#Malaysia  plane missing
gr1mstar · 8 months
⁰¹’ Love letters - Nanami
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▸ synopsis: it's the three-year anniversary of your relationship. arriving home, you notice a gift, a bouquet of flowers and a letter on the table. your boyfriend seems to have prepared a surprise for you.
▸ contains: nanami kento x reader, fluff, sfw, love note, letter, established relationship, just enjoy a sweet nanami, 1.1k words
▸ notes [MUST READ]: this is a series, and yes i take requests on who should i do next. also, for everyone the flowers, gift and letter are different based on their character and personality (or how i see them). so… who should i do next? [can be from jujutsu kaisen or attack on titan] it’s going to be valentine’s day soon so :))
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Kicking off your shoes at the entrance, the cool touch of the tiled floor grounds you. The scent of home surrounds you, a mixture of comfort and the promise of relaxation. The day has left you drained.
The living room lamps cast a warm glow, welcoming you. The familiar sight of your home unfolds — the worn-out couch, the comforting knick-knacks on the shelves and the sweet aroma of your boyfriend's cologne.
As you made your way to the kitchen, ready to see what you have in the fridge, you noticed something new on the kitchen counter. A vibrant bouquet of cyclamens stands tall in a crystal vase, their petals dancing in the gentle breeze from the open window.
Beside the flowers, you saw a neatly folded letter. Your name, written in an elegant handwriting, adorns the sealed envelope. Intrigued, you pick it up, fingers delicately tracing the edges as if unlocking a secret.
‘It has to be Kento," you told yourself, starting the process of opening the letter without ruining the envelope.
A letter. Handwritten, at that. After looking again at the flowers, you decided that it was time to read what your boyfriend left for you on your anniversary.
It was a shame you two didn’t have the day off, deep down wanting to fake a cold just to call your workplace to stay home. But Nanami assured you that the day was not going to be wasted, planning a fancy dinner and then a movie at his apartment.
‘It seems like he has tricks up his sleeve.’
Taking out the letter, you could see something else in the envelope. A mix of emotions floods you – surprise, joy, and a touch of disbelief. The destination reads "Malaysia," a dreamy place that now lies within your reach, a surprise awaiting on the kitchen counter.
In this moment, the weariness of the day evaporates, replaced by the excitement of the unexpected surprise.
“My boyfriend is the best, isn’t he?” you spoke to yourself, fingers on the plane tickets.
Malaysia was a destination both you and Nanami wanted to go on vacation at least once in your lifetime. But because of your schedule and his sorcerer job, you didn’t really have a lot of time to accomplish that wish of yours.
After a few moments of silence, you decided you were ready to read the letter you received, hoping that tears would not come out of your eyes.
His handwriting was beautiful and really neat. You could guess that he used a special pen to write the letter with. Your boyfriend used blue ink, every letter being almost symmetrical. You wished you wrote this beautifully.
‘Should I read this out loud? In my head?’ you asked mentally, your eyes looking at the letters on the paper. ‘Whatever, it doesn't matter.’
Dear my loved partner,
Every day I miss you is another day I fall harder in love with you.
I love you.
When I tell you that, I don’t say it out of habit. I say it to remind you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. No matter where you are, a part of me will always be with you.
If I could, I would carry all your burdens, all your pain, all your stress, all of your heartache. I’d be sick for you. I’d be sad for you. I’ll do all of this and more just so I’d know you were smiling, happy, free from all the weight you carry.
I’m so proud of you, baby.
I’m not usually good with words, you see. Today I tried something new. Being our third anniversary together, I thought I needed to make something worth remembering. I know it’s not much, but I wanted you to know how I feel about you.
I needed you to know how much I'm addicted to you.
From the moment I met you, my life has been transformed in the most incredible way. You bring me so much joy and love, I can not explain in words. And so, I promise from the bottom of my heart that I would show you how much you mean to be everyday, for the rest of our lives.
I know I’m not perfect. I make mistakes and my jobs are eating my time. The time I should spend in your arms. But baby, I promise you that every ounce in my body screams for you, and your love.
I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.
I love you. Today, tonight, tomorrow and forever. If I were to live a thousand years, I would belong to you for all of them. If I were to live a thousand lives, I would want to make you mine in each one.
I will kiss you every time you start to worry about your health and get lost in your own fears. I will always text you back whenever you text me, even if I’m only one room away from you. You will always have someone to lean on whenever you need it. I’ll always be there even when you don’t need me to be.
I want to see your kids growing happy and healthy. I know we don’t have kids now and we are not even married but I think I can’t resist much longer, because I love you so much that I want to spend every second of my life with you.
You’re the person I want to tell how my day went. You’re the person I want to share my happiness, sadness, frustration, and success with.
Because you’re the person who taught me how to love another person, how to cherish someone without fearing that they would leave me.
So, thank you.
I know you are worried about me and how maybe one day I will not come home. I thought about it for sometime now, and I think it’s time to quit, this time for real. A few years back, I didn’t have a place I could call home and so risking my life was not something I was concerned about. But now, after you became my home, I can’t do that anymore.
My love… I don’t think you understand how beautiful you make my world, just by existing in it.
I had never met a soul who could speak my language. Until there was you.
You, fluent in me.
Again, thank you, love.
I wish you a wonderful night and I confess that I can’t wait to see your pretty face at dinner.
With unconditional love,
your soon-to-be-husband, Nanami Kento ♡
*Cyclamen - Eternal cycle of life, which makes it the perfect flower that means forever. In Japan, cyclamen holds a special place as the holy flower of love.
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© 2024 gr1mstar — all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, repost, translate, or claim my content as yours.
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skiplo-wave · 4 months
Omfg Skip. I had to research this one.
Boeing is going to try and launch astronauts up into space They are eyeing June 1st, but they have backup dates in case it gets canceled again. NASA says, "the Boeing Starliner launch will move forward despite spacecraft helium leak." They said it's stable and they can manage it. So they don't believe it's a unsafe issue.
According to Google: The Boeing aircrafts have been involved in nearly 6,000 aviation accidents and incidents worldwide. 415 of those being fatal. Recently Boeing has come under fire for the Boeing airplanes doors being ripped off mid-flight due to plug blowouts and some of the door plugs was NOT even on there. There was a Boeing plane that landed in Oregon with a missing panel on it.
Also, where is the Boeing Malaysia Flight 370????
It's been missing for almost 10 years.
Not only that, but they tracked that mf and it was still in the air HOURS when they was trying to find it, but for some reason they lead the search team to a different area.
That space craft, if you want call it that, gonna be held together by duct tape, paper clips, and some person in desperate need for money becoming the guniue pig
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moot-lover · 2 months
Tryna solve the disappearance of MH370.
Im sure yall know what MH370 is. And if u don’t then it’s plane that disappeared and still no one found it.
Now let’s talk abt it.
It was a flight to Malaysia to China. The pilot is from a Malaysian island called penage. Let’s see the path.
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The bended curve in between 3 and 4 is the island of penage.
Was the pilot tryna see his home?
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This is what trail they were supposed to take.
The final trackers of Malaysia before it went missing
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The final words spoken to the radar.
“Lumpur Radar: "Malaysian three seven zero, contact Ho Chi Minh one two zero decimal nine. Good night."
Flight 370: "Good night. Malaysian three seven zero."
After this another pilot tried to contact the flight only to hear mumbles that they couldn’t make out.
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In 2015 the first piece of MH370 was found in the Indian Ocean.
Before you say “on maybe they found it on the beach?” Wrong. If you don’t notice it but some things are sticking out of the back. Those are barnacles that is only found in the ocean.
My theory is that the plane wasn’t hijacked. It was a suicide by pilot. If the plane rlly got hijacked how did they know that island was the pilots hometown? It doesn’t make sense.
Let me know if I’m missing smth!
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greenzaku · 1 year
How I remember MH17
17 July marks the anniversary of the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) in eastern Ukraine in 2014. All 298 on board, mostly Dutch, Malaysians, and Australians were killed. I had just finished up with a short term job interstate and was looking for further employment at the time, and had the time to follow the reporting of the incident online. In 2014, I would not have guessed that the event would shape my view of discourse and disinformation in eastern Europe for years to come. Ukraine was on the other side of the world and I had no real interest or understanding of the invasion by Russia back then, but people from my country were on that plane, so I paid attention. The blame game started in earnest.
‘Ukraine fired the missile.’
‘Russia fired the missile’
‘It was an accident.’
‘The Ukrainians are looting the crash site.’
‘The Russians are looting the crash site.’
‘Malaysian Airlines was at fault and shouldn’t have been flying over a warzone.’
‘The pilot was at fault.’
‘The investigation is biased towards Russia/Ukraine/Malaysia/Australia/Netherlands...’
‘Russia/Ukraine tampered with evidence...’
It even got ugly in some less reputable ‘news’ sites and far right conspiracy theories spread online, that it was the ‘missing’ MH370 that crashed into the sea months earlier, that the US did it because reasons, islamophobia, men in black, hijackers, crisis actors, aliens... As a queer person, I paid attention to the fact that several AIDS researchers were on board, and stigma surrounding AIDS was and is still very rife, which fed into the more extreme discourse. The world wanted answers.
Round and round it went. It did eventually emerge that Russia, or ‘separatists’ - really Russian proxies - fired the missile, from a Buk launcher that was later filmed being carted back to Russia carrying three missiles instead of its usual four. The billboard was used to geolocate the truck and Buk’s to the border.
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Pardon my terrible MSPaint edit.
The still image is grabbed from a video that was posted by Ukraine’s Defense ministry, but forms part of a broader investigation by Bellingcat, an independent collective of open source researchers, that is too detailed to write here but tracked the movements of the Buk and the truck carrying it to and from the launch site. (link: https://www.bellingcat.com/tag/mh17/)
There was nothing wrong with the plane, the pilot, or the flight path. Passenger planes from Air France, Air India and Singapore Airlines were transiting nearby.
Now, it was obvious that MH17 wasn’t an intentional target. The commanders of the brigade that the Buk belonged to initially posted on social media that they had downed a Ukrainian fighter jet, and then rapidly deleted their celebratory comments when photos of the wreckage appeared online. In my mind, all Russia had to do was acknowledge it was a mistake, or a mistake by ‘separatists’, court martial the guy who pulled the trigger, apologise and fork out some form of compensation. Install a plaque at the site, send flowers, and the world would have eventually looked away from the not-really-civil-war in faraway eastern Europe and their brush with a southeast Asian airline.
Why the lies? Acknowledging the mistake would have been magnitudes cheaper and simpler than the overall war effort. Why was continuing to perpetuate a firehose of falsehoods more important than the truth and trying to repair relations? I couldn’t answer those questions then, but now realise that keeping the information space muddied and flooded with crap is now the norm for disinformation coming out of Russia. Its like they can’t help themselves.
Fast forward to today.
The ‘separatist’ commanders are still involved in the invasion of Ukraine, now unmasked as regular Russians. No commercial flights operate over the country for now. Disinformation, so heavily weaponised during the long months of pandemic lockdown and the former president of the US, runs rife. I posted my own little memorials to the tragedy on social media, year after year, and got bot farm and troll reactions downvoting or pushing them into invisibility. I’m not important enough in the big scheme of things to have a flesh and blood russian troll come to debate me, not that I have the time and energy for it. I’m also not the only person who refuses to forget it, even if the loss pales in significance to the atrocities perpetuated on Ukraine from last year. The lies meant that when the 2022 invasion started along with the inevitable discourse, we also remembered which side was more likely to be lying. The Netherlands and Australia are very supportive of Ukraine, Malaysia is officially neutral (mostly due to convoluted reasoning of America = bad imperialists, America supports Ukraine, so supporting Russia good etc) though many individuals still go against the grain to donate or volunteer. I can’t change what others think, but at least I can prevent them from forgetting.
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porterdavis · 2 years
At 12:42 a.m. on the quiet, moonlit night of March 8, 2014, a Boeing 777-200ER operated by Malaysia Airlines took off from Kuala Lumpur and turned toward Beijing, climbing to its assigned cruising altitude of 35,000 feet. The designator for Malaysia Airlines is MH. The flight number was 370.
Everything was normal until it wasn't. The plane went 'dark' and then simply disappeared. It has never been found, only a few scattered bits of debris have washed ashore thousands of miles away from its route.
This is a great #longread investigation of what happened.
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kanej-jabin · 1 year
Missing Malaysia Flight MH370 found! What is the mystery behind the disappearance?
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On March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared without a trace, leaving the world in shock and mystery. The disappearance of this Boeing 777-200ER en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing is one of the most baffling aviation mysteries in history. Despite extensive search efforts, the plane was never found and the fate of the 239 people on board remains unknown. Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 departed from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Beijing Capital International Airport at 12:41 AM local time. The aircraft was carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew members. Everything seemed routine until about 40 minutes into the flight, when the plane's transponder, which communicates its location to air traffic control, suddenly went silent. Radar data indicated that the aircraft deviated from its planned route and returned over the Malay Peninsula.
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TWITTER FANS OF MATTY AND TAYLOR SWIFT: posting her speeches about how she stands with gay rights (which none of them are done in a "dangerous territory") next to a video of today's show to "help" clean up Matty's reputation because her fans are dumb and hate him for no reason it's not the take you think it is. Taylor's speeches or "activism" are not comparable to what the band did today, the whole band could've been in danger, especially Gabi and Polly bir being part of the LGBTQIA community. So don't bring her into everything the band does, I say this as a fan of her, not everything has to be about her.
For context: https://twitter.com/folklore75/status/1682442449963175939?t=1Xgv8gio80GBzaqkghVT4w&s=19
Oh god. This makes me really sad, tbh. Cuz ever since she and Matty got together or hooked up or whatever is they they’re doing/ they did, fans that supported their relationship have gotten carried away with stuff like this. It’s one thing to like make songs that Matty wrote even before meeting Taylor suddenly about her, it’s another thing entirely to compare or draw analogies between the two’s political stances. I don’t even need to argue this. Need I remind y’all of the whole Lover / miss Americana thing?
Let’s not turn this from celebrating the 1975’s choice today into chastising Taylor’s marketing campaign in 2019. I have a lot of respect for her as a pop artist. But she’s nowhere near the same plane of existence as the 1975 when it comes to speaking up about queer rights. Not that it’s a competition because it’s not. Every artist approaches their public image differently. If she doesn’t wanna go to Malaysia and kiss someone of the same gender and get banned, that’s her prerogative. But let’s not make false equivalences. It’s okay that she’s not perfect at everything. She’s a person. She’s not meant to be perfect.
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shafiqah-in-diaspora · 9 months
Oh Japan, You Have My Heart
Unlike previous years, from 2023 onwards, I vowed to travel with purpose. My inaugural destination? The land of the rising sun— Japan. Why Japan, you ask? Well, as a child, my world was framed by a tiny 4-inch TV screen, and my sole entertainment came from watching cartoons. I remember looking up to those animated characters, drawing inspiration from their 勇気 , 優しさ及び 回復力 (yūki, yasashisa oyobi kaifukuryoku). The lessons I absorbed from my favorite fictional heroes influenced my now worldview and personal growth. Japan was not merely a trip; it was a meaningful journey to the very source of my childhood dreams.
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My first stop was the city of Tokyo. While Tokyo may not be my favorite, it is undeniably a city of great landmarks and vibrant energy. When I say vibrant energy, I mean VIBRANT ENERGY. The nightlife here is wild! Truly a sensory overload of neon lights and bustling streets. Imagine the constant chitter-chatter of people around you, the thumping beats from various music stores, massive TV screens on buildings flash ads adding to the sensory extravaganza, and the colorful array of anime costumes mingling with some avant-garde fashion and plain old simple attire—like me, in my unassuming Malaysian “おばあちゃん” (obāchan) outfit, lol. Every few minutes, you hear the roar of planes flying overhead and the clatter of trains running on the railway tracks. It’s sensational!
But one memorable experience was visiting a koi pond at Senso-ji Temple, which is located in Asakusa, not far from the heart of the city. A bit quieter compared to the city's bustling core, but more aligned with my pace.
I recall an elderly gentleman standing there with great pride, enthusiastically explaining about the koi fish: "This is koi!"—as if to ensure everyone was aware of their significance. His English was limited, and I couldn’t help but wonder if his explanations would have been even more detailed if he were more fluent or if I had spoken Japanese. But either way, the whole situation was endearing and quite charming, especially knowing that koi fish are deeply rooted in the Japanese culture. I could almost picture a local uncle in Malaysia proudly introducing tapirs in a similar manner lol.
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This city owns the depths of my heart. Kamakura isn't like any ordinary town in Japan; it has its own unique charm. Located just south of Tokyo in Kanagawa, this seaside gem lies along the coast of Sagami Bay and is often referred to by locals as the 'Kyoto of eastern Japan.'
My personal favorite is the Enoshima Electric Railway (I’m currently admiring the mini keychain and two hand-drawn postcards proudly displayed on my wall). The railway meanders through the town, making various picturesque pitstops by the sea—oh, the sea!—and passes through local school crossings and quaint crossroads. And, if you’re lucky, you might even catch distant glimpses of Mount Fuji.
Now, imagine this scenic journey with the sound of waves crashing against the shore, complemented by the distinctive chime of the Japanese train signaling as the crossing gates lower to let the train pass. God, it was truly magical— and I miss it dearly.
Warning: I later learned that Kamakura is susceptible to tsunamis due to its coastal location. So if you plan to visit, be sure to take precautions and stay updated on local safety guidelines. Please watch the video below to find out where the nearest rugged FC or steel-structured building is in case a tsunami hits.
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Nikko is my second personal favorite after Kamakura. It is located in Tochigi, in the mountainous region to the north of Tokyo, approximately 140 kilometers from the capital. Imagine seeing a lake perched on a mountain 1,269 meters above sea level, with a stunning view of other mountains (Mount Yusaka & Mount Hangetsu) in the distance?! SubhanAllah.
This lake, known as Lake Chuzenji, lies at the foot of Mount Nantai, Nikko's sacred volcano. The eruption of Mount Nantai once blocked the valley below, creating Lake Chuzenji just about 20,000 years ago.
I had hoped to take a boat ride on the lake, but unfortunately it was closed due to the extremely harsh temperatures. By late November the conditions up there were biting cold with icy winds that seemed to cut through everything. I could even see snowflakes swirling around, and winter hadn’t even officially arrived yet!
But even though the frigid weather and the closed boat ride were a letdown, the sheer beauty of Lake Chuzenji made me long to return. It was one of those moments where you’re left in awe, and you just know you have to come back to experience it all over again. If this is the beauty of the dunya, imagine what Jannah must be like.
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brazilnews · 1 month
"Perfect Hiding Place": Australian Scientist Claims He's Found Where Missing MH370 Plane Is
Years after its disappearance, an Australian scientist has claimed that he has found the “perfect hiding place” for the missing MH370 plane. The Malaysian Airlines flight, with 239 people on board, vanished from radar after taking off from Kuala Lumpur in 2014. Its disappearance sparked the biggest search in aviation history with the whereabouts of the jet still unknown to this day. Now, Tasmanian researcher Vincent Lyne has said that he believes he has figured out where the plane is. In a LinkedIn post, Mr Lyne claimed that the plane was deliberately ploughed deep into the Broken Ridge — a 20,000-foot-deep hole in the Indian Ocean.
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“This work changes the narrative of MH370’s disappearance from one of no-blame, fuel-starvation at the 7th arc, high-speed dive, to a mastermind pilot almost executing an incredible perfect-disappearance in the Southern Indian Ocean,” the researcher wrote.
“In fact, it would have worked were it not for MH370 ploughing its right wing through a wave, and the discovery of the regular interrogation satellite communications by Inmarsat — a brilliant discovery also announced in the Journal of Navigation,” he added.
Mr Lyne, who works at the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, further said that damage to the plane’s wings, flaps and flaperon suggest it was involved in a “controlled ditching” similar to that of Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger on the Hudson River in 2009.
“This justifies beyond doubt the original claim, based on brilliant, skilled, and very careful debris-damage analyses, by decorated ex-Chief Canadian Air-crash Investigator Larry Vance, that MH370 had fuel and running engines when it underwent a masterful ‘controlled ditching’ and not a high-speed fuel-starved crash,” Mr Lyne wrote.
The researcher stated that MH370 is “where the longitude of Penang airport (the runway no less) intersects the Pilot-in-Command home simulator track discovered and discarded by the FBI and officials as ‘irrelevant.’”
“That pre-meditated iconic location harbors a very deep 6000m hole at the eastern end of the Broken Ridge within a very rugged and dangerous ocean environment renowned for its wild fisheries and new deep-water species. With narrow steep sides, surrounded by massive ridges and other deep holes, it is filled with fine sediments — a perfect ‘hiding’ place,” Mr Lyne continued, adding the area needs to be verified as a “high priority.”
“Whether it will be searched or not is up to officials and search companies, but as far as science is concerned, we know why the previous searches failed and likewise science unmistakably points to where MH370 lies. In short, the MH370 mystery has been comprehensively solved in science!” he added.
Notably, flight MH370 with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board disappeared after leaving Kuala Lumpur Airport in southern Malaysia en route to Beijing, China, on March 8, 2014. A nearly three-year search covering 120,000 square kilometres in the Indian Ocean found hardly any trace of the plane, with only some pieces of debris picked up. Despite the largest search in aviation history, the plane has never been found and the operation was suspended in January 2017.
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andronetalks · 1 month
‘Perfect hiding place’ for MH370: Scientist claims he figured out where missing Malaysia Airlines plane is
New York Post By News.com.auPublished Aug. 26, 2024, 11:51 a.m. ET An Australian scientist has claimed he’s found the “perfect hiding place” for missing plane MH370. The Malaysia Airlines flight vanished from radar after taking off from Kuala Lumpur in 2014, with this March marking 10 years since the disappearance. There were 239 people on board, including six Australians. Read more…
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crystal-in-nagasaki · 4 months
crystal NOT in nagasaki, thailand: part one
Hello again! I hope you enjoyed reading about my adventures in Singapore! A few days into the new year, I said goodbye to my friend's incredibly kind and welcoming family in Singapore and hopped on another plane to Thailand, where I stayed for about three days.
This was my first time in Thailand and I only spent time in the city of Bangkok, so there was much of Thailand's nature and regional culture that I missed out on, and I would love to go back again someday to see more!
First, a little bit about Thailand. It's a South Asian country located on the Indochinese peninsula alongside other countries like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar, with Malaysia to the south. It's not quite as close to the equator as Malaysia, but still had a hot and tropical climate when I visited in January.
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People in Thailand speak the Thai language of course, which is a tonal language like Chinese, with its own script. Buddhism is a strong part of Thai culture, and they have many temples and images of Buddha around the country. It's a constitutional monarchy, with the royal family really only holding symbolic power but being beloved and accepted by the Thai people.
With that, I'll share some about my specific experience in Bangkok, with information that I learned about the culture along the way!
On my first day in Thailand, we spent most of the day travelling and making our way to our lodging, so I'll just talk about dinner that day.
We ate at an outdoor table outside of a small local restaurant and ordered several communal dishes to share.
To drink, I got butterfly pea tea, a very popular drink in Asia. It's a lovely purple/blue color tea made from the butterfly pea flower. Lemon and sugar is usually added to make a sweet and refreshing drink.
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I'll be completely honest that I don't really know what the other food was because it was ordered by our friend who lives in Thailand, but it was tasty. In the red and black bowl was chicken feet soup. I did not at all like the feeling of chicken feet skin and bones in my mouth, but the taste was good.
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After this, we went to a nearby bar that specialized in honey-infused drinks, which was really tasty. I was exhausted after a day of travel, so I then headed back to the lodging early to call it a night.
The next morning we met back up at a large mall called MBK center to do a little shopping. While waiting for my other friends to arrive, I got Thai iced tea flavored ice cream, and it was sooooo good.
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After this, we went across the street to the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre to see a few small exhibitions.
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The building itself was really pretty. An exhibition about womanhood had recently closed, and this one photo was left behind of some women laughing and swimming together. I thought it was beautiful and powerful, so I took a photo of it.
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Another exhibition we saw was photography taken by the queen of Thailand, which just consisted of random things the queen had taken pictures of. Our local friend told us that Thai people love their monarchs, so while we might be confused as to why the pictures warranted a whole exhibition, many Thai people were very interested in seeing the things the queen photographed in her daily life.
Next, we went to the Jim Thompson House. This was a house owned by an American merchant named Jim Thompson who relocated to Thailand in the 1940s to establish the Thai Silk Company. He was very interested in the culture and artwork of Thailand and other south Asian countries, and built the house as a place to show off his collection of south Asian art. It was interesting to see a house of Thai design filled with Asian artifacts, but that also had Western style rooms and furniture.
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Jim Thompson made many trips in his life around Thailand and neighboring Asian countries, but on a trip to Malaysia in 1967, he disappeared and was never heard from again. No one has ever discovered what happened to him, but his house now remains as a museum so that people can view and appreciate his collection of art.
After admiring Jim Thompson's house and art, we headed back to MBK center to have lunch, where we ate boat noodles, which are noodles seasoned with pig or cow's blood mixed with spices. At this restaurant, they had several different flavors, types of noodles, and spices, so you could order cheap small portions of noodles and try several kinds.
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For dessert, we got a pudding-like dessert made of coconut and pandan.
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After this, we spent some time in the huge mall souvenir shopping. One of the floors of the mall had many small stalls and shops selling local and traditional goods, so I was glad to find lots of cool souvenirs for my family and friends.
When we had sufficiently burned through our souvenir budgets, we headed to dinner at a nice restaurant which had various Thai dishes like pad Thai, Tom Yum Kung, and various curries. The food was pretty spicy, but delicious.
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After dinner, we decided it was a great idea to cram six people into a tuk tuk and head out for drinks. Tuk tuks are small three-wheeled street cabs symbolic of Thailand. They are usually cheaper than taxis, but some drivers will take advantage of foreign riders and charge them a higher fare, so tourists beware! Many of the tuk tuks in Bangkok had decorations like lights, speakers, or Buddhist images. The one we all crammed into had fun neon lights on the inside. They are definitely not built for six people, but the driver didn't seem to care as long as he was getting paid and we had a fun perilous ride to our next destination.
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That night we decided to get drinks in Bangkok's gay district and then see a drag show together. Compared to many other Asian countries, Thailand is a bit more open as far as LGBT visibility and rights, and it was nice to see an area for LGBT people to enjoy themselves openly.
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In traditional Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia, it was commonly known that there was a third gender, called kathoey. They are similar to transgender women or gay men in that they are commonly AMAB people expressing themselves in a more feminine way, but are considered to be neither woman nor man, but a third gender containing a body with two souls. It can also be used to refer to intersex people, who are not within the traditional grounds of a "male" or "female" body.
Kathoey and transgender women are visible and recognized in Thai popular culture today by the term "ladyboys." Although the term may not be the most PC, their status in society is admirable compared to many other societies where gender nonconforming people are often shunned and otherized.
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Anyway, we enjoyed some drinks at a bar in the gay quarter, then headed to a bar called The Stranger to enjoy a drag show by Thai drag queens (which are not synonymous with kathoeys or transgender women). The drag queens were beautiful, talented, and funny, and it was a really fun time being in a place celebrating queer people.
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With that, I'll leave this part here and continue my Thailand adventures in the next part. Stay tuned!
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nurizzataiman · 6 months
From Crisis to Comeback: Malaysia Airlines’ branding journey in the face of adversity
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As I read the Concha y Toro case, I couldn't help but think of Malaysia Airlines, my country's national carrier. In 2014 (and within months of each other), the company lost two aircrafts, MH370 and MH17 - the former went missing somewhere in the Indian Ocean, while the latter was shot down by Russian separatists over Ukraine. Since those unfortunate events, the company’s profitability plummeted into the reds, and Malaysia Airlines was effectively bankrupt had it not been bankrolled by the nation’s sovereign wealth fund, Khazanah Nasional, the firm where I worked. Indeed, the negative impact of those events on Malaysia Airlines' brand was so severe that no amount of excellence awards (and there were plenty of them) or price cuts could persuade enough passengers to board the airline's planes for a long time. However, by 2023, it had recovered. The company finally made a profit. And, for the first time, its passenger volume is trending upward.
These cases left the following impressions on me vis-à-vis the power of branding:
Over the short term, branding can distort customers' perception of reality both positively and negatively. Think fads for examples of positive distortions, and Malaysia Airlines for an example of a negative distortion.
However, in the long term, a company's brand will return to the reality of its product's service quality and customer experience. Again, consider fads and Malaysia Airlines.
The role of a branding specialist must then be to accelerate the rehabilitation of its brand following a negative shock - as was the case with Malaysia Airlines, which aggressively leveraged ads, set up grandiose booths at travel fairs, and significantly improved its website/ticketing interface to repair customer perception of the company - and, in the case of a positive shock, to maintain the favorable image as long as possible.
If a product's poor branding accurately reflects its underlying service and quality, the branding specialist must inform the operations team of these realities, emphasizing the importance of turning things around, and consulting them on key metrics as they work through the improvement process.
Nonetheless, one key question remains in my mind: how long can a positive branding shock last before returning to reality, even with the help of a strong branding team? For example, how much runway does an operations team have to upgrade its product/service before it becomes a fad? I hope to have this question answered later in class!
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MH370 mystery: Search for missing passenger plane must continue.
On the 10th anniversary of the greatest mystery in aviation history, Sky News anchor and investigative journalist Peter Stefanovic continues the search for answers. On the night of 8 March 2014, a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 carrying 239 people, including six Australians, vanished without a trace while on a routine flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
After ten years and following the most expensive sea search the world has ever seen involving Malaysian, Australian, Chinese, and French authorities, what happened to MH370 remains unknown. In this new one-hour documentary Peter speaks with aviation experts, oceanographers, and brave sailors who took on the quest of finding MH370. He also meets family members of victims, with their own appeal to our government.
All evidence to date has been meticulously re-examined. With the addition of new scientific evidence and analysis, Peter uncovers why the search must go on and why all previous attempts have been unsuccessful. The documentary sheds light on the diplomatic difficulties with the Malaysian Government, the actions of Australian search authorities, and hears campaigners ask the question: was there a cover-up?
Sky News Australia
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purplesurveys · 7 months
Do you take a walk every day? I don't do it as a routine per se, like around the neighborhood – but I walk a lot for work. I'll have meetings and events set in BGC often, and that's pretty much the most walkable place in Metro Manila so I'll usually get over 10k steps in whenever I'm in the area.
Who was your favourite musical artist when you were 15? Do you still listen to them? I was in both extremes of the spectrum lol. I liked the indie feel of alt-J, Banks, and Hozier; but this was also the peak of my punk rock phase and I was listening to bands like Against Me, The Bouncing Souls, and Rancid. I will listen to the latter every now and then, but I've largely let go of indie acts.
What's your preferred way of getting the news? Either through the TV or online, through the accounts that I deem trustworthy.
If you go to flightradar24 dot com to see the radar, are there any planes or helicopters in your area right now? There's one flying over my province currently - it just passed my exact city - and is headed for Albay. All the other planes I'm seeing are clustered around Manila.
When was the last time you ate at a food court and what did you get? The last time I was at a food court it was in Malaysia, 8 months ago; I had nasi kerabu. It also came with sambal that even I couldn't handle lol, it was so spicy and it was the kind of spicy that was almost painful so I barely touched it.
Would you consider yourself traditional/old-fashioned? In some aspects; I wouldn't say it's my entire personality. I'm old-fashioned when it comes to recognizing hierarchies, doing things by the book, preferring to keep things as status quo...things like that.
How do you like your eggs cooked? Poached or over easy.
Have you ever taken a ride in a yellow car that wasn't a taxi? I may have! It's not a common color but in the thousands of cars I've ridden in over the years I must've been in at least one yellow one lol.
What was the last thing you had to return to a store and why? I don't really do this, but the closest equivalent has been returning a set of utensils to the counter at Starbucks since they weren't cleaned well enough and I was still able to see some food residue from the last customer who used it :( Gross. It's happened more than once too.
Do you need to get groceries right now? No, we just had our pantry replenished earlier this week.
What's your favourite place to go on vacation? Sagada and Bangkok are worthy of repeats, though I've only been in either place once.
What state/territory did you grow up in? Do you still live there? I still live in the same province I grew up in, down to the city.
What colour were the last socks you wore? Maroon.
Do you mark your emails as read even if you didn't open them, or do you let them just sit there? I barely touch my personal emails since no one sends me anything anyway and all I get on there are just promotional shit from websites I'm signed up to. As for my work emails, I read every single message – can't afford to miss even just one as I lead the entire department and I need to be up to speed with every single movement for every single deliverable for every single campaign for every single account.
Do you have a LinkedIn profile? I do but it's such a cringe website to be on lol so I barely use it.
Have you ever done your own compost? Nope.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow? If no, what about the day or two after that? I have a run event that I need to manage again, so I have another 2 AM calltime - my third this month. Fortunately this one's expected to end early, just around 8 AM this time, so I have the rest of the day.
Doesn't mean it'll be a day of rest though since I have a pitch coming up this Friday, so I need to spend a good amount of time tomorrow doing my research.
Would you ever get a tattoo on your hand or foot? My hand, so it can be more visible. If I'm gonna put myself through pain, I might as well be able to see it often haha.
Do you open your doors and windows on warm days? It's...the opposite. I'm likely to open everything so the air can come in.
Are the blinds/curtains in the room open or closed right now? Closed.
Who was the last person you said "I love you" to? Not sure, it may have been Andi.
Does your town have a bar or pub? Sure.
Were you mean to anyone in high school? Yes, but it's just to people I've seen being mean to others.
What's one of your favourite features of your phone? How it can extract details from photos. Helps when I either need to understand something in another language; or if I want to use a photo of someone in PNG format.
Have you ever accidentally started a fire? Nope.
Do you ever wonder where everyone's going when you're driving around? Sometimes. This mostly happens when I pass by the airport.
Do you forget things as quickly as you think of them? Yeah, this is happening more frequently now so I've started a habit of writing things down on my Notes app so I don't forget about them.
What is the last note you edited in your phone's notes app? Can't answer this at the moment, my phone's downstairs as I want to avoid any work messages that might come in this weekend lol.
Who is your favourite coworker? You can tell me about one from your past if you don't have one right now. Kata has always been my favorite. I haven't been as in sync with anyone at work as I was with her, and I haven't worked with her for two years now. I was also the closest with her, and ever since she left I haven't really been able to replicate that same closeness with anyone in the team.
Can you hear birds chirping right now? Nope.
Have you ever learned a language on your own, as in, not attending classes or lessons? I learned to read Korean entirely on my own – mere context clues helped coming from the sheer amount of Hangul subtitles they would have in variety/reality shows.
Do you know anyone who's adopted a child? Sure.
Are you good at parallel parking? I am, but I avoid doing it when possible hahaha.
Do you tend to wear your clothes more than one day before washing them? If I didn't sweat at all in them, yes.
What was the last video game or board game you purchased? Do in-app purchases count? I got a Friends category pack from a charades app I recently downloaded.
Pulp or no pulp in your orange juice? No pulp, but this is also because I've never tried pulp.
Is your middle name common? If we're talking about my second name, yes it's fairly common.
What's your favourite Robin Williams movie? Good Will Hunting. It's not your fault.
Do you decorate your house for Halloween? No.
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rebeleden · 7 months
Pilot's Suicidal Act Buries Missing Flight MH370 in Ocean Trench
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petnews2day · 7 months
Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 vanished 10 years ago today. What have we learned about what happened?
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/GQQlO
Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 vanished 10 years ago today. What have we learned about what happened?
10 years since Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappearance Malaysia’s government has said it may authorize a new hunt for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370 a decade after the plane and all 239 passengers and crew on board disappeared on March 8, 2014. What happened to MH370 after it departed Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, en route to […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/GQQlO #OtherNews
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