#Magic merchant Howdy
katreesepuff · 11 months
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Magic Merchant Howdy with his tub for his morning routine! He's gotta have his fur and hair being the softest and bestest.
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arikihalloween · 5 months
Welcome Home × Wakfu AU ramble
The people have spoken, Wakfu AU comes first !
What's Wakfu AU ?
Set in the universe of the mmorpg games and serie Wakfu, Welcome Home is a little guild of adventurers of all kinds known for their adventures (and misadventures) !
Starting off by answering this question by @gaypyro
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Home is not a Shushu possessing a house ( that felt overdone, since Luis exist lol )
Home is a Xelor, adoptive father of Sally and Wally, and owner of the guild. He took under his roof many promising adventurers, and seems quite entertained by their antics. Despite his looks, he's pretty friendly, and loves a good joke or bonding moment with the guild members. ( Just don't get him mad ! We don't know what would happen then 👀)
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Sally is a dramatic young xelor adopted by Home. She received a full huppermage education as well, and will boast about it whenever she can, making it a whole show. Rather than time, she has particular interest in the stars and astral readings.
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Wally is the second son of Home. He has no affiliation to any god, he just lives his life, going on adventures with his best friend Barnaby, an oujinak.
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Julie is a iop that was raised in a Sadida family. Hyper energetic, curious and playful, she tends to run in fights head first ! When she's not adventuring with Frank and Eddie, you'll find her hanging out with Wally, Howdy or Sally.
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Frank is a feca that specialised in shield magic, to cover Julie while they get into fights. However, he's not above throwing a good punch, and thus Eddie often has to drag the two back to the guild as they are injured or bruised all over. Frank is a curious fellow, who loves knowledge. Julie helps him identify the new plants they encounter.
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Eddie is a sacrier, who tried his best to appear calm, although he's often pretty anxious. He generally travels with Julie and Frank, getting the two out of fights more often than not. He likes traveling and discovering new locations !
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Howdy is an osamoda merchant, who joined the guild to try adventuring after his old shop was destroyed in a fight, although he can't really get rid of his old ways ... Poppy is his trusted dragodinde companion, who gained sentience after one of Sally's messed up spells ! Poor Poppy is quite the anxious animal, but she finds comfort in the guild's cheerful atmosphere.
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And finally, we have Nyxie ( because I have to include her and Suave haha) as an eliatrope !
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And that's all the characters I've done so far !
I've also included Bailey as a baby dragodinde and and the Joyful family !
Don't hesitate if you have more questions, headcanons, ideas of situations and adventures for those sillies, etc !
I had fun designing everyone, although some characters gave me troubles
Turns out it's hard to apply different species, logic and cultures to muppets from the 70s /j
I tried to keep them easy to recognise while making them more adapted to the wakfu world
It's just a silly AU to do silly comics and jokes ! Completly angst free, just a calm lil heaven of sillyness
I hope you liked it !
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serious-tabaxi · 1 year
(Howdy, It Is Me :D I Hope You Had A Good Time And Rested Well While You Were Absent!)
(This Is Just An RP Prompt, Involving A New OC Or Two.)
(Remember, You Do Not Have To Answer This If You Do Not Wish To, No Pressure, Take As Long As You Feel Like You Would Need In The Current Moment)
(Also, I Hope You Have A Great Day/Night, And That You Are Somewhere That Is Both Safe And Comfortable For You!)
*The sun would peak over the trees, the sky freshly telling that it will be day soon. The clouds would pass gently over the the skies. Lately, there had been rumors of a Elf Merchant whom was apart of a dangerous Kingdom who was visiting lately, who had things that couldn't be found anywhere else.*
*a white-skinned- sun-yellow-haired elven humanoid was in search of the trader for a long time. he only assumed they were somewhere nearby; he had not the magic to ascertain their location.*
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artisticbunny · 2 years
Hello Bun! I have magically manifested within your inbox to ask you about…
Your OCs!
One of my anon subordinates (totally not me telling my friends about you no way) previously asked about your number of them, but I want to know who they are!! >:3c Any like, story or interaction or certain universe or specific aesthetics? Feel free to infodump Bun I’m all ears!!
(Sorry if this seems a little too pushy I just saw your reblog and was like ‘why don’t I be a good lad and prance on over eh?’ So here we are! :3 I hope you don’t mind!)
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Buckle in cuz this is gonna be a long post lol
I’m not gonna reveal everything cuz there have to be some tricks up my sleeves, but I’m gonna be talking about major plot stuff that isn’t in the first chapter so, uh, spoiler warning also X3
Basically the start of the story happens as she’s running away and escaping from her abusive household, this story takes place in a fantasy world so it’s more of a tower than a house but yk.
Her “mother” is this kind of just,,, awful person that basically just was using Brook as free labor. Like, she found Brook as a toddler literally abandoned by this little brook river thing and called her “Brook Child” because she couldn’t be assed to give her a proper name. There isn’t any actual physical hitting or anything to the abuse but god, if there isn’t just a buttload of neglect and verbal/psychological abuse going on. It’s not uncommon for Brook to have been locked in the basement for days on end without food because she did something wrong.
Brook physically is super scrawny because of this, like you can easily see her bones. She has CONSTANT, DEEP dark circles under her eyes that will probably never go away, and is often fatigued. She has a long scar going down one side of her face (her left, our right), caused by an incident with setting up chicken wire. Between her not knowing how to really deal with that kind of wound at the time and the fact that she’s constantly malnourished, it left a pretty noticeable scar
After she runs away her plan is to get a few supplies so she can go live on her own because the only real experience she has with other people is her “mother” and just really wants to not be around people who she thinks are going to hurt her… uuunfortunately for her she ends up being peer pressured by a merchant into buying an enchanted dagger that uses up basically ALL OF HER MONEY SHE SAVED UP.
Said dagger comes with a prophecy and is, surprise! Sentient! Yeah so now basically she’s forced to go on this quest now! No living alone in the woods in peace for her! She ends up naming the dagger Willow because of a beautiful willow tree engraving at its base and for the fact that it’s handle is modeled after a winding tree trunk (with THOUSANDS of engraved TINY little symbols and glyphs and spells and the like that looks a lot like tree bark!)
Willow uses she/it pronouns because yes! The engravings that are so tiny you can barely see and make them out is what makes Willow sentient! It’s VERY complex spellwork and may have taken even over a lifetime to create! She is very well crafted :)
She is also VERY blunt. Willow doesn’t understand the complexities of like… softening the blow of its words, so it doesn’t even really try lol. Basically it’s like “ah yeah, you are my wielder so you ARE the one from the prophecy, there’s not any getting out of it, let’s go!”
Willow’s one purpose is to complete the prophecy and is ultimately loyal to Brook till the end because of this. Unfortunately, Willow will sometimes bend the rules Brook set for the greater good of completing the quest. (During their first meeting Brook set the ground rules of no killing, and no hurting people unless absolutely necessary.)
During like, the first few hours after she leaves the trade town she fled to to go get this quest over with she gets jumped by this like 7 foot dude in black armor. This is Quincy.
I love him because there are… a lot of complexities with him lol
Without getting into huge spoiler territories, basically, where he comes from, the prophecy is told differently to the point of where Brook is made out to be the villain of the story. He is trying to protect his family and his home. When scouting her out, he is surprised to see that she’s basically just a kid, but decides to go through with the attack anyways as an attempt to stop the prophecy from being fulfilled.
Brook doesn’t know about this rendition of the prophecy.
So basically he attacks Brook, and Brook tries to reason with him to the absolute best of her ability. Quincy, however, is not open to conversation at that point. With willow’s guidance, she ends up killing him.
She is stunned by this. She watches as he bleeds out on the ground and turns to Willow.
She’s like “we agreed on no killing, this guy looks pretty dead to me!!!” (She’s obviously more panicked than this in the actual story lol)
Willow is like “ok ok fine hold me near him give me a second.”
A fun fact about Willow is that she can act as a channel for magic, and use her wielder’s supply. So when Willow uses a spell, the spell treats Brook as the caster even though Willow is effectively the one to have cast the spell.
In this world, when someone is brought back through the use of necromancy they get revived, yes. BUT THEY ALSO BECOME TRAPPED INSIDE THEIR OWN BODIES AS THEYRE PUPPETED AROUND BY THE CASTER. This tactic was used a LOT in wars before it was outlawed btw, just some world building dont mind me :)
Yeah so basically when under the effects of Necromancy you just have to watch as your body has to follow whatever orders the caster gives you, whether you like it or not. Because it’s the spellcaster’s life force that’s inside of you.
(I have a WHOLE magic system thought out btw, magic is part of living being’s life force. Without it you basically starve. It’s like air and food and water, you NEED it to live, which is why Brook going on a quest to save it is such a big deal)
Obviously Willow is like “here, he should fight with us now :)” and brooks just there like “…” =n= because she knows something is off but she can’t put her finger on it yet but this guy is acting REALLY weird now.
Even being cooped up her hole life as she was, KNOWS THIS SPELL IS FORBIDDEN. So when she finds out it was used, she is rightly upset. She doesn’t know the FULL extent of the spell, she doesn’t know if he’s still THERE or if it’s just his corpse or WHAT, but she feels horrible about the situation and tries to give him as much kindness and freedom as she possibly can. Quincy cannot speak, but is later able to communicate better as he’s given more and more agency. (Given the right circumstances, he MAY be able to regain speech in the future ;) )
Over the course of this situation he kinda goes from absolutely despising Brook, to like “ok… this really is just a kid, I kinda feel really bad now” to “oh my god wait this kid is actually really sweet” to “this is my kid now”
He basically adopts Brook towards the end lol
Brook doesn’t really realize this is happening until about mid-way through the story when she goes to get firewood and says if anyone else in the group wants to they can come with her and he goes with her and she realizes she was addressing the whole group and that they can come if they WANT to. And then she just looks up at him and is like… “did you WANT to come with me?” And he just nods at her and she almost cries lol
I just love them, your honor. Quincy = dad of the year (iiif you get past the bit where he tried to kill Brook but yk lol)
Sam is a wizard and Joe is a werewolf, they’re trying to find Joe’s tether (what will let him stay sane when transformed) they met with Joe in a dumpster and Sam trying to throw out that week’s trash from his apprenticeship <3
Joe comes from a loving family of werewolves and was born as one, his biggest fear is hurting his loved ones, which is why he was so desperate to find his tether. It’s also why he was rooting through wizard’s trashcans when Sam found him lol
They made a deal that Joe would stay out of trashcans (because of the dangerous chemicals and broken glass and stuff) if Sam would help him find his tether.
Sam didn’t actually like his apprenticeship. He was forced into it by his parents because he was “talented” and showed signs of developing into a talented wizard. He once loved performing magic, but being an apprentice stripped it of all of its fun. He neglected his work, causing him to fall behind, he is now self conscious and does not like it when people watch him cast spells.
Sam and Joe bonded over researching to find Joe’s tether and eventually fell in love. They both ran away not long after on a search for any more information they didn’t already have.
Also Joe is afraid of sheep :)
(“I don’t like it when they stare at you with those beady little eyes-“)
Kat is a ghost. She doesn’t remember her past, but she does remember waking up in the middle of the woods one day and never being able to find a way out. She had been alone for god knows how long before someone passed through (that being Brook, Willow, Quincy, Sam, And Joe) so obviously, she had to play a prank on them. GOLDEN opportunity for some entertainment.
Kat has claustrophobia (and because it’s never being revealed in the book I’ll reveal it here: she was buried alive. Framed for a crime she didn’t commit by someone in her adventuring group. The group’s agreed on punishment was for her to be buried alive and abandoned.) often getting flashbacks of suffocating, of cool dirt sticking to her face, muffling her screams and pleas for help.
Kat is very laid back and likes to make light of heavier situations with humor. She is a LOT smarter than she lets on, and has a very strong sense of moral justice. She also has a talent of apperating knives from her ghostly fog. She is very skilled at knife throwing.
Terra (Full name Terra Delah Etang) is a siren originating from Ckorplek, an underwater city found in the mesa reefs. She was a mighty warrior (arguably the strongest and most skilled with her voice) tasked with protecting her people’s most prized possession during an invasion. She dragged herself across the red sand, lake hopping for days before settling in a far off small pond-sized salt water body of water with a small island in the center. She would stay there for years protecting the item with her life. Unfortunately, Brook needs that item for her quest and Terra isn’t exactly willing to give it up.
Yeah they basically kidnap and gag her so she can’t make them kill themselves with her voice lol
They’re not just gonna leave her to die but they’re ALSO not gonna risk their lives letting her go free.
She is a reluctant party member, but as long as she’s with her people’s treasure and she’s able to make sure it’s safe, she isn’t super like… against it? Also they’re her only ticket back to her pond since they are basically wheeling her around in a red wagon full of water lol she still kinda hates them tho
Terra is super hotheaded and isn’t that forgiving of a person so it takes a while before she opens up lol
(She’s kind of like the boblin the goblin of the group in a way if you think about it lol)
Corey is half dead.
During his life, he took care of his mother and younger sister by going on quests and bringing back money. He would often ally with other adventurers to do this, and had a habit of only taking what his family needed of the rewards.
One day, on a quest to Dread Caverns- a cave system known for making your worst fears come to life- as they neared the center, where their prize was, he was betrayed.
Busted up in the fight, and with his head cracked open, he fell to the ground, left for dead, as the team he allied with ran off without him.
Fortunately for him, he landed on a healing potion he kept strapped to himself. Just in case. In the moments just after his heart stopped beating but just before his brain activity died, the glass pierced his skin, and the potion flowed into his body.
Because of this one in a billion timing, Corey was able to survive, subsisting mostly off of the world’s magic. He no longer has a heartbeat, and his left arm and leg no longer work, but he was alive, and stuck in dread caverns for about three years before Brook found him.
Corey has killed before in self defense. During his time In Dread Caverns many would come with the goal of killing him in mind, as rumors would spread of him being the reason the caverns were so dangerous.
Next is a reoccurring antagonist: Zeki.
They use She/They pronouns ;)
Zeki first appears after Dread Caverns in the story and is a well known infamous robber. She is known for kidnapping a member of her target group, and hypnotizing them to give her information and or infiltrate the group in order to easily incapacitate them. She smells of metal and is always followed by the sound of ticking clocks. She has multiple pocket watches hidden on her person at all times.
Zeki was originally the daughter of a prestigious family. They were expected to be perfect every second of every day, and were forced to learn parlor tricks to entertain guests. She would often sneak off into the middle of the night in order to destress and indulge in their true passion, whittling wood into beautiful sculptures. This went on for a long time before they were found out. All of her work was burned and destroyed, and she was cast out of the family with just the clothes on her back, and her grandfather’s pocket watch.
She almost starved before out of pure desperation they attempted one of the parlor tricks they learned. Light hypnosis. She managed to convince a passer by to give her some of their bread, and that was the beginning of their new life. Zeki would get more and more powerful every time they practiced.
Hypnosis only ever lasts from 3-5 days, but varies between that from person to person. Even after recovery, a person may relapse.
My lil plague doctor guy!!! I love him!!!
He never takes off his mask, he just doesn’t feel comfortable with it. The only reason he would take it off ever would be to clean it (even then, he makes sure nobody is around) or during a medical emergency.
Corvus is an actual, trained doctor! Which is part of the reason that Zeki decided to keep him as a part of their hypnotized entourage.
He is a sweet and caring guy, and just wants what’s best for everyone! No dark backstory for him other than being a part of Zeki’s crew for a bit, he’s just a lil guy! :3
I’m so sorry this is so long and I’m also sorry about the decrease in writing quality as it goes on lol this took me hours to type out XD
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broomballkraken · 1 year
Title: A Little Bit o’ Mermaid Magic Chapter 3: And It Was All Yellow
Fandom: Octopath Traveler 2
Pairing: Osvald/Partitio
Word count: 6284
Warnings: None
Fic Summary: Osvald is rescued after his escape from prison by Partitio, a valuable and talented member of the Merfolk Merchant’s Guild.
After being nursed back to health, Osvald embarks on a journey for revenge, and fate seems to keep bringing him and Partitio together…until the day came when fate decided to stop dragging them apart.
Chapter Summary: Osvald and Partitio run into each other yet again in Montwise, where their feelings for each other blossom into something much more serious.
It had been a long, long time since Osvald had set foot in the Crestlands, but he did not have the time to appreciate the breathtaking views from the peaks nor the beautiful rainbows cast upon the cascading waterfalls. He was on a mission for revenge, nothing would stop him from getting it, and he couldn’t afford to be distracted.
There was one small problem with that, however: Osvald couldn’t stop thinking about Partitio.
Osvald’s brow furrowed and he rubbed at his temples. Since he had developed some rather inexplicable and irritating feelings for the charming and handsome merman, Osvald found it very hard to think about anything else without Partitio worming his way into the forefront of his mind.
As time went on, it was slowly getting easier to concentrate on getting his revenge on Harvey, and Osvald knew it was only a matter of time before he could push Partitio from his thoughts completely. After all, the chances of running into him again were slim to none-
“Well, well! Look who we have here!”
…Or not.
Osvald’s jaw hung open with disbelief as he stepped off of the bridge that crossed over the river far below. He pushed his glasses up and rubbed at his eyes, hoping that his mind was playing tricks on him. Alas, the only thing that was waiting for him when he refocused his vision was that bright, breathtaking smile that could only belong to one particular seahorse merman. Shit.
“Howdy there, Osvald!” Partitio was elated at this turn of events. He sure hadn’t expected to see Osvald again so soon, and a bubbly warmth blossomed within his chest. Whew, and he was just as handsome as the last time that Partitio saw him, which brought his not-so-little crush on Osvald back to the forefront of his mind. Oh boy…
Osvald brought a hand to his face and cleared his throat in an attempt to hide the blush on his cheeks. “What are you doing here, Partitio?”
“Just gettin’ more advertisin’ in for the Fair, of course!” Partitio beamed and shot Osvald a wink, “I gotta get the word out to the folks not on the coast too, you know!”
Osvald blinked slowly as he glanced over the cliff before him, spotting the water far below, before his gaze followed the two sets of ladders that were fixed into the face of the cliff.
“Did you…climb all the way up here by yourself?”
Partitio let out a deep sigh and rubbed at his arms. “Ah, yeah, and hoo boy do my arms hurt something fierce! Ya see, I did send a letter ahead of time to schedule a carriage to give me a lift, but I’ve been waiting all day and they never showed up…”
“Er, speaking of that…” Partitio let out a nervous chuckle and wrung his hands together. “I hate to ask ya, but would you mind going into Montwise for me and sending another carriage?”
Osvald could do that, certainly, but he had a better, more practical, and definitely more selfish idea. He hummed and turned his back to Partitio before crouching low to the ground.
“Uh, what’re ya doin’?” Partitio stared at Osvald with wide eyes as he cocked his head to one side.
“It would take too much time to get to town, find an available carriage, and come back for you. I do not want to risk leaving you here when night falls,” Osvald said, glancing over his shoulder with a small smile on his face, “Let’s go.”
Partitio’s face flushed and he quickly pulled his hat down over his face to hopefully mask his embarrassment. Ugh, why did he always get so flustered at just the thought of Osvald carrying him? This big ol’ crush of his was turning into a big ol’ problem…
“Are ya sure, partner?”
“I wouldn’t have offered otherwise. Hurry up.”
Osvald’s eyes narrowed with annoyance, and Partitio took a mental note of how much he enjoyed being bossed around by Osvald before quickly pushing that thought to the deep, dark recesses of his mind. Biting his cheek, Partitio wrapped his arms around Osvald’s neck and Osvald stood up. His arms throbbed with pain from his exhausting climb up the ladders from the river, but Osvald grabbed hold of him before Partitio could slip off his shoulders.
“Is this okay?” Osvald asked as he held Partitio’s wrists in a gentle grip, and his breath hitched when Partitio’s tail snaked its way around his waist.
“Yeah, thankee kindly, Osvald!” Partitio beamed and lay his chin on Osvald’s shoulder. “Is my tail okay like that? Not making it hard to walk at all?”
“...’s fine.”
Partitio raised an eyebrow at Osvald’s quiet mumble of a response, and he held on as best he could as Osvald started walking down the path towards Montwise. Running into Osvald again after such a short amount of time…Partitio wasn’t so sure that he believed in fate, but this kinda coincidence happening not once but twice was shaping him into quite the firm believer.
“So, how was your trip here? Didn’t get into trouble or nothin’, right?” Partitio asked, and Osvald shrugged.
“No, it was uneventful, but I did run into an old friend when I stopped by New Delsta for supplies.”
Partitio grinned when Osvald let out a tired sigh and shook his head. “He’s a rather scatterbrained scholar named Regulus. We studied at the academy together. His specialty is astrology, and he is apparently working on a most curious invention called an ‘astronomical telescope.’”
“An astro…what now?”
Osvald chuckled and glanced at Partitio out of the corner of his eye, and Partitio was close enough to really appreciate how beautiful his eyes were. “Astronomical telescope. Apparently it will allow him to see the celestial bodies in the night sky up close.”
“Wow…Like, the moon and the stars and stuff?”
Partitio let out a long whistle, and his arms tightened around Osvald’s shoulders. “Hoo-eey! I don’t really get to see the pretty night sky all that much, since I usually spend my nights underwater. Sounds like quite the sight…”
“It is. It has been a long time since I’ve visited Montwise, but from what I remember one can get a rather breathtaking view of the stars from the wall.”
“Really? Hm…” Partitio fell silent as he bit his lip. Boy, he sure would love to go stargazing while he was here, and he wondered if Osvald would ever consider joining him. However, Partitio remembered exactly why Osvald was visiting Montwise, and he reckoned that he would definitely not be in the mood for that, as much as Partitio longed for that not to be the case.
They continued to chat as Osvald carried Partitio towards their destination, and soon enough, they ended up in Montwise. Osvald took Partitio to the center of the marketplace and helped him to set up shop.
“Thankee kindly, Osvald! I’m gonna do my business here for a while.” Partitio beamed at him, and Osvald was given pause at the fiery determination that he saw in those dazzling blue eyes.
“Very well. I need to take care of some…’business’ myself. I will come back when I’m done.”
Partitio frowned slightly and gave him a slight nod. He knew that Osvald was here to get some way past due revenge on his bastard of a former research partner, but he was still sad to see him go nonetheless.
“Alright, but be careful, ya hear?”
“I will, thank you.” The nauseous feeling deep in his gut settled slightly at Partitio’s concern for him, and Osvald set off to gather the information that he needed at the library.
The sun was starting to set by the time that he returned to the marketplace. Osvald had pinpointed Harvey’s location, which was an underground laboratory located beneath the library. However, Osvald needed to be well rested and fully alert before confronting him, so he decided that it was only logical to wait until morning to finally get his revenge.
“...And here’s somethin’ that you won’t find anywhere else!”
Osvald stopped when he heard Partitio’s voice carry over a crowd of people, who had his little temporary shop surrounded. From what he caught from the many people talking excitedly among themselves, it seemed that merfolk were not a common sight around these parts.
Partitio beamed as he lifted a large conch shell into the air. “This here might look like a regular ol’ conch shell, but if you put your ear right up to it, you can hear the sounds of the sea, as clear as if you were standin’ right on the beach yourself!”
“Here, give it a try!” Partitio handed the shell to the woman standing closest to him, and she shot him a dubious look before slowly bringing the shell to her ear. Her eyes slowly widened and her jaw dropped.
“O-Oh my, I hear it! I hear the waves, and the seabirds too!” she exclaimed, and she passed it around to a few others in the crowd.
“See? Don’t underestimate the power of good ol’ mermaid magic!” Partitio said, winking as he flicked up the brim of his hat. “Now, I’ve only got a limited stock with me, but we’re hosting the first Merfolk Merchant’s Fair in a few months and we’ll have plenty more of these beauts to sell there, plus many more fascinating treasures!”
A wave of excitement passed through the crowd as the lucky people in the front bought out Partitio’s stock of shells, while the rest eagerly took the fliers that he was handing out. Osvald watched the spectacle with wide eyes. From how Partitio conducted himself, Osvald had deduced that he was a skilled merchant, but seeing him in action made him realize that Partitio really was someone special. His charisma and natural charm were through the roof, and his sincerity and genuine love for his craft had captivated Osvald, in more ways than one.
“Oh, hey there, Osvald!” Partitio said when the crowd had finally dispersed. Osvald smiled as he approached and started to help Partitio pack up his shop.
“That was very impressive, Partitio. You really are an expert merchant. It was as if I was watching the Trader himself work his magic.”
“B-Bifelgan?” Partitio’s face flushed a bright red and he rubbed at the back of his neck. “Golly, that’s mighty high praise, partner…” He swallowed thickly, trying to chase away the dryness that had suddenly occupied his throat. A giddy happiness flooded his chest, and he couldn’t stop a goofy grin from crossing his face.
“Um, so, how’d your…’business’ go?” Partitio asked as he packed up the last of his leftover goods.
“I found out where Harvey’s laboratory is. I plan on confronting him there tomorrow.”
Partitio bit his lip to stop himself from sighing with relief. He did want Osvald to get his revenge and all, but he couldn’t help but worry about him and curse the fact that he could be by his side for it.
“Well, I’m sure glad your day was successful!” Partitio said, and he opened up his travel bag so that Osvald could shove the rest of his supplies into it.
“I could say the same to you. And you managed to finish right before dark.”
“Yeah…” Partitio glanced up at the darkening sky, and his eyes lit up when a few stars became visible. Maybe he could drag himself up to the wall himself, but his arms were still so sore from earlier…
“Partitio…Do you want to look at the stars with me?”
Partitio sucked in a sharp breath and jerked his head towards Osvald, who’s gaze was fixed up at the sky as he tugged at his beard. Partitio really, really hoped that this wasn’t a dream, and he nodded his head vigorously, so much so that he made himself a bit dizzy.
“I sure do!”
“Here.” Osvald quickly bent over and scooped Partitio into his arms, making sure to avoid making eye contact; he wasn’t sure if he could handle Partitio looking at him with any kind of fondness in his eyes.
Osvald made haste and carried Partitio up onto the wall, and he gently set him on the ledge, and he curled his tail around himself to keep his balance. Partitio placed a hand against the cool stone to steady himself, and he lifted his gaze to the sky, which was already shining so bright with a multitude of stars, and the beautiful glow of the full moon. This was…amazing!
Standing silently beside Partitio, Osvald braced his hands on the ledge of the wall, one brushing against Partitio’s not-so-accidentally. His gaze flicked briefly to the sky, before fixing upon Partitio again. Osvald had never seen the stars shine so bright. It was almost as if they were shining just for Partitio, and Osvald honestly couldn’t blame them. He looked absolutely ethereal while bathed in their light, and the yellow skin that covered his upper torso and tail seemed to shine a brilliant gold. Osvald could feel himself falling, and falling hard, for him, even though he knew that he wasn’t good enough for Partitio. He was too angry, too cynical, too consumed by his lust for revenge…
“Hey, Osvald?”
Giving his head a quick shake to clear his mind of his self-loathing thoughts, he turned to look at Partitio, who was somehow smiling brighter than Osvald had ever seen before, and his chest tightened; he felt that such a precious and beautiful thing was wasted on him.
“Thankee kindly. I reckon I won’t ever forget this night.” Partitio’s voice dropped to a whisper, and he slipped his hand into the one that Osvald had brushed against his. He knew that this was a bold and risky move, but to his surprise, Osvald didn’t pull away. Partitio’s heart hammered hard within his chest, and he was given hope that there might be a chance of his feelings being reciprocated, after Osvald had gotten his revenge, of course.
They stayed like this for a while, with their hands clasped the entire time, and only when Partitio started to shiver when a cold breeze blew by did Osvald reluctantly tear his gaze from the sky.
“You must be freezing, Partitio, here.” Osvald took off his coat and wrapped Partitio in it before picking him up again.
“O-Osvald! You don’t have to do that!” Partitio blushed as he covered his face with his hands.
“Nonsense. It would be foolish to allow you to catch a cold.”
“I-I guess…” Partitio swallowed thickly and averted his gaze. “A-Anyway, um, do you wanna share an inn room for the night? It’d save us both some money.” Partitio tried to act casual, but asking the object of his affection to sleep in the same room as him was getting him all hot and bothered, even though nothing of that nature was ever going to happen.
“Yes, that is a valid point. I’d be glad to,” Osvald said, hoping that Partitio couldn’t feel how hard his heart was beating within his chest. Well, he certainly hadn’t expected to be sharing a bedroom with Partitio this night, and he was going to cherish their time together, no matter how fleeting it was.
Osvald stepped into the inn, ignoring the stares of the other occupants. Walking up to the counter, he cleared his throat to get the innkeeper’s attention, as he couldn’t ring the bell with his arms full.
“Ugh, the bell is right-” the innkeeper started to complain, but he cut himself off with an ‘oh!’ when he turned around and looked Osvald and Partitio up and down. A sly smile slowly spread across his face, and Osvald’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“My, my! Isn’t this a rare sight!” The innkeeper clapped his hands and leaned an elbow against the counter. “It’s not every day that I see a merman, and certainly not one coupled with a human!”
Osvald had to take a moment to process what the man was implying, and when he did, he quickly shook his head, his face flushing a bright red.
“P-Pardon me?”
“Oh? You’re a couple, aren’t you?” The innkeeper tapped his finger against the counter and raised an eyebrow. “Why else would you be holding him like that?”
“Because he can’t walk, obviously.”
The innkeeper let out a groan and rolled his eyes. “Oh please. You don’t have to lie to me. It’s pretty uncommon to see a human and merman together, but I certainly am not one to discriminate!”
“Y-You’ve got it all wrong!” Partitio finally found his voice after being stunned into silence by the innkeeper’s very incorrect assessment of their relationship. “We’re just…friends, trying to save money, that’s all.”
“Ah, right, that’s what they all say.”
“Can we just get a room, please?” Osvald’s tone had turned deadly, and the hairs on the back of Partitio’s neck stood on end as he watched him glare daggers into the innkeeper.
The innkeeper didn’t seem phased, and he just shrugged and let out a deep sigh. “Whatever you say. I don’t see why you’re trying so hard to hide your relationship, but I won’t pry.” He turned around and plucked a set of keys from a hook and tossed them to Osvald. “Up the stairs, last room on the left.”
Osvald continued to glare at the man as Partitio took the keys from him and fished a pouch of leaves from his bag. “Here ya go! Is there a tub in the room already? I’ll need to sleep in water.”
“Oh yes,” the innkeeper covered his mouth as he chuckled, and he gestured to two of his staff, who nodded and rushed off, “I’ll send someone to fill it for you. And it’s big enough for two!”
Partitio glanced at Osvald’s face, and immediately regretted it, because if looks could kill Montwise would be on the hunt for a new innkeeper right about now. Partitio let out a nervous chuckle and gently pat Osvald’s chest, which luckily seemed to calm him down. His face burned when the innkeeper shot him a knowing look, and Partitio rubbed at his temples as Osvald turned towards the stairs without another word.
“Do have a good night, you two! And make sure to get some sleep, hm?”
Osvald froze and Partitio could feel him start shaking with rage. “I’m going to kill him.”
“No, Osvald.”
“...Can I just set him on fire-”
Partitio tried to stifle his giggles when Osvald pouted, and he was happy when Osvald relaxed and let out a soft chuckle as he ascended the stairs. Well, that innkeeper sure was a character, but Partitio secretly wished that he had been right all along about their relationship.
Partitio opened the door to their room and Osvald stepped inside, letting out a tired sigh when he saw that there was only one bed; that innkeeper was very lucky that Partitio had stayed his hand.
“Ah, only one bed?” Partitio let out a nervous laugh and shook his head. He noticed that the tub was already full of steaming water. The innkeeper might have been annoying, but his staff sure were quick on the draw.
“Well, good thing I have the tub to sleep in, eh?” He tried not to sound too disappointed, but he wasn’t sure that he masked it well.
Osvald grunted in response, and Partitio swore that he saw a glint of disappointment in his eyes as a deep frown crossed his face. He carefully helped Partitio get into the tub before changing into his nightclothes; Partitio tried not to stare too much at Osvald’s bare chest.
“Ahh, that sure feels good on the sore arms…” Partitio said, sighing as he submerged himself to his neck. He stayed like that for a few moments, before Osvald’s voice broke the silence.
“So…” Osvald started. He had moved to sit at the edge of the bed after changing, and he paused to clear his throat; Partitio noted that he wasn’t making eye contact. “Is it…truly that uncommon for merfolk and humans to get involved romantically?”
Partitio stared at Osvald with eyes as wide as saucers, and Osvald felt his face heat up as he quickly added: “I’m only asking because, well, that obnoxious, nosy innkeeper brought it up.”
“Ah, right…” Partitio felt deflated as his shoulders slumped slightly, but he pulled himself together and kept a straight face. “Well, considerin’ that humans and merfolk haven’t really had much positive contact with each other until recently, then yeah.”
“But…” Partitio shrugged before folding his arms and resting them on the rim of the tub, “There are exceptions to that. My stepdad is a human, for example.”
“Sure is!” Partitio chuckled and shot Osvald a wink. “My pops actually met Roque about…24 years ago, right after he married my ma. They became fast friends and slowly started to create relations between merfolk and humans.”
Osvald hummed as he tugged at his beard. “I see…They’ve made some impressive progress.”
“Yeah, it was apparently rough at the start. From what Pops told me, mer and men were pretty wary of each other back then.” Partitio frowned and pursed his lips. “Hostile in some ways too. Humans would abduct merfolk to sell for profit, and mer would sink merchant ships to loot.”
“But my pops and ma and Roque worked hard, and managed to play a part in quelling the hostilities and starting to forge a lasting relationship between our people.”
Osvald continued to listen silently, and he frowned when Partitio’s gaze fell to the floor as a wistful smile crossed his face. “When my ma passed, Pops was devastated, and I was so young and probably made it harder for him. He was really lucky to have Roque by his side, and it didn’t surprise me at all when they eventually fell in love.”
Partitio suddenly flushed a bright red and rubbed at the back of his neck. “Shoot, sorry partner! I guess I rambled on a bit there! Long story short, it’s rare but not unheard of.”
“Hm.” Partitio cocked his head to one side as he watched Osvald’s brow furrow as he crossed his arms over his chest. He seemed to be thinking hard about something, and he really wished that he could figure out what that something was.
“They must have to spend a lot of time apart, though,” Osvald finally said, chewing on the inside of his cheek, “Does that…make things hard for them?”
Partitio cocked his head to one side, and he could feel his heart start racing. Osvald sure was interested in this particular subject, and Partitio could only hope that it was because he might have feelings for him.
“I mean, kinda. Pops would always have to be the one to stay on land with Roque if they wanted to, uh, spend some ‘quality time’ together, on account of humans not having gills and all.”
A smile slowly spread across Partitio’s face as he rest his chin on the rim of the tub and swished his tail back and forth. “But, that time apart seemed to make them appreciate the time that they spent together much more, and, well, you know what they say: Distance makes the heart grow fonder!”
Osvald nodded slowly, rubbing at his chin. “A valid point.”
“I see it with us too!” Partitio blurted out, and he chuckled when Osvald raised a dubious eyebrow at him. “Well, we keep on havin’ to part ways and always pick up right where we left off when we’ve reunited!”
Osvald stared at Partitio, his mouth suddenly going dry as his heart hammered hard within his chest. He had…compared them to his father and step-father. Osvald wasn’t sure if it was wise to assume that it meant anything, but he couldn’t stop his heart from longing for that to be the case.
Partitio blinked slowly a few times, before the implications of what he had just said hit him like a ton of bricks. “A-As friends, I mean! It’s not, uh, the exact same thing as my pops and Roque, haha…” He rubbed at the back of his head and averted his gaze, mentally beating himself up for his careless words.
“Um, anyway, it’s gettin’ kinda late, and you’ve got a busy day tomorrow, so we should, uh, get some shut eye!” Partitio quickly changed the subject and stretched his arms out, making a show of yawning loudly. He watched as Osvald just nodded in response, his gaze distant, and as he lay down on the bed, a single question fell from his lips that stole the breath from Partitio’s lungs:
“...Would you ever fall for a human?”
“It’s…nothing. Goodnight.”
Partitio’s cheeks flushed and his heart hammered hard within his chest as he stared at Osvald, who quickly blew the candle out and rolled over, ending the conversation prematurely. Biting his lip as he let himself sink further into the bathwater, Partitio wished that Osvald would have given him the chance to answer, because he would have said that he had already fallen for a human, and that human was him .
A terrible, aching longing settled within Partitio’s gut, and he let out a sigh as he stared at Osvald, until the sound of his snoring filled the room.
“Goodnight, partner…” Partitio mumbled, and he decided to try and get some shut eye himself, if he could just get comfortable in this damned tub…
Osvald awoke in the middle of the night, pulled from his slumber by a noise coming from somewhere in the room. He narrowed his eyes as he fumbled for his glasses, and as he put them on, he realized that it was Partitio making the noise.
“Ugh, this is hopeless…” Osvald heard Partitio mumble, and as he let out another frustrated groan, the sound of sloshing water hit Osvald’s ears.
“Partitio? Is something wrong?”
Osvald’s eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and he saw Partitio whip around, and he let out a nervous chuckle as he wrung his hands together.
“Oh, did I wake you up, Osvald? Sorry ‘bout that…” He shrugged and shook his head. “I think that innkeeper was full of seahorse shit when he said that this tub was big enough for the both of us. It’s not big enough for just me!”
“Hmm, I see…” Osvald opened and closed his mouth a few times, unsure if what he was about to propose was wise. He chewed on his bottom lip for a moment, and after not coming up with any logical alternatives, he decided to throw caution to the wind:
“...We should share the bed.”
“Oh yeah, that’s a great ide-Huh?!?”
Partitio stared at Osvald with wide eyes over the rim of the tub, and he slowly pushed himself up until his chin was resting on it. Osvald’s face had turned a cute shade of pink, and Partitio’s heart fluttered when he lifted a hand to his face and cleared his throat.
“You’ll hurt your back sleeping in there. It’s only logical…to protect your health, of course.” Osvald told himself that, sure, but he knew deep, deep down that the longing to have Partitio closer to him was also a factor in this offer.
“O-Of course, partner…I’m plenty hydrated, so I’ll be alright out of the water until morning.” Partitio deflated slightly as he nodded, biting his cheek to prevent himself from letting out a dejected sigh. It was all for Partitio’s health, because there was no way that Osvald would want to share a bed with him for any other reason…no matter how much Partitio ached for that to be so.
Pulling himself from the long since cooled bathwater and plopping onto the floor, Partitio toweled himself dry. His heart raced when Osvald got out of bed and walked up to him, and Partitio had to avert his gaze to avoid ogling at Osvald’s bare chest…again.
Osvald held his hand out and asked, “May I?” Partitio nodded and took his hand, a smile crossing his face when Osvald gathered him into his arms and carried him to the bed; he relished in this brief physical contact. Osvald gently lay him onto it, and Partitio wriggled his tail around until he was comfortable before pulling the blankets over himself.
“G-Goodnight, Partitio,” Osvald said as he quickly settled into his side of the bed and rolled over, facing away from Partitio with hopes of hiding his beet-red face. He squeezed his eyes shut and took some slow deep breaths, hoping to fall asleep before what little self control he had in regards to his feelings for his unexpected bedmate could shatter completely.
“G’night Osvald…and thankee kindly,” Partitio whispered, letting out a deep sigh as he stared at Osvald’s back. Oh, how he longed to reach out and run his fingers through that long, gorgeous hair, whispering sweet nothings into Osvald’s ear until he turned around, their eyes locking for only a moment before their lips met in a tender, passionate kiss…
Partitio inhaled sharply when he snapped back to his senses and realized that he had reached out towards Osvald with one hand, his webbed fingers barely brushing against his hair. He yanked his arm back towards himself and hugged it to his chest, his heartbeat hammering hard in his ears. He remained frozen for a few very long seconds, until the sound of Osvald snoring filled Partitio with relief.
“Hoo-eey, control yourself, Partitio…” he muttered to himself, groaning softly as he pressed his pillow over his face. He was hopeless…hopelessly in love , and he was frustrated that he couldn’t do anything about it. With that weighing heavily on his mind, he fell into a restless sleep.
The morning sun bathing the room in its gentle light caused Partitio to stir from his sleep, and he smiled, relishing in the secure warmth that surrounded him. Letting out a content sigh, his tail curled as he nuzzled his face against Osvald’s chest…
Wait, Osvald’s chest?!?
A wave of panic coursed through Partitio as his eyes shot open, and he was indeed staring directly into Osvald’s broad, toned, and hairy chest. He attempted to push himself away, but he found that his arms were pinned to his sides by Osvald’s, and he was pulled flush against him in a tight embrace.
“Please don’t be a dream, please don’t be a dream…” Partitio mumbled to himself, and he took a few deep breaths to try and keep his heart from beating right out of his chest. Osvald seemed to still be fast asleep, and Partitio bit his lip hard when his arms tightened around him and he felt Osvald’s lips brush against his forehead.
That wasn’t the only thing that brushed against him. Partitio felt sweat start to bead at the back of his neck when Osvald’s leg rubbed against his pelvis, and a spark of arousal ignited within his gut. If Osvald kept this up, a certain internal organ of Partitio’s was going to become very external, very fast…
Luckily for Partitio, he heard Osvald snort and let out a deep yawn. Partitio slowly tilted his head up and his eyes met a pair of sleepy, half-lidded ones. “M-Morning…”
Osvald stared at him for a moment with squinted eyes, before they shot open and he let out a startled shout. What the hells did he just wake up to? As he scrambled for his glasses, he heard Partitio let out a yelp and a loud thud followed shortly after.
“Partitio?” Osvald put on his glasses to find that Partitio had fallen off of the bed and was tangled in the blankets. He was flailing about, trying to free himself, and Osvald had to actively dodge Partitio’s tail to avoid getting smacked in the face.
“Hold still!” Osvald said as he rolled off of the bed and tried to grab him. Partitio didn’t seem to hear him and only got himself more tangled, and Osvald let out a frustrated huff. His hands shot out and he grabbed Partitio’s wrists, and Osvald pinned his arms to the side of the bed as he fell to his knees, straddling him.
Both men were panting heavily, and their gazes slowly found each other. Partitio’s mouth had gone dry and his jaw hung open slightly, his face so close to Osvald’s that he could feel his breath against his lips…those beautiful lips that he ached so badly to taste on his tongue…
Osvald’s mind was a conflicted fog, and he unconsciously licked his lips as his eyes remained locked with Partitio’s. He wanted nothing more than to close the meager distance between them and kiss him breathless…but he couldn’t do it.
Clenching his jaw, Osvald squeezed his eyes shut as he pulled away from Partitio, and he busied himself with untangling the merman’s tail from the blankets. Partitio just watched him, blinking owlishly as his brain tried to process what had just happened.
“T-There, that should do it,” Osvald mumbled as he tossed the freed blankets back onto the bed. “Are you…alright, Partitio?”
Partitio nodded slowly and turned his beet-red face away. “Y-Yeah, thankee kindly…”
A few long moments ticked by, before Partitio forced himself to look at Osvald again, and a soft smile crossed his face at the cute pink blush that covered his cheeks. Osvald adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat, before he stood and offered his hand to Partitio. Partitio immediately took it, feeling very bashful at the moment, and he let Osvald help him sit on the edge of the bed.
“I’m sorry, Partitio. I, er, haven’t shared a bed with anyone in a…very long time, and I just…uh, didn’t realize that I…would do that …” Osvald rubbed his arm with one hand as he waved the other in front of him.
Partitio let out a chuckle and shook his head. “You don’t have to apologize…It, um, coulda happened to anyone. Thanks for…keepin’ me warm.” Butterflies took flight in Partitio’s gut when a beautiful smile crossed Osvald’s face.
“I…was happy to help.”
They gazed at each other for a moment, before both men burst out laughing so hard that tears fell down Partitio’s face, and Osvald had started snorting.
“Hoo-eey, we’re a real mess, aren’t we?”
With the awkwardness in the air cleared, a deep longing lingering in both of their hearts, they packed up their belongings and left the inn, trying to ignore the innuendos of the piss-annoying, smug innkeeper.
Partitio knew that Osvald had pressing matters to attend to, so he was very shocked when he had offered to take him back to the river himself.
“Osvald, you really don’t have to do this.”
“How many times are you going to say that?”
Osvald narrowed his eyes at the merman cradled in his arms, and Partitio snickered as he flicked up the brim of his hat.
“Sorry partner, thankee kindly.” He made sure to bask in the warmth of Osvald’s arms around him one last time, because before he knew it, Osvald had descended the cliffside with Partitio clinging to his back, and they had made it to the river.
“Osvald,” Partitio said after he had slipped into the water, and he reached out to take Osvald’s hand in his, “I know what you’re going to do today, and I know I’ve said this before, but please…be careful, okay?”
“I will,” Osvald said, giving Partitio’s hand a squeeze. He wanted to avenge his family and make Harvey pay, sure, but now he wanted something else too: he wanted to stay alive so that he could see Partitio again, to feel his skin pressed against his again as they lie in bed together, to tell him of his feelings and finally kiss him breathless…
“Thank you, Partitio. Safe travels to you,” Osvald said as he regretfully let go of Partitio’s hand and stood up. “Until we meet again.”
Partitio beamed and did a back flip in the water. “Of course! I can’t wait to hear how you clobbered that bastard!” He smacked a fist into his palm and Osvald laughed.
Their gazes lingered on one another, both men not wanting to break eye contact, but Osvald knew that he could not afford to delay his revenge any longer, so he reluctantly turned away and headed back to the ladder.
Partitio watched him ascend the cliff side, and a foreboding feeling settled within his gut. He couldn’t help but worry for him, but he also knew that Osvald was strong and could take care of himself. Partitio was very confident that he could succeed, so why did he feel so… unnerved?
He wasn’t usually the praying type, but that didn’t stop him from shooting a prayer to the Flamebringer with the hope that he would help guide Osvald to victory. And with that, Partitio shifted his focus to his own mission, and he swam off to continue spreading the word about the Merfolk Merchant’s Fair. Nevertheless, Osvald never strayed too far from the front of his mind, and Partitio was okay with that.
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mapsmonstersamazing · 2 years
#Dungeon23 Week 3
Howdy, folks!
I’m making a slight adjustment to my schedule this week - while I wanted to put up some statblocks for the creatures introduced in the first level of the dungeon, it’s been a Hell of a week and I’m still recovering...
So! Instead I’m going to give you a preview of my RPG-in-progress, designed specifically for exploring dungeons like the one I’m designing this year. Today we’re going to look at the lore of the world and some of the things that happen above ground, which make delving belowground such a vital enterprise. Allow me to introduce to you: Survey Crew...
The State of the World
The world is stagnant. At the top are the wealthy aristocrats – kings, lords, louts and cads. They spend their money on their friends and they don’t interact with the world outside their castles, sending their servants for any vital errands. The wizards in their towers are no better – they will occasionally be seen teleporting into the market to pick up the latest rare finds: wyvern hearts or griffon feathers; long-lost wands and staves; artefacts spoken of only in myth and legend. But just as quickly as they arrive are they gone again, bent on their mind-twisting research.
So the ruling of the land falls, as it must, to the guilds. Businesses have banded together to ensure that some of the people get paid – those at the top of the chain, who can afford the monthly dues and who do good work. Our towns and cities are ruled by a bevy of merchant kings and queens, sitting on thrones of leather at their desks and going through contracts, making deals with each other over lunch as they figure out how much they can strip from their workers. In this world, your labour is your value, and it is not value that you ever see.
The Surveyors’ Guild
There is only one way out of the cycle of work-sleep-death, and that is to join the Surveyors’ Guild. They, at least, offer unique and exciting opportunities to delve into the world of the past and plunder its riches!
While the world of today is unexciting and corrupt, it was not always so. Evidence of more exciting times abound. Scattered around the land are unexplored dungeons, deathtraps filled with great treasures, and there are a great many lords, guild leaders, and wizards who would pay to have other people explore these places for them. And while the Guild’s clients are often looking for something very specific, they will graciously allow you, Surveyor, to keep any treasure you find down there that they don’t want! After paying your guild dues, of course.
The Rewards of a Surveyor
Becoming a Surveyor is not for the faint of heart. The places you are called upon to explore are dangerous, often magical, and you can never truly trust your senses. The guild has a high turnover rate of members, but if you return you are hailed as a hero and lauded by your community.
When someone decides to become a Surveyor it is a solemn event. The community comes together and the local religious leader will often perform a sermon or ceremony in honour of the volunteers. Before they even leave for their first delve their family will speak of them as though they are dead, and many cultures view them as “living ghosts”, the dead who do not yet know they are dead.
But not all Surveyors remain this way. If you delve into enough dungeons, find enough treasure, and return every single time (alive? Yes. Whole? Not necessarily…), you become a revered figure to the people who know you. Survey Families – those who have returned to the world and settle down, to raise a family – are highly-regarded and often akin to community leaders, dispensing wisdom and sharing their stories. Those who are not mad or broken, or lost in the dark places from whence they never truly returned, are heroes to their friends and neighbours, and the riches they amass and the stories they tell often lead others within the community to head down into the dungeons seeking their own fortune.
The Life of a Surveyor
The only drawback is the punishing guild regime. A surveyor must meet certain skill requirements – the ability to handle at least one weapon, knowledge in one or another of pre-checked specialist areas, and abilities which would allow them not only to survive, but help the rest of their team survive in the treacherous depths. After an intensive interview process, the apprentice surveyor is given some sub-standard equipment, placed in whatever team is awaiting a new member of the correct type (the guild splits you into one of four “classes”, which most people do not neatly fit. It makes for friction in some teams), and shoved into the nearest unexplored dungeon. What awaits you down there, only the ghosts know.
After facing the many unexpected dangers in the deeps, if you return alive – preferably with the rest of your team, but it’s sometimes not possible – the guild will take ten percent of the treasure you found in payment for the training (laughably called “on-the-job”, their euphemism for shoving you into a dungeon with a blunt sword and a team that hates you), equipment and board. They will also take any artefact that has been requested by a noble or wizard, as well as any other items of interest based on market speculation and rumours, and if any of it actually sells you’ll get your five percent kickback, pay whatever medical costs you need to regrow the arm you lost, and get thrown back into the dungeon. With a new team, if necessary.
The life of a Surveyor is brutal, miserable and often short. But if you are canny, clever, and cautious, you may survive at least one delve with your wits – and your body – intact. And if you’re smarter than they give you credit for, you may end up leaving with some wealth, a couple of cool artefacts, and a treasure trove of gripping tales which will always earn you a free pint at the tavern.
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thikshapeshiftr · 2 years
suddenly want to ramble about OC stuff here uhhhhhh.
there's one story of mine that's currently called Lifefeline. its story is pretty much nothing except "silly rpgmaker game with animal people that apparently has lore" right now - but the ENTIRETY of my progress with said game (as well as the laptop it was on) was completely lost due to personal junk i really don't want to get into. cool, right???
BUT i do have some stuff of it saved on my phone (and brain); a set of screenshots of one event, a few head sprites (or whatever the dialogue box thingies are called), and some concept stuff!
here u go :}
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^ that's the protagonist Mae, a caracal dude that only wears pajama pants around town.
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^ i only had a cruddy screenshot of this character's sprites. but here's Sofie, a blind alpaca-rabbit hybrid that does magic stuffs.
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and then other dipshits that are also in the game.
(Talia, Wendell, Jyls, "Cobra Merchant", Valhallah, and Vlade.)
i also have some concept art and connected lore bits!!
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...but that Image Limit there will only let me post two of 'em after all those sprites before <:)
concept related to the first one: Talia lies a lot. (she was also planned to be the third or fourth party member, but i decided "ehh nah" and just made her a quirky lil goose lady npc.)
concept related to the second one: Vlade is the first boss in the game. him and Valhallah are in a relationship, and it's shit due to him being a jackass. Mae would then get his ass kicked trying to defend Val, which leads to Sofie then wanting to defend her after a ton of Dialogue Story Nonsense that occurs after a feeble and pathetic Mae meets Sofie after his fight. after she kicks Vlade's ass alone with Val as witness, the two then go to Mae like "dude that was easy lmao" and then go to train him. (which is just the screen going black with a thingy that says everyone's stuff got boosted. i'm not forcing the player to actually grind for two hours, fuck that.)
...and that's pretty much most of the concepts for it so far.
i currently only have a phone and some notebooks, and BOY HOWDY i miss working on the Lifefeline game junk. it was fun, it gave me an excuse to fiddle with game related stuff and draw these animal people at the same time.
as soon as i'm in a better position with a computer in my personal posession, y'all can bet your asses i'm working on that stuff again.
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business-gnome · 5 years
Mercantile Society Newsletter: Issue #1
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Fitzkrank Oils and Lotions is coming to Boralus! Look forward to the grand opening of our shop in the harbor on May 15! We are currently looking to employ a local Kul Tiran sixteen gold an hour to work the store! If you are interested, address a letter to Gerald Fitzkrank to set up an appointment!
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During one of my first nights, I was able to interview Aneokame, the owner and operator of The Brig and the Ashwood Vale Consortium.
Ran by the kaldorei named Aneokame Crowsong, The Brig is a delightful hole-in-the-wall tavern located just outside of the dwarven district.They are open from six to ten bells nightly and offers a quiet, more mature atmosphere. Things here are taken at an easy pace and one does not feel harried or as though they are surrounded by rowdy rabble rousers like at other bars in the city. Their menu includes a variety of high quality wines, meads, ales, and liquors, a true staple. If you do go to the tavern, make sure to try their moonberry mead, as it is truly out of this world!
Next door to The Brig is Miss Crowsong’s shop, the Ashwood Vale Consortium, who offer a wide variety of strange, unusual, rare, and eclectic goods! Some of the goods include potions, tea leaves, dried herbs, books, furs, beautiful jewels, and artifacts! They even have hand sewn dresses and men’s shirts, a perfect boutique if you are going to a ball! If you are ever in need of a custom piece, the Ashwood Vale Consortium should be your go-to place for fine wear! The Ashwood Vale Consortium is open in the afternoons or by appointment! Stop by today!
(Character name: Aneokame. Character Tumblr: https://aneokame-crowsong.tumblr.com/)
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Now in stores, experience an absolutely divine scent of, La Gnome's Tresour lotion and moisturizer! Selling for 22 gold pieces, it is an essential date-night accomplice. The scent is intoxicating -- a sexy, feminine blend of rose, peach and apricot blossom (among other fruity, floral goodness). Plus, the lightweight formula leaves your skin so smooth, it'd be a crime to go un-caressed.
Now in stock: the scent of roasted pine lotion, selling for 17 gold pieces! Available in store or from Gerald Fitzkrank! This scent will leave you smokey and desired, a mature fragrance that will be sure to lead to delightful company! This lotion was created due to the desires of Ms. Seraanna!
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Next, I was luckily able to speak to a woman that recently joined the Mercantile Society! Her story is of struggles and triumph, and she is a true self-starter! Unlike Haris Pilton, of course.
Jacqueline McLean was but a girl when she arrived to Stormwind from Gilneas. She had had nothing to her name but the clothes on her back! She had to learn the streets rather quickly, and learn what the denizens of the city wanted and needed. From there, she started working on several ships, taking up whatever tasks she could. She became well known in the docks, Jacqueline McLean becoming a common name for the denizens of the harbor. She then found herself working under a nobleman for some time and that is where she began to invest in a more lucrative business. She studied language, rising up to be one of the leading Gilnean diplomats. She is often stationed in Boralus, maintaining relations with the people there and the Alliance.
She captains ‘The Siren’s Rose’. She acquired it by saving for five years, and it is the product of all her hard work since she arrived in the city. Even though she was quite young to commandeer a ship herself, she was able to make her dream a reality! She accomplished her goals at just twenty-five years old. Now she is twenty-eight, and she is her own boss! Some would even say she is the captain of her own sails! She usually employs for other men, besides her first mate, Troy. If you are looking to work on a boat sailing between Stormwind City and Boralus, then ‘The Siren’s Rose’ may be perfect for you!
Jacqueline McLean’s cargo consists of raw materials such as herbs, cloth, and ores, as well as items for personal clients. If you need a reliable captain to navigate your cargo to another port, Jackie is your gal! Her ship is almost always at the harbor in Stormwind or in the harbor of Boralus, when of course, she is not on the seas. Her door is open most of the time, always welcoming to guests!
(Character tumblr: https://shewolf-jacqueline.tumblr.com/, character name: Jåcqueline)
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Say goodbye to the unpopular scents! ‘Pumpkin Gut’ and ‘Peppermint’ beard oils are officially being shelved, as they are truly out of season! They will, however, be replaced by two rejuvenating scents, bringing life to your beard!
The first scent is that of extracted anchor weed, an exotic herb found only in Kul Tiras and Zandalar! This scent is reminiscent of the ocean, and the clear oil brings a beard to its full potential! Make your beard smell of the seas and be as soft as a fair maiden’s touch today! This scent is only available in our Boralus location for 21 gold pieces.
The second scent is true to the season is that of wild steelbloom! Now now, gentlemen! It may not sound the manliest, but the flower offers a hardy scent that is sure to have your partners hoping for more! This scent is offered in all stores and in person for 15 gold pieces!
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If you are seeking a rowdy experience every other Friday night, then Kegfist Brewery is for you! The popularity of the joint is astounding, full groups entering and enjoying the festivities the Kegfist offer. It seems their name-sake, the ‘kegsmasher’, is quite the hit. From what I’ve seen, it seems to be a heavily potent beverage that gets the party started. I am starting off with the appetizer of ‘Steamed Mushan Mandu’, a dumpling filled with meat from those large, savory reptile. It tastes vaguely fowl, like chicken or duck, but the seasoning is absolutely delicious. I am drinking their ‘Light Tea’, which helps wash down the heavy dumplings. There even seem to be patrons of the other faction at this establishment, a neutral place to ease the tensions of war that is currently crippling our world.
For my entrée, I decided to sample the ‘Way of the Ramen’, ordering myself some greenstone ramen. It contains lean sliced tiger, cabbage, bean sprouts, and carrots. And while it tastes amazing, one of the kickers is that it is cooked right in front of you! The noodles came out perfectly, the texture helping emphasize the stark tastes within the bowl. The tiger was cooked within the stew, soaking in the broth and the juices of the vegetables. The many different tastes bring forth a delightful sense, the textures aiding the tongue. The carrots are soft and almost mushy, yet they taste as though they were freshly picked. I highly recommend this meal, as it is an all around delicious entrée. It even comes with a fortune cookie!
I ordered from the ‘Way of the Grill’ next, Mr. Kegfist’s specialty. I ordered the black pepper ribs and giant shrimp! Yet again, this was a meal that was cooked in front of me, and boy howdy did it look very interesting! Pandaren cuisine is a marvel sometimes. Mr. Kegfist offered me three options for the ribs; mild, spicy, or dragon sauced! I chose spicy, as I consider myself quite the daredevil, but not to any extreme. I am no Sneevil Cogdeevil! Ah, I remember the days of seeing him do his stunts in the salt flats. May he find peace, wherever his is today. The ribs were delectable, falling off the bone and nearly melting in my mouth! The sauce was indeed spicy, and it felt as though I could breathe fire! The shrimp were out of this world, fresh caught and gutted in the establishment, you could taste the ocean on them! They were spicy as well, popping in your mouth as you eat them!
Finally, it was time to take my tastes to the ‘Way of the Fish’! And I am feeling -extra- spicy this evening, so I ordered the dragon sauce calamari! This may have been the spiciest thing I have ever tasted! Though it was absolutely delicious, a staple of the establishment. And yet again, Mr. Kegfist prepared it right before me! Added fun to the whole experience!
Wupoda Kegfist is the owner and head chef of Kegfist Brewery. He is a Pandaren of Halfhill, and he has been growing crops and learning the way of cooking since he was a child! Wupoda gets all of his vegetables fresh from Pandaria, crediting the magical soil for allowing his crops to grow at rapid paces and with massive growth!
Originally, his name was Wupoda Kegfist, Wandering Merchant of a Thousand Ales. It took them many tries to settle down in Pandaria, as they tried Stormwind, Kul Tiras, and a few other random places here and there in an attempt to appeal to different crowds. Then one night, his group were hired to work an event in this establishment, and they never left!
Kegfist Brewery also do catering! You heard that right, and the best way to get them to cater your event is to reach out to Mr. Kegfist through the mail! They have a pricing sheet and a few different modules for folks to find the best catering package for them. Mr. Kegfist’s tip to those of you wanting to break into the catering scene is: “Find your niche. We thrive because there aren’t many Pandaren chefs out there who have made business out of their skill. Most of us just do it for their friends and family.” So if you have a dream of becoming a caterer, do not be shy to express yourself and be adventurous! You may turn out to be as successful as Mr. Kegfist. If you market yourself as unique, it becomes harder for others to compete with your business! If Mr. Kegfist wasn’t running his restaurant, he would be tagging alongside the Darkmoon Faire! He has learned quite a few party tricks over his years in the bar tending scene.
Kegfist Brewery is always recruiting! “We can never say no to hopeful aspiring employees. We have more positions than just cooks and bartenders, so never consider yourself out just because you’re no good with food! Entertainers are always in high demand. Magic, jokes, a silly costume, it all works if you bring the charm. I’m posted in the Mage District of Stormwind pretty often for open interviews, if you ever see me around, come introduce yourself! -Wupoda Kegfist.
To close, Wupoda Kegfist leaves us with this nugget of wisdom: “Build your tables low to the ground, it is much harder to be drank under them.” He welcomes all to stop by Kegfist Brewery, as their doors are always open with cold drinks and friendly smiles! Be sure to catch them every other Friday night, from six bells to nine bells at The Drunken Hozen!
(Character name: Wupoda, guild tumblr: https://kegfistbrewery.tumblr.com/)
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airoasis · 5 years
Trend Reversal: 3 Powerful Strategies to Detect Trend Changes (BEFORE They Happen)
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/trend-reversal-3-powerful-strategies-to-detect-trend-changes-before-they-happen-2/
Trend Reversal: 3 Powerful Strategies to Detect Trend Changes (BEFORE They Happen)
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Howdy hi there what’s up my buddy so in ultra-modern video i’m going to share with you right sensible techniques and approaches right that you should use to identify pattern reversal within the markets i know proper most of the time most of you might be pondering of purchasing media stock or trying to go along and the market has transfer up so much already and when the pullback comes right you’re wondering is this for actual is this a pullback or is that this the reversal of the pattern ok so i’ll share with you three matters proper that you can pay concentration to to appear for right to support you establish pattern reversal available in the market the very first thing that I wish to share with you is what I name the brick off constitution so suppose about this proper in a trending market shall we say an uptrend you understand the price makes a sequence of larger highs and higher lows right now you’ll find over right here right better lows and greater highs so what do I imply with the aid of a destroy off constitution so the destroy of constitution manner correct there the primary clue that the market is telling you that it is about to get its Rick right or it can be about to reverse is if you have a ruin off constitution where the rate makes a new cut back low and low or high so on this case all proper this over right here you could have a lessen high and a cut down low so this sorry this uh this let me simply redo this right this is not a very good example so we doing it right so uptrend okay market breaks down pulls again after which persisted slash so now you’ve a reduce low and a reduce high this cut back high is under this diminish high over here so this right is the first clue to you that marking correct it can be about to reverse slash it’s no assurance right nevertheless it’s a clue given to you via the market that hi there you already know there is a ruin off constitution the cost could possibly reverse cut down so let me share with you just a few examples o.K. So this is the Bitcoin proper which you can if you are you are mindful right in 2017 Bitcoin at DISA meteoric upward push right to twenty,000 right individuals are shopping all proper going long and one can find this robust parabolic move higher so now at what point right would you or instead would you be alert correct at howdy this trains about to reverse once more the suggestion I simply shared with you proper an uptrend higher highs and bigger lows so we’re watching for a spoil of structure what you’re looking for is a lessen excessive and a lower low so at this point correct what I see correct say that is the subject of help at this factor you could have definitely gotten a shrink excessive correct this element which is a low excessive and when rate breaks below this subject of aid you may have this minimize low a decrease excessive low a low so this tells you that hi there you already know this trend might be weakening right the trend could reverse proper you fairly wish to be careful down here and in fact proper this more often than not form of sealed the deal right as Bitcoin went to the lack of our 6000 over right here so this is able to be style of a confirmation right the place it is telling that the trend on Bitcoin is ready to end while you get a lower low and a diminish excessive towards the present up-teach ok an additional example right so let’s if you happen to recall correct crude oil right in 2015 2014 an extraordinarily strong decline right I feel declined to a lack of about if you see over here 2030 greenbacks so once more can we apply this inspiration correct a wreck of structure so you will find that earlier the decline proper sequence of minimize highs and lessen lows right easy easy market structure however at this point this is where matters obtained fascinating ok this proper now at this factor you will have a better low and when the price breaks above right here you completely satisfied larger high on the grounds that the price broke this this prior resistance right now you’ve gotten a greater excessive let me simply spotlight to you right a bigger excessive and a bigger low bigger high this area over right here a larger excessive and larger seem k so this again must provide you with a robust clue that good day you know this downtrend could in all probability have come to an finish correct so you do not hear me making use of phrases like guarantees verify proper backside out or prime out proper there’s no such thing as guarantee in trading or in technical evaluation or whatever if anybody promise II promise you you know assurance run a ways away k so because of this i admire to use phrases like most often likely in all likelihood correct there’s at all times this detail of non-guaranteed at the back of it so anyway this is a different example of the break of constitution and you can find that a fee did eventually particularly up greater from right here okay so the an additional technically I wanna share with you is what I name larger time period constitution proper it’s essential to pay concentration correct the place you are in terms of the huge snapshot so because of this you ought to hear merchants say hello you realize you will have to pay concentration to what the greater time period is doing correct that’s so referred to as the supplying you with the however ice view proper of the place you might be in a tremendous image so this is the reason you recognize I want to share with you concerning the higher period of time constitution so let’s seem at the first example over here proper you might marvel and look at this chatty howdy Rana why did the price you already know come up here and then decline proper what what’s so magical about this this discipline ok rate it sounds as if breaks above this a swing excessive over right here and it crumple scale down as I reply a variety of traders who are unaware they buy the breakout only to get caught on the flawed facet hmm why is that correct once more I recounted some thing known as bigger period of time structure so let me point out to you should you look at this chat over right here you can find that bigger time frame this is the day-to-day time frame what you might have seen previous is the 4 hour period of time you see that over right here on this better time frame this is where you’ve you recognize prior aid that might act as resistance so the breakout that you’ve got obvious prior is certainly at this element over here you’re shopping to interrupt up into this previous help that could act as resistance which is which is once more proper it is a low probability breakup considering you are buying right into a enormous selling stress right and it’s a ordinarilly no wonder why this market reversed from right here so that is what I mean by using larger time period constitution proper you need to pay concentration to where the fee is coming into particularly if it’s coming to any higher time period structure like you know support resistance trendline channel and so forth one more illustration right over here new zealand yen on this four hour time frame k fee come down curb soar time factor increase fairly hi there what occurred man what’s going on a clue proper bigger time period constitution and despite the fact that I do agree that you’ve got a series of better lows and larger highs because the fee get away of this resistance as good proper I do agree correct however a different factor that I want to share with you to seem out for is higher period of time constitution so looking at the daily period of time you’ll find that over here i know there may be a really just a little of traces over right here however what i need you to pay concentration to is that this portion it got here into a strong support on this everyday time period in fact I suppose it’s even a father or mother on a weekly time period and if you happen to draw a pattern channel this is this calm of this trend channel as well so once more no surprise proper at hello you realize that you may anticipate a jump or perhaps a reversal of this field to your chat all right so this is what I mean by using better time period structure k and the final tip that I wish to share with you is pay concentration to the 200 interval moving natural so for those of you who have been following me a whilst now you already know that I I have a tendency to say that you recognize if the rate is above the 200 and me correct attempt to stay long right and if the fee is below the 200 ma right try to keep brief and the intent is rather simple surely in case you think about this correct want 200 interval moving normal it summarizes the prices of the final 200 candles correct so if the fee right now could be a beginning the 200 ma is telling you that the rate proper has been trending higher so that is why it’s above the 200 ma and if the fee is beneath the 200 ma it is telling you that the fee proper has been trending diminish very well so this can be a simple strategy to style of tell you what’s the long-time period pattern correct of the designated shot that you are buying and selling discover that i exploit the word long-term trend off the specific shot of your buying and selling given that it could be the 200 ma on the five minutes timeframe and it isn’t rather a protracted-term pattern when you consider that it can be a five minutes time for you likewise it may be a 200 ma on the day-to-day time we’re in debt hello that is a horny long time frame so i might say it can be the long-term development of the chart that you are buying and selling relying on what time period you’re watching at however anyway correct let’s have a look at the illustration proper that is the 200 ma on the day-to-day period of time so once more how can we practice this uh this system once more you at this port at this factor over right here the fee is above the 200 ma so I noticeable right have a long bias I did not say bye I mentioned have a protracted bias which means you want to look for long opportunities you seem for opportunities to buy in this market so from the appears of it correct i’ll say that is an field of support ok and at any time when you realize if rate comes with into an subject of help it varieties a cost rejection there is a valid buying and selling setup and on top of it correct you recognize that you’re buying and selling along in conjunction with the long term trend which is on the up-instruct right so this might had been skills setups proper this one as well ok this one cost just slice by means of it there wasn’t any price rejection or anything so you realize there is for me there isn’t any rationale to be lengthy k so now that the rate has now you know traded beneath the 200 ma right now the cost is under the 200 m e price is below it now hey I see it correct to have a shot by way of it so now which you can look for possibilities to move shot so just once more easy market structure that you would be able to seem for a prior help and resistance or i admire over right here proper previous aid that could against resistance over here okay in a similar fashion right here earlier help appearing as resistance so now that is how one can truly use the 200ma to give you a biased recognize whether or not it must be lengthy or quick after which simply reference correct to a market structure like help resistance or might be moving each attempt to kind of establish the field of price that you want to exchange from ok so that is out 200 Amir I might offer you alright alert to you that the development probably about to reverse an extra instance we could write Aussie greenback towards the japanese yen so get this one again a cost over here at this factor proper cost is above T 200 ma right so once more you should have a long bias correct so now the query is do you may have an extended buying and selling setup k so on this case I to me there is not right when you consider that there’s any cost rejection proper price just more often than not go by way of it at this factor now the fee is below 200 ma my bias is famous from lengthy to brief so once more ask myself at what degree on the chat do I wanna trade so it’s the rate you know hit curb for example no setup this over here might be a feasible setup ok you can observe that there’s this a swing low price spoil below it comes up offers you a rate rejection before continues to the sector came again up into this resistance now hit cut back got here back up once more for that point hit reduce came again up hit scale down on high of it this one over here you will have the ok this one is a relatively colossal right given that quantity one we proven at 200 ma number two into this field of resistance okay and number three you’ve gotten this falls break of this highs over your price I feel did set off above this heist k after which cave in reverse slash o.K. So alternatively rate retest a 200 ma come down lower did a pullback toward this previous swing load that might extra resistance and then continue lessen so you will discover that if you happen to reference the 2 200 ma in your patrons proper one can find that possibilities are you are mostly trading you recognize on the right facet of the trend of path there are occasions the place you recognize this fully destroy down chiefly if the market goes into a long run an extended-time period retry shall we embrace a long term range like this 200 ma is most of the time like in the center proper so yeah at this point in time proper you would get a chop up just a little bit however in case you simply use just a little bit of customary experience and see that the market is in an extended-time period ranger you still can you recognize adapt to it thus so anyway right this 200 ma it is priceless once more to support you identify the trend reversal and to support you tree on the right aspect of the educate okay so good so relocating on correct let’s do a fast recap proper now on this I love to do this to be certain the concepts proper and tactics goes into your hip first thing we spoke about damage off constitution right I say that you already know in an uptrend you could have a sequence of higher highs and bigger lows so in case you get a series of we or in the event you get a lessen high and scale down low it’s a sign to you that hi there you already know the uptrend could probably in all probability lower would be reversing quantity two I spoke about referencing it to the greater period of time constitution where are you within the significant photograph are you coming into a long term robust aid resistance trendline channel and so on that is anything that you need to be aware of as well and a third thing we spoke about is how you should utilize the 200 ma right – quantity one identify trend reversal and you aid you trade alongside the proper side of the trend I imply that’s a mouthful right to determine development reversal and to exchange with the trend okay so with that said right I’ve come to the end of this video if you want to gain knowledge of extra about what I do right can go right down to my internet site buying and selling with Rainer calm in view that my title is Rainer buying and selling wet or calm all correct you scroll down just a little bit proper so today we spoke about absolutely largely about rate motion so each an extra competencies on it go down right here and download this describe the price section the perfect guide to cost motion buying and selling click this blue button i’m going to ship it to your e mail at no cost and when you study more about trending markets writing huge traits going download this excellent development following consultant proper again that you would be able to click on this blue button and i will send it to your e mail at no cost okay so that’s it I’ve come closer to the end of this video in the event you enjoyed it you like it smash right there like button subscribe to my youtube channel any questions leave it beneath and i’m going to get again to you so with that is it I wish you just right success and excellent trading and i will talk to you soon you
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Trend Reversal: 3 Powerful Strategies to Detect Trend Changes (BEFORE They Happen)
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/trend-reversal-3-powerful-strategies-to-detect-trend-changes-before-they-happen-2/
Trend Reversal: 3 Powerful Strategies to Detect Trend Changes (BEFORE They Happen)
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Howdy hi there what’s up my buddy so in ultra-modern video i’m going to share with you right sensible techniques and approaches right that you should use to identify pattern reversal within the markets i know proper most of the time most of you might be pondering of purchasing media stock or trying to go along and the market has transfer up so much already and when the pullback comes right you’re wondering is this for actual is this a pullback or is that this the reversal of the pattern ok so i’ll share with you three matters proper that you can pay concentration to to appear for right to support you establish pattern reversal available in the market the very first thing that I wish to share with you is what I name the brick off constitution so suppose about this proper in a trending market shall we say an uptrend you understand the price makes a sequence of larger highs and higher lows right now you’ll find over right here right better lows and greater highs so what do I imply with the aid of a destroy off constitution so the destroy of constitution manner correct there the primary clue that the market is telling you that it is about to get its Rick right or it can be about to reverse is if you have a ruin off constitution where the rate makes a new cut back low and low or high so on this case all proper this over right here you could have a lessen high and a cut down low so this sorry this uh this let me simply redo this right this is not a very good example so we doing it right so uptrend okay market breaks down pulls again after which persisted slash so now you’ve a reduce low and a reduce high this cut back high is under this diminish high over here so this right is the first clue to you that marking correct it can be about to reverse slash it’s no assurance right nevertheless it’s a clue given to you via the market that hi there you already know there is a ruin off constitution the cost could possibly reverse cut down so let me share with you just a few examples o.K. So this is the Bitcoin proper which you can if you are you are mindful right in 2017 Bitcoin at DISA meteoric upward push right to twenty,000 right individuals are shopping all proper going long and one can find this robust parabolic move higher so now at what point right would you or instead would you be alert correct at howdy this trains about to reverse once more the suggestion I simply shared with you proper an uptrend higher highs and bigger lows so we’re watching for a spoil of structure what you’re looking for is a lessen excessive and a lower low so at this point correct what I see correct say that is the subject of help at this factor you could have definitely gotten a shrink excessive correct this element which is a low excessive and when rate breaks below this subject of aid you may have this minimize low a decrease excessive low a low so this tells you that hi there you already know this trend might be weakening right the trend could reverse proper you fairly wish to be careful down here and in fact proper this more often than not form of sealed the deal right as Bitcoin went to the lack of our 6000 over right here so this is able to be style of a confirmation right the place it is telling that the trend on Bitcoin is ready to end while you get a lower low and a diminish excessive towards the present up-teach ok an additional example right so let’s if you happen to recall correct crude oil right in 2015 2014 an extraordinarily strong decline right I feel declined to a lack of about if you see over here 2030 greenbacks so once more can we apply this inspiration correct a wreck of structure so you will find that earlier the decline proper sequence of minimize highs and lessen lows right easy easy market structure however at this point this is where matters obtained fascinating ok this proper now at this factor you will have a better low and when the price breaks above right here you completely satisfied larger high on the grounds that the price broke this this prior resistance right now you’ve gotten a greater excessive let me simply spotlight to you right a bigger excessive and a bigger low bigger high this area over right here a larger excessive and larger seem k so this again must provide you with a robust clue that good day you know this downtrend could in all probability have come to an finish correct so you do not hear me making use of phrases like guarantees verify proper backside out or prime out proper there’s no such thing as guarantee in trading or in technical evaluation or whatever if anybody promise II promise you you know assurance run a ways away k so because of this i admire to use phrases like most often likely in all likelihood correct there’s at all times this detail of non-guaranteed at the back of it so anyway this is a different example of the break of constitution and you can find that a fee did eventually particularly up greater from right here okay so the an additional technically I wanna share with you is what I name larger time period constitution proper it’s essential to pay concentration correct the place you are in terms of the huge snapshot so because of this you ought to hear merchants say hello you realize you will have to pay concentration to what the greater time period is doing correct that’s so referred to as the supplying you with the however ice view proper of the place you might be in a tremendous image so this is the reason you recognize I want to share with you concerning the higher period of time constitution so let’s seem at the first example over here proper you might marvel and look at this chatty howdy Rana why did the price you already know come up here and then decline proper what what’s so magical about this this discipline ok rate it sounds as if breaks above this a swing excessive over right here and it crumple scale down as I reply a variety of traders who are unaware they buy the breakout only to get caught on the flawed facet hmm why is that correct once more I recounted some thing known as bigger period of time structure so let me point out to you should you look at this chat over right here you can find that bigger time frame this is the day-to-day time frame what you might have seen previous is the 4 hour period of time you see that over right here on this better time frame this is where you’ve you recognize prior aid that might act as resistance so the breakout that you’ve got obvious prior is certainly at this element over here you’re shopping to interrupt up into this previous help that could act as resistance which is which is once more proper it is a low probability breakup considering you are buying right into a enormous selling stress right and it’s a ordinarilly no wonder why this market reversed from right here so that is what I mean by using larger time period constitution proper you need to pay concentration to where the fee is coming into particularly if it’s coming to any higher time period structure like you know support resistance trendline channel and so forth one more illustration right over here new zealand yen on this four hour time frame k fee come down curb soar time factor increase fairly hi there what occurred man what’s going on a clue proper bigger time period constitution and despite the fact that I do agree that you’ve got a series of better lows and larger highs because the fee get away of this resistance as good proper I do agree correct however a different factor that I want to share with you to seem out for is higher period of time constitution so looking at the daily period of time you’ll find that over here i know there may be a really just a little of traces over right here however what i need you to pay concentration to is that this portion it got here into a strong support on this everyday time period in fact I suppose it’s even a father or mother on a weekly time period and if you happen to draw a pattern channel this is this calm of this trend channel as well so once more no surprise proper at hello you realize that you may anticipate a jump or perhaps a reversal of this field to your chat all right so this is what I mean by using better time period structure k and the final tip that I wish to share with you is pay concentration to the 200 interval moving natural so for those of you who have been following me a whilst now you already know that I I have a tendency to say that you recognize if the rate is above the 200 and me correct attempt to stay long right and if the fee is below the 200 ma right try to keep brief and the intent is rather simple surely in case you think about this correct want 200 interval moving normal it summarizes the prices of the final 200 candles correct so if the fee right now could be a beginning the 200 ma is telling you that the rate proper has been trending higher so that is why it’s above the 200 ma and if the fee is beneath the 200 ma it is telling you that the fee proper has been trending diminish very well so this can be a simple strategy to style of tell you what’s the long-time period pattern correct of the designated shot that you are buying and selling discover that i exploit the word long-term trend off the specific shot of your buying and selling given that it could be the 200 ma on the five minutes timeframe and it isn’t rather a protracted-term pattern when you consider that it can be a five minutes time for you likewise it may be a 200 ma on the day-to-day time we’re in debt hello that is a horny long time frame so i might say it can be the long-term development of the chart that you are buying and selling relying on what time period you’re watching at however anyway correct let’s have a look at the illustration proper that is the 200 ma on the day-to-day period of time so once more how can we practice this uh this system once more you at this port at this factor over right here the fee is above the 200 ma so I noticeable right have a long bias I did not say bye I mentioned have a protracted bias which means you want to look for long opportunities you seem for opportunities to buy in this market so from the appears of it correct i’ll say that is an field of support ok and at any time when you realize if rate comes with into an subject of help it varieties a cost rejection there is a valid buying and selling setup and on top of it correct you recognize that you’re buying and selling along in conjunction with the long term trend which is on the up-instruct right so this might had been skills setups proper this one as well ok this one cost just slice by means of it there wasn’t any price rejection or anything so you realize there is for me there isn’t any rationale to be lengthy k so now that the rate has now you know traded beneath the 200 ma right now the cost is under the 200 m e price is below it now hey I see it correct to have a shot by way of it so now which you can look for possibilities to move shot so just once more easy market structure that you would be able to seem for a prior help and resistance or i admire over right here proper previous aid that could against resistance over here okay in a similar fashion right here earlier help appearing as resistance so now that is how one can truly use the 200ma to give you a biased recognize whether or not it must be lengthy or quick after which simply reference correct to a market structure like help resistance or might be moving each attempt to kind of establish the field of price that you want to exchange from ok so that is out 200 Amir I might offer you alright alert to you that the development probably about to reverse an extra instance we could write Aussie greenback towards the japanese yen so get this one again a cost over here at this factor proper cost is above T 200 ma right so once more you should have a long bias correct so now the query is do you may have an extended buying and selling setup k so on this case I to me there is not right when you consider that there’s any cost rejection proper price just more often than not go by way of it at this factor now the fee is below 200 ma my bias is famous from lengthy to brief so once more ask myself at what degree on the chat do I wanna trade so it’s the rate you know hit curb for example no setup this over here might be a feasible setup ok you can observe that there’s this a swing low price spoil below it comes up offers you a rate rejection before continues to the sector came again up into this resistance now hit cut back got here back up once more for that point hit reduce came again up hit scale down on high of it this one over here you will have the ok this one is a relatively colossal right given that quantity one we proven at 200 ma number two into this field of resistance okay and number three you’ve gotten this falls break of this highs over your price I feel did set off above this heist k after which cave in reverse slash o.K. So alternatively rate retest a 200 ma come down lower did a pullback toward this previous swing load that might extra resistance and then continue lessen so you will discover that if you happen to reference the 2 200 ma in your patrons proper one can find that possibilities are you are mostly trading you recognize on the right facet of the trend of path there are occasions the place you recognize this fully destroy down chiefly if the market goes into a long run an extended-time period retry shall we embrace a long term range like this 200 ma is most of the time like in the center proper so yeah at this point in time proper you would get a chop up just a little bit however in case you simply use just a little bit of customary experience and see that the market is in an extended-time period ranger you still can you recognize adapt to it thus so anyway right this 200 ma it is priceless once more to support you identify the trend reversal and to support you tree on the right aspect of the educate okay so good so relocating on correct let’s do a fast recap proper now on this I love to do this to be certain the concepts proper and tactics goes into your hip first thing we spoke about damage off constitution right I say that you already know in an uptrend you could have a sequence of higher highs and bigger lows so in case you get a series of we or in the event you get a lessen high and scale down low it’s a sign to you that hi there you already know the uptrend could probably in all probability lower would be reversing quantity two I spoke about referencing it to the greater period of time constitution where are you within the significant photograph are you coming into a long term robust aid resistance trendline channel and so on that is anything that you need to be aware of as well and a third thing we spoke about is how you should utilize the 200 ma right – quantity one identify trend reversal and you aid you trade alongside the proper side of the trend I imply that’s a mouthful right to determine development reversal and to exchange with the trend okay so with that said right I’ve come to the end of this video if you want to gain knowledge of extra about what I do right can go right down to my internet site buying and selling with Rainer calm in view that my title is Rainer buying and selling wet or calm all correct you scroll down just a little bit proper so today we spoke about absolutely largely about rate motion so each an extra competencies on it go down right here and download this describe the price section the perfect guide to cost motion buying and selling click this blue button i’m going to ship it to your e mail at no cost and when you study more about trending markets writing huge traits going download this excellent development following consultant proper again that you would be able to click on this blue button and i will send it to your e mail at no cost okay so that’s it I’ve come closer to the end of this video in the event you enjoyed it you like it smash right there like button subscribe to my youtube channel any questions leave it beneath and i’m going to get again to you so with that is it I wish you just right success and excellent trading and i will talk to you soon you
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katreesepuff · 10 months
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Magic Merch Howdy is in kind of a struggle with Sunny sleeping on him xD
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arikihalloween · 5 months
Welcome Home × Wakfu AU ramble
The people have spoken, Wakfu AU comes first !
What's Wakfu AU ?
Set in the universe of the mmorpg games and serie Wakfu, Welcome Home is a little guild of adventurers of all kinds known for their adventures (and misadventures) !
Starting off by answering this question by @gaypyro
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Home is not a Shushu possessing a house ( that felt overdone, since Luis exist lol )
Home is a Xelor, adoptive father of Sally and Wally, and owner of the guild. He took under his roof many promising adventurers, and seems quite entertained by their antics. Despite his looks, he's pretty friendly, and loves a good joke or bonding moment with the guild members. ( Just don't get him mad ! We don't know what would happen then 👀)
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Sally is a dramatic young xelor adopted by Home. She received a full huppermage education as well, and will boast about it whenever she can, making it a whole show. Rather than time, she has particular interest in the stars and astral readings.
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Wally is the second son of Home. He has no affiliation to any god, he just lives his life, going on adventures with his best friend Barnaby, an oujinak.
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Julie is a iop that was raised in a Sadida family. Hyper energetic, curious and playful, she tends to run in fights head first ! When she's not adventuring with Frank and Eddie, you'll find her hanging out with Wally, Howdy or Sally.
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Frank is a feca that specialised in shield magic, to cover Julie while they get into fights. However, he's not above throwing a good punch, and thus Eddie often has to drag the two back to the guild as they are injured or bruised all over. Frank is a curious fellow, who loves knowledge. Julie helps him identify the new plants they encounter.
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Eddie is a sacrier, who tried his best to appear calm, although he's often pretty anxious. He generally travels with Julie and Frank, getting the two out of fights more often than not. He likes traveling and discovering new locations !
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Howdy is an osamoda merchant, who joined the guild to try adventuring after his old shop was destroyed in a fight, although he can't really get rid of his old ways ... Poppy is his trusted dragodinde companion, who gained sentience after one of Sally's messed up spells ! Poor Poppy is quite the anxious animal, but she finds comfort in the guild's cheerful atmosphere.
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And finally, we have Nyxie ( because I have to include her and Suave haha) as an eliatrope !
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And that's all the characters I've done so far !
I've also included Bailey as a baby dragodinde and and the Joyful family !
Don't hesitate if you have more questions, headcanons, ideas of situations and adventures for those sillies, etc !
I had fun designing everyone, although some characters gave me troubles
Turns out it's hard to apply different species, logic and cultures to muppets from the 70s /j
I tried to keep them easy to recognise while making them more adapted to the wakfu world
It's just a silly AU to do silly comics and jokes ! Completly angst free, just a calm lil heaven of sillyness
I hope you liked it !
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katreesepuff · 11 months
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Here's our Magic Merchant Howdy
(yes I'm aware he sort of looks like a pimp, Idc raaaaaaaa)
He was a popular (not too amazing) adventurer before retiring early to become a shop keep and sometimes traveling merchant. He lost his eye in his last adventure for a bounty he ended up collecting a lot of money to start his shop with.
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katreesepuff · 10 months
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(I gave him a double chest and neck fluff)
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katreesepuff · 10 months
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Magic Merchant Howdy looks so cute here, but I still wanna stone tf out of him for his crimes lmao
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katreesepuff · 10 months
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Magic Merchant!Howdy is winking at you..
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