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echidnapower · 1 month ago
Ever wanted to know how dreams work in the Sonic universe? There are two games that try to explain it, and I'm gonna make them come together and prove they can both be canon at once! Tune in and share your thoughts!
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mechaneo · 3 days ago
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madychi · 2 years ago
Just cooking up an original plot for a fic :3
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flare-the-wolf · 1 year ago
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Some more sonic ocs! Starting with Valentine the Human! They’re a streamer who is not above begging for money!
Then, Sundew the Seedrian, he’s a Thorndrigan specifically based off the, you guessed it, Sundew plant! He just wants to chill and not be chased by space police.
And finally is Opal the Maginaryworld Fairy! Dream Fairy? Just a Fairy! A dark fairy, granted, but they still want to participate in the watching and guiding of peoples dreams!
My babies <3
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perry-88 · 10 months ago
I'm seriously thinking about my swap au.
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birdsareblooming · 1 year ago
there is a key difference already between sonic shuffle and sonic dream team:
that being that in sonic shuffle they're exploring maginaryworld and the dreamscape as a whole, touching on wildly unspecific types of dreams that somewhat resemble their own.
in sonic dream team they're specifically trapped within eggman's dream, as far as we can tell from description he did this on purpose, hard to know how much of control he's in currently.
my real question is as the goddess of dreams how the fuck did illumina let this happen
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sonicshuffle2000 · 3 months ago
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The Complete Sonic Encyclopedia was a book released in 2012 compiling lore information about the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics, which at the time had not yet been rebooted. This book contains information about the events of games that were not fully adapted into the Archie comics, including this page on Maginaryworld. This page confirmed that the entire events of Sonic Shuffle happened in some way in the pre-reboot Archie comics, though almost entirely offscreen. (Sonic Shuffle shares this distinction with Sonic '06, as the book also contains a page on Mephiles, Iblis and Solaris, who did not make major appearances in the comics.)
While Lumina's artwork is reused from the game, Void gets a unique drawing here that does not appear to have been used anywhere else.
Additionally, this page refers to the Perfect Precioustone as the "Master Precioustone". This is possibly due to the fact that the Perfect Precioustone is only referred to as such in the manual for Sonic Shuffle, and is only called the Precioustone in-game. It may have been assumed that the Perfect Precioustone simply had no unique name in the game canon, so one was given in the same pattern as the Master Emerald.
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adokle · 1 year ago
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The main figures of Maginaryworld, Nightopia and Nightmare World hanging out for whatever reason.
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disabled-battlekukku · 1 year ago
Sonic opinions that may or may not be controversial
Sonic character design is at its worst when they try to make it as "Sonic-like" as possible, and at its best when it's at its most unconventional (i.e. Fang the Sniper, the Witchcarters, the Kukku Empire, the humans in Sonic Unleashed and Chronicles, SatAM and AOSTH characters, etc)
Infinite's maskless design is lame
Sally Acorn, Amy Rose, Princess Elise and Lanolin aren't the worst characters, you just want to hate female characters. There are way worse written characters and you choose those three to bash on
That said, Chris Thorndyke and Charmy Bee aren't annoying, you just hate children. Chris' unwilling to let Sonic go in the finale of Sonic X's season two wasn't a dick move, that's his character arc. And of course Charmy being loud, annoying and basically dooming the resistance by turning himself into a zombot to try and save someone makes sense. He's a god damn six year old
Ian Flynn trying to "simplify" Fang the Sniper takes away all that made him interesting, his weirdness and confusing design (he literally took away Fang's hybrid side and him being originated from the Special Zone. Blaze exists, why can't Fang be from another dimension too?)
Gemerl not having Emerl's personality isn't neither a betrayal nor a bad take on his character. In fact, it makes his contrast with Emerl and comparison to Omega and Metal Sonic better. Shard is not coming back guys. Cope
Sonic Forces should've been less focused on Classic Sonic and more on the Rookie. In fact, Shadow should've replaced Classic Sonic in the storyline
Sonic Colors is worse than Sonic 06 in terms of storyline and the DS version should've been the real deal
As fun and awesome and amazing as Sonadow is (totally not speaking from bias), making it non-canon is the best for everyone
Characters like Shadow and Omega shouldn't have a classic form, but it would be interesting to see other modern characters in classic form
Classic characters shouldn't be confined to the "classic universe". Archie's best parts were when classic and modern characters interacted (Mighty and the Werehog, Shadow and the Hooligans, Jet and Speedy)
The idea of the Babylon Rogues being associated to the Kukku Empire in the past IS an interesting concept. What isn't is the Kukku Empire being associated with the Babylon Garden. They should be their own villains
As goofy as Sonic Chronicles was, it wasn't a bad game at all
Western and eastern Sonic media should be treated with the same respect
Sonic characters acting immature shouldn't be a big deal. They are kids, no matter how many times you point out how they removed the ages at the Sonic Channel site. Amy Rose herself was at her best when she was an immature hotheaded girl
As much as I wish Silver was more serious at IDW, him acting excited and happy isn't bad either. He's healing from multiple broken futures
Silver and Blaze are better staying out as platonic. If Sonic and Shadow's tanabata references can be seen as platonic, then those two can two. That said, their relationship should still be seen as meaningful to both of them (perhaps more to Silver than to Blaze). Male and female friendships exist without it being instantly romantic
Sonic Shuffle shouldn't be shafted just because of the weird gameplay and human-like characters. The Maginaryworld characters should make a comeback (ESPECIALLY with to the implications of the angel statue in Sonic CD's Wacky Workbench)
We need more truly irredeemable female villains (Surge doesn't count, I'm talking about characters like Witchcart, Lien-Da, Thunderbolt)
For the love of God, Sega. Bring Classic characters back
If you can give personality to Metal Sonic and Mecha Sonic II, you can give to the other robots (and no, making Tails Doll an eldritch horror doesn't count)
Hyper Sonic should come back. Maybe even make it the "third stage" to the Super Sonic and Super Sonic 2 duo
As good and amazing as Amy's everything was in Sonic the Comic, that shouldn't be the blueprint of her canon character. At max bring back her crossbow (and her girlfriend)
Tails Adventure is better taking place before Sonic and Tails meeting. If he was confident enough to follow Sonic and help him defeat Eggman's ass he should be confident enough to abolish the monarchy (last part is /hj lmao)
Tails Adventure mentioned, the Kukku Empire should make a comeback too. If Shadow can come back the Kukkus can. They weren't cntrl+alt+del from existence like Mephiles was y'know
We don't want to see the classic universe. We want to see classic CHARACTERS
Sega. Hey Sega. Sega. Are you hearing me. Sega. Bring classic characters back Sega. Sega-
Post-genesis wave Archie character designs sucks ass. The color palettes make it worst (Antoine I'm looking directly at you)
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autisticshadowthehedgehog · 5 months ago
Are the NiGHTS games canon to the main sonic universe
nights makes more appearances in sonic than they do in their own games so uuuh maybe? i dont think nightopia is super consistent with maginaryworld but at the same time who fuckin cares lmaoo
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dreamforcedeities · 9 months ago
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"Nightmare, my beloved utopia. Why won't anyone see the beauty of the darkness? Light is but a trick. They don't know the truth is in the dark. What would happen if there was only Nightmare in the dream world?" "My dream, is to make Maginaryworld a world full of light. Even the strongest of people have dark emotions in their hearts. We must be stronger; Emptiness does not conquer dreams, dreams conquer the emptiness!"
Trying to get back into digital art so I drew this to show off Wizeman and Illumina's dynamic in my lore. While Wizeman may seem dark at first glance he secretly has nobility in his goals, on the flipside Illumina's goals may seem pure on the surface they are secretly sinister.
My take on Wizeman heavily hinges on the Japanese manual where there is no such mention of him wanting to take over the Waking World, as well as the story book (where the above text is from) It sure is mighty suspicious that Wizeman can so easily kill off nightmaren for the slightest failure yet the traitor NiGHTS is wanted alive? I mean yeah there is sunk cost fallacy but I feel there is likely more to that.
NiGHTS into dreams was based off Carl Jung's Theory of Personality. Wizeman being Ego and NiGHTS being The Shadow. NiGHTS representing the carefree and kind aspects that Wizeman desperately tries to hide. (Perhaps in fear of being seen as weak by his subjects?)
As for Illumina, well aware I am twisting the intended meaning for Illumia's lines. Although, if you give it a bit more thought it makes some sense. (That and like, she's barely in the game. She doesn't give me much to go off of) The plot of Sonic Shuffle kicks off because Illumina refuses to accept the darkness in her heart so she physically removes it from herself, Sonic and friends try to get her to embrace it but right after they fuse we get the slap of the face of her pretty much saying "Darkness is a weakness you must overcome!", it feels like she learned NOTHING! With a personality like that is makes sense Wizeman ended up feeling unappreciated. Illumina likely sees the nightmaren as a blight on Maginaryworld, not a natural and necessary part of Nightopia's ecosystem.
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marionedde · 5 months ago
page from a future ghogh comic arc about illumina!!
this is circled around a theory i made around maginaryworld (essentailly an explanation from Emerald Coast)
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more ghogh here!
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greenyvertekins · 9 months ago
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Wakey wakey Sonic. You're my fave character. So you'll need to come-to in Maginary Whirl (It's called Maginary Whirl not Maginaryworld in the JP manual.)
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microwave-kid · 8 months ago
have you thought about the fact that solaris and illumina are probably related, and if it's familial, you relating void to iblis isn't farfetched. he just has a reason to be angry
@loveletterworm had a really fun theory that like, Fixes the sonic canon, that much like how Solaris is a being that derives from the sun Illumina could be a being that derives from the moon. Based on a myriad of reasons you could connect gods in the Sonic universe to celestial bodies (Gaia to Earth, for example) so perhaps the reason the moon healed after SA2 is that it literally healed. Either naturally or over the course of another adventure into Maginaryworld that we just didn't see.
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Also there's the fact that the early worshipers of Solaris wore a headdress that seems to resemble Illumina as much as it resembles Solaris' eagle form.
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centralcitylibrary · 1 year ago
Arceus vs Solaris: a Battle of the Deities of Light
There’s been a question burning in my mind. A question I am unable to shake away from my thoughts. Eat, sleep, research, it all comes back to one thing, one all consuming question…
Can Solaris, Soleanna’s Sun God, triumph over Arceus, Sinnoh’s Original One?
I decided that I couldn’t take it anymore, so that’s why I’m here in the library, checking out anything I can find in the mythology section. I’ve got the information I need for Sonic the Hedgehog’s Solaris, so we’ll see what I’m able to do for Pokemon’s Arceus.
These won’t be entirely comprehensive overviews (mainly because Pokemon, by the sheer nature of being an RPG with a lot of moves, inherently has a lot to go over), but I will be sure to provide enough information to make sure you all can understand the conclusion.
Oh, and just so we’re clear, when applicable the standard rules for this lore blog will also apply to the Pokemon side of things where appropriate (the key differences being “no word of god”, and by extension using the main Pokemon continuity, a distinction that only matters when not using WoG statements).
Solaris, the Sun God, the Flames of Disaster…
Ah, Soleanna, one of many popular tourist destinations, and it’s hard not to see why. Between the old castle town of Soleanna, the city of water, and the various celebrations such as the water festival, it is truly a one of a kind experience.
Even their mythology is fascinating, with the yearly Festival of the Sun to give thanks to Solaris for watching over them with its eternal light. And it’s no wonder that Solaris would watch over them, as legends speak of the sacred flame being entrusted to the royal family.
But it’s not all good things, as Solaris is also said to have a wrath which, if awakened, would destroy the world - taking the form of Iblis, the Flames of Disaster. As Iblis, it could burn the world to ash if it wanted to, blocking out the sun to keep new life from growing, and even create an unending army composed of incarnations of itself from its rage. And even if someone were strong enough to defeat it, it would merely continue to reincarnate again and again for eternity. Once it’s released, the only way to stop it would be to seal it within a royal soul via a Chaos Emerald (although in theory, if a soul were already alit with flames they might serve as a substitute). Given the mythology is centred within Soleanna, the assumption is that a royal soul refers to the royal family.
Hidden deep within the library, I could also find a few tales of Mephiles the Dark, a schemer and manipulator who can take physical form by absorbing one’s shadow, and then mimics the power from whom he absorbed the shadow of. And on top of that, displays some level of control over time, even banishing others through time. If he’s absorbed your shadow, he can hide within it, unable to be expelled by anything besides the holy light of the Chaos Emeralds (given the lack of information, it’s hard to judge whether this is due to the light in and of itself, or if enough Chaos Energy is required).
Of course, as with every culture, the Chaos Emeralds manage to find a way to sneak themselves in somewhere. It’s said that if Solaris were to channel the miracle gems, it would become a transcendent being with a body of light, and be able to reduce all of time down into nothing, until the very concept of time ceases to exist. That’s even more impressive than it sounds, since to bring time itself down to nothing, it would have to bring Cyber Space, a universe composed entirely of information, down to nothing, alongside Maginaryworld, the 4th dimensional universe that holds the dreams of the entire multiverse.
But that’s not all, this empowered form of Solaris can exist throughout all of time at once, it can summon blue eyes of solaris to pull things in (even ignoring the protective properties of rings), or orange ones to spit out debris. It can fire laser-like beams, and it would even be able to harm the invincible super forms. And given this true form is achieved with the Chaos Emeralds, it might even be invincible itself (and can create a momentary shield that protects it from harm even from beings that can bypass said invincibility).
If this Solaris is a real being, then the people of Solaris have very, very good reason to keep it happy, as enraging it could very well reduce all of existence down to nothing…
Arceus, the Original One, Almighty Sinnoh…
Over in the world of Pokemon, the Sinnoh region has its own legends about the world and the universe. Their own theories on how the world came to be. In the beginning, before space, before time even, there just existed the primordial chaos.
Then within that primordial space an egg came into being. When this egg hatched, the Pokemon Arceus came to being. Arceus then created three beings from within this primordial nothingness: Dialga - whose existence caused time to start flowing, Palkia - whose existence caused space to start expanding, and Giratina - whose existence brought both matter and antimatter (most sources omit Giratina’s presence entirely, as its violent disposition caused Arceus to banish it).
And so Arceus created three more beings: Uxie - which granted knowledge to the world, Mesprit - which granted emotion to the world, and Azelf - which granted willpower to the world.
Palkia and Dialga created matter, and then Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf created spirit. And then Arceus went into a deep, everlasting slumber.
Despite the everlasting slumber, there have been a small handful of claims towards spotting Arceus - one of a trainer from the Sinnoh champion battling and catching it, one of a trainer from Johto with it in their possession being taken to the Sinjoh Ruins and witnessing the creation of an egg, one of a team of Pokemon Rangers situated in the Oblivia region calming it down and convincing it not to destroy the universe it created.
Most interesting one, however, is this old record from the Sinnoh region (back when it was known as the Hisui region), about when the very first Pokedex was created. It speaks of a trainer who was sent from the present to the ancient past and tasked with catching every single Pokemon by Arceus itself; and upon completion faced off against and defeated Arceus. Then to claim that Arceus as we know it is only a fragment of the real thing. Given that the Hisui Pokedex includes entries on what appear to be Porygon, a Pokemon we know the date of invention, there appears to be at least some validity to this time travel.
This supreme creator deity should be capable of everything its creations have been able to achieve, but on a much grander scale. Given that includes the universe, and plausibly many universes, that’s quite a lot of things it’s capable of. Too much to get into, truthfully.
Just know that there’s a lot of Pokemon who are capable of a lot of crazy things, such as Hoopa going through hyperspace, Porygon travelling through data, Eternamax Eternatus shutting down all (or I should say most) Pokemon’s ability to fight, the list goes on.
If all of these legends are true, and Arceus really was responsible for the creation of an entire multiverse, then it’s a good thing that it’s in an eternal slumber. And it’s a good thing that Pokemon Rangers are able to convince it to leave individual universes alone. Because otherwise, there’s not a single being that could stop it…
So, who wins?
I think overall the winner is-
… What?
Oh, you want some kind of fight, don’t you?
Well I technically could write one, but I don’t really want to put outright fanfiction on the lore blog, even if it’s for the sake of hyping up a lore fight.
Hm… You know what, I’ll put it on my personal writing blog, and just link it from here, that way if you want a fight you can read it, but if you don’t you can just skip to the conclusion.
Go read it here!
And welcome back, those of you who went to read the narrated battle, and for those who just want to hear the result, let’s break it down.
Speed wise, Solaris exists throughout all of time, and is able to fight against beings fast enough to dodge its attacks, which should grant it immeasurable combat speeds (movement speed is not relevant due to its temporal omnipresence). Arceus predates time itself and created the deity of time, and so should be immeasurable in kind - and should also allow it to land hits on Solaris throughout all of time to boot, even if it has to actively manipulate time to do so.
However, Arceus can easily gain the speed advantage by boosting its own speed up, up to a 4 times speed advantage.
So what about power?
Both can destroy an entire 4th dimensional universe (the size of these universes don’t matter, since breaking the universe itself is more impressive than destroying anything within said universe), but both benefit from intra-verse scaling differently.
The Palkia/Dialga that threatened to destroy the entire universe in Diamond/Pearl (and the Giratina that interfered in Platinum) were all at level 47 - less than half of their maximum strength. We know this event happened in a vague sense even in continuities that are confirmed 4th dimensional thanks to each event still following an overarching vague timeline - after DP is BW, and then XY (which introduces hyperspace thanks to Hoopa, who can traverse hyperspace via its Hyperspace Hole move).
At level 100, Palkia/Dialga/Giratina should reasonably be capable of threatening the universes contained within a singular copy, which includes that of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, where there are so many universes that it’s said to be uncountable (possibly even an infinite amount).
Then consider that stats in Pokemon can be given a +6 modifier, for a x4 increase, which puts that uncountable number even further apart from what Solaris would be able to achieve. And the Legend Plate (which Arceus can use even without the aid of a trainer) ensures its Judgement will always be the most efficient attack option possible, ensuring that Arceus will be attacking Solaris’s consciousness.
Even if we are deliberately overly generous for Solaris, its best scaling for durability (and invincibility) only goes to x40 (thanks to scaling from Super Sonic Powered Up and theoretically using the full power of the Chaos Emeralds rather than just an approximate quarter), and that’s well below an uncountable amount. Heck, some people have passed by more universes in their individual Ultra Space trips than that (such as this video, where someone passed by 89 of them, for a total of 90 alternate universes in this one trip).
And Arceus the Original One might possibly have created the entire multiverse rather than just the multi-universal structures that each game copy finds itself in, which would balloon the already clear power gap by millions, maybe even billions of times over.
So even if Solaris could defeat Arceus the Pokemon, Arceus the Original Spirit can merely create an endless stream of Pokemon at equivalent power for Solaris to fight through endlessly, ensuring that it loses the endurance battle. And as the creator of all Pokemon, it should have access to a greater array of specialised abilities than Solaris has ever had to deal with even as its base components.
Solaris vs. Arceus estimated win rate: 0%/0%/100% in favour of Arceus.
And… there you have it. An unfathomable battle between two deities, but in the end it can only ever end one way.
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perry-88 · 1 year ago
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Idk about this guy tho. Maybe a helpful guide?
Shadow in sonic shuffle
That's all I have for now
I really love the idea of how the whole sonic franchise would be completely different if the story was originally with sonic in a nightmare world.
And the More I thought, the sooner I realized,
"Why wouldn't Shadow have been in this place?"
Like, hear me out, when shadow was put in suspended animation, he would be in this nightmare world with strange but also unique enemies, oddly vibrant and strange worlds, and of course, loops.
And other things:
Anyways.. imagine shadow in these environments:
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