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48 years ago today
Sex Pistols Johnny Rotten, Paul Cook and Steve Jones play on as their manager Malcolm McLaren fights with an audience member, Nashville Rooms, London, April 23, 1976.
Photo by Kate Simon

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Friend - Hey, you're having one of those hyper focus again, Me - Am I? Friend - You're not noticing? Me - Not really... Friend - You've been like... really into Rings of Power, a show you actively said you don't really like... Like why? Me -





A single





Are you serious?
This. This is why I could never be in charge of casting... ANYTHING ever. Cause Even I can see the typecasting habits my own imagination seems to stick with,
Anyone who's Unaware I have a writing account - @the-fiction-witch
#house of the dragon#hotd#houseofthedragon#the rings of power#ringsofpower#elrond#jeromeclarke#willougbyblake#malcolmmclaren#bennywatts#otismillburn#jacaerys targaryen#oscar tully#jackdawkins#daemon targaryen#peter parker#lancel lannister#elrond peredhel
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◇SEX original(セックス オリジナル)◇ボンテージパンツが入荷しました。 DEAD STOCK プレミア価格:198,000(税込) 弊社通販サイト商品ページ⇒http://www.gallery-jpg.com/item/SEX-deadstock/ 素材:表記無し (ウール混紡、もしくはウール100%) カラー:ブルーグレー サイズ:L(表記よりかなり小さいサイズです。) 総丈約96.5cm、ウエスト約80cm、ヒッ��約92cm、股下約74cm (平置きの状態で測っています。) ヴィヴィアン ウエストウッドとマルコム マクラーレンによる、1974年のブランドが「SEX Original」。 このボンテージパンツは、マルコムが同じ名義で80年代にリバイバル製作したものです。 この経緯が分かる者も国内に数人しかいません。 マルコムがハリスツイード社に別注で製作させたツイードです。
ハリスツイードマニアにとっても非常に貴重な素材です。 恐らく、ヴィヴィアン ウエストウッド1988/1989年秋冬コレクションのハリスツイード生地を使用しています。 一旦、完成したパンツを更に製品洗いにかけて縮絨させた作品です。 裏地の洗いジワにその名残りが見られます。 グランジの先駆けとも云える時期に、早くもダメージ加工を駆使しています。 黎明期であった1974年にはこれ程凝ったボンテージパンツは勿論制作されていません。 使用されているスライダーやDカンも当然、現在にはないパーツです。他のボンテージパンツと違い膝まで裏地付き。 世界のヴィヴィアン ウエストウッドや、セディショナリーズ、セックス ピストルズのマニアと云えど、この様に新品未使用では保有していない筈です。 価格はプレミア価格で販売。 未使用、新品はこれのみ。恐らく世界にラスト1点です。 ※ご覧頂いている媒体により、色の見え方が多少変わる場合がございます。 ※店頭でも同商品を販売しておりますので、通販サイトの在庫反映が遅れる場合があり商品をご用意出来ない場合がございます。予めご了承頂きますようお願い致します。 Gallery なんばCITY本館1F店 〒542-0076 大阪府大阪市中央区難波5-1-60 なんばCITY本館1階 【営業時間】11:00~21:00 【休館日】5月無休 【PHONE】06-6644-2526 【e-mail】[email protected]
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Malcolm McLaren mixes R&B and opera on Fans!
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#Jubilee est un film écrit et réalisé par #DerekJarman, sorti en 1977, film culte de l'univers #punk. Le film est très influencé par la sous-culture et l'esthétique punks. Tourné avec une couleur granuleuse, il fonctionne par épisodes successifs, souvent violents, bruyants, il est très marqué par une vision anti-establishment et anti-monarchique.
Diverses icônes du punk (et futures post-punk et gothique) apparaissent dans le film : Jordan (une protégée de #MalcolmMcLaren), #ToyahWillcox, Campbell (Little Nell), #AdamAnt, #Demoriane et Wayne/#JaneCounty...
La reine Élisabeth Ière est envoyée dans le futur par l'occultiste John Dee. Elle débarque dans l'Angleterre tumultueuse de la fin des années 1970. Elle évolue dans le décor d'une ville en pleine décadence sociale et matérielle, en observant les agissements d'une bande de nihilistes, Amyl Nitrate, Bod, Chaos, Crabs et Mad, des femmes rebelles et violentes.
#librairiemelodieensoussol #melodieensoussol #oiseaumortvintage #vhs #cassettevideo #videoclub

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La etapa roja de los Dolls duro poco mas de dos meses
A principios de 1975 Malcom Mclaren se hizo cargo de un combo falto de una direccion y consiguió que usaran trajes de cuero rojo y una bandera comunista como fondo en el escenario empezaron con 5 conciertos en New york para despues hacer una gira por Carolina del Sur y Florida a mitad de la misma Thunders y Nolan abandonan siendo sustituidos y al final de la misma desaparece el combo. Este bolo en el Little Hippodrome de New york centra el repertorio en temas que conformarian el tercer Lp que nunca grabaron y muchos de ellos se incluyeron en los discos de David Johansen, Sylvain Sylvain o los Heartbreakers. Por eso este disco aun con un sonido pobre es todo un documento ademas la portada me encanta y andaba detras de el hace tiempo.
Un disco comprado entreferias
#newyorkdolls #livealbum #MalcolmMcLaren #glamrock
#johnnythunders #glam #rocknroll #powerpop #lp #33rpm #pop #rock #instavinyl #protopunk #vinylcollection #protopunk #vinyljunkie #gaypower #glamrock #vinylporn #vinylrecords #rock #vinylcollectionpost #punkrock #indie #recordcollection #vinilo #recordcollector #artwork #design
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Rainbow Country #429

Rainbow Country Tuesdays 8pm-10pm EST bombshellradio.com Repeats Friday 8am-10am EST #RainbowCountry AWARD-WINNING 2HR Nationally Syndicated Gay Radio Show & A Canadian #1 LGBT Podcast Working To Give Voice To The LGBT Community & BEYOND! ON EPISODE 429: HR 1 - #StudioOneForever A DOC about a #WestHollywood #Gay Bar That was the INSPIRATION for the ICONIC #Studio54. Joining me to talk Studio One Forever is the Award-Winning Producer & Director #MarcSaltarelli & Award-Winning #Writer #Actor & #Producer #BruceVilanch #GayTalkRadio 🌈 HR 2 - #Music Classic House - #SteveSilkHurley #BombTheBass #MalcolmMcLaren 80s - #EarthaKitt Alt - #RieDaisies Read the full article
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In memory of Vivienne Isabel Westwood, English fashion designer, born on this day in 1941, Tintwistle, UK
In memory of Malcolm McLaren, former manager of the Sex Pistols, New York Dolls and Bow Wow Wow, who died on this day in 2010 in Bellinzona, Switzerland
📸 Bridgeman Images

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Annabella Lwin - Bow Wow Wow
#malcolmmclaren #annabellalwin #bowwowwow
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Vans x Supreme x Malcolm McLaren V-79 Pink from 2009.Not a very popular Supreme collab, which makes for them being dumb rare, and non-existent on the resell market. I can appreciate these, growing up as a product of Hip-hop culture, and ultimately becoming a DJ, and somewhat a skratch junky as well. "D'ya like scratchin'?"#vans #supremenewyork #supremevans #malcolmmclaren #keithharing #duckrock #dyalikescratchin

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Seditionaries / Sex Pistols - Anarchy In The U.K. .. Vivienne Westwood, circa 1977 .. @viviennewestwood #viviennewestwood #viviennewestwoodworldsend #viviennewestwoodvintage #seditionaries #430kingsroad #sexpistols_official @sexpistols #vintagetee #70sfashion #vintagefashion #punk #punkstyle #punkfashion #malcolmmclaren (at Paris, Hôtel De Crillon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjMLVK4K0O1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Fantastic! One of my Favorite tracks that incorporated one of my Favorite #operas into it: #MalcolmMcLaren - #MadameButterfly
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not enough africa
I came across this line in Wired magazine, nearly thirty years ago, in a conversation between the polymath-musician, Brian Eno, and Kevin Kelly (https://www.wired.com/1995/05/eno-2/ ) : “The problem with computers,” Eno said, “is that there is not enough Africa in them…” This can be interpreted in a number of ways, one of them as a kind of inverted racism, but I think what Eno was trying to get across was the idea of Africa as a metaphor for the fuzzy logic and intuitive physicality that is entirely absent from a Western engagement with technology. You could apply the same idea to design and communications today. Both have become so hidebound by conventions and protocols so inflexible, unimaginative, and lacking in real human engagement that Eno’s perspective of putting “a little Africa” into our current ideas about them may be the only way to liberate our creative thinking – and rescue them from diminishing effectiveness. Much of so-called ‘smart’ thinking about both today is undone by a pervasive disregard for people’s individual capacity for unpredictability. The fatal flaw of many designed environments, both physical and virtual – an ‘environment’ being anything from a web page, TV ad or a computer game to a living space, a shopping mall or a household appliance – is that consideration for aesthetics and technology comes first, the expressive, improvisational nature of human functionality second. They lack not just basic utility, but soul. Intuitiveness is missing, and instead of our awareness being enhanced, our minds and senses are overloaded. Too often, too, real creativity has been replaced by what Malcolm McLaren has called, “a karaoke world, a world without a point of view… it is a virtual replay of something that has happened before: life by proxy – liberated by hindsight, unencumbered by the messy process of creativity and free of any responsibility.” The result: media and humanity have become, somehow, disconnected. Which is why, these days, I find myself arguing for some kind of benign chaos, and abandoning a measure of organisation and structure (both inherent in the definition of ‘design’) to allow for more random, unmediated patches of unmanaged response and purposelessness – even just plain silence. I’m arguing for more humanity, for more Africa. We’re reminded by post-modern social thinkers that the emphasis on design nowadays is inextricable from the emergence of shopping as the primary culture of developed societies. More and more products compete for our attention, and each has to communicate a unique distinction to capture a jaded consumer’s attention. The trouble is, the context (design) often overwhelms the content and the consumer, who is drawn by the context is left dissatisfied and frustrated. Which makes them harder and harder to reach, to communicate with. It becomes a self-negating cycle: design rather than substance is used to attract the and briefly sustain the consumer’s attention. Its allure fades and ends up disappearing into the irritating white noise that surrounds our lives. And the disappointed consumer, still compelled by a search for meaning or resonance, just moves onto the next thing. Marketers and product managers too often think of their markets as somehow orderly, navigable, the result of a coherent architecture, rather like the cities of Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, or Canberra (both of which were purpose-built as their nation’s capitals but suffer from a sterility that compels a degree of both individual isolation and collective dysfunction). In fact, most markets are like Lagos in Nigeria. If you've seen recent photos of this city, you’ll immediately understand what I mean: there, unfinished freeways and main roads blocked by cars and buses — which use them as parking lots — evolve as extemporary autonomous zones, as shanty towns and massive, makeshift bazaars, loci for simultaneous domestic, social and commercial interaction; they're no longer useful as arteries for any kind of mechanized traffic, but work effectively, if chaotically, in other, better ways. Interestingly, in 1999 and 2000, the Dutch architect, Rem Koolhaas and the Harvard Design School’s Project on the City studied Lagos, Nigeria and the total breakdown of basic infrastructure and civil order there that defies conventional wisdom on how cities develop. Koolhaas wrote, “We resist the notion that Lagos represents an African city en route to becoming modern… Rather, we think it possible to argue that it represents an extreme and paradigmatic study of a city at the forefront of globalizing modernity. “That is to say, Lagos is not catching up with us. Rather, we may be catching up with Lagos.” If design and communications are to evolve, if they’re to continue to be effective, they have to acknowledge the increasing incoherence and lack of control that are apparent in today’s fragmented, individualised audience/consumer base. They have to become somehow chaos-compliant, rather than operate on the artificial construct of demographic or social order. They have to respond to the human, and the natural disorder that defines that.
First published, in a slightly different form, as the preface of Living Brands: Collaboration + Innovation = Customer Fascination by Raymond Nadeau (published by McGraw-Hill), USA, 2006.
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Let it rock
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Rainbow Country #390

Rainbow Country Tuesdays 8pm-10pm EST bombshellradio.com RAINBOW COUNTRY A 2 HOUR Nationally Syndicated Gay radio show & Canada's #2 LGBT Podcast working to give voice to the LGBT Community & BEYOND! ON EPISODE 390: HR 1 #Gay Filmmaker Alex Birrell Joins me to talk about his gay Thriller/Horror Movie THE LATENT IMAGE A thriller writer finds his story coming to horrifying life When a mysterious DRIFTER arrives at the front door of his isolated cabin. 🌈 HR 2 - #Music HOUSE - #Bucketheads #SteveSilkHurley #MalcolmMcLaren 80s - #DeadOrAlive ELECTRONIC - #DanceLoud R And B - #Tessa Read the full article
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