#Madagascar Saturnia
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Мадагаскарская комета или Сатурния мадагаскарская (Argema mittrei) - Эту представительницу семейства павлиноглазок в природе можно увидеть только на африканском острове, именем которого она и названа. Также бабочку называют «сатурния-комета», «бабочка-комета», «мадагаскарская лунная бабочка», «павлиноглазка-комета», «мадагаскарская комета».
Мадагаскарская сатурния имеет яркий желтый цвет, на каждом из крыльев ест�� коричневые круги с черными точками посередине. Вершины крыльев украшены темно-коричневыми пятнами. По крыльям проходит тонкий красновато-коричневый волнистый узор. Свое необычное название сатурния-комета получила благодаря оригинальному внешнему виду: на задних крыльях у нее есть красные выросты, напоминающие след летящей кометы, они помогают ей балансировать во время полета.
Мадагаскарская сатурния относится к гигантским бабочкам, размах ее крыльев составляет 14-18 см. Брюшко крупное, бочкообразное. У самца перистые и крупные усики. Самцы и самки этого вида тропических бабочек различаются. Самка мадагаскарских сатурний больше, у нее более широкие и округлые крылья, а выросты на задних крыльях чуть короче – 8 см, в то время как у самцов они достигают длины 13 см.
У сатурнии-кометы нет развитого ротового аппарата, поэтому она ничем не питается.Бабочка расходует пищевые запасы, собранные ей еще в том момент, когда бабочка была на стадии личинки. Сатурния комета активны в темное время суток. Их можно встретить вечером или ранним утром. Днем же насекомые сидят на одном месте. Необычный внешний вид имеют и гусеницы сатурнии-кометы: тело личинки покрыто зелеными чешуйками. Гусеницы питаются тропическими растениями: уапакой, скумпией, марулой и т. п. Стадия личинки долгая: она может длиться до двух месяцев. Окукливаются в белоснежных пористых коконах. После стадии куколки появляется взрослая бабочка. Наслаждаться ее великолепным видом можно недолго, т. к. живет сатурния-комета всего 4-5 дней. Целью имаго является оставить потомство. На Мадагаскаре успешно разводят этих великолепных бабочек на особых фермах.
Madagascar Comet or Saturnia madagascarensis (Argema mittrei) - This representative of the peacock-eye family can be seen in nature only on the African island after which it is named. The butterfly is also called "Saturnia comet", "comet butterfly", "Madagascar moon butterfly", "peacock-eye comet", "Madagascar comet".
The Madagascar Saturnia has a bright yellow color, on each of the wings there are brown circles with black dots in the middle. The tops of the wings are decorated with dark brown spots. A thin reddish-brown wavy pattern runs along the wings. Saturnia comet got its unusual name due to its original appearance: on the hind wings it has red growths resembling the trail of a flying comet, they help it balance during flight.
The Madagascar Saturnia is a giant butterfly, its wingspan is 14-18 cm. The abdomen is large, barrel-shaped. The male has feathery and large antennae. Males and females of this species of tropical butterflies differ. The female of the Madagascar Saturnia is larger, it has wider and rounder wings, and the outgrowths on the hind wings are slightly shorter - 8 cm, while in males they reach a length of 13 cm.
The Saturnia-cometa does not have a developed mouth apparatus, so it does not feed on anything. The butterfly uses up food reserves collected by it back when the butterfly was at the larval stage. Saturnia cometa are active at night. They can be found in the evening or early morning. During the day, the insects sit in one place. The caterpillars of the Saturnia-cometa also have an unusual appearance: the body of the larva is covered with green scales. Caterpillars feed on tropical plants: uapaca, smoke tree, marula, etc. The larval stage is long: it can last up to two months. They pupate in snow-white porous cocoons. After the pupa stage, an adult butterfly appears. You can not enjoy its magnificent appearance for long, because the Saturnia-cometa lives only 4-5 days. The goal of the imago is to leave offspring. In Madagascar, these magnificent butterflies are successfully bred on special farms.
Источник: //domvred.ru/madagaskarskaya-saturniya/,//x.com / flyamur/status/1343837885779374080,/ucrazy.org/animals/1422804820-madagaskarskaya-kometa.html,/fotkiflo.ru/zhivotnye/saturniya-madagaskarskaya,//ekogradmoscow.ru/eko-blog/umnyj-dom-s-aleksandrom-perepechko/madagaskarskaya-kometa-vasilij-klimov-i-ego-okno-v-prirodu,//www.mirkrasiv.ru/nature/madagaskarskaja-kometa-argema-mittrei-krupneishaja-babochka-planety.html, /pikabu.ru/story/videli_takikh_babochek_9580589.
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BLOG – 11
Imported Granite Slabs are available in many colors, finish, and polish; Imported Granite Slabs are mainly used in Designer Granite Flooring, Elevation, and Decorations.
Important Granite Slabs are mainly supplied by us and the price range is starts from RS 200 to 7000 per sq ft. Imported Granite Slabs are available online also.
Genuine Natural Material
Genuine natural stone including granite, marble, travertine, and others, are the natural choice for countertop surfaces. They are quarried from the ground and their natural state and sliced into slabs for use in your kitchens.
Granite is a naturally occurring rock formed in the earth’s crust from the cooling of lava composed of quartz, feldspar, mica, and various other minerals. So, manufacturing is required to produce granite countertops but the material itself is natural vs. man-made materials used to make other types of countertops. The majority of Granite stone is imported from Brazil, Italy, Spain, and Norway. Brazil is known for its granite quarries, while Italy produces a majority of marble and onyx.
Consider These Stunning Imported Granite
Imported granite is still a top favorite because of its uniqueness and beauty. If you choose granite countertops, you are in good company.
That said, some people seek to temper the distinctiveness of granite by choosing neutral colors and subdued patterns. While this is perfectly fine if you are looking to make it blend in with the rest of the elements in your kitchen, you are missing an opportunity to make a splash by simply making some bold choices with your granite.
You will most commonly find light colored granite countertops with gray and brown flecks and streaks. If you want your kitchen to stand out, you might want to choose something a bit more dramatic. Here are some stunning granite countertops that will dominate your kitchen.
Cosmic Black Granite Countertop
Cosmic Black granite is as different from your common granite as you can get. It is a distinctive stone in dramatic waves of black interspersed with widely-spaced white, amber, and burgundy streaks. You might almost believe you are looking down at the stars.
Cosmic Black also goes by the names Titanium Black, Asterix, and Saturnia, primarily found in South Africa, Italy, Brazil, and Spain. Geologically, it is not actually true granite because it is not an igneous rock. It is actually a phyllite rock of the gneiss variety, a metamorphic rock transformed from shale. It has many of the important characteristics of granite such as durability, which is why most people lump them together.
Cosmic Black comes in a wide variety of patterns, so it is important to see the actual slab you are getting before committing to it. It works very well as kitchen countertops and bathroom vanity tops, but it also looks fantastic as floor tiles and fireplace surrounds.
Cosmic Black is subtly dramatic and plays well with a wide range of kitchen styles. It looks well with readily available types of appliances, fixtures, and cabinets, so you need only consult your own personal cosmic taste when making your selections when renovating your kitchen.
Golden Silver Granite Countertop
On the opposite side of the awesome spectrum is Golden Silver granite, otherwise known as Gold and Silver or Silver Gold granite. It is yellow granite from Brazil with conspicuous streaks of silver-gray and white. Some slabs may have much more white than yellow, but it is nevertheless not white granite.
The description of Golden Silver granite might not sound dramatic, but when you see the slab, you can see why many people consider it a bold choice. The vibrancy of the otherwise neutral colors elevates it to the subtly elegant, and the right lighting picks up silver and gold tones that the drama. It is very versatile, working well with vintage-style and ultra-modern kitchens with equal aplomb.
Golden Arctic Granite Countertop
Golden Arctic granite, or Arctic Gold as some people call it, comes primarily from Brazil. It has a white background, which qualifies it as white granite and thus the arctic reference. The golden moniker comes from the visible crystals of black, brown, and amber.
Despite being white granite, this type of stone has a richness to it that makes it an excellent choice for the kitchen, whether indoors or outdoors. It spreads warmth in any type of kitchen, but it is particularly suitable for contemporary and traditional kitchens. You can match it with wood equally as well as with metal. This particular granite is available in a variety of finishes, including sandblasted, sanded, rock-faced, honed, and polished.
Baltic Blue Granite Countertops
Blue is currently trending for kitchens today, so Baltic Blue granite countertops are a fitting choice for a kitchen upgrade. This beautiful granite from Finland has a pulsating blue background interspersed with brownish crystals. The blue may be very light or very dark, depending on the slab you choose. So, you need to see the actual slab before you commit to it.
Baltic Blue looks best with a honed finish, as it accentuates the vibrancy of the stone colors. Use it with any style of kitchen, and the combination of blue and brown makes it an excellent way to transition colors in the kitchen as well as other rooms in a house with an open layout. It will look just as fantastic indoors or outdoors, so have no fear.
Giallo Matisse Granite Countertop
Giallo Matisse granite also goes by the names Golden Matisse and Amarillo Matisse. It comes from Brazil, and it is yellow granite with large gray veins and swirls. The most interesting aspect of this stone is the optical illusion of movement, which makes this granite a particularly dramatic addition to any kitchen or bathroom. The patterns may vary quite considerably, but it will always have that particular effect of motion.
Of course, the granite is predominantly yellow, which might restrict your color options. However, if you are looking for a vibrant hue for your kitchen or bathroom, yellow is a good way to go anyway.
Are you searching for the best-known Imported Granite Suppliers in India? Don’t worry, your search ends here. We are engaged in providing the stunning collection of imported Granite to our clients and that too at the leading market price. Our products are designed by using industry-recommended materials.
Dedicated Team of Professionals
Best one Impex has employed the talented minds in the country which are dedicated as well as experienced. These professionals understand clients’ requirements well and thus manufacture products accordingly. Owing to these adroit professionals, our company is counted amongst the leading Imported Importer & Granite Exporters in India.
Features of Imported Granite
Exquisite design
Shiny finish
Classic and modern looks
Available in all sizes
Instantly recognizable
Long-lasting life
Highly lustrous
Premium quality stone
Visit our online eBook catalog or Virtual showroom on our website now and buy stunning Imported Granite Collection in India with us.
Imported Granite Collection Products:
Angola Brown Granite
Atlantic Black Granite
Black Pearl
Blue Pearl
Blue Pearl Granite
Bora Granite
Botanica Green Granite
Cosmic Flash Granite
Fantasy Black Granite
Delicates Granite
Golden Persia Granite
Matrix Granite
Merlyn Blue Granite
Madagascar Blue Granite
Nairobi Black Granite
Red Pearl Granite
Titanio Granite
Volga Blue Granite
Wasabi Granite
White Pearl Granite
Indian Granite is one of the finest quality granite available. India is the largest granite exporter in the world. India exports about 80 to 85% of local granite all over the world. The granites from India are hard in nature and take an excellent polish.
Indian & Imported Granites
Imported Marble
Composite & Quartz Stone
Sandstone & Kota Stone
Quartzite Stone
GemStone Surface
Tile & Stone Adhesive
Wooden Flooring
UltraTech Bldg
Granite is a light-Colored igneous rock with grains large enough to be visible with the unaided eye. It forms from the slow crystallization of magma below the Earth’s surface. Granite is composed mainly of quartz and feldspar with minor amounts of mica, amphiboles, and other minerals. This mineral composition usually gives granite a red, pink, gray, or white color with dark mineral grains visible throughout the rock.
Best Uses:
Elevation Cladding
Kitchen Top
Bathroom & Washbasins counter
Table Top
Adhunik Brown
Origin: South India
Color: Brown
Apple Green
Origin: North India
Color: Green
Bala Flower
Origin: North India
Color: Pink
Black Galaxy
Origin: South India
Color: Black
Bush Paradiso
Origin: South India
Color: Brown
Bruno Red
Origin: North India
Color: Red
Cadbury Brown
Origin: North India
Color: Brown
Cats Eye
Origin: South India
Color: Brown
Sira Grey
Origin: South India
Color: Grey
Cherry Brown
Origin: North India
Color: Brown
Chiku Pearl
Origin: South India
Color: Grey
Chima Pink
Origin: North India
Color: Pink
China White
Origin: North India
Color: White
Classic Red
Origin: North India
Color: Red
Coffee Brown
Origin: South India
Color: Brown
Copper Silk
Origin: North India
Color: Red
Cotton White
Origin: North India
Color: White
Crystal Yellow
Origin: North India
Color: Yellow
Devra Green
Origin: North India
Color: Green
Tan Brown
Origin: North India
Color: Brown
Gem Red
Origin: North India
Color: Red
Green Pearl
Origin: North India
Color: Green
Hassan Green
Origin: North India
Color: Green
S White
Origin: North India
Color: White
Jhansi Red
Origin: South India
Color: Red
Khalda Red
Origin: North India
Color: Red
Lakha Red
Origin: North India
Color: Red
Lavender Blue
Origin: South India
Color: Blue
Merry Gold
Origin: North India
Color: Brown
Multi Red
Origin: South India
Color: Red
P White
Origin: North India
Color: White
Origin: South India
Color: Pink
Rajasthan Black
Origin: North India
Color: Black
Rajshree Red
Origin: North India
Color: Red
Rosy Pink
Origin: North India
Color: Pink
Autumn Brown
Origin: North India
Color: Brown
French Black
Origin: North India
Color: Green
Leather Brown
Origin: North India
Color: Brown
Rose Cats Eye
Origin: North India
Color: Red
Shiva Gold
Origin: North India
Color: Yellow
Shiva Ivory
Origin: North India
Color: Ivory
Shiva Pink
Origin: North India
Color: Pink
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