askgothitelle · 7 years
Imminent Regret Pt 8
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Eudai narrowed his eyes. These Gothitelles simply refused to back down, their persistence was starting to grate on what little was left of his patience. The ghost prepared to make his next move when a sudden boom stopped him in his tracks. Swiftly turning around, a large explosion had erupted from the far reaches of White Forest off in the distance. Brilliant blue flames danced, reaching towards the sky with ambitious intent as smoke billowed around it. 
Yet, that wasn't the most disturbing part. One could hear the loud bellow of a roar in the distance. Fierce. Filled with such fury, the feeling was practically palpable as the roar reverberated through the forest with such power. Eudai stood there, stiff as a statue. Face frozen as it made it difficult to discern exactly what it was he was feeling, even as the flames flickered in the distance. 
"... So, you succeeded in keeping me from my objective." He stated bluntly, his voice as cold as ever, slowly turning around. His gaze fell upon the Goths with such terrifying intensity. Though one couldn't see it. Behind his stoic expression, one could feel a brief glimpse of emotion flicker, if barely for a moment. 
"Yes... I would very much like to murder you now." He whispered quietly through Elizabeth's lips as his own voice grew stronger. The air around them fell still as that terrifying power they felt coming from Eudai before... It was only the tip of the iceberg. And they were about to run into the full force of it.
While Eudai’s hatred may have been there for a fleeting second, it didn’t slip past Madeleine. 
Oh, she felt it. And it sent chills down her spine. 
With the threat of death looming over their heads, she had to think of something fast. There was no time to waste. And yet, while quick thinking was important, so was strategy; she couldn’t afford to be rash with her actions. 
Luckily, after hearing the explosion, Perseus finally started to come to his senses. Bright red eyes swept over his surroundings, and he became more alert as seconds went by. What had he been doing this entire time? Standing around instead of actually doing something? This confrontation was already falling to pieces. The intense, murderous glare in Elizabeth’s eyes was enough for him to discern that. 
“Shit, what now?” He called to the others in an urgent voice. “We held him back, but he still hasn’t let her go! What do we do?” 
Madeleine made a quick, hasty reply as she continued to wrack her brain for ideas. “I’m not sure yet! All I know is that we’re in deep trouble right now!”
"Well what do you think?" Harry called out to the other two, his voice loud and clear. "Keep improvising. Ain't got jack shit we can do otherwise." And with that, Harry stepped forward again, having shaken off most of the Thunder attack by now. 
"Now let's try this ..." he muttered to himself, fiddling with his fingers and looking down momentarily. His vision was still a bit blurry, and he squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his head. He knew things were messed up, and he had to focus. After a minute, he opened his eyes with a clearer view on what he was doing -- or at least as clear as Harry ever was. He then looked back up at Eudai (he hoped it was Eudai) and flashed the specter an especially toothy grin. 
Harry puffed out his chest in a rather showy manner, hands on his hips, one foot forward. "Hey darlin', there was just one other thing I wanted to ask." his voice took a huskier, almost raspy tone and he swayed his hips to the side. "Just wanted to get your little opinion on somethin'. What do ya think of ... THIS??!!" 
Harry spun in the blink of an eye, then winked his own to Eudai and blew him a kiss made of some kind of bizarre energy. Pink, glittery, and manifested in the shape of a heart ... as well as imbued with licentious overtones.
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(( writing by @gregnas-the-grouch , @ask-nebulousmeadows , and me ( @askgothitelle )
art by me ( @askgothitelle ) ))
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nebulousmeadows · 7 years
Imminent Regret Pt 4
Harry rose abruptly, brushing snow and twigs off his sleeves before returning to full position.
Clearly frustrated that his distraction attempt did not work, he wracked his brain for other ideas. Out of the corner of his eye, he had noticed that Perseus was setting up his own version of Grass Knot. So that was taken care of ... at least for now. What else could Harry do? He thought it over -- most of his moves were offensive in nature, which was not currently working in his favor.
He did have another move in mind, but to use it so soon after his Grass Knot scheme seemed like a poor idea. Maybe, just maybe though ... What if he launched an attack at Elizabeth regardless? Perhaps it would throw Eudai off. He'd likely at least take a little time to block said attack. But then ... what if ...
Harry didn't have much time to dawdle here. So he did what he could: He began waving his arms about wildly to capture Eudai's attention. "Hey buddy! Over here! Look at me when I'm talkin' to ya. Just wanted to ask a question -- you a fruit kinda guy? What's your favorite kind? You like 'em raw or pureed? Or ..." Harry continued on. This idea was stupid, but it was something.
He hoped to the Gods above that it would work.
Eudai stared off into the distance, having missed his attack. These individuals were certainly lighter on their feet than Cesare. That much was certain. Perhaps this battle could provide some modicum of intrigue in this battle after all? Regardless, now wasn't the time to fool around. Despite having splintered the tree in front of him like it were nothing, the ghost slowly turned around. Only to eye the one called Harry waving his arms like a lunatic. Asking Eudai about fruit of all things.
While most would just strike this off as another absurd attempt to distract them. When it came to Eudai, his eyes twitched slightly under his normally emotionless demeanor as it tickled that one part of his brain. The urge to exchange in information. So Eudai did what he did best. He indulged in it. "Oh, well that all depends on my mood, really. Raw if I have little time and need a quick snack. Puree if I desire a smoothie and lust for the complex mixture of fruits blended together for essential nutrients."
One might say Harry's distraction was working. Until a ball of fire suddenly started forming right above Eudai's head, like a miniature sun. The raw power emanating from it suggested it was something akin to Inferno, and it was aiming right at Harry. "I appreciate the inquiry, though. Even if we may be trying to kill each other." Eudai stated politely as he prepared to fire it at the lanky Gothitelle.
Harry's lips curled themselves into a small smile as he watched Eudai prep his attack and prepare to launch. Perfect.
Harry stopped flailing about and cupped his hands together, a ball of lively green light forming around them. Energy Ball -- another Grass move, sure, but hopefully if he threw it forcefully enough, then when it hit Eudai's Inferno, the two would still collide and come to a halt.
And so that is just what Harry did -- quickly he launched the Energy Ball at Eudai's Inferno, bracing himself for any kind of impact.
(( Writing by me, Russ (@askgothitelle), and Rids (@gregnas-the-grouch) ))
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shadowchroma · 7 years
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Here’s a panel for an ask I’ll soon have answered. I really, really liked how this turned out!
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askgothitellerp · 8 years
[ continued from here ]
“Oh, of course,” Harry said. “Mama especially, I think. ‘Course, I suppose that’s only to be expected, since she had five kids with him. But boy, humans are kinda weird. I dunno how something like paper could be so special to them. Shiny stuff like coins, maybe, but even still. I feel like there’s a lotta things that are worth way more. ...We have a few coins saved for situations when trading ain’t gonna cut it, though. Mama’s had those things since forever.” the Gothitelle tapped his chin. “But I still don’t see the point.”
A mischievous grin spread across Harry’s face at Madeleine’s assumption. “And you would be correct there!” he then went on to talk about his sisters again.
“They haven’t been at Hearthome for too long. But yeah, they’ve already visited once or twice. It’s a little bit of a long trek from Hearthome City to the outskirts of Floaroma Town, but it’s a doable one. I’d say the area between is one of the most well connected places in Sinnoh! ‘Specially ‘cause Hearthome’s in the middle of it all.”
Harry thought for a moment. Madeleine had traveled here, hadn’t she? Maybe she’d been to different regions. He decided to take the opportunity to ask her.
“So, Madeleine. You’re not from around here, right? D’you come from a different region? Or have you been to any? What’re they like? I’ve never left Sinnoh, myself.”
[ @ask-sisterlysylveon ]
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askgothitelle · 7 years
Imminent Regret Pt 14
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Perseus’s pace quickened when he heard that roar, moving to stand beside Madeleine while she stood up. << C’mon, we have to go. >> He urged her on. << We’ll just run... if we can even do that here. >> 
The Malebranche was really starting to show fatigue with his sunken features, and it was becoming more and more difficult to keep a strong hold on Elizabeth. How he wished he could take a break. But rest would come later. Not now. 
Madeleine glanced around for the best escape route, after overhearing the conversation between Whisper and Eudai. Now was the time to take action and get out. << Harry, do you have Cesare? >> She asked while looking back to check on the other two, her brows knit with concern.
Letting out a strained grunt due to the weight of the other Gothitelle on his shoulders, Harry wearily trudged over to the others, giving them a thumbs up. <<Got him.>> 
Cesare was still clearly out cold, and his limbs dangled from where Harry did not have him completely secured. <<So what' the scoop?>> Harry asked, nearly falling over, but regaining his footing so that both he and Cesare would stay propped up. <<Do you two think we can manage a teleport if we put our energy together?>> 
He glanced over to Eudai and Whisper, his teeth gritted. <<Better think fast.>>
<< Maybe. We can certainly try. >> Focusing her psychic energy, Madeleine placed her hands on her friends’ shoulders, prepared to teleport somewhere further away. 
However... she felt nothing. There was no power, even for her alone. She tried it again. 
Still nothing. 
<< It’s not working. >> Madeleine tensed, biting her lower lip. << Something must be blocking it. >> Perseus hissed through his teeth at this news. << Better start running, then. We don’t have much time. >>
"... Did you- who am I kidding, of course you did." Eudai murmured as he stared at Whisper. The Dusknoir let out a raspy cackle, her voice so horrendous, it caused physical pain, even to the likes of Eudai. The Mismanoir was about to inquire further, when suddenly he was cut off by the sound of loud stomping. Without another word, Eudai suddenly shrunk into his smaller form, catching Whisper by surprise. "Oh, you cheeky cunt-GACK!" 
The Dusknoir suddenly found her head being gripped by something strong. And on fire, did she forget about the fire? Whisper shrieked as he felt her body being raised, wriggling in place as she came eye to eye with a much larger and enraged Yemir. True, Yemir has always been known for her absurdly larger and massive height. But now? Even the tallest tree seem to only come up to her midthigh. Her body seem to convulse and twitch, flames erupting out of every wound in her flesh like blood. The Gallade's eyes were wide, wild and her teeth bared, sharper than ever. 
Whisper wriggled, chuckling nervously as she tried to reason with Yemir. "Yemir, beloved sister of mine!... How are you?" All the ghoul got in response was a loud snarl before being slammed into the ground, knocking the wind out of her. All the while, Eudai started to shift slowly towards the trees. Cautious of how volatile Yemir was at the moment.
(( writing by @gregnas-the-grouch ,  @ask-nebulousmeadows, and me ( @askgothitelle ))
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askgothitelle · 7 years
Imminent Regret Pt 11
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While Madeleine had to resist her urge to grin at Harry’s yodeling, Perseus was absolutely on edge. What the hell were they doing? Were they asking to die? He later caught sight of the look on Eudai’s face, and it told him that maybe it was time to stop. 
Right now. 
Hence, he yelled over Harry’s voice with the highest volume he could muster. “HEY, will you cut that out for a second?! This is going in a very bad direction!” 
Despite the yodeling, Madeleine could hear him say these words, and with that, she finally drew her focus towards Eudai once more. 
That smile made her blood run cold. 
She paled. 
With her gaze still locked on the wraith, Madeleine gently set a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Harry...” she whispered, “Harry, he really means it. Look.” 
Harry was not appreciative of Perseus trying to cut off his performance. Did he not like his glorious war cry? Rude. 
Madeleine brought his attention back more to the task at hand and less to his own ego and fantasies of bursting Eudai's eardrums. "Oh...?" Harry slowly turned his head downwards to get a better look at Eudai. 
A smile, huh? He didn't expect that. He doubted it was because he was a fan. The tall Gothitelle cocked his head ever so slightly, examining Eudai with increased scrutiny. The others were right. This didn't look very good.
Again the vines seemed to nudge their way forward, but only slightly, as near invisible nubs on his shoulders. Still, he'd draw them out again if he must. He went over a list of moves in his head that he could throw Eudai's way if things got that bad -- but if he was really as strong as he seemed ... then what? Either way, Harry remained silent and continued to watch Eudai.
The air became still, unnerving, the tension rising as one could feel something big coming their way. Suddenly the air reverberated as a familiar started to emanate from Elizabeth's body. It was the same psychic energy as before. But the sheer volume and potency of it, how the pressure felt like an ocean crashing down on the Gothitelle's heads. It was abundantly obvious that everything they had faced in regards to Eudai at this point was tame in comparrison at this point. They would get their wish. Eudai would come out. But would they live long enough to regret it was another matter entirely.
As the ground around them shook and the air shuddered, one could see that simple smile on Eudai's face. The same face that would want nothing more than to see them dead for their interference.
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(( writing by @gregnas-the-grouch, @ask-nebulousmeadows, and me ( @askgothitelle ) 
art by @ask-nebulousmeadows ))
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askgothitelle · 7 years
Release Pt 9 (final)
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Elizabeth had instinctively flinched a little at Harry's first response, and she averted her apologetic gaze. "I... I'm sorry, Harry, I just. I didn't think he would do that..." Though, at the statement that followed it, the one about 'having a mouth full of knives', she frowned a little. "...What do you mean by that, exactly?"
"He-" Madeleine started, then sighed as she ran a hand through her bangs. "You really don't wanna know. You have no idea how lucky you are to not have been there to even see it. Remembering it alone gives me chills."
"Put simply," Perseus waved a hand. "He opened his Dusknoir jaw, and there were countless rows of sharp teeth. End of story. Overall, I advise you stay away from him. He's deadly, and I bet he won't hesitate to kill even you."
Elizabeth let this sink in. Even if she never saw it for herself, it sure sounded terrifying. It was a side to Eudai she never knew, and it kind of scared her. But she was grateful for her friends being able to escape and inform her of it, nonetheless.
The petite Gothitelle shook her head at Cesare's question and released a sigh. "I'm afraid that's it. It's all I know about him, but even then, I'm just glad you guys made it out of there. And I appreciate you guys coming for me. It really means a lot."
Madeleine offered a half-hearted, friendly smile, but it faded as soon as it came. Her blue gaze flitted to Perseus, then to Cesare and Harry. "Do you two want us to help you get home? If you're heading out?" "No need," Harry got up and gave Madeleine a wave of his hand. "But it's very kind of you! When it's just the two of us, I can get us outta here nice and easy like. Speaking of which, I suppose we ought to go." The cloak that he had forgotten on their trek to retrieve Elizabeth was now draped around him again. He adjusted it.
With his gaze turning to Cesare, Harry gestured to the door. "Shall we?"
Cesare hesitated a moment. He looked at all the other Pokemon in the room. After a minute of thought though, he nodded. He'd need to check up on his mother and sister. "Now is as good a time as any, I suppose."
On their way out the door, Harry called out to the others. "Thank you for havin' us! Maybe we can hang out again on better circumstances soon!" Cesare waved to them all, and for a moment his gaze turned to Elizabeth. He gave her a thumbs up, and then they were off. Elizabeth waved to the two of them with a smile as they walked out, as did Madeleine. "Likewise!" the latter called back, "Be careful!"
Perseus slowly rose to his feet, stretching his limbs. "Well. I think it's time we left, too. You ready to go?" He asked Madeleine, who nodded and turned to Elizabeth. "Will you be coming with us?"
"Uh..." Elizabeth thought for a moment, then smiled once more as she replied. "I'll probably stay here a little while longer. I'd like to talk to Nysa again, if she'll let me." She looked towards the aforementioned Umbretelle, who gave her a nod and returned her smile.
She continued. "But I'll be okay, don't let that stop you from going home. You guys look really tired, I wouldn't want to hold you back."
"Well," Perseus sighed, putting on the winter coat he had previously shed and heading towards the door. "Be safe on your way home, then. It was good talking with you, Elizabeth."
"Same to you," Elizabeth replied. After she and Madeleine departed from a brief hug, she watched the two head out and waved one last time, till the door was shut. From there, she turned around as Nysa stood up from her workspace.
"Now then, Elizabeth. What was it you wanted to speak with me about?"
There was a pause, before the young Gothitelle spoke again.
"... I'd... like your advice on where to go from here. With Eudai and his sisters."
(( written by me (askgothitelle) and @ask-nebulousmeadows ))
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askgothitelle · 7 years
Release Pt 2
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"Curious." Haos muttered to himself, listening explicitly to every painstaking detail Harry had laid before him. "I must confess, foolish as it was for Cesare to take challenge Eudai, he's certainly brave... Or is it stupid? Always seem to get the two confused sometimes." The Gothitelle mused to himself, pausing for a second as Hedrald's loud snoring permeated the walls. Thankfully, such things were few and far inbetween. 
"However, this does strengthen my theory that Eudai had been seeking out White Forest on account of his sisters... Would it be alright if I check on the one called Elizabeth? I know she has gone through a great deal, but there are a few things I wish to know, details only she can provide. If not, I understand and will simply return another time, granted that she's willing." Haos inquired with soft eyes.
"Stupidity," Harry confirmed Haos’s first question, not even hesitating to throw Cesare under the bus. Under other circumstances he might have praised him, but they nearly died thanks to his rash actions. But ... now Harry was thinking ... at the same time, would Elizabeth had been alive otherwise? But then he shrugged that off. He raised an amused eyebrow at Herald's snoring though. 
Harry looked to the other two when Haos asked about Elizabeth. "You all know her better 'n me. I don't see why not, but whaddabout you two?"
“Neither do I,” Madeleine replied, rubbing her temples to help soothe her lingering headache. “I’m sure she’d be willing to talk about it once she’s awake and all.” 
Perseus offered a low grunt in agreement to this, not uttering a word. Moments later, he lifted his head and gazed forward, towards the staircase. 
A door creaked open from upstairs, then there was a soft click. Quiet footsteps followed, until Nysa appeared once more. Tired eyes watched her as she approached. 
“She’s awake now.” The Umbretelle said, “I have informed her of everything she needed to know, so she could relax. She told me she wanted to see Cesare, but... he has yet to wake up.” Turning to Haos, she gestured to the stairs behind her with a subtle smile. “If you’d like to speak to her, she’s right this way.” 
(( written by @gregnas-the-grouch, @ask-nebulousmeadows, and me ( @askgothitelle ) ))
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nebulousmeadows · 7 years
Arrival Pt 3
Perseus was entirely silent, his muscles tense and rigid. His stoic gaze never wavered on Elizabeth, and when Eudai spoke to them for the first time, the Malebranche finally figured Madeleine had been right. Alas, if only they had found out sooner. Perhaps they could've dealt with him before it came to this moment. With a subtle degree of impatience, bright red eyes flicked in Madeleine's direction expectantly. She was better at talking things out compared to him. So he left it at that.
Madeleine took steady, even breaths as she witnessed her very suspicion come true. So many physical aspects backed it up, and that chilling comment Eudai made sealed it for her. Despite all of this, the Gothitelle took a moment to formulate a careful response.
"...We're only here to see to Elizabeth's safety." She replied. Her tone of voice was calm, assuring. "If we can all settle this peacefully, and you let her go, we'll leave you be. I don't see a need for us to fight."
So Elizabeth was possessed. But why? Cesare thought. What was he gaining from this?
Cesare clenched his fists. Leaning forward, he opened his mouth to speak, but he almost immediately found it shut. Who ...?
He saw Harry staring at him. The older Gothitelle's expression was unusually stern, and he held his thumb and index finger together. He was the one who stopped Cesare from speaking. Cesare was frustrated at this, but he backed down, albiet with an irritated grunt. Harry couldn't hold him like this forever.
Harry then stepped closer, holding out his arms in an amicable manner.
"You heard Madeleine," he said. "We're just here for the little lady. Fighting's not real ideal here. So, just give her here, and we'll let you on your merry little way. Nice, right?"
He wasn't entirely sure what he was doing, but he would rather avoid fighting unless he really had to. At this point he had "let go" of Cesare, who took advantage of this and finally spoke.
"It's non-negotiable," he said. "You can't stay in her any longer. You need to go now, or we'll have no choice but to force you out." He wasn't as strong as the others, no, but he didn't care about that at the moment.
This earned a stifled groan from Perseus.
"Oh boy." The Malebranche muttered to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose. This was already going in a bad direction. Guess a fight was going to be inevitable, if the younger Gothitelle kept this up.
Madeleine glanced back at Cesare with wide eyes, briefly stunned. "Cesare," she hissed, "What're you doing? We can't just make demands and fight. We don't even know what we're getting into."
Even Elizabeth was taken aback. Clasping a hand over her mouth, she winced once more as the conversation started to unravel. Please don't do this, she silently begged.
(( Writing by me and Russ (@askgothitelle) ))
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askgothitelle · 7 years
Imminent Regret Pt 2
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A gasp was startled out of Madeleine upon witnessing such power in one strike. It was a simple backhand, no less. Perseus stumbled back to avoid getting included, cursing under his breath in surprise. 
Elizabeth's heart seemed to stop as she watched Cesare crash into the snow. He never moved, even as Harry tried to wake him. He didn't seem to be breathing, either. Panic immediately seized her as hot tears stung at her eyes. "Che... Chez..." she breathed. Then, after a moment of unbearable silence, an agonized cry ripped through her chest. 
While Madeleine knelt beside Cesare to check for breathing and injuries, the Malebranche glared over his shoulder at Eudai. So, he finally lashed out. While it was wrong for Cesare to attack and earn the ghost's ire, Eudai also crossed the line by returning the favor. Hell, he might've even killed him, for all they knew. 
When he overheard Harry, Perseus took off his jacket and threw it aside. "I've had it with this. He wants to knock people around because he can't simply walk away? I see how it is." He growled. Madeleine looked up in horror, staring at the boys with wide eyes. "No, wait, we're not supposed to...!" 
She faltered, her blue gaze slowly returning to Cesare. When the Gothitelle finally thought about it, her eyes narrowed, and she shook her head. As Madeleine rose to her feet, the air around her began to thrum with psychic energy. Glancing between Harry and Perseus, she forwarded a message via telepathy. 
"If we're going to force him out, we need to avoid hitting Elizabeth. He's clearly in a hurry, so if we can hold him back long enough, he might let her go." 
"What're you suggesting we do?" Perseus asked, glaring at her impatiently. "Distract him?" 
Eudai stared emotionlessly as the hapless Gothitelle skittered across the snow like a tossed pebble. “Weak.” The ghost muttered to himself. He didn’t expect much resistance from Cesare, but this had proven to be laughably underwhelming, even by Eudai’s standards. How brazen for something so meager to attack him. What exactly Cesare had hoped to accomplish, Eudai could only guess. The Mismanoir made note of his host’s lament, yet decided not to let that distract him from the task at hand. A pity. 
The hatted phantom made note of the increasingly hostile stance the others were taking, though he narrowed his eyes at the one called Madeleine. Though the hybrid was not privy to the mental conversation the psychics held with each other. He made note of the unspoken focus the two held towards each other. Most suspicious. Eudai, though suspicious, seemed to hold some degree of curiosity as to what these other three were capable of. Elizabeth’s memories yielded little. Not a problem. Eudai would simply wait for them to come to him. Folding his arms behind his back. The air around Eudai started to vibrate ever so slightly, the hum of Psychic mingled with the air. The chilling black Psychic seeping from Elizabeth’s body. The host’s body lifting gently off the ground. Feet pointed down. He seemed the epitome of calm and collected, awaiting his foe’s next move. And if they didn’t, well, he would quickly remedy that situation.
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askgothitelle · 7 years
Arrival Pt 4
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Eudai’s eye wandered over the group, staring at each one as they spoke up. As expected, they wanted their little friend back, their diplomatic stance certainly had his attention. Even the big red surprised him a bit. Perhaps this would end peacefully after all. That is, until Cesare spoke, Eudai’s lone eye through that mess of hair Elizabeth had snapped right to the small Gothitelle’s face. The ghost remained silent the entire time, his gaze falling upon Cesare with the deadly focus of a laser beam. 
“Non-negotiable?” Eudai repeated Cesare’s words, confused by the audacity this tiny psychic had. The words repeating with a ghastly echo. Elizabeth’s and Eudai’s voice running side by side, as if they were one. “Such hubris. To demand such a thing from me.” It wasn’t anger or condescension, but rather genuine disbelief. Cesare’s mannerisms confused the ghost, Eudai despised being confused as his eye narrowed at the group, a low rumble emitting from his voice as the air around him seemed to thrum with power. Head suddenly snapping to the side, at an angle practical impossible for Elizabeth to do by normal means.
Yet, despite it all, Eudai adhered to his logical nature. “Very well, you may-” His voice was cut off as something far and distant rolled through the area, his pupil shrinking back as he went into a bit of a trance. One might have confused it for the howl of the wind for a second. But the land lacked even the slightest breeze gently rolling through the frost covered forest. It sounded like a roar of pain. Of rage. Something all too familiar to the ghost as he snapped to attention. Turning to face the direction of this mysterious howl as it reverberated through the forest with increased vigor. 
“...” Eudai’s silence was unnerving, his face blank as he started to move forward without logic or thought, just pure instinct. That is, until his mind returned to him, glancing to the side, he eyed the group. “You may have your friend back. But more important matters currently call for my attention. You can have her once business have been concluded.” Eudai stated plainly and simply. And with that, he started to leave the group without another word, dead set on seeking his destination.
Harry eyed Cesare, who seemed to have quieted down. It appeared that he was alright with these terms. He wasn’t arguing any, at least. Harry was thankful; he didn’t know what Eudai was capable of, but he’d rather not find out. He had a life to live. 
He looked over to Madeleine and Perseus then, and cocked his head to the side. “I guess that’s it then? We’ll have ‘er back soon enough, right?” 
To Eudai, he gave a goofy, toothy smile. On the inside, though, he was not quite his usual jubilant self – he was worried. He did not know Elizabeth as well than the others, but this still seemed like the safest option for them all … “I think you have yourself a deal, pal. At least from me, you do. Just bring her back safe, yeah? Safe and soo-” he was cut off by footsteps. Hard, loud footsteps. He turned back and … oh, no. 
“No!” Harry called out. “Stay down!” 
Cesare had taken off after Eudai, a sneer plastered onto his face. He looked practically ready to lunge at him – he cupped his hands together, a murky black substance forming around them. Dark Pulse. 
“Don’t you dare!” Harry rushed towards Cesare, grabbing him and wrapping his arms around him in an attempt to immobilize him. However, Cesare’s hands managed to get free, and although the rest of him was still being held down by Harry, he launched his Dark Pulse attack at Eudai. 
“Cesare, you idiot! Are you crazy?” Harry spat, clenching his teeth. He then released the younger Gothitelle – the damage had been done, whether the move ended up hitting or not. Cesare’s actions would label them a threat now, he was sure. 
(( writing by me ( @askgothitelle ) and Rids ( @gregnas-the-grouch )
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nebulousmeadows · 7 years
Imminent Regret
Madeleine looked back at Harry, then at Cesare with utter disbelief, whispering out loud. "I can't believe he's..." Her voice trailed off, unable to finish that sentence. The fact that he even made physical contact with Eudai made an ugly pit form in her stomach.
Perseus' brows furrowed. Not only was Cesare trying to talk to Elizabeth, but he was telling her to make Eudai's life miserable? This needed to stop now, before Eudai did something unpleasant. Leaning over to the smaller Gothitelle, Perseus spoke firmly. "Cesare, she can't hear you. Not while he's in control. Just let him be, he'll bring her back."
Meanwhile, Elizabeth was on the verge of panicking. She indeed heard the things Cesare was telling her, and she yearned to speak to him. To tell him to stop before he got himself into any more trouble, and to tell him that she would be fine. With what the other Gothitelle did just now, though, asking Eudai to let her do this was out of the question. There was no way he'd let her, it was far too late.
Eudai’s eyes narrowed as Cesare, who so boldly attacked the Mismanoir not too long ago. Just went up and started shaking Elizabeth’s body. Pleading for the host to take back control and ruin Eudai’s life. While the Mismanoir felt little to no emotion. The hybrid seemed utterly bewildered by the Gothitelle’s irrational behavior. Is the small creature not aware what a possession is? Perhaps now would be the time to educate Cesare just out of his depth he really was.
“Madness.” The hybrid uttered without hesitation, easily brushing off Cesare’s grip, like he were nothing. Leaning over a bit, Eudai peered ominously into the Gothitelle’s eyes. “You have not only the audacity to attack me behind my back. You wish ill luck upon me. One such as yourself is undesirable." The ghost lowered himself ever closer, glaring at Cesare with unnerving intensity. "I will not tolerate any further interruptions. This conversation no longer has any meaning.” Eudai plainly stated as he suddenly raised up an arm, before slamming the back of his hand into Cesare’s body with the strength of an Ursaring.
The blow hit Cesare head on. Though he’d expected to be attacked, he didn’t expect it to be quite like … this.
Unfortunately for Cesare, he didn’t have anymore time to think about it. The powerful slam sent him flying into the air, before he ultimately hit the ground with a loud thud, his body skidding into the snow, leaving a trail of exposed dirt behind him.
He didn’t move.
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“Shit!” Harry breathed, running to the other Gothitelle. He gently shook Cesare, who remained limp. He was alive, Harry concluded, after a moment – but he was completely out cold. With a sigh, Harry slowly picked up the unconscious Cesare and placed him against a tree. What else could he do right now?
Turning back, Harry watched Eudai with a much more marked sense of wariness. He did not make any move to attack, especially not after seeing Cesare lying there. He gritted his teeth, which were clearly visible now. He did so out of anticipation, but also perhaps out of growing aggression, which he was making an effort to keep contained, but this was getting harder by the minute.
Harry suddenly threw his hands up into the air. "Well folks, looks like peaceful negotiations are a thing of the past now. I mean..." he looked at Cesare. "Given the circumstances, reasoning's a bit of a moot point." He unsheathed the spikes along his wrists, and vines began to creep out of his upper arms. He was ready to go at this point. "It's a real pain, but this's a bit too far."
(( Writing by me, Russ (@askgothitelle), and Rids (@gregnas-the-grouch) ))
(( Art by @askgothitelle ))
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nebulousmeadows · 7 years
And with that, Nysa and the others followed him out of White Forest, making a successful escape and saving themselves from further injury.
When teleportation was accessible again, Nysa happily assisted in moving everyone to her tree house. From there, she took Elizabeth off of Perseus’s hands and moved her upstairs to Nysa’s own bedroom. When she came back down shortly after, Madeleine greeted her with a question.
“Is she alright?”
“Yes. She will be okay.” Nysa confirmed quietly. “She’ll wake up soon. I can say the same for your friend here.” She gestured to Cesare, who was still with Harry. Turning to Haos, she raised her brows. “I trust you’ll be staying with us for a bit? Unless... you need to make a return to White Forest?”
Haos nestled himself on a seat, happy to rest his weary feet as the Gothitelles conversed with each other. Upon Nysa's inquiry, the Gothitelle considered his host's statement, if but for a moment. "I suppose I can spare an hour or two. Travel, ah, how it takes so much out of me. Not quite as much vigor as I used to possess. But I will stay, after all, I wish to keep an eye on the health of those who were afflicted by Eudai, moreso Cesare and Elizabeth than anything else." Gestures at Herald sleeping on a couch. She had been ever since Haos went off with Nysa together.
"After all, Herald isn't exactly light on Jarvis's shoulders. He needs his rest as well for carrying such weight." Haos eyed Harry a bit. "And what of you, sir? Will you be staying as well? It would be nice to retell everything that has occured before me and Nysa arrived... If you don't mind, that is?"
"Guess so," said Harry, "But first I'd like to put this guy somewhere," Harry used his head to gesture to Cesare, who was still draped over Harry -- and Harry didn't want him there any longer. He'd done a number on his back.
"Uh ... Nysa, you gotta have a place where you can put 'im, right? Can't exactly just drop 'im on the floor." For the time being, Harry shed Cesare off his back and awkwardly propped him against a chair, to lay there until Nysa said something, because his back hurt. He then sat in said chair.
“Of course!” Nysa held her arms out to scoop up Cesare, then muttered to herself. “Let’s see...” Since every seat and couch was in use on the main floor, she would have to place him upstairs, so off she went again. Leaving the group to speak to Haos.
"Golly, where do I even start ..." the Gothitelle shook his head. "I bet the others could explain better, but, well, you know. We were going after Liz -- or uh, Eudai I guess -- both? -- after she disappeared. Find the two of 'em in the White Forest. So Cesare here is all adamant about freeing Liz, tells her to make Eudai miserable or whatever. Gets his little behind beat. He's been that way ever since.
Then uh ... we fought Eudai and stuff. That was one doozy of a fight." Harry stopped to catch his breath. "That fucker tried to eat me!" Harry shuddered. "Anyway then the giant ghost ladies came along and I got dropped, and then I guess that does it."
Nysa briefly tapped her foot when she reached the top of the stairs, lips quirked in thought. The only other place she had was a small window seat at the end of the hall. Hoping it would be comfortable for Cesare when he’d wake up, she carefully set him there and propped his head up with pillows from the bench.
A quiet sigh escaped her as she stared at him for a moment. ‘I might as well remain up here’, she thought. He was probably going to be looking for his friends when he would come to. And on top of that, she needed to keep tabs on Elizabeth.
Speaking of which...
When she was sure Cesare would be fine on his own for the time being, Nysa silently left to tend to the Gothitelle in the other room.
Luckily, all was still normal for Elizabeth. Her breathing and pulse were stable, she showed no signs of hypothermia. But... when was she going to wake up? Nysa knew it would be soon. But how soon? She wasn’t sure.
Resigning to checking back on Cesare, Nysa made her way to the bedroom door. Upon twisting the doorknob, however, she could have sworn she heard Elizabeth stir. Her brilliant gaze flitted over her shoulder, and within moments, the hybrid discovered that she was right.
Elizabeth was finally sitting up. Wide awake and in a daze.
(( Writing by me, Russ (@askgothitelle), and Rids (@gregnas-the-grouch) ))
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nebulousmeadows · 7 years
Imminent Regret Pt 13
Things were happening so fast now.
Harry was about to get eaten, and Madeleine couldn’t have been more horrified. The nerve of this guy! She wanted to yell at him to stop and leave Harry alone, but she couldn’t even begin to speak. It was physically impossible.
Then along came Whisper, suddenly dropping in out of nowhere.
Aside from her confusion towards this new situation, Madeleine was relieved to see Harry out of Eudai’s grasp. And, thankfully, she and Perseus felt a small amount of Eudai’s pressure being lifted off of their backs. Just enough so they could breathe easier and sit up.
Once he caught his breath, Perseus shifted his gaze towards Elizabeth. He silently gauged the distance between himself and her. It didn’t seem too far, but the pressure above them was still going to make it a challenge. He had best make the most of his time and move her before she got hurt. With that in mind, he slowly started to make his way towards the unconscious Gothitelle.
“God, where’s Nysa when you need her?” He muttered with some agitation.
Harry had always felt that he could say that he'd seen some shit. But now, he could definitely say that he'd seen some shit.
With a thud the spindly Gothitelle landed onto the ground. With little time to take to feel bewildered by nearly being eaten, he took advantage of this new arrival, he slithered as quickly as he could to just out of arm's reach. He then let out a deep sigh and continued to lay there for a moment. But only a moment.
Watching Perseus make his way to Elizabeth, Harry looked to Cesare, before he looked to Madeleine for some kind of instructions. With what energy he had left, he sent her a message:
<< If he's grabbing her, do I go over and get Cesare? Or would that cause too much commotion? >>
Harry felt exhausted, but Cesare was obviously important in this situation, and so he couldn't just leave him there, much as he'd rather just curl up into a ball at the moment.
At the mention of Cesare, Madeleine immediately glanced back to look at him. He was still unconscious, propped up against a tree. Right where they had left him. After a brief moment of thought, she looked to Harry again and gave a weary nod.
<< We have to get out of here. I’ll keep an eye on these two, and see if we can teleport or make a run for it. >>
Soon enough, Perseus was in arm’s reach of Elizabeth. He could’ve gotten closer, but that might have been too close to get noticed by Eudai, and he didn’t want to risk that. To bring the petite Gothitelle closer, he carefully pulled her to his person with one arm looped around her abdomen. Then, he slowly swept her up with both. It took every fiber of muscle to fight against that lingering pressure, and rise to his feet.
<< I got Elizabeth. >> he announced to the others via telepathy. << I’ll follow you whenever you’re ready. >>
There was a small crater where Eudai was originally floating at. It seemed eerily silent for a moment until the massive, rotting Dusknoir known as Whisper suddenly popped up, holding Eudai in an unusually tender hug. “Oh brother, dearest brother, how I’ve missed you!” Whisper gurgled with glee, pressing Eudai against her decaying chest as the Mismanoir shot Whisper an incredibly unamused glare.
“You really should give me a call sometime. Here I was worried you were dead!... Actually, no, knowing you, you’d probably be making others dead. Seems like I caught you at a bad moment~” Whisper cackled as she eyed the Gothitelles with morbid curiosity, only to screech in surprise as Eudai gave her a frosty bitch slap in the eye of all places. The Dusknoir released her grip, clutching her eye as Eudai, staring at the ooze covering his body, muttered lowly as he pulled out a napkin built for his size and wiped off any fluids Whisper had covered him in. Someone would need a shower after this. Or three.
“What do you want, sister?” Eudai demanded, not in the mood for Whisper’s antics as the Dusknoir eyed Eudai with an innocent look on her twisted face. “What ever do you mean, Eudai?” To imply that I’m up to anything of the mischievous or downright nasty sort is downright insulting, I tell ya! Where’s the love, the appreciation?” Whisper huffed with nonexistent indignation as Eudai merely narrowed his gaze. “Do not play me for a fool, Whisper. Last I checked, you had taken over a village to pursue your own twisted schemes.” The hybrid retorted, Whisper merely shrugged.
“As if you’re one to talk, little brother. Scheming seems to run in the family. That or just a practice you and me have a particular habit of engaging in. though if you must know... I paid little sister a visit~” Whisper chuckled lowly as Eudai balled his hand into a fist, stare deadly as ever. “What did you do, Whisper?” Eudai demanded as the same roar everyone heard earlier grew closer, ever closer.
“Oh, nothing much... Just a little chat is all~”
(( Writing by me, Russ (@askgothitelle), and Rids (@gregnas-the-grouch) ))
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nebulousmeadows · 7 years
Imminent Regret Pt 10
Oh, no.
Oh, hell no.
He was not having this.
There was a brief flash of violence in Perseus’s eyes when Eudai grabbed his arm. He almost had the mind to punch him. But he immediately stopped himself. This was Elizabeth’s body. He couldn’t harm her.
Instead, the tall Gothitelle simply wrested his arm out of Eudai’s grasp with all his strength and shoved him away. “Don’t even try.” He growled, breaking the ice that had formed thus far and brushing it off.
Now that the specter was distracted yet again, a soothing, echoed voice broke the silence, cooing delicate words to a song. It seemed to soften the frigid air as colorful, ethereal pulses of energy drifted like rolling waves near the shore. “See the pyramids along the Nile... Watch the sunrise from a tropic isle~”
Stiffening, Perseus snapped his wary gaze towards the voice’s source. Of course, who else was it but Madeleine? Her lips were curved into a languid smile, and she didn’t falter for a moment. Never skipping a beat.
“Just remember, darling, all the while... You belong to me~”
"See the marketplace in old Algiers-" another voice piped up soon after, this time it was Harry.
It was a stark change from the more guttural voice he had been using just moments earlier. This one was ... smoother. "Send me photographs and souvenirs ..." he continued, singing along with Madeleine. "Just remember --" but then he stopped.
He adjusted his voice, bringing it a bit lower, almost whispering the next lines: "When a dream appears, you belong to me."
And then, he inhaled. What followed was definitely not the slow, sweet song from before.
Oh, no. This was different. And so much worse.
Harry was bringing out the big guns, now -- his specialty:
He began to yodel at the top of his lungs.
Eudai seemed befuddled by the sudden choir of delicate woman and screechy man. It seemed almost pleasant... Until the yodel came. Oh, how horrid that yodel was. How it stabbed at Eudai's mind like someone shoved a pineco into Eudai's mind. The damage inflicted was minimal, but the annoyance was maximum as it seemed like these three were determined to drive him off into the brink of insanity.
Most would scream at the aggressors to be quiet or even get physically violent with them. But Eudai didn't.
He just stood there and smiled.
And despite his smile, even the densest of individuals could pick up on just how deep in the shit they were about to be.
(( Writing by me, Russ (@askgothitelle), and Rids (@gregnas-the-grouch) ))
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askgothitelle · 7 years
Imminent Regret Pt 5
[ previous / next ]
Moments after this exchange, Eudai was suddenly tangled up in a web of long, winding tree roots. They stuck out in all directions, making even the slightest movement a challenge. Perseus had gladly taken advantage of Eudai’s diverted attention, and he looked rather triumphant about it.  
But he wouldn’t stop there. 
Whether the roots would hold Eudai for long didn’t matter to him; Elizabeth’s body was clearly capable of wresting itself free. The wheels in his head were already turning, finding other ways to stall for time. Picking up on Harry’s strategy of asking questions, the Malebranche decided to try it himself. He made sure his was a good one too; hopefully enough to make Eudai stop and think. 
“Hey. You mind answering me this? You look tech savvy. What’s the biggest and most challenging experiment that you’ve ever done in your life? And what came out of it?”
Eudai seemed caught off guard not only by Harry stalling his Inferno with an Energy Ball of all things, if only for a moment as it went crashing down into thbe ground with somewhat diminished results. The ice hampered the energy of his attack as well. However, finding himself being entangled by Grass Knot caught Eudai off guard as well. It wasn't the tall one. Yet, the female called Madeleine made no such gestures. Must have been Perseus. How annoying, even as he was entangled in this rooted trap, Eudai couldn't help but consider how it would go if he had found a more suitable host built for combat. It would have to suffice for now. 
Eudai was about to make his move, when the Malabranche threw another inquiry his way. The ghost's face wrinkled with annoyance, struggling to fight his urge. Yet it blurted out of his lips like water from a fountain. "Easy. My right eye. Finding metal that can work effectively with a ghost is quite difficult. If anything, it was mere circumstances that led me to such a rare and precious material." The ghost went silent for a moment. His patience starting to grow thin as his eyes suddenly flashed a dazzling light. Catching both Perseus and Harry with a well aimed Confuse Ray.
Eudai's Confuse Ray hit Harry dead on. The tall Gothitelle squinted as it crossed his line of vision. Once under its effect, he blinked a few times, bringing his eyes back into focus. 
"Wha...?" Harry wasn't sure what was going on. As far as he was aware, he'd just deflected an attack of Eudai's, and then Eudai used ... a ray ... but ... anyway, he needed to keep fighting on. He saw what appeared to be a rather small tree nearby. Maybe he could manipulate its roots, like Perseus had done? Harry grabbed onto the bark of the tree and pressed his palm into it, getting ready to use his move. 
Unfortunately for Harry, this was not actually a tree -- it was Perseus.
(( writing by Sami ( @ask-nebulousmeadows ) Rids ( @gregnas-the-grouch ), and me ( @askgothitelle ) ))
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