ilovemycrayons · 2 months
that ghoul tho, amiright? or amiright? 😆❤️‍🔥
oh you mean…
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this ghoul…? the one that has me in a chokehold?!
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bc you would be absolutely correct 🫡 i want him to own me & do unspeakable things that make me not walk
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footnoteinhistory · 3 months
jimmy spader /and/ you like john larroquette?!? ?! you’re making this decision too easy for me! *followed*
Proud to feature a wide assortment of only the most handsome guys here 🫡😌❤️
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Weekly Tag Game Wednesdaaaay
Thanks for the tags @guinguin1984 @ms-moonlight-inn @em-harlsnow @sluttygallavich and @oneguardian15
Gallavich This or that?
Bleachers or Dugouts // Wedding or Anniversary // Dom Top Daddy or Tough Guy (tough guy always 10000%) // Together or I’m fuckin’ gay // Club kiss or Docks kiss (dock sluts dock sluts!) (though I do have both of them tattooed on me)// Prison reunion (even though I know it's coming, it still makes me kick my feet and tear up every time) or parolee reunion // ghetto married or married married // flapjacks or patty melts // courthouse kiss or prison makeup kiss // patsy’s proposal or bar proposal // cole or byron (not as an actual date but he was funny! I'd love if they all stayed in contact. FUCKING HATE BYRON)// steven segal or justin timberlake // take your hand off the glass or you look like a wet rat // coming up for air or move like you stole it // Tell me goodbye or hard to get’s getting me hard (hate this line)// Can I help or I definitely love one // You’re gonna be a great dad or I gotta worry you’re my husband // breakfast smooch or catch up later peck
tagging @witchboywitchboywitchboy @energievie @ian-galagher @mickeym4ndy
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jamgrlsblog · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @oneguardian15 !
Three Ships: Other than Ineffable Husbands/Partners; Hiccup/Astrid (my favorite animated couple EVER), Adora/Catra (toxic but so good, I’m a slut for friends to lovers), Gideon/Harrow (this is also toxic. Do I like toxic couples? Hiccstrid is very much NOT toxic, though… unless you count Astrid threatening Hiccup with bodily harm in movie 1, but do we?)
First Ever Ship: Embarrassing, but I got to be real with you, it was Ron/Hermione. I was also a big Lily Evans/James Potter fan.
Last Song: I Ain’t Stressin’ Today by Dear Silas, which I listened to the first time the other day after seeing it in a TikTok compilation and knowing I needed a song like that 😅
Last Movie: The Proposal, which I watched with a group of friends for a ladies night on Galentine’s Day; the last movie I watched for the first time was the Guillermo del Toro Pinocchio, which was EXCELLENT
Currently Reading: The Fifth Season, by NK Jemisin, the first in the Broken Earth Trilogy. It’s incredible.
Currently Watching: The Last of Us, which I’m highly enjoying! (No history with the game.) And My Hero Academia! Which I also love, but it’s so intense rn 😭 (Have not read the Manga.)
Currently consuming: very slowly drinking coffee that is cooling rapidly 😅
Currently craving: Sleep? Or just for my body to feel not sick. I have a cold and may have a slight hangover from drinking too much at one of those self pour tap houses last night with some friends.
I am tagging @saecookie @letsboldlygomotherfuckers @c0ffeeh0use-cynic @homo-ousios @akinmytua2 @fred-erick-frankenstein @yourlocalrandombisexual @liquid-geodes @vaguely-concerned
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Show and Movie tag
I was tagged by @auds-and-evens @sweetbee78 and @stocious to post 9 of my favorite TV shows using GIFs.
TV Shows First!
#1 Shameless dock sluts my beloved.
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#2 Stranger Things, Eddie Munson my beloved.
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#3 The Office, I just love these idiots. But it's a good show to play in the background so I don't have to do things in silence.
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#4 Good Omens the show that got me started with Tumblr and with writing Fanfic, and reading it for that matter.
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#5 Impractical Jokers these idiots can always make me laugh. Again another good background noise show.
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#6 Game of Thrones I had checked out one episode later into season 6 or 7 and was like, if this episode sucks I'm not going to watch it. It was a pretty damn good episode.
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#7 The Golden Girls I didn't start watching it until I worked with old people and it is so damn funny.
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#8 The Middle, if the older brother and the sister's ages were switched it would be me and my brother.
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Aaaand #9 Avatar The Last Airbender Zuko and Toph are the best and I will not be taking questions. (yes that's Aang, but this is a gorgeous gif)
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and by @vintagelacerosette to post 9 of my favorite movies! So I'm gonna combine the two into one giant giffy post.
#1 This is The End it's so goddam funny, this was the first movie I watched with my husband and it's still makes me laugh.
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#2 Zack and Miri Make A Porno, this is SO FUCKING FUNNY, every time I buy cream I have to quote THAT scene
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#3 The Hunger Games The OG Hunger Games, and Catching Fire are my favorites of the four movies
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#4 The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey, I like the other two films, but this one is my favorite of the three.
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#5 Beauty and the Beast The OG is my favorite, but the live action one is great too.
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#6 Thor Ragnarok we get funny Thor, black suit Loki, hot af Valkyrie. A trifecta really.
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#7 The Road To El Dorado these idiots were the best.
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#8 Moulin Rouge, It's got everything.
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#9 When Harry Met Sally. I love Harry's speech at the end.
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I'll taaaaaag @witchboywitchboywitchboy @bethanysnow @oneguardian15 @suchagallabitch @flamingbluepanda @doodlevich @energievie
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Tag Game Tuesday (on Thursday)!
I was tagged in this game by @imikhailotakeyouian @mikhailoisbaby
You can call me Lem/Lemon
Sun sign Libra
Where in the world are you Midwest USA
Are you left or right handed Right handed
Do you believe in ghost? What about aliens? Yes and Yes
How many languages can you speak English, I can say "I need to go to the bathroom" in spanish, and the "eenie meenie minie moe" rhyme in french
Last thing you ate or drank water and I chewed on gum
First song from your on repeat playlist Rob Zombie Dragula
Give us a movie rec (@imikhailotakeyouian I love Big Fish!!!) (@mikhailoisbaby I also Love that SCOOBY DOO!) hmmm Zack and Miri Make a Porno is one of my favorites
Favorite holiday Christmas and Halloween
If you could tell your 16 year old self anything, what would it be? Don't listen to everything your mom says about your dad.
finally, do THIS picrew — that’s right, a tag game double whammy!
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I wish I was this cool. I have clothes like this, but never wear them.
I'll tag @wh0lemilk0vich @witchboywitchboywitchboy @bethanysnow @oneguardian15 @suzy-queued @suchagallabitch @dodgerbear84 @milkovichys @xninetiestrendx
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First off, Harvey @mikhailoisbaby the whole time I did this I kept going "I'M A CUTE LITTLE BUNNYYY!!!" and like crying so thank you SO MUCH for tagging me in this ADORABLE picrew.
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I'm a little BUNNY😭😭😭
@witchboywitchboywitchboy @energievie @suzy-queued @oneguardian15 @bethanysnow @surviving-maybe @thisdivorce @howlinchickhowl @ineffablefool @5ftjewishcactus @doodlevich
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Picrew time!
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Basically me, minus all the piercings, but I want them if that counts!
To do this picrew I'll taaaaaag.....
@suzy-queued @witchboywitchboywitchboy @mikhailoisbaby @doodlevich @oneguardian15 @5ftjewishcactus @xninetiestrendx @gallawitchxx @bethanysnow
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✨Froggy Piccrew time 🐸✨
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I was tagged by the sweet @vintagelacerosette to partake in this froggy picrew Piccrew here I love it so thank you!
my exact reaction to seeing that it was a frog picrew was *gasp* “I wanna be a frog! Oh! I get to be a frog!”
I’m gonna tag
@aziraphaleisagender  @5ftjewishcactus  @gallavichthings  @klara-v-klyare @flamingbluepanda @xninetiestrendx @oneguardian15 @ineffablefool @iansfreckles  @sickness-health-all-that-shit @witchboywitchboywitchboy​
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