koi-illust · 2 years
[StarTrek:ENT] [Malcolm/Shran]
Blue-shaped Love
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The reason I decided to draw ShranReed (screenshot of my IG story):
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Compared to TuckerReed and HayesReed, ShranReed is more aggressive and sexual to me, you can’t blame me, bcs when there is a worrier (especially an Imperial Guard lol) in the relationship, there is dom-sub, I’m not saying dom and sub sex is necessary, it’s just someone will want to control, or in order to make the warrior one be more cooperative, you have to control them in some ways… it’s very interesting to see the dynamic between them!
I have to say that Shran is a master of “Carrot and Stick”, and that makes stories even more flavorful (not that Shran won’t feel any frustration in relationship, he just never “admit it”, you all know what I’m talking about🤣), our poor, pessimistic, introverted baby Malcolm will suffer so much and I love watching my fav character suffering😉 (But I always grant them happy endings, my fav characters all deserve that💖)
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papanowo · 17 days
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get a grip loverboy !!!
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evviejo · 9 months
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STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE // S4E12 Babel One Earth's got a lot riding on the outcome of these talks. But I'm not sure we knew what we were getting into.
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defconprime · 1 month
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Reed, Shran, and pal
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tali-zorahs · 11 months
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beach day beach day
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ionamalachite · 1 month
I want to see Shran and Malcolm either a) FRIENDLY SPAR, or b) TALK ABOUT FIGHTING
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misterparadigm · 5 months
The timelapse video of the Star Trek: Enterprise full-cast piece. Featuring theme music!
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phantomstatistician · 8 months
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Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise
Character: Jonathan Archer
Sample Size: 1,843 stories
Source: AO3
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The next person that tries to tell me that "These are the Voyages" was the perfect ending for Star Trek Enterprise will end up on the next episode of "Unsolved cruel murder cases" and I can guarantee, they will not be the killer nor the wittnesses.
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papasmistakeria · 2 years
Cursed Enterprise headcanon (maybe AU) cause my favourite series is now Enterprise and they're the closest to the 21st century so I can make millenial headcanons for them and it'd still be considered canon:
One time, Malcolm had the crew do archery for target practice and survival training. Ironically, the person who had the worst score was Archer
Archer lost Porthos this one time and he was depressed for an entire month. In a show of good will and friendship, T'Pol decided to make it her mission to find Porthos. She brought Archer the beagle back and he was so happy he cried and hugged her for an entire hour. 3 days later, Hoshi and Travis showed up with the real Porthos. Archer was left with one question; If that's Porthos, then who the fuck is the beagle that T'Pol brought? In the end, Archer gave up trying to figure it out and decided to adopt the other beagle
T'Pol was fascinated by the human custom of international communities discussion through means of forums as a way to recognize cultures. For her research, she signed up for Twitter. It was then she's convinced humans are fucking stupid
Trip had top surgery twice; First time when he transitioned and second time on his arm when he grew those nipples
Trip has spent most of his young adult life trying to lick his elbows. Nearly died twisting his neck one time
Malcolm had a Green Day phase and Trip laughs at him for it
Because he's smaller than most Security Chiefs, Malcolm is very resourceful in combat. Meaning, he bites and claws at people like a rabid animal. He also has near perfect voice imitation which adds to the long list of 'Things Absolutely Fucked Up about Malcolm Reed'. Some people thought he's a skinwalker or some demon
Whenever he's drunk, Malcolm shifts through 10 different personalities and accents and all of those are just Dominic Keating characters
Hoshi has a soft spot for rodents. She snuck in a bunch of her pet mice into the ship during launch and some of them escaped and at the same time, the whole ship power died and the only ones still active are weapons and warp. Turns out, some of her mice are in Engineering having the feast of their lives (they're chewing on the cables). Trip nearly had an aneurysm while the entire Engineering crew were chasing multiple mice away with brooms
Hoshi's role model is Hatsune Miku
Travis' role model is also Hatsune Miku
Travis plays Roblox. One time he made a Roblox game based off the Enterprise but then the captain found out and told him to shut it down. Nobody even noticed that Archer himself plays Roblox
One creature that Phlox absolutely cannot stand is the Earth Wasp. During his first few days on Earth, he thought the wasp was a bee and tried to observe it but instead it stung him and he hasn't forgiven it
Phlox is a big fan of Scooby Doo and has spent years trying to find a talking dog. He still believes Porthos has the ability to speak but hides it
Hayes is a Brony. His favourite is Applejack
The Enterprise crew has a Minecraft server for everyone. The Engineers are the ones who built every structure in the server. The Science and Medical crew are the ones making farms and whatnot. Command crew are the ones mining. The Security crew logs in every now and then just to blow shit up and ruin everyone's day
The only time Harris regretted recruiting Malcolm to Section 31 was during his first solo mission and somehow Malcolm managed to bite a Starfleet security officer's fucking fingers off clean and Harris nearly had an aneurysm trying to do damage control
Shran tries to learn about human custom through their history since he's a firm believer that history is the door to the present. The next time he greeted Archer, he did a dab and Archer cried
Shran went to visit Earth as a show of diplomacy and for a date with Archer. Someone offered to give him more money if he gives them some money and he mistook that for weird human hospitality tradition. He got scammed
There's a thirst trap of Soval somewhere and it's on Forrest's private tiktok account
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bug-and-such · 25 days
Also finished final season of Enterprise.
As for the last episode, personally, I don't hate it, but it's very VERY underwhelming.
You can tell it got cancelled in the middle of filming and were told they can have 1 final episode to wrap things up and it just didn't work.
Oh well...
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revrads · 2 years
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Throwback to my old Enteprise Switcharoo AU! I missed this crack AU so I’m gonna do more stuff with it hehe
For those who don’t know; This is the AU where the humans are aliens and the aliens are humans! In this AU, the captain of the Enterprise is Captain Thomas Shran and his crew-
The sarcastic human First Officer/Chief Science Officer, Commander T. Pol
The odd yet endearing human Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Phlox
The Denobulan Communications Officer on a Linguistic Exchange Program, Ensign Hoshi
The Vulcan Chief Engineer/Second Officer sent to represent the Vulcan High Command, Subcommander T’Rip
The dishonored Klingon Tactical Officer the crew brought back from their first mission to Kronos, renamed Lieutenant Reed
And the Suliban pilot they rescued from the Tandarans, Ensign Travis
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The 2024 Star Trek Winter Gift Exchange is here!
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Q: What is the Star Trek Winter Gift Exchange?
A: It’s a fanworks exchange for any fandom within the Star Trek universe, from The Original Series to Strange New Worlds!
Q: How does it work?
A: When you sign up, you’ll provide three options of gift ideas you’d like to receive, as well as gifts you’re open to making. Once sign-ups close, the mod will send you the url of the person you’ll make a fanwork for and their requests. You’ll have the month of January to fulfill one of the requests. Make sure your ask box is open so the mod or your Secret Santa can contact you!
Q: Do I have to make fanart/fanfic for the exchange?
A: Nope! All types of fanworks are welcome :) Fics, art, edits, fanvids, playlists, moodboards, podfics, among other things! As long as you’re creating it, it’s welcome.
Q: What are the important dates I should know?
A: December 29, 11:59 pm CST: sign-ups close
January 1-3: You’ll be notified who your recipient is.
January 21-31: Post your gifts! Details here.
Q: Sounds awesome! How do I sign up?
A: Fill out this form!
Q: What if I only want to be a pinch hitter?
A: If you ONLY want to be a pinch hitter, fill out this form!
If you have other questions, send an ask. And don’t forget to spread the word!
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deepspacedukat · 2 years
ST:ENT Fic Masterlist
Master Post | SNW Masterlist | TOS Masterlist | TNG Masterlist | DS9 Masterlist | VOY Masterlist | Non-ST Masterlist | Main OC Masterlist | Kinktober 2022 Masterlist | Summer Of Cum 2023 Masterlist |
Fic Masterlist Key: 💛 = SFW, ❤️ = NSFW (18+ ONLY), 👀 = WIP/Coming Soon
✨Jonathan Archer✨
~ Home Early ❤️:
Summary: *Ficlet* Jonathan comes back earlier than expected from an away mission to find a surprise in his quarters.
✨J. Hayes✨
~ Rewarded Patience ❤️:
Summary: The Major has had a long week. There’s no better way to relax than with his lover. - SoC 2023 Day 25
~ Diplomatic Exchange ❤️:
Summary: The officer spending time on the Kumari learns about Andorian culture in a much more intimate manner than she expected. - SoC 2023 Day 18
~ Tranquility 💛:
Summary: Keval gets home after a long shift and his partner pampers him.
~ Begin Again ❤️:
Part 1 ✨ Part 2 ✨ Part 3 ✨ Part 4 ✨ Part 5 ✨ Part 6 ✨ Part 7 ✨ Part 8 ✨ Part 9 ✨ - COMPLETE
Summary: Two years after his annulment became official, Koss gets a new neighbor.
~ Release Your Tension ❤️:
Summary: Koss relaxes his wife after a long day. - Kinktober 2022 Day 27
✨Malcolm Reed✨
~ Gasp ❤️:
Summary: Malcolm and his lover try something new. - Kinktober 2022 Day 8
~ Kiss Me ❤️:
Summary: *Ficlet* After a long day, the reader gives Malcolm a surprise.
~ Not Just One Night ❤️:
Summary: *Ficlet* Malcolm finds the reader after they spend the night together and makes a confession.
~ Prince Charming 💛:
Summary: *Ficlet* Reader wakes up in sickbay to a concerned Malcolm.
~ Reserved 💛:
Summary: Malcolm has had a rough day and needs a hug. Will he get one?
~ Safe And Sound 💛:
Summary: The reader gets in a slightly dangerous situation and Malcolm saves the day.
~ Sparring ❤️:
Summary: *Ficlet* Malcolm helps the reader with her hand-to-hand combat training.
~ Touch-Starved 💛:
Summary: Reader is touch-starved, and Malcolm realizes something is up when he bumps into her in a corridor.
✨Mirror!Malcolm Reed✨
~ Innocent ❤️:
Summary: *Ficlet* The reader finds herself in the mirror universe, and Malcolm thinks she’s just a little too good to be true.
~ Drizzle 💛:
Summary: *Ficlet* Mestral contemplates the rain.
✨Thy’lek Shran✨
~ Bashful 💛:
Summary: Shran sees his lover hide under a blanket and is determined to find out why.
~ Bend Over ❤️:
Summary: *Ficlet* Shran prepares to give the reader exactly what she wants.
~ Blue Meets Pink ❤️:
Summary: *Ficlet* Shran and the reader share an intimate moment on one of his visits to the Enterprise.
~ Burning Together ❤️:
Summary: When the shuttle carrying Shran and the reader crashes on an alien world, they encounter something they never expected.
~ Diplomatic Exchange ❤️:
Summary: The officer spending time on the Kumari learns about Andorian culture in a much more intimate manner than she expected. - SoC 2023 Day 18
~ Festivities And Fraternization 💛:
Summary: Thy'lek overhears some crew members talking about you, and makes it his business.
~ First Sight 💛:
Summary: *Ficlet* Shran is lost in thought and the reader asks what he’s thinking about.
~ Forget Him ❤️:
Summary: *Ficlet* Shran gets jealous when somebody flirts with his girl.
~ Found Family 💛:
Part 1 ✨ Part 2 ✨ Part 3 ✨ - COMPLETE
Summary: Set during the 5th season of Enterprise that never came to fruition, Shran has joined the crew of the Enterprise and finds himself in a position he never expected…along with a certain Vulcan ambassador of his acquaintance.
~ One Too Many 💛:
Summary: Tipsy Shran tries to flirt with the reader subtly but is incredibly obvious about it.
~ Pulse 💛:
Summary: Shran keeps the reader warm when they're stuck on a frozen planet.
~ Solace ❤️:
Summary: Shran's lover has a bad day and he comforts her.
~ Stay Quiet ❤️:
Summary: *Ficlet* Shran convinces the reader to take a risk right before a tactical meeting.
~ Talented Tongue ❤️:
Summary: Shran’s partner gives him pleasure and experiments with temperature play. - Kinktober 2022 Day 18
~ The Spectacle(s) 💛:
Summary: A glimpse into a relationship between Shran and an s/o who wears glasses.
~ What Do We Say? ❤️:
Summary: Shran gives his lover exactly what she’s earned. - Kinktober 2022 Day 6
✨Mirror!Thylek Shran✨
~ One-Way Mirror ❤️:
Summary: An Ensign from the Enterprise stumbles into a world that’s familiar yet so very different. Can she get home? More importantly, will she even want to? - SoC 2023 Day 4
~ Found Family 💛:
Part 1 ✨ Part 2 ✨ Part 3 ✨ - COMPLETE
Summary: Set during the 5th season of Enterprise that never came to fruition, Shran has joined the crew of the Enterprise and finds himself in a position he never expected…along with a certain Vulcan ambassador of his acquaintance.
~ On The Job Training ❤️:
Summary: Ambassador Soval breaks in a new secretary. - Kinktober 2022 Day 30
~ Ruptured Control ❤️:
Summary: Sequel to "The Ambassador." Soval and the Ensign have been exploring what it means to be in a relationship with one another when they are faced with an elephant that shows up every seven years: the pon farr.
~ The Ambassador 💛:
Summary: Ambassador Soval is totally detached and not at all fascinated by one member of Archer’s crew. Nope, not at all…
~ One-Way Mirror ❤️:
Summary: An Ensign from the Enterprise stumbles into a world that’s familiar yet so very different. Can she get home? More importantly, will she even want to? - SoC 2023 Day 4
~ A Queen’s Throne ❤️:
Summary: Soval marks his territory during a (very public) celebratory feast. - SoC 2023 Day 10
~ Unravel ❤️:
Summary: A Vulcan Elder meets a danger to his kolinahr training: a Human Lieutenant from the starship Enterprise.
~ Playing At Pon Farr ❤️:
Summary: Major Talok had an unknowing accomplice, and when it’s time for him to return to Romulus, well…at least he‘s able to bring one prize home if he can’t have the forced Re-Unification he’d hoped for. - Kinktober 2022 Day 31
~ Raindrops On Roses ❤️:
Summary: A little exploration of Talok's thoughts during his deep cover mission on Vulcan. Set way before S4E7 "The Forge."
~ Diplomatic Exchange ❤️:
Summary: The officer spending time on the Kumari learns about Andorian culture in a much more intimate manner than she expected. - SoC 2023 Day 18
~ Diplomatic Exchange ❤️:
Summary: The officer spending time on the Kumari learns about Andorian culture in a much more intimate manner than she expected. - SoC 2023 Day 18
~ Telltale Drip ❤️:
Summary: A drabble about the real reason Tolaris left the Shirkar Academy. - SoC 2023 Day 17
~ The Forgotten 💛:
Summary: Tos sees Soval's assistant looking forlorn and seeks to make it right.
✨Mirror!Trip Tucker✨
~ One-Way Mirror ❤️:
Summary: An Ensign from the Enterprise stumbles into a world that’s familiar yet so very different. Can she get home? More importantly, will she even want to? - SoC 2023 Day 4
~ Ruination ❤️:
Summary: Valdore captures a Starfleet officer after a battle during the Earth-Romulan War. - SoC 2023 Day 22
~ Postponement ❤️:
Summary: Doctor Yuris assists a patient with a rather intimate problem. - SoC 2023 Day 20
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ionamalachite · 23 days
Almost 4600 words of this shran/reed/archer fic and it's coming by SOOOO SLOWLY. i need so many more words to make this work lol
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