#Majima zombie simulator
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dominadaemoni · 3 months ago
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Reflexiones sobre la Saga Yakuza. (que vomito en lugar de dormir)
Publi para pegar enlaces al resto de mis vomitonas. Porque estén en un sitio y mi cerebro defectuoso pueda localizarlas
Ahí os deposito los que hay de momento:
Romances canon en Ryu Ga Gotoku: o por qué todos los yakuzas son gays (o deberían tratar de serlo)
Parte 1: Majima y Makoto
MajiMako 1.1 Majimako 1.2 Majimako 1.3
Parte 2: Kiryu y Yumi
2.1 Introducción 2.2. El Objeto Yumi Sawamura 2.3: Yumi como punta de un triángulo 2.4: Conclusiones del drama
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por qué mierdas hago esto:
La idea es liberar espacio en mi cabeza porque está saturada. llevo literalmente ventimuchos años acumulando cosas que decir. Si alguien las lee, ok. Si alguien las comenta, ok tmb. Así podemos debatir en una lengua en la que no deba revisar mi orcografía en cada palabra.
Y si no... al menos abro hueco para refactorizar el disco duro
He jugado toda la saga + spinoffs en orden de release, por lo que mi visión cronológica en un poco timy wimy wibly wobly y sujeta a impresiones que no serán lo habitual en el fandom que juega en órden cronológico. Yakuzer de 1º Generación: También soy adolescente y la ancianidad me ataca simultáneamente (por si alguien no lo sospechaba).
Miembro orgulloso de la Familia Majima desde 2006. Oyaji es mi luz, alegría y el dolor en el trasero que me guía.
He jugados hasta al menos completar al 80% todos los juegos de la saga salvo Kenzan el cual llevo a medias (porque no tengo paciencia con el traductor por foto de Google).
Juegos completados al 100% : Yakuza Kiwami, Kiwami 2, Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4, Yakuza 5, Yakuza 6, Gaiden
Al 90%: Yakuza 0, Lost Judgement, Dead Souls, Ishin, Ishin LaD
Al 80% LaD, IW, Judgement, Kurohyo
Menos: los que me queden por citar
Juego mejor hecho: Y0
Juego que personalmente más disfruto: Kiwami
Juego que odio no por malo o largo sino porque su argumento y evolución de personajes me saca de quicio Y5
Juego que odio porque está mal hecho y es un despropósito como cierre de la saga Y6
Juego que invalida lo poco rescatable del argumento del anterior Gaiden
Juego que invalida parte de las incongruencias del juego anterior IW
Juego que va por libre LaD7
Juego que invalidará o eso espero, todo mal recuerdo o voz discordante en mi cabeza. Piratas Yakuza en la Costa del Sol
Juego definitivo de la saga que algún día programaré yo byMiself
Majima porn simulator: the quest to find the real one piece of Kiryu Chan
Kiwami > Yakuza OG
Yakuza 2 OG > Kiwami 2
Yakuza 3 > Yakuza6
Dead Souls > Y4 y Y5 (o al menos tiene menos incoherencias y agujeros de guion)
Lad7 > IW
IW < Kamurocho Nights
Prefiero somanta de ostias frente a menú por turnos, pero sobreviviré porque Ichi es adorable. Pero Kiryu no encaja ahí
Dragon Engine < Kiwami Engine (y mejor que no me lo discutáis que tengo toneladas de argumentos de desarrollador de software para implementar)
Desde el fallecimiento de mi fatty ps2 no he vuelto a jugar en consola propia
No he jugado ninguno de los juegos en PS3 o PS4 pero he ocupado la casa de mi vecino hasta que se dignaron los de RGG a publicar el remaster. Me odia aún a día de hoy porque no entiende inglés (que aprenda)
PC Gamer hasta la muerte, emulo y moddeo lo que me falta o no me gusta. Salvo las físicas del Dragon Engine que no tienen remedio
Siempre escribo en serio excepto cuando lo hago de broma.
Siempre busco argumentos hasta para mis teorías más absurdas. (porque Yokoyama no lo hará por mi)
Hay algún punto argumental que te chirrie, COMENTALE o te comerán los alabastros
Estaremos en desacuerdo el 80% de las veces pero Majima y Kiryu coinciden menos todavía y eso no es impedimento para que sus destinos estén atados
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years ago
if mine comes back in a kiwami dead souls he better be playable and ill never advance the story to just. stare at him. kiss the screen probably.
if mine comes back in kiwami dead souls not only should he be a playable character but i also think that he should play an essential role in majima's ploy to weed out the zombies at the mall by having daigo dress up as a pretty lady and his part should be kissing daigo on the mouth
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snuggetfish · 4 years ago
I love your thoughts on Majima so much! He’s such a fun and interesting character to analyze and I’d like to ask what your general headcanons of him are? Like, just about any headcanon that comes to mind
Aaah thanks so much anon, it makes me fuzzy inside to know people like reading these sometimes really rambly replies! 💙 Headcanon-wise, ohhh, I’ve got a good few, but below are the first ones that come to mind. I’ve split them up roughly by topic, hopefully they’re easier to read this way!
It always seemed to me that Majima’s environmentalism was a bit at odds with his signature look. Leather pants, leather gloves, snakeskin jacket, that’s a hell of an animal cruelty combo right there... so I think they’d actually all be fake. Majima may be flashy, but he’s not a hypocrite and with how many clothes he ruins by getting into fights, I don’t think he’d want to continuously sink cash into the leather industry. 
Though, that’s not to say his fashion would look or feel cheap! Whoever his tailor is, I bet they’re being paid well to source high quality, realistic looking leather and snake imitations.
While we’re on this topic, I’d like to think Majima had a phase where he tried going vegetarian, after reading up on the ecological effects of animal farming. But here, he finds he can’t be as principled as with clothing, because the beef bowl cravings get too strong sometimes and the boys are noticeably crankier without their usual family barbecues... So he’d give up on the idea eventually. He's not a saint, he’s gotta have some indulgences. 
Love life 
Other things yakuza are known to indulge in: the sex trade (or “water trade” in Japan I suppose). I mean, they run a good amount of these businesses, makes sense that they’d visit them too, right? But I think, for Majima, hostess clubs would hold too many bittersweet memories and, generally, he wouldn’t enjoy being buttered up. Simulated love and empty words for a price... a hostess won’t be nearly as sincere with him—an obviously loaded customer—as the Sunshine girls were with their manager, so why bother? If it’s just gonna be two clowns putting on a show for each other... 
Frustration and distracting thoughts might push him to go to a soapland or brothel, but those visits are about as frequent as his one-night stands, which is to say: rare. His body has needs, but they mostly serve to remind him of the needs of his heart, which are so much harder to fill...
So how does Maijma spend his spare moments then? Batting cages, of course, but also watching TV in his apartment, playing zombie shooters or just about any game that can help pass the time. When he’s alone, I think a lot of his habits are carried over from his days in Sotenbori, whether he realizes it or not. Thus...
He’s likely got an ashtray in every room, since his addiction manifests all the worse when he’s at home. He usually remembers to open the window first, but on particularly bad nights, he’d be no stranger to smoking in bed or on the bathroom floor. 
I think he didn’t use to smoke much as a young adult (19-20), but after his days in the Hole, it’s a way to cope with trauma and mounting stress. The habit only really ramped up when 23-year-old Majima realized that the more cigarettes he burns through, the less hungry he feels and the more money he can save for Sagawa’s monthly payment.... Grooming 
His apartment is sparsely furnished and looks barely lived in, probably because it is. You also won’t find him in lounge clothes too often, even the eye patch stays on almost 24/7. It’s so much a part of him now, that he occasionally forgets to take it off in the shower. But let me just say this: he’s no slob. Majima has had more than his fair share of living in squalor, while he was still in the Hole... People joke about him being greasy, but I really don’t think he could stand the feeling of being dirty. Though speaking of, I think he’d prefer showers over baths. Less idle time for the painful thoughts to creep in. The only way he’d start warming up to the idea of a nice soak every night is... if he maybe had a partner who’d gently wash his hair and back, to ease the day’s tension... or if there was a little munchkin all too eager to have him play sea monster to their fleet of rubber duckies. Would at least one of the duckies have a little eye patch scribbled on it in sharpie? Well, who’s to say... 😌
Just like his apartment, I think he would himself smell of cigarettes, but always mixed with something almost... citrus-y. Muted and a little bitter, like bergamot, from the cologne he wears on days where he needs to dress presentably. Though if you also happen to catch a note of vanilla on him... well, that’s likely a hint that Goromi’s been out on the town. (´~ ω •`) 
Last but not least, a slightly unrelated headcanon: Majima’s surprisingly good with numbers and equations. Not because he’s received a great education (though he is definitely the kind of guy who succeeds in almost anything he applies himself to, it’s just that he rarely does) but because being in charge of The Grand’s bookkeeping, night after night for two years, has taught him skills that are not so easily forgotten. However, it’s not something he brags about, so the first few times it’ll definitely come as a shock to his subordinates. He’ll be given a balance sheet or a contract to sign and Nishida assumes his eye will just glaze over and he’ll throw the papers back at his face, but instead Majima spots a calculation error within a minute of looking at it. Then he gives Nishida an earful about paying more attention to these things... then he throws the papers back, yeah.
And because I can’t help myself on the Majidad headcanons: of course this means he’s on duty for helping his kid with their math homework. 
Whew, this ended up as a big wall of text, sorry! Guess you can tell Majima occupies my thoughts a lot more than he probably should hah... It’s fun to share these though! Thank you so much for the ask! 💙💙💙
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majimemegoro · 7 years ago
I love the yakuza series
yakuza 2
yakuza: dad simulator
yakuza: majima’s tragic backstory
yakuza: the one with the zombies
yakuza 5
yakuza: samurai au
the yakuza prequel
yakuza 1 but majima is everywhere
yakuza 6
yakuza 2 with better graphics but the best scene is worse
yakuza psp thing that may or may not actually exist
yakuza: wait there was another one with samurai???
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lavavulture-blog · 8 years ago
The problem with having more story ideas than hours left until the heat death of the universe is that it's so hard to decide what to work on next. I should really finish tidying up the last bits of my zombie wip but I have so many other Yakuza ideas that I want to write simultaneously. Like: +A sequel to "Smaller Dogs Bark Louder" mostly so they can bang in a hotel and talk about tattoos and baseball +A sad, violent Nishiki/Kiryu story set during Yakuza 1 so Nishiki can drag Kiryu for still wearing that suit +A sequel to at least two other stories because the law of diminishing returns means nothing to me +A story where Kiryu and Saejima are just hanging out like dudes and Majima gets jealous and tries to sabotage their hang session +A belated birthday story for Saejima where Majima gets to wear his cop uniform again +A story where Yasuko and Mirei are hunky-dory fine and fall in love and it ruins Majima's life until it doesn't +A Majima/Nishiki story set after Kiryu's arrest where Majima actually tries to help and makes things way worse +A belated birthday story for Kiryu where he spends the day with Haruka and there are barely any fights or kidnappings +An Ishin story that will probably never leave my notebook because everybody has different names and different secret names as well and it's too confusing to read +Some other stuff I'm forgetting because the notebook is at least two feet away from me And that's me trying not to indulge in my weirder, tropier ideas like a time travel story, an aphrodisiac cologne thing, a fight simulator machine mishap, and good old bodyswapping. And that's not even getting into the stuff I still want to write for other fandoms when I can crawl out of my Yakuza pit for three seconds. I learned no chill on my vacation.
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