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spitfireboy2 · 10 months ago
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matrim-cauthons-hat · 1 year ago
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one of these, im gonna figure out how to do lighting good for lightly coloured models. oh well. three more novitiates this weekend, finishing off combi-flamer camille from yesterday and smashing out repentia raphaela and autogun annette. the later two being actual normal novitiates. i kno, me making just normal troops? i think its weird too. i decided to differentiate the two by giving the veterans a golden aquila on their paldron while regular novitiates just get a steel one
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catgirlforeskin · 1 year ago
the biggest issue with America is that we're too busy being imperialistic, and that leaves us with less time for gay sex
This is why we need to gender segregate the military, to induce the conditions for homosexuality. Will it make the imperialism stop? Absolutely not. But it would make military simulation games funnier if every unit had to either be yuri or yaoi. Dibs on machinegunner teams being yuri btw
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soup-mother · 10 months ago
anzac day coming up so i promise you i will post the "gallipoli landings is a fuck, i am ottoman machinegunner, 646282719 dead anzacs" meme again
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todaysdocument · 2 years ago
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U.S. Marine Corps machinegunner on Hill 881 in Vietnam, on April 2, 1968. 
Record Group 127: Records of the U.S. Marine Corps
Series: Black and White Photographs of Marine Corps Activities in Vietnam
File Unit: Divider/Subject - 88 - Combat - 1968
Image description: Two men behind a pile of sandbags. One is using a machine gun. He is wearing a flak jacket and a helmet. The helmet has writing on it. As far as we can tell, it says “WE ARE NO CHILDREN OF AMERICA WE ARE HEADHUNTERS,” although some letters aren’t visible due to the curve of the helmet.
127 GVB - 88
35mm Negative
2Apr68   Photog: Harlan
Machinegunner on Hill 881 returning fire at sniper after receiving heavy fire on resupply Choppers.
fhm   A191080
[arrow pointing from below stamp to above handwriting]
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freetheshit-outofyou · 1 year ago
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When I was a kid and wanted to "war" my dads garage had two of the best guns in the world. You could be a heavy Machinegunner or a Submachine gunner, choose your own adventure. My kids are to old to play war, so I do it for them, at least until I grow up.
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traveling-spartan · 2 months ago
Ok, real talk: Is there an actual use case for a pdw mounting kit for handguns?
I've seen so many glock chassis thingamajigs, and people these days consider the Flux Raider to be the goat.
But what's it for? Is it a gimmick, or could somebody actually benefit from them?
As far as the military goes, rifles/carbines for frontline troops, pdws/smgs for rear echelon, shotguns for MPs, pistols for officers and machinegunners, sniper rifles are obviously for cooks and admin, SF gets whatever the hell they want, so on, so forth, and et cetera. I don't see where a pistol stock fits into that. The C96 broomhandle had some add-ons because things can get a little too hairy for a bolt-action when your trench is getting raided by Pierre and Tommy, but that was over a hundred years ago.
As for civvie use, maybe it makes more sense? A disabled shooter would have an easier time with a pistol if they could shoulder it. And if a farmer kept their truck gun, well, in their truck, then a beefed-up pistol on their hip would come in handy if some feral hogs come out of nowhere.
What say you? Are pistol pdws practical, or just for fun?
Funny you ask me this since I also have gotten the PDW bug, and I saw Forgotten Weapons's video about this just today.
I'm still undecided. Largely because I haven't gotten any hands-on time yet. The theory and the concept is cool; I have the STLs for an Invader, which is an open-source 3D-print version of the Raider, that I'm thinking about making since I already have a full-size P320. Would just need to order the few parts that are still metal. Brass Facts's videos on the PDW concept for a prepared citizen do make some sense, and for better or worse, chassis systems like the Raider are uncontested at fitting that capability into the most backpack-portable package possible. It gives you an on-the-body weapon system that will not only fit into a small EDC backpack (like my HSP FlatPack+) but will probably not take up the whole thing and leave room for mundane stuff like a laptop, that is easier to shoot fast and accurate than a normal handgun, for the highly-likely stage of a hypothetical collapse where violence rates are highly escalated, but there's still enough functioning society that you have bills to pay and open-carrying a rifle everywhere just paints a target on your back and freaks people out. On the other hand, speed of deployment will always be whole seconds slower than the pistol in your waistband that will be adequate for 99% of self-defense shootings until things get *really* bad, it's hard to think of a situation where it makes tactical sense to go retrieve a backpack with your PDW in it to then re-engage a threat, and I have a feeling the general public who doesn't follow gun trends is going to be a lot more confused, put-off and easily misled by the employment of one. On some days I think it's an important niche being left under-fulfilled, on others it does seem like an out-of-touch LARP or a solution looking for a problem, or at least no more than a weird range toy.
For government applications, it appears that, due to being technically an accessory and not a serialized firearm, the acquisition of Flux Raiders and the like are a lot easier in a logistical/administrative sense if you already have a bunch of M17s or M18s in the arms room, and is easier on the budget since you've already got half the gun and a bunch of mags paid for. Compared to a contract for a new SMG, that is.
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samueldays · 2 years ago
I was reading a Versus Battles Thread on a forum arguing the relative power level of Exalted and had a thought tangential to the original argument: it's unusually difficult to form a fair judgment of who'd win in a fight between an Exalt and some other fiction protagonist.
Since almost anyone can be written to win with the referee/author/etc. on their side, part of the premise of these power level threads is a neutral referee judging things as they'd realistically behave in universe. But a deep part of the mechanics of the Exalted RPG is having the referee make unrealistic judgment calls in your favor.
For example, what counts as "an attack". Exalted has so-called Perfect Defenses that are expensive and limited-use, but can stop any single attack with unlimited power. Exalted also has bizarre implicit definitions of "attack" in the rules:
A gunman pulling the trigger twice in rapid succession is making "two attacks" to fire 2 bullets in one second, but a machinegunner holding the trigger down is making "one attack" to fire 10 bullets in one second.
Five player-character archers with their own names and individually named weapons shooting at the same guy are "five attacks", but five generic NPC archers under the command of an officer shouting "Loose!" (Fire is for gunpowder weapons) are making "one attack" because they count as 1 mass combat battlegroup.
These RPG system behaviors are originally the product of rules simplifications for the convenience of players who do want to cut through hordes of mooks and don't want to make 20 rolls to resolve 3 seconds of combat, but Exalted asks the referee to treat this OOC convenience as an IC fact when adjudicating what a Perfect Defense (PD) against "one attack" is capable of defending against. This creates a problem in judging what the IC fact is on its own.
Similar problems apply to the Stunt system, which is asking for the referee's opinion on narration, and makes an attack more effective if it was narrated well.
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belost-the-watcher · 2 years ago
Even though Trackers are specialized in stealth they are still constantly near, or more often behind, the front lines of a campaign and need to be competent with nearly every weapon the Galra Empire issues. All Galra soldiers are generally trained in standard issue weapons but Trackers are given even further training on them as well as Raider weapon systems.
Belost, and many other Trackers, has even gone the extra step of certifying on all Raider weapons. While he is most comfortable on his own custom weapons he has unexpectedly become very proficient on the Raider Light Machine Gun
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He's had to put that knowledge to good use multiple times when a good machinegunner became more useful than a stealth specialist. Although he has combined the two roles on more than one occasion when a suppressor was available.
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pluralsword · 2 months ago
what's even more nuts/unsurprising is that Russian propaganda about the Ukrainian military for the last two years has in part basically been blaming their losses and continuation of Ukraine on 'gay cyborg commandos and witches' so uh yeah this is somehow 100% something some reactionaries believe. the larger motivation for the ban is a basis to ban us from more things including being alive and a big way to achieve that de facto is not allowing us to have gender affirming care or to exist publicly or even privately (in the USA they'd love to get rid of Texas v. Lawrence) as ourselves
(we know this post was a joke but legit some transphobes do think we're too dangerous compared to everyone else. this is an assumption commonly pushed on transfems especially Black and Brown ones. the cyborg commando and witch shtick is just a specific variant due to Russia's neofascist regime frustrated in it's fight against a country where LGBTQ+ veterans are a major proponent for changing the public's perception of queer people and it's a country where women are allowed full combat service iirc or at least way more than women are allowed to in Russia today. ironic considering women were allowed to serve under the USSR against the fascist invasion in WW2, though admittedly Stalin only allowed for that change because he was running out of men.
please note that the draft Ukraine put out for the current conflict meant a lot of transfems ended up on the front. the ukrainian side has a lot of soldiers having to fundraise for equipment too, iirc there was a lesbian machinegunner or sniper duo that was having to do this. this is a better situation than the russians though whose training is abysmally terrible and their equipment situation isn't great either)
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pinklocksoflove · 6 months ago
So some thoughts about Lisenka, more her paternal grandparents
Babuska and Dedushka they both fought to an extent in the second world war. Grandpa was a marksman and Grandma was a sub machinegunner. Both got pressed into service in Stalingrad they fought their hardest and kept fighting until the war was over
Grandpa passed away in the 90's an old bullet in his heart shifted in his sleep and was gone by morning.
Imagine a little old grandma pulling out a ppsh-41 if some punks try to steal from her garden
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candacehughes123 · 11 months ago
flat lands trafficked guns and machines and machinery and machineries and machinegunned guns machinegunns traffickings vvoicedpaid trafficked parks earth trafficked paid delivered deliveries vvoiced homes national parks internationalists intercontinentals earths earth trafficked paid vvoiceddelivery trafracketeiurvaticans paid paid deliver vvoicedpaidracksracksonracks lokiiii trdfcvvfg drugs ccfvggg dopes traffickes ccxdfxxxx business racketeriurs ghvbbyy dopes delivered deliver paid vvoiced traffickings on paid traffickedslavesslaveries ffccdr doors open/close ccfvgg traffickings ccfvgggttt ccccfvg by ghbyhhhbnjjjjj trafficker ccfvggggtthhhvbbhnjjukki homes paid $ delivered ccfvgggg traffickings paid ccfvgggg roomspaid traffickedtrafficks traffickers ccxdffffvvgggyhuuuuhjbn $paid$$ paid deliveries must return to candace marie hughes and earth. on. paid. vvoiced paid. mail kiy key card dh to candace marie hughes. on. paid. vvoiced paid.
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dreamingwhileawakemusic · 1 year ago
JUNGLE COMBAT in Vietnam - INSANE FPV Machinegunner shredding VC #vc #wa...
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specialforceoperator · 7 years ago
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shoof · 4 months ago
The homoerotic tention between the machinegunner and ammo carrier is unmatched and misrepresented 99% of the time
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Mountain Troops of the Yugoslav People’s Army.
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mariocki · 6 years ago
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Machinegunner (HTV, 1976)
"You must be hard up."
"Oh, Christ, what's the matter with me then?"
"Would you like me to tell you?"
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