#Mail Time
aromantic-diaries · 2 days
you keep posting and i keep reading it and i keep reblogging it and so now my dash is just your dash
I think this is how tumblr works
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lnfours · 14 days
i could imagine how soft lando is after a fight and maybe you could write something about lando and reader had a lowkey big fight, and lando decided to join her to the shower (GWSJZHHAHZ) and apologize under the shower before finally creating a steamy scene with the reader
ooooh my god. oh my god.
smut (18+ please!)
send in your lando thoughts
the argument was something stupid. a result of exhaustion and frustration on his end. he hasn’t meant to upset you, or yell at you for that matter, but he had. and he felt guilty when you turned on your heels, walking away and leaving him in the kitchen.
you two hadn’t seen much of each other the past week and a half. between his traveling, his training schedule and your own calendar, it felt like you were always just missing each other. it felt like you didn’t get to spend so much time with the other recently, which was a big deal to you beings he’s hardly home to begin with.
you knew he hadn’t really meant to go off, maybe you had caught him at the wrong time. you knew he was tired, wanting nothing more than a simple break. but you couldn’t help it. you missed your boyfriend. plain and simple.
he walked into the bedroom, hoping to find you, but instead heard the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. he cracked open the door, stripping off his shirt.
“what’re you doing?” you asked, but you knew what he was doing. he wasn’t being very subtle about it.
the shower door opened and he step foot inside with you, curls sticking to his forehead as the water fell onto the two of you, “joining you, is that alright?”
you nodded, letting his hands find your hips.
“i’m sorry,” he mumbled, letting your back hit his chest, lips brushing against the skin of your shoulder, “for yelling and getting short with you. i shouldn’t have yelled.”
you hummed softly, “‘s okay,”
“let me make it up to you.”
his words lost into the skin of your neck and the sound of the shower water pouring down around you. his hands rested on your tummy, holding you against him as you felt his teeth gently nibble at the skin where your neck meets your collarbone.
“how do you plan on making it up to me?”
his hands moved down, fingers dipping between your folds as he teased you. you gasped, head falling back against his shoulder as he smiled down at you, “‘ve got a few ideas.”
“lando,” his name on your tongue sounded heavenly to him.
“yeah, baby,” he said, “tell me what you want. i’m yours.”
you moaned, his teeth gently pulling at your earlobe.
“fuck,” you swallowed, grasping at his forearm. wet from the warm water and his muscles and veins peeking through his perfectly tan skin, “i need you. please,”
he was quick to move his hands to your hips, the two of you finding yourselves situated with your hands on the glass, his one hand on your hip as the other teased himself up and down your slit.
“this what you want, pretty girl? want me to fuck you up against this shower wall?”
“please,” you said. and he would’ve been lying if he said he could deny you like this. spread out and vulnerable, waiting for him to take care of the aching between your thighs that was simply his fault.
“c’mere,” he mumbled, hand wrapping around the base of your throat to pull your head back, your mouth opening in a gasp as he pushed in. no matter how many times he’d have you like this, the stretch and feeling of tightening around him was never not delicious.
“fuck,” he mumbled, slowly moving his hips once you had fully adjusted, “missed you.”
“i missed you too.” you managed to choke out. his hand was still around your throat and as he picked up his movements, the pressure against the points in your neck became greater and greater. your eyes rolled back as he moaned into your ear.
“i love you,” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to the skin below your ear, “so much.”
“i love you too,” you could barely speak, too drunk off of the way his dick was slamming in and out of you. how good it felt to let him have his way with you.
“so good for me,” his free hand traveled, finding your clit with ease as he began running tight circles against it, “come for me, baby. you deserve it.”
you moaned his name, making him pick up the pace just a little more as his hips met yours in a consistent pace. the pace that drove you crazy.
soon the coil in your lower belly was threatening to snap, “‘m so close, lan.”
“me too, baby,” he said, “gonna come for me? come all over my dick, hmm?”
nothing could compete with his dirty talk and he knew it. watching the way your body convulsed against him, your moans and the way you tightened around him sending him over the edge.
he came with you, moaning into your ear as you tried catching your breath. chest rising and falling as he pulled you back from the shower wall. he carefully slipped out of you, letting you turn around before he placed a kiss on your lips.
between kisses he mumbled against your lips, “how about we get cleaned up and take this to the bed, hm?”
you nodded, hands finding his curls, “please.”
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feyhunter78 · 5 months
This new sweet, nerdy Miguel has me FERAL!!!!! HE'S SO CUTE I CAN'T —😩😩😩😩
I need some jealousy from him~ How do you imagine he acts when he feels jealous? He gets quiet and aloof, trying to avoid y/n so she don't notice? Or he gets angry and tries to mark territory? Hehe
I definitely want to write a full jealousy fic for him but I’ll give you a sprinkling of my thoughts while I plan for a full fic🫣
So, in the beginning before y’all get together he’s very quiet, really draws into himself, tries to act normal but is just a lot more reserved.
He’s afraid to voice how he feels because he doesn’t want to creep you out. (Gabriel got in his head. Bless his heart the poor boy is trying to help his brother, but he’s going about it the wrong way)
Very much a situation where he’s absent from class for a week or so because he gets sick and when he comes back he realizes another guy in class has been helping you with your notes.
You smile at the new guy, thank him in that sweet way you always thank Miguel and his stomach just churns and his chest starts aching. For a second he thinks he’s still sick, but when you smile at him and ask how he’s feeling the pain in his chest disappears.
He brushes it off, thanks you quietly for your concern, and throws himself into his work. For the first week you shrug it off thinking he’s still not feeling well, but after a while you end up confronting him which leads to:
“I just—I saw you and Brett, and, I’m glad you got help with your notes but you know you could’ve come to me.” He’s leaning against the wall, the wall you’ve trapped him against with your determined attitude and your inability to register when you’re invading his personal space.
“Miguel you were home, sick, and I didn’t want to bother you.” You remind him, your voice soft, tinged with concern.
He looks down at his feet, his shoulders hunched, his whole body curled in on itself. “You’re never a bother, not to me, so don’t—please don’t go looking somewhere else.”
But, when y’all get together???? Game changer. He’s still shy and he’s still the same Miguel you knew before but he’s more confident, he knows you won’t find it weird or creepy that he feels territorial over you. Now when a frat guy looks your way a bit too long in the courtyard he simply tilts your chin up with one finger and kisses you.
Of course his face is bright red after that and he buries it the crook of your neck, his big strong arms crushing you to his chest, and every time he does this you think it’s so cute.
If y’all are in private though, and say you have to go to a party or you’re going to be doing some joint event with a frat, he definitely likes sitting you in his lap and mouthing at your skin. Nothing too crazy on your neck, but he does leave a few large hickeys on your breasts, ones that sticks out from beneath the neckline of your shirt.
Just a bit of:
“Miguel! Come on, you know I didn’t bring any concealer.” You whine, your fingers tangled in his hair as his warm lips ghost over your skin, his tongue tracing the blossoming marks that trail down from your pulse point, dipping beneath the neckline of your shirt.
“I’m sorry mi dulce, I couldn’t help it, you look so pretty.” He says, as he dips his head biting down on the soft flesh of your breasts, his large hands holding them, pushing them up, his fang-like incisors scratching against your skin deliciously.
“I have to go, I’m going to be late for the mixer.” You try to tell him, your hands leaving his hair to lightly push at his chest.
One of his hands leaves your breasts, and spans your upper back keeping you pressed against him.
“Just one more? Please?” He asks, looking up at you with such adoration in his eyes you nearly grab your phone to text your sisters you’re not going to make it.
You sigh, but it’s halfhearted, playful, indulging. “One more.”
He smiles and captures your lips one more throughly distracting you as he lays you down on the couch under him.
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nukashine · 6 months
Patroling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
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thank u
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wageronancap · 4 months
"Isn't capitalism so awful please buy my full priced bugged out game so you can be lectured about the evils of capitalism and be sure to visit our merch store to support smashing capitalism"
The fucking state of the industry right now
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ilovemycrayons · 2 months
that ghoul tho, amiright? or amiright? 😆❤️‍🔥
oh you mean…
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this ghoul…? the one that has me in a chokehold?!
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bc you would be absolutely correct 🫡 i want him to own me & do unspeakable things that make me not walk
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Mail time!
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An envelope!
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A letter! This one's got some fun smells on it, but I promise I didn't wiggle on it more than necessary!
To My Sunshine
I know you have to be away for a while longer, but I miss you everyday. I might actually be losing my sanity, slowly but surely. I love music, I always have. And I love my students. Most of the time. Now that I’m used to being a teacher. But there are moments…
They will not stop asking if mayonnaise is an instrument. One of them brought a container of mayonnaise and just started eating it in class. It turned out it was only vanilla pudding in a mayonnaise container. The kids were cheering, a trombone was put on someone's head and it got stuck. Sunshine, I used my Signature to lull them to sleep yesterday just to get them to settle down.
They have, however, been helping me understand the new apps and have apparently made an account for me and my music? They direct me to pose and I just feel silly, but they seem to be having fun. Is it bad I feel a little encouraged when they ask to listen to one of my songs at the end of class? They’re young enough I don’t think they’re making fun of it, but it’s hard to tell. Sometimes it feels as if even the small things in life stop making sense.
I’m sorry, I know I’m being dramatic but I miss you, you make things make sense when nothing else does. I felt so lost when I finally…. Gave up and became a music teacher. But you gave me hope and what feels like solid ground to stand on. Being a teacher feels less like a resignation of failure on my passions and more like another aspect of it, all thanks to you. And now that you’re gone and somewhere where I can’t talk to you or touch you, I’m starting to sink back to that same drifting numb feeling. 
I miss you. I love you. Can’t wait to see you again sunshine. I… I wrote a small tune for you. I hope I know you’ll like it. You’re not only my sunshine or even my muse. You’re the melody of my life.
Sunny Time Jack
P.S. Hope you don’t mind that the letter’s a bit of a mess. A few of the kids noticed me writing during break and insisted on decorating it for me.
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autumnsaesthetics · 11 months
🍁 Cozy Video Games For Autumn 🍁
Part Two!
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(Row One) 🍁
Costume Quest
Costume Quest 2
Lemon Cake
(Row Two) 🍂
Mail Time
Witchy Life Story
Strange Horticulture
(Row Three) 🍁
Garden Story
Botany Manor
(Whether the games themselves are Autumnal is up to you but these are just cozy games where you can curl up and (hopefully) you're not on edge while playing 😂)
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cozystars · 4 months
for your consideration for specbio dwarves: maybe badgers?
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It’s certainly a start!
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
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More or less yeah
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lnfours · 3 months
lando who kicks in his sleep accidentally kicks the reader so she purposely kicks him back and it’s the funniest shit ever
LMFAOOOO i need this in my life asap. also im wine drunk while writing these so if i spell anything wrong JUST KNOW ITS NOT MY FAULT!!
lando brainrot? lando brainrot.
he hadn’t meant to and you knew it, but when his foot had kicked your shin you let out an annoyed huff. you had finally just started falling asleep, after a good hour or two of tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable. and of course when you had found the perfect position to fall asleep in, your boyfriend and his sleeping habits had to ruin it.
you kicked him back, rolling over towards him. his eyes squinted open softly as he looked at you, “what the hell?”
“you kicked me first!”
“i can’t help it!”
“well figure it out,” you mumbled, “i was finally falling asleep.”
he pulled you closer to him, face pressing into your neck, “i’m sorry, baby,” he pressed a kiss to your jaw, down the side of your neck as you tilted your head back towards him as his hands wandered over the front of your body, “i think i know what can help you fall asleep.”
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feyhunter78 · 5 months
Ok, but imagine Nerd!Miguel gifting the reader some Lego flowers/bouquet and them building it together <3
Wait, this is so cute, I want someone to give me a Lego bouquet😭
Lego Bouquet
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Nerd!Miguel Masterlist
Miguel gives you a nervous smile as he hands you your gift, wrapped neatly in pastel pink paper with a white bow. You bounce on your heels as you tear through the paper, silently mourning the nice wrapping. It’s a bouquet, well, a Lego bouquet. You’ve seen them in the store a few times before, always drawn to them, fascinated by the way all those little pieces come together to make something that hardly looks like a toy at all. But you refused to buy one for yourself, it would be cringy, the same as buying real flowers for yourself it just looks a little sad.
You’re confused though. It’s still in its box. Anytime Miguel has given you one of his creations or shown you one, it’s always already put together. It’s his thing, building and modifying them, elevating them to a higher form.
His face falls at the expression on your own. “Do you not like it? I—I can return it and get you something else, it’s really not a problem, I promise. I just thought since you like flowers, and you liked when I put together that Lego version of Van Gogh’s Starry Night, so I just thought—”
“No, no, I like it, I love it actually, it’s just…usually you put the Legos together then give it to me?” You explain, hoping you don’t sound ungrateful or like a spoiled brat.
Miguel’s face falls even further. “I can put it together if you want, I’m sorry I thought maybe—never mind here, I’ll take it home with me and bring it back to you tomorrow.”
He tries to take it back from you, but you hug it against your chest. “You thought what?”
His eyes are on the floor, and he shifts his weight. “Maybe we could build it together?”
You swear you’re the Grinch or something because your heart grows ten sizes, the sweetness of his response making you smile like a lovestruck teen. “You want to build it with me?”
He nods. “Yeah, but if you don’t want to, or you want something else…”
You grab his hand and drag him over to your kitchen table, setting the box down. “Miguel, I love it, and I would love to build it with you. Want to start now?”
Now he looks like a lovesick teen. “Really?”
You open the box and start separating out the Legos. “Yes, really, now come on, you’re the professional here. How do we get started?”
TL: @bat-bae, @nyctophilic0vitnir, @smokeywhalee, @obi-mom-kenobi, @prowlingforfood, @penggion, @crystal-crax, @oharasfilipinawife, @generalkenobitrash, @melsimps, @chrishy973, @farrowroyale, @palesatan, @scaryplanetdestroyer, @denzmallows
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nukashine · 1 year
Hii! Hope you're well! I love your art, and I really love the Veronica one too. Its gorgeous.
That got me thinking- I really like your take on the clothing-So...
How would you redesign Veronica's clothing?
first off, thank you so much! :D it truly makes my day to know that folks like my art, i sincerely appreciate it.
secondly, this is such a good question that i hadn't really thought about before now, but it was very fun to come up with a concept! forgive me for it being so rough, i did this very fast lol.
but here she is, a quick concept that i think, with some refining, could be pretty neat!
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some notes on my design choices under the cut
i think she'd actually be less conspicuous if she wasn't in her very unique robes, so the outfit as a whole is meant to make her look more like the average scavenger.
pockets. many of them. as a Procurement Specialist™, i think she could use more storage space on her person! so i gave her a belt and chest strap with little pockets, cargo pants, and a satchel.
i thought about changing her palette, but realized that i actually like the brown tones, especially because of the desert region. so i kept that pretty consistent. though i imagine that as she travels with the courier, she'd start to switch up her palette.
i'm very partial to designs where the pant legs are tucked into boots. not just for the aesthetic, but also for the practicality.
you know i had to keep that hood tho. it's a very iconic part of her look in my opinion, so it had to be incorporated.
thank you so much for asking, this was a fun little exercise for me! :D i'd love to hear any concepts you have for our gal here, too!
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gamingcreatures · 1 year
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Your Bee companion in Mail Time! 🍯  
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sanchomps · 7 days
Have you every considered a Doomguy and Isabelle art work for keychains and such? They are best friends after all
heya! i've drawn them together before! as much as it was a cute trend then, i have no plans to create merch of it
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It's That Time Again!
A letter has arrived! the envelope named a Shaun Durand-Cofer! ... I don't think I want to meet this "Moonpie" 😥
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My Inspiration
I can’t believe they’ve dragged me away from my beloved darling and child all for one scene. You can’t hear it, but I'm sighing. Tragic. Granted, it is the biggest shot of the whole movie and I’m the one who wrote it, but still! My babies. (┬┬﹏┬┬)
I think you’d like it out here, it’s one of those scenic spots where you have a forest, the ocean and mountains all in one spot. And being able to mess with perception to make the actors grow larger than the mountains behind them to show off the monster and human leads first kiss, it might be my new favourite scene so far.
 I saw some people walking their cat on a leash, do you think Moonpie would enjoy that? Find a soft spot of grass and let her pad around?
How are you and Moonpie doing, is she missing her daddy? Are you? Well just you wait, I’m gonna come home with SO MANY bags of treats and wet food, you’ll both be living like royalty. And having a stomach ache, but I promise to only laugh a little. Seriously, there’s this hidden store that has stuff from all over the world. And I wanna be the first one to see the look on your face when you try it all.
If I’m honest, I love making the scene come to life, but the limitations they’re putting on us and figuring out how to work around them is exhausting. All I can imagine is curling up with you and Moonpie while a scream of terror comes from the TV. If I pick a good one, I might even get free cuddles from you (★ ω ★) for now I’ll keep paying the back rub tax. 
Maybe when I get back I’ll even teach you how to purr like I do~ 
I’m already snickering to myself, imagining you reacting to being flirted with though an old fashioned letter. Are classic gestures your thing? I could get used to this. I think my parents used to do something like this when they were young and in love to, but I’d have to dig through storage to make sure.
I’ll be home soon, in the meantime give Moonpie a kiss for me, then hold her up to your face and she’ll give YOU a kiss for me. Love you, see you soon, prepare yourself for the biggest hug and kisses when I see you. Who knows, maybe I’ll even wear lipstick and leave prints all over your face, (○` 3′○).
Your Cat Daddy
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