#Mama Fratelli
jeremylawson · 1 year
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I have no idea who made this, but it's goddamn hilarious
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The Goonies (1985) co-produced and directed by Richard Donner
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schlock-luster-video · 6 months
On April 1, 2015, The Goonies was re-released in France.
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Here's some new Mama Fratelli art!
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aoitsuru · 1 year
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Mom's card for this year! I don't know why it took me so long to do Mama Fratelli, but here you go.
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tokuvivor · 4 months
Hello, my duck-loving friends. In lieu of @violetganache42 providing highlights from last night’s Movie Night (Duckburg Adventures edition), I’ll actually be taking a crack at it.
Chef Donald
Ass shot opening
@shewhowantsmouseears: “This is one of those ‘Donald is trying to live his life and god said fuck you’ shorts, I can tell already”
Trans Donald talk (egg laying)
Waffle misadventures ensue when Donald pours rubber cement into the batter
He’s gonna get his waffles or die trying
Donald’s angry squawk
Taking his anger out on Old Mother Mallard
Seriously, what did she do?
Send in the Clones
@writebackatya comparing the ‘87 theme to Hall and Oates
Breaking the rules of strictly Duckburgian adventures
Beagle Boys sounding like Meowth
Magica’s voice sounding more Slavic than Italian
Mel and I making references to Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle
Dewey’s voice changing?
The Beagle Boys (as the triplets) not wanting to wear their suit jackets
OG Webby!
Webra Walters with the Baba Wawa voice (shoutout early SNL)
Everyone is confused by the clones
“I haven’t eaten in minutes.”
Theme song moment!
Scrooge racism moment
Huey as Chicken Little
Splatter Phoenix is art lesbian Jesus
Another theme song moment!
“Banned!” “That’s my joke!”
Daytrip of Doom!
Missy wanting to smash Scrooge
Webby is scary (and adorable)
Beakley being mad about Scrooge reconnecting with his family
“Ow, my tailbone!”
“Uh…ocupado.” “House meeting. NOW.”
@alex31624 singing the Spanish DuckTales theme
Louie sitting away from the other kids
Dana Terrace!
Beakley’s rules
“Wait, are they gonna kiss?”
Funso’s Fun Zone (“Where fun is in the zone!”)
Dewey definitely taught his brothers to harmonize
Webby autism moments (there are many in this episode, believe me)
Will talking about the parallels between Daytrip of Doom! and Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!
“Unrealistic for children to act like that.” Bitch what
Webby’s first time on a bus
Beagle Boys!
Fuckin’ Timmy Jenkins
Louie showing Webby the ropes
Jane! (Will, you’ve convinced me on just how great she is)
Not water
Jane tries to help Webby
Fruity water
Jane and Gandra are definitely friends
Uke or Puke!
Beakley basically watching a Donald Duck cartoon
HDLW siblings real
Ma Beagle in the house!
Margo Martindale is a legend
Comparison to Mama Fratelli from The Goonies
Episode with ‘87 vibes (this and The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra!)
Webby wants to be normal
“Normal’s overrated.” “We need you to be Webby normal.”
Discussing autistic episodes
Webby getting the best of Ma
Donald hug
“I’m on Webby’s team!” -HDL
How did Donald not know Beakley was a spy?
Dough Ray Me
White Fenton jumpscare
@godfrey-the-chaos-duck and Will: “You know what else has an arcade?” “My mom!” “…the server.”
Fenton taller than Scrooge
Ghostbusters reference!
Fenton being voiced by a guy named Hamilton and Hamilton himself
OG Gyro
Lin-Manuel Miranda being a legend for saying this
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Godfrey putting the do-re-mi pun together
Gyro being an ass to Fenton in ‘17 is karma for ‘87
Fenton’s vampire look
Minor Fenro discourse
Economics lesson!
HSM reference (status quo)
Nice jail cell
German inflation after WWI
Club Penguin reference (there were a few mentions of Club Penguin last night)
Gosalyn would take advantage of fraudulent allowance
Scrooge is pissed
To the moon (like Della)
Going full Peter Griffin
Beakley needs booze (also, Lady Olivia reference)
Reference to a fic about Scrooge having a mental breakdown regarding his riches (Cape Town, 1913)
Swimmin’ Hole
Pete Hate Club is back
He took the swimming hole!
Electric fence
“We killed Holey!”
@violetganache42 and I referencing the Suite Life PRNDL scene
Bambi reference
Mickey is too nice
Who is Gizmoduck?!
Spam’s love for Mark Beaks
Huey helping Donald at the bank
Everyone is threatening Huey tonight
Huey’s big eyes when Roxanne Featherly interviews him
Goldie O’Gilt as a Christ figure
Incompetently dangerous or dangerously incompetent?
Mark and his ship names
The Gearloose Hay Wire
Huey climbing up Gizmoduck
Mark is Jasmine from Aladdin
Fenton’s destiny
“You will be mine.”
Gyro firing Fenton
Huey being extra
“In the recycling, you monster!”
Mark being racist
That’s not Gizmoduck!
“I am not your amigo.”
More Huey climbing
Fenton sacrifices himself…but he’s alive!
He still can’t get his damn respect from Gyro, though
Waddleduck song in the ending credits!
The Good Muddahs
Webby episode!
No one wants to play with her
Someone please give this child a hug
Beagle Babes!
Why do they have globes on their chests?
Pink gun
They got Webby!
Beakley said “hussies” holy shit
Thugs and kisses…
The cops in this episode are immensely fucking stupid and useless
Beagle Babes with Webby
They’re trying, and so far, they’re failing
That’s not Cinderella
Okay they’re bonding with her good
Shoplifting list!
Pulling a gun on your sister
@hueberryshortcake: “She has two ladylike charms. Sorry.”
Beakley is pissed
Bubba nose
They found Webby! She doesn’t want to leave, though. But what if…
Webby with a gun help
Bagel Beebs
The boys driving the car
Beagle Babes reformed…wait, they want to go back to jail
Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!
Team Magic!
Tempest in a teapot
Missy’s love for Della
Legends of Legendquest!
“Scariest bunny in the pet shop”
Scheme Team ready to go
Huey farming
Della’s snatched waist
Beagle Boys sweep!
“Hellowyn, Llewellyn.”
Honey Bin
Percival P. Peppington (knockoff Willy Wonka)
The child! (Boyd)
Glomgold and Sharkbomb!
“Grandma…OW!…super young aunt”
“Hi, I’m BOYD!”
Lester’s Possum Park
The Duke
A wild Launchpad appears!
Goldie’s legs
Glomgold-Sharkbomb fight!
“Don’t tell me what to DOOOOO!”
Boyd and Gumball sharing a VA
Not the farm!
Goku Huey!
Beaks Optimistic Youth Droid
Boyd goes berserk!
“I swore after last year no one’s eyes would melt out of their heads!”
Goldie betraying Louie
Fucked-up Boyd moment, continued
“It’s over 9,000!”
“This is worse.”
Boyd is Doofus’ new brother
Mr. and Mrs. Drake growing spines and punishing Doofus
Accidental Timephoon! reference?
Huey’s in too deep
Louie’s picture in Goldie’s wallet!
And there you go! Better late than never, I guess. I tried to get in as much as I could. If I missed anything, feel free to add.
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thebirdandthebee · 2 years
Easy As
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A Carmen Berzatto Universe
Vanessa Monaghan is the breath of fresh air that Carmen had been gasping for.
Page 2: Sugar Mama
Vanessa checked her watch as her heels clicked down the street, a Cartier tankard that was a gift from her father for finishing undergrad. The Bear was just closing down between lunch and dinner service, and she was sure she’d be able to catch Carm for a few minutes.
Her meetings had wrapped up early that day, and after sending her employees home to enjoy the beautiful weather, she thought she could swing by and see her favorite chef for just a short while. He’d no doubt be at the restaurant until late, and their schedules hadn’t lined up in a few days.
Late night and early-morning kisses seemed to be the current pattern. He’d schlep over a few nights a week to sleep in her bed and watched as she got ready in the morning. She hoped the two coffees in her hands would sweeten her odds.
Peeking her head inside the glass door, she couldn’t hear much outside of the kitchen, which had The Fratellis playing loudly – a sure sign the crew was cleaning up between shifts.
“Nessie girl!” She was spotted immediately upon pushing through the half door to the back of house.
“Hi Richie,” she greeted with a warm smile.
“Nessie, how come we never see your angelic figure gracing our doors anymore?” Richie asked, pretending to take an arrow to the chest as he ambled toward her.
“I know, work’s got me so busy these days,” she replied, leaning into his side as he squeezed her in a tight hug. Richie was always overly friendly with Vanessa, mostly because he knew it made Carmen’s skin prickle, but also because he found her incredibly attractive.
“Hi Ness!” Sydney called from the other side of the expo.
“Hi Syd,” Vanessa called back. She loved Syd – a lot. Syd cared about Carmen in a way that he really needed at the restaurant and she firmly believed they pushed one another to be the best they could be. That, and Syd was usually the reason Carm would get a few nights off each month.
“Nessie, when you gonna stop it with this corporate bullshit and come join us in the mud, huh?” Richie asked, walking her through the kitchen and further from Carmen’s office.
“Come on, Rich, you know I’m the sugar mama in this relationship,” she winked. It was true, Vanessa made a very comfortable living as the Vice President of Marketing for a well to do firm in the city, but she also came from family money – something she never took for granted. “Someone’s gotta keep my baby in those vintage Levi’s and stocked with Wusthofs,” she joked – she only learned what Wusthofs were after meeting Carmen over a year ago.
“I’m just saying, business is booming, the new spot is burnin’ up the review pages,” Richie shrugged. “Maybe we could use some new marketing, huh?” He asked.
“You know what, you make an excellent point,” she said as they rounded the corner, Carmen’s office door in sight. “Let me bring it up with the big boss and see what he says,” Vanessa winked, hip-checking the office door and only mildly surprising Carmen at his desk. He thought he could hear his staff singing his girlfriend’s praises.
“Miss honey, you’ve been talking to the big boss,” Richie spread his arms. Vanessa wiggled her finger at the tall man just before the door could close behind her.
“Hi baby,” she greeted. Carmen had abandoned the few items on his desk, his chair turned to face her with a smug grin on his face. Vanessa clicked right over, settling herself between his spread legs, perched to the side on one of his thighs. “Coffee?” She offered, holding up the paper cup. Black, just like he preferred.
“How lucky am I?” He asked, taking the cup, but kissing her first. “What’s Richie on about now?” He took a long pull of the hot coffee.
“Wants me to quit my job to come be a topless server,” she replied casually, taking a sip of her caffeine-free tea.
“What?” Carmen’s eyes popped open, Vanessa let out a tinkling laugh.
“Just kidding,” she grinned. God he loved her smile. He nipped at her side with his free hand.
“Finish up early today?” He asked. She crossed her outer leg over the other, leaning fully against his upper body.
“Yes, the weather was too stunning to be at the office,” she sighed. “Wanted my team to go enjoy it for once.”
“What a nice boss lady,” Carmen replied.
“We’re not curing cancer, it’s marketing,” she shrugged. “Soon we’ll be in the hell of winter and cutting out early won’t be nearly as fun.”
“Maybe we can take a trip this winter,” Carmen said, brushing an errant bang away from Vanessa’s face.
“A trip?” She asked, eyes lighting up. In 15 months of dating, the pair had yet to take a trip together and she was dying to get him out of that apron for more than 24 hours. Though she did really love the sight of him in that blue apron. “To where?” She asked, raking a hand through his curls.
He loved when her nails were freshly manicured.
“Somewhere warm? We can drink out of coconuts and get sunburns on our ass?” She suggested excitedly.
“I’d never let you burn those cheeks, baby,” he grinned. She tightened her hold on his hair, tugging his head back just harshly enough to send a warning bell down to his cock.
“Want me to plan something?” She asked, batting her eyelashes at her boyfriend, who, at this time, would do just about anything she asked.
“How about February?” He suggested, “that’s usually about the time I start really hating winter.”
“Valentine’s Day,” she grinned viciously. “I’d just die to be on a beach with you for Valentine’s Day,” Vanessa simpered, running a hand up his chest.
“Book it,” he grinned, blue eyes scanning her stunning face. He loved seeing her happy. “I don’t care if I gotta pay Syd triple, we’re going.” Carmen insisted.
Vanessa tucked her heels under her, dragging her hand back down Carmen’s chest as she stood to her full height.
“I’ll go book the trip,” she said airily. “You enjoy dinner service…” She trailed, “and I’ll send you some pics of which bikinis I plan to bring with me.” Leaning down, she pressed a long kiss to the corner of Carmen’s mouth before collecting her coffee cup and pulling the office door open.
“Bye, chef,” she blew a kiss, the door closing behind her.
Carmen ran his hand down his face before dropping his head back against the chair.
February felt a lifetime away.
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kiestrokes · 1 year
Kie, build your Goonies crew and who are your Fratelli's?
-excited raccoon hands-
My Goonies: Brand is Shownu (Monsta X) 100%, attractive, buff enough to squash your head like a watermelon, loves food, big brother figure. Mikey is Mark (NCT), a dreamer, levelheaded, passionate, -Taemin voice- ADORABLE. Chunk is Hoshi (Seventeen) because his friends love to pick on him, he's always showing his stomach, is an actual sweetheart. Mouth is Changbin (Stray Kids) for many reasons, he's loud af, a mini buff walking disaster, but mostly for my HyunBin agenda. Andy is Jinyoung (GOT7) because he's pretty, mostly quiet, but when you get him riled up he will tell you off + he's secretly in love with Shownu from their trainee days. Stef is HYUNJIN (Stray Kids), the sass, the comebacks, the androgenous visuals. Data (my love) has to be Jackson (GOT7) he's always wired, everyone doubts his ideas until they actually fucking work.
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My Fratelli's: Sloth we need a big buff dude, its gonna be Wonho! Jake gives me big Dokyeom (Seventeen) energy, charismatic, fantastic singer, sneaky. Francis ummm...it's Mingi (ATEEZ) because he's got those same sleepy eyes, and loves his Mama, never wants to disappoint her. Mama has got to be the sassiest of leaders, our captain, Hongjoong (ATEEZ).
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floggingink · 1 year
My beloved @yeats-infection tagged me 2-3 years ago: some songs that come up on shuffle!
“Let’s Stay Together,” Al Green. As perfect an opening 30 seconds as can exist. I really dig his jacket on the cover of this album
“Oh, It Is Love,” Hellogoodbye. The cataclysmic importance of Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs! to my high school cultural experience cannot be overstressed. This song feels like shoes squelching on the floor of my first after-school job making smoothies and tastes like the white chocolate mochas WITH EXTRA CHOCOLATE FLAKES that the cute boy at Seattle’s Best made for me at Borders just down the sidewalk! Is it the tiny Italianate guitar? Is it Forrest Kline’s incredibly cute nasal vibrato? Is it the giddy drum explosion of the third act? Whatever else sweet aspects of scene royalty came together here… 🤌 Truly romance peaked in 2006
“Spice Up Your Life,” Spice Girls. The cataclysmic importance of Spice World to my elementary school cultural experience cannot be overstressed. Had a big crush on Posh inside the C on the front of this CD…
“She Plays Bass,” beabadoobee. Ah I heard this on one of yeatsie’s wonderful newsletters!!! How lovely indeed is the girl who plays bass <3
“Give Me the Cure,” Fugazi. LET’S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
“I Wish I Was the Moon Tonight,” Neko Case. I croon along to this alone in the car a lot
“Just One Kiss,” The Red Romance. This really got a hold on me during undergrad—I love a CLAPS ON THE BEAT song! It’s also on my mighty mighty That Chord playlist for the wah-wah-esque keyboard around 2:50. Kind of delectable ☠️💗🎀 vibes on this one…
“Hound Dog,” Big Mama Thorton. Her voice, her voice and that! Electric! Blues! Guitar!
“Rust,” Monolord. Also on That Chord for the frankly sickening gospel organ/heavy metal conglomeration at the end of the first minute. Heard this off the impeccably-named metallic fuckery playlist tits, clits, Satan, curated by the pinup artist who designed my motorcycle ring
“The Fallen,” Franz Ferdinand. The cataclysmic importance of You Could Ha[gunshot] I think about the word “slick” a lot as it’s used to describe some of the licky, jammy music I love from this era—The Strokes were forever “slick” in Spin. The Fratellis were kind of slick! The aughts’ Arctic Monkeys were a bit slick… I think FF firing on all cylinders as they so often are were the slickest! A perfect album.
I respectfully solicit @sullypants, @village-skeptic, @nimmieamee, and @gingertumericlemon
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The Goonies (1985)
Smoking: After School Special
You know in the beginning when Robert Davi is faking dead in the county jail, I never understood how he knocked that cop out. It is one of the fakest hits I think I’ve seen in a movie. I mean sure it is 985, but it doesn’t have to be that terrible.
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Introducing all the kids throughout the police chase is brilliant through Steven Spielberg. I think my favorite is Corey Feldman when he turns off the tv for the sirens and then the sirens keep going and he hits the tv 😂 just turn around.
True brother-ship right there. Josh Brolin and Sean Astin definitely act like how brothers would.
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Ke Huy Quan is my favorite though. All his inventions.
F**king CF. All of those crazy things he “translated” for Lupe Ontiveros. “Always separate the drugs” 🙄
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Jeff Cohen… so loud, so annoying. Let’s just yell as loud as you can that these people are going to kill you to where they can hear you. Like tf
Anne Ramsey is definitely one of the scarier mob ladies I think I’ve ever seen. She was definitely a great choice to play Mama Fratelli.
Kerri Green and Martha Plimpton running into the restaurant screaming after finding fish heads on a rake. KG “it jumped right out of the bushes” 🙄 big babies.
Guess Nike paid for some ad space. Saw 2 clear shots of different kinds of shoes as they lowered into the tunnel.
I absolutely love when they starting banging on the pipes! The asshats at the Country Club deserve every bit. Especially Steven Antin in the bathroom!
Just realized that Joe Pantoliano is the captain in Bad Boys. Had to text the bestie 😎
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Goonies Never Say Die!
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How does AR know the shoe size she was looking at are 5’s??
Now I really wanna Baby Ruth.
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KHQ’s inventions saved his live. Pinchers of Peril! Next, his slick shoes!
Then my favorite booby trap from One Eye Willie. The Bone Organ. Poor KG all that pressure to do it right and not kill everyone.
Then we have John Matuszak turn into Super Sloth and kicks his brothers asses! And then AR being a terrible mother. “I only dropped you one once. Well maybe twice.”
I always wondered how JC’s mother in the movie felt about him saying that JM was going to live with them now. Like just inviting some adult stranger into your home.
Of course, they save The Goon Docks!
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Thanks for reading this episode of Reefer-Reelz-N-Reviews!
Toke on!😶‍🌫️
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The Goonies (1985) co-produced and directed by Richard Donner
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draculaforce · 1 year
P: Pornostartrek - USS (Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker)
R: Regarding the Wolf - Skittish
O: Only Anarchists are Pretty - World / Inferno Friendship Society
B: Beowulf - Slothrust
L: Life On Fire - Mapache
E: Enemies Forever - Blaqk Audio
M: Mama - The Sugarcubes
A: artsick - tricot
T: This Suit - 12 Stone Toddler
I: I Am a Trans-Continental Railroad, Please Run a Train On Me - SeeYouSpaceCowboy
C: Creepin' Up The Backstairs - The Fratellis
M: Mumbai - Brika
I: It's Gonna Be (Alright) - Ween
L: Los Malaventurados No Lloran - PXNDX
F: Fool's Gold
Playlist here
(Send me a 💖for your own URL playlist!)
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navysealunsealed · 2 years
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Perfect Villain 
1. Maleficent F. Bowie 2. Queens of Hearts R. Katherina  3. Sadako C. Alice 4. Morticia D. Astrid 5. Annie Wilkes B. Alexis  6. Cruella de Vil W. Peyton 7. Catwoman U. Melanie  8. Wicked Witch of the West Z. Rosslyn 9. Winifred Sanderson I. Catherine 10. Mary Sanderson E. Aurora 11. Sarah Sanderson A. Adah 12. Regina George O. Grace 13. Harley Quinn P. Harlow 14. Poison Ivy X. Presley  15. Nancy Downs K. Daphne  16. Veruca Salt DD. Teagan 17. Wednesday Addams EE. Vanessa  18. Mama Fratelli V. Novaleigh 19. Annabelle H. Calla 
Males: 20. Freddy Kruger T. Mayor Edwards 21. Hannibal Lecter G. Braxton 22. Michael Myers M. Ezekiel 23. Jason Voorhees Y. Raleigh 24. The Goblin King S. Maverick  25. Leatherface L. Dodge 26. Chucky BB. Scott 27. Jigsaw CC. Sheriff Stanton 28. Pinhead Q. Hunter 29. Pennywise AA. Ryker 30. The Joker FF. Zachary  31. Norman Bates J. Damien 32. Loki N. Finn
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kissmysassxo · 2 years
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Movie villain match-up.
1. Maleficent X. Presley 2. Queens of Hearts H. Calla 3. Sadako EE. Vanessa 4. Morticia D. Astrid 5. Annie Wilkes F. Bowie 6. Cruella de Vil DD. Teagan 7. Catwoman A. Adah 8. Wicked Witch of the West V. Novaleigh 9. Winifred Sanderson E. Aurora 10. Mary Sanderson B. Alexis 11. Sarah Sanderson R. Katharina 12. Regina George W. Peyton 13. Harley Quinn U. Melanie 14. Poison Ivy P. Harlow 15. Nancy Downs O. Grace 16. Veruca Salt K. Daphne 17. Wednesday Addams Z. Rosslyn 18. Mama Fratelli I. Catherine 19. Annabelle C. Alice 20. Freddy Kruger M. Ezekiel 21. Hannibal Lecter AA. Ryker 22. Michael Myers N. Finn 23. Jason Voorhees S. Maverick 24. The Goblin King J. Damien 25. Leatherface L. Dodge 26. Chucky T. Mayor Edwards 27. Jigsaw FF. Zachary 28. Pinhead G. Braxton 29. Pennywise CC. Sheriff Stanton 30. The Joker BB. Scott 31. Norman Bates Y. Raleigh 32. Loki Q. Hunter
Scavenger hunt.
1.) Carved pumpkin 2.) Favorite villain 3.) Favorite superhero 4.) Pet in a costume 5.) Someone you are spending Halloween with 6.) Ghost 7.) Favorite scary movie 8.) Favorite Halloween treat 9.) Something creepy
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luckyxcharm · 2 years
Movie Villains
1. Maleficent ~ Z - Rosslyn 2. Queens of Hearts ~ V - Novaleigh 3. Sadako ~ I - Catherine 4. Morticia ~ K - Daphne  5. Annie Wilkes ~ F - Bowie 6. Cruella de Vil ~ C - Alice 7. Catwoman ~ D - Astrid 8. Wicked Witch of the West ~ B - Alexis 9. Winifred Sanderson ~ O - Grace 10. Mary Sanderson ~ DD - Teagan 11. Sarah Sanderson ~ H - Calla 12. Regina George ~ E - Aurora 13. Harley Quinn ~ A - Adah 14. Poison Ivy ~ U - Melanie 15. Nancy Downs ~ P - Harlow 16. Veruca Salt ~ R - Katherina 17. Wednesday Addams ~ W - Peyton 18. Mama Fratelli ~ EE - Vanessa 19. Annabelle  ~ X - Presley
20. Freddy Kruger ~ BB - Scott 21. Hannibal Lecter ~ M - Ezekiel 22. Michael Myers ~ N - Finn 23. Jason Voorhees ~ T - Mayor Edwards 24. The Goblin King ~ FF - Zachary 25. Leatherface ~ S - Maverick 26. Chucky ~ G - Braxton 27. Jigsaw ~ L - Dodge 28. Pinhead ~ CC - Sheriff Stanton 29. Pennywise ~ Q - Hunter 30. The Joker ~ J - Damien 31. Norman Bates ~ Y - Raleigh 32. Loki ~ AA - Ryker
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gonefishing712 · 2 years
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Females: 1. Maleficent | Astrid 2. Queens of Hearts | Bowie 3. Sadako | Adah 4. Morticia | Grace 5. Annie Wilkes | Harlow 6. Cruella de Vil | Katharina 7. Catwoman |  Presley 8. Wicked Witch of the West | Teagen 9. Winifred Sanderson | Novaleigh 10. Mary Sanderson |  Rosslyn 11. Sarah Sanderson | Alice 12. Regina George | Alexis 13. Harley Quinn | Vanessa 14. Poison Ivy | Melanie 15. Nancy Downs | Peyton 16. Veruca Salt | Daphne 17. Wednesday Addams | Calla 18. Mama Fratelli |  Catherine 19. Annabelle | Aurora Males: 20. Freddy Kruger |  Sheriff Stanton 21. Hannibal Lecter |  Ezekiel 22. Michael Myers | Dodge 23. Jason Voorhees | Finn 24. The Goblin King | Zachary 25. Leatherface | Hunter 26. Chucky | Ryker 27. Jigsaw | Maverick 28. Pinhead | Raleigh 29. Pennywise | Mayor Edwards 30. The Joker | Damien 31. Norman Bates | Scott 32. Loki | Braxton
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xstarxgazerx · 2 years
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Movie villain match-up. 
1. Maleficent
H. Calla
2. Queens of Hearts
P. Harlow
3. Sadako
V. Novaleigh
4. Morticia
EE. Vanessa
5. Annie Wilkes
R. Katharina
6. Cruella de Vil
I. Catherine
7. Catwoman
A. Adah
8. Wicked Witch of the West
K. Daphne
9. Winifred Sanderson
U. Melanie
10. Mary Sanderson
W. Peyton
11. Sarah Sanderson
X. Presley
12. Regina George
Z. Rosslyn
13. Harley Quinn
D. Astrid
14. Poison Ivy
O. Grace
15. Nancy Downs
B. Alexis
16. Veruca Salt
F. Bowie
17. Wednesday Addams
C. Alice
18. Mama Fratelli
E. Aurora
19. Annabelle
DD. Teagan
20. Freddy Kruger
S. Maverick
21. Hannibal Lecter
Y. Raleigh
22. Michael Myers
J. Damien
23. Jason Voorhees
M. Ezekiel
24. The Goblin King
BB. Scott
25. Leatherface
FF. Zachary
26. Chucky
G. Braxton
27. Jigsaw
L. Dodge
28. Pinhead
CC. Sheriff Stanton
29. Pennywise
Q. Hunter
30. The Joker
AA. Ryker
31. Norman Bates
T. Mayor Edwards
32. Loki
N. Finn
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