with the actors that played Beans and Donnie Stevens ) and she is also doing that voice-actor contest with Will for IHeartRadio as well. Fourthly, and lastly, animation is not only expensive but also takes a lot of time to make. (Simply do a Google search on how long and how expensive it is for Fox/Disney to make a single episode of Family Guy or Simpsons.)
I also tend to keep a very close eye on the KP hashtag, especially here on Tumblr and Twitter.
Then again, when I say slim chances of a reboot/continuation, I point to their (albeit brief) appearances so far on Chibiverse (so far, it has only been Kim, Ron, and Rufus) and it was mentioned back in last July from Disney TVA News that there were (maybe are) gonna be Chibi Tiny Tales of KP. So we (may) get future KP content in the form of 70-second shorts.
Whew, that was a long response. But again, thanks for your question, Anon. :)
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abcnewspr · 1 year
‘The View’ Celebrates Alyssa Farah Griffin’s Birthday, June 15
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ABC/Jeff Lipsky*
Called “the most important political TV show in America” by The New York Times, “The View” is a priority destination for our guests and must-see viewing for our loyal fans with up-to-the-minute Hot Topics and invaluable conversations with live broadcasts five days a week. The Daytime Emmy® Award-winning talk show concluded season 25 as the most-watched daytime talk show, ranking No. 1 in Households and Total Viewers among the daytime network and syndicated talk shows and news programs for the second consecutive year. “The View” is executive produced by Brian Teta and is directed by Sarah de la O. For breaking news and updated videos, follow “The View” (@theview) and Whoopi Goldberg (@whoopigoldberg), Joy Behar (@joyvbehar), Sunny Hostin (@sunny), Sara Haines (@sarahaines), Alyssa Farah Griffin (@alyssafarah) and Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) on Twitter.
Scheduled guests for the week of June 12-16 are as follows (subject to change):
Monday, June 12 — Eva Longoria (director, “Flamin’ Hot”)
Tuesday, June 13 — Ken Jennings (author, “100 Places to See After You Die: A Travel Guide to the Afterlife”)
Wednesday, June 14 — Gabrielle Union (“My Journey to 50”; “The Perfect Find”)
Thursday, June 15 — Hannah Waddingham (“Ted Lasso”); “The View” celebrates Alyssa Farah Griffin’s birthday
Friday, June 16 — Anthony Anderson and Doris Hancox Bowman (“Trippin’ with Anthony Anderson and Mama Doris”); Luke Russert (author, “Look for Me There: Grieving My Father, Finding Myself”)
COPYRIGHT ©2023 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All photography is copyrighted material and is for editorial use only. Images are not to be archived, altered, duplicated, resold, retransmitted or used for any other purposes without written permission of ABC. Images are distributed to the press in order to publicize current programming. Any other usage must be licensed. 
Follow “The View” (#theview) on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
“The View” is now available on a podcast. Listen to the full show for free on Apple Podcasts or on your favorite podcast app every weekday afternoon. 
“The View” can be streamed on ABC News Live weekdays at 5 p.m. EDT.
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mgmpluto · 2 years
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Rest in peace, Estelle Harris.
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illogicat · 2 years
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I know it’s been forever since I’ve been active here, but I feel like a Mama Lipsky appreciation post is appropriate today, as I was scrolling through Facebook almost asleep when I saw that Estelle Harris (Mama’s VA) had passed away two days ago.
I know this is such a small role she ever had (she was in what, like 3 episodes??), but this show is sentimental to me and this role is the one I tie her to so strongly.
Possible fanart at a later date, but work and my current life situation are kicking the shit out of me so no promises.
Anyway, RIP Mama 💚
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bellamer · 3 years
The way I don't even remember Dr Drakken's mom's voice but just looking at her, I could tell she was voiced by Estelle Harris.
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flowery-laser-blasts · 5 months
Bf: Ever wonder where Drakken gets his evil lair money from??
Me: Stocks? Investments?
Bf: Maybe he's a cryptobro
Me: His mother probably gives him a monthly allowance. His mom is a bingo addict.
Bf: She rigs those bingo cards. No wonder his employees get weekends off, he has to fly her to bingo games across states.
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Of Course She Could
(and so could Aunt Cass)
Kim: Okay, so who do we know, who isn’t already in prison that could organization a criminal empire?
Shego: Mama Lipsky!
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gothicthundra · 2 years
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Bless @midnightcaptions for this Ya’ll lol. Have some Mama Lipsky and Nana Possible rivalry... those boys be getting called to the Retirement home every week.
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selfox · 4 months
Curse(?) thought involving Drakken's cooking... Or Mama Lipsky cooking. Depends how you look at it.
Since well, even if timeline is a bit blurred, Drew's and Eddy's childhood was around 70s-80s and I thought “weren't that the moment when those "salads" were popular?” By those salads I mean salads that aren't salads. Those sweet, diabetes inducing concoctions rather! And jello salads. Mama Lipsky definitely cooked those them and taught both how to make them. 💀
Sugar rushed cousins - the terror of the playground.
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bcbdrums · 1 year
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it's late because life, but, happy Mother's Day in the KP world! (image courtesy of u/latvia100 idk their tumblr.)
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