#Maddie reads manga
roys-our-boy · 3 months
Why is he like this
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maddiesbookshelves · 6 months
Having an Adult Full Time Job and not being a student with 0 income aside from Christmas and birthday money (or the occasional odd job) is so weird. I can buy myself stuff (books) without feeling guilty about it because there will automatically be more money on my bank account at the end of the month. Yeah, sure, I work for a big corporation that's slowly sucking the life out of me, but at least I'm getting money for my books and travels out of it!
The fact that I still live with my parents while I figure out where I'm gonna go once I have some money and experience to my name also helps a ton. I can put most of my salary on the side and still keep some for fun stuff (books). Also also, since I'm technically a bookseller, I'll get 20% off on all the books I buy from my workplace, which is neat, but I probably won't use too often because I'd rather give my money to indie bookstores. I'll probably only use it for more expensive books like special editions
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kil9 · 11 months
i thought "i should try to catch up w noragami before it ends :)" read like 60 chapters in 2 days and now i have to wait over 2weeks for another one
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madara-fate · 9 months
Hi Maddy!
So… i read a speech that basically said that when Sakura confesses to Sasuke as he is about to leave the village, she is only thinking about her own feelings at that moment and doesn't really care about him. (because of her statement that "she would feel lonely without him")
Additionally, the person also goes on to say that in the manga it is only Sakura's feelings that are taken into account and not Sasuke's.
what do you think?
Sakura notes that Sasuke's revenge won't make him happy.
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She reminds him of how he himself taught her of the pain of loneliness because she didn't want him to experience that again.
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She poured her heart out and promised to do everything she could to make him happy.
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She expressed a desire for things to return to how they were.
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And what did she mean by that? The times when Sasuke was smiling.
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In actuality, Sakura highlighted Sasuke's happiness on each occasion.
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ivaspinoza · 3 months
OC names tag
Rules: Answer how you came up with your characters names and personalities.
Thank you dear @poethill for the tag! I am not big on tag games, but this weekend I finally had enough time and space to go back to my novel (drastic changes btw), so this feels right for this moment. I'm going with the main ocs:
Named after the Rolling Stones song, Angeline has a lot of anger because I had a lot of anger when she was born. Lots of questions, as well. She can be mean or rude, but not in a hot-villain way. She is just human: sometimes, she messes up. Her traits were also a reaction to the ''Bella Swan'' female character. Or the ''dangerous but absolutely pornographic'' type of female character. Or the ''I'm strong like a boy'' type, or the ''I don't fart'' type. I guess Angie is a place where I processed and still process some aspects of my femininity, anger and relationships. Angeline means Messenger (of God), which is the meaning of the word Angel (Greek - Angelos), which has too many layers and personal implications as well.
Another name I never second-guessed: it just popped into my head, ready to go. At the time, I had a friend who understood me incredibly well, without the need of words. He just knew how to get through me. Evan has lots of his personality. And my taste for rock music belongs with him.
Inspired by Damien Rice (for a long time, he was my favourite singer/songwriter). My best friend at the time, a girl, inspired some aspects of Damien. Also, the dynamic between him and Evan was similar to ours, so I incorporated and exaggerated some of that.
Tried to rename her a bunch of times, because of Angeline, but nothing will stick besides her original name. Maddie is a mix of many girls in my life, including myself.
Like all the others, his name just appeared in my head and it felt absolutely right. There was a manga with lovely art and shit plot that one of my online friends at the time used to read, and she had all these pictures of her favourite character. I don't think kids these days will ever understand how precious pictures were before Pinterest, but anyway... She used to write fanfics, not about him specifically, but we talked a lot and his personality influenced many aspects of Anthony. She was big on angst, that's all I can say.
Tagging @cssnder @mysteryofvampires @drchenquill @valyalyon @informedimagining @crow-with-a-typewriter
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mooniemilkieway · 10 months
Random Creepypasta Headcanons Episode 2: Electric Boogaloo
Jeff the Killer makes fun of Slenderman’s tentacles by referring to them as tentacle hentai monsters. Slender Man got so frustrated that he broke Jeff’s PS4 by throwing it out the window
Nina the Killer uses Splat Hair Dye and would dye her hair in the middle of the night even though the rest of the Creepypasta’s can smell the intoxicated hair bleach
Ticci Toby’s the type of person to say whoopsie daisies when he accidentally causes a fire
Eyeless Jack’s room smells horrendous because of his secret stash of rotten kidneys laying under his bed
Laughing Jack can fly and would glide around because he feels like it but he’ll complain for about an hour about having to walk on his feet against his will
BEN Drowned one time got one of those fake tattoos from Shein and put one on his arm to seem “badass” but one day Jeff sprayed water at him bc Jeff lost a Star in Mario Party during Chance Time and the tattoo came off and BEN had a rash on his arm for about 2 weeks
Candy Pop’s the type of person to get a sugar rush after drinking a soda can
Clockwork sometimes does fashion shows for Ticci Toby and Clockwork definitely has done Toby’s eyeliner and black nails
Sally Williams fell though the ceiling once and gave Jane the Killer a death stare (iyk the tiktok ykwita)
Jane the Killer binge watched Euphoria about 3 times and kins Maddy Perez
Zalgo definitely sings about how “evil and diabolical 👹😈” he is in the shower with the lights on
When Jane the killer told Jeff that she was a lesbian and married to Mary Jeff recalled “I thought you were American?” Then Jane slapped him
Homicidal Liu has read the Chainsaw Man mangas and his favorite character is either Aki or Reze. He thought the anime was a let down though and would argue with people over it on Twitter
Sally would force Laughing Jack to be the jester for her Castle Playtime if Candy Pop wasn’t able to do it. LJ would complain but Sally would offer him either candy or one time $25
Slender Man is trying to rizz up Hachishakusama by sending her pick up lines. One time they were texting and Slender Man was legit kicking his feet lying on his stomach giggling
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spilledteastudies · 1 year
Part-study, part-many other interests (blr) introduction
hi there! i’m Maddie and although i’ve had this blog for quite a while i’ve decided to do a proper introduction. i’m currently still on a gap year(s) due to health problems but that won’t stop me from studying my passions!
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a little about me…
22, she/her
self studying japanese , korean, & Spanish
my favorite things..
anime & manga
video games
cozy & slow living
。 ゚ ☁︎ ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
also… you can now find my posts with the # typicalstudies & # typicalmee
doodle account is ,. @strgglebug
(let’s be moots on insta!! @/ atypicalme.e )
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marquisegallery · 6 months
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Hello Battle Network/NT Warrior fandom, it's been a while!!
I posted a new one-shot, of an alternate/possible backstory for Maddy and ColorMan! Not a prequel to anything I've posted nor anything else I'm planning, this is moreso a standalone backstory just to see how different I could make it while also making it still fairly plausible for the games/anime/manga.
How do these images fit in with the backstory? Read it and find out!!
So yeah, give this a read over on AO3 if you're interested. And if you do read it or even just give it a peek, thank you! :D
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OC Deep Dive
Thanks to @mysticstarlightduck here, @illarian-rambling here,
Rules: answer the following questions for your OCs!
I've already done Lexi, Maddie, Ash, and Gwen for this! Let's do another batch of characters!
It was a mistake doing six characters this time, but the time I realized it was getting too long, I didn't want to individually cut two of them. So this is what we got: a very long post. So it's below the cut.
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Noelle - She doesn't like her privacy being violated. She wants to keep her things to herself. She also doesn't like crowds.
Rose - She fears that she'll be trapped forever and never accomplish anything.
Kelsey - Accidentally harming her loved ones, specifically her younger cousins
Robbie - He does worry about losing relationships or being lonely, and not being strong enough to protect those he cares about
Akash - Similar to Robbie, but specifically being abandoned or left out
Hye-Jin - she listens to true crime podcasts sometimes so she sometimes becomes a little paranoid that someone's going to break into her house
Do they have any pet peeves?
Noelle - meandering, not getting to the point, excessive brainstorming, illogical thinking, inconsistency
Rose - whenever someone says something a little rude or inconsiderate, especially if they imply she has done something wrong
Kelsey - whenever she's being forced to do something that she doesn't want to do, especially if they're mean about it (if they asked politely she'd probably have done it!)
Robbie - he doesn't like it when people make assumptions about him that aren't true, or make similar assumptions about others that aren't true. Also whenever someone makes a noise during a test
Akash - someone being disrespectful, specifically being interrupted
Hye-Jin - she really likes being acknowledged for her hard work, so if she works her butt off at something, she at least expects a half-hearted "thanks".
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Refraining from sarcasm.... Ahhhh
Noelle - folded laundry, neat small shelf of books, and a desk where she works on her homework
Rose - sketches of outfits she's drawn taped all over the wall, a dresser with a bunch of stickers on it, and an art table where she keeps her supplies
Kelsey - crochet supplies and some projects she's made for herself, a bunch of books on top of her dresser she can read to her cousins, and an oval mirror on the wall
Robbie - probably a basket of clean laundry he hasn't folded/put away yet, a desk where he keeps his laptop that totally isn't disorganized (he knows where things are!!) and a bookshelf with novels and manga
Akash - a mirror that has stickers along the sides, a small bookshelf of favorite books, and a couple sports posters
Hye-Jin - her pet lizard Luna, many shelves and bulletin boards of all the medals and ribbons and other prizes in the same vein, and a very newly organized desk with a lamp
What do they notice first in a person?
Noelle - general demeanor
Rose - what they're wearing
Kelsey - what mood they're in
Robbie - whatever vibe they give off
Akash - figure/outfit
Hye-Jin - height/how pretty they are
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Noelle - 8/10
Rose - 5/10
Kelsey - 4/10
Robbie - 8/10 (only due to powers)
Akash - 7/10
Hye-Jin - 10/10
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Noelle - freeze
Rose - fight
Kelsey - flight
Robbie - fight
Akash - freeze
Hye-Jin - flight
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Noelle - no, it's just her and her mom, but she's definitely a family person
Rose - no to both
Kelsey - yes, she lives in a house with four adults and several young cousins, and she is a family person especially for her cousins
Robbie - not really, it's only one sibling and his parents (+Akash) but he is a family person
Akash - if you count the Staffords he has a decent sized family, and he is a family person
Hye-Jin - she also has one brother and her parents, but she's definitely not super close or anything
What animal represents them best?
Noelle - probably an owl
Rose - butterfly
Kelsey - black cat
Robbie - golden retriever
Akash - I feel like a wolf
Hye-Jin - axolotl
What is a smell that they dislike?
Noelle - lavender
Rose - car fresheners
Kelsey - that rusty old metal smell
Robbie - most perfumes/cologne
Akash - y'know how your pee smells after you have asparagus?
Hye-Jin - cinnamon
Have they broken any bones?
Noelle - no
Rose - yes
Kelsey - yes
Robbie - yes
Akash - no
Hye-Jin - no
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Let's pretend it's a peer from school.
Noelle - “Damn, that girl is tall. I'm a little confused on her name, I've seen her respond to Noelle and Carissa. She really stands out, man, but only due to her height, y'know? Like she's kinda plain looking right? And she seems a little distant I guess.”
Rose - “That girl is always drawing something. I see her talking pretty often though. Like she's reserved but not that shy. I think she's really pretty and has a cool sense of style. I wonder what goes on in her head.”
Kelsey - “Who? Ohhhh, that girl. I don't know anything about her. Like, at all. She's always so quiet and doesn't talk to anyone except that girl Maddie. I think she just wants to blend into the background, but that dorky aesthetic makes her stand out. She pulls it off, though. But I can't tell you anything else.”
Robbie - “That Robbie guy is super popular. Never had a class with him, but he seems nice. My friends say he's super smart. He's also always hanging out with Akash, so he's obviously nice.”
Akash - “Oh, yeah, that kid. He seems cool. He always has a smile on and is chatting with Robbie. I heard him call his chair Ariel so he's probably super feminine or something.”
Hye-Jin - “You mean Reptile Girl? Oh yeah she's a little weird. She makes straight A's and everyone knows she'll be valedictorian. She's also in a lot of school functions. She is certainly something. She always has her headphones on. I've never seen her talk to someone.”
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Noelle - morning
Rose - night
Kelsey - morning
Robbie - night
Akash - morning
Hye-Jin - morning
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Noelle - as a foodie she refuses to say she hates or loves any flavor because they all taste different depending on how much of it you use in a dish and what you combine it with
Rose - hates pineapple, loves pasta
Kelsey - hates avocado, loves cheese
Robbie - hates pickles, loves peanut butter
Akash - hates asparagus, loves berries
Hye-Jin - hates coffee, loves tea
Do they have any hobbies?
Noelle - cooking
Rose - art, specifically fashion design
Kelsey - crochet
Robbie - depends on what his hyperfixation is; robotics, reading, watching TV, acting
Akash - singing, reading, sketching
Hye-Jin - music, puzzles
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Noelle - even if she can appreciate the effort she hates surprises
Rose - indifferent to surprises, but I think she'd cry if she found out someone planned a surprise birthday party for her
Kelsey - eh, not the biggest fan of surprises, but if it was a low-key party she'd be deeply appreciative
Robbie - LOVES SURPRISES! He'd be so freaking happy to learn he has a surprise birthday party!!!
Akash - also loves surprises, just not as excitable as Robbie about it; a surprise birthday party would be dope but he'd see it coming
Hye-Jin - does not enjoy surprises, even less than Kelsey, but she'd be nice about it; she'd probably just be sad that the person who threw the party doesn't know her well enough to know she wouldn't like that, but would try to keep a bright face
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Noelle - just earrings
Rose - yes!!! She loves jewelery, she just doesn't own as much as she wants; usually goes with a chocker and earrings
Kelsey - yep!! When she's older she may dare to get more piercings
Robbie - is absolutely a bracelets kinda guy
Akash - yes, since I'm counting watches
Hye-Jin - yep! Necklace, earrings, and a couple bracelets
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Noelle - neat
Rose - slightly messy, very loopy
Kelsey - not as neat as she wants but not messy
Robbie - messy
Akash - neat
Hye-Jin - neat and loopy
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Noelle - apprehension and confliction
Rose - hope and longing
Kelsey - compassion and worry
Robbie - protectiveness and excitement
Akash - gratitude and guilt
Hye-Jin - enthusiasm and love
Not sure if these are feelings more than emotions but oh well
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Noelle - idk cotton? Polyester? Viscose? She doesn't care
Rose - she has to pick a favorite??? All??? What garment???
Kelsey - polyester
Robbie - cotton or polyester or denim
Akash - viscose and cotton
Hye-Jin - chiffon
Idk I just picked mainly what I see them wearing
What kind of accent do they have?
I'll provide where they grew up and also their parents or other languages they know that could influence their way of pronouncing certain phonemes. Hopefully that gives an idea. Most of their parents are Alii (weird exceptions, don't make me explain) but I'll give the accent closest to what their accents would sound like.
Noelle - from suburban Houston area but also only with her mom, who has what to our ears sounds like an English accent
Rose - also from suburban Houston area, is bilingual and speaks Spanish (Mexican dialect) at home
Kelsey - from suburban Houston area and parents are also from there
Robbie - from suburban Dallas-Fort Worth area, parents have what is close to English and German accents, bilingual as he does know "Alii German"
Akash - from suburban Dallas-Fort Worth area, bilingual and speaks Hindi with his mom
Hye-Jin - from suburban Houston area, she's bilingual as her parents are "Alii Korean" and speak that language
Damn, that was a lot. Sorry bout that
✨Noelle intro✨
✨Rose intro✨
✨Kelsey intro✨
Other Robbie: OC in three, OC in fifteen, Picrew, outfit, two truths and a lie, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, fun facts
Other Akash: OC in three, OC in fifteen, interview, Picrew, two truths and a lie, kiss, outfit, fun facts, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, questionnaire three
Other Hye-Jin: OC in three, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, bingo, origin, fun facts, outfit
I'll tag @tabswrites @novel-nook-blog @authorcoledipalo @theeccentricraven @willtheweaver
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
Blank questions:
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Do they have any pet peeves? What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? What do they notice first in a person? On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?What animal represents them best? What is a smell that they dislike? Have they broken any bones? How would a stranger likely describe them? Are they a night owl or a morning bird? What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Do they have any hobbies? Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Do they like to wear jewelry?Do they have neat or messy handwriting? What are the two emotions they feel the most? Do they have a favorite fabric?What kind of accent do they have?
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maddyguru · 1 year
Jujutsu Kaisen's Spin Off
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Summary: Gojo Satoru has a wife. And she's not bitching about how gojo mistreated her in many of those fanfics. But rather, she's the one who's mistreating our favorite gojo satoru.
Chapter notes: Yumi is Maddy perez. this story follows the anime and manga, (I'm trying), and when you read this story, just think of her maddy sllsllsls. Also, you're going to hate her lmao. A lot. And a lot of her lines are from maddy in the euphoria show, it will be referenced in italics bc i can see gojo being with a woman like maddy just cuz...
This story has a playlist. You can listen to it when reading 💞 if you can't access the link, lmk!
Chapter 1
The dress she wore didn’t even look like your usual wedding dress. 
Yuuji’s eyes were staring a little too long at the picture that was hung on the wall of his sensei mansion. It’s his first time seeing a bride wearing a see-through sequin silver dress for her wedding. And she wasn’t even covering much. It’s enough that her dress was see-through, but it’s parted in the middle, showing her skin and lingerie underneath. Yuuji expected her to at least wear a veil to cover her face. Instead, it was a diamond-like veil with crystals blinding people’s eyes. (Yuuji literally doesn’t know what accessories she’s wearing, but he admits that she’s hot as fuck).
 Gojo sensei look… normal. Just a groom suit, but he appears to be younger than he was now, a dark sunglass was his substitute over his usual blindfold that the 15-year-old frequently sees in jujutsu high. Gojo sensei’s arms were all around her waist and her back was pressed against his body, head tilting upwards showing her beauty. Like a siren, she lured him. 
Who is this woman? Yuuji knows what his sensei said earlier, but more precisely, who  is  she? Where she’s from? Is she really older than him? How does she look so perfect and sexy with those huge wrecks and big butt- 
“Who the fuck are you?” 
The pink-haired boy jumped, his head quickly spinning to see where the voice was. And there, right at the top of the stair of this mansion, the woman he was entranced by staring down to look at him. Her hair wasn’t in an updo unlike in the picture, but it was styled as wavy curls, and the length was directly on her shoulders. Her eyes were adorned with the most captivating graphic liner, and her lips were painted with a nude color that matches her skin and style perfectly. She’s as beautiful as Yuuji saw in the picture. If anything, she’s bewitching in person and her voice; Her language is so foul but her voice was alluring just like her eyes. 
Is he… falling for his teacher’s wife?
“I said, who the fuck are you?” She walked down the stair quickly, but her eyes were staring at him cautiously. Eyeing him as if he’s an intruder in her mansion.
“Ah, my lovely Yumi, the sunshine of my life! Whatever you do, don’t attack poor Yuuji Itadori-”
“I’m talking to him, not you.” 
Immediately Satoru went quiet. His face wasn’t showing fear because his giggles were heard when you walked toward him. 
Fuck, she’s heading toward him.
What should I do? Ok, Yuuji, act natural, act natural!
“Who are you, again?” 
She was eyeing him up and down, and Yuuji could feel her judging him closely. Her stare penetrates his whole being, and he could feel how he was shaking like a leaf the longer she came closer and closer. 
It took him a second to focus. He swallowed the lump in his throat and bowed. 
“Nice to meet you! My name is Yuuji Itadori. I’m 15-year-old and my type of woman is women like Jennifer Lawrence-”
“I asked who you are, you don’t need to mention your age and your daily porn flick, brat.” 
Stunned was his reaction. Damn, who would’ve thought that Gojo sensei’s wife is so…. Sarcastic? How does he live with her, then? The bubbly Gojo sensei and this sarcastic, Goddess- the beauty of a woman-  
“Are you opening a foster house now, Satoru? I swear first it’s Megumi and his sister, and now this kid.” She walks past Satoru and Yuuji, heading towards the kitchen. The older woman didn’t even glance at either of them but continued walking. But to Yuuji, she’s not walking. She’s strutting, “I don’t remember pushing a 15-year-old out of my cunt.” Cackling softly, the woman opens the top cabinet, struggling a little, and immediately chugs down her champagne. 
Yuuji’s eyes occasionally glanced at Gojo, waiting and undoubtedly, excited for his teacher’s response to his wife’s. 
From what Yuuji heard, Satoru was a part of a huge clan in the jujutsu community (he’s not really familiar with the whole thing since he’s new). If the sensei’s a part of a huge clan, then the clan must be very traditional-like. They must be practicing old Japanese culture and emphasizing the traditional ways of doing things; marriage must be done in Japanese style unlike what their picture represents. The way a wife talks to their husband must be respectful and head bowing down with traditional clothes on, unlike his wife,  Yumi . Instead of a kimono, she’s in her olive-colored robe and gold earrings. There was no obedience shown in her eyes and body language. Yumi, from his observation, is not a woman who’d bow down to any man. Not even  the  Satoru Gojo, the strongest sorcerer alive. Her legal husband. 
Instead of being angry and scolding her, Gojo- sensei grinned like a Cheshire cat and leaned closer toward the woman. 
“Is that an invitation to have another baby? I’m alright with that,” a punch was placed on his right chest, and within seconds, Satoru was flying across the room. From the kitchen counter to another kitchen counter. The brute force from her punch had him flying.  He’s thrown across the room. 
This chick is strong. 
Satoru Gojo was untouchable, from what he observed so far. How the hell she’s able to touch him? Is it a soulmate connection thing? Is it because Satoru is her husband? Could it be because she’s as strong as him? 
Her face was showing pure disgust. A few seconds later, she shook her head toward him. “it’s hard enough with two boys, now you want me to push another kid? Do I look like a cow to you?” 
So, they have kids? Where are they, then? Why does Gojo sensei never say he was married and had two kids? Nobody mentions the whole thing. Not Shoko-san, Yaga sensei, or Nanamin. 
“Ow, that hurts! Men don’t like physical attacks, Yumi- yumi.”
“Nor do men love periods, your point?” 
Before Yuuji knew it, they were walking out of the kitchen and he finds himself following because what the fuck was he supposed to do? This is not his house!
When they’re walking towards the living room, only then does Yuuji realize how huge this mansion is and he can finally see pictures of two boys. Twins.
They look almost 9 -10 years old. Side to side with each other. They’re spitting images of their father, the man he’s studying jujutsu from. The two boys have white hair and blue eyes, a familiar grins on their faces. Yuuji was excited when he saw the kids because he would love to meet them, given the chance. Where are they? Are they already sleeping? It’s already so late.
“Why is he here?” Now she has more of a serious aura when she asked this. The fact that he’s in front of her and they’re talking about him makes him nervous. Is he… bothering them? Does she want privacy with her husband? 
Gojo laughed, turning to face him. “He’s, my student. The higher-ups fucked his life up and now we’re hiding from them!”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “so you decided to hide him here? Without talking things with me?”
He was quick to disagree and chuckle at her response. “No, no, don’t get it the wrong way, I’m introducing him to you, not hiding him here.”
Yuuji wasn’t paying attention to their conversations about him, but he was appalled at how Gojo- sensei is keeping his life as private as he could! The older man is known to be talkative and run his mouth all the time, and Yuuji expected his teacher to be showing off his (extremely hot) wife to all his students. 
But maybe there’s a private side in Satoru Gojo that’s waiting to be explored. 
She looked at him for 5 seconds, and later, she smirked. 
“I know you for what now, Satoru? 13 years?”
“There’s more to this meet and greet, right?” 
She shifted her gaze to her husband, folding her arms the more she stared at him. 
There’s an eerie silence when they’re looking at each other and finally, Satoru smiled. That same cunning smile Yuuji always sees at school. 
“I want you to do something, Yumi. I’m asking you a favor. As a husband, I’m asking you…”
Her curious eyes studied her husband, and Satoru finally say it. 
“Please help me train Yuuji Itadori.” 
Yuuji turns to his right. He couldn’t sleep a wink, it seems. 
It’s been 2 hours ever since he was sent off to the guest room in this house. Even the guest room looked like something that would come out of a movie; so perfect with a clean room and bed so large Yuuji could sleep with two more people. Golds were decorated in this room, and he remembers gawking at the sight. 
Is Gojo sensei  that  rich? 
So many questions are running through his head. Like, when will he finally see Nobara and Megumi again? Why do the higher-ups are after him? And why did Gojo sensei ask his wife to train him? She couldn’t be any stronger than him, right? Or could it be, that they’re equal? 
He cackled softly with his hands on his face. Of course, Gojo sensei would marry someone equal to him. In strength, looks, and wealth. Yuuji is convinced that the woman he saw a few hours ago is also from a wealthy clan. She must be. 
How strong is she? Must be too strong to the point Gojo sensei trusted her enough to train him. Must be a special grade as well. Someone equal to him and that’s why she’s the mother of his children. Yuuji made his own conclusion. 
His thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on his door. 
Who could it be? He wondered to himself when he got up from the bed and opens the door. 
“Ah, Gojo sensei, it’s you.” He muttered, giving room for the older man to enter. His teacher smiled; his blindfold is away from his face. Yuuji finally saw his beautiful blue eyes again. 
“Can I come in?” he asked, and Yuuji was more than happy to let the older man in. It’s his house, after all. 
His teacher walked into the room and later sits on the provided couch, staring out the window into the night sky, and finally turned to Yuuji, his grin still on his face. 
“I’m sorry about my wife. She can be a little mean from time to time. Heck, even with our twins she’s like that,” Satoru tee-heed after he shared some parts of his wife with Yuuji, and the boy can’t help but smile as well at the confession. 
If you defend someone like this, you must be head over heels in love with him, right? 
Gojo sensei must really love his wife, and Yuuji made his conclusion.
“It’s ok, sensei. I heard women are like that all the time!” 
His lips were quickly covered by the older man’s and he looked panicked as soon as Yuuji said what he said. 
“Please, whatever you do,  please,  don’t discriminate against women in this house. Especially not in front of my wife, she would kill you, literally.” 
A nod was Gojo’s answer, and the older man quickly let his lips go, the both of them were quiet for a while until his teacher opens his mouth again. 
“She agrees to train you by the way.” 
Well, that threw him off guard. Judging from the way she was looking at him, he thought Yumi would decline. But she accepted? 
“That’s weird, sensei. She didn’t even look at me when we talked,” 
“My wife has a knack for surprising people. She can be kind at times when we least expect it, you know!” 
“…ok?” innocently, he answered. 
His face apparently couldn’t lie. Before Yuuji knew it, Satoru explained to him why Yumi decided to take him as her student. 
“I told him you’re Sukuna’s vessel, and that you must eat his fingers. Cursed objects… that reminded her of,” the white-haired man stared at the ceiling and smiled but his smile was sad, reminiscing. 
“It reminds her of someone she used to know. I guess that’s why she accepted my favor. Yeah, it’s because she still couldn’t let  him  go.” 
“Sensei, sorry. But who’s ‘he?’
“Nothing, Yuuji! Now, get your sleep because best believe she won’t be easy on you!” Just like that, he was left alone in the room, curled in his blanket. 
Well. What was that all about?
The last thought Yuuji had when before he went to sleep was, that Yumi wasn’t smiling in the wedding picture. She looked far from happy. Shouldn’t you be happy at your own wedding? 
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zephyrwrites2 · 10 months
Zéphyr / Zeph | Used to be @zephyrwrites | +21 | 🇨🇵 | They / It / Iel / Ol | Queer | Feminist | Pro-choice | Anti-censorship | Anti-harassment of all kinds
I don't have a DNI and I don't care about yours + I block easily
Posts tagged "untagged" are things I don't have the energy/will to tag so be careful with the possible triggers.
Block the tags Suggestive / Sex Mention if you do not want to see / read nsfw stuffs
Origins of the "I retconned my gender" joke
(The link is for a french youtube video about 2 guys watching and theorising about Petscop).
AO3: Zephyr_Cloe_Ambroise
I have Twitter, Insta and Aethy but I nearly never use them
I can help with any question about French and French culture for your stories + I can translate them
Thanks @dankgemestho for my new pfp 😊
(Nearly) All my fandoms in alphabetical order (the crossed out ones are not my current obsession but you can ask about them):
Boku no Hero Academia (BakuDeku is still my ultimate otp)
DC Comics (especially everything that has to do with Damian <3)
Detroit: Become Human (especially Connor and the Jericrew)
Hetalia (Japan, Germany and N. Italy or FACE Family centric mostly)
D.Gray-Man (favourite manga forever and Allen is best boi <3)
Harry Potter (very occasionally and mostly about Harry or Regulus)
Le Comte de Monte Cristo (2024) (obessed with the Count, André and Haydée's relationship)
Marvel (Team Iron Man, Matt Murdock and Loki centric + Poolverine and very anti Steve, Clint and Wanda)
Percy Jackson (especially about my boy Percy)
Petscop (Paul has retconned his gender like me :D)
Rusty Lake/Cube Escape (about everything <3)
Sherlock BBC (Sherlock centric and not that much of a johnlock shipper anymore because of the last season)
Star Wars (mostly reading about Luke, Leia and Han + Anakin, Obi Wan and Ahsoka + Rey, Finn and Poe)
The Sandman (mostly the TV Show, I haven't finished the comics even if I spoiled myself months ago)
Ace Attorney (very occasionally and mostly about Phoenix or Miles)
Assassination Classroom (Class 3-E centric)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (especially Zuko)
Blue Exorcist (very occasionally and Rin and Yukio centric)
Creepypasta (nearly only fanarts)
Criminal Minds (Reid centric and not a big fan of JJ or Seaver)
Danganronpa (only Trigger Happy Havoc)
Danny Phantom (Danny centric and somewhat anti Maddie and Jack)
Deltarune (nearly only the original FUN Gang + sometimes Noëlle and Berdly)
Detective Conan / Magic Kaito (Shinichi/Conan and Kaito centric)
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club (very occasionally and Iwatobi + Rin centric)
Fullmetal Alchemist (Edward my beloved childhood crush <3)
Good Omens (everything about the Ineffable Spouses, Anathema, Warlock or Adam)
Hades 2018 (mostly Zagreus, my sweet boi!)
Heartstopper (very occasionally and mostly Charlie centric)
Haikyuu!! (Hinata centric)
Hollow Knight (The Knight/Little Ghost centric and not against The Pale King + The White Lady bashing)
Hunter x Hunter (very occasionally and Gon/Killua/Kurapika/Leorio centric)
Ib (anything about Ib, Garry, Mary and Guertena)
Into The Spiderverse (mostly Miles centric)
Katekyou Hitman Reborn (Tsuna centric and All27 or Skull centric and nice crossovers)
Kuroko no Basket (Kuroko and Seirin centric and very much NOT Aomine)
Lucifer (very occasionally and mostly Lucifer centric)
Lupin III (mostly Lupin, Jigen and Goemon centric)
Macgyver 2016 (Mac centric with a good dose of Jack, Riley, Bozer, Mattie and Page + not a fan of MacDesi nor of James)
Merlin BBC (Merlin centric + preferably good/redeemed Morgana)
Miraculous (Marinette centric and NOT Adrien or Adrienette)
Mulan 1998 (very occasionally and mostly about Mulan)
NCIS (Tony, Abby or Gibbs centric mostly)
Naruto (Mostly Naruto and Obito centric + not a big fan of Sakura, Jiraiya and Sarutobi)
One Piece (Mostly about the ASL Brothers and Law)
Pandora Hearts (very occasionally and mostly about Oz)
Perception (very occasionally and mostly about Daniel)
Prodigal Son (or as I call (and love) it “Let’s Whump Malcolm!”)
Professor Layton (either Luke or Layton centric)
Resident Evil (Ethan and Leon, my fav DILFs <3 + Jill my love <3)
RPF (French Youtube only)
Scorpion 2014  (very occasionally and mostly about Walter + not a big fan of Page and the rest of the team because of the last season)
SCP Foundation (nearly only fanarts)
Shugo Chara!  (very occasionally and mostly about Amu and Ikuto)
Star Trek (mostly the J.J. Abrams remake and Jim centric)
Supernatural (Dean centric and John bashing + a little Sam bashing)
The Big Bang Theory (very occasionally and mostly Leonard and Sheldon centric)
Teen Wolf (mostly Stiles centric and pretty much anti-Scott)
The Queen’s Gambit (very occasionally and mostly Beth centric + only the TV show)
Undertale (mostly Frisk and Chara centric + NarraChara truther)
Voltron (Lance centric and Langst fan)
Yuri!!! On Ice (Yuuri, Yuri and Viktor centric mostly)
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roys-our-boy · 6 months
Making a new post because I just realized how long the last one got lmao. Anyway just finished volume 8!
Now some more Qifrey
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maddiesbookshelves · 1 year
Pride month ended so quickly this year, I couldn't read anything and I didn't even get to march because of the riots going on in France right now, I'm so sad 😔
But anyways, July is here so have a nice Disability Pride Month!
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madara-fate · 2 months
Hey maddy, it’s been such a long time since I last sent an ask, how are you doing? Has life been good? Hope it is! Anyway, I’ve been busy with life lately and I’ve been reading a lot into World History (a new addiction) but that doesn’t mean I still don’t watch anime or read manga though, lol! Anyway, I need (for the life of me) know why on earth do the vast majority of people in the Demon Slayer Fandom think that Uzui is the weakest or one of the weakest Hashira because god forbid, what crack are they smoking. Do you have any ideas? I would love to read your insights about it.
Life has been good, thank you. There has been a relatively recent change in my personal life which was very large and I'm still adjusting to the change, but the pros definitely outweigh the cons ^_^
With regards to your question, my best guess would probably be because Tengen couldn't beat Gyutaro by himself, who was the weakest of the Upper Moons. But then they saw Muichiro beat Gyokko with relative ease, who on paper was stronger than Gyutaro. This sentiment was kinda echoed by Obanai following Gyutaro's defeat. Tengen also didn't awaken his Demon Slayer mark, so they may also be taking that into consideration.
Personally, I can't rank who the weakest Hashiras are, but I can only say who I definitely think are the top 3 - I think Sanemi is No.3, Muichiro is No,2, and Gyomei is the undisputed strongest.
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etherealid7 · 1 month
Maddie’s Blue Lock Romance: Kicking Hearts
I giggled while making this
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Maddie was the epitome of shoujo girly. Her life was a pastel-colored dream filled with heart-shaped confetti, love letters folded into cute origami, and a playlist that was 99% romantic ballads. Every day, she would wake up with stars in her eyes, dreaming of the perfect love story, just like the ones she read in her favorite manga.
But there was a twist: Maddie wasn’t just any shoujo heroine. She was also a massive fan of Blue Lock. The anime about intense soccer battles and ego-fueled strikers was her secret obsession. Beneath her pink frills and ribbons beat the heart of a competitive beast, a girl who knew the difference between a perfect hat trick and a bicycle kick. Her friends couldn’t understand why she squealed louder at a goal than at a love confession.
One fine Saturday, Maddie was sitting at her favorite café, sipping on her strawberry milkshake, and daydreaming about her two great loves: soccer and romance. Little did she know, both were about to collide in the most unexpected way.
Just as she was about to dive into another chapter of Blue Lock, someone bumped into her table, knocking over her milkshake. Maddie gasped, ready to unleash her inner fury when she looked up and froze.
Standing before her was a guy with golden hair that fell perfectly into place, piercing blue eyes, and an air of arrogance that practically screamed "I’m better than you." It was Michael Kaiser, the genius striker from Blue Lock, except he was real. Maddie blinked rapidly. Was she dreaming? Was this a shoujo plot twist?
“Sorry about that,” Kaiser said, though his smirk suggested he wasn’t sorry at all. “Didn’t mean to ruin your... cute little drink.”
Maddie’s shoujo instincts kicked in. She blushed bright pink, flustered by his sudden appearance. “N-no problem! It’s just a milkshake,” she stammered, trying to play it cool, but failing miserably.
Kaiser raised an eyebrow, noticing the Blue Lock manga on her table. “You like soccer?” he asked, clearly surprised.
Maddie nodded enthusiastically. “I love it! Especially Blue Lock! The strategy, the passion, the players—it's all so thrilling!”
Kaiser chuckled. “A shoujo girl like you? Into Blue Lock? Now that’s something I didn’t expect.”
Maddie puffed out her cheeks, feeling a mix of embarrassment and pride. “I’m full of surprises!”
Kaiser leaned in closer, his smirk widening. “I like surprises. How about this—let’s make a bet. If I can score a goal against you, you owe me a date. If you can stop me, I’ll treat you to a new milkshake.”
Maddie’s heart raced. A soccer challenge? From Michael Kaiser? This was straight out of a shoujo dream, with a side of sports anime hype. She couldn’t back down now.
“You’re on!” she declared, surprising herself with her boldness.
They found an empty field nearby, and Maddie slipped off her girly flats, trading them for a pair of sneakers she always kept in her bag (because you never know when you might need to play some soccer, right?). Kaiser was already dribbling the ball, his movements smooth and confident.
“Ready?” he asked, spinning the ball on his finger.
Maddie nodded, trying to channel her inner Blue Lock player. She planted her feet firmly on the ground, her eyes narrowing as she focused on the ball.
Kaiser started with a feint, darting to the left. Maddie didn’t budge. He smirked and went right, but Maddie was quicker, blocking his path. For a moment, Kaiser looked genuinely impressed.
But then, with a sudden burst of speed, he flicked the ball over her head and shot towards the goal. Maddie scrambled to catch up, but it was too late. The ball hit the back of the net with a satisfying thud.
Kaiser turned around, grinning like he’d just won the World Cup. “Looks like you owe me a date, Maddie.”
Maddie panted, hands on her knees, but she couldn’t help but smile. “Fine, but next time, I’m scoring a goal on you!”
As they walked off the field together, Maddie couldn’t believe what had just happened. She had just played soccer with Michael Kaiser, and now she was going on a date with him. This was the best of both worlds—her shoujo romance and Blue Lock obsession were blending into one perfect, hilarious story.
Little did she know, this was just the beginning of a romance that would be as unpredictable and exciting as any soccer match. And who knew? Maybe one day, she’d even outscore the Kaiser himself.
But for now, she was just happy to be living her own crazy shoujo dream, complete with a golden-haired striker who had stolen both her milkshake and her heart.
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arry-katt310 · 4 months
Okokokok. I left out some details of Maddie’s character. So here they are!
Maddie was the golden child. She always did what she was told, and usually was found studying.
Maddies abilities consist of telekinesis, shape-shifting and one thing that my friend came up with, she can create flowers anywhere she wants. Technically Isabelle Madrigal from Disney's Encanto, but any flower she creates is deadly poisonous. She hasn't used this power for over a year.
After Vivi self deleted, she went to live with her Aunt, Annabella.
She may seem at a healthy weight, but she's losing it very fast. She refuses to eat if she's anxious. The most you'll ever see her eat is microwavable ramen and an energy drink.
Her main weapon, which is a sword, was made our from a antique katana Vivi (@sanityshorror) had. She modified it with her power to make it usable in combat.
She's very skilled at physical fighting as well. Rarely uses it, but she can still do it.
Another thing she absolutely loves is anime. Both Vivi and Devlin (@scarfaxia) introduced her to anime so she reads manga and watches it whenever she has the time.
Her hair is greasy bc the black ink her hair turns into when she's anxious leaves mildew and depris in her hair.
She was SAd. So she doesn't like exposing her body.
She's Autistic and Bi-Polar. It didn't show until after Vivi died.
Like Julius (@sanityshorror) she was put in a mental facility. When she was 12. She was put in there because Annabella didn't know how to deal with her mental breakdowns and her mental state. Although she didn't really have the worst experience there, but it still traumatized her. Nobody in the town knows this bc she does a good job of hiding it.
I think that's all. Bye!
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